left behind survival g · persons, father (yhwh), son (jesus/yeshua), and holy spirit (ruach...

LEFT BEHIND SURVIVAL GUIDE This world has gone CRAZY! You may be scared. People have disappeared. You need help NOW! This SURVIVAL GUIDE will help you understand what is happening, what you MUST AVOID, and what you NEED TO DO! May God be with you in your journey!

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Post on 06-Aug-2020




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Page 1: Left behind survival g · persons, Father (YHWH), Son (Jesus/Yeshua), and Holy Spirit (Ruach Hakodesh)! The “god or gods” of Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, New Age movement, etc…are



This world has gone CRAZY!

You may be scared. People

have disappeared. You need


GUIDE will help you

understand what is

happening, what you MUST

AVOID, and what you NEED TO

DO! May God be with you in

your journey!

Page 2: Left behind survival g · persons, Father (YHWH), Son (Jesus/Yeshua), and Holy Spirit (Ruach Hakodesh)! The “god or gods” of Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, New Age movement, etc…are



Things are getting scary! Wars may be raging! There has been a GLOBAL

economic collapse! The United States has been decimated and is no longer

the world’s “superpower”. The President does not even seem to be in charge

anymore! The leaders have shredded the constitution!!! Lots of people are

dead!!! We do not know what happened to the others, they have vanished

into thin air!!! Are they dead?? Did the government take them to FEMA

camps, or some other holding facility? Power and electricity may be out in

many places around the world. Store shelves are empty and there is no food or

clean water! Dangerous gangs may be roaming the streets, rioting, looting,

vandalizing property!!! Martial law or military law, curfews, quarantines, or

nation wide lock-downs may be in effect. We have no way to really

communicate with each other! What is going on??



If there is still power in your area, the STATE MEDIA has probably been trying to

explain the situation. I have no idea how they will try to explain the mass

disappearance of millions of people, but I expect they may attempt an

“alien deception”, meaning that they may try to say that aliens from

another planet or galaxy took the people from earth. At the same time,

they are likely REPORTING that a One World Government, or a Global

government is needed to battle the threats, otherwise things will just keep

getting worse! You know the slogan…”We’re in this together”.

I can imagine that all the News Stations MAY be reporting…

• If you want your lives to return to NORMAL you MUST be TESTED to

PROVE that you have antibodies to the Pandemic Virus.

• You must show proof of vaccination,

• You must receive a mandatory digital ID via a scannable “quantum dot

tattoo” to prove you have been vaccinated

• You will need the RFID chip or quantum dot tattoo to ensure your safety

and others.

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Failure to do these “simple things” will result in you NOT being able to

hold a job, purchase groceries, pay for a home and a car, obtain needed

medications and healthcare, etc. They are likely telling you that if the

Global government FAILS TO ACT, the entire global economy will CONTINUE


SOCIETAL UNREST, CHAOS, WARS, and the like. Nation-States are obsolete,

and no longer work for the good of the people. The Global Government is

“the way forward”.

You might be thinking…”What in the world is going on??? I’M SCARED!!!

Something does not FEEL right! What REALLY happened to all those people??

Are THEY telling us the TRUTH???

If you are thinking these things, then I imagine that there is something inside of

you that is not buying their explanation or their solution. Good!

We are going to give it to you plain and simple. Things are not EVER going to

go back to the way that they were. This is NOT just a “passing phase”. There

are very powerful, evil forces in the world attempting to bring about a global

government that will unite the world under a single ruler…the antichrist. This

is the same dark spirit that was in the world thousands of years ago during the

building of the Tower of Babel. This dark, satanic spirit desires to build a

global government, a global kingdom WITHOUT the CREATOR GOD!

Genesis 11: Now the whole earth used the SAME LANGUAGE and the SAME

WORDS. 2 It came about as they journeyed east, that they found a plain in the

land of Shinar and settled there. 3 They said to one another, “Come, let us

make bricks and burn them thoroughly.” And they used brick for stone, and

they used tar for mortar.

4 They said, “Come, let us build for ourselves a city, and a tower whose

top will reach into heaven, and LET US MAKE FOR OURSELVES A NAME,

otherwise we will be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth

5 The LORD came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had

built. 6 The LORD said, “Behold, they are one people, and they all have the SAME


You are living in the last days! Have you noticed how news organizations

report on the SAME stories (Climate Change and Covid 19) using the EXACT


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There is nothing new under the sun. These evil spiritual forces will finally

succeed in their ancient goal of building a Global government without the True

Creator God. The Bible calls this end-time global government a BEAST

KINGDOM. This Government is a BEAST because it will operate like a beast.

It will likely make Hitler’s Nazi Germany seem like child’s play in comparison.

It will be a global dictatorship that will require complete submission.

Freedom will be a thing of the past. They will eventually require you to

receive a “mark” on your right hand or forehead. Without the mark you will be

UNABLE to buy or sell anything, hold a job, obtain healthcare, or even move

freely about in society. Basically, without the mark you probably will not be

able to survive long in the Beast Kingdom. However, if you DO take the mark,

you will completely FORFEIT all hope of ETERNAL LIFE and you will be damned


The good news, if there is any, is that this global government (New World

Order) will only last a very short time…three and a half years. God has a

plan for the world, and it is not over yet! The Bible tells us that the LAST DAYS

are NOT the “END OF THE WORLD”, they are the END OF THE AGE, the end of

mankind’s self-rule on earth.

The world (earth) will continue, at least for another 1000 years or so!! Let

us explain. The end of the age is a part of God’s plan. Contrary to what many

people believe, God is and always has been in control. Even though the beast

kingdom is a powerful, evil, satanic kingdom, Satan (the enemy) is NOT in

control! God has a PLAN to RESCUE His people and the earth from the

enemy’s clutches. The only ones who will not be rescued are those who

REFUSE the GRACE of God, and instead embrace evil. God has been

implementing His Divine Rescue plan since the fall of man. He will

accomplish everything He has purposed. It was all PROPHESIED in the BIBLE!


The information revealed in this letter is likely EXTREME CONTRABAND by

now! “They” (governments/media) would probably label what is being

presented here as “conspiracy theory”…or “fake news” in order to JUSTIFY

CONFISCATING it and keeping your eyes from viewing THE TRUTH!

The easiest way to CONTROL people is to DECEIVE them. Bibles are being or

will very soon be completely BANNED GLOBALLY! If the internet is still


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They have been and will continue to SUPPRESS the TRUTH. The devil does

NOT want HUMANITY to know the TRUTH! Why do “they” want to keep the

truth suppressed?

Because the TRUTH will set YOU FREE!

What is THE TRUTH? The truth is that everything you see going on in the world

has a SPIRITUAL ROOT. Tony Evans coined the following saying…

“If what you see is all you see, you do not see all there is to be seen.”

All of the evil on earth, the murders, the wars, the racism, the hatred, the

violence, the sexual perversions ALL have a spiritual root that ORIGINATES in

the UNSEEN REALM. The realm you cannot see is even more dangerous than

the realm you can see. The unseen realm directly affects us, whether we

realize it or not. When you see a disaster, a random act of violence, anything

that appears evil, you can best believe that this is actually a “spill over” from

the war in the unseen realm. This is the Spiritual battle that the Christian

fights every day from our prayer room. During the Tribulation, what was

UNSEEN may very well be SEEN when satan and his minions are kicked out of

Heaven! And believe me, when this happens, all hell will literally break out on


Revelation 12:12 Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them!

But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you!

He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short."

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When Satan is kicked out of Heaven, he will be extremely angry because he

knows his time is short. He will turn his wrath against anyone who will not bow

down to him and his Beast Kingdom (New World Order/global government). He

will literally indwell a man as the antichrist, the leader of the New World

Order. Of course, he’s not going to wear a “label” on his coat stating he is the

antichrist…but this is exactly who the leader of the New World Order will be.

The antichrist’s goal is to do everything in his power to STOP the 2nd coming of

Jesus Christ. For this reason, he will severely persecute and kill every single

person who claims the name of Jesus or who is in any way associated with the

12 Tribes of Israel. He will attempt to locate the members of the tribes of

Israel through deception, probably utilizing the DNA markers that can be

tested through the blood.

Expect the antichrist to PRETEND (at least for awhile) to be the JEWISH


In order for us to better understand the enmity between God and satan, and

God’s DIVINE RESCUE PLAN for mankind and the earth, let’s first discuss GOD’S


First, there are NOT multiple Gods! There is ONE TRUE GOD who exists in 3

persons, Father (YHWH), Son (Jesus/Yeshua), and Holy Spirit (Ruach

Hakodesh)! The “god or gods” of Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, New Age

movement, etc…are NOT Gods…they are IDOLS! They are demonic entities who

masquerade as “gods”! Likewise, human beings are NOT gods (atheism and

humanism attempt to make man a “god”).

Second, Satan is NOT GOD and he is NOT God’s “counterpart”. GOD

(Father/Son/Holy Spirit) is the I AM, the EVER EXISTING ONE. God Almighty has


CREATED Satan as a beautiful angel named Lucifer (light bearer). But satan

became EXTREMELY JEALOUS of GOD (his creator) and decided to mount a

REBELLION against God! Satan convinced 1/3 of God’s Angels to rebel

against HIM. Satan has also DECEIVED mankind into participating in this

rebellion against GOD.


This is where it gets TRICKY. Do NOT be deceived by the very alluring One

World Religion that blends a form of Christianity into Islam, Judaism, and

possibly even other religions!

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This One World Religion is a LAST DAYS DECEPTION prophesied by JESUS HIMSELF

and also spoken of in the book of 2nd Thessalonians (Bible).

Matthew 24:24 For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform

great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.

Thessalonians 2: 11: For this reason God will send upon them a DELUDING

INFLUENCE so that they will believe what is false, 12 in order that they all

may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness.

The True God exists in 3 forms and is the CREATOR, SUSTAINER, and REDEEMER

of everything you can see with your eyes and even those things you cannot see.

All “religions” do NOT lead to the TRUE GOD! There is one way to the TRUE

GOD…and that is through HIS SON…JESUS CHRIST!

There are NOT multiple paths to Heaven! There is ONE WAY TO


John 14:6 6Jesus answered, "I AM THE way and THE TRUTH and THE LIFE. No

one comes to the Father except through me.

In the book of Genesis (means Beginning), God CREATED the Heavens and the earth and that it was GOOD. This is what REALLY HAPPENED in the BEGINNING. The Big Bang Theory and the Theory of Evolution are SATANIC LIES! The first inhabited place on earth was the GARDEN OF EDEN. When God

created mankind (Adam and Eve), He placed them in the garden. The garden was a BEAUTIFUL PARADISE where there was no sin, sickness, suffering or death. Adam and Eve were created in God’s image…IMMORTAL. God did

not INTEND for mankind to grow old, sick, and die. In the Garden, God walked freely among mankind.

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There were two symbolic “trees” in the Garden. One was the TREE OF LIFE, the other was the TREE OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL. In order for

Adam and Eve to continue to eat of the tree of life (eternal, everlasting life - IMMORTALITY), they were instructed NOT to eat of the tree of “good and evil”. God WARNED them that if they ate from that tree, they would surely die! God had ONLY one rule!

The problem is, the ENEMY (Satan) was also in the garden DISGUISED as a friend, an “angel of light”. Why was the enemy there? Only God knows. But this enemy, now known as the serpent (satan) deceived Eve, convincing her to disobey God’s only rule. The serpent cunningly told Eve that she and Adam would NOT die if they ate the “forbidden fruit”.…and that the only reason God did not want them to eat of that “fruit” (tree of the knowledge of good and evil) is because if they were to eat of it, they would be like God! The serpent wanted Adam and Eve to sin because he BELIEVED that would spell CERTAIN DISASTER for God’s Creation. Sin KILLS, STEALS, and DESTROYS, and the enemy wanted to DESTROY GOD’S CREATION because he HATES GOD!

The serpent placed DOUBT in Eve’s mind, making her think that somehow God had deceived them and was not allowing them to partake of something good. Isn’t that EXACTLY what the devil continues to do today?

Eve BELIEVED the LIES of the devil over the TRUTH of God and ATE from the

tree. She then convinced Adam to also eat of it, and thus began THE FALL OF MAN.

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Now we understand that the “TREE OF LIFE” and the “TREE OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL” are not two LITERAL trees. In a way, we can think of them as TWO WORLD VIEWS, or we can even think of them as TWO INDIVIDUALS.

Tree of Life…

The tree of LIFE symbolizes JESUS CHRIST, the SON of GOD, our Messiah. This WORLD VIEW BELIEVES in God, BELIEVES in the Son of God, JESUS CHRIST, BELIEVES in God’s Word (Bible) as the only TRUTH, and follows God’s ways as well as humanly possible. The TREE OF LIFE is found on the NARROW ROAD

that leads to ETERNAL and ABUNDENT LIFE!

Tree of the Knowledge of Good and evil…

The tree of the knowledge of good and evil symbolizes satan, the devil, otherwise known as the adversary. This WORLD VIEW does NOT believe in God, REJECTS God’s Son, the Messiah JESUS CHRIST, REBELS against God’s ways, His laws, His precepts, against God HIMSELF. This worldview seeks to create its own set of truths…that are not truth, but lies. This WORLD VIEW lends itself to chaos and disorder as everyone believes or does what is right in his own eyes. The tree of the “knowledge of good and evil” is found on the WIDE ROAD that leads to DESTRUCTION and DEATH. Sadly, the vast majority of mankind prefers TO eat from this tree while traveling down the wide road that leads to DEATH.


After “the Fall of man”, Adam and Eve realized that they were naked. They tried to clothe themselves in some super inadequate FIG LEAVES, which was pretty much a joke. Because of their REBELLION, they stood NAKED before GOD! But God, in His everlasting kindness and compassion, and even though He had been BETRAYED by both of them, sewed some animal skins so that Adam and Eve could have their SHAME COVERED. This was both a compassionate PHYSICAL act and a compassionate SPIRITUAL act.

In the garden, God sacrificed animals so that He could use their skins to clothe mankind (Adam and Eve), who were now naked (sin highly visible to God). Although God had warned Adam and Eve that eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil would bring about death, neither Adam nor Eve had any concept of what that meant.

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They had never seen or experienced death. In the garden, there had been no death. Animals did not die. Fruit did not rot or fall to the ground and die. The garden of Eden was a place of perfect LIFE…kind of like HEAVEN.

The Garden of Eden was a little slice of HEAVEN on earth. But now, Adam and Eve had to WITNESS the HORROR of death, as animals had to be slain in their place in-order for their sin and shame to be covered.

The sacrificial system that later became such an important part of Israel’s HIS story BEGAN in the garden of Eden!

Even as God pronounced judgment against Adam, Eve, and the serpent, HE

also preached the Gospel. God was REVEALING his PLAN of REDEMPTION to mankind IN THE BEGINNING. God told Eve that one day she would have a descendant who would CRUSH the head of the serpent, but the serpent would BRUISE her DESCENDANT’S heel. This is exactly what happened at the CROSS.

Genesis 3: 14 The LORD God said to the SERPENT,

“Because you have done this, Cursed are you more than all cattle,

And more than every beast of the field; On your belly you will go,

And dust you will eat All the days of your life;

And I will put enmity Between you and the WOMAN,

And between your seed and HER SEED; He shall bruise you on the head,

And you shall bruise him on the heel.”

Satan is crafty and clever. He understood that women do not have “seed” (women have eggs, men have seed)..so he was able to DEDUCE that the

woman’s “promised seed” (descendant) had to come from a VIRGIN BIRTH. This is why so many pagan religions have adopted a “virgin birth story”! Satan decided to pre-empt the true virgin birth (JESUS CHRIST) with a false virgin birth story (pagan religions) so that people would NOT believe the truth when it finally came along.

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This is why there are so many pagan religions with “mother god”, “father god”, and “son god”….These are all false, demonic religions.

There is only ONE TRUE GOD who exists as Father (YHWH), Son (YESHUA/JESUS), and Holy Spirit (RUACH HAKODESH). We understand that “the Trinity” is a difficult concept to grasp…HE is ONE GOD who exists in 3 forms simultaneously. The only example we can give to help you better understand the TRINITY is H20. The H20 Molecule can exist in 3 forms. It can exist as liquid WATER, solid ICE, OR GAS (steam). It is the same compound existing in 3 forms and is the best metaphor we can come up with to describe

or understand the INFINITE TRINITY with our FINITE human brains.

In the Garden, satan also witnessed the sacrificial system when God killed animals and sewed the skins to provide a temporary covering for Adam and Eve. Satan then instituted a perverted ‘VERSION’ of this system in his own pagan worship. However, this PERVERTED sacrificial system often replaced animal sacrifices with HUMAN sacrifices. Satan’s perverted system directed worship to himself and to demons. Paganism, Polytheism, Islam, and all false religions worship and sacrifice to demons! This is an ABOMINATION before God!

God set up the SACRIFICIAL SYSTEM to bring man back into relationship with HIMSELF…ultimately FORESHADOWING the FINAL SACRIFICE, when GOD HIMSELF (JESUS CHRIST), clothed in the LIKENESS of human flesh, would become the FINAL SACRIFICE to atone for the sins of mankind.

But the enemy used HUMAN SACRIFICE to gain POWER for himself and his followers. The enemy’s followers are those who are currently in charge of the New World Order, the beast kingdom who has risen or is rising to power.

God chose ISRAEL as HIS BRIDE (chosen people) to INTRODUCE HIS LAWS, HIS PRECEPTS (including the true animal sacrificial system), and ULTIMATELY HIS

MESSIAH (Savior). The Word Messiah (Savior) points to the God/Man, the One who would finally bridge the huge CHASM (caused by sin) between GOD and MAN.

All of Israel’s animal sacrifices were done to provide “temporary clothing” so that mankind could once again BEGIN to enter back into a RELATIONSHIP with the CREATOR GOD. These animal sacrifices were only a FORESHADOWING of the ULTIMATE and FINAL SACRIFICE. God Himself chose to CLOTHE himself in the LIKENESS of human flesh so that our sin would not only be COVERED, but also be REMOVED FOREVER.

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The Lord Jesus Christ (GOD ALMIGHTY), born of a virgin, the “seed of the woman”, lived a COMPLETELY SINLESS life, took upon HIMSELF the SINS of all mankind (past/present/future), and CONDEMNED sin for ALL TIME on the CROSS.

Jesus was born a JEW, FULFILLING all the REQUIREMENTS of the LAW PERFECTLY, and then BURIED SIN FOREVER at the CROSS! This is the NEW COVENANT written in the BLOOD OF JESUS spoken of by the Old Testament prophet Jeremiah. Jeremiah wrote about the New Covenant HUNDREDS OF YEARS before JESUS came on the scene.

The NEW COVENANT is for ALL mankind.

Jeremiah 31:31: 31 “Behold, days are coming,” declares the LORD, “when I will make a NEW COVENANT with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah,


Hosea 8:8: Israel (northern tribes) is swallowed up; They are now among the gentiles

Like a vessel in which no one delights.

Jesus ROSE from the dead 3 days and 3 nights AFTER his death on the cross, conquering SIN, DEATH, and the GRAVE! The grave could NOT HOLD HIM because Jesus had NO SIN! Everyone who BELIEVES in the FINISHED WORK of JESUS CHRIST on the CROSS, and make JESUS the LORD of their LIVES, will be granted ETERNAL (EVERLASTING) LIFE

JESUS CHRIST offers ALL of mankind the ONLY PATH to God! There is NO OTHER WAY to get to GOD or HEAVEN! Jesus is the ONLY WAY for both JEW and GENTILE!

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The soul who sins will die. This is written into the immutable, unchangeable Word of God. God will never go against His Word! Satan KNEW that God would

NEVER go against HIS WORD which is WHY he TRICKED Adam and Eve into SINNING…he wanted them to DIE!

This is also why Satan works so hard to in this PRESENT AGE to TEMPT people to SIN, and to KEEP people from KNOWING the TRUE GOD – JESUS CHRIST! He wants to DESTROY God’s creation!

Ezekiel 18:4: Behold, every soul belongs to Me; both father and son are Mine. The soul who sins is the one who will die.

God cannot just ‘brush off sin’. ALL mankind has SINNED and fallen short of the glory of God. Our debt MUST BE PAID!! We have a choice.

1. We can either pay this DEBT ourselves through an eternity in hell (ETERNAL DEATH/ separated from God),

2. OR we can receive JESUS’ death on the CROSS as PAYMENT for OUR SIN and thereby be granted ETERNAL (EVERLASTING) LIFE.

There are no other options. There is no “plan B”. Jesus is the ONLY PATH to HEAVEN (the Kingdom of God).

We cannot get to Heaven simply by being a “good person” because we can NEVER be good enough! Nobody can! All people who have ever lived on this planet (except for JESUS CHRIST) have SINNED and fallen short of the glory of


Romans 3:23: 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

How do we get to Heaven? Through FAITH in JESUS CHRIST, the SON OF GOD, our SAVIOR!

John 3:16: For God so LOVED the WORLD that HE sent HIS ONE AND ONLY BEGOTTEN SON that WHOSOEVER would BELIEVE in HIM would NOT PERISH but


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God’s ULTIMATE plan for mankind and for the earth is REDEMPTION, RESTORATION and LOVE! God IS LOVE, and HE loves mankind! God desires a FAMILY! This is why family has been SO important here on earth! God is building a FAMILY and HE will completely RESTORE all things! God’s plan of


Gods DIVINE RESCUE PLAN has been one of PROGRESSIVE REVELATION. God has SLOWLY and PROGRESSIVELY revealed HIS DIVINE CHARACTER and HIS PLAN of REDEMPTION throughout the ages. The plan, from the VERY BEGINNING, was to BRING GOD’S MESSIAH (SAVIOR) – the “PROMISED SEED” who would RESCUE ALL PEOPLE from SIN and DEATH! God chose ISRAEL to reveal His laws, His precepts, and His Son Jesus Christ. The Jewish people REJECTED her Messiah and will therefore have to endure the time of Tribulation. But God is not DONE with the Jewish people yet. He will call a REMNANT to the TRUTH of JESUS CHRIST, the TRUE MESSIAH.

The enemy has been working HARD to STOP God’s plan of Redemption. First, he attempted to STOP Jesus’ FIRST coming by having every single Jewish boy under the age of two killed during the time that Jesus was born. The Bible details to us how the antichrist is going to try to STOP Jesus’ SECOND coming through his attempts to deceive and to kill every single person from the 12 Tribes of Israel.

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The enemy WILL NOT SUCCEED with his evil plans! NO ONE can STOP the MIGHTY HAND OF GOD ALMIGHTY!

Jesus came on the scene 2000 years ago, at the perfect time in History (God’s Story)! Since the time that ISRAEL REJECTED and CRUCIFIED her MESSIAH, God’s PRIMARY FOCUS has been on SAVING as many GENTILES (non-Jews) AS POSSIBLE. This is the Church Age….the AGE OF GRACE! This is the time when God’s Holy Spirit would be poured out on ALL MANKIND!

Jesus is GOD IN THE FLESH and the ONLY person to have EVER lived on earth WITHOUT SIN! Jesus is therefore the ONLY PERSON CAPABLE of being the


Romans 10:9 If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is LORD," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

The age of Grace is not an unlimited amount of time as some would think. It began in approximately 32AD with the birth of the Church at Pentecost 50 days after Jesus rose from the dead, and has lasted for 2000 years, but NOW this time is over (if you are reading this AFTER the Rapture of the Church).

If you are reading this BEFORE the Rapture, then there is still a LITTLE time to ACCEPT JESUS NOW! The sooner you make your choice for Jesus, the better!


The Rapture of the Church is the “catching away” of the Bride of Christ. God has NOT appointed HIS CHURCH to wrath. Jesus Christ has a plan to RESCUE His Church from the EARTH so that they do not have to ENDURE the time of TRIBULATION (final 3.5 years) on the earth. This time is known as the worst time that has ever been on the earth.

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1 Thessalonians 5:9: For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ,

1 Thessalonians 4:16: For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God,

and the dead in Christ will RISE FIRST 17 Then we who are alive and remain will be CAUGHT UP together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the

air, and so we shall always be with the Lord.

God’s Jewish people who do not know the Lord Jesus Christ will be left to endure the Tribulation for the purpose of bringing them to their Messiah

Yeshua. God does have a plan to supernaturally protect His Jewish remnant who will REFUSE the mark of the beast and bow the knee to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Rev. 12: And she gave birth to a son, a male child (body of Christ/Church), who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron; and her child was caught up

(Harpazo/Rapture) to God and to His throne.

6 Then the woman (Remnant/Israel) fled into the wilderness where she *had a place PREPARED BY GOD, so that there she would be NOURISHED for one

thousand two hundred and sixty days. (three and a half years).

The Rapture is a very intense supernatural event that has been prophesied to happen in the last days. Although supernatural, the Rapture is not unprecedented, meaning that there have been a couple of people in the Bible who were supernaturally “taken up into Heaven” without seeing death. Enoch (before the flood), and the Old Testament prophet Elijah (after the flood).

Hebrews 11:5: By faith Enoch WAS TAKEN UP so that he would NOT SEE DEATH; AND HE WAS NOT FOUND BECAUSE GOD TOOK HIM UP; for he obtained the

witness that before his being taken up he was pleasing to God

2 Kings 2:11: As they were going along and talking, behold, there appeared a

chariot of fire and horses of fire which separated the two of them. And Elijah WENT UP by a whirlwind to heaven.

We believe that these (Enoch and Elijah) will be the TWO WITNESSES you may or may not have heard about, who will be WITNESSING to the nation of Israel (Jewish people) during the TRIBULATION.

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If you are reading this AFTER the Rapture, you are PROBABLY beginning to realize that you have been LEFT BEHIND.

AT this time, you may be feeling rejected by God. You may be saying to yourself “Why didn’t Jesus take me?” Or “I don’t understand, I’ve led a good life”. “I’m a Christian.” The problem isn’t that God rejected you, the problem is that you rejected HIM. By not FULLY committing your life to Jesus and by declining HIS INVITATION to FOLLOW HIM COMPLETELY, you have left HIM with no choice but to leave you behind.

Those WALKING BY THE FLESH and NOT BY THE SPIRIT are at GREAT RISK of being LEFT BEHIND. Walking by the flesh means putting the things of this world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life…before God.

If you practiced sin, making sin a LIFESTYLE, you were walking by the flesh. If you thought you could put Jesus on a “back-burner” or in the “back-seat”, you were probably a “luke-warm Christian” which would be the only reason a Christian would be left behind. ALL UNBELIEVERS will be left behind. Our God is a jealous God who demands to be first in our lives. The Holy Spirit will

convict believers of this truth. Jesus warned us in His Word to stay AWAKE and ALERT.

Luke 21:36: Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be COUNTED WORTHY TO ESCAPE all these things that will come to pass, and to stand

before the Son of Man.”

Revelation 3:10: Because you have kept the word of My perseverance, I also will keep you from the hour of testing, that hour which is about to come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. 11 I AM coming

quickly; hold fast what you have, so that no one will take your crown.

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Matthew 7:21: “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will


Matthew 25:5: 5 Now while the bridegroom was DELAYING, they all got drowsy and began to SLEEP. 6 But at midnight there was a shout, ‘BEHOLD,

the BRIDEGROOM! Come out to meet him.’

7 Then all those virgins rose and trimmed their lamps. 8 The FOOLISH said to the prudent, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’ 9 But the prudent answered, ‘No, there will not be enough for us and you too; go

instead to the dealers and buy some for yourselves.’

10 And while they were going away to make the purchase, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding feast;


11 Later the other virgins also came, saying, ‘Lord, lord, open up for us.’ 12 But he answered, ‘Truly I say to you, I do not know you.’ 13 BE ON THE ALERT

THEN for you do not know the day nor the hour.

The Rapture has already happened, is there hope for me?

Depending on when you read this “LEFT BEHIND SURVIVAL GUIDE”, you may have heard people say “Because we’ve missed the rapture, we are LOST forever”! That assumption is TOTALLY WRONG!!! The only way you can find yourself ETERNALLY LOST FOREVER is by receiving the MARK OF THE BEAST.

Barring that, as long as you have breath in your lungs, you can gain SALVATION by trusting in JESUS CHRIST as your SAVIOR….even DURING the TRIBULATION.

John 6:37: All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will certainly not cast out.

Romans 10:12-13: For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the

same Lord is Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call on Him; 13 for “WHOEVER WILL CALL ON THE NAME OF THE LORD WILL BE SAVED.”

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Here’s the bad news, and it’s the most difficult to tell you. As a committed follower of Jesus Christ, you will most likely NOT survive to the end on

earth. There will be no middle ground. During this Tribulation hour, you will have to choose between two masters…the antichrist or Jesus Christ.

Your decision to follow Jesus will NOT be a popular one. The majority of the world’s population will soon be falling captive to the antichrist’s hypnotic words. Because true believers will refuse to join the chorus of praise, the antichrist will demand that all nonconforming Christians be put to death. But what is death? To Christians it is merely sleep.

Beloved, be strong and of good courage! Don’t fear men who can only kill the body! God is with you!!! Even if you have to die, Jesus will be with you the way that He was with Stephen when he was being stoned for his faith. It will be worth it!!!

Revelation 7: It was also given to him (antichrist) to make war with the saints and to overcome them, and authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation was given to him. 8 All who dwell on the earth will worship him

(antichrist), everyone whose name has NOT been written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who has been slain.

Revelation 14:13 Then I heard a voice from heaven say, "Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the LORD from now on." "Yes," says the Spirit, "they

will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them.".


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At first, it may seem rather easy to secretly be a follower of Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, very soon the antichrist will be REQUIRING everyone to receive a mark on his or her right hand or forehead. This electronic implant will be the means by which everyone will buy and sell goods and services. If you do not have this implant or mark, it will become quite obvious. The mark of the beast could come in different forms. It could be a microchip that is required to buy or sell.

It could be some kind of electronic tattoo that is somehow related to a vaccine, also required to buy or sell. One thing is for sure, it will be

REQUIRED in order for a person to conduct commerce in the Beast Kingdom (New World Order/Global Government).

Revelation 13:17: and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the

number of his name.

Be on the Lookout for this Mark of the Beast and DO NOT TAKE IT! If you take the Mark of the Beast, you will be ETERNALLY DAMNED FOREVER!

Because you can’t buy or sell without this mark, you may think you NEED it to survive!!! Believe me, survival on this earth is NOT worth it! Sure, if you take the mark you MAY survive on earth for awhile, but you will lose your SOUL for ETERNITY! This cannot be understated! Also, even while on earth there are CONSEQUENCES for taking the mark of the beast! When God pours out HIS FINAL bowls of WRATH, just before Jesus returns, those who have taken the mark will break out in horrible, disgusting and painful boils!!! There is NO coming back after this one!

If you think you can take the mark of the beast and then later repent and receive grace, no way! You can’t! This is SO SERIOUS!!! If you take the mark of the beast, there is NO GOING BACK…EVER!!!

Don’t take the mark of the beast!!! No matter what!!! Even unto death, do NOT take the mark of the beast!!! TORMENT FOREVER is a VERY LONG TIME!

Revelation 16:2: So the first angel went and poured out his bowl on the earth; and it became a loathsome and MALIGNANT SORE on the people who had the

MARK OF THE BEAST and who WORSHIPED his image.

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Revelation 14:11: And the smoke of their TORMENT goes up FOREVER and ever; they have no rest day and night, those who worship the beast and

his image, and whoever RECEIVES THE MARK OF HIS NAME.”


Genesis 46:34: you shall say, ‘Your servants have been keepers of livestock from our youth even until now, both we and our fathers,’ that you may live in

the land of Goshen; for every shepherd is loathsome to the Egyptians

In the coming persecution you will probably face some of the greatest trials that Christians have ever had to endure. How long will you have to endure? From the time the antichrist declares himself to be God, (probably through a fake resurrection), there will only be 3.5 years until JESUS CHRIST returns to the earth.

Who is the antichrist? We cannot tell you for sure at this time because he has not yet been officially revealed, but there have been MANY people who claim to have received dreams and visions from the Lord indicating that Barack Obama is the antichrist and that Pope Francis is the False Prophet. I personally have had at least 3 dreams about Barack Obama that definitely makes this seem possible. In one particular dream I literally saw him with devil horns and face glowing red. Pray to the Father and ask for Wisdom and Revelation from Jesus regarding his identity. It may become more and more obvious.

As time passes and the suffering caused by the Tribulation grows more severe, your desire to see Jesus Christ should grow all the stronger. Scripture tells us that most Tribulation saints will not live to see the conclusion of the Tribulation on earth.

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If you are facing a situation that requires you to lay down your life, I promise you that the brief moment of pain will be nothing compared to the pleasures of an eternity in God’s Glory!

Although it is likely that you will have to lay down your life during the Tribulation, we did read from a fellow sister in Christ before the Rapture that there will be select locations (safe havens) on this earth, determined by God for the education and equipping of the Saints, and cannot be located by the enemy.

These safe havens are known as Goshens. Jesus moved one sister in Christ

named Julie from her home in Florida to a location in the Appalachian mountains. She left her home, packed up all of her things and moved with her family to a place that was shown to her by God in a vision.

She has received donations and has been stocking supplies sleeping bags, food, water in preparation for the Tribulation Saints.

From what we understand, this location is very remote, “off the grid”, and according to what God apparently told her, completely hidden from the enemy. Supposedly, there are Goshens located all over the world.

We can’t tell you where these Goshens are because we have no idea. But from what we have heard, Tribulation Saints can only go there if they receive an invitation from God.

Matthew 10:22: You will be hated by all because of My name, but it is the one who has endured to the end who will be saved.

It is much more likely that you will be martyr’d during the Tribulation, but you will awaken in a beautiful world!!! And Jesus will be with you!! You will recognize Him because His love is hard to miss! His countenance (face) is beautiful and His love is kind, gentle. And warm (actually feels warm). Remember, even though you are left behind, we will all end up in the same

place together if you can stand with Jesus now. You will be tested in a severe way, but it will be so totally worth it!!! You will not believe how awesome will be your reward if you can withstand the pressure, the humiliation, hunger, thirst, fear, pain, and likely even death. Do not worry, do not fret. Be strong and of good courage for the Lord your God goes with you wherever you go! You will never be alone!!! It is time to gird up your loins and become a warrior for Jesus!

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If you make your choice for Jesus, He will give you supernatural strength to endure. He will shield you as much as possible, and He will be with you even unto the end.

Below is a letter written several years ago by Gwendolen, a sister in Christ. She said she received this RHEMA Word from the Lord Jesus Christ to pass on to God’s people who may have been LEFT BEHIND. If you are reading this letter after the Rapture, this Word from the Lord may be for YOU!

WORD OF WISDOM from the Lord Jesus Christ,

Received by His servant Gwendolyn Song.

“My Children, “This is your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I AM the One who you invited into your hearts at one time or another during your lifetime. My children, what you are currently experiencing is exactly what is written in my Holy Word. These are the birth pains of the coming of the One True Messiah, Jesus Christ. I AM the Savior to the entire world. I made you and I am calling you to a full surrender in Me in order to escape the atrocities of the final phases of my birthing pains. My Father has instructed me to be as gracious as I

can to my children in order to allow them to enter into My Heavenlies and this is the purpose of this letter.”

“These are my final instructions to the modern day church as written by my scribe Gwendolen. This is one of the most important tasks of Gwendolen’s lifetime, writing this letter from her Savior to the church that is left behind.”

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“My precious children, are you not aware that I AM a King? I AM a King that sits on a Mighty Throne in the Heavenlies beside my Father admidst the rushing waters of life.”

“There is a vast expanse of water in my Throneroom that contains all the healing elements of the Universe. In my Holy Word it is mentioned often. These waters bring healing. They bring LIFE. They even cleansed the world after the flood during Noah’s time. I opened the Throneroom’s floodgates after I could no longer tolerate the vile ways of mankind back then. I promised to never destroy mankind again utilizing water and I even sent a rainbow as a

promise. Now I will bring fire upon the earth and cleanse it a second time.”

“Children, at this time all you are experiencing are birth pains. There are earthquakes in diverse places and drought on a few of My continents, but surely children, these things will increase in the days ahead. A mighty drought and famine will come to all the people of the earth. There will be fire balls and meteors falling from the skies, and unwelcome visitors from far off galaxies. These are the things that will make my children ponder their sanity and why they decided to turn their hearts away from their One True God.”

“I AM a loving God and I did not want to have these events begin to happen. But in my desperation to keep the majority of my children out of the pits of hell, I had to allow these things to happen to get their focus turned back to their God. If I continue to allow these detestable sins to occur, the enemy would steal you for his own. I, on the other hand, have a plan to call all of my children into righteousness and true repentance. I wish this for each and every one of you.”

“In the following segments of this letter are outlined ways to endure the upcoming days in which the enemy will attempt to steal you away from your Creator. I will give you tips on how to overcome the enemy, even if it means

acceptance of death. Remember my children that even though the flesh is weak and able to be overcome, the spirit lives on forever. Allow my own story of My suffering help give you renewed strength. I came to the earth as sent by My Heavenly Father that all of My children would be allowed to enter My Heavenlies once they decided to surrender their lives to Me (Jesus Christ).”

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“One of the first obstacles that my children will face is FAMINE in the land. There will be food shortages galore and it will be up to you to be creative and

clever in order to survive. Well, at last that is what the enemy wants you to think. My children, remember the story in My Holy Word about the mustard seed?”

“Remember the seed that grew into a tree and the other birds came to nestle on its branches? Children, there were many saints that knew of my plans to rapture my Church and they lifted their mustard seeds to Me”.

“They were instructed to store up canned foods and water for their siblings in Christ that would be LEFT BEHIND. They were also instructed to plant seeds. These seeds are in the ground and being supernaturally nourished for you and your friends while you are learning more about Me (Jesus Christ)”.

“I want to show you how FAITH works in these last days children. I want you to see the FAITH of others has allowed you to have provisions at this time. You should truly be thankful for the FAITH of the Bride. The FAITH that allowed them to be raptured is the same faith that will help you survive. Now it is the time to grow your faith in your King too Oh Lukewarm church. Allow your faith to grow and be nourished in all kinds of supernatural ways.”

Safe drinking water

“The next potential obstacle during the great Tribulation is a lack of healthy or safe drinking water. With the bitterness in the water from various attacks, it will be a most precious commodity. How can one survive without fresh drinking water? Listen my children, and I will tell you. Remember the waters that I discussed that flow through My (Jesus Christ) Throne Room?”

“This is the same water that will be given to My Lukewarm church once a full surrender is made unto Me and My Father. Children, remember in My Holy Book where it is written that I AM able to do exceedingly greater than your hearts can imagine? Children, this verse extends to the provisions of my remnant children left behind during the Great Tribulation.”

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“I will provide water for each of you as I have searched your hearts and seen that you truly desire to live for me. I will have special oasis’s throughout the world where children of my Bride have stored up food and water for the Lukewarm Church. Once those supplies have been exhausted, all that is needed is to call upon the Name of the Lord for any and all provisions and I will see to it that they are brought to you. Yes children, AM I a God that would lie? Did I not feed my servant Elijah from the mouths of ravens? I will see to it that each of my children have food and water for the difficult days ahead of them.”

“I will also make sure that you are fed on My Holy Word. I AM the way. I AM the life. I AM the truth. No one can come unto the Father except through Me. I will make a way for each and every one of My children to have food and drink. All you need to do is BELIEVE in Me and upon the One who sent Me, My Father. I AM a LOVING GOD and it is not my desire for any of my children to starve to death or become severely dehydrated. I will provide. My words are golden children.”

Captured by the enemy

“The final thing I want to discuss in this letter is what to do if you are captured by the enemy. What I am referring to is being brought into captivity at a FEMA CAMP.”

“My children, the plan of the enemy is to convince you that you must come

to their camps in order to survive. This is a lie as you now know because I have just explained to you how your faith in Me can keep you alive. Children, they will usher you into FEMA camps promising you food, water, and shelter. I say there is a better way! Find your shelter in your Lord and Savior!”

“For some reason should you find yourself and your loved ones inside these camps, I want to give you very specific instructions. They have NO DESIRE to truly help you. Their desire is to MARK YOU with an RFID implant.

“This microchip, which is the size of a piece of rice, will eternally separate you from your Lord and Savior. There is no way back to me because your spiritual DNA will be permanently changed to match the DNA of the enemy.”

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“His name is Lucifer (satan), and this is his main attack strategy. He will convince my desperate children who need food and water and shelter that in order to fit back into the system *the New World Order, that you will NEED this implant or microchip in order to interface with their new currency.”

“They will tell you that you will not be able to buy or sell without this device. You will not be able to purchase groceries or go to a doctor for treatment or purchase any essential items in order to survive.”

“Children, please do not fall for the New World Order’s LIES!!! The New

World Order follows the beast (antichrist). They worship the dragon and the system. They even use alien technology to bring this new system to the people of the world. The RFID is actually a miniature computer chip that can program your mind, track your every move, and even eternally separate you from your Creator. This is the main goal of their system. Please hear me now children.”

“If you end up in a FEMA camp do NOT take the mark of the beast!!! If you are THREATENED with your life, it is better to give up your life than to take the mark of eternal damnation! I have sent many dreams to My children all across the globe of the danger of this micro implant! Hear your Lord and Savior this day dear children…”


“This is the most difficult portion of My letter through My servant Gwendolen. Children, there are guillotines set up in many of the FEMA CAMPS. I want to help you understand what will happen to you if you decide to give up your life for your Lord and Savior. Children, as they usher you to their decapitation machines, there will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth. Please do not

operate in that fashion. Please hear me this day, children.”

“If you call out upon the NAME OF THE LORD, the NAME OF LORD JESUS CHRIST as you have been accustomed to calling your entire life, I will come and stand beside you supernaturally and give you my peace.”

“Just as My servant Stephen was stoned to death as recorded in My Holy Word, I stood beside him and he was not aware of the assault to his flesh from the stones that were being thrown at him.”

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“I will supernaturally bring you an overwhelming sensation of peace and actually take your spirit from your body BEFORE the blade even touches your skin. Children, again hear me this day! I AM not a God that I would LIE.”

“If you want to have a confirmation to you about this portion of the letter, simply come before Me on bended knee and I will pour out a Holy Anointing upon your brow to confirm these words are mine (Jesus Christ).”

“Children, this is going to be a most difficult time, but I AM a LOVING GOD and even though you have turned your focus away from your One True Lord and Savior, I AM extending tips on how to endure this era till you can come home

with Me into My Heavenlies.”

“There is no way to help you to not be frightened for the events that are about to unfold except to tell you what is written in my Holy Word has been available to all of my children throughout the world. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all of your ways, acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths. You who want Me to direct your paths will surrender your lives fully to Me. There will be a great reward for you in My Heavenlies. A great reward indeed! Those of My children who officially decide they want to follow the beast will have to endure eternity in the lake of fire with the king of hell – Lucifer (satan). Please choose Me and My Father this day. It is still not too late to turn your lives over to Me.”

“I love you My children! I love each and every one of you!”

King Jesus