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Lenn Ditmanson MD Medical Director MAT ConnectionsAZ

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  • Lenn Ditmanson MDMedical Director MATConnectionsAZ

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  • "Opium teaches only one thing, which is that asidefrom physical suffering, there is nothing real."André MalrauxMAN'S FATE

  • "God's Own Medicine"Sir William Osler

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    *"...had a happy thought. Into the bowl in which their wine was mixed, she slipped a drug that had the power of robbing grief and anger of their sting and banishing all painful memories. No one who swallowed this dissolved in their wine could shed a single tear that day, even for the death of his mother or father, or if they put his brother or his own son to the sword and he were there to see it done..."

  • *"...resists poison and venomous bites, cures chronic headache, vertigo, deafness, epilepsy, apoplexy, dimness of sight, loss of voice, asthma, coughs of all kinds, spitting of blood, tightness of breath, colic, the lilac poison, jaundice, hardness of the spleen stone, urinary complaints, fever, dropsies, leprosies, the trouble to which women are subject, melancholy and all pestilences."

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  • * -Joint Commission guidelines 2000

    * -”5th vital sign”* -’If they still have pain,

    give more’* -Average dose at

    steady state 200-300mg ‘morphine equivalence’ per day

    *274 million scripts in 2014

  • *-May take days to months

    *Average doses 100-300mg ‘morphine equivalent’/day

    *-Chronic degrees of withdrawal

    *-Opiate hyperalgesia

  • * -Euphoria* -Wellness* -Happiness* -Joy* -Satiety* -Analgesia* -Relief of pain* -Comfort* -Anxiolysis

  • *-Generalized pain*-Severe

    anxiety/insomnia*-Nausea/vomiting*-Diarrhea*-Chills-Sweats*-Days to weeks*-COWS/SOWS

  • *-Deep mesolimbic brain function

    *-Craving (Hunger,thirst,sex)

    *-Survival*-Constant thoughts

    and dreams of using*-Months to years

  • *-4 out of 5 addicts start with Rx pills

    *Snorting, smoking, injecting, rectal

    *Average 0.5-1 gram/day up to 3-5 gm/day

    *Short halflife requiring frequent use

  • *165,000 overdose deaths 1999-2014

    * -14,000 from pills 2014* -Average age 25-54* -heroin overdose

    deaths tripled since 2010

    *Fentanyl overdose deaths up 500%

    * -probably underestimated

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    *2009-2012 Incidence increased 75%

    *2-5 % of active injection drug users are infected each year

    *Average cost for AVR $165,000

    *High risk of re-infection

  • *-Affecting rural communities with higher mortality rates

    *-Deaths highest among non-Hispanic white males and native Americans

    *-Many events are resuscitated by by-standers

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  • *-complete agoist*-Half-life 10-60 hrs*-Peak effect @2hrs*Average effective

    dose 80-120mg/day*-75% of MAT*Higher retention in


  • *Mixed agonist/antagonist

    *-Buprenorphine/ naloxone

    *-Suboxone, Subutex, Subzolv, Buprenex,

    *-Average dose 16mg/day

  • *-Implanted buprenorphine

    *-Lasts 6 months*-$6000/dose*Risks w/


  • *Complete antagonist*-50mg/day oral,

    380mg IM Q30 days*-7-10 days opioid free

    prior to induction*6-12 months of


  • * -Counseling, Groups, IOP

    * -Support in housing and work, legal affairs

    * -Lower rates of relapse, Retention in treatment (82% relapse w/out MAT)

    * -Less involvement w/ law, DCS, family trauma

  • Overview of Opioid Epidemic in the US:�Approach to Diagnosis and TreatmentPapaver Somniferum�“Opium poppy”Lacrima Papavirus�“The tears of the poppy”Slide Number 4Slide Number 5Opium poppy cultivated�3400 BC �Lower Mesopotamia“Poppy Fields” of Thebes, Egypt�1300 BCSlide Number 8Opium introduced to India, Persia and China�330 BC-460 ADHomer, The OdysseyGalen�c. 130ADSlide Number 12Slide Number 13‘Give him milk of the poppy”�Game of Thrones China’s Opium Wars�1837-1951Slide Number 16Slide Number 17Slide Number 18Slide Number 19Slide Number 20Morphine Sulfate�c.1803Addiction to morphine�“Soldier’s Disease”Diacetylmorphine “Heroin”�c. 1874Slide Number 24Slide Number 25Slide Number 26Slide Number 27Methadone “Dolophine”�c. 1937Slide Number 29Slide Number 30Slide Number 31Acute Pain ManagementChronic pain managementSlide Number 34Slide Number 35Opioid Dependency SyndromeSlide Number 37Effects of EndorphinsSlide Number 39Slide Number 40Slide Number 41Acute Withdrawal SymptomsSlide Number 43Chronic late withdrawalSlide Number 45Progression to heroinSlide Number 47Slide Number 48Slide Number 49OverdoseInfective EndocarditisOverdosePrince Rogers Nelson�1958-2016Philip Seymour Hoffman�1967-2014Jacqueline Teutonico�Apr 27,1993-Aug 25, 2016Medication Assisted Treatment ”MAT”MethadoneBuprenorphineProbuphineNaltrexoneSpecial populationsClean Needle ExchangeOutcomeswww.drugabuse.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/partb.pdfSlide Number 65