lesson 2

Channel selection

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Post on 25-Sep-2015




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Channel selection

Channel selection What is it? A communication channel is everything and anything thatconnects with the consumer.Channel opportunities go way beyond traditional media such asradio, television, posters, cinema and magazines. A channel could also include product packaging, delivery trucks, a sticker on a washroom mirror, a beer mat, a floor tile in a supermarket, an MP3 player, the internet or a mobile phone.

Watch out! Although we have to consider all potential touch points between the brand and its consumer, the strength of a great communication plan is not dependent on the number of channels used.Remember, its not the more, the better. Its about engaging our consumers in the right places, at the right time, with the right message. He said that A new idea is delicate.It can be killed by asneer or a yawn; it canbe stabbed to death bya joke, or worried todeath by a frown on theright persons brow.

Charles Brower

Everything starts with consumersWho are they?



How relevant to your BRAND?

70% consumers just dont care if one day your brand disappears Havas Meaningful brand global survey

WTF? Channels come first, not Creative Keith Weed said CMO of Unilever

We build an orchestra, not a silo!

Integration Brand Communication IBC is no more CREATIVE led

Channel selection To ensure we maximize our return on our communication investment we must always keep the following principles in mind:Start with an open mind regarding channels. Forget traditional media hierarchies that automatically assume television first, followed by print, radio and so on.Channels that provide opportunities for creative and innovative ways to engage are a must but they must also be effective.Using more than one channel will provide a better opportunity to engage with the consumer at the right time, right place, with a greater depth of communication. Focus on creating talkability the most powerful amplification of any message is word of mouth.The process1. Think creatively about channels: A variety of springboards and techniques can help stimulate channel creativity: Popular Culture. Looking at trends that you can link your brand to is a great place to start. Some brands have been able to forge links with existing trends, for example Nike (Football downloads for PSPs), or even create new ones, such as Apple (iPod).2. Consumer Springboards Immerse yourself in your consumer/shoppers world and allow channel ideas to flow2. The process3. Get out on the street to discover What's on their mind. Where they hang out. What they are wearing. Which channel, program, web site they simply cant live without.4. Play in popular culture! Watch your targets favorite program or concerts. Which brands are there? How are they exploiting the event? What can you learn?Now its your turn