lesson 2-f5 physics

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  • 8/18/2019 Lesson 2-F5 Physics


    B.Indah : No.15A, 17A, 21A & 41A, Jalan Indah 16/12, Taman Bukit Indah (Tel:

    7!2"4#16$%.Au'tin : No. 25!1, 25!2, Jalan Au'tin ei)ht' $/", Taman t Au'tin (Tel:

    7!""75%a'ai : No. "!1, "!2, Jalan *em+a' 17, $175, Joho Bahu (Tel: 7!

    "$21$#6%*ulai : "$A, Jalan -eak 1, Taman Be'atu, (Tel: 1#!57$"5#6 / 16!722$61#%utiaa a' : "7A, Jalan utiaa a' 1/# (Tel: 16!712"$5 / 16!775$61#%

     Name : Teacher: Cheng Wui Leap

    Subject : SPM Physics Class : F5 Physics



    Waves Lesson No :

    !ate : "#$"$"#Topic : "% &nalysing 'e(lection o( Waves

    "%) &nalysing 'e(raction o( Waves

    Time : *%"5pm+#%"5pm


    Damped Oscillations

    "% What is ,amping-

    !amping is the in the amplitu,e o( an oscillating system .hen its energy is ,raine, out

    as heat energy% The amplitu,e o( an oscillating system .ill gra,ually ,ecrease an, become .hen

    the oscillation stops

    % What causes ,amping-

    +/0ternal ,amping o( the system is the loss o( energy to .


  • 8/18/2019 Lesson 2-F5 Physics


    + 1nternal ,amping is the loss o( energy ,ue to the in the


    )% & graph to sho. ,amping


    *% /0ternal Force

    To enable an oscillating system to go on continuously2 an (orce must be applie, to thesystem%

    5% Force, oscillation

    The e0ternal (orce energy to the system% Such a motion is calle, a (orce, oscillation

    #% Natural (re3uency

    The (re3uency o( a system .hich oscillates (reely the action o( an e0ternal (orce is

    calle, the natural (re3uency%

    7. Resonance


  • 8/18/2019 Lesson 2-F5 Physics


    'esonance occurs .hen a system is ma,e to oscillate at a (re3uency e3uivalent to its by

    an e0ternal (orce% The resonating system oscillates at its 44444444444444444444444444444%

    Experiment in Barton’s pendulum

    "% The (re3uency o( a simple pen,ulum ,epen,s on the %

    % 1n arton6s pen,ulum e0periment2 there are many pen,ulums tie, to the rope% T.o o( the pen,ulum are

    o( the same length

    )% When pen,ulum oscillates2 all the other pen,ulums are ____________________  to oscillate%

    *% ut pen,ulum ! oscillates .ith the ____________________________ 2 ie2 pen,ulum ! resonates


  • 8/18/2019 Lesson 2-F5 Physics


    How does resonance occur in the two pendulum o e!ual len"th#

    "% Pen,ulum an, pen,ulum ! are o( the ______________________. 

    % Fre3uency 7 Fre3uency !

    )% There(ore2 pen,ulum causes pen,ulum ! to oscillate at its ______________________.

    $ood eects o resonance

    "% The tuner in a ra,io or television enables us to ___________________________  .e are

     intereste,% The circuit in the tuner is is achieve,2 at the (re3uency

    transmitte, by a particular station selecte,% 8ence a stron" electrical si"nal is pro,uce,%

    % The o( music pro,uce, by musical instruments such as the trumpet an, (lute is

    the result o( in the air%

    Bad eects o resonance

    %. & bri,ge can collapse .hen the o( its vibration increases as a result o(

     ______________________________ %

    Tacoma Narrows Bridge

    The original Tacoma Narrows Bridge roadway twisted and

    vibrated violently under 40-mile-per-hour (64 km/h) winds

    on the day of the collapse


    "% 9SPM6"$&$;

  • 8/18/2019 Lesson 2-F5 Physics


    =a> ?n,erline the correct ans.er in the brac@et to complete the sentence belo.%

    !amping is a situation .hen the =amplitu,e2 .avelength> o( the oscillation ,ecreases%9" mar@<

    =b> State one reason .hy ,amping occurs in the oscillating system%9" mar@<

    =c> ase, on !iagram %$er,asar@an 'ajah %2

    =i> state the perio, o( the oscillating system%9" mar@<

      =ii> .hat is the (re3uency o( the oscillating system-9" mar@ 

    =,> What .ill happen to the perio, o( the oscillating system .hen a heavier loa,is use,-9" mar@<

    % 9;*$SPM6""

  • 8/18/2019 Lesson 2-F5 Physics


     =a> =i> Which pen,ulum .ill oscillate .ith the ma0imum amplitu,e-9" mar@<

    =ii> ive one reason (or the ans.er in *=a>=i>% 9" mar@<

    =iii> Name the phenomenon base, on the ans.er in *=a>=i>% 9" mar@<

    =b> Calculate the perio, o( oscillation o( pen,ulum A% 9 mar@s<

    =c> Pen,ulum A .ill stop oscillating a(ter a (e. minutes%

    Dn !iagram *%2 s@etch the ,isplacement+time graph to sho. the ,amping

     process% 9 mar@s<


  • 8/18/2019 Lesson 2-F5 Physics


    %.& Relection o 'a(es


    Relection o wa(e

    "% Dccurs .hen a .ave stri@es an obstacle%

    % The .ave un,ergoes a change in ,irection o( propagation .hen it is re(lecte,%)% The value o( (re3uency =(>2 .avelength =E> an, spee, =v> remain the same a(ter re(lection%


    )ncident wa(e : the .ave be(ore it stri@es the obstacleRelected wa(e: the .ave .hich has un,ergone a change in ,irection o( propagation

    a(ter re(lection%

    i 7 angle o( inci,ent the angle bet.een the ,irection o( propagation o( inci,ent .ave

    an, the normal

    r 7 angle o( re(lection the angle bet.een the ,irection o( propagation o( re(lecte, .ave

    an, the normal%

    *aw o Relection:

    The angle o( inci,ence2 i is e3ual to the angle o( re(lection2 r%

    Relection o plane water wa(es in a ripple tan+


  • 8/18/2019 Lesson 2-F5 Physics


    "% Set up a ripple tan@%

    % S.itch on the motor to set the vibrating% 1ncrease the (re3uency o( the .aves by  increasing the voltage po.er supply to the motor%

    )% Dbserve the re(lecte, .ave by using a stroboscope%

    !ra. a ,iagram to sho. re(lection o( .aves%


  • 8/18/2019 Lesson 2-F5 Physics



    "% The ,iagram sho.s the stationary pattern o( plane .aves seen through a stroboscope .ith # slits

    rotating at a (re3uency o( 5 8B%

    What is

    a the .avelength o( the .ater .ave- b the spee, o( the .ater .ave-

    % & .ave is inci,ent on a plane re(lector P;%


  • 8/18/2019 Lesson 2-F5 Physics


    a What is the angle o( re(lection-

     b Complete the ,iagram by ,ra.ing in the re(lecte, .ave%

    )% 9SPM6*

  • 8/18/2019 Lesson 2-F5 Physics



    G% 9;)$SPM6I


    C Wavelength

    ! !irection o( .ave propagation

    I% 9;)*$SPM6"


  • 8/18/2019 Lesson 2-F5 Physics


    Which comparison is correct bet.een the inci,ent soun, .ave an, the re(lecte, soun, .ave-

    & The re(lecte, angle is bigger than the inci,ent angle

    The spee, o( the re(lecte, .ave is the same as the spee, o( the inci,ent .ave

    C The .avelength o( the re(lecte, .ave is less than the .avelength o( the inci,ent


    ! The (re3uency o( the re(lecte, .ave is lo.er than the (re3uency o( the inci,ent


    "% 9;)$SPM6""

  • 8/18/2019 Lesson 2-F5 Physics


    ∴v ∝ E v is ,irectly proportional to E 

    )% ?se the .or,s2 Kincrease62 ,ecrease6 or Kunchange,6

    Characteristics Water .aves passes (rom ,eep

    .ater to shallo. .ater 




    Characteristics Water .aves passes (rom shallo.

    .ater to ,eep .ater 




    *% 8o. ,oes the ,irection o( .aves change .hen:

    Water passing (rom the ,eep region to the shallo. region2 the .ater .ave is reracted toward the



  • 8/18/2019 Lesson 2-F5 Physics


    Water passing (rom the shallo. region to the ,eep region2 the .ater .ave is reracted awa3 (rom

    the normal%

    4se a ripple tan+ 

    Draw a ra3 dia"ram to show reraction o wa(es.


  • 8/18/2019 Lesson 2-F5 Physics

