lesson 27 – genesis 40–41

Lesson 27 – Genesis 40–41 Interpreting Dreams

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Lesson 27 – Genesis 40–41. Interpreting Dreams. Each table will have a dream to interpret. You need to come up with an interpretation of the dream in your group. Think about the objects/actions/animals in the dream and what they might represent - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Lesson 27 Genesis 4041

Lesson 27 Genesis 4041Interpreting DreamsEach table will have a dream to interpretYou need to come up with an interpretation of the dream in your group.Think about the objects/actions/animals in the dream and what they might representThere isnt a correct interpretation; be creative.One person at the group will read dream, another will read interpretation.Joseph could interpret dreamsButler (Gen 40:9-11)Vine with 3 branchesButler made grape juice for PharoahIn three days, Butler will be reinstatedBaker (Gen 40:16-17)3 White baskets on his headBirds ate bread out of the basketsIn three days, Baker to be hanged and fed to birds

Pharaohs (Double) DreamGen 41:1-77 fat kine (cows) eaten by 7 malnourished kine.7 good ears devoured by 7 thin ears (of corn)There will be seven years of plenty, followed by seven years of famine.Save up food in the first 7 years to use in the second 7.

Pharaoh's Dream was part of the planWhat would have happened if Pharaoh hadnt had the dream?Had he not had the dream (and the Butler and Baker), Joseph would have stayed in prison.Egypt would have suffered from the famine.Joseph would have never reunited with his familyWhat if it hadnt been a dream, maybe just a letter from a prophet?Why didnt the wise men interpret the dream?

So, why all the dreaming?First, it was a path for the Lord to bless Joseph, to bring him out of prisonIt was something the Lord knew Joseph could do. Why?Gen 39:21Gen 40:8, 41:15-16This is an opportunity to teach themDo they learn? (Gen 40:37-38)

Origin of DreamsHow do we know that a dream is from God?Dreams from God are revelation.How do we discern revelation from God?D&C 50:9We must be worthyv21-25It is understoodIt edifiesIt is light/goodnessv29-31You have to askIf you dont receive His Spirit, its not of God

Elder Bednar, April 2011

Then shall thy confidence wax strong in the presence of God (D&C 121:45)Joseph had this confidenceDo not interpretations belong to God?It is not in me: God shall give Pharaoh an answer of peaceNot a confidence in self, but trust in the LordThis is the lesson of the story of JosephGod works His plan through many different meansWe need to be worthy to be part of that planWe need to be worthy to discern the planNotebook IdeasHave you had a dream, or vivid thought that you believe may be meant as revelation? How did you respond?What can you do to become more sensitive and discerning, to understand the will of God in your own life?