lesson 3. public administrations

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  • 8/17/2019 Lesson 3. Public Administrations



    Gabriel Doménech Pascual

  • 8/17/2019 Lesson 3. Public Administrations


    What is a PublicAdministration?

     There is no universal, legal defnition• For instance, under art. 1.2 LJ!"

    #For the intents and $ur$oses o% this act, $ublicadministrations shall be understood to be"

    a& The central state administration.

    b& The administrations o% the autonomouscommunities.

    c& The entities belonging to local administrations

    d& The entities organised under $ublic la' thatare de$endent on or lin(ed to the state,autonomous communities or local entities)

    • *ther e+am$les" art. .2 T-LP/ art. .1LG

  • 8/17/2019 Lesson 3. Public Administrations


    T!"s o# PublicAdministrations


    • Democratic legitimac0• road $ublic interests• road $o'ers• hich are the03

     – entral tate!dministration

     – !dministration o%!utonomous ommunities

     – 4unici$alities, Provinces,5slands in the alearic andthe anar0 !rchi$elagos

    Non t"rritorial• Democratic legitimac0• $ecifc $ublic

    interests• $ecifc $o'ers• hich are the03

     – 5nstrumental!dministrations



     – or$orations under$ublic la'

  • 8/17/2019 Lesson 3. Public Administrations


    PA as a l"$al !"rsons

    P! have legal $ersonalit0 6e. g. art. 2.2L*F!G7&

    •  The0 can be holders o% rights andobligations

    • 4eaning o% such a legal $ersonalit0" – 5t sim$lifes relationshi$s bet'een P! and



    P! are liable 'ith all their assets – These relationshi$s are sub9ect to the rule o%


    • Legal ca$acit0 –

    Private" the0 can eventuall0 act under $rivatela'

  • 8/17/2019 Lesson 3. Public Administrations


    Administrati%" !o&"rs

    Defnition"Po'er to %orce other $ersons to do or not to do

    an0thing, or to im$ose obligations or rights tothem

    • Features" – The0 need legal habilitation. h03

     – The0 are inalienable, do not e+$ire and cannotbe 'aived 6art. : L-JP&

    •  T0$es" – Favourable ; non? L?;2>1=&

     – Discretionar0 ; non discretionar0

  • 8/17/2019 Lesson 3. Public Administrations


    Administrati%" discr"tion

    Defnition" The !dministration has some lee'a0 to e+ercising its

    $o'er, some room to maneuver, so that it can choosebet'een t'o or more valid alternatives

    @ Aon discretionar0 $o'er"•  The !dministration has no lee'a0 to decide• 5t has to ma(e the decision 'hich has been $rescribed

    b0 the la'

    •  The ourts can revie' 'hether it has made such

    decision• h0 has the !dministration been given

    discretionar0 administrative $o'er3 –  The !dministration is better $laced than the ourts in

    order to ma(e some decisions. 5t has more time,e+$ertise and democratic legitimac0 to ma(e some

  • 8/17/2019 Lesson 3. Public Administrations


    Administrati%" discr"tion

    Problem"Public agents does not al'a0s have the right incentives to

    ma(e the best decisions %rom the $ublic interest $oint o%vie'. The0 tend to %avor"

    1. Their o'n interests

    2. The interests o% their cronies. The interests o% their voters 6median voter&

    Coters tend to be #rational ignorants)

    • Discretionar0 decisions should be

    amenable to 9udicial revie'• ourts have 'orse resources but better incentives thanthe !dministration

  • 8/17/2019 Lesson 3. Public Administrations


    Administrati%" discr"tion

    o' can ourts revie' discretionar0decisions3 65& – There is no absolute discretion. There are

    al'a0s some limits•

    For the Parliament• For the !dministration

     – There are al'a0s some conditions 'hich havebeen established b0 the la'


     The use o% indeterminate legal conce$ts b0 thela' does not necessaril0 im$l0 that the!dministration has been given discretion

  • 8/17/2019 Lesson 3. Public Administrations


    Administrati%" discr"tion

    o' can ourts revie' discretionar0decisions3 655& – The ourts can revie' 'hether the #margin o%

    a$$reciation) in inter$reting and a$$l0ing the

    la' has been e+ceeded. The sco$e o% thismargin de$ends on several %actors"

    • om$le+it0 o% the decisiEn

    • Democratic legitimac0

    • -is( o% arbitrariness

     – Legal $rinci$les• 5nterdiction o% arbitrariness

    • Pro$ortionalit0 $rinci$le

    • Legal certaint0

    • 7ualit0

  • 8/17/2019 Lesson 3. Public Administrations



    Defnition" – The e+tent or sco$e o% an administrative $o'er

    • !llocation – Ratione materiae

     – Ratione loci

     – Ratione potestatis

    •  Trans%er o% com$etences –

    Decentrali8ation – entrali8ation

  • 8/17/2019 Lesson 3. Public Administrations



    Delegation o% com$etences – 7. g. art. 2 L-L

    •  The delegating !dministration can revo(e the delegation,give orders and instructions, hear a$$eals, etc.

    • Coluntar0, as a general rule

    • all L-L

     – !rt. 1== 7

    onIicts o% com$etences – onstitutional ourt" arts. H L*T et se.

     – !dministrative ourts

     – ut some !dministrations have e+ce$tional $o'ers"• us$ension

    Dissolution, etc.

  • 8/17/2019 Lesson 3. Public Administrations


    Int"r)administrati%" r"lations

    oo$eration• oordination

    • 5nstruments" – *rgani8ational" i. e. consortia 6art. 11: L-JP&, #sectorial

    con%erences) 6art. 1 L-JP& – Functional" i. e. agreements 6art. L-JP&, hearings 6art. 1>


  • 8/17/2019 Lesson 3. Public Administrations


    Administrati%" bodi"s

    • once$t" – #TendrKn la consideraciEn de Erganos las unidades administrativas a

    las ue se les atribu0an %unciones ue tengan e%ectos 9urdicos %rente aterceros, o cu0a actuaciEn tenga carKcter $rece$tivo) 6art. =.1 L-JP&

    •  T0$es – !dvisor0 ; decision

  • 8/17/2019 Lesson 3. Public Administrations


    Administrati%" bodi"s

    -elations bet'een administrative bodies – ierarch0 6art. L-JP&. igher bodies can"

    • Give orders to lo'er bodies 6art. H L-JP&

    • Decide on a$$eals against the decisions o% lo'erbodies

    • Delegate 9urisdiction to lo'er bodies, and decide ontheir conIicts

    • Punish oBcers 'ho ma(e u$ lo'er bodies %or havingcommitted some non criminal oMences

    Decide on the rights and duties 6i. e. relocation& o%oBcers 'ho ma(e u$ lo'er bodies

     – oordination

    • onIicts bet'een administrative bodies

    6art. 1 and 11th

     !P L-JP&" as a general

  • 8/17/2019 Lesson 3. Public Administrations


    C"ntral Stat" Administration

    4ost largest, $o'er%ul and com$le+ $anish!dministration

    • ! as the model %or the !dministrations o%!utonomous ommunities – 5n order to ease the trans%er o% 9urisdiction and resources

     – 5deological grounds

    • 5ts volume, in $articular its $eri$heralorgani8ation, has been reduced

    • -egulated" – Le0 =>;1??, de 2 de noviembre, del Gobierno 6LG&

     – L-JP

     – Le0 2;2>1, de 2= de mar8o, de la !cciEn 0 del ervicio7+terior del 7stado

  • 8/17/2019 Lesson 3. Public Administrations


    C"ntral Stat" AdministrationC"ntral Bodi"s* +o%"rnm"nt


  • 8/17/2019 Lesson 3. Public Administrations


    C"ntral Stat" AdministrationC"ntral Bodi"s* &hich do not b"lon$ to



  • 8/17/2019 Lesson 3. Public Administrations


    C"ntral Stat" Administration

    P"ri!h"ral Bodi"s•  The ivil Governors 69urisdiction over $rovinces&,


  • 8/17/2019 Lesson 3. Public Administrations


    Th" Administration o#Autonomous Communiti"s

    reated in the 1?:>Os•  T'o $rocedures"

     – !rt. 11 and 2nd transitional $rovision 7

     – !rt. 1 7

    • 1??>Os" amendment o% autonom0 statutes/

    harmoni8ation o% 9urisdiction• 2>>>Os" ne' generation o% autonom0 statutes.

    ome o% them are amended 'ithout consensus%rom the main $olitical $arties

    • T 1;2>1>"

  • 8/17/2019 Lesson 3. Public Administrations


    Th" Administration o#Autonomous Communiti"s

    reated in the 1?:>Os•  T'o $rocedures"

     – !rt. 11 and 2nd transitional $rovision 7

     – !rt. 1 7

    • 1??>Os" amendment o% autonom0 statutes/

    harmoni8ation o% 9urisdiction• 2>>>Os" ne' generation o% autonom0 statutes.

    ome o% them are amended 'ithout consensus%rom the main $olitical $arties

    • T 1;2>1>"

  • 8/17/2019 Lesson 3. Public Administrations


    Th" Administration o#Autonomous Communiti"s

    Legislative $o'er• 7+ecutive $o'er

    • Ao 9udicial $o'er

    •  Jurisdiction –

     The 9urisdiction o% ! is established in the corres$onding ! – Limit" art. 1?.1 7

     – 7+clusive 9urisdiction ; hared 9urisdiction ; oncurring 9urisdiction

    •  The tructure o% the !dministration o% !utonomous

    ommunities –  The entral tate !dministration as a model

     – Peri$heral !dministration" $rovinces ; counties

    • Calencian ommunit0" Le0 =;1?:

  • 8/17/2019 Lesson 3. Public Administrations


    Local "ntiti"s

    • -egulation" – Le0 ;1?:=, de 2 de abril, de ases de -égimen Local

     –  Te+to -e%undido de la Le0 de -égimen Local 6-DL :1;1?:H&

     – Legislation o% the !utonomous ommunities 6e. g. L:;2>1>,-LC&

    •  Territorial – 4unici$alities

     – Provinces

     – 5slands in the anar0 and alearic archi$elagos

    • Aon territorial –

    ounties 6art. 2 L-L& – 4etro$olitan areas 6art. L-L&

     – ommon'ealths 6art. L-L&

     – 4inor local entities 6art. = L-L&

     – !utonomous !dministrations 6art. := bis L-L&


    Public cor$orations 6art. := bis L-L& – onsortia 6art. : L-L&

  • 8/17/2019 Lesson 3. Public Administrations



    !rts. 1 and 1> 7" –  Their autonom0 is guaranteed b0 the 7

    • #asic) local entities

    •  Territor0" #término munici$al)

    Po$ulation" individuals registered in the 4unici$al-egister o% 5nhabitants 6art. 1H L-L&

    • *rgani8ation 6arts. 1? et se. L-L&" – 4a9or

     – De$ut0 4a9ors

     – it0 ouncil 6councilors are elected b0 universal suMrage& – Governing oard 6i% $o$ulation =.>>>&

     – 5n%ormative ommissions 6i% $o$ulation =.>>>&

     – !ccounting ommission

     – *ther administrative bodies

  • 8/17/2019 Lesson 3. Public Administrations



     Jurisdiction" – 5t is not determined b0 the onstitution

     – 5t is determined b0 the tate legislation and !legislation

     – Aevertheless, 4unici$alities have to have 9urisdiction on"

    •  The matters $rovided %or in art. 2=.2 L-L•  The0 have to $rovide the $ublic services mentioned in art. 2H L-L

    • $ecial regimes" – Large $o$ulation 4unici$alities 6arts. 121 et se. L-L&

     – *$en ouncil 6art. 2? L-L&

     – euta and 4elilla

     – *ther regimes $rovided %or b0 the legislation o% !s

  • 8/17/2019 Lesson 3. Public Administrations



    Local entities ; constituencies 6art. 11 7&• !s local entities, Provinces are made u$ o%


    • *rgani8ation 6arts. 1 and se. L-L& – President

     – Cice

  • 8/17/2019 Lesson 3. Public Administrations



     Jurisdiction – oo$eration 'ith the 4unici$alities –  The0 $rovide some social services and manage some in%rastructures

    • $ecial regimes" – *ne

  • 8/17/2019 Lesson 3. Public Administrations


    Instrum"ntal Administrations

    reated b0 other !dministrations in order to$er%orm some $ublic tas(s

    •  The0 have legal $ersonalit0

    •  The0 de$end, more or less, on the #$arent

    !dministration) – !$$ointments

     – 5nstructions

     – -emedies

    • auses o% their emergence – urrogate o% territorial decentrali8ation

     – 7Bcienc0 reasons

     –  The Iight %rom !dministrative la'

  • 8/17/2019 Lesson 3. Public Administrations


    Instrum"ntal Administrations

    #*rganismos $Qblicos)" arts. :: et se. L-JP• !utonomous !dministrations 6#*rganismos

    !utEnomos)&, arts. ?: et. se. L-JP – on%ederaciones idrogrKfcas, *rganismos Gestores de la

    eguridad ocial

    • Public or$orations 6#7ntidades PQblicas7m$resariales)&, arts. 1> et se. L-JP – !7A!, -en%e *$eradora, !di%, Puertos del 7stado,

    !utoridades Portuarias, !gencia 7F7, Loteras 0 !$uestas

    del 7stado

  • 8/17/2019 Lesson 3. Public Administrations


    Ind"!"nd"nt Administrations

    • Public Rniversities, Data Protection !genc0, Aational ommission on4ar(ets and om$etition, Aational ommission on toc( 4ar(et,an( o% $ain, Auclear a%et0 ouncil

    •  The0 do not de$end on other Public!dministrations –

    Functional inde$endence – Guarantees

    • !$$ointments

    • Protection against removal

    • el% organi8ation $o'er, budgetar0 autonom0, managementautonom0

    • -ationale –  Technocratic ideolog0" $rotection against $olitical $arties

     – Protection against Public !dministrations

     – e$aration bet'een regulators and o$erators

  • 8/17/2019 Lesson 3. Public Administrations


    Ind"!"nd"nt Administrations

    riticisms –  The Government shall conduct the !dministration 6art.

    ?.1 7&

     – Lac( o% democratic legitimac0

     – a$ture b0 the o$erators•

    Lobbies• 5n%ormation $roblems

    • -evolving door

     – 5n $ractice, the0 are not ver0 inde$endent 6but stillca$tured b0 $olitical $arties&

  • 8/17/2019 Lesson 3. Public Administrations


    Cor!orat" PublicAdministrations

    • Pro%essional bodies 6art. H 7&, hambers o% ommerce, 5ndustr0and Aavigation, 5rrigation ommunities, $orts Federations

    • Features – reated b0 a $ublic act

     –  The0 $ursue both $ublic and $rivate interests


     The0 fnance themselves –  The0 govern themselves

     – !Bliation is mandator0" 5s it com$atible 'ith the %reedomo% association 6art. 22 7&3 T 6e. g. T 12;1?:?,1>;1??H, 22=;2>>H&, 0es it is, but"

    •  The members can create other associations•  The mandator0 aBliation is adeuate, necessar0 and not

    dis$ro$ortionate to reach some $ublic goal

    • 4andator0 aBliation should be e+ce$tional

  • 8/17/2019 Lesson 3. Public Administrations


    Cor!orat" PublicAdministrations

    Pros" – el%

  • 8/17/2019 Lesson 3. Public Administrations


    Pri%at" l"$al "ntiti"s cr"at"db Public Administrations

    Government o'ned or$orations• Public Foundations

    • !ssociations

    h03 – 7Bcienc0 reasons

     – Flight %rom !dministrative la'

    •  The0 are not Public !dministrationsS

    !s a general rule, $rivate la' a$$lies to them• 7ventuall0, !dministrative la' a$$lies to them

     – e. g. $ublic $rocurement la' 6art. -DL ;2>11&

     – e. g. their accounts are audited li(e those o% other Public!dministrations