lesson 4 participles used as adjectives & prepositions and some exercises

Lesson 4 Lesson 4 Participles Used as Participles Used as Adjectives & Adjectives & Prepositions Prepositions and some exercises and some exercises

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Page 1: Lesson 4 Participles Used as Adjectives & Prepositions and some exercises

Lesson 4Lesson 4

Participles Used as Participles Used as Adjectives & PrepositionsAdjectives & Prepositions

and some exercisesand some exercises

Page 2: Lesson 4 Participles Used as Adjectives & Prepositions and some exercises

The results of Quiz #1

(16 October, 2007)

Page 3: Lesson 4 Participles Used as Adjectives & Prepositions and some exercises

Quiz #1 (16 October, 2007) Your name:Add or delete the articles:

1. Decay and mold resistance of wood-based building panels can affect an indoor air quality and extent of structural damage after the flooding or failure of exterior building envelope.

2. The trees were harvested from two separate plantation sites, an “coastal” site in the western Washington and a “inland” site in the northeastern Oregon. The each grower identified promising clones from their respective plantations.

3. Specific objectives of this research were as follows: a. To explore engineering properties of composites that govern structural behavior

of an proposed joint. b. To develop database of engineering properties of materials for future use.

4. Only few paper fragments bearing writing have been found in Han tombs. For all we know, Han used paper mostly to wrap fish. Yet they were writing like mad: poetry, complex mathematical problems, history, huge dictionary, government reports, and world’s earliest surviving large scale census (57,671,400 people in A.D. 2).

Page 4: Lesson 4 Participles Used as Adjectives & Prepositions and some exercises

Quiz #1 (16 October, 2007) Your name:Add or delete the articles: (yellow to add; red to delete)

1. The decay and (the) mold resistance of wood-based building panels can affect an the indoor air quality and the extent of structural damage after the flooding or failure of exterior building envelope.

2. The Trees were harvested from two separate plantation sites, a “coastal” site in the western Washington and an “inland” site in the northeastern Oregon. The Each grower identified promising clones from their respective plantations.

3. The specific objectives of this research were as follows: a. To explore the engineering properties of the composites that govern the

structural behavior of a proposed joint. b. To develop a database of (the) engineering properties of materials for the future


4. Only a few paper fragments bearing writing have been found in the Han tombs. For all we know, the Han used paper mostly to wrap fish. Yet they were writing like mad: poetry, complex mathematical problems, history, huge dictionary, government reports, and the world’s earliest surviving large scale census (57,671,400 people in A.D. 2).

Page 5: Lesson 4 Participles Used as Adjectives & Prepositions and some exercises

Add articles as necessary:

1. Ryokan, who was Zen master, lived simple life in little hut at foot of mountain. Thief came to hut when Ryokan was away, but found nothing to steal. Ryokan returned and caught him. “You may have come long way to visit me”, he told prowler. “You should not return empty handed. Please take my clothes as gift”. Thief took Ryokan’s clothes and slunk away. Ryokan was naked, watching moon. “Poor fellow”, he mused, I wish I could give him this beautiful moon”.

2. When we speak of glass, ordinarily we mean transparent, shiny substance that breaks rather easily. We may think of glass in our windows and glass used in our laboratories as being same material. Actually they are not. There are many kinds of glass. One company has developed more than 65,000 kinds of glass.

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Add articles as necessary:

1. Ryokan, who was a Zen master, lived a simple life in a little hut at the foot of (the) mountain. A thief came to the hut when Ryokan was away, but found nothing to steal. Ryokan returned and caught him. “You may have come a long way to visit me”, he told the prowler. “You should not return empty handed. Please take my clothes as a gift”. The thief took Ryokan’s clothes and slunk away. Ryokan was naked, watching the moon. “Poor fellow”, he mused, I wish I could give him this beautiful moon”.

2. When we speak of glass, ordinarily we mean a transparent, shiny substance that breaks rather easily. We may think of the glass in our windows and the glass used in our laboratories as being the same material. Actually they are not. There are many kinds of glass. One company has developed more than 65,000 kinds of glass.

Page 7: Lesson 4 Participles Used as Adjectives & Prepositions and some exercises

Present participlePresent participle• A present participle consists the base form of

the verb plus – ing• confuse confusing• speak speaking• interest interesting

• It describes a person or thing that causes or stimulates an experience.

• The student is very confusing.

(The student confuses others.)• The lecturer was boring.

(He spoke in a boring manner.)

Page 8: Lesson 4 Participles Used as Adjectives & Prepositions and some exercises

Past participlePast participle• A past participle consists the base form of the

verb plus –ed, –d, –en, –n, or –e.• confuse confused• speak spoken• interest interested

• It describes a person or thing undergoing an experience.

• The student was confused (by the confusing book).• I am very interested (in the subject you mentioned.)

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Exercise 1:Exercise 1: correct the participlecorrect the participle

• After doing much research, the scientist made a fascinated discovery.

• I couldn’t concentrate on my homework, because I was becoming very tiring.

• The extra work was a difficult but satisfied experience.• The laboratory space was very cramped because it was

so small.• Growth of the tree was stimulating by the fertile soil.• His words are confused.• This story is indeed very touched.

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PrepositionsPrepositions• Preposition of time

– by: at or before a specific time or date• The task must be done by the end of this week.

– on: use with the day or date something happens• We go to our music class on Monday.

– at: use with hours of the day / parts of the day• Our experiment began at 9 am.• It is very dark at night.

– in: use with hours of the day / months, years, seasons• It is cool here in the morning.• School begins in September.

Page 11: Lesson 4 Participles Used as Adjectives & Prepositions and some exercises

• Preposition of place– at: indicates a point in relation to another object

• My sister is at home, not at school.

(at a place or location)• She is sitting at the desk

(at the edge of something)• We live at the corner of Peace St. and Park St.

(at the corner of something)• We shot at a deer.

(at the target)

Page 12: Lesson 4 Participles Used as Adjectives & Prepositions and some exercises

– On : indicates a surface on which something rests

• Your dinner is on the table.

• She walked to the house on Park Street.

(indicates a street or other feature where something is located)

• He found information on the Internet.

(indicates an electronic medium where something is located)

Page 13: Lesson 4 Participles Used as Adjectives & Prepositions and some exercises

– In : indicates an object inside the boundaries of an area or volume.

• We did the research in our lab.

(in an enclosed space)

• Our lab is in the chemistry building.

(in a geographic location)

• We found the instructions in a book.

(in a print medium)

Page 14: Lesson 4 Participles Used as Adjectives & Prepositions and some exercises

– By : indicates a position close to something

• Our school is by the river.

(next to or near)

• We walked by the grove of trees.

(next to or near)

The ball flew by us.

(past or beyond)

Page 15: Lesson 4 Participles Used as Adjectives & Prepositions and some exercises

• Preposition of a relationship– Of : relationship between a part and the

whole / shows material or content• One of her teachers gave her a book.• That book is the best of those he found.• This shirt is made of silk.• Here is a basket of cherries.

– For : shows purpose• We bought a new microscope for our laboratory.• This equipment is for determining specific gravity.

Page 16: Lesson 4 Participles Used as Adjectives & Prepositions and some exercises

• The use of prepositions is often idiomatic

Wrong vs. Correct

bored of bored with

capable to capable of

independent from independent of

interested about interested in

similar with similar to

puzzled on puzzled by, at

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Exercise 2.1Exercise 2.1• I will meet you ___ July 14 ___ noon ___ Taipei

___ the corner ___ Peace and Park Streets ___ the bank building.

• The class meets ___ 9 am ___ Tuesdays ___ room 146 ___ the Natural Resources Building.

• The report must be completed ___ 5 pm ___ June 10th.

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Exercise 2.2Exercise 2.2• Wherever we eat in the cafeteria we sit on a small table

on the corner of the room.• He is working on the lab in the third floor. He went there

at 8 am and will have his work done by three hours.• The report is due on my office by 5 pm.• We had difficulty completing the experiment by time.• The new project is similar in many ways at the old one.• This machine is made in steel.• The chemical solution is stable in low temperature.

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Exercise 2.3Exercise 2.3

• Testing the specimens was done at the afternoon and was finished on two hours.

• The examination will be finished by one hour and the grades will be ready at tomorrow morning.

• Our motorcycles were all parked on the side of the building.

• We left immediately and ran to the exit on the end of the building.

• The new microscope by the laboratory is at studying the ultra structure of materials.

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EXAM #1(2010)

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Correct the errors in the following sentences (the number of errors in each sentence is between 0 and 3) :(the number of errors in each sentence is between 0 and 3) :

1. According to my opinion, President Chen Shui-Bian is not going to be re-elected.

2. Jenny is a very charming girl. She always spoke to us very friendly.

3. It is not allowed to smoke in the lobby of this building.4. The relationship among the legislators in Taiwan is probably

not very good.5. They live in ? small house; their youngest son is salesman in ?

Pacific-Sogo Department Store.6. It is a nice weather today, isn’t it ?7. What kinds of researches do you do in this laboratory ?8. The life is beautiful, as often said in France.

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9. My wife is a very good cooker; she can cook many extraordinary dishes.

10. George told me a good news about the marriage of his brother with a top model.

11. You look tired; you must have studied very hardly last night.

12. I suggest you to come to my office for a chat.

13. My students gave me many assistances in carrying out the research project.

14. You must finish your homeworks first before going out for a party this evening.

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15. Well, there are a lot of informations on our presidential election in the next three months.

16. You have got a prize. Congratulation, it’s a great news for your parents.

17. The higher education in Taiwan is to acquire many knowledges in science and technology.

18. I want to apply to the job, so my parents gave me many advices.

19. You may be right, but the biological evidences are not very strong to contradict his ideas.

20. These days, the life is easy for the young people in Taiwan.

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A la semaine A la semaine prochaineprochaine

And please review the two lessons about “Punctuation”

We will begin to discuss the core part of this course – writing a scientific paper

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Sat. Oct. 3Sea warning expected芭瑪颱風來襲,發佈海上警報Suspect arrested for extortion over David Letterman’s affairs勒索名脫口秀主持人大衛賴特曼的嫌犯被補U.S. jobless rate reaches 9.8 percent in Septemeber九月美國失業率高達百分之九點八NHI hikes to bring less than NT$1 billion健保費調漲,保費增收幾億至新台幣十億元

Sun. Oct. 4Evacuations begin芭瑪颱風來襲,危險區域開始撤離居民。Ties with China and U.S. are a new challenges: AmCham台北美僑商會:與中、美關係將會是台灣的新挑戰Landslides wipe out three villages in Indonesia土石流襲擊印尼三村莊Rio erupts in celebration after winning IOC vote國際奧林匹克委員會票選里約熱內盧為二0一六年奧運主辦會

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Mon. Oct. 5

Typhoon lingers芭瑪颱風原地打轉H1N1 vaccinations to be free: health official衛生單位:新流感疫苗可免費注射U.S. treasury secretary urges IMF to reform governance美國財政部呼籲國際貨幣基金組織旅行管理改革South Asia frets over high food prices南亞憂心糧食價格高昂

Tue. Oct. 6Matsu designated by UNESCO as world cultural heritage聯合國教科文組織列媽祖信仰為世界文化遺產500 Changhwa farmers rally against polluting industries彰化農民抗議中科污染Dalai Lama set for D.C. talks, not Obama達賴訪華府,歐巴馬迴避Global premature birth and death rates rise: survey調查顯示全球早產兒及其死亡率升高

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Wed. Oct. 7U.S. Supreme Court rejects Chen’s appeal美最高法院駁回陳水扁「控美案」Bank of Taiwan increases its fixed rates台央銀行升存款固定利率U.S. defends Obama’s decision on Dalai Lama歐巴馬不見達賴,美方辯護Parma stalls in Philippines; Melor heads for Japan芭瑪滯留菲律賓;米勒轉往日本

Thur. Oct. 8CDC to fund hospital bills for H1N1 patients疾管局支付新流感強制隔離住院費用Wu asks NPM to re-check offer for disputed relics吳揆要求故宮再次確認贈送爭議文物一事Gold at all-time high金價飆至史上新高World heritage sites around the world are at risk世界文化遺產面臨危機

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Fri. Oct. 9Chen to remain detained陳水扁繼續羈押Cabinet proposes bill for proper land use行政院推動國土計畫法案Powerful typhoon slams into Japan; 2 died米勒颱風侵襲日本,奪走兩條人命Al-Qaeda declares Holy War on China蓋達組織號召維吾爾族發動聖戰,與北京對抗