lesson 6 memory management

9/10/2014 1 Memory Management Real-Mode Memory Management Following reset, Intel processors start executing code in the real-mode operating environment. Since real-mode is fully compatible with the 8086 architecture, it enables execution of MS-DOS applications on newer processors such as the Pentium and Pentium Pro. Unfortunately, along with the numerous benefits of real-mode, there is also one major drawback to this mechanism. That is, a processor running in real-mode can exploit only the lowest 20 bits of its address bus and is therefore limited to the meager 1MB memory space of the 8086. IBM's decision to reserve the upper 384KB of the PC for ISA add-on cards (and the BIOS), made things even worst since it left real-mode applications (including MS- DOS itself) with barely 640KB of RAM to work with. The first 1Mbyte of memory is called either the real mode or conventional memory system. The DOS operating system requires the microprocessor to operate in this mode. It allows application software. A processor requires a minimum of 20 address lines to have the ability to access 1MB of memory. When Intel engineers designed the 8086, it was impractical to implement a 20 bit address register to hold the generated addresses. So instead, Intel decided to divide address space into 64KB segments and coordinate memory access through the use of two 16 bit values - a Segment and an Offset. Four dedicated Segment Registers were created in order to hold the segment portion of the processor generated addresses. Each of these registers was designated to serve as a base pointer to a unique segment in the processor physical address space.

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Memory Management

Real-Mode Memory Management • Following reset, Intel processors start executing code in the

real-mode operating environment. Since real-mode is fully compatible with the 8086 architecture, it enables execution of MS-DOS applications on newer processors such as the Pentium and Pentium Pro. Unfortunately, along with the numerous benefits of real-mode, there is also one major drawback to this mechanism. That is, a processor running in real-mode can exploit only the lowest 20 bits of its address bus and is therefore limited to the meager 1MB memory space of the 8086. IBM's decision to reserve the upper 384KB of the PC for ISA add-on cards (and the BIOS), made things even worst since it left real-mode applications (including MS-DOS itself) with barely 640KB of RAM to work with.

• The first 1Mbyte of memory is called either the real mode or conventional memory system. The DOS operating system requires the microprocessor to operate in this mode. It allows application software.

• A processor requires a minimum of 20 address lines to have the ability to access 1MB of memory. When Intel engineers designed the 8086, it was impractical to implement a 20 bit address register to hold the generated addresses. So instead, Intel decided to divide address space into 64KB segments and coordinate memory access through the use of two 16 bit values - a Segment and an Offset.

• Four dedicated Segment Registers were created in order to hold the segment portion of the processor generated addresses. Each of these registers was designated to serve as a base pointer to a unique segment in the processor physical address space.

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Register Designated Role


Code Segment Register

This register points to the currently active code

segment. Used in conjunction with the IP register to

point to the next instruction to be fetched and

executed by the processor.


Data Segment Register

This register usually points to the default data

segment which contains the global and static

variables of the active application.


Register Designated Role


Extra Segment Register

General purpose segment register used mostly for data

transfers between different segments.


Stack Segment Register

This register points to the segment containing the

active stack. The top of stack is located at address




General Purpose Segment Registers

First introduced on the 80386, these segment registers

can be used for any purpose in your application code.

Physical memory calculation

• The value set into a segment register identifies a specific 64KB region of memory, whereas the offset part points to an exact location within that region. To calculate a physical address, the processor shifts the content of the segment register four bits to the left (thus multiplying its value by 16) and adds the offset.

Segment and Offset • Through the combination of these two, a memory location is

accessed in the real mode. All real mode memory address must consist of a segment address plus an offset address.

Segment Address • Defines the beginning address of any 64k-byte memory

segment. Offset Address • Sometimes called displacement or relative. Selects any

location within the 64k-byte memory segment. It is the distance above the start of the segment.

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Note: • Each segment register is internally appended with a 0H on its

right end. • The segment address can begin only at a 16-byte boundary,

which is called paragraph. Once the beginning address in known, an ending address is known, by adding FFFFH.

• The code segment register defines the start of the code segment and the instruction pointer to locate the next instruction within the code segment. This combination (CS:IP or CS:EIP) locates the next instruction executed by the microprocessor.

• The notation adopted by Intel for address representation in

real-mode is segment:offset. For an example consider address

A359:B3FD which is located at segment A359h and has an

offset which equals B3FDh. This notation was chosen since it

serves the need to pinpoint an exact location within the

physical address space of the processor while allowing the

programmer to examine the internal composition of the

address value.

• Interesting to note is the fact that although segments are

64KB in size, they are spaced 16 bytes apart in memory. This

should make perfect sense to you if you understand the

procedure taken by the processor when it calculates physical

addresses in real-mode.

• Since the content of a segment register forms the 16 high-order bits of a physical address, it is always divisible by 16 and has its lowest four bits set to zero. This concept is clearly depicted in the following figure:

• Note that there is an area of overlap between segments in real-mode, so each physical address is accessible using many different combinations of segment and offset values. For instance, if we load one of the segment registers with 1234h and use an offset which equals 5h, we can read the content of physical address 12345h.

Mov BX, 1234h Mov ES, BX Mov BX, 5h Mov AL, [ES:BX]

• In this case, the processor will shift 1234h four bits to the left (12340h) and add the offset 5h. Alternatively, we could load ES with 1233h and use an offset which equals 15h to get a pointer which corresponds to the same physical memory location.

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• For years, the world of personal computing was dominated by real-mode MS-DOS. The arrival of the Windows operating system which dispensed with real-mode in favor of the much advanced protected-mode, marked a new era in the computing industry.

Introduction to Protected-Mode • When introduced in the late 1970's, the 8086 was considered

a technological breakthrough. It was a cheap, powerful 16 bit

processor which could address *huge* amounts of memory

(up to 1MB). The 8086 gained an enormous popularity soon

after its introduction, since it was chosen by IBM engineers

when they designed the first personal computer (they actually

used a variant of the 8086 known as the 8088 but the

differences are minor). Since 1MB of memory was considered

an overkill for a personal computer, IBM decided to utilize only

the first 640KB for RAM and reserve the remaining 384KB for

the BIOS and ISA add-on cards.

• At first, most applications were rather compact and therefore were not affected by the 640KB barrier, but eventually some memory hogging applications hit the market and Intel had to devise a solution.

• The solution came in 1982 when Intel introduced its new processor : The 80286. As opposed to the 8086 which offered only one operating mode, the 80286 actually incorporated two: A backward compatible 8086 operating mode called Real-Mode and a secondary advanced mode called Protected-Mode.

• Protected-mode allowed the 80286 to exploit its 24-bit address bus and thus access up to 16MB of physical memory.

• Allows access to data and programs located above the first 1Mbyte of memory as well as within the first 1Mbyte of memory. Segment address is no longer present in this mode. In place of the segment address, the segment register contains a selector that selects a descriptor from a descriptor table. The descriptor describes the memory segment location, length and access rights. Most function in the real mode will function without change in the protected mode. The difference between modes is in the way that the segment register is interpreted by the microprocessor to access the memory segment.

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• Unfortunately, DOS applications could not be easily ported to protected-mode since it was incompatible with the 8086 implementation for which DOS had been developed. This fact among others made protected-mode unattractive to software developers of the time.

• Added to this was the fact that it was impossible to return gracefully back to real-mode once you switched the processor into protected-mode. The only way for doing so was by resetting the processor - a highly time consuming operation. It seems that Intel engineers assumed that once you were running in protected-mode, you'll never want to go back to a lowly real-mode environment.

• Another deficiency of the 80286 was related to the maximum

size of segments. Although protected-mode gave the

processor an ability to access its entire address space,

memory access was not linear but had to be done using

segments. The maximum size allowed for each segment was

64KB (much the same as on the 8086).

• In view of the limitations of the 80286 design, Intel released

its next innovation known as the 80386. The 80386 was highly

superior to its predecessors.

• A 32-bit address bus replaced the old 24-bit bus of the 80286

giving the user a total of 4GB physical address space, a third

operating mode dubbed Virtual-Mode was implemented to

support execution of old 8086 code while still running in a

protected-mode environment, and, last but not least, Paging

support was added.

• The 80386 formed the basis for the following protected-mode

implementations on the 80486, Pentium and Pentium Pro


• The protected-mode architecture incorporates many

advanced features and solves the memory constraint enforced

by the old 8086 design.

• Memory management is a mechanism which provides

operating systems powerful capabilities such as segmentation

and paging.

• The first incarnation of the segmentation unit found on the

8086 processor had only one purpose - to serve as a gateway

for a 1MB physical address space. Intel's decision to keep the

segmentation unit alive and kicking under protected-mode

was largely influenced by the desire to retain compatibility

and ease porting of old applications to the new environment.

Under protected-mode there are no longer fixed sized

segments equally spaced in memory, but instead, the size and

location of each segment is set in an associated data structure

called a Segment Descriptor.

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• When accessing memory, all memory references are relative to the base address of their corresponding segment. This makes relocation of program modules fairly easy since there is no need for the operating system to perform code fix-ups when it loads applications into memory.

• With paging enabled, the processor adds an extra level of indirection to the memory translation process. By using special look-up tables in memory, the processor fakes each application into thinking as if it owns the entire 4GB address space. Instead of serving as a physical address, an application-generated address is used by the processor to index one of its look-up tables.

• The corresponding entry in the table contains the actual

physical address which is sent to the processor address bus

(This is a rather simplified description of the process). The

name "paging" was chosen since this indirection mechanism

cannot be applied to individual bytes but rather to 4KB chunks

(or pages) of memory. Through the use of paging, operating

systems can create distinct address spaces for each running

application thus simplifying memory access and preventing

potential conflicts.

Global Descriptor

• Contains segment definitions that apply to all programs. Other term is system descriptor.

Local Descriptor

• Usually unique to an application. Other term is application program. Each table contains 8192 descriptors. The base address portion of the descriptor indicates the starting location of the memory segment. The segment limit contains the last offset address found in a segment.

• There is another feature found in the 80386 through the Pentium II descriptor that is not found in the 80286 descriptor: the G bit or granularity bit.

• Virtual-memory allows applications to allocate more memory than is physically available. This is done by keeping memory pages partially in RAM and partially on disk. When a program tries to access an on-disk page, an Exception is generated (an exception is a processor-generated interrupt signaling a critical event) and the operating system reloads the page to allow the faulting application resume its execution.

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AV bit

• 1 segment is available

• 0 segment is not available

D bit

• 0 instructions are 16-bit compatible with the 8086- 80286

• 1 instructions are 32-bit

G bit – Granularity

• 0 the limit specifies the segment limit of 00000H to FFFFFH

• 1 the value of the limit is multiplied by 4K bytes (appended with XXXH)

TI bit

• 0 selects the global descriptor table

• 1 selects the local descriptor table

RPL –Requested Privilege Level

• 00 highest

• 11 lowest

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Access Rights Byte

• Controls access to the protected mode memory segment. Describes how the segment functions in the system. Allows complete control over the segment.


• Intersegment Jump – is a jump to any memory location within the entire memory system.

• Direct Jump is often called a far jump.

• Label – refers to the location that is called or jumped to instead of the actual numeric address

• EX. JMP [10000H]


• Relative – relative to the instruction pointer

• Intrasegment Jump – a jump anywhere within the current code segment

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• Short Jump – contain an 8-bit displacement

• Far Jump – contain a16-bit displacement

• EX. JMP [02]

• JMP [1122]


• Indirect Jump – if a relative register holds the address

• Near Jump – if a 16 bit register holds the address of a JMP instruction

• Indirect-indirect or Double-Indirect Jump – if the register is considered to be relative


• JMP [BX]


• Stack Segment and Stack Pointer - maintains the stack memory

• Whenever a word of data is pushed onto the stack, the higher-order-8-bits are placed in the location addressed by SP-1. The low-order-8-bits are placed in the location addressed by SP-2. SP is decremented by 2 so that the next word of data is stored in the next available stack memory location.

• Whenever data are popped from the stack, the low-order-8-bits are removed from the location addressed by SP. The high-order-8-bits are removed from the location addressed by Sp+1.

• The Sp register is then incremented by 2.




• Multitasking refers to the ability of the operating system to run

multiple tasks concurrently. True multitasking can only be achieved

on a multiprocessor machine where each task is scheduled for

execution on a different processor. Conventional operating systems

such as Windows 95 emulate true multitasking by quickly switching

between pending tasks giving each a time-slice to execute.

• When running in protected-mode, a task switch makes the

processor save the current Context Information (notably register

values) in a Task State Segment. When the original task is

rescheduled for execution, the processor uses the saved information

to set its internal registers to allow the original task resume its


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• Real-mode does not include support for protection and

therefore cannot offer a secure and reliable execution

environment. Buggy and hostile applications can shake the

operating system integrity by overwriting various system data

structures. When applied, protection can guard against

software bugs and help the operating system in performing

reliable multitasking. Protection checks are made before any

memory cycle is started; A protection violation terminates the

offending memory cycle and generates an exception.

• Numerous benefits can also be seen during the software development process. Any illegal memory reference made by the developed application can be blocked and analyzed by a debugger while ensuring the stability of all other software development tools. (compiler, profiler etc.)

Virtual Mode

• The desire to allow execution of MS-DOS applications under

the control of a protected-mode environment, (such as

Windows) has led for the inclusion of virtual-mode to all of

Intel's 32 bit processors. When the processor is running in

virtual-mode, it behaves as if it were an 8086 equipped with

protection, multitasking and paging support. Note that virtual-

mode is not an entirely new processor operating environment

but instead a property which can be applied on a per-task

basis. A virtual-mode task can be executed along-side other

tasks on the system including those which were written to

fully utilize protected-mode features.

• Unfortunately, MS-DOS applications were not designed to run

under a multitasking environment and therefore assume full

ownership of the system. Such applications could bring the

entire system to a halt if, for instance, they clear the processor

interrupt flag (disabling hardware interrupts). To prevent such

disruptions, instructions that affect the state of the interrupt

flag (such as CLI, STI, POPF etc.) cause an exception when

executed by a virtual-mode task. An operating system piece of

code known as the Virtual Machine Monitor handles these

exceptions and emulates the offending instructions. This

ensures a smooth fail-safe operation of both virtual-mode and

protected-mode tasks running on the system.

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Debugging Support

• When debugging applications, the 80386 comes to your aid by

providing a set of configurable debug registers. Setting a

breakpoint is done by updating one of the debug registers

with the desired memory address and specifying the type of

processor cycle which should trigger the breakpoint. When

the breakpoint is hit, an exception is generated and the

debugger can gain control to display information regarding the

developed application and the processor internal state.

• The debugging support on the 80386 supersedes the old 8086

mechanism which required a modification to the instruction

stream in order to set a breakpoint inside application code.