lesson 7.2 physics form 5

Current,I From Lesson 1, Current ,I is the rate of flow of charge, Q Current = Charge Time Or The unit of current, I , is Ampere (A) 1A= 1 C s -1 Current is said “ A current flows through......." The current is measured by an ammeter and it must be connected in series with the component which we want to find the current through the component. For example, if we want to measure the current through a bulb : Potential difference ( Voltage) , V An electric circuit must have a cell or some source of electrical energy ,if there is to be a current. The energy to move the electrons or to produce current we call “ voltage or potential difference” The potential difference across a conductor is work (energy) to carry a unit charge Potential difference = work = energy charge charge Or 7 LESSON 2 Analysing the relationship between electric current and I = Q V = E

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physics form 5


Current,IFrom Lesson 1,Current ,I is the rate of flow of charge, QCurrent = Charge TimeOrThe unit of current, I , is Ampere (A)1A= 1 C s1Current is sai!" A current flows through#######$The current is measure! %& an ammeter an! it must %e connecte!in series with the componentwhich we want to fin! the current through the component# For e'ample, if we want to measure thecurrent through a %ul% ( Potential difference( Voltage) , VAn electric circuit must ha)e a cell or some source of electrical energ& ,if there is to %e a current#The energ& to mo)e the electronsor topro!uce current we call " )oltageor potential !ifference*The potential !ifference across a con!uctor is wor+ (energ&)to carr& a unitcharge Potential difference = work= energycharge chargeOrThe unitof potential !ifference,, = ,olt(,)1 ,=1 - C1.otential !ifference is sai!" Apotential !ifference across######$The potential !ifference is measure! %& a )oltmeteran! it must %e connecte!in parallel with the componentwhich we want to fin! the potential !ifference %etween the component# For e'ample, if we want to measure the!ifference across a %ul% (7LESSO !Analysing the relationship between electric current and potential difference I = "tV = E"Example 1A %atter& is switche! on for a few moments# In that time /0 C pass through the %atter& an! the& carr& awa&1/0 -of electrical energ& # 2hat is the potential !ifference across the %atter&3SolutionExample 2A current of 4 A flowing through an electric heater for 50 minutes con)ert5#67 8 10 7 - of electrical energ& into heat energCalculate (a) the total charge circulate! through the heater(%) the potential !ifference across the heaterSolution The relation#hi$ %etween $otential difference,V and current,I in a metal conductor & Ohm'# LawTherelationship %etween )oltage, , an! current ,I in a metal con!uctor is !isco)ere! %& 9eorgeOhm is calle! as Ohm:s law#Ohm:s law state* The potential across a metal con!uctor is !irectl& proportional to the current flowing through the con!uctor , pro)i!e! that its temperature remains constant#

Or , I, ifT remains constantThe e($eriment to in)e#tigate the relation#hi$ %etween the $otential difference ,V and the current,I in a metal conductor*y$othe#i#( The potential !ifference across a metal con!uctor increasesas the current in the metal con!uctor increases# +im of the e($eriment ( To in)estigate the relationship %etween the potential !ifference ,, an! current, I in a metal con!uctorVaria%le# in the e($eriment,;anipulate! )aria%le( the currentase! on the Ohm:s law,, I, = + I+ = ,I+is replace! %&