lesson plan in english 1

LESSON PLAN I-Lesson Objectives 1. Talk about topics of interest using 2-3 sentences 2. Write sentences about one’s self, one’s family, and home, pet Value: Love and respect II- Subject Matter Talking about one’s self, one’s family and one’s and one’s home using2-3 sentences III- references PELC13, page 9, speaking Txt growing in English pages 188,198,199 Txt science and health pages 46-50 Materials: pictures, real objects, miniatures of animals IV-Procedure A. Preparatory Activities 1. Pronunciation drill Home Parent Family Pet Myself 2. Review Who are the members of the family? Tell something about them 3. Motivations Who are your favorite family members? B. Presentation

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I-Lesson Objectives

1. Talk about topics of interest using 2-3 sentences

2. Write sentences about one’s self, one’s family, and home, pet

Value: Love and respect

II- Subject Matter

Talking about one’s self, one’s family and one’s and one’s home using2-3 sentences

III- references

PELC13, page 9, speaking

Txt growing in English pages 188,198,199

Txt science and health pages 46-50

Materials: pictures, real objects, miniatures of animals


A. Preparatory Activities

1. Pronunciation drill

Home Parent Family Pet Myself

2. Review

Who are the members of the family?

Tell something about them

3. Motivations

Who are your favorite family members?

B. Presentation

1. Show different pictures of the family member, animals, food and cartoon character

2. Ask them to choose one and tell something about them

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3. Have the teacher write what pupils said, example “this is father he is strong. He works for the family”

4. Let the pupils read the sentences.

5. Skills development

a. Show 5 pictures of different toys let them talk about it into 2-3 sentences

b. Teacher critics the work of the pupils

C. Skills development

What do these sentences all about?

D. Generalization

1. Guided exercises

Picture puzzle(home)

Form the class into group let the pupils arrange the puzzle , write 2-3 sentence about the picture and then call the leader each group to read it load

2. Independent exercise

Show a picture of a family in the class, have them write sentence then let them read what they have written.

IV- Evaluation

Tell something about any of the following pets

Cat goat

Dog fish


V. Assignment

Write 2-3 sentence about you.

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