lesson plan year 4 kssr

DAILY LESSON PLAN Subject : English Language Class : 4 Elit Date : 13/04/2015 (Monda! "i#e : 11$45 % 12$45 a$# ( &0 #inutes ! 'ocused S ill : )eading En*ol#ent : Le+el :,d+anced "he#e/to-ic : .o*ld o no ledge : nit &: Ca*e o* the Sea CONTENT STANDARDS : 2$2 the end o the & ea* -*i#a* schooling -u-ils ill be able unde*standing o a +a*iet o linea* and non linea* te6ts in the o*# o -*int and #ate*ials using a *ange o st*ategies to const*uct #eaning$ 2$3 the end o the & ea* -*i#a* schooling -u-ils ill be able to *ead inde- in o*#ation and enjo#ent$ LEARNING STANDARDS : 2$2$4 ,ble to a--l dictiona* s ills: (b! #eaning o base o*d 2$3$1 ,ble to *ead o* in o*#ation and enjo#ent ith guidance: (b! non iction TEACHING POINT : e o*ds : sea tu*tle PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE : 1$ 7u-ils ha+e lea*nt about si#-le o*ds ith -*o-e* -*onunciations$ 2$ 7u-ils al*ead *ecogni8ed so#e o the ani#als in the te6tboo $ WEEK : DATE/DAY : SUBJECT :

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lesson plan




Subject: English LanguageClass:4ElitDate: 13/04/2015 (Monday)Time: 11.45 12.45 a.m ( 60 minutes )Focused Skill: ReadingEnrolment:Level: AdvancedTheme/topic: World of Knowledge : Unit 6: Care for the Sea

CONTENT STANDARDS :2.2 - By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to demonstrate understanding of a variety of linear and non-linear texts in the form of print and non-print materials using a range of strategies to construct meaning.2.3 - By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to read independently for information and enjoyment.LEARNING STANDARDS :2.2.4 - Able to apply dictionary skills: (b) meaning of base word2.3.1 - Able to read for information and enjoyment with guidance:(b) non-fictionTEACHING POINT :Keywords : sea turtle,PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE :1. Pupils have learnt about simple words with proper pronunciations.2. Pupils already recognized some of the animals in the textbook.LEARNING OBJECTIVES :By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to :1. List 4 outof 5base words given by the teacher by showing it on the whiteboard.2. Answer 4out of5 questions given by theteacher correctly by referring to the text given to find the answers.EDUCATIONAL EMPHASES :1. Reading, Writing and Thinking skills2. Moral Values : love to the nature, love to the animals and cleanlinessTEACHING MATERIALS :1. Mini whiteboard2. Manila cards3. Envelope 4. Animals picture5. Comic strips6. Crumpled-paper 7. Colourful marker pensSTEPS/ PHASE TIMECONTENTTEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITIESNOTES

Set induction(10 mins)i. Picture puzzles (Animals)

1. Teacher divides pupils into 4 small groups.2. Teacher appoints one leader for each group to come to the front and pick one envelope 3. Teacher asks them to open and rearrange the picture puzzles and pastes it on a paper provided.4. Teacher asks groups who finish first to paste to the white board.5. Teacher introduces the four types of sea turtles in Malaysia and their names. 6. They say it out loud together. Teaching aids: Envelopes Pictures

Moral value: ResponsibilityCooperation

ProcedureStep 1(10 minutes)

Step 2(15 minutes)

Step 3(20 minutes)

i. Reading

i. Question-answer session

i. Poison crumpled paperii. Comic strips

1. Teacher pastes reading texts on the whiteboard.2. Teacher read the text with the pupils.3. Teacher asks each group to read one paragraph each aloud. 4. Teacher asks all pupils to read together again.

1. Teacher asks question based on the text given, for example :Where is Kinah?Why is Kinah excited?What will disturb a nesting sea turtle?2. Teacher picks pupils to highlight the correct answer at the pasted reading text.3. Teacher circle words that contain in the text given, for example :- moving, carefully, nesting, immediately, covered 4. Teacher asks pupils to find the base words and meaning using dictionary.

1. Teacher gives instruction about poison crumpled paper games. The lucky pupils who get the crumpled paper will have to come to the front and read the comic strips2. Teacher picks five pupils. 3. Teacher asks them to read aloud in front of the class..4. Teacher asks other pupils respond about their friends presentation.5. Teacher asks random pupils about their opinion on what happen next.

Teaching aids: Mini whiteboard Mahjong paper

Moral value:Cooperation

Teaching aids : Colourful marker pens Dictionary

Teaching aids: Comic strips Crumpled paper

Moral value:Self-esteem

Conclusion(5 minutes)i. Summing up lesson.1. Teacher asks pupils to predict what will happen next.2. Teacher asks pupils to write the answer in their work book.

Moral Value:Promote critical thinking