lesson xiv - unity.org · lesson xiv € ... re cannot know god unl oss we make nn effort to know...

i , I. 1 . a ':.9,7.r. ipr . i 1 :..: f j t THE HISTORY OF TIZE BIBLE -. Lesson XIV By Charles Fillmore ,M . ' li

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Lesson XIV

   By Charles F


,M . '



We will begin our lesson as usual wtth a period of silence

  god wo shall renli zo that we are in the presence of an intelligenti

wise, powerful, all good lind; that our first nnd greatest work is to

rot an understanding of that A ind--to unify ourselves with it that we

may become its exproosion consciously. 80 are tle unconscious expres-

sion of thlo omnipresent Mind and we need a fuller consciousness of

it. That word consciousness covers a multitude of sins. It is that

in us which in aware of not only our environment, or our feelings

and thoughts of all kinds, but also it is that in us which may be con-

0 92.

Sclous Of 07£r SourCe. vio think scriotimes that rve can' t kriow God.

re cannot know God unl OSS we make nn effort to know Him. That is a

part of our work, to seek God. an-1 those that seek Him shall find

Him. If we don't seek, It is our privilege to t-o right on doing

what we have boon doing ·,vlthoit that consciotisness of God Mind. So

let us begin our lesson tonight with an effort: let us soek to kncir

more about our Source, God. "God is Spirit,"snil Zesus, nand they

  worship Him must worship him in $plrit and in truth." We must seek

to know and bo obodient to the law of the one l'ind and understand



tho truth about that one :'ind. Ttils 91 11 lut us, in.direct contact

  with thnt Kind and vin rhall more ani rore express **11 that it 18. NOW

lot un tnke a definite linn or thought 13 we To into thia silent med-

itation. Tnko tho thought of 3eoking to kn,·,7, 'lr' a to understand the

varlous moodo or the Mind that enter into tho Consciousness--that con-

sctousness covero both the consriouo and -te sul·consciouo mind. In

these periods of ollonco we often break into Q I'l, co that we haven't

known boforo. We honor.,e one wlth an inner soul 4Ctivity. That 18

tho contact we malco wtth ttils oomething that wo Cull God. It is more


than our usual concort of God; 1 t 13 the one wholonoes Of Poing, right

fore, prooont at all times, and it is vini. t 18 Spirit. it ts soul,

--it io everything that wo con conceive r,·1 it in that in all ito full-

nons.Lot us got that 1nrge co:copt pf  ·.'o one ?'tn: and truo Mind and

wo will bogtn to brenk f,'rth, 1- ,0 n rei ien•o ef rin,1. It wl:1 be a

1 1 rforont nnmo . It wtll bo changed from ·ho tranoctent to tho real.

No road tn tho Scrt/ty:00 n'evt tho rany changes that

  took place tn the nnmos 0. r thole Nt·o Wn-B  5110=:ng the ruidance of

jo hovah. It maans that throu h our un.inropi:·lin< thoy Fvt on a dif-

I --.


ferent character. The namo represents the character. Let us take

A aW that thought: "We aro one with infinite, onnipresent 1.lind in all of

its activities." Not a few, but all. Take that thought--all, what

it 18. That means wholonoss, completeness.

Jesus said, "All that the Father hath is mine. " He gave

Utho name of "Father to this omniprosent Mind. "All that the Father

hath 18 mine." That ls true of every one of its. All that thio Father

i. Mind has belongs to its offspring--man.

  1 4* * * * * * *



Wo are asked how long should one sit in the Bilonco? The

answer to that you should Bit in tho silence juot no long ae you needt-

11p to know about God. Hero is whoro you got acquainted with tho very1

prooence of that omnipresent Mind. Wo nre told that God tompors the

 : wind 0,96 the shorn 1 nmb; como of ns nre not nblo to bohold Ood for5-

1 any great length of tlmo until wo acquiro a curtaln aplritual ability,

i. but we havo no stated length of time in which you aro to Bit in thedI Ifr   silence. /Wo feel that groat need of any kind we should inmiediately1



go into the silence and there you will neo that which you need.



'  The themo of these lessons is the understanding of the spirit-

ual import of the Hible. We do not claim that. ttie Hebrew Bible con-

taina all tho Trwth that was ever revealed to ran by the infinite Mind,

but that in it wo find tho key tu all the Scriptures.

The name truths that are found in the Hebrew Bible and in the

Hindu and the Mohammadan--I think nearly all of tt,e great religions

of the world contain tho same fundamental truths, because the same

oculs produced those writings. Our biologists are searching con-

i .-


stantly for the Source of the various clvilizations of the world, and

they are astonishod at their similarity. They find the sarno religious

rites, for example, among the A:tocs and the Poltecs and the early

settlers of this country thnt they flne in the Oriental countries,

and thoy think there must have been some connection on tho land by

way of the Bearing Sea or oomothing. That 18 not necessary. In soul

consclousnoss all the nations of the eq:th are incarnated in the var-

  ious races. That doesn't have to be a physical contact, but it 18 a

soul contact and when we understnnd this we see that wo can't fence



out through irrmigration laws other nationalitlea. Tiey have many

0ways of getting into Amorican; lf they can't got in on land, they will

come in through the soul, or the mind. So it is futile to think that

some ono religion or soro ono coilntry ponsesses everything that is

worthwhile in the earth. In the study of the Hebrew Scriptures we

aro very much surprised to see how deeply they have gone into the

certain gtoat truths and other symbols and the various figures used

by occultists revealed those truths, and if we unfold ourselves we

see that they have antidated us. 80 often wonder if the writers


understood an much as they wrote. I sometimes think that they did

not but that they were inspired by a higher Sourco and that that

inspiration was greater than they really approhonded thomsolves.

They woro not aware of all the Truth that thoy get down according

to historical facts. Pii f t. 'ey nre trying to bring out certain ideas.

We we know great psychological truths aro expressed. History is used

as a basis. So in the Hot,row Scrip*ures ve find great truths expressed

  thoro about tho devolopmont of man's soul gnft his Spirit and his phy-

sical. Tho trinity is expressed in these var'01:9 personalities--


spirit, coul, body. And if we understa·,d fint -·ey in our mind. we

cnn discern what phase of man'o cons:l ·:sness those peroonalities are

bringing forth. trow we '.avo c,:me in f. les·: lossor:o to the advent into

a new consciousness of one cr pte old prokhets, :acob. In the last

losoon we told yer nhout fhe marrines cf Jacob in the land of his

forofathoro. Ho (11(1 not marry arLn< the :oations; in other words, he

did not mako unlon dtroctly w: th tho sonss cor.,cleusneos but ho tent

to tho rolativoo, his uncle Laban, ant •Lero ho wrriod Rachol andI,416

Leah, two of hlo cousins who reprosent two states of'Amind. Rachel


Loah reprosonto tho human soul ard tho sulconscious, and Rachel

ropreoonts tho spiritual soul: but everythirg runo in trtnity and we

naturally aok:Whoro wowld •·te firl the gnir.nl soul among the wives of

Jacob? Tho wlveo moan tha* tho soul of *' e -,in, the masculino, 18

making union with lits co.interpart. e '' t':.e fe- ntno, and that all the

fominino qualities in the sowl e:- on-h one o·- us to a opirltual one;

that 10, all tho si tritnnl t c'u,s ,ts aggregate in •ho subconscious.

They incorpornte t' omsolves into certain calls and wo have n spiritual '

soul and all tho t'·r"trrts: th'l, me h,ve -' 3,:t t:Lz1n levo and our rela-

. ..i /


tions on this plano--not physically, but zontally and intellectually--.-

  that makes what lo called the human 30111. Put how about the animal

Soul? All thoughts that we have a' 01;It the sensual life come under

it, and we are told in the Scrlptures that. Rachel and Leah had hand-

malds and 1* each gave hers to Jacob ag a wife And they brought forth

progenies. That monno that we are constantly making union with

this Bense man, and they aro producing results in certain animal ac-

tiona, but they are not legitimate. They are illogitimate in the

spiritual sight, in tho s'ght ·,f' *40  'ind of Ged. God is Spirit '.


and all that is enduring, all that inherfts tho infinite Nind, the

Real, must bo on tl'at plane of consclcusness. Now when Abraham and

Sarah woro first united we aro toll that Sarah was barron. so she

gave hor handmaid, Hager, to Abraham for a wife. but the son that was

born was not n truo son; the renl san was Isaac. not Ishr.ael. Isaac

was the progeny of tho Spirit. Althou,·rh Magar was driven into the

wildernoss, sho was na considered lagitimate: that is, we don't con-

sidor the sonoual products real: neither loes t e infin,rb Mind when

thoy bring forth l.n their h':rn. The Ishmnelites wero a great nation,

but they wore always considered heathon, #nd as you get this trinity

  into your consciousnoss and see how t'-ece bersons repreoent certain

activitlos of the 1:ind, you can see how we are following right along

in that lino all tie time. An I Bay, Jacob was karried to Leah first,\l43 I but ho loved Rachel. Our love goes out constantly to that higher/ 1


1 231 spiritual soul, although we are linited to t're 0+ er. We aro told that4/1 //1


) -A jJacob sorvod oovon years and it see·.ed ns noth 1 -:, + o him so far as

I '

     time was concerned, 1.ecause of h' s great love for tor. Ilero is the

I kky E.0 the oxorr. ino (,f n rl:1,11!.ty ir evo-':· onf· of us that ·.·,ould make


i time, and those differ·ent li.mitations like labor...he ].abored1

seven years and yet it seomed ro t:re at 111. Could wo npl ly that

same law of love to the labor t · it we nre en··luring. that we are

t,assing throt.igh? Cortairtly. That is the >ey to t .e situation. It

is love that lip:htens work, se r overything ttat ·se do we should ap-


ply lovo, and love f u do t:ie t :gs tbat we are loing. Whatever one

1 s doing Dom thing, you will fin' that if you Jere to do that thing

' it will lighten, or lo somethtng else. 30 -¥e fin' that Jacob was so

rdlch in love with thls Rachel thn# be tn,-an to t) 'nk of justice and

.. '.4*.*....R " 1 11......A


rit·-,htoousneas. .'le aro toll ttut, Jae.ib stli,  lanted u:d took tte birth-

right of Esau, his brother, or 'Le body (60 -,7  s ':·te hairy ono, the

nnimal ono) and Jacob took ht, birthright. It seems when reading it

in tho literature tknt it was trickery, but it r,ns just a law of

V.ind showing us how the Mind does forge ahead of *ho mind in conscious-

nooo and it really mik takes away that birthright. The birthright of

the body lo Spirit. It is a spirittial thing. Tor, let us remember

that and we will soe how Jacob finally, t'·:rough the love for Rachel,

developed in himself that 1090 for every one an: everything. Ho was



an intellectual entity, tut Lis love finvlly fort"d that that love

gave him intelligence concerning the boly. 150 dId not say that this

body la just an old thing and d.en I grow old it ·uill be a worn-out

old garment and I will go on wr.d loavo it, and 60 20 Heaven. All the

seeds of theso products were promised L©re 'n +Le earth. That is

another point that we find:all the peter.tialities of this realm that .L

we have looked for in a future renlm ire within us and all that the

Father hath in ours. Jacob hal to learn that lesson; in other words,

he had separatod himself and .ione Into Rnot'··,rr country and now he must

. W.


back and he begins to look for Esau. He had set up a dynastyi'.-

a«.d he had land allotted to him and he had children and Jacob finally

i  finds Esau. A great struggle goes on within him. He was afraid· of hisI

4 brother, or retribution that would come upon him because of his ap-

propriation of that spiritual right to spiritual unfoldment that be-Si

8 longed to Esau; and he discerned, however, that this union must be



made, so we in our development make what is called the regeneration


J of man. We discover that we must lift up our bodies, the whole man1

must be lifted up. "This corruption must put on incorruption, and




this mortal must put on immortality," said Paul. How is it overcome?

Through the transformation of your mind. John the Baptist taught

i that; Jesus Christ taught it; Paul said, "Be ye transformed by the

renewing of your mind, n It works down into the organism, and if we

will take up that thought, the very cells of t 1 s organism are trans-

formed, changed, purified; instead of being in a state of inertia,

: they come to live. So we are taught that we must heal the sick and

  preach the gospel; heal these cells in us that have taken on the var-

ious ills of the flesh, and raise it up, raise the dead. Me·have thought


1 ....2.


that the time would unme .it en we· cculd .10 into t e cemeteries and

ral ae the dead. You arn to raige the dead cells  ·r.d ·,·then they come

to life we will find that thoy aro a part of your work; they have

boon hero all of t' e t trio in the tombs: now they nvo ceming forth

and they are forming in every one of us an entirely new soul activity

and a ooul body too. This is the process ef Jacob and Esau unified.

,0 arotold that this wrestling with man took place in the ford of

Jabbok. That ls whoro the rlver Jabbok meets the river Jordan. Jab-

bok means resting, tt means a'lick flowing, it has reference to a cor-


tqin lifo activity in man, anl every one of these xxkix characters,

and evory one of these rivers. and evory moiintain- -all have an inner

meaning, and as I say it regns tho swift-flowing life activity in

manis consciousness. It ts a stream of life flewing through man's

consclousnoso that is linked up wlth the great inner flow. Now the

Jordan is typical of t..e flow ef energy lown throvih the central nor-

vous systom from the top-head to tte life confer and thore is another

  flow going f'rom t.ho life center up. Cne :s sp:ritual: the other,

magnetic, or it belongs to the Thysical plnne. ::c v the wrestling that


Jacob dld--he wrestled all night with a man. It doesn't tell us who

  that man was, but spiritual understanding shows us that it was the

sense man in every one of us; in other words, he wrestled with sensa-

tion in his ov·m consclonsness and he finally prevailed as daylight

came. We are told that Jacob prevailed over this man that he was

wrestling with. Then he demanded the man's name, but he would not

I give tho name. And the wan asked Jacob his name, and he said, "My


name is Jacob." And the other man said, "From now on your name shall

be Israel." That menns that those who live or believe in God, those


who have wrestled with God a d prevailed. Jacob was called the

Prince of Israel and he was given that new name. So wo see that

this Beaming wrestling with the God force in man, that this natural

man that we have looked upon as sensuous, is really transformed or

he is the spiritual man. From that time on Jacob was a new kind of

man. He met his brother, Esau. and they Exxh exchanged courtesies

and he offered him possessions, but Esau refused them because he said

he had enough of his own. -hen we make contact with the 'cody it is

sufficient unto itself: it hns set up n conscionsness of strength.



| You have physical strength, forceful life, intelligence, love, and

many persons are satisfied with that. That is the reason that so few




"321 willing to receive this truth that man is spiritital. They are

trying to settle on thelr needs from a physical standpoint, and you

see what the effect is in the world. Unless they go on to higher

planes of consciousness we can Bee that there will be a destruction

of the whole civilization, because they have no incorporated Spirit

into life. What the worl d needs is more morality; in other words,

more religion. Religion, or spiritual understanding, is the Source


of our mortal nature.  ,here will the reform begin? Right in our-

solves. We must begin to recognize that Esau is here and that he

presentsneeds our preeenee. He refused it at first. So we are told that when

Jacob brought possessions, camels and all kinds of animal forces, and

he also brought presents of jewels of various kinds, everything that

man possessed at that age: he wanted to give all these things to Esau

and he refused. Jacob persisted, and he finally accepted. Then we

find that he took a new ground (that takes place in every one of us

when we resolve to make this union with the body)when we have resolved

..··. :.5 i·:.:.K .r .v12 :_... i. -


to give the body its place in the Kingdom of the Heavens) it changes

  the character of our bodies, of our minds. That wrestling did not

take place just one day, bztt every day an-1 every night until man over-

comes tho tendency to sonsuousness and becomes a Prince of God. Ho

becomes a power, the strength of God; he begins to think about him-

self an one with the infinite Mind instead of as a physical body.

You will raise yourself up to a spiritual plano of activity. So

this loonon 16 very important to every one of us. because if we go on

with our rogenoration wo shall come to that place where we shall


wrestle with the principnlity apl the rowers of larkness. They are

the thoughts that have lingored in our subcon9cious mind. Ne have

cone up to this many planes of animal nctivitios. We have wrestled

again and again with the lions and the tigers and the various animal

forces in our organism, and now we are wrestling with them on a higher

plane; that 10, a thought plane. They are decoiving us, but if we are

truo to the divine law and look to this Jehovgh Find which is the Mind

of God identified as man we shall come out victorious. And all these

lessons on the study of the Scriptures are that we may understand and

Jacob and his progeny. Ho did sore very disturbing things accord-


know how to apply the power of man. Once · ou 11·ive gained a victory

  in Spirit, you ara one of· the Airect descendants of that spiritual

Mind and having grace with God, having linked up with that

overcoming power of Spirit consciously, you will begin to look to

this spiritual Source for your power instead of to any material

sourde. And metaphysicians find that the moro thall they look to the

Spirit the strongor it becomes in them, the more spiritual force,

energy and life they have. Now in our development of the Jacob

Mind we give some force, or we don't question, tho shortcomings of

0 ./


ing to the Scrlptures and we often onder why the sons of Jacob should

slay the henthons. Thnt 19 *be evil nod the good working together.

The Scriptures do not exclude any of the activities of the mind. It

shows them all up and whatever you read in the Scriptures you know has

its place oomowhere in the consciousness of ran and we have to r,km meet '

both tho good and the bad because they are interwoven into our nature;

  and it in for un to spiritualize these evils. It is within tho power

of the Jacob Mind after it has overcome the dnrkness in sense, and

4.'. *.:., .....


lifted up these subconscious forces and they begin to t£ike on the

  spiritual Mind and login to exercise apiritual quality, there is a

mighty power there. We xkmatix study the life of Jesus Christ to

bring out the fact that all these characters are living right on to

the fulfillment of that divine Mind, which is in us as exemplified

in Christ Jesus. Ho said, "Ye who have followed me, in the regenera-

tion.when the Son of man shall sit on the throne of his glory, ye also

shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel."

The Israel Mind is that Real Mind. Israel can be int erpreted directly


as that which is real. It is the real thoughts that have been puri-

fled and have been taken care of by the wise ego, the I AM, and

those thoughts are stron 3 and Fowerful and wise and full just to the

extent that we affirm that for them. If you have n nucleus in your

mind of this truth that you are a spiritual being, begin to affirm

that in your Christ, Johovatic Kind. or in God, end you will keep

adding to those spiritual entities, because they aro real entities,

  and they take hold of the brain cells of your body, and these elec-

tronic energies in the atoms of ti e k ody, and they form a Mind, and


you flnd yourself growing in Spirit and like Jacob when he went to the

now country, you will hnve v18ions and dreamB. They are part of the

unfoldment of the soul, and we shoild know that '70 will touch the

invisible, spiritual Mind, rini that that is cor'ng into visibility

in un and then tho more we think of it t :e noro real it becomes.

That in part of tho wrestling. If you overcome the sensual things

and rlae on that inner stepping-stono cf understanding, you will

get highor and higher titings. So you sce how important it is that

we pay attention to the power of our words and speak only those words


that pertain to tho ovorcoming of the lesser evils; but don't despise

the lesser things or your body find think it is scr,ething mean, low

and sonouous.--no. Wo talk about the sensuous mind but in our mindB

wo see that it is of Go,1. 11'e don't steel th,- birthright, but re-

store that birthright. i'+0 matter what the conaltion of your body

is, declare that it 18 Spirit: that it bclones to God Mindi and that

body which is the Lord' s Body will bezin to reveal itself, a little

  hero and a little there. It is net ta take placo in a great day in

the futtire, but hore every day. Paul says. "I die daily. " Die to

I. I ' ...... ././00. . s


old thougnt, he meant. But isn't there a resurrection? Certainly.9, %.


mt, "

f .I am resurrected daily, get a new concept of myself as the inf init e .4

substance and the infinite life and that I am clothed upon with the 54

perfect Lord's Body and that I am becoming strong. This is healing;

, .1this is restoring man to his rigntful place as a Son of God.

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