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前前 前前 前前前ESI前 前前前前 ,,。 前前前前前前前前前前 Essential Science Indicators ESI 前前前前前 )( ISI 2001 前 前 、,ESI前 前 前 、、/前 一。 前前 2016 前前前前前前前前前 SCIE 前 前 ESI 前 前 SCIE 前前前 ESI 前 前 SCIE前 前前前 、, ESI 前 前 前前前前前前前 前前前前 2015 前前 前前前 ,一, 2 前前前前前前2014 前前前 2015 前 前前前 ),,。,前前前前前 ,。 前前前 ,,前前前 前前前前 2 017 前 11 前

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前言为了分析我校学科发展状况,以及各学院对 ESI 各学科的贡献情况,为学


基本科学指标数据库(Essential Science Indicators,简称 ESI)是由世界著名的学术信息出版机构美国科技信息所(ISI)于 2001 年推出的衡量科学研究绩效、跟踪科学发展趋势的基本分析评价工具,ESI 已成为当今世界范围内普遍用以评价高校、学术机构、国家/地区国际学术水平及影响力的重要评价指标工具之一。

本报告统计了 2016 年长安大学各学院在 SCIE 数据库中的论文收录和被引情况,并根据 ESI 的学科分类,从论文数量和被引频次两个方面分析了各学院发表的 SCIE 论文对 ESI 各学科的贡献度。报告揭示了各学院在 SCIE 上的学术产出、学术影响力和发展趋势,以及对 ESI 学科的贡献情况,供学院和学校相关部门参考。

图书馆从 2015 年起,每年都出具一份长安大学科研影响力分析报告,至今已出 2 份分析报告(2014 年度和 2015 年度),在报告内容和形式上每年都在不断探索改进,今年又将采用不同的分析形式。希望各学院和相关职能部门对报告

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长安大学图书馆 2017 年 11 月

第一章 数据来源与期刊分区简介本 报 告 的 数 据 来 源 于 Web of Science 数 据 库 中 的 科 学 引 文 索 引 扩 展 版

SCIE(Science Citation Index Expanded)、基本科学指标(ESI)、Incites 分析工具、期刊引文报告(JCR)等,主要用于对长安大学 SCIE 发表成果的统计分析。

报告检索时间范围:2016 年 1 月-2016 年 12 月。

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报告检索及筛选条件:第一作者单位署名为长安大学的论文。报告中论文的检索及被引频次采集日期:2017 年 9 月 12 日。

1.1 Web of Science 简介基于一套严格的选刊程序以及客观的计量方法,Web of Science 数据库中收


Web of Science 是全球获取学术信息的重要数据库,核心合集由以下几个重要部分组成:

Science Citation Index-Expanded(SCIE,科学引文索引),可回溯到 1900 年Social Science Citation Index(SSCI,社会科学引文索引),可回溯到 1900

年Arts & Humanities Citation Index(A&HCI,艺术人文引文索引),可回溯

到 1975 年本次报告分析主要采用的是 SCIE 数据库中提供的数据作为统计源。

1.2 Journal Citation Report 简介依据来自Web of Science(Science Citation Index Expanded 和 Social Science

Citation Index)中的引文数据,Journal Citation Reports 提供可靠的统计分析方

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法,对全球学术期刊进行客观、系统的评估,帮助用户以定量的方式了解全球的学术期刊,并且通过这些分析数据可以了解某学术期刊在相应研究领域中的影响力。1.3 ESI 简介

Essential Science Indicators(基本科学指标)是基于 Science Citation Index

Expanded(科学引文索引)、Social Science Citation Index(社会科学引文索引)而建立的评价基准数据库。能够为研究人员和科研管理人员提供研究绩效的量化分析,了解在各研究领域中最领先的国家、期刊、科学家、论文和研究机构;识别科学和社会科学领域的重要趋势的方向;确定具体研究领域内的研究成果和影响。

本报告中 ESI 基本科学指标数据库的相关数据来自 ESI 数据库 2017 年 9 月12 日公布的学科排名数据。

ESI 的 22 个学科分类与名称如表 1 所示。表 1 ESI的 22个学科分类与名称

序号 英文名称 中文名称1 Agricultural Science 农业科学2 Biology & Biochemistry 生物学与生物化学3 Chemistry 化学4 Clinical Medicine 临床医学5 Computer Science 计算机科学6 Economics & Business 经济学与商学7 Engineering 工程学8 Environment/ Ecology 环境学/生态学

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9 Geosciences 地球科学10 Immunology 免疫学11 Materials Science 材料科学12 Mathematics 数学13 Microbiology 微生物学14 Molecular Biology & Genetics 分子生物学与遗传学15 Multidisciplinary 综合交叉学科16 Neuroscience & Behavior 神经科学与行为学17 Pharmacology &Toxicology 药理学与毒理学18 Physics 物理学19 Plant & Animal Science 植物学与动物学20 Psychiatry/ Psychology 精神病学/心理学21 Social Sciences-general 社会科学总论22 Space Science 空间科学

1.4 Incites 简介 Incites 是一个基于 Web of Science 权威引文数据建立的科研评估与分析工具,政府和学术研究机构中的决策者、科研管理人员可以通过它分析国家、机构和学科的学术表现和影响力,并针对全球同行进行研究成果比较。利用 Incites 可以构建科研机构“仪表板”,实时跟踪机构的研究产出和国际影响力;基于全球视野,有效开展机构和学科间的定标比超分析和标杆管理;发掘机构内具有学术影响力和发展潜力的研究人员;制定基于计量指标、可长期跟踪的科研机构的战略规划与科研政策。1.5 关于期刊分区的说明 目前国内普遍采用的有两种期刊分区方法,一种是 JCR 分区法,一种是中科院的分区法,详介如下:

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A、JCR 分区法科睿唯安(Clarivate Analytics)(原汤森路透(Thomson Reuters))每年

出版一本《期刊引用报告》(Journal Citation Reports,简称 JCR)。JCR 对 8000

多种 SCIE 期刊的影响因子(Impact Factor)等指数加以统计。JCR 将收录期刊分为 176 个不同学科类别。每个学科分类按照期刊的影响因子高低,平均分为Q1、Q2、Q3 和 Q4四个区: 各学科分类中影响因子前 25%(含 25%)期刊划分为 Q1 区、前 25-50% (含 50%)

为 Q2 区、前 50-75% (含 75% )为 Q3 区、后 75%为 Q4 区。B、中国科学院分区法

中国科学院国家科学图书馆世界科学前沿分析中心(原中国科学院文献情报中心)根据科睿唯安每年的 JCR 数据,创新划分了一个分区区间,形成了中科院的分区标准。中科院分区表选择学术影响力作为划分方式,把每个学科的所有期刊按照学术影响力(3 年平均 IF)由高到底降序排列,依次划分为 4 个区,使得每个分区期刊影响力总和相同。由于学科内期刊的 3 年 IF 的偏态分布,这使得 1 区期刊数量极少。为了保证期刊 1 区期刊数量,1 区期刊取整个学科数量总数的 5%,即 3 年平均 IF 最高的 5%的期刊为 1 区期刊。2—4 区期刊使用 3 年平均 IF总和相同的方式划分。具体方法如下:

1.把每一个学科的期刊集合(数量为 n 本)按照 3 年平均 IF降序排列,以

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下各步计算,均基于此顺序。2.前 5%期刊(该学科期刊总数量的 5%,即 5%*n)为 1 区期刊3.剩下的 95%期刊中,计算它们的 3 年平均 IF 的总和(S),然后求总和的

1/3(S/3),剩下 3 个区的每区的期刊影响力累积和各为 S/3

4.上一步的期刊集合(也即除 1 区期刊外的期刊集合)中,从第 1 本期刊往后计数,如果它们的 3 年平均 IF 的总和(S2)等于上个步骤计算出的总和S/3,那么这些期刊就是 2 区期刊;相同的方式可以划分出 3 区期刊,剩下所有期刊为 4 区期刊(S2=S3=S4= S/3)。

中科院分区与科睿唯安分区的主要区别:1.常用说法中科院期刊分区表常用 1-4 区,且分区前常用大类或者小类,常用说法为

某本期刊在大类某学科为某区。如期刊 REVIEWS OF GEOPHYSICS 的 2014 年分区情况:大类地学 1 区;小类地球化学与地球物理( GEOCHEMISTRY &

GEOPHYSICS)1 区。而 JCR 的 Journal Ranking常用 Q1-Q4,Q 表示 Quartile in Category,即 4 个

等级中所处的位置,常用说法为某本期刊位于某学科的 Q 几。期刊 Nature 的2014 的 JCR 等级情况:MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES 为 Q1。


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中科院期刊分区表学科划分为大类和小类,大类是参考国内高校科依据国务院学位办分类体系,结合 SCI覆盖内容设计形成的 13 个学科领域,小类借用JCR-学科分类体系。

3.数据处理方式中科院分区表基于 JCR 的数据,但对于 JCR 中期刊刊名更名/合并的情况进

行数据规范处理。对于变更刊名的期刊,JCR 会保留两个刊名,会计算两个影响因子。中科院分区表会将变更前期刊数据合并到变更后的期刊,且重新计算影响因子,只保留变更后刊名和 ISSN。

4.分区方法分区方法是中科院分区表和 JCR 的 Journal Ranking 最核心的不同。对于中

科院期刊分区表,主要参考 3 年平均 IF 作为学术影响力,最终的分区结果中,每个分区的期刊累积学术影响力是相同的,各区的期刊数量由高到底呈金字塔式分布;而 JCR 的 Journal Ranking,主要参考当年 IF,最终结果中,每个分区的期刊数量是相等的,都是 25%的期刊数量,而期刊学术影响力是由高到低呈倒金字塔式分布。



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询服务。JCR 是 Clarivate Analytics旗下 ISI Web of Knowledge 的期刊平台,为用户提

供期刊影响因子查询,新版系统已并入 InCites。  以下两种情况下,期刊可能暂时不被分区:  (1)新收录期刊:还无法计算该刊物的影响因子,也就无法决定其分区的位置,一般要 2-3 年后才有分区记录;


第二章 2016 年长安大学 SCIE 论文产出概况1.1 SCIE 论文统计及学院分布概括1.1.1 SCIE 论文统计及学院分布概括 2016 年,长安大学师生的科研论文被 SCIE 收录的“Article”类型有 516 篇,以长安大学为第一作者单位发表的 SCIE 论文有 358 篇,分别分布在 13 个学院。各

Administrator, 17年11月9日,
Administrator, 17年11月9日,
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学院发表论文以及与 2014 年、2015 年发文情况比较详见表 2。表 2 2016年长安大学各学院 SCIE论文发表情况

序号 单位名称 2016 年 SCIE 论文数量 2015 年 SCIE 论文数量 2014 年 SCIE 论文数量1

环境科学与工程学院 81 56 44

2 公路学院 80 68 39


工程学院 44 44 54


学院 28 24 16

5地球科学与资源学院 22 33 24


学院 22 8 4

7地质工程与测绘学院 20 22 26

8 汽车学院 20 9 12


学院 15 7 6

10 理学院 13 18 14


工程学院 10 6 8

12 建筑学院 2 2 1


学院 1 1 2

合计 358 298 250

注:上表中的数据统计的均为第一作者单位为“长安大学”的 SCIE 论文 。

从表 2 可以看出,近三年来,我校 SCIE 收录论文的总数呈逐年上升趋势,而且公路学院、环境科学与工程学院、信息工程学院、工程机械学院、建筑工程学

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院等 5 所学院近三年 SCIE 发文数量也呈逐年上升趋势,尤其是建筑工程学院2016 年 SCIE 论文数量实现突增。而且,公路学院、环境科学与工程学院、材料科学与工程学院连续三年 SCIE 发文量在 13 所学院中名列前三。

图 1 2016年长安大学各单位 SCIE论文发表情况图1.1.2 2016 年各单位发表的 SCIE 论文详细情况(见附录 I) 13 个学院 SCIE 发文的详细记录见附录 I。

1.2 SCIE 论文被引频次分布概况1.2.1 各学院 SCIE 论文被引频次分布情况

2016 年,我校师生以第一作者身份发表的 358 篇 SCIE 论文,在 Web of

science 中共计被引 581 次,篇均被引 14.5 次。其中,最高被引频次为 32 次,该论文为环境科学与工程学院的教师吴健华在期刊《 EXPOSURE AND HEALTH 》上发表的论文《Evaluation of Shallow Groundwater Contamination and Associated

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Human Health Risk in an Alluvial Plain Impacted by Agricultural and Industrial

Activities, Mid-west China》。各学院 SCIE 论文被引频次分布情况详见表 3。表 3 2016年我校各学院 SCIE论文被引频次分布情况

学院 SCIE 论文总数(A)


最高被引频次 篇均被引频次(B/A)

公路学院 80 128 8 1.56

环境科学与工程学院 81 223 32 2.75

材料科学与工程学院 44 52 9 1.24

信息工程学院 28 67 13 2.39

地球科学与资源学院 22 16 5 0.72

地质工程与测绘学院 20 13 3 0.65

理学院 13 24 13 1.85

汽车学院 20 33 21 1.65

工程机械学院 15 11 6 0.73

建筑工程学院 22 8 2 0.36

电子与控制工程学院 10 6 3 0.6

建筑学院 2 0 0 0

经济与管理学院 1 0 0 0

合计 358 581 115 14.5

表 4列出了 358 篇 SCIE 论文在 Web of Science 合集中被引频次排名前 10 的论文,可以看出,环工学院有 4 篇论文、信息工程学院有 3 篇论文、理学院有 2

篇论文、汽车学院有 1 篇论文已进入被引频次排名前 10。

1.2.2 2016 年长安大学 ESI 高被引论文和热点论文ESI 数据中,可以通过两种途径浏览高被引论文。1.Highly Cited Papers(高被引论文)基于最近十年的数据滚动统计,发表

于十年内各领域中被引用次数 Top 1%的文章。可以浏览:单一学科或者综合所

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有学科的高被引的论文;或某一科学家、某一研究机构、国家/地区或者期刊的高被引文章;或通过检索创建相关高被引文章列表。 我校 ESI 高被引论文详见表5。

2.Hot Papers(热点论文)基于最近两年的数据滚动统计,是发表于两年内最近两个月被引用次数为各领域 Top 0.1%的文章。高被引论文可反映发表论文的影响力。我校 ESI热点论文详见表 6。

本期 ESI 数据中,不区分作者署名顺序,将署名单位中含有我校的论文均计算的话,我校有 18 篇论文入选顶尖论文(Top Papers),其中含高被引论文(Highly Cited Papers)18 篇,热点论文(Hot Papers)2 篇;以第一作者为单位进行统计,我校有 11 篇论文进入顶尖论文(Top Papers),其中含高被引论文(Highly Cited Papers)11 篇,热点论文(Hot Paprs)2 篇。


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表 4 Web of Science合集中被引频次前 10的论文序号 篇名 第一作者 学院 来源期刊 Web of Science 合集中被



Evaluation of Shallow Groundwater Contamination and Associated Human

Health Risk in an Alluvial Plain Impacted by Agricultural and Industrial

Activities, Mid-west China

Wu, JH(吴建华) 环境科学与工程学院 EXPOSURE AND HEALTH 32

2Spectral collocation method for

radiative-conductive porous fin with temperature dependent properties




Hydrogeochemical Characterization of Groundwater in and Around a

Wastewater Irrigated Forest in the Southeastern Edge of the Tengger

Desert, Northwest China

Li, PY(李培月) 环境科学与工程学院 EXPOSURE AND HEALTH 20

4Appraising Groundwater Quality and Health Risks from Contamination in a Semiarid Region of Northwest China

Li, PY (李培月) 环境科学与工程学院 EXPOSURE AND HEALTH 18


Hydrochemical appraisal of groundwater quality for drinking and

irrigation purposes and the major influencing factors: a case study in and

around Hua County, China



6 A new four stages symmetric two-step Liang, MJ 信息学院 JOURNAL OF 13

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序号 篇名 第一作者 学院 来源期刊 Web of Science 合集中被引频次

method with vanished phase-lag and its first derivative for the numerical

integration of the Schrodinger equation



A new two stage symmetric two-step method with vanished phase-lag and its

first, second, third and fourth derivatives for the numerical solution

of the radial Schrodinger equation








9Global asymptotic stability of CNNs with impulses and multi-proportional

delaysSong, XL (宋学力) 理学院 MATHEMATICAL



10Cooling rate dependence of

solidification for liquid aluminium: a large-scale molecular dynamics

simulation study



Administrator, 11/09/17,
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表 5 高被引论文(Highly Cited Papers)序号 论文标题 第一作者 来源期刊 研究领域 被引次数 学院





QI, DH(祁东辉) RENEWABLE ENERGY 34 (12): 2706-2713 DEC 2009





QI, DH(祁东辉) APPL ENERG 87 (5): 1679-1686 MAY 2010





QI, DH(祁东辉) ENERG CONV MANAGE 51 (12): 2985-2992 DEC 2010




WU, JH(吴建华) EXPO HEALTH 8 (3): 311-329 SEP 2016


19 环境科学与工程学院

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LI, PY(李培月) ARAB J GEOSCI 9 (1): - JAN 2016







LI, PY(李培月) EXPO HEALTH 8 (3): 331-348 SEP 2016







MA, J(马菁) ENERG CONV MANAGE 111: 279-288 MAR 1 2016








722-733 MAR 2016MATHEMATICS 8 理学院

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HUI, F(惠飞) APPL COMPUT MATH 15 (2): 220-238 2016






5177-5194 DEC 2016MATHEMATICS 5 信息工程学院

表 6 热点论文(Hot Papers)序号 论文标题 第一作者 来源期刊 研究领域 被引次数 学院








220-238 2016MATHEMATICS 6 信息工程学院







5194 DEC 2016MATHEMATICS 5 信息工程学院

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1.3 2016 年 SCIE 论文的发文作者及所属单位分布2016 年我校发表的 358 篇 SCIE 论文中,发文量在 3 篇以上的作者有 24 人,

其中公路学院 8 人、环工学院 6 人、材料科学与工程学院 5 人、信息工程学院 1 人建筑工程学院 1 人、地质工程与测绘学院 1 人、工程机械学院 1 人、汽车学院 1 人,详见表 7。

表 7 2016年长安大学发表 SCIE论文数量 3篇以上的作者及所属单位分布序号 作者 发文数量 所属单位

1 李蕊 9 公路学院2 赖金星 7 公路学院3 李宇亮 6 环境科学与工程学院4 李培月 6 环境科学与工程学院5 张静晓 6 建筑工程学院6 陈婷 5 信息工程学院7 陈永楠 5 材料科学与工程学院8 徐晓建 5 公路学院9 张久鹏 5 公路学院

10 张妍 4 材料科学与工程学院11 霍艾迪 4 环境科学与工程学院12 彭建兵 4 地质工程与测绘学院13 王振军 4 材料科学与工程学院14 郑佩 3 环境科学与工程学院15 丛培良 3 材料科学与工程学院16 冯振刚 3 公路学院17 贾夏 3 环境科学与工程学院18 栗培龙 3 公路学院19 裴建中 3 公路学院20 苏兴华 3 材料科学与工程学院21 汪海年 3 公路学院22 张春化 3 汽车学院23 张洪波 3 环境科学与工程学院

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序号 作者 发文数量 所属单位24 朱雅光 3 工程机械机械学院

对各学院 SCIE 论文第一作者发文统计如下:

表 8 公路学院序号 中文名 发文数量 序号 中文名 发文数量

1 朱伟庆 1 24 纪小平 22 郑木莲 1 25 胡力群 13 张久鹏 5 26 冯振刚 34 张洪亮 1 27 杜少文 15 袁帅 1 28 陈锐 16 徐晓建 5 29 Zhang, Chen 17 翁效林 1 30 Yu, Demei 18 魏堃 1 31 陈长坤 19 王志丰 1 32 王秀兰 110 王永岗 1 33 Zhang, Haiwei 111 王春生 1 34 段亚琼 112 汪海年 3 35 张柳煜 113 司伟 1 36 王凌波 114 裴建中 3 37 Yu, Shaowei 215 梅葵花 1 38 张驰 116 马骉 1 39 周娟兰 117 罗彦斌 1 40 Li, Ning 118 栗培龙 3 41 马峰 219 李蕊 9 42 蒋玮 120 李鹏 2 43 Weng, X. 121 李多 1 44 Li, Zhigang 122 赖金星 7 45 宋飞 123 来弘鹏 1 46 薛翠珍 1

表 9 环境科学与工程学院序号 中文名 发文数量 序号 中文名 发文数量

1 柴丽红 2 28 李培月 62 Dou, You 1 29 李宇亮 63 Huang, W 1 30 刘秀花 1

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4 Shang, Haimin 1 31 刘招 15 Wu, Hao 1 32 卢昶雨 46 Yang, Z. Y. 1 33 孟庆龙 17 Zhou, Yahong 1 34 邱立萍 18 安可栋 1 35 苏小育 19 曹书苗 1 36 隋学敏 110 陈洁 1 37 同致庆 111 丁晓倩 1 38 王莉 112 窦妍 1 39 王伟(王玮) 113 段磊 2 40 王文科 114 冯蝶静 1 41 王艳华 115 高婵娟 1 42 吴健华 116 葛光环 1 43 许晓辉 217 官燕玲 1 44 杨建军 118 郭芳 1 45 杨莉 119 郭峰 1 46 杨丽衡 120 郭冀峰 1 47 张洪波 321 郭小花 1 48 张霞 222 韩枫 1 49 张学弟 123 韩融 1 50 张在勇 124 黄淑萍 1 51 赵慧敏 125 黄文峰 2 52 赵剑强 226 霍艾迪 4 53 郑佩 327 贾夏 3 54

表 10 材料科学与工程学院序号 中文名 发文数量 序号 中文名 发文数量

1 陈永楠 5 14 苟蕾 12 张研 4 15 关博文 13 王振军 4 16 郭亚杰 14 丛培良 3 17 李东林 15 苏兴华 3 18 李红伟 16 艾涛 2 19 李辉 17 樊晓勇 2 20 李卓 18 徐鸥明 2 21 桑可正 19 许培俊 2 22 孙志平 110 张文雪 2 23 颜录科 111 倪磊 1 24 郑佳红 112 段理 1 25 周亮 1

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13 樊继斌 1表 11 信息工程学院

序号 中文名 发文数量 序号 中文名 发文数量1 王卫星 1 14 Zhang, Licheng 12 任卫军 1 15 Xi, Xiaopeng 13 明洋 1 16 Tao, Gang 14 马仑 1 17 穆柯南 15 马峻岩 1 18 Liang, Minjian 16 李艳 1 19 李姗姗 17 李艳 1 20 李娜 18 惠飞 1 21 雷涛 19 侯俊 1 22 靳钊 110 单博炜 1 23 Hou Xuemei 111 陈婷 2 24 贺之莉 112 周洲 2 25 Hao, Xueli 213 Zhang, Wei 1

表 12资源学院序号 中文名 发文数量 序号 中文名 发文数量

1 左可胜 1 12 刘磊 12 赵永华 1 13 李辉 13 张海东 1 14 何虎军 14 张贵山 1 15 高景刚 15 员学峰 1 16 张瑜 16 杨高学 1 17 王盟 17 谭细娟 1 18 Lin, Hungchou 18 孙楠 1 19 李相传 19 邵铁全 1 20 李佳佳 2

10 刘云焕 1 21 段俊 111 刘艳杰 1

表 13 建筑工程学院序号 中文名 发文数量 序号 中文名 发文数量

1 朱倩 1 8 田威 12 张静晓 5 9 刘岩 23 张常光 2 10 黄华 24 熊二刚 1 11 Zhang, Youchao 1

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5 邢国华 1 12 徐莹璐 26 吴涛 1 13 李文超 27 吴函恒 1

表 14 地质工程与测绘学院序号 中文名 发文数量 序号 中文名 发文数量

1 白超英 1 9 王飞 12 邓亚虹 1 10 邢鲜丽 13 瞿伟 1 11 薛树强 14 李萍 1 12 杨成生 15 李欣欣 1 13 赵超英 16 彭建兵 4 14 朱武 17 强丽娥 2 15 庄建琦 28 邵广周 1

表 15 汽车学院序号 中文名 发文数量 序号 中文名 发文数量

3 王宁 1 11 韩毅 24 邱兆文 2 12 陈涛 15 祁东辉 2 13 陈昊 16 马壮林 1 14 Yu, Wei 17 马菁 1 15 Li, Gang 18 林国庆 1

表 16 工程机械学院序号 中文名 发文数量 序号 中文名 发文数量

1 朱雅光 3 7 王斌华 1

2 赵睿英 2 8 刘永生 13 张春国 1 9 刘琼 14 姚运仕 1 10 顾蓉 15 杨延璞 1 11 成建联 16 夏晓华 1 12 Yan, Chang 1

表 17 理学院序号 中文名 发文数量 序号 中文名 发文数量

1 张太雷 1 7 侯兆阳 12 张锦荣 1 8 邓庆田 1

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3 张剑 1 9 张翔宇 14 闫峭 1 10 于伟波 15 徐春龙 1 11 王真 16 宋学力 1 12 程晓晗 2

表 18 电子与控制工程学院序号 中文名 发文数量 序号 中文名 发文数量

1 张懿璞 1 5 李曙光 2

2 徐先峰 1 6 胡笑钏 1

3 肖鹤玲 1 7 巩建英 1

4 王会峰 2 8 高恬溪 1

表 19 建筑学院序号 中文名 发文数量

1 Chen, Siliang 12 杨宇峤 2

表 20 经济与管理学院序号 中文名 发文数量

1 王婕妤 1

1.4 SCIE 论文 JCR 期刊分区分布概况 2016 年我校师生以第一作者身份发表的 358 篇 SCI 论文,共分布在 229 个期刊上,与去年相比,期刊种类增加了 49种(2015 年为 180种来源期刊)。1.4.1 2016 年长安大学发表 SCIE 论文影响因子1前 10 位的期刊  2016 年我校师生以第一作者身份发表的 358 篇 SCIE 论文,共分布在 230 个

1影响因子(Impact Factor,IF)是美国 ISI(科学信息研究所)的 JCR(期刊引证报告)中的一项数据。 即某期刊前两年发表的论文在这两年中被引用总次数除以该期刊在这两年内发表的论文总数。这是一个国际上通行的期刊评价指标。

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期刊上。其中,我校发表论文影响因子最高的期刊是《IEEE TRANSACTIONS

ON FUZZY SYSTEMS》,其 2016 年影响因子为 7.671,论文题目为《Optimal

Design of Constraint-Following Control for Fuzzy Mechanical Systems》,作者为信息学院赵睿英(表 21)。

表 21 2016年长安大学发表 SCI论文影响因子前 10位的期刊序号 期刊名称 论文数量 2016 年


2 NANOSCALE 1 7.367









1.4..2 2016 年长安大学发表 SCIE 论文数量前 10 位的期刊2016 年我校发表 SCIE 论文数量最多的期刊是《Construction and Building

Materials》,共计 26 篇(2014、2015 年我校发表 SCIE 论文数量最多的也是该期刊),其 2016 年影响因子为 2.421(表 22)。

表 22 2016年长安大学发表 SCIE论文数量前 10位的期刊序号 期刊名称 论文

数量2016 年

影响因子 5 年影响因子1 CONSTRUCTION AND


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14 1.569 1.844


8 1.299 1.396


5 OPTIK 5 0.835 0.781

6 RSC ADVANCES 5 3.108 3.257


4 0.827 0.946


4 1.644 2.033


4 2.019 1.781


4 0.547 0.644

由上表可以看出,在我校目前在影响因子较高的国际期刊上发表的 SCIE 论文数量非常少,发文量较高的期刊影响因子却并不是很高。1.4.3 2016 年长安大学发表 SCIE 论文的 239种来源期刊

2016 年我校师生发表 SCIE 论文的 229种来源期刊的发文数量、JCR 影响因子和 JCR 分区情况详见表 23。

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表 23 229种来源期刊的基本指标 (按发文量排序)序号 期刊名称 论文

数量影响因子 JCR 类别 JCR 分

区5 年影响因子
















5 OPTIK 5 0.835 OPTICS Q4 0.781





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序号 期刊名称 论文

数量影响因子 JCR 类别 JCR 分

区5 年影响因子








4 2.019













Q4 0.644





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序号 期刊名称 论文

数量影响因子 JCR 类别 JCR 分

区5 年影响因子






















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序号 期刊名称 论文

数量影响因子 JCR 类别 JCR 分

区5 年影响因子























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序号 期刊名称 论文

数量影响因子 JCR 类别 JCR 分

区5 年影响因子













32 FUEL 2 4.601ENERGY & FUELS Q1









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序号 期刊名称 论文

数量影响因子 JCR 类别 JCR 分

区5 年影响因子















2 0.452






2 3.139 CHEMISTRY,







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序号 期刊名称 论文

数量影响因子 JCR 类别 JCR 分

区5 年影响因子

























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序号 期刊名称 论文

数量影响因子 JCR 类别 JCR 分

区5 年影响因子




47 SENSORS 2 2.677




















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序号 期刊名称 论文

数量影响因子 JCR 类别 JCR 分

区5 年影响因子

























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序号 期刊名称 论文

数量影响因子 JCR 类别 JCR 分

区5 年影响因子



1 2.04






















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序号 期刊名称 论文

数量影响因子 JCR 类别 JCR 分

区5 年影响因子


1 0.609







1 0.674



















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序号 期刊名称 论文

数量影响因子 JCR 类别 JCR 分

区5 年影响因子


1 2.464









74 MICRON 1 1.98 MICROSCOPY Q2 2.071

75 NANO 1 1.025












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序号 期刊名称 论文

数量影响因子 JCR 类别 JCR 分

区5 年影响因子














86 SURVEY REVIEW 1 0.929








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序号 期刊名称 论文

数量影响因子 JCR 类别 JCR 分

区5 年影响因子





















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序号 期刊名称 论文

数量影响因子 JCR 类别 JCR 分

区5 年影响因子
























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序号 期刊名称 论文

数量影响因子 JCR 类别 JCR 分

区5 年影响因子
























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序号 期刊名称 论文

数量影响因子 JCR 类别 JCR 分

区5 年影响因子








WOODQ2 1.73










Q4 0.318








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序号 期刊名称 论文

数量影响因子 JCR 类别 JCR 分

区5 年影响因子

























Q2 3.019

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序号 期刊名称 论文

数量影响因子 JCR 类别 JCR 分

区5 年影响因子



















1 1.215




126 ECOTOXICOLOGY 1 1.951 ECOLOGY Q2 2.551

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序号 期刊名称 论文

数量影响因子 JCR 类别 JCR 分

区5 年影响因子























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序号 期刊名称 论文

数量影响因子 JCR 类别 JCR 分

区5 年影响因子











142 HOLOCENE 1 2.324










1 2.222 WATER RESOURCES Q2 2.372

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序号 期刊名称 论文

数量影响因子 JCR 类别 JCR 分

区5 年影响因子







1 0.485













在第 SCIE 版中Q4






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序号 期刊名称 论文

数量影响因子 JCR 类别 JCR 分

区5 年影响因子






1 0.724




















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序号 期刊名称 论文

数量影响因子 JCR 类别 JCR 分

区5 年影响因子











1 1.832














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序号 期刊名称 论文

数量影响因子 JCR 类别 JCR 分

区5 年影响因子

























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序号 期刊名称 论文

数量影响因子 JCR 类别 JCR 分

区5 年影响因子
























Q3 0.652

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序号 期刊名称 论文

数量影响因子 JCR 类别 JCR 分

区5 年影响因子
























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序号 期刊名称 论文

数量影响因子 JCR 类别 JCR 分

区5 年影响因子


1 1.425








1 4.421



















Q2 2.205

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序号 期刊名称 论文

数量影响因子 JCR 类别 JCR 分

区5 年影响因子






1 0.449



0.422OPTICS Q4
















Q4 0.685

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序号 期刊名称 论文

数量影响因子 JCR 类别 JCR 分

区5 年影响因子

















195 MEASUREMENT 1 2.359






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序号 期刊名称 论文

数量影响因子 JCR 类别 JCR 分

区5 年影响因子









199 NANOSCALE 1 7.367














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序号 期刊名称 论文

数量影响因子 JCR 类别 JCR 分

区5 年影响因子


1 0.47




OPTICS 85/92 Q4



18/79Q1 2.146


1 2.221




MATTER 30/67Q2


201/229Q4 0.961







207 POLYMERS 1 3.364 POLYMER SCIENCE 16/86 Q1 4.33


1 0.402




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序号 期刊名称 论文

数量影响因子 JCR 类别 JCR 分

区5 年影响因子


1 1.253






TECHNOLOGY 31/34Q4 0.506






1.978PLANT SCIENCES 77/212 Q2








22/229Q1 5.102

215 SENSOR REVIEW 1 1.277 INSTRUMENTS & Q3 1.161

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序号 期刊名称 论文

数量影响因子 JCR 类别 JCR 分

区5 年影响因子


















116/146Q4 1.23


SCIENCES 25/64Q2 1.323

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序号 期刊名称 论文

数量影响因子 JCR 类别 JCR 分

区5 年影响因子





222 THIN SOLID FILMS 1 1.879








MATTER 37/67Q3


TECHNOLOGY 30/34Q4 0.848


52/130Q2 1.756


1 2.192





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序号 期刊名称 论文

数量影响因子 JCR 类别 JCR 分

区5 年影响因子


















1 0.152 CRYSTALLOGRAPHY 26/26 Q4 0.133


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第三章 ESI 学科分析3.1 长安大学进入 ESI 全球排名前 1%学科分析 在 ESI 的 22 个学科中,我校仅有 1 个学科(工程学)进入了全球排名前 1%。 下表采用 ESI 被引折算值的方法计算,得到截止 2017 年 9 月年我校 22 个学科被引次数与 ESI 门槛值的差距值。

表 24 2017年 9月长安大学 22个学科被引频次与 ESI门槛值的差距学科名称 ESI 门槛





SCIENCES 1749 410.023441967 1708


0.013933957 5166

CHEMISTRY 6239 1566 0.251001763 4673CLINICAL MEDICINE 1915 23

0.012010444 1892


0.092260899 2686


0.011025358 3588


0.23675739 2608

ENGINEERING(已进入) 1899 31361.651395471 -1237

GEOSCIENCES 4970 3604 0.725150905 1366IMMUNOLOGY 3956 1 0.000252781 3955


0.541500118 1950

MATHEMATICS 3707 142 0.038305908 3565MICROBIOLOGY 4579 21 0.004586154 4558


0.00200267 10465


0.003759398 2120


0.002176925 5042

PHARMACOLOG 2915 53 0.018181818 2862

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PHYSICS 14716 938 0.063740147 13778PLANT & ANIMAL SCIENCE 2292 67

0.029232112 2225


0.000282486 3539


0.063667233 1103

SPACE SCIENCE 29870 49 0.001640442 29821说明:1.ESI 门槛值指的是 ESI 中某学科排名最后一位的机构近 10 年的论文总被引次数。2.ESI 学科门槛值相对差距=门槛值绝对差距/ESI 门槛值。3.由于 InCites 与 ESI 数据更新时间存在不一致的情况,两个数据库的引文量统计不完全一致,因此以上差距数据与实际情况存在一定差异,数据仅供参考。4.由于空间科学领域没有大陆高校进入 ESI,该学科的各项数值以 ESI 门槛机构的相应数值代替大陆末位高校计算得到。 从表 24 可以看出,ESI 学科门槛值百分比超过 1 的学科为工程学,标志着我校该学科已进入全球前 1%排名,而百分比值接近 1 的学科有地学和材料科学,分别为 0.73 和 0.54,这两个学科是我校有可能进入全球排名前 1%的下两个学科。

3.2 SCIE 论文的 ESI 学科分布情况

3.2.1 近 10 年长安大学 SCIE 论文的 ESI 学科分布情况

从 2007 年到 2016 年,我校在 ESI 的 22 个学科领域都有论文发表,由于 ESI

的统计不区分作者署名顺序,因此下表的论文包括了长安大学作为第二、第三等署名单位的所有论文。详见表 25。

表 25 2007-2016年长安大学 SCIE论文按 ESI学科分布的情况

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名称 排名 Web of Science 论文数




Geosciences 1 438 0.79 3604 83.33

Engineering 2 602 0.76 3136 66.78

Materials Science 3 476 0.51 2303 68.91

Chemistry 4 293 0.53 1566 74.74

Physics 5 167 0.55 938 74.25

Environment/Ecology 6 166 1.04 809 75.9

Computer Science 7 65 0.79 273 72.31

Mathematics 8 66 1.13 142 50

Social Sciences, general

9 31 0.93 75 70.97

Biology & Biochemistry

10 11 0.81 73 72.73

Plant & Animal Science

11 9 1.54 67 88.89

Pharmacology & Toxicology

12 3 1.78 53 100

Space Science 13 12 0.29 49 75

Agricultural Sciences 14 12 0.79 41 83.33

Economics & Business

15 3 1.33 40 66.67

Clinical Medicine 16 5 0.71 23 100

Microbiology 17 4 0.35 21 50

Molecular Biology & Genetics

17 2 0.45 21 100

Neuroscience & Behavior

19 5 0.49 11 60

Multidisciplinary 20 3 1.4 8 66.67


21 5 0.2 1 20

Immunology 22 1 0.11 1 100

Filter Summary:Dataset: InCites Dataset

学科分类体系: Essential Science Indicators

出版年: [2007, 2016]

文献类型: [Article, Review]

机构名称: [Chang'an University]注:需要说明的是,ESI 在统计发文时,并未对作者单位的顺序进行详细划分,只要署名单位中含有长安大学,不论是第几作者,都进行计算。

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3.2.2 2016 年各学院 SCIE 论文的 ESI 学科分布情况 表 26 为署名单位中含“长安大学”的所有 SCIE 论文的 ESI 学科分布情况。

表 26 SCIE论文 ESI学科分布情况序号 名称 Web of Science


力被引频次 论文被引百分比

1 Environment/Ecology 61 1.53 179 63.93

2 Engineering 150 0.71 175 44

3 Materials Science 113 0.55 161 54.87

4 Chemistry 63 0.66 110 55.56

5 Geosciences 67 0.69 80 46.27

6 Mathematics 11 5.12 37 36.36

7 Computer Science 12 1.09 18 41.67

8 Physics 25 0.29 16 40

9 Multidisciplinary 2 2.6 10 100

10 Agricultural Sciences 6 1.12 9 66.67

11 Biology & Biochemistry 4 0.69 6 50

12 Neuroscience & Behavior 2 0.73 6 50

13 Social Sciences, general 11 0.66 6 36.36

14 Plant & Animal Science 2 1.64 4 50

15 Space Science 3 0.18 2 66.67

16 Psychiatry/Psychology 4 0.19 1 25

17 Microbiology 1 0.49 1 100

表 27 统计了 2016 年第一作者单位为“长安大学”的 SCIE 论文的 ESI 学科分类情况。

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表 27 各学院 SCIE论文按 ESI学科分类(第一作者单位)ESI 学科论



环境科 学与 工 程 学院

公路学院 材料科 学与 工 程 学院

信 息 工 程学院

地 球 科 学与资源 学院

建筑工 程学院

地质工 程与测绘学院

汽车学院 工 程 机械学院

理学院 电子与控制 工 程 学院

建筑学院 经济与管理学院


35 5 1 3 6 2

Engineering 12 30 2 6 2 14 2 17 9 2 4

Materials Science

3 37 28 1 2 5 2 1 1

Chemistry 20 4 6 6 3 1 1 1 2

Geosciences 7 3 14 11 1

Mathematics 2 5

Computer Science

5 1 1

Physics 3 8 5 1 1 4 3

Agricultural Sciences


Biology & Biochemistry

1 1

Neuroscience & Behavior


Social 1

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Sciences, generalPlant & Animal Science


Space Science 1 2

Microbiology 1

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附录 1 2016年各单位发表的 SCI论文详细情况环境科学与工程学院

第 1 条标题 : Effects of fluoride on development and growth of Rana chensinensis embryos and larvae(柴丽红)作者: Chai, LH (Chai, Lihong); Dong, SM (Dong, Suiming); Zhao, HF (Zhao, Hongfeng); Deng, HZ (Deng, Hongzhang); Wang, HY (Wang, Hongyuan)来源出版物 : ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY 卷: 126 页: 129-137 DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2015.12.015 出版年: APR 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 3被引频次合计: 3使用次数 (最近 180 天): 0使用次数 (2013 年至今): 10引用的参考文献数: 44摘要: The present study examined the adverse effects of fluoride exposure on embryos and larvae of Rana chensinensis. Survival, morphological abnormalities, growth and development, time to metamorphosis and size at metamorphic climax of R chensinensis were examined. Our results showed that embryos malformation occurred in all fluoride treatments. Morphological abnormalities of embryos are characterized by axial flexures, the extrusion of fin axis, edema, and ruffled dorsal and ventral fin. Additionally, 4.1 mg F-/L and above could significantly inhibit embryos growth and development. On day 15, total length and weight of tadpole were significantly lower in 19.6 and 42.4 mg F-/L treatments compared to control. However, significant reductions in total length and weight were observed only at 42.4 mg F-/I, on day 30. Moreover, significant metamorphic delay and decrease in the size at metamorphic climax were found in larvae exposed to 42.4 mg F-/L. Taken together, embryos of R. chensinensis are more vulnerable to fluoride exposure than their tadpoles. Our results suggested that the presence of high concentrations fluoride might increase mortality risk and a reduction in juvenile recruitment in the field by increasing embryos malformation, delaying metamorphosis and decreasing size at metamorphosis. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000370393700016PubMed ID: 26745004语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Fluoride; Growth; Metamorphosis; Embryo; Rana chensinensisKeyWords Plus: POTAMOPYRGUS-ANTIPODARUM HYDROBIIDAE; BUFO-GARGARIZANS TADPOLES; RHINELLA-ARENARUM ANURA; FRESH-WATER TELEOST; SOUTH-AMERICAN TOAD; AMPHIBIAN METAMORPHOSIS; CYPRINUS-CARPIO; SNAIL MUSCLES; CHINESE TOAD; TOXICITY地址 : [Chai, Lihong; Dong, Suiming; Deng, Hongzhang] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.

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[Chai, Lihong; Dong, Suiming; Deng, Hongzhang] Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effect Arid Reg, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Zhao, Hongfeng; Wang, Hongyuan] Shaanxi Normal Univ, Coll Life Sci, Xian 710062, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Wang, HY (通讯作 者 ),Shaanxi Normal Univ, Coll Life Sci, Xian 710062, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE出版商地址: 525 B ST, STE 1900, SAN DIEGO, CA 92101-4495 USAWeb of Science 类别: Environmental Sciences; Toxicology研究方向: Environmental Sciences & Ecology; ToxicologyIDS 号: DE1NMISSN: 0147-6513eISSN: 1090-241429 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ECOTOX ENVIRON SAFEISO 来源出版物缩写: Ecotox. Environ. Safe.来源出版物页码计数: 9

第 2 条标题: Transport Characteristics of Nitrite in a Shallow Sedimentary Aquifer in Northwest China as Determined by a 12-Day Soil Column Experiment(窦妍)作者: Dou, Y (Dou, Yan); Howard, KWF (Howard, Ken W. F.); Qian, H (Qian, Hui)来源出版物: EXPOSURE AND HEALTH 卷: 8 期: 3 页: 381-387 DOI: 10.1007/s12403-016-0206-x 出版年: SEP 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 2被引频次合计: 2使用次数 (最近 180 天): 6使用次数 (2013 年至今): 15引用的参考文献数: 39摘要: The transport behaviour of nitrite in a shallow sedimentary aquifer in northwest China was investigated in the laboratory by conducting a soil column experiment under flow velocity and temperature conditions likely to be encountered in field situations. The transport characteristics of nitrite are not well known scientifically and the purpose of the study was to provide data that are considered essential for the development of programs for aquifer remediation and groundwater quality protection. The soil column experiment was performed at a constant flow rate for a period of 12 days using a 40 cm column. It involved a 1.5 mmol/L solution of sodium nitrite to which sodium bromide had been added as a chemically conservative tracer. The data were analysed using the CXTFIT 2.0 model code for the one-dimensional convective-dispersive transport of solutes. The breakthrough curve (BTC) for bromide revealed an average linear flow velocity of 0.3445 cm/h for the experiment and a longitudinal dispersivity of 4.16 cm for the sediment. The effective porosity was determined to be 29 %. The BTC for nitrite showed a significant delay compared to the bromide BTC, presumably due to some form of chemical reaction. Significantly, outflow concentrations of nitrite approached 1.5 mmol/L (the input value) towards the end of the experiment (after 10 days) indicating that the nitrite emerging at that time had not undergone

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significant chemical transformation during its passage through the column. Curve matching showed that nitrite behaviour could be represented by invoking chemical retardation using a retardation factor that begins at 2.5 and gradually decreases over time to a value of 1. However, the BTC for nitrite is better explained by the pH-dependent, chemical transformation of nitrite, presumably to nitrate or nitrogen gas, at the leading edge of the advancing chemical front that gives the appearance that nitrite is being retarded. Nitrite in more alkaline conditions behind the advancing front is significantly less affected by chemical transformation such that the apparent retardation effect diminishes. Further work is required to provide details on the nature of the reactions taking place and the constraints under which they operate.入藏号: WOS:000381997600006语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Nitrite; Bromide; Convective dispersive flow; Column experiment; CXTFIT 2.0; Chemical transformationKeyWords Plus: NITROGEN; ACCUMULATION; GROUNDWATER地址 : [Dou, Yan; Qian, Hui] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Dou, Yan; Qian, Hui] Changan Univ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Are, Minist Educ, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Howard, Ken W. F.] Univ Toronto, Groundwater Res Grp, Toronto, ON M1C 1A4, Canada.通讯作者地址 : Dou, Y (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.Dou, Y (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Are, Minist Educ, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDSWeb of Science 类别: Water Resources研究方向: Water ResourcesIDS 号: DU1VHISSN: 2451-9766eISSN: 2451-968529 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: EXPOS HEALTHISO 来源出版物缩写: Expo. Health来源出版物页码计数: 7

第 3 条标题 : Iodine in groundwater of the Guanzhong Basin, China: sources and hydrogeochemical controls on its distribution(段磊)作者: Duan, L (Duan, Lei); Wang, WK (Wang, Wenke); Sun, YB (Sun, Yibo); Zhang, CC (Zhang, Chunchao)来源出版物 : ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES 卷 : 75 期 : 11 文献号 : 970 DOI: 10.1007/s12665-016-5781-4 出版年: JUN 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1

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被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 12使用次数 (2013 年至今): 27引用的参考文献数: 40摘要 : Groundwater sampling at 179 sites in the Guanzhong Basin, China, indicated iodine concentrations ranging from 2 to 28,620 mu g/L. 7.3 % of the sites have iodine concentrations <10 mu g/L and are categorized as "iodine-deficient water," whereas 46.0 % display iodine concentrations >300 mu g/L and are defined as "iodine excess water." Sites with low groundwater iodine concentrations are mainly distributed at the edge of a piedmont alluvial-proluvial fan containing bicarbonate-rich water with a low mineral content, near-neutral pH values and low fluorine concentrations. The piedmont fan is characterized by a fast groundwater flow and active leaching of iodine from the sediments. Conversely, high groundwater iodine concentrations are principally located in silty or clayey sedimentary zones having low groundwater flow rates, weakly alkaline to alkaline pH values, and water containing HCO3 center dot SO4, SO4 center dot Cl and Cl center dot SO4 hydrochemical types. Elevated iodine concentrations in shallow groundwater commonly occur in discharge areas where there is a high rate of solute evaporation; elevated iodine concentrations in deep groundwater are likely attributed to microbial decomposition of organic matter under anaerobic conditions. Processes of iodine enrichment lead to correlations between high iodine and high fluorine contents in shallow groundwater, and between high iodine and high arsenic concentrations in deep groundwater. Moreover, redox processes and active water recycling are important factors for groundwater iodine enrichment.入藏号: WOS:000378864300038语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Guanzhong Basin; Groundwater; Hydrogeochemistry; IodineKeyWords Plus: DATONG BASIN; NORTHERN CHINA; DRINKING-WATER; HYPOTHYROIDISM; ENRICHMENT; FLUORIDE; SYSTEM; HEALTH; GOITER; SOIL地址: [Duan, Lei; Wang, Wenke] Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effect Arid Reg, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Sun, Yibo] Nanjiang Hydrogeol & Engn Geol Brigade, Chongqing 401121, Peoples R China. [Zhang, Chunchao] Insitute Hydrogeol & Environm Geol, Shijiazhuang 050061, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Duan, L (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effect Arid Reg, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USAWeb of Science 类别: Environmental Sciences; Geosciences, Multidisciplinary; Water Resources研究方向: Environmental Sciences & Ecology; Geology; Water ResourcesIDS 号: DQ0CAISSN: 1866-6280eISSN: 1866-629929 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ENVIRON EARTH SCIISO 来源出版物缩写: Environ. Earth Sci.来源出版物页码计数: 11

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第 4 条标题: The formation of shallow fresh groundwater in the north of Yanchi county, Ningxia, China: main influencing factors and mechanism(段磊)作 者 : Duan, L (Duan, Lei); Wang, WK (Wang, Wenke); Zhou, LL (Zhou, Liling); Cheng, Z (Cheng, Zhe)来 源 出 版物 : ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES 卷 : 75 期 : 6 文 献号 : 461 DOI: 10.1007/s12665-016-5333-y 出版年: MAR 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 4使用次数 (2013 年至今): 12引用的参考文献数: 42摘要: Shallow fresh groundwater is not common in the middle of basins in arid and semiarid areas with strong evaporation where shallow groundwater is often brackish water or saline water. In this study, the shallow fresh groundwater in the north area of Yanchi county, China was investigated for the main influencing factors and mechanisms of its formation. The results showed that freshwater of HCO3 and SO4 types with mean salinity of 0.78 g/L formed in the north of the study area while brackish and saline water of SO4 center dot Cl-Na type with mean salinity of 2.28 g/L formed in the west and south of the study area. The fresh groundwater formed owing to the special physico-chemical properties of the aeolian sand which has the good permeation of atmospheric precipitation, the weak evaporation of the groundwater, the low salt contents in the vadose zone and aquifer medium, the weak water-rock interaction and the good hydrodynamic condition. The lateral recharge of low salinity groundwater also played a mixing and diluting role in the formation of the fresh groundwater. The findings should provide a scientific basis for the exploitation and utilization of local groundwater resources and be of significance in the exploration and exploitation of fresh groundwater in arid and semiarid regions.入藏号: WOS:000372251000012语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Fresh groundwater; Influencing factor; Formation mechanism; The north of Yanchi countyKeyWords Plus: HYDROGEOCHEMICAL PROCESSES; HYDROCHEMICAL EVOLUTION; COASTAL-PLAIN; SOUTH-KOREA; AQUIFER; SALINIZATION; QUALITY; BASIN; RIVER地址: [Duan, Lei; Wang, Wenke] Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Zhou, Liling] Zhejiang Geol Environm Monitoring Stn, Hangzhou 310007, Zhejiang, Peoples R China. [Cheng, Zhe] Beijing Geotech & Invest Engn Inst, Beijing 100083, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Duan, L (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER

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出版商地址: 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USAWeb of Science 类别: Environmental Sciences; Geosciences, Multidisciplinary; Water Resources研究方向: Environmental Sciences & Ecology; Geology; Water ResourcesIDS 号: DG7FUISSN: 1866-6280eISSN: 1866-629929 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ENVIRON EARTH SCIISO 来源出版物缩写: Environ. Earth Sci.来源出版物页码计数: 13

第 5 条标题 : Preparation of Si doped molecularly imprinted TiO2 photocatalyst and its degradation to antibiotic wastewater(郭冀峰)作者 : Guo, JF (Guo, Jifeng); Li, SM (Li, Simeng); Duan, L (Duan, Liang); Guo, P (Guo, Ping); Li, XJ (Li, Xiaojie); Cui, QQ (Cui, Qianqian); Wang, H (Wang, Hui); Jiang, Q (Jiang, Qian)来 源 出 版物 : INTEGRATED FERROELECTRICS 卷 : 168 期 : 1 页 : 170-182 DOI: 10.1080/10584587.2016.1159942 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 10使用次数 (2013 年至今): 25引用的参考文献数: 24摘要: TiO2, molecularly imprinted TiO2 (TiO2/OTC) and a novel Si doped molecularly imprinted TiO2 (TiO2/SiO2/OTC) nano photocatalytic materials were prepared by liquid phase deposition method. The products were characterized by XRD and SEM. The photocatalytic activities of the samples were evaluated by the photocatalytic degradation of oxytetracycline wastewater under a xenon lamp irradiation. The results showed that TiO2/SiO2/OTC and TiO2/OTC could improve both the photocatalytic activity and the molecular recognition ability, while the photocatalytic activities of TiO2/SiO2/OTC sample was more effective than TiO2/OTC sample with 5 times reuse. The photocatalytic activity of TiO2/SiO2/OTC photocatalyst sample had a greater improvement and its photocatalytic degradation of oxytetracycline wastewater reached 80.79% in 120 minute reaction.入藏号: WOS:000375005200017语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关 键 词 : Molecularly imprinted photocatalyst; photocatalytic degradation; antibiotic wastewaterKeyWords Plus: HYDROGEN-PRODUCTION; VISIBLE-LIGHT; OXYTETRACYCLINE; ENVIRONMENT; REDUCTION; REMOVAL; TITANIA; FATE; FILM; ZNO地址: [Guo, Jifeng; Li, Simeng; Guo, Ping; Li, Xiaojie; Cui, Qianqian; Wang, Hui; Jiang, Qian] Changan Univ, Educ Minist, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Arid Areas, Xian, Peoples R China. [Duan, Liang] Chinese Res Inst Environm Sci, State Key Lab Environm Criteria & Risk Assessment, Beijing, Peoples R China.

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通讯作者地址: Guo, JF (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Educ Minist, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Arid Areas, Xian, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD出版商地址: 4 PARK SQUARE, MILTON PARK, ABINGDON OX14 4RN, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Electrical & Electronic; Physics, Applied; Physics, Condensed Matter研究方向: Engineering; PhysicsIDS 号: DK6BGISSN: 1058-4587eISSN: 1607-848929 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: INTEGR FERROELECTRISO 来源出版物缩写: Integr. Ferroelectr.来源出版物页码计数: 13

第 6 条标 题 : (Solid plus Liquid) Phase Equilibria of 1,2-Bis(2-oxo-5,5-dimethyl-1,3,2-dioxyphosphacyclohexyl-2-imino)ethane in Nine Pure Solvents(韩枫)作者: Han, F (Han, Feng); Pei, LJ (Pei, Liangjun); Xue, FF (Xue, Fengfeng); Li, D (Li, Dong)来源出版物 : JOURNAL OF SOLUTION CHEMISTRY 卷 : 45 期 : 8 页 : 1146-1157 DOI: 10.1007/s10953-016-0491-9 出版年: AUG 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 7使用次数 (2013 年至今): 7引用的参考文献数: 21摘要 : 1,2-Bis(2-oxo-5,5-dimethyl-1,3,2-dioxyphosphacyclohexyl-2-imino)ethane (BODIE) was synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, mass spectra, infrared spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance. The thermostability of BODIE was measured by thermogravimetric analysis and the melting temperature and the fusion enthalpy of BODIE were determined by using a differential scanning calorimeter. A gravimetric method was applied to measure the solubilities of BODIE in the selected solvents. The solubility data of BODIE in selected organic solvents are well fitted by the modified Apelblat model. Also, the solubility parameter of BODIE was estimated by the Scatchard-Hildebrand model. The results show that these models can satisfactorily reproduce the experimental data.入藏号: WOS:000382105600003语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: BODIE; Solubility; Flame retardant; Phase equilibriumKeyWords Plus: FLAME RETARDANTS; SOLUBILITIES; ACID; EPOXY; ESTER; WATER地址 : [Han, Feng] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Div Chem Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Pei, Liangjun; Xue, Fengfeng; Li, Dong] Northwest Univ, Sch Chem Engn, Xian 710069, Peoples R China.

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[Han, Feng] Changan Univ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Arid Areas, Minist Educ, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Li, D (通讯作者 ),Northwest Univ, Sch Chem Engn, Xian 710069, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER/PLENUM PUBLISHERS出版商地址: 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USAWeb of Science 类别: Chemistry, Physical研究方向: ChemistryIDS 号: DU3JCISSN: 0095-9782eISSN: 1572-892729 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J SOLUTION CHEMISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Solut. Chem.来源出版物页码计数: 12

第 7 条标题 : Hydrogen-rich gas production via fast pyrolysis of biophysical dried sludge: Effect of particle size and moisture content on product yields and syngas composition(韩融)作 者 : Han, R (Han, Rong); Liu, JW (Liu, Jinwen); Zhao, CX (Zhao, Chenxi); Li, YL (Li, Yuliang); Chen, AX (Chen, Aixia)来 源 出 版物 : WASTE MANAGEMENT & RESEARCH 卷 : 34 期 : 6 页 : 572-577 DOI: 10.1177/0734242X16644518 出版年: JUN 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 6使用次数 (2013 年至今): 27引用的参考文献数: 25摘要: After biophysical drying, a novel biophysical dried sludge particle was obtained. This work aims to investigate the function and effects of particle sizes and moisture contents on the fast pyrolysis of biophysical dried sludge particles. The results showed that large particles (>4mm) favoured the oil generation with a maximum value of 19.0%, and small particles (<0.27mm) favoured the char yield with a maximum value of 60.6%. Medium particle fractions (between 0.27mm and 4mm) benefited syngas production and induced higher H-2 and CO emission, owing to the well-developed microstructure, enrichment of cellulose, and enhanced catalytic effects during the charring process. The introduction of proper moisture content (53.9% to 62.6%) to biophysical dried sludge was found to dramatically enhance syngas yield, hydrogen production, and carbon conversion efficiency. H-2 molar concentration reached a maximum of 46.02% at a moisture content of 53.9%, which was attributed to the steam reforming and steam gasification accompanying the initial biophysical dried sludge pyrolysis.入藏号: WOS:000377197000011PubMed ID: 27118735语种: English文献类型: Article

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作者关键词 : Biophysical dried sludge; fast pyrolysis; moisture effect; particle effect; hydrogen-rich gas; syngasKeyWords Plus: SEWAGE-SLUDGE; BIOMASS PYROLYSIS; CO-PYROLYSIS; BED REACTOR; GASIFICATION; PERFORMANCE; DEGRADATION; WASTES; ENERGY地址 : [Han, Rong; Li, Yuliang; Chen, Aixia] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian, Peoples R China. [Han, Rong] Shaanxi Key Lab Explorat & Comprehens Utilizat Mi, Xian, Peoples R China. [Liu, Jinwen] Key Lab Environm Protect & Pollut & Remediat Wate, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Zhao, Chenxi] Xinjiang Acad Environm Protect Sci, Urumqi, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Liu, JW (通讯作者),Key Lab Environm Protect & Pollut & Remediat Wate, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD出版商地址: 1 OLIVERS YARD, 55 CITY ROAD, LONDON EC1Y 1SP, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Environmental; Environmental Sciences研究方向: Engineering; Environmental Sciences & EcologyIDS 号: DN6PGISSN: 0734-242XeISSN: 1096-366929 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: WASTE MANAGE RESISO 来源出版物缩写: Waste Manage. Res.来源出版物页码计数: 6

第 8 条标题: Physical structures and interior melt of the central Arctic sea ice/snow in summer 2012(黄文峰)作者: Huang, WF (Huang, Wenfeng); Lei, RB (Lei, Ruibo); Han, HW (Han, Hongwei); Li, ZJ (Li, Zhijun)来源出版物: COLD REGIONS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 卷: 124 页: 127-137 DOI: 10.1016/j.coldregions.2016.01.005 出版年: APR 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 3使用次数 (2013 年至今): 13引用的参考文献数: 43摘要: The physical structures, solar irradiance and reflectance of snow and sea ice in high Arctic were investigated based on snow pit, ice coring, and borehole measurements from August 29 to September 2 in 2012. In all of the six short-term stations, the snow cover was stratified: fresh snow in the top (if any) with dendritic grains (1-4 mm in grain size), fine-grained snow in the middle (4-9 mm), and coarsely spherical grained snow in the bottom (8-16 mm). The incident and reflected irradiance were wavelength-dependent, whereas the albedo and its dependence on wavelength were relatively diverse and scattering. The integrated albedos were 0.47-0.92, largely depending on the snow type, grain size, thickness, and water content. Ice coring and thin sections

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indicated that all ice covers were first-year, and were dominated by the columnar grained ice. And all the ice cores were characterized by a large number of gas and brine pockets and tubes, the size and content of which were much greater than those of sea ice cover during the winter congelation. The vertical stratifications of ice density, temperature and salinity were quantified using linear regression. Overall, the salinity and density increased with an increasing depth, while the temperature decreased against depth except the top 10-20 cm, where the temperature was dependent on the air and snow temperatures. The estimates of inclusion volume (including gas and brine) gave insight into the sea ice composition (ice-brine/gasmatrix). The comparison of the present volumetric fraction of inclusions with previous ones indicated to some degree that the sea ice inclusion volume increased in the ice interior, thus the volumetric fraction of pure ice decreased at the end of summer melt, indicating a rigorous melting within the Pacific Arctic sea ice covers. Our work suggests that the volumetric fraction of sea ice inclusions as a function of temperature, density and salinity can be considered as an alternative indicator for Arctic sea ice reduction, just like the sea ice extent, thickness, age and melting duration. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000371903000012语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Sea ice; Snow; Physical structures; Albedos; Interior melt; ArcticKeyWords Plus: ICE CONDITIONS; SNOW; PARAMETERS; RADIATION; EVOLUTION; STRENGTH; SECTION; SURFACE; ALBEDO; BUDGET地址: [Huang, Wenfeng] Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effect Arid Reg, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Huang, Wenfeng] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Yanta Rd 126, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Lei, Ruibo] Polar Res Inst China, 451 Jinqiao Rd, Shanghai 200136, Peoples R China. [Han, Hongwei; Li, Zhijun] Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Coastal & Offshore Engn, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Huang, WF (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Yanta Rd 126, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电 子 邮 件 地 址 : [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV出版商地址: PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDSWeb of Science 类 别 : Engineering, Environmental; Engineering, Civil; Geosciences, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Engineering; GeologyIDS 号: DG2NCISSN: 0165-232XeISSN: 1872-744129 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: COLD REG SCI TECHNOLISO 来源出版物缩写: Cold Reg. Sci. Tech.来源出版物页码计数: 11

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第 9 条标题 : Ice processes and surface ablation in a shallow thermokarst lake in the central Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau(黄文峰)作者 : Huang, WF (Huang, Wenfeng); Li, RL (Li, Runling); Han, HW (Han, Hongwei); Niu, FJ (Niu, Fujun); Wu, QB (Wu, Qingbai); Wang, WK (Wang, Wenke)来 源 出 版 物 : ANNALS OF GLACIOLOGY 卷 : 57 期 : 71 页 : 20-28 DOI: 10.3189/2016AoG71A016 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 3使用次数 (最近 180 天): 6使用次数 (2013 年至今): 8引用的参考文献数: 51摘要: The Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP) is characterized by a cold climate and a large number of lakes. The long ice season necessitates study of the widespread ice covers in the region. An unprecedented multidisciplinary field campaign was conducted on lake ice processes in the central QTP during the period 2019-13. The study lake generally froze up in late October or early November, and broke up in mid or late April, with a maximum ice thickness of 50-70 cm. The mass balances at both ice surface and bottom were measured continuously. Significant ice surface sublimation/ablation was detected and accounted for up to 40% of the whole ice thickness over the ice season. A simple heat-transfer model was developed for the surface ice loss. The calculated values were in good agreement with the observations. They also indicated that atmospheric conditions, including low air humidity and prevailing strong winds, are the primary drivers of the ice surface sublimation.入藏号: WOS:000384891500004语种: English文献类型: Article; Proceedings Paper会议名称: International Symposium on Glaciology in High Mountain Asia (HMA)会议日期: MAR, 2015会议地点: Kathmandu, NEPAL作者关键词: ice physics; lake ice; surface meltKeyWords Plus: EFFECTIVE THERMAL-CONDUCTIVITY; COVERED ANTARCTIC LAKES; BEILUHE BASIN; PERMAFROST; SNOW; EVOLUTION; THICKNESS; EMISSIONS; BUBBLE; ALASKA地址: [Huang, Wenfeng; Wang, Wenke] Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, Changan, Peoples R China. [Huang, Wenfeng; Niu, Fujun; Wu, Qingbai] Chinese Acad Sci, State Key Lab Frozen Soil Engn, Cold & Arid Reg Environm & Engn Res Inst, Lanzhou, Peoples R China. [Li, Runling; Han, Hongwei] Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Coastal & Offshore Engn, Dalian, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Huang, WF (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, Changan, Peoples R China.Huang, WF (通讯作者 ),Chinese Acad Sci, State Key Lab Frozen Soil Engn, Cold & Arid Reg Environm & Engn Res Inst, Lanzhou, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]

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出版商: CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS出 版 商 地 址 : EDINBURGH BLDG, SHAFTESBURY RD, CB2 8RU CAMBRIDGE, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Geography, Physical; Geosciences, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Physical Geography; GeologyIDS 号: DY1YYISSN: 0260-3055eISSN: 1727-564429 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ANN GLACIOLISO 来源出版物缩写: Ann. Glaciol.来源出版物页码计数: 9

第 10 条标 题 : Simulation modeling for water governance in basins based on surface water and groundwater(霍艾迪)作者 : Huo, AD (Huo, Ai-Di); Dang, J (Dang, Jian); Song, JX (Song, Jin-Xi); Chen, XH (Chen, Xun Hong); Mao, HR (Mao, Hai-Ru)来源出版物: AGRICULTURAL WATER MANAGEMENT 卷: 174 特刊: SI 页: 22-29 DOI: 10.1016/j.agwat.2016.02.027 子辑: 1 出版年: AUG 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 2被引频次合计: 2使用次数 (最近 180 天): 1使用次数 (2013 年至今): 16引用的参考文献数: 16摘要 : Accelerating future water shortages in the world require a development of operational water, governance models as illustrated by the case studies. Conversion process and its coupling simulation of surface water and groundwater are the foundation of water resources development, utilization, and scientific evaluation. In order to simulate the impact of climate change on the water cycle in basins, the quasi-distributed watershed Surface Water (SW) model was coupled with the fully-distributed Ground Water (GW) model in the simulation. The Hydrologic Response Units (HRU) in the SW model were exchanged with cells in the GW model. By using the HRU-CELL conversion interface, the distributed groundwater recharge rate (RCH) and the groundwater evapotranspiration (EVT) calculated by the SW model were imported into the RCH and EVT modules of the GW model. The application of groundwater simulation in the Heihe River basin demonstrated that the correlation coefficient between the simulation results and the measured values was 0.89, the deterministic coefficient of the simulation results was 0.86. Under future predictions the discharge from the Heihe River will decrease in the first 20 years (2020-2039). In the later 20 years (2040-2059) the discharge will increase. The simulation groundwater along with the recharge value showed the same change trend of the measured groundwater level. The coupled SW-GW model was capable of predicting the future water cycle. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000380595700004语种: English文献类型: Article; Proceedings Paper

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会议名称: International Conference on Water Resources and Environment (WRE)会议日期: JUL 25-28, 2015会议地点: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA作 者 关 键 词 : Water resources modeling; Water governance; Basins; Surface water and groundwater; Heihe River basin地址: [Huo, Ai-Di; Dang, Jian; Chen, Xun Hong; Mao, Hai-Ru] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Huo, Ai-Di] Inst Water Resources & Hydropower Res, State Key Lab Simulat & Regulat Water Cycle River, Beijing 100038, Peoples R China. [Huo, Ai-Di] Changan Univ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effect Arid Reg, Minist Educ, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Chen, Xun Hong] Univ Nebraska, Sch Nat Resources, Lincoln, NE 68583 USA. [Song, Jin-Xi] Northwest Univ, Coll Urban & Environm Sci, Xian 710027, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Huo, AD (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV出版商地址: PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDSWeb of Science 类别: Agronomy; Water Resources研究方向: Agriculture; Water ResourcesIDS 号: DS2JLISSN: 0378-3774eISSN: 1873-228329 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: AGR WATER MANAGEISO 来源出版物缩写: Agric. Water Manage.来源出版物页码计数: 8

第 11 条标题 : Assessing the effect of scaling methods on retrieval of soil moisture based on MODIS images in arid regions(霍艾迪)作者: Huo, AD (Huo, Aidi); Zhang, J (Zhang, Jia); Cheng, YX (Cheng, Yuxiang); Yi, X (Yi, Xiu); Qiao, L (Qiao, Liang); Su, FM (Su, Fengmei); Du, YL (Du, Yalei); Mao, HR (Mao, Hairu)来源出版物: TOXICOLOGICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY 卷: 98 期: 3-4 特刊: SI 页: 410-418 DOI: 10.1080/02772248.2015.1123484 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 4使用次数 (2013 年至今): 4引用的参考文献数: 25摘要 : Knowledge of spatial distributions of soil moisture, particularly at large spatial scales, is critical for many practical reasons. Unlike point-scale measurements, remote sensing provides an efficient way to estimate soil moisture over large areas. By resampling MODIS images with different scaling techniques, the impacts of those scaling methods on accuracy of soil moisture retrieval from MODIS data was first investigated using in situ soil moisture measurements. A soil

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moisture retrieval model was then constructed to obtain and analyse the spatial pattern of soil moisture in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous region of China in 2007. The following results were obtained. (1) With the process of spatial scale increases, the value of goodness-of-fit of the model change is relatively large, showing a strong randomness. (2) With resampling scales for 2 and 4 km when compared with measured data, correlation coefficient showed apparent fluctuation. With increased scale sampling, random changes in the model appeared to fluctuate less. Comparison of six different scaling methods, the results indicated that soil moisture retrieval model showed better correlation and higher accuracy of fitting under the scaling method of 2 km, respectively, followed by 1 and 16 km. (3) In order to test the accuracy of the retrieval model, the distribution of soil moisture was analysed by using of satellite image of the study area and retrieval of in situ soil moisture data, the data demonstrated high consistency with fieldwork. Evidence thus indicates that 2 km x 2 km is a significant level for retrieval distribution of soil moisture in the study area. The results also provide some reference for land-use planning and policy-making of sustainable utilisation of land resources.入藏号: WOS:000376161600009语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Soil moisture; MODIS; scaling; spatial distribution; remote sensing retrievalKeyWords Plus: SPATIAL VARIABILITY; SCALES; WATER; MODELS地址: [Huo, Aidi; Zhang, Jia; Yi, Xiu; Qiao, Liang; Su, Fengmei; Du, Yalei; Mao, Hairu] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Cheng, Yuxiang] Changan Univ, Sch Geol Engn & Geomat, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Huo, Aidi] Key Lab Environm Protect & Pollut & Remediat Wate, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Huo, Aidi] Inst Water Resources & Hydropower Res, State Key Lab Simulat & Regulat Water Cycle River, Beijing 100038, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Huo, AD (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.Huo, AD (通讯作 者 ),Key Lab Environm Protect & Pollut & Remediat Wate, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.Huo, AD (通讯作者),Inst Water Resources & Hydropower Res, State Key Lab Simulat & Regulat Water Cycle River, Beijing 100038, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD出 版 商 地 址 : 2-4 PARK SQUARE, MILTON PARK, ABINGDON OR14 4RN, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Environmental Sciences; Toxicology研究方向: Environmental Sciences & Ecology; ToxicologyIDS 号: DM2FFISSN: 0277-2248eISSN: 1029-048629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: TOXICOL ENVIRON CHEMISO 来源出版物缩写: Toxicol Environ. Chem.来源出版物页码计数: 9

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第 12 条标题: Groundwater storage and depletion trends in the Loess areas of China(霍艾迪)作 者 : Huo, AD (Huo, Aidi); Peng, JB (Peng, Jianbing); Chen, XH (Chen, Xunhong); Deng, L (Deng, Lin); Wang, GL (Wang, Guoliang); Cheng, YX (Cheng, Yuxiang)来源出版物 : ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES 卷 : 75 期 : 16 文献号 : 1167 DOI: 10.1007/s12665-016-5951-4 出版年: AUG 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 11使用次数 (2013 年至今): 19引用的参考文献数: 43摘要: Groundwater is the essential source of drinking and irrigation water supplies in most parts of the world. The Loess area is one among the largest manufacturers of agricultural merchandise in China and is to a great extent dependent on groundwater for public water supply and irrigation. The effect of expanded open supplies and irrigation on groundwater levels has not been very much investigated, both spatially and temporally. Thus, this study has used remote sensing data from NASA's Gravity Recovery and the Global Land Data Assimilation Systems to assess the aggregate change in groundwater storage across the Loess area over a period of 13 years, from 2002 to 2014. The results demonstrate that the total groundwater depletion occurred at the rate of 529.73 km(3) yr(-1), and the mean groundwater consumption rate was -3.89 cm yr(-1) between the winter and monsoon seasons during the period of 2002-2014. The most extreme consumption rate occurred during 2004 (-7.60 cm yr(-1)), while the minimum occurred during 2003 (1.13 cm yr(-1)). Groundwater consumption at such high rates will prompt unsustainable groundwater levels, bringing about financial anxiety, vulnerability to environmental change and excruciating burdens to sustenance and water security. Careful assessment of spatiotemporal groundwater storage in the Loess area will help China's water resource managers and policymakers administrate groundwater resources in the future to improve water and food security.入藏号: WOS:000381986800017语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Groundwater depletion; GRACE; GLDAS; Remote sensing; Loess areasKeyWords Plus: TERRESTRIAL WATER STORAGE; SEA-LEVEL RISE; RIVER-BASIN; AMAZON BASIN; GRACE; RAINFALL地址 : [Huo, Aidi; Deng, Lin] Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effect Arid Reg, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Huo, Aidi; Deng, Lin] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Huo, Aidi] China Inst Water Resources & Hydropower Res, State Key Lab Simulat & Regulat Water Cycle River, Beijing 100038, Peoples R China. [Peng, Jianbing; Cheng, Yuxiang] Changan Univ, Sch Geol Engn & Geomat, Xian 710054, Shaanxi Provinc, Peoples R China. [Chen, Xunhong] Univ Nebraska, Sch Nat Resources, Lincoln, NE 68583 USA. [Wang, Guoliang] Northwest A&F Univ, Inst Soil & Water Conservat, Yangling 712100, Shaanxi Provinc, Peoples R China.

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通讯作者地址 : Peng, JB (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Geol Engn & Geomat, Xian 710054, Shaanxi Provinc, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USAWeb of Science 类别: Environmental Sciences; Geosciences, Multidisciplinary; Water Resources研究方向: Environmental Sciences & Ecology; Geology; Water ResourcesIDS 号: DU1RPISSN: 1866-6280eISSN: 1866-629929 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ENVIRON EARTH SCIISO 来源出版物缩写: Environ. Earth Sci.来源出版物页码计数: 11

第 13 条标题 : Submerged area of typical torrential flood and debris-flow disasters in Mengzong Gully, China(霍艾迪)作者 : Huo, AD (Huo, Ai-Di); Guan, WK (Guan, Wen-Ke); Dang, J (Dang, Jian); Wu, TZ (Wu, Tian-Zhong); Shantai, H (Shantai, Hainiken); Wang, W (Wang, Wei); Van Liew, MW (Van Liew, Michael W.)来 源 出 版物 : GEOMATICS NATURAL HAZARDS & RISK 卷 : 7 页 : 18-24 DOI: 10.1080/19475705.2016.1181340 增刊: 1 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 2使用次数 (2013 年至今): 2引用的参考文献数: 9摘要: The torrential flooding and debris flow disasters associated with global climate change pose not only serious threat to individual lives and property, but also impact economic development. Accurately simulating flood scenarios can help to reduce the losses caused by torrential flooding and debris flow by making early warning, evacuation planning, and risk analysis possible. In this study, HEC-RAS software and HEC-GeoRAS module were employed in GIS (geographic information system) to simulate the flood overtopping in the Mengzong Gully of Batang River in flood scenarios occurring once in 20, 50, and 100 years, respectively. The simulated floods provided valuable information including scope and depth of submersion via 2D visualization.入藏号: WOS:000394687500003语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词 : HEC-RAS; HEC-GeoRAS; torrential flood and debris flow inundation scenarios; Mengzong Gully地址 : [Huo, Ai-Di; Dang, Jian] Changan Univ, Dept Hydrol & Water Resources, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Huo, Ai-Di] Inst Water Resources & Hydropower Res, State Key Lab Simulat & Regulat Water Cycle River, Beijing 100038, Peoples R China.

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[Huo, Ai-Di] Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effect Arid Reg, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Guan, Wen-Ke; Wu, Tian-Zhong; Shantai, Hainiken] Xinjiang Acad Forestry, Afforestat Desert Control Res Inst, Urumqi 830000, Peoples R China. [Wang, Wei] Northwest Inst Forest Inventory Planning & Design, Xian 710048, Peoples R China. [Van Liew, Michael W.] Univ Nebraska, Sch Nat Resources, Lincoln, NE 68583 USA.通讯作 者 地址 : Huo, AD (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Dept Hydrol & Water Resources, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.Huo, AD (通讯作者),Inst Water Resources & Hydropower Res, State Key Lab Simulat & Regulat Water Cycle River, Beijing 100038, Peoples R China.Huo, AD (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effect Arid Reg, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD出 版 商 地 址 : 2-4 PARK SQUARE, MILTON PARK, ABINGDON OR14 4RN, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别 : Geosciences, Multidisciplinary; Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences; Water Resources研究方向: Geology; Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences; Water ResourcesIDS 号: EL5UUISSN: 1947-5705eISSN: 1947-571329 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: GEOMAT NAT HAZ RISKISO 来源出版物缩写: Geomat. Nat. Hazards Risk来源出版物页码计数: 7

第 14 条标题 : Elevated atmospheric CO2 affected photosynthetic products in wheat seedlings and biological activity in rhizosphere soil under cadmium stress(贾夏)作 者 : Jia, X (Jia, Xia); Liu, T (Liu, Tuo); Zhao, YH (Zhao, Yonghua); He, YH (He, Yunhua); Yang, MY (Yang, Mingyan)来源出版物: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 卷: 23 期: 1 页: 514-526 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-015-5288-7 出版年: JAN 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 4被引频次合计: 4使用次数 (最近 180 天): 9使用次数 (2013 年至今): 26引用的参考文献数: 54摘要 : The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of elevated CO2 (700 +/- 23 mu mol mol(-1)) on photosynthetic products in wheat seedlings and on organic compounds and biological activity in rhizosphere soil under cadmium (Cd) stress. Elevated CO2 was associated with decreased quantities of reducing sugars, starch, and soluble amino acids, and with increased quantities of soluble sugars, total sugars, and soluble proteins in wheat seedlings under Cd stress. The contents of total soluble sugars, total free amino acids, total soluble phenolic acids, and total

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organic acids in the rhizosphere soil under Cd stress were improved by elevated CO2. Compared to Cd stress alone, the activity of amylase, phenol oxidase, urease, l-asparaginase, beta-glucosidase, neutral phosphatase, and fluorescein diacetate increased under elevated CO2 in combination with Cd stress; only cellulase activity decreased. Bacterial abundance in rhizosphere soil was stimulated by elevated CO2 at low Cd concentrations (1.31-5.31 mg Cd kg(-1) dry soil). Actinomycetes, total microbial abundance, and fungi decreased under the combined conditions at 5.31-10.31 mg Cd kg(-1) dry soil. In conclusion, increased production of soluble sugars, total sugars, and proteins in wheat seedlings under elevated CO2 + Cd stress led to greater quantities of organic compounds in the rhizosphere soil relative to seedlings grown under Cd stress only. Elevated CO2 concentrations could moderate the effects of heavy metal pollution on enzyme activity and microorganism abundance in rhizosphere soils, thus improving soil fertility and the microecological rhizosphere environment of wheat under Cd stress.入藏号: WOS:000368199300048PubMed ID: 26315595语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Elevated atmospheric CO2; Cd-contaminated soil; Wheat seedlings; Photosynthetic products; Organic compounds; Rhizosphere soil; Soil biological activityKeyWords Plus: EXTRACELLULAR ENZYME-ACTIVITY; DISSOLVED ORGANIC-CARBON; HEAVY-METALS; COMMUNITY STRUCTURE; MICROBIAL BIOMASS; FIELD CONDITIONS; DIOXIDE; RESPONSES; GROWTH; GRASSLAND地址 : [Jia, Xia; Liu, Tuo; He, Yunhua; Yang, Mingyan] Changan Univ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effect Arid Reg, Key Lab Environm Protect & Pollut & Remediat Wate, Sch Environm Sci & Engn,Minist Educ, Xian, Peoples R China. [Zhao, Yonghua] Changan Univ, Sch Earth Sci & Resources, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Jia, X (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effect Arid Reg, Key Lab Environm Protect & Pollut & Remediat Wate, Sch Environm Sci & Engn,Minist Educ, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER HEIDELBERG出版商地址: TIERGARTENSTRASSE 17, D-69121 HEIDELBERG, GERMANYWeb of Science 类别: Environmental Sciences研究方向: Environmental Sciences & EcologyIDS 号: DB0LJISSN: 0944-1344eISSN: 1614-749929 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ENVIRON SCI POLLUT RISO 来源出版物缩写: Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res.来源出版物页码计数: 13

第 15 条标题 : Appraising Groundwater Quality and Health Risks from Contamination in a Semiarid Region of Northwest China(李培月)作 者 : Li, PY (Li, Peiyue); Li, XY (Li, Xinyan); Meng, XY (Meng, Xiangyi); Li, MN (Li,

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Mengna); Zhang, YT (Zhang, Yuting)来源出版物: EXPOSURE AND HEALTH 卷: 8 期: 3 页: 361-379 DOI: 10.1007/s12403-016-0205-y 出版年: SEP 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 18被引频次合计: 18使用次数 (最近 180 天): 15使用次数 (2013 年至今): 43引用的参考文献数: 62摘要: This study assessed groundwater quality in a semiarid region of northwest China impacted by industrial and agricultural activities. The goal was to assess the quality of the water for drinking and irrigation, and the groundwater's effect on human health. Thirty-one groundwater samples were collected from monitoring and hand pumping wells. These wells were distributed over 54 km(2), with an average of 5.7 wells per 10 square kilometers. The samples were analyzed for pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), total hardness (TH), fluoride (F-), nitrate (NO3-N), nitrite (NO2-N), ammonia nitrogen (NH4-N), major ions (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, HCO3 (-), SO4 (2-), Cl-), and heavy metals (Cu, Mn, Zn, As and Cr6+). Groundwater chemistry was described using statistical analysis, and Piper and Gibbs diagrams. An entropy-based matter element extension analysis was performed to quantify the overall groundwater quality. The sodium adsorption ratio, residual sodium carbonate, and soluble sodium percentage were used to assess irrigation water quality. Considering resident age, sex, and exposure pathways, the non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic health risks were estimated using the models recommended by the Ministry of Environmental Protection of China. Study area groundwater was found to be slightly alkaline. For cations, Na+ was most abundant followed by Ca2+, then Mg2+, and then K+. For anions, HCO3 (-) were more abundant than SO4 (2-) and Cl-. Gibbs diagrams indicate that groundwater evaporation influences the development of sulfate-type groundwater, compared to the other groundwater types (bicarbonate and non-dominant types). The groundwater in most parts of the study area is of fair quality, and is marginally acceptable for multiple uses. TDS, TH, NH4-N, NO3-N, and Mn are common contaminants in the alluvial plain. These contaminants originate mainly from industrial and agricultural activities, as well as natural processes. Land irrigated with the groundwater is not exposed to a sodium hazard. However, measures are needed to manage the salinity hazard. The health risk assessment suggests that females and children face higher non-carcinogenic risk than males. The contribution of the contaminants to non-carcinogenic risk is in the following order: NO3 (-)> F-> As > Mn > NO2 (-)> Cr > NH4 (+)> Cu > Zn. Cr contributes more than As to the carcinogenic risk.入藏号: WOS:000381997600005语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Groundwater pollution; Water quality assessment; Health risk; Entropy weight; Matter element analysis; Human activityKeyWords Plus: SET PAIR ANALYSIS; MATTER-ELEMENT MODEL; SHALLOW GROUNDWATER; EXTENSION THEORY; DRINKING-WATER; RIVER; FLUORIDE; AREA; SUITABILITY; POLLUTION地址 : [Li, Peiyue; Li, Xinyan; Meng, Xiangyi; Li, Mengna; Zhang, Yuting] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.

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[Li, Peiyue; Li, Xinyan; Meng, Xiangyi; Li, Mengna; Zhang, Yuting] Changan Univ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, Minist Educ, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Li, PY (通讯作者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.Li, PY (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, Minist Educ, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDSWeb of Science 类别: Water Resources研究方向: Water ResourcesIDS 号: DU1VHISSN: 2451-9766eISSN: 2451-968529 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: EXPOS HEALTHISO 来源出版物缩写: Expo. Health来源出版物页码计数: 19

第 16 条标题: Regulation of secondary soil salinization in semi-arid regions: a simulation research in the Nanshantaizi area along the Silk Road, northwest China(李培月)作者: Li, PY (Li, Peiyue); Wu, JH (Wu, Jianhua); Qian, H (Qian, Hui)来 源 出 版物 : ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES 卷 : 75 期 : 8 文 献号 : 698 DOI: 10.1007/s12665-016-5381-3 出版年: APR 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 5被引频次合计: 5使用次数 (最近 180 天): 6使用次数 (2013 年至今): 30引用的参考文献数: 23摘要: The degradation of soil quality is a common issue in arid and semi-arid regions along the Silk Road. To provide effective measures for controlling secondary soil salinization in irrigated farmland, this article presents a research on the water balance and salt balance in the lowland of Nanshantaizi, northwest China. On the basis of the meteorological, hydrological and hydrogeological data, a 2D transient groundwater flow model was developed to analyze the response of groundwater level to various scenarios of controlling and regulating soil salinization. The results show that the shallow water depth causes strong evaporation, resulting in the accumulation of salt in the area, and is the main controlling factor of secondary soil salinization in the lowland. The effective drainage system in the lowland can efficiently reduce groundwater level and can discharge salt into the river, thus, alleviating the soil salinization in the lowland. The reduction of irrigation water requirement in the high plain as well as in the lowland can lead towards better control of soil salinization in the lowland. The canal leakage is the main source of recharge of groundwater in the lowland. However, the reduction of the canal leakage at the beginning of soil salinization regulation is not recommended, as the reduction of canal water

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leakage may significantly weaken the efficiency of the new drains to remove salts that have already previously accumulated in the soils of the lowland.入藏号: WOS:000375063400069语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Soil salinization; Groundwater level; Groundwater modeling; Silk RoadKeyWords Plus: SALINITY; RIVER地址: [Li, Peiyue; Wu, Jianhua; Qian, Hui] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Li, Peiyue; Wu, Jianhua; Qian, Hui] Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Li, PY (通讯作者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.Li, PY (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Li, Peiyue F-3831-2011 0000-0001-8771-3369 Wu, Jianhua G-4389-2017 0000-0001-6423-1762 出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USAWeb of Science 类别: Environmental Sciences; Geosciences, Multidisciplinary; Water Resources研究方向: Environmental Sciences & Ecology; Geology; Water ResourcesIDS 号: DK6VKISSN: 1866-6280eISSN: 1866-629929 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ENVIRON EARTH SCIISO 来源出版物缩写: Environ. Earth Sci.来源出版物页码计数: 12

第 17 条标题 : Hydrochemical appraisal of groundwater quality for drinking and irrigation purposes and the major influencing factors: a case study in and around Hua County, China(李培月)作者: Li, PY (Li, Peiyue); Wu, JH (Wu, Jianhua); Qian, H (Qian, Hui)来源出版物: ARABIAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES 卷: 9 期: 1 文献号: UNSP 15 DOI: 10.1007/s12517-015-2059-1 出版年: JAN 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 17被引频次合计: 17使用次数 (最近 180 天): 7使用次数 (2013 年至今): 21引用的参考文献数: 55摘要: Groundwater is the major source of water for drinking and irrigation purposes in and around Hua County, China. However, long-term industrial effluents in the upstream of the area have

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produced contamination to groundwater. To provide a clear and better understanding of the status and extent of groundwater pollution to local decision makers, groundwater quality was assessed for drinking and irrigation purposes in this study using sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), residual sodium carbonate (RSC), soluble sodium percentage (%Na), permeability index (PI), an entropy weighted water quality index (EWQI), and some graphical approaches such as Wilcox and US Salinity Laboratory (USSL) diagrams. Factors that have significant influences on the hydrochemistry and quality of groundwater were also discussed in detail. Finally, some measures for the protection and management of groundwater in the study area were provided to local decision makers. The results show that shallow groundwater in and around the Hua County is mainly slightly alkaline freshwater with the majority of the samples falling in the category of HCO3-Ca and mixed HCO3 center dot SO4-Ca center dot Mg. Medium quality water is prevalent in the study area for drinking purpose, and the main contaminants in groundwater are total dissolved solid (TDS), total hardness (TH), SO42-, Cl-, NO3-, NO2-, and oil. Groundwater in the study area is suitable for agricultural irrigation with regard to sodium hazard, but mixing of low and high salinity water is recommended before irrigation to reduce the salinity hazard in local areas. Natural processes such as weathering of parent rocks, cation exchange, and groundwater evaporation are the dominant factors influencing groundwater chemistry in the study area. However, river water leakage and human interference are becoming increasingly important in altering natural groundwater chemistry. The recommendations suggest in this study may help to prevent further groundwater pollution in the study area, and the results and recommendations reported here will also be useful for many other regions facing similar problems.入藏号: WOS:000369322200015语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Groundwater; Groundwater quality assessment; Hydrochemistry; Influencing factors; Human activity; Groundwater pollutionKeyWords Plus: NORTHWEST CHINA; PLAIN BURDUR/TURKEY; ALLUVIAL AQUIFER; PENGYANG COUNTY; SAUDI-ARABIA; INDIA; FLUORIDE; HYDROGEOCHEMISTRY; SUITABILITY; MECHANISMS地址: [Li, Peiyue; Wu, Jianhua; Qian, Hui] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Li, Peiyue; Wu, Jianhua; Qian, Hui] Changan Univ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, Minist Educ, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Li, PY (通讯作者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.Li, PY (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, Minist Educ, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Li, Peiyue F-3831-2011 0000-0001-8771-3369 Wu, Jianhua G-4389-2017 0000-0001-6423-1762


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出版商地址: TIERGARTENSTRASSE 17, D-69121 HEIDELBERG, GERMANYWeb of Science 类别: Geosciences, Multidisciplinary研究方向: GeologyIDS 号: DC6IBISSN: 1866-7511eISSN: 1866-753829 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ARAB J GEOSCIISO 来源出版物缩写: Arab. J. Geosci.来源出版物页码计数: 17

第 18 条标题: Hydrogeochemical Characterization of Groundwater in and Around a Wastewater Irrigated Forest in the Southeastern Edge of the Tengger Desert, Northwest China(李培月)作 者 : Li, PY (Li, Peiyue); Wu, JH (Wu, Jianhua); Qian, H (Qian, Hui); Zhang, YT (Zhang, Yuting); Yang, NA (Yang, Nuan); Jing, LJ (Jing, Lijun); Yu, PY (Yu, Peiyuan)来源出版物: EXPOSURE AND HEALTH 卷: 8 期: 3 页: 331-348 DOI: 10.1007/s12403-016-0193-y 出版年: SEP 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 20被引频次合计: 20使用次数 (最近 180 天): 22使用次数 (2013 年至今): 44引用的参考文献数: 74摘要 : Groundwater is an essential part of water resources for human survival and economic development in arid regions over the world. Human activities and environmental change have imposed significant impacts on groundwater environment. To investigate the hydrogeochemical characteristics and evolution of groundwater in and around a desert region impacted by wastewater irrigation, 84 groundwater samples were collected and analyzed for 18 indices. Statistical and graphical approaches were applied to delineate the general hydrochemical characteristics of groundwater and the major factors influencing its evolution. Stable isotopes of H-2 and O-18 were applied to identify groundwater evaporation process. Hydrogeochemical modeling was also adopted to quantify the major reactions occurring in the groundwater system. The results reveal that the abundance of cations is Na+ > Ca2+ > Mg2+ > K+ for groundwater in the entire study area, while the abundance of anions for groundwater in the desert region is HCO3 (-) > Cl- > SO4 (2-), and that for groundwater in the alluvial plain is HCO3 (-) > SO4 (2-) > Cl-. Groundwater chemistry in the study area is mainly of rock dominance, and dissolution/precipitation of minerals and cation exchange are major natural factors governing the formation of groundwater chemistry. However, stable isotopes and the occurrence of nitrate show that shallow groundwater evaporation and human activities also have some impacts on groundwater quality. Hydrochemical type transits from Ca-Cl to HCO3 center dot SO4-Ca type, and then to HCO3 center dot SO4-Ca center dot Mg type along the flow path. The transition is influenced by multiple factors with water-rock interactions the predominant one. The water-rock interactions for the upper and lower sections of the flow path, indicated by hydrogeochemcial modeling, are different due to different geologic and hydrogeologic conditions.入藏号: WOS:000381997600003

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语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Groundwater pollution; Water quality; Paper wastewater; Hydrogeochemical modeling; Tengger DesertKeyWords Plus: SHALLOW GROUNDWATER; HYDROCHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS; QUALITY ASSESSMENT; YELLOW-RIVER; SOUTHERN PART; COASTAL AREA; PLAIN; MECHANISMS; CHEMISTRY; POLLUTION地址: [Li, Peiyue; Wu, Jianhua; Qian, Hui; Zhang, Yuting; Yang, Nuan; Jing, Lijun; Yu, Peiyuan] Changan Univ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, Minist Educ, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Li, Peiyue; Wu, Jianhua; Qian, Hui; Zhang, Yuting; Yang, Nuan; Jing, Lijun; Yu, Peiyuan] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Li, PY (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, Minist Educ, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.Li, PY (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Li, Peiyue F-3831-2011 0000-0001-8771-3369 Wu, Jianhua G-4389-2017 0000-0001-6423-1762 出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDSWeb of Science 类别: Water Resources研究方向: Water ResourcesIDS 号: DU1VHISSN: 2451-9766eISSN: 2451-968529 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: EXPOS HEALTHISO 来源出版物缩写: Expo. Health来源出版物页码计数: 18

第 19 条标 题 : Major Ion Chemistry and Quality Assessment of Groundwater in and Around a Mountainous Tourist Town of China(李培月)作者 : Li, PY (Li, Peiyue); Zhang, YT (Zhang, Yuting); Yang, NA (Yang, Nuan); Jing, LJ (Jing, Lijun); Yu, PY (Yu, Peiyuan)来源出版物: EXPOSURE AND HEALTH 卷: 8 期: 2 页: 239-252 DOI: 10.1007/s12403-016-0198-6 出版年: JUN 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 6被引频次合计: 6使用次数 (最近 180 天): 7使用次数 (2013 年至今): 25引用的参考文献数: 56

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摘要: Groundwater is widely used for various purposes over the world. To investigate the quality of groundwater for domestic and agricultural purposes in a mountainous tourist town of China, nine groundwater and three river water samples were collected during June 2015 for analysis of major ions (K+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, HCO3 (-), SO4 (2-), Cl-, and CO3 (2-)), pH, total dissolved solids, electric conductivity, and total hardness. The sources of major ions were discussed in detail by correlation analysis and bivariate diagrams. Sodium adsorption ratio, residual sodium carbonate, soluble sodium percentage, permeability index, and Kelley's ratio were applied for irrigation water quality assessment. Physiochemical parameters were also compared with the WHO and national standards for domestic purpose. The results demonstrate that both groundwater and river water are fresh water. The abundance of cations in collected water samples is Ca2+ > Na+ > Mg2+ > K+, while that of anions is HCO3 (-) > SO4 (2-)> Cl-. All major ion concentrations except CO3 (2-) in groundwater are higher than those in the river water because of more contacts with rocks and more mineral dissolution in the groundwater. Groundwater in the study area is mainly of SO4 center dot Cl-Ca center dot Mg type and HCO3-Ca center dot Mg type, and river water is of SO4 center dot Cl-Ca center dot Mg type. Groundwater and river water in the study area are both controlled mainly by rock weathering. The dissolutions of halite, carbonates, and silicates, as well as cation exchange and human activities such as fertilizer application in agriculture, geothermal bathing, and tourism are drivers for the variation of major ions in the water. Groundwater is generally suitable for domestic uses except some local samples experiencing low pH and high hardness. Both groundwater and river water in the study area are suitable for irrigation. Land irrigated rationally with such water will have no salinity and alkali hazards.入藏号: WOS:000376935200008语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Water quality; Groundwater chemistry; Water-rock interaction; Saturation index; Hydrogeology; TourismKeyWords Plus: NORTHWEST CHINA; SHALLOW GROUNDWATER; NITRATE CONTAMINATION; AGRICULTURAL AREA; PENGYANG COUNTY; RIVER-BASIN; INDIA; PLAIN; HYDROGEOCHEMISTRY; SUITABILITY地址 : [Li, Peiyue; Zhang, Yuting; Yang, Nuan; Jing, Lijun; Yu, Peiyuan] Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Li, Peiyue; Zhang, Yuting; Yang, Nuan; Jing, Lijun; Yu, Peiyuan] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Li, PY (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.Li, PY (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Li, Peiyue F-3831-2011 0000-0001-8771-3369 出版商: SPRINGER

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出版商地址: VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDSWeb of Science 类别: Water Resources研究方向: Water ResourcesIDS 号: DN3ATISSN: 2451-9766eISSN: 2451-968529 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: EXPOS HEALTHISO 来源出版物缩写: Expo. Health来源出版物页码计数: 14

第 20 条标题: Distribution, enrichment and sources of trace metals in the topsoil in the vicinity of a steel wire plant along the Silk Road economic belt, northwest China(李培月)作 者 : Li, PY (Li, Peiyue); Wu, JH (Wu, Jianhua); Qian, H (Qian, Hui); Zhou, WF (Zhou, Wanfang)来源出版物: ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES 卷: 75 期: 10 文献号: UNSP 909 DOI: 10.1007/s12665-016-5719-x 出版年: MAY 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 3被引频次合计: 3使用次数 (最近 180 天): 8使用次数 (2013 年至今): 36引用的参考文献数: 43摘要: The West Development Program, initiated in 2000 by the central government of China, has attracted huge investments in the arid and semiarid regions of northwest China. As a consequence of this development, environmental pollution and ecological degradation have been widely reported. The Silk Road economic belt proposed by China promotes further economic development in the regions, but rational planning and regular monitoring are essential to minimize any additional negative impacts of the anthropogenic activities. This article reports an investigation on the distribution, enrichment and sources of trace metals in the topsoil in and around the Ningxia Hengli Steel Wire Plant (HSWP) situated along the Silk Road economic belt. The concentrations of Cd, Pb, Cr, Cu, Zn, Ni, Mn, V and Co in the surface soils of the study area vary, respectively, in the following ranges: 0.083-18.600, 21.9-2681.0, 58.0-100.0, 14.6-169.9, 59.0-4207.3, 19.3-40.8, 411-711, 55.2-76.6 and 7.46-25.21 mg/kg. The concentrations of Cd, Pb, Cr, Cu, Zn and Co are significantly higher than their local background values. Pollution levels of these trace metals in the surface soils were assessed using contamination index (C-i(f)), geo-accumulation index (I-geo), modified contamination degree (mC(d)) and pollution load index. The potential ecological risks caused by the metal pollution were assessed by means of potential ecological risk factor (E-i(f)) and potential ecological risk index. The Spearman correlation and cluster analysis were applied to determine the contamination sources. The HSWP zone, associated with very high potential ecological risk caused by Pb and Cd, is more seriously contaminated by trace metals than the residential zone. This study indicates that Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn and Co mainly originate from industrial pollution, whereas Cr, Mn, Ni and V result from both industrial activities and natural processes.入藏号: WOS:000376589500062

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语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Trace metal pollution; Potential ecological risk; Soil pollution; Environmental risk; Human intervention; Silk Road; ChinaKeyWords Plus: HUMAN HEALTH-RISK; WASTE-WATER IRRIGATION; HEAVY-METALS; SURFACE SEDIMENTS; ECOLOGICAL RISK; DRINKING-WATER; CONTAMINATION; SOIL; RIVER; POLLUTION地址 : [Li, Peiyue; Wu, Jianhua; Qian, Hui] Changan Univ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, Minist Educ, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Li, Peiyue; Wu, Jianhua; Qian, Hui] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Zhou, Wanfang] ERT Inc, 12710 Buttonwood Lane, Knoxville, TN 37934 USA.通讯作者地址: Li, PY (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, Minist Educ, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.Li, PY (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Li, Peiyue F-3831-2011 0000-0001-8771-3369 Wu, Jianhua G-4389-2017 0000-0001-6423-1762 出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USAWeb of Science 类别: Environmental Sciences; Geosciences, Multidisciplinary; Water Resources研究方向: Environmental Sciences & Ecology; Geology; Water ResourcesIDS 号: DM8CYISSN: 1866-6280eISSN: 1866-629929 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ENVIRON EARTH SCIISO 来源出版物缩写: Environ. Earth Sci.来源出版物页码计数: 16

第 21 条标题: Phase behavior of quaternary aqueous two-phase systems: Influence factors and extraction mechanism study(李宇亮)作者: Li, YL (Li, Yuliang); Lu, XJ (Lu, Xiaojia); Zhu, Q (Zhu, Qi); Huang, R (Huang, Rong); Hu, J (Hu, Jing); Yang, HB (Yang, Hongbin); Yao, YL (Yao, Yiliang)来 源 出 版 物 : FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA 卷 : 430 页 : 101-111 DOI: 10.1016/j.fluid.2016.09.027 出版年: DEC 25 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 12使用次数 (2013 年至今): 41引用的参考文献数: 55

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摘要: The liquid-liquid equilibrium for five systems containing sodium carbonate + ethanol + 2-propanol + water (with different ethanol to 2-propanol mass ratios), sodium sulphate + ethanol + 2-propanol + water, sodium carbonate sodium dihydrogen phosphate + ethanol + 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate + water were determined at T = 308.15 K and atmospheric pressure. The binodal curves were correlated by Merchuk equation and another empirical formula while tie-lines were satisfactorily reproduced by a two-parameter equation with two other expressions respectively developed by Othiner-Tobias and Bancroft. Numerous factors were introduced to explore their impacts on the salting-out abilities of the quaternary aqueous two-phase systems. Results have shown that the anion species, ratio of organic components and system types significantly affected the phase behavior of investigated systems. Besides, the optimal system in this work was selected to extract vitamin B6 under laboratory conditions and the influences of pH value, temperature and extraction time on extraction process were investigated as well. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000387834700010语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关 键 词 : Aqueous two-phase system; Ionic liquid; Small-molecule organic solvent; Extraction; Vitamin B6KeyWords Plus: LIQUID-LIQUID EQUILIBRIA; TEMPERATURES EXPERIMENTAL-DETERMINATION; IONIC-LIQUID; BIPHASIC SYSTEMS; POLYETHYLENE-GLYCOL; PLUS WATER; SODIUM SUCCINATE; AMMONIUM CITRATE; INORGANIC SALTS; TERNARY-SYSTEM地址 : [Li, Yuliang; Lu, Xiaojia; Zhu, Qi; Huang, Rong] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Li, Yuliang; Lu, Xiaojia; Zhu, Qi; Huang, Rong; Yang, Hongbin] Minist Educ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Hu, Jing] Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Earth Environm, State Key Lab Loess & Quaternary Geol, Xian 710075, Peoples R China. [Yao, Yiliang] Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Li, YL (通讯作者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV出版商地址: PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDSWeb of Science 类别: Thermodynamics; Chemistry, Physical; Engineering, Chemical研究方向: Thermodynamics; Chemistry; EngineeringIDS 号: EC1AAISSN: 0378-3812eISSN: 1879-022429 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRISO 来源出版物缩写: Fluid Phase Equilib.来源出版物页码计数: 11

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标题 : Phase Behavior of Inorganic Salts Sodium Succinate and Ammonium Citrate in N-Ethylpyridinium Tetrafluoroborate Solution at Different Temperatures(李宇亮)作者: Li, YL (Li, Yuliang); Lu, XJ (Lu, Xiaojia); Huang, R (Huang, Rong); Zhu, Q (Zhu, Qi); Xie, YT (Xie, Yating)来源出版物: JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA 卷: 61 期: 7 页: 2380-2390 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.5b01099 出版年: JUL 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 4使用次数 (2013 年至今): 5引用的参考文献数: 54摘要 : Phase diagrams of the aqueous two-phase system N-ethylpyridinium tetrafluoroborate + sodium succinate/ammonium citrate + water were experimentally determined at 308.15 K, 318.15 K, and 328.15 K, respectively. The binodal data and tie-line data were associated with numerous empirical formulas and good agreements have been obtained. The effect of salt type and temperature on binodal curves and tie lines were emphatically discussed via observing the phase diagrams and analyzing the correlation data. It was found that there were significant differences between the two salts when they were constructing two phases with N-ethylpyridinium tetrafluoroborate. The effective excluded volume values used to evaluate the salt-out effect of two inorganic salts were derived from correlating the experimental binodal data of investigated systems.入藏号: WOS:000379988600022语种: English文献类型: ArticleKeyWords Plus: AQUEOUS 2-PHASE SYSTEMS; LIQUID-LIQUID EQUILIBRIA; IONIC LIQUID; BIPHASIC SYSTEMS; POLY(ETHYLENE GLYCOL); POLYETHYLENE-GLYCOL; PLUS WATER; AGGREGATION BEHAVIOR; TERNARY-SYSTEM; K EXPERIMENT地址: [Li, Yuliang; Lu, Xiaojia; Huang, Rong; Zhu, Qi; Xie, Yating] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Li, Yuliang] Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Li, YL (通讯作者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.Li, YL (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: AMER CHEMICAL SOC出版商地址: 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USAWeb of Science 类别: Thermodynamics; Chemistry, Multidisciplinary; Engineering, Chemical研究方向: Thermodynamics; Chemistry; EngineeringIDS 号: DR6CBISSN: 0021-956829 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J CHEM ENG DATAISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Chem. Eng. Data

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来源出版物页码计数: 11

第 23 条标 题 : Phase diagram of ionic liquid aqueous two-phase systems with N-butylpyridinium tetrafluoroborate, ammonium Citrate/Sodium acetate, and water from 308.15 K to 328.15 K (李宇亮)作者: Li, YL (Li, Yuliang); Xu, ZY (Xu, Zhongyu); Luo, QX (Luo, Qinxin); Lu, XJ (Lu, Xiaojia); Hu, J (Hu, Jing)来源出版物: THERMOCHIMICA ACTA 卷: 632 页: 72-78 DOI: 10.1016/j.tca.2016.03.030 出版年: MAY 20 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 12使用次数 (2013 年至今): 24引用的参考文献数: 35摘要: In this study, the phase diagrams and liquid-liquid equilibrium data for two-phase systems of N-butylpyridinium tetrafluoroborate ([BPABF(4))+ ammonium citrate ((NH4)(3)C6H5O7) have been experimentally determined at 308.15 K, 313.15 K, 318.15 K and 328.15K. Sodium acetate (CH3COONa)+ water had also been determined at 308.15 K, 318.15 K and 328.15K. The binodal data were fit to the Merchuk equation and to two empirical equations with several parameters. Good agreement was obtained among these models. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000375507100011语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Liquid-liquid equilibrium; Ionic liquid; Organic salt; Temperature; Salting-out abilityKeyWords Plus: DIFFERENT TEMPERATURES; AGGREGATION BEHAVIOR; ANIONIC STRUCTURE; EQUILIBRIA; SALT; EXTRACTION; BROMIDE; CHROMATOGRAPHY; PURIFICATION; SEPARATION地址: [Li, Yuliang] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Li, Yuliang; Xu, Zhongyu; Luo, Qinxin; Lu, Xiaojia] Minist Educt, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Hu, Jing] Chinese Acad Sci, State Key Lab Loess & Quaternary Geol, Inst Earth Environm, Xian 710075, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Li, YL (通讯作者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.Li, YL (通讯作 者 ),Minist Educt, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV出版商地址: PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDSWeb of Science 类别: Thermodynamics; Chemistry, Analytical; Chemistry, Physical研究方向: Thermodynamics; Chemistry

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IDS 号: DL3ARISSN: 0040-6031eISSN: 1872-762X29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: THERMOCHIM ACTAISO 来源出版物缩写: Thermochim. Acta来源出版物页码计数: 7

第 24 条标 题 : Phase behavior of an aqueous two-phase ionic liquid containing (N-butylpyridiniumtetrafluoroborate plus sulfate salts plus water) at different temperatures (李宇亮)作者: Li, YL (Li, Yuliang); Huang, R (Huang, Rong); He, ZY (He, Ziyue); Li, N (Li, Na); Lu, XJ (Lu, Xiaojia)来 源 出 版物 : JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS 卷 : 216 页 : 174-184 DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2015.12.068 出版年: APR 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 5使用次数 (2013 年至今): 19引用的参考文献数: 60摘要: Liquid-liquid equilibrium (LLE) data for N-butylpyridiniumtetrafluoroborate ([BPy]BF4) + sulfate salt + H2O systems have been determined experimentally at T = (298.15, 308.15, and 318.15) K. The binodal curves agree with an empirical nonlinear expression developed by Merchuk, while the tie-line data are described by the Othmer-Tobias, Bancroft two-parameter, and Setschenow-type equations. Factors, such as salts, that affect the binodal curves are also studied. The effective excluded volume (EEV) values obtained from the bimodal models for the two systems were determined, and the salting-out capabilities of different salts follow the order of Na2SO4> (NH4)(2)SO4, which may be related to the Gibbs free energy of hydration of the ions (Delta G(hyd)). Furthermore, the tie line is also discussed to evaluate the phase separation capabilities of the investigated systems. These reported data provide a significant contribution to the further study of extraction processes using ionic liquids (ILs). (C) 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V.入藏号: WOS:000374073900024语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: ATPS; [BPy]BF4; Sulfate salt; Liquid-liquid equilibrium; TemperatureKeyWords Plus: POLYOXYETHYLENE LAURYL ETHER; DIPOTASSIUM HYDROGEN PHOSPHATE; 298.15 K EXPERIMENT; BIPHASIC SYSTEMS; DIHYDROGEN PHOSPHATE; POLYETHYLENE-GLYCOL; DIAGRAM DATA; EQUILIBRIA; CITRATE; TETRAFLUOROBORATE地址: [Li, Yuliang; Huang, Rong; He, Ziyue; Li, Na; Lu, Xiaojia] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Li, Yuliang] Minist Educt, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.

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[Li, Yuliang] Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Earth Environm, State Key Lab Loess & Quaternary Geol, Xian 710075, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Li, YL (通讯作者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.Li, YL (通讯作 者 ),Minist Educt, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.Li, YL (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Earth Environm, State Key Lab Loess & Quaternary Geol, Xian 710075, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV出版商地址: PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDSWeb of Science 类别: Chemistry, Physical; Physics, Atomic, Molecular & Chemical研究方向: Chemistry; PhysicsIDS 号: DJ2ZJISSN: 0167-7322eISSN: 1873-316629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J MOL LIQISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Mol. Liq.来源出版物页码计数: 11

第 25 条标题 : Effect of Temperature on the Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium of the Ternary Aqueous System Containing N-Butylpyridinium Tetrafluoroborate and Sodium Dihydrogen Phosphate(李宇亮)作者: Li, YL (Li, Yuliang); Lu, XJ (Lu, Xiaojia); Wu, JN (Wu, Jinna)来源出版物: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMOPHYSICS 卷: 37 期: 2 特刊: SI 文献号: 16 DOI: 10.1007/s10765-015-2016-y 出版年: FEB 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 3使用次数 (2013 年至今): 12引用的参考文献数: 50摘要 : New experimental data of the binodal and tie lines for the ionic liquid N-butylpyridinium tetrafluoroborate + sodium dihydrogen phosphate + water system were measured at T = 293.15 K, 298.15 K, 308.15 K, and 318.15 K. An empirical equation was used to correlate the binodal data, whereas a two-parameter model (the Setschenow-type equation) was employed for the tie-line data. The correlation coefficients showed that the experimental data were well fitted to both of the empirical equations. The temperature variation effect on the binodal curves and tie lines was also discussed, which indicates that a lower temperature corresponds to higher salting-out abilities.入藏号: WOS:000368706900004语种: English文献类型: Article; Proceedings Paper会议名称: 13th Joint European Thermodynamics Conference (JETC)会议日期: MAY 20-22, 2015会议地点: Nancy, FRANCE

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作者关键词: Aqueous two-phase system; Ionic liquid; Binodal curve; Tie line; TemperatureKeyWords Plus: POLYOXYETHYLENE LAURYL ETHER; IONIC-LIQUID; 2-PHASE SYSTEMS; BIPHASIC SYSTEMS; K EXPERIMENT; POLY(ETHYLENE GLYCOL); PHASE-EQUILIBRIA; AMMONIUM CITRATE; EXTRACTION; SALTS地址 : [Li, Yuliang; Lu, Xiaojia; Wu, Jinna] Changan Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Li, YL (通讯作者 ),Changan Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER/PLENUM PUBLISHERS出版商地址: 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USAWeb of Science 类别: Thermodynamics; Chemistry, Physical; Mechanics; Physics, Applied研究方向: Thermodynamics; Chemistry; Mechanics; PhysicsIDS 号: DB7PDISSN: 0195-928XeISSN: 1572-956729 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: INT J THERMOPHYSISO 来源出版物缩写: Int. J. Thermophys.来源出版物页码计数: 14

第 26 条标题 : Influence of the Salting-Out Ability and Temperature on the Liquid-Liquid Equilibria of Aqueous Two-Phase Systems Based on Ionic Liquid-Organic Salts-Water(李宇亮)作 者 : Li, YL (Li, Yuliang); Lu, XJ (Lu, Xiaojia); He, WT (He, Wenting); Huang, R (Huang, Rong); Zhao, YJ (Zhao, Yingjie); Wang, ZH (Wang, Zhigiang)来源出版物: JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA 卷: 61 期: 1 页: 475-486 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.5b00657 出版年: JAN 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 10使用次数 (2013 年至今): 24引用的参考文献数: 55摘要 : In the present work, (liquid + liquid) equilibrium (LLE) data have been determined experimentally for aqueous two-phase systems formed by the ionic liquids n-butylpyridinium trifluoromethanesulfonate [Bpy]OTF and the organic salts of ammonium citrate ((NH4)(3)C6H5O7) and sodium succinate (Na2C4H4O4) at T = (298.15, 318.15, and 328.15) K. Binodal curves were fitted to two empirical equations with different parameters. The quality of the experimental LLE data was established by applying the Othmer-Tobias and Bancroft correlations. The tie-line data of the systems at three different temperatures has also been described by the Setschenow-type equation. The phase diagrams for the two-phase systems show good agreement with the experimental data. Furthermore, the temperature dependence of the binodal curves has also been discussed. The results show the salting-out ability of Na2C4H4O4 exceed (NH4)(3)C6H5O7, which can be related to the Gibbs energy.入藏号: WOS:000368564600055

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语种: English文献类型: ArticleKeyWords Plus: DIPOTASSIUM HYDROGEN PHOSPHATE; PHASE-DIAGRAM DATA; BIPHASIC SYSTEMS; IMIDAZOLIUM TETRAFLUOROBORATE; POLY(ETHYLENE GLYCOL); AGGREGATION BEHAVIOR; AMMONIUM CITRATE; TERNARY-SYSTEM; K EXPERIMENT; PLUS SODIUM地址 : [Li, Yuliang; Lu, Xiaojia; He, Wenting; Huang, Rong; Zhao, Yingjie] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Wang, Zhigiang] Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Li, YL (通讯作者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: AMER CHEMICAL SOC出版商地址: 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USAWeb of Science 类别: Thermodynamics; Chemistry, Multidisciplinary; Engineering, Chemical研究方向: Thermodynamics; Chemistry; EngineeringIDS 号: DB5OXISSN: 0021-956829 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J CHEM ENG DATAISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Chem. Eng. Data来源出版物页码计数: 12

第 27 条标题 : The soil water dynamics and hydraulic processes of crops with plastic film mulching in terraced dryland fields on the Loess Plateau(刘秀花)作者: Liu, XH (Liu, Xiuhua); He, BL (He, Baolin); Yi, X (Yi, Xiu); Zhang, LG (Zhang, Ligong); Han, FF (Han, Fangfang)来 源 出 版物 : ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES 卷 : 75 期 : 9 文 献号 : 809 DOI: 10.1007/s12665-016-5670-x 出版年: MAY 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 2使用次数 (最近 180 天): 8使用次数 (2013 年至今): 31引用的参考文献数: 36摘要: The soil water supply is the main limiting factor for dryland crop production on the Loess Plateau in China. Local farmers have been looking for tactics to interfere with natural hydrologic processes and to conserve soil water in dry seasons. Recently, plastic film mulching has been widely used by local farms. Moreover, mulching no longer occurs before planting, instead, it is done earlier, and thus crop yields increase. Therefore, soil water hydrologic processes for fields mulched entirely with plastic film mulch require better understanding. Field experiments were conducted from October 2009 to September 2010, 2011, and 2013 to evaluate the soil water dynamics and hydrologic process in winter wheat, maize, and potato fields with plastic film mulching. The soil moisture for depths of 0-100 cm in 2010-2011 and 0-200 cm in 2013 was measured at every 20-cm depth interval during the growth period from sowing to harvesting in all

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of the treatments. The results showed that the soil water distribution of a plastic film-mulched field is significantly different from that of an unmulched field. The soil water of the mulched field presented an obvious inverted S-trend at depths of 0-60 cm during the growth season. During the dry season (winter and spring), under conditions of high surface evaporation and no effective rainfall, changes in the boundary conditions of the vapor migration hydrologic process between the soil and atmosphere by the mulched treatments led to an obvious increase in the soil water with wheat increasing by 3.45 (cm(3)/cm(3)) at depths of 0-20 cm and maize and potato increasing by 0.04-6.04 (cm(3)/cm(3)) at depths of 0-80 cm. This condition increased the available water to guarantee the crops' water demand at the dry seedling stage for maize and the revival stage for wheat against the threat of seasonal drought and ensured a higher crop yield.入藏号: WOS:000376030100085语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Soil water dynamics hydrologic process; Plastic film mulching; Soil vapor movement; Loess PlateauKeyWords Plus: USE EFFICIENCY; CHINA; YIELD; WHEAT; MANAGEMENT; TILLAGE; REGION; MAIZE; MODEL地址: [Liu, Xiuhua; Yi, Xiu] Changan Univ, Dept Environm Sci & Engn, 126 Nanduan Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Liu, Xiuhua] Minist Educ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effect Arid Reg, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [He, Baolin] Gansu Acad Agr Sci, Lanzhou 730070, Peoples R China. [Zhang, Ligong] Agr Technol Promot Ctr Zhuanglang Cty Gansu Prov, Zhuanglang 744699, Peoples R China. [Han, Fangfang] Dongguan Water Conservancy Survey & Design Inst C, Dongguan 523115, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Liu, XH (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Dept Environm Sci & Engn, 126 Nanduan Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.Liu, XH (通讯作 者 ),Minist Educ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effect Arid Reg, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USAWeb of Science 类别: Environmental Sciences; Geosciences, Multidisciplinary; Water Resources研究方向: Environmental Sciences & Ecology; Geology; Water ResourcesIDS 号: DM0JKISSN: 1866-6280eISSN: 1866-629929 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ENVIRON EARTH SCIISO 来源出版物缩写: Environ. Earth Sci.来源出版物页码计数: 16

第 28 条标题 : The water source situation and crises of the irrigation areas on the Loess Plateau at the

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origin of the Silk Road, China(刘招)作者: Liu, Z (Liu, Zhao); Wang, LX (Wang, Lixia); Yi, X (Yi, Xiu); Mao, QN (Mao, Quannian); Liu, Y (Liu, Yan)来源出版物 : ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES 卷 : 75 期 : 15 文献号 : 1144 DOI: 10.1007/s12665-016-5955-0 出版年: AUG 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 8使用次数 (2013 年至今): 16引用的参考文献数: 32摘要 : The irrigation areas distributed on the Loess Tableland where the Silk Road begins have historically contributed greatly to the excellent agricultural civilization of China. However, increasing shortages of water resources and the resulting problems, such as the drainage of groundwater, ground fracturing and land subsidence, have emerged gradually in some parts of these irrigation areas; this has posed a large challenge to local people and water authorities in past decades. As the most essential issue for these irrigation areas, the water source, its condition and crises were analyzed by taking the Jinghuiqu Irrigation Area as an example in this paper. Considering the minimum environmental instream flow in the Jinghe River with different methods, a reasonable value of the average annual available runoff was evaluated for the Jinghuiqu Irrigation Area, and the water shortage was evaluated by considering two different types of water usage based on hydrological analysis and statistics. The results indicate that the situation is not promising as a whole. For some dry years, the available runoff is lower than the average annual water requirements of the irrigation area, and moreover, the situation will become increasingly worse if the runoff in the Jinghe River decreases continuously, which has been its tendency for the past few decades. Based on the severe groundwater situation, surface water should always be given priority in irrigation, and irrigating with groundwater should be strictly prohibited during wet periods and restricted during normal and dry years in the whole area.入藏号: WOS:000381077100027语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Silk Road; Water resource; Jinghuiqu Irrigation Area; Minimum instream flow; Available runoffKeyWords Plus: NORTHWEST CHINA; QUALITY ASSESSMENT; GROUNDWATER; RIVER; HYDROGEOCHEMISTRY; CHEMISTRY; RUNS地址 : [Liu, Zhao; Yi, Xiu; Liu, Yan] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Liu, Zhao; Yi, Xiu; Liu, Yan] Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Wang, Lixia] Changan Univ, Sch Earth Sci & Resources, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Mao, Quannian] Author Jinghuiqu Irrigat Area, 1 Yanyousi St, Sanyuan Cty, Shaanxi Provinc, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Liu, Z (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.

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Liu, Z (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USAWeb of Science 类别: Environmental Sciences; Geosciences, Multidisciplinary; Water Resources研究方向: Environmental Sciences & Ecology; Geology; Water ResourcesIDS 号: DS9BNISSN: 1866-6280eISSN: 1866-629929 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ENVIRON EARTH SCIISO 来源出版物缩写: Environ. Earth Sci.来源出版物页码计数: 10

第 29 条标题: Variable air volume air-conditioning experiment system with advanced controls(孟庆龙)作者: Meng, QL (Meng, Qinglong); Yan, XY (Yan, Xiuying); Ren, QC (Ren, Qingchang); Adeli, H (Adeli, Hojjat)来 源 出 版物 : INDOOR AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT 卷 : 25 期 : 1 页 : 114-127 DOI: 10.1177/1420326X14540314 出版年: FEB 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 3使用次数 (2013 年至今): 10引用的参考文献数: 25摘要 : A heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) system is a multi-variable strongly coupled large-scale system that is composed of several sub-systems. Considerable research, simulations, and experiments have been conducted on HVAC control. The optimization control of an HVAC system is now the popular issue. The ultimate goal of this paper was to achieve minimum energy consumption and improve system efficiency. Multi-zone variable air volume and variable water volume air-conditioning systems were developed. The dynamic models of HVAC sub-systems were built by the adaptive directional forgetting method. Control strategies such as the gearshift integral proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller and self-tuning PID controller were studied in the platform to improve the dynamic characteristics of the HVAC system. System performance was improved. The system saved 18.2% of energy with the integration of iterative learning control and sequential quadratic programming based on the steady-state hierarchical optimization control scheme.入藏号: WOS:000370704800011语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Air-conditioning system; Large-scale system; Gearshift integral; Self-tuningKeyWords Plus: HVAC SYSTEMS; ECONOMIZER DAMPERS; ENERGY MANAGEMENT; PID CONTROLLERS; OPTIMIZATION; SIMULATION; BUILDINGS; MODELS地址: [Meng, Qinglong] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Yanta Rd 126, Xian 710054,

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Peoples R China. [Yan, Xiuying; Ren, Qingchang] Xian Univ Architecture & Technol, Sch Informat & Control Engn, Xian, Peoples R China. [Adeli, Hojjat] Ohio State Univ, Dept Civil & Environm Engn, Columbus, OH 43210 USA.通讯作者地址: Meng, QL (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Yanta Rd 126, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD出版商地址: 1 OLIVERS YARD, 55 CITY ROAD, LONDON EC1Y 1SP, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Environmental; Public, Environmental & Occupational Health研 究 方 向 : Construction & Building Technology; Engineering; Public, Environmental & Occupational HealthIDS 号: DE5WVISSN: 1420-326XeISSN: 1423-007029 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: INDOOR BUILT ENVIRONISO 来源出版物缩写: Indoor Built Environ.来源出版物页码计数: 14

第 30 条标题 : Isolation and characterization of a cold-resistant PCB209-degrading bacterial strain from river sediment and its application in bioremediation of contaminated soil(邱立萍)作者: Qiu, LP (Qiu, Liping); Wang, H (Wang, Hu); Wang, XT (Wang, Xuntao)来 源 出 版 物 : JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND HEALTH PART A-TOXIC/HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 卷: 51 期: 3 页: 204-212 DOI:10.1080/10934529.2015.1094324 出版年: FEB 23 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 5使用次数 (2013 年至今): 40引用的参考文献数: 31摘 要 : A cold-resistant bacterium (strain QL) that can degrade 2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6-decachlorobiphenyl (PCB209) was isolated from Wei-he River sediment. Strain QL was identified as a rod-shaped gram-negative bacterial strain, which was further identified as Comamonas testosteroni. C. testosteroni has never been reported to be capable of degrading PCB209 at low temperatures. In this study, the degradation characteristics showed that strain QL could grow with PCB209 as the sole carbon source at low temperatures (10 +/- 0.5 degrees C). More significantly, strain QL of 40% inoculation volume was able to completely degrade PCB209 in 140 h (initial concentration of PCB209 was 100-500 mu g L-1 at 10 +/- 0.5 degrees C and pH 7-8). The degradation process proceeded with zero-order reaction kinetics. Moreover, both laboratory simulation and real-world field experiments demonstrated that strain QL was effective in practical applications of PCB209 biodegradation in contaminated soil.入藏号: WOS:000367389600002

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PubMed ID: 26635180语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Biodegradation; cold-resistant strain; Comamonas testosteroni; polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs); sedimentKeyWords Plus: COMAMONAS-TESTOSTERONI TK102; FLOW-CYTOMETRY; DEGRADATION; GROWTH; DIOXYGENASE; PESTICIDES; WATER地址: [Qiu, Liping] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Wang, Hu; Wang, Xuntao] Changan Univ, Sch Nat & Appl Sci, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Qiu, LP (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: TAYLOR & FRANCIS INC出版商地址: 530 WALNUT STREET, STE 850, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19106 USAWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Environmental; Environmental Sciences研究方向: Engineering; Environmental Sciences & EcologyIDS 号: CZ9AGISSN: 1093-4529eISSN: 1532-411729 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J ENVIRON SCI HEAL AISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Environ. Sci. Health Part A-Toxic/Hazard. Subst. Environ. Eng.来源出版物页码计数: 9

第 31 条标题: Residues and Distributions of Organochlorine Pesticides in China's Weihe River(王莉)作者: Wang, D (Wang, Di); Yang, SK (Yang, Shengke); Wang, G (Wang, Geng); Gao, LC (Gao, Lunchuan); Wang, YN (Wang, Yanni); Jiang, QL (Jiang, Qianli); Chen, YY (Chen, Yuyun)来源出版物: POLISH JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES 卷: 25 期: 3 页: 1285-1292 DOI: 10.15244/pjoes/61821 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 6使用次数 (2013 年至今): 15引用的参考文献数: 27摘 要 : To examine the residues and distributions of hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), and other organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in the Weihe River basin of northwest China, a gas chromatography-mass spectrometer (GC-MS) was employed to analyze the samples collected from surface water, suspended solids, and sediments. Results showed that total concentrations of HCHs, DDT, and other OCPs in surface water were in the range of 2.41-178.18, 0.94-116.83, and 3.64-37.17 ng/L, respectively; in suspended solids they were 5 1.76-241.23, 2.8212.23, and 11.35-37.67 ng/L, respectively; and in sediments they were 74.13-517.49, 1.20-370.98, and 7.94-110.13 ng/g dry weight, respectively. The alpha-HCH/gamma-HCH ratio indicated that historical usage of technical mixtures of HCHs was the main source of HCHs. The DDT ratio indicated that DDT at most sites came from older uses

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of technical DDT. Compared with some guideline values of OCPs in surface water, the concentrations of HCHs and DDT were at safe levels. Meanwhile, the Weihe River sediments have high ecological risk pesticides.入藏号: WOS:000377240700039语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: organochlorine pesticides; water; suspended solids; sediments; Weihe RiverKeyWords Plus: SURFACE-WATER; POLYCHLORINATED-BIPHENYLS; ESTUARINE SEDIMENTS; ECOLOGICAL RISK; HEAVY-METALS; NORTH CHINA; OCPS; LAKE; DDT; PAKISTAN地址: [Wang, Di; Yang, Shengke; Wang, Geng; Gao, Lunchuan; Wang, Yanni; Jiang, Qianli; Chen, Yuyun] Changan Univ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effect Arid Reg, Minist Educ, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Wang, D (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effect Arid Reg, Minist Educ, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: HARD出版商地址: POST-OFFICE BOX, 10-718 OLSZTYN 5, POLANDWeb of Science 类别: Environmental Sciences研究方向: Environmental Sciences & EcologyIDS 号: DN7FMISSN: 1230-1485eISSN: 2083-590629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: POL J ENVIRON STUDISO 来源出版物缩写: Pol. J. Environ. Stud.来源出版物页码计数: 8

第 32 条标题 : Impacts of Yuyang Coal Mine on Groundwater Quality in Hongshixia Water Source, Northwest China: A Physicochemical and Modeling Research(王伟(王玮))作者: Wang, W (Wang, Wei); Qiang, YX (Qiang, Yixing); Wang, Y (Wang, Yu); Sun, QM (Sun, Qiming); Zhang, M (Zhang, Mao)来源出版物: EXPOSURE AND HEALTH 卷: 8 期: 3 页: 431-442 DOI: 10.1007/s12403-016-0223-9 出版年: SEP 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 2被引频次合计: 2使用次数 (最近 180 天): 6使用次数 (2013 年至今): 19引用的参考文献数: 35摘要: The Yuyang Coal mine drainage can potentially have a negative impact on the surrounding drinking water, including the Hongshixia water source, causing detrimental effects to the environment and on human health. Here, contamination from the coal mine was analyzed by physicochemical interpretation and numerical simulation. We constructed two sampling profiles along the groundwater flow and transverse directions, and collected twenty-six groundwater

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samples near the drainage ponds from the Yuyang coal mine for physicochemical analysis and interpretation. And in terms of the numerical simulations, we chose the MODFLOW software to describe river, drainage ponds and reservoir and establish the flow model. We chose the MT3DMS modular software to build a solute transport model, and established a three-dimensional transient numerical model to predict the migration of total Fe and SO4 (2-). The physicochemical analytical results indicate the groundwater quality degrades as we approach the drainage ponds. The variations of ion concentrations in the eastward and northward directions show the migration distance of the contaminants in the eastward direction (e.g., the direction of groundwater flow) is much greater to that in the northward direction (e.g., perpendicular to the groundwater flow direction). Numerical simulation results suggest within the predicted days, the concentrations of Fe and SO4 (2-) in the mine drainage ponds will be higher to that of the acceptable levels recommended by the national groundwater quality guidelines, imposing serious risks to the surrounding groundwater and human health. The pollution plumes of the contaminants migrate closer to the groundwater source governed by groundwater flow, suggesting the mine drainage may pose a risk to the groundwater quality of the Hongshixia water source.入藏号: WOS:000381997600010语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Groundwater quality; Physicochemical analysis; Solute transport; Numerical simulation; Water pollution; Mine waterKeyWords Plus: SHALLOW GROUNDWATER; HEALTH-RISK; DRAINAGE; POLLUTION; CONTAMINATION; REMEDIATION; ORIGIN; SPAIN地址: [Wang, Wei; Qiang, Yixing; Wang, Yu; Sun, Qiming; Zhang, Mao] Changan Univ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, Minist Educ, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Wang, Wei; Qiang, Yixing; Wang, Yu; Sun, Qiming; Zhang, Mao] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Wang, W (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, Minist Educ, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.Wang, W (通讯作者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDSWeb of Science 类别: Water Resources研究方向: Water ResourcesIDS 号: DU1VHISSN: 2451-9766eISSN: 2451-968529 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: EXPOS HEALTHISO 来源出版物缩写: Expo. Health来源出版物页码计数: 12

第 33 条

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标题: A quantitative analysis of hydraulic interaction processes in stream aquifer systems(王文科)作者: Wang, WK (Wang, Wenke); Dai, ZX (Dai, Zhenxue); Zhao, YQ (Zhao, Yaqian); Li, JT (Li, Junting); Duan, L (Duan, Lei); Wang, ZF (Wang, Zhoufeng); Zhu, L (Zhu, Lin)来源出版物: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 卷: 6 文献号: 19876 DOI: 10.1038/srep19876 出版年: JAN 28 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 8被引频次合计: 8使用次数 (最近 180 天): 4使用次数 (2013 年至今): 22引用的参考文献数: 39摘要 : The hydraulic relationship between the stream and aquifer can be altered from hydraulic connection to disconnection when the pumping rate exceeds the maximum seepage flux of the streambed. This study proposes to quantitatively analyze the physical processes of stream-aquifer systems from connection to disconnection. A free water table equation is adopted to clarify under what conditions a stream starts to separate hydraulically from an aquifer. Both the theoretical analysis and laboratory tests have demonstrated that the hydraulic connectedness of the stream-aquifer system can reach a critical disconnection state when the horizontal hydraulic gradient at the free water surface is equal to zero and the vertical is equal to 1. A boundary-value problem for movement of the critical point of disconnection is established for an analytical solution of the inverted water table movement beneath the stream. The result indicates that the maximum distance or thickness of the inverted water table is equal to the water depth in the stream, and at a steady state of disconnection, the maximum hydraulic gradient at the streambed center is 2. This study helps us to understand the hydraulic phenomena of water flow near streams and accurately assess surface water and groundwater resources.入藏号: WOS:000368794100001PubMed ID: 26818442语种: English文献类型: ArticleKeyWords Plus: GROUNDWATER-FLOW; SURFACE-WATER; DEPLETION; MODELS; TRANSPORT; BENEATH; RIVERS; WELLS地址 : [Wang, Wenke; Zhao, Yaqian; Li, Junting; Duan, Lei; Wang, Zhoufeng] Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Dai, Zhenxue] Los Alamos Natl Lab, Div Earth & Environm Sci, Los Alamos, NM 87545 USA. [Zhao, Yaqian] Natl Univ Ireland Univ Coll Dublin, Sch Civil Struct & Environm Engn, UCD Dooge Ctr Water Resources Res, Dublin 4, Ireland. [Zhu, Lin] Capital Normal Univ, Coll Resources Environm & Tourism, Beijing 100048, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Wang, WK (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.Dai, ZX (通讯作者),Los Alamos Natl Lab, Div Earth & Environm Sci, Los Alamos, NM 87545 USA.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]

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作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Dai, Zhenxue N-7543-2017 0000-0002-0805-7621

出版商: NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP出版商地址: MACMILLAN BUILDING, 4 CRINAN ST, LONDON N1 9XW, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Multidisciplinary Sciences研究方向: Science & Technology - Other TopicsIDS 号: DB8VDISSN: 2045-232229 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: SCI REP-UKISO 来源出版物缩写: Sci Rep来源出版物页码计数: 12

第 34 条标题: Evaluation of Shallow Groundwater Contamination and Associated Human Health Risk in an Alluvial Plain Impacted by Agricultural and Industrial Activities, Mid-west China(吴健华)作者: Wu, JH (Wu, Jianhua); Sun, ZC (Sun, Zhanchao)来源出版物: EXPOSURE AND HEALTH 卷: 8 期: 3 页: 311-329 DOI: 10.1007/s12403-015-0170-x 出版年: SEP 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 32被引频次合计: 32使用次数 (最近 180 天): 22使用次数 (2013 年至今): 46引用的参考文献数: 79摘要 : Intensive human activities have caused contamination to groundwater quality which consequently affects human health. In this study, an evaluation of groundwater quality was carried out for better understanding of the status of groundwater contamination and potential risks to local residents in an alluvial plain (China) where agricultural and industrial activities are intensive. Comprehensive water quality index was used for drinking water-quality assessment and sodium adsorption ratio, Na%, and residual sodium carbonate were applied for irrigation water-quality assessment. The human health risks caused by intake of the contaminated groundwater through the oral and dermal pathways were also assessed. The assessment results reveal that most of the water samples are generally suitable for irrigation purpose, but over 60 % of them are not fit for drinking, and the total hardness, NO3 (-), NO2 (-), TDS, SO4 (2-), and F- are the main contaminants affecting its suitability for drinking purpose. Residents in the study area are at high health risk, and NO3 (-) originating mainly from industrial and agricultural pollution is the greatest contributory cause of the health risks. Furthermore, children in this area are at higher health risk than adults, and oral ingestion is the dominate exposure pathway of health risk. Therefore, urgent and efficient measures must be taken to combat groundwater pollution and reduce health risk in the area.入藏号: WOS:000381997600002语种: English文献类型: Article

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作者关键词: Groundwater quality; Water-quality assessment; Human health risk; Human activity; Groundwater pollutionKeyWords Plus: WATER-QUALITY INDEX; NORTHWEST CHINA; DRINKING-WATER; RIVER-BASIN; PENGYANG COUNTY; WEIHE RIVER; POLLUTION; INDIA; AQUIFER; NITRATE地址 : [Wu, Jianhua; Sun, Zhanchao] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Wu, Jianhua; Sun, Zhanchao] Changan Univ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, Minist Educ, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Wu, JH (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.Wu, JH (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, Minist Educ, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Wu, Jianhua G-4389-2017 0000-0001-6423-1762

出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDSWeb of Science 类别: Water Resources研究方向: Water ResourcesIDS 号: DU1VHISSN: 2451-9766eISSN: 2451-968529 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: EXPOS HEALTHISO 来源出版物缩写: Expo. Health来源出版物页码计数: 19

第 35 条标题: Modeling Lipase-Catalyzed Biodiesel Production in [BMIM][PF6] (杨建军)作者: Yang, JJ (Yang, JianJun); Yang, MY (Yang, MingYan)来源出版物: JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY 文献号: 9761706 DOI: 10.1155/2016/9761706 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 3使用次数 (2013 年至今): 7引用的参考文献数: 14摘要 : Lipase-catalyzed biodiesel production models in room temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) reaction medium available in the literature are valid especially for mixing intensity. In this paper, a preliminary model is established in order to try to describe the lipase catalyzed biodiesel production process in RTILs in a stirring type bioreactor. Mixing intensity and time delay were inspected for the reaction model in [BMIM][PF6] medium. As a result, this model is a good

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explanation for these actual reaction conditions in RTILs. The model prediction curves well describe the experimental data indicating this bioenzymatic reaction model is effective and reliable in certain conditions.入藏号: WOS:000369252600001语种: English文献类型: ArticleKeyWords Plus: IONIC LIQUIDS; TRANSESTERIFICATION; SOLVENTS地址 : [Yang, JianJun; Yang, MingYan] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Dept Chem Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Yang, JianJun] Changan Univ, Minist Land Resource, Opening Res Lab Water Resource & Land Environm Ar, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Yang, JJ (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Dept Chem Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.Yang, JJ (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Minist Land Resource, Opening Res Lab Water Resource & Land Environm Ar, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: HINDAWI PUBLISHING CORP出版商地址: 410 PARK AVENUE, 15TH FLOOR, #287 PMB, NEW YORK, NY 10022 USAWeb of Science 类别: Chemistry, Multidisciplinary研究方向: ChemistryIDS 号: DC5HRISSN: 2090-9063eISSN: 2090-907129 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J CHEM-NYISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Chem.来源出版物页码计数: 6

第 36 条标题: Hydrophobic Modification of Platanus Fruit Fibers as Natural Hollow Fibrous Sorbents for Oil Spill Cleanup(杨莉)作者: Yang, L (Yang, Li); Wang, ZR (Wang, Ziru); Li, X (Li, Xu); Yang, LH (Yang, Liheng); Lu, CY (Lu, Changyu); Zhao, S (Zhao, Shan)来 源 出 版物 : WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION 卷 : 227 期 : 9 文 献号 : 346 DOI: 10.1007/s11270-016-3043-4 出版年: SEP 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 3被引频次合计: 3使用次数 (最近 180 天): 9使用次数 (2013 年至今): 28引用的参考文献数: 48摘要 : The Platanus fruit fibers (PFFs) with unique hollow tubular structures were successfully utilized in the preparation of an efficient oil sorbents for the first time by chemical modification with acetic anhydride. The structure and morphology of the pristine PFFs (p-PFFs) and acetylated PFFs (a-PFFs) were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The effects of acetic anhydride to PFFs ratio, catalyst

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concentration, reaction temperature, and time on the weight percent gain (WPG) and oil sorption capacity were particularly investigated in detail. The results showed the hydrophobic modification of p-PFFs contributed to the enhancement of the sorption capacity of a-PFFs for various oils and organic solvents. The sorption kinetic analysis indicated the oil sorption data were fitted well with a pseudo-second-order kinetic model. And the oil-filled a-PFFs exhibited high oil retention ability with less than 30 % of the sorbed oil lost after 2-h dripping. Moreover, a-PFFs showed little loss of initial sorption capacities after eight sorbing/desorbing cycles with the recovery of sorbents by n-hexane extraction. The natural renewable a-PFFs are proved to be a promising candidate for largescale removal of spilled oils from water.入藏号: WOS:000382761400054语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Oil spills; Platanus fruit fibers; Acetylation; Oil sorption; Kinetics; Waste recyclingKeyWords Plus: KAPOK FIBER; OIL/WATER SEPARATION; SURFACE MODIFICATION; SUPER ABSORBENTS; ACETYLATION; SORPTION; REMOVAL; WATER; CELLULOSE; ABSORPTION地址 : [Yang, Li; Wang, Ziru; Li, Xu; Yang, Liheng; Lu, Changyu; Zhao, Shan] Changan Univ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Yang, LH (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDSWeb of Science 类别 : Environmental Sciences; Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences; Water Resources研 究 方向 : Environmental Sciences & Ecology; Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences; Water ResourcesIDS 号: DV2OYISSN: 0049-6979eISSN: 1573-293229 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: WATER AIR SOIL POLLISO 来源出版物缩写: Water Air Soil Pollut.来源出版物页码计数: 12

第 37 条标题: ASSESSMENT ON LONG-TERM FLUCTUATIONS OF RUNOFF AND ITS CLIMATE DRIVING FACTORS(张洪波)作 者 : Zhang, HB (Zhang, Hong-Bo); Huang, WC (Huang, Wen-Cheng); Xi, QY (Xi, Qiu-Yi); Wang, B (Wang, Bin); Lan, T (Lan, Tian)来源出版物: JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-TAIWAN 卷: 24 期: 2 页: 329-337 DOI: 10.6119/JMST-015-0521-6 出版年: APR 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 2

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使用次数 (2013 年至今): 7引用的参考文献数: 70摘要: The Jing River is the largest tributary of the Wei River in northwestern China. Studying the long-term characteristics of its runoff is of significance to water resources planning and management as well as the design of hydraulic engineering activities at the local and Wei River basin scales in the present and future. Several methods were utilized in this study to investigate the long-term fluctuations in runoff for the Jing River, including continuous wavelet analysis, the Hilbert Huang transform and correlational analysis. Furthermore, the responses of runoff to various climatic and meteorological factors including precipitation, evaporation, solar activity and the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon were also studied. The results indicate that the river's annual runoff exhibits multi-timescale fluctuation characteristics with a cycle of 2-4, 6-8 and 22-24 years, where the 22-24 year cycle oscillation being the first main period. The primary drivers of runoff fluctuations are climate changes, with precipitation the main driver of the 2-4 year's fluctuation and solar activity & ENSO dominant for the 22-24 year period. Though runoff exhibits a significant response to the ENSO phenomenon, it lags behind ENSO by 5 years. This delay may occur as a result of Pacific-Asian atmospheric teleconnection transmitting some information on ENSO to Asia.入藏号: WOS:000375365700027语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: runoff; fluctuation; Hilbert-Huang transform; wavelet analysis; Jing RiverKeyWords Plus: EMPIRICAL MODE DECOMPOSITION; YELLOW-RIVER BASIN; NINO SOUTHERN OSCILLATION; HILBERT-HUANG TRANSFORM; WAVELET ANALYSIS; SOLAR-ACTIVITY; WATER-RESOURCES; NATURAL RUNOFF; UNITED-STATES; TRENDS地址: [Zhang, Hong-Bo; Wang, Bin; Lan, Tian] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian, Shaaxin, Peoples R China. [Zhang, Hong-Bo] China Inst Water Resources & Hydropower Res, State Key Lab Simulat & Regulat Water Cycle River, Beijing, Peoples R China. [Huang, Wen-Cheng] Taiwan Ocean Univ, Dept Harbor & River Engn, Keelung, Taiwan. [Xi, Qiu-Yi] State Grid Shaanxi Elect Power Res Inst, Xian, Shaaxin, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Huang, WC (通讯作 者 ),Taiwan Ocean Univ, Dept Harbor & River Engn, Keelung, Taiwan.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: NATL TAIWAN OCEAN UNIV出版商地址: NO 2 PEI-NING RD, KEELUNG, 202, TAIWANWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Multidisciplinary; Oceanography研究方向: Engineering; OceanographyIDS 号: DL1BAISSN: 1023-279629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J MAR SCI TECH-TAIWISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Mar. Sci. Technol.-Taiwan来源出版物页码计数: 9

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第 38 条标题 : Change-point detection and variation assessment of the hydrologic regime of the Wenyu River(张洪波)作 者 : Zhang, HB (Zhang, Hongbo); Wang, B (Wang, Bin); Lan, T (Lan, Tian); Shi, JJ (Shi, Jianjun); Lu, SB (Lu, Shibao)来源出版物: TOXICOLOGICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY 卷: 98 期: 3-4 特刊: SI 页: 358-375 DOI: 10.1080/02772248.2015.1123480 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 2使用次数 (2013 年至今): 5引用的参考文献数: 50摘要 : In recent decades, remarkable hydrological variations resulting from climate change and human activities have significantly affected rivers globally. Thus, it is important for local water resource planning and management to examine hydrologic regime variations. The aim of this study was to determine the changes in the mean annual runoff series and hydrological characteristic parameter of the Wenyu River. In addition, climate change and human activity were discussed for looking for the most causative factors of hydrological variations of the Wenyu River. The results indicated that annual runoff series exhibited an overall decreasing trend with two significant change points in 1972 and 1984. Over time, the number of hydrological variation index increased significantly and different changes of hydrological regime were exhibited during various periods. The comparative analysis indicated that the variations in runoff were likely driven by human activity rather than climate change. Reservoir operations and changes in water consumption resulting from regional economic development in human activities markedly affected the hydrological features of the Wenyu River. To be specific, the variations in annual runoff and low flow were attributed to regional fluctuations in water demand, but the inter-annual changes and maximal and minimal flow variations after 1972 were likely due to the joint influence of reservoir regulations and variations in water consumption.入藏号: WOS:000376161600005语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Change point; hydrologic variation; river hydrologic regime; Wenyu river; variation assessmentKeyWords Plus: HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL TIME-SERIES; ARTIFICIAL NEURAL-NETWORK; CLIMATE-CHANGE; WATER-QUALITY; SPATIAL ASSESSMENT; TREND ANALYSIS; MONTHLY INFLOW; YANGTZE-RIVER; YELLOW-RIVER; CHINA地址: [Zhang, Hongbo; Wang, Bin; Lan, Tian] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Zhang, Hongbo] China Inst Water Resources & Hydropower Res, State Key Lab Simulat & Regulat Water Cycle River, Beijing, Peoples R China. [Shi, Jianjun] Xian Univ Technol, Inst Water Resources & Hydroelect Engn, Xian, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Lu, Shibao] Zhejiang Univ Finance & Econ, Sch Urban Rural Planning & Management, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, Peoples R China.

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通讯作者地址: Zhang, HB (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.Zhang, HB (通讯作者),China Inst Water Resources & Hydropower Res, State Key Lab Simulat & Regulat Water Cycle River, Beijing, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD出 版 商 地 址 : 2-4 PARK SQUARE, MILTON PARK, ABINGDON OR14 4RN, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Environmental Sciences; Toxicology研究方向: Environmental Sciences & Ecology; ToxicologyIDS 号: DM2FFISSN: 0277-2248eISSN: 1029-048629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: TOXICOL ENVIRON CHEMISO 来源出版物缩写: Toxicol Environ. Chem.来源出版物页码计数: 18

第 39 条标题: Changes in the long-term hydrological regimes and the impacts of human activities in the main Wei River, China(张洪波)作者: Zhang, HB (Zhang, Hongbo); Huang, Q (Huang, Qiang); Zhang, Q (Zhang, Qiang); Gu, L (Gu, Lei); Chen, KY (Chen, Keyu); Yu, QJ (Yu, Qijun)来 源 出 版 物 : HYDROLOGICAL SCIENCES JOURNAL-JOURNAL DES SCIENCES HYDROLOGIQUES 卷: 61 期: 6 页: 1054-1068 DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2015.1027708 出版年: MAY 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 3被引频次合计: 3使用次数 (最近 180 天): 6使用次数 (2013 年至今): 23引用的参考文献数: 79摘要 : Under the combined influence of climate changes and human activities, the hydrological regime of the Wei River shows remarkable variations which have caused many issues in the Wei River in recent decades, such as a lack of freshwater, water pollution, disastrous flooding and channel sedimentation. Hence, hydrological regime changes and potential human-induced impacts have been drawing increasing attention from local government and hydrologists. This study investigates hydrological regime changes in the natural and measured runoff series at four hydrological stations on the main Wei River and quantifies features of their long-term change by analysing their historical annual and seasonal runoff data using several approaches, i.e., continuous wavelet transform, cross-wavelet, wavelet coherence, trend-free pre-whitening Mann-Kendall test and detrended fluctuation analysis. By contrasting two different analysis results between natural and measured river runoff series, the impacts of human activities on the long-term hydrological regime were investigated via the changes of spatio-temporal distribution in dominant periods, the trends and long-range memory of river runoff. The results show : (a) that periodic properties of the streamflow changes are the result of climate, referring to precipitation changes in

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particular, while human activities play a minor role; (b) a significant decreasing trend can be observed in the natural streamflow series along the entire main stream of the Wei River and the more serious decrease emerging in measured flow should result from human-induced influences in recent decades; and (c) continuous decreasing streamflow in the Wei River will trigger serious shortages of freshwater in the future, which may challenge the sustainability and safety of water resources development in the river basin, and should be paid great attention before 2020.入藏号: WOS:000375000200006语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : hydrological regimes; trend detection; period identification; long-term memory; human activities; Wei RiverKeyWords Plus: NINO-SOUTHERN-OSCILLATION; DETRENDED FLUCTUATION ANALYSIS; POYANG LAKE BASIN; WAVELET ANALYSIS; CLIMATE-CHANGE; WATER-RESOURCES; SOLAR-ACTIVITY; ANNUAL MAXIMUM; TREND ANALYSIS; UNITED-STATES地址: [Zhang, Hongbo] Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Zhang, Hongbo; Gu, Lei; Chen, Keyu; Yu, Qijun] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Huang, Qiang] Xian Univ Technol, Inst Water Resources & Hydroelect Engn, Xian 710048, Peoples R China. [Zhang, Qiang] Sun Yat Sen Univ, Dept Water Resources & Environm, Guangzhou 510275, Guangdong, Peoples R China. [Zhang, Qiang] Suzhou Univ, Sch Earth Sci & Engn, Suzhou 234000, Anhui, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Zhang, HB (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.Zhang, HB (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Zhang, Qiang N-6502-2014

出版商: TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD出 版 商 地 址 : 2-4 PARK SQUARE, MILTON PARK, ABINGDON OR14 4RN, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Water Resources研究方向: Water ResourcesIDS 号: DK5ZQISSN: 0262-6667eISSN: 2150-343529 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: HYDROLOG SCI JISO 来源出版物缩写: Hydrol. Sci. J.-J. Sci. Hydrol.来源出版物页码计数: 15

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第 40 条标题: Mathematical Model for Sediment Wash-Off from Urban Impervious Surfaces(赵剑强)作 者 : Zhao, JQ (Zhao, Jianqiang); Chen, Y (Chen, Ying); Hu, B (Hu, Bo); Yang, WJ (Yang, Wenjuan)来源出版物 : JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 卷 : 142 期 : 4 文献号 : 04015091 DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EE.1943-7870.0001058 出版年: APR 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 2使用次数 (2013 年至今): 11引用的参考文献数: 36摘要: Mathematical models are significant tools for urban runoff management. A rational account of sediment-limited and energy-limited situations in developing a mathematical model may facilitate the improved simulation of total suspended solid (TSS) wash-off in urban impervious surfaces. In this study, a differential equation called the P/r model is proposed to improve the simulation of the sediment discharge process. In this equation, rainfall intensity and the ratio of sediment mass per unit catchment area to rainfall intensity are considered the main variables. The rationality behind the P/r model is analyzed. TSS wash-off from six rainfall events is investigated using the P/r model. Uncertainty analyses are performed to determine the best-fit parameters for the model, with the maximum Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) criterion being 0.53 and the minimum normalized objective function being 0.40. The observation percentage within prediction bands is 75%, and the average relative interval length is 1.07 when the NSE is 0.50. Results show that the proposed mathematical model can fit well with the TSS data observed in the case study.入藏号: WOS:000372802700005语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Urban runoff; Total suspended solid; Wash-off model; Calibration; Uncertainty analysisKeyWords Plus: RUNOFF QUALITY; STORM WATER; POLLUTANT BUILDUP; UNCERTAINTY; PARAMETERS; QUANTITY地址: [Zhao, Jianqiang; Chen, Ying; Hu, Bo; Yang, Wenjuan] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710061, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Zhao, JQ (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710061, Peoples R China.电 子 邮 件 地 址 : [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: ASCE-AMER SOC CIVIL ENGINEERS出版商地址: 1801 ALEXANDER BELL DR, RESTON, VA 20191-4400 USAWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Environmental; Engineering, Civil; Environmental Sciences研究方向: Engineering; Environmental Sciences & EcologyIDS 号: DH5CLISSN: 0733-9372eISSN: 1943-7870

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29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J ENVIRON ENGISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Environ. Eng.-ASCE来源出版物页码计数: 8

第 41 条标题: Potential of nitrous oxide recovery from an aerobic/oxic/anoxic SBR process(赵剑强)作者: Zhao, JQ (Zhao, Jianqiang); Huang, N (Huang, Nan); Hu, B (Hu, Bo); Jia, LW (Jia, Luwei); Ge, GH (Ge, Guanghuan)来源出版物 : WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 卷 : 73 期 : 5 页 : 1061-1066 DOI: 10.2166/wst.2015.524 出版年: MAR 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 3被引频次合计: 4使用次数 (最近 180 天): 2使用次数 (2013 年至今): 13引用的参考文献数: 19摘要: A single sequencing batch reactor (SBR) with an operating mode of anaerobic/oxic/anoxic (A/O/A) was developed to determine a simpler process to recover nitrous oxide (N2O) from synthetic wastewater containing ammonia and glucose. This SBR system was initiated in A/O mode to implement nitritation (ammonia to nitrite) and then switched to A/O/A mode. Using measurements of the dissolved N2O concentration and release rate, the total production and conversion rate of N2O were calculated to reveal the potential of producing and recovering N2O in the extended anoxic phase. Results showed that the A/O/A SBR could convert the majority of the nitrite available in the system into N2O by heterotrophic denitritation over longer anoxic periods, and a conversion rate of 77% could be achieved. As a consequence, the A/O/A SBR presents potential ability to produce and recover N2O from wastewater containing ammonia and organic carbon.入藏号: WOS:000374405300011PubMed ID: 26942527语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: heterotrophic denitritation; nitritation; nitrous oxide; recovery; SBRKeyWords Plus: SEQUENCING BATCH REACTORS; N2O PRODUCTION; DENITRIFYING CONDITIONS; ENERGY RECOVERY; REMOVAL PROCESS; DENITRIFICATION; EMISSION; METABOLISM; REDUCTION地址 : [Zhao, Jianqiang; Huang, Nan; Hu, Bo; Jia, Luwei; Ge, Guanghuan] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Zhao, JQ (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: IWA PUBLISHING出版商地址: ALLIANCE HOUSE, 12 CAXTON ST, LONDON SW1H0QS, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Environmental; Environmental Sciences; Water Resources研究方向: Engineering; Environmental Sciences & Ecology; Water ResourcesIDS 号: DJ7QG

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ISSN: 0273-1223eISSN: 1996-973229 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: WATER SCI TECHNOLISO 来源出版物缩写: Water Sci. Technol.来源出版物页码计数: 6

第 42 条标题: Ecology-oriented groundwater resource assessment in the Tuwei River watershed, Shaanxi Province, China(作者中文名?)作者: Yang, ZY (Yang, Z. Y.); Wang, WK (Wang, W. K.); Wang, Z (Wang, Z.); Jiang, GH (Jiang, G. H.); Li, WL (Li, W. L.)来 源 出 版物 : HYDROGEOLOGY JOURNAL 卷 : 24 期 : 8 页 : 1939-1952 DOI: 10.1007/s10040-016-1446-3 出版年: DEC 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 9使用次数 (2013 年至今): 13引用的参考文献数: 25摘要 : In arid and semi-arid regions, a close relationship exists between groundwater and supergene eco-environmental issues such as swampiness, soil salinization, desertification, vegetation degradation, reduction of stream base flow, and disappearance of lakes and wetlands. When the maximum allowable withdrawal of groundwater (AWG) is assessed, an ecology-oriented regional groundwater resource assessment (RGRA) method should be used. In this study, a hierarchical assessment index system of the supergene eco-environment was established based on field survey data and analysis of the supergene eco-environment factors influenced by groundwater in the Tuwei River watershed, Shaanxi Province, China. The assessment system comprised 11 indices, including geomorphological type, lithology and structure of the vadose zone, depth of the water table (DWT), total dissolved solids content of groundwater, etc. Weights for all indices were calculated using an analytical hierarchy process. Then, the current eco-environmental conditions were assessed using fuzzy comprehensive evaluation (FCE). Under the imposed constraints, and using both the assessment results on the current eco-environment situation and the ecological constraint of DWT (1.5-5.0 m), the maximum AWG (0.408 x 10(8) m(3)/a or 24.29 % of the river base flow) was determined. This was achieved by combining the groundwater resource assessment with the supergene eco-environmental assessment based on FCE. If the maximum AWG is exceeded in a watershed, the eco-environment will gradually deteriorate and produce negative environmental effects. The ecology-oriented maximum AWG can be determined by the ecology-oriented RGRA method, and thus sustainable groundwater use in similar watersheds in other arid and semi-arid regions can be achieved.入藏号: WOS:000389242800002语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: China; Ecology; Arid regions; Groundwater/surface-water relations; Water tableKeyWords Plus: SUSTAINABLE-YIELD; DYNAMICS; BASIN地址: [Yang, Z. Y.; Wang, W. K.; Jiang, G. H.] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian

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710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Yang, Z. Y.; Wang, W. K.; Jiang, G. H.] Minist Educ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effect Arid Regi, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Yang, Z. Y.; Wang, W. K.; Jiang, G. H.] Engn Res Ctr Groundwater & Ecoenvironm Shaanxi Pr, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Li, W. L.] Shaanxi Inst Geoenvironm Monitoring, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Yang, ZY (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.Yang, ZY (通讯作者),Minist Educ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effect Arid Regi, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.Yang, ZY (通讯作 者 ),Engn Res Ctr Groundwater & Ecoenvironm Shaanxi Pr, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USAWeb of Science 类别: Geosciences, Multidisciplinary; Water Resources研究方向: Geology; Water ResourcesIDS 号: EE0DDISSN: 1431-2174eISSN: 1435-015729 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: HYDROGEOL JISO 来源出版物缩写: Hydrogeol. J.来源出版物页码计数: 14

第 43 条标 题 : Response of Robinia pseudoacacia L. rhizosphere microenvironment to Cd and Pb contamination and elevated temperature(黄淑萍)作 者 : Huang, SP (Huang, Shuping); Jia, X (Jia, Xia); Zhao, YH (Zhao, Yonghua); Chang, YF (Chang, Yafei); Bai, B (Bai, Bo)来 源 出 版 物 : APPLIED SOIL ECOLOGY 卷 : 108 页 : 269-277 DOI: 10.1016/j.apsoil.2016.09.002 出版年: DEC 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 19使用次数 (2013 年至今): 46引用的参考文献数: 66摘要 : Elevated air temperature and contamination of soil with heavy metals co-occur in natural ecosystems and have important effects on the soil microenvironment by influencing plant physiology. Effects of elevated temperature and cadmium (Cd) pollution on the rhizosphere microenvironment have been examined for wheat seedlings, but rhizosphere responses to elevated temperature might differ among plant species and for other heavy metals. This study examined the response of the black locust rhizosphere microenvironment to slightly elevated temperature in combination with Cd and lead (Pb) contamination. Elevated temperature combined with Cd and Pb exposure corresponded to an increase in soluble sugars, free amino acids, and organic acids and

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to a decrease in soluble phenolic acids in rhizosphere soils. These combined variables also corresponded to a decrease in microbial abundance, microbial biomass carbon, fluorescein diacetate hydrolysis, and the ratio of microbial biomass carbon (C) to total organic C compared to elevated temperature alone or to individual metals. The combination of elevated temperature plus exposure to heavy metals had varying effects on the different enzymes relative to the individual stress factors. The removal rate of Cd and Pb in rhizosphere soils increased significantly under elevated temperature and was greater for Cd than for Pb. Generally, elevated temperature led to increased microbial activity in rhizosphere soil of black locust seedlings exposed to heavy metals by stimulating microbial abundance, microbial biomass C, and enzyme activity. Variability in plant species and heavy metals might lead to different responses of phenolic acids to elevated temperature + heavy metals. Increased removal of heavy metals indicated that elevated temperature might improve the phytoremediation efficiency of heavy metal-contaminated soils by black locust seedlings. A capsule abstract: Elevated temperature led to increased microbial activity in rhizosphere soil of black locust seedlings exposed to heavy metals. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000386643800030语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词 : Elevated temperature; Cd-/Pb-contaminated soil; Rhizosphere; Microenvironment; Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.); seedlingsKeyWords Plus: WEIGHT ORGANIC-ACIDS; MICROBIAL COMMUNITY STRUCTURE; ENZYME-ACTIVITIES; ATMOSPHERIC CO2; HEAVY-METALS; SECONDARY METABOLITES; WHEAT SEEDLINGS; ROOT EXUDATION; SOIL ENZYMES; CADMIUM地址 : [Huang, Shuping; Jia, Xia; Chang, Yafei; Bai, Bo] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Huang, Shuping; Jia, Xia] Changan Univ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effect Arid Reg, Minist Educ, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Huang, Shuping; Jia, Xia] Changan Univ, Key Lab Environm Protect & Pollut & Remedat Water, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Zhao, Yonghua] Changan Univ, Sch Earth Sci & Resources, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Jia, X (通讯作者),Changan Univ, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV出版商地址: PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDSWeb of Science 类别: Soil Science研究方向: AgricultureIDS 号: EA5FCISSN: 0929-1393eISSN: 1873-027229 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: APPL SOIL ECOLISO 来源出版物缩写: Appl. Soil Ecol.来源出版物页码计数: 9

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标 题 : Mathematical modeling of nitrous oxide production in an anaerobic/oxic/anoxic process(丁晓倩)作者: Ding, XQ (Ding, Xiaoqian); Zhao, JQ (Zhao, Jianqiang); Hu, B (Hu, Bo); Chen, Y (Chen, Ying); Ge, GH (Ge, Guanghuan); Li, XL (Li, Xiaoling); Wang, S (Wang, Sha); Gao, K (Gao, Kun); Tian, XL (Tian, Xiaolei)来 源 出 版 物 : BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY 卷 : 222 页 : 39-48 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2016.09.092 出版年: DEC 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 3被引频次合计: 3使用次数 (最近 180 天): 16使用次数 (2013 年至今): 48引用的参考文献数: 35摘要 : This study incorporates three currently known nitrous oxide (N2O) production pathways: ammoniumoxidizing bacteria (AOB) denitrification, incomplete hydroxylamine (NH2OH) oxidation, and heterotrophic denitrification on intracellular polymers, into a mathematical model to describe N2O production in an anaerobic/oxic/anoxic (AOA) process for the first time. The developed model was calibrated and validated by four experimental cases, then evaluated by two independent anaerobic/aerobic (AO) studies from literature. The modeling results displayed good agreement with the measured data. N2O was primarily generated in the aerobic stage by AOB denitrification (67.84-81.64%) in the AOA system. Smaller amounts of N2O were produced via incomplete NH2OH oxidation (15.61-32.17%) and heterotrophic denitrification on intracellular polymers (0-12.47%). The high nitrite inhibition on N2O reductase led to the increased N2O accumulation in heterotrophic denitrification on intracellular polymers. The new model was capable of modeling nitrification-denitrification dynamics and heterotrophic denitrification on intracellular polymers in the AOA system. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000386243600005PubMed ID: 27697736语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : N2O modeling; N2O production pathway; AOA process; AOB denitrification; Heterotrophic denitrification on; intracellular polymersKeyWords Plus: SEQUENCING BATCH REACTOR; WASTE-WATER TREATMENT; AMMONIA-OXIDIZING BACTERIA; PHOSPHORUS REMOVAL PROCESS; SIMULTANEOUS NITRIFICATION; N2O PRODUCTION; DENITRIFICATION PROCESS; ACCUMULATION; EMISSION; NITRITE地址 : [Ding, Xiaoqian; Zhao, Jianqiang; Chen, Ying; Ge, Guanghuan; Wang, Sha; Gao, Kun; Tian, Xiaolei] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Zhao, Jianqiang; Chen, Ying] Minist Educ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effect Arid Reg, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Hu, Bo; Li, Xiaoling] Changan Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Zhao, JQ (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]

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出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Agricultural Engineering; Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology; Energy & Fuels研究方向: Agriculture; Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology; Energy & FuelsIDS 号: DZ9ZVISSN: 0960-8524eISSN: 1873-297629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: BIORESOURCE TECHNOLISO 来源出版物缩写: Bioresour. Technol.来源出版物页码计数: 10

第 45 条标 题 : Influence of different silica gelling agents on the performance of aqueous gel electrolytes(卢昶雨)作 者 : Lu, CY (Lu, Changyu); Hoang, TKA (Hoang, Tuan K. A.); Doan, TNL (The Nam Long Doan); Acton, M (Acton, Matthew); Zhao, HB (Zhao, Hongbin); Guan, WS (Guan, Weisheng); Chen, P (Chen, P.)来源出版物 : JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY 卷: 42 页 : 101-106 DOI: 10.1016/j.jiec.2016.07.036 出版年: OCT 25 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 3被引频次合计: 3使用次数 (最近 180 天): 8使用次数 (2013 年至今): 30引用的参考文献数: 39摘要: In this study, gel electrolytes are prepared from silica gelling agents and aqueous electrolyte for application in the rechargeable hybrid aqueous battery for the first time. The required quantities of silica materials are in the range of 4-15 wt.%. The gelling time is in the magnitude of minutes and the ionic conductivities of gel electrolytes are in the range of 50.6-60.6 mS cm(-1). These batteries using these gel electrolytes exhibit higher rate capability, slower self-discharge (ca.15% after 24 h), and up to 10-12% higher cyclability compared with the performance of the batteries using the conventional liquid electrolyte. (C) 2016 The Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000384873100014语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Rechargeable battery; Aqueous electrolyte; Gel electrolyte; Amorphous silicaKeyWords Plus: LITHIUM-ION BATTERIES; HIGH-RATE CAPABILITY; LEAD-ACID-BATTERIES; RECHARGEABLE BATTERIES; POLYMER ELECTROLYTES; CATHODE MATERIAL; ENERGY-STORAGE; FUMED SILICA; LIMN2O4; SPECTRA地址: [Lu, Changyu; Guan, Weisheng] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Lu, Changyu; Hoang, Tuan K. A.; The Nam Long Doan; Acton, Matthew; Zhao, Hongbin; Chen,

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P.] Univ Waterloo, Dept Chem Engn, 200 Univ Ave West, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada. [Lu, Changyu; Hoang, Tuan K. A.; The Nam Long Doan; Acton, Matthew; Zhao, Hongbin; Chen, P.] Univ Waterloo, Waterloo Inst Nanotechnol, 200 Univ Ave West, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada. [Zhao, Hongbin] Shanghai Univ, Coll Sci, Dept Chem, Shanghai 200444, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Chen, P (通讯作 者 ),Univ Waterloo, Dept Chem Engn, 200 Univ Ave West, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada.Chen, P (通讯作者 ),Univ Waterloo, Waterloo Inst Nanotechnol, 200 Univ Ave West, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC出版商地址: 360 PARK AVE SOUTH, NEW YORK, NY 10010-1710 USAWeb of Science 类别: Chemistry, Multidisciplinary; Engineering, Chemical研究方向: Chemistry; EngineeringIDS 号: DY1RWISSN: 1226-086XeISSN: 1876-794X29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J IND ENG CHEMISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Ind. Eng. Chem.来源出版物页码计数: 6

第 46 条标 题 : Chronic effects of triclosan on embryonic development of Chinese toad, Bufo gargarizans(柴丽红)作 者 : Chai, LH (Chai, Lihong); Wang, HY (Wang, Hongyuan); Zhao, HF (Zhao, Hongfeng); Deng, HZ (Deng, Hongzhang)来源出版物 : ECOTOXICOLOGY 卷 : 25 期 : 8 页 : 1600-1608 DOI: 10.1007/s10646-016-1715-x 出版年: OCT 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 4使用次数 (2013 年至今): 7引用的参考文献数: 48摘要 : Triclosan (TCS) is commonly used worldwide in a range of personal care and sanitizing products. The aim of this study was to evaluate potential effects of TCS exposure on embryonic development of Bufo gargarizans, an endemic frog species in China. Standard Gosner stage 3 B. gargarizans embryos were exposed to 10 similar to 150 mu g/L TCS during embryogenesis. Survival, total length, weight, developmental stage, duration of different embryo stages, malformation, and type II and III deiodinase (D2 and D3) expression were measured. Inhibitory effects on embryo developmental stage, total length and weight were found at 30 similar to 150 mu g/L TCS. Moreover, the duration of embryonic development was increased at gastrula, neural, circulation, and operculum development stage in TCS-treated groups. In addition, TCS exposure induced morphological malformations in B. gargarizans embryos, which are characterized by hyperplasia, abdominal edema, and axial flexures. Furthermore, our results showed that the

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expression of D2 in embryos was probably down-regulated at 60 and 150 mu g/L TCS, but its spatial expression patterns was not affected by TCS. In summary, our study suggested that TCS exposure not only resulted in delayed growth and development but also caused teratogenic effects in B. gargarizans embryos, and the developmental effects of TCS at high concentrations may be associated with disruption of THs homeostasis. Although further studies are necessary, the present findings could provide a basis for understanding on harmful effects and the potential mechanisms of TCS in amphibian embryos.入藏号: WOS:000386710800014PubMed ID: 27599820语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Triclosan; Embryo; Growth; Development; Bufo gargarizansKeyWords Plus: EARLY-LIFE STAGES; XENOPUS-LAEVIS; THYROID-HORMONE; IODOTHYRONINE DEIODINASE; LARVAL DEVELOPMENT; RHINELLA-ARENARUM; CARE PRODUCTS; METAMORPHOSIS; ZEBRAFISH; TOXICITY地址: [Chai, Lihong; Deng, Hongzhang] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Chai, Lihong; Deng, Hongzhang] Changan Univ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effect Arid Reg, Minist Educ, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Wang, Hongyuan; Zhao, Hongfeng] Shaanxi Normal Univ, Coll Life Sci, Xian 710062, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Wang, HY (通讯作 者 ),Shaanxi Normal Univ, Coll Life Sci, Xian 710062, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDSWeb of Science 类别: Ecology; Environmental Sciences; Toxicology研究方向: Environmental Sciences & Ecology; ToxicologyIDS 号: EA6BUISSN: 0963-9292eISSN: 1573-301729 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ECOTOXICOLOGYISO 来源出版物缩写: Ecotoxicology来源出版物页码计数: 9

第 47 条标题 : Experimental and numerical investigation on the distribution characteristics of wind pressure coefficient of airflow around enclosed and open-window buildings(官燕玲)作者: Guan, YL (Guan, Yanling); Li, AG (Li, Angui); Zhang, YH (Zhang, Yuhao); Jiang, C (Jiang, Chao); Wang, QN (Wang, Qiaoning)来源出版物: BUILDING SIMULATION 卷: 9 期: 5 页: 551-568 DOI: 10.1007/s12273-016-0283-6 出版年: OCT 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1

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使用次数 (最近 180 天): 7使用次数 (2013 年至今): 16引用的参考文献数: 25摘要: In the present paper, the distribution characteristics of the wind pressure coefficient of the air flow around enclosed and open-window buildings were studied by using wind tunnel model tests and numerical analyses. A typical high-rise building model was designed and wind tunnel tests were performed for the airflow around the building for an enclosed and an open-window condition. The experimental findings were complemented by the numerical analysis. This study shows that the opening windows of a building has little influence on the wind pressure coefficients in the area around the window of adjacent area from window edge; the wind pressure coefficient increases slightly after opening the windows of the buildings. Opening the windows in the rooms adjacent to this window decreases the ventilation efficiency of the room although the influence is small. The time-average value of the wind pressure coefficient can effectively represent the magnitude of the instantaneous wind pressure coefficient. The wind pressure coefficient is independent of the wind velocity of inflow. Furthermore, this study also proposed the distribution characteristics of wind pressure coefficients with different incident angles of wind.入藏号: WOS:000383846800005语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : airflow around buildings; wind tunnel test; wind pressure coefficient; incidence angle; open windows; numerical calculationKeyWords Plus: DRIVEN NATURAL VENTILATION; SIMULATION; TUNNEL; MODEL地 址 : [Guan, Yanling; Zhang, Yuhao; Jiang, Chao; Wang, Qiaoning] Changan Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Li, Angui] Xian Univ Architecture & Technol, Sch Environm & Municipal Engn, Xian 710055, Peoples R China. [Zhang, Yuhao] IT Elect Eleventh Design & Res Inst Sci & Technol, Xian Branch, Xian 710100, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Guan, YL (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: TSINGHUA UNIV PRESS出版商地址: TSINGHUA UNIV, RM A703, XUEYAN BLDG, BEIJING, 100084, PEOPLES R CHINAWeb of Science 类别: Thermodynamics; Construction & Building Technology研究方向: Thermodynamics; Construction & Building TechnologyIDS 号: DW7QTISSN: 1996-3599eISSN: 1996-874429 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: BUILD SIMUL-CHINAISO 来源出版物缩写: Build. Simul.来源出版物页码计数: 18

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标 题 : Melt pond distribution and geometry in high Arctic sea ice derived from aerial investigations(作者中文名?)作者: Huang, W (Huang, W.); Lu, P (Lu, P.); Lei, R (Lei, R.); Xie, H (Xie, H.); Li, Z (Li, Z.)来 源 出 版 物 : ANNALS OF GLACIOLOGY 卷 : 57 期 : 73 页 : 105-118 DOI: 10.1017/aog.2016.30 出版年: SEP 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 3使用次数 (2013 年至今): 5引用的参考文献数: 80摘要 : Aerial photography was conducted in the high Arctic Ocean during a Chinese research expedition in summer 2010. By partitioning the images into three distinct surface categories (sea ice/snow, water and melt ponds), the areal fraction of each category, ice concentration and the size and geometry of individual melt ponds, are determined with high-spatial resolution. The ice concentration and melt pond coverage have large spatial deviations between flights and even between images from the marginal ice zone to the pack ice zone in the central Arctic. Ice concentration and pond coverage over high Arctic (from 84 degrees N to north) was similar to 75% and similar to 6.8%, respectively, providing 'ground truth' for the unusual transpolar reduction strip of ice indicated concurrently by AMSR-E data and for the regions (north of 88 degrees N) where no passive microwave sensors can cover. Melt pond size and shape distributions are examined in terms of pond area (S), perimeter (P), mean caliper dimension (MCD) (L), roundness (R), convex degree (C), the ratio of P/S and fractal dimension (D). Power-law relationships are developed between pond size and number. Some general trends in geometric metrics are identified as a function of pond area including R, C, P/S and D. The scale separation of pond complexity is demonstrated by analyzing area-perimeter data. The results will potentially help the modelling of melt pond evolution and the determination of heterogeneity of under-ice transmitted light fields.入藏号: WOS:000388953800013语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: aerial photography; geometry; high Arctic Ocean; melt pond; sea iceKeyWords Plus: CHINARE 2010 CRUISE; C-BAND SAR; IN-SITU; THICKNESS MEASUREMENTS; FRACTION ESTIMATION; SEASONAL EVOLUTION; SIZE-DISTRIBUTION; SURFACE ALBEDO; SUMMER; LAKES地址: [Huang, W.] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Lu, P.; Li, Z.] Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Coastal & Offshore Engn, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China. [Lei, R.] Polar Res Inst China, Key Lab Polar Sci State Ocean Adm, Shanghai 200136, Peoples R China. [Xie, H.] Univ Texas San Antonio, Lab Remote Sensing & Geoinformat, San Antonio, TX 78249 USA.通讯作者地址: Huang, W (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]

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作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Xie, Hongjie B-5845-2009 0000-0003-3516-1210

出版商: CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS出 版 商 地 址 : EDINBURGH BLDG, SHAFTESBURY RD, CB2 8RU CAMBRIDGE, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Geography, Physical; Geosciences, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Physical Geography; GeologyIDS 号: ED6GJISSN: 0260-3055eISSN: 1727-564429 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ANN GLACIOLISO 来源出版物缩写: Ann. Glaciol.来源出版物页码计数: 14

第 49 条标题: Groundwater Nitrate Contamination and Associated Health Risk for the Rural Communities in an Agricultural Area of Ningxia, Northwest China(陈洁)作者: Chen, J (Chen, Jie); Wu, H (Wu, Hao); Qian, H (Qian, Hui)来源出版物: EXPOSURE AND HEALTH 卷: 8 期: 3 页: 349-359 DOI: 10.1007/s12403-016-0208-8 出版年: SEP 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 6被引频次合计: 6使用次数 (最近 180 天): 12使用次数 (2013 年至今): 27引用的参考文献数: 59摘要 : The present study was carried out to evaluate the nitrate contamination in the shallow groundwater and to ascertain the associated health impact on the rural communities in the agricultural area of northwest China. A total of 86 groundwater samples were collected from private wells in rural areas where the groundwater is the main source of drinking water. Statistical analysis indicates that the concentrations of NO3-N in groundwater range from 0.49 to 62.20 mg/L with a mean of 12.15 +/- 12.92 mg/L. 40.7 % of groundwater samples are unfit for drinking purpose because of high nitrate concentrations that have exceeded the permissible limits recommended by the WHO and Chinese drinking water standards. Elevated NO3-N levels found in the study area may be attributed to the increased fertilizer rate, intensive irrigation, shallow groundwater depth, high permeability of soil, poor sanitation facilities, and bare infrastructures. Furthermore, non-carcinogenic risk of nitrate incurred by drinking contaminated groundwater in the area was estimated by using the USEPA human health risk assessment method. Only eight and four samples with high nitrate concentrations belong to the domains of the hazard index > 1 for infants and adults, respectively, indicating the higher health risk in these sampling sites. This study will be useful to develop effective strategies for improving rural drinking water supply and provide scientific evidence for decision and management of the groundwater.入藏号: WOS:000381997600004

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语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Nitrate; Rural area; Groundwater; Drinking water; Health risks; Northwest ChinaKeyWords Plus: SHALLOW GROUNDWATER; NITROGEN-FERTILIZATION; IRRIGATION MANAGEMENT; QUALITY ASSESSMENT; PENGYANG COUNTY; DRINKING-WATER; YELLOW-RIVER; PLAIN; POLLUTION; EVOLUTION地址: [Chen, Jie; Wu, Hao; Qian, Hui] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Chen, Jie; Wu, Hao; Qian, Hui] Changan Univ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effect Arid Reg, Minist Educ, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Chen, J (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.Chen, J (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effect Arid Reg, Minist Educ, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDSWeb of Science 类别: Water Resources研究方向: Water ResourcesIDS 号: DU1VHISSN: 2451-9766eISSN: 2451-968529 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: EXPOS HEALTHISO 来源出版物缩写: Expo. Health来源出版物页码计数: 11

第 50 条标题 : Hydrochemistry of Fluoride in Groundwaters from the Permo-Triassic Aquifer System of Central Shaanxi Province, Northwest China(作者中文名?)作者: Dou, Y (Dou, You); Howard, K (Howard, Ken); Yang, LW (Yang, Liwei); Wang, D (Wang, Dong); Guo, L (Guo, Li)来源出版物: EXPOSURE AND HEALTH 卷: 8 期: 3 页: 419-429 DOI: 10.1007/s12403-016-0218-6 出版年: SEP 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 2被引频次合计: 2使用次数 (最近 180 天): 5使用次数 (2013 年至今): 10引用的参考文献数: 48摘要 : The district of Chengcheng lies within Weinan city in central Shaanxi Province. It suffers from serious water shortages, a dilemma that is amplified by elevated concentrations of fluoride in the groundwater, a primary source of domestic water supply. To determine the extent and origin of the fluoride problem, a study was undertaken involving 144 groundwater samples collected from two aquifers in the region: the shallow Quaternary overburden aquifer (QLB) (10 samples) and the more widely utilized Permo-Triassic-fractured rock aquifer (PTF) (134 samples). Spatial analysis

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of the hydrochemical data shows that concentrations of fluoride in the PTF increase from north to south, generally following the direction of groundwater flow. 50 % of the samples show fluoride in excess of the 1.0 mg/L drinking water quality standard. Statistical analysis of data from the Permo-Triassic-fractured rock aquifer shows the fluoride to correlate positively with Ca2+, Na+, and HCO3 (-) and suggests mineral dissolution involving fluorite (CaF2) to be the primary source of the elevated fluoride. Analysis using PHREEQC reveals the groundwaters to be oversaturated with respect to calcite but undersaturated with respect to fluorite, and support such a hypothesis. Significantly, a positive relationship between NO3 (-) and F- for the PTF groundwaters suggests that trace amounts of fluoride in applied fertilizers may provide an additional source of fluoride. 28 water samples were also investigated using stable isotopes (delta D and delta O-18) and reveal that aquifer recharge is primarily due to irrigation water derived from the Shibaochuan Reservoir at high elevation to the north west of the study area, the irrigation water undergoing significant evaporation prior to entering the aquifer. The concentrating effect of evaporation also contributes to the elevated fluoride problem.入藏号: WOS:000381997600009语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Fluoride; Spatial distribution; SPSS; R language; Saturation index; Stable isotopes; GroundwaterKeyWords Plus: SHALLOW GROUNDWATER; PENGYANG COUNTY; HEALTH-RISK; INDIA; PLAIN; AREA; CONTAMINATION; HYDROGEOCHEMISTRY; ADSORPTION; DISTRICT地址 : [Dou, You; Yang, Liwei] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Dou, You] Changan Univ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, Minist Educ, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Howard, Ken] Univ Toronto, Groundwater Res Grp, Toronto, ON M1C 1A4, Canada. [Wang, Dong; Guo, Li] CGS, Xian Ctr Geol Survey, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Dou, Y (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.Dou, Y (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, Minist Educ, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDSWeb of Science 类别: Water Resources研究方向: Water ResourcesIDS 号: DU1VHISSN: 2451-9766eISSN: 2451-968529 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: EXPOS HEALTHISO 来源出版物缩写: Expo. Health来源出版物页码计数: 11

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第 51 条标题 : Groundwater Quality Evaluation and Health Risk Assessment in the Yinchuan Region, Northwest China(作者中文名?)作 者 : Zhou, YH (Zhou, Yahong); Wei, AH (Wei, Aihua); Li, JF (Li, Junfeng); Yan, LD (Yan, Liangdong); Li, J (Li, Jing)来源出版物: EXPOSURE AND HEALTH 卷: 8 期: 3 页: 443-456 DOI: 10.1007/s12403-016-0219-5 出版年: SEP 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 3被引频次合计: 3使用次数 (最近 180 天): 9使用次数 (2013 年至今): 29引用的参考文献数: 50摘要: Groundwater is an important resource for domestic and irrigation purposes in the Yinchuan Region, northwest China. However, the groundwater quality in this area is degrading because of human activities, and this adversely affects human health. In an effort to quantitatively describe the pollution status of groundwater and its influence on human health, comprehensive water quality index was used for drinking water quality assessment, and salinity-alkalinity method was applied to evaluate the irrigation water quality. Furthermore, the human health risk of the drinking groundwater has been evaluated with the model recommended by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. The results reveal that most of groundwater samples are suitable for irrigation except a few with high salinity and alkalinity. However, over 70 % of the phreatic water samples and nearly half of the confined water samples do not conform to the drinking water quality standard, and many parameters such as total dissolved solids, total hardness, and Na+ and SO42- exceed their limits. Noncarcinogenic risks of all collected water samples are relatively negligible. While carcinogenic risks in nearly 30 % of phreatic water samples and over 20 % of confined water samples surpass the acceptable level recommended by ICRP (5 x 10(-5) per year), Cr6+ is the main influencing factor on the risk. In addition, the study shows that the severe groundwater pollution in the study area is conjunctively caused by industry and agricultural activities. Therefore, effective measures must be implemented to prevent further deterioration of water quality and reduce the health risks for local residents.入藏号: WOS:000381997600011语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Groundwater resources; Water quality assessment; Drinking water; Irrigation water; Health risk assessmentKeyWords Plus: SHALLOW GROUNDWATER; NITRATE POLLUTION; PENGYANG COUNTY; DRINKING-WATER; CONTAMINATION; PLAIN; IRRIGATION; HYDROGEOCHEMISTRY; REDUCTION; RIVER地址 : [Zhou, Yahong] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Zhou, Yahong; Wei, Aihua; Yan, Liangdong; Li, Jing] Hebei Geo Univ, Dept Water Resource & Environm, 136 Huaian Rd, Shijiazhuang 050031, Peoples R China. [Li, Junfeng] Hebei Prospecting Inst Hydrogeol & Engn Geol, 131 Huaizhong Rd, Shijiazhuang 050031, Peoples R China.

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通讯作者地址: Zhou, YH (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.Zhou, YH (通讯作 者 ),Hebei Geo Univ, Dept Water Resource & Environm, 136 Huaian Rd, Shijiazhuang 050031, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDSWeb of Science 类别: Water Resources研究方向: Water ResourcesIDS 号: DU1VHISSN: 2451-9766eISSN: 2451-968529 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: EXPOS HEALTHISO 来源出版物缩写: Expo. Health来源出版物页码计数: 14

第 52 条标题: Fabrication and properties of a novel superabsorbent composite based on coco peat and poly (acrylic acid) cross-linked trimethylolpropane trimaleate under ultraviolet irradiation(苏小育)作者: Su, XY (Su, Xiaoyu); Bai, B (Bai, Bo); Xu, XH (Xu, Xiaohui); Ding, CX (Ding, Chenxu); Wang, HL (Wang, Honglun); Suo, YR (Suo, Yourui)来源出版物: POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES 卷: 27 期: 9 页: 1179-1190 DOI: 10.1002/pat.3781 出版年: SEP 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 7使用次数 (2013 年至今): 13引用的参考文献数: 53摘要 : A series of novel poly(acrylic acid)/coco peat (PAA/CP) superabsorbent composites were prepared via the ultraviolet irradiation copolymerization of acrylic acid monomer (PAA) and coco peat cellulose (CP) in the presence of the cross-linker trimethylolpropane trimaleate. The physico-chemical structures of obtained PAA/CP were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetry/derivative thermogravimetry, X-ray diffraction, and scanning electron microscopy, respectively. The critical parameters of affecting the water absorbency of PAA/CP, including the cross-linker level, amount of CP and reaction time, were studied in detailed. The experimental results showed that the PAA/CP samples exhibited the maximum swelling value of 523.09g/g in distilled water and 40.52g/g in 0.9wt % NaCl solution. The swelling behaviors of PAA/CP were significantly relied on the concentration of salt solution and the pH of external solution. The effect of ions species on the swelling performance was in the order: Na+>Ca2+>Fe3+ , and in pH 2.2 and 7.2 aqueous solutions PAA/CP composites displayed better pH-responsiveness and reversible on-off switching characteristics. Urea, as an agrochemical model, was loaded into PAA/CP substrate to supply with nitrogen nutrient. The test of their loading and releasing diffusion performance of urea suggested that the urea loading percentage of PAA/CP was remarkably dependent on the concentration of aqueous urea solutions and the release

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of urea from loaded PAA/CP samples in water followed a non-Fickian mechanism. Owing to their considerable good water absorption capacity, slow urea release, economical and environment-friendly merits, PAA/CP composites could be exploited for the agriculture applications. Copyright (c) 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.入藏号: WOS:000380946700006语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : coco peat cellulose; superabsorbent composite; water absorbency; loading and releasing of ureaKeyWords Plus: SWELLING BEHAVIORS; GRAFT-COPOLYMERIZATION; CONTROLLED-RELEASE; SODIUM ALGINATE; AQUEOUS-MEDIA; HYDROGELS; PH; CELLULOSE; NANOCOMPOSITES; METHACRYLATE地址 : [Su, Xiaoyu; Bai, Bo; Xu, Xiaohui] Changan Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Ding, Chenxu; Wang, Honglun; Suo, Yourui] Chinese Acad Sci, Northwest Plateau Inst Biol, Key Lab Tibetan Med Res, Xining 810001, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Bai, B (通讯作者 ),Changan Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: WILEY-BLACKWELL出版商地址: 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USAWeb of Science 类别: Polymer Science研究方向: Polymer ScienceIDS 号: DS7EVISSN: 1042-7147eISSN: 1099-158129 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: POLYM ADVAN TECHNOLISO 来源出版物缩写: Polym. Adv. Technol.来源出版物页码计数: 12

第 53 条标题: Rechargeable hybrid aqueous batteries using silica nanoparticle aqueous electrolytes(卢昶雨)作者 : Lu, CY (Lu, Changyu); Hoang, TKA (Hoang, Tuan K. A.); Doan, TNL (Doan, The Nam Long); Zhao, HB (Zhao, Hongbin); Pan, R (Pan, Ran); Yang, L (Yang, Li); Guan, WS (Guan, Weisheng); Chen, P (Chen, P.)来源出版物: APPLIED ENERGY 卷: 170 页: 58-64 DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.02.117 出版年: MAY 15 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 9被引频次合计: 9使用次数 (最近 180 天): 23使用次数 (2013 年至今): 86引用的参考文献数: 39摘要: Silica nanoparticles doped aqueous electrolytes have been prepared and implemented for the

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first time in rechargeable hybrid aqueous battery systems (ReHABs). The batteries were assembled from a cathode containing LiMn2O4 - a lithium intercalation compound, a zinc metal foil anode and a sulfate electrolyte containing Zn2+ and Li+ ions. Silica nanoparticles were doped into the liquid electrolyte with the initial aim to create a silica containing gel electrolyte. However, the 5% and 10% SiO2 doped electrolytes were viscous and could be easily absorbed in the Absorbed Glass Mat (AGM) separator and the whole system (doped electrolyte + AGM) immobilized after a few minutes. The AGM loaded with silica doped electrolytes remained wet after storage for weeks under ambient condition thanks to the water retention ability of nanoscale silica particles. The doped silica nanoparticles restrained deposition of zinc dendritic crystals, and reduced float charge current and self-discharge. The ReHABs assembled from the silica nanoparticles doped electrolytes provided high specific discharge capacity, up to 140 mAh (g LiMn2O4)(-1) at 0.2 C, and the cyclability of such systems was significantly enhanced compared to the ReHABs assembled from conventional electrolytes. X-ray Diffraction revealed that the anode of the batteries using SiO2 doped electrolytes were protected since only the XRD peaks of Zn were detected after the batteries were running 700 cycles of charge and discharge. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000374601400005语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Rechargeable battery; Aqueous electrolyte; Silica; Zinc; Float charge currentKeyWords Plus: GEL POLYMER ELECTROLYTE; LEAD-ACID-BATTERIES; FUMED SILICA; LITHIUM BATTERIES; FLOW BATTERIES; STORAGE; PERFORMANCE; TECHNOLOGY; PARTICLES; POWDERS地址: [Lu, Changyu; Yang, Li; Guan, Weisheng] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Lu, Changyu; Hoang, Tuan K. A.; Doan, The Nam Long; Zhao, Hongbin; Pan, Ran; Chen, P.] Univ Waterloo, Dept Chem Engn, 200 Univ Ave West, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada. [Lu, Changyu; Hoang, Tuan K. A.; Doan, The Nam Long; Zhao, Hongbin; Pan, Ran; Chen, P.] Univ Waterloo, Waterloo Inst Nanotechnol, 200 Univ Ave West, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada. [Zhao, Hongbin] Shanghai Univ, Dept Chem, Coll Sci, Shanghai 200444, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Chen, P (通讯作 者 ),Univ Waterloo, Dept Chem Engn, 200 Univ Ave West, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada.Chen, P (通讯作者 ),Univ Waterloo, Waterloo Inst Nanotechnol, 200 Univ Ave West, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada.电子邮件地址: [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Zhao, Hongbin I-3783-2016

出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Energy & Fuels; Engineering, Chemical研究方向: Energy & Fuels; Engineering

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IDS 号: DK0KJISSN: 0306-2619eISSN: 1872-911829 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: APPL ENERGISO 来源出版物缩写: Appl. Energy来源出版物页码计数: 7

第 54 条标题: Analysis for the Relationship Between Concentrations of Air Pollutants and Meteorological Parameters in Xi'an, China(高婵娟)作者: Gao, CJ (Gao, Chanjuan); Deng, SX (Deng, Shunxi); Jiang, X (Jiang, Xue); Guo, YS (Guo, Yansheng)来源出版物: JOURNAL OF TESTING AND EVALUATION 卷: 44 期: 3 页: 1064-1076 DOI: 10.1520/JTE20140297 出版年: MAY 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 4使用次数 (2013 年至今): 5引用的参考文献数: 36摘 要 : The current study was based on annual ambient air quality monitoring data and corresponding meteorological observation data of Xi'an in 2011. Distribution models on hourly concentrations of PM10, SO2, and NO2 were studied, and the results showed that statistical distribution functions varied from seasons and from pollutants. The optimal distribution models of PM10 concentrations in the four seasons (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) were generalized extreme value distribution (GEVD), Weibull, Weibull, and GEVD, respectively; those of SO2 were lognormal, loglogistic, log-logistic, and GEVD, respectively; and those of NO2 were Weibull, lognormal, GEVD, and GEVD, respectively. The concentrations ranges were 0.03 similar to 0.20 mg/m(3) for PM10, 0.008 similar to 0.17 mg/m(3) for SO2, and 0.01 similar to 0.12 mg/m(3) for NO2, and the probabilities of concentrations in the ranges for accordingly pollutants were up to 85 %. Effects of the meteorological parameters on concentrations of PM10, SO2, and NO2 were studied with linear correlation analysis method for Xi'an city. The results indicated that pollutant concentrations had a negative correlation with wind speed, temperature, and mixing height (MH), whereas it had a positive correlation with atmospheric pressure and atmospheric stability. Both temperature and atmospheric pressure were the most obvious correlation with SO2 concentration with r value of -0.7916 and 0.7032, respectively. Wind speed and MH had the most obvious correlation with NO2 concentration with r value of -0.4423 and -0.3997, respectively. SO2 had the best correlation with meteorological parameters. Analyzing the statistical characteristics of urban air pollution concentration and their relationships with meteorological parameters are of great importance to study urban air pollution problems and corresponding prevention measure.入藏号: WOS:000382229300021语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词 : distribution model; pollutant concentration; meteorological parameter; correlation

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coefficient; Xi'anKeyWords Plus: STATISTICAL DISTRIBUTIONS; PM2.5; POLLUTION; SHANGHAI; AEROSOL地址 : [Gao, Chanjuan; Deng, Shunxi] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Jiang, Xue] CGS, Xian Ctr Geol Survey, Xian Inst Geol & Mineral Resources, Xian 710068, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Guo, Yansheng] Shaanxi Environm Monitoring Ctr, Xian 710006, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Gao, CJ (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: AMER SOC TESTING MATERIALS出版商地址: 100 BARR HARBOR DR, W CONSHOHOCKEN, PA 19428-2959 USAWeb of Science 类别: Materials Science, Characterization & Testing研究方向: Materials ScienceIDS 号: DU5CIISSN: 0090-3973eISSN: 1945-755329 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J TEST EVALISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Test. Eval.来源出版物页码计数: 13

第 55 条标题 : Distribution and stable isotopic compositions of organic carbon in surface sediments in hyporheic zone of karst springs(郭芳)作者: Guo, F (Guo, Fang); Wang, WK (Wang, Wenke); Jiang, GH (Jiang, Guanghui); Huang, SY (Huang, Siyu)来源出版物 : ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES 卷 : 75 期 : 10 文献号 : 850 DOI: 10.1007/s12665-016-5672-8 出版年: MAY 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 6使用次数 (2013 年至今): 19引用的参考文献数: 29摘要 : Frequently exchange of substance and energy in karst hyporheic zone may cause rapidly degeneration of groundwater environment. Hyporheic zone delineation and its nutrients exchange quantification are quite difficult in karst spring. To evaluate the source of organic matter (OM) and its environmental indication, 45 surface sediments were collected in a karst pool to determine the content of grain size, total organic carbon, total nitrogen, and stable isotope. C/N ratios showed that 83 % of OM is autochthonous source, but the contribution of OM carried by surface water backflow cannot be ignored. A high C/N ratios zone could be found in the tail of the pool. This is ascribed to surface river backflowing in extremely high water level. delta C-13 of OM ranged from -29.27 to -22.40 %, and they were consistent with isotope of local hydrophyte in the spring. Combined with elemental analysis, isotopic composition, grain size distribution and human

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activities, detailed water environmental function zones in the pool were defined; especially, the active hyporheic zone was determined. Our data reveal that the nature and distribution of OM are complex and dynamic in a karst hyporheic zone. Organic biogeochemistry may play more important role and drive the evolution of aquatic environment.入藏号: WOS:000376589500003语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Sediment; Organic carbon; Isotopic composition; Hyporheic zone; Karst springKeyWords Plus: SIZE DISTRIBUTION; LAKE-SEDIMENTS; C/N RATIOS; CLIMATE; PLANTS; CHINA; C-13/C-12; NITROGEN; SEA地址 : [Guo, Fang; Wang, Wenke] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Guo, Fang; Jiang, Guanghui; Huang, Siyu] Inst Karst Geol, Key Lab Karst Dynam, Guilin 541004, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Guo, F (通讯作者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.Guo, F (通讯作者),Inst Karst Geol, Key Lab Karst Dynam, Guilin 541004, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USAWeb of Science 类别: Environmental Sciences; Geosciences, Multidisciplinary; Water Resources研究方向: Environmental Sciences & Ecology; Geology; Water ResourcesIDS 号: DM8CYISSN: 1866-6280eISSN: 1866-629929 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ENVIRON EARTH SCIISO 来源出版物缩写: Environ. Earth Sci.来源出版物页码计数: 13

第 56 条标题: Adsorption Performance of Methyl Violet via alpha-Fe2O3@Porous Hollow Carbonaceous Microspheres and Its Effective Regeneration through a Fenton-Like Reaction(同致庆)作 者 : Tong, ZQ (Tong, Zhiqing); Zheng, P (Zheng, Pei); Bai, B (Bai, Bo); Wang, HL (Wang, Honglun); Suo, YR (Suo, Yourui)来源出版物: CATALYSTS 卷: 6 期: 4 文献号: 58 DOI: 10.3390/catal6040058 出版年: APR 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 8使用次数 (2013 年至今): 25引用的参考文献数: 50摘要 : alpha-Fe2O3@porous hollow carbonaceous microspheres (alpha-Fe2O3@PHCMs) were prepared through a combination of hydrothermal and calcination method. The novel alpha-Fe2O3@PHCMs integrated the adsorptive and catalytic performances and served as an

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inexpensive adsorbent to rapidly remove cationic dye (methyl violet (MV)) from aqueous solution. Equilibrium studies indicated that the dye molecules obeyed Langmuir type of adsorption with the calculated maximum adsorption capacity of 539.8 mg.g(-1) at 313.15 K. Kinetic data were better described by pseudo-second-order model and the thermodynamic studies illustrated that MV adsorption onto the composite was spontaneous, endothermic and occurred by physisorption. The Fenton-like process was found to be effective for the regeneration of the spent alpha-Fe2O3@PHCMs. The regeneration efficiency, as high as 88.0%, was still maintained after three consecutive adsorption-regeneration cycles. FTIR and XRD characterizations of the composite before and after adsorption-regeneration treatment showed that the Fenton-like process did not cause serious damage to the structure of composites.入藏号: WOS:000375210900010语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关 键 词 : alpha-Fe2O3@Porous hollow carbonaceous microspheres; methyl violet; equilibrium isotherm; kinetics; thermodynamicsKeyWords Plus: AQUEOUS-SOLUTION; BASIC DYE; REMOVAL; EQUILIBRIUM; ADSORBENT; COMPOSITE; SORPTION; WATER; ACID; BLUE地址 : [Tong, Zhiqing; Zheng, Pei; Bai, Bo] Changan Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Bai, Bo; Wang, Honglun; Suo, Yourui] Chinese Acad Sci, Northwest Inst Plateau Biol, Key Lab Tibetan Med Res, Xining 810001, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Bai, B (通讯作者 ),Changan Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.Bai, B (通讯作者 ),Chinese Acad Sci, Northwest Inst Plateau Biol, Key Lab Tibetan Med Res, Xining 810001, Peoples R China.电 子 邮 件 地 址 : [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: MDPI AG出版商地址: POSTFACH, CH-4005 BASEL, SWITZERLANDWeb of Science 类别: Chemistry, Physical研究方向: ChemistryIDS 号: DK8WZISSN: 2073-434429 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: CATALYSTSISO 来源出版物缩写: Catalysts来源出版物页码计数: 17

第 57 条标题: Performance of Denitrifying Microbial Fuel Cell with Biocathode over Nitrite(赵慧敏)作者: Zhao, HM (Zhao, Huimin); Zhao, JQ (Zhao, Jianqiang); Li, FH (Li, Fenghai); Li, XL (Li, Xiaoling)来 源 出 版 物 : FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY 卷 : 7 文 献 号 : 344 DOI: 10.3383/fmicb.2016.00344 出版年: MAR 22 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1

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被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 29使用次数 (2013 年至今): 70引用的参考文献数: 34摘要 : Microbial fuel cell (MFC) with nitrite as an electron acceptor in cathode provided a new technology for nitrogen removal and electricity production simultaneously. The influences of influent nitrite concentration and external resistance on the performance of denitrifying MFC were investigated. The optimal effectiveness were obtained with the maximum total nitrogen (TN) removal rate of 54.80 +/- 0.01 g m(-3) d(-1). It would be rather desirable for the TN removal than electricity generation at lower external resistance. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis suggested that Proteobacteria was the predominant phylum, accounting for 35.72%. Thiobacillus and Afipia might benefit to nitrite removal. The presence of nitrifying Devosia indicated that nitrite was oxidized to nitrate via a biochemical mechanism in the cathode. Ignavibacterium and Anaerolineaceae was found in the cathode as a heterotrophic bacterium with sodium acetate as substrate, which illustrated that sodium acetate in anode was likely permeated through proton exchange membrane to the cathode.入藏号: WOS:000372495700002PubMed ID: 27047462语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: microbial fuel cell; autotrophic denitrification; nitrite; nitration; biocathodeKeyWords Plus: ELECTRICITY-GENERATION; SP-NOV; AUTOTROPHIC DENITRIFICATION; SIMULTANEOUS NITRIFICATION; NITROUS-OXIDE; GEN. NOV.; REMOVAL; REACTOR; INOCULUM; CARBON地址: [Zhao, Huimin; Zhao, Jianqiang; Li, Xiaoling] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Dept Environm Engn, Xian, Peoples R China. [Zhao, Huimin; Li, Fenghai] Heze Univ, Dept Chem & Chem Engn, Heze, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Zhao, JQ (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Dept Environm Engn, Xian, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: FRONTIERS MEDIA SA出 版商地址 : PO BOX 110, EPFL INNOVATION PARK, BUILDING I, LAUSANNE, 1015, SWITZERLANDWeb of Science 类别: Microbiology研究方向: MicrobiologyIDS 号: DH0SZISSN: 1664-302X29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: FRONT MICROBIOLISO 来源出版物缩写: Front. Microbiol.来源出版物页码计数: 7

第 58 条标题 : A modified DRASTIC model for assessing contamination risk of groundwater in the northern suburb of Yinchuan, China(作者中文名?)

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作者: Wu, H (Wu, Hao); Chen, J (Chen, Jie); Qian, H (Qian, Hui)来 源 出 版物 : ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES 卷 : 75 期 : 6 文 献号 : 483 DOI: 10.1007/s12665-015-5094-z 出版年: MAR 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 3被引频次合计: 3使用次数 (最近 180 天): 7使用次数 (2013 年至今): 17引用的参考文献数: 41摘要 : Groundwater vulnerability assessment is a common method to describe groundwater contamination. However, intensive human activities have a marked impact on subsurface environment. Therefore, in this paper, the DRTILSQ model which is based on DRASTIC and considers human influences was proposed. The contamination risk of groundwater underlying the northern suburb of Yinchuan city was assessed. According to local hydrogeological settings, seven factors were singled out for representing intrinsic vulnerability, pollution loading and groundwater value, respectively. Analytical hierarchy process was adopted to determine weights, which makes the model harmonize with the study area and easy to transplant. The results show that high contamination risk area is in the central zone with shallow buried depth of groundwater, highly permeable vadose zone, high recharge and agricultural pollution. Except that, extremely high contamination risk is associated with high groundwater value and industrial threats. Compared to the vulnerability map, the contamination risk map presents a more reasonable classification. The maps are valuable tools for environmental management. The DRTILSQ can be transplanted to Yinchuan Plain or northwest China, and provides experience for developing models of groundwater contamination risk assessment for individual regions.入藏号: WOS:000372251000034语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Groundwater vulnerability; DRASTIC; Contamination risk; Groundwater value; YinchuanKeyWords Plus: VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT; AQUIFER; GIS; IMPACT; PLAIN地址: [Wu, Hao; Chen, Jie; Qian, Hui] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Wu, Hao; Chen, Jie; Qian, Hui] Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effect Arid Reg, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Wu, H (通讯作者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.Wu, H (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effect Arid Reg, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USAWeb of Science 类别: Environmental Sciences; Geosciences, Multidisciplinary; Water Resources研究方向: Environmental Sciences & Ecology; Geology; Water ResourcesIDS 号: DG7FUISSN: 1866-6280

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eISSN: 1866-629929 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ENVIRON EARTH SCIISO 来源出版物缩写: Environ. Earth Sci.来源出版物页码计数: 10

第 59 条标题 : Facile synthesis of alpha-Fe2O3@ porous hollow yeast-based carbonaceous microspheres for fluorescent whitening agent-VBL wastewater treatment(郑佩)作者: Zheng, P (Zheng, Pei); Tong, ZQ (Tong, Zhiqing); Bai, B (Bai, Bo)来 源 出 版物 : JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY 卷 : 235 页 : 119-124 DOI: 10.1016/j.jssc.2015.12.027 出版年: MAR 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 14使用次数 (2013 年至今): 48引用的参考文献数: 36摘 要 : Porous hollow carbonaceous microspheres (PHCMs) fabricated from yeast cells by hydrothermal treatment have stimulated interest because of their outstanding chemical and physical properties. Herein, the functionalizations of PHCMs by further coating of alpha-Fe2O3 nanoparticles onto the surface were carried out. The structure of resulted alpha-Fe2O3@PHCMs products were characterized by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), and BET specific surface area measurements (BET), respectively. Its promising application was evaluated by the Fenton-like degradation of fluorescent whitening agent-VBL from aqueous solutions. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000370467900018语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: alpha-Fe2O3; Yeast; Fluorescent whitening agentKeyWords Plus: MAGNETIC-PROPERTIES; NANOPARTICLES; OXIDATION; CATALYSTS; NANORODS; ROBUST; SHELL地址 : [Zheng, Pei; Tong, Zhiqing] Changan Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Bai, Bo] Chinese Acad Sci, Northwest Plateau Inst Biol, Key Lab Tibetan Med Res, Xining 810001, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Bai, B (通讯作 者 ),Chinese Acad Sci, Northwest Plateau Inst Biol, Key Lab Tibetan Med Res, Xining 810001, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE出版商地址: 525 B ST, STE 1900, SAN DIEGO, CA 92101-4495 USAWeb of Science 类别: Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear; Chemistry, Physical研究方向: ChemistryIDS 号: DE2OZISSN: 0022-4596

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eISSN: 1095-726X29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J SOLID STATE CHEMISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Solid State Chem.来源出版物页码计数: 6

第 60 条标题 : Impact of N2O Emissions on Nitritation in Two Sequencing Batch Reactors: Activated Sludge Reactor and Biofilm System(葛光环)作 者 : Ge, GH (Ge, Guanghuan); Zhao, JQ (Zhao, Jianqiang); Gao, K (Gao, Kun); Ding, XQ (Ding, Xiaoqian); Li, XL (Li, Xiaoling); Chen, AX (Chen, Aixia); Chen, B (Chen, Bei)来源出版物: ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE 卷: 33 期: 2 页: 125-132 DOI: 10.1089/ees.2015.0317 出版年: FEB 1 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 3被引频次合计: 3使用次数 (最近 180 天): 4使用次数 (2013 年至今): 23引用的参考文献数: 35摘要: The objective of this study was to evaluate nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions on nitritation in activated sludge sequencing batch reactor (ASSBR) and sequencing batch biofilm reactor (SBBR) treating ammonium-rich wastewater at two different influent ammonium concentrations. During stable operation, there was no significant difference of [GRAPHICS] removal efficiencies between the two reactors. At the end of nitrification, both nitrite accumulation rates were above 85%. However, SBBR had a better total nitrogen (TN) removal efficiency (81.7% +/- 1.5%) than that of ASSBR (66.5% +/- 5.7%). According to typical cycles, when influent [GRAPHICS] concentrations were 120 mg/L and 240 mg/L, N2O emissions during nitritation in SBBR accounted for 2.3% +/- 0.4% and 6.5% +/- 0.9% of the TN removed, respectively, which were 1/3-1/2 of that in ASSBR (6.6% +/- 0.6%, 14.1% +/- 1.6%). In addition, N2O production increased with increase of feed ammonia concentration in both reactors. These results contribute to further understanding of N2O emission in partial nitrifying system.入藏号: WOS:000369974800006语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: sequencing batch biofilm reactor; activated sludge reactor; nitritation; nitrous oxideKeyWords Plus: NITROUS-OXIDE EMISSION; WASTE-WATER TREATMENT; OXYGEN SIMULTANEOUS NITRIFICATION; AMMONIA-OXIDIZING BACTERIA; DENITRIFICATION PROCESS; PHOSPHORUS REMOVAL; TEMPERATURE; MECHANISMS; AERATION地址 : [Ge, Guanghuan; Zhao, Jianqiang; Gao, Kun; Ding, Xiaoqian; Li, Xiaoling; Chen, Aixia; Chen, Bei] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Zhao, Jianqiang; Li, Xiaoling; Chen, Aixia] Minist Educ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effect Arid Reg, Xian, Peoples R China.

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通讯作者地址 : Zhao, JQ (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: MARY ANN LIEBERT, INC出版商地址: 140 HUGUENOT STREET, 3RD FL, NEW ROCHELLE, NY 10801 USAWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Environmental; Environmental Sciences研究方向: Engineering; Environmental Sciences & EcologyIDS 号: DD5OXISSN: 1092-8758eISSN: 1557-901829 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ENVIRON ENG SCIISO 来源出版物缩写: Environ. Eng. Sci.来源出版物页码计数: 8

第 61 条标题 : Visible-light-driven catalytic degradation of ciprofloxacin on metal (Fe, Co, Ni) doped titanate nanotubes synthesized by one-pot approach(卢昶雨)作者 : Lu, CY (Lu, Changyu); Guan, WS (Guan, Weisheng); Hoang, TKA (Hoang, Tuan K. A.); Guo, JF (Guo, Jifeng); Gou, HG (Gou, Haigang); Yao, YL (Yao, Yiliang)来源出版物: JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS 卷: 27 期: 2 页: 1966-1973 DOI: 10.1007/s10854-015-3979-y 出版年: FEB 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 4被引频次合计: 4使用次数 (最近 180 天): 6使用次数 (2013 年至今): 46引用的参考文献数: 46摘要: In this work, Fe-series (Fe, Co, Ni) doped titanate nanotubes were synthesized via a simple, one pot hydrothermal process using commercial TiO2 powder as the precursor. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction, nitrogen adsorption, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and UV-Vis. SEM and TEM results show that regularly uniform nanotubes were obtained and they possess homogeneous tubular structures with open ends. There is no significantly morphological and structural difference between TiNTs and Fe-series doped TiNTs. Furthermore, the photocatalytic properties of TiNTs and Fe-series doped TiNTs were studied using the degradation of ciprofloxacin. Fe-series doped TiNTs exhibit higher catalytic activities than those of TiNTs and commercial TiO2.入藏号: WOS:000369010900123语种: English文献类型: ArticleKeyWords Plus: TITANIUM-OXIDE NANOTUBES; DIOXIDE NANOMATERIALS; TRITITANATE NANOTUBES; TIO2; WATER; DECOMPOSITION; TETRACYCLINE; NANOFIBERS; NANOWIRES; KINETICS地址: [Lu, Changyu; Guan, Weisheng; Guo, Jifeng; Gou, Haigang; Yao, Yiliang] Changan Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.

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[Lu, Changyu; Hoang, Tuan K. A.] Univ Waterloo, Dept Chem Engn, 200 Univ Ave West, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada. [Lu, Changyu; Hoang, Tuan K. A.] Univ Waterloo, Waterloo Inst Nanotechnol, 200 Univ Ave West, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada.通讯作者地址: Guan, WS (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDSWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Electrical & Electronic; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary; Physics, Applied; Physics, Condensed Matter研究方向: Engineering; Materials Science; PhysicsIDS 号: DC1XGISSN: 0957-4522eISSN: 1573-482X29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J MATER SCI-MATER ELISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Mater. Sci.-Mater. Electron.来源出版物页码计数: 8

第 62 条标题 : Optical dating of landslide-dammed lake deposits in the upper Yellow River, Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China(郭小花)作 者 : Guo, XH (Guo, Xiaohua); Sun, Z (Sun, Zheng); Lai, ZP (Lai, Zhongping); Lu, YD (Lu, Yudong); Li, XL (Li, Xiaolin)来 源 出 版 物 : QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL 卷 : 392 页 : 233-238 DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2015.06.021 出版年: JAN 21 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 5使用次数 (2013 年至今): 13引用的参考文献数: 33摘要 : Two large landslides, Dehenglong and Suozi, blocked the upper Yellow River from Longyang Gorge to Liujia Gorge on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. This research is significant because no relevant chronologies for this landslide-dammed lake had been reported. Twelve OSL samples were collected from the lacustrine sediments of the landslide-dammed lake deposited on both banks of the upper Yellow River. Samples yielded similar ages of ca. 80 ka. The Dehenglong landslide and Suozi landslide are thus inferred to be triggered by ca. 80 ka tectonic movements. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000370810900022语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: OSL dating; Landslide-dammed lake; Yellow River; Qinghai-Tibetan PlateauKeyWords Plus: REGENERATIVE-DOSE PROTOCOL; UPPER JINSHA RIVER; TECTONIC PERTURBATIONS; GROWTH CURVE; OSL; LUMINESCENCE; LOESS; HOLOCENE;

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CHRONOLOGY; INCISION地址: [Guo, Xiaohua; Sun, Zheng; Lu, Yudong] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Minist Educ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effect Arid Reg, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Guo, Xiaohua; Lai, Zhongping] China Univ Geosci, Sch Earth Sci, Wuhan 430074, Peoples R China. [Sun, Zheng] Engn Invest Inst Qinghai, Xining 810007, Peoples R China. [Li, Xiaolin] Qinghai Inst Geol Invest, Qinghai Prov 906, Key Lab Environm Geol Qinghai Prov, Xining 810008, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Guo, XH (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Minist Educ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effect Arid Reg, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.Guo, XH; Lai, ZP (通讯作 者 ),China Univ Geosci, Sch Earth Sci, Wuhan 430074, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Geography, Physical; Geosciences, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Physical Geography; GeologyIDS 号: DE7JBISSN: 1040-6182eISSN: 1873-455329 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: QUATERN INTISO 来源出版物缩写: Quat. Int.来源出版物页码计数: 6

第 63 条标题 : Novel sea buckthorn biocarbon SBC@beta-FeOOH composites: Efficient removal of doxycycline in aqueous solution in a fixed-bed through synergistic adsorption and heterogeneous Fenton-like reaction(张霞)作 者 : Zhang, X (Zhang, Xia); Bai, B (Bai, Bo); Li Puma, G (Li Puma, Gianluca); Wang, HL (Wang, Honglun); Suo, YR (Suo, Yourui)来 源 出 版物 : CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL 卷 : 284 页 : 698-707 DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2015.09.012 出版年: JAN 15 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 3被引频次合计: 3使用次数 (最近 180 天): 14使用次数 (2013 年至今): 78引用的参考文献数: 57摘要 : Akaganeite (beta-FeOOH) nanoparticles were successfully anchored on the surface of porous sea buckthorn biocarbon (SBC) via a simple low-temperature hydrothermal process without use of surfactants or external forces. The SBC@beta-FeOOH composite was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS). On the basis of characterization methods, a possible mechanism of formation of the SBC@beta-FeOOH composite was discussed. The SBC@beta-FeOOH composite was used

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in fixed-bed columns for the effective removal of doxycycline (DC) from an aqueous solution, by the synergistic effect of adsorption and subsequent Fenton-like oxidation reaction, which oxidized the sorbed DC. The effects of inlet DC concentration (22-32 mg/L) feed flow rate (1-3 mL/min) SBC@beta-FeOOH bed depth (0.7-1.5 cm) and pH (2-11) on the adsorption breakthrough profiles were investigated. The adsorption process was controlled by the ionic speciation of the adsorbate DC and the available binding sites of SBC@beta-FeOOH. It was simulated by the Thomas and Yoon-Nelson models under different conditions. The bed of SBC@beta-FeOOH saturated with DC was readily regenerated, in situ, by a heterogeneous Fenton-like oxidation reaction. The synergistic effect resulting from the biosorption nature of SBC and the catalytic oxidation properties of the supported beta-FeOOH nanoparticles results in a new promising composite material for water treatment and purification. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000365052600074语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: SBC@beta-FeOOH; DC; Fixed-bed; Removal; RegenerationKeyWords Plus: ACTIVATED CARBON; METHYLENE-BLUE; TETRACYCLINE REMOVAL; ALPHA-FEOOH; BIOSORPTION; COLUMN; OXIDE; BIOMASS; WASTE; STALK地址: [Zhang, Xia] Changan Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Bai, Bo; Wang, Honglun; Suo, Yourui] Chinese Acad Sci, Northwest Plateau Inst Biol, Key Lab Tibetan Med Res, Xining 810001, Peoples R China. [Li Puma, Gianluca] Univ Loughborough, Dept Chem Engn, Environm Nanocatalysis &Photoreact Engn, Loughborough LE11 3TU, Leics, England.通讯作 者 地址 : Bai, B (通讯作 者 ),Chinese Acad Sci, Northwest Plateau Inst Biol, Key Lab Tibetan Med Res, Xining 810001, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Li Puma, Gianluca 0000-0002-9168-6284

出版商: ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA出版商地址: PO BOX 564, 1001 LAUSANNE, SWITZERLANDWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Environmental; Engineering, Chemical研究方向: EngineeringIDS 号: CW5QWISSN: 1385-8947eISSN: 1873-321229 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: CHEM ENG JISO 来源出版物缩写: Chem. Eng. J.来源出版物页码计数: 10

第 64 条标题 : Sheet-on-sphere structured Ag/AgBr@InVO4 heterojunctions and enhanced visible-light photocatalytic activity(郭峰)

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作者: Guo, F (Guo, Feng); Shi, WL (Shi, Weilong); Cai, Y (Cai, Yi); Shao, SW (Shao, Shuwen); Zhang, T (Zhang, Tao); Guan, WS (Guan, Weisheng); Huang, H (Huang, Hui); Liu, Y (Liu, Yang)来源出版物: RSC ADVANCES 卷: 6 期: 96 页: 93887-93893 DOI: 10.1039/c6ra20657c 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 15使用次数 (2013 年至今): 19引用的参考文献数: 47摘 要 : Sheet-on-sphere structured Ag/AgBr@InVO4 heterojunctions were prepared via a precipitation-photoreduction method. Compared with pure InVO4 and Ag/AgBr, the Ag/AgBr@InVO4 photocatalysts displayed excellent photocatalytic performance for degradation of rhodamine B (RhB) under visible light (lambda > 420 nm). Moreover, the Ag/AgBr@InVO4 sample with 30 wt% Ag/AgBr loading showed the best photocatalytic efficiency. The excellent photocatalytic activity of Ag/AgBr@InVO4 photocatalysts could be responsible for enhanced visible-light absorption and efficient anti-combination of photo-generated electrons and holes through the Ag/AgBr@InVO4 heterostructure.入藏号: WOS:000385631900081语种: English文献类型: ArticleKeyWords Plus: PLASMONIC PHOTOCATALYST; EFFICIENT PHOTOCATALYST; HYDROTHERMAL SYNTHESIS; TITANIUM-DIOXIDE; IRRADIATION; DEGRADATION; MICROSPHERES; PERFORMANCE; FACILE; WATER地址 : [Guo, Feng; Cai, Yi; Shao, Shuwen; Zhang, Tao; Guan, Weisheng] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, Minist Educ, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Shi, Weilong; Huang, Hui; Liu, Yang] Soochow Univ, Inst Funct Nano & Soft Mat FUNSOM, Jiangsu Key Lab Carbon Based Funct Mat & Devices, 199 Renai Rd, Suzhou 215123, Jiangsu, Peoples R China. [Shi, Weilong] Huazhong Univ Sci & Technol, Sch Phys, Wuhan 430074, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Huang, H (通讯作者),Soochow Univ, Inst Funct Nano & Soft Mat FUNSOM, Jiangsu Key Lab Carbon Based Funct Mat & Devices, 199 Renai Rd, Suzhou 215123, Jiangsu, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY出 版商地址 : THOMAS GRAHAM HOUSE, SCIENCE PARK, MILTON RD, CAMBRIDGE CB4 0WF, CAMBS, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Chemistry, Multidisciplinary研究方向: ChemistryIDS 号: DZ1WIISSN: 2046-206929 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: RSC ADVISO 来源出版物缩写: RSC Adv.来源出版物页码计数: 7

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第 65 条标题: ONE-POT APPROACH TO SYNTHESIZE ZnFe2O4/CNTS MAGNETIC COMPOSITES FOR THE FAST REMOVAL OF OXYTETRACYCLINE HYDROCHLORIDE FROM AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS(卢昶雨)作者: Lu, CY (Lu, Changyu); Guan, WS (Guan, Weisheng); Qin, F (Qin, Fang); Gou, HG (Gou, Haigang); Luo, Y (Luo, Yu)来源出版物: FRESENIUS ENVIRONMENTAL BULLETIN 卷: 25 期: 9 页: 3363-3371 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 6使用次数 (2013 年至今): 6引用的参考文献数: 43摘要 : Ferrite nanoparticles were attached on the surface of carbon nanotube by a synthetic method, and then magnetic nanoparticles composites (ZnFe2O4/CNTs) were prepared. ZnFe2O4/CNTs magnetic composites were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffractometry (XRD) and vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM). ZnFe2O4/CNTs magnetic composites were superparamagnetic at room temperature and saturation magnetization (Ms) was 16.10 emu/g. The ZnFe2O4/CNTs were used as adsorbents to remove oxytetracycline hydrochloride from aqueous solutions effectively. The adsorption performances of ZnFe2O4/CNTs were studied by different experiments with pH, temperatures, initial concentrations and reaction time. The adsorption was more fitted to Langmuir isotherm model and pesudo-second-order equation. In addition, ZnFe2O4/CNTs demonstrated great recycle and reuse abilities.入藏号: WOS:000384966000006语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: ZnFe2O4; CNTs; Oxytetracycline Hydrochloride; AdsorbentKeyWords Plus: WALLED CARBON NANOTUBES; VISIBLE-LIGHT-DRIVEN; PHOTOCATALYTIC PERFORMANCE; FERRITE NANOPARTICLES; SINGLE; ADSORPTION; TETRACYCLINE; DEGRADATION; DYE; FUNCTIONALIZATION地址 : [Lu, Changyu; Guan, Weisheng; Qin, Fang; Gou, Haigang; Luo, Yu] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Yanta Rd 126, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Lu, Changyu] Univ Waterloo, Dept Chem Engn, 200 Univ Ave West, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada. [Lu, Changyu] Univ Waterloo, Waterloo Inst Nanotechnol, 200 Univ Ave West, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada.通讯作者地址: Guan, WS (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Yanta Rd 126, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: PARLAR SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS (P S P)出版商地址: ANGERSTR. 12, 85354 FREISING, GERMANYWeb of Science 类别: Environmental Sciences

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研究方向: Environmental Sciences & EcologyIDS 号: DY3BOISSN: 1018-4619eISSN: 1610-230429 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: FRESEN ENVIRON BULLISO 来源出版物缩写: Fresenius Environ. Bull.来源出版物页码计数: 9

第 66 条标题: Facile fabrication of sea buckthorn biocarbon (SB)@alpha-Fe2O3 composite catalysts and their applications for adsorptive removal of doxycycline wastewater through a cohesive heterogeneous Fenton-like regeneration(张霞)作 者 : Zhang, X (Zhang, Xia); Bai, B (Bai, Bo); Wang, HL (Wang, Honglun); Suo, YR (Suo, Yourui)来源出版物: RSC ADVANCES 卷: 6 期: 44 页: 38159-38168 DOI: 10.1039/c6ra07382d 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 7使用次数 (2013 年至今): 20引用的参考文献数: 56摘要: A facile, low-cost and novel route for successful synthesis of SB@alpha-Fe2O3 composite catalysts was described through a simple thermal conversion process from SB@beta-FeOOH precursor. The products were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS) and Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis, respectively. The experimental results indicated that alpha-Fe2O3 phase nanoparticles in the SB@alpha-Fe2O3 composites appeared in spindly nanorods and were highly dispersed on the surface of sea buckthorn biocarbon (SB) platform. The mechanism of thermal conversion from SB@beta-FeOOH precursor to SB@alpha-Fe2O3 products was discussed. Subsequently, the naked SB and resultant SB@alpha-Fe2O3 composites were applied in fixed-bed columns for the effective pre-adsorption of doxycycline (DO) from an aqueous solution. Breakthrough curves for DO adsorption were carried out at different empty bed contact times (EBCTs). The results showed that the adsorption capacity of SB@alpha-Fe2O3 was much better than that of SB at all tested EBCTs. The DO-saturated SB@alpha-Fe2O3 bed was almost completely regenerated in situ through triggering a succedent heterogeneous Fenton-like regeneration process with an H2O2 dose of 1% w/v for 3 h, while the naked SB was hardly regenerated by a parallel processes. In view of the facile synthetic method of composites, the superior adsorption performance and the effective way of regeneration for consecutive pre-adsorption/regeneration cycles, the heterogeneous Fenton-like oxidation of DO-exhausted SB@alpha-Fe2O3 presents to be a promising and viable strategy for the regeneration of adsorbent. Regeneration mechanism of SB@alpha-Fe2O3 was in-depth investigated.入藏号: WOS:000374495400084语种: English文献类型: Article

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KeyWords Plus: FIXED-BED COLUMN; ACTIVATED CARBON; AQUEOUS-SOLUTION; HYDROGEN-PEROXIDE; BETA-FEOOH; PYROLYSIS TEMPERATURE; ALPHA-FE2O3 PARTICLES; ENHANCED ADSORPTION; GRAPHENE OXIDE; DEGRADATION地址: [Zhang, Xia] Changan Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Bai, Bo; Wang, Honglun; Suo, Yourui] Chinese Acad Sci, Northwest Inst Plateau Biol, Key Lab Tibetan Med Res, Xining 810008, Qianghai, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Bai, B (通讯作 者 ),Chinese Acad Sci, Northwest Inst Plateau Biol, Key Lab Tibetan Med Res, Xining 810008, Qianghai, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY出 版商地址 : THOMAS GRAHAM HOUSE, SCIENCE PARK, MILTON RD, CAMBRIDGE CB4 0WF, CAMBS, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Chemistry, Multidisciplinary研究方向: ChemistryIDS 号: DJ8WWISSN: 2046-206929 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: RSC ADVISO 来源出版物缩写: RSC Adv.来源出版物页码计数: 10

第 67 条标题: Enhanced mechanical stability and sensitive swelling performance of chitosan/yeast hybrid hydrogel beads(作者中文名)作者: Feng, DJ (冯蝶静); Bai, B (Bai, Bo); Wang, HL (Wang, Honglun); Suo, YR (Suo, Yourui)来 源 出 版物 : NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY 卷 : 40 期 : 4 页 : 3350-3362 DOI: 10.1039/c5nj02404h 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 3被引频次合计: 3使用次数 (最近 180 天): 8使用次数 (2013 年至今): 35引用的参考文献数: 64摘要 : Up to the present time, improving the mechanical stability of hydrogel beads is still a challenging task for future applications of chitosan hydrogels. In this work, novel and eco-friendly chitosan/yeast hybrid hydrogel beads were fabricated by facile introduction of yeast cells into the chitosan matrix through alkali gelation. A detailed mechanism of formation of the beads is proposed and the structures and morphologies of the manufactured products were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), respectively. The mechanical stability test showed that impregnation of yeast cells into the chitosan matrix could effectively enhance the mechanical stability of chitosan/yeast hybrid hydrogel beads under the effects of various intensities of ultrasonic waves and centrifugal forces in comparison with pure chitosan hydrogel beads. The resultant product with 40 wt% yeast content achieved a maximum swelling ratio of 31.7 g g(-1) in distilled water. The swelling kinetics and diffusion kinetics of chitosan/yeast hybrid hydrogel beads in distilled water were also investigated.

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Benefiting from the coupling effect of its crosslinked three-dimensional network structure and ample chemical functional groups derived from its own components, chitosan/yeast hybrid hydrogel beads have manifested a rapid and adjustable response to external environmental stimuli including the pH of the external solution, salt concentration, ionic valence and temperature. In particular, the distinct loading and slow-release efficiency of chitosan/yeast hybrid hydrogel beads for humic acid as a fertilizer model is pH-dependent. This makes the chitosan/yeast hybrid hydrogel beads good candidates for controlled-release carrier biomaterials, which is very likely to develop into a patented utilization of chitosan/yeast hybrid hydrogel beads in future applications.入藏号: WOS:000373993600049语种: English文献类型: ArticleKeyWords Plus: SUPERABSORBENT HYDROGEL; AQUEOUS-SOLUTIONS; BAKERS-YEAST; WASTE-WATER; HUMIC-ACID; CREEPING BENTGRASS; NUTRIENT CONTENT; CELL-WALLS; LEAD IONS; ADSORPTION地址: [Feng, Diejing] Changan Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Bai, Bo; Wang, Honglun; Suo, Yourui] Chinese Acad Sci, Key Lab Tibetan Med Res, Northwest Inst Plateau Biol, Xining 810001, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Bai, B (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Sci, Key Lab Tibetan Med Res, Northwest Inst Plateau Biol, Xining 810001, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY出 版商地址 : THOMAS GRAHAM HOUSE, SCIENCE PARK, MILTON RD, CAMBRIDGE CB4 0WF, CAMBS, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Chemistry, Multidisciplinary研究方向: ChemistryIDS 号: DJ1VRISSN: 1144-0546eISSN: 1369-926129 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: NEW J CHEMISO 来源出版物缩写: New J. Chem.来源出版物页码计数: 13

第 68 条标题 : Multivariate Analysis of Confined Groundwater Hydrochemistry of a Long-Exploited Sedimentary Basin in Northwest China(张学弟)作者 : Zhang, XD (Zhang, Xuedi); Qian, H (Qian, Hui); Wu, H (Wu, Hao); Chen, J (Chen, Jie); Qiao, L (Qiao, Liang)来源出版物: JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY 文献号: 3812125 DOI: 10.1155/2016/3812125 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 6使用次数 (2013 年至今): 9引用的参考文献数: 45

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摘要: A series of environmental and geological problems have been caused by overexploitation of confined aquifers (i.e., deep groundwater) in the Yinchuan region, northwest China. Accordingly, the characteristics of confined water were analyzed and collected from 33 sampling wells in spring of 2011, to determine the factors that influenced the composition and evolution of confined water, using principal component analysis (PCA), correlation analysis, groundwater evolution, and mineral dissolution/precipitation analysis. PCA showed that the hydrochemistry of confined water is controlled mainly by the dissolution of minerals, mixing between the confined aquifer and polluted phreatic water, and effects of ion exchange in the study area. The following management actions recommended were essential, in order to enable the sustainable exploitation of confined water: (1) gradually decreasing the amount of groundwater pumped from confined aquifer in the central part of the depression cone, (2) upgrading the quality of phreatic water, and (3) increasing artificial recharge of the groundwater system by flood waters in the Helan leaning pluvial plain.入藏号: WOS:000373510300001语种: English文献类型: ArticleKeyWords Plus: PRINCIPAL COMPONENT ANALYSIS; WASTE-WATER; SHALLOW GROUNDWATER; YINCHUAN PLAIN; AQUIFER; QUALITY; GEOCHEMISTRY; RECHARGE; AREA; CHEMISTRY地址: [Zhang, Xuedi; Qian, Hui; Wu, Hao; Chen, Jie; Qiao, Liang] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Zhang, Xuedi; Qian, Hui; Wu, Hao; Chen, Jie; Qiao, Liang] Minist Educ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Arid Areas, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Zhang, XD (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.Zhang, XD (通讯作者),Minist Educ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Arid Areas, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: HINDAWI PUBLISHING CORP出版商地址: 410 PARK AVENUE, 15TH FLOOR, #287 PMB, NEW YORK, NY 10022 USAWeb of Science 类别: Chemistry, Multidisciplinary研究方向: ChemistryIDS 号: DI5AKISSN: 2090-9063eISSN: 2090-907129 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J CHEM-NYISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Chem.来源出版物页码计数: 15

第 69 条标题 : Research on Runoff Pollution Characteristics and Countermeasures at Sensitive Highway Sites(王艳华)作者: Wang, YH (Wang, Yanhua); Gao, CJ (Gao, Chanjuan); Yang, SK (Yang, Shengke); Ji, GB (Ji, Guobin); Liu, XH (Liu, Xiuhua)来源出版物: POLISH JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES 卷: 25 期: 2 页: 813-821

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出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 3使用次数 (2013 年至今): 7引用的参考文献数: 18摘要: Pollution and control on highway surface runoff have become a serious problem in highway environmental protection. Constructing a highway in a water conservation district could bring benefits as well as a variety of environmental pollution and potential damage. Based on water conservation district sensitivity and highway runoff characteristics, the current paper analyzes the impact of highway runoff on water quality in the water source protection area. It hasn't yet had a good and mature process with respect to the drainage of the drinking water source reserves of domestic highways. It was designed as a concentrated drainage treatment system to process the drainage of sensitive sections as outlined in this paper. Highway surface runoff characteristics were studied by monitoring, investigating, sampling, and analyzing the Renhuai-to-Chishui highway (RCH), and then the concentrated drainage treatment system was designed, and the water is collected piecewise along the route. The processing system can not only effectively deal with road surface runoff of the water source protection area, but also to cope with risk. Combined with the actual situation of water source conservation areas around RCH, we have carried out a detailed demonstration of the drainage system in order to mollify the contradiction between the water resource protection area and development of traffic in the water reserves. The results showed that the processing rates - as high as 83.17-93.77% - and the concentrated drainage treatment system could guarantee effluents meeting discharge standards. This study demonstrates the effectiveness of the concentrated drainage treatment system in RCH and establishes an advanced technology for highway surface runoff control.入藏号: WOS:000373368300037语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: highway runoff; characteristics of pollutants; water source protection area; control measures; correlation analysis地址 : [Wang, Yanhua; Gao, Chanjuan; Yang, Shengke; Ji, Guobin; Liu, Xiuhua] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Yanta Rd 126, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Yang, SK (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Yanta Rd 126, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: HARD出版商地址: POST-OFFICE BOX, 10-718 OLSZTYN 5, POLANDWeb of Science 类别: Environmental Sciences研究方向: Environmental Sciences & EcologyIDS 号: DI2ZQISSN: 1230-1485eISSN: 2083-590629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: POL J ENVIRON STUDISO 来源出版物缩写: Pol. J. Environ. Stud.

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来源出版物页码计数: 9

第 70 条标题 : Controlled pesticide release of a novel superabsorbent by grafting citric acid onto water hyacinth powders with the assistance of dopamine(许晓辉)作 者 : Xu, XH (Xu, Xiaohui); Su, XY (Su, Xiaoyu); Bai, B (Bai, Bo); Wang, HL (Wang, Honglun); Suo, YR (Suo, Yourui)来源出版物: RSC ADVANCES 卷: 6 期: 36 页: 29880-29888 DOI: 10.1039/c5ra28154g 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 3被引频次合计: 3使用次数 (最近 180 天): 3使用次数 (2013 年至今): 21引用的参考文献数: 56摘 要 : With the purpose of treating the presence of abundant water hyacinth, increasing biodegradability and reducing costs of water-absorbing material, ecofriendly composite CA-PD@WH was fabricated by chemical modification of dopamine-coated water hyacinth with citric acid. FTIR and SEM revealed that dopamine was first deposited on the surface of water hyacinth and then reacted with citric acid. The product exhibited good water absorption (12.0 g g(-1) in distilled water) that is much stronger than that of raw WH (1.3 g g(-1)) and can be thoroughly degraded. Moreover, the resultant composite shows a pH-responsive controlled avermectin-release property and has a high loading capacity for avermectin (about 98.1 mg g(-1)). This simple and intriguing approach not only extends any future utilization of water hyacinth but also supplies a potential method to control pesticide release and mitigate negative effects on the environment.入藏号: WOS:000373061600003语种: English文献类型: ArticleKeyWords Plus: ION-EXCHANGE PROPERTIES; CARBOXYMETHYL CELLULOSE; RESPONSIVE HYDROGELS; AQUEOUS-SOLUTIONS; WASTE-WATER; STARCH; COMPOSITE; POLYMERS; BEHAVIOR; REMOVAL地址 : [Xu, Xiaohui; Su, Xiaoyu] Changan Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Bai, Bo; Wang, Honglun; Suo, Yourui] Chinese Acad Sci, Northwest Inst Plateau Biol, Key Lab Tibetan Med Res, Xining 810001, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Bai, B (通讯作 者 ),Chinese Acad Sci, Northwest Inst Plateau Biol, Key Lab Tibetan Med Res, Xining 810001, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY出 版商地址 : THOMAS GRAHAM HOUSE, SCIENCE PARK, MILTON RD, CAMBRIDGE CB4 0WF, CAMBS, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Chemistry, Multidisciplinary研究方向: ChemistryIDS 号: DH8QUISSN: 2046-2069

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29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: RSC ADVISO 来源出版物缩写: RSC Adv.来源出版物页码计数: 9

第 71 条标题 : Degradation of tetracycline hydrochloride by heterogeneous Fenton-like reaction using Fe@Bacillus subtilis(郑佩)作者: Zheng, P (Zheng, Pei); Bai, B (Bai, Bo); Guan, WS (Guan, Weisheng); Wang, HL (Wang, Honglun); Suo, YR (Suo, Yourui)来源出版物: RSC ADVANCES 卷: 6 期: 5 页: 4101-4107 DOI: 10.1039/c5ra24155c 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 2被引频次合计: 2使用次数 (最近 180 天): 7使用次数 (2013 年至今): 30引用的参考文献数: 38摘要 : A novel heterogeneous catalyst Fe@Bacillus subtilis has been synthesized though the impregnation method with iron(III) chloride hexahydrate. Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) mapping, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) were used to characterize the materials. The as-prepared materials were employed as a heterogeneous Fenton's reagent with the addition of H2O2 for degradation of tetracycline hydrochloride (TC). This new heterogeneous Fenton-like system resulted in nearly complete elimination of TC and negligible release of iron leaching from the catalyst was achieved. The catalytic performance could be maintained in three consecutive runs without a significant drop. This behavior was attributed to the synergistic structural and functional effect of the combined B. subtilis and iron ions. The FTIR and XPS characterizations of the catalyst before and after the Fenton-like reaction showed that no structural deformation of the particles occurred.入藏号: WOS:000369508800083语种: English文献类型: ArticleKeyWords Plus: WASTE-WATER; BED REACTOR; OXIDATION; CATALYST; DYE; ADSORPTION; BLUE地址 : [Zheng, Pei; Guan, Weisheng] Changan Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Bai, Bo; Wang, Honglun; Suo, Yourui] Chinese Acad Sci, Key Lab Tibetan Med Res, Northwest Plateau Inst Biol, Xining 810001, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Bai, B (通讯作 者 ),Chinese Acad Sci, Key Lab Tibetan Med Res, Northwest Plateau Inst Biol, Xining 810001, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY出 版商地址 : THOMAS GRAHAM HOUSE, SCIENCE PARK, MILTON RD, CAMBRIDGE CB4 0WF, CAMBS, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

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研究方向: ChemistryIDS 号: DC8ZFISSN: 2046-206929 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: RSC ADVISO 来源出版物缩写: RSC Adv.来源出版物页码计数: 7

第 72 条标题 : Synthesis and properties of the rapeseed meal-grafted-poly(methyl methacrylate-co-butyl acrylate) oil-absorbents(杨丽衡)作者: Yang, LH (Yang, Liheng); Bai, B (Bai, Bo); Ding, CX (Ding, Chenxu); Wang, HL (Wang, Honglun); Suo, YR (Suo, Yourui)来源出版物: RSC ADVANCES 卷: 6 期: 12 页: 9507-9517 DOI: 10.1039/c5ra24683k 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 7被引频次合计: 7使用次数 (最近 180 天): 10使用次数 (2013 年至今): 35引用的参考文献数: 68摘要: Owing to the unique properties such as oil body (OB) membranes and cellulose components within the structures of rapeseed meals (RSMs), the novel rapeseed meal-grafted-poly(methyl methacrylate-co-butyl acrylate) (RSMs-g-P(MMA-co-BA)) oil-absorbents were prepared and used for oil/water separation in the present study. Specifically, the RSMs-g-P(MMA-co-BA) were successfully synthesized through free radical graft copolymerization from RSMs, methyl methacrylate (MMA) and butyl acrylate (BA) with benzoyl peroxide (BPO) as initiator and N,N'-methylene-bisacrylamide (MBA) as crosslinker. The synthetic mechanism and 3D network structures were confirmed by FTIR and SEM, and the effects of reaction conditions, swelling kinetics, thermodynamics as well as reusability were investigated in detail. The RSMs-g-P(MMA-co-BA) demonstrated good absorption capacity for both organic solvents and oils, and the change of oil absorbency after eight repeated cycles of swelling/deswelling was marginal. Furthermore, the RSMs-g-P(MMA-co-BA) could selectively remove oils from water rapidly, which is promising for their potential applications in oil spill cleanup.入藏号: WOS:000369516100018语种: English文献类型: ArticleKeyWords Plus: COATED KAPOK FIBER; SPILL CLEANUP; AQUEOUS-SOLUTIONS; SUPERABSORBENT NANOCOMPOSITE; ABSORPTION RESINS; SORBENT MATERIALS; HIGHLY EFFICIENT; ABSORBING RESIN; SORPTION; COPOLYMERS地址: [Yang, Liheng] Changan Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Bai, Bo; Ding, Chenxu; Wang, Honglun; Suo, Yourui] Chinese Acad Sci, Northwest Inst Plateau Biol, Key Lab Tibetan Med Res, Xining 810008, Qianghai, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Bai, B (通讯作 者 ),Chinese Acad Sci, Northwest Inst Plateau Biol, Key Lab Tibetan Med Res, Xining 810008, Qianghai, Peoples R China.

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电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY出 版商地址 : THOMAS GRAHAM HOUSE, SCIENCE PARK, MILTON RD, CAMBRIDGE CB4 0WF, CAMBS, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Chemistry, Multidisciplinary研究方向: ChemistryIDS 号: DC9BSISSN: 2046-206929 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: RSC ADVISO 来源出版物缩写: RSC Adv.来源出版物页码计数: 11

第 73 条标题 : Fixed-bed column studies for the removal of anionic dye from aqueous solution using TiO2@glucose carbon composites and bed regeneration study(郑佩)作者: Zheng, P (Zheng, Pei); Bai, B (Bai, Bo); Guan, WS (Guan, Weisheng); Wang, HL (Wang, Honglun); Suo, YR (Suo, Yourui)来源出版物: JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS 卷: 27 期: 1 页: 867-877 DOI: 10.1007/s10854-015-3828-z 出版年: JAN 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 3使用次数 (2013 年至今): 11引用的参考文献数: 58摘要: Glucose carbon with uniform diameter was successfully anchored by TiO2 nanoparticles via a facile low-temperature hydrothermal process independent of surfactants or external forces. The resultant TiO2@glucose carbon composite (TiO2@GCs) was characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS). The elimination of direct deep blue (DDB) from aqueous solution by adsorption onto TiO2@GCs was investigated in the up-flow fixed-bed columns. The effects of the influent concentration (10-30 mg L-1), flow rate (3-5 mL min(-1)), bed depth (1.0-2.0 cm) and pH (1.0-9.0) were investigated. Breakthrough time and adsorption capacity of the fixed-bed increased with increasing bed depth, whereas decreased with the increase in initial concentration, bed depth and solution pH values. The experimental data was in good agreement with both Thomas model and Yoon-Nelson model. The employed bed saturated with DDB was readily regenerated through a simple regeneration process with UV irradiation for 1 h. Furthermore, the adsorption-regeneration process was conducted for six cycles and no major decrease of regeneration efficiency was observed for the first three cycles. One possible mechanism for regenerating dye-loaded TiO2@GCs was proposed. The verifying experiment found that hydroxyl radicals and superoxide ions significantly affected the regeneration of employed TiO2@GCs bed.入藏号: WOS:000368054600114语种: English文献类型: ArticleKeyWords Plus: METHYLENE-BLUE; RICE HUSK; ADSORPTION; DEGRADATION;

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WASTE; BIOSORPTION; ADSORBENT; OXIDATION; KINETICS; BATCH地址 : [Zheng, Pei; Guan, Weisheng] Changan Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Wang, Honglun; Suo, Yourui] Chinese Acad Sci, Northwest Plateau Inst Biol, Xining 810001, Peoples R China. [Bai, Bo] Chinese Acad Sci, Northwest Plateau Inst Biol, Key Lab Tibetan Med Res, Xining 810001, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Bai, B (通讯作 者 ),Chinese Acad Sci, Northwest Plateau Inst Biol, Key Lab Tibetan Med Res, Xining 810001, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDSWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Electrical & Electronic; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary; Physics, Applied; Physics, Condensed Matter研究方向: Engineering; Materials Science; PhysicsIDS 号: DA8KXISSN: 0957-4522eISSN: 1573-482X29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J MATER SCI-MATER ELISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Mater. Sci.-Mater. Electron.来源出版物页码计数: 11

第 74 条标题 : Analysis on combinations of indoor thermal microclimate parameters in radiant cooled residential buildings and drawing of new thermal comfort charts(隋学敏)作者: Sui, XM (Sui, Xuemin); Zhang, X (Zhang, Xu)来源出版物: BUILDING SERVICES ENGINEERING RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY 卷: 37 期: 1 页: 66-84 DOI: 10.1177/0143624415596924 出版年: JAN 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 0使用次数 (2013 年至今): 11引用的参考文献数: 48摘要: This paper proposed to discuss some issues about indoor microclimate parameters design in radiant cooled residential buildings. Based on the thermal comfort model, the relationships between low mean radiant temperature and other thermal microclimate parameters such as indoor air temperature, air velocity, and relative humidity were analyzed. The improved and reasonable combinations of four thermal microclimate parameters including radiant cooling surface temperature, air temperature, air velocity, and relative humidity were further derived. Furthermore, a number of new thermal comfort charts using radiant cooling surface temperature and air temperature as dominant parameters were drawn. The results show that the air temperature can be increased 1-3? within the recommended thermal comfort range when the mean radiant temperature is reduced 3?. Under the design goal of thermal neutral, when the chilled ceiling surface temperature is in the range of 16-26?, the air temperature should be set at 25.3-29.3?; when the

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chilled floor surface temperature is in the range of 19-26?, the air temperature should be set at 25.8-29.2?. The design values of air velocity and relative humidity are not recommended to be changed, and still can follow the design standards for conventional all-air systems. Practical application: In this paper, some issues about indoor microclimate parameters design in radiant cooled buildings were discussed. A number of new thermal comfort charts using radiant cooling surface temperature and air temperature as dominant parameters were provided, and the design values of indoor air temperature, mean radiant temperature, air velocity, and relative humidity for radiant cooling system in residential buildings were also suggested. The research results can provide a more intuitive reference for the design of radiant cooling systems in residential buildings.入藏号: WOS:000367309600006语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Residential building; radiant cooling; thermal comfort; thermal microclimate parameter; thermal comfort chartKeyWords Plus: ENERGY-CONSUMPTION; SYSTEM; PERFORMANCE; SUMMER; CHINA地址: [Sui, Xuemin] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Zhang, Xu] Tongji Univ, Sch Mech Engn, HVAC&Gas Inst, Shanghai 200092, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Sui, XM (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD出版商地址: 1 OLIVERS YARD, 55 CITY ROAD, LONDON EC1Y 1SP, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Construction & Building Technology研究方向: Construction & Building TechnologyIDS 号: CZ7VYISSN: 0143-6244eISSN: 1477-084929 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: BUILD SERV ENG RES TISO 来源出版物缩写: Build Serv. Eng. Res. Technol.来源出版物页码计数: 19

第 75 条标 题 : Drought-tolerant Streptomyces pactum Act12 assist phytoremediation of cadmium-contaminated soil by Amaranthus hypochondriacus: great potential application in arid/semi-arid areas(曹书苗)作 者 : Cao, SM (Cao, Shumiao); Wang, WK (Wang, Wenke); Wang, F (Wang, Fei); Zhang, J (Zhang, Jun); Wang, ZF (Wang, Zhoufeng); Yang, SK (Yang, Shenke); Xue, QH (Xue, Quanhong)来源出版物: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 卷: 23 期: 15 页: 14898-14907 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-016-6636-y 出版年: AUG 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 2被引频次合计: 2使用次数 (最近 180 天): 9使用次数 (2013 年至今): 26

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引用的参考文献数: 56摘要: Microbe-assisted phytoremediation provides an effective approach to clean up heavy metal-contaminated soils. However, severe drought may affect the function of microbes in arid/semi-arid areas. Streptomyces pactum Act12 is a drought-tolerant soil actinomycete strain isolated from an extreme environment on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China. In this study, pot experiments were conducted to assess the effect of Act12 on Cd tolerance, uptake, and accumulation in amaranth (Amaranthus hypochondriacus) under water deficit. Inoculated plants had higher Cd concentrations (root 8.7-33.9 %; shoot 53.2-102.1 %) and uptake (root 19.9-95.3 %; shoot 110.6-170.1 %) than non-inoculated controls in Cd-treated soil. The translocation factor of Cd from roots to shoots was increased by 14.2-75 % in inoculated plants, while the bioconcentration factor of Cd in roots and shoots was increased by 10.2-64.4 and 53.9-114.8 %, respectively. Moreover, inoculation with Act12 increased plant height, root length, and shoot biomass of amaranth in Cd-treated soil compared to non-inoculated controls. Physiochemical analysis revealed that Act12 enhanced Cd tolerance in the plants by increasing glutathione, elevating superoxide dismutase and catalase activities, as well as reducing malondialdehyde content in the leaves. The drought-tolerant actinomycete strain Act12 can enhance the phytoremediation efficiency of amaranth for Cd-contaminated soils under water deficit, exhibiting potential for application in arid and semi-arid areas.入藏号: WOS:000380369900020PubMed ID: 27072036语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Drought-tolerant; Streptomyces pactum; Amaranth; Cadmium; Phytoremediation; Arid areasKeyWords Plus: GROWTH-PROMOTING RHIZOBACTERIA; PLANT-GROWTH; CD-HYPERACCUMULATOR; SEDUM-ALFREDII; ACC DEAMINASE; METAL-UPTAKE; ACCUMULATION; BACTERIA; STRESS; ENHANCEMENT地址: [Cao, Shumiao; Wang, Wenke; Zhang, Jun; Wang, Zhoufeng; Yang, Shenke] Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Wang, Fei] Air Force Engn Univ, Coll Sci, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Xue, Quanhong] Northwest A&F Univ, Coll Nat Resources & Environm, Yangling 712100, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Wang, WK (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER HEIDELBERG出版商地址: TIERGARTENSTRASSE 17, D-69121 HEIDELBERG, GERMANYWeb of Science 类别: Environmental Sciences研究方向: Environmental Sciences & EcologyIDS 号: DS1QBISSN: 0944-1344eISSN: 1614-749929 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ENVIRON SCI POLLUT R

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ISO 来源出版物缩写: Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res.来源出版物页码计数: 10

第 76 条标题: Finite analytic method based on mixed-form Richards' equation for simulating water flow in vadose zone(张在勇)作者: Zhang, ZY (Zhang, Zaiyong); Wang, WK (Wang, Wenke); Yeh, TCJ (Yeh, Tian-chyi Jim); Chen, L (Chen, Li); Wang, ZF (Wang, Zhoufeng); Duan, L (Duan, Lei); An, KD (An, Kedong); Gong, CC (Gong, Chengcheng)来 源 出 版 物 : JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY 卷 : 537 页 : 146-156 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.03.035 出版年: JUN 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 5被引频次合计: 5使用次数 (最近 180 天): 7使用次数 (2013 年至今): 23引用的参考文献数: 46摘要: In this paper, we develop a finite analytic method (FAMM), which combines flexibility of numerical methods and advantages of analytical solutions, to solve the mixed-form Richards' equation. This new approach minimizes mass balance errors and truncation errors associated with most numerical approaches. We use numerical experiments to demonstrate that FAMM can obtain more accurate numerical solutions and control the global mass balance better than modified Picard finite difference method (MPFD) as compared with analytical solutions. In addition, FAMM is superior to the finite analytic method based on head-based Richards' equation (FAMH). Besides, FAMM solutions are compared to analytical solutions for wetting and drying processes in Brindabella Silty Clay Loam and Yolo Light Clay soils. Finally, we demonstrate that FAMM yields comparable results with those from MPFD and Hydrus-1D for simulating infiltration into other different soils under wet and dry conditions. These numerical experiments further confirm the fact that as long as a hydraulic constitutive model captures general behaviors of other models, it can be used to yield flow fields comparable to those based on other models. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000376212200016语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词 : Mixed-form Richards' equation; Finite analytic method; Analytical solution; Mass conservative propertyKeyWords Plus: VARIABLY SATURATED FLOW; GEOSTATISTICAL INVERSE METHOD; UNSATURATED FLOW; STOCHASTIC-ANALYSIS; HETEROGENEOUS SOILS; SOLUTE TRANSPORT; LAYERED SOILS; POROUS-MEDIA; HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY; NUMERICAL-SOLUTION地址: [Zhang, Zaiyong; Wang, Wenke; Chen, Li; Wang, Zhoufeng; Duan, Lei; An, Kedong; Gong, Chengcheng] Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, Xian, Peoples R China. [Yeh, Tian-chyi Jim] Univ Arizona, Dept Hydrol & Water Resources, Tucson, AZ 85721 USA.通讯作者地址: Wang, WK (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol

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& Ecol Effects Arid Reg, Xian, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV出版商地址: PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDSWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Civil; Geosciences, Multidisciplinary; Water Resources研究方向: Engineering; Geology; Water ResourcesIDS 号: DM2XUISSN: 0022-1694eISSN: 1879-270729 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J HYDROLISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Hydrol.来源出版物页码计数: 11

第 77 条标题: Estimation from Soil Temperature of Soil Thermal Diffusivity and Heat Flux in Sub-surface Layers(安可栋)作者: An, KD (An, Kedong); Wang, WK (Wang, Wenke); Zhao, YQ (Zhao, Yaqian); Huang, WF (Huang, Wenfeng); Chen, L (Chen, Li); Zhang, ZY (Zhang, Zaiyong); Wang, QM (Wang, Qiangmin); Li, WX (Li, Wanxin)来 源 出 版物 : BOUNDARY-LAYER METEOROLOGY 卷 : 158 期 : 3 页 : 473-488 DOI: 10.1007/s10546-015-0096-7 出版年: MAR 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 3被引频次合计: 3使用次数 (最近 180 天): 6使用次数 (2013 年至今): 21引用的参考文献数: 37摘要: Soil thermal parameters are important for calculating the surface energy balance and mass transfer. Previous studies have proposed methods to estimate thermal parameters using field data; however, the application of these methods lacks validation and comprehensive evaluation under different climatic conditions. Here, we evaluate four methods (amplitude, phase shift, conduction-convection and harmonic) to estimate thermal diffusivity (k) under different climatic conditions. Heat flux was simulated and compared with data from heat-flux plates to validate the application of the four methods. The results indicated that, under clear-sky conditions, the harmonic method had the greatest accuracy in estimating k, though it generated large errors on rainy days or under overcast conditions. The conduction-convection method (CCM) provided a reliable estimate of k on rainy days, or under overcast skies, coinciding with increased water movement in the soil profile. The amplitude method, although a simple calculation, had poor accuracy for rainy and overcast conditions. Finally, the phase shift method was shown to be a suitable alternative for CCM to estimate k under overcast conditions, though only when soil moisture content was high.入藏号: WOS:000370376000006语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Conduction-convection method; Harmonic method; Heat flux; Soil Temperature; Soil thermal diffusivity

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KeyWords Plus: SURFACE-ENERGY BALANCE; CONDUCTION-CONVECTION; PARAMETERS; TRANSPORT; MOISTURE; WATER; ALGORITHMS; PLATEAU; ALBEDO; SITES地 址 : [An, Kedong; Wang, Wenke; Huang, Wenfeng; Chen, Li; Zhang, Zaiyong; Wang, Qiangmin; Li, Wanxin] Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, Xian, Peoples R China. [Zhao, Yaqian] Univ Coll Dublin, Sch Civil Struct & Environm Engn, UCD Dooge Ctr Water Resources Res, Dublin 4, Ireland.通讯作者地址: Wang, WK (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, Xian, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDSWeb of Science 类别: Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences研究方向: Meteorology & Atmospheric SciencesIDS 号: DE1GVISSN: 0006-8314eISSN: 1573-147229 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: BOUND-LAY METEOROLISO 来源出版物缩写: Bound.-Layer Meteor.来源出版物页码计数: 16

第 78 条标题: Synthesis of adipic acid dihydrazide-decorated coco peat powder-based superabsorbent for controlled release of soil nutrients(许晓辉)作 者 : Xu, XH (Xu, Xiaohui); Su, XY (Su, Xiaoyu); Bai, B (Bai, Bo); Wang, HL (Wang, Honglun); Suo, YR (Suo, Yourui)来源出版物: RSC ADVANCES 卷: 6 期: 105 页: 103199-103209 DOI: 10.1039/c6ra22668j 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 5使用次数 (2013 年至今): 5引用的参考文献数: 68摘要: Superabsorbent composites based on agricultural byproducts represent a promising strategy for recycling exploitable waste resources and relieving environmental stress, but their development is usually hindered, because the traditional pretreatment technology for lignocellulosic raw materials is intricate and time-consuming, and always generates pollution-causing effluents. In this research, we firstly employ adipic acid dihydrazide as an outstanding decorating substrate for the pretreatment of CP, and then synthesize a novel superabsorbent (MA-CP@ADH-g-PAA) through grafting poly(acrylic acid) onto an MA-modified CP@ADH surface. Compared with conventional acid and alkali pretreatment approaches, CP@ADH, without the need for any harsh reaction conditions or complex equipment, has avoided possible pollution during the process and simultaneously introduced plenty of amine groups onto the inert CP

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surface. The CP@ADH had a higher degree of substitution than that of pristine CP, and the grafting efficiency reached 75.2%. The swelling equilibrium of the MA-CP@ADH-g-PAA reached about 470.02 g g(-1) in distilled water, and the swelling behavior under load and load-free both fitted well with the pseudo-second-order model. Owing to their excellent water absorbing and holding capacity, and slow release behavior of soil nutrients, it is believed that the MA-CP@ADH-g-PAA superabsorbent product could have potential industrial applications, especially in agricultural and horticultural usage.入藏号: WOS:000387726500044语种: English文献类型: ArticleKeyWords Plus: WATER-RETENTION; GRAFT-COPOLYMERIZATION; SWELLING BEHAVIORS; DRUG-DELIVERY; WHEAT-STRAW; HYDROGELS; CELLULOSE; FERTILIZER; COMPOSITE; POLYMER地址: [Xu, Xiaohui; Su, Xiaoyu] Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Bai, Bo; Wang, Honglun; Suo, Yourui] Qinghai Univ, State Key Lab Plateau Ecol & Agr, Xining 810016, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Bai, B (通讯作者 ),Qinghai Univ, State Key Lab Plateau Ecol & Agr, Xining 810016, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY出 版商地址 : THOMAS GRAHAM HOUSE, SCIENCE PARK, MILTON RD, CAMBRIDGE CB4 0WF, CAMBS, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Chemistry, Multidisciplinary研究方向: ChemistryIDS 号: EB9PCISSN: 2046-206929 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: RSC ADVISO 来源出版物缩写: RSC Adv.来源出版物页码计数: 11

第 79 条标题: An ecology-oriented exploitation mode of groundwater resources in the northern Tianshan Mountains, China(作者中文名?)作者: Shang, HM (Shang, Haimin); Wang, WK (Wang, Wenke); Dai, ZX (Dai, Zhenxue); Duan, L (Duan, Lei); Zhao, YQ (Zhao, Yaqian); Zhang, J (Zhang, Jing)来 源 出 版 物 : JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY 卷 : 543 页 : 386-394 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.10.012 子辑: B 出版年: DEC 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 2被引频次合计: 2使用次数 (最近 180 天): 11使用次数 (2013 年至今): 17引用的参考文献数: 67摘要 : In recent years, ecological degradation caused by irrational groundwater exploitation has

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been of growing concern in arid and semiarid regions. To address the groundwater-ecological issues, this paper proposes a groundwater-resource exploitation mode to evaluate the tradeoff between groundwater development and ecological environment in the northern Tianshan Mountains, northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Field surveys and remote sensing studies were conducted to analyze the relation between the distribution of hydrological conditions and the occurrence of ecological types. The results show that there is a good correlation between groundwater depth and the supergene ecological type. Numerical simulations and ecological assessment models were applied to develop an ecology oriented exploitation mode of groundwater resources. The mode allows the groundwater levels in different zones to be regulated by optimizing groundwater exploitation modes. The prediction results show that the supergene ecological quality will be better in 2020 and even more groundwater can be exploited in this mode. This study provides guidance for regional groundwater management, especially in regions with an obvious water scarcity. (C) 2016 Published by Elsevier B.V.入藏号: WOS:000390735900017语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关 键 词 : Arid and semiarid regions; Groundwater resources; Ecological evaluation; Exploitation mode; Supergene ecological type; Tianshan MountainsKeyWords Plus: LOWER TARIM RIVER; WATER-TABLE; VEGETATION INTERACTIONS; RIPARIAN VEGETATION; NORTHWEST CHINA; AQUIFER SYSTEMS; ARID REGION; BASIN; AREAS; MANAGEMENT地 址 : [Shang, Haimin; Wang, Wenke; Duan, Lei; Zhang, Jing] Changan Univ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Arid Areas, Minist Educ, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Dai, Zhenxue] Los Alamos Natl Lab, Div Earth & Environm Sci, Los Alamos, NM 87545 USA. [Zhao, Yaqian] Univ Coll Dublin, Sch Civil Struct & Environm Engn, UCD Dooge Ctr Water Resources Res, Dublin 4, Ireland.通讯作者地址: Wang, WK (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Arid Areas, Minist Educ, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.Dai, ZX (通讯作者),Los Alamos Natl Lab, Div Earth & Environm Sci, Los Alamos, NM 87545 USA.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Dai, Zhenxue N-7543-2017 0000-0002-0805-7621 Zhao, Yaqian 0000-0002-2449-4370

出版商: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV出版商地址: PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDSWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Civil; Geosciences, Multidisciplinary; Water Resources研究方向: Engineering; Geology; Water ResourcesIDS 号: EG0PYISSN: 0022-1694eISSN: 1879-270729 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J HYDROL

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ISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Hydrol.来源出版物页码计数: 9

第 80 条标题: Elevated CO2 increases glomalin-related soil protein (GRSP) in the rhizosphere of Robinia pseudoacacia L. seedlings in Pb- and Cd-contaminated soils(贾夏)作 者 : Jia, X (Jia, Xia); Zhao, YH (Zhao, Yonghua); Liu, T (Liu, Tuo); Huang, SP (Huang, Shuping); Chang, YF (Chang, Yafei)来 源 出 版 物 : ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION 卷 : 218 页 : 349-357 DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2016.07.010 出版年: NOV 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 12使用次数 (2013 年至今): 40引用的参考文献数: 43摘要: Glomalin-related soil protein (GRSP), which contains glycoproteins produced by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), as well as non-mycorrhizal-related heat-stable proteins, lipids, and humic materials, is generally categorized into two fractions: easily extractable GRSP (EE-GRSP) and total GRSP (T-GRSP). GRSP plays an important role in soil carbon (C) sequestration and can stabilize heavy metals such as lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), and manganese (Mn). Soil contamination by heavy metals is occurring in conjunction with rising atmospheric CO2 in natural ecosystems due to human activities. However, the response of GRSP to elevated CO2 combined with heavy metal contamination has not been widely reported. Here, we investigated the response of GRSP to elevated CO2 in the rhizosphere of Robinia pseudoacacia L seedlings in Pb- and Cd-contaminated soils. Elevated CO2 (700 mu mol mol(-1)) significantly increased T- and EE-GRSP concentrations in soils contaminated with Cd, Pb or Cd + Pb. GRSP contributed more carbon to the rhizosphere soil organic carbon pool under elevated CO2 + heavy metals than under ambient CO2. The amount of Cd and Pb bound to GRSP was significantly higher under elevated (compared to ambient) CO2; and elevated CO2 increased the ratio of GRSP-bound Cd and Pb to total Cd and Pb. However, available Cd and Pb in rhizosphere soil under increased elevated CO2 compared to ambient CO2. The combination of both metals and elevated CO2 led to a significant increase in available Pb in rhizosphere soil compared to the Pb treatment alone. In conclusion, increased GRSP produced under elevated CO2 could contribute to sequestration of soil pollutants by adsorption of Cd and Pb. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000385596000038PubMed ID: 27423497语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关 键 词 : Elevated atmospheric CO2; Cd-contaminated soils; Pb-contaminated soils; Glomalin-related soil protein; Robinia pseudoacacia L. seedlings; lthizosphereKeyWords Plus: ARBUSCULAR MYCORRHIZAL FUNGI; ATMOSPHERIC CO2; SECONDARY METABOLITES; MICROBIAL BIOMASS; ZN SEQUESTRATION; WHEAT SEEDLINGS; POLLUTED SOIL; FOREST SOIL; ORGANIC-C; CADMIUM地址 : [Jia, Xia; Liu, Tuo; Huang, Shuping; Chang, Yafei] Changan Univ, Key Lab Subsurface

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Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, Key Lab Environm Protect & Pollut & Remediat Wate, Sch Environm Sci & Engn,Minist Educ, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Zhao, Yonghua] Changan Univ, Sch Earth Sci & Resources, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Jia, X (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, Key Lab Environm Protect & Pollut & Remediat Wate, Sch Environm Sci & Engn,Minist Educ, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.Jia, X (通讯作者),Changan Univ, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Environmental Sciences研究方向: Environmental Sciences & EcologyIDS 号: DZ1JZISSN: 0269-7491eISSN: 1873-642429 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ENVIRON POLLUTISO 来源出版物缩写: Environ. Pollut.来源出版物页码计数: 9

第 81 条标题 : Elevated CO2 affects secondary metabolites in Robinia pseudoacacia L. seedlings in Cd- and Pb-contaminated soils(贾夏)作 者 : Jia, X (Jia, Xia); Zhao, YH (Zhao, Yonghua); Liu, T (Liu, Tuo); Huang, SP (Huang, Shuping)来源出版物: CHEMOSPHERE  卷: 160  页: 199-207  DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2016.06.089  出版年: OCT 2016  Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 2被引频次合计: 2使用次数 (最近 180 天): 12使用次数 (2013 年至今): 43引用的参考文献数: 53摘要: Secondary metabolites play important roles in plant interactions with the environment. The co-occurrence of heavy metal contamination of soils and rising atmospheric CO2 has important effects on plant. It is important to explore the ways in which production of plant secondary metabolites is affected by heavy metals under elevated atmospheric CO2. We examined the effects of elevated CO2 on secondary metabolite contents in Robinia pseudoacacia seedlings grown in Cd- and lead (Pb)-contaminated soils. The increase in secondary metabolites was greater under Cd + Pb exposure than under exposure to individual metals regardless of elevated CO2 with the exception of condensed tannins in leaves and total alkaloids in stems. Except for phenolic compounds and condensed tannins, elevated CO2 was associated with increased secondary metabolite contents in leaves and stems of plants exposed to Cd, Pb, and Cd + Pb compared to plants exposed to ambient CO2 + metals. Changes in saponins in leaves and alkaloids in stems were greater than changes in the other secondary metabolites. Significant interactive effects of

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CO2, Cd, and Pb on secondary metabolites were observed. Saponins in leaves and alkaloids in stems were more sensitive than other secondary metabolites to elevated CO2 + Cd + Pb. Elevated CO2 could modulate plant protection and defense mechanisms in R. pseudoacacia seedlings exposed to heavy metals by altering the production of secondary metabolites. The increased Cd and Pb uptake under elevated CO2 suggested that R. pseudoacacia may be used in the phytoremediation of heavy metal contaminated soils under global environmental scenarios. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000381172000024PubMed ID: 27376859语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Elevated atmospheric CO2; Cd- and Pb-contaminated soils; Secondary metabolites; Robinia pseudoacacia L. seedlingsKeyWords Plus: HEAVY-METAL STRESS; WHEAT SEEDLINGS; ATMOSPHERIC CO2; CARBON-DIOXIDE; PHOTOSYNTHETIC PERFORMANCE; PHENOLIC-COMPOUNDS; RESPONSES; CADMIUM; ANTIOXIDANT; PLANTS地址 : [Jia, Xia; Liu, Tuo; Huang, Shuping] Changan Univ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, Key Lab Environm Protect & Pollut & Remediat Wate, Sch Environm Sci & Engn,Minist Educ, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Zhao, Yonghua] Changan Univ, Sch Earth Sci & Resources, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Jia, X (通讯作者),Changan Univ, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Environmental Sciences研究方向: Environmental Sciences & EcologyIDS 号: DT0KIISSN: 0045-6535eISSN: 1879-129829 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: CHEMOSPHEREISO 来源出版物缩写: Chemosphere来源出版物页码计数: 9

公路学院第 1 条标题 : Compaction characteristics of asphalt mixture with different gradation type through Superpave Gyratory Compaction and X-Ray CT Scanning(作者中文名?)作者 : Zhang, C (Zhang, Chen); Wang, HN (Wang, Hainian); You, ZP (You, Zhanping); Yang, X (Yang, Xu)来源出版物 : CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 卷: 129 页: 243-255 DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildnaat.2016.10.098 出版年: DEC 30 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0

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被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 28使用次数 (2013 年至今): 41引用的参考文献数: 36摘要 : To determine the appropriate compaction parameters of different asphalt mixtures (AC13, AC16, AC20 and SMA13) in Shaanxi Province and to study their micro-structural characteristics, SK70# and SK90# matrix asphalt and limestone were used in this study to prepare asphalt mixtures via Superpave Gyratory Compaction (SGC) and X-Ray CT Scanning. The compaction characteristics of these specimens were tested at three temperatures (120 degrees C, 140 degrees C and 155 degrees C), and the slope of the compaction curve K-1, as an evaluation index, was statistically analyzed. The test specimens prepared using the appropriate compaction parameters were scanned by X-ray Computed Tomography (X-ray CT) and the air void distribution was analyzed by the Volume Graphics (VG) Studio MAX, which is for X-ray CT analysis that is used to calculate the volume distribution of the voids of an asphalt mixture. The results show that the SMA13 mixture exhibits a better compaction performance and temperature stability than the AC13 mixtures regardless of the asphalt binder type; The AC13 asphalt mixture has better temperature stability and compaction performance than the AC16 and AC20 asphalt mixture at the same number of gyrations, which with SK70# asphalt binder. The compaction temperature recommendations in Shaanxi Province are 140 degrees C for the AC13 mixtures whatever with SK70# or SK90# asphalt binder, 155 degrees C for the AC16 and AC20 gradation types with SK70# asphalt binder, 140 degrees C for the AC16 gradation types with SK90# asphalt binder, and 155 degrees C for the SMA13 mixtures with SK70# asphalt binder. Asphalt binder viscosity has a visible influence on the compaction level and VMA when the same gyration numbers are applied. For each recommended mixture, the volume of the majority of the air voids fell into the 0-150 mm(3) range, and most of these voids are concentrated in the 0-50 mm(3) volume range. 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000389164600023语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Highway engineering; Asphalt mixture; Compaction characteristics; Superpave Gyratory Compaction; X-ray CT ScanningKeyWords Plus: IMAGE-ANALYSIS; CONCRETE MIXTURES; MIX ASPHALT; FEASIBILITY地址 : [Zhang, Chen; Wang, Hainian] Changan Univ, Highway Sch, South Erhuan Middle Sect, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [You, Zhanping; Yang, Xu] Michigan Technol Univ, Dept Civil & Environm Engn, 1400 Townsend Dr, Houghton, MI 49931 USA.通讯作者地址: Wang, HN (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Highway Sch, South Erhuan Middle Sect, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电 子 邮 件 地 址 : [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Yang, Xu P-4414-2015 0000-0001-8789-0760

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Hire, RSwamy L-8279-2017

出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别 : Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering; Materials ScienceIDS 号: ED9BHISSN: 0950-0618eISSN: 1879-052629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: CONSTR BUILD MATERISO 来源出版物缩写: Constr. Build. Mater.来源出版物页码计数: 13

第 2 条标 题 : Influence of PZT piezoelectric ceramics on the structure and electric properties of piezoelectric lead zirconate titanate/poly(vinylidene fluoride) composites(李蕊)作 者 : Li, R (Li, Rui); Wang, HF (Wang, Huifeng); Wang, PZ (Wang, Pengzhi); Liu, HJ (Liu, Hujun); Pei, JZ (Pei, Jianzhong)来源出版物: MATERIALS EXPRESS 卷: 6 期: 6 页: 483-492 DOI: 10.1166/mex.2016.1336 出版年: DEC 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 4使用次数 (2013 年至今): 4引用的参考文献数: 19摘要: In the paper, piezoelectric lead zirconate titanate/poly(vinylidene fluoride) composites were prepared by hot pressing method, and influences of changing types, volume fraction and particle size of piezoelectric lead zirconate titanate (PZT) on the dielectric constant (epsilon(r)), dielectric loss (tan delta), the piezoelectric strain constant (d(33)) and piezoelectric voltage constant (g(33)) of this composites were also studied. The results showed that the influence of PZT types on the epsilon(r) of the composites was not obvious, while (when) the tan delta varied a lot, and when the volume fraction of PZT was larger than 50%, there were larger differences between the composites of the g(33) and d(33). The epsilon(r), tan delta, d(33) and g(33) of piezoelectric composites increased along with the increase of the volume fraction of the ceramic phase. With the particle size of PZT increased, the epsilon(r) of composites showed a trend of increasing first and then decreasing, and the tan delta decreased at first, then increased and decreased at last. When grain size of ceramic particle was 150 similar to 180 mu m, the piezoelectric composite had the best comprehensive performance (epsilon(r) = 54.48, tan delta = 0.029, d(33) = 17.9 pC/N, g(33) = 37.11 mV.m/N).入藏号: WOS:000398777900003语种: English文献类型: Article

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作者关键词: PZT/PVDF; Dielectric; Piezoelectric; Volume Fraction; Particle SizeKeyWords Plus: DIELECTRIC-PROPERTIES地址 : [Li, Rui; Wang, Huifeng; Wang, Pengzhi; Liu, Hujun; Pei, Jianzhong] Changan Univ, Highway Sch, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Pei, JZ (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Highway Sch, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: AMER SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHERS出版商地址: 26650 THE OLD RD, STE 208, VALENCIA, CA 91381-0751 USAWeb of Science 类别: Nanoscience & Nanotechnology; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Science & Technology - Other Topics; Materials ScienceIDS 号: ER4NYISSN: 2158-5849eISSN: 2158-585729 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: MATER EXPRESSISO 来源出版物缩写: Mater. Express来源出版物页码计数: 10

第 3 条标题: Experimental Investigation on Biopolymer Strengthening of Mine Tailings(陈锐)作者 : Chen, R (Chen, Rui); Ramey, D (Ramey, Dan); Weiland, E (Weiland, Erick); Lee, I (Lee, Ilsu); Zhang, LY (Zhang, Lianyang)来 源 出 版 物 : JOURNAL OF GEOTECHNICAL AND GEOENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 卷 : 142 期 : 12 文 献号 : 06016017 DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0001568 出版年: DEC 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 5使用次数 (2013 年至今): 10引用的参考文献数: 24摘要 : The dry surface strength of mine tailings (MT), or mill tailings, is closely related to their dust resistance. To explore biopolymer stabilization of MT to increase their dust resistance, uniaxial and triaxial compression tests are carried out on dry MT specimens treated with biopolymer solutions of different concentrations. The experimental results show that the elastic modulus, unconfined compressive strength (UCS), cohesion, and friction angle of MT all increase after biopolymer treatment, with higher biopolymer concentration leading to a greater increase. This is primarily because biopolymer treatment leads to aggregation of MT particles, creates bonding between biopolymer and MT particles, and forms a cross-linking network binding the detached particles and filling the voids between them, leading to a denser structure. As expected, the elastic modulus also increases with higher confining pressure.入藏号: WOS:000388609100014语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词 : Biopolymer; Mine tailings; Dust control; Uniaxial and triaxial compression tests; Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) imaging

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KeyWords Plus: WIND EROSION; SOIL地址: [Chen, Rui] Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Innovat Educ Ctr, Xian 710064, Shanxi, Peoples R China. [Chen, Rui; Zhang, Lianyang] Univ Arizona, Dept Civil Engn & Engn Mech, Tucson, AZ 85721 USA. [Ramey, Dan; Weiland, Erick; Lee, Ilsu] Freeport McMoRan, Environm Technol Life Cycle Anal Team, Oro Valley, AZ 85737 USA.通讯作者地址: Zhang, LY (通讯作者),Univ Arizona, Dept Civil Engn & Engn Mech, Tucson, AZ 85721 USA.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ASCE-AMER SOC CIVIL ENGINEERS出版商地址: 1801 ALEXANDER BELL DR, RESTON, VA 20191-4400 USAWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Geological; Geosciences, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Engineering; GeologyIDS 号: ED1MHISSN: 1090-0241eISSN: 1943-560629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J GEOTECH GEOENVIRONISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng.来源出版物页码计数: 5

第 4 条标题: Impacts of aggregate geometrical features on the rheological properties of asphalt mixtures during compaction and service stage(裴建中)作者: Pei, JZ (Pei, Jianzhong); Bi, YQ (Bi, Yanqiu); Zhang, JP (Zhang, Jiupeng); Li, R (Li, Rui); Liu, GZ (Liu, Guozhu)来源出版物 : CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 卷: 126 页: 165-171 DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.09.033 出版年: NOV 15 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 8使用次数 (2013 年至今): 23引用的参考文献数: 36摘要 : To study the influence of aggregates geometrical features on the rheological properties of asphalt mixtures during compaction and service stage, asphalt mixtures with partially substituted aggregates were compacted by Superpave gyratory compaction (SGC), and their properties in service were measured by creep and dynamical modulus tests. The relation between rheological properties of mixtures and aggregate geometrical features was studied by gray relational analysis method. Results show that the rheological properties of mixtures during compaction and service stage are more sensitive to sieving diameter and shape index, but are less sensitive to angularity. The results indicate potential for using these parameters for quality control and quality assurance of asphalt mixture during production. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000387194400017语种: English

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文献类型: Article作 者 关 键 词 : Asphalt mixture; Aggregate; Geometrical features; Rheological property; Compaction; Service stage; Grey relational analysis methodKeyWords Plus: HOT-MIX ASPHALT地址: [Pei, Jianzhong; Bi, Yanqiu; Zhang, Jiupeng; Li, Rui] Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Middle Sect South Erhuan Rd, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Liu, Guozhu] Tianjin Municipal Engn Res Inst, 219 Hanghai Middle Rd, Zhengzhou 450006, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Zhang, JP (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Middle Sect South Erhuan Rd, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电 子 邮 件 地 址 : [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别 : Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering; Materials ScienceIDS 号: EB2LTISSN: 0950-0618eISSN: 1879-052629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: CONSTR BUILD MATERISO 来源出版物缩写: Constr. Build. Mater.来源出版物页码计数: 7

第 5 条标题: Design and performance validation of high-performance cement paste as a grouting material for semi-flexible pavement(裴建中)作者 : Pei, JZ (Pei, Jianzhong); Cai, J (Cai, Jun); Zou, DG (Zou, Daoguang); Zhang, JP (Zhang, Jiupeng); Li, R (Li, Rui); Chen, XF (Chen, Xiangfeng); Jin, L (Jin, Long)来源出版物 : CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 卷: 126 页: 206-217 DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.09.036 出版年: NOV 15 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 13使用次数 (2013 年至今): 35引用的参考文献数: 32摘要 : Semi-flexible pavement (SFP) has been applied in highway engineering for its good pavement performance. Many researches have been conducted on the performance differences between traditional pavement and SFP, but rarely focus on the composition of SFP materials, especially the composition of grouting materials. Therefore, this paper presents the study of composition design and performance validation of high-performance cement paste (HPCP) mixed with different types and dosages of additives as the grouting material for SFP. Results show that TH-928 polycarboxylate superplasticizer, UEA expansion admixture and ZY-99 saponin air-

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entraining agents have the different influences on the fluidity, strength and drying shrinkage of HPCP, and HPCP show good working capability with the compound addition of the three additives. Finally, the grouting materials were grouted into the matrix asphalt mixture to prepare SFP materials. The indexes, such as the grouting volume in per unit area, grouting depth and 7d residual porosity, were proposed to verify the grouting ability of selected materials. The verification results show that HPCP has the better grouting ability. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000387194400022语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Semi-flexible pavement; Grouting materials; High-performance cement paste; Cement additive; Grouting abilityKeyWords Plus: WEAK INTERLAYERS; DURABILITY; CONCRETE地址 : [Pei, Jianzhong; Cai, Jun; Zou, Daoguang; Zhang, Jiupeng; Li, Rui; Chen, Xiangfeng] Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Chen, Xiangfeng] Tianch Highway Technol Dev Co Ltd, Nanchang 330103, Jiangxi, Peoples R China. [Jin, Long] CCCC First Highway Consultants Co Ltd, Minist Transport, Key Lab Highway Construct & Maintenance Technol P, Xian 710075, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Zhang, JP (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别 : Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering; Materials ScienceIDS 号: EB2LTISSN: 0950-0618eISSN: 1879-052629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: CONSTR BUILD MATERISO 来源出版物缩写: Constr. Build. Mater.来源出版物页码计数: 12

第 6 条标题: Effect of three-dimensional macrotexture characteristics on dynamic frictional coefficient of asphalt pavement surface(胡力群)作 者 : Hu, LQ (Hu, Liqun); Yun, D (Yun, Di); Liu, ZZ (Liu, Zhuangzhuang); Du, SW (Du, Shaowen); Zhang, Z (Zhang, Zhen); Bao, YB (Bao, Yingbo)来源出版物 : CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 卷: 126 页: 720-729 DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.09.088 出版年: NOV 15 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0

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使用次数 (最近 180 天): 13使用次数 (2013 年至今): 15引用的参考文献数: 22摘要: The surface macrotexture of asphalt mixture significantly influences the skid resistance of pavement. In this study, a handy laser scanner was employed to collect (3D) macrotexture data of asphalt pavement surface, and the dynamic friction coefficient of pavement surface was measured by a dynamic friction tester. In order to qualitatively analyze the influence of macrotexture on the skid resistance, the 3D images of macrotexture were re-constructed based on the measured data, eight different parameters were used to describe the 3D characteristics of macrotexture images. Furthermore, the influence of these parameters on dynamic friction coefficient was analyzed by statistic methods. The results show that the relationship between mean profile depth and friction coefficient at different test speed is not close as expected. The peak density and the arithmetic mean peak curvature of 3D macrotexture images have significant positive influence on the dynamic friction coefficient. However, the effect of these two factors on the friction coefficient depends on the test speed. The study recommends improving the skid resistance of asphalt pavement by increasing the number of aggregates exposed in pavement surface and using sharp angular aggregate. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000387194400073语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Asphalt pavement; Surface macrotexture; Skid resistance; Image analysis; Dynamic friction coefficientKeyWords Plus: SKID RESISTANCE地址: [Hu, Liqun] Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian, Peoples R China. [Hu, Liqun; Yun, Di; Liu, Zhuangzhuang; Du, Shaowen; Zhang, Zhen; Bao, Yingbo] Changan Univ, Key Lab Special Area Rd Engn, Minist Educ, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Hu, LQ (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Key Lab Special Area Rd Engn, Minist Educ, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Liu, Zhuangzhuang M-1312-2016 0000-0002-0756-2538

出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别 : Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering; Materials ScienceIDS 号: EB2LTISSN: 0950-0618eISSN: 1879-052629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: CONSTR BUILD MATERISO 来源出版物缩写: Constr. Build. Mater.

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来源出版物页码计数: 10

第 7 条标题: Effects of temperature and loading frequency on asphalt and filler interaction ability(张久鹏)作者: Zhang, JP (Zhang, Jiupeng); Liu, GQ (Liu, Guoqiang); Hu, Z (Hu, Zhuang); Zhu, CZ (Zhu, Cunzhen); Pei, JZ (Pei, Jianzhong); Jin, L (Jin, Long)来源出版物: CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 卷: 124 页: 1028-1037 DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.08.151 出版年: OCT 15 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 7使用次数 (2013 年至今): 13引用的参考文献数: 50摘要 : The asphalt and filler interaction plays a significant role on the performances of asphalt mastics and mixtures, and the asphalt and filler interaction ability is affected by the temperature and loading frequency. In this paper, two kinds of matrix asphalt binders and three kinds of fillers were selected to prepare asphalt mastic with different filler volume fractions, and the dynamic shear rheological properties of asphalt mastics were measured. The linear viscoelastic range of matrix asphalt binder and mastic was analyzed firstly. Then the K-B-G* model was used to evaluate and analyze the influence of temperature and loading frequency on asphalt and filler interaction ability. The results show that the linear viscoelastic range of matrix asphalt binders decreases with the loading frequency increasing and increases with the temperature increasing, the linear viscoelastic range of asphalt mastics decreases with the filler volume fraction increasing at the constant temperature and loading frequency. K-B-G* exponentially increases with the temperature increasing and linearly decreases with the loading frequency increasing. The significance analysis of temperature and loading frequency was conducted by using grey correlated method, and finding that the temperature has deeper influence than loading frequency. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000385319300102语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Asphalt; Filler; Interaction; K-B-G* model; Temperature; Loading frequencyKeyWords Plus: MOLECULAR-DYNAMICS; RHEOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS; INTERFACIAL-TENSION; AGGREGATE; COMPOSITES; SIMULATION; MODULUS; BINDERS地址: [Zhang, Jiupeng; Hu, Zhuang; Zhu, Cunzhen; Pei, Jianzhong] Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Zhang, Jiupeng] Univ Illinois, Dept Civil & Environm Engn, Urbana, IL 61801 USA. [Liu, Guoqiang] Southeast Univ, Sch Transportat, Nanjing 210096, Jiangsu, Peoples R China. [Jin, Long] CCCC First Highway Consultants Co Ltd, Minist Transport, Key Lab Highway Construct & Maintenance Technol P, Xian 710075, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Pei, JZ (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.

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电子邮件地址: [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Liu, Guoqiang E-7847-2017 0000-0002-0334-9510

出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别 : Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering; Materials ScienceIDS 号: DY7OQISSN: 0950-0618eISSN: 1879-052629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: CONSTR BUILD MATERISO 来源出版物缩写: Constr. Build. Mater.来源出版物页码计数: 10

第 8 条标题: Experimental study on steel reinforced high -strength concrete columns under cyclic lateral force and constant axial load(朱伟庆)作 者 : Zhu, WQ (Zhu, Weiqing); Jia, JQ (Jia, Jinqing); Gao, JC (Gao, Juncheng); Zhang, FS (Zhang, Fasheng)来 源 出 版 物 : ENGINEERING STRUCTURES 卷 : 125 页 : 191-204 DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2016.07.018 出版年: OCT 15 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 11使用次数 (2013 年至今): 27引用的参考文献数: 33摘要 : This paper presents the results of an experimental study on the seismic behavior of steel reinforced high strength concrete (SRHC) columns. A total of 21 SRHC columns were tested under simulated earthquake loading conditions, and the major experimental parameters were the axial load level, stirrup arrangement, structural steel details and studs. The effects of these parameters on the behavior of the SRHC columns were analyzed in detail. The test results showed that SRHC columns with multiple stirrups and commonly used structural steel ratios demonstrated excellent seismic behavior and were suitable for use in high-rise buildings in seismic regions. The axial load had a negative effect on the energy dissipation and deformation capacity. Stirrups exhibited little effect on the initial stiffness and lateral force at cover spalling, but had a positive effect on the energy dissipation and deformation capacity. The benefit of structural steel was more obvious when the effective confinement index was larger or the SRHC columns were subjected to a greater axial load. Structural steel also improved the positive effect of the stirrups. It is suggested that multiple stirrups should be adopted in SRHC columns to provide full play to structural steel; in addition, more structural steel should be adopted when significant axial loads are applied to

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SRHC columns. Studs did not significantly affect the performance of SRHC columns during the early loading stage. However, columns with studs exhibited better energy dissipation and deformation capacity along with slower stiffness degradation. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000383810700016语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Steel reinforced concrete; High-strength concrete; Composite column; Seismic behaviorKeyWords Plus: ENCASED COMPOSITE COLUMNS; TRANSVERSE REINFORCEMENT; FLEXURAL DUCTILITY; BEHAVIOR; CONFINEMENT; DESIGN; COMPRESSION; CAPACITY; TESTS; MODEL地址: [Zhu, Weiqing] Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Jia, Jinqing; Gao, Juncheng] Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Civil Engn, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China. [Zhang, Fasheng] China State Construct Engn Corp, Ctr Tech, Beijing 101300, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Zhu, WQ (通讯作者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电 子 邮 件 地 址 : [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Zhu, Weiqing 0000-0003-0977-1496

出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Civil研究方向: EngineeringIDS 号: DW7DFISSN: 0141-0296eISSN: 1873-732329 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ENG STRUCTISO 来源出版物缩写: Eng. Struct.来源出版物页码计数: 14

第 9 条标题 : Study on the Fire Damage Characteristics of the New Qidaoliang Highway Tunnel: Field Investigation with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Back Analysis(来弘鹏)作者: Lai, HP (Lai, Hongpeng); Wang, SY (Wang, Shuyong); Xie, YL (Xie, Yongli)来 源 出 版物 : INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 卷: 13 期: 10 文献号: 1014 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph13101014 出版年: OCT 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0

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被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 11使用次数 (2013 年至今): 19引用的参考文献数: 18摘要 : In the New Qidaoliang Tunnel (China), a rear-end collision of two tanker trunks caused a fire. To understand the damage characteristics of the tunnel lining structure, in situ investigation was performed. The results show that the fire in the tunnel induced spallation of tunnel lining concrete covering 856 m(3); the length of road surface damage reached 650 m; the sectional area had a maximum 4% increase, and the mechanical and electrical facilities were severely damaged. The maximum area loss happened at the fire spot with maximum observed concrete spallation up to a thickness of 35.4 cm. The strength of vault and side wall concrete near the fire source was significantly reduced. The loss of concrete strength of the side wall near the inner surface of tunnel was larger than that near the surrounding rock. In order to perform back analysis of the effect of thermal load on lining structure, simplified numerical simulation using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was also performed, repeating the fire scenario. The simulated results showed that from the fire breaking out to the point of becoming steady, the tunnel experienced processes of small-scale warming, swirl around fire, backflow, and longitudinal turbulent flow. The influence range of the tunnel internal temperature on the longitudinal downstream was far greater than on the upstream, while the high temperature upstream and downstream of the transverse fire source mainly centered on the vault or the higher vault waist. The temperature of each part of the tunnel near the fire source had no obvious stratification phenomenon. The temperature of the vault lining upstream and downstream near the fire source was the highest. The numerical simulation is found to be in good agreement with the field observations.入藏号: WOS:000389570100081语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: tunnel engineering; fire; damage characteristics; numerical simulation; CFDKeyWords Plus: LONGITUDINAL VENTILATION; CRITICAL VELOCITY; SMOKE FLOW; SIMULATION; SYSTEMS; SAFETY; TEMPERATURE; PERFORMANCE地址: [Lai, Hongpeng; Xie, Yongli] Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710000, Peoples R China. [Wang, Shuyong] Fujian Commun Planning & Design Inst, Fuzhou 350000, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Lai, HP (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710000, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: MDPI AG出版商地址: ST ALBAN-ANLAGE 66, CH-4052 BASEL, SWITZERLANDWeb of Science 类别: Environmental Sciences; Public, Environmental & Occupational Health研究方向: Environmental Sciences & Ecology; Public, Environmental & Occupational HealthIDS 号: EE4KFISSN: 1660-460129 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: INT J ENV RES PUB HEISO 来源出版物缩写: Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health来源出版物页码计数: 16

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标题 : Effects of Coupling Agents on the Structure and Electrical Properties of PZT-Poly (Vinylidene Fluoride) Composites(李蕊)作者: Li, R (Li, Rui); Zhang, L (Zhang, Liu); Shi, ZL (Shi, Zhiliang); Pei, JZ (Pei, Jianzhong)来 源 出 版 物 : APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL 卷 : 6 期 : 10 文 献 号 : 282 DOI: 10.3390/app6100282 出版年: OCT 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 9使用次数 (2013 年至今): 12引用的参考文献数: 16摘 要 : Piezoelectric ceramic transducer (PZT)-Poly (vinylidene fluoride) composites were prepared by the hot-pressing method. Before addition, PZT particles were firstly modified with two different coupling agents. The micromorphology, microstructure, dielectric properties, and piezoelectric properties of the composites were characterized and investigated. Results indicated that PZT particles were homogeneously dispersed in the poly (vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) matrix by the addition of coupling agents. The electric properties of PZT-PVDF composites with NDZ-101 were the best. Especially when the volume ratio of the titanate coupling agent NDZ-101 was 1%, the piezoelectric strain constant d33 of PZT-PVDF composites reached maximum value 19.23 pC/N; its relative dielectric constant epsilon(r) was 67.45; at the same time its dielectric loss tan delta was 0.0766.入藏号: WOS:000386100000016语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: PZT-PVDF; coupling agents; dielectric properties; piezoelectric propertiesKeyWords Plus: BLENDS; FILMS地址 : [Li, Rui; Zhang, Liu; Shi, Zhiliang; Pei, Jianzhong] Changan Univ, Highway Sch, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Pei, JZ (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Highway Sch, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件 地址 : [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: MDPI AG出版商地址: ST ALBAN-ANLAGE 66, CH-4052 BASEL, SWITZERLANDWeb of Science 类别: Chemistry, Multidisciplinary; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary; Physics, Applied研究方向: Chemistry; Materials Science; PhysicsIDS 号: DZ8DVISSN: 2076-341729 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: APPL SCI-BASELISO 来源出版物缩写: Appl. Sci.-Basel来源出版物页码计数: 7

第 11 条标题: Preparation of a novel flow improver and its viscosity-reducing effect on bitumen(李蕊)作者 : Li, R (Li, Rui); Wang, CC (Wang, Chengchao); Wang, PZ (Wang, Pengzhi); Pei, JZ (Pei,

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Jianzhong)来源出版物 : FUEL 卷: 181 页 : 935-941 DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2016.05.028 出版年 : OCT 1 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 5被引频次合计: 5使用次数 (最近 180 天): 9使用次数 (2013 年至今): 20引用的参考文献数: 22摘要: A novel flow improver, the copolymer of octadecyl acrylate, styrene, and maleic anhydride (OASA), was prepared by copolymerization and esterification reaction to study its viscosity-reducing effect on bitumen based its existing application on crude oil. In this paper, chemical compositions, thermal stability, and viscosity were characterized by infrared spectra (IR), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and Brookfield Viscometer, respectively. Besides, conventional properties of modified bitumen were investigated to study the effect of modifier. Results shown that OASA modification was physical and its mechanism was the combination effect of polar moiety and long alkyl chain of OASA copolymer; thermal stability of modifier was good enough to capable for asphalt mixing and compaction; viscosityreducing effect of OASA was proved with a considerable range and the effect was negative to temperature increasing; as for bitumen conventional properties, penetration and ductility got increased while the softening point got decreased under the OASA modifying effect. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000377328700092语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Flow improver; Bitumen; Octadecyl acrylate; Styrene; Maleic anhydride; ViscosityKeyWords Plus: CRUDE-OIL地址: [Li, Rui; Wang, Chengchao; Wang, Pengzhi; Pei, Jianzhong] Changan Univ, Highway Sch, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Pei, JZ (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Highway Sch, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号wang, peng zhi 0000-0002-7808-1301

出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Energy & Fuels; Engineering, Chemical研究方向: Energy & Fuels; EngineeringIDS 号: DN8KUISSN: 0016-2361eISSN: 1873-715329 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: FUELISO 来源出版物缩写: Fuel来源出版物页码计数: 7

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第 12 条标题: Preparation and electric property of PA/PVDF blend for energy storage material(李蕊)作者: Li, R (Li, Rui); Pei, JZ (Pei, Jianzhong); Xiong, CX (Xiong, Chuanxi)来 源 出 版物 : POLYMER SCIENCE SERIES A 卷 : 58 期 : 5 页 : 765-775 DOI: 10.1134/S0965545X16050126 出版年: SEP 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 4使用次数 (2013 年至今): 10引用的参考文献数: 17摘要: This paper selected typical polar polymers which are polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) and polyamide (PA) to prepare PA/PVDF blend for energy storage material. Three kinds of PA (PA6, PA66 and PA11) with representative characters were chosen as the main research polymers for blending with PVDF. The electrical properties of three kinds of all-polymeric blends were tested and the microstructure was characterized by X-ray diffractometer (XRD), Fourier transform infrared instrument (FTIR), Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Our finding suggests that the created high-epsilon polymeric blends represent a novel type of material that is easy to process. In addition, the dielectric constant and breakdown strength of PA/PVDFs are relatively high so that it can be applied to electronic components.入藏号: WOS:000385023100013语种: English文献类型: ArticleKeyWords Plus: DIELECTRIC-PROPERTIES; COMPOSITES; FLUORIDE); RUBBER地址: [Li, Rui; Pei, Jianzhong] Changan Univ, Highway Sch, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Xiong, Chuanxi] Wuhan Univ Technol, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Wuhan 430070, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Li, R (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Highway Sch, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: MAIK NAUKA/INTERPERIODICA/SPRINGER出版商地址: 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013-1578 USAWeb of Science 类别: Polymer Science研究方向: Polymer ScienceIDS 号: DY3VJISSN: 0965-545XeISSN: 1555-610729 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: POLYM SCI SER A+ISO 来源出版物缩写: Polym. Sci. Ser. A来源出版物页码计数: 11

第 13 条标题: Influence of chemical additives on mixing procedures and performance properties of asphalt emulsion recycled mixture with reclaimed cement-stabilized macadam(杜少文)作者: Du, SW (Du, Shaowen)来源出版物 : CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 卷: 118 页: 146-154 DOI:

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10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.05.050 出版年: AUG 15 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 10使用次数 (2013 年至今): 41引用的参考文献数: 35摘要 : During rehabilitation of pavement structure with cement-stabilized macadam (CSM) base course and hot mix asphalt (HMA) surface course, it is expected to recycle severe cracked CSM layer using the same method as HMA layer. In this study, asphalt emulsion and chemical additives were adopted to stabilize reclaimed CSM aggregates. Considering the surface characteristic of the CSM aggregate, the addition procedures of chemical additives were investigated by volumetric parameters and strength tests. The moisture susceptibility and rutting resistance test were conducted to evaluate effect of different chemical additives on performance properties of the recycled mixture. To understand the mixing procedures and performance characteristic, the microstructure images of the recycled mixture were observed by environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM). The results of volumetric parameters and strength tests indicate the addition procedures of chemical additives affect the optimum composition and mechanical strength of the recycled mixture. It is recommended to add cementitious additives prior to asphalt emulsion during mixing process. Furthermore, the optimum composition and performance properties of the recycled mixture depend on types and content of chemical additives. Some suggestions are provided for the selection of chemical additives. The interface bonding mechanism between the recycled aggregates and cementitious materials is proposed to explain the mixing procedures and performance characteristic of the recycled mixture. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000378181800015语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关 键 词 : Reclaimed cement-stabilized macadam; Asphalt emulsion; Cement; Mixing procedures; Performance properties; Interface microstructureKeyWords Plus: PORTLAND-CEMENT; AGGREGATE地址: [Du, Shaowen] Changan Univ, Dept Rd Engn, Mail Box 329,Middle Sect Nan Er Huan Rd, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Du, SW (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Dept Rd Engn, Mail Box 329,Middle Sect Nan Er Huan Rd, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别 : Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering; Materials ScienceIDS 号: DP0LRISSN: 0950-0618eISSN: 1879-052629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: CONSTR BUILD MATER

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ISO 来源出版物缩写: Constr. Build. Mater.来源出版物页码计数: 9

第 14 条标题: Characterizing Stress-Strain Relationships of Asphalt Treated Base(李鹏)作者: Li, P (Li, Peng); Zhao, S (Zhao, Sheng); Liu, J (Liu, Jenny)来源出版物: JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING 卷: 28 期: 8 文献号: 04016045 DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0001549 出版年: AUG 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 1使用次数 (2013 年至今): 8引用的参考文献数: 25摘要 : In a flexible pavement, the base course is an essential component in that it supports the surface course and distributes traffic loads to the subbase and subgrade. Asphalt treatment is used on granular base course material to enhance the material's properties and overcome its deficiencies. Due to its lower binder content and lower-quality granular material, asphalt treated base (ATB) exhibits a stress-strain relationship unlike either regular granular material or hot mix asphalt. Stress-strain relationship is the primary fundamental material property used for mechanistic-based pavement structural analysis and design. However, current guidance for choosing the parameter that characterizes the stress-strain relationship of ATB in pavement design is not clearly provided. This paper presents a study in which the stress-strain relationship of differing base materials, including three ATBs, a mixture of reclaimed asphalt pavement and granular material, and a typical granular base material, is compared and analyzed based on data measured from repeated triaxial compressive tests. The resilient modulus (MR) was found to be capable of representing the stress-strain relationship of all materials selected. Further, the MR of selected ATBs was calculated at different stress states represented by bulk stress and octahedral shear stress to investigate and compare the stress-dependent property of the MR of selected materials. The stress-dependent property mechanism for each type of ATB was analyzed. The effects of stress-dependent MR on pavement performance were evaluated. It was found that pavement distress at the end of the design life could be either underestimated or overestimated if the representative value of MR is not properly selected.入藏号: WOS:000381052200007语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Asphalt treated base; Stress-strain relationship; Resilient modulus; Stress-dependent property; Pavement analysis地址: [Li, Peng] Changan Univ, Coll Highway, Xian 710064, Shannxi, Peoples R China. [Zhao, Sheng] Univ Alaska Fairbanks, Inst Northern Engn, Ctr Environm Sustainable Transportat Cold Climate, Fairbanks, AK 99775 USA. [Liu, Jenny] Univ Alaska Fairbanks, Dept Civil & Environm Engn, Fairbanks, AK 99775 USA.通讯作 者 地址 : Liu, J (通讯作 者 ),Univ Alaska Fairbanks, Dept Civil & Environm Engn, Fairbanks, AK 99775 USA.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

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作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Zhao, Sheng I-4302-2017 Liu, Juanyu 0000-0002-3840-1438

出版商: ASCE-AMER SOC CIVIL ENGINEERS出版商地址: 1801 ALEXANDER BELL DR, RESTON, VA 20191-4400 USAWeb of Science 类别 : Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering; Materials ScienceIDS 号: DS8SBISSN: 0899-1561eISSN: 1943-553329 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J MATER CIVIL ENGISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Mater. Civ. Eng.来源出版物页码计数: 9

第 15 条标题 : FTIR and rheology analysis of aging on different ultraviolet absorber modified bitumens(冯振刚)作者: Feng, ZG (Feng, Zhen-gang); Wang, SJ (Wang, Shu-juan); Bian, HJ (Bian, Hui-juan); Guo, QL (Guo, Qi-long); Li, XJ (Li, Xin-jun)来 源 出 版物 : CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 卷 : 115 页 : 48-53 DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.04.040 出版年: JUL 15 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 6被引频次合计: 6使用次数 (最近 180 天): 4使用次数 (2013 年至今): 37引用的参考文献数: 25摘要: Three different kinds of ultraviolet absorbers (UVAs), including octabenzone, bumetrizole and tinuvin770, were used to modify the road bitumen. The base and UVA modified bitumens were aged by the thin film oven test (TFOT), pressurized aging vessel (PAV) and ultraviolet (UV) aging. The Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy was applied to investigate the chemical structures of the UVA modified bitumens. Several structural indexes based on the FTIR results were defined to evaluate the aging extent of the binders. Finally, the rheological properties of the UVA modified bitumens were tested in order to confirm the validity of the FTIR analysis. Results show that the UVAs have little influence on the branched aliphatic structure of bitumen, but increase the aromatic structure of bitumen. The thermal and photo-oxidative aging of the bitumen can be restrained by the three UVAs since the reactions of chain scission, polycondensation and oxidation of the bitumen are slowed down by the UVAs during aging. Among the three UVAs, the tinuvin770 exhibits the most significant improvement on the thermal- and photo-oxidative aging resistance of bitumen. (c) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000376833400006语种: English

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文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Bitumen; Ultraviolet absorber; Aging; Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy; Structural index; RheologyKeyWords Plus: ASPHALT; RESISTANCE; RADIATION; OXIDATION; CHEMISTRY; BINDERS; GPC地址 : [Feng, Zhen-gang; Li, Xin-jun] Changan Univ, Coll Highway, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Wang, Shu-juan] Jilin Prov Transport Sci Res Inst, Key Lab Highway Construct & Maintenance Technol, Seasonal Frozen Soil Area, Changchun 130012, Jilin, Peoples R China. [Bian, Hui-juan] Changan Univ, Dept Budget & Finance, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Guo, Qi-long] Changan Univ, Key Lab Rd Struct & Mat, Transport Minist, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Feng, ZG (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Coll Highway, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别 : Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering; Materials ScienceIDS 号: DN1NTISSN: 0950-0618eISSN: 1879-052629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: CONSTR BUILD MATERISO 来源出版物缩写: Constr. Build. Mater.来源出版物页码计数: 6

第 16 条标题 : Sulfate attack of Portland cement concrete under dynamic flexural loading: A coupling function(作者中文名?)作者: Yu, DM (Yu, Demei); Guan, BW (Guan, Bowen); He, R (He, Rui); Xiong, R (Xiong, Rui); Liu, ZZ (Liu, Zhuangzhuang)来源出版物 : CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 卷: 115 页: 478-485 DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.02.052 出版年: JUL 15 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 7被引频次合计: 7使用次数 (最近 180 天): 11使用次数 (2013 年至今): 23引用的参考文献数: 27摘要: In saline regions, infrastructures (e.g., structures under earthquake, pavement slabs, bridge decks, airfield runways, railway sleepers and railway bridges, even high-speed railways and concrete structures in ocean) are attacked by sulfate compounds (Na2SO4, MgSO4, etc.), coupled with dynamic loading. This report studied the flexural strength, relative dynamic elastic modulus

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and sulfate content under sulfate attack incorporating with dynamic flexural loading (stress level = 20%, 40% and 60%), and also analyzed the microstructure and atom ratio of attached samples via SEM and EDS. The result shows that solution concentration and stress level are two primary and important factors in sulfate attack cases. Meanwhile, opposite with the static attack case, dynamic loading will also make the strength loss occur earlier, especially under high stress level of dynamic loading (60%). The reinforcement contributed by new phase forming on flexural strength is offset because of the additional dynamic loading. Additionally, the experimental result revealed that the relative dynamic elastic modulus can be used to semi-quantitatively evaluate the long-term sulfate attack samples, but is not suggested to be used on short-term sulfate attacked samples because the result does not match the flexural strength trend. Based on the updated data in this study, sulfate attack stages coupled with dynamic flexural loading are summarized. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000376833400048语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Sulfate attack; Dynamic flexural loading; Portland cement concrete; Coupling function; Environmental effectKeyWords Plus: PASTE; DURABILITY; SODIUM地址 : [Yu, Demei; Liu, Zhuangzhuang] Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Yu, Demei] Purdue Univ, Coll Technol, W Lafayette, IN 47907 USA. [Guan, Bowen; He, Rui; Xiong, Rui; Liu, Zhuangzhuang] Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710062, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Liu, ZZ (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Liu, Zhuangzhuang M-1312-2016 0000-0002-0756-2538

出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别 : Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering; Materials ScienceIDS 号: DN1NTISSN: 0950-0618eISSN: 1879-052629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: CONSTR BUILD MATERISO 来源出版物缩写: Constr. Build. Mater.来源出版物页码计数: 8

第 17 条标 题 : Formulation and performance comparison of grouting materials for semi-flexible

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pavement(张久鹏)作 者 : Zhang, JP (Zhang, Jiupeng); Cai, J (Cai, Jun); Pei, JZ (Pei, Jianzhong); Li, R (Li, Rui); Chen, XF (Chen, Xiangfeng)来源出版物 : CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 卷: 115 页: 582-592 DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.04.062 出版年: JUL 15 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 2被引频次合计: 3使用次数 (最近 180 天): 14使用次数 (2013 年至今): 41引用的参考文献数: 21摘要: Semi-flexible pavement has been widely used for good performance, however, few studies have been made on effects of composition and formulation on grouting material. Therefore, this paper focuses on effects of composition and formulation on two typical grouting materials, including cement paste and cement mortar. The optimal formulations of these two materials are determined, and their performances are compared in terms of fluidity, strength and drying shrinkage. The result shows that fluidity, strength and drying shrinkage of cement paste and cement mortar vary with their composition, and both of the two materials can meet the technical requirements in the appropriate formulations. Comparatively, cement paste with its optimal formulation is more suitable as a grouting material for its better performance. The optimal ratio of water to cement is 0.58, the coal ash accounts for 10% and mineral powder accounts for 10%. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000376833400059语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Semi-flexible pavement; Porous asphalt mixture; Grouting materials; Cement paste; Cement mortarKeyWords Plus: ASPHALT地址 : [Zhang, Jiupeng; Cai, Jun; Pei, Jianzhong; Li, Rui] Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Chen, Xiangfeng] Tianchi Highway Technol Dev Co LTD, Nanchang 330103, Jiangxi, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Pei, JZ (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别 : Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering; Materials ScienceIDS 号: DN1NTISSN: 0950-0618eISSN: 1879-052629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: CONSTR BUILD MATER

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ISO 来源出版物缩写: Constr. Build. Mater.来源出版物页码计数: 11

第 18 条标题: Performance of Multiaxial Paving Interlayer-Reinforced Asphalt Pavement(李鹏)作者: Li, P (Li, Peng); Liu, J (Liu, Jenny); Zhao, S (Zhao, Sheng)来源出版物: JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING 卷: 28 期: 7 文献号: 04016039 DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0001543 出版年: JUL 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 1使用次数 (2013 年至今): 7引用的参考文献数: 24摘要 : Paving interlayers have been used in asphalt concrete (AC) overlays for a variety of benefits. An earlier study showed that different paving interlayers improved mixture performance, while the multiaxial interlayer provided the best overall laboratory performance. This paper presents further investigation of the reinforcing effect of the multiaxial interlayer on the entire pavement. Pavement structural analysis using finite-element method (FEM) analysis and several specialized commercially available software were conducted, and field test sections were established and surveyed to further validate findings from the previous study. The pavement structural analyses were in agreement that using interlayer could improve fatigue crack resistance and extend service life. The three-yarn biaxial interlayer showed the best reinforcement potential of fatigue crack resistance, followed by the multiaxial interlayer and the two-yarn biaxial interlayer. The FEM analysis indicated that the multiaxial interlayer could improve stress distribution more effectively than the two-yarn biaxial interlayer. Preliminary results from field evaluations of test sections showed that pavement performance was improved if reinforced by interlayers, in terms of reduced amount and severity of cracking. Further monitoring of field test sections are recommended to give clearer projection of the utility of the paving interlayers in cold regions.入藏号: WOS:000378865900018语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Paving interlayer; Multiaxial; Biaxial; Pavement structural analysis; Finite-element analysis; Field survey and monitoring地址: [Li, Peng] Changan Univ, Coll Highway, Xian 710064, Shannxi, Peoples R China. [Liu, Jenny] Univ Alaska Fairbanks, Dept Civil & Environm Engn, Fairbanks, AK 99775 USA. [Zhao, Sheng] Univ Alaska Fairbanks, Inst Northern Engn, Ctr Environm Sustainable Transportat Cold Climate, Fairbanks, AK 99775 USA.通讯作 者 地址 : Liu, J (通讯作 者 ),Univ Alaska Fairbanks, Dept Civil & Environm Engn, Fairbanks, AK 99775 USA.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Zhao, Sheng I-4302-2017

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Liu, Juanyu 0000-0002-3840-1438

出版商: ASCE-AMER SOC CIVIL ENGINEERS出版商地址: 1801 ALEXANDER BELL DR, RESTON, VA 20191-4400 USAWeb of Science 类别 : Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering; Materials ScienceIDS 号: DQ0CMISSN: 0899-1561eISSN: 1943-553329 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J MATER CIVIL ENGISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Mater. Civ. Eng.来源出版物页码计数: 9

第 19 条标题: Dynamic effect of metro-induced vibration on the rammed earth base of the Bell Tower(赖金星)作者 : Lai, JX (Lai, Jinxing); Niu, FY (Niu, Fangyuan); Wang, K (Wang, Ke); Chen, JX (Chen, Jianxun); Qiu, JL (Qiu, Junling); Fan, HB (Fan, Haobo); Hu, ZN (Hu, Zhinan)来源出版物: SPRINGERPLUS 卷: 5 文献号: UNSP 935 DOI: 10.1186/s40064-016-2627-1 出版年: JUN 30 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 10使用次数 (2013 年至今): 27引用的参考文献数: 39摘要 : Xi'an Bell Tower (the Bell Tower) is a state-level ancient relic in China. The vibration caused by metro will exert adverse effect on the Bell Tower. This paper aims at presenting 3D-FEM models to predict the peak period velocity (PPV) of rammed earth base when the metro passing through the Bell Tower. The calculation results are compared with those of field test. Both results were found to be in good agreement. Furthermore, the results indicated that the effect of shock absorption measures is significant. The shock absorption tracks can obviously decrease the vibration of the Bell Tower, and the maximum decrease of PPV of the rammed earth base is 78.91 %. The proposed prediction has the potential to be developed as a decision and management tool for the evaluation of the risk associated with the influence of vibration caused by metro on buildings in urban areas.入藏号: WOS:000378927200009PubMed ID: 27386379语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Metro vibration; The Bell Tower; FEM; Tunnel; Peak particle velocity (PPV)KeyWords Plus: PREDICTION; TUNNEL; RAILWAY; MODEL; PROTECTION; FIELD地址 : [Lai, Jinxing; Niu, Fangyuan; Wang, Ke; Chen, Jianxun; Qiu, Junling; Fan, Haobo] Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.

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[Wang, Ke] China Railway First Survey & Design Inst Grp Co L, Xian 710043, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Hu, Zhinan] Shijiazhuang Tiedao Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Shijiazhuang 050043, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Wang, K; Chen, JX (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.Wang, K (通讯作者),China Railway First Survey & Design Inst Grp Co L, Xian 710043, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AG出版商地址: GEWERBESTRASSE 11, CHAM, CH-6330, SWITZERLANDWeb of Science 类别: Multidisciplinary Sciences研究方向: Science & Technology - Other TopicsIDS 号: DQ0YHISSN: 2193-180129 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: SPRINGERPLUSISO 来源出版物缩写: SpringerPlus来源出版物页码计数: 19

第 20 条标题: Performance evaluation of bitumen modified with pyrolysis carbon black made from waste tyres(冯振刚)作者 : Feng, ZG (Feng, Zhen-gang); Rao, WY (Rao, Wen-yu); Chen, C (Chen, Chong); Tian, B (Tian, Bo); Li, XJ (Li, Xin-jun); Li, PL (Li, Pei-long); Guo, QL (Guo, Qi-long)来源出版物 : CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 卷: 111 页: 495-501 DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.02.143 出版年: MAY 15 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 3被引频次合计: 3使用次数 (最近 180 天): 7使用次数 (2013 年至今): 22引用的参考文献数: 24摘要 : Two types of pyrolysis carbon blacks (PCBs) made from waste tyres were selected to modify road bitumens (SK70# and SK90#) via melt blending. The effects of the PCBs on physical properties, storage stability, rheological characteristics and performance grading (PG) of the bitumens were investigated. The thermal- and photo-oxidative aging of the PCB modified bitumens were evaluated by thin film oven test (TFOT), pressurized aging vessel (PAV) and natural aging (NA). Experimental results show that the high-temperature properties of the bitumen were obviously enhanced by both PCBs, leading to an improved resistance of bitumen to permanent deformation at high temperatures. The thermal- and photo-oxidative aging of bitumen were improved significantly by the PCBs. The pelleting pyrolysis carbon black (PCB-2) with bigger particle displayed more significant influence on bitumen performance than the normal pyrolysis carbon black (PCB-1) with relatively smaller grain size. The modified bitumen with appropriate dosage of PCBs can be used for road construction, which is of great significance for the improvement of pavement performance and recycling of waste tyres. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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入藏号: WOS:000374074000051语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Bitumen; Pyrolysis carbon black; Rheological characteristic; Performance grading; Aging; Storage stabilityKeyWords Plus: SBS-MODIFIED ASPHALT; AGING RESISTANCE; BEHAVIOR; MIXTURES; RHEOLOGY地址 : [Feng, Zhen-gang; Rao, Wen-yu; Chen, Chong; Li, Xin-jun; Li, Pei-long] Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Feng, Zhen-gang] Changsha Univ Sci & Technol, State Engn Lab Highway Maintenance Technol, Changsha 410014, Hunan, Peoples R China. [Tian, Bo] Minist Transportat, Res Inst Highway, Beijing 100088, Peoples R China. [Guo, Qi-long] Changan Univ, Key Lab Rd Struct & Mat, Transport Minist, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Feng, ZG; Li, XJ (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别 : Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering; Materials ScienceIDS 号: DJ2ZKISSN: 0950-0618eISSN: 1879-052629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: CONSTR BUILD MATERISO 来源出版物缩写: Constr. Build. Mater.来源出版物页码计数: 7

第 21 条标题 : Exploring background risk factors for fatigue crashes involving truck drivers on regional roadway networks: a case control study in Jiangxi and Shaanxi, China(陈长坤)作者: Chen, CK (Chen, Changkun); Zhang, J (Zhang, Jun)来源出版物: SPRINGERPLUS 卷: 5 文献号: 582 DOI: 10.1186/s40064-016-2261-y 出版年: MAY 10 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 6使用次数 (2013 年至今): 27引用的参考文献数: 32摘要 : Background: Fatigue driving is a leading cause of traffic fatalities and injuries in China, especially among heavy truck drivers. The present study tried to examine which and how factors within the human-vehicle-roadway-environment system contribute to the occurrence of crashes

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involving fatigued truck drivers. Findings: To reduce such risk on the road, a total of 9168 crashes which occurred in Jiangxi and Shaanxi between 2003 and 2014 were selected to measure the effects of potential factors on fatigue related truck crashes using a case control study. Pearson Chi-square test was used to determine the relationship between crash risk and independent factors, and a stepwise logistic regression model was developed to determine the significant risk factors. According to the data analysis results, driver's gender, age, driving experience, and overspeeding behavior, vehicle's commercial status, overloading conditions and brake performance, road's type, slippery pavement and existence of sharp curve and long steep grade, and time of day, season, weather and visibility conditions, etc. were identified to be significantly associated with fatigue related truck crashes on Jiangxi and Shaanxi highways. Moreover, it is found that (a) in Jiangxi, an employed truck driver has a higher risk of crash involving multi-vehicles or a passenger car at bridge locations, and (b) in Shaanxi, the adult, tunnel location, summer and winter days prohibit statistically significant association with the occurrence of multi-vehicle and single-vehicle run-off-road/rollover crashes. Conclusions: Young employed male truck drivers with less experience are at high risk, especially while driving across sharp curves, down long steep grades, over bridge or through tunnels, during the midnight period, on rainy, snowy or foggy days in rural areas. All these help recommend potential policy initiatives as well as effective safety promotion strategies at the public health scale for professional truck drivers.入藏号: WOS:000375708700018PubMed ID: 27247879语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词 : Fatigue crash; Truck drivers; Risk factor; Case control study; Pearson Chi-square test; Stepwise logistic regressionKeyWords Plus: TRAFFIC FLOW THEORIES; DRIVING PERFORMANCE; WORK; SLEEPINESS; SAFETY; BEHAVIORS; ACCIDENTS; SIMULATOR; FAILURE; VEHICLE地址: [Chen, Changkun; Zhang, Jun] Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Middle Sect South 2 Ring Rd, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Chen, CK (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Middle Sect South 2 Ring Rd, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AG出版商地址: GEWERBESTRASSE 11, CHAM, CH-6330, SWITZERLANDWeb of Science 类别: Multidisciplinary Sciences研究方向: Science & Technology - Other TopicsIDS 号: DL5WVISSN: 2193-180129 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: SPRINGERPLUSISO 来源出版物缩写: SpringerPlus来源出版物页码计数: 12

第 22 条标 题 : Nanodispersed Carbon Black on Enhancing the Dielectric Properties of Polyamide

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11/Poly(vinylidene fluoride) Blend Films(李蕊)作者: Li, R (Li, Rui); Pei, JZ (Pei, Jianzhong)来源 出版物 : SCIENCE OF ADVANCED MATERIALS 卷 : 8 期 : 5 页 : 1122-1128 DOI: 10.1166/sam.2016.2715 出版年: MAY 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 4使用次数 (2013 年至今): 9引用的参考文献数: 18摘要: The paper studies a simple and easy way on dispersing carbon black (CB) evenly in nano-size into polyamide 11 matrix (CPA11). It was found that the nanodispersed CB can enhance the dielectric properties of PVDF/CPA11 blends. Compared with the polymer-polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) matrix, the novel CPA11-based blends showed high dielectric constant, which reached 135 displaying threefold enhancement of PVDF-based blends. Moreover, excellent frequency stability and good flexible ability can be also observed in CPA11-based blends.入藏号: WOS:000373776300027语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Carbon Black (CB); Blend; Compatilizer; Dielectric Property; NanodispersedKeyWords Plus: MAGNETOELECTRIC COMPOSITE; FLEXIBLE MATERIALS; CAPACITORS; BEHAVIOR; POLYMER地址: [Li, Rui; Pei, Jianzhong] Changan Univ, Highway Sch, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Pei, JZ (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Highway Sch, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: AMER SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHERS出版商地址: 26650 THE OLD RD, STE 208, VALENCIA, CA 91381-0751 USAWeb of Science 类别 : Nanoscience & Nanotechnology; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary; Physics, Applied研究方向: Science & Technology - Other Topics; Materials Science; PhysicsIDS 号: DI8UAISSN: 1947-2935eISSN: 1947-294329 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: SCI ADV MATERISO 来源出版物缩写: Sci. Adv. Mater.来源出版物页码计数: 7

第 23 条标题: How eye movement and driving performance vary before, during, and after entering a long expressway tunnel: considering the differences of novice and experienced drivers under daytime and nighttime conditions(王永岗)作者: Wang, YG (Wang, Yonggang); Wang, LJ (Wang, Longjian); Wang, C (Wang, Chen); Zhao, YD (Zhao, Yangdong)来源出版物: SPRINGERPLUS 卷: 5 文献号: 538 DOI: 10.1186/s40064-016-2148-y 出版年: APR 27 2016

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Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 4使用次数 (2013 年至今): 23引用的参考文献数: 27摘要 : Introduction: Driving environment in tunnels is quite different from the ordinary roadway sections, especially the entrance locations, which causes great difficulty in obtaining and interpreting information through fixations and saccades that are relevant to driving safety. Therefore, it is necessary to understand driver's visual behaviors while entering a tunnel so as to take the countermeasures for accident prevention. Case description: In order to identify the variation of driver's visual features during the process of tunnel entry, 18 participants were recruited to take part in a driving test conducted in real tunnel sections between Qipanguan toll and Jinshui toll of the G5 expressway in Shaanxi, China. During this test, the drivers' fixations, saccades and driving performances were captured for further analysis. Discussion and evaluation: The test data revealed that the driver's number of fixations, duration of fixations and number of saccades increased gradually at the transition zone. The number of fixations, duration of fixations and number of saccades then drop slightly until the end of the transition zone, and then rise just a little to a stable value after fully adapting to the driving conditions inside the tunnel. Meanwhile, the driver's number of saccades and saccade amplitude value decreased first, and then increased gradually until reaching a relatively stable value inside the tunnel. Additionally, drivers are more cautious at the transition zone, driving conservatively at lower speed, while decreasing their steering wheel angle and minimizing the vehicle's lateral deviation. Specially, novice drivers require a longer transition zone before tunnel entry compared to the experienced ones. Moreover, both novice and experienced drivers take more time to get prepared for tunnel entry while driving at night. Conclusion: Tunnel entrance section is far more dangerous, so drivers should be educated to get ready ahead for tunnel entry, drive cautiously at lower speed and pay full attention to the traffic flow conditions while driving through the tunnel, especially for the novice drivers in night tasks. Tunnel entrance is suggested to have easily identifiable frame design, with effective traffic signs placed at least 170 m before the entrance and gradually changeable LED lighting along the transition zone. All these suggestions provide insight into potential strategies for reducing and preventing traffic accidents and injuries at the tunnel locations.入藏号: WOS:000375705600004PubMed ID: 27186502语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Tunnel entrance; Novice driver; Visual feature; Driving performance; Transition zone; Safety improvementKeyWords Plus: TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS; ROAD TUNNELS; HIGHWAY; OPTIMIZATION; ENTRANCE地址 : [Wang, Yonggang; Wang, Longjian] Changan Univ, Sch Highway, POB 487,Middle Sect South 2 Ring Rd, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Wang, Chen] Shaanxi Prov Expressway Construct Grp Co, Hanning Branch, South Zone

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Hanzhong Econ & Technol Dev Zone, Hanzhong 723102, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Zhao, Yangdong] CCCC First Highway Consultants Co LTD, 63 Kejierlu Rd, Xian 710075, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Wang, YG (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Highway, POB 487,Middle Sect South 2 Ring Rd, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Yonggang, Wang G-6385-2011 0000-0002-9365-1851

出版商: SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AG出版商地址: GEWERBESTRASSE 11, CHAM, CH-6330, SWITZERLANDWeb of Science 类别: Multidisciplinary Sciences研究方向: Science & Technology - Other TopicsIDS 号: DL5VRISSN: 2193-180129 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: SPRINGERPLUSISO 来源出版物缩写: SpringerPlus来源出版物页码计数: 10

第 24 条标题: FTIR analysis of UV aging on bitumen and its fractions(冯振刚)作者: Feng, ZG (Feng, Zhen-gang); Bian, HJ (Bian, Hui-juan); Li, XJ (Li, Xin-jun); Yu, JY (Yu, Jian-ying)来 源 出 版物 : MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES 卷 : 49 期 : 4 页 : 1381-1389 DOI: 10.1617/s11527-015-0583-9 出版年: APR 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 3被引频次合计: 3使用次数 (最近 180 天): 7使用次数 (2013 年至今): 15引用的参考文献数: 20摘要: The ultraviolet (UV) aging of bitumen involves a series of complex chemical reactions due to its complicated chemistry and structure. To conduct the UV aging on simplified components of bitumen is very helpful to reveal the UV aging mechanism accurately. In this study, two bitumens were separated into four generic fractions (saturates, aromatics, resins and asphaltenes) respectively by solubility procedures and chromatographic techniques. Both bitumens and their fractions were processed to form a thin film and then aged under UV irradiation for a certain time. The Fourier transform infrared spectra of bitumens and their fractions before and after the UV aging were recorded and quantitatively analyzed based on four structural indexes to evaluate the effect of UV aging on chemical evolution of bitumens and fractions. The results show that the bitumens and their generic fractions all suffer from reactions of oxidation and aromatization during the UV aging. The single fraction separated from the bitumen suffers from more severe oxidation and is more vulnerable to the UV aging than the bitumen itself. Among the four generic fractions, saturates are the most unstable components to be oxidized by the UV aging.

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入藏号: WOS:000373963700022语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Bitumen; Generic fraction; FTIR; UV aging; Chemical evolutionKeyWords Plus: CHEMISTRY; RHEOLOGY; RADIATION地址: [Feng, Zhen-gang; Li, Xin-jun] Changan Univ, Coll Highway Engn, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Feng, Zhen-gang] Changsha Univ Sci & Technol, State Engn Lab Highway Maintenance Technol, Changsha 410014, Hunan, Peoples R China. [Bian, Hui-juan] Changan Univ, Dept Budget & Finance, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Yu, Jian-ying] Wuhan Univ Technol, State Key Lab Silicate Mat Architectures, Wuhan 430070, Hubei, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Feng, ZG (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Coll Highway Engn, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.Feng, ZG (通讯作 者 ),Changsha Univ Sci & Technol, State Engn Lab Highway Maintenance Technol, Changsha 410014, Hunan, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDSWeb of Science 类别 : Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering; Materials ScienceIDS 号: DJ1LGISSN: 1359-5997eISSN: 1871-687329 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: MATER STRUCTISO 来源出版物缩写: Mater. Struct.来源出版物页码计数: 9

第 25 条标题: Deformation Characteristics of Double-Cable Multispan Suspension Bridges(王秀兰)作者: Wang, XL (Wang, Xiulan); Chai, SB (Chai, Shengbo); Xu, Y (Xu, Yue)来源出版物: JOURNAL OF BRIDGE ENGINEERING 卷: 21 期: 4 文献号: 06015007 DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0000858 出版年: APR 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 4使用次数 (2013 年至今): 11引用的参考文献数: 8摘要 : Structural deformation caused by live loads is a major concern in the design of multispan suspension bridges. Deformation characteristics of double-cable multispan suspension bridges are the focus of this paper. The authors propose a simplified mechanical model of the double-cable multispan suspension bridge for static analysis. Analytical formulas for calculating maximum deflection of the girder in a loaded span were deduced on the basis of the mechanical model.

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Finite-element models were established to verify formulas, and a comparison of formulas with FEM analysis revealed excellent agreement. The effects of major design parameters on the deformation of double-cable multispan suspension bridges were also studied. Research shows that the distribution of dead loads to the top and bottom cables had little effect on deformation. The sag-to-span ratio of the main cable imposed a significant effect on deformation, and structural deformation decreased with a decrement in top-cable sag or an increment in bottom-cable sag. A comparison was made between double-cable multispan suspension bridges and traditional multispan suspension bridges regarding deformation. The results indicated that with the same tower stiffness, the deformation of a double-cable multispan suspension bridge was far less than that of a traditional multispan suspension bridge.入藏号: WOS:000372801100010语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Suspension bridge; Multispan; Double cable; Deformation; Analytical method地址 : [Wang, Xiulan; Xu, Yue] Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Middle South Ring Rd, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Chai, Shengbo] Xian Univ Sci & Technol, Sch Architecture & Civil Engn, 58 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Chai, SB (通讯作者),Xian Univ Sci & Technol, Sch Architecture & Civil Engn, 58 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: ASCE-AMER SOC CIVIL ENGINEERS出版商地址: 1801 ALEXANDER BELL DR, RESTON, VA 20191-4400 USAWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Civil研究方向: EngineeringIDS 号: DH5BWISSN: 1084-0702eISSN: 1943-559229 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J BRIDGE ENGISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Bridge Eng.来源出版物页码计数: 8

第 26 条标题: Analysis of tunnel displacement accuracy with total station(罗彦斌)作 者 : Luo, YB (Luo, Yanbin); Chen, JX (Chen, Jianxun); Xi, WZ (Xi, Weizheng); Zhao, PY (Zhao, Pengyu); Qiao, X (Qiao, Xiong); Deng, XH (Deng, Xianghui); Liu, Q (Liu, Qin)来源出版物: MEASUREMENT 卷: 83 页: 29-37 DOI: 10.1016/j.measurement.2016.01.025 出版年: APR 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 6被引频次合计: 6使用次数 (最近 180 天): 5使用次数 (2013 年至今): 30引用的参考文献数: 19摘要: The remote distance measurement (RDM) method requires only common total stations and

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not special post-processing software. Moreover, this method is easy to operate and highly accurate results can be obtained. Therefore, RDM is used in the displacement monitoring of tunnel engineering. This study presents the calculation formulas for the crown settlement and wall convergence of tunnel as measured by RDM with total station. The mean error formulas are derived based on error propagation laws. When tunnel displacements measured by using total station with the ms not more than 2 mm + 2D ppm (D is the measurement distance) and m(alpha) not more than 1 '', the horizontal distance between the rear viewpoint and the monitoring section is in the range of 50-150 m, the horizontal distance between the total station and the monitoring section ranges from 40 m to 60 m, and the total station is near the tunnel centerline, the measurement accuracy can reach 1 mm. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000370526900004语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关 键 词 : Total station; Remote distance measurement (RDM); Tunnel displacement; AccuracyKeyWords Plus: DEFORMATION地址: [Luo, Yanbin; Chen, Jianxun; Zhao, Pengyu; Deng, Xianghui] Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Xi, Weizheng] CCCC First High Way Consultants CO Ltd, Xian 710075, Peoples R China. [Qiao, Xiong; Liu, Qin] Changan Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Deng, Xianghui] Xian Technol Univ, Coll Civil & Architecture Engn, Xian 710032, Peoples R China.通讯作者 地址 : Chen, JX (通讯作者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电 子 邮 件 地 址 : [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Multidisciplinary; Instruments & Instrumentation研究方向: Engineering; Instruments & InstrumentationIDS 号: DE3KFISSN: 0263-2241eISSN: 1873-412X29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: MEASUREMENTISO 来源出版物缩写: Measurement来源出版物页码计数: 9

第 27 条标题: Characterization of Low Temperature Crack Resistance of Crumb Rubber Modified Asphalt Mixtures Using Semi-Circular Bending Tests(汪海年)作 者 : Wang, HN (Wang, Hainian); Zhang, C (Zhang, Chen); Li, L (Li, Lian); You, ZP (You, Zhanping); Diab, A (Diab, Aboelkasim)来源出版物: JOURNAL OF TESTING AND EVALUATION 卷: 44 期: 2 页: 847-855 DOI:

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10.1520/JTE20150145 出版年: MAR 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 2被引频次合计: 2使用次数 (最近 180 天): 6使用次数 (2013 年至今): 32引用的参考文献数: 29摘要: The objective of this study was to assess the low temperature anti-cracking performance of crumb rubber modified asphalt mixtures by performing the semi-circular bending tests. The flexural tensile strength, fracture energy density, and fracture resistance were used to evaluate the rubber modified asphalt mixture's performance based on fracture mechanics J-integral concept. The semi-circular bending (SCB) tests were conducted to study the effect of crumb rubber dosage, crumb rubber size, and testing temperature on the low temperature anti-cracking performance of rubber modified asphalt mixtures. Two gradations (a dense gradation mixture and a gap-gradation mixture) were selected, and five rubber application dosages (15, 18, 20, 22, and 25 %, all by the weight of base binder) were studied in the paper. The tests were performed at temperatures of 0, -10, and -20 degrees C. The testing results indicated that the flexural tensile strength and fracture energy density increased initially, reached to a peak point and then decreased with the increase of rubber dosage. Flexural tensile strength and fracture energy density reached its maximum value at the 20 % rubber dosage among the five rubber application dosages. The flexural tensile strength, fracture energy density, and the J-integral fracture toughness of the gap-graded rubber asphalt mixture specimens were higher than those of the dense gradation. The smaller sized particle rubber modified mixture provided a better low temperature anti-cracking performance as compared to those with bigger particle sizes. Through the comprehensive consideration of laboratory test results and field results, it was recommended that the J-integral fracture toughness should be no less than 2.8 KJ/m(2) for new asphalt rubber pavement in Shannxi province.入藏号: WOS:000373912200016语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : crumb rubber modified asphalt mixture; low temperature crack resistance; semi-circular bending tests; flexural tensile strength; fracture energy density; J-integral fracture toughnessKeyWords Plus: FRACTURE; BINDER地址 : [Wang, Hainian; Zhang, Chen] Changan Univ, Sch Highway, South Erhuan Middle Sect, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Li, Lian] Lanzhou Univ Technol, Sch Civil Engn, Lanzhou 730050, Gansu, Peoples R China. [You, Zhanping] Michigan Technol Univ, Dept Civil & Environm Engn, 1400 Townsend Dr, Houghton, MI 49931 USA. [Diab, Aboelkasim] Aswan Univ, Aswan Fac Engn, Dept Civil Engn, Cairo, Egypt.通讯作者地址: Wang, HN (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Highway, South Erhuan Middle Sect, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电 子 邮 件 地 址 : [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号

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Diab, Aboelkasim J-1016-2016 0000-0003-2843-0099 You, Zhanping P-4406-2015 0000-0002-9103-6599

出版商: AMER SOC TESTING MATERIALS出版商地址: 100 BARR HARBOR DR, W CONSHOHOCKEN, PA 19428-2959 USAWeb of Science 类别: Materials Science, Characterization & Testing研究方向: Materials ScienceIDS 号: DJ0RNISSN: 0090-3973eISSN: 1945-755329 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J TEST EVALISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Test. Eval.来源出版物页码计数: 9

第 28 条标题 : Effect of Property Variations of Raw Materials on the Variability of Dynamic Moduli of Asphalt Mixtures(张久鹏)作者: Zhang, JP (Zhang, Jiupeng); Hu, DL (Hu, Dongliang); Yang, FH (Yang, Fenghua); Pei, JZ (Pei, Jianzhong); Lu, RG (Lu, Ruiguo)来源出版物: JOURNAL OF TESTING AND EVALUATION 卷: 44 期: 2 页: 868-877 DOI: 10.1520/JTE20150140 出版年: MAR 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 7使用次数 (2013 年至今): 12引用的参考文献数: 21摘要 : This paper presents a research on the variability of dynamic modulus of asphalt mixtures because of the variations of raw materials by error propagation theory. The coefficient of variation of dynamic module, COVE, was derived from the g-based predictive model and the variance propagation model. Then, the raw materials' properties related to the dynamic modulus of asphalt mixture were measured and collected, and the coefficients of variation (COV) were finalized and substituted into the COVE expression. The effects of variations of raw materials' properties on the variability of dynamic module were investigated, and the efficiencies and relative efficiencies of reducing materials variability on decreasing COVE were also calculated. It is found that V-a makes the greatest contributions, followed by rho(4.75) and V-beff. At high temperature the contribution of viscosity is similar to that of V-beff, but is negligible at low temperature. However, the contributions of others are very small in all conditions. Reducing COV of rho(4.75) is with the most efficiency to decrease COVE and reducing COV of V-a is with the most relative efficiency. Efficiency of reducing COV of binder viscosity varies greatly with the temperature and frequency, whereas reducing COV of other parameters are much less efficient.入藏号: WOS:000373912200018语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: variability; coefficients of variation; dynamic modulus; variance propagation model

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KeyWords Plus: PERFORMANCE; PAVEMENT地址: [Zhang, Jiupeng; Hu, Dongliang; Pei, Jianzhong] Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Middle Sect Nan Er Huan Rd, Xian 710064, Shaanxi Provinc, Peoples R China. [Yang, Fenghua] Shaanxi Railway Inst, Dept Engn Management, East Sect 1 Zhan Bei Rd, Weinan 714000, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Lu, Ruiguo] Ningxia Highway Survey & Design Inst Ltd Liabil C, Xin Sheng Xiang 15 Qing He South Rd, Ningxia 750004, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Pei, JZ (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Middle Sect Nan Er Huan Rd, Xian 710064, Shaanxi Provinc, Peoples R China.电子邮件 地址 : [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: AMER SOC TESTING MATERIALS出版商地址: 100 BARR HARBOR DR, W CONSHOHOCKEN, PA 19428-2959 USAWeb of Science 类别: Materials Science, Characterization & Testing研究方向: Materials ScienceIDS 号: DJ0RNISSN: 0090-3973eISSN: 1945-755329 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J TEST EVALISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Test. Eval.来源出版物页码计数: 10

第 29 条标题: Aging Kinetics Characteristics of Warm Mix Asphalt Binder Using Softening Point and n-pentane Asphaltene Content as the Parameters(张久鹏)作者: Zhang, JP (Zhang, Jiupeng); Chang, MF (Chang, Mingfeng); Pei, JZ (Pei, Jianzhong); Xu, L (Xu, Li); Xu, SC (Xu, Shicui)来源出版物: JOURNAL OF TESTING AND EVALUATION 卷: 44 期: 2 页: 914-920 DOI: 10.1520/JTE20150142 出版年: MAR 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 2使用次数 (2013 年至今): 15引用的参考文献数: 20摘要 : This paper presented research on the aging kinetics characteristics of asphalt binder by using softening point and n-pentane asphaltene content, respectively, as parameters. Sasobit additives were added into two matrix asphalt binders to prepare the warm mix asphalt binders, and then were aged at different temperatures and time. The softening points and contents of n-pentane asphaltene were measured. Results indicated that the softening point was improved by adding the additives. Both the softening point and content of n-pentane asphaltene increased with aging temperature and aging time, and the increments of matrix asphalt binders were bigger. Taking the softening point and content of n-pentane asphaltene as the parameters, respectively, the aging kinetics models were established, and the reaction rate constants and reaction activation energies were calculated. It was found that warm mix asphalt binders had lower reaction constants and

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bigger reaction activation energies, that is to say the anti-aging property of warm mix asphalt was better. The anti-aging properties could be better evaluated by the aging kinetics models based on the softening point for its higher accuracy and testing convenience.入藏号: WOS:000373912200023语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词 : warm mix asphalt; aging kinetics; softening point; n-pentane asphaltene; reaction rate constant; reaction activation energyKeyWords Plus: PERFORMANCE; MIXTURES地址 : [Zhang, Jiupeng; Pei, Jianzhong] Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Chang, Mingfeng] Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Xu, Li] CCCC First Highway Consultants Co Ltd, Minist Transport, Key Lab Highway Construct & Maintenance Technol P, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Xu, Shicui] Guangdong Commun Ind Investment Co Ltd, Guangzhou 510100, Guangdong, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Zhang, JP (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电 子 邮 件 地 址 : [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: AMER SOC TESTING MATERIALS出版商地址: 100 BARR HARBOR DR, W CONSHOHOCKEN, PA 19428-2959 USAWeb of Science 类别: Materials Science, Characterization & Testing研究方向: Materials ScienceIDS 号: DJ0RNISSN: 0090-3973eISSN: 1945-755329 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J TEST EVALISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Test. Eval.来源出版物页码计数: 7

第 30 条标题: Ground fissures in Xi'an and measures to prevent damage to the Metro tunnel system due to geohazards(王志丰)作 者 : Wang, ZF (Wang, Zhi-Feng); Shen, SL (Shen, Shui-Long); Cheng, WC (Cheng, Wen-Chieh); Xu, YS (Xu, Ye-Shuang)来 源 出 版物 : ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES 卷 : 75 期 : 6 文 献号 : 511 DOI: 10.1007/s12665-015-5169-x 出版年: MAR 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 18使用次数 (2013 年至今): 58引用的参考文献数: 42摘要 : Xi'an City is located at the central region of the Fenwei Plain, and there are 14 ground

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fissures (labelled GF1-GF14) which have been closely monitored in the urban area of Xi'an City. When a shield tunnel is constructed in a region with ground fissures, problems (such as cracking or failure of the tunnel lining, leakage of groundwater into the tunnel, damage to the completed tunnels and shield, and long-term instability) may be encountered due to the activity of ground fissure. To mitigate the adverse impact caused by the activity of ground fissure, a series of countermeasures are suggested in this paper, which include installation of movement joints, installation of a flexible layer for controlling deformation, foundation reinforcement with cement grouting, and improvement of existing water resistance. A case history regarding the metro tunnel (Xi'an Metro Line 1) which has been intersected the ground fissure 5 (GF5) obliquely was analyzed. The aforesaid countermeasures were applied to this case history. After improving the existing water resistance, the permeability of the surrounding soils was effectively reduced to about 4.0 x 10(-8) cm/s and the groundwater leakage into the tunnel was minimal. Observations of the accumulative ground surface settlement near the fissure verified the effectiveness of the countermeasures applied to this case history.入藏号: WOS:000373127400003语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Ground fissure; Metro tunnel; Geohazards; Case history; Xi'anKeyWords Plus: CENTRAL-ISLAND TECHNIQUE; DEEP FOUNDATION PIT; LAND SUBSIDENCE; ROLLING CORRECTION; SHIELD TUNNELS; SOFT DEPOSITS; SHANGHAI; BEHAVIOR; CHINA; CONSTRUCTION地址 : [Wang, Zhi-Feng] Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Dept Geotech & Tunnelling Engn, Xian 710064, Shanxi, Peoples R China. [Shen, Shui-Long; Xu, Ye-Shuang] Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ, Dept Civil Engn, State Key Lab Ocean Engn, Shanghai 200240, Peoples R China. [Cheng, Wen-Chieh] Natl Taipei Univ Technol, Coll Engn, Taipei 10608, Taiwan.通讯作者地址: Shen, SL (通讯作者),Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ, Dept Civil Engn, State Key Lab Ocean Engn, Shanghai 200240, Peoples R China.电 子 邮 件 地 址 : [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USAWeb of Science 类别: Environmental Sciences; Geosciences, Multidisciplinary; Water Resources研究方向: Environmental Sciences & Ecology; Geology; Water ResourcesIDS 号: DH9PFISSN: 1866-6280eISSN: 1866-629929 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ENVIRON EARTH SCIISO 来源出版物缩写: Environ. Earth Sci.来源出版物页码计数: 11

第 31 条标题 : An experimental study on bond-type anchorages for carbon fiber-reinforced polymer cables(梅葵花)

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作者: Mei, KH (Mei, Kuihua); Seracino, R (Seracino, Rudolf); Lv, ZT (Lv, Zhitao)来源出版物 : CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 卷: 106 页: 584-591 DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2015.12.059 出版年: MAR 1 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 8使用次数 (2013 年至今): 32引用的参考文献数: 30摘要 : It is well-known that the axial performance of carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) cables is excellent, while the lateral compression and shear strengths are low. Thus, traditional steel cable anchorages cannot be used for CFRP cables due to the local crushing failure mode that would develop. Hence, a new bond-type anchorage filled with resin was proposed and five CFRP cables were fabricated with the new anchorage, which were tested statically to failure in tension. The tensile capacity, bond strength and pullout behavior of the new anchorage for CFRP cables were observed experimentally and are presented in this paper. The load-slip behavior of the new anchorage, sustained loading effect, load deformation curves and the stress variation between tendons in the cables are also presented and discussed. Tensile fracture of the tendons was observed for all the five cables tested with efficiency coefficients all greater than 1.00. The tensile strength and overall performance achieved by the anchorage and CFRP cable system satisfied the design requirements for use in an experimental cable-stayed bridge constructed in China. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000370103400060语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: CFRP cable; Anchorage; Tensile test; Slip; Pullout capacity; Bond strengthKeyWords Plus: PRESTRESSED GROUND ANCHORS; FRP TENDONS; CFRP ROD; MATHEMATICAL-MODELS; SYSTEM; BEHAVIOR地址: [Mei, Kuihua] Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Seracino, Rudolf] N Carolina State Univ, Dept Civil Construct & Environm Engn, Raleigh, NC 27695 USA. [Lv, Zhitao] Southeast Univ, Coll Civil Engn, Nanjing 210096, Jiangsu, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Seracino, R (通讯作者),N Carolina State Univ, Dept Civil Construct & Environm Engn, Raleigh, NC 27695 USA.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别 : Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering; Materials ScienceIDS 号: DD7KNISSN: 0950-0618eISSN: 1879-052629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: CONSTR BUILD MATER

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ISO 来源出版物缩写: Constr. Build. Mater.来源出版物页码计数: 8

第 32 条标题: Preparation and characterization of novel light induced self-healing materials for cracks in asphalt pavements(李蕊)作者: Li, R (Li, Rui); Chen, JQ (Chen, Jiaqi); Zhou, TS (Zhou, Tianshu); Pei, JZ (Pei, Jianzhong)来源出版物 : CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 卷: 105 页: 336-342 DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2015.12.004 出版年: FEB 15 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 3被引频次合计: 4使用次数 (最近 180 天): 12使用次数 (2013 年至今): 44引用的参考文献数: 16摘要: This paper is about a kind of asphalt crack self-healing material upon exposure to UV light. In this work, the OXE-CHI-PUR networks self-healing agent are synthesized by the photocatalytic-based chemical method. It is a kind of asphalt crack self-healing material upon exposure to UV light. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy is used for characterization of the self-healing agent. TG analysis shows self healing agent has good thermal stability. Beside, this paper reveals the repair mechanism, validation and studies the influence of self-healing agent on the properties of asphalt. The result shows that this OXE-CHI-PUR network preferably synthesized self-healing agent for road materials. Self-healing agent can improve the low-temperature property, construction property and anti-aging property of asphalt. But high-temperature property of the asphalt has slight effect. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000369190800033语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Road engineering; Self-healing agent; Light-induced; OXE-CHI-PUR; Asphalt pavementKeyWords Plus: MICROCAPSULES; REJUVENATOR; COMPOSITE地址: [Li, Rui; Chen, Jiaqi; Pei, Jianzhong] Changan Univ, Highway Sch, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Zhou, Tianshu] Bur Transportat Jiaxing, Jiaxing 314599, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Pei, JZ (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Highway Sch, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别 : Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering; Materials ScienceIDS 号: DC4KWISSN: 0950-0618eISSN: 1879-0526

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29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: CONSTR BUILD MATERISO 来源出版物缩写: Constr. Build. Mater.来源出版物页码计数: 7

第 33 条标题 : Development and validation of nonlinear viscoelastic damage (NLVED) model for three-stage permanent deformation of asphalt concrete(张久鹏)作 者 : Zhang, JP (Zhang, Jiupeng); Fan, ZP (Fan, Zepeng); Fang, K (Fang, Kai); Pei, JZ (Pei, Jianzhong); Xu, L (Xu, Li)来源出版物 : CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 卷: 102 页: 384-392 DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2015.10.201 子辑: 1 出版年: JAN 15 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 4被引频次合计: 4使用次数 (最近 180 天): 5使用次数 (2013 年至今): 30引用的参考文献数: 28摘要: Modified Burgers model was applied to develop residual viscoelastic (RVE) and nonlinear viscous (NLV) strains for asphalt concrete subjected to repeated loading, and nonlinear viscoelastic damage (NLVED) model was then established and validated by incorporating damage variable. It is found that RVE strain proportion decreases with loading cycles and rest period, and NLV strain is predominant in total permanent strain. The repeated load permanent deformation (RLPD) test results show that the proposed NLVED model can well describe the three stage behavior of asphalt concrete in terms of permanent strain, strain rate and flow number. The damage evaluation shows that the damage of asphalt concrete is generated in the initial load and monotonically increases with the increasing loading cycles and becomes bigger and develops rapider at higher stress and temperature conditions. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000367635900044语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Asphalt concrete; Permanent deformation; Nonlinear; Viscoelastic; Damage; Repeated load permanent deformation testKeyWords Plus: MIXTURES地址 : [Zhang, Jiupeng; Fan, Zepeng; Fang, Kai; Pei, Jianzhong] Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Xu, Li] CCCC First Highway Consultants Co Ltd, Key Lab Highway Construct & Maintenance Technol P, Minist Transport, Xian 710075, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Pei, JZ (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别 : Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

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研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering; Materials ScienceIDS 号: DA2OOISSN: 0950-0618eISSN: 1879-052629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: CONSTR BUILD MATERISO 来源出版物缩写: Constr. Build. Mater.来源出版物页码计数: 9

第 34 条标题: Design Method and Cost-Benefit Analysis of Hybrid Fiber Used in Asphalt Concrete(作者中文名?)作者: Zhang, HW (Zhang, Haiwei); Hao, PW (Hao, Peiwen); Pang, Y (Pang, Yuan); Mwanza, AD (Mwanza, Aaron D.)来源出版物: ADVANCES IN MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 文献号: 8014704 DOI: 10.1155/2016/8014704 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 9使用次数 (2013 年至今): 9引用的参考文献数: 22摘要 : Fiber, as an additive, can improve the performance of asphalt concrete and be widely studied, but only a few works have been done for hybrid fiber. This paper presents a new and convenient method to design hybrid fiber and verifies hybrid fiber's superiority in asphalt pavement engineering. Firstly, this paper expounds the design method used as its applied example with the hybrid fiber composed of lignin, polyester, and polypropylene fibers. In this method, a direct shear device (DSD) is used to measure the shear damage energy density (SDED) of hybrid fiber modified asphalts, and range and variance statistical analysis are applied to determine the composition proportion of hybrid fiber. Then, the engineering property of hybrid fiber reinforced asphalt concrete (AC-13) is investigated. Finally, a cost-benefitmodel is developed to analyze the advantage of hybrid fiber compared to single fibers. The results show that the design method employed in this paper can offer a beneficial reference. A combination of 1.8% of lignin fiber and 2.4% of polyester fiber plus 3.0% polypropylene fiber presented the best reinforcement of the hybrid fiber. The cost-benefit model verifies that the hybrid fiber can bring about comprehensive pavement performance and good economy.

入藏号: WOS:000390775600001语种: English文献类型: ArticleKeyWords Plus: PERFORMANCE; MIXTURES; REINFORCEMENT; CRACKING; FATIGUE; GLASS地址 : [Zhang, Haiwei; Hao, Peiwen; Pang, Yuan] Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Mwanza, Aaron D.] China Civil Engn Construct Corp, Fuzhou Survey & Design Inst, Fuzhou 350013, Fujian, Peoples R China.

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通讯作者地址 : Zhang, HW (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: HINDAWI PUBLISHING CORP出版商地址: 315 MADISON AVE 3RD FLR, STE 3070, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USAWeb of Science 类别: Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Materials ScienceIDS 号: EG1EUISSN: 1687-8434eISSN: 1687-844229 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ADV MATER SCI ENGISO 来源出版物缩写: Adv. Mater. Sci. Eng.来源出版物页码计数: 9

第 35 条标 题 : EFFICIENCY AND EQUITY PERFORMANCE OF A COORDINATED RAMP METERING ALGORITHM(李多)作者: Li, D (Li, Duo); Ranjitkar, P (Ranjitkar, Prakash); Zhao, YF (Zhao, Yifei)来源出版物 : PROMET-TRAFFIC & TRANSPORTATION 卷 : 28 期 : 5 页 : 507-515 DOI: 10.7307/ptt.v28i5.2033 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 2使用次数 (2013 年至今): 5引用的参考文献数: 26摘要 : Ramp metering (RM) has been widely applied due to its effectiveness in improving motorway traffic conditions by limiting inflow from on-ramps. A great deal of experimental and simulation-based studies have proven system-wide benefits of motorways from RM. Benefits attributed to RM in the literature include reducing travel times, increasing motorway throughputs and decreasing fuel consumption and emissions. However, RM benefits might be costing more some motorway users, e.g. some on-ramp users might be experiencing longer delay than others, which leads to an unfair allocation of RM benefits. This paper presents a coordinated ramp metering strategy, which is aimed at reducing the inequity among motorway users using different on-ramps and investigates trade-offs between efficiency and equity for the proposed strategy. Total travel time is used to measure the efficiency while Gini coefficient is used to measure equity. A combined index is proposed incorporating the two measures to serve as an objective function to solve the bi-objective control design problem. The performance of the proposed strategy is verified by comparing it to a well-established coordinated ramp metering strategy HERO using micro-simulation software AIMSUN. Simulation results revealed that the equity of the motorway system can be improved significantly by using the proposed strategy without compromising much on the efficiency of the system.入藏号: WOS:000388251700007语种: English文献类型: Article

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作者关键词: ramp metering; efficiency; equity; AIMSUNKeyWords Plus: FREEWAY地址: [Li, Duo; Zhao, Yifei] Changan Univ, Highway Sch, Xian 710000, Peoples R China. [Ranjitkar, Prakash] Univ Auckland, Dept Civil & Environm Engn, Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142, New Zealand.通讯作者地址: Li, D (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Highway Sch, Xian 710000, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: SVENCILISTE U ZAGREBU, FAKULTET PROMETNIH ZNANOSTI出版商地址: VUKELICEVA 4, ZAGREB, 10000, CROATIAWeb of Science 类别: Transportation Science & Technology研究方向: TransportationIDS 号: EC6MZISSN: 0353-5320eISSN: 1848-406929 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: PROMET-ZAGREBISO 来源出版物缩写: Promet来源出版物页码计数: 9

第 36 条标 题 : COLLABORATIVE PLANNING COMPILATION BETWEEN LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION IN THE HIERARCHICAL CONTROL PLANNING: A CASE STUDY OF BAOJI, CHINA(段亚琼)作者: Duan, YQ (Duan Ya-Qiong); Ma, RG (Ma Rong-Guo); Hou, QH (Hou Quan-Hua)来源出版物: JOURNAL OF THE BALKAN TRIBOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION 卷: 22 期: 2A 页: 2069-2083 子辑: 2 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 3使用次数 (2013 年至今): 4引用的参考文献数: 17摘要: At present, many cities in China are in the high-speed development stage of outward rapid expansion and inward renewal. Because of the increasing land use scale, intensity and speed, the phenomenon of the more exploitation, the more congestion in big and medium-size cities had become increasingly serious. Much less attention is being paid to the compilation contents and standards of special plan on urban transport in control planning, to analysis of transport supply and demand balance and to transportation bearing capacity analysis in land use control indicators. The purpose of this study is to achieve the collaborative planning of land use and transportation in hierarchical control planning, and also aim to improve science property of land use indicators controlling. Using the bidirectional collaborative optimization method and applying to Baoji city control planning verified the feasibility with effectiveness of the integration and the collaborative optimization. The results show that there was a cooperation possibility between land use planning and transportation planning, and also ascertained the mechanism of collaborative planning compilation between them. The research also puts forward the contents and methods of collaborative planning compilation respectively. Results confirm that it can ensure the mutual

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coordination of urban transport and land use and improve transport facilities configuration, making a significant exploration for promoting non statutory transport planning into the statutory control planning.入藏号: WOS:000386865000013语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : hierarchical control planning; transportation planning; land use; coordination; planning compilation地址 : [Duan Ya-Qiong; Ma Rong-Guo] Changan Univ, Sch Highway, 161 Middle Changan Rd, Xian 710061, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Hou Quan-Hua] Changan Univ, Sch Architecture, 161 Middle Changan Rd, Xian 710061, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Hou, QH (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Architecture, 161 Middle Changan Rd, Xian 710061, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SCIBULCOM LTD出版商地址: PO BOX 249, 1113 SOFIA, BULGARIAWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Mechanical研究方向: EngineeringIDS 号: EA8DHISSN: 1310-477229 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J BALK TRIBOL ASSOCISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Balk. Tribol. Assoc.来源出版物页码计数: 15

第 37 条标题: Nonlinear viscoelastic model for asphalt mixture subjected to repeated loading(裴建中)作者: Pei, JZ (Pei, Jianzhong); Fan, ZP (Fan, Zepeng); Liu, HJ (Liu, Huanjiao); Zhang, JP (Zhang, Jiupeng); Li, R (Li, Rui); Li, YW (Li, Yanwei)来源出版物: ROAD MATERIALS AND PAVEMENT DESIGN 卷: 17 期: 4 页: 892-905 DOI: 10.1080/14680629.2015.1137781 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 2被引频次合计: 2使用次数 (最近 180 天): 2使用次数 (2013 年至今): 2引用的参考文献数: 15摘要 : The modified Burgers model was selected to develop the nonlinear viscoelastic (NLVE) model of asphalt mixture subjected to repeated load, and the permanent strain was expressed as the summation of residual viscoelastic (RVE) and nonlinear viscous (NLV) strains. It is found that RVE and NLV strains increase with the increasing loading cycles, but RVE strain decreases with the increasing rest period while NLV is not related to the rest period. The proportion of NLV strain to total strain increases with the rest period and loading cycles and the NLV strain is the predominant part if the rest period is long enough. Thus, the NLVE model could be predigested. The repeated load permanent deformation tests of three asphalt mixtures were conducted at

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different temperatures and stresses for model validation and parameter analysis. It is found that the permanent strain increases with test temperature and stress and the proposed NLVE model can well describe the mechanical behaviour of the asphalt mixture subjected to repeated load. Moreover, fitting results show that the modified Burgers model parameters decrease with test temperature but increase with stress while parameter shows no significant change rule.入藏号: WOS:000385670100007语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词 : asphalt mixture; permanent deformation; repeated load; modified Burgers model; residual viscoelastic strain; nonlinear viscous strain地址: [Pei, Jianzhong; Fan, Zepeng; Liu, Huanjiao; Zhang, Jiupeng; Li, Rui] Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Middle Sect, Southern Erhuan Rd, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Li, Yanwei] Bur Transportat Shijiazhuang, Shijiazhuang 050051, Hebei, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Zhang, JP (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Middle Sect, Southern Erhuan Rd, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD出 版 商 地 址 : 2-4 PARK SQUARE, MILTON PARK, ABINGDON OR14 4RN, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别 : Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering; Materials ScienceIDS 号: DZ2KGISSN: 1468-0629eISSN: 2164-740229 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ROAD MATER PAVEMENTISO 来源出版物缩写: Road Mater. Pavement Des.来源出版物页码计数: 14

第 38 条标题 : Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors-Based In Situ Monitoring and Safety Assessment of Loess Tunnel(赖金星)作者 : Lai, JX (Lai, Jinxing); Qiu, JL (Qiu, Junling); Fan, HB (Fan, Haobo); Zhang, Q (Zhang, Qian); Hu, ZN (Hu, Zhinan); Wang, JB (Wang, Junbao); Chen, JX (Chen, Jianxun)来源出版物: JOURNAL OF SENSORS 文献号: UNSP 8658290 DOI: 10.1155/2016/8658290 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 6被引频次合计: 6使用次数 (最近 180 天): 18使用次数 (2013 年至今): 48引用的参考文献数: 46摘要: Compared with electrical strain gauges, fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensing technology is a relatively novel method for tunnel structural health monitoring, which has a number of advantages including high accuracy, multiplexing, electromagnetic interference resistance, and good

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repeatability. In order to study the internal force of the tunnel liner and detect the potential safety hazards, series of strain monitoring tests of a loess tunnel, taking into account the complex stress and strain variation of the loess during tunnelling, were performed by employing the tandem linear FBG sensor arrays controlled by the wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) technology. The concrete strain has obvious linear characteristics over time in the early stage and then gradually tends to a stable value. Moreover, after the necessary temperature compensation, loess tunnel structure safety was assessed through the analysis of real-time strain and internal force of the liner concrete, and the FBG monitoring data and safety assessment results indicate that the safety factors of various liner sections all meet the code requirements, which verify the safety and stability of the tunnel liner structure. The FBG sensors-based in situ monitoring technology can be well applied in the loess tunnel structure safety assessment.入藏号: WOS:000385100600001语种: English文献类型: ArticleKeyWords Plus: STRAIN SENSORS; OPTICAL-FIBERS; TECHNOLOGY; SYSTEM地址: [Lai, Jinxing; Qiu, Junling; Fan, Haobo; Chen, Jianxun] Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Zhang, Qian; Hu, Zhinan] Shijiazhuang Tiedao Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Shijiazhuang 050043, Peoples R China. [Wang, Junbao] Xian Univ Architecture & Technol, Sch Civil Engn, Xian 710055, Peoples R China.通讯作者 地址 : Chen, JX (通讯作者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号lai, Jinxing 0000-0002-1558-9482 Qiu, Junling 0000-0002-7628-5431

出版商: HINDAWI PUBLISHING CORP出版商地址: 315 MADISON AVE 3RD FLR, STE 3070, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USAWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Electrical & Electronic; Instruments & Instrumentation研究方向: Engineering; Instruments & InstrumentationIDS 号: DY4WKISSN: 1687-725XeISSN: 1687-726829 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J SENSORSISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Sens.来源出版物页码计数: 10

第 39 条标题 : Stress Analysis of CFG Pile Composite Foundation in Consolidating Saturated Mine Tailings Dam(赖金星)作 者 : Lai, JX (Lai, Jinxing); Liu, HQ (Liu, Houquan); Qiu, JL (Qiu, Junling); Fan, HB (Fan,

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Haobo); Zhang, Q (Zhang, Qian); Hu, ZN (Hu, Zhinan); Wang, JB (Wang, Junbao)来源出版物: ADVANCES IN MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 文献号: 3948754 DOI: 10.1155/2016/3948754 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 19使用次数 (2013 年至今): 44引用的参考文献数: 52摘要 : Cement fly-ash gravel (CFG) pile is a widely used ground reinforcement technique. This paper aims to address the mechanical characteristics of CFG composite foundation in consolidating saturated mine tailings (MTs) dam. The field static load tests were employed to explore the bearing capacity of the CFG composite foundation, and finite element (FE) models in three dimensions validated through comparison with experimental results were used to discuss the pile-soil stress distribution and pile-soil stress ratio of the CFG composite foundation. The results indicate that the distribution of earth pressure and pile stress is relatively homogeneous and stable over depth and load, while the development of CFG composite foundation bearing capacity is insufficient, in which the developed bearing capacity of CFG piles is less than 50% of its characteristic value. Additionally, compared with the laboratory model test results, the pile-soil stress ratio decreases with the increasing of the load in FEM results proved to better conform to the actual engineering conditions. Furthermore, the deformation modulus and thickness of cushion exert significant influence on pile-soil stress ratio and integral bearing capacity of CFG composite foundation.入藏号: WOS:000383457800001语种: English文献类型: ArticleKeyWords Plus: NUMERICAL-ANALYSIS; PAVEMENT; SYSTEM; SAND; RAFT地址: [Lai, Jinxing; Liu, Houquan; Qiu, Junling; Fan, Haobo] Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Zhang, Qian; Hu, Zhinan] Shijiazhuang Tiedao Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Shijiazhuang 050043, Peoples R China. [Wang, Junbao] Xian Univ Architecture & Technol, Sch Civil Engn, Xian 710055, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Lai, JX; Fan, HB (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: HINDAWI PUBLISHING CORP出版商地址: 315 MADISON AVE 3RD FLR, STE 3070, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USAWeb of Science 类别: Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Materials ScienceIDS 号: DW2FHISSN: 1687-8434eISSN: 1687-844229 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ADV MATER SCI ENGISO 来源出版物缩写: Adv. Mater. Sci. Eng.

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来源出版物页码计数: 12

第 40 条标题: In Situ Test of Grouting Reinforcement for Water-Enriched Sandy Gravel Ground in River Floodplain(赖金星)作者: Lai, JX (Lai, Jinxing); Feng, ZH (Feng, Zhihua); Qiu, JL (Qiu, Junling); Chen, JX (Chen, Jianxun); Fan, HB (Fan, Haobo)来源出版物: ADVANCES IN MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 文献号: 2129659 DOI: 10.1155/2016/2129659 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 7使用次数 (2013 年至今): 18引用的参考文献数: 40摘要 : The performance of the ground treatment is always critical for a tunnel excavated in unstable stratum. Laodongnanlu Xiangjiang Tunnel (Changsha, China) across the Xiangjiang River will be constructed in a sandy gravel ground which is characterized by loose structure, extensive porosity, elevated sensitivity, poor stability, and a high groundwater table. Permeation grouting will be employed to improve the bearing capacity and mitigate groundwater movement into the excavation. In order to seek suitable injection parameters and grouting method, a field trial of vertical grouting was conducted in the sandy gravel stratum in river floodplain. A series of tests focusing on grout material, grouting sequence of boreholes, injection pressure, and grouting volume were performed to improve the sandy gravel mass strength and reduce water permeability. The examination of the results obtained during water pressure testing and core drilling on completion of the grouting trial successfully demonstrated that the specified injection criteria had led to an expected effect. Grouting control method of this saturated sandy gravel stratum was concluded after the test, which would contribute to the future pregrouting work during the tunnelling.入藏号: WOS:000381123500001语种: English文献类型: ArticleKeyWords Plus: SOIL; TUNNEL地址: [Lai, Jinxing; Feng, Zhihua; Qiu, Junling; Chen, Jianxun; Fan, Haobo] Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Lai, JX; Qiu, JL (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Feng, Zhihua 0000-0003-4168-4990 Qiu, Junling 0000-0002-7628-5431


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Web of Science 类别: Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Materials ScienceIDS 号: DS9SLISSN: 1687-8434eISSN: 1687-844229 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ADV MATER SCI ENGISO 来源出版物缩写: Adv. Mater. Sci. Eng.来源出版物页码计数: 12

第 41 条标题 : The Effect of Morphological Characteristic of Coarse Aggregates Measured with Fractal Dimension on Asphalt Mixture's High-Temperature Performance(汪海年)作者: Wang, HN (Wang, Hainian); Bu, Y (Bu, Yin); Wang, YZ (Wang, Yanzhe); Yang, X (Yang, Xu); You, ZP (You, Zhanping)来源出版物: ADVANCES IN MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 文献号: 6264317 DOI: 10.1155/2016/6264317 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 6使用次数 (2013 年至今): 38引用的参考文献数: 18摘要 : The morphological properties of coarse aggregates, such as shape, angularity, and surface texture, have a great influence on the mechanical performance of asphalt mixtures. This study aims to investigate the effect of coarse aggregate morphological properties on the high-temperature performance of asphalt mixtures. A modified Los Angeles (LA) abrasion test was employed to produce aggregates with various morphological properties by applying abrasion cycles of 0, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, and 1200 on crushed angular aggregates. Based on a laboratory-developed Morphology Analysis System for Coarse Aggregates (MASCA), the morphological properties of the coarse aggregate particles were quantified using the index of fractal dimension. The high-temperature performances of the dense-graded asphalt mixture (AC-16), gap-graded stone asphalt mixture (SAC-16), and stone mastic asphalt (SMA-16) mixtures containing aggregates with different fractal dimensions were evaluated through the dynamic stability (DS) test and the penetration shear test in laboratory. Good linear correlations between the fractal dimension and high-temperature indexes were obtained for all three types of mixtures. Moreover, the results also indicated that higher coarse aggregate angularity leads to stronger high-temperature shear resistance of asphalt mixtures.入藏号: WOS:000372219900001语种: English文献类型: ArticleKeyWords Plus: ANGULARITY; RESISTANCE; CONCRETE地址 : [Wang, Hainian; Bu, Yin; Wang, Yanzhe] Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Yang, Xu; You, Zhanping] Michigan Technol Univ, Dept Civil & Environm Engn, 1400 Townsend Dr, Houghton, MI 49931 USA.

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通讯作 者 地址 : Wang, HN (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号You, Zhanping P-4406-2015 0000-0002-9103-6599 Yang, Xu P-4414-2015 0000-0001-8789-0760

出版商: HINDAWI LTD出版商地址: ADAM HOUSE, 3RD FLR, 1 FITZROY SQ, LONDON, W1T 5HF, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Materials ScienceIDS 号: DG6TVISSN: 1687-8434eISSN: 1687-844229 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ADV MATER SCI ENGISO 来源出版物缩写: Adv. Mater. Sci. Eng.来源出版物页码计数: 9

第 42 条标题: Molecular Dynamics Simulation to Investigate the Interaction of Asphaltene and Oxide in Aggregate(李蕊)作者: Li, R (Li, Rui); Du, H (Du, Hui); Fan, ZP (Fan, Zepeng); Pei, JZ (Pei, Jianzhong)来源出版物: ADVANCES IN MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 文献号: 3817123 DOI: 10.1155/2016/3817123 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 3被引频次合计: 3使用次数 (最近 180 天): 5使用次数 (2013 年至今): 31引用的参考文献数: 10摘要 : The asphalt-aggregate interface interaction (AAI) plays a significant role in the overall performances of asphalt mixture, which is caused due to the complicated physicochemical processes and is influenced by various factors, including the acid-base property of aggregates. In order to analyze the effects of the chemical constitution of aggregate on the AAI, the average structure C-65 H-74 N-2 S-2 is selected to represent the asphaltene in asphalt and magnesium oxide (MgO), calcium oxide (CaO), aluminium sesquioxide (Al-2 O-3), and silicon dioxide (SiO2) are selected to represent the major oxides in aggregate. The molecular models are established for asphaltene and the four oxides, respectively, and the molecular dynamics (MD) simulation was conducted for the four kinds of asphaltene-oxide system at different temperatures. The interfacial energy in MD simulation is calculated to evaluate the AAI, and higher value means better interaction. The results show that interfacial energy between asphaltene and oxide reaches the maximum value at 25 degrees C and 80 degrees C and the minimum value at 40 degrees C. In addition, the interfacial energy between asphaltene and MgO was found to be the greatest, followed by CaO, Al-2 O-3, and SiO2, which demonstrates that the AAI between asphalt and

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alkaline aggregates is better than acidic aggregates.入藏号: WOS:000371021700001语种: English文献类型: Article地址: [Li, Rui; Fan, Zepeng; Pei, Jianzhong] Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Du, Hui] Southeast Univ, Sch Transportat Engn, Nanjing 210096, Jiangsu, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Pei, JZ (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: HINDAWI PUBLISHING CORP出版商地址: 410 PARK AVENUE, 15TH FLOOR, #287 PMB, NEW YORK, NY 10022 USAWeb of Science 类别: Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Materials ScienceIDS 号: DF0IFISSN: 1687-8434eISSN: 1687-844229 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ADV MATER SCI ENGISO 来源出版物缩写: Adv. Mater. Sci. Eng.来源出版物页码计数: 10

第 43 条标题: The Electrical Performance of Polyamide 66/Poly(vinylidene fluoride) with Vinyl Acetate-Maleic Anhydride Copolymer(李蕊)作 者 : Li, R (Li, Rui); Shi, ZL (Shi, Zhiliang); Kuang, DL (Kuang, Dongliang); Pei, JZ (Pei, Jianzhong)来源出版物: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE 文献号: 3580820 DOI: 10.1155/2016/3580820 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 4使用次数 (2013 年至今): 18引用的参考文献数: 13摘 要 : The electric performance of the PA66/PVDF blends filled with various amount of copolymer synthesized from vinyl acetate-maleic anhydride (VAMA) was investigated. PA66/VAMA/PVDF blends show high dielectric constants, low dielectric loss, and excellent breakdown strength, which were important indexes in the actual application of dielectric material. The VAMA copolymer improves the dielectric and piezoelectric performance of the PA66/PVDF blends. Meanwhile, the addition of VAMA obviously decreases the dielectric loss and breakdown strength of the blends. PA66/PVDF blends filled with 3 wt% VAMA exhibited the best electric ability. The stable dielectric constants of the all-polymeric blends can be tuned by adjusting the content of the VAMA. The created all-polymeric blends represent a novel dielectric material that is technologically simple and easy to process forward application for flexible electronics.入藏号: WOS:000371040800001语种: English

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文献类型: ArticleKeyWords Plus: FLEXIBLE MATERIALS; NANOCOMPOSITES; COMPOSITES; CAPACITORS; PROPERTY; BLENDS地址: [Li, Rui; Shi, Zhiliang; Pei, Jianzhong] Changan Univ, Highway Sch, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Kuang, Dongliang] Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Pei, JZ (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Highway Sch, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: HINDAWI LTD出版商地址: ADAM HOUSE, 3RD FLR, 1 FITZROY SQ, LONDON, WIT 5HE, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Polymer Science研究方向: Polymer ScienceIDS 号: DF0PHISSN: 1687-9422eISSN: 1687-943029 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: INT J POLYM SCIISO 来源出版物缩写: Int. J. Polym. Sci.来源出版物页码计数: 5

第 44 条标题 : High Dielectric Performance of Polyamide 66/Poly(Vinylidene Fluoride) Flexible Blends Induced by Interfacial Copolymer for Capacitors(李蕊)作者: Li, R (Li, Rui); Chen, ZX (Chen, Zixuan); Pei, JZ (Pei, Jianzhong)来源出版物: POLYMERS 卷: 8 期: 1 文献号: 2 DOI: 10.3390/polym8010002 出版年: JAN 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 2被引频次合计: 2使用次数 (最近 180 天): 6使用次数 (2013 年至今): 26引用的参考文献数: 12摘要: The copolymer VAMA was synthesized from vinyl acetic and maleic anhydride. A new all-polymeric blend with a high dielectric constant (epsilon) has been developed by blending polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) with vinyl acetic-maleic anhydride modified polyamide (PA66-g-VM). The blend shows high dielectric constants (epsilon(blend) = 20) and excellent mechanical properties. The SEM investigations suggest that the enhanced dielectric behavior originates from significant interfacial interactions between polymers. The XRD demonstrates that the compatibilizer affects the crystalline behavior of each component. Furthermore, the stable dielectric constants of the all-polymeric blends can be tuned by adjusting the content of the compatibilizer. The created high-epsilon all-polymeric blends represent a novel type of material that is technologically simple, easy to process, and of a relatively high dielectric constant, with application for flexible electronics.入藏号: WOS:000369493100002语种: English文献类型: Article

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作者关键词: compatilbilizer; blend; dielectric property; interaction; all-polymerKeyWords Plus: COMPOSITES; PROPERTY地址 : [Li, Rui; Chen, Zixuan; Pei, Jianzhong] Changan Univ, Highway Sch, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Pei, JZ (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Highway Sch, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: MDPI AG出版商地址: ST ALBAN-ANLAGE 66, CH-4052 BASEL, SWITZERLANDWeb of Science 类别: Polymer Science研究方向: Polymer ScienceIDS 号: DC8TRISSN: 2073-436029 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: POLYMERS-BASELISO 来源出版物缩写: Polymers来源出版物页码计数: 8

第 45 条标题: Analysis of viscous flow properties of asphalt in aging process(栗培龙)作者 : Li, PL (Li, Peilong); Ding, Z (Ding, Zhan); Ma, LX (Ma, Li Xia); Feng, ZG (Feng, Zhen Gang)来源出版物 : CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 卷: 124 页: 631-638 DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.06.136 出版年: OCT 15 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 7使用次数 (2013 年至今): 15引用的参考文献数: 27摘要: The inevitable change in asphalt properties owing to aging exists in the cycle of pavement decay under the loading from both weather and traffic. To analyze the viscous flow properties of asphalt in the aging process, a series of aging simulation tests were conducted on five regular asphalt samples for different time by rolling thin film oven (RTFO) in the laboratory, and then Brookfield rotational viscosity (RV), dynamic shear Theological test (DSR), bending beam rheometer (BBR) and component analysis (CA) tests were carried out on these samples. The parameter visco-flow activation energy (E-eta) was obtained by means of Arrhenius equation according to the viscosity values of asphalt at different temperatures. The changing regularity of E-eta during the aging process was analyzed. On the base of DSR, BBR and CA test result analysis, the relationship of E-eta with G*sin delta, tan delta, m-value and k was discussed respectively. The results and analysis indicate there is significant effect of aging on viscous flow behavior of asphalt. With the deepening of aging, E-eta increases continuously. The average growth rate of E-eta for the same asphalt in several aging stages varies considerably due to the difference in anti-aging performance. There is no remarkable relationship between E-eta and DSR Theological parameters, while E-eta shows a good negative correlation with the rate of creep stiffness (m) and also a good linear correlation with colloidal instability index (I-c). Therefore, the viscous flow property of asphalt is closely related to the low temperature creep behavior and

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colloidal structure. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000385319300063语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Asphalt; Viscous flow properties; Aging simulation; Viscous-flow activation energy (E-eta); Rotational viscosity (RV); Dynamic shear rheometer (DSR); Bending beam rheometer (BBR); Component Analysis; Colloidal instability index (I-c)KeyWords Plus: MODIFIED BITUMEN; SIMULATION; RHEOLOGY地址 : [Li, Peilong] Changan Univ, Minist Transport, Key Lab Rd Struct & Mat, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Ding, Zhan] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Ma, Li Xia; Feng, Zhen Gang] Changan Univ, Highway Sch, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Li, PL (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Minist Transport, Key Lab Rd Struct & Mat, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电 子 邮 件 地 址 : [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别 : Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering; Materials ScienceIDS 号: DY7OQISSN: 0950-0618eISSN: 1879-052629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: CONSTR BUILD MATERISO 来源出版物缩写: Constr. Build. Mater.来源出版物页码计数: 8

第 46 条标 题 : Study on microstructure of rubberized recycled hot mix asphalt based X-ray CT technology(汪海年)作者 : Wang, HN (Wang, Hainian); Zhang, R (Zhang, Ran); Chen, Y (Chen, Yu); You, ZP (You, Zhanping); Fang, J (Fang, Jun)来源出版物 : CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 卷: 121 页: 177-184 DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.05.166 出版年: SEP 15 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 2被引频次合计: 2使用次数 (最近 180 天): 15使用次数 (2013 年至今): 39引用的参考文献数: 22摘要: Micro-structural characteristics of recycled asphalt mixture have an important influence on its macro mechanical performance. In this study, the discreteness, RAP dosage and asphalt film

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thickness of hot asphalt mixtures with recycled rubber were analyzed through CT scanning together with the IPP software. The recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) content was set as 25%, and the asphalt mixture specimens were produced in the laboratory. Different kinds of hot recycled rubber asphalt mixtures were produced to calculate the film thickness of the asphalt with five different asphalt dosages, 4.2%, 4.5%, 4.8%, 5.1%, and 5.4%, and three different aggregate particle sizes. From the results, it shows that the distribution of rubberized recycled hot mix asphalts can be analyzed by CT and considered as uniform, as the average particle size of aggregate on the left side is 2458.93 mu m while the right is 2487.38 mu m. The calculation of RAP dosage by CT technology is reliable. The RAP dosage is calculated to be 23.98%, and the actual error is 4.1%, relatively small. The asphalt film thickness of the rubberized recycled hot mix asphalt obtained by CT is reliable. It has strong, linear correlation with the asphalt film thickness calculated using the Hweem method. Asphalt film thickness increases with the increase in asphalt dosage under similar aggregate particle size, and asphalt film thickness increases with the decrease in aggregate particle size-under the same asphalt dosage. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000380597900019语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Recycled hot asphalt; Microstructure; Crumb rubber asphalt; Asphalt film; X-ray CTKeyWords Plus: CRUMB RUBBER; PERFORMANCE; MIXTURES; PAVEMENTS地址 : [Wang, Hainian; Zhang, Ran; Chen, Yu; Fang, Jun] Changan Univ, Rd Struct & Mat Key Lab Transportat, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [You, Zhanping] Michigan Technol Univ, Dept Civil & Environm Engn, Houghton, MI 49931 USA.通讯作者地址 : Wang, HN (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Rd Struct & Mat Key Lab Transportat, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号You, Zhanping P-4406-2015 0000-0002-9103-6599

出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别 : Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering; Materials ScienceIDS 号: DS2KHISSN: 0950-0618eISSN: 1879-052629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: CONSTR BUILD MATERISO 来源出版物缩写: Constr. Build. Mater.来源出版物页码计数: 8

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第 47 条标题 : Evaluation of deformation properties of asphalt mixture using aggregate slip test (栗培龙)作者: Li, PL (Li, Peilong); Ding, Z (Ding, Zhan); Rao, WY (Rao, Wenyu)来源出版物: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PAVEMENT ENGINEERING 卷: 17 期: 6 页 542-549 DOI: 10.1080/10298436.2015.1007229 出版年: JUL 2 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 6使用次数 (2013 年至今): 30引用的参考文献数: 18摘要 : Asphalt mixture is a multiphase particulate material composed of aggregate, asphalt and filler. The deformation property of asphalt mixture is an external reflection of aggregate slip behaviour. To evaluate the high-temperature deformation properties of asphalt mixture, an aggregate slip device was developed and aggregate slip tests were conducted on five asphalt mixtures for different gradations under different test conditions. Four evaluation parameters, the slip failure load (F-s), the slip failure deformation (D-s), slip modulus parameter (M) and slip energy index (SEI), were obtained according to the load-displacement curves. The relationship between these parameters and rut depth (RD) was analysed. The effects of test temperature and asphalt content on slip resistance of asphalt mixture are studied in this research. The results indicate that the parameter F-s has limitations for large nominal maximum particle-size mixture, and SEI is an effective parameter to evaluate the aggregate slip properties for different nominal maximum particle-size asphalt mixtures. SEI has the strongest relationship to RD, which is the best parameter to evaluate the slip deformation behaviour of asphalt mixture. With the increase in asphalt content, SEI has a peak value and a valley value. When the optimum asphalt content is used in asphalt mixture, aggregate skeleton effect and asphalt cohesive force can both reach a high level, and asphalt mixture has the best deformation resistance.入藏号: WOS:000371596100007语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: asphalt mixture; deformation property; aggregate slip test; evaluation parameter; slip energy index (SEI); slip resistanceKeyWords Plus: HOT-MIX ASPHALT; COARSE AGGREGATE; BEHAVIOR; MORPHOLOGY地址 : [Li, Peilong] Changan Univ, Key Lab Rd Struct & Mat, Minist Transport, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Ding, Zhan] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Rao, Wenyu] Changan Univ, Highway Sch, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Li, PL (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Key Lab Rd Struct & Mat, Minist Transport, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD出版商地址: 4 PARK SQUARE, MILTON PARK, ABINGDON OX14 4RN, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别 : Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil; Materials Science, Characterization & Testing

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研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering; Materials ScienceIDS 号: DF8GRISSN: 1029-8436eISSN: 1477-268X29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: INT J PAVEMENT ENGISO 来源出版物缩写: Int. J. Pavement Eng.来源出版物页码计数: 8

第 48 条标题: Comparative evaluation of laboratory and field ageing of asphalt binder using a non-linear differential model(栗培龙)作 者 : Li, PL (Li, Peilong); Ding, Z (Ding, Zhan); Zhang, ZQ (Zhang, Zhengqi); Zhang, DY (Zhang, Dongyang)来源出版物: ROAD MATERIALS AND PAVEMENT DESIGN 卷: 17 期: 2 页: 434-445 DOI: 10.1080/14680629.2015.1071717 出版年: JUN 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 4使用次数 (2013 年至今): 17引用的参考文献数: 25摘要 : Aging of asphalt binders leads to evolution of pavements' mechanical performances. To study the ageing process and ageing behaviour of asphalt binder, a rolling thin film oven test (RTFOT) and a self-designed ventilation oven test at 60 degrees C (VOT) were conducted on five regular asphalt samples in the laboratory, and aged asphalt was extracted from six pavement sections of different service lives. Viscosity of asphalt samples was fitted with a non-linear differential dynamic model by numerical analysis software, and two parameters of L and r for different ageing approaches are obtained. With the two parameters, the ageing process of these asphalts under different ageing conditions was discussed, and the relationship between simulation ageing and field ageing was investigated. The results indicate that the non-linear differential dynamic model can effectively evaluate the asphalt ageing process in the laboratory and in the field. The model parameters (L and r) can be used to quantify the ageing state and ageing rate. Asphalt has its ultimate ageing state corresponding with different ageing temperatures. The ultimate ageing degree of RTFOT and field ageing is about 4-5 times that of VOT. The ageing effect shift factor is approximately 60min of extended RTFOT ageing to represent 1 year of field ageing. Thus time-extending RTFOT can simulate the long-term ageing of pavement asphalt. And the parameter L or r may be used to predict the extent of ageing in lab-aged materials.入藏号: WOS:000374662300010语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : asphalt binder; ageing process; non-linear differential dynamic model; ultimate ageing state; ageing rateKeyWords Plus: MODIFIED BITUMEN; SIMULATION地址: [Li, Peilong; Zhang, Zhengqi] Changan Univ, Minist Transport, Key Lab Rd Struct & Mat, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.

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[Ding, Zhan] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Zhang, Dongyang] Changan Univ, Highway Sch, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Li, PL (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Minist Transport, Key Lab Rd Struct & Mat, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD出版商地址: 4 PARK SQUARE, MILTON PARK, ABINGDON OX14 4RN, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别 : Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering; Materials ScienceIDS 号: DK1HEISSN: 1468-0629eISSN: 2164-740229 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ROAD MATER PAVEMENTISO 来源出版物缩写: Road Mater. Pavement Des.来源出版物页码计数: 12

第 49 条标题: Health monitoring of cuplok scaffold joint connection using piezoceramic transducers and time reversal method(张柳煜)作者 : Zhang, LY (Zhang, Liuyu); Wang, CY (Wang, Chenyu); Huo, LS (Huo, Linsheng); Song, GB (Song, Gangbing)来源出版物: SMART MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES 卷: 25 期: 3 文献号: 035010 DOI: 10.1088/0964-1726/25/3/035010 出版年: MAR 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 5使用次数 (2013 年至今): 29引用的参考文献数: 34摘 要 : Cuplok scaffolds are widely used to form temporary supporting structures when constructing bridges and other structures all over the world. The safety and stability of cuplok scaffolds are important issues during construction. Cuplok scaffolds are subjected to various types of vibrations, which may loosen the cuplok connection, negatively impacting the stability of the structure and even leading to severe accidents. In this paper, the authors propose a time reversal (TR) method to monitor the looseness status of the cuplok connection by using stress wave-based active sensing. Lead zirconate titanate (PZT), a commonly used piezoceramic material with a strong piezoelectric effect, is employed. In the proposed approach, PZT patches are used as sensors and actuators to monitor the cuplok joint looseness. One PZT patch is bonded to the vertical bar and two PZT patches are bonded to the cross bars of the cuplok scaffold. The PZT patch on the vertical bar is used as an actuator to generate a stress wave and the other two PZT patches are used as sensors to detect the propagated waves through the cuplok connection, the looseness of which will directly impact the stress wave propagation. The TR method is used to analyse the transmitted signal between the PZT patches through the cuplok connection. By comparing the peak values of the TR focused signal, it can be found that the peak value increases

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as the tightness. of the cuplok connection increases. Therefore, the peak value of the TR focused signal can be used to monitor the tightness of the cuplok connection. In addition, the experimental results demonstrated that the TR method is superior to the energy method in consistency, sensitivity and anti-noise properties.入藏号: WOS:000372338600011语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : time reversal method; active sensing; PZT; cuplok scaffold; structural health monitoringKeyWords Plus: ULTRASONIC SIGNALS; CONSTRUCTION; FEATURES; SYSTEMS; DAMAGE地址 : [Zhang, Liuyu] Changan Univ, Engn Res Ctr Large Highway Struct Safety, Minist Educ, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Wang, Chenyu; Song, Gangbing] Univ Houston, Dept Mech Engn, Smart Mat & Struct Lab, Houston, TX 77004 USA. [Huo, Linsheng; Song, Gangbing] Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Civil Engn, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Song, GB (通讯作者),Univ Houston, Dept Mech Engn, Smart Mat & Struct Lab, Houston, TX 77004 USA.Song, GB (通讯作者),Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Civil Engn, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: IOP PUBLISHING LTD出版商地址: TEMPLE CIRCUS, TEMPLE WAY, BRISTOL BS1 6BE, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Instruments & Instrumentation; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Instruments & Instrumentation; Materials ScienceIDS 号: DG8MPISSN: 0964-1726eISSN: 1361-665X29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: SMART MATER STRUCTISO 来源出版物缩写: Smart Mater. Struct.来源出版物页码计数: 11

第 50 条标 题 : Settlement Analysis of Saturated Tailings Dam Treated by CFG Pile Composite Foundation(赖金星)作者 : Lai, JX (Lai, Jinxing); Liu, HQ (Liu, Houquan); Qiu, JL (Qiu, Junling); Chen, JX (Chen, Jianxun)来源出版物: ADVANCES IN MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 文献号: 7383762 DOI: 10.1155/2016/7383762 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 2被引频次合计: 2使用次数 (最近 180 天): 7使用次数 (2013 年至今): 47引用的参考文献数: 30

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摘要 : Cement fly ash gravel (CFG) pile composite foundation is an effective and economic foundation treatment approach, which is significant to building foundation, subgrade construction, and so forth. The present paper aims at investigating the settlement behaviors of saturated tailings dam soft ground under CFG pile composite foundation treatment, in which FEM and laboratory model test were utilized. The proposed findings demonstrate that CFG pile treatment is effective in reinforcing saturated tailings dam and loading has little influence on settlement of soil between piles. The variation of soil between piles settlement in FEM has a good agreement with the laboratory model test. Additionally, the cushion deformation modulus has a small effect on the composite foundation settlement, although the cushion thickness will generate certain influence on the settlement distribution of the composite foundation.入藏号: WOS:000371022600001语种: English文献类型: Article地址: [Lai, Jinxing; Chen, Jianxun] Changan Univ, Shaanxi Prov Major Lab Highway Bridge & Tunnel, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Lai, Jinxing; Liu, Houquan; Qiu, Junling] Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Lai, JX; Chen, JX (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Shaanxi Prov Major Lab Highway Bridge & Tunnel, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.Lai, JX (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Qiu, Junling 0000-0002-7628-5431

出版商: HINDAWI LTD出版商地址: ADAM HOUSE, 3RD FLR, 1 FITZROY SQ, LONDON, WIT 5HE, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Materials ScienceIDS 号: DF0IOISSN: 1687-8434eISSN: 1687-844229 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ADV MATER SCI ENGISO 来源出版物缩写: Adv. Mater. Sci. Eng.来源出版物页码计数: 10

第 51 条标题: Vibration analysis of a multi-span continuous bridge subject to complex traffic loading and vehicle dynamic interaction(王凌波)作者: Wang, LB (Wang, Lingbo); Kang, X (Kang, Xin); Jiang, PW (Jiang, Peiwen)来源出版物 : KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING 卷: 20 期: 1 页: 323-332 DOI: 10.1007/s12205-015-0358-4 出版年: JAN 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0

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使用次数 (最近 180 天): 6使用次数 (2013 年至今): 19引用的参考文献数: 16摘要: A numerical analysis of the dynamic behavior of multi-span continuous bridges subject to traffic loadings and vehicle dynamic interactions is presented in this paper using the finite element program ANSYS. The proposed numerical model is capable of: (1) analyze "complex bridge systems", "complex vehicle models", and "complex traffic conditions"; (2) predict the vehicle-bridge coupled vibration response under various complex traffic loadings and vehicle dynamic conditions including the passage of multiple vehicles, vehicles changing lanes, vehicles subject to constant acceleration, and vehicles overtaking; and, (3) investigate the effect of girder stiffness decay on the coupled vibration of the vehicle-bridge system. Analytical and experimental results indicate that decay in the girder stiffness has a major effect on the coupled vibrations between the vehicles and bridge. The established method could be extended to analyze the vehicle-bridge coupled vibrations of many different types of bridges subject to complex vehicle loadings, which potentially could have a broad impact in the field of Bridge Engineering.入藏号: WOS:000367198800032语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: bridge engineering; vehicle-bridge coupled vibrations; girder stiffness decayKeyWords Plus: MOVING MASS; BEAM地址 : [Wang, Lingbo] Changan Univ, Key Lab Bridge & Tunnel Shaanxi Prov, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Kang, Xin] Missouri Univ Sci & Technol, Dept Civil Environm & Architectural Engn, Rolla, MO 65409 USA. [Jiang, Peiwen] Shaanxi Prov Transport Dept, Basic Construct Project Qual Supervis Stn, Xian 710075, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Kang, X (通讯作 者 ),Missouri Univ Sci & Technol, Dept Civil Environm & Architectural Engn, Rolla, MO 65409 USA.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: KOREAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS-KSCE出版商地址: 50-7 OGUM-DONG, SONGPA-KU, SEOUL, 138-857, SOUTH KOREAWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Civil研究方向: EngineeringIDS 号: CZ6GIISSN: 1226-7988eISSN: 1976-380829 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: KSCE J CIV ENGISO 来源出版物缩写: KSCE J. Civ. Eng.来源出版物页码计数: 10

第 52 条标题 : An improved car-following model considering the immediately ahead car's velocity difference(作者中文名?)作者: Yu, SW (Yu, Shaowei); Zhao, XM (Zhao, Xiangmo); Xu, ZG (Xu, Zhigang); Shi, ZK (Shi,

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Zhongke)来源出版物 : PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS 卷 : 461 页: 446-455 DOI: 10.1016/j.physa.2016.06.011 出版年: NOV 1 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 2使用次数 (最近 180 天): 3使用次数 (2013 年至今): 25引用的参考文献数: 35摘要: The field car-following data at a signalized intersection of Jinan in China are collected for data mining. An improved car-following model considering the immediately ahead car's velocity difference on a single-lane road was proposed, calibrated and verified based on full velocity difference model. The results of some numerical simulations indicate that the immediately ahead car's velocity difference has significant effects on the following car's motion, that the improved car-following model fits the measured data well and can qualitatively describe the impacts of the immediately ahead car's velocity difference on traffic flow, and that modeling the car-following behavior considering the immediately ahead car's velocity difference can improve the stability of the simulated traffic flow. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000380601200040语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Car-following model; The immediately ahead car's velocity difference; The measured data; Data miningKeyWords Plus: INTER-VEHICLE COMMUNICATION; TRAFFIC FLOW; FULL VELOCITY; NEIGHBOR INTERACTION; DRIVING BEHAVIOR; DYNAMICAL MODEL地址 : [Yu, Shaowei; Zhao, Xiangmo; Xu, Zhigang] Changan Univ, Shaanxi Rd Traff Intelligent Detect & Equipment E, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Shi, Zhongke] Northwestern Polytech Univ, Shaanxi Prov Engn Lab Transportat Safety Supervis, Xian 710072, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Yu, SW (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Shaanxi Rd Traff Intelligent Detect & Equipment E, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV出版商地址: PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDSWeb of Science 类别: Physics, Multidisciplinary研究方向: PhysicsIDS 号: DS2LOISSN: 0378-4371eISSN: 1873-211929 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: PHYSICA AISO 来源出版物缩写: Physica A来源出版物页码计数: 10

第 53 条标题: The effects of velocity difference changes with memory on the dynamics characteristics and

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fuel economy of traffic flow(作者中文名?)作者 : Yu, SW (Yu, Shaowei); Zhao, XM (Zhao, Xiangmo); Xu, ZG (Xu, Zhigang); Zhang, LC (Zhang, Licheng)来源出版物 : PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS 卷 : 461 页: 613-628 DOI: 10.1016/j.physa.2016.06.060 出版年: NOV 1 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 4使用次数 (2013 年至今): 35引用的参考文献数: 77摘要 : To evaluate the effects of velocity difference changes with memory in the intelligent transportation environment on the dynamics and fuel consumptions of traffic flow, we first investigate the linkage between velocity difference changes with memory and car-following behaviors with the measured data in cities, and then propose an improved cooperative car-following model considering multiple velocity difference changes with memory in the cooperative adaptive cruise control strategy, finally carry out several numerical simulations under the periodic boundary condition and at signalized intersections to explore how velocity difference changes with memory affect car's velocity, velocity fluctuation, acceleration and fuel consumptions in the intelligent transportation environment. The results show that velocity difference changes with memory have obvious effects on car-following behaviors, that the improved cooperative car-following model can describe the phase transition of traffic flow and estimate the evolution of traffic congestion, that the stability and fuel economy of traffic flow simulated by the improved car-following model with velocity difference changes with memory is obviously superior to those without velocity difference changes, and that taking velocity difference changes with memory into account in designing the advanced adaptive cruise control strategy can significantly improve the stability and fuel economy of traffic flow. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000380601200056语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Velocity difference changes with memory; Car-following model; The advanced adaptive cruise control system; The stability of traffic flow; Fuel economyKeyWords Plus: CAR-FOLLOWING MODEL; INTER-VEHICLE COMMUNICATION; FULL VELOCITY; NEIGHBOR INTERACTION; STABILITY ANALYSIS; DRIVING BEHAVIOR; CONTROL STRATEGY; CONTROL-SYSTEMS; TIME; CONSUMPTION地址: [Yu, Shaowei; Zhao, Xiangmo; Xu, Zhigang; Zhang, Licheng] Changan Univ, Shaanxi Rd Traff Intelligent Detect & Equipment E, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Yu, SW (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Shaanxi Rd Traff Intelligent Detect & Equipment E, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV出版商地址: PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDSWeb of Science 类别: Physics, Multidisciplinary研究方向: PhysicsIDS 号: DS2LO

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ISSN: 0378-4371eISSN: 1873-211929 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: PHYSICA AISO 来源出版物缩写: Physica A来源出版物页码计数: 16

第 54 条标题: Vibration Response Characteristics of the Cross Tunnel Structure(赖金星)作者 : Lai, JX (Lai, Jinxing); Wang, KY (Wang, Kaiyun); Qiu, JL (Qiu, Junling); Niu, FY (Niu, Fangyuan); Wang, JB (Wang, Junbao); Chen, JX (Chen, Jianxun)来源出版物: SHOCK AND VIBRATION 文献号: 9524206 DOI: 10.1155/2016/9524206 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 6被引频次合计: 6使用次数 (最近 180 天): 19使用次数 (2013 年至今): 42引用的参考文献数: 33摘要: It is well known that the tunnel structure will lose its function under the long-term repeated function of the vibration effect. A prime example is the Xi'an cross tunnel structure (CTS) of Metro Line 2 and the Yongningmen tunnel, where the vibration response of the tunnel vehicle load and metro train load to the structure of shield tunnel was analyzed by applying the three-dimensional (3D) dynamic finite element model. The effect of the train running was simulated by applying the time-history curves of vibration force of the track induced by wheel axles, using the fitted formulas for vehicle and train vibration load. The characteristics and the spreading rules of vibration response of metro tunnel structure were researched from the perspectives of acceleration, velocity, displacement, and stress. It was found that vehicle load only affects the metro tunnel within 14 m from the centre, and the influence decreases gradually from vault to spandrel, haunch, and springing. The high-speed driving effect of the train can be divided into the close period, the rising period, the stable period, the declining period, and the leaving period. The stress at haunch should be carefully considered. The research results presented for this case study provide theoretical support for the safety of vibration response of Metro Line 2 structure.入藏号: WOS:000379610300001语种: English文献类型: ArticleKeyWords Plus: DESIGN; DAMAGE; CHINA地址: [Lai, Jinxing; Chen, Jianxun] Changan Univ, Shaanxi Prov Major Lab Highway Bridge & Tunnel, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Lai, Jinxing; Wang, Kaiyun; Qiu, Junling; Niu, Fangyuan; Chen, Jianxun] Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Wang, Junbao] Xian Univ Architecture & Technol, Sch Civil Engn, Xian 710055, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Lai, JX; Chen, JX (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Shaanxi Prov Major Lab Highway Bridge & Tunnel, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.Lai, JX; Chen, JX (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.

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电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Wang, Kaiyun 0000-0001-8970-8360 Qiu, Junling 0000-0002-7628-5431

出版商: HINDAWI PUBLISHING CORP出版商地址: 315 MADISON AVE 3RD FLR, STE 3070, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USAWeb of Science 类别: Acoustics; Engineering, Mechanical; Mechanics研究方向: Acoustics; Engineering; MechanicsIDS 号: DR0PVISSN: 1070-9622eISSN: 1875-920329 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: SHOCK VIBISO 来源出版物缩写: Shock Vib.来源出版物页码计数: 16

第 55 条标题: Flexural behavior and ductility of hybrid high performance steel I-girders(王春生)作者: Wang, CS (Wang, Chun-Sheng); Duan, L (Duan, Lan); Chen, YF (Chen, Y. Frank); Wang, SC (Wang, Shi-Chao)来源出版物: JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTIONAL STEEL RESEARCH 卷: 125 页: 1-14 DOI: 10.1016/j.jcsr.2016.06.001 出版年: OCT 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 9使用次数 (2013 年至今): 15引用的参考文献数: 31摘 要 : The flexural behavior and ductility of high performance steel (HPS) girders were investigated experimentally. Thirteen simply supported I-girders of HPS 485W (nominal yield strength, f(y) = 485 MPa) flanges and webs with different steel grades including Q235 (f(y) = 235 MPa), Q345 (f(y) = 345 MPa), and HPS 485W were tested. Five additional girders considering different flange strengths of Q345, Q420 (f(y) = 420 MPa), and Q500 (f(y) = 500 MPa) were tested and compared. The test results show that the effectiveness of lateral braces is mainly influenced by the location and number, which in turn affect the expansion of plastic fields. The slenderness of element (flange or web) is the major factor affecting the flexural capacity and ductility of a girder. As the flange slenderness increases, flange local budding occurs much earlier during the inelastic loading phase and thus reduces the girder ductility. As the web slenderness increases, the deformation in the inelastic stage decreases. Under the three-point loading, the girder appears not losing its capacity when the local element buckles. While, under the four-point loading, the flange local buckling depends on the unloading stage. When the high strength HPS 485W steel is used for flanges, the web strength is suggested to be no lower than 345 MPa (Q345 steel). Using the same geometrical dimensions, the ductility of member is decrease with the increasing of flange strength, which is mainly affected by the yield stress to ultimate stress ratio

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(sigma(y)/sigma(r)) of steel. Hence, more restrictive slenderness limit appears necessary for structural designs using high-strength steel. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000381834200001语种: English文献类型: Article作者 关键词 : High performance steel; I-girder; Flexural behavior; Ductility; Rotation capacity; SlendernessKeyWords Plus: CAPACITY地址 : [Wang, Chun-Sheng; Duan, Lan; Wang, Shi-Chao] Changan Univ, Inst Bridge Engn Res, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Chen, Y. Frank] Penn State Harrisburg, Dept Civil Engn, 777 W Harrisburg Pike, Middletown, PA 17057 USA.通讯作者地址: Wang, CS (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Inst Bridge Engn Res, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; EngineeringIDS 号: DT9PGISSN: 0143-974XeISSN: 1873-598329 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J CONSTR STEEL RESISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Constr. Steel. Res.来源出版物页码计数: 14

第 56 条标题: Observations of the softening phenomena in the nonlocal cantilever beams(徐晓建)作者 : Xu, XJ (Xu, Xiao-Jian); Deng, ZC (Deng, Zi-Chen); Zhang, K (Zhang, Kai); Xu, W (Xu, Wei)来 源 出 版 物 : COMPOSITE STRUCTURES 卷 : 145 页 : 43-57 DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2016.02.073 出版年: JUN 10 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 8被引频次合计: 8使用次数 (最近 180 天): 9使用次数 (2013 年至今): 36引用的参考文献数: 45摘要: A longstanding puzzle of nonlocal cantilever models is that they do not predict the dynamic softening behaviors of beams compared with the classical beam models. This puzzle exists and is not well solved in the past several years. In this paper, we revisit and make our first attempt to address this issue. By using the weighted residual approaches, the nonclassical force resultants and boundary conditions are obtained. Based on the nonclassical boundary conditions, closed-form solutions for the vibration and buckling problems of the nonlocal Euler-Bernoulli cantilever beams

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and Timoshenko cantilever beams are derived. Numerical results show that the softening behaviors of cantilever beams can be captured in the nonlocal Euler-Bernoulli beam theory and Timoshenko beam theory. In addition, the differences of the frequencies predicted by the proposed models are increasing larger than those given in the literature as the nonlocal parameter increases, demonstrating clearly the prominent effect of nonclassical boundary conditions on the dynamic behaviors of beams. The asymptotic analysis is constructed to unveil the underlying mechanism of dynamic behaviors of the beams. The numerical results of the analytical solutions obtained in this work may serve as benchmarks for future studies of the dynamic behaviors of composite structures. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000373482000005语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Vibration; Buckling; Nonlocal Euler-Bernoulli beam; Nonlocal Timoshenko beam; Size effect; Asymptotic analysisKeyWords Plus: CARBON NANOTUBES; NANO-PLATES; ELASTICITY; CONTINUUM; MODEL; VIBRATION; FORMULATION; EQUATIONS地址: [Xu, Xiao-Jian; Xu, Wei] Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Minist Educ, Key Lab Special Area Highway Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Xu, Xiao-Jian; Deng, Zi-Chen] Northwestern Polytech Univ, Dept Engn Mech, Xian 710072, Peoples R China. [Zhang, Kai] Northwestern Polytech Univ, Sch Mech Civil Engn & Architecture, Xian 710072, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Xu, XJ (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Minist Educ, Key Lab Special Area Highway Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Xu, Xiao-Jian K-3602-2015 0000-0002-2215-4364

出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Materials Science, Composites研究方向: Materials ScienceIDS 号: DI4POISSN: 0263-8223eISSN: 1879-108529 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: COMPOS STRUCTISO 来源出版物缩写: Compos. Struct.来源出版物页码计数: 15

第 57 条标题 : Surface effects on the bending, buckling and free vibration analysis of magneto-electro-elastic beams(徐晓建)

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作 者 : Xu, XJ (Xu, Xiao-Jian); Deng, ZC (Deng, Zi-Chen); Zhang, K (Zhang, Kai); Meng, JM (Meng, Jun-Miao)来源出版物: ACTA MECHANICA 卷: 227 期: 6 页: 1557-1573 DOI: 10.1007/s00707-016-1568-7 出版年: JUN 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 4被引频次合计: 4使用次数 (最近 180 天): 7使用次数 (2013 年至今): 26引用的参考文献数: 73摘要: Surface effects are responsible for the size dependence and should be taken into account for dielectric structures at nanoscale dimensions. By incorporating the effects of surface stress, surface piezoelectricity, surface elasticity and surface piezomagneticity, this paper investigates the bending, buckling and free vibration of magneto-electro-elastic (MEE) beams based on the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory. The governing differential equation and its corresponding boundary conditions are derived by Hamilton's principle. The analytical solutions for the magneto-electro-elastic bending deflection, buckling magnetic potentials and frequency equations of MEE beams are obtained. In contrast to the previously published works, the positive surface stress is found to stiffen the MEE beams, as evidenced by the decrease in the deflections, the increase in the buckling magnet potentials and the increase in the resonant frequencies. Numerical studies show the importance of the surface effects, the electric and magnetic potentials and boundary conditions on the static and dynamic behavior of MEE beams. This work may be of special interest in the design and application of smart composite MEE beams.入藏号: WOS:000376658900003语种: English文献类型: ArticleKeyWords Plus: PIEZOELECTRIC NANOWIRES; WAVE-PROPAGATION; ZNO NANOWIRES; PLATES; BEHAVIOR; MODEL; MICROSTRUCTURE; NANOPLATE地址: [Xu, Xiao-Jian] Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Key Lab Special Area Highway Engn, Minist Educ, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Deng, Zi-Chen; Zhang, Kai; Meng, Jun-Miao] Northwestern Polytech Univ, Dept Engn Mech, Xian 710072, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Xu, XJ (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Key Lab Special Area Highway Engn, Minist Educ, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Xu, Xiao-Jian K-3602-2015 0000-0002-2215-4364

出版商: SPRINGER WIEN出版商地址: SACHSENPLATZ 4-6, PO BOX 89, A-1201 WIEN, AUSTRIAWeb of Science 类别: Mechanics研究方向: MechanicsIDS 号: DM9BNISSN: 0001-5970

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eISSN: 1619-693729 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ACTA MECHISO 来源出版物缩写: Acta Mech.来源出版物页码计数: 17

第 58 条标题: A modified size-dependent core-shell model and its application in the wave propagation of square cellular networks(徐晓建)作 者 : Xu, XJ (Xu, Xiao-Jian); Wang, YC (Wang, Ya-Chuan); Wang, B (Wang, Bo); Zhang, K (Zhang, Kai)来源出版物: PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES 卷: 80 页: 53-61 DOI: 10.1016/j.physe.2016.01.005 出版年: JUN 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 2被引频次合计: 2使用次数 (最近 180 天): 2使用次数 (2013 年至今): 32引用的参考文献数: 60摘要 : We propose a modified core-shell model to depict the size-dependent elastic properties of materials with several different cross-sections. By using the Young-Laplace equation, a modified Euler-Bernoulli equation, which has taken a power-law relation between the bulk and surface moduli into account, is derived. A finite element method of the modified Euler-Bernoulli equation is formulated, and assembled to investigate the dispersion relations of the infinite two-dimensional periodic square cellular networks. The effectiveness of the proposed core-shell model is verified by comparing with results of the experiments and the molecular dynamics simulations available in the literature. Numerical results show that surface effects play an important role on the cellular networks with small diameters, large aspect ratios and high wave frequencies. Meanwhile, the analytical expressions for the size-dependent elastic modulus may be useful for the study of the size-dependent elasticity of materials and structures at small length scales. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000371337300010语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词 : Surface effect; Core-shell model; Wave propagation; Dispersion relation; Cellular materialKeyWords Plus: 2-DIMENSIONAL PERIODIC LATTICES; ELASTIC PROPERTIES; ZNO NANOWIRES; MECHANICAL-PROPERTIES; SILICON NANOWIRES地址 : [Xu, Xiao-Jian; Wang, Ya-Chuan] Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Key Lab Special Area Highway Engn, Minist Educ, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Wang, Bo] Oklahoma State Univ, Sch Mech & Aerosp Engn, Stillwater, OK 74078 USA. [Xu, Xiao-Jian; Zhang, Kai] Northwestern Polytech Univ, Sch Mech Civil Engn & Architecture, Xian 710072, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Xu, XJ (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Key Lab Special Area Highway Engn, Minist Educ, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]

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作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Xu, Xiao-Jian K-3602-2015 0000-0002-2215-4364

出版商: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV出版商地址: PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDSWeb of Science 类别: Nanoscience & Nanotechnology; Physics, Condensed Matter研究方向: Science & Technology - Other Topics; PhysicsIDS 号: DF4RHISSN: 1386-9477eISSN: 1873-175929 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: PHYSICA EISO 来源出版物缩写: Physica E来源出版物页码计数: 9

第 59 条标题: Wave Propagation Characteristics in Thick Conventional and Auxetic Cellular Plates(徐晓健)作者: Xu, XJ (Xu, Xiaojian); Deng, ZC (Deng, Zichen)来源出版物: ACTA MECHANICA SOLIDA SINICA 卷: 29 期: 2 页: 159-166 出版年: APR 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 6使用次数 (2013 年至今): 18引用的参考文献数: 17摘要: Based on Mindlin plate models and Kirchhoff plate models, this study was concerned with the wave propagation characteristics in thick conventional and auxetic cellular structures, with the objective to clarify the effects of negative Poisson's ratio, shear factor and orthotropic mechanical properties on the dynamic behaviors of thick plates. Numerical results revealed that the predictions using variable shear factor in Mindlin plate models resulted in high wave frequencies, which were more significant for plates with negative values of Poisson's ratio. The present study can be useful for the design of critical applications by varying the values of Poisson's ratio.入藏号: WOS:000375130200005语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: auxetic cellular structure; plate; frequency; shear factor; negative Poisson's ratioKeyWords Plus: NEGATIVE POISSONS RATIO; ELASTIC-CONSTANTS; VIBRATION; HONEYCOMBS; FOAM地址: [Xu, Xiaojian] Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Minist Educ, Key Lab Special Area Highway Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Xu, Xiaojian; Deng, Zichen] Northwestern Polytech Univ, Dept Engn Mech, Xian 710072, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Deng, ZC (通讯作 者 ),Northwestern Polytech Univ, Dept Engn Mech, Xian

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710072, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Xu, Xiao-Jian K-3602-2015 0000-0002-2215-4364

出版商: ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC出版商地址: 360 PARK AVE SOUTH, NEW YORK, NY 10010-1710 USAWeb of Science 类别: Materials Science, Multidisciplinary; Mechanics研究方向: Materials Science; MechanicsIDS 号: DK7UCISSN: 0894-9166eISSN: 1860-213429 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ACTA MECH SOLIDA SINISO 来源出版物缩写: Acta Mech. Solida Sin.来源出版物页码计数: 8

第 60 条标题: MICRO-SIMULATION OF DESIRED SPEED FOR TEMPORARY WORK ZONE WITH A NEW CALIBRATION METHOD(张驰)作者: Zhang, C (Zhang, Chi); Liu, SY (Liu, Shiyu); Ogle, J (Ogle, Jennifer); Zhang, M (Zhang, Min)来 源 出 版物 : PROMET-TRAFFIC & TRANSPORTATION 卷 : 28 期 : 1 页 : 49-61 DOI: 10.7307/ptt.v28i1.1759 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 1使用次数 (2013 年至今): 7引用的参考文献数: 37摘要 : Nowadays, the studies of parameter calibration for long-term work zones are limited to driver behaviour and car-following parameters, and no research was found related to calibration of the desired speed distributions during temporary work zones. Obtaining realistic results from simulations of temporary work zones is difficult. Thus, it would be valuable for gaining more valid simulation data if a method of calibrating the desired speed distribution could be applied for traffic simulation model of highway temporary work zones. The calibration method was proposed in five steps: (1) collect and analyse data, (2) plot the travel speed cumulative frequency curves and calibrate the desired speed distribution, (3) conduct simulation runs, (4) validate the simulation results, and (5) propose a new calibration method, which was assessed by T-tests, and the results are very promising. Finally, a simplified calibration method called "Five-Point Method" is presented and the recommended values of five-point are given.入藏号: WOS:000372477200006语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: traffic simulation; parameter calibration; desired speed distribution; temporary work

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zone; Vissim地址 : [Zhang, Chi; Liu, Shiyu] Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Key Lab Special Area Highway Engn, Minist Educ, Middle Sect Nan Erhuan Rd, Xian, Shannxi Provinc, Peoples R China. [Ogle, Jennifer] Clemson Univ, Glenn Dept Civil Engn, S Palmetto Blvd, Clemson, SC 29634 USA. [Zhang, Min] Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Traff Engn Res Inst, Middle Sect Nan Erhuan Rd, Xian, Shannxi Provinc, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Zhang, C (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Key Lab Special Area Highway Engn, Minist Educ, Middle Sect Nan Erhuan Rd, Xian, Shannxi Provinc, Peoples R China.电 子 邮 件 地 址 : [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: SVENCILISTE U ZAGREBU, FAKULTET PROMETNIH ZNANOSTI出版商地址: VUKELICEVA 4, ZAGREB, 10000, CROATIAWeb of Science 类别: Transportation Science & Technology研究方向: TransportationIDS 号: DH0MBISSN: 0353-5320eISSN: 1848-406929 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: PROMET-ZAGREBISO 来源出版物缩写: Promet来源出版物页码计数: 13

第 61 条标 题 : Flexural fatigue behavior of polymer-modified pervious concrete with single sized aggregates(周娟兰)作 者 : Zhou, JL (Zhou, Juanlan); Zheng, ML (Zheng, Mulian); Wang, Q (Wang, Qi); Yang, JG (Yang, Jiangang); Lin, TF (Lin, Tianfa)来源出版物 : CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 卷: 124 页: 897-905 DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.07.136 出版年: OCT 15 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 14使用次数 (2013 年至今): 20引用的参考文献数: 37摘要 : The objective of this research is to evaluate the flexural fatigue behavior of polymer-modified pervious concrete (PPC) with single sized aggregates which could be used in base course of infrastructures. Three aggregate sizes (27.5 mm, 32.5 mm, and 37.5 mm) were selected for single sized aggregate mixtures. A laboratory testing program was conducted obtaining the fatigue lives of PPC at various stress levels and stress ratios. 65 beam specimens of 150 mm x 150 mm x 550 mm totally were produced for each mix type, ten of which were adopted to determine the static flexural strength of PPC prior to fatigue testing. To incorporate the effects of stress level S, stress ratio R and survival probability, equivalent fatigue-life was employed to study the fatigue equation of PPC. The studies indicate that statistical distribution of equivalent fatigue life of PPC

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approximately followed the two-parameter Weibull distribution. The S-N relation curves and regression equations corresponding to different survival probabilities (0.5-0.95) were obtained by regression analysis. Based on these results, the fatigue life ranking as PPC-27.5 > PPC-32.5 > PPC-37.5 was declared. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000385319300089语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Pervious concrete; Single sized aggregate; Fatigue; Flexural; Weibull distributionKeyWords Plus: POROUS CONCRETE; STRENGTH; PAVEMENT; POROSITY地址 : [Zhou, Juanlan; Zheng, Mulian] Changan Univ, South Erhuan Middle Sect, Key Lab Special Area Highway Engn, Minist Educ, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Wang, Qi] Rd Survey & Design Inst Dongying, Haihe Middle Rd, Dongying 257037, Shandong, Peoples R China. [Yang, Jiangang] East China Jiaotong Univ, 808 Double Port East St Econ & Technol Dev Zone, Nanchang 330013, Jiangxi, Peoples R China. [Lin, Tianfa] Highway Maintenance Technol Natl Engn Res Ctr Jia, Middle Rd Chaoyangzhou, Nanchang 330025, Jiangxi, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Zheng, ML (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, South Erhuan Middle Sect, Key Lab Special Area Highway Engn, Minist Educ, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别 : Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering; Materials ScienceIDS 号: DY7OQISSN: 0950-0618eISSN: 1879-052629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: CONSTR BUILD MATERISO 来源出版物缩写: Constr. Build. Mater.来源出版物页码计数: 9

第 62 条标题 : Influence analyses of mixing approaches on properties of conventional and interlocking-dense concrete(作者中文名?)作者: Li, N (Li, Ning); Ma, B (Ma, Biao); Wang, YC (Wang, Yachuan); Si, W (Si, Wei); Qin, F (Qin, Fang)来源出版物 : CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 卷: 122 页: 465-472 DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.06.093 出版年: SEP 30 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 6使用次数 (2013 年至今): 17

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引用的参考文献数: 41摘要 : The main objective of this paper is to analysis the influence of mixing approaches on the properties of the conventional concrete (CC) and interlocking-dense concrete (IDC). Compared with the normal mixing approach (NMA), the two-stage mixing approaches (TSMA, including mortar mixed first (MMF), coarse aggregate wrapped with paste (CAWP), aggregate wrapped with cement (AWC)) were employed. The mixing homogeneity tests were conducted to evaluate the uniform of the fresh concrete with different mixing approaches. Moreover, compressive strength, flexible-tensile strength, flexible modulus and abrasion resistance tests were designed to evaluate the performance of the hardened concrete. Pearson correlation analysis and analysis of variance (ANOVA) was also involved to illustrate the correlation and differences between NMA and TSMA. The repercussion in the mixing homogeneity test shows that AG is a reasonable index to evaluate the uniformity of fresh concrete. This also reveals that the uniformity can be improved by TSMA for CC, while the MMF is the most effective approach to enhance the uniformity for IDC. The results help to find out that the most appropriate mixing approaches for CC and IDC are CAWP and MMF, respectively. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000382340600047语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关 键 词 : Cement concrete; Interlocking-dense concrete; Two-stage mixing approach (TSMA); Uniformity; Strength; Flexible modulus; Abrasion resistanceKeyWords Plus: RECYCLED AGGREGATE CONCRETE; INTERFACIAL TRANSITION ZONE; WATER-CEMENT RATIO; COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH; MICROSTRUCTURE; HOMOGENEITY; ASPHALT; PERFORMANCE; MODEL; SIZE地址 : [Li, Ning; Ma, Biao; Wang, Yachuan; Si, Wei] Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Special Area Highway Engn, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Qin, Fang] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Ma, B (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Special Area Highway Engn, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电 子 邮 件 地 址 : [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别 : Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering; Materials ScienceIDS 号: DU6QVISSN: 0950-0618eISSN: 1879-052629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: CONSTR BUILD MATERISO 来源出版物缩写: Constr. Build. Mater.来源出版物页码计数: 8

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标题 : The Greenhouse Gas Emission from Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Construction in China(马峰)作 者 : Ma, F (Ma, Feng); Sha, AM (Sha, Aimin); Yang, PP (Yang, Panpan); Huang, Y (Huang, Yue)来 源 出 版物 : INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 卷: 13 期: 7 文献号: 632 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph13070632 出版年: JUL 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 8使用次数 (2013 年至今): 13引用的参考文献数: 37摘要 : This study proposes an inventory analysis method to evaluate the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from Portland cement concrete pavement construction, based on a case project in the west of China. The concrete pavement construction process was divided into three phases, namely raw material production, concrete manufacture and pavement onsite construction. The GHG emissions of the three phases are analyzed by a life cycle inventory method. The CO(2)e is used to indicate the GHG emissions. The results show that for 1 km Portland cement concrete pavement construction, the total CO(2)e is 8215.31 tons. Based on the evaluation results, the CO(2)e of the raw material production phase is 7617.27 tons, accounting for 92.7% of the total GHG emissions; the CO(2)e of the concrete manufacture phase is 598,033.10 kg, accounting for 7.2% of the total GHG emissions. Lastly, the CO(2)e of the pavement onsite construction phase is 8396.59 kg, accounting for only 0.1% of the total GHG emissions. The main greenhouse gas is CO2 in each phase, which accounts for more than 98% of total emissions. N2O and CH4 emissions are relatively insignificant.入藏号: WOS:000380759800008语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: highway engineering; greenhouse gas (GHG); Portland cement concrete pavement; construction processKeyWords Plus: CYCLE CO2 ASSESSMENT; LIFE-CYCLE; ENERGY-CONSUMPTION; ASPHALT PAVEMENTS; DESIGN; OPTIMIZATION; APARTMENT; IMPACTS; COST地址: [Ma, Feng; Sha, Aimin; Yang, Panpan] Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Special Area Highway Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Huang, Yue] Liverpool John Moores Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Peter Jost Enterprise Ctr, Byrom St, Liverpool L3 3AF, Merseyside, England.通讯作 者 地址 : Sha, AM (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Special Area Highway Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电 子 邮 件 地 址 : [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: MDPI AG出版商地址: ST ALBAN-ANLAGE 66, CH-4052 BASEL, SWITZERLANDWeb of Science 类别: Environmental Sciences; Public, Environmental & Occupational Health研究方向: Environmental Sciences & Ecology; Public, Environmental & Occupational HealthIDS 号: DS4OG

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ISSN: 1660-460129 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: INT J ENV RES PUB HEISO 来源出版物缩写: Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health来源出版物页码计数: 12

第 64 条标题 : Simulation of Permanent Deformation in High-Modulus Asphalt Pavement Using the Bailey-Norton Creep Law(郑木莲)作 者 : Zheng, ML (Zheng, Mulian); Han, LL (Han, Lili); Qiu, ZP (Qiu, Ziping); Li, HY (Li, Hongyin); Ma, QL (Ma, Qinglei); Che, F (Che, Fa)来源出版物: JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING 卷: 28 期: 7 文献号: 04016020 DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0001511 出版年: JUL 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 2被引频次合计: 2使用次数 (最近 180 天): 8使用次数 (2013 年至今): 22引用的参考文献数: 35摘要 : The objective of this research is to evaluate the permanent deformation of high-modulus asphalt concrete (HMAC) pavement in terms of the viscoelastic theory. Based on the Bailey-Norton creep law, parameters of HMAC were obtained from the creep test. Combined with theses parameters, a finite-element model of a pavement with HMAC in the middle course was constructed and its deformation was simulated. In addition, the impact of HMAC modulus, temperature, and axle load as well as asphaltic thickness on the deformation was analyzed. Results indicate that the deformation of the HMAC pavement was less than that in the asphalt concrete (AC) pavement, and the deformation of the former decreased with the rise of HMAC modulus. Moreover, the optimum modulus ranging from 2,000 to 2,400MPa is recommended for application. In addition, the pavement deformation increased linearly with depths of the AC courses whereas it decreased with the increase of the HMAC thickness in a cubic polynomial way. Finally, a model to predict rutting in the HMAC pavement is proposed.入藏号: WOS:000378865900004语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: High-modulus asphalt concrete; Creep; Permanent deformation; Viscoelastic theoryKeyWords Plus: CONCRETE; PERFORMANCE; EQUATIONS; MIXTURES; MODEL地址 : [Zheng, Mulian; Han, Lili] Changan Univ, South Erhuan Middle Sect, Key Lab Special Area Highway Engn, Minist Educ, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Qiu, Ziping] Guangdong Prov Transport Planning & Res Ctr, 27 Baiyun Rd Yuexiu Dist, Guangzhou 510101, Guangdong, Peoples R China. [Li, Hongyin] Dept Shandong Prov, Highway Adm Bur Transportat, Engn, 19 Shungeng Rd, Jinan 250002, Shandong, Peoples R China. [Ma, Qinglei] Shandong Coll Highway Technician, Engn, 26777 East Jingshi Rd, Jinan 250002, Shandong, Peoples R China. [Che, Fa] Highway Adm Bur Zibo City, Engn, 7 East Gongqingtuan Rd Zhandian Dist, Zibo 255038, Shandong, Peoples R China.

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通讯作 者 地址 : Zheng, ML (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, South Erhuan Middle Sect, Key Lab Special Area Highway Engn, Minist Educ, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: ASCE-AMER SOC CIVIL ENGINEERS出版商地址: 1801 ALEXANDER BELL DR, RESTON, VA 20191-4400 USAWeb of Science 类别 : Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering; Materials ScienceIDS 号: DQ0CMISSN: 0899-1561eISSN: 1943-553329 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J MATER CIVIL ENGISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Mater. Civ. Eng.来源出版物页码计数: 11

第 65 条标题 : High and low temperature properties of nano-particles/polymer modified asphalt (张洪亮)作者: Zhang, HL (Zhang Hong-liang); Su, MM (Su Man-man); Zhao, SF (Zhao Shi-feng); Zhang, YP (Zhang Yong-Ping); Zhang, ZP (Zhang Zeng-ping)来源出版物 : CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 卷: 114 页: 323-332 DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.03.118 出版年: JUL 1 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 7被引频次合计: 7使用次数 (最近 180 天): 17使用次数 (2013 年至今): 51引用的参考文献数: 39摘要 : At present, most asphalts and modified asphalts cannot meet requirements of both high temperature stability and low temperature cracking resistance simultaneously. Hence, the objective of this paper is to find new modification system to improve the high and low temperature properties of SK-70 base asphalt. In this paper, nano-zinc oxide (nano-ZnO) particles, nano-titanium dioxide (nano-TiO2) particles, nano-calcium carbonate (nano-CaCO3) particles, styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS) and styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) were selected as modifiers. The modified asphalt samples with three or two kinds of modifiers were prepared, and the softening point, ductility and penetration of modified asphalt samples were measured and compared. Eventually, three optimal nano-particles/polymer modification systems for SK-70 base asphalt including 3%nano-ZnO/0.5%nano-TiO2/3.7%SBS, 5%nano-ZnO/4.2%SBS, 5%nano-CaCO3/4%SBR were proposed. To study the effects of these three optimal modification formulations on high and low temperature properties of base asphalt, dynamic shear rheometer (DSR), thin film oven test (TFOT), and beam bending rheometer (BBR) tests were conducted on the asphalt of SK-70 and the nanoparticles/polymer modified asphalts. The micro-morphology of SK-70 and the modified asphalts was examined using scanning electron microscope (SEM) and the reactions between modifiers and SK-70 base asphalt were studied by infrared spectrum instrument. From the test results, it was observed that the nano-materials were well dispersed in

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base asphalt, and could increase the dispersibility of polymer in base asphalt and improve the compatibility between polymer and base asphalt. Furthermore, the nano-materials could improve the high and low temperature properties of SK-70 base asphalt. Additionally, the results also revealed that for polymer modified asphalts the physical reaction between polymers and asphalt played the dominant role in the modification process, while for nano-particles/polymer modified asphalts, both physical and chemical reaction occurred in the modification process. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000376696600036语种: English文献类型: Article作者 关键词 : Modified asphalt; Nano-particles; Polymer Properties; Morphology; Modification mechanismKeyWords Plus: RHEOLOGICAL PROPERTIES; MODIFIED BITUMEN; MONTMORILLONITE; POLYETHYLENE; BUTADIENE; STYRENE; WASTE地址: [Zhang Hong-liang; Su Man-man; Zhang Zeng-ping] Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Special Area Highway Engn, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Zhao Shi-feng] Changchun Municipal Engn Design & Res Inst, Changchun 130033, Jilin, Peoples R China. [Zhang Yong-Ping] Hangzhou Highway Adm Bur, Hangzhou 310004, Zhejiang, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Zhang, HL (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Special Area Highway Engn, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别 : Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering; Materials ScienceIDS 号: DM9OWISSN: 0950-0618eISSN: 1879-052629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: CONSTR BUILD MATERISO 来源出版物缩写: Constr. Build. Mater.来源出版物页码计数: 10

第 66 条标 题 : Shape-memory behaviors of epoxy-functionalized polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane/epoxy organic-inorganic hybrid resin systems(魏堃)作 者 : Wei, K (Wei, Kun); Ma, B (Ma, Biao); Wang, HN (Wang, Hainian); Liu, Y (Liu, Yu); Zhang, WJ (Zhang, Wenjing)来 源 出 版物 : HIGH PERFORMANCE POLYMERS 卷 : 28 期 : 5 页 : 610-617 DOI: 10.1177/0954008315591193 出版年: JUN 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0

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使用次数 (最近 180 天): 6使用次数 (2013 年至今): 27引用的参考文献数: 22摘要 : A series of organic-inorganic hybrid resin systems are prepared using hydroepoxy, 1,3-bis(aminomethyl)cyclohexane, and epoxy-functionalized polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS-Ep). The thermomechanical properties and shape-memory behaviors of the hybrid materials are systematically investigated by differential scanning calorimetry, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), dynamic mechanical analysis, bend test, and shape recovery test. Results indicate that the glass transition temperature (T-g) and rubber modulus gradually increase as the POSS-Ep content increases. The thermal stabilities of the hybrid materials gradually increase with increasing POSS-Ep content. The bend strength of the hybrid materials increases firstly and then decreases as POSS-Ep content increases, showing an extreme value for the hybrid materials with 3.17 mol% POSS-Ep content. Finally, investigation of the shape-memory behavior of the hybrid materials reveals that full recovery can be observed after only several minutes when the temperature is equal to or above T-g. The shape recovery time decreases at first and then increases as POSS-Ep content increases at T-g, T-g + 10 degrees C, and T-g + 20 degrees C. These results are attributed to the increase in POSS-Ep content.入藏号: WOS:000378423700011语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS); epoxy resin; shape-memory property; hybrid materialsKeyWords Plus: POLYMER NANOCOMPOSITES; THERMAL-PROPERTIES; POSS; FOAMS地址 : [Wei, Kun; Ma, Biao; Wang, Hainian; Liu, Yu; Zhang, Wenjing] Changan Univ, Key Lab Special Area Highway Engn, Minist Educ, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Wei, Kun] Changan Univ, Key Lab, Minist Transportat Rd Struct & Mat, Xian, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Wei, K; Ma, B (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Key Lab Special Area Highway Engn, Minist Educ, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD出版商地址: 1 OLIVERS YARD, 55 CITY ROAD, LONDON EC1Y 1SP, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Polymer Science研究方向: Polymer ScienceIDS 号: DP3VKISSN: 0954-0083eISSN: 1361-641229 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: HIGH PERFORM POLYMISO 来源出版物缩写: High Perform. Polym.来源出版物页码计数: 8

第 67 条标题 : Evaluation of the mechanical behaviors of cement-stabilized cold recycled mixtures produced by vertical vibration compaction method(纪小平)作者: Ji, XP (Ji, Xiaoping); Jiang, YJ (Jiang, Yingjun); Liu, YJ (Liu, Yanjin)

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来 源 出 版物 : MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES 卷 : 49 期 : 6 页 : 2257-2270 DOI: 10.1617/s11527-015-0647-x 出版年: JUN 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 8使用次数 (2013 年至今): 24引用的参考文献数: 20摘要 : Cement-stabilized cold recycled mixtures (CCRMs) are widely used to rehabilitate and repair asphalt pavements. During laboratory production, the mechanical behaviors of these CCRMs are affected by the compaction method of the two types of compaction methods used in CCRM production, namely static pressing compaction method (SPCM) and vertical vibration compaction method (VVCM), and the latter has caught the attention of researchers owing to its advantages. However, current studies have only investigated the mechanical behaviors of CCRMs produced by SPCM but not through VVCM. The current research aimed to evaluate the mechanical behaviors of CCRM produced by VVCM. A total of 18 CCRMs were designed with different ratios of recycled cement base to recycled asphalt pavement, virgin aggregate contents and cement contents. The mechanical behaviors of CCRM produced by VVCM were evaluated, and the influencing factors were investigated. Scanning electron microscope was also used to analyze the strength formation mechanism of CCRM. The study results are useful for engineering practice, particularly for identifying the properties of CCRM produced by VVCM.入藏号: WOS:000376646900016语种: English文献类型: Article作者 关键词 : Cement-stabilized cold recycled mixtures; Vertical vibration compaction method; Mechanical behavior; Strength formation mechanismKeyWords Plus: PERFORMANCE; EMULSION地址: [Ji, Xiaoping; Jiang, Yingjun] Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Special Area Highway Engn, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Liu, Yanjin] Qinghai Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Xining 810016, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Ji, XP (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Special Area Highway Engn, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDSWeb of Science 类别 : Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering; Materials ScienceIDS 号: DM8XDISSN: 1359-5997eISSN: 1871-687329 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: MATER STRUCTISO 来源出版物缩写: Mater. Struct.来源出版物页码计数: 14

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第 68 条标题 : Experimental study on materials composition design and mixture performance of water-retentive asphalt concrete(蒋玮)作者: Jiang, W (Jiang, Wei); Sha, AM (Sha, Aimin); Xiao, JJ (Xiao, Jingjing); Wang, ZJ (Wang, Zhenjun); Apeagyei, A (Apeagyei, Alex)来源出版物 : CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 卷: 111 页: 128-138 DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.02.070 出版年: MAY 15 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 2使用次数 (最近 180 天): 6使用次数 (2013 年至今): 18引用的参考文献数: 26摘要: Water-retentive asphalt concrete (WRAC), produced by incorporating water-retentive slurry (WRS) into porous asphalt concrete (PAC), could significantly reduce the surface temperature of pavements and is currently considered a promising tool for alleviating urban heat island effect. Based on laboratory test and microstructural analysis, the present study investigated the effects of varying the proportions of ground granulated blast furnace fly ash, calcium hydroxide and mixing water amount on workability of fresh WRS. In addition, the water absorbing capacity, compressive strength and flexural strength of the cured (hardened) WRS were determined. The microstructures of hardened WRS were examined using scanning electron microscopy in order to better understand the effect of hydration level and pore structure on the water absorbing capacity and mechanical properties of hardened WRS. The results showed that materials composition have significant effects on the water absorbing capacity, compressive strength and flexural strength of hardened water-retentive slurry, as well as the workability of fresh WRS. WRAC showed good moisture resistance, rutting resistance and low deformation resistance comparable to the control PAC. However, the use of WRAC resulted in a temperature drop of about 10 degrees C compared to the control PAC. (c) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000374074000016语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Water-retentive slurry; Water-retentive asphalt concrete; Porous asphalt concrete; Urban heat island effect; Materials composition; Microstructure地址 : [Jiang, Wei; Sha, Aimin; Wang, Zhenjun] Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Special Area Highway Engn, South 2nd Ring Rd Middle Sect, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Xiao, Jingjing] Changan Univ, Sch Civil Engn, South 2nd Ring Rd Middle Sect, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Apeagyei, Alex] Univ Nottingham, Nottingham Transportat Engn Ctr, Dept Civil Engn, Univ Pk, Nottingham NG7 2RD, England.通讯作 者 地址 : Jiang, W (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Special Area Highway Engn, South 2nd Ring Rd Middle Sect, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLAND

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Web of Science 类别 : Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering; Materials ScienceIDS 号: DJ2ZKISSN: 0950-0618eISSN: 1879-052629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: CONSTR BUILD MATERISO 来源出版物缩写: Constr. Build. Mater.来源出版物页码计数: 11

第 69 条标题: Application of Fiber Bragg Grating Strain Sensors to a Centrifuge Model of a Jacked Pile in Collapsible Loess(作者中文名?)作者: Weng, X (Weng, X.); Zhao, Y (Zhao, Y.); Lou, Y (Lou, Y.); Zhan, J (Zhan, J.)来 源 出 版物 : GEOTECHNICAL TESTING JOURNAL 卷 : 39 期 : 3 文 献号 : UNSP GTJ20150076 DOI: 10.1520/GTJ20150076 出版年: MAY 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 6使用次数 (2013 年至今): 11引用的参考文献数: 18摘要 : The use of traditional sensors in a geotechnical centrifuge model test usually causes deviations in the monitoring data. This is because of the mutual interference among centrifugal field electromagnetic waves that is caused by the independent transmission lines. In recent years, the development of fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensing technology has substantially improved the accuracy and reliability of monitoring the strain and temperature in geotechnical centrifuge model tests. This study follows a series of centrifuge model tests carried out on a 60 g-ton geocentrifuge, with FBG sensing technology used for monitoring the strain on a static pressed pile; the strain is caused by soil collapse around the pile. During the test, an improved packaging and installation method of the quasi-distributed FBG sensor system was employed to monitor the strain of a jacked pile in a loess field with immersion collapse. The model test results show that the proposed FBG-based sensor assembly monitored the strain distribution of the jacked piles effectively, proving that it is a promising solution for strain monitoring in a geotechnical centrifuge test.入藏号: WOS:000382630100005语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: FBG sensor; centrifuge model test; collapsible loess; negative skin frictionKeyWords Plus: OPTICAL-FIBER; PAVEMENT; BRIDGE地址 : [Weng, X.] Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Special Area Highway Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Zhao, Y.; Lou, Y.; Zhan, J.] Changan Univ, Highway Inst, Geotech Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Weng, X (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Special Area Highway Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.

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出版商: AMER SOC TESTING MATERIALS出版商地址: 100 BARR HARBOR DR, W CONSHOHOCKEN, PA 19428-2959 USAWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Geological; Geosciences, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Engineering; GeologyIDS 号: DV0SUISSN: 0149-6115eISSN: 1945-754529 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: GEOTECH TEST JISO 来源出版物缩写: Geotech. Test. J.来源出版物页码计数: 9

第 70 条标题 : Determination of Specific Heat Capacity on Composite Shape-Stabilized Phase Change Materials and Asphalt Mixtures by Heat Exchange System(马骉)作 者 : Ma, B (Ma, Biao); Zhou, XY (Zhou, Xue-yan); Liu, J (Liu, Jiang); You, ZP (You, Zhanping); Wei, K (Wei, Kun); Huang, XF (Huang, Xiao-feng)来源出版物: MATERIALS 卷: 9 期: 5 文献号: 389 DOI: 10.3390/ma9050389 出版年: MAY 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 7使用次数 (2013 年至今): 26引用的参考文献数: 25摘要 : Previous research has shown that composite shape-stabilized phase change material (CPCM) has a remarkable capacity for thermal storage and stabilization, and it can be directly applied to highway construction without leakage. However, recent studies on temperature changing behaviors of CPCM and asphalt mixture cannot intuitively reflect the thermoregulation mechanism and efficiency of CPCM on asphalt mixture. The objective of this paper is to determine the specific heat capacity of CPCM and asphalt mixtures mixed with CPCM using the heat exchange system and the data acquisition system. Studies have shown that the temperature-rise curve of 5 degrees C CPCM has an obvious temperature plateau, while an asphalt mixture mixed with 5 degrees C CPCM does not; with increasing temperature, the specific heat capacities of both 5 degrees C CPCM and asphalt mixture first increase and then decrease, while the variation rate of 5 degrees C CPCM is larger than that of the asphalt mixture, and the maximum specific heat capacity of 5 degrees C CPCM appears around the initial phase change temperature. It is concluded that the temperature intervals of 5 degrees C CPCM are -18 degrees C-7 degrees C, 7 degrees C-25 degrees C and 25 degrees C-44 degrees C, respectively, and that of the asphalt mixture are -8 degrees C similar to 10 degrees C, -0 degrees C similar to 5 degrees C and 5 degrees C similar to 28 degrees C. A low dosage of 5 degrees C CPCM has little influence on the specific heat capacity of asphalt mixture. Finally, the functions of specific heat capacities and temperature for CPCM and asphalt mixture mixed with CPCM were recommended by the sectional regression method.入藏号: WOS:000378628500084语种: English

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文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : road engineering; CPCM; specific heat capacity; heat exchange system; phase change material; asphalt mixtureKeyWords Plus: T-HISTORY METHOD; TEMPERATURE; STORAGE; PCM; PERFORMANCE; PAVEMENT地址 : [Ma, Biao; Zhou, Xue-yan; You, Zhanping; Wei, Kun; Huang, Xiao-feng] Changan Univ, Key Lab Special Area Highway Engn, Minist Educ, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Liu, Jiang] Architectural Design & Res Inst Guangdong Prov, Xian Branch, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [You, Zhanping] Michigan Technol Univ, Dept Civil & Engn Environm, Houghton, MI 49931 USA.通讯作者地址: Ma, B (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Key Lab Special Area Highway Engn, Minist Educ, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电 子 邮 件 地 址 : [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: MDPI AG出版商地址: POSTFACH, CH-4005 BASEL, SWITZERLANDWeb of Science 类别: Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Materials ScienceIDS 号: DP6SGISSN: 1996-194429 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: MATERIALSISO 来源出版物缩写: Materials来源出版物页码计数: 15

第 71 条标题: Temperature response to tensile characteristics of the hot asphalt mixtures(司伟)作者: Si, W (Si, Wei); Li, N (Li, Ning); Ma, B (Ma, Biao); Tian, YX (Tian, Yu-xiang); Zhou, XY (Zhou, Xue-yan)来源出版物: KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING 卷: 20 期: 4 页: 1336-1346 DOI: 10.1007/s12205-015-0688-2 出版年: MAY 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 9使用次数 (2013 年至今): 23引用的参考文献数: 33摘要 : Asphalt concrete is one type of the temperature sensitive mixtures, which is the most and broadest used pavement material in the world. Asphalt pavement suffers from the impact of temperature due to the temperature variation in different districts and environments. Facing temperature sensitivity, this paper uses Indirect Tensile Test (IDT) to analyze the tensile characters of asphalt mixture under different temperatures (-20A degrees C, -10A degrees C, 0A degrees C, 15A degrees C, 20A degrees C, 45A degrees C, and 60A degrees C). The influence factors of temperature, loading rate, asphalt content, asphalt types, and mixtures gradation are evaluated. Piecewise linear model, logarithm linear model and S-logistic nonlinear model are applied to

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simulate the variation of flexural tensile characters with temperature change. Results show that temperature has significant influence on flexural tensile properties. Loading rates also has obvious influence on flexural tensile characteristics. With temperature changes, asphalt types have evident influence on mixture's tensile characteristics, SBR modified asphalt has better performance at the lower temperature environment. Mixtures' gradation has important effect on tensile strength and tensile strain as well, while due the similarity between two gradations, it is hard to precisely recommend which one is better. Asphalt content has evident influence on mixtures properties at the same temperature condition. Research results provide suggestions and applications for construction and performance of asphalt pavement. The results also indicate that IDT would be a practical option to evaluate the properties of asphalt mixture in all temperature ranges.入藏号: WOS:000374468600022语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关 键 词 : road engineering; asphalt mixture; Indirect Tensile Test (IDT); flexural characteristics; temperatureKeyWords Plus: STIFFNESS; STRENGTH; MODULUS; RUBBER; MIXES地址 : [Si, Wei; Li, Ning; Ma, Biao; Tian, Yu-xiang; Zhou, Xue-yan] Changan Univ, Key Lab Special Area Highway Engn, Minist Educ, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Ma, B (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Key Lab Special Area Highway Engn, Minist Educ, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电 子 邮 件 地 址 : [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: KOREAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS-KSCE出版商地址: 50-7 OGUM-DONG, SONGPA-KU, SEOUL, 138-857, SOUTH KOREAWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Civil研究方向: EngineeringIDS 号: DJ8NIISSN: 1226-7988eISSN: 1976-380829 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: KSCE J CIV ENGISO 来源出版物缩写: KSCE J. Civ. Eng.来源出版物页码计数: 11

第 72 条标 题 : Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Asphalt Pavement Construction: A Case Study in China(马峰)作者: Ma, F (Ma, Feng); Sha, AM (Sha, Aimin); Lin, RY (Lin, Ruiyu); Huang, Y (Huang, Yue); Wang, C (Wang, Chao)来 源 出 版物 : INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 卷: 13 期: 3 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph13030351 出版年: MAR 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 4被引频次合计: 4使用次数 (最近 180 天): 2使用次数 (2013 年至今): 24

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引用的参考文献数: 26摘要: In China, the construction of asphalt pavement has a significant impact on the environment, and energy use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from asphalt pavement construction have been receiving increasing attention in recent years. At present, there is no universal criterion for the evaluation of GHG emissions in asphalt pavement construction. This paper proposes to define the system boundaries for GHG emissions from asphalt pavement by using a process-based life cycle assessment method. A method for evaluating GHG emissions from asphalt pavement construction is suggested. The paper reports a case study of GHG emissions from a typical asphalt pavement construction project in China. The results show that the greenhouse gas emissions from the mixture mixing phase are the highest, and account for about 54% of the total amount. The second highest GHG emission phase is the production of raw materials. For GHG emissions of cement stabilized base/subbase, the production of raw materials emits the most, about 98%. The GHG emission for cement production alone is about 92%. The results indicate that any measures to reduce GHG emissions from asphalt pavement construction should be focused on the raw materials manufacturing stage. If the raw materials production phase is excluded, the measures to reduce GHG emissions should be aimed at the mixture mixing phase.入藏号: WOS:000373528600039语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: environmental impacts; construction process; asphalt pavements; greenhouse gasKeyWords Plus: ENERGY-CONSUMPTION; ROAD CONSTRUCTION地址 : [Ma, Feng; Sha, Aimin; Lin, Ruiyu; Wang, Chao] Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Special Area Highway Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Huang, Yue] Liverpool John Moores Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Peter Jost Enterprise Ctr, Byrom St, Liverpool L3 3AF, Merseyside, England.通讯作者地址: Ma, F (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Special Area Highway Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电 子 邮 件 地 址 : [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: MDPI AG出版商地址: POSTFACH, CH-4005 BASEL, SWITZERLANDWeb of Science 类别: Environmental Sciences; Public, Environmental & Occupational Health研究方向: Environmental Sciences & Ecology; Public, Environmental & Occupational HealthIDS 号: DI5HDISSN: 1660-460129 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: INT J ENV RES PUB HEISO 来源出版物缩写: Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health来源出版物页码计数: 15

第 73 条标题 : Closed-form frequency solutions for simplified strain gradient beams with higher-order inertia(徐晓建)作者: Xu, XJ (Xu, Xiao-Jian); Deng, ZC (Deng, Zi-Chen)来源出版物 : EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MECHANICS A-SOLIDS 卷: 56 页: 59-72 DOI:

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10.1016/j.euromechsol.2015.10.005 出版年: MAR-APR 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 5被引频次合计: 5使用次数 (最近 180 天): 4使用次数 (2013 年至今): 22引用的参考文献数: 52摘要: This paper develops an Euler-Bernoulli beam model within the context of a simplified strain gradient theory with higher-order inertia. In contrast to the classical beam models, the proposed gradient beam models can capture the size effects by introducing not only the internal length l(2) related to strain gradient but also the internal length l(1) related to velocity gradient. The governing equation of motion and boundary conditions are derived by using the variational principles. The closed-form solutions for free vibrations of beams with three typical boundary conditions are obtained. Numerical results show that the choices of the higher-order boundary conditions have a minor effect on the natural frequencies of beams. In addition, the inclusion of the strain gradient parameter l(2) increases the effective stiffness of beams and hence it increases the natural frequencies of beams; whereas the inclusion of the velocity gradient parameter l(1) acts as an equivalent compression force in the governing equation and therefore it leads to the decrease of the natural frequencies of beams. Moreover, the significant Poisson effect on the natural frequencies of beams is observed when the thickness of the beam is comparable to the strain gradient parameter l(2). The closed-form solutions for natural frequencies of beams presented in this work may serve as benchmark results for other numerical methods. (C) 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000368751700006语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Simplified strain gradient theory; Vibration; Boundary conditionKeyWords Plus: WALLED CARBON NANOTUBES; FREE-VIBRATION ANALYSIS; ELASTICITY THEORY; WAVE-PROPAGATION; SCREW DISLOCATION; DYNAMIC-ANALYSIS; SURFACE-WAVES; MICRO-BEAMS; STRESS; PLATES地址 : [Xu, Xiao-Jian] Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Special Area Highway Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Xu, Xiao-Jian; Deng, Zi-Chen] Northwestern Polytech Univ, Dept Engn Mech, Xian 710072, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Xu, XJ (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Special Area Highway Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV出版商地址: PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDSWeb of Science 类别: Mechanics研究方向: MechanicsIDS 号: DB8FDISSN: 0997-7538eISSN: 1873-728529 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: EUR J MECH A-SOLID

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ISO 来源出版物缩写: Eur. J. Mech. A-Solids来源出版物页码计数: 14

第 74 条标题 : Development of a rutting prediction model for asphalt pavements with the use of an accelerated loading facility(纪小平)作者 : Ji, XP (Ji, Xiaoping); Zheng, NX (Zheng, Nanxiang); Niu, SS (Niu, Sisheng); Meng, ST (Meng, Shutao); Xu, QL (Xu, Quanliang)来源出版物: ROAD MATERIALS AND PAVEMENT DESIGN 卷: 17 期: 1 页: 15-31 DOI: 10.1080/14680629.2015.1055337 出版年: JAN 2 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 8使用次数 (2013 年至今): 30引用的参考文献数: 15摘要: Integrating the design of a pavement structure and its materials is fundamental to ensure that asphalt pavements possess adequate rutting resistance. In this study, a rutting prediction model was established to link mixture permanent deformation with pavement rutting in the process of integrating design. Several factors, such as the application environment (temperature and vehicle speed), service life (traffic volume), pavement structure, and mixture performance, were characterised. An exponential model was used, and a basic rutting prediction model was developed; the latter model involves mixture dynamic stability, shear stress of the pavement structure, axle loading repetitions, pavement temperature, vehicle speed, and pavement depth. Three different pavement structures were analysed through accelerated pavement rutting tests with an accelerated loading facility and through shear stress calculation. The corresponding asphalt mixtures were tested through rutting and creep tests on the asphalt mixture performance tester to determine the parameters of a simplified rutting prediction model with a reference speed of 20km/h. A model of time hardening creep and loading time function was used to determine the relationship between pavement rutting and vehicle speed. The final rutting prediction model was established through adjustment of vehicle speed in the simplified rutting prediction model. An application method for the prediction model was also proposed through reference to rutting nonlinear superposition methods in the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide. Finally, the developed model was validated with the use of actual rutting data. However, more field rutting data are needed for further model validation and improvement.入藏号: WOS:000368104000002语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: asphalt pavement; rutting; prediction model; ALF; AMPTKeyWords Plus: CONCRETE地址 : [Ji, Xiaoping; Zheng, Nanxiang] Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Special Area Highway Engn, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Niu, Sisheng] Road Investment Co Ltd Gansu, Rd & Bridge Grp, Lanzhou 730030, Gansu, Peoples R China. [Meng, Shutao; Xu, Quanliang] Minist Transportat & Commun, Highway Res Inst, Beijing

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100088, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Ji, XP (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Special Area Highway Engn, Middle Sect South Second Ring Rd, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD出版商地址: 4 PARK SQUARE, MILTON PARK, ABINGDON OX14 4RN, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别 : Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering; Materials ScienceIDS 号: DA9CFISSN: 1468-0629eISSN: 2164-740229 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ROAD MATER PAVEMENTISO 来源出版物缩写: Road Mater. Pavement Des.来源出版物页码计数: 17

第 75 条标题 : The Mechanical Performance of Shear Key of Immersed Tube Tunnel with Differential Foundation Settlement(Retracted article. See 2017) (翁效林)作者: Weng, XL (Weng, Xiaolin); Feng, Y (Feng, Ying); Lou, YP (Lou, Yuanpeng)来源出版物: JOURNAL OF SENSORS 文献号: UNSP 2841753 DOI: 10.1155/2016/2841753 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 4使用次数 (2013 年至今): 28引用的参考文献数: 13摘要 : A fiber Bragg grating (FBG) based sensor network was developed to monitor the strain distributions within immersed tube tunnel shear key, which was subjected to differential settlements. An improved packaging and installation method of the quasi-distributed sensor system was utilized, which not only ensured a high sensor survival rate but also achieved accurate measurement of axial strains. Based on the monitoring results, the stress variations of shear keys of the immersed tunnel joint, which originate from the buckling caused by the longitudinal differential siltation at seabed and the surface defects, were analyzed in detail.入藏号: WOS:000369922200001语种: English文献类型: Article; Retracted PublicationKeyWords Plus: OPTICAL-FIBER; STRAIN-MEASUREMENTS; CONCRETE; SENSORS; SYSTEM地址 : [Weng, Xiaolin; Feng, Ying; Lou, Yuanpeng] Changan Univ, Key Lab Special Area Highway Engn, Minist Educ, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Weng, XL (通讯作者 ),Changan Univ, Key Lab Special Area Highway Engn, Minist Educ, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]

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出版商: HINDAWI LTD出版商地址: ADAM HOUSE, 3RD FLR, 1 FITZROY SQ, LONDON, W1T 5HF, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Electrical & Electronic; Instruments & Instrumentation研究方向: Engineering; Instruments & InstrumentationIDS 号: DD4VZISSN: 1687-725XeISSN: 1687-726829 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J SENSORSISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Sens.来源出版物页码计数: 9

第 76 条标题 : Three dimensional analysis of unconfined seepage in earth dams by the weak form quadrature element method(袁帅)作者: Yuan, S (Yuan, Shuai); Zhong, HZ (Zhong, Hongzhi)来 源 出 版 物 : JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY 卷 : 533 页 : 403-411 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.12.034 出版年: FEB 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 0使用次数 (2013 年至今): 15引用的参考文献数: 29摘要 : It remains challenging to determine the unknown free surface in three dimensional unconfined seepage in earth dams. A number of iterations are frequently required which make the problem computationally expensive. In the present research, a weak form quadrature element formulation is presented for three dimensional analysis of unconfined seepage which is an extension of the recently established method for two dimensional seepage problems. "Free points" are introduced by the interpolation of which the free surfaces are smoothly approximated. Grid lines are constructed in the element and the "free points" are confined to the lines when updated. An interpolatory scheme for locating the exit points is proposed. Formulations and procedures of the method are given in detail. Results of numerical examples are compared with available analytical solutions and numerical solutions in the literature and agreement is reached demonstrating the efficiency and reliability of the present formulation. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000370086200033语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Weak form quadrature element method; Unconfined seepage; Exit point; Earth damKeyWords Plus: FREE-SURFACE SEEPAGE; POROUS-MEDIA; BOUNDARY-PROBLEMS; FLOW; SIMULATION; ALGORITHM; SCHEME地址 : [Yuan, Shuai] Changan Univ, Inst Geotech Engn, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Zhong, Hongzhi] Tsinghua Univ, Dept Civil Engn, Beijing 100084, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Yuan, S (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Inst Geotech Engn, Sch Highway, Xian

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710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV出版商地址: PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDSWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Civil; Geosciences, Multidisciplinary; Water Resources研究方向: Engineering; Geology; Water ResourcesIDS 号: DD7EJISSN: 0022-1694eISSN: 1879-270729 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J HYDROLISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Hydrol.来源出版物页码计数: 9

第 77 条标题 : Investigation of early-stage strength for cold recycled asphalt mixture using foamed asphalt(作者中文名?)作 者 : Li, ZG (Li, Zhigang); Hao, PW (Hao, Peiwen); Liu, HY (Liu, Hongying); Xu, JZ (Xu, Jinzhi); Chen, ZJ (Chen, Zhijun)来源出版物 : CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 卷: 127 页: 410-417 DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.09.126 出版年: NOV 30 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 16使用次数 (2013 年至今): 24引用的参考文献数: 27摘要 : This papers aims at investigating the strength properties of cold recycled mixtures using foamed asphalt (CRMF) at its early-stage of curing. Indirect tensile strength (ITS) and deformation-strength test were used to figure out the early-stage strength development law of the CRMF. Through image processing and analysis the fracture interface characteristics of CRMF were identified. Statistical methods were used to analyze the amounts of air voids in the CRMF specimens and a two-parameter Weibull model was used to describe the distribution of air voids in the CRMF using X-ray computed tomography (CT) technique. The results indicated that moisture content had a significant effect on the strength of CRMF. Moreover, cement only affected the early strength while the foamed asphalt affected the long-term strength of CRMF. The fracture path was developed along the weak interface where there was, moisture membrane especially at 0-3 days curing. The asphalt mastic may be broken off forming the fracture path as the curing continuing after 3 days of curing. The X-ray CT test indicated that a weak hydration products interface was destroyed and two voids were interconnected to become one large void. However, variations of the voids amounts had almost no significant effect to the Weibull distribution of air voids in CRMF. The findings helps us to understand well to the development mechanism of early-stage strength of CRMF and lead us to new approaches to improve the early-stage strength. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000388047400039语种: English

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文献类型: Article作者关键词 : Cold recycled mixtures; Foamed asphalt; Early-stage strength; Image analysis; X-ray CTKeyWords Plus: RAY COMPUTED-TOMOGRAPHY; PERFORMANCE; MIXES; PAVEMENT地址: [Li, Zhigang; Hao, Peiwen; Liu, Hongying; Xu, Jinzhi; Chen, Zhijun] Changan Univ, Key Lab Rd Struct & Mat, Minist Commun, PRC, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Hao, PW (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Key Lab Rd Struct & Mat, Minist Commun, PRC, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别 : Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering; Materials ScienceIDS 号: EC3SUISSN: 0950-0618eISSN: 1879-052629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: CONSTR BUILD MATERISO 来源出版物缩写: Constr. Build. Mater.来源出版物页码计数: 8

第 78 条标题 : Freeze-proof method and test verification of a cold region tunnel employing electric heat tracing(赖金星)作 者 : Lai, JX (Lai, Jinxing); Qiu, JL (Qiu, Junling); Fan, HB (Fan, Haobo); Chen, JX (Chen, Jianxun); Xie, YL (Xie, Yongli)来源出版物: TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY 卷: 60 页: 56-65 DOI: 10.1016/j.tust.2016.08.002 出版年: NOV 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 18使用次数 (2013 年至今): 33引用的参考文献数: 36摘要: In recent decades, numerous tunnels have been built in the cold region of China. However, frost damage occurs frequently inside the tunnels; this damage threatens the stability of the tunnels. In order to prevent frost damage, a method employing electric heat tracing (EHT) was presented in this study. Moreover, the EHT-based freeze-proof system layout and installation procedures were also introduced. The tunnel liner EHT system is composed of four parts: heating cable, insulation layer, protective layer and fire protection layer. This EHT system was adopted in the Dongnanli highway tunnel (located in northeastern China) to verify its applicability. In-situ test results indicated that the temperature behind the liner begins to heat up after one hour of electrifying the system; next, the temperature becomes positive and remains stable after three hours of electrifying the system. The operation of the heating system is quite stable, and the

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insulation effect is significant. Through the assessments of the heating efficiency that is required to reach the target temperature and a constant temperature heating effect, it is suggested that the combination of thermal insulation and electric heat tracing is feasible and effective in preventing frost damage in tunnels. The research results provide references for the design and construction of frost prevention systems in tunnels in cold regions. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000387834900007语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Cold region tunnel; Prevention of frost damage; In-situ test; Tunnel liner EHT system; Temperature fieldKeyWords Plus: THERMAL PERFORMANCE; PERMAFROST TUNNEL; NONLINEAR-ANALYSIS; FORECAST ANALYSIS; COUPLED PROBLEM; TEMPERATURE; ENERGY; FOUNDATIONS; EXCHANGERS; SEEPAGE地址 : [Lai, Jinxing; Chen, Jianxun; Xie, Yongli] Changan Univ, Shaanxi Prov Major Lab Highway Bridge & Tunnel, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Qiu, Junling; Fan, Haobo] Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Lai, JX (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Shaanxi Prov Major Lab Highway Bridge & Tunnel, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.Qiu, JL (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; EngineeringIDS 号: EC1ACISSN: 0886-779829 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: TUNN UNDERGR SP TECHISO 来源出版物缩写: Tunn. Undergr. Space Technol.来源出版物页码计数: 10

第 79 条标题: A new method for the stability analysis of geosynthetic-reinforced slopes(宋飞)作者: Song, F (Song Fei); Chen, RY (Chen Ru-yi); Ma, LQ (Ma Li-qiu); Cao, GR (Cao Geng-ren)来 源 出 版物 : JOURNAL OF MOUNTAIN SCIENCE 卷 : 13 期 : 11 页 : 2069-2078 DOI: 10.1007/s11629-016-4001-8 出版年: NOV 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 4使用次数 (2013 年至今): 9引用的参考文献数: 26摘要 : This paper is concerned with the stability analysis of reinforced slopes. A new approach based on the limit equilibrium principle is proposed to evaluate the stability of the reinforced slopes. The effect of reinforcement is modeled as an equivalent restoring force acting the bottom

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of the slice and added into the general limit equilibrium (GLE) method. The equations of force and moment equilibrium of the slice are derived and corresponding iterative solution methods are provided. The new method can satisfy both the force and the moment equilibrium and be applicable to the critical failure surface of arbitrary form. Furthermore, the results predicted by the proposed method are compared with the calculation examples of other researchers and the centrifuge model test results to validate its correctness and effectiveness.入藏号: WOS:000387032600015语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词 : Reinforced slope; Stability analysis; Limit equilibrium; General limit equilibrium method; Centrifuge model testKeyWords Plus: EMBANKMENTS地址: [Chen Ru-yi] Changan Univ, Inst Geotech Engn, Sch Highway Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Ma Li-qiu] Guizhou Elect Engn Construct Supervise Co, Guiyang 550005, Peoples R China. [Cao Geng-ren] Merchants Chongqing Commun Res & Design Inst Co L, Chongqing 400067, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Ma, LQ (通讯作 者 ),Guizhou Elect Engn Construct Supervise Co, Guiyang 550005, Peoples R China.电 子 邮 件 地 址 : [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: SCIENCE PRESS出 版商地址 : 16 DONGHUANGCHENGGEN NORTH ST, BEIJING 100717, PEOPLES R CHINAWeb of Science 类别: Environmental Sciences研究方向: Environmental Sciences & EcologyIDS 号: EB0KLISSN: 1672-6316eISSN: 1993-032129 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J MT SCI-ENGLISO 来源出版物缩写: J Mt. Sci.来源出版物页码计数: 10

第 80 条标题 : Utilization of Construction Waste Composite Powder Materials as Cementitious Materials in Small-Scale Prefabricated Concrete(薛翠珍)作者: Xue, CZ (Xue, Cuizhen); Shen, AQ (Shen, Aiqin); Guo, YC (Guo, Yinchuan); He, TQ (He, Tianqin)来源出版物: ADVANCES IN MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 文献号: 8947935 DOI: 10.1155/2016/8947935 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 4使用次数 (2013 年至今): 12

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引用的参考文献数: 24摘要 : The construction and demolition wastes have increased rapidly due to the prosperity of infrastructure construction. For the sake of effectively reusing construction wastes, this paper studied the potential use of construction waste composite powder material (CWCPM) as cementitious materials in small-scale prefabricated concretes. Three types of such concretes, namely, C20, C25, and C30, were selected to investigate the influences of CWCPM on their working performances, mechanical properties, and antipermeability and antifrost performances. Also the effects of CWCPM on the morphology, hydration products, and pore structure characteristics of the cement-based materials were analyzed. The results are encouraging. Although CWCPM slightly decreases the mechanical properties of the C20 concrete and the 7 d compressive strengths of the C25 and C30 concretes, the 28 d compressive strength and the 90 d flexural strength of the C25 and C30 concretes are improved when CWCPM has a dosage less than 30%; CWCPM improves the antipermeability and antifrost performances of the concretes due to its filling and pozzolanic effects; the best improvement is obtained at CWCPM dosage of 30%; CWCPM optimizes cement hydration products, refines concrete pore structure, and gives rise to reasonable pore size distribution, therefore significantly improving the durability of the concretes.入藏号: WOS:000381430500001语种: English文献类型: ArticleKeyWords Plus: BLAST-FURNACE SLAG; CLAY BRICK; PHYSICAL-PROPERTIES; POZZOLANIC MATERIAL; MINERAL POWDER; MORTAR; AGGREGATE; DURABILITY; STRENGTH地址 : [Xue, Cuizhen; Shen, Aiqin; Guo, Yinchuan; He, Tianqin] Changan Univ, Rd & Railway Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Xue, CZ (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Rd & Railway Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: HINDAWI PUBLISHING CORP出版商地址: 315 MADISON AVE 3RD FLR, STE 3070, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USAWeb of Science 类别: Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Materials ScienceIDS 号: DT4DOISSN: 1687-8434eISSN: 1687-844229 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ADV MATER SCI ENGISO 来源出版物缩写: Adv. Mater. Sci. Eng.来源出版物页码计数: 11

材料科学与工程学院第 1 条标题 : Rapid diffusion bonding of WC-Co cemented carbide to 40Cr steel with Ni interlayer: Effect of surface roughness and interlayer thickness(郭亚杰)作者: Guo, YJ (Guo, Yajie); Wang, YQ (Wang, Yuqing); Gao, BX (Gao, Bingxiang); Shi, ZQ (Shi,

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Zhongqi); Yuan, ZW (Yuan, Zhanwei)来 源 出 版物 : CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL 卷 : 42 期 : 15 页 : 16729-16737 DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2016.07.145 出版年: NOV 15 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 2被引频次合计: 2使用次数 (最近 180 天): 4使用次数 (2013 年至今): 19引用的参考文献数: 36摘要 : WC-Co cemented carbides were rapidly diffusion bonded to 40Cr steels with pure Ni as interlayers by utilizing plasma activated sintering (PAS). The bonding was carried out at 750 degrees C for 13 min under a pressure of 40 MPa. It was found that the roughness of the initial surfaces still plays an important effect on the microstructure and mechanical behavior of the joints diffusion bonded by PAS irrespective of the electric current applied during bonding. The adoption of smoother original surfaces was significantly favorable to eliminate the interfacial interstices and microvoids. Correspondingly, the shear strength of the diffusion bonded joints increased with decreasing surface roughness. Additionally, the effect of interlayer thickness on the shear strength of the joints was also evaluated, and the results showed that the strength decreased sharply when thicker interlayer was employed. A maximum value of shear strength, 293.07 MPa, was obtained when the original surfaces was ground with P1200 grit SiC paper and at the same time 50 mu m thick interlayer was used. In this case, the fracture initiated and run predominantly along the bonding interfaces instead of in the WC-Co substrate. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000384784100040语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键 词 : Cemented carbides; Diffusion bonding; Plasma activated sintering; Surface roughness; InterfaceKeyWords Plus: ELECTROPLATED INTERLAYER; MECHANICAL-PROPERTIES; MICROSTRUCTURE; JOINTS; ALLOY; ALUMINUM; CU; STRENGTH; BEHAVIOR; AL地址: [Guo, Yajie; Wang, Yuqing; Gao, Bingxiang; Yuan, Zhanwei] Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Minist Educ, Engn Res Ctr Transportat Mat, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Shi, Zhongqi] Xi An Jiao Tong Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Mech Behav Mat, Xian 710049, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Yuan, ZW (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, South Second Ring Rd Middle, Xian 710064, Shaanxi Provinc, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Materials Science, Ceramics研究方向: Materials ScienceIDS 号: DY0JWISSN: 0272-8842eISSN: 1873-3956

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29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: CERAM INTISO 来源出版物缩写: Ceram. Int.来源出版物页码计数: 9

第 2 条标题 : Low temperature synthesis and characterization of YAG nanopowders by polyacrylamide gel method(苏兴华)作者: Su, XH (Su, Xinghua); Zhou, J (Zhou, Jie); Bai, G (Bai, Ge); Zhang, J (Zhang, Jing); Zhao, P (Zhao, Peng)来 源 出 版物 : CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL 卷 : 42 期 : 15 页 : 17497-17502 DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2016.08.058 出版年: NOV 15 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 15使用次数 (2013 年至今): 24引用的参考文献数: 31摘 要 : Yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG, Y3Al5O12)nanopowders were synthesized by a polyacrylamide gel method at a much lower temperature of 900 degrees C than using the traditional methods. This synthesis process was thoroughly investigated including an examination of the phase transformation, the particle size and agglomeration degree at different molar ratios of monomer to the precursor salt and the calcination temperature. A high mole ratio of monomer to the precursor salt led to low formation temperature of YAG, resulting from the high homogeneity and reduced particle size of the precursor. Consequently, weak-agglomerated YAG nanopowder with an average particle size of 35 nm can be prepared at a calcination temperature of 900 degrees C for 2 h. The as-prepared YAG nanopowder showed excellent sinter-ability. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000384784100138语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: YAG; Nanopowders; Polyacrylamide gel method; SynthesisKeyWords Plus: ALUMINUM-GARNET YAG; SOLID-STATE REACTION; COPRECIPITATION METHOD; TRANSPARENT CERAMICS; THERMAL-DECOMPOSITION; ND-YAG; POWDERS; POLYCRYSTALLINE; PRECIPITANT; COMBUSTION地址: [Su, Xinghua; Zhou, Jie; Bai, Ge; Zhang, Jing; Zhao, Peng] Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710061, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Su, XH (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710061, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Materials Science, Ceramics研究方向: Materials Science

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IDS 号: DY0JWISSN: 0272-8842eISSN: 1873-395629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: CERAM INTISO 来源出版物缩写: Ceram. Int.来源出版物页码计数: 6

第 3 条标题: Investigation on electromagnetic and microwave absorption properties of copper slag-filled cement mortar(王振军)作者: Wang, ZJ (Wang, Zhenjun); Zhang, T (Zhang, Ting); Zhou, L (Zhou, Liang)来 源 出 版物 : CEMENT & CONCRETE COMPOSITES 卷 : 74 页 : 174-181 DOI: 10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2016.10.003 出版年: NOV 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 12使用次数 (2013 年至今): 17引用的参考文献数: 37摘要 : Ordinary cement mortar is a widely used structural material. However, its microwave absorbing ability is very weak due to the lack of magnetic and electrical conductive components. Copper slag is a by-product produced from copper smelting, which possesses excellent magnetic properties. In this paper, ordinary cement mortar specimens incorporated with copper slag were prepared. The electromagnetic (EM) parameters were determined by a network analyzer in 8.2-12.4 GHz frequency ranges. The reflectivity of the mortars against EM wave was evaluated through an arch reflectivity testing system in the same frequency ranges. The skirt depth and compressive strength of mortars were calculated and tested, respectively. Results show that both the real and imaginary parts of permittivity increase with the increase of copper slag content and over 30% copper slag contents can evidently improve the permittivity of the mortars. Meanwhile, permeability of the mortars is evidently improved in the frequency ranges with the addition of the copper slag. The reflectivity values of the copper slag-filled mortars tend to decrease and then increase with the increase of copper slag contents. The minimum reflectivity reaches -13.4 dB and the reflectivity below -10.0 dB can be obtained in the frequency range of 8.2-8.4 and 10.4-10.9 GHz representing 90% absorption when the copper slag content is 50%. Over copper slag content can make the mortar not absorb but reflect the EM microwave. Skin depth decreases with the increase of microwave frequency and copper slag content. The mortars with 50% copper slag content exhibit higher compressive strength value, as well as better microwave absorption performance. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000387630300016语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关 键 词 : Cement mortar; Copper slag; Electromagnetic characteristics; Reflectivity; Microwave absorptionKeyWords Plus: CARBON-FIBER DISPERSION; PORTLAND-CEMENT; MECHANICAL-PROPERTIES; FINE AGGREGATE; COMPOSITES; CONCRETE; INTERFERENCE;

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REFLECTIVITY; STEEL地址 : [Wang, Zhenjun; Zhang, Ting; Zhou, Liang] Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710061, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Wang, Zhenjun; Zhou, Liang] Changan Univ, Engn Res Cent Pavement Mat, Minist Educ PR China, Xian 710061, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Wang, ZJ (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710061, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Construction & Building Technology; Materials Science, Composites研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; Materials ScienceIDS 号: EB8GUISSN: 0958-9465eISSN: 1873-393X29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: CEMENT CONCRETE COMPISO 来源出版物缩写: Cem. Concr. Compos.来源出版物页码计数: 8

第 4 条标题 : Effects of Microwave Curing on the Chemical and Physical Properties of Epoxy Asphalt(艾涛)作者: Ai, T (Ai, Tao); Xiang, S (Xiang, Shu); Wang, ZJ (Wang, Zhenjun)来源出版物: JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING 卷: 28 期: 11 文献号: 06016013 DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0001645 出版年: NOV 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 22使用次数 (2013 年至今): 26引用的参考文献数: 28摘要 : As a long-life road surfacing material, epoxy asphalt has many benefits such as high strength, excellent bonding properties, high temperature stability, and high resistance to low temperature cracking. With the increasing use of epoxy asphalt in orthotropic steel bridge deck pavements, there has been an urgent need for a fast, easy, and reliable maintenance method. Microwave heating provides a promising method for epoxy asphalt curing. This study explored the possibility of using microwave heating for epoxy asphalt curing and investigated the effects of microwave heating on chemical and physical properties of epoxy asphalt. An epoxy asphalt suitable for microwave heating was prepared, tested for its tensile properties, and characterized using thermal analysis, infrared analysis, and microscopy tests. The results showed that the epoxy asphalt cured by microwave heating had a better ductility than that cured by conventional heating. The fluorescence and scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) observations showed that microwave curing could reduce the size of asphalt particles dispersed in the continuous phase of epoxy, thus improving the compatibility between epoxy resin and asphalt. (C) 2016 American Society of Civil

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Engineers.入藏号: WOS:000386365600022语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Epoxy asphalt; Microwave; Curing; Epoxy resin; Asphalt; CompatibilityKeyWords Plus: CROSS-LINKING; RESIN; KINETICS; CURE地址 : [Ai, Tao; Wang, Zhenjun] Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, 161 Changan Middle Rd, Xian 710061, Peoples R China. [Xiang, Shu] Hebei Res Inst Construct & Geotech Invest Co Ltd, Shijiazhuang 050031, Peoples R China. [Xiang, Shu] Technol Ctr Geotech Engn Hebei Prov, Shijiazhuang 050031, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Wang, ZJ (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, 161 Changan Middle Rd, Xian 710061, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: ASCE-AMER SOC CIVIL ENGINEERS出版商地址: 1801 ALEXANDER BELL DR, RESTON, VA 20191-4400 USAWeb of Science 类别 : Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering; Materials ScienceIDS 号: EA1PZISSN: 0899-1561eISSN: 1943-553329 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J MATER CIVIL ENGISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Mater. Civ. Eng.来源出版物页码计数: 5

第 5 条标题 : Laboratory investigation on deicing characteristics of asphalt mixtures using magnetite aggregate as microwave-absorbing materials(王振军)作者 : Wang, ZJ (Wang, Zhenjun); Wang, HF (Wang, Hongfei); An, DD (An, Dengdeng); Ai, T (Ai, Tao); Zhao, P (Zhao, Peng)来源出版物 : CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 卷: 124 页: 589-597 DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.07.137 出版年: OCT 15 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 3被引频次合计: 3使用次数 (最近 180 天): 3使用次数 (2013 年至今): 9引用的参考文献数: 37摘要: Natural magnetic components in magnetite are outstanding microwave absorbers, which can be used in asphalt pavement for deicing practice. Therefore, asphalt mixtures containing magnetite aggregate as microwave absorber for different replacements of conventional basalt aggregate were prepared in this work and their deicing characteristics were studied in laboratory. Properties of asphalt mixtures incorporated with magnetite and basalt aggregates were tested, respectively. Microwave heating efficiency (MHE), microwave reflection and microwave deicing time (MDT)

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tests of asphalt mixtures were conducted. In addition, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) were adopted to conduct microscopic analyses. The results show that asphalt mixtures with magnetite aggregate present better performances at high temperature compared to those containing basalt aggregate with the same content, even though slightly lower water and temperature resistance are observed. The MHE of magnetite aggregate is 6.15 times that of basalt aggregate. The minimum reflectivity value of asphalt mixtures containing 80% magnetite content reaches 11.3 dB at 2.45 GHz frequency. Suitable magnetite content can decrease microwave reflectivity and improve microwave absorbing ability. The MHE of asphalt mixtures increases with the increase of magnetite contents when magnetite content is below 80%. Optimum magnetite aggregate content can evidently shorten the MDT. However, the MDT increases with the decrease of surrounding temperature. In a word, magnetite can be used as aggregates and microwave-absorbing materials in asphalt mixtures to achieve microwave deicing function. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000385319300058语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关 键 词 : Asphalt mixtures; Magnetite aggregate; Microwave radiation; Deicing characteristicsKeyWords Plus: WARM MIX ASPHALT; SURFACE; CEMENT; COMPOSITES; PAVEMENT; SNOW; OIL; ICE地址: [Wang, Zhenjun; Wang, Hongfei; An, Dengdeng; Ai, Tao; Zhao, Peng] Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710061, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Wang, Zhenjun; Ai, Tao; Zhao, Peng] Changan Univ, Minist Educ PR China, Engn Res Cent Pavement Mat, Xian 710061, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Wang, ZJ (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710061, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别 : Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering; Materials ScienceIDS 号: DY7OQISSN: 0950-0618eISSN: 1879-052629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: CONSTR BUILD MATERISO 来源出版物缩写: Constr. Build. Mater.来源出版物页码计数: 9

第 6 条标题: Tuning the electronic and magnetic properties of graphene-like SiGe hybrid nanosheets by surface functionalization(张文雪)

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作者: Zhang, WX (Zhang, W. X.); Wang, YB (Wang, Y. B.); Zhao, P (Zhao, P.); He, C (He, C.)来源出版物: PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS 卷: 18 期: 37 页: 26205-26212 DOI: 10.1039/c6cp04756d 出版年: OCT 7 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 13使用次数 (2013 年至今): 25引用的参考文献数: 48摘要: In this paper, the structural, electronic and magnetic properties of fully and partially surface modified SiGe nanosheets (NSs) have been investigated using first-principles calculations based on density functional theory. The results demonstrate that the electronic and magnetic properties of SiGe NSs can be tuned by decorating H, Cl and F atoms on Si sites in SiGe NSs. It is shown that by decorating their surface with H, F, and Cl atoms, H-SiGe, F-SiGe, and Cl-SiGe NSs in FM states are predicted to behave as a semiconductor, half-metal, and metal, respectively. The diverse electronic and magnetic properties define the potential applications of SiGe nanosheets in electronics and spintronics.入藏号: WOS:000385172600047PubMed ID: 27711477语种: English文献类型: ArticleKeyWords Plus: BORON-NITRIDE NANOSHEETS; SPIN HALL INSULATOR; SILICON NANOSHEETS; 1ST-PRINCIPLES; GERMANENE; FERROMAGNETISM; HYDROGENATION; NANORIBBONS; MONOLAYER; THICKNESS地址: [Zhang, W. X.; Wang, Y. B.; Zhao, P.] Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Zhang, W. X.] Univ Technol Sydney, Sch Chem & Forens Sci, Ctr Clean Energy Technol, Sydney, NSW 2007, Australia. [He, C.] Xi An Jiao Tong Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Mech Behav Mat, Xian 710049, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Zhang, WX (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.Zhang, WX (通讯作 者 ),Univ Technol Sydney, Sch Chem & Forens Sci, Ctr Clean Energy Technol, Sydney, NSW 2007, Australia.He, C (通讯作者),Xi An Jiao Tong Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Mech Behav Mat, Xian 710049, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY出 版商地址 : THOMAS GRAHAM HOUSE, SCIENCE PARK, MILTON RD, CAMBRIDGE CB4 0WF, CAMBS, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Chemistry, Physical; Physics, Atomic, Molecular & Chemical研究方向: Chemistry; PhysicsIDS 号: DY5VNISSN: 1463-9076eISSN: 1463-9084

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29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: PHYS CHEM CHEM PHYSISO 来源出版物缩写: Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.来源出版物页码计数: 8

第 7 条标 题 : Synthesis and electric field-assisted sintering behavior of Al2O3-ZrO2 composite nanopowders by polyacrylamide gel method(苏兴华)作 者 : Su, XH (Su, Xinghua); Zhou, J (Zhou, Jie); Wang, BP (Wang, Benpan); Zhao, P (Zhao, Peng)来源出版物: JOURNAL OF SOL-GEL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 卷: 80 期: 1 页: 126-132 DOI: 10.1007/s10971-016-4085-1 出版年: OCT 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 3使用次数 (2013 年至今): 10引用的参考文献数: 38摘要: Al2O3-ZrO2 composite ceramic nanopowders were synthesized using a polyacrylamide gel method. The mean particle size of the Al2O3-ZrO2 nanopowders was found to decrease with increasing mole ratio of monomer to the precursor salt. The Al2O3-ZrO2 nanopowders with mean particle size of 10 nm can be densified in 1 h at 965 A degrees C, by application of a dc electrical field. Under a constant dc electrical field, the current density through the sample of Al2O3-ZrO2 rose rapidly when the temperature increased to a certain value. In the sintering process, the current density was restricted when a sharp increase occurred. It was found that current density had a great effect on the sintering process in electric field-assisted sintering. Joule heating was proposed to be the main mechanism of the electric field-assisted sintering process. The Al2O3-ZrO2 composite ceramic nanopowders were synthesized using a polyacrylamide gel method. The Al2O3-ZrO2 nanopowders can be densified in 1 h at low temperature, by the application of a dc electrical field. Under a constant dc electrical field, the current density through the sample of Al2O3-ZrO2 rose rapidly when the temperature increased to a certain value.入藏号: WOS:000384533300015语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Al2O3-ZrO2; Nanopowders; Electric field-assisted sintering; Joule heatingKeyWords Plus: CHEMICAL-VAPOR SYNTHESIS; NANOCRYSTALLINE ALPHA-AL2O3; PHASE-TRANSFORMATION; STABILIZED ZIRCONIA; GRAIN-GROWTH; ALUMINA; POWDER; NANOCOMPOSITE; KINETICS; OXIDE地址: [Su, Xinghua; Zhou, Jie; Wang, Benpan; Zhao, Peng] Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710061, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Su, XH (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710061, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDSWeb of Science 类别: Materials Science, Ceramics

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研究方向: Materials ScienceIDS 号: DX6YYISSN: 0928-0707eISSN: 1573-484629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J SOL-GEL SCI TECHNISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol.来源出版物页码计数: 7

第 8 条标题 : The structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of the stoichiometric (001) surface of double perovskite Sr2FeMoO6(张妍)作者: Zhang, Y (Zhang, Yan); Ji, V (Ji, Vincent); Xu, KW (Xu, Ke-Wei)来源出版物: SURFACE AND INTERFACE ANALYSIS 卷: 48 期: 10 页: 1040-1047 DOI: 10.1002/sia.6020 出版年: OCT 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 6使用次数 (2013 年至今): 17引用的参考文献数: 82摘要 : The structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of the stoichiometric (001) surface of double perovskite Sr2FeMoO6 have been studied by using a 10-layer FeMoO4 and SrO terminated (001)-oriented slab model and the first-principles projector augmented wave potential within the generalized gradient approximation as well as taking into account the on-site Coulomb repulsive (U=2.0eV for Fe and 1.0eV for Mo). An outwards relaxation is observed for several layers near surface, and the accompanying layer rumpling has a decrease tend from surface layer to inner layer. Along Fe-O-Mo-O-Fe or Mo-O-Fe-O-Mo chains, the oxygen atom is closer to the adjacent Mo atom than to the adjacent Fe atom. In FeO6 or MoO6 octahedra, the two axial TM-O bonds are not equal, and especially, the surface dangling bond makes the remaining one axial TM-O bond slightly shorter than four equally equatorial TM-O bonds. The half-metallic nature and a complete (100%) spin polarization character ensure the FeMoO4 and SrO terminated (001)-oriented slab of double perovskite Sr2FeMoO6 a potential application in spintronics devices. The Fe+3 and Mo+5 ions are still in the (3d(5), S=5/2) and (4d(1), S=1/2) states with positive and negative magnetic moments respectively and thus antiferromagnetic coupling via oxygen between them. There is no direct interaction between two nearest Fe-Fe or Mo-Mo pairs, whereas the hybridizations between Fe 3d and 4s, O 2s and 2p, as well as Mo 4d, 5s and 5p orbitals are fairly significant. Copyright (c) 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.入藏号: WOS:000383753200003语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: double perovskite; surface; electronic structures; magnetic properties; first-principlesKeyWords Plus: INITIO MOLECULAR-DYNAMICS; TOTAL-ENERGY CALCULATIONS; WAVE BASIS-SET; THIN-FILMS; AB-INITIO; PHYSICAL-PROPERTIES; MAGNETORESISTANCE; METAL; TRANSITION; MAGNETOTRANSPORT地址: [Zhang, Yan] Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710061, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.

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[Ji, Vincent] Univ Paris 11, ICMMO SP2M, CNRS, UMR 8182, F-91405 Orsay, France. [Xu, Ke-Wei] Xi An Jiao Tong Univ, State Key Lab Mech Behav Mat, Xian 710049, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Zhang, Y (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710061, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号ji, vincent 0000-0003-1979-7323

出版商: WILEY-BLACKWELL出版商地址: 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USAWeb of Science 类别: Chemistry, Physical研究方向: ChemistryIDS 号: DW6IGISSN: 0142-2421eISSN: 1096-991829 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: SURF INTERFACE ANALISO 来源出版物缩写: Surf. Interface Anal.来源出版物页码计数: 8

第 9 条标题: Toughness modification of hyperbranched polyester on epoxy asphalt(许培俊)作者 : Xu, PJ (Xu, Peijun); Cong, PL (Cong, Peiliang); Li, DG (Li, Danggang); Zhu, XT (Zhu, Xingtian)来源出版物 : CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 卷: 122 页: 473-477 DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.06.087 出版年: SEP 30 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 13使用次数 (2013 年至今): 30引用的参考文献数: 19摘要: Thermosetting epoxy asphalt, which has great mechanical properties and excellent thermal stability, is one of the preferred paving materials on steel bridge deck. However, because epoxy asphalt has high modulus and brittleness in cold environments, it still has a risk of propagating non-repaired brittle crack in winter. Hyperbranched polymer (HBP) can be used as an active modifier for epoxy asphalt to improve its toughness. It can be found that viscosities of HBP modified epoxy asphalts are slightly increased during curing process, but the percent elongation of epoxy asphalt could be effectively improved by HBP with enough tensile strength. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000382340600048语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Epoxy asphalt; Hyperbranched polyester; Modification

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KeyWords Plus: RUBBER-MODIFIED EPOXIES; RESINS; COMPOSITES; POLYBORATE; FRACTURE; POLYMER地址: [Xu, Peijun; Cong, Peiliang; Li, Danggang; Zhu, Xingtian] Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Xu, Peijun; Cong, Peiliang] Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Engn Res Ctr Transportat Mat, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Xu, PJ (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电 子 邮 件 地 址 : [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别 : Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering; Materials ScienceIDS 号: DU6QVISSN: 0950-0618eISSN: 1879-052629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: CONSTR BUILD MATERISO 来源出版物缩写: Constr. Build. Mater.来源出版物页码计数: 5

第 10 条标题 : The half-metallic ferromagnetic characters of (001)-oriented thin films of the double perovskite Pb2FeMoO6(张妍)作者: Zhang, Y (Zhang, Yan); Duan, L (Duan, Li); Ji, V (Ji, Vincent)来源出版物: THIN SOLID FILMS 卷: 615 页: 318-323 DOI: 10.1016/j.tsf.2016.07.042 出版年: SEP 30 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 1使用次数 (2013 年至今): 13引用的参考文献数: 34摘要 : The structural, electronic andmagnetic properties of the three possible terminations of the (001)-oriented thin film of the double perovskite Pb2FeMoO6, 10-L FeMoO4 and PbO terminated, 9-L FeMoO4 terminated and 11-L PbO terminated, have been studied by using the first-principles calculations. It is found that, firstly an outwards relaxation is observed for several layers near surface and the relaxed fractional rumpling s of the PbO layer is larger than that of the adjacent FeMoO4 layer and both have a decrease tend from surface layer to inner layer. Second, whether parallel to or perpendicular to the surface, the Mo-O bond length is always shorter than the adjacent Fe-O bond length. Thirdly, the half-metallic ferromagnetic (HM-FM) character ensures these three terminations of the (001)-oriented thin films of the double perovskite Pb2FeMoO6 a potential application in magnetoresistive and spintronics devices. Fourth,

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delocalized distribution of the spin charge densities around the Fe atoms on the first FeMoO4 layer leads to a smaller magnetic moment of the Fe atoms on the first FeMoO4 layer than the inner Fe atoms. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000381939700050语种: English文献类型: Article作者 关键词 : Double perovskites; Thin films; Electronic structures; Magnetic properties; First-principlesKeyWords Plus: INITIO MOLECULAR-DYNAMICS; TOTAL-ENERGY CALCULATIONS; WAVE BASIS-SET; ELECTRONIC-STRUCTURE; MAGNETIC-PROPERTIES; SR2FEMOO6; MAGNETORESISTANCE地址 : [Zhang, Yan; Duan, Li] Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710061, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Ji, Vincent] Univ Paris 11, CNRS, UMR 8182, ICMMO,SP2M, F-91405 Orsay, France.通讯作 者 地址 : Zhang, Y (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710061, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号ji, vincent 0000-0003-1979-7323

出版商: ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA出版商地址: PO BOX 564, 1001 LAUSANNE, SWITZERLANDWeb of Science 类别: Materials Science, Multidisciplinary; Materials Science, Coatings & Films; Physics, Applied; Physics, Condensed Matter研究方向: Materials Science; PhysicsIDS 号: DU1BDISSN: 0040-609029 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: THIN SOLID FILMSISO 来源出版物缩写: Thin Solid Films来源出版物页码计数: 6

第 11 条标题 : Electrochemical construction of three-dimensional porous Mn3O4 nanosheet arrays as an anode for the lithium ion battery(樊晓勇)作者: Fan, XY (Fan, Xiao-Yong); Cui, Y (Cui, Yu); Liu, P (Liu, Pan); Gou, L (Gou, Lei); Xu, L (Xu, Lei); Li, DL (Li, Dong-Lin)来源出版物: PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS 卷: 18 期: 32 页: 22224-22234 DOI: 10.1039/c6cp03374a 出版年: AUG 28 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 2被引频次合计: 2使用次数 (最近 180 天): 21使用次数 (2013 年至今): 55引用的参考文献数: 52

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摘 要 : Three-dimensional (3D) porous Mn3O4 nanosheet arrays were constructed via an electrodeposition followed by high temperature annealing using 3D porous Cu, prepared by a facile electroless plating method, as the substrate. The 3D pores and voids between the nanosheet arrays were able to provide rapid ion transfer channels, as well as accommodating the volumetric changes of Mn3O4 during the electrochemical cycling. Electrons can directly exchange between the substrate and the nanosheet units, avoiding curving and the long transfer distance in conventional electrodes constructed using casting technology. Furthermore, the nanosheets were transformed into the architecture with smaller sub-nanosheets on the pristine nanosheets after 1 cycle, facilitating ion transferring, and were thoroughly transformed into smaller sub-nanosheets after 1000 cycles but without obvious exfoliation, assuring good electrical contact between the active particles and substrate. Based on the above unique characteristics, the 3D porous Mn3O4 nanosheet arrays could be directly used as a binder-free and conductive-agent-free electrode to deliver ultrahigh electrochemical performance that is much better than achieved in previous reports. The first reversible capacity was 1166.3 mA h g(-1) and remained 667.9 mA h g(-1) after 1000 cycles at 1.0 A g(-1). Also, the reversible capacities at high current densities of 10.0 A g(-1) and 20.0 A g(-1) remained high at 416.1 and 216.7 mA h g(-1), respectively.入藏号: WOS:000381436500025PubMed ID: 27452235语种: English文献类型: ArticleKeyWords Plus: OXYGEN REDUCTION REACTION; NITROGEN-DOPED GRAPHENE; HIGH-PERFORMANCE; ENERGY-STORAGE; FACILE SYNTHESIS; HIGH-CAPACITY; HYDROTHERMAL SYNTHESIS; CONVERSION REACTION; NANOWALL ARRAYS; NANOROD ANODES地址: [Fan, Xiao-Yong; Cui, Yu; Liu, Pan; Gou, Lei; Xu, Lei; Li, Dong-Lin] Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710061, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Fan, XY; Li, DL (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710061, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY出 版商地址 : THOMAS GRAHAM HOUSE, SCIENCE PARK, MILTON RD, CAMBRIDGE CB4 0WF, CAMBS, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Chemistry, Physical; Physics, Atomic, Molecular & Chemical研究方向: Chemistry; PhysicsIDS 号: DT4FWISSN: 1463-9076eISSN: 1463-908429 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: PHYS CHEM CHEM PHYSISO 来源出版物缩写: Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.来源出版物页码计数: 11

第 12 条标 题 : Tailorable Burning Behavior of Ti14 Alloy by Controlling Semi-Solid Forging Temperature(陈永楠)

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作者: Chen, YN (Chen, Yongnan); Yang, WQ (Yang, Wenqing); Zhan, HF (Zhan, Haifei); Zhang, FY (Zhang, Fengying); Huo, YZ (Huo, Yazhou); Zhao, YQ (Zhao, Yongqing); Song, XD (Song, Xuding); Gu, YT (Gu, Yuantong)来源出版物: MATERIALS 卷: 9 期: 8 文献号: 697 DOI: 10.3390/ma9080697 出版年: AUG 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 4使用次数 (2013 年至今): 11引用的参考文献数: 52摘要 : Semi-solid processing (SSP) is a popular near-net-shape forming technology for metals, while its application is still limited in titanium alloy mainly due to its low formability. Recent works showed that SSP could effectively enhance the formability and mechanical properties of titanium alloys. The processing parameters such as temperature and forging rate/ratio, are directly correlated with the microstructure, which endow the alloy with different chemical and physical properties. Specifically, as a key structural material for the advanced aero-engine, the burn resistant performance is a crucial requirement for the burn resistant titanium alloy. Thus, this work aims to assess the burning behavior of Ti14, a kind of burn resistant alloy, as forged at different semi-solid forging temperatures. The burning characteristics of the alloy are analyzed by a series of burning tests with different burning durations, velocities, and microstructures of burned sample. The results showed that the burning process is highly dependent on the forging temperature, due to the fact that higher temperatures would result in more Ti2Cu precipitate within grain and along grain boundaries. Such a microstructure hinders the transport of oxygen in the stable burning stage through the formation of a kind of oxygen isolation Cu-enriched layer under the burn product zone. This work suggests that the burning resistance of the alloy can be effectively tuned by controlling the temperature during the semi-solid forging process.入藏号: WOS:000383456800036语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Titanium; semi-solid forging; temperature; microstructure; burning behaviorKeyWords Plus: TITANIUM-ALLOYS; COMBUSTION SYNTHESIS; CU ALLOYS; IN-SITU; MICROSTRUCTURE; DEFORMATION; IGNITION; NITROGEN; AIR; FORMABILITY地址: [Chen, Yongnan; Yang, Wenqing; Zhang, Fengying; Huo, Yazhou] Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Chen, Yongnan; Zhan, Haifei; Gu, Yuantong] Queensland Univ Technol, Sch Chem Phys & Mech Engn, Brisbane, Qld 4001, Australia. [Zhao, Yongqing] Northwest Inst Nonferrous Met Res, Xian 710016, Peoples R China. [Song, Xuding] Changan Univ, Sch Construct Machinery, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Gu, Yuantong] North Univ China, Sch Mech Manufacture & Automat, Taiyuan 030051, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Chen, YN (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.Chen, YN; Zhan, HF (通讯作 者 ),Queensland Univ Technol, Sch Chem Phys & Mech Engn, Brisbane, Qld 4001, Australia.

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电 子 邮 件 地 址 : [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号GU, Yuantong C-5033-2009 0000-0002-2770-5014

出版商: MDPI AG出版商地址: ST ALBAN-ANLAGE 66, CH-4052 BASEL, SWITZERLANDWeb of Science 类别: Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Materials ScienceIDS 号: DW2EXISSN: 1996-194429 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: MATERIALSISO 来源出版物缩写: Materials来源出版物页码计数: 12

第 13 条标 题 : Preparation and properties of a composite made by barium sulfate-containing polytetrafluoroethylene granular powder(颜录科)作者: Yan, LK (Yan, Luke); Huang, RR (Huang, Rongrong); Xiao, J (Xiao, Jian); Xia, HY (Xia, Huiyun); Chao, M (Chao, Min); Wiessner, S (Wiessner, Sven)来 源 出 版物 : HIGH PERFORMANCE POLYMERS 卷 : 28 期 : 6 页 : 741-746 DOI: 10.1177/0954008315597051 出版年: AUG 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 2使用次数 (2013 年至今): 8引用的参考文献数: 19摘要 : Barium sulfate (BaSO4)-containing polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) granular powder was prepared through a two-phase emulsion dispersion granulation method. Because of its large bulk density, small average particle size, narrow particle size distribution, and superior powder flowability, the granular powder is suitable for use in automatic molding machines. The effects of granulation on the tensile strength of the BaSO4/PTFE composite were investigated, and the composite's microstructures were characterized and analyzed using scanning electron microscopy. All these indicated that the granulation could make BaSO4 disperse more homogeneously in PTFE and reduce many defects in molded articles. So the properties of the BaSO4/PTFE composites made by the granular powder were superior to the composite obtained from the nongranular powder. The tensile strength and elongation of the composite obtained from the granular powder could be achieved to a level of 19.4 MPa and 420%, respectively.入藏号: WOS:000382225900013语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Polytetrafluoroethylene; BaSO4; granulation; composite; tensile strength

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KeyWords Plus: THERMAL-PROPERTIES; BEHAVIOR地址 : [Yan, Luke; Huang, Rongrong; Xia, Huiyun; Chao, Min] Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Dept Polymer Mat & Chem, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Yan, Luke; Wiessner, Sven] Leibniz Inst Polymer Res Dresden, Dresden, Germany. [Xiao, Jian] Changan Univ, Sch Elect & Controls Engn, Dept Elect Sci & Technol, Xian, Peoples R China. [Wiessner, Sven] Tech Univ Dresden, Inst Mat Sci, Dresden, Germany.通讯作者地址: Yan, LK (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Dept Polymer Mat & Chem, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Umlauf, Ursula D-3356-2014

出版商: SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD出版商地址: 1 OLIVERS YARD, 55 CITY ROAD, LONDON EC1Y 1SP, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Polymer Science研究方向: Polymer ScienceIDS 号: DU5BCISSN: 0954-0083eISSN: 1361-641229 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: HIGH PERFORM POLYMISO 来源出版物缩写: High Perform. Polym.来源出版物页码计数: 6

第 14 条标题: Development of environment-friendly materials based on renewable resources(关博文)作者: Guan, BW (Guan, B. W.); Chen, HX (Chen, H. X.); Xiong, R (Xiong, R.)来源出版物 : JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS 卷 : 18 期: 7-8 页: 697-704 出版年: JUL-AUG 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 1使用次数 (2013 年至今): 1引用的参考文献数: 28摘要 : Biobased aromatic triols were synthesized using two different methods. Alkyne alcohol derivatives were obtained from the corresponding fatty acids by bromation, dehydrobromination, and reduction of carboxylic acid using well-established procedures. Alkyne fatty derivatives were obtained from the corresponding fatty acids by bromation, dehydrobromination, and esterification using well-established procedures. The crystalline structure and thermal stability of these polyurethanes were compared to their counterparts made from a similar O-BAT, E-BAT, and U-BAT, respectively. The corresponding polyurethane networks with hard-segment were prepared by the reaction of the polyol, BD, and MDI. The final results show the feasibility of utilizing the new biobased aromatic triols to react with diisocyanate for the production of biobased polyurethanes.

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In particular, the present study provides a promising direction for the use of exploit renewable resources to achieve environment-friendly materials.入藏号: 语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Renewable; Environment-friendly; Green materialsKeyWords Plus: PHYSICAL-PROPERTIES; VEGETABLE-OILS; TERMINAL ALKYNES; POLYMER SCIENCE; AROMATIC TRIOLS; ERUCIC-ACID; POLYURETHANE; POLYOLS; CYCLOTRIMERIZATION; DIISOCYANATE地址: [Guan, B. W.; Chen, H. X.; Xiong, R.] Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Guan, BW (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: NATL INST OPTOELECTRONICS出 版商地址 : 1 ATOMISTILOR ST, PO BOX MG-5, BUCHAREST-MAGURELE 76900, ROMANIAWeb of Science 类别: Materials Science, Multidisciplinary; Optics; Physics, Applied研究方向: Materials Science; Optics; PhysicsIDS 号: DW7GSISSN: 1454-4164eISSN: 1841-713229 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J OPTOELECTRON ADV MISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Optoelectron. Adv. Mater.来源出版物页码计数: 8

第 15 条标题: Effect of Ti and Al Interaction on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of the Nb-Ti-Si-Al Alloys(孙志平)作者 : Sun, ZP (Sun Zhiping); Guo, JM (Guo Jinming); Zhang, C (Zhang Chen); Guo, XP (Guo Xiping); Tian, XD (Tian Xiaodong)来源出版物: RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING 卷: 45 期: 7 页: 1678-1682 出版年: JUL 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 7使用次数 (2013 年至今): 16引用的参考文献数: 21摘要 : Nb-Si based alloys show great promise to surpass currently advanced Ni-base superalloys due to their low densities and high melting points. Both Ti and Al are beneficial alloying elements for Nb-Si based alloys. In literatures, a small amount (<= 3 at%) of Al can be frequently examined, while Nb aluminides are usually not formed in this case. Since Nb3Al and Nb2Al have good strength and creep properties, NbAl3 is also a candidate hot-section material; however the study of Nb-Si alloys with these possible Nb aluminides is lacking, so we focus our efforts on

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whether Nb aluminide is formed or not by adding more Al in the as-cast Nb-Ti-Si alloys. The microstructures and the mechanical properties of two Nb-Ti-Si-Al alloys (A2: Nb-18Ti-14Si-9Al, A4: Nb-21Ti-145i-9Al) with higher Al content were studied in the present work. A4 alloy was designed to examine the alloying effect of more Ti. Results show that A2 alloy consists of (Nb), Nb5Si3 and Nb3Al, while the A4 alloy is composed of (Nb) and Nb5Si3. The room temperature fracture toughnesses of A2 alloy and A4 alloy are 11.1 and 10.9 MPa.m(1/2), respectively. Moreover, the microindention tests were conducted to characterize the micro scale mechanical properties of these Nb-Ti-Si-Al alloys.入藏号: WOS:000381066800008语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词 : Nb-Si based alloy; Al addition; microstructure; fracture toughness; microindention testKeyWords Plus: HIGH-TEMPERATURE STRENGTH; FRACTURE-TOUGHNESS; OXIDATION RESISTANCE; TERNARY-SYSTEM; COMPOSITES; BINARY; CR地址: [Sun Zhiping; Tian Xiaodong] Changan Univ, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Guo Jinming] Northwest Inst Nonferrous Met Res, Xian 710016, Peoples R China. [Zhang Chen] Baimtec Mat Co LTD, Beijing 100095, Peoples R China. [Guo Xiping] Northwestern Polytech Univ, State Key Lab Solidificat Proc, Xian 710072, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Sun, ZP (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: NORTHWEST INST NONFERROUS METAL RESEARCH出 版商地址 : C/O RARE METAL MATERIAL ENGINEERING PRESS, PO BOX 51, XIAN, SHAANXI 710016, PEOPLES R CHINAWeb of Science 类 别 : Materials Science, Multidisciplinary; Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering研究方向: Materials Science; Metallurgy & Metallurgical EngineeringIDS 号: DS8XRISSN: 1002-185X29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: RARE METAL MAT ENGISO 来源出版物缩写: Rare Metal Mat. Eng.来源出版物页码计数: 5

第 16 条标题: Dielectric behavior associated with the synergetic microstructure and oxygen vacancies in CaCu3Ti4O12 ceramics(李卓)作者: Li, Z (Li, Zhuo); Zhao, P (Zhao, Peng); Wang, Z (Wang, Zhuo); Xue, XH (Xue, Xiaohui); Li, ZT (Li, Zongting); Fan, HQ (Fan, Huiqing)来源出版物: JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS 卷: 27 期: 7 页: 7327-7334 DOI: 10.1007/s10854-016-4702-3 出版年: JUL 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 3被引频次合计: 3

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使用次数 (最近 180 天): 3使用次数 (2013 年至今): 18引用的参考文献数: 28摘要 : CaCu3Ti4O12 (CCTO) ceramics has been successfully fabricated by sol-gel processing. The microstructure of CCTO ceramics sintered at 1050 A degrees C exhibits the inhomogeneity with the large grain in the order of several tens of micrometers separated by the nano-scale small grain in the grain boundary. And with the sintered temperatures increasing to 1075 A degrees C, the small grain in the grain boundary gradually grows up, accompanied by the emergence of secondary phase CuxO. The temperature dependence of dielectric properties has been demonstrated that with the emergence of secondary phase, the dielectric constant for the ceramics sintered at 1075 A degrees C is inferior to the one of the ceramics sintered at 1050 A degrees C from room temperature to 250 A degrees C. Defect model related to the contribution of the second ionized oxygen vacancies in the grain boundary are proposed, supported by the thermal activation theory.入藏号: WOS:000377896400095语种: English文献类型: ArticleKeyWords Plus: CONSTANT; RELAXATION地址: [Li, Zhuo; Zhao, Peng; Wang, Zhuo; Xue, Xiaohui; Li, Zongting] Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710061, Peoples R China. [Fan, Huiqing] Northwestern Polytech Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Solidificat Proc, Xian 710072, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Li, Z (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710061, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Fan, Huiqing F-5795-2011 0000-0002-1405-9279

出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDSWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Electrical & Electronic; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary; Physics, Applied; Physics, Condensed Matter研究方向: Engineering; Materials Science; PhysicsIDS 号: DO6MAISSN: 0957-4522eISSN: 1573-482X29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J MATER SCI-MATER ELISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Mater. Sci.-Mater. Electron.来源出版物页码计数: 8

第 17 条标题: Utilization of magnetite tailings as aggregates in asphalt mixtures(王振军)作者 : Wang, ZJ (Wang, Zhenjun); Xu, C (Xu, Chuang); Wang, S (Wang, Sheng); Gao, J (Gao,

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Jie); Ai, T (Ai, Tao)来源出版物 : CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 卷: 114 页: 392-399 DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.03.139 出版年: JUL 1 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 13使用次数 (2013 年至今): 27引用的参考文献数: 25摘要 : Magnetite tailings (MTs) are waste generated from magnetite processing, which not only occupy lots of land, but also result in severe pollution to the surroundings. In this paper, the MTs were used as a substitution of limestone (LMs) aggregate in asphalt mixtures. Water boiling and residual Marshall stability tests were conducted to study asphalt-aggregate interface adhesion, which was improved by hydrated lime (HL). The effects of MTs on high temperature property, low temperature property and water stability property of asphalt mixtures were evaluated respectively through some indexes, such as dynamic stability, splitting strength at low temperature and freeze-thaw splitting strength ratio. In addition, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Infrared spectrometer (IR) and Zeta potential were also adopted to analyze the mechanism. The results show that there are not heavy metal elements and toxic pollution threats in MTs. The HL can improve the asphalt aggregate interface adhesion and the water stability of the asphalt mixtures with MTs. MTs can improve the high temperature property and slightly decrease splitting strength at low temperature of asphalt mixtures. Freezing-thawing splitting strength ratio increases with the increase of MTs, which is greatly higher 80% requirement in the Chinese specification. Therefore, the asphalt mixtures containing MTs present excellent properties and MTs can be widely used as substitution of natural aggregates in asphalt mixtures for pavement engineering. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000376696600042语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Asphalt mixtures; Magnetite tailings; Limestone; PropertiesKeyWords Plus: IRON-ORE TAILINGS; MIX ASPHALT; POWDER; CONCRETE地址: [Wang, Zhenjun; Xu, Chuang; Wang, Sheng; Ai, Tao] Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710061, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Wang, Zhenjun; Ai, Tao] Changan Univ, Minist Educ PR China, Engn Res Cent Pavement Mat, Xian 710061, Peoples R China. [Gao, Jie] Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710061, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Wang, ZJ (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710061, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别 : Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

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研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering; Materials ScienceIDS 号: DM9OWISSN: 0950-0618eISSN: 1879-052629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: CONSTR BUILD MATERISO 来源出版物缩写: Constr. Build. Mater.来源出版物页码计数: 8

第 18 条标题: The detailed crystal and electronic structures of the cotunnite-type ZrO2(王振军)作者: Zhang, Y (Zhang, Yan); Duan, L (Duan, Li); Ji, V (Ji, Vincent)来 源 出 版 物 : SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS 卷 : 239 页 : 27-31 DOI: 10.1016/j.ssc.2016.04.014 出版年: JUL 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 4使用次数 (2013 年至今): 17引用的参考文献数: 59摘要 : The detailed crystal and orbital-decomposed electronic structures of cotunnite-type ZrO2 have been investigated by using the first-principles projector augmented wave (PAW) potential within the generalized gradient approximation as well as taking into account on-site Coulomb repulsive interaction (GGA+U). The optimized structure shows that the O-I and O-II anions are surrounded by an arbitrary tetrahedron of four Zr cations and an arbitrary pentahedron of five Zr cations, respectively, in turn, the Zr cation is surrounded by an arbitrary tetrakaidecahedron formed by nine oxygen ligands. Although one more Zr cation is coordinated to O-II, the larger bond lengths between On and its adjacent five Zr cations (d(OII- zr)) than those between O-I and its adjacent four Zr cations (d(oI - zr)) makes density of states (DOS) of s and three p (p(x), p(y), and p(z)) states of the O-II anion driving down in lower energy region and driving up in higher energy region. No crystal-field splitting is observed between three p (px, py and pz) states of anions O-I and O-II (between three p (p(x), p(y) and p(z)) states and five d (d(xy), d(yz), d(xz), d(z)(2) and d(x2-y2)) states of cation Zr) is resulted from the arrangements of the surrounding cations (anions) do not have any symmetry. The additional covalent character upon Zr-O ionic bonds is attributed to the hybridization of itinerant Zr(5s) and less filled Zr(4d) states to the separated O(2s) and O(2p) states. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000376386300006语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Oxides; Crystal structures; Electronic structures; Crystal-field splitting; First-principlesKeyWords Plus: MOLECULAR-DYNAMICS SIMULATION; TOTAL-ENERGY CALCULATIONS; HIGH-PRESSURE PHASE; X-RAY-DIFFRACTION; WAVE BASIS-SET; AB-INITIO; CUBIC ZIRCONIA; POLYATOMIC-MOLECULES; STABILIZED ZIRCONIA; RELATIVE STABILITY地址 : [Zhang, Yan; Duan, Li] Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710061, Shaanxi,

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Peoples R China. [Ji, Vincent] Univ Paris 11, CNRS, ICMMO SP2M, UMR 8182, F-91405 Orsay, France.通讯作 者 地址 : Zhang, Y (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710061, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号ji, vincent 0000-0003-1979-7323

出版商: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Physics, Condensed Matter研究方向: PhysicsIDS 号: DM5JZISSN: 0038-1098eISSN: 1879-276629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: SOLID STATE COMMUNISO 来源出版物缩写: Solid State Commun.来源出版物页码计数: 5

第 19 条标题 : First-principles study on the structural, elastic and electronic properties of Ti2SiN under high pressure(李辉)作 者 : Li, H (Li, Hui); Wang, ZJ (Wang, Zhenjun); Sun, GD (Sun, Guodong); Yu, PF (Yu, Pengfei); Zhang, WX (Zhang, Wenxue)来 源 出 版 物 : SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS 卷 : 237 页 : 24-27 DOI: 10.1016/j.ssc.2016.03.019 出版年: JUL 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 3被引频次合计: 4使用次数 (最近 180 天): 11使用次数 (2013 年至今): 31引用的参考文献数: 35摘要: The structural, elastic and electronic properties of Ti2SiN under pressure range of 0-50 GPa have been systemically investigated by first-principles calculations. It is found that both Poisson's ratio and shear anisotropy factor of Ti2SiN increase with pressure, and Ti2SiN is elastic anisotropic. The DOS and Mulliken population analysis have been explored, which indicts that Ti2SiN is metallic-covalent-ionic in nature. The present calculations may contribute preliminary results and a better understanding of Ti2SiN for its applications under high pressure environments. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000375489400006语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Ti2SiN; Elastic properties; Electronic properties; High pressure

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KeyWords Plus: GENERALIZED GRADIENT APPROXIMATION; POPULATION ANALYSIS; M(N+1)AX(N) PHASES; MAX PHASES; CERAMICS; CRYSTALS; SOLIDS; CASTEP; SOFT; TA地址: [Li, Hui; Wang, Zhenjun; Sun, Guodong; Yu, Pengfei; Zhang, Wenxue] Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Wang, Zhenjun] Changan Univ, Engn Res Cent Pavement Mat, Minist Educ PR China, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Wang, ZJ (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Physics, Condensed Matter研究方向: PhysicsIDS 号: DL2TZISSN: 0038-1098eISSN: 1879-276629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: SOLID STATE COMMUNISO 来源出版物缩写: Solid State Commun.来源出版物页码计数: 4

第 20 条标题 : Effect of Cu Content on the Semi-Solid Formability and Mechanical Properties of Ti-Cu Alloys(陈永楠)作者 : Chen, YN (Chen Yongnan); Huo, YZ (Huo Yazhou); Zhao, YP (Zhao Yiping); Song, XD (Song Xuding); Zhao, YQ (Zhao Yongqing); Bi, ZZ (Bi Zhaozhao); Li, L (Li Liao)来源出版物: RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING 卷: 45 期: 6 页: 1406-1412 出版年: JUN 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 2使用次数 (2013 年至今): 2引用的参考文献数: 23摘要 : The formability of Ti-Cu alloys and their mechanical properties after semi-solid forging were investigated. The formability was evaluated by upsetting and die forging tests. Tensile test was also performed to study the mechanical properties of Ti-Cu alloys after semi-solid forging. The results show that the semi-solid forging requires lower upsetting forces in the temperature range from 1000 degrees C to 1150 degrees C compared with conventional solid forging. Die forging tests show that the semi-solid forged Ti-Cu alloys have an excellent workability with a forging ratio of 75% in the temperature range from 1000 degrees C to 1050 degrees C. The Ti2Cu phase increases with the increase of Cu content, and more liquid precipitates during semi-solid deformation at higher temperatures and higher Cu content, which relaxes the stress concentration caused by solid deformation and improves the formability. Tensile test reveals that semi-solid

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forged Ti-Cu alloys exhibit higher strength and lower ductility than conventional forged alloys. The Ti-Cu alloys have lower ductility and higher strength with the increasing of Cu content. The difference in tensile properties is attributed to the change of Ti2Cu precipitates at different Cu contents and semi-solid forging temperatures.入藏号: WOS:000379195400008语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Ti-Cu alloy; semi-solid; formability; microstructure; mechanical propertiesKeyWords Plus: DEFORMATION-BEHAVIOR; SMALL-VOLUME; LIQUID; STATE地址: [Chen Yongnan; Huo Yazhou; Zhao Yiping; Song Xuding; Bi Zhaozhao; Li Liao] Changan Univ, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Zhao Yongqing] Northwest Inst Nonferrous Met Res, Xian 710016, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Chen, YN (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: NORTHWEST INST NONFERROUS METAL RESEARCH出 版商地址 : C/O RARE METAL MATERIAL ENGINEERING PRESS, PO BOX 51, XIAN, SHAANXI 710016, PEOPLES R CHINAWeb of Science 类 别 : Materials Science, Multidisciplinary; Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering研究方向: Materials Science; Metallurgy & Metallurgical EngineeringIDS 号: DQ4TEISSN: 1002-185X29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: RARE METAL MAT ENGISO 来源出版物缩写: Rare Metal Mat. Eng.来源出版物页码计数: 7

第 21 条标题 : Synthesis and electrical field-assisted sintering behaviour of yttria-stabilized tetragonal ZrO2 nanopowders by polyacrylamide gel method(苏兴华)作 者 : Su, XH (Su, Xinghua); Wang, BP (Wang, Benpan); Zhou, J (Zhou, Jie); Sun, HY (Sun, Haoyu)来 源 出 版物 : BULLETIN OF MATERIALS SCIENCE 卷 : 39 期 : 3 页 : 641-646 DOI: 10.1007/s12034-016-1186-y 出版年: JUN 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 3使用次数 (2013 年至今): 13引用的参考文献数: 43摘要: The tetragonal ZrO2 nanopowders stabilized with 3 mol% Y2O3 (3YSZ) were synthesized using a polyacrylamide gel method. The mean particle size of the 3YSZ nanopowders was found to decrease with increasing molecular ratio of monomer to the precursor salt. The 3YSZ nanopowders with mean particle size of 12 nm can be densified in 1 h at 800(a similar to)C, by the application of a d.c. electrical field. Under a constant d.c. electrical field, the current density

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through the specimen of 3YSZ rose rapidly when the temperature increased to a certain value. In the sintering process, the current density was restricted when the sharp increase occurred. By limiting current density to different values for one hour, it was found that current density was the most important factor in electrical field-assisted sintering process. The grain size of 3YSZ bulk increased with the enhanced current density. The stable stage of electrical field-assisted sintering process can be explained by Joule heating. Corresponding real temperature of specimens is estimated by applying black body radiation theory.入藏号: WOS:000378899300005语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Yttria-stabilized ZrO2; electrical field-assisted sintering; current density; Joule heatingKeyWords Plus: OXIDE FUEL-CELLS; ZIRCONIA NANOCRYSTALS; FLASH; NANOPARTICLES; PYROLYSIS地址: [Su, Xinghua; Wang, Benpan; Zhou, Jie; Sun, Haoyu] Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710061, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Su, XH (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710061, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: INDIAN ACAD SCIENCES出版商地址 : C V RAMAN AVENUE, SADASHIVANAGAR, P B #8005, BANGALORE 560 080, INDIAWeb of Science 类别: Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Materials ScienceIDS 号: DQ0OMISSN: 0250-4707eISSN: 0973-766929 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: B MATER SCIISO 来源出版物缩写: Bull. Mat. Sci.来源出版物页码计数: 6

第 22 条标题: Research on the Microstructure and Mechanical Property of Ti-7Cu Alloy after Semi-Solid Forging(陈永楠)作者: Chen, YN (Chen, Yongnan); Huo, YZ (Huo, Yazhou); Zhao, YQ (Zhao, Yongqing); Sun, ZP (Sun, Zhiping); Bai, F (Bai, Fan)来源出版物: HIGH TEMPERATURE MATERIALS AND PROCESSES 卷: 35 期: 6 页: 543-550 DOI: 10.1515/htmp-2015-0014 出版年: JUN 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 5使用次数 (2013 年至今): 9引用的参考文献数: 20摘要 : The present work is focused on the development of microstructure of Ti-7Cu alloy as a

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function of forging temperature and forging ratio in semi-solid state and the influence of resulting microstructure on the mechanical properties. The experimental results showed that the dynamic recrystallization occurred during semi-solid forging and the grain refinement was attained which is considered to be favorable for improving the semi-solid formability. The grain size increased with forging temperature and decreased with forging ratio. Forging temperature has a significant effect on the precipitation behavior in grain boundary regions during the semi-solid processing. More acicular-Ti2Cu tended to precipitate in grain boundary regions with higher forging temperature and finally formed precipitates zones adjacent to grain boundaries after forged at 1,100 degrees C. High ultimate tensile strengths and low elongation have been achieved after semi-solid forging. The strength and hardness decreased with increase of forging temperature, while the ductility increased with increase of forging ratio. The relative contributions of tensile properties were attributed to the varieties of grain size and the distribution of Ti2Cu precipitates obtained by semi-solid forging.入藏号: WOS:000378658700002语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: titanium alloy; semi-solid forging; microstructure; mechanical propertyKeyWords Plus: DEFORMATION-BEHAVIOR; ALUMINUM-ALLOYS; STATE; TEMPERATURE; STEEL地址 : [Chen, Yongnan; Huo, Yazhou; Sun, Zhiping; Bai, Fan] Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Zhao, Yongqing] Northwest Inst Nonferrous Met Res, Xian 710016, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Chen, YN (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: WALTER DE GRUYTER GMBH出版商地址: GENTHINER STRASSE 13, D-10785 BERLIN, GERMANYWeb of Science 类别: Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Materials ScienceIDS 号: DP7DFISSN: 0334-6455eISSN: 2191-032429 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: HIGH TEMP MAT PR-ISRISO 来源出版物缩写: High Temp. Mater. Process.来源出版物页码计数: 8

第 23 条标题 : High temperature rheological properties of crumb rubber modified asphalt binders with various modifiers(徐鸥明)作者 : Xu, OM (Xu, Ouming); Xiao, FP (Xiao, Feipeng); Han, S (Han, Sen); Amirkhanian, SN (Amirkhanian, Serji N.); Wang, ZJ (Wang, Zhenjun)来 源 出 版物 : CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 卷 : 112 页 : 49-58 DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.02.069 出版年: JUN 1 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 6

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被引频次合计: 6使用次数 (最近 180 天): 18使用次数 (2013 年至今): 57引用的参考文献数: 30摘要: This study aimed to analyze the rheological properties of the modified asphalt binders based on the effects of base binder type and other five polymers or acid combined with 7% dosage ground tire rubber (GTR) at the high temperature. The test results included viscosity, fail temperature, G*/sin delta, phase angle, viscometry, amplitude sweep, frequency sweep, creep and creep recovery, and stress relaxation in this study. The results indicated that two of alternative polymers modified binders had noticeably lower viscosity values compared to SBS modified binders. Additionally, the addition of polyphosphoric acid could remarkably decrease the polymer dosage to produce PG76 binder. Meanwhile, asphalt source played a key role in determining the characteristics of all modified binders. The terminally and laboratory blended binders generally had approaching rheological properties in this study. (c) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000375166900006语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Modified asphalt binder; Crumb rubber; Polymer; Acid; Viscosity; Fail temperature; Amplitude and frequency sweep; Creep and creep recovery; RelaxationKeyWords Plus: MODIFIED BITUMEN; POLYMER; CONCRETE; POLYETHYLENE; BEHAVIOR地址: [Xu, Ouming] Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710061, Peoples R China. [Xiao, Feipeng] Tongji Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Rd & Traff Engn, Shanghai 201804, Peoples R China. [Han, Sen] Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Amirkhanian, Serji N.] Univ Alabama, Dept Civil & Construct & Environm Engn, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487 USA. [Xu, Ouming; Wang, Zhenjun] Changan Univ, Minist Educ PR China, Engn Res Cent Pavement Mat, Xian 710061, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Xu, OM (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710061, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别 : Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering; Materials ScienceIDS 号: DK8HDISSN: 0950-0618eISSN: 1879-052629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: CONSTR BUILD MATERISO 来源出版物缩写: Constr. Build. Mater.来源出版物页码计数: 10

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第 24 条标题: Impacts of potassium permanganate (KMnO4) catalyst on properties of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) foamed porous cement slurry(王振军)作 者 : Wang, ZJ (Wang, Zhenjun); Liu, L (Liu, Liang); Zhou, JX (Zhou, Junxiang); Zhou, CJ (Zhou, Changjun)来 源 出 版物 : CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 卷 : 111 页 : 72-76 DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.02.076 出版年: MAY 15 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 2被引频次合计: 2使用次数 (最近 180 天): 5使用次数 (2013 年至今): 16引用的参考文献数: 18摘要 : The foaming performance of porous cement slurry (PCS) foamed by H2O2 was greatly affected by types and dosages of catalysts. In this paper, KMnO4, was adopted as catalyst to the H2O2 foamed PCS. The influences of the catalyst were investigated through the apparent density and coefficient of thermal conductivity (CTC) of each H2O2 foamed PCS under different water to cement ratios (w/c ratios). The catalyst's contribution degree to foaming effect (CDFE) in cement slurry was compared to the control group. The geometrical factors of pores in PCS were obtained through digital image processing technique. Morphology and components of PCS were analyzed with Scanning Electron Microscope and X-ray Diffraction, respectively. The results show that KMnO4 can exert excellent catalytic effect in H2O2 foamed PCS. The Portland cement in PCS can hydrate as normal. KMnO4 displays higher contribution degree to foaming effect for the slurry with higher w/c ratio. Therefore, increasing the amount of KMnO4 catalyst under high w/c ratio is more helpful for the foaming effect than under low w/c ratio. The pores in cement slurry with KMnO4 catalyst are more regular and the slurry with catalyst possesses higher porosity than the control group. (c) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000374074000009语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Porous cement slurry; KMnO4 catalyst; Apparent density; Thermal conductivity; Pore characteristicsKeyWords Plus: PORE-SIZE; CONCRETE; DECOMPOSITION; ACID地址 : [Wang, Zhenjun; Liu, Liang; Zhou, Junxiang] Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710061, Peoples R China. [Wang, Zhenjun] Changan Univ, Engn Res Cent Pavement Mat, Minist Educ PR China, Xian 710061, Peoples R China. [Zhou, Changjun] Harbin Inst Technol, Sch Transportat Sci & Engn, Harbin 150090, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Zhou, CJ (通讯作者),Harbin Inst Technol, Sch Transportat Sci & Engn, Harbin 150090, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号

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Zhou, Changjun 0000-0002-6685-8590

出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别 : Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering; Materials ScienceIDS 号: DJ2ZKISSN: 0950-0618eISSN: 1879-052629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: CONSTR BUILD MATERISO 来源出版物缩写: Constr. Build. Mater.来源出版物页码计数: 5

第 25 条标题: Porous micrometer-sized MnO cubes as anode of lithium ion battery(樊晓勇)作者: Fan, XY (Fan, Xiaoyong); Li, SH (Li, Siheng); Lu, L (Lu, Li)来 源 出 版 物 : ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA 卷 : 200 页 : 152-160 DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2016.03.114 出版年: MAY 10 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 9被引频次合计: 9使用次数 (最近 180 天): 15使用次数 (2013 年至今): 97引用的参考文献数: 42摘要: In this study, porous micrometer-sized MnO cubes have been designed and synthesized by hydrothermal treatment followed by high temperature annealing. The pore size is controlled by changing annealing temperature in order to achieve good electrochemical performance. The cube edge length is about 10 mm and the pore size changes from mesoporous to macroporous. The presence of pores in the MnO cubes is able to accommodate the volumetric changes during electrochemical cycling, and enables electrolyte easy penetration so that to improve the electrochemical performance. The porous micrometer-sized MnO cubes prepared by hydrothermal treatment at 100 degrees C followed by annealing at 700 degrees C delivers the best long-term and rate cyclability owing to its stable porous structure serving as lithium ion rapid transfer channels and enough pore volume to accommodate volumetric changes during electrochemical cycling. The reversible capacity in the first cycle is 615.9 mAh g (1)at 0.2 A g (1), slightly decreases to 404.6 mAh g (1) at 1.0 A g (1)in the 6th cycle and remains at 425.5 mAh g (1) at 1.0 A g (1) even after 495 cycles. The same porous micrometer-sized MnO cube electrode delivers high rate reversible specific capacities of 201.8 and 50.4 mAh g (1) at 5.0 and 10.0 A g (1) respectively. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000375128900019语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Transition metal oxide; Anode; Capacity; Rate capability

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KeyWords Plus: HIGH-PERFORMANCE ANODES; FACILE SYNTHESIS; STORAGE PROPERTIES; CARBON NANOTUBES; MANGANESE OXIDE; NANOCOMPOSITES; NANOPARTICLES; COMPOSITES; CAPACITY; MICROSPHERES地址: [Fan, Xiaoyong] Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710061, Peoples R China. [Fan, Xiaoyong; Li, Siheng; Lu, Li] Natl Univ Singapore, Dept Mech Engn, 9 Engn Dr 1, Singapore 117576, Singapore.通讯作者地址: Lu, L (通讯作者),Natl Univ Singapore, Dept Mech Engn, 9 Engn Dr 1, Singapore 117576, Singapore.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Li, Siheng 0000-0001-6846-1151

出版商: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Electrochemistry研究方向: ElectrochemistryIDS 号: DK7TPISSN: 0013-4686eISSN: 1873-385929 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ELECTROCHIM ACTAISO 来源出版物缩写: Electrochim. Acta来源出版物页码计数: 9

第 26 条标题: The influence of surface treatment of stitch threads and stitching on interlaminar properties of unidirectional laminates(艾涛)作者 : Tao, A (Tao, Ai); Wang, RM (Wang, Rumin); Wang, ZJ (Wang, Zhenjun); Zhao, P (Zhao, Peng); Yan, X (Yan, Xin)来 源 出 版 物 : COMPOSITE INTERFACES 卷 : 23 期 : 4 页 : 373-382 DOI: 10.1080/09276440.2016.1141591 出版年: MAY 3 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 2使用次数 (2013 年至今): 18引用的参考文献数: 26摘要: An experimental investigation was carried out to study the influence of graft treatment for Kevlar stitch threads on the interlaminar properties of stitched unidirectional laminates. The surfaces of Kevlar stitch threads were immersed in a solution of Dimethyl sulfoxide mixed with NaH for some time, and then alkoxysilane was grafted onto the surface of modified Kevlar threads. The corresponding physical and chemical changes in the surface of Kevlar threads were carefully evaluated using XPS, SEM, water absorption, and tensile measurement. Results show that the treated Kevlar threads have much rougher surface morphologies, its tensile strength is

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slightly improved, and their wettability are greatly improved. The stitched carbon /epoxy composite using surface-treated Kevlar threads has excellent hydrothermal property. The resins can better wet the surface treatment of Kevlar stitch threads, and the sizes of rich resin can be reduced. The moisture uptake of stitched composites decreases by 53.3% and its residue ratio of interlaminar shear strength in a wet state improves by 13.1%.入藏号: WOS:000371672800002语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: rich resin; Kevlar stitch threads; stitched composites; hydrothermal property; surface treatmentKeyWords Plus: MOISTURE ABSORPTION; BISMALEIMIDE RESIN; KEVLAR FIBER; COMPOSITES; TOUGHNESS; DENSITY地址: [Tao, Ai; Wang, Zhenjun; Zhao, Peng; Yan, Xin] Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian, Peoples R China. [Wang, Rumin] Northwestern Polytech Univ, Sch Sci, Xian 710072, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Tao, A; Wang, ZJ (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD出 版 商 地 址 : 2-4 PARK SQUARE, MILTON PARK, ABINGDON OR14 4RN, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Materials Science, Composites研究方向: Materials ScienceIDS 号: DF9HXISSN: 0927-6440eISSN: 1568-554329 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: COMPOS INTERFACEISO 来源出版物缩写: Compos. Interfaces来源出版物页码计数: 10

第 27 条标题 : Long-term aging effect on rheological properties of combined binders from various polymers with ground tire rubber(徐鸥明)作者 : Xu, OM (Xu, Ouming); Xiao, FP (Xiao, Feipeng); Amirkhanian, SN (Amirkhanian, Serji N.); Liu, YM (Liu, Yamin); Han, S (Han, Sen)来源出版物: CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING 卷: 43 期: 5 页: 451-460 DOI: 10.1139/cjce-2015-0193 出版年: MAY 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 2被引频次合计: 2使用次数 (最近 180 天): 11使用次数 (2013 年至今): 31引用的参考文献数: 24摘要 : The objective of this study is to evaluate the long-term aging effect on the rheological properties of the modified PG 76-22/PG 76-16 binders produced from ground tire rubber (GTR)

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with various polymers after a long-term aging process. The tests included the investigation of G*sin delta, phase angle, amplitude sweep, frequency sweep, creep and creep recovery and stress relaxation in terms of three base binders and five polymers. The test results indicated that both base binder and polymer type affect the fatigue resistance, creep and creep recovery, viscoelastic property, and relaxation characteristic of each modified binder. In addition, terminally blended GTR binder has better fatigue resistance than laboratory blended GTR binder after a long-term aging procedure in this study. It seems that binders modified with polyphosphoric acid combined with 7% GTR exhibit more elastic properties and better rheological properties than other modified binders regardless of binder sources.入藏号: WOS:000375944000007语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : long-term aging; ground tire rubber; polymer; rheological properties; fatigue resistance factor; creep; creep recovery; amplitude and frequency sweep; relaxationKeyWords Plus: MODIFIED ASPHALT BINDERS; ACID-MODIFIED ASPHALTS; CRUMB RUBBER; FATIGUE BEHAVIOR; MODEL地址: [Xu, Ouming; Liu, Yamin; Han, Sen] Changan Univ, Xian 710061, Peoples R China. [Xiao, Feipeng] Tongji Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Rd & Traff Engn, Shanghai 201804, Peoples R China. [Amirkhanian, Serji N.] Wuhan Univ Technol, Minist Educ, Key Lab Silicate Mat Sci & Engn, Wuhan 430070, Peoples R China. [Amirkhanian, Serji N.] Univ Alabama, Dept Civil Environm & Construct Engn, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487 USA.通讯作者地址: Xu, OM (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Xian 710061, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: CANADIAN SCIENCE PUBLISHING, NRC RESEARCH PRESS出版商地址: 65 AURIGA DR, SUITE 203, OTTAWA, ON K2E 7W6, CANADAWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Civil研究方向: EngineeringIDS 号: DL9EIISSN: 0315-1468eISSN: 1208-602929 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: CAN J CIVIL ENGISO 来源出版物缩写: Can. J. Civ. Eng.来源出版物页码计数: 10

第 28 条标题 : First-principles study of the structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of double perovskite Sr2FeReO6 containing various imperfections(张妍)作者: Zhang, Y (Zhang, Yan); Duan, L (Duan, Li); Ji, V (Ji, Vincent); Xu, KW (Xu, Ke-Wei)来 源 出 版物 : CHINESE PHYSICS B 卷 : 25 期 : 5 文 献号 : 058102 DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/25/5/058102 出版年: MAY 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1

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使用次数 (最近 180 天): 3使用次数 (2013 年至今): 19引用的参考文献数: 47摘要 : The structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of double perovskite Sr2FeReO6 containing eight different imperfections of Fe-Re or Re-Fe antisites, Fe1-Re1 or Fe1-Re4 interchanges, V-Fe, V-Re, V-O or V-Sr vacancies have been studied by using the first-principles projector augmented wave (PAW) within generalized gradient approximation as well as taking into account the on-site Coulomb repulsive interaction (GGA + U). No obvious structural changes are observed for the imperfect Sr2FeReO6 containing Fe-Re or Re-Fe antisites, Fe1-Re1 or Fe1-Re4 interchanges, or V-Sr vacancy defects. However, the six (eight) nearest oxygen neighbors of the vacancy move away from (close to) V-Fe or V-Re (V-O) vacancies. The half-metallic (HM) character is maintained for the imperfect Sr2FeReO6 containing Fe-Re or Re-Fe antisites, Fe1-Re4 interchange, V-Fe, V-O or V-Sr vacancies, while it vanishes when the Fe1-Re1 interchange or V-Re vacancy is presented. So the Fe1-Re1 interchange and the V-Re vacancy defects should be avoided to preserve the HM character of Sr2FeReO6 and thus usage in spintronic devices. In the Fe-Re or Re-Fe antisites, Fe1-Re1 or Fe1-Re4 interchanges cases, the spin moments of the Fe (Re) cations situated on Re (Fe) antisites are in an antiferromagnetic coupling with those of the Fe (Re) cations on the regular sites. In the V-Fe, V-Re, V-O, or V-Sr vacancies cases, a ferromagnetic coupling is obtained within each cation sublattice, while the two cation sublattices are coupled antiferromagnetically. The total magnetic moments mu(tot) (mu(B)/f.u.) of the imperfect Sr2FeReO6 containing eight different defects decrease in the sequence of V-Sr vacancy (3.50), V-Re vacancy (3.43), FeRe antisite (2.74), V-O vacancy (2.64), V-Fe vacancy (2.51), Re-Fe antisite (2.29), Fe1-Re4 interchange (1.96), Fe1-Re1 interchange (1.87), and the mechanisms of the saturation magnetization reduction have been analyzed.入藏号: WOS:000375681800068语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: double perovskite; imperfections; electronic properties; magnetic propertiesKeyWords Plus: INITIO MOLECULAR-DYNAMICS; TOTAL-ENERGY CALCULATIONS; WAVE BASIS-SET; AB-INITIO; PHASE-TRANSITION; OXYGEN VACANCIES; SR2FEMOO6; MAGNETORESISTANCE; SIMULATION; DEFECTS地址 : [Zhang, Yan; Duan, Li] Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710061, Peoples R China. [Ji, Vincent] Univ Paris 11, CNRS, ICMMO SP2M, UMR 8182, F-91405 Orsay, France. [Xu, Ke-Wei] Xi An Jiao Tong Univ, State Key Lab Mech Behav Mat, Xian 710049, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Zhang, Y (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710061, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号ji, vincent 0000-0003-1979-7323


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出版商地址: TEMPLE CIRCUS, TEMPLE WAY, BRISTOL BS1 6BE, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Physics, Multidisciplinary研究方向: PhysicsIDS 号: DL5MSISSN: 1674-1056eISSN: 1741-419929 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: CHINESE PHYS BISO 来源出版物缩写: Chin. Phys. B来源出版物页码计数: 8

第 29 条标题: High performance graphene oxide-modified polybenzoxazine resin(许培俊)作者 : Xu, PJ (Xu, Peijun); Cong, PL (Cong, Peiliang); Gao, Z (Gao, Zhao); Du, M (Du, Min); Wang, ZP (Wang, Zhipeng); Su, X (Su, Xu); Zhao, XQ (Zhao, Xueqi)来源出版物: POLYMER COMPOSITES 卷: 37 期: 5 页: 1507-1514 DOI: 10.1002/pc.23320 出版年: MAY 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 4被引频次合计: 4使用次数 (最近 180 天): 13使用次数 (2013 年至今): 40引用的参考文献数: 43摘要: High performance polybenzoxazine resin can be obtained by introducing partially reduced graphene oxide (PRGO) into bis-benzoxazine (B-BOZ) resin to overcome the defects such as low char yield, weak mechanical properties, and poor toughness of B-BOZ resin. By virtue of the good thermal resistance and graphitization acceleration of PRGO, thermal resistance especially char yield of B-BOZ resin can be greatly improved to 62.1% at 800 degrees C in nitrogen. Moreover, with the folds deformation and the crack deflection of PRGO in B-BOZ resin, the mechanical properties such as flexural strength and interlaminar shear strength of the carbon fiber reinforced B-BOZ composite, could be greatly increased by PRGO without a decrease on modulus of B-BOZ composite. POLYM. COMPOS., 37:1507-1514, 2016. (c) 2014 Society of Plastics Engineers入藏号: WOS:000374496500025语种: English文献类型: ArticleKeyWords Plus: RING-OPENING POLYMERIZATION; GRAPHITE OXIDE; FUNCTIONAL BENZOXAZINE; MECHANICAL-PROPERTIES; VOLUMETRIC EXPANSION; PHENOLIC RESINS; CROSS-LINKING; EPOXY-RESIN; NANOCOMPOSITES; MALEIMIDE地址 : [Xu, Peijun; Cong, Peiliang; Gao, Zhao; Du, Min; Wang, Zhipeng; Su, Xu; Zhao, Xueqi] Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Xu, Peijun; Cong, Peiliang] Changan Univ, Engn Res Ctr Transportat Mat, Minist Educ, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Xu, PJ (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.Xu, PJ (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Engn Res Ctr Transportat Mat, Minist Educ, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.

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电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: WILEY出版商地址: 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USAWeb of Science 类别: Materials Science, Composites; Polymer Science研究方向: Materials Science; Polymer ScienceIDS 号: DJ8XEISSN: 0272-8397eISSN: 1548-056929 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: POLYM COMPOSITEISO 来源出版物缩写: Polym. Compos.来源出版物页码计数: 8

第 30 条标题: Preparation of interpenetrating alumina-copper composites(桑可正)作 者 : Sang, KZ (Sang, Kezheng); Weng, YW (Weng, Yanwei); Huang, ZW (Huang, Zhiwen); Hui, XG (Hui, Xingang); Li, HW (Li, Hongwei)来 源 出 版物 : CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL 卷 : 42 期 : 5 页 : 6129-6135 DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2015.12.174 出版年: APR 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 2使用次数 (2013 年至今): 12引用的参考文献数: 13摘要: To prepare interpenetrating alumina copper composites, alumina foams were activated with titanium coating by chemical vapor deposition and then were infiltrated with molten copper by expendable casting process. The microstructure and phase composition of the composites were analyzed, and bending strength, electrical conductivity, friction and wear properties were tested. The results showed that the bonding between ceramic and metal was fine in the composites while no reactions took place between them because of the undissolved titanium coating. With increase of ceramic fraction, the electrical conductivity of the composite decreased, whereas the bending strength increased. The composite failure occurred by ductile fracture of the metal followed by fracture of the ceramic. The wear rate of the composites decreased with increase of ceramic fraction. And the wear of the composites was featured with ceramic struts peeling compared with ploughing and adhering wear for pure copper. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000370884500066语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Composites; Fracture; Wear resistance; InterpenetratingKeyWords Plus: CO-CONTINUOUS COMPOSITE; MICROSTRUCTURE; INFILTRATION; SYSTEM; FOAMS地址 : [Sang, Kezheng; Weng, Yanwei; Huang, Zhiwen; Hui, Xingang; Li, Hongwei] Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Sang, KZ (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples

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R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Materials Science, Ceramics研究方向: Materials ScienceIDS 号: DE8KIISSN: 0272-8842eISSN: 1873-395629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: CERAM INTISO 来源出版物缩写: Ceram. Int.来源出版物页码计数: 7

第 31 条标题 : Synthesis and characterization of Al-Y co-doped ZnO powders with high photocatalytic properties(郑佳红)作 者 : Zheng, JH (Zheng, Jia Hong); Niu, SF (Niu, Shi Feng); Zheng, RY (Zheng, Ruo Yao); Zhang, WX (Zhang, Wen Xue); Yu, PF (Yu, Peng Fei)来 源 出 版 物 : OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS-RAPID COMMUNICATIONS 卷: 10 期: 3-4 页: 222-227 出版年: MAR-APR 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 4使用次数 (2013 年至今): 7引用的参考文献数: 28摘要: A series of Zn0.93-xY0.07AlxO samples has been synthesized by the sol-gel method. The structural, optical and photocatalytic properties of the samples were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), UV-visible Spectroscopy (UV-Vis). The XRD results showed that all diffraction peaks corresponded to wurtzite structure of ZnO, the doping did not change the structure of ZnO. The values of crystallite particle size and lattice constant of c decrease with the increasing Al doping concentration. EDX measurements showed that Al and Y co-doped ZnO nanoparticles are made of Zn, O, Y, and Al. The photocatalytic activities results indicated that the increase of Al content from 1 to 15 at mol% effectively increased the degradation efficiency. The doping concentration of of 15at% of aluminum in the Al-Y co-doped ZnO is ideal for use in photocatalyst, which degraded almost all the dye (about a 100%) in only 20 min.入藏号: WOS:000376707900019语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Semiconductor; Al-Y co-doped ZnO; ZnO film; Photocatalytic propertiesKeyWords Plus: SOL-GEL METHOD; THIN-FILMS; MAGNETIC-PROPERTIES; SPRAY-PYROLYSIS; NANOPARTICLES; DEPOSITION地址 : [Zheng, Jia Hong; Zheng, Ruo Yao; Zhang, Wen Xue; Yu, Peng Fei] Changan Univ, Sch

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Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Zheng, Jia Hong] Jilin Normal Univ, Key Lab Preparat & Applicat Environm Friendly Mat, Minist Educ, Siping 136000, Peoples R China. [Niu, Shi Feng] Changan Univ, Coll Key Lab Automot Transporta Safety Technol, Minist Commun, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Zheng, JH (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.Zheng, JH (通讯作者),Jilin Normal Univ, Key Lab Preparat & Applicat Environm Friendly Mat, Minist Educ, Siping 136000, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: NATL INST OPTOELECTRONICS出 版商地址 : 1 ATOMISTILOR ST, PO BOX MG-5, BUCHAREST-MAGURELE 76900, ROMANIAWeb of Science 类别: Materials Science, Multidisciplinary; Optics研究方向: Materials Science; OpticsIDS 号: DM9TFISSN: 1842-6573eISSN: 2065-382429 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: OPTOELECTRON ADV MATISO 来源出版物缩写: Optoelectron. Adv. Mater.-Rapid Commun.来源出版物页码计数: 6

第 32 条标题: Crystal structure of bis(1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium) tetrabromidocadmate(II), [C6H11N2](2)[CdBr4] (苟蕾)作者: Lei, G (Lei Gou); Dan, L (Dan Liu); Kun, Z (Kun Zhao); Mao, YY (Mao Yi-Yang)来源出版物: ZEITSCHRIFT FUR KRISTALLOGRAPHIE-NEW CRYSTAL STRUCTURES 卷: 231 期: 1 页: 271-272 DOI: 10.1515/ncrs-2015-0117 出版年: MAR 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 2使用次数 (2013 年至今): 3引用的参考文献数: 10摘要 : C6H11N2) 2[CdBr4], monoclinic, P2(1)/c, a = 13.8943(17) angstrom, b = 10.2820(13) angstrom, c = 14.7986(18) angstrom, beta= 94.241(3)degrees, V = 2108.4(5) angstrom(3), Z = 4, R-gt(F) = 0.0477, wR(ref)(F-2) = 0.1332, T = 273 K.入藏号: WOS:000371294300080语种: English文献类型: ArticleKeyWords Plus: IONIC LIQUIDS; DIMERIZATION; COMPLEXES地址: [Lei Gou] Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Dept Inorgan Nonmetall Mat, Xian 710061, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Dan Liu; Kun Zhao; Mao Yi-Yang] Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710061, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.

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通讯作者地址: Lei, G (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Dept Inorgan Nonmetall Mat, Xian 710061, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: WALTER DE GRUYTER GMBH出版商地址: GENTHINER STRASSE 13, D-10785 BERLIN, GERMANYWeb of Science 类别: Crystallography研究方向: CrystallographyIDS 号: DF4CGISSN: 1433-726629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: Z KRIST-NEW CRYST STISO 来源出版物缩写: Z. Krist.-New Cryst. Struct.来源出版物页码计数: 2

第 33 条标题 : Influence of FeCrAl Content on Microstructure and Bonding Strength of Plasma-Sprayed FeCrAl/Al2O3 Coatings(周亮)作者 : Zhou, L (Zhou, Liang); Luo, F (Luo, Fa); Zhou, WC (Zhou, Wancheng); Zhu, DM (Zhu, Dongmei)来源出版物 : JOURNAL OF THERMAL SPRAY TECHNOLOGY 卷: 25 期: 3 页: 509-517 DOI: 10.1007/s11666-015-0363-7 出版年: FEB 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 15使用次数 (2013 年至今): 26引用的参考文献数: 33摘要: Low-power plasma-sprayed FeCrAl/Al2O3 composite coatings with 1.5 mm thickness have been fabricated for radar absorption applications. The effects of FeCrAl content on the coating properties were studied. The FeCrAl presents in the form of a few thin lamellae and numerous particles, demonstrating relatively even distribution in all the coatings. Results show that the micro-hardness and porosity decrease with the increase in FeCrAl content. With FeCrAl content increasing from 28 to 47 wt.%, the bonding strength of the coatings with 1.5 mm thickness increases from 10.5 to 27 MPa, and the failure modes are composed of cohesive and adhesive failure, which are ascribed to the coating microstructure and the residual stress, respectively.入藏号: WOS:000374269200011语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: bonding strength; cermet coatings; micro-hardness; plasma sprayingKeyWords Plus: THERMAL BARRIER COATINGS; HYDROXYAPATITE COATINGS; COMPOSITE COATINGS; CERMET COATINGS; ADHESION; FABRICATION地址: [Zhou, Liang] Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Zhou, Liang; Luo, Fa; Zhou, Wancheng; Zhu, Dongmei] Northwestern Polytech Univ, State Key Lab Solidificat Proc, Xian 710072, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Zhou, WC (通讯作者),Northwestern Polytech Univ, State Key Lab Solidificat Proc, Xian 710072, Peoples R China.

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电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USAWeb of Science 类别: Materials Science, Coatings & Films研究方向: Materials ScienceIDS 号: DJ5SAISSN: 1059-9630eISSN: 1544-101629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J THERM SPRAY TECHNISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Therm. Spray Technol.来源出版物页码计数: 9

第 34 条标题: Low-Cost Fabrication of UV Photodetector Based on Hexagonal Nanocrystal ZnO:Al/p-Si Heterojunction(段理)作 者 : Duan, L (Duan, Li); Wei, F (Wei, Feng); Fan, JB (Fan, Jibin); Yu, XC (Yu, Xiaochen); Zhang, WX (Zhang, Wenxue); Zhang, Y (Zhang, Yan); He, FN (He, Fengni); Cheng, XJ (Cheng, Xiaojiao); Tian, Y (Tian, Ye)来源出版物: NANO 卷: 11 期: 2 文献号: 1650019 DOI: 10.1142/S1793292016500193 出版年: FEB 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 7使用次数 (2013 年至今): 35引用的参考文献数: 26摘要 : ZnO:Al/p-Si heterojunction was fabricated by depositing a hexagonal nanocrystal ZnO:Al film on p-type Si substrate using a simple chemical bath deposition (CBD) method. The vertically aligned hexagonal ZnO:Al nanocrystals reduce the grain boundary scattering and provide good conductivity. The ZnO:Al/Si heterojunction shows obvious photocurrent under ultraviolet (UV) illumination. A high UV-to-visible rejection ratio of the ZnO:Al/Si heterojunction indicates that the hexagonal nanocrystal ZnO:Al film is a good material for fabricating UV photodetectors. Furthermore, the response speed of the photodetector based on ZnO:Al hexagonal nanocrystal film is faster than that of most previously reported photodetectors based on ZnO:Al nanorods. We infer it is because the ZnO:Al nanocrystals film has a smaller surface to volume ratio than the ZnO:Al nanorod array.入藏号: WOS:000371129600007语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: ZnO:Al; nanocrystal film; heterojunction; photodetectorKeyWords Plus: ZNO THIN-FILMS; BUFFER LAYER; GROWTH; NANOWIRE; QUALITY地址: [Duan, Li; Wei, Feng; Fan, Jibin; Yu, Xiaochen; Zhang, Wenxue; Zhang, Yan; He, Fengni; Cheng, Xiaojiao] Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Tian, Ye] Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Phys, Beijing 100083, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Duan, L (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples

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R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD出版商地址: 5 TOH TUCK LINK, SINGAPORE 596224, SINGAPOREWeb of Science 类别 : Nanoscience & Nanotechnology; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary; Physics, Applied研究方向: Science & Technology - Other Topics; Materials Science; PhysicsIDS 号: DF1WIISSN: 1793-2920eISSN: 1793-709429 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: NANOISO 来源出版物缩写: Nano来源出版物页码计数: 6

第 35 条标题 : Improvement in electrical properties of high-kappa film on Ge substrate by an improved stress relieved pre-oxide method(樊继斌)作者: Fan, JB (Fan, Ji-Bin); Ding, XF (Ding, Xiao-Fu); Liu, HX (Liu, Hong-Xia); Xie, PF (Xie, Peng-Fei); Zhang, YT (Zhang, Yuan-Tao); Liao, QL (Liao, Qing-Liang)来 源 出 版物 : CHINESE PHYSICS B 卷 : 25 期 : 2 文 献号 : 027702 DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/25/2/027702 出版年: FEB 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 1使用次数 (2013 年至今): 4引用的参考文献数: 18摘要 : High-kappa/Ge gate stack has recently attracted a great deal of attention as a potential candidate to replace planar silicon transistors for sub-22 generation. However, the desorption and volatilization of GeO hamper the development of Ge-based devices. To cope with this challenge, various techniques have been proposed to improve the high-kappa/Ge interface. However, these techniques have not been developed perfectly yet to control the interface. Therefore, in this paper, we propose an improved stress relieved pre-oxide (SRPO) method to improve the thermodynamic stability of the high-kappa/Ge interface. The x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) results indicate that the GeO volatilization of the high-kappa/Ge gate stack is efficiently suppressed after 500 degrees C annealing, and the electrical characteristics are greatly improved.入藏号: WOS:000370179100073语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: high-kappa film; GeO volatilization; stress relieved pre-oxide; annealingKeyWords Plus: O-2 PLASMA; LAYERS; HFO2; PASSIVATION; DEPOSITION; CAPACITORS; DEVICES地址: [Fan, Ji-Bin; Ding, Xiao-Fu; Xie, Peng-Fei; Zhang, Yuan-Tao; Liao, Qing-Liang] Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710061, Peoples R China.

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[Fan, Ji-Bin; Liu, Hong-Xia] Xidian Univ, Sch Microelect, Key Lab Wide Band Gap Semicond Mat & Devices, Xian 710071, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Fan, JB (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710061, Peoples R China.Fan, JB (通讯作 者 ),Xidian Univ, Sch Microelect, Key Lab Wide Band Gap Semicond Mat & Devices, Xian 710071, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: IOP PUBLISHING LTD出版商地址: TEMPLE CIRCUS, TEMPLE WAY, BRISTOL BS1 6BE, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Physics, Multidisciplinary研究方向: PhysicsIDS 号: DD8LWISSN: 1674-1056eISSN: 1741-419929 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: CHINESE PHYS BISO 来源出版物缩写: Chin. Phys. B来源出版物页码计数: 4

第 36 条标题: Burn-resistant behavior and mechanism of Ti14 alloy(陈永楠)作者: Chen, YN (Chen, Yong-nan); Huo, YZ (Huo, Ya-zhou); Song, XD (Song, Xu-ding); Bi, ZZ (Bi, Zhao-zhao); Gao, Y (Gao, Yang); Zhao, YQ (Zhao, Yong-qing)来 源 出 版 物 : INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MINERALS METALLURGY AND MATERIALS 卷: 23 期: 2 页: 215-221 DOI: 10.1007/s12613-016-1229-9 出版年: FEB 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 2被引频次合计: 2使用次数 (最近 180 天): 2使用次数 (2013 年至今): 7引用的参考文献数: 16摘要 : The direct-current simulation burning method was used to investigate the burn-resistant behavior of Ti14 titanium alloy. The results show that Ti14 alloy exhibits a better burn resistance than TC4 alloy (Ti-6Al-4V). Cu is observed to preferentially migrate to the surface of Ti14 alloy during the burning reaction, and the burned product contains Cu, Cu2O, and TiO2. An oxide layer mainly comprising loose TiO2 is observed beneath the burned product. Meanwhile, Ti2Cu precipitates at grain boundaries near the interface of the oxide layer, preventing the contact between O-2 and Ti and forming a rapid diffusion layer near the matrix interface. Consequently, a multiple-layer structure with a Cu-enriched layer (burned product)/Cu-lean layer (oxide layer)/Cu-enriched layer (rapid diffusion layer) configuration is formed in the burn heat-affected zone of Ti14 alloy; this multiple-layer structure is beneficial for preventing O-2 diffusion. Furthermore, although Al can migrate to form Al2O3 on the surface of TC4 alloy, the burn-resistant ability of TC4 is unimproved because the Al2O3 is discontinuous and not present in sufficient quantity.入藏号: WOS:000369238200012语种: English文献类型: Article

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作者关键词: titanium alloys; interface; morphology; burn resistanceKeyWords Plus: TITANIUM-ALLOYS; CR; MICROSTRUCTURES; CU地址: [Chen, Yong-nan; Huo, Ya-zhou; Bi, Zhao-zhao; Gao, Yang] Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Song, Xu-ding] Changan Univ, Sch Construct Machinery, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Zhao, Yong-qing] Northwest Inst Nonferrous Met Res, Xian 710016, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Chen, YN (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USAWeb of Science 类 别 : Materials Science, Multidisciplinary; Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering; Mining & Mineral Processing研 究 方向 : Materials Science; Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering; Mining & Mineral ProcessingIDS 号: DC5CKISSN: 1674-4799eISSN: 1869-103X29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: INT J MIN MET MATERISO 来源出版物缩写: Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater.来源出版物页码计数: 7

第 37 条标题 : Hydrothermal growth of TiO2-CaP nano-films on a Ti-Nb-based alloy in concentrated calcium phosphate solutions(李红伟)作者: Li, HW (Li, Hongwei); Fu, T (Fu, Tao); Li, W (Li, Wen); Alajmi, Z (Alajmi, Zafer); Sun, JM (Sun, Jiamao)来源出版物 : JOURNAL OF NANOPARTICLE RESEARCH 卷: 18 期: 1 文献号: 4 DOI: 10.1007/s11051-015-3315-8 出版年: JAN 6 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 1使用次数 (2013 年至今): 16引用的参考文献数: 21摘要 : The Ti-Nb-based TLM alloy (Ti-25Nb-3Zr-2Sn-3Mo) was subjected to hydrothermal treatment in the concentrated Ca-3(PO4)(2), CaHPO4, and Ca(H2PO4)(2) solutions for the purpose of calcification. The treated samples are covered by films consisting of Ca-rich nano-crystallites (100-500 nm) and small nano-grains. XPS and XRD analyses reveal the formation of hydroxyapatite, TiO2, and Nb2O5 at the sample surface. The sample hydrothermally treated in CaHPO4 solution exhibits bioactivity by inducing the formation of apatite layer after soaking test in the simulated body fluid for 15 days. The work would provide a good bioactive surface modification method for Ti-Nb alloy implants with complex shapes and even pores.入藏号: WOS:000368188200001语种: English

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文献类型: Article作者关键词: Titanium; Hydrothermal; Calcium phosphate; TiO2; Bioactivity; Corrosion; Surface scienceKeyWords Plus: SURFACE MODIFICATION; TITANIUM-ALLOY; BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS; ALKALI TREATMENT; POROUS TITANIUM; HEAT-TREATMENT; DEPOSITION; ABILITY; METAL; TLM地址 : [Li, Hongwei; Li, Wen] Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Fu, Tao; Alajmi, Zafer; Sun, Jiamao] Xi An Jiao Tong Univ, Minist Educ, Sch Life Sci & Technol, Key Lab Biomed Informat Engn, Xian 710049, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Li, HW (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Alajmi, Zafer S-1970-2016

出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDSWeb of Science 类别 : Chemistry, Multidisciplinary; Nanoscience & Nanotechnology; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Chemistry; Science & Technology - Other Topics; Materials ScienceIDS 号: DB0HCISSN: 1388-0764eISSN: 1572-896X29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J NANOPART RESISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Nanopart. Res.来源出版物页码计数: 7

第 38 条标题 : Research on the Semi-Solid Compressive Deformation Behavior of Ti-7Cu Alloy (陈永楠)作者: Chen, YN (Chen, Yongnan); Luo, C (Luo, Chuang); Wang, J (Wang, Jiao); Zhao, YQ (Zhao, Yongqing); Chen, H (Chen, Hong)来源出版物: HIGH TEMPERATURE MATERIALS AND PROCESSES 卷: 35 期: 1 页: 29-35 DOI: 10.1515/htmp-2014-0144 出版年: JAN 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 2使用次数 (2013 年至今): 7引用的参考文献数: 17摘要: The semi-solid deformation behavior of Ti-7Cu titanium alloy in the temperature range of 1,223 K to 1,473 K and strain rate range of 0.005 to 5 s(-1) have been investigated by hot compressive testing. The results show that the maximum and stability stresses decrease with

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decreasing strain rate and increasing temperature. A yielding occurred to the alloy at a higher strain rate under all experimental temperatures. The flow behaviors were described by a constitutive equation based on the Arrhenius equations and the deformation activate energies is also calculated. By comparing with microstructure of the solid deformation, the liquid in semi-solid deformation can overcome the restriction of the movement of solid particle, which reduced the dislocation pile-up during deformation and caused low deformation resistant stress.入藏号: WOS:000367941100005语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Ti-7Cu alloy; semi-solid; compressive deformation; constitutive relationshipKeyWords Plus: MICROSTRUCTURE; STATE地址 : [Chen, Yongnan; Luo, Chuang; Wang, Jiao; Chen, Hong] Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Zhao, Yongqing] Northwest Inst Nonferrous Met Res, Xian 710016, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Chen, YN (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电 子 邮 件 地 址 : [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: WALTER DE GRUYTER GMBH出版商地址: GENTHINER STRASSE 13, D-10785 BERLIN, GERMANYWeb of Science 类别: Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Materials ScienceIDS 号: DA6UNISSN: 0334-6455eISSN: 2191-032429 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: HIGH TEMP MAT PR-ISRISO 来源出版物缩写: High Temp. Mater. Process.来源出版物页码计数: 7

第 39 条标题: Giant dielectric response in Dy2/3Cu3Ti4O12 ceramics(倪磊)作者: Ni, L (Ni, Lei); Fu, MS (Fu, Maosen); Liu, Y (Liu, Ying); Tang, TY (Tang, Tianyi); Wang, S (Wang, Shuo); Zou, B (Zou, Bin); Zhao, SG (Zhao, Shigong)来源出版物: JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS 卷: 27 期: 1 页: 111-117 DOI: 10.1007/s10854-015-3725-5 出版年: JAN 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 2使用次数 (2013 年至今): 17引用的参考文献数: 33摘要 : Dy2/3Cu3Ti4O12 ceramics were successfully synthesized by solid-state reaction process, and the crystal structure, microstructure and dielectric properties were systematically investigated. It has been found that Dy2/3Cu3Ti4O12 ceramics exhibit giant dielectric constants (epsilon' similar to 10(4) at 1 kHz and room temperature) and have two thermal-activated dielectric

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relaxations at low and high temperatures, which are quite similar to those reported in CaCu3Ti4O12 ceramics. The low-temperature dielectric relaxation with the activation energy of 0.092 eV is supposed to be the intrinsic response originated from the defect structures of oxygen vacancy and aliovalences of Ti and Cu ions, which might make the grains semiconductive. Moreover, the heterogeneous structures especially the grain boundaries should be responsible for the high-temperature dielectric relaxation with the activation energy of 0.585 eV. The semiconducting grains and insulating grain boundaries thus play the key role as extrinsic origin for the giant dielectric response in Dy2/3Cu3Ti4O12 ceramics according to the internal barrier layer capacitor (IBLC) mechanism.入藏号: WOS:000368054600015语种: English文献类型: ArticleKeyWords Plus: CACU3TI4O12 CERAMICS; CONSTANT; BEHAVIOR; PERMITTIVITY; OXIDE地址 : [Ni, Lei; Liu, Ying; Tang, Tianyi; Wang, Shuo; Zou, Bin; Zhao, Shigong] Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Fu, Maosen] Northwestern Polytech Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Solidificat Proc, Xian 710072, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Ni, L (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDSWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Electrical & Electronic; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary; Physics, Applied; Physics, Condensed Matter研究方向: Engineering; Materials Science; PhysicsIDS 号: DA8KXISSN: 0957-4522eISSN: 1573-482X29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J MATER SCI-MATER ELISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Mater. Sci.-Mater. Electron.来源出版物页码计数: 7

第 40 条标题 : Soft-template construction of three-dimensionally ordered inverse opal structure from Li2FeSiO4/C composite nanofibers for high-rate lithium-ion batteries(李东林)作者: Li, DL (Li, Donglin); Zhang, W (Zhang, Wei); Sun, R (Sun, Ru); Yong, HTH (Yong, Hong-Tuan-Hua); Chen, GQ (Chen, Guangqi); Fan, XY (Fan, Xiaoyong); Gou, L (Gou, Lei); Mao, YY (Mao, Yiyang); Zhao, K (Zhao, Kun); Tian, M (Tian, Miao)来源出版物: NANOSCALE 卷: 8 期: 24 页: 12202-12214 DOI: 10.1039/c5nr07783d 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 4被引频次合计: 4使用次数 (最近 180 天): 22

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使用次数 (2013 年至今): 65引用的参考文献数: 61摘要: Exploring a new method to fabricate small-sized nanofibers is essential to achieve superior performances for energy conversion and storage devices. Here, a novel soft-template strategy is developed to synthesize a three-dimensionally ordered macroporous (3DOM) architecture constructed from small-sized nanofibers. The effectiveness of a nanofiber-assembled three-dimensional inverse opal material as an electrode for high-rate lithium-ion batteries is demonstrated. The small-sized Li2FeSiO4/C composite nanofibers with a diameter of 20-30 nm are grown by employing a tri-block copolymer P123 as a structure directing agent. Accordingly, the macro-mesoporous hierarchical 3DOM architecture constructed from Li2FeSiO4/C nanofibers is further templated from P123 for the nanofibers and a polystyrene colloidal crystal array for the 3DOM architecture. We find that the thermal stability of the nanofiber morphology depends on the self-limited growth of Li2FeSiO4 nanocrystals in a crystalline-amorphous hybrid. As a cathode for a lithium-ion battery, the 3D hierarchical macro-mesoporous cathodes exhibit outstanding high-rate and ultralong-life performances with a capacity retention of 84% after 1500 cycles at 5 C in the voltage window of 1.5-4.5 V, which is greatly improved compared with a simple 3DOM Li2FeSiO4/C nanocomposite.入藏号: WOS:000378244900014PubMed ID: 27251876语种: English文献类型: ArticleKeyWords Plus: ELECTROCHEMICAL ENERGY-STORAGE; CATHODE MATERIAL; HIGH-CAPACITY; HIGH-POWER; MESOPOROUS NANOCOMPOSITE; RAMAN-SPECTROSCOPY; SILICON NANOWIRES; PERFORMANCE; CARBON; ELECTRODES地址: [Li, Donglin; Zhang, Wei; Sun, Ru; Yong, Hong-Tuan-Hua; Chen, Guangqi; Fan, Xiaoyong; Gou, Lei; Mao, Yiyang; Zhao, Kun; Tian, Miao] Changan Univ, New Energy Mat & Device Lab, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Li, DL; Fan, XY (通讯作者),Changan Univ, New Energy Mat & Device Lab, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY出 版商地址 : THOMAS GRAHAM HOUSE, SCIENCE PARK, MILTON RD, CAMBRIDGE CB4 0WF, CAMBS, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别 : Chemistry, Multidisciplinary; Nanoscience & Nanotechnology; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary; Physics, Applied研究方向: Chemistry; Science & Technology - Other Topics; Materials Science; PhysicsIDS 号: DP1IYISSN: 2040-3364eISSN: 2040-337229 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: NANOSCALEISO 来源出版物缩写: Nanoscale来源出版物页码计数: 13

第 41 条

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标题: Investigation of epoxy-resin-modified asphalt binder(丛培良)作者: Cong, PL (Cong, Peiliang); Tian, Y (Tian, Yu); Liu, N (Liu, Ning); Xu, PJ (Xu, Peijun)来源出版物: JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE 卷: 133 期: 21 文献号: 43401 DOI: 10.1002/app.43401 出版年: JUN 5 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 11使用次数 (2013 年至今): 71引用的参考文献数: 23摘要: Epoxy asphalt (EA) binder has been used extensively for paving long-span bridges in many countries because it shows excellent heat resistance, is free from bleeding, has a low-temperature cracking resistance, and has aggregate scattering resistance. EA binders were prepared by the mixture of asphalt, epoxy resin, and a new curing agent (CR) with functional groups. The properties of the EA binder were characterized by their viscosity, tensile strength, elongation at break, compatibility, morphology, glass transition temperature (T-g), contact angle, and surface free energy. The curing process was analyzed. The results indicate that the curing temperature and asphalt content had significant effects on the properties of the EA binder. We observed that most of the strength was generated after the first 3h at 165 degrees C; this provided good workability for EA pavement construction. The CR with various functional groups improved the compatibility and morphology of the EA binder. The test results show that T-g of the EA binder decreased and the contact angles increased with increasing asphalt content. It is worth noting the contact angles between water and the EA binder were always greater than 90 degrees; this implied that the EA binder was hydrophobic and, hence, water repellent. The surface free energy and dispersion force increases with decreasing asphalt content. However, the polarity forces decreased with decreasing asphalt content. (c) 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2016, 133, 43401.入藏号: WOS:000371249800002语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: compatibilization; morphology; resinsKeyWords Plus: BRIDGE DECKS; MIXES; DEFORMATION; STIFFNESS; MIXTURES; BEHAVIOR; WASTE地址 : [Cong, Peiliang; Liu, Ning; Xu, Peijun] Changan Univ, Engn Res Ctr Transportat Mat, Minist Educ, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Cong, Peiliang; Liu, Ning; Xu, Peijun] Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Tian, Yu] Purdue Univ, Sch Civil Engn, W Lafayette, IN 47906 USA.通讯作者地址: Cong, PL (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Engn Res Ctr Transportat Mat, Minist Educ, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.Cong, PL (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.Tian, Y (通讯作者),Purdue Univ, Sch Civil Engn, W Lafayette, IN 47906 USA.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: WILEY出版商地址: 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USAWeb of Science 类别: Polymer Science

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研究方向: Polymer ScienceIDS 号: DF3MZISSN: 0021-8995eISSN: 1097-462829 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J APPL POLYM SCIISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Appl. Polym. Sci.来源出版物页码计数: 8

第 42 条标题 : Tuning electronic properties of fully hydrogenated AlN nanosheets by external electric field: A van der Waals density functional study(张文雪)作者: Zhang, WX (Zhang, W. X.); Sun, GD (Sun, G. D.); Zhao, L (Zhao, L.)来 源 出 版 物 : SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS  卷 : 248  页 : 105-109  DOI: 10.1016/j.ssc.2016.10.001  出版年: DEC 2016  Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 8使用次数 (2013 年至今): 17引用的参考文献数: 34摘要 : In this paper, the structural and electronic properties of two dimensional (2D) fully hydrogenated AlN nanosheets have been investigated by density functional theory computations with van der Waals (vdW) correction. The results demonstrate that there exists strong hydrogen bonding between the nanosheets. Especially, fully hydrogenated AlN monolayer and bilayer nanosheets both have an indirect band gap, irrespective of stacking pattern and thickness. The band gap of fully hydrogenated AlN monolayer and bilayer can be flexibly reduced by applying an external electronic field (E-field), resulting in a semiconductor metal transition. The results provide many useful insights for the wide applications of AlN nanosheets in electronics and optoelectronics.入藏号: WOS:000385005700018语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: AlN nanosheet; Electronic properties; Density functional theoryKeyWords Plus: BORON-NITRIDE NANOSHEETS; MAGNETIC-PROPERTIES; COPPER NANOWIRES; GRAPHENE; SURFACE; COMPOSITES; THICKNESS; BULK地址 : [Zhang, W. X.; Sun, G. D.; Zhao, L.] Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Zhang, WX (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Physics, Condensed Matter研究方向: Physics

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IDS 号: DY3PIISSN: 0038-1098eISSN: 1879-276629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: SOLID STATE COMMUNISO 来源出版物缩写: Solid State Commun.来源出版物页码计数: 5

第 43 条标题 : Investigation of the properties of asphalt mixtures incorporating reclaimed SBS modified asphalt pavement(丛培良)作者: Cong, PL (Cong, Peiliang); Zhang, YH (Zhang, Yihan); Liu, N (Liu, Ning)来源出版物 : CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 卷: 113 页: 334-340 DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.03.059 出版年: JUN 15 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 6被引频次合计: 6使用次数 (最近 180 天): 4使用次数 (2013 年至今): 21引用的参考文献数: 26摘要: With the increasing environmental considerations and rising costs of construction materials, reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) has been frequently added into asphalt paving mixtures during pavement construction. Many studies have been conducted with regard to the study of reclaimed unmodified asphalt pavement, but the reclaimed SBS modified asphalt pavement is still unknown. In this study, the effects of RAP and rejuvenating agent on the performance were studied. The moisture susceptibility, rutting resistance, dynamic modulus, low temperature anti cracking performance and fatigue was tested. Furthermore, in order to better understand the effects of RAP and rejuvenating agent, the control asphalt mixture was measured using the same methods. The results indicated that the asphalt mixture incorporating reclaimed SBS modified asphalt pavement with better moisture susceptibility, rutting resistance, dynamic modulus, low temperature anti cracking performance and fatigue resistance was obtained by blending new SBS modified asphalt binder and rejuvenating agent. Thus, the rejuvenating agent will benefit the effort of preparing more sustainable asphalt pavement containing RAP. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000375817400034语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: SBS modified asphalt; Recycling; Rejuvenating agent; Anti crack; FatigueKeyWords Plus: RHEOLOGICAL PROPERTIES; REJUVENATING AGENTS; AGED BITUMEN; BINDERS; CONCRETE; PERFORMANCE; BLENDS地址 : [Cong, Peiliang; Zhang, Yihan; Liu, Ning] Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Cong, Peiliang; Zhang, Yihan; Liu, Ning] Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Engn Res Ctr Transportat Mat, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Cong, Peiliang] Purdue Univ, Dept Bldg Construct Management, W Lafayette, IN 47906 USA.通讯作者地址 : Cong, PL (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.

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Cong, PL (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Engn Res Ctr Transportat Mat, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别 : Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering; Materials ScienceIDS 号: DL7JQISSN: 0950-0618eISSN: 1879-052629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: CONSTR BUILD MATERISO 来源出版物缩写: Constr. Build. Mater.来源出版物页码计数: 7

第 44 条标题 : Effects of long-term aging on the properties of asphalt binder containing diatoms (丛培良)作 者 : Cong, PL (Cong, Peiliang); Liu, N (Liu, Ning); Tian, Y (Tian, Yu); Zhang, YH (Zhang, Yihan)来源出版物 : CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 卷: 123 页: 534-540 DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.07.073 出版年: OCT 1 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 5被引频次合计: 5使用次数 (最近 180 天): 4使用次数 (2013 年至今): 24引用的参考文献数: 18摘要 : Diatomite modified asphalts were prepared by melt blending with different contents of diatomite and hydrophobic diatomite. The effects of long-term aging on physical, properties and chemical structure of the diatomite modified asphalts were investigated. The results show that the viscosity aging index and the increment in the softening point of the modified asphalts decrease significantly with increasing diatomite contents. The retained penetration increases after the introduction of diatomite. The chemical structures of the aged asphalts were evaluated using FTIR The increased extent of the C=O and S=O bands areas of the modified asphalt is smaller than that of pure asphalt. The aging resistances of the modified asphalts are much better than that of pure asphalt, because they can efficiently prevent the oxygen, which attribute to the honeycomb silica structure in the modified asphalts. Compared with diatomite modified asphalt, the oxygen dispersion in hydrophobic diatomite modified asphalt was harder, which means the oxidative aging resistance of hydrophobic diatomite modified asphalt was better. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000383813000059语种: English文献类型: Article

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作者关键词: Asphalt; Hydrophobic diatomite; Aging; Chemical structureKeyWords Plus: RHEOLOGICAL PROPERTIES; MODIFIED BITUMEN地址 : [Cong, Peiliang; Liu, Ning; Zhang, Yihan] Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Cong, Peiliang; Liu, Ning; Zhang, Yihan] Changan Univ, Engn Res Ctr Transportat Mat, Minist Educ, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Tian, Yu] Purdue Univ, Sch Civil Engn, W Lafayette, IN 47906 USA.通讯作者地址: Cong, PL (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.Cong, PL (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Engn Res Ctr Transportat Mat, Minist Educ, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.Tian, Y (通讯作者),Purdue Univ, Sch Civil Engn, W Lafayette, IN 47906 USA.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别 : Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering; Materials ScienceIDS 号: DW7ECISSN: 0950-0618eISSN: 1879-052629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: CONSTR BUILD MATERISO 来源出版物缩写: Constr. Build. Mater.来源出版物页码计数: 7

信息工程学院第 1 条标题: Extraction and Simplification of Building Facade Pieces from Mobile Laser Scanner Point Clouds for 3D Street View Services(李艳)作者: Li, Y (Li, Yan); Hu, QW (Hu, Qingwu); Wu, M (Wu, Meng); Liu, JM (Liu, Jianming); Wu, X (Wu, Xuan)来源出版物: ISPRS INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEO-INFORMATION  卷: 5  期: 12  文献号: 231  DOI: 10.3390/ijgi5120231  出版年: DEC 2016  Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 10使用次数 (2013 年至今): 12引用的参考文献数: 40摘要: Extraction and analysis of building facades are key processes in the three-dimensional (3D) building reconstruction and realistic geometrical modeling of the urban environment, which includes many applications, such as smart city management, autonomous navigation through the

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urban environment, fly-through rendering, 3D street view, virtual tourism, urban mission planning, etc. This paper proposes a building facade pieces extraction and simplification algorithm based on morphological filtering with point clouds obtained by a mobile laser scanner (MLS). First, this study presents a point cloud projection algorithm with high-accuracy orientation parameters from the position and orientation system (POS) of MLS that can convert large volumes of point cloud data to a raster image. Second, this study proposes a feature extraction approach based on morphological filtering with point cloud projection that can obtain building facade features in an image space. Third, this study designs an inverse transformation of point cloud projection to convert building facade features from an image space to a 3D space. A building facade feature with restricted facade plane detection algorithm is implemented to reconstruct facade pieces for street view service. The results of building facade extraction experiments with large volumes of point cloud from MLS show that the proposed approach is suitable for various types of building facade extraction. The geometric accuracy of building facades is 0.66 m in x direction, 0.64 in y direction and 0.55 m in the vertical direction, which is the same level as the space resolution (0.5 m) of the point cloud.入藏号: WOS:000392493200013语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : mobile laser scanner (MLS); point cloud; projection image; building facade; morphology; feature extractionKeyWords Plus: AIRBORNE LIDAR DATA; SEGMENTATION; IMAGERY; CURBS地址: [Li, Yan] Changan Univ, Sch Informat Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Hu, Qingwu] Wuhan Univ, Sch Remote Sensing & Informat Engn, Wuhan 430079, Peoples R China. [Wu, Meng] Xian Res Inst Surveying & Mapping, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Liu, Jianming] Shandong Prov Inst Land Surveying & Mapping, Jinan 250013, Peoples R China. [Wu, Xuan] China Railway SIYUAN Survey & Design Grp Co Ltd, Wuhan 430063, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Hu, QW (通讯作者),Wuhan Univ, Sch Remote Sensing & Informat Engn, Wuhan 430079, Peoples R China.电 子 邮 件 地 址 : [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号HU, Qingwu    0000-0003-0866-6678 

出版商: MDPI AG出版商地址: ST ALBAN-ANLAGE 66, CH-4052 BASEL, SWITZERLANDWeb of Science 类别: Geography, Physical; Remote Sensing研究方向: Physical Geography; Remote SensingIDS 号: EI4WBISSN: 2220-996429 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ISPRS INT J GEO-INFISO 来源出版物缩写: ISPRS Int. Geo-Inf.

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来源出版物页码计数: 18

第 2 条标题: A High-Order Two-Step Phase-Fitted Method for the Numerical Solution of the Schrodinger Equation(作者中文名?)作者: Zhang, W (Zhang, Wei); Simos, TE (Simos, T. E.)来 源 出 版物 : MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS  卷 : 13  期 : 6  页 : 5177-5194  DOI: 10.1007/s00009-016-0800-y  出版年: DEC 2016  Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 10被引频次合计: 10使用次数 (最近 180 天): 1使用次数 (2013 年至今): 5引用的参考文献数: 27摘要: In this paper, we will develop a four-stage high algebraic order symmetric two-step method with vanished phase-lag and its first up to the fourth derivative. For the proposed method, we will study the following: the phase-lag analysis of the new method; the development of the new method; the local truncation error analysis which is based on the radial Schrodinger equation; the stability and the interval of periodicity analysis which is based on a scalar test equation with frequency different than the frequency of the scalar test equation used for the phase-lag analysis; the error estimation procedure which is based on the algebraic order; and the numerical results from our numerical tests for the examination of the efficiency of the new obtained method. The numerical tests are based on the numerical solution of the Schrodinger equation.入藏号: WOS:000387090000085语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词 : Phase-lag; derivative of the phase-lag; initial value problems; oscillating solution; symmetric; multistep; hybrid; Schrodinger equationKeyWords Plus: INITIAL-VALUE-PROBLEMS; MULTISTEP METHODS; ORBITAL PROBLEMS; INTEGRATION; LAG; SCATTERING地址: [Zhang, Wei] Changan Univ, Sch Informat Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Zhang, Wei] China Highway Engn Consulting Grp Co LTD, Beijing 100097, Peoples R China. [Simos, T. E.] King Saud Univ, Dept Math, Coll Sci, POB 2455, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia. [Simos, T. E.] Univ Peloponnese, Fac Econ Management & Informat, Sci Computat Lab, Dept Informat & Telecommun, GR-22100 Tripolis, Greece. [Simos, T. E.] 10 Konitsis St, Athens 17564, Greece.通讯作者地址: Simos, TE (通讯作者),King Saud Univ, Dept Math, Coll Sci, POB 2455, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia.Simos, TE (通讯作者),Univ Peloponnese, Fac Econ Management & Informat, Sci Computat Lab, Dept Informat & Telecommun, GR-22100 Tripolis, Greece.Simos, TE (通讯作者),10 Konitsis St, Athens 17564, Greece.电子邮件地址: [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Simos, Theodore  H-6033-2011   

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出版商: SPRINGER BASEL AG出版商地址: PICASSOPLATZ 4, BASEL, 4052, SWITZERLANDWeb of Science 类别: Mathematics, Applied; Mathematics研究方向: MathematicsIDS 号: EB1DXISSN: 1660-5446eISSN: 1660-545429 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: MEDITERR J MATHISO 来源出版物缩写: Mediterr. J. Math.来源出版物页码计数: 18

第3条标题: A traffic accident morphology diagnostic model based on a rough set decision tree(作者中文名?)作 者 : Tao, G (Tao, Gang); Song, HS (Song, Huansheng); Liu, J (Liu, Jun); Zou, J (Zou, Jiao); Chen, YX (Chen, Yanxiang)来源出版物: TRANSPORTATION PLANNING AND TECHNOLOGY  卷: 39  期: 8  特刊: SI  页: 751-758  DOI: 10.1080/03081060.2016.1231894  出版年: DEC 2016  Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 3使用次数 (2013 年至今): 13引用的参考文献数: 5摘要: To build a traffic safety feature model and to quantify accident influences caused by some traffic violation behaviors of drivers, an accident diagnostic decision-making model is established. For the purpose of diagnosing accident morphologies, rough set theory is applied and the influence of traffic factors of different accident morphologies is quantified through calculating the degree of attribute importance, selecting core traffic factors and adopting a C4.5 decision tree algorithm. In the paper, road traffic accident data from 2008 to 2013 in Anhui Province are used. Typical rules are selected, targeted strategy proposals are put forward, and then, a scientific and reasonable diagnostic basis is provided for the diagnosis of traffic safety risks and the prediction of potential traffic accidents.入藏号: WOS:000385849000003语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词 : Traffic accidents; rough set; decision tree algorithm; C4; 5; accident morphology; decision diagnosis地址: [Tao, Gang; Song, Huansheng] Changan Univ, Sch Informat Engn, Xian, Peoples R China. [Tao, Gang; Liu, Jun; Zou, Jiao] Anhui Keli Informat Ind Co Ltd, Hefei, Peoples R China. [Tao, Gang; Liu, Jun; Zou, Jiao; Chen, Yanxiang] Minist Publ Secur, Key Lab Urban ITS Technol Optimizat & Integrat, Hefei, Peoples R China. [Chen, Yanxiang] Hefei Univ Technol, Sch Comp & Informat, Hefei, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Chen, YX (通讯作者),Minist Publ Secur, Key Lab Urban ITS Technol Optimizat

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& Integrat, Hefei, Peoples R China.Chen, YX (通讯作者),Hefei Univ Technol, Sch Comp & Informat, Hefei, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD出 版 商 地 址 : 2-4 PARK SQUARE, MILTON PARK, ABINGDON OR14 4RN, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Transportation Science & Technology研究方向: TransportationIDS 号: DZ4SEISSN: 0308-1060eISSN: 1029-035429 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: TRANSPORT PLAN TECHNISO 来源出版物缩写: Transp. Plan. Technol.来源出版物页码计数: 8

第4条标题 : A Novel Texture Feature Description Method Based on the Generalized Gabor Direction Pattern and Weighted Discrepancy Measurement Model(陈婷)作者: Chen, T (Chen, Ting); Zhao, XM (Zhao, Xiangmo); Dai, L (Dai, Liang); Zhang, LC (Zhang, Licheng); Wang, JR (Wang, Jiarui)来源出版物 : SYMMETRY-BASEL  卷 : 8  期 : 11  文献号 : 109  DOI: 10.3390/sym8110109  出版年: NOV 2016  Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 8使用次数 (2013 年至今): 9引用的参考文献数: 48摘要 : Texture feature description is a remarkable challenge in the fields of computer vision and pattern recognition. Since the traditional texture feature description method, the local binary pattern (LBP), is unable to acquire more detailed direction information and always sensitive to noise, we propose a novel method based on generalized Gabor direction pattern (GGDP) and weighted discrepancy measurement model (WDMM) to overcome those defects. Firstly, a novel patch-structure direction pattern (PDP) is proposed, which can extract rich feature information and be insensitive to noise. Then, motivated by searching for a description method that can explore richer and more discriminant texture features and reducing the local Gabor feature vector's high dimension problem, we extend PDP to form the GGDP method with multi-channel Gabor space. Furthermore, WDMM, which can effectively measure the feature distance between two images, is presented for the classification and recognition of image samples. Simulated experiments on olivetti research laboratory (ORL), Carnegie Mellon University pose, illumination, and expression (CMUPIE) and Yale B face databases under different illumination or facial expression conditions indicate that the proposed method outperforms other existing classical methods.入藏号: WOS:000392482200001语种: English文献类型: Article

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作者关键词 : face recognition; texture feature description; feature extraction; LBP; local Gabor transformKeyWords Plus: LOCAL BINARY PATTERNS; SINGULAR-VALUE DECOMPOSITION; INDEPENDENT COMPONENT ANALYSIS; FACE RECOGNITION; DISCRIMINANT-ANALYSIS; IMAGE RETRIEVAL; CLASSIFICATION; REPRESENTATION; SCALE; PCA地址 : [Chen, Ting; Zhao, Xiangmo; Zhang, Licheng; Wang, Jiarui] Changan Univ, Sch Informat Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Chen, Ting] Univ Sydney, Sch Elect & Informat Engn, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia. [Dai, Liang] Changan Univ, Sch Elect & Control Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Chen, T (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Informat Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.Chen, T (通讯作者),Univ Sydney, Sch Elect & Informat Engn, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: MDPI AG出版商地址: ST ALBAN-ANLAGE 66, CH-4052 BASEL, SWITZERLANDWeb of Science 类别: Multidisciplinary Sciences研究方向: Science & Technology - Other TopicsIDS 号: EI4RYISSN: 2073-899429 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: SYMMETRY-BASELISO 来源出版物缩写: Symmetry-Basel来源出版物页码计数: 13

第5条标题: A novel downlink scheduling strategy for traffic communication system based on TD-LTE technology(陈婷)作者: Chen, T (Chen, Ting); Zhao, XM (Zhao, Xiangmo); Gao, T (Gao, Tao); Zhang, LC (Zhang, Licheng)来源出版物: SPRINGERPLUS  卷: 5  文献号: 1631  DOI: 10.1186/s40064-016-3323-x  出版年: SEP 21 2016  Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 3使用次数 (2013 年至今): 6引用的参考文献数: 19摘要 : There are many existing classical scheduling algorithms which can obtain better system throughput and user equality, however, they are not designed for traffic transportation environment, which cannot consider whether the transmission performance of various information flows could meet comprehensive requirements of traffic safety and delay tolerance. This paper proposes a novel downlink scheduling strategy for traffic communication system based on TD-LTE technology, which can perform two classification mappings for various information flows in the eNodeB: firstly, associate every information flow packet with traffic safety importance weight according to its relevance to the traffic safety; secondly, associate every traffic information flow

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with service type importance weight according to its quality of service (QoS) requirements. Once the connection is established, at every scheduling moment, scheduler would decide the scheduling order of all buffers' head of line packets periodically according to the instant value of scheduling importance weight function, which calculated by the proposed algorithm. From different scenario simulations, it can be verified that the proposed algorithm can provide superior differentiated transmission service and reliable QoS guarantee to information flows with different traffic safety levels and service types, which is more suitable for traffic transportation environment compared with the existing popularity PF algorithm. With the limited wireless resource, information flow closed related to traffic safety will always obtain priority scheduling right timely, which can help the passengers' journey more safe. Moreover, the proposed algorithm cannot only obtain good flow throughput and user fairness which are almost equal to those of the PF algorithm without significant differences, but also provide better realtime transmission guarantee to realtime information flow.入藏号: WOS:000391801700008PubMed ID: 27722050语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Traffic communication system; TD-LTE; Scheduling; AMC; QoS; OFDMAKeyWords Plus: RESOURCE-ALLOCATION; NETWORKS; ACCESS地址 : [Chen, Ting; Zhao, Xiangmo; Gao, Tao; Zhang, Licheng] Changan Univ, Sch Informat Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Chen, Ting] Univ Sydney, Sch Elect & Informat Engn, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia.通讯作者地址: Chen, T (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Informat Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AG出版商地址: GEWERBESTRASSE 11, CHAM, CH-6330, SWITZERLANDWeb of Science 类别: Multidisciplinary Sciences研究方向: Science & Technology - Other TopicsIDS 号: EH5GXISSN: 2193-180129 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: SPRINGERPLUSISO 来源出版物缩写: SpringerPlus来源出版物页码计数: 16

第6条标题: Identity Based Broadcast Encryption with Group of Prime Order(明洋)作者: Ming, Y (Ming, Yang); Wang, YM (Wang, Yumin)来源出版物 : INTERNATIONAL ARAB JOURNAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY  卷 : 13  期: 5  页: 531-541  出版年: SEP 2016  Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 0使用次数 (2013 年至今): 0

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引用的参考文献数: 39摘要 : Identity Based Broadcast Encryption (IBBE) is a cryptographic primitive, which allows a center to transmit encrypted data over a broadcast channel to a large number of users such that only a select subset of privileged users can decrypt it. In this paper, based on bilinear groups, we propose a secure IBBE scheme with a constant -size system parameters, private keys and cipher texts. This construction uses dual pairing vector space technique in prime order groups, which can simulate the cancelling and parameter hiding properties of composite order groups. Furthermore, we show that the proposed scheme utilizes a nested dual system encryption argument to prove full secure (adaptive secure) under the Decisional Linear assumption (DLIN) (static, non q-based) in the standard model. To the best of our knowledge, our scheme is the first provably secure IBBE scheme in the literature to achieve this security level.入藏号: WOS:000385213200008语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Cryptography; encryption; IBBE; dual pairing vector space; full security; provable security地址: [Ming, Yang] Changan Univ, Sch Informat Engn, Xian, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Wang, Yumin] Xidian Univ, State Key Lab Integrated Serv Network, Xian, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Ming, Y (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Informat Engn, Xian, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.出版商: ZARKA PRIVATE UNIV出 版商地址 : COLLEGE COMPUTING & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, PO BOX 2000, ZARQA, 13110, JORDANWeb of Science 类别: Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence; Computer Science, Information Systems; Engineering, Electrical & Electronic研究方向: Computer Science; EngineeringIDS 号: DY6JWISSN: 1683-319829 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: INT ARAB J INF TECHNISO 来源出版物缩写: Int. Arab J. Inf. Technol.来源出版物页码计数: 11

第7条标题: Array-error estimation method for multi-channel SAR systems in azimuth(马仑)作 者 : Ma, L (Ma, Lun); Liao, GS (Liao, Guisheng); Liu, AF (Liu, Aifei); Jiangl, YL (Jiangl, Yanling); Chen, L (Chen, Ling)来源出版物: JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS  卷: 27  期: 4  页: 815-821  DOI: 10.21629/JSEE.2016.04.10  出版年: AUG 2016  Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 1使用次数 (2013 年至今): 6引用的参考文献数: 12

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摘要: For multi-channel synthetic aperture radar (SAR) systems, since the minimum antenna area constraint is eliminated, wide swath and high resolution SAR image can be achieved. However, the unavoidable array errors, consisting of channel gain phase mismatch and position uncertainty, significantly degrade the performance of such systems. An iteration-free method is proposed to simultaneously estimate position and gain-phase errors. In our research, the steering vectors corresponding to a pair of Doppler bins within the same range bin are studied in terms of their rotational relationships. The method is based on the fact that the rotational matrix only depends on the position errors and the frequency spacing between the paired Doppler bins but is independent of gain-phase error. Upon combining the projection matrices corresponding to the paired Doppler bins, the position errors are directly obtained in terms of extracting the rotational matrix in a least squares framework. The proposed method, when used in conjunction with the self-calibration algorithm, performs stably as well as has less computational load, compared with the conventional methods. Simulations reveal that the proposed method behaves better than the conventional methods even when the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is low.入藏号: WOS:000383009000010语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: error estimation; multi-channel synthetic aperture radar (SAR) system; array signal processing地址 : [Ma, Lun; Jiangl, Yanling; Chen, Ling] Changan Univ, Sch Informat Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Ma, Lun; Liao, Guisheng; Liu, Aifei] Xidian Univ, Natl Lab Radar Signal Proc, Xian 710071, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Ma, L (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Informat Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.Ma, L (通讯作者),Xidian Univ, Natl Lab Radar Signal Proc, Xian 710071, Peoples R China.电 子 邮 件 地 址 : [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Liu, Aifei  I-5433-2017   

出版商: SYSTEMS ENGINEERING & ELECTRONICS, EDITORIAL DEPT出版商地址: PO BOX 142-32, BEIJING, 100854, PEOPLES R CHINAWeb of Science 类别 : Automation & Control Systems; Engineering, Electrical & Electronic; Operations Research & Management Science研 究 方向 : Automation & Control Systems; Engineering; Operations Research & Management ScienceIDS 号: DV5ZKISSN: 1004-413229 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J SYST ENG ELECTRONISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Syst. Eng. Electron.来源出版物页码计数: 7

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第8条标题: A new high algebraic order four stages symmetric two-step method with vanished phase-lag and its first and second derivatives for the numerical solution of the Schrodinger equation and related problems(作者中文名?)作者: Xi, XP (Xi, Xiaopeng); Simos, TE (Simos, T. E.)来 源 出 版 物 : JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY  卷 : 54  期 : 7  页 : 1417-1439  DOI: 10.1007/s10910-016-0627-6  出版年: AUG 2016  Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 5被引频次合计: 5使用次数 (最近 180 天): 1使用次数 (2013 年至今): 2引用的参考文献数: 80摘要 : A four stages twelfth algebraic order symmetric two-step method with vanished phase-lag and its first and second derivative is developed in this paper for the first time in the literature. More specifically in this paper the following will be investigated: (i) the phase-lag analysis for the development of the new method, (ii) the construction of the new method, (iii) the local truncation error analysis which is based on the radial Schrodinger equation, (iv) the interval of periodicity analysis and the stability analysis which is based on a scalar test equation with frequency not equal with the frequency of the scalar test equation used for the phase-lag analysis, (v) the error estimation procedure based on the algebraic order, (vi) the numerical results from our numerical tests for the study of the efficiency of the new obtained method. The numerical tests are based on the numerical solution of the Schrodinger equation.入藏号: WOS:000379024200005语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Phase-lag; Derivative of the phase-lag; Initial value problems; Oscillating solution; Symmetric; Hybrid; Multistep; Hybrid; Schrodinger equationKeyWords Plus: INITIAL-VALUE-PROBLEMS; PREDICTOR-CORRECTOR METHOD; EXPLICIT 4-STEP METHOD; TRIGONOMETRICALLY-FITTED FORMULAS; KUTTA-NYSTROM METHODS; P-STABLE METHOD; OSCILLATING SOLUTIONS; MULTISTEP METHODS; ORBITAL PROBLEMS; 3RD DERIVATIVES地址: [Xi, Xiaopeng] Changan Univ, Sch Informat Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Xi, Xiaopeng] Shaanxi Prov Transport Dept, Xian 710074, Peoples R China. [Simos, T. E.] King Saud Univ, Dept Math, Coll Sci, POB 2455, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia. [Simos, T. E.] Univ Peloponnese, Fac Econ Management & Informat, Dept Informat & Telecommun, Sci Computat Lab, Tripolis 22100, Greece. [Simos, T. E.] 10 Konitsis St, Athens 17564, Greece.通讯作者地址: Simos, TE (通讯作者),King Saud Univ, Dept Math, Coll Sci, POB 2455, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia.Simos, TE (通讯作者),Univ Peloponnese, Fac Econ Management & Informat, Dept Informat & Telecommun, Sci Computat Lab, Tripolis 22100, Greece.Simos, TE (通讯作者),10 Konitsis St, Athens 17564, Greece.电子邮件地址: [email protected]作者识别号:

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作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Simos, Theodore  H-6033-2011   

出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USAWeb of Science 类别: Chemistry, Multidisciplinary; Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications研究方向: Chemistry; MathematicsIDS 号: DQ2HUISSN: 0259-9791eISSN: 1572-889729 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J MATH CHEMISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Math. Chem.来源出版物页码计数: 23

第9条标 题 : Reduction of Peak-to-Average Power Ratio of Multicarrier Modulation Signals with Adaptive Companding Scheme(侯俊)作者: Hou, J (Hou, Jun); Zhao, XM (Zhao, Xiangmo); Hui, F (Hui, Fei)来 源 出 版物 : KSII TRANSACTIONS ON INTERNET AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS  卷 : 10  期: 7  页: 3117-3130  DOI: 10.3837/tiis.2016.07.014  出版年: JUL 31 2016  Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 2使用次数 (2013 年至今): 2引用的参考文献数: 23摘要 : High peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) of transmitted signals is a major drawback in Multicarrier modulation (MCM) systems. Companding transform is a well-known method to reduce the PAPR without restrictions on system parameters such as the number of subcarriers, frame format and constellation type. In this paper, a novel adaptive companding scheme, mainly focuses on compressing the large signals into the desirable distribution, is proposed to reduce the PAPR with low implementation complexity. In addition, formulas to calculate its PAPR and bit error rate (BER) performance are also derived. Simulation results confirm that the proposed scheme can achieve an effective tradeoff between PAPR reduction and BER performance by carefully choosing the companding parameter.入藏号: WOS:000381404300014语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Multicarrier modulation (MCM); companding; peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR); high power amplifier (HPA)KeyWords Plus: PAPR REDUCTION; OFDM SYSTEMS; TRANSMISSION; PERFORMANCE; TRANSFORM地址 : [Hou, Jun; Zhao, Xiangmo; Hui, Fei] Changan Univ, Sch Informat Engn, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Hou, J (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Informat Engn, Xian 710064, Shaanxi,

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Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: KSII-KOR SOC INTERNET INFORMATION出版商地址: KOR SCI & TECHNOL CTR, 409 ON 4TH FLR, MAIN BLDG, 635-4 YEOKSAM 1-DONG, GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL 00000, SOUTH KOREAWeb of Science 类别: Computer Science, Information Systems; Telecommunications研究方向: Computer Science; TelecommunicationsIDS 号: DT3TQISSN: 1976-727729 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: KSII T INTERNET INFISO 来源出版物缩写: KSII Trans. Internet Inf. Syst.来源出版物页码计数: 14

第10条标题: Evaluation and Comparison of Real-Time Laser and Electric Sand-Patch Pavement Texture-Depth Measurement Methods(作者中文名?)作者 : Hao, XL (Hao, Xueli); Sha, AM (Sha, Aimin); Sun, ZY (Sun, Zhaoyun); Li, W (Li, Wei); Zhao, HW (Zhao, Haiwei)来 源 出 版物 : JOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING  卷 : 142  期 : 7  文 献号 : 04016022  DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)TE.1943-5436.0000842  出版年: JUL 2016  Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 7使用次数 (2013 年至今): 17引用的参考文献数: 34摘要 : In order to measure the texture depth of asphalt pavement automatically and accurately, a data set generated by a real-time laser pavement texture meter (RLPTM) was realized, and a calculation method was developed. Three groups of experiments were designed and conducted to calibrate the measure results of the electric sand patch method (ESPM) to the ASTM sand patch method and compare the performance of the RLPTM with the ESPM. Experimental results showed that the correlation coefficient of the ESPM and sand patch method have reached up to 0.9830, indicating a good correlation. The RLPTM method had higher resolution (more significant figures) and better repeatability (lower coefficients of variation) than ESPM. The correlation coefficient between RLPTM and ESPM was 0.9207, demonstrating the good repeatability of the overall measurements. The absolute errors of the results obtained by RLPTM and ESPM were within 0.3mm. Further analysis indicated that results of RLPTM were slightly over predicted (slope value 1.0141) compared to that of ESPM, whereas results of ESPM were slightly under predicted (slope value 0.9823) to that of sand patch. Thus, results of RLPTM may come closer to ASTM sand patch data than ESPM data, indicating the high accuracy of RLPTM.入藏号: WOS:000378871000006语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Asphalt pavement; Correlation; Real-time laser pavement texture meter; Sand patch method; Texture depth

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KeyWords Plus: SURFACE MACROTEXTURE; STRUCTURED LIGHT地址 : [Hao, Xueli; Sun, Zhaoyun; Li, Wei; Zhao, Haiwei] Changan Univ, Sch Informat Engn, Xian 710061, Peoples R China. [Sha, Aimin] Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Special Area Highway Engn, Xian 710061, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Hao, XL (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Informat Engn, Xian 710061, Peoples R China.电子邮件 地址 : [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: ASCE-AMER SOC CIVIL ENGINEERS出版商地址: 1801 ALEXANDER BELL DR, RESTON, VA 20191-4400 USAWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Civil; Transportation Science & Technology研究方向: Engineering; TransportationIDS 号: DQ0EKISSN: 0733-947XeISSN: 1943-543629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J TRANSP ENGISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Transp. Eng.来源出版物页码计数: 9

第11条标题: Real-time planning of a lifting scheme in mobile crane mounted controllers(任卫军)作者: Ren, WJ (Ren, Weijun); Wu, ZF (Wu, Zifeng); Zhang, L (Zhang, Lei)来 源 出 版 物 : CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING  卷 : 43  期 : 6  DOI: 10.1139/cjce-2015-0110  出版年: JUN 2016  Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 5使用次数 (2013 年至今): 13引用的参考文献数: 30摘要: Ensuring the safety and efficiency of crane operation is challenging due to the complexity of the lifting operation. The real-time lifting path planning system developed in this paper aims to provide an optimized, collision-free lifting path for mobile crane operators. The first contribution of the developed system is to take advantage of crane mounted sensors and components as the hardware to collect object information. No additional device needs to be purchased. Secondly, the data storage, path planning, optimizing, and visualizing functions are designed to minimize the required computer memory so that the system can be installed and applied on the crane mounted controller for real-time operation. No additional calculation capacity is required. This system has been tested in real construction sites and demonstrated its ability to generate lifting paths satisfying operators' expectation. The system, as an independent software package, can be installed on any mobile cranes mounted with the necessary hardware.入藏号: WOS:000377541100006语种: English文献类型: Article

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作 者 关键词 : safety; path planning; lifting operation; mobile cranes; construction machinery; construction managementKeyWords Plus: CONSTRUCTION; SAFETY地址 : [Ren, Weijun; Zhang, Lei] Changan Univ, Sch Informat Engn, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Wu, Zifeng] Univ Nebraska, Dept Civil Engn, 2200 Vine St,330G Whittier Res Ctr, Lincoln, NE 68508 USA.通讯作者地址: Ren, WJ (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Informat Engn, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: CANADIAN SCIENCE PUBLISHING, NRC RESEARCH PRESS出版商地址: 65 AURIGA DR, SUITE 203, OTTAWA, ON K2E 7W6, CANADAWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Civil研究方向: EngineeringIDS 号: DO1MAISSN: 0315-1468eISSN: 1208-602929 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: CAN J CIVIL ENGISO 来源出版物缩写: Can. J. Civ. Eng.来源出版物页码计数: 11

第12条标题: Hybrid high algebraic order two-step method with vanished phase-lag and its first, second, third, fourth and fifth derivatives(马峻岩)作者: Ma, JY (Ma, Junyan); Simos, TE (Simos, T. E.)来源出版物: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS C  卷: 27  期: 5  文献号: 1650049  DOI: 10.1142/S0129183116500492  出版年: MAY 2016  Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 3使用次数 (2013 年至今): 4引用的参考文献数: 31摘要 : A hybrid tenth algebraic order two-step method with vanished phase-lag and its first, second, third, fourth and fifth derivatives are obtained in this paper. We will investigate the construction of the method the local truncation error (LTE) of the newly obtained method. We will also compare the lte of the newly developed method with other methods in the literature (this is called the comparative LTE analysis) the stability (interval of periodicity) of the produced method using frequency for the scalar test equation different from the frequency used in the scalar test equation for phase-lag analysis (this is called stability analysis) the application of the newly obtained method to the resonance problem of the Schrodinger equation. We will compare its effectiveness with the efficiency of other known methods in the literature. 

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It will be proved that the developed method is effective for the approximate solution of the Schrodinger equation and related periodical or oscillatory initial value or boundary value problems.入藏号: WOS:000377674500003语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Phase-lag; derivative of the phase-lag; initial or boundary value problems; multistep; Schrodinger equationKeyWords Plus: INITIAL-VALUE-PROBLEMS; SYMMETRIC MULTISTEP METHODS; SCHRODINGER-EQUATION; NUMERICAL-SOLUTION; INTEGRATION; SCATTERING地址: [Ma, Junyan] Changan Univ, Sch Informat Engn, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Simos, T. E.] King Saud Univ, Coll Sci, Dept Math, POB 2455, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia. [Simos, T. E.] Univ Peloponnese, Sci Computat Lab, Dept Informat & Telecommun, Fac Econ Management & Informat, GR-22100 Tripolis, Greece.通讯作者地址: Simos, TE (通讯作者),King Saud Univ, Coll Sci, Dept Math, POB 2455, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia.Simos, TE (通讯作者),Univ Peloponnese, Sci Computat Lab, Dept Informat & Telecommun, Fac Econ Management & Informat, GR-22100 Tripolis, Greece.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Simos, Theodore  H-6033-2011   

出版商: WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD出版商地址: 5 TOH TUCK LINK, SINGAPORE 596224, SINGAPOREWeb of Science 类别: Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Physics, Mathematical研究方向: Computer Science; PhysicsIDS 号: DO3IJISSN: 0129-1831eISSN: 1793-658629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: INT J MOD PHYS CISO 来源出版物缩写: Int. J. Mod. Phys. C来源出版物页码计数: 20

第13条标题 : A new four stages symmetric two-step method with vanished phase-lag and its first derivative for the numerical integration of the Schrodinger equation(作者中文名?)作者: Liang, MJ (Liang, Minjian); Simos, TE (Simos, T. E.)来 源 出 版 物 : JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY  卷 : 54  期 : 5  页 : 1187-1211  DOI: 10.1007/s10910-016-0615-x  出版年: MAY 2016  Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 13被引频次合计: 13使用次数 (最近 180 天): 2使用次数 (2013 年至今): 4

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引用的参考文献数: 77摘要: In this paper a four stages symmetric two-step method with vanished phase-lag and its first derivative with high algebraic order is developed for the first time in the literature. More pricesly in this paper the following are presented: (1) the phase-lag analysis for the construction of the new high algebraic order method, (2) the construction of the new method, (3) the error analysis based on the radial Schrodinger equation, (4) the interval of periodicity analysis and the stability analysis, (5) a new error estimation procedure based on the phase-lag (6) the numerical tests for the study of the efficiency of the new obtained method which are based on the numerical solution of the Schrodinger equation.入藏号: WOS:000374328200010语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Phase-lag; Derivative of the phase-lag; Symmetric; Hybrid; Multistep; Schrodinger equationKeyWords Plus: INITIAL-VALUE PROBLEMS; PREDICTOR-CORRECTOR METHOD; EXPLICIT 4-STEP METHOD; TRIGONOMETRICALLY-FITTED FORMULAS; KUTTA-NYSTROM METHODS; P-STABLE METHOD; OSCILLATING SOLUTIONS; MULTISTEP METHODS; ORBITAL PROBLEMS; 3RD DERIVATIVES地址: [Liang, Minjian] Changan Univ, Sch Informat Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Liang, Minjian] Guangdong Special Equipment Inspect & Res Inst Br, Zhuhai 519002, Peoples R China. [Simos, T. E.] King Saud Univ, Dept Math, Coll Sci, POB 2455, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia. [Simos, T. E.] Univ Peloponnese, Fac Econ Management & Informat, Dept Informat & Telecommun, Sci Computat Lab, Tripolis 22100, Greece. [Simos, T. E.] 10 Konitsis St, Athens 17564, Greece.通讯作者地址: Simos, TE (通讯作者),King Saud Univ, Dept Math, Coll Sci, POB 2455, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia.Simos, TE (通讯作者),Univ Peloponnese, Fac Econ Management & Informat, Dept Informat & Telecommun, Sci Computat Lab, Tripolis 22100, Greece.Simos, TE (通讯作者),10 Konitsis St, Athens 17564, Greece.电子邮件地址: [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Simos, Theodore  H-6033-2011   

出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USAWeb of Science 类别: Chemistry, Multidisciplinary; Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications研究方向: Chemistry; MathematicsIDS 号: DJ6MSISSN: 0259-9791eISSN: 1572-889729 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J MATH CHEMISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Math. Chem.

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来源出版物页码计数: 25

第14条标题: Quantized DCT Coefficient Category Address Encryption for JPEG Image(李姗姗)作者: Li, SS (Li, Shanshan); Zhang, YY (Zhang, Yuanyuan)来 源 出 版物 : KSII TRANSACTIONS ON INTERNET AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS  卷 : 10  期: 4  页: 1790-1806  DOI: 10.3837/tiis.2016.04.018  出版年: APR 30 2016  Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 4使用次数 (2013 年至今): 7引用的参考文献数: 19摘要: Digital image encryption is widely used for image data security. JPEG standard compresses image with great performance on reducing file size. Thus, to encrypt an image in JPEG format we should keep the quality of original image and reduced size. This paper proposes a JPEG image encryption scheme based on quantized DC and non-zero AC coefficients inner category scrambling. Instead of coefficient value encryption, the address of coefficient is encrypted to get the address of cipher text. Then 8*8 blocks are shuffled. Chaotic iteration is employed to generate chaotic sequences for address scrambling and block shuffling. Analysis of simulation shows the proposed scheme is resistant to common attacks. Moreover, the proposed method keeps the file size of the encrypted image in an acceptable range compared with the plain text. To enlarge the cipher text possible space and improve the resistance to sophisticated attacks, several additional procedures are further developed. Contrast experiments verify these procedures can refine the proposed scheme and achieve significant improvements.入藏号: WOS:000376442400018语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Image encryption; JPEG; DCT; chaotic sequence; file sizeKeyWords Plus: SEQUENCES; CIPHER地址 : [Li, Shanshan] Changan Univ, Sch Informat Engn, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Zhang, Yuanyuan] Xi An Jiao Tong Univ, Affiliated Hosp 1, Xian 710061, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Li, SS (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Informat Engn, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: KSII-KOR SOC INTERNET INFORMATION出版商地址: KOR SCI & TECHNOL CTR, 409 ON 4TH FLR, MAIN BLDG, 635-4 YEOKSAM 1-DONG, GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL 00000, SOUTH KOREAWeb of Science 类别: Computer Science, Information Systems; Telecommunications研究方向: Computer Science; TelecommunicationsIDS 号: DM6ECISSN: 1976-727729 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: KSII T INTERNET INF

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ISO 来源出版物缩写: KSII Trans. Internet Inf. Syst.来源出版物页码计数: 17

第15条标题: An Imaging Sensor-Aided Vision Navigation Approach that Uses a Geo-Referenced Image Database(李艳)作者: Li, Y (Li, Yan); Hu, QW (Hu, Qingwu); Wu, M (Wu, Meng); Gao, Y (Gao, Yang)来源出版物: SENSORS  卷: 16  期: 2  DOI: 10.3390/s16020166  出版年: FEB 2016  Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 3使用次数 (2013 年至今): 16引用的参考文献数: 46摘要 : In determining position and attitude, vision navigation via real-time image processing of data collected from imaging sensors is advanced without a high-performance global positioning system (GPS) and an inertial measurement unit (IMU). Vision navigation is widely used in indoor navigation, far space navigation, and multiple sensor-integrated mobile mapping. This paper proposes a novel vision navigation approach aided by imaging sensors and that uses a high-accuracy geo-referenced image database (GRID) for high-precision navigation of multiple sensor platforms in environments with poor GPS. First, the framework of GRID-aided vision navigation is developed with sequence images from land-based mobile mapping systems that integrate multiple sensors. Second, a highly efficient GRID storage management model is established based on the linear index of a road segment for fast image searches and retrieval. Third, a robust image matching algorithm is presented to search and match a real-time image with the GRID. Subsequently, the image matched with the real-time scene is considered to calculate the 3D navigation parameter of multiple sensor platforms. Experimental results show that the proposed approach retrieves images efficiently and has navigation accuracies of 1.2 m in a plane and 1.8 m in height under GPS loss in 5 min and within 1500 m.入藏号: WOS:000371787800082PubMed ID: 26828496语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: image database; multiple sensor-integrated mobile mapping; image matching; vision navigation; image retrieval; geo-referenced; imaging sensorKeyWords Plus: SYSTEMS; RECONSTRUCTION; ROBOTS; SLAM; MAP地址: [Li, Yan] Changan Univ, Sch Informat Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Hu, Qingwu] Wuhan Univ, Sch Remote Sensing & Informat Engn, Wuhan 430079, Peoples R China. [Wu, Meng; Gao, Yang] Xian Res Inst Surveying & Mapping, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Hu, QW (通讯作者),Wuhan Univ, Sch Remote Sensing & Informat Engn, Wuhan 430079, Peoples R China.电 子 邮 件 地 址 : [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: MDPI AG

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出版商地址: POSTFACH, CH-4005 BASEL, SWITZERLANDWeb of Science 类别: Chemistry, Analytical; Electrochemistry; Instruments & Instrumentation研究方向: Chemistry; Electrochemistry; Instruments & InstrumentationIDS 号: DG0WXISSN: 1424-822029 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: SENSORS-BASELISO 来源出版物缩写: Sensors来源出版物页码计数: 17

第16条标题 : Rock fracture image acquisition using two kinds of lighting and fusion on a wavelet transform(王卫星)作 者 : Wang, WX (Wang Weixing); Wang, FP (Wang Fengping); Huang, XJ (Huang Xiaojun); Song, JF (Song Junfang)来 源 出 版物 : BULLETIN OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT  卷 : 75  期: 1  页: 311-324  DOI: 10.1007/s10064-015-0747-4  出版年: FEB 2016  Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 2使用次数 (最近 180 天): 2使用次数 (2013 年至今): 12引用的参考文献数: 38摘要 : In order to obtain more precise information regarding rock fractures, images of a rock sample using two different light sources were acquired and fused. For image acquisition, an epoxy resin liquid was first injected into a fracture zone in situ, and when the epoxy resin was dry, the rock core sample, including the epoxy resin, was removed from the rock base. The rock core sample was then cut into multiple slices and images of the slices using ultraviolet (UV) and visible lighting were acquired. In order to fuse two slice images, an algorithm based on the redundant lifting, non-separable wavelet transform was studied and utilised. Fusion includes three primary steps for each pair of slice images: (1) applying the redundant lifting, non-separable wavelet transform to each image, and then approximating the two images separately; (2) fusing the approximated images corresponding to the decomposition level using certain rules and fusion operators for obtaining fusion coefficients; and (3) applying the fused wavelet coefficients to the redundant lifting non-separable wavelet transform. The results show that combining the proposed method of image acquisition and the image fusion algorithm is not only effective at obtaining a large volume of detailed rock fracture information, it is also an economical and easy to use method. By applying the new method, rock fractures can be easily detected, and many different parameters in different rock engineering applications can be measured and analyzed.入藏号: WOS:000369994600023语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关 键 词 : Rock fracture; Ultraviolet; Image fusion; Non-separable wavelet transform; Redundant liftingKeyWords Plus: CLASSIFICATION; SEGMENTATION地址 : [Wang Weixing; Wang Fengping; Huang Xiaojun; Song Junfang] Changan Univ, Sch

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Informat Engn, Xian, Peoples R China. [Wang Weixing] Royal Inst Technol, Stockholm, Sweden.通讯作 者 地址 : Wang, WX (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Informat Engn, Xian, Peoples R China.Wang, WX (通讯作者),Royal Inst Technol, Stockholm, Sweden.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER HEIDELBERG出版商地址: TIERGARTENSTRASSE 17, D-69121 HEIDELBERG, GERMANYWeb of Science 类 别 : Engineering, Environmental; Engineering, Geological; Geosciences, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Engineering; GeologyIDS 号: DD5WEISSN: 1435-9529eISSN: 1435-953729 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: B ENG GEOL ENVIRONISO 来源出版物缩写: Bull. Eng. Geol. Environ.来源出版物页码计数: 14

第17条标题: A new two stage symmetric two-step method with vanished phase-lag and its first, second, third and fourth derivatives for the numerical solution of the radial Schrodinger equation(作者中文名?)作者: Zhou, Z (Zhou, Zhou); Simos, TE (Simos, T. E.)来 源 出 版 物 : JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY  卷 : 54  期 : 2  页 : 442-465  DOI: 10.1007/s10910-015-0571-x  出版年: FEB 2016  Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 13被引频次合计: 13使用次数 (最近 180 天): 0使用次数 (2013 年至今): 1引用的参考文献数: 75摘要: A two stage symmetric two-step method with vanished phase-lag and its first, second, third and fourth derivatives with low computational cost is developed in this paper for the first time in the literature. More specifically in this paper we present: the theoretical background for the development of the new low computational and high efficient method, the development of the method, the local truncation error analysis based on the radial Schrodinger equation, the interval of periodicity-stability analysis, the examination of the efficiency of the new produced method by applying it to the numerical solution of the Schrodinger equation.入藏号: WOS:000368194500008语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Phase-lag; Derivative of the phase-lag; Initial value problems; Oscillating solution; Symmetric; Hybrid; Multistep; Hybrid; Schrodinger equation

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KeyWords Plus: INITIAL-VALUE-PROBLEMS; PREDICTOR-CORRECTOR METHOD; EXPLICIT 4-STEP METHOD; TRIGONOMETRICALLY-FITTED FORMULAS; KUTTA-NYSTROM METHODS; HIGH-ORDER; OSCILLATING SOLUTIONS; MULTISTEP METHODS; ORBITAL PROBLEMS; SYMPLECTIC INTEGRATORS地址: [Zhou, Zhou] Changan Univ, Sch Informat Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Simos, T. E.] King Saud Univ, Coll Sci, Dept Math, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia. [Simos, T. E.] Univ Peloponnese, Sci Computat Lab, Dept Informat & Telecommun, Fac Econ Management & Informat, Tripolis 22100, Greece.通讯作者地址: Simos, TE (通讯作者),King Saud Univ, Coll Sci, Dept Math, POB 2455, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia.电子邮件地址: [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Simos, Theodore  H-6033-2011   

出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USAWeb of Science 类别: Chemistry, Multidisciplinary; Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications研究方向: Chemistry; MathematicsIDS 号: DB0JNISSN: 0259-9791eISSN: 1572-889729 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J MATH CHEMISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Math. Chem.来源出版物页码计数: 24

第18条标题 : Fabrication of Cubic p-n Heterojunction-Like NiO/In2O3 Composite Microparticles and Their Enhanced Gas Sensing Characteristics(作者中文名?)作者: Hou, XM (Hou Xuemei); Sun, YK (Sun Yukun); Bai, B (Bai Bo)来 源 出 版 物 : JOURNAL OF NANOMATERIALS  文 献 号 : 7589028  DOI: 10.1155/2016/7589028  出版年: 2016  Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 14使用次数 (2013 年至今): 20引用的参考文献数: 50摘要 : Oxide semiconductor In2O3 has been extensively used as a gas sensingmaterial for the detection of various toxic gases. However, the pure In2O3 sensor is always suffering from its low sensitivity. In the present study, a dramatic enhancement of sensing characteristic of cubic In2O3 was achieved by deliberately fabricating p-n heterojunction-like NiO/In2O3 composite microparticles as sensor material. The NiO-decorated In2O3 p-n heterojunction-like sensors were prepared through the hydrothermal transformation method. The as-synthesized products were characterized using SEM-EDS, XRD, and FT-IR, and their gas sensing characteristics were

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investigated by detecting the gas response. The experimental results showed that the response of the NiO/In2O3 sensors to 600 ppm methanal was 85.5 at 260 degrees C, revealing a dramatic enhancement over the pure In2O3 cubes (21.1 at 260 degrees C). Further, a selective detection of methanol with inappreciable cross-response to other gases, like formaldehyde, benzene, methylbenzene, trichloromethane, ethanol, and ammonia, was achieved. The cause for the enhanced gas response was discussed in detailed. In view of the facilemethod of fabrication of such composite sensors and the superior gas response performance of samples, the cubic p-n heterojunction-like NiO/In2O3 sensors present to be a promising and viable strategy for the detection of indoor air pollution.入藏号: WOS:000391606200001语种: English文献类型: ArticleKeyWords Plus: NICKEL-HYDROXIDE; HOLLOW MICROSPHERES; ROOM-TEMPERATURE; HYBRID MATERIALS; FORMALDEHYDE; SENSORS; IN2O3; NANOPARTICLES; NANOSTRUCTURES; PROPERTY地址: [Hou Xuemei] Changan Univ, Sch Informat Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Hou Xuemei] Xian Univ Posts & Telecommun, Dept Intelligent Sci & Technol, Xian 710121, Peoples R China. [Sun Yukun; Bai Bo] Changan Univ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, Minist Educ, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Bai, B (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Effects Arid Reg, Minist Educ, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: HINDAWI PUBLISHING CORP出版商地址: 315 MADISON AVE 3RD FLR, STE 3070, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USAWeb of Science 类别: Nanoscience & Nanotechnology; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Science & Technology - Other Topics; Materials ScienceIDS 号: EH2ODISSN: 1687-4110eISSN: 1687-412929 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J NANOMATERISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Nanomater.来源出版物页码计数: 9

第 19 条标题 : Four-Stages Twelfth Algebraic Order Two-Step Method with Vanished Phase-Lag and its First and Second Derivatives for the Numerical Solution of the Schrodinger Equation(雷涛)作者: Lei, T (Lei, Tao); Simos, TE (Simos, Theodore E.)来 源 出 版物 : MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY  卷: 76  期: 2  页: 475-510  出版年: 2016  Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 2被引频次合计: 2使用次数 (最近 180 天): 0使用次数 (2013 年至今): 1

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引用的参考文献数: 69摘要 : In this paper we introduce, for the fist time in the literature, a new four-stages symmetric two-step method of twelfth algebraic order. For the new family of methods we request the vanishing of the phase-lag and its first and second derivatives. We investigate how the vanishing of the phase-lag and its derivatives affect on the effectiveness of the finally produced new four stages symmetric two-step method. We will study the following: the construction of the method, the computation of the local truncation error (LTE) of the new four-stages symmetric two-step method the analysis of the LTE when the produced method is applied to a test problem (which is the radial Schrodinger equation) the comparison of the asymptotic formula of the LTE of the developed method (which is produced by the application of the new obtained four-stages symmetric two-step method to the test problem mentioned above) with the asymptotic formulae of the LTEs of other similar methods in the literature (comparative local truncation error analysis), the stability (interval of periodicity) of the new obtained four-stages symmetric two-step method. We mention that for the investigation of the stability of the new produced method we use a scalar test equation with frequency different than the frequency of the scalar test equation used for the phase-lag analysis (stability analysis), the examination of the effectiveness of the new obtained method applying it to two problems of the literature: (i) the resonance problem of the Schrodinger equation and (ii) the coupled differential equations arising from the Schrodinger equation. Finally, it will be proved that this new introduced family of methods is very efficient for the numerical solution of the Schrodinger equation and related initial-value or boundary-value problems with periodical and/or oscillating solutions. We mention here that the proposed method is an improvement of the recent developed methods in [1], [2] and [3].入藏号: WOS:000389964600008语种: English文献类型: ArticleKeyWords Plus: INITIAL-VALUE-PROBLEMS; KUTTA-NYSTROM METHOD; TRIGONOMETRICALLY-FITTED METHODS; PREDICTOR-CORRECTOR METHOD; P-STABLE METHOD; MULTISTEP METHODS; OSCILLATING SOLUTIONS; 4-STEP METHODS; EFFICIENT INTEGRATION; SYMMETRIC METHODS地址: [Lei, Tao] Changan Univ, Sch Informat Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Simos, Theodore E.] King Saud Univ, Coll Sci, Dept Math, POB 2455, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia. [Simos, Theodore E.] Univ Peloponnese, Fac Econ Management & Informat, Dept Informat & Telecommun, Sci Computat Lab, GR-22100 Tripolis, Greece.通讯作者地址: Simos, TE (通讯作者),King Saud Univ, Coll Sci, Dept Math, POB 2455, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia.Simos, TE (通讯作者),Univ Peloponnese, Fac Econ Management & Informat, Dept Informat & Telecommun, Sci Computat Lab, GR-22100 Tripolis, Greece.电子邮件地址: [email protected]作者识别号:

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作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Simos, Theodore  H-6033-2011   

出版商: UNIV KRAGUJEVAC, FAC SCIENCE出版商地址: PO BOX 60, RADOJA DOMANOVICA 12, KRAGUJEVAC 34000, SERBIAWeb of Science 类 别 : Chemistry, Multidisciplinary; Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications研究方向: Chemistry; Computer Science; MathematicsIDS 号: EE9RTISSN: 0340-625329 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: MATCH-COMMUN MATH COISO 来源出版物缩写: Match-Commun. Math. Comput. Chem.来源出版物页码计数: 36

第20条标题: An Efficient Numerical Method for the Solution of the Schrodinger Equation (作者中文名?)作者: Zhang, LC (Zhang, Licheng); Simos, TE (Simos, Theodore E.)来 源 出 版 物 : Advances in Mathematical Physics  文 献 号 8181927  DOI: 10.1155/2016/8181927  出版年: 2016  Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 2被引频次合计: 2使用次数 (最近 180 天): 3使用次数 (2013 年至今): 3引用的参考文献数: 57摘要: The development of a new five-stage symmetric two-step fourteenth-algebraic order method with vanished phase-lag and its first, second, and third derivatives is presented in this paper for the first time in the literature. More specifically we will study (1) the development of the new method, (2) the determination of the local truncation error (LTE) of the new method, (3) the local truncation error analysis which will be based on test equation which is the radial time independent Schrodinger equation, (4) the stability and the interval of periodicity analysis of the new developed method which will be based on a scalar test equation with frequency different than the frequency of the scalar test equation used for the phase-lag analysis, and (5) the efficiency of the new obtained method based on its application to the coupled Schrodinger equations.入藏号: WOS:000389442000001语种: English文献类型: ArticleKeyWords Plus: INITIAL-VALUE-PROBLEMS; VANISHED PHASE-LAG; TRIGONOMETRICALLY-FITTED METHODS; PREDICTOR-CORRECTOR METHOD; SYMMETRIC 2-STEP METHOD; KUTTA-NYSTROM METHODS; P-STABLE METHOD; MULTISTEP METHODS; HIGH-ORDER; ORBITAL PROBLEMS地址: [Zhang, Licheng] Changan Univ, Sch Informat Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Simos, Theodore E.] King Saud Univ, Dept Math, Coll Sci, POB 2455, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia. 

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[Simos, Theodore E.] Univ Peloponnese, Fac Econ, Dept Informat & Telecommun, Sci Computat Lab, Tripolis 22100, Greece.通讯作者地址: Simos, TE (通讯作者),King Saud Univ, Dept Math, Coll Sci, POB 2455, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia.Simos, TE (通讯作 者 ),Univ Peloponnese, Fac Econ, Dept Informat & Telecommun, Sci Computat Lab, Tripolis 22100, Greece.电子邮件地址: [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Simos, Theodore  H-6033-2011   

出版商: HINDAWI PUBLISHING CORP出版商地址: 315 MADISON AVE 3RD FLR, STE 3070, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USAWeb of Science 类别: Physics, Mathematical研究方向: PhysicsIDS 号: EE2VBISSN: 1687-9120eISSN: 1687-913929 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ADV MATH PHYSISO 来源出版物缩写: Adv. Math. Phys.来源出版物页码计数: 20

第21条标题 : Estimation of Response Functions Based on Variational Bayes Algorithm in Dynamic Images Sequences(Retracted article.See Artn no.6898324, 2017) (单博炜)作者: Shan, BW (Shan, Bowei)来 源 出 版 物 : BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL  文 献 号 4851401  DOI: 10.1155/2016/4851401  出版年: 2016  Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 2使用次数 (2013 年至今): 3引用的参考文献数: 18摘要 : We proposed a nonparametric Bayesian model based on variational Bayes algorithm to estimate the response functions in dynamic medical imaging. In dynamic renal scintigraphy, the impulse response or retention functions are rather complicated and finding a suitable parametric form is problematic. In this paper, we estimated the response functions using nonparametric Bayesian priors. These priors were designed to favor desirable properties of the functions, such as sparsity or smoothness. These assumptions were used within hierarchical priors of the variational Bayes algorithm. We performed our algorithm on the real online dataset of dynamic renal scintigraphy. The results demonstrated that this algorithm improved the estimation of response functions with nonparametric priors.入藏号: WOS:000382029100001语种: English

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文献类型: Article; Retracted PublicationKeyWords Plus: DECONVOLUTION; FMRI地址: [Shan, Bowei] Changan Univ, Sch Informat Engn, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Shan, BW (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Informat Engn, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: HINDAWI LTD出版商地址: ADAM HOUSE, 3RD FLR, 1 FITZROY SQ, LONDON, W1T 5HF, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类 别 : Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology; Medicine, Research & Experimental研究方向: Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology; Research & Experimental MedicineIDS 号: DU2GLISSN: 2314-6133eISSN: 2314-614129 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: BIOMED RES INTISO 来源出版物缩写: Biomed Res. Int.来源出版物页码计数: 9

第22条标题 : FOUR STAGES SYMMETRIC TWO-STEP P-STABLE METHOD WITH VANISHED PHASE-LAG AND ITS FIRST, SECOND, THIRD AND FOURTH DERIVATIVES (惠飞)作者: Hui, F (Hui, Fei); Simos, TE (Simos, Theodore E.)来源出版物: APPLIED AND COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS  卷: 15  期: 2  页: 220-238  出版年: 2016  Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 13被引频次合计: 13使用次数 (最近 180 天): 1使用次数 (2013 年至今): 2引用的参考文献数: 37摘要 : In this paper we develop a new four-stages symmetric two-step P-Stable tenth algebraic order method with vanished phase-lag and its first, second, third and fourth derivatives. For this new two-step method we will investigate the following: the construction of the new family of methods, the local truncation error (LTE) of the new developed method and the error analysis, the stability (interval of periodicity) of the new obtained method using a scalar test equation with frequency different than the frequency of the scalar test equation used for phase-lag analysis (stability analysis), the effectiveness of the new method with application on the coupled differential equations arising from the Schrodinger equation.入藏号: WOS:000378971700008语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Error Analysis; Stability Analysis; Coupled Differential Equations; Schrodinger equation

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KeyWords Plus: INITIAL-VALUE-PROBLEMS; SCHRODINGER-EQUATION; NUMERICAL-SOLUTION; MULTISTEP METHODS; 4-STEP METHODS; HIGH-ORDER; INTEGRATION; SCATTERING地址: [Hui, Fei] Changan Univ, Sch Informat Engn, Xian, Peoples R China. [Simos, Theodore E.] King Saud Univ, Dept Math, Coll Sci, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia. [Simos, Theodore E.] Univ Peloponnese, Fac Econ Management & Informat, Dept Informat & Telecommun, Lab Computat Sci, GR-22100 Tripolis, Greece.通讯作者 地址 : Simos, TE (通讯作者 ),King Saud Univ, Dept Math, Coll Sci, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia.Simos, TE (通讯作者),Univ Peloponnese, Fac Econ Management & Informat, Dept Informat & Telecommun, Lab Computat Sci, GR-22100 Tripolis, Greece.电子邮件地址: [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Simos, Theodore  H-6033-2011   

出 版 商 : MINISTRY COMMUNICATIONS & HIGH TECHNOLOGIES REPUBLIC AZERBAIJAN出版商地址: BAKU STATE UNIV, INST APPLIED MATHEMATICS, Z KHALILOV STR 23, BAKU, AZ 1148, AZERBAIJANWeb of Science 类别: Mathematics, Applied研究方向: MathematicsIDS 号: DQ1PAISSN: 1683-3511eISSN: 1683-615429 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: APPL COMPUT MATH-BAKISO 来源出版物缩写: Appl. Comput. Math.来源出版物页码计数: 19

第23条标题 : A semianalytic solution to the response of a triaxial induction logging tool in a layered biaxial anisotropic formation(贺之莉)作 者 : He, ZL (He, Zhili); Huang, K (Huang, Kai); Liu, RC (Liu, Richard C.); Guo, C (Guo, Chen); Jin, Z (Jin, Zhao); Zhang, L (Zhang, Lina)来源出版物: GEOPHYSICS  卷: 81  期: 1  页: D71-D82  DOI: 10.1190/GEO2015-0105.1  出版年: JAN-FEB 2016  Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 9使用次数 (2013 年至今): 9引用的参考文献数: 16摘要 : We have developed a forward-modeling method to compute the response of a triaxial induction logging tool in a layered biaxial anisotropic dipping formation without bore-hole and invasion zones. The purpose of this development is to provide a fast-forward computation

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algorithm to handle cracks in transverse isotropic (TI) formations in oil exploration, which is a mathematically challenging problem for log data inversion. We solve for the spectral-domain transverse electromagnetic (EM) field equations, propagation matrix, and reflection matrix in a biaxial anisotropic planarly layered media. The EM fields in the space domain are obtained by a 2D inverse Fourier transform. We derive formulations of the EM fields generated by three orthogonal transmitting coils in a fully anisotropic layered media. The proposed formulations are based on arbitrary relative dipping and azimuthal and tool angles; thus, we obtain the full coupling matrix connecting source excitations and magnetic fields anywhere along the tool axis. Computation results using this method in the response of triaxial induction tools in several cases were compared with published data in TI formations and biaxial layered formations. Our results agreed very well with the published data.入藏号: WOS:000377880100021语种: English文献类型: Article地址 : [He, Zhili; Guo, Chen; Jin, Zhao; Zhang, Lina] Changan Univ, Sch Informat Engn, Xian, Peoples R China. [Huang, Kai] Xidian Univ, Sch Phys & Optoelect Engn, Xian, Peoples R China. [Liu, Richard C.] Univ Houston, Dept Elect & Comp Engn, Houston, TX USA.通讯作者地址: He, ZL (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Informat Engn, Xian, Peoples R China.电子 邮件 地址 : [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: SOC EXPLORATION GEOPHYSICISTS出版商地址: 8801 S YALE ST, TULSA, OK 74137 USAWeb of Science 类别: Geochemistry & Geophysics研究方向: Geochemistry & GeophysicsIDS 号: DO6GAISSN: 0016-8033eISSN: 1942-215629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: GEOPHYSICSISO 来源出版物缩写: Geophysics来源出版物页码计数: 12

第24条标题 : Three-Stages Tenth Algebraic Order Two-Step Method with Vanished Phase-Lag and its First, Second, Third and Fourth Derivatives(作者中文名?)作者: Zhou, Z (Zhou, Zhou); Simos, TE (Simos, Theodore E.)来 源 出 版物 : MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY  卷: 75  期: 3  页: 653-694  出版年: 2016  Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 3被引频次合计: 3使用次数 (最近 180 天): 0使用次数 (2013 年至今): 0引用的参考文献数: 64摘要 : A new three-stages symmetric two-step method of high algebraic order is obtained in this

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paper. For this new method we require the elimination of the phase-lag and its first, second, third and fourth derivatives. The affect of the elimination of the phase-lag and its first, second, third and fourth derivatives of the new developed multistage symmetric two-step method on the efficiency of the produced method is studied in this paper. We will investigate the following: (1) the development of the method, (2) the definition of the local truncation error (LTE) of the new method and the analysis of the LTE when the obtained method is applied to a test problem (which is the radial Schrodinger equation, (3) the comparison of the asymptotic formula of the LTE produced by the application of the new developed method to the test equation with the asymptotic formulae of the LTEs of other similar methods in the literature (comparative local truncation error analysis), (4) the stability (interval of periodicity) of the new produced method. It is noted that for the study of the stability of the new obtained method we will use a scalar test equation with frequency different than the frequency of the scalar test equation used for the phase lag analysis (stability analysis), (5) the examination of the efficiency of the new proposed method applying it to two problems of the literature: (i) the resonance problem of the Schrodinger equation and (ii) the coupled differential equations arising from the Schrodinger equation. Finally, it will proved that this category of methods are very efficient for the approximate solution of the Schrodinger equation and related initial-value or boundary value problems with periodical and/or oscillating solutions. We mention here that the proposed method is an improvement of the recent developed methods in [1] and [2].入藏号: WOS:000377228400009语种: English文献类型: ArticleKeyWords Plus: INITIAL-VALUE-PROBLEMS; KUTTA-NYSTROM METHOD; TRIGONOMETRICALLY-FITTED METHODS; PREDICTOR-CORRECTOR METHOD; SCHRODINGER-EQUATION; NUMERICAL-SOLUTION; MULTISTEP METHODS; OSCILLATING SOLUTIONS; 4-STEP METHODS; EFFICIENT INTEGRATION地址: [Zhou, Zhou] Changan Univ, Sch Informat Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Simos, Theodore E.] King Saud Univ, Coll Sci, Dept Math, POB 2455, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia. [Simos, Theodore E.] Univ Peloponnese, Fac Econ Management & Informat, Dept Informat & Telecommun, Sci Computat Lab, GR-22100 Tripolis, Greece.通讯作者地址: Simos, TE (通讯作者),King Saud Univ, Coll Sci, Dept Math, POB 2455, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia.Simos, TE (通讯作 者 ),Univ Peloponnese, Fac Econ Management & Informat, Dept Informat &Telecommun, Sci Computat Lab, GR-22100 Tripolis, Greece.电子邮件地址: [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Simos, Theodore  H-6033-2011   

出版商: UNIV KRAGUJEVAC, FAC SCIENCE出版商地址: PO BOX 60, RADOJA DOMANOVICA 12, KRAGUJEVAC 34000, SERBIAWeb of Science 类 别 : Chemistry, Multidisciplinary; Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications

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研究方向: Chemistry; Computer Science; MathematicsIDS 号: DN7ATISSN: 0340-625329 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: MATCH-COMMUN MATH COISO 来源出版物缩写: Match-Commun. Math. Comput. Chem.来源出版物页码计数: 42

第 25 条标题: Object tracking based on bit-planes(李娜)作者: Li, N (Li, Na); Zhao, XM (Zhao, Xiangmo); Liu, Y (Liu, Ying); Li, DX (Li, Daxiang); Wu, SQ (Wu, Shiqian); Zhao, F (Zhao, Feng)来 源 出 版 物 : JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC IMAGING  卷 : 25  期 : 1  文 献 号 : 013032  DOI: 10.1117/1.JEI.25.1.013032  出版年: JAN 2016  Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 2被引频次合计: 2使用次数 (最近 180 天): 0使用次数 (2013 年至今): 9引用的参考文献数: 35摘要 : Visual object tracking is one of the most important components in computer vision. The main challenge for robust tracking is to handle illumination change, appearance modification, occlusion, motion blur, and pose variation. But in surveillance videos, factors such as low resolution, high levels of noise, and uneven illumination further increase the difficulty of tracking. To tackle this problem, an object tracking algorithm based on bit-planes is proposed. First, intensity and local binary pattern features represented by bit-planes are used to build two appearance models, respectively. Second, in the neighborhood of the estimated object location, a region that is most similar to the models is detected as the tracked object in the current frame. In the last step, the appearance models are updated with new tracking results in order to deal with environmental and object changes. Experimental results on several challenging video sequences demonstrate the superior performance of our tracker compared with six state-of-the-art tracking algorithms. Additionally, our tracker is more robust to low resolution, uneven illumination, and noisy video sequences. (C) 2016 SPIE and IS&T入藏号: WOS:000375930700033语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: object tracking; bit-planes; local binary patternKeyWords Plus: ROBUST VISUAL TRACKING地址: [Li, Na; Zhao, Xiangmo] Changan Univ, Sch Informat Engn, Middle Sect Nan Erhuan Rd, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Li, Na; Liu, Ying; Li, Daxiang; Zhao, Feng] Xian Univ Posts & Telecommun, Sch Commun & Informat Engn, Changan West St, Xian 710121, Peoples R China. [Li, Na; Liu, Ying; Li, Daxiang; Zhao, Feng] Minist Publ Secur, Key Lab Elect Informat Applicat Technol Scene Inv, Changan West St, Xian 710121, Peoples R China. [Wu, Shiqian] Wuhan Univ Sci & Technol, Sch Machinery & Automat, 947 Heping Ave, Wuhan 430081, Peoples R China.

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通讯作者地址 : Li, N (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Informat Engn, Middle Sect Nan Erhuan Rd, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.Li, N (通讯作 者 ),Xian Univ Posts & Telecommun, Sch Commun & Informat Engn, Changan West St, Xian 710121, Peoples R China.Li, N (通讯作 者 ),Minist Publ Secur, Key Lab Elect Informat Applicat Technol Scene Inv, Changan West St, Xian 710121, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: IS&T & SPIE出版商地址: 1000 20TH ST, BELLINGHAM, WA 98225 USAWeb of Science 类 别 : Engineering, Electrical & Electronic; Optics; Imaging Science & Photographic Technology研究方向: Engineering; Optics; Imaging Science & Photographic TechnologyIDS 号: DL8ZKISSN: 1017-9909eISSN: 1560-229X29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J ELECTRON IMAGINGISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Electron. Imaging来源出版物页码计数: 15

第26条标题: Multiscale edge fusion for vehicle detection based on difference of Gaussian(穆柯南)作 者 : Mu, KN (Mu, Kenan); Hui, F (Hui, Fei); Zhao, XM (Zhao, Xiangmo); Prehofer, C (Prehofer, Christian)来源出版物: OPTIK  卷: 127  期: 11  页: 4794-4798  DOI: 10.1016/j.ijleo.2016.01.017  出版年: 2016  Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 2使用次数 (2013 年至今): 12引用的参考文献数: 20摘要: Edge information help highlight the contour as well as cast shadow of objects. As the low complexity for edge extraction, the edge-based methods are widely used in vehicle detection. Traditional edge-based vehicle detection methods are easily interfered by noise and background, which resulting in inaccurate false detection. In this paper, a vehicle detection method based on multiscale edge fusion is proposed. First, multiscale images are obtained from the decomposition of the DoG pyramid. Second, multiscale edges are extracted by the DoG operator in multiscale images. Third, different scale edge map are fused according to the proposed multiscale edge fusion strategy. Then, an accurately located, low redundant and strongly anti-noise edge map is obtained. Finally, morphological operation and connectivity analysis are applied on the edge fusion map. Experiments with traffic images in different weather conditions verify the practicability of the proposed method. Comparison with related method in detection rate and detection accuracy verifies the superiority of the proposed method. (C) 2016 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000373421200042

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语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Edge detection; Vehicle detection; Multiscale fusion; Difference of GaussianKeyWords Plus: TRACKING; FEATURES; MODEL地址: [Mu, Kenan; Hui, Fei] Changan Univ, Sch Informat Engn, Xian, Peoples R China. [Zhao, Xiangmo] Changan Univ, Xian, Peoples R China. [Prehofer, Christian] Tech Univ Munich, Fortiss Res Inst, D-80290 Munich, Germany.通讯作者地址: Mu, KN (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Informat Engn, Xian, Peoples R China.电 子 邮 件 地 址 : [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER GMBH, URBAN & FISCHER VERLAG出版商地址: OFFICE JENA, P O BOX 100537, 07705 JENA, GERMANYWeb of Science 类别: Optics研究方向: OpticsIDS 号: DI3TKISSN: 0030-402629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: OPTIKISO 来源出版物缩写: Optik来源出版物页码计数: 5

第27条标题: First-priniciple study of electrical and optical properties of (Al,Sn) co-doped ZnO(靳钊)作者: Jin, Z (Jin Zhao); Qiao, LP (Qiao Liping); Guo, C (Guo Chen); He, ZL (He Zhili); Liu, LD (Liu Lidong); Rong, M (Rong Mei)来源出版物: OPTIK  卷: 127  期: 4  页: 1988-1992  DOI: 10.1016/j.ijleo.2015.10.224  出版年: 2016  Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 4使用次数 (2013 年至今): 17引用的参考文献数: 23摘要 : The electrical and optical properties of Al-Sn co-doped ZnO have been investigated using density functional theory based on first-principles ultrasoft pseudopotential method. Firstly, Et decrease indicates that Al-Sn codoping is easier to implement than Al mono-doping. Secondly, the splitting energies between HHB and CSB of ZnO:Al-Sn become more greater than that of ZnO:Al, while the splitting energies between LHB and HHB of pure ZnO, ZnO:Al and ZnO:Al-Sn are almost no altering. Meanwhile, Al mono-doping and Al-Sn codoping have smaller electron and hole effective masses than pure ZnO. In addition, for ZnO:Al-Sn, a new peak of imaginary part of dielectric function located at about 1.2 eV, and the number of dielectric peaks decreases. The reflectivity and absorptivity of ZnO:Al-Sn are larger than pure ZnO, indicating that the average optical transmittance in visible range significantly reduced, which is in agreement with the experimental result. (C) 2015 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000370097900079语种: English

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文献类型: Article作者关键词: Splitting energies; Electron mass; Absorption spectraKeyWords Plus: THIN-FILMS; WURTZITE ZNO; AL; 1ST-PRINCIPLES地址: [Jin Zhao; Guo Chen; He Zhili; Liu Lidong; Rong Mei] Changan Univ, Sch Informat Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Qiao Liping] Xizang Minzu Univ, Sch Informat Engn, Xianyang 712082, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Jin, Z (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Informat Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER GMBH, URBAN & FISCHER VERLAG出版商地址: OFFICE JENA, P O BOX 100537, 07705 JENA, GERMANYWeb of Science 类别: Optics研究方向: OpticsIDS 号: DD7IVISSN: 0030-402629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: OPTIKISO 来源出版物缩写: Optik来源出版物页码计数: 5

第28条标题: Laser-based measuring method for mean joint faulting value of concrete pavement(作者中文名?)作者 : Hao, XL (Hao, Xueli); Sha, AM (Sha, Aimin); Sun, ZY (Sun, Zhaoyun); Li, W (Li, Wei); Hu, YJ (Hu, Yanju)来源出版物: OPTIK  卷: 127  期: 1  页: 274-278  DOI: 10.1016/j.ijleo.2015.10.015  出版年: 2016  Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 1使用次数 (2013 年至今): 8引用的参考文献数: 16摘要 : To realize the critical assessment of concrete joint faulting, a laser-based 3D detection system (Laser-based Joint Faulting Meter, LJFM) was designed and a calculation method was proposed. The 3D information of joint faulting was obtained based on laser triangulation method. Automatic threshold determination method and mean joint faulting value calculation method were proposed based on the double peak characteristic of joint faulting 3D height histogram. To verify the precision and accuracy of the LJFM, indoor and field experiments were designed and conducted. Repeated experiments of simulated joint faulting in indoor experiment show that measurement results of the LJFM has lower coefficients of variation, better reproducibility and higher stability than that of the Level. In indoor and field experiments of different joint faulting, the coefficient of determination between the LJFM and the Level are 0.944 and 0.958 separately while the correlation coefficients between them are 0.9761 and 0.979 (both significant at p < 0.05 level), respectively, indicating the good repeatability of the LJFM and the high correlation of the two methods. Experimental results indicate that measuring mean joint faulting value using LJFM

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has high stability and accuracy. (C) 2015 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000368212200059语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Laser-based measuring method; Concrete pavement; Mean joint faulting value; Double peak height histogram; Automatic threshold determination地址: [Hao, Xueli; Sun, Zhaoyun; Li, Wei; Hu, Yanju] Changan Univ, Sch Informat Engn, Xian, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Sha, Aimin] Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Special Area Highway Engn, Xian, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Hao, XL (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Informat Engn, Xian, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件 地址 : [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER GMBH, URBAN & FISCHER VERLAG出版商地址: OFFICE JENA, P O BOX 100537, 07705 JENA, GERMANYWeb of Science 类别: Optics研究方向: OpticsIDS 号: DB0QIISSN: 0030-402629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: OPTIKISO 来源出版物缩写: Optik来源出版物页码计数: 5

资源学院第 1 条标题 : Geochemical, zircon U-Pb dating and Sr-Nd-Pb isotope characteristics for Late Devonian pluton of the Boluohuoluo area, West Tianshan and its geological implication(高景刚)作 者 : Gao, JG (Gao JingGang); Li, WY (Li WenYuan); Gao, YX (Gao YunXia); Zhang, ZW (Zhang ZhaoWei); Zhou, RH (Zhou RuHong)来源出版物: ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA 卷: 32 期: 5 页: 1379-1390 出版年: MAY 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 1使用次数 (2013 年至今): 3引用的参考文献数: 39摘要: The Boluohuoluo area of West Tianshan is located in the orogen between Yili landmass and Junggar plate. From west to east, the three delineated Devonian pluton: Nilekeriver, Aimusidaiyi and the second Daban of Dangben respectively, constitute a complex massif that consist of hornblende biotite granodiorite and hornblende biotite monzonitic granite. The rock masses are characterized by high content of dark minerals, lower content of SiO2, relatively high content of Al2O3 and total alkali, attributed to metaluminous-weakly peraluminous calc-alkalic rock series. Major element and trace element have the consistent general characteristics, which display

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enrichment of LILE (Ba, Rb, K, Th), depletion of HFSE (Zr, Y, Yb) and similarity in the REE distribution curve of continental crust granite, and which suggest that the magma of the rock masses form from partial melting of crust. Initial Sr isotope values I-Sr and epsilon(Nd)(t) of two rocks respectively are 0.7062 similar to 0.7091 and -3.00 similar to-1.24, t(DM2) is between 1220 similar to 1363Ma, which implies the magma source should have come from partial melting of complex Proterozoic base. The Pb isotope features imply characteristics of crust-mantle mixed-source. SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating of Aimusidaiyi and the second Daban of Dangben indicate that the formation ages of the two rock masses are 368.2 +/- 2.2Ma and 367.3 +/- 2.2Ma respectively, shows that the rock masses have formed in the Late Devonian. Combined with regional background, it is speculated that the formation of rock masses is related to close orogenic processes of Paleo-Asian Ocean basin in Late Silurian to Late Devonian and the rock masses may be the products of partial melting of thicken crust in later collision orogenic period.入藏号: WOS:000377629600009语种: Chinese文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating; Geochemistry; Sr-Nd-Pb isotope; West Tianshan; XinjiangKeyWords Plus: MAFIC-ULTRAMAFIC INTRUSIONS; NW CHINA; DISCRIMINATION DIAGRAMS; NORTHERN XINJIANG; CENTRAL-ASIA; GEOCHRONOLOGY; PETROGENESIS; GRANITOIDS; TECTONICS; CONSTRAINT地址: [Gao JingGang; Gao YunXia] Changan Univ, Earth Sci & Resources Coll, MOE Key Lab Western Mineral Resources & Geol Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Li WenYuan; Zhang ZhaoWei] Xian Inst Geol & Mineral Resources, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Zhou RuHong] BGMERD Xinjiang, Urumqi 830000, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Gao, JG (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Earth Sci & Resources Coll, MOE Key Lab Western Mineral Resources & Geol Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SCIENCE PRESS出 版商地址 : 16 DONGHUANGCHENGGEN NORTH ST, BEIJING 100717, PEOPLES R CHINAWeb of Science 类别: Geology研究方向: GeologyIDS 号: DO2SFISSN: 1000-0569eISSN: 2095-892729 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ACTA PETROL SINISO 来源出版物缩写: Acta Petrol. Sin.来源出版物页码计数: 12

第 2 条标题: Prediction of coalbed methane content based on uncertainty clustering method(何虎君)作者: He, HJ (He, Hujun); Zhao, YN (Zhao, Yaning); Zhang, ZM (Zhang, Zhengmin); Gao, YN (Gao, Yaning); Yang, LW (Yang, Longwei)

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来源出版物: ENERGY EXPLORATION & EXPLOITATION 卷: 34 期: 2 页: 273-281 DOI: 10.1177/0144598716630163 出版年: MAR 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 6使用次数 (2013 年至今): 16引用的参考文献数: 21摘要: An analysis of factors that influence coalbed methane content showed that seven factors had a major influence: coal thickness, methane concentration, vitrinite reflectance, permeability, cracks, and sealing conditions hydrodynamic conditions were selected as criterion indexes. The prediction model of coalbed methane content was built based on the uncertainty measure theory. Data from six regions in the central and southern Qinshui Basin were used as the training sample. The sample mean was set as the cluster centers, and the index weight was determined by information entropy theory. Calculation of the multi-index comprehensive measure of the sample showed that the sample was classified according to the minimum uncertainty measure distance principle, which was used to predict coalbed methane content. The research results show that: the obtained level by the prediction method is consistent with the practical level, the predictive value is basically consistent with the actual value, coalbed methane content prediction method based on uncertainty measure theory is reliable and practical, as well as showing a new way for the prediction and evaluation of coalbed methane content in the future.入藏号: WOS:000371611300007语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Coalbed methane; uncertainty clustering; gas content; prediction地址: [He, Hujun; Zhang, Zhengmin; Gao, Yaning; Yang, Longwei] Changan Univ, Sch Earth Sci & Resources, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [He, Hujun] Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Western Mineral Resources & Geol Engn, Xian, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Zhao, Yaning] 213th Res Inst China Ordnance Ind, Xian, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : He, HJ (通讯作者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Earth Sci & Resources, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SAGE PUBLICATIONS INC出版商地址: 2455 TELLER RD, THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91320 USAWeb of Science 类别: Energy & Fuels研究方向: Energy & FuelsIDS 号: DF8MGISSN: 0144-5987eISSN: 2048-405429 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ENERG EXPLOR EXPLOITISO 来源出版物缩写: Energy Explor. Exploit.来源出版物页码计数: 9

第 3 条

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标 题 : Calculation of Water Injection Response Time in a Low-Permeability Anisotropic Reservoir(李辉)作者: Li, H (Li, Hui); Wang, Y (Wang, Yan); Luo, ZM (Luo, Zhongming); Liu, J (Liu, Jie)来源出版物 : CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY OF FUELS AND OILS 卷: 52 期: 4 页: 445-450 DOI: 10.1007/s10553-016-0728-8 出版年: SEP 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 0使用次数 (2013 年至今): 0引用的参考文献数: 6摘要: We propose a model for predicting the response time of a production well responding to a change in pressure in the injection well while developing a low-permeability oil reservoir. The governing equation is derived based on a nonlinear seepage law and the method of successive substitution of steady states, and takes into account the anisotropy of the oil formation. We show that this model permits more accurate calculation than the conventional model.入藏号: WOS:000387275900014语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: anisotropy; nonlinear seepage law; low-permeability reservoir; response time地址: [Li, Hui; Wang, Yan; Liu, Jie] Changan Univ, Coll Earth Sci & Resources, Xian, Peoples R China. [Luo, Zhongming] Chuanqing Oilfield Co, Res Inst Petr Explorat & Dev, Chengdu, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Wang, Y (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Coll Earth Sci & Resources, Xian, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USAWeb of Science 类别: Energy & Fuels; Engineering, Chemical; Engineering, Petroleum研究方向: Energy & Fuels; EngineeringIDS 号: EB3OVISSN: 0009-3092eISSN: 1573-831029 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: CHEM TECH FUELS OIL+ISO 来源出版物缩写: Chem. Tech. Fuels Oils来源出版物页码计数: 6

第 4 条标题 : Mineral resources prospecting by synthetic application of TM/ETM plus , Quickbird and Hyperion data in the Hatu area, West Junggar, Xinjiang, China(刘磊)作 者 : Liu, L (Liu, Lei); Zhou, J (Zhou, Jun); Jiang, D (Jiang, Dong); Zhuang, DF (Zhuang, Dafang); Mansaray, LR (Mansaray, Lamin R.); Hu, ZJ (Hu, Zhijun); Ji, ZB (Ji, Zhengbao)来源出版物: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 卷: 6 文献号: 21851 DOI: 10.1038/srep21851 出版年: FEB 25 2016

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Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 3被引频次合计: 3使用次数 (最近 180 天): 7使用次数 (2013 年至今): 29引用的参考文献数: 39摘要 : The Hatu area, West Junggar, Xinjiang, China, is situated at a potential gold-copper mineralization zone in association with quartz veins and small granitic intrusions. In order to identify the alteration zones and mineralization occurrences in this area, the Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+), Quickbird, Hyperion data and laboratory measured spectra were combined in identifying structures, alteration zones, quartz veins and small intrusions. The hue-saturationintensity (HSI) color model transformation was applied to transform principal component analysis (PCA) combinations from R (Red), G (Green) and B (Blue) to HSI space to enhance faults. To wipe out the interference of the noise, a method, integrating Crosta technique and anomaly-overlaying selection, was proposed and implemented. Both Jet Propulsion Laboratory Spectral Library spectra and laboratory-measured spectra, combining with matched filtering method, were used to process Hyperion data. In addition, high-resolution Quickbird data were used for unraveling the quartz veins and small intrusions along the alteration zones. The Baobei fault and a SW-NE-oriented alteration zone were identified for the first time. This study eventually led to the discovery of four weak gold-copper mineralized locations through ground inspection and brought new geological knowledge of the region's metallogeny.入藏号: WOS:000370778600002PubMed ID: 26911195语种: English文献类型: ArticleKeyWords Plus: HYDROTHERMALLY ALTERED ROCKS; SPACEBORNE THERMAL EMISSION; REFLECTION RADIOMETER ASTER; REMOTE-SENSING DATA; EO-1 HYPERION; IMAGES; SATELLITE; REGION; ETM+; IRAN地址: [Liu, Lei; Zhou, Jun; Mansaray, Lamin R.] Changan Univ, Sch Earth Sci & Resources, Key Lab Western Mineral Resources & Geol Engn, Minist Educ, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Liu, Lei; Zhou, Jun] Lanzhou AuriferouStone Min Serv Co Ltd, Lanzhou 730030, Peoples R China. [Jiang, Dong; Zhuang, Dafang] Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Geog Sci & Nat Resources Res, Beijing 100101, Peoples R China. [Hu, Zhijun; Ji, Zhengbao] Xinjiang Bur Geol & Mineral Resources, Geol Brigade 7, Wusu 833000, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Jiang, D (通讯作者 ),Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Geog Sci & Nat Resources Res, Beijing 100101, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Hashim, Mazlan J-7291-2012 0000-0001-8284-3332


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Web of Science 类别: Multidisciplinary Sciences研究方向: Science & Technology - Other TopicsIDS 号: DE6XQISSN: 2045-232229 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: SCI REP-UKISO 来源出版物缩写: Sci Rep来源出版物页码计数: 14

第 5 条标 题 : Recovery of Ferric Oxide from Bayer Red Mud by Reduction Roasting-Magnetic Separation Process(刘艳杰)作者 : Liu, YJ (Liu Yanjie); Zuo, KS (Zuo Kesheng); Yang, G (Yang Guang); Shang, Z (Shang Zhe); Zhang, JB (Zhang Jianbin)来 源 出 版物 : JOURNAL OF WUHAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY-MATERIALS SCIENCE EDITION 卷: 31 期: 2 页: 404-407 DOI: 10.1007/s11595-016-1383-y 出版年: APR 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 5使用次数 (2013 年至今): 13引用的参考文献数: 10摘要 : A great amount of red mud generated from alumina production by Bayer process was considered as a low-grade iron ore with a grade of 5wt% to 30wt% iron. We adopted the reduction roasting-magnetic separation process to recover ferric oxide from red mud. The red mud samples were processed by reduction roasting, grinding and magnetic separating respectively. The effects of different parameters on the recovery rate of iron were studied in detail. The optimum techqical parameters were proposed with 700 degrees C roasting for 20 min, as 50wt% carbon and 4wt% additive were added. The experimental results indicated that the iron recovery and the grade of total iron were 91% and 60%, respectively. A novel process is applicable to recover ferric oxide from the red mud waste fines.入藏号: WOS:000377017600027语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: red mud; ferric oxide; reduction roasting; magnetic separationKeyWords Plus: INDUSTRIES地址 : [Liu Yanjie; Zuo Kesheng; Shang Zhe] Changan Univ, Sch Earth Sci & Resources, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Yang Guang] Hubei Acad Environm Sci, Wuhan 430072, Peoples R China. [Zhang Jianbin] Sanmenxia Min Dev Ctr, Sanmenxia 472000, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Liu, YJ (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Earth Sci & Resources, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: JOURNAL WUHAN UNIV TECHNOLOGY出版商地址: WUHAN UNIV TECHNOLOGY, WUHAN 430070, PEOPLES R CHINA

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Web of Science 类别: Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Materials ScienceIDS 号: DN4FBISSN: 1000-2413eISSN: 1993-043729 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J WUHAN UNIV TECHNOLISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Wuhan Univ. Technol.-Mat. Sci. Edit.来源出版物页码计数: 4

第 6 条标 题 : New Maikhanellid Shells and Siphogonuchitid Spicule Bundles from the Cambrian Fortunian Stage of South China(刘云焕)作者 : Liu, YH (Liu Yunhuan); Zhang, YA (Zhang Yanan); Shao, TQ (Shao Tiequan); Tang, HH (Tang Hanhua); Jiang, KT (Jiang Kaituo); Wang, Q (Wang Qi); Chen, C (Chen Cheng); Dong, JY (Dong Junyan); Liang, YC (Liang Yongchun); Dai, J (Dai Jun); Xue, JQ (Xue Jiaqi)来源出版物: ACTA GEOLOGICA SINICA-ENGLISH EDITION 卷: 90 期: 5 页: 1629-1636 DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.12806 出版年: OCT 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 8使用次数 (2013 年至今): 8引用的参考文献数: 44摘要 : Maikhanellids are a distinct group of Cambrian Fortunian small shelly fossils by the cap shaped profiles and scaly shell ornamentation. According to the individual shell shape and ornamentation feature types of 50 maikhanellids fossils which were collected from Xixiang botia, we confirmed the family Maikhanellidae content of six genera, which are Maikhanella, Ramenta, Purella, Ramentoides, Yunnannopleura and Mediata. Unlike the halkieriid animals whose shells and spicules are articulated on different body parts, maikhanellids were presumably yielded by siphogonuchitid spicules penetrating the intermediate matrix (the "spicule shell" hypothesis), and this is the reason that some researchers treated maikhanellids and co-occurring siphogonuchitids as synonyms. The affinities of Maikhanellids and siphogonuchitids remain debatable. Here, we report three dimensionally phosphatized maikhanellid shells and siphogonuchitid spicule bundles from the Cambrian Fortunian small shell faunas of South China. They differ from all the previously reported maikhanellids and siphogonuchitids, and may represent new types. The intact and smooth surface underneath the partially preserved scales of the shells challenges the "spicule-shell" hypothesis. The present siphogonuchitid spicules differ from the maikhanellid scales in size, morphology, and .arrangement pattern, thus the spicules might not be derived from the shells. Whether the shells and spicule bundles were articulated on different body parts of the same animals remains unknown.入藏号: WOS:000388268400005语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: maikhanellids; siphogonuchitids; Cambrian Fortunian Stage; South ChinaKeyWords Plus: YANGTZE PLATFORM CHINA; EARLY EVOLUTION; FOSSILS;

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QUADRAPYRGITES; PRESERVATION; MICROANATOMY; HALKIERIA; PATTERNS; MOLLUSCA; AFFINITY地址 : [Liu Yunhuan; Zhang Yanan; Shao Tiequan; Tang Hanhua; Jiang Kaituo; Wang Qi; Chen Cheng; Dong Junyan; Liang Yongchun; Dai Jun; Xue Jiaqi] Changan Univ, Sch Earth Sceince & Resouces, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Liu Yunhuan; Shao Tiequan] MLR, Key Lab Study Focused Magmatism & Giant Ore Depos, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Shao, TQ (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Earth Sceince & Resouces, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.Shao, TQ (通讯作 者 ),MLR, Key Lab Study Focused Magmatism & Giant Ore Depos, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: WILEY-BLACKWELL出版商地址: 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USAWeb of Science 类别: Geosciences, Multidisciplinary研究方向: GeologyIDS 号: EC6TAISSN: 1000-9515eISSN: 1755-672429 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ACTA GEOL SIN-ENGLISO 来源出版物缩写: Acta Geol. Sin.-Engl. Ed.来源出版物页码计数: 8

第 7 条标题: New material of the oldest known scalidophoran animal Eopriapulites sphinx(邵铁权)作者 : Shao, TQ (Shao, Tie-Quan); Liu, YH (Liu, Yun-Huan); Wang, Q (Wang, Qi); Zhang, HQ (Zhang, Hua-Qiao); Tang, HH (Tang, Han-Hua); Li, Y (Li, Yuan)来源出版物: PALAEOWORLD 卷: 25 期: 1 页: 1-11 DOI: 10.1016/j.palwor.2015.07.003 出版年: JAN 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 5被引频次合计: 7使用次数 (最近 180 天): 1使用次数 (2013 年至今): 10引用的参考文献数: 61摘要 : Eopriapulites sphinx is the oldest known scalidophoran animal and so far the only cycloneuralian body fossil from the Cambrian Fortunian Stage. The hexaradial symmetry exhibited by the arrangement of its pharyngeal teeth, coronal scalids and introvert scalids expand our knowledge on the early evolution of cycloneuralians. The holotype and only specimen is a fragment with the proboscis and the anterior trunk part preserved, but the posterior trunk part is missing. Here, we report three-dimensionally phosphatized worm trunk fragments from the same locality and horizon yielding E. sphinx. They are regarded as conspecific with E. sphinx based on co-occurrence and identical annulations, and provide key information on the trunk morphology. E. sphinx is completely reconstructed here as a long vermiform animal with densely annulated trunk and no caudal outgrowths. An updated phylogenetic analysis supports that E. sphinx is a stem-

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lineage derivative of Scalidophora and also indicates that the hexaradial symmetry of Eopriapulites might have evolved independently from that of Nematoida. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. and Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, CAS. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000371910500001语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Eopriapulites sphinx; Scalidophora; Cycloneuralia; Ecdysozoa; Fortunian Stage; South ChinaKeyWords Plus: YANGTZE PLATFORM CHINA; CAMBRIAN SIRIUS PASSET; SOUTH CHINA; PRIAPULIDS PRIAPULIDA; PALAEOSCOLECID WORMS; FOSSIL PRESERVATION; WESTERN HUNAN; MIDDLE; EVOLUTION; PHYLOGENY地址: [Shao, Tie-Quan; Liu, Yun-Huan; Wang, Qi; Tang, Han-Hua; Li, Yuan] Changan Univ, Coll Earth Sci & Resources, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Liu, Yun-Huan] Chinese Acad Sci, Nanjing Inst Geol & Palaeontol, State Key Lab Palaeobiol & Stratig, Nanjing 210008, Peoples R China. [Zhang, Hua-Qiao] Chinese Acad Sci, Key Lab Econ Stratig & Palaeogeog, Nanjing Inst Geol & Palaeontol, Nanjing 210008, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Zhang, HQ (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Sci, Key Lab Econ Stratig & Palaeogeog, Nanjing Inst Geol & Palaeontol, Nanjing 210008, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV出版商地址: PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDSWeb of Science 类别: Paleontology研究方向: PaleontologyIDS 号: DG2PUISSN: 1871-174XeISSN: 1875-588729 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: PALAEOWORLDISO 来源出版物缩写: Palaeoworld来源出版物页码计数: 11

第 8 条标题: The quantitative reconstruction of temperature and precipitation in the Guanzhong Basin of the southern Loess Plateau between 6200 BP and 5600 BP (孙楠)作者 : Sun, N (Sun, Nan); Li, XQ (Li, Xiaoqiang); Dodson, J (Dodson, John); Zhou, XY (Zhou, Xinying); Zhao, KL (Zhao, Keliang); Yang, Q (Yang, Qing)来源出版物: HOLOCENE 卷: 26 期: 8 页: 1200-1207 DOI: 10.1177/0959683616638417 出版年: AUG 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 7使用次数 (2013 年至今): 14引用的参考文献数: 67摘要 : Understanding the features of the paleoclimate and paleoenvrionment from key areas is

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crucial for predicting the climate variation of the future. In this study, fossil charcoal coupled with high-accuracy accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) C-14 dating from the Guanzhong Basin is analyzed to reconstruct the paleoclimate. Here, the coexistence approach (CA) was applied, and the result showed that the mean annual temperature (MAT) was about 14.8 degrees C, and the annual precipitation (AP) was about 831.1 mm in the Guanzhong Basin during 6200-5600 cal. a BP. Comparing the climate between the mid-Holocene and present in the Xi'an area, the MAT was about 1.1 degrees C higher than today and the AP was about 278 mm higher than today, similar to the modern climate of the Hanzhong area in the southern Qinling Mountains.入藏号: WOS:000381280800003语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: fossil charcoal; Guanzhong Basin; loess plateau; mid-Holocene; paleoprecipitation; paleotemperatureKeyWords Plus: COEXISTENCE APPROACH; ASIAN MONSOON; BIOME RECONSTRUCTIONS; PHYTOLITH EVIDENCE; GLACIAL-MAXIMUM; LATE QUATERNARY; CLIMATE-CHANGE; PLANT FOSSILS; CHINA; HOLOCENE地址: [Sun, Nan] Changan Univ, Sch Earth Sci & Resources, Xian, Peoples R China. [Sun, Nan] MLR, Key Lab Study Focused Magmatism & Giant Ore Depos, Beijing, Peoples R China. [Sun, Nan; Li, Xiaoqiang; Zhou, Xinying; Zhao, Keliang; Yang, Qing] Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Vertebrate Paleontol & Paleoanthropol, Key Lab Vertebrate Evolut & Human Origins, Beijing 100864, Peoples R China. [Dodson, John] Univ Wollongong, Sch Earth & Environm, Wollongong, NSW 2522, Australia.通讯作者地址: Li, XQ (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Vertebrate Paleontol & Paleoanthropol, Key Lab Vertebrate Evolut & Human Origins, Beijing 100864, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD出版商地址: 1 OLIVERS YARD, 55 CITY ROAD, LONDON EC1Y 1SP, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Geography, Physical; Geosciences, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Physical Geography; GeologyIDS 号: DT1ZOISSN: 0959-6836eISSN: 1477-091129 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: HOLOCENEISO 来源出版物缩写: Holocene来源出版物页码计数: 8

第 9 条标题 : Characterization of the interaction between bovine serum albumin and doxycycline by chemiluminescence and molecular docking(谭细娟)作者: Tan, XJ (Tan, Xijuan); Song, ZH (Song, Zhenghua); Wang, ZL (Wang, Zhenliang)来源出版物: INSTRUMENTATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 卷: 44 期: 3 页: 294-307 DOI: 10.1080/10739149.2015.1105817 出版年: MAY 3 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0

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被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 2使用次数 (2013 年至今): 15引用的参考文献数: 45摘 要 : The interaction of bovine serum albumin with doxycycline was investigated using chemiluminescence and molecular docking. Doxycycline at concentrations from 1.0 to 2.5 x 103 pmol center dot L 1 quenched the chemiluminescence from the luminol- bovine serum albumin system. The data were analyzed using a chemiluminescence mathematic model for protein- ligand interaction, log[( I0 - I)/ I] = logK +nlog[ D]. The binding constant of bovine serum albumin with doxycycline was 3.36 x 105 L center dot mol 1 at 298 K with one binding site. The binding constant, enthalpy change, entropy change, and binding free energy change showed that the bonding of doxycycline to bovine serum albumin was spontaneous and enthalpy driven via hydrogen bonding and van der Waals forces. Further molecular docking analysis substantiated that doxycycline was well positioned in the pocket at the subdomain IIA ( site I) of bovine serum albumin with a binding constant of 3.31 x 105 L center dot mol 1. Doxycycline served as both a hydrogen acceptor and donor and mainly interacted with the Arg217 residue through four hydrogen bonds with an average length of 2.55 angstrom. The chemiluminescence mechanism of doxycycline on luminol- bovine serum albumin system was evaluated, showing that a ternary complex of luminol- bovine serum albumin- doxycycline was formed with luminol and doxycycline at sites III and I of bovine serum albumin.入藏号: WOS:000371928500007语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Bovine serum albumin; chemiluminescence; doxycycline; molecular dockingKeyWords Plus: FLOW-INJECTION CHEMILUMINESCENCE; PROTEIN-LIGAND DOCKING; HUMAN SALIVA; BINDING; ACID; TETRACYCLINES; COMPLEXES; CHEMISTRY; RESIDUES; CATALASE地址 : [Tan, Xijuan] Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Coll Earth Sci & Land Resources, Key Lab Western Mineral Resources & Geol Engn, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Song, Zhenghua] Northwest Univ, Coll Chem & Mat Sci, Minist Educ, Key Lab Synthet & Nat Funct Mol Chem, Xian, Peoples R China. [Wang, Zhenliang] Motic Xiamen Elect Grp Co Ltd, Xiamen, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Tan, XJ (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Coll Earth Sci & Land Resources, Key Lab Western Mineral Resources & Geol Engn, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: TAYLOR & FRANCIS INC出版商地址: 530 WALNUT STREET, STE 850, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19106 USAWeb of Science 类别: Chemistry, Analytical; Instruments & Instrumentation研究方向: Chemistry; Instruments & InstrumentationIDS 号: DG2VTISSN: 1073-9149eISSN: 1525-603029 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: INSTRUM SCI TECHNOL

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ISO 来源出版物缩写: Instrum. Sci. Technol.来源出版物页码计数: 14

第 10 条标题 : Geochronology, geochemistry and petrogenesis of pillow basalts from Mayile region in West Junggar. (杨高学)作者: Yang, GX (Yang GaoXue); Li, YJ (Li YongJun); Tong, LL (Tong LiLi); Li, GY (Li GanYu); Shen, R (Shen Rui); Li, Z (Li Zhao); Wu, L (Wu Le)来源出版物: ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA 卷: 32 期: 2 页: 522-536 出版年: FEB 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 4使用次数 (2013 年至今): 8引用的参考文献数: 122摘要: Through studying on age and geochemical properties of oceanic island basalts (OIB) within orogenic belts, we not only identify paleo-seamount/oceanic plateau, but also rebuild paleo-ocean basin evolution and tectonic framework. Recently, the authors distinguished a suit of pillow basalts associated with volcaniclastic rocks and cherts at north Mayile area in West Junggar. The microcrystalline plagioclase in pillow basalts generally developed hollow skeletal structure, which is product that the lava rapidly crystallized underwater in dramatic cold conditions. U-Pb analyses of zircon grains from basalt by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) yielded Pb-206/U-238 weighted mean age of 437. 2 +/- 2. 2Ma. The age gets to fill the gap of the Silurian alkaline basalts in this region. Geochemically, the Mayile pillow basalts bear the signature of typical OIB, and are characterized by alkaline affinity with moderate concentrations of SiO2 (44. 89% similar to 47. 81%), high TiO2 (3. 28% similar to 4. 12%) and P2O5 (0. 50% similar to 0. 70%), low MgO (3. 49% similar to 6. 79%), clear differentiation of LREE and HREE ((La/Yb)(N) = 5. 5 similar to 7. 3), no obvious Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0. 96 similar to 1. 06), Rb, Th and U enrichment and Ba, K, Sr depletion, and also no obvious Nb and Ta negative anomalies. The content and ratios containing source characteristics of trace elements suggest that the pillow basalts derived from enriched mantle source, with 5% +/- degree partial melting of spinel and garnet lherzolite. The pillow basalts formed in plume-related seamount/oceanic island settings within oceanic plate. These observations, in combination with previous work, we believe that not only the intra-oceanic subduction system, but also mantle plume activity in the West Junggar Ocean evolution as well as Paleo-Asian Ocean at Middle Paleozoic.入藏号: WOS:000372562400017语种: Chinese文献类型: Article作者关键词: Oceanic island basalt; Plume; Geochemistry; West Junggar; Central Asian Orogenic BeltKeyWords Plus: OCEAN ISLAND BASALTS; ASIAN OROGENIC BELT; ZANGBO SUTURE ZONE; PHANEROZOIC CONTINENTAL GROWTH; PALEOZOIC TECTONIC EVOLUTION; EARTH-ELEMENT CONCENTRATIONS; KARAMAY OPHIOLITIC MELANGE; DEVONIAN MANTLE PLUME; NW CHINA IMPLICATIONS; NORTHWESTERN CHINA

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地址 : [Yang GaoXue; Li YongJun; Tong LiLi; Li GanYu; Shen Rui; Li Zhao; Wu Le] Changan Univ, Earth Sci & Resources Coll, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Yang GaoXue; Li YongJun; Tong LiLi] MLR, Key Lab Study Focused Magmatism & Giant Ore Depos, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Yang, GX (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Earth Sci & Resources Coll, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.Yang, GX (通讯作 者 ),MLR, Key Lab Study Focused Magmatism & Giant Ore Depos, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SCIENCE PRESS出 版商地址 : 16 DONGHUANGCHENGGEN NORTH ST, BEIJING 100717, PEOPLES R CHINAWeb of Science 类别: Geology研究方向: GeologyIDS 号: DH1RKISSN: 1000-056929 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ACTA PETROL SINISO 来源出版物缩写: Acta Petrol. Sin.来源出版物页码计数: 15

第 11 条标题 : Spatiotemporal Variation of Precipitation Regime in China from 1961 to 2014 from the Standardized Precipitation Index(员学峰)作者: Yuan, XF (Yuan, Xuefeng); Jian, JS (Jian, Jinshi); Jiang, G (Jiang, Gang)来源出版物: ISPRS INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEO-INFORMATION 卷: 5 期: 11 文献号: 194 DOI: 10.3390/ijgi5110194 出版年: NOV 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 7使用次数 (2013 年至今): 8引用的参考文献数: 38摘要 : Prediction of drought and flood events can be difficult, but the standardized precipitation index (SPI) calculated from monthly data may be a useful tool for predicting future dryness/wetness events in China. The rainy season SPI was calculated from monthly precipitation data from 3804 meteorological stations in China. The spatiotemporal variation, periodic change, and trend in rainy season SPI from 1961 to 2014 in eight regions were investigated. The results indicate that the rainy season SPI is valuable for assessing dryness/wetness spatial and temporal variations. The SPI time series in the northwest and southwest show increasing trends, while northeast China, south China, and Taiwan show more than one upward/downward trend during the study period, and the SPI time series in central, east, and north China show no change in trend. South China has an approximately 10-year periodic oscillation, while the other regions show an approximately 16-year periodic oscillation. The results of this study imply that the SPI can be used to explore historical drought/flood spatiotemporal variations, as well as to predict future wetness/dryness variations.

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入藏号: WOS:000390104200001语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: drought; Standard Precipitation Index (SPI); Mann-Kendall test; wavelet analysisKeyWords Plus: YELLOW-RIVER; ABRUPT CHANGE; DROUGHT; VULNERABILITY; VARIABILITY; MAINSTREAM; STREAMFLOW; PATTERNS; CLIMATE; SPI地址 : [Yuan, Xuefeng] Changan Univ, Coll Earth Sci & Resources, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Yuan, Xuefeng] Changan Univ, Coll Land Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Jian, Jinshi] Virginia Tech, Dept Crop & Soil Environm Sci, Blacksburg, VA 24061 USA. [Jiang, Gang] Changan Univ, Coll Geol Engn & Geomat, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Jian, JS (通讯作者),Virginia Tech, Dept Crop & Soil Environm Sci, Blacksburg, VA 24061 USA.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: MDPI AG出版商地址: ST ALBAN-ANLAGE 66, CH-4052 BASEL, SWITZERLANDWeb of Science 类别: Geography, Physical; Remote Sensing研究方向: Physical Geography; Remote SensingIDS 号: EF1SEISSN: 2220-996429 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ISPRS INT J GEO-INFISO 来源出版物缩写: ISPRS Int. Geo-Inf.来源出版物页码计数: 18

第 12 条标题 : Mineralogical and geochemical patterns of mantle xenoliths from the Jixia region (Fujian Province, southeastern China) (张贵山)作者 : Zhang, GS (Zhang, G. S.); Bobrov, AV (Bobrov, A. V.); Long, JS (Long, J. S.); Han, WH (Han, W. H.)来 源 出 版物 : GEOCHEMISTRY INTERNATIONAL 卷 : 54 期 : 10 页 : 901-913 DOI: 10.1134/S0016702916100049 出版年: OCT 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 5使用次数 (2013 年至今): 5引用的参考文献数: 41摘要: The paper discusses the results of mineralogical and petrographic studies of spinel lherzolite xenoliths and clinopyroxene megacrysts in basalt from the Jixia region related to the central zone of Cenozoic basaltic magmatism of southeastern China. Spinel lherzolite is predominantly composed of olivine (Fo(89.6-90.4)), orthopyroxene (Mg# = 90.6-92.7), clinopyroxene (Mg# = 90.3-91.9), and chrome spinel (Cr# = 6.59-14.0). According to the geochemical characteristics, basalt of the Jixia region is similar to OIB with asthenospheric material as a source. The following equilibrium temperatures and pressures were obtained for spinel peridotite: 890-1269A degrees C and 10.4-14.8 kbar. Mg# of olivine and Cr# of chrome spinel are close to the values in rocks of the

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enriched mantle. It is evident from analysis of the textural peculiarities of spinel lherzolite that basaltic melt interacted with mantle rocks at the xenolith capture stage. Based on an analysis of the P-T conditions of the formation of spinel peridotite and clinopyroxene megacrysts, we show that mantle xenoliths were captured in the course of basaltic magma intrusion at a significantly lower depth than the area of partial melting. However, capture of mantle xenoliths was preceded by low-degree partial melting at an earlier stage.入藏号: WOS:000385196900008语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词 : spinel peridotite; lithospheric mantle; mantle xenoliths; clinopyroxene megacrysts; southeastern ChinaKeyWords Plus: LITHOSPHERIC MANTLE; TRACE-ELEMENT; SE CHINA; EASTERN CHINA; PYROXENE MEGACRYSTS; RIDGE PERIDOTITES; SPINEL PERIDOTITE; CENOZOIC BASALTS; BENEATH; ROCKS地址 : [Zhang, G. S.; Long, J. S.; Han, W. H.] Changan Univ, Sch Earth Sci & Resources, Xian 710061, Peoples R China. [Zhang, G. S.] Key Lab Study Focused Magmatism & Giant Ore Depos, Xian 710065, Peoples R China. [Zhang, G. S.; Bobrov, A. V.] Moscow MV Lomonosov State Univ, Geol Fac, Moscow 119991, Russia.通讯作者地址: Zhang, GS (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Earth Sci & Resources, Xian 710061, Peoples R China.Zhang, GS (通讯作者),Key Lab Study Focused Magmatism & Giant Ore Depos, Xian 710065, Peoples R China.Zhang, GS (通讯作者),Moscow MV Lomonosov State Univ, Geol Fac, Moscow 119991, Russia.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: MAIK NAUKA/INTERPERIODICA/SPRINGER出版商地址: 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013-1578 USAWeb of Science 类别: Geochemistry & Geophysics研究方向: Geochemistry & GeophysicsIDS 号: DY6DQISSN: 0016-7029eISSN: 1556-196829 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: GEOCHEM INT+ISO 来源出版物缩写: Geochem. Int.来源出版物页码计数: 13

第 13 条标题: Petrology, geochronology and geochemistry characteristics of Wang' anzhen complex in the northern Taihang Mountain and their geological significance(张海东)作者: Zhang, HD (Zhang HaiDong); Liu, JC (Liu JianChao); Wang, JY (Wang JinYa); Zhang, SN (Zhang SuNan); Hu, B (Hu Bo); Wang, DQ (Wang DeQuan); Han, S (Han Song)来源出版物: ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA 卷: 32 期: 3 页: 727-745 出版年: MAR 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0

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被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 0使用次数 (2013 年至今): 0引用的参考文献数: 58摘 要 : The Wang' anzhen complex in the northern Taihang Mountain mainly consist of granodiorite, monzonitic granite, granite, quartz diorite and monzodiorite. The LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating shows that the granodiorite and quartz diorites were crystallized at 129 +/- 2.7Ma and 128.3 +/- 1.9Ma, respectively, suggesting that the Wang' anzhen complex were formed in the Early Cretaceous. The Wang' anzhen complex are characterized by high Sr = 373 x 10(-6) similar to 821 x 10(-6), Sr/Y = 3.63 similar to 83.5, and low Y = 7.36 x 10(-6) similar to 22.21 x 10(-6) Yb = 0.95 x 10(-6) similar to 1.27 x 10(-6), similar to adakite. The Wang' anzhen complex have relatively low initial Sr-87/Sr-86 ratios (0.706538 to 0.709484) and epsilon(Nd(t=128Ma)) values (-18.4 to -12.8), with Nd model ages from 1.09Ga to 1.89Ga, indicating that they were mainly derived by partial melting of old continental crustal materials. Combined with the previous results about the mantle xenoliths entrained by the Mesozoic basic-intermediate intrusive rocks in the Taihang Mountains, We considered that the Wang' anzhen complex was originated from melting of ancient thickened mafic lower crust which was based on large-scale lower crust delaminated into the convecting mantle, triggered by heating from upwelling asthenosphere, subsequently fractionated (e.g. hornblende) and mixed with felsic magma during rising, produced rocks with high Sr/Y signature.入藏号: WOS:000374429500007语种: Chinese文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Wanganzhen complex; Northern Taihang Mountains; Adakite rocks; Mafic lower crust; DelaminationKeyWords Plus: LITHOSPHERIC MANTLE BENEATH; LOWER CONTINENTAL-CRUST; SINO-KOREAN CRATON; U-PB GEOCHRONOLOGY; CHINA CRATON; EASTERN CHINA; TECTONIC EVOLUTION; VOLCANIC-ROCKS; PETROGENESIS; REPLACEMENT地址 : [Zhang HaiDong; Liu JianChao; Wang JinYa; Zhang SuNan; Hu Bo; Han Song] Changan Univ, Sch Earth Sci & Resources, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Zhang HaiDong] NW Univ Xian, Dept Geol, Xian 710069, Peoples R China. [Wang DeQuan] Zhongshan Nucl Ind Grp Co, Xian 710100, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Zhang, HD (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Earth Sci & Resources, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.Zhang, HD (通讯作者),NW Univ Xian, Dept Geol, Xian 710069, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SCIENCE PRESS出 版商地址 : 16 DONGHUANGCHENGGEN NORTH ST, BEIJING 100717, PEOPLES R CHINAWeb of Science 类别: Geology研究方向: GeologyIDS 号: DJ7YQISSN: 1000-0569

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eISSN: 2095-892729 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ACTA PETROL SINISO 来源出版物缩写: Acta Petrol. Sin.来源出版物页码计数: 19

第 14 条标 题 : Growth under elevated air temperature alters secondary metabolites in Robinia pseudoacacia L. seedlings in Cd- and Pb-contaminated soils(赵永华)作者: Zhao, YH (Zhao, Y. H.); Jia, X (Jia, X.); Wang, WK (Wang, W. K.); Liu, T (Liu, T.); Huang, SP (Huang, S. P.); Yang, MY (Yang, M. Y.)来 源 出 版物 : SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 卷 : 565 页 : 586-594 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.05.058 出版年: SEP 15 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 4被引频次合计: 4使用次数 (最近 180 天): 7使用次数 (2013 年至今): 71引用的参考文献数: 48摘要 : Plant secondary metabolites play a pivotal role in growth regulation, antioxidant activity, pigment development, and other processes. As the global climate changes, increasing atmospheric temperatures and contamination of soil by heavy metals co-occur in natural ecosystems, which alters the pH of rhizosphere soil and influences the bioavailability and mobility of metals. Elevated temperatures in combination with heavy metals are expected to affect plant secondary metabolites, but this issue has not been extensively examined. Here, we investigated secondary metabolites in Robinia pseudoacacia seedlings exposed to elevated temperatures using a passive warming device in combination with Cd- and Pb-contaminated soils. Heavy metals significantly stimulated the accumulation of saponins, phenolic compounds, and flavonoids in leaves and stems; alkaloid compounds increased in leaves and decreased in stems, and condensed tannins fluctuated. Elevated temperatures, alone and in combination with Cd and Pb, caused increases in secondary metabolites in the plant tissues. Phenolic compounds showed the greatest changes among the secondary metabolites and significant interactive effects of temperature and metals were observed. These results suggest that slightly elevated temperature could enhance protective and defense mechanisms of Robinia pseudoacacia seedlings exposed to heavy metals by stimulating the production of secondary metabolites. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000378206300059PubMed ID: 27203519语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Elevated air temperature; Cd-contaminated soils; Pb-contaminated soils; Secondary metabolites; Robinia pseudoacacia L. seedlingsKeyWords Plus: HEAVY-METAL STRESS; LEAF PHOTOSYNTHESIS; PHENOLIC-COMPOUNDS; CO2; CADMIUM; PLANTS; ANTIOXIDANT; CARBON; EXTRACTION; COMMUNITY地址: [Zhao, Y. H.] Changan Univ, Sch Earth Sci & Resources, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Jia, X.; Wang, W. K.; Liu, T.; Huang, S. P.; Yang, M. Y.] Changan Univ, Key Lab Subsurface

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Hydrol & Ecol Effect Arid Reg, Key Lab Environm Protect & Pollut & Remediat Wate, Sch Environm Sci & Engn,Minist Educ, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Jia, X (通讯作者),Changan Univ, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV出版商地址: PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDSWeb of Science 类别: Environmental Sciences研究方向: Environmental Sciences & EcologyIDS 号: DP0UVISSN: 0048-9697eISSN: 1879-102629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: SCI TOTAL ENVIRONISO 来源出版物缩写: Sci. Total Environ.来源出版物页码计数: 9

第 15 条标题: Research on Quantitative Method for the Determination of Carbon Isotopic Composition of CO2 with Micro-Laser Raman Spectroscopy(李佳佳)作者 : Li, JJ (Li Jia-jia); Li, RX (Li Rong-xi); Dong, H (Dong Hui); Wang, ZH (Wang Zhi-hai); Zhao, BS (Zhao Bang-sheng); Wang, N (Wang Ning)来源出版物 : SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS 卷: 36 期: 8 页: 2391-2398 DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2016)08-2391-08 出版年: AUG 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 5使用次数 (2013 年至今): 7引用的参考文献数: 24摘要: In this study, a series of (CO2)-C-12/N-2 and (CO2)-C-13/N-2 binary mixtures with various molar fraction ratios were synthesized. It was found that the Raman peak area ratios were proportional to molar fraction ratios. The linearity of the working curves was very good. Moreover, the slopes of working curves were regarded as Raman quantification factor (F-12CO2 and F-13CO2). The natural fluids only containing (CO2)-C-12 and N-2 composition in the gas phase have been applied to estimate their molar fraction ratios when F-12CO2 is 1.163 49. As F-13CO2 and F-12CO2 are equal to 1.610 86 and 1.163 49, their ratio (F-13CO2/F-12CO2) is 1.384 5. Based on the study of principles and feasibility of the method of laser Raman spectroscopy, the molar fraction ratio C-12/C-13 would be calculated using the product of A(12CO2) /A(13CO2) (the ratio of Raman peak area) and F-13CO2/F-12CO2 . In addition, man-made inclusions with known molar fraction ratios (C-12/C-13) were presented to testify the validity and precision of the method. The possibility of quantifying carbon isotopic composition of CO2 with Micro-Laser Raman Spectroscopy is demonstrated.入藏号: WOS:000382096600006语种: Chinese文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Micro-Laser Raman spectroscopy; Carbon isotope; Quantitative analysis; Fluid

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inclusionsKeyWords Plus: FLUID INCLUSIONS; MANTLE XENOLITHS; PRESSURE; DIOXIDE; WATER; SOLUBILITY; MPA地址 : [Li Jia-jia; Li Rong-xi; Zhao Bang-sheng; Wang Ning] Changan Univ, Sch Earth Sci & Resources, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Dong Hui; Wang Zhi-hai] China Geol Survey, Xian Ctr Geol Survey, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Li, RX (通讯作者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Earth Sci & Resources, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: OFFICE SPECTROSCOPY & SPECTRAL ANALYSIS出版商地址: NO 76 COLLAGE SOUTH RD BEIJING, BEIJING 100081, PEOPLES R CHINAWeb of Science 类别: Spectroscopy研究方向: SpectroscopyIDS 号: DU3FQISSN: 1000-059329 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: SPECTROSC SPECT ANALISO 来源出版物缩写: Spectrosc. Spectr. Anal.来源出版物页码计数: 8

第 16 条标题 : Geological characteristics and origin of the Hadamengou gold deposit in Inner Mongolia, China(张瑜)作者 : Zhang, Y (Zhang, Yu); Liu, JC (Liu, Jianchao); Zhang, HD (Zhang, Haidong); Zhang, SP (Zhang, Shaopeng)来源出版物 : ARABIAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES 卷 : 9 期 : 4 文献号 : 311 DOI: 10.1007/s12517-016-2323-z 出版年: APR 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 4使用次数 (2013 年至今): 8引用的参考文献数: 37摘要: The Hadamengou gold deposit is located in the western segment of the northern margin of the North China Craton (NCC). It is hosted by Archean metamorphic rocks of the Wulashan Group. The main ore types include gold-bearing quartz vein type, gold-bearing quartz-potassic feldspar vein type, and gold-bearing altered rock type. Gold mineralization is closely related to K-feldspathization. Hydrogen and oxygen isotope data indicate that ore-forming fluids were dominated by magmatic water mixed with minor meteoric water. Sulfur and lead isotope data indicate that metallogenic materials were mainly supplied by the magmatic and Archean Wulashan Group. The gold mineralization was mainly formed during the Early Indosinian tectonic movement, which drove ore-forming fluids to the favorable depositional environment. The northern margin of the NCC is a prospective area for gold exploration. Gold deposits hosted by or related to alkaline intrusions have become one of the most important mineral exploration targets in northern China.

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入藏号: WOS:000374256200068语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词 : Hadamengou gold deposit; Wulashan Group; Northern margin of the North China Craton; Gold mineralizationKeyWords Plus: REPUBLIC-OF-CHINA; NORTHERN MARGIN; CRATON; MINERALIZATION; METALLOGENESIS; WULASHAN; ISOTOPE; LEAD地址 : [Zhang, Yu; Liu, Jianchao; Zhang, Haidong] Changan Univ, Sch Earth Sci & Resources, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Zhang, Shaopeng] Inst Remote Sensing Applicat, Aerophotogrammetry & Remote Sensing Bur, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Zhang, Y (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Earth Sci & Resources, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER HEIDELBERG出版商地址: TIERGARTENSTRASSE 17, D-69121 HEIDELBERG, GERMANYWeb of Science 类别: Geosciences, Multidisciplinary研究方向: GeologyIDS 号: DJ5NSISSN: 1866-7511eISSN: 1866-753829 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ARAB J GEOSCIISO 来源出版物缩写: Arab. J. Geosci.来源出版物页码计数: 9

第 17 条标题: Quantitative analysis and measurement of carbon isotopic compositions in individual fluid inclusions by micro-laser Raman spectrometry(李佳佳)作 者 : Li, JJ (Li, Jiajia); Li, RX (Li, Rongxi); Zhao, BS (Zhao, Bangsheng); Wang, N (Wang, Ning); Cheng, JH (Cheng, Jinghua)来 源 出 版 物 : ANALYTICAL METHODS 卷 : 8 期 : 37 页 : 6730-6738 DOI: 10.1039/c6ay01897a 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 4使用次数 (2013 年至今): 4引用的参考文献数: 35摘要 : Micro-laser Raman spectrometry is a potential method for quantitatively analysing stable isotopes in individual fluid inclusions. In this study, we demonstrate that micro-laser Raman spectroscopy is a suitable and non-destructive technique to quantitatively determine the carbon isotopic compositions (delta C-13 value) of CO2 in individual fluid inclusions. A series of (CO2)-C-12/N-2 and (CO2)-C-13/N-2 binary mixtures with various molar fraction ratios were synthesized with the aim of obtaining Raman quantification factors. It was found that the Raman peak area ratios were proportional to the molar fraction ratios. The linearity of the working curves

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was very good (higher than 0.999). Moreover, the slopes of working curves were regarded as Raman quantification factors ((FCO2)-C-12 was 1.16259 and (FCO2)-C-13 was 1.61089), which offered a theoretical foundation for the research on computing the value of carbon isotopic composition. The artificial inclusions with known molar fraction ratios were presented to testify the validity and precision of the method. In addition, the individual fluid inclusions collected from the Yanchang formation sandstone reservoir, Ordos Basin, have been applied to estimate their carbon isotopic compositions. The possibility of quantifying the carbon isotopic compositions of CO2 by micro-laser Raman spectroscopy was demonstrated.入藏号: WOS:000393584100010语种: English文献类型: ArticleKeyWords Plus: AQUEOUS-SOLUTIONS; MANTLE XENOLITHS; ZINC-OXIDE; IN-SITU; SPECTROSCOPY; CO2; GEOCHEMISTRY; TEMPERATURE; SCATTERING; DIOXIDE地址: [Li, Jiajia; Li, Rongxi; Zhao, Bangsheng; Wang, Ning; Cheng, Jinghua] Changan Univ, Sch Earth Sci & Resources, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Li, RX (通讯作者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Earth Sci & Resources, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY出 版商地址 : THOMAS GRAHAM HOUSE, SCIENCE PARK, MILTON RD, CAMBRIDGE CB4 0WF, CAMBS, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Chemistry, Analytical; Food Science & Technology; Spectroscopy研究方向: Chemistry; Food Science & Technology; SpectroscopyIDS 号: EJ9YTISSN: 1759-9660eISSN: 1759-967929 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ANAL METHODS-UKISO 来源出版物缩写: Anal. Methods来源出版物页码计数: 9

第 18 条标题: Bi-directional subduction of the South Tianshan Ocean during the Late Silurian: Magmatic records from both the southern Central Tianshan Block and northern Tarim Craton(王盟)作者: Wang, M (Wang, Meng); Zhang, JJ (Zhang, Jinjiang); Zhang, B (Zhang, Bo); Liu, K (Liu, Kai); Ge, MH (Ge, Maohui)来 源 出 版物 : JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES 卷 : 128 页 : 64-78 DOI: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2016.07.007 出版年: OCT 1 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 10使用次数 (2013 年至今): 24引用的参考文献数: 102摘要: The subduction polarity of the South Tianshan Ocean (STO) is a matter of debate, primarily in that the Paleozoic structures of Tianshan orogenic belt have been strongly overprinted by the

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Cenozoic intracontinental deformation. Indentifying the arc-related magmatic rocks may provide a convincible clue for understanding the closure process of the STO. In this study, whole-rock geochemistry, zircon U-Pb dating and Hf isotope were presented on the andesite and monzonite from the Bayanbulak area of the southern Central Tianshan Block (CTB) and on the quartz diorite from the Ouxidaban area of the northern Tarim Craton. Geochemically, all the samples are Na-rich, enriched in light rare earth elements and large ion lithophile elements (Rb, Ba, U, K and Pb), and depleted in high strength field elements (Nb, Ta and Ti), like most arc-type igneous rocks. The Bayanbulak andesite samples display high MgO, Fe2O3T, TiO2 and Mg-# values, and positive epsilon(Hf)(t) values, indicating magma source from the wedge mantle. But the existence of xenocrystic zircons implies that continental crust material were involved during magma ascend, suggesting a continental arc setting for the Bayanbulak andesite. The Bayanbulak monzonite and the Ouxidaban quartz diorite samples display relatively higher SiO2 contents, and lower MgO, Fe2O3T and TiO2 concentrations, indicating crustal sources. But the Mg-# values of the Bayanbulak monzonite and the Ouxidaban quartz diorite are 48.76-51.85 and 5031-53.73, and the epsilon(Hf)(t) values are -2.5 to 8.7 and -1.7 to 4.1, indicating that their magma sources were also mixed by mantle-derived components. LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating results reveal that the Bayanbulak andesite, the Bayanbulak monzonite and the Ouxidaban quartz diorite were formed at 423, 424 Ma, and 421 Ma, respectively. The age and geochemical data indicate that both the southern CTB and northern Tarim Craton were active continental margins during the Late Silurian, favoring a bi-directional subduction model for the evolution of the STO during that period. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000382338300005语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Bi-directional subduction; South Tianshan Ocean; Southern Central Tianshan Block; Northern Tarim CratonKeyWords Plus: PALEOZOIC TECTONIC EVOLUTION; ASIAN OROGENIC BELT; U-PB GEOCHRONOLOGY; CARBONIFEROUS VOLCANIC-ROCKS; MELT-PERIDOTITE INTERACTION; WESTERN CHINESE TIANSHAN; NW CHINA; CONTINENTAL GROWTH; NORTHWESTERN CHINA; GEOCHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS地址: [Wang, Meng] Changan Univ, Sch Earth Sci & Resources, MLR, Key Lab Study Focused Magmatism & Giant Ore Depos, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Wang, Meng; Zhang, Jinjiang; Zhang, Bo; Liu, Kai; Ge, Maohui] Peking Univ, Sch Earth & Space Sci, Key Lab Orogen Belts & Crustal Evolut, Minist Educ, Beijing 100871, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Zhang, JJ (通讯作者),Peking Univ, Sch Earth & Space Sci, Key Lab Orogen Belts & Crustal Evolut, Minist Educ, Beijing 100871, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Geosciences, Multidisciplinary研究方向: GeologyIDS 号: DU6PY

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ISSN: 1367-9120eISSN: 1878-578629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J ASIAN EARTH SCIISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Asian Earth Sci.来源出版物页码计数: 15

第 19 条标题: Multiple S isotopes, zircon Hf isotopes, whole-rock Sr-Nd isotopes, and spatial variations of PGE tenors in the Jinchuan Ni-Cu-PGE deposit, NW China(段俊)作 者 : Duan, J (Duan, Jun); Li, CS (Li, Chusi); Qian, ZZ (Qian, Zhuangzhi); Jiao, JG (Jiao, Jiangang); Ripley, EM (Ripley, Edward M.); Feng, YQ (Feng, Yanqing)来源出版物: MINERALIUM DEPOSITA 卷: 51 期: 4 页: 557-574 DOI: 10.1007/s00126-015-0626-8 出版年: APR 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 2被引频次合计: 2使用次数 (最近 180 天): 3使用次数 (2013 年至今): 13引用的参考文献数: 74摘要: Previous geochemical data for the Jinchuan Ni-Cu-(platinum-group elements, PGE) deposit, the single largest magmatic sulfide deposit in the world, are derived primarily from the upper parts of the deposit. This paper reports new PGE and S-Hf-Sr-Nd isotope data for the lower parts of the deposit that have become accessible for sampling by ongoing underground mining activity. New PGE data from this study, together with previous results, indicate that PGE tenors in the bulk sulfide ores of the deposit increase eastward, except for two fault-offset ore zones which occur together within the western part of the deposit. Generally, these two ore zones show depletions in IPGE (Ir, Ru, Rh) but not in PPGE (Pt, Pd) and Cu, and more fractionated olivine and Cr-spinel compositions than the rest of the deposit. These differences can be explained by a more evolved parental magma for the IPGE-depleted ore zones. The eastward increase of PGE tenors in the rest of the deposit can be explained by upgrading of preexisting sulfide liquid in a subhorizontal conduit by a new surge of magma moving through the conduit from west to east, which took place before the formation of the IPGE-depleted ore zones. The Jinchuan ultramafic rocks are characterized by elevated initial Sr-87/Sr-86 ratios from 0.7077 to 0.7093, negative epsilon (Nd) values from -9.2 to -10.5, and zircon epsilon (Hf) values from -4 to -7. These data indicate up to 20 % of crustal contamination in the Jinchuan magma. Four of nine multiple sulfur isotope analyses for the Jinchuan deposit show anomalous a dagger S-33 values varying from 0.12 to 2.67 aEuro degrees. These results, together with elevated delta S-34 values (> 2 aEuro degrees) for some of the samples analyzed previously by other researchers, indicate the involvement of external sulfur from Archean and Proterozoic sedimentary rocks. Modeling results based on our olivine data and magma compositions estimated previously by other researchers indicate that fractional crystallization did not play a major role in triggering sulfide saturation in the Jinchuan magma and that the parental magma experienced previous sulfide segregation during ascent or in staging chambers.入藏号: WOS:000373147100006语种: English

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文献类型: Article作者关键词 : PGE; Hf-Sr-Nd isotopes; Multiple sulfur isotopes; Magmatic sulfides; Ultramafic rocks; Jinchuan deposit; ChinaKeyWords Plus: PLATINUM-GROUP ELEMENTS; NI-CU-(PGE) SULFIDE DEPOSIT; WESTERN CHINA; COMPOSITIONAL VARIATIONS; EXPERIMENTAL CONSTRAINTS; EXPLORATION IMPLICATIONS; GEOCHEMICAL CONSTRAINTS; TECTONIC SIGNIFICANCE; ULTRAMAFIC INTRUSION; MAGMATIC SULFIDES地址: [Duan, Jun; Qian, Zhuangzhi; Jiao, Jiangang; Feng, Yanqing] Changan Univ, Coll Earth Sci & Recourses, MOE Key Lab Western Chinas Mineral Resources & Ge, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Li, Chusi; Ripley, Edward M.] Indiana Univ, Dept Geol Sci, Bloomington, IN 47405 USA.通讯作者地址: Duan, J (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Coll Earth Sci & Recourses, MOE Key Lab Western Chinas Mineral Resources & Ge, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Li, Chusi E-5592-2011 0000-0002-0426-8157

出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USAWeb of Science 类别: Geochemistry & Geophysics; Mineralogy研究方向: Geochemistry & Geophysics; MineralogyIDS 号: DH9WQISSN: 0026-4598eISSN: 1432-186629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: MINER DEPOSITAISO 来源出版物缩写: Miner. Depos.来源出版物页码计数: 18

第 20 条标题 : Fossil fruits of Koelreuteria (Sapindaceae) from the Miocene of northeastern Tibetan Plateau and their palaeoenvironmental, phytogeographic and phylogenetic implications (李相传)作者 : Li, XC (Li, Xiangchuan); Xiao, L (Xiao, Liang); Lin, ZC (Lin, Zhicheng); He, WL (He, Wenlong); Yang, Q (Yang, Qiang); Yao, YZ (Yao, Yunzhi); Ren, D (Ren, Dong); Guo, JF (Guo, Junfeng); Guo, SX (Guo, Shuangxing)来 源 出 版物 : REVIEW OF PALAEOBOTANY AND PALYNOLOGY 卷 : 234 页 : 125-135 DOI: 10.1016/j.revpalbo.2016.09.002 出版年: NOV 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 4使用次数 (2013 年至今): 5引用的参考文献数: 44摘要 : Fruits of Koelreuteria are well known in the Tertiary deposits of western United States,

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eastern Asia and Central East Europe, yet unequivocal reproductive organs of this genus from other areas remain rare in the fossil record. Here, a new species Koelreuteria quasipaniculata Xiangchuan Li, Liang Xiao et Wenlong He sp. nov. is recognized from the Early to Middle Miocene Garang Formation of Zeku in northeastern Tibetan Plateau, Central Asia. This new species is characterized by dehiscent, membranous capsules with an asymmetrical, narrowly ovate shape, and reticulate venation including subparallel, straight lateral veins and one to two ovoid or ellipsoidal seeds each valve. Its capsular valves closely resemble those members of the K. paniculata-type group in gross form, i.e. the extant K. paniculata Laxmann distributed in eastern Asia and the Oligocene-Pliocene K. macroptera (Kovats) Wilfred Norman Edwards from Central-East Europe. The newly discovered fossil materials corroborate the occurrence of Koelreuteria in the Tibetan Plateau during the Early to Middle Miocene, and add to the diversity of Koelreuteria in Central-East Asia during the Miocene, which has been well represented from the Cenozoic deposits of the northern hemisphere. This fossil record together with other co-occurring arborescent plants (e.g. Acer, Ulmus and Fraxinus) contributes to our understanding of past vegetation change in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Furthermore, the historical distribution range of Koelreuteria is significantly expanded by the present record into Central Asia formerly known as a geographic region lacking extant and fossil records. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000387526600009语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Capsular valve; Koelreuteria; Miocene; Palaeoenvironment; Tibetan Plateau; Central AsiaKeyWords Plus: NORTHERN-HEMISPHERE; ASIAN MONSOON; CHINA; HISTORY; TERTIARY; PLIOCENE; PROVINCE; RECORDS; UPLIFT地址 : [Li, Xiangchuan; Xiao, Liang; Guo, Junfeng] Changan Univ, MLR, Sch Earth Sci & Resources, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Li, Xiangchuan; Xiao, Liang; Guo, Junfeng] Changan Univ, MLR, Key Lab Study Focused Magmatism & Giant Ore Depos, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Li, Xiangchuan; Guo, Shuangxing] Chinese Acad Sci, Nanjing Inst Geol & Palaeontol, State Key Lab Palaeobiol & Stratig, Nanjing 210008, Peoples R China. [Lin, Zhicheng] Chongqing Univ Sci & Technol, Sch Petr Engn, Chongqing 401331, Peoples R China. [He, Wenlong] Xian Univ Sci & Technol, Coll Geol & Environm, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Yang, Qiang] Shijiazhuang Univ Econ, Earth Sci Museum, Shijiazhuang 050031, Peoples R China. [Yao, Yunzhi; Ren, Dong] Capital Normal Univ, Coll Life Sci, Beijing 100048, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Li, XC (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, MLR, Sch Earth Sci & Resources, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.Li, XC (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, MLR, Key Lab Study Focused Magmatism & Giant Ore Depos, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV出版商地址: PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS

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Web of Science 类别: Plant Sciences; Paleontology研究方向: Plant Sciences; PaleontologyIDS 号: EB6WPISSN: 0034-6667eISSN: 1879-061529 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: REV PALAEOBOT PALYNOISO 来源出版物缩写: Rev. Palaeobot. Palynology来源出版物页码计数: 11

第 21 条标题 : A Simplified Numerical Approach for the Prediction of Rainfall-Induced Retrogressive Landslides(作者中文名?)作者: Lin, HC (Lin Hungchou); Yu, YZ (Yu Yuzhen); Li, GX (Li Guangxin); Yang, H (Yang Hua); Peng, JB (Peng Jianbing)来源出版物: ACTA GEOLOGICA SINICA-ENGLISH EDITION 卷: 90 期: 4 页: 1471-1480 DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.12780 出版年: AUG 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 2使用次数 (2013 年至今): 5引用的参考文献数: 30摘要 : Retrogressive landslides are common geological phenomena in mountainous areas and on onshore and offshore slopes. The impact of retrogressive landslides is different from that of other landslide types due to the phenomenon of retrogression. The hazards caused by retrogressive landslides may be increased because retrogressive landslides usually affect housing, facilities, and infrastructure located far from the original slopes. Additionally, substantial geomorphic evidence shows that the abundant supply of loose sediment in the source area of a debris flow is usually provided by retrogressive landslides that are triggered by the undercutting of water. Moreover, according to historic case studies, some large landslides are the evolution result of retrogressive landslides. Hence the ability to understand and predict the evolution of retrogressive landslides is crucial for the purpose of hazard mitigation. This paper discusses the phenomenon of a retrogressive landslide by using a model experiment and suggests a reasonably simplified numerical approach for the prediction of rainfall-induced retrogressive landslides. The simplified numerical approach, which combines the finite element method for seepage analysis, the shear strength reduction finite element method, and the analysis criterion for the retrogression and accumulation effect, is presented and used to predict the characteristics of a retrogressive landslide. The results show that this numerical approach is capable of reasonably predicting the characteristics of retrogressive landslides under rainfall infiltration, particularly the magnitude of each landslide, the position of the slip surface, and the development processes of the retrogressive landslide. Therefore, this approach is expected to be a practical method for the mitigation of damage caused by rainfall-induced retrogressive landslides.入藏号: WOS:000383121400019语种: English文献类型: Article

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作 者 关键词 : retrogressive landslide; slope stability; landslide prediction; model experiment; numerical analysisKeyWords Plus: STABILITY ANALYSIS; SLOPE FAILURE; MODEL; EARTHQUAKE; MECHANISM; STRENGTH; SEEPAGE地址: [Lin Hungchou; Peng Jianbing] Changan Univ, Key Lab Western Geol Resources & Geol Engn, Minist Educ, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Yu Yuzhen; Li Guangxin] Tsinghua Univ, State Key Lab Hydrosci & Engn, Beijing 100084, Peoples R China. [Yang Hua] Changan Univ, Sch Geol Engn & Geomat, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Lin, HC (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Key Lab Western Geol Resources & Geol Engn, Minist Educ, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: WILEY出版商地址: 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USAWeb of Science 类别: Geosciences, Multidisciplinary研究方向: GeologyIDS 号: DV7MWISSN: 1000-9515eISSN: 1755-672429 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ACTA GEOL SIN-ENGLISO 来源出版物缩写: Acta Geol. Sin.-Engl. Ed.来源出版物页码计数: 10

第 22 条标 题 : Phase Transformation Characteristics of Cu-Cr and Cu-Mo Binary Alloys during Mechanical Alloying(左可胜)作者 : Zuo, KS (Zuo Kesheng); Xi, SQ (Xi Shengqi); Zhou, JG (Zhou Jingen); Yang, XL (Yang Xiaoliang)来源出版物: RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING 卷: 45 期: 3 页: 662-666 出版年: MAR 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 1使用次数 (2013 年至今): 7引用的参考文献数: 15摘要 : Phase transformation of Cu-Cr and Cu-Mo alloyed powders of different constitutes was investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and TEM. Results show that Mo mainly dissolves in Cu lattice, and the solid solubility extension of Mo in Cu by mechanical alloying is limited. As Mo content increases, Cu grain size decreases, and the saturated amount of Mo in Cu increases. Amorphous phase appears in the Cu-80%Mo alloyed powder. Cu-Cr solid solution belongs to nano grain boundary solution. The alloyed product of Cu-50wt%Cr is affected by milling intensity. Cu nano crystallites and Cr oxides are formed with high milling intensity.入藏号: WOS:000373754600023语种: Chinese

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文献类型: Article作者关键词: mechanical alloying; phase transformation; XRD; Cu-Cr; Cu-MoKeyWords Plus: POWDERS地址: [Zuo Kesheng; Yang Xiaoliang] Changan Univ, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Zuo Kesheng; Xi Shengqi; Zhou Jingen] Xi An Jiao Tong Univ, State Key Lab Mech Behav Mat, Xian 710049, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Xi, SQ (通讯作者),Xi An Jiao Tong Univ, State Key Lab Mech Behav Mat, Xian 710049, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: NORTHWEST INST NONFERROUS METAL RESEARCH出 版商地址 : C/O RARE METAL MATERIAL ENGINEERING PRESS, PO BOX 51, XIAN, SHAANXI 710016, PEOPLES R CHINAWeb of Science 类 别 : Materials Science, Multidisciplinary; Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering研究方向: Materials Science; Metallurgy & Metallurgical EngineeringIDS 号: DI8MHISSN: 1002-185X29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: RARE METAL MAT ENGISO 来源出版物缩写: Rare Metal Mat. Eng.来源出版物页码计数: 5

建筑工程学院第 1 条标题: Interfacial tensile bond behavior of permeable polymer mortar to concrete(黄华)作者: Huang, H (Huang, Hua); Liu, BQ (Liu, Boquan); Xi, KL (Xi, Kailin); Wu, T (Wu, Tao)来源出版物 : CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 卷: 121 页: 210-221 DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.05.149 出版年: SEP 15 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 2被引频次合计: 2使用次数 (最近 180 天): 7使用次数 (2013 年至今): 18引用的参考文献数: 27摘要 : Permeable polymer mortar (PPM), in combination with high-strength stainless steel wire mesh, can be widely used to reinforce and repair concrete structures. However, debonding failure of reinforcing layer is one of the major failure modes for these reinforced structures. Therefore, a systematic study on the interfacial tensile bond behavior of PPM to concrete was conducted, and the impact factors of bond strength were explored through the tensile bond strength (TBS) test. Results indicate that curing time, interface roughness, strength of concrete and mortar, and repair position are the major impact factors of bond behavior. The bond failure modes differ if the strength ratio of concrete and mortar, interface roughness, and repair positions are different. Calculation formulas for TBS are proposed in this paper based on the test data. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000380597900022

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语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: PPM; Concrete; TBS; Bond failure mode; Curing time; Interface roughnessKeyWords Plus: OLD CONCRETE; SUBSTRATE; STRENGTH; COMPOSITE; OVERLAYS; REPAIRS; SURFACE地址 : [Huang, Hua; Liu, Boquan; Xi, Kailin; Wu, Tao] Changan Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Xian 710061, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Xi, KL (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Xian 710061, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别 : Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering; Materials ScienceIDS 号: DS2KHISSN: 0950-0618eISSN: 1879-052629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: CONSTR BUILD MATERISO 来源出版物缩写: Constr. Build. Mater.来源出版物页码计数: 12

第 2 条标题 : Calculation of Axial Compression Capacity for Square Columns Strengthened with HPFL and BSP(黄华)作者: Huang, H (Huang, Hua); Xi, KL (Xi, Kailin); Zhang, Y (Zhang, Yu); Shi, JH (Shi, Jinghui); Liu, BQ (Liu, Boquan)来源出版物: ADVANCES IN MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 文献号: 4175630 DOI: 10.1155/2016/4175630 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 1使用次数 (2013 年至今): 2引用的参考文献数: 29摘要 : The load carrying capacity and failure mechanism of 8 square columns strengthened with high-performance ferrocement laminate (HPFL) and bonded steel plates (BSP) were analyzed on the basis of experiments on the axial compression performance of these columns. Results show that the reinforcing layer worked together with the original columns as a whole, and the load-bearing capacity significantly increased. When failure of the strengthened column occurred, the mortar and concrete were crushed and bulged outward in the middle of the columns, the angle bars and longitudinal steel bars buckled, and some stirrups were pulled out. The chamfering of angle bar momentously affected the primary damage of steel strand. The values of the strength reduction factor and pressure effective utilization coefficient of the mortar were suggested. Based on the

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experiments and existing tests of 35 columns strengthened with HPFL, equations for the axial compression bearing capacity were proposed and all calculation results agreed well with testing results. Therefore, the calculation method could be used in the capacity design of axial compression strengthened columns.入藏号: WOS:000374005200001语种: English文献类型: ArticleKeyWords Plus: FERROCEMENT; CONCRETE; BEHAVIOR地址 : [Huang, Hua; Xi, Kailin; Zhang, Yu; Shi, Jinghui; Liu, Boquan] Changan Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Xian 710061, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Xi, KL (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Xian 710061, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: HINDAWI PUBLISHING CORP出版商地址: 410 PARK AVENUE, 15TH FLOOR, #287 PMB, NEW YORK, NY 10022 USAWeb of Science 类别: Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Materials ScienceIDS 号: DJ2ADISSN: 1687-8434eISSN: 1687-844229 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ADV MATER SCI ENGISO 来源出版物缩写: Adv. Mater. Sci. Eng.来源出版物页码计数: 11

第 3 条标题 : REFLECTOR WIND LOAD CHARACTERISTICS OF THE LARGE ALL-MOVABLE ANTENNA AND ITS EFFECT ON REFLECTOR SURFACE PRECISION(刘岩)作者: Liu, Y (Liu, Yan); Qian, HL (Qian, Hong-liang); Fan, F (Fan, Feng)来 源 出 版 物 : Advanced Steel Construction 卷 : 12 期 : 4 页 : 380-409 DOI: 10.18057/IJASC.2016.12.4.2 出版年: DEC 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 3使用次数 (2013 年至今): 3引用的参考文献数: 18摘要 : The wind load could cause the deformation of the reflector surface, seriously affect the resolution and the sensitivity of the antenna and degrade its performance. So the analysis of the wind characteristics of the reflector surface is particularly important. For one thing, the wind loads acting on an open parabolic reflector, as a commonly used type of reflector (F/D=0.3), are obtained by the wind tunnel test and CFD technique and wind characters of the parabolic reflector are revealed. Wind-induced dynamic behaviors under different upwind profiles are also analyzed by the finite element method (FEM). After that based on the numerical simulation, a large number of different kinds of reflectors are researched and analyzed and the results for different diameters, focal length to diameter ratios are acquired to provide sufficient information for wind force

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proofing design of the antenna structures. Finally, taking the established 110m antenna structure as the example and based on the instantaneous pressures derived from the wind tunnel tests, the mechanic performances of the structure at the survival wind speed and working speed are respectively investigated, and consequently the reliability of its mechanic performance is evaluated. The surface RMS of structural responses under various wind loads conditions and internal mechanisms are finally discussed to provide valuable data for the deformation control of the actuators in further work.入藏号: WOS:000392941800002语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词 : Antenna structure; wind tunnel test; numerical simulation; wind-induced vibration response; wind force proofing designKeyWords Plus: BOUNDARY-LAYER; PRESSURE地址: [Liu, Yan] Changan Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Xian 710061, Peoples R China. [Qian, Hong-liang; Fan, Feng] Harbin Inst Technol, Sch Civil Engn, Harbin 150090, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Liu, Y (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Xian 710061, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: HONG KONG INST STEEL CONSTRUCTION出版商地址: HONG KONG POLYTECHNIC UNIV, DEPT CIVIL & STRUCTURAL ENGNG, HUNGHOM KOWLOON, HONG KONG 00000, PEOPLES R CHINAWeb of Science 类别 : Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil; Materials Science, Characterization & Testing研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering; Materials ScienceIDS 号: EJ1AFISSN: 1816-112X29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ADV STEEL CONSTRISO 来源出版物缩写: Adv. Steel Constr.来源出版物页码计数: 30

第 4 条标 题 : Non-uniform Solar Temperature Field on Large Aperture, Fully-Steerable Telescope Structure(刘岩)作者: Liu, Y (Liu, Yan)来源出版物: JOURNAL OF ASTROPHYSICS AND ASTRONOMY 卷: 37 期: 3 文献号: 19 DOI: 10.1007/s12036-016-9396-7 出版年: SEP 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 3使用次数 (2013 年至今): 4引用的参考文献数: 21摘要: In this study, a 110-m fully steerable radio telescope was used as an analysis platform and the integral parametric finite element model of the antenna structure was built in the ANSYS

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thermal analysis module. The boundary conditions of periodic air temperature, solar radiation, long-wave radiation shadows of the surrounding environment, etc. were computed at 30 min intervals under a cloudless sky on a summer day, i.e., worstcase climate conditions. The transient structural temperatures were then analyzed under a period of several days of sunshine with a rational initial structural temperature distribution until the whole set of structural temperatures converged to the results obtained the day before. The non-uniform temperature field distribution of the entire structure and the main reflector surface RMS were acquired according to changes in pitch and azimuth angle over the observation period. Variations in the solar cooker effect over time and spatial distributions in the secondary reflector were observed to elucidate the mechanism of the effect. The results presented here not only provide valuable realtime data for the design, construction, sensor arrangement and thermal deformation control of actuators but also provide a troubleshooting reference for existing actuators.入藏号: WOS:000384550400004语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Fully-steerable radio telescope; non-uniform temperature field; solar cooker effect; thermal deformationKeyWords Plus: MODELS地址: [Liu, Yan] Changan Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Xian 710061, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Liu, Y (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Xian 710061, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: INDIAN ACAD SCIENCES出版商地址 : C V RAMAN AVENUE, SADASHIVANAGAR, P B #8005, BANGALORE 560 080, INDIAWeb of Science 类别: Astronomy & Astrophysics研究方向: Astronomy & AstrophysicsIDS 号: DX7EWISSN: 0250-6335eISSN: 0973-775829 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J ASTROPHYS ASTRONISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Astrophys. Astron.来源出版物页码计数: 21

第 5 条标题 : Evaluation of Damage in Concrete Suffered Freeze-Thaw Cycles by CT Technique (田威)作者: Tian, W (Tian, Wei); Han, N (Han, Nv)来源出版物 : JOURNAL OF ADVANCED CONCRETE TECHNOLOGY 卷 : 14 期: 11 页 : 679-690 DOI: 10.3151/jact.14.679 出版年: NOV 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 13使用次数 (2013 年至今): 13

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引用的参考文献数: 19摘要 : The evolution and spatial distribution of internal random pore structure are key factors in damage mechanism and macro-mechanical properties of concrete material under freeze-thaw (F-T) environment. This paper was presented to discover the deterioration mechanism of concrete under F-T actions. Through the experiment, visual examination was employed to evaluate the surface damage; the degradation considering the mass loss and uniaxial compressive strength of concrete was statistically analyzed under F-T environment. Moreover, X-ray tomography was adopted to characterize the concrete internal structure subjected to F-T cycles. The specimens exposed to F-T environment were scanned at regular intervals. Coupled with CT test, the pore space was characterized in terms of porosity and pore distribution by image analysis. And the relationship between the pore structure and the F-T cycles was described quantitatively by the fractal theory. The results indicated that the fractal dimension of the pore structure presented "down-up" trend with the number of F-T cycles increasing. The pore structure evolution changed from chaos to order and then to a process of disorder. The results demonstrated that F-T cycles accelerated the generation of meso-damage in concrete, which leads to more severe damage under F-T cycles.入藏号: WOS:000392176900002语种: English文献类型: ArticleKeyWords Plus: TEMPERATURES; RESISTANCE地址: [Tian, Wei; Han, Nv] Changan Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Xian, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Tian, W (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Xian, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: JAPAN CONCRETE INST出 版商地址 : SOGO HANZOMON BLDG 12F, NO 7, KOJIMACHI 1-CHOME, CHIYODA-KU, TOKYO 102-0083, JAPANWeb of Science 类别 : Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering; Materials ScienceIDS 号: EI0PQISSN: 1346-8014eISSN: 1347-391329 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J ADV CONCR TECHNOLISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Adv. Concr. Technol.来源出版物页码计数: 12

第 6 条标题 : Seismic behavior of steel frames with replaceable reinforced concrete wall panels (吴函恒)作者: Wu, HH (Wu, Hanheng); Zhou, TH (Zhou, Tianhua); Liao, FF (Liao, Fangfang); Lv, J (Lv, Jing)来源出版物: STEEL AND COMPOSITE STRUCTURES 卷: 22 期: 5 页: 1055-1071 DOI: 10.12989/scs.2016.22.5.1055 出版年: DEC 10 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0

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被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 7使用次数 (2013 年至今): 7引用的参考文献数: 27摘要 : The paper presents an innovative steel moment frame with the replaceable reinforced concrete wall panel (SRW) structural system, in which the replaceable concrete wall can play a role to increase the overall lateral stiffness of the frame system. Two full scale specimens composed of the steel frames and the replaceable reinforced concrete wall panels were tested under the cyclic horizontal load. The failure mode, load-displacement response, deformability, and the energy dissipation capacity of SRW specimens were investigated. Test results show that the two-stage failure mode is characterized by the sequential failure process of the replaceable RC wall panel and the steel moment frame. It can be found that the replaceable RC wall panels damage at the lateral drift ratio greater than 0.5%. After the replacement of a new RC wall panel, the new specimen maintained the similar capacity of resisting lateral load as the previous one. The decrease of the bearing capacity was presented between the two stages because of the connection failure on the top of the replaceable RC wall panel. With the increase of the lateral drift, the percentage of the lateral force and the overturning moment resisted by the wall panel decreased for the reason of the reduction of its lateral stiffness. After the failure of the wall panel, the steel moment frame shared almost all the lateral force and the overturning moment.入藏号: WOS:000391138000006语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: steel moment frame; replaceable wall panel; cyclic test; seismic behavior; two-stage failureKeyWords Plus: PLATE SHEAR WALL; INFILL WALLS; CONNECTIONS; SYSTEMS; DESIGN; STUDS; BEAMS地址 : [Wu, Hanheng; Zhou, Tianhua; Liao, Fangfang; Lv, Jing] Changan Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Xian 710061, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Wu, HH (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Xian 710061, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: TECHNO-PRESS出版商地址: PO BOX 33, YUSEONG, DAEJEON 305-600, SOUTH KOREAWeb of Science 类别 : Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil; Materials Science, Composites研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering; Materials ScienceIDS 号: EG6ETISSN: 1229-9367eISSN: 1598-623329 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: STEEL COMPOS STRUCTISO 来源出版物缩写: Steel Compos. Struct.来源出版物页码计数: 17

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标题: Factors influencing the mechanical properties of lightweight aggregate concrete(吴涛)作者: Wu, T (Wu, Tao); Wei, H (Wei, Hui); Liu, X (Liu, Xi); Xing, GH (Xing, Guohua)来源出版物: INDIAN JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND MATERIALS SCIENCES 卷: 23 期: 5 页: 301-311 出版年: OCT 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 0使用次数 (2013 年至今): 0引用的参考文献数: 35摘要: This paper presents an experimental study evaluating the mechanical properties, particularly the compressive strength, tensile strength, bulk density and elastic modulus, of lightweight concrete with three types of aggregates, i.e., expanded clay, sintered fly ash and expanded shale. The effects of aggregate types, volumetric fly ash content and water-cement ratio on the mechanical properties of lightweight aggregate concrete (LWAC) are discussed in this paper. The fly ash content ranged from 18% to 22% by cement volume, and the water-cement ratios are set to 0.3, 0.33 and 0.36 for each type of LWA. By utilizing the critical influencing parameters, including the water-cement ratio, cement strength, fly ash-cement content ratio, cylinder compressive strength and volume content of LWA, a generalized model for predicting the 28-day LWAC compressive strength was also proposed and compared with four other existing models. The test results showed that a higher strength of LWA and a decreased water-cement ratio resulted in improved mechanical performance, especially in terms of LWAC compressive strength. LWAC crack patterns are quite different from those of normal-weight concrete (NWC). However, for the high-strength lightweight aggregate concrete (HSLAC) proposed in this paper, the crack patterns based on the strength of LWAs is similar to that of mortar matrix, which indicates that each concrete phase is functioning adequately. The proposed 28-day compressive strength predicting model for LWAC is verified, resulting in good agreement with test results, and can be accurately used in design of building or bridge structures.入藏号: WOS:000406728000001语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Lightweight aggregate concrete; Mechanical properties; Mixture proportions; Influence factors; Compressive strengthKeyWords Plus: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH; COARSE AGGREGATE; DURABILITY; MODEL; SHAPE地址: [Wu, Tao; Wei, Hui; Liu, Xi; Xing, Guohua] Changan Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Xian 710061, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Xing, GH (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Xian 710061, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: NATL INST SCIENCE COMMUNICATION-NISCAIR出版商地址: DR K S KRISHNAN MARG, PUSA CAMPUS, NEW DELHI 110 012, INDIAWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Multidisciplinary; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Engineering; Materials ScienceIDS 号: FC3GV

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ISSN: 0971-4588eISSN: 0975-101729 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: INDIAN J ENG MATER SISO 来源出版物缩写: Indian J. Eng. Mat. Sci.来源出版物页码计数: 11

第 8 条标题: Flexural performance of concrete beams reinforced with aluminum alloy bars(邢国华)作者: Xing, GH (Xing, Guohua); Ozbulut, OE (Ozbulut, Osman E.)来 源 出 版 物 : ENGINEERING STRUCTURES 卷 : 126 页 : 53-65 DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2016.07.032 出版年: NOV 1 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 14使用次数 (2013 年至今): 14引用的参考文献数: 34摘要: One of the main factors that lead to the deterioration of reinforced concrete structures is the corrosion of reinforcing steel. The aluminum alloy (AA) bars, which have favorable characteristics such as good ductility, low specific weight, good corrosion resistance, and recyclability, can be used as an alternative to steel reinforcement to increase service life of concrete structures. This study investigates the feasibility and performance of AA reinforced concrete beams. A total of nine specimens reinforced with AA bars and two specimens reinforced with plain steel bars, which serve as benchmark, were fabricated and tested under four-point bending up to failure. The longitudinal reinforcement ratio and the concrete strength were the main test variables for the specimens. The load-deflection curves, failure modes, crack patterns, crack width, and reinforcement strains were evaluated and discussed for each specimen. A modified section analysis and a strut-and-tie model were used to predict the load carrying capacities of AA reinforced beams for flexural and shear failure modes. The results indicate that the AA bars, if properly treated, can be utilized as reinforcement in concrete beam with satisfactory performance. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000384861500005语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Aluminum alloys; Concrete structures; Reinforcement; Flexural response; BeamsKeyWords Plus: CORROSION BEHAVIOR; FRP BARS; STRENGTH; MEMBERS; REBARS; BOND地址: [Xing, Guohua] Changan Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Xian, Peoples R China. [Ozbulut, Osman E.] Univ Virginia, Dept Civil & Environm Engn, Charlottesville, VA 22904 USA.通讯作 者 地址 : Ozbulut, OE (通讯作 者 ),Univ Virginia, Dept Civil & Environm Engn, Charlottesville, VA 22904 USA.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB,

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OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Civil研究方向: EngineeringIDS 号: DY1NKISSN: 0141-0296eISSN: 1873-732329 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ENG STRUCTISO 来源出版物缩写: Eng. Struct.来源出版物页码计数: 13

第 9 条标题 : Performance-Based Plastic Design Method for Steel Concentrically Braced Frames Using Target Drift and Yield Mechanism(熊二刚)作者: Xiong, EG (Xiong, Er-Gang); He, H (He, Han); Cui, FF (Cui, Fei-Fei); Bai, L (Bai, Liang)来源出版物: PERIODICA POLYTECHNICA-CIVIL ENGINEERING 卷: 60 期: 1 页: 127-134 DOI: 10.3311/PPci.7383 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 1使用次数 (2013 年至今): 7引用的参考文献数: 15摘要: Under severe earthquakes, steel concentrically braced frames (SCBFs) will experience large inelastic deformations in an uncontrolled manner. According to the energy-work balance concept, a performance-based plastic design (PBPD) methodology for steel concentrically braced frames was presented here. This method uses pre-selected target drift and yield mechanism as key performance limit states. The designed base shear for selected hazard levels was derived based on work-energy balance equations. Plastic design was performed to design bracing members and connection nodes in order to achieve the expected yield mechanism and behavior. The method has been successively applied to design a six-storey steel concentrically braced frame. Results of inelastic dynamic analyses showed that the story drifts were well within the target values, thus to meet the desired performance requirements. The proposed method provided a basis for performance-based plastic design of steel concentrically braced frames.入藏号: WOS:000372318400015语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: PBPD; steel concentrically braced frames; target drift; yielding mechanism; work-energy balance concept地址: [Xiong, Er-Gang; He, Han; Cui, Fei-Fei; Bai, Liang] Changan Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Xian 710061, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Xiong, EG (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Xian 710061, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: BUDAPEST UNIV TECHNOLOGY ECONOMICS出 版商地址 : PERIODICA POLYTECHNICA CIVIL ENGINEERING, BUDAPEST, 1521,

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HUNGARYWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Civil研究方向: EngineeringIDS 号: DG8FMISSN: 0553-662629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: PERIOD POLYTECH-CIVISO 来源出版物缩写: Period. Polytech.-Civ. Eng.来源出版物页码计数: 8

第 10 条标题 : Overturning Stability of a Rigid Retaining Wall for Foundation Pits in Unsaturated Soils(张常光)作者: Zhang, CG (Zhang, Changguang); Chen, XD (Chen, Xindong); Fan, W (Fan, Wen)来源出版物 : INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMECHANICS 卷 : 16 期 : 4 文献号 : 06015013 DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.0000613 出版年: AUG 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 16使用次数 (2013 年至今): 23引用的参考文献数: 13摘 要 : The soils surrounding foundation pits are commonly unsaturated, but routine anti-overturning calculations of retaining walls are conducted assuming saturated soil mechanics. The primary objective of this paper is to present a simple method for the anti-overturning design of a rigid retaining wall for foundation pits in unsaturated soils. The earth pressure of the Rankine theory for unsaturated soils is adopted to derive the resisting and driving moments with respect to the toe of the retaining wall. The closed-form equations of embedment depth are derived with two different distributions of matric suction. The obtained result is easy to use and has wide applicability and excellent extensibility by considering comprehensive effects from many factors. The validity of the proposed simple method is demonstrated by comparing it with a lower bound solution. Engineering application procedures for this simple method are detailed, and parametric studies about a new defined overturning buried coefficient are discussed. It is found in this paper that the anti-overturning design ignoring matric suction is too conservative; the overturning buried coefficient is significantly influenced by matric suction and its distribution, the suction angle, and effective shear strength.入藏号: WOS:000381041200018语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Unsaturated soils; Rigid retaining walls; Foundation pits; Overturning stability; Embedment depth; Matric suction地址: [Zhang, Changguang] Changan Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Xian 710061, Peoples R China. [Chen, Xindong] Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Fan, Wen] Changan Univ, Sch Geol Engn & Geomat, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Zhang, CG (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Xian 710061, Peoples R China.

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电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: ASCE-AMER SOC CIVIL ENGINEERS出版商地址: 1801 ALEXANDER BELL DR, RESTON, VA 20191-4400 USAWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Geological研究方向: EngineeringIDS 号: DS8NXISSN: 1532-3641eISSN: 1943-562229 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: INT J GEOMECHISO 来源出版物缩写: Int. J. Geomech.来源出版物页码计数: 11

第 11 条标题: Critical embedment depth of a rigid retaining wall against overturning in unsaturated soils considering intermediate principal stress and strength nonlinearity(张常光)作者: Zhang, CG (Zhang Chang-guang); Chen, XD (Chen Xin-dong); Fan, W (Fan Wen)来源出版物 : JOURNAL OF CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY 卷 : 23 期 : 4 页 : 944-954 DOI: 10.1007/s11771-016-3142-9 出版年: APR 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 2使用次数 (2013 年至今): 3引用的参考文献数: 26摘要: The overturning stability is vital for the retaining wall design of foundation pits, where the surrounding soils are usually unsaturated due to water draining. Moreover, the intermediate principal stress does affect the unsaturated soil strength; meanwhile, the relationship between the unsaturated soil strength and matric suction is nonlinear. This work is to present closed-form equations of critical embedment depth for a rigid retaining wall against overturning by means of moment equilibrium. Matric suction is considered to be distributed uniformly and linearly with depth. The unified shear strength formulation for unsaturated soils under the plane strain condition is adopted to characterize the intermediate principal stress effect, and strength nonlinearity is described by a hyperbolic model of suction angle. The result obtained is orderly series solutions rather than one specific answer; thus, it has wide theoretical significance and good applicability. The validity of this present work is demonstrated by comparing it with a lower bound solution. The traditional overturning designs for rigid retaining walls, in which the saturated soil mechanics neglecting matric suction or the unsaturated soil mechanics based on the Mohr-Coulomb criterion are employed, are special cases of the proposed result. Parametric studies about the intermediate principal stress, matric suction and its distributions along with two strength nonlinearity methods on a new defined critical buried coefficient are discussed.入藏号: WOS:000374460600022语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词 : unsaturated soils; retaining walls; overturning stability; critical embedment depth; intermediate principal stress; strength nonlinearity

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KeyWords Plus: SHEAR-STRENGTH; BEHAVIOR; STABILITY; MODEL地址: [Zhang Chang-guang] Changan Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Xian 710061, Peoples R China. [Chen Xin-dong] Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Fan Wen] Changan Univ, Sch Geol Engn & Geomat, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Zhang, CG (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Xian 710061, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: JOURNAL OF CENTRAL SOUTH UNIV TECHNOLOGY出版商地址: EDITORIAL OFFICE, CHANGSHA, HUNAN 410083, PEOPLES R CHINAWeb of Science 类别: Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering研究方向: Metallurgy & Metallurgical EngineeringIDS 号: DJ8KGISSN: 2095-2899eISSN: 1993-066629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J CENT SOUTH UNIVISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Cent. South Univ.来源出版物页码计数: 11

第 12 条标题: Elastic-Brittle-Plastic Analysis of Double-Layered Combined Thick-Walled Cylinder Under Internal Pressure(朱倩)作者: Zhu, Q (Zhu, Qian); Zhao, JH (Zhao, Junhai); Zhang, CG (Zhang, Changguang); Li, Y (Li, Yan); Wang, S (Wang, Su)来源出版物: JOURNAL OF PRESSURE VESSEL TECHNOLOGY-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME 卷: 138 期: 1 文献号: 011201 DOI: 10.1115/1.4031078 出版年: FEB 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 2使用次数 (2013 年至今): 7引用的参考文献数: 22摘要 : The elastic-brittle-plastic unified solutions of limit internal pressure are presented for double-layered combined thick-walled cylinder by the triple-shear unified strength criterion. The unified solutions obtained in this paper are especially versatile that can take into account of material brittle softening and intermediate principal stress quantitatively. The conventional existing elastic-perfectly plastic solutions, based on the Tresca yield criterion, Mises yield criterion, or twin-shear strength theory, can be categorized as special cases of the present unified solutions which can overcome their shortages. Parametric studies were carried out to evaluate the influences of various factors such as brittle softening parameter, strength theory parameter, cohesion, internal friction angle, and intermediate principal stress coefficient on the unified solutions. It is shown that proper choices of failure criterion, material behavior model, and brittle softening are significant in combined cylinder design. The new solutions can be naturally degraded to the existing formula and agree well with the results of the prevailing failure criteria. It is concluded that the unified solutions have an important practical value for the optimum design and engineering application of combined thick-walled cylinder.

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入藏号: WOS:000371732900002语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : unified solutions; combined thick-walled cylinder; elastic-brittle-plastic analysis; triple-shear unified strength criterion; intermediate principal stressKeyWords Plus: LIMIT LOAD地址 : [Zhu, Qian; Zhao, Junhai; Zhang, Changguang; Li, Yan; Wang, Su] Changan Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Xian 710061, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Zhu, Q (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Xian 710061, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电 子 邮 件 地 址 : [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: ASME出版商地址: TWO PARK AVE, NEW YORK, NY 10016-5990 USAWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Mechanical研究方向: EngineeringIDS 号: DG0DMISSN: 0094-9930eISSN: 1528-897829 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J PRESS VESS-T ASMEISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Press. Vessel Technol.-Trans. ASME来源出版物页码计数: 7

第 13 条标题: Assessing the integrity of steel structural components with stress raisers using the Theory of Critical Distances(李文超)作者: Li, WC (Li, Wenchao); Susmel, L (Susmel, Luca); Askes, H (Askes, Harm); Liao, FF (Liao, Fangfang); Zhou, TH (Zhou, Tianhua)来 源 出 版 物 : ENGINEERING FAILURE ANALYSIS 卷 : 70 页 : 73-89 DOI: 10.1016/j.engfailanal.2016.07.007 出版年: DEC 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 6使用次数 (2013 年至今): 11引用的参考文献数: 24摘 要 : This paper assesses and evaluates the detrimental effect of standard and complex geometrical features on the static strength of samples made of Q460 steel. The experimental results generated by testing four types of notched specimens were analyzed using the Theory of Critical Distances (TCD). The considered configurations included uniaxial tension tests on standard notched round bars and double-side U-notched flat plate specimens. In particular, our attention was focused on the fracture behavior of two specimens containing complex geometrical features subjected to pure-shear and tensile-shear local stress states. The common feature of these two notched specimens was that cracks were seen to initiate, within the material, away from the stress raisers, even though obvious stress concentrations existed at notch tip. The performed

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validation exercise confirms the accuracy and reliability of the linear-elastic TCD in estimating the fracture initiation position and static strength of standard notched round bars and double-side U-notched flat plate specimens. In the meantime, the linear-elastic method proposed in this paper can also be used as an effective approach to assess the fracture behavior of metallic components having complex geometry. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000387111200008语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Notches; Theory of Critical Distances; Static failure; Fracture; Structural steelKeyWords Plus: STATIC STRENGTH; COMBINED TENSION; NOTCHED SAMPLES; FATIGUE; FAILURES; BEHAVIOR; SPACE; MODEL地址 : [Li, Wenchao; Liao, Fangfang; Zhou, Tianhua] Changan Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Xian 710061, Shaanxi Provinc, Peoples R China. [Li, Wenchao; Susmel, Luca; Askes, Harm] Univ Sheffield, Dept Civil & Struct Engn, Mappin St, Sheffield S1 3JD, S Yorkshire, England.通讯作 者 地址 : Li, WC (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Xian 710061, Shaanxi Provinc, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Mechanical; Materials Science, Characterization & Testing研究方向: Engineering; Materials ScienceIDS 号: EB1KUISSN: 1350-6307eISSN: 1873-196129 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ENG FAIL ANALISO 来源出版物缩写: Eng. Fail. Anal.来源出版物页码计数: 17

第 14 条标题 : Experimental and analytical research on the hysteretic behavior of steel plate deep beams infill steel frame(徐莹璐)作者: Xu, YL (Xu, Yinglu); Zheng, H (Zheng, Hong); Ma, JP (Ma, Jiangping)来源出版物 : JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTIONAL STEEL RESEARCH 卷 : 127 页 : 66-76 DOI: 10.1016/j.jcsr.2016.07.028 出版年: DEC 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 8使用次数 (2013 年至今): 24引用的参考文献数: 29摘要: The aim of this paper is to experimentally and analytically evaluate the hysteretic behavior of steel plate deep beams infill steel frame. Three reduced-scale specimens subjected to cyclic loading have been tested and their responses measured and analyzed. The test results showed the

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good behavior of the steel plate deep beams infill steel frame, mainly improving the strength, stiffness, ductility and energy dissipation capacity of the steel frame. Then parametric studies, using a finite-element analysis program, were carried out to investigate the structural behavior with variations in: forms of stiffeners, height-width ratio a, height-thickness ratio beta, and the size of the column and beam. The numerical results indicate that the parameters of full stiffeners, including cruciform and bilateral stiffeners, alpha = 0.75, beta = 150 are reasonable for use in steel plate deep beams infill steel frame. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000383297700006语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词 : Steel frame; Steel plate deep beams; Experimental study; Finite element analysis; Hysteretic behaviorKeyWords Plus: SHEAR WALL地址: [Xu, Yinglu; Zheng, Hong] Changan Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Xian 710061, Peoples R China. [Ma, Jiangping] Xian Peihua Univ, Architectural & Civil Engn Inst, Xian 710125, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Xu, YL (通讯作者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Xian 710061, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; EngineeringIDS 号: DV9YIISSN: 0143-974XeISSN: 1873-598329 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J CONSTR STEEL RESISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Constr. Steel. Res.来源出版物页码计数: 11

第 15 条标题: Experimental Study on Hysteretic Behaviors of the Deep Beams Infilled Steel. Frame(徐莹璐)作者: Xu, YL (Xu, Yinglu); Zheng, H (Zheng, Hong); Song, JX (Song, Jinxu)来源出版物: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STEEL STRUCTURES 卷: 16 期: 3 页: 947-958 DOI: 10.1007/s13296-015-0187-9 出版年: SEP 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 1使用次数 (2013 年至今): 5引用的参考文献数: 23摘要 : This paper proposes a new type of composite deep beams infilled steel frame. An experimental study of a series of seven specimens was conducted to investigate the structural

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behavior and performance of deep beams infilled steel frame. One was a pure steel frame (PF), and six other were deep beams infilled steel frame, consisting of two steel plate deep beams infilled steel frame (SDBF), two reinforced concrete deep beams infilled steel frame (RDBF), and two composite deep beams infilled steel frame (CDBF) with different span-height ratio. The cyclic loading experimental results indicate that deep beams infilled steel frame significantly increased the initial stiffness, carrying capacity, ductility and energy dissipation capacity. Deep beans can be used as the first defense line to dissipate energy when an earthquake occurs, then the steel frames act as the second.入藏号: WOS:000384036400025语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: experimental study; deep beams; steel frame; hysteretic behavior; cyclic loadingKeyWords Plus: SHEAR WALLS; STRENGTH地址: [Xu, Yinglu; Zheng, Hong] Changan Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Xian 710061, Peoples R China. [Song, Jinxu] Henan Xintian Real Estate Co Ltd, Zhengzhou 450002, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Xu, YL (通讯作者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Xian 710061, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: KOREAN SOC STEEL CONSTRUCTION-KSSC出版商地址: 106-18 MUNJUNG-DONG, SONGPA-KU, SEOUL, 138-200, SOUTH KOREAWeb of Science 类别: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; EngineeringIDS 号: DX0FEISSN: 1598-2351eISSN: 2093-631129 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: INT J STEEL STRUCTISO 来源出版物缩写: Int. J. Steel Struct.来源出版物页码计数: 12

第 16 条标题: Ductile fracture of Q460 steel: Effects of stress triaxiality and Lode angle(李文超)作者 : Li, WC (Li, Wenchao); Liao, FF (Liao, Fangfang); Zhou, TH (Zhou, Tianhua); Askes, H (Askes, Harm)来源出版物: JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTIONAL STEEL RESEARCH 卷: 123 页: 1-17 DOI: 10.1016/j.jcsr.2016.04.018 出版年: AUG 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 6使用次数 (2013 年至今): 22引用的参考文献数: 33摘要 : The ductile fracture characteristics of Chinese Q460 high strength structural steel under quasi-static condition were studied by using mechanical tests of four types of notched specimens. The influence of stress state on fracture mechanism of the material was investigated by observing the fracture surfaces of all test specimens using the Scanning Electron Microscope. Meanwhile,

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corresponding numerical simulations were conducted to collect the critical stress and strain at notch for all test specimens. The effects of stress triaxiality and Lode angle parameter, which were found to be the key parameters governing the ductile fracture of metallic material in many studies, on fracture strain of the Q460 structural steel were investigated. The analysis results show that different fracture mechanisms were observed in different stress triaxiality regions. At high stress triaxialities, Q460 steel exhibits a typical mechanism of "void nucleation, growth and coalescence". When stress triaxiality equals to zero, a shear fracture mechanism was observed. At low stress triaxiality values, fracture develops as a combination of shear and void growth modes. In addition, the ductility of Q460 structural steel under pure shear or plane strain is lower than that under axisymmetric tension, especially at low stress triaxiality. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000379631400001语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词 : Q460 high strength structural steel; Ductile fracture; Stress triaxiality; Lode angle parameter; Scanning electron microscopeKeyWords Plus: COMBINED TENSION; PREDICTION; MODEL; CRITERIA; RUPTURE; CONNECTIONS; MECHANISMS; STRENGTH; BEHAVIOR; STRAIN地址 : [Li, Wenchao; Liao, Fangfang; Zhou, Tianhua] Changan Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Xian 710061, Shaanxi Provinc, Peoples R China. [Askes, Harm] Univ Sheffield, Dept Civil & Struct Engn, Mappin St, Sheffield S1 3JD, S Yorkshire, England.通讯作 者 地址 : Liao, FF (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Xian 710061, Shaanxi Provinc, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; EngineeringIDS 号: DR0XYISSN: 0143-974XeISSN: 1873-598329 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J CONSTR STEEL RESISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Constr. Steel. Res.来源出版物页码计数: 17

第 17 条标题 : BIM and Sustainability Education: Incorporating Instructional Needs into Curriculum Planning in CEM Programs Accredited by ACCE(张静晓)作者: Zhang, JX (Zhang, Jingxiao); Schmidt, K (Schmidt, Klaus); Li, H (Li, Hui)来源出版物: SUSTAINABILITY 卷: 8 期: 6 文献号: 525 DOI: 10.3390/su8060525 出版年: JUN 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 2

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被引频次合计: 2使用次数 (最近 180 天): 14使用次数 (2013 年至今): 37引用的参考文献数: 76摘要: Higher education ought to support the identification of training needs for industrial building information modelling (BIM) curriculum development and sustainability education in the fields of civil engineering and management (CEM). This paper proposes a framework based on a four-phase step-by-step quality function deployment (QFD) application for CEM curriculum planning and quality management. The framework attempts to respond to requests collected from 17 professionals and professors in order to integrate BIM into the higher education curriculum in China with a specific focus on construction management programs accredited by the American Council for Construction Education (ACCE). The entropy method and a K1-K6 scale adapted from Bloom's revised cognitive process were employed to evaluate the CEM curriculum in QFD. The proposed framework was successfully applied to CEM curriculum planning, which included two curriculums of the four main knowledge areas provided by the Chinese CEM guidelines: construction cost and flow construction. Two curriculum areas showed that content should focus on knowledge such as (a) Program evaluation and review technique(PERT) planning; (b) construction optimization in flow construction; (c) principles of bill of quantities and (d) construction consumption in construction costs. As for teaching quality management in China, the higher education curriculum should focus on three aspects to promote curriculum integration: (a) pedagogical design; (b) teaching resource and material and (c) curriculum assessment. This research sheds light on the pedagogical shift to a similar context that has established guidelines accredited by the ACCE, with respect to reviewing curriculum planning from a knowledge system perspective in order to meet industrial demands at the operational level.入藏号: WOS:000378776800022语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: education for sustainability; building information modelling (BIM); BIM capability; civil engineering and management (CEM); quality function deployment (QFD); curriculum planning; entropy methodKeyWords Plus: QUALITY FUNCTION DEPLOYMENT; DESIGN; CONSTRUCTION; QFD; STUDENTS; SYSTEMS; METHODOLOGY; INDUSTRY地址: [Zhang, Jingxiao; Li, Hui] Changan Univ, Sch Civil Engn, 161 Changan Rd, Xian 710061, Peoples R China. [Zhang, Jingxiao] Xian Fanyi Univ, Coll Engn & Technol, 161 Taiyigong Rd, Xian 710105, Peoples R China. [Schmidt, Klaus] Illinois State Univ, Dept Technol, Normal, IL 61790 USA.通讯作者地址: Zhang, JX; Li, H (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Civil Engn, 161 Changan Rd, Xian 710061, Peoples R China.Zhang, JX (通讯作者),Xian Fanyi Univ, Coll Engn & Technol, 161 Taiyigong Rd, Xian 710105, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: MDPI AG出版商地址: POSTFACH, CH-4005 BASEL, SWITZERLAND

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Web of Science 类别: GREEN & SUSTAINABLE SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY; Environmental Sciences; Environmental Studies研究方向: Science & Technology - Other Topics; Environmental Sciences & EcologyIDS 号: DP8VUISSN: 2071-105029 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: SUSTAINABILITY-BASELISO 来源出版物缩写: Sustainability来源出版物页码计数: 32

第 18 条标题 : An Integrated Diagnostic Framework to Manage Organization Sustainable Growth: An Empirical Case(张静晓)作者: Zhang, JX (Zhang, Jingxiao); Schmidt, K (Schmidt, Klaus); Li, H (Li, Hui)来源出版物: SUSTAINABILITY 卷: 8 期: 4 文献号: 301 DOI: 10.3390/su8040301 出版年: APR 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 7使用次数 (2013 年至今): 16引用的参考文献数: 88摘要 : This research aims to develop a quantitative diagnostic framework by combining the Weisbord six-box model with the growth management model to focus on an organization's internally driven sustainable management system. The research adopted an instrument developed by Preziosi and an extended Weisbord six-box model. The research employed a survey to collect 180 samples in a Chinese petrol company and applied the comparative method: (a) the average score method; and (b) the entropy method to confirm the growth level of the company. The survey also attempted to identify corresponding top growth influence factors using the obstacle degree formula. The results showed that the integrated diagnostic framework worked well to diagnose a regional but large Chinese petroleum company. In other words, the research successfully quantified the growth position and top influence factors and helped put forward specific suggestions to drive the organization of sustainable development. The method confirmed this organization during the fourth phase of five phases. In addition, top influence factors hindering the internal growth were (a) the lack of task engagement with energy and time; (b) the lack of personal work units; and (c) a poor division of labor for reaching sustainable growth rates. The research provides a generic theoretical framework support to incorporate growth management models into an organizational diagnosis to obtain sustainable growth. It further highlights and practices guidelines in examining actual growth management levels in companies and discusses top influence factors to design efficient management systems to pursue organizational growth in a multitude of industrial contexts.入藏号: WOS:000375155800011语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: integrated diagnostic framework; organizational diagnosis; change management for sustainability; organizational growth management; entropy method

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KeyWords Plus: ENTERPRISE; STRATEGIES; LEADERSHIP; INNOVATION; ATTITUDES; REWARDS; WORK地址: [Zhang, Jingxiao; Li, Hui] Changan Univ, Sch Civil Engn, 161 Changan Rd, Xian 710061, Peoples R China. [Schmidt, Klaus] Illinois State Univ, Dept Technol, Normal, IL 61790 USA.通讯作者地址: Zhang, JX; Li, H (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Civil Engn, 161 Changan Rd, Xian 710061, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: MDPI AG出版商地址: ST ALBAN-ANLAGE 66, CH-4052 BASEL, SWITZERLANDWeb of Science 类别: GREEN & SUSTAINABLE SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY; Environmental Sciences; Environmental Studies研究方向: Science & Technology - Other Topics; Environmental Sciences & EcologyIDS 号: DK8CWISSN: 2071-105029 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: SUSTAINABILITY-BASELISO 来源出版物缩写: Sustainability来源出版物页码计数: 23

第 19 条标题: Experimental and Stress-Strain Equation Investigation on Compressive Strength of Raw and Modified Soil in Loess Plateau(作者中文名?)作者: Zhang, YC (Zhang, Youchao); Wang, YH (Wang, Yihong); Zhao, NN (Zhao, Nana); Wang, TY (Wang, Tianya)来源出版物: ADVANCES IN MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 文献号: 2681038 DOI: 10.1155/2016/2681038 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 1使用次数 (2013 年至今): 1引用的参考文献数: 16摘要 : As a special kind of soil is widely distributed in Loess Plateau of northwest China, it is difficult to use for growing crops and has poor structural property. According to local arid climate, the best utilization of the soil is as earthen construction material and it has been used for thousands of years. To research and improve themechanical properties, the study investigates the response of soil with cement, lime, sand, and straw as admixtures to compressive loading. The influence on compressive strength and ductility of additives in different proportions is compared and analysed. Theexperimental data is also used for the formulation of dimensionless and generalized models describing the raw soil andmodified soil's full stress-strain response. Themodels can be applied to soil and modified soil in Loess Plateau with variable strength and deformation characteristics and therefore may be exploited for earthen construction design and nonlinear structural analyses.入藏号: WOS:000392083400001语种: English文献类型: Article

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KeyWords Plus: EARTH BLOCKS; BAGASSE ASH; MASONRY; BRICKS; CONSTRUCTION; MORTARS地址 : [Zhang, Youchao; Wang, Yihong; Zhao, Nana; Wang, Tianya] Changan Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Xian 710061, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Wang, YH (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Xian 710061, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: HINDAWI PUBLISHING CORP出版商地址: 315 MADISON AVE 3RD FLR, STE 3070, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USAWeb of Science 类别: Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Materials ScienceIDS 号: EH9HWISSN: 1687-8434eISSN: 1687-844229 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ADV MATER SCI ENGISO 来源出版物缩写: Adv. Mater. Sci. Eng.来源出版物页码计数: 10

第 20 条标题 : Exploring the Cognitive Structure and Quality Elements: Building Information Modeling Education in Civil Engineering and Management(张静晓)作者: Zhang, JX (Zhang, Jingxiao); Xie, HY (Xie, Haiyan); Li, H (Li, Hui)来源出版物: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION 卷: 32 期: 4 特刊: SI 页: 1679-1690 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 3使用次数 (2013 年至今): 3引用的参考文献数: 25摘 要 : Undergraduate education in Building Information Modeling (BIM) area for Civil Engineering and Management (CEM) majors cultivates the students' abilities to handle the embedded context constraints, parametric modeling, and the corresponding education guidelines recommended by the assessment associations and agencies. This study focuses on the expected cognitive structure and the training contents of BIM education. The objective of this research is to design, implement, and adjust the subject areas of BIM courses to prepare students for the skills expected by job market. The authors studied the overlap of the scopes between undergraduate BIM education and the job market expectations on the skill structure of BIM abilities. The authors also reviewed the 2013 China Civil Engineering and Management Undergraduate Education Guideline (2013 CCEMUEG). Particularly, the authors developed the BIM cognitive structure concept and the unique, BIM-embedded, education knowledge tree in CEM major. To design the training contents, the authors adopted the Quality-Function-Development (QFD) house concept and its relationship principles, designed the knowledge units and knowledge points of 2013 CCEMUEG with the different corresponding encodings, constructed a path between BIM ability structure and CEM education, and performed the feasibility study of the implementation scheme.

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The research results include the blueprint of curriculum development and the knowledge framework showing the comparison of characteristics between BIM and 2013 CCEMUEG knowledge units and knowledge points. In conclusion, the research suggests that BIM education in CEM could be implemented in the whole undergraduate learning process, representing the life-span of construction/building projects. This research shines light on BIM education in CEM. Its analysis tool and knowledge tree will be a powerful revelation for the pedagogical design of BIM in undergraduate education.入藏号: WOS:000389147200014语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : engineering education; QFD house; knowledge tree; quality elements; civil engineering and management; BIMKeyWords Plus: STUDENTS; DESIGN; HOUSE; QFD地址: [Zhang, Jingxiao; Li, Hui] Changan Univ, Sch Civil Engn, 161 Changan Rd, Xian 710061, Peoples R China. [Zhang, Jingxiao] Xian FANYI Univ, 161 Taiyigong Rd, Xian 710105, Peoples R China. [Xie, Haiyan] Illinois State Univ, Dept Technol, Normal, IL 61790 USA.通讯作者地址: Zhang, JX (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Civil Engn, 161 Changan Rd, Xian 710061, Peoples R China.Zhang, JX (通讯作者),Xian FANYI Univ, 161 Taiyigong Rd, Xian 710105, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: TEMPUS PUBLICATIONS出版商地址: IJEE , ROSSMORE,, DURRUS, BANTRY, COUNTY CORK 00000, IRELANDWeb of Science 类别: Education, Scientific Disciplines; Engineering, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Education & Educational Research; EngineeringIDS 号: ED8UUISSN: 0949-149X29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: INT J ENG EDUCISO 来源出版物缩写: Int. J. Eng. Educ来源出版物页码计数: 12

第 21 条标题: A new mixed approach for modelling and assessing environmental influences to value co-creation in the construction industry(张静晓)作者: Zhang, JX (Zhang, Jingxiao); Schmidt, K (Schmidt, Klaus); Xie, HY (Xie, Haiyan); Li, H (Li, Hui)来源出版物: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH 卷: 54 期: 21 特刊: SI 页: 6548-6562 DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2016.1145818 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 4使用次数 (2013 年至今): 10引用的参考文献数: 44

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摘要 : This research studies closely related environmental forces that impact the growth of a company and their respective results of value co-creation in an enterprise (VCCE). With the purpose to coordinate environmental forces and VCCE, this paper presents an innovative mixed model (BP-FA-SD method) using expert grading method, BP neural network, factor analysis and system dynamics. In this BP-FA-SD method, environmental forces are categorised into economic force, cultural force and administrative force. The VCCE value space is mainly divided into social value, symbol value and product value. This research applies an expert grading method to assess the environmental forces of the selected cases, computes the synergy condition using the BP method, and implements the cluster analysis and SD simulation with the FA and SD methods correspondingly. The results of the BP-FA-SD method indicated the positive synchronisation of the development of enterprise forces in the selected construction companies. The findings would help enterprises to find the optimal development paths with synergistic outcomes from the internal and external factors. It further provides a new scheme of the system improvement of the VCCE time-to-performance with the momentum of environmental forces. The research presents a comprehensive instrument for fundamental reconsideration of environmental forces and their influences.入藏号: WOS:000385619700018语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : strategic development; environmental forces; value co-creation; construction enterprise; mixed approach; system dynamicsKeyWords Plus: ENTERPRISE SYSTEMS; PERFORMANCE; INNOVATION; MANAGEMENT; ORGANIZATIONS; PERSPECTIVE; TECHNOLOGY; LANGUAGE地址: [Zhang, Jingxiao; Li, Hui] Changan Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Xian, Peoples R China. [Schmidt, Klaus; Xie, Haiyan] Illinois State Univ, Dept Technol, Normal, IL 61761 USA.通讯作者地址: Zhang, JX (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Xian, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD出 版商地址 : 2-4 PARK SQUARE, MILTON PARK, ABINGDON OR14 4RN, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Industrial; Engineering, Manufacturing; Operations Research & Management Science研究方向: Engineering; Operations Research & Management ScienceIDS 号: DZ1SJISSN: 0020-7543eISSN: 1366-588X29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: INT J PROD RESISO 来源出版物缩写: Int. J. Prod. Res.来源出版物页码计数: 15

第 22 条标题 : A New Systematic Approach to Vulnerability Assessment of Innovation Capability of Construction Enterprises(张静晓)

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作者: Zhang, JX (Zhang, Jingxiao); Xie, HY (Xie, Haiyan); Schmidt, K (Schmidt, Klaus); Li, H (Li, Hui)来源出版物: SUSTAINABILITY 卷: 8 期: 1 文献号: 17 DOI: 10.3390/su8010017 出版年: JAN 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 12使用次数 (2013 年至今): 31引用的参考文献数: 118摘要 : The purpose of this research is to study the vulnerability of construction enterprises' innovation capabilities (CEIC) and their respective primary influencing factors. This paper proposed a vulnerability system framework of CEIC, designed two comprehensive assessments for analysis, namely the entropy and set pair analysis method (E-SPA) and the principle cluster analysis and SPA method (P-SPA), and compared grades to verify the vulnerability assessments. Further, the paper quantitatively assessed the major influencing factors in facilitating management, reducing vulnerability, and improving the ability of construction enterprises to respond to changes in the construction industry. The results showed that vulnerability could be effectively and systematically evaluated using E-SPA. However, managing or reducing entrepreneurial sensitivity and improving the ability to respond was critical to supporting sustainable CEIC. The case studies included in this paper suggested that in ensuring sustainable CEIC, companies should concentrate on highly educated human resources, R&D investments, intellectual property related innovations, and government support. This research provided a practical framework and established a sustainable strategy for companies to manage their vulnerability in developing innovation capability. In addition, this research presented an innovative and effective way to quantitatively analyze vulnerability which offered a foundation to signify a new paradigm shift in construction sustainable development.入藏号: WOS:000372456200017语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: construction enterprise; innovation capability; vulnerability assessment; innovation uncertainty; sustainable developmentKeyWords Plus: TECHNOLOGICAL CAPABILITY; COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE; CLIMATE-CHANGE; CO-CREATION; FIRMS; PERSPECTIVE; INDUSTRY; POLICY; COOPERATION; COUNTRIES地址 : [Zhang, Jingxiao; Li, Hui] Changan Univ, Inst Construct Econ, 161 Changan Rd, Xian 710061, Peoples R China. [Xie, Haiyan; Schmidt, Klaus] Illinois State Univ, Dept Technol, Normal, IL 61790 USA.通讯作者地址: Zhang, JX; Li, H (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Inst Construct Econ, 161 Changan Rd, Xian 710061, Peoples R China.电 子 邮 件 地 址 : [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: MDPI AG出版商地址: ST ALBAN-ANLAGE 66, CH-4052 BASEL, SWITZERLAND

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Web of Science 类 别 : GREEN & SUSTAINABLE SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY; Environmental Sciences; Environmental Studies研究方向: Science & Technology - Other Topics; Environmental Sciences & EcologyIDS 号: DH0EVISSN: 2071-105029 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: SUSTAINABILITY-BASELISO 来源出版物缩写: Sustainability来源出版物页码计数: 25

地质工程与测绘学院第 1 条标题 : Measuring the dimensionality of compact extra dimensions with inspiral gravitational waves from black-hole binaries(强丽娥)作者: Qiang, LE (Qiang, Li-E); Zhao, SH (Zhao, Shu Hong); Xu, P (Xu, Peng)来源出版物: EPL 卷: 116 期: 6 文献号: 60001 DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/116/60001 出版年: DEC 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 1使用次数 (2013 年至今): 1引用的参考文献数: 46摘要: Gravitational waves from coalescing black-hole binaries (BHBs) were recently observed by the advanced LIGO detectors. Based on the perturbation analysis, for general Kaluza-Klein theories with compact extra dimensions, we find a 1st-order post-Newtonian correction to the inspiral gravitational waveforms of black-hole binaries, that comes from the variations of the volume of the extra dimensions in near source zones. Such correction depends on a new parameter. chi = n/2+n with n the dimensionality of the extra space and it is irrelevant to the particular choice of the topology of the extra space. For the ideal case of a black-hole binary system following nearly circular orbital motion with almost equal or intermediate mass ratio, such higher-dimensional corrections to the chirping amplitude are worked out. Giving the power of tracing inspiral waves from coalescing massive BHBs with high signal-to-noise ratios, the planned space-borne antennas such as the eLISA and DECIGO may give us a measurement of the parameter. in the near future and may serve us as new probes in the searching for the evidence of the hidden compact dimensions. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2016入藏号: WOS:000393572000001语种: English文献类型: ArticleKeyWords Plus: HIGH-FREQUENCY; BRANE-WORLD; RADIATION; GRAVITY; REDUCTION; EVOLUTION; LIMIT; LAW地址: [Qiang, Li-E; Zhao, Shu Hong] Changan Univ, Sch Geol Engn & Geomat, Dept Geophys, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Xu, Peng] Chinese Acad Sci, Acad Math & Syst Sci, Inst Appl Math, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China.

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[Qiang, Li-E; Xu, Peng] Chinese Acad Sci, Morningside Ctr Math, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Xu, P (通讯作者 ),Chinese Acad Sci, Acad Math & Syst Sci, Inst Appl Math, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China.Xu, P (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Sci, Morningside Ctr Math, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: EPL ASSOCIATION, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY出版商地址: 6 RUE DES FRERES LUMIERE, MULHOUSE, 68200, FRANCEWeb of Science 类别: Physics, Multidisciplinary研究方向: PhysicsIDS 号: EJ9UGISSN: 0295-5075eISSN: 1286-485429 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: EPL-EUROPHYS LETTISO 来源出版物缩写: EPL来源出版物页码计数: 5

第 2 条标题: Investigation of ionospheric effects on SAR Interferometry (InSAR): A case study of Hong Kong(朱武)作 者 : Zhu, W (Zhu, Wu); Ding, XL (Ding, Xiao-Li); Jung, HS (Jung, Hyung-Sup); Zhang, Q (Zhang, Qin); Zhang, BC (Zhang, Bo-Chen); Qu, W (Qu, Wei)来 源 出 版物 : ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH 卷 : 58 期 : 4 页 : 564-576 DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2016.05.004 出版年: AUG 15 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 1使用次数 (2013 年至今): 7引用的参考文献数: 53摘要 : Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (InSAR) has demonstrated its potential for high-density spatial mapping of ground displacement associated with earthquakes, volcanoes, and other geologic processes. However, this technique may be affected by the ionosphere, which can result in the distortions of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images, phases, and polarization. Moreover, ionospheric effect has become and is becoming further significant with the increasing interest in low-frequency SAR systems, limiting the further development of InSAR technique. Although some research has been carried out, thorough analysis of ionospheric influence on true SAR imagery is still limited. Based on this background, this study performs a thorough investigation of ionospheric effect on InSAR through processing L-band ALOS-1/PALSAR-1 images and dual-frequency Global Positioning System (GPS) data over Hong Kong, where the phenomenon of ionospheric irregularities often occurs. The result shows that the small-scale ionospheric irregularities can cause the azimuth pixel shifts and phase advance errors on interferograms. Meanwhile, it is found that these two effects result in the stripe-shaped features in InSAR images. The direction of the stripe-shaped effects keep approximately constant in space for our InSAR dataset. Moreover, the GPS-derived rate of total electron content change index (ROTI), an index

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to reflect the level of ionospheric disturbances, may be a useful indicator for predicting the ionospheric effect for SAR images. This finding can help us evaluate the quality of SAR images when considering the ionospheric effect. (C) 2016 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000380417000010语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Interferometric SAR (InSAR); Global Positioning System (GPS); Ionosphere; Azimuth shiftKeyWords Plus: SATELLITE RADAR INTERFEROMETRY; SYNTHETIC-APERTURE RADAR; FARADAY-ROTATION; SYSTEMS; NETWORK; AREA地址: [Zhu, Wu; Zhang, Qin; Qu, Wei] Changan Univ, Sch Geol Engn & Geomat, Xian, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Ding, Xiao-Li; Zhang, Bo-Chen] Hong Kong Polytech Univ, Dept Land Surveying & Geoinformat, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Peoples R China. [Jung, Hyung-Sup] Univ Seoul, Dept Geoinformat, 90 Jeonnong Dong, Seoul 130743, South Korea. [Ding, Xiao-Li; Zhang, Bo-Chen] Hong Kong Polytech Univ, Dept Land Surveying & Geoinformat, Room ZS627, Kowloon, Hong Kong, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Zhu, W (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Geol Engn & Geomat, Xian, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电 子 邮 件 地 址 : [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Ding, Xiaoli K-4596-2013 0000-0002-5733-3629 ZHANG, Bochen 0000-0002-2350-2084 Jung, Hyung-Sup 0000-0003-2335-8438

出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Astronomy & Astrophysics; Geosciences, Multidisciplinary; Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences研究方向: Astronomy & Astrophysics; Geology; Meteorology & Atmospheric SciencesIDS 号: DS1WYISSN: 0273-1177eISSN: 1879-194829 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ADV SPACE RESISO 来源出版物缩写: Adv. Space Res.来源出版物页码计数: 13

第 3 条标题 : Application of fullbore formation microimager logging in the evaluation of anisotropic

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resistivity in a thin interbed reservoir(王飞)作者: Wang, F (Wang, Fei); Bian, HY (Bian, Hui-yuan); Gao, XH (Gao, Xu-hua); Pan, BZ (Pan, Bao-zhi)来源出版物: JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICS AND ENGINEERING 卷: 13 期: 4 页: 454-461 DOI: 10.1088/1742-2132/13/4/454 出版年: AUG 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 2使用次数 (2013 年至今): 4引用的参考文献数: 12摘要 : Oil and gas reserves in sand-shale thin interbeds are extensive, but it is a challenge to achieve satisfactory precision in the identification of these interbeds using traditional logging data. Phasor induction and three-component induction logging are appropriate tools for the identification of sand-shale interbeds. Unfortunately, phasor induction data are expensive and three-component induction logging is rarely used in major domestic oil fields. As a result, evaluation of sand-shale thin interbeds heavily depends on a traditional logging suite, general image logging, array lateral logging and array induction logging, and so on. In this paper, we investigate the sand-shale thin interbed region in the northern part of the Sulige field. We propose a comprehensive method of anisotropic evaluation which is based on the combination of wellbore microresistivity image logging (fullbore formation microimage (FMI)) and high-resolution array induction logging (HRLA), where HRLA can be used instead of a traditional logging suite or high-resolution array lateral logging. The proposed method works well in the evaluation of thin interbeds in the northern part of the Sulige field. In this paper, the combination of FMI and deep resistivity of HRLA is used. It should be noted that it is possible to use deep resistivity of conventional laterolog or array induction log instead of HRLA.入藏号: WOS:000384024600003语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : sand-shale thin interbeds; resistivity; anisotropy; wellbore microresistivity image logging; well logging地址: [Wang, Fei] Changan Univ, Coll Geol Engn & Geomat, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Bian, Hui-yuan] Xian Univ Sci & Technol, Coll Geol & Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Gao, Xu-hua] Stanford Univ, Dept Energy Resources Engn, Stanford, CA 94305 USA. [Pan, Bao-zhi] Jilin Univ, Coll Geoexplorat Sci & Technol, Changchun 130026, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Wang, F (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Coll Geol Engn & Geomat, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: IOP PUBLISHING LTD出版商地址: TEMPLE CIRCUS, TEMPLE WAY, BRISTOL BS1 6BE, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Geochemistry & Geophysics研究方向: Geochemistry & GeophysicsIDS 号: DX0ATISSN: 1742-2132eISSN: 1742-2140

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29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J GEOPHYS ENGISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Geophys. Eng.来源出版物页码计数: 8

第 4 条标题 : Characteristics of land subsidence, earth fissures and related disaster chain effects with respect to urban hazards in Xi'an, China(彭建兵)作者: Peng, JB (Peng, J. B.); Sun, XH (Sun, X. H.); Wang, W (Wang, W.); Sun, GC (Sun, G. C.)来源出版物 : ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES 卷 : 75 期 : 16 文献号 : 1190 DOI: 10.1007/s12665-016-5928-3 出版年: AUG 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 14使用次数 (2013 年至今): 25引用的参考文献数: 36摘要 : The ancient capital of Xi'an is a typical city in China with a shortage of water resources. With an urban population of 7 million, its domestic and industrial use of water depends almost entirely on groundwater. Large-scale long-term extraction of groundwater has caused severe land subsidence and triggered the reactivation of active normal faults in the Quaternary under-consolidated sediments underlying the city. This has further led to ground ruptures that have gradually evolved into earth fissure zones. During this process, there has been a close spatio-temporal relationship between land subsidence and the formation of earth fissures. From field monitoring data, the subsidence bowls are typically located in loess depressions between earth fissure zones within structural blocks of sediment cut by active Quaternary faults and preexisting fault planes. The subsidence bowls are generally elliptical in shape, with the long axes consistent with the preferred orientation of the earth fissures. The underlying Quaternary active faults and preexisting fault planes predispose the intervening sediment blocks to formation of earth fissures, and intense groundwater extraction has led to accelerated subsidence and earth fissuring during the past 50 years. Mining groundwater, land subsidence and earth fissures occur in a sequence and constitute a disaster chain with respect to urban hazards in Xi'an. Thus, it is important to understand the relationships between these events. This paper summarizes the characteristics of land subsidence and earth fissures in Xi'an and discusses the chain of relationships that connects them.入藏号: WOS:000381986800038语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Land subsidence; Earth fissure; Groundwater extraction; Disaster chain; Xi'an CityKeyWords Plus: GROUND FISSURES; ARIZONA; GREECE; ORIGIN地址: [Peng, J. B.; Sun, X. H.] Changan Univ, Sch Geol Engn & Geomat, Dept Geol Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Peng, J. B.] Educ Minist China, Key Lab Western Chinas Mineral Resources & Geol E, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Wang, W.] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Sun, G. C.] Guilin Univ Technol, Sch Civil Engn, Guilin 541004, Peoples R China.

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通讯作者地址: Peng, JB (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Geol Engn & Geomat, Dept Geol Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.Peng, JB (通讯作者),Educ Minist China, Key Lab Western Chinas Mineral Resources & Geol E, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USAWeb of Science 类别: Environmental Sciences; Geosciences, Multidisciplinary; Water Resources研究方向: Environmental Sciences & Ecology; Geology; Water ResourcesIDS 号: DU1RPISSN: 1866-6280eISSN: 1866-629929 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ENVIRON EARTH SCIISO 来源出版物缩写: Environ. Earth Sci.来源出版物页码计数: 15

第 5 条标题: Small-scale loess landslide monitoring with small baseline subsets interferometric synthetic aperture radar technique-case study of Xingyuan landslide, Shaanxi, China(赵超英)作者 : Zhao, CY (Zhao, Chaoying); Zhang, Q (Zhang, Qin); He, Y (He, Yang); Peng, JB (Peng, Jianbing); Yang, CS (Yang, Chengsheng); Kang, Y (Kang, Ya)来源出版物 : JOURNAL OF APPLIED REMOTE SENSING 卷 : 10 文献号 : 026030 DOI: 10.1117/1.JRS.10.026030 出版年: JUN 7 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 6使用次数 (2013 年至今): 31引用的参考文献数: 27摘要 : Small baseline subsets interferometric synthetic aperture radar technique is analyzed to detect and monitor the loess landslide in the southern bank of the Jinghe River, Shaanxi province, China. Aiming to achieve the accurate preslide time-series deformation results over small spatial scale and abrupt temporal deformation loess landslide, digital elevation model error, coherence threshold for phase unwrapping, and quality of unwrapping interferograms must be carefully checked in advance. In this experience, land subsidence accompanying a landslide with the distance < 1 km is obtained, which gives a sound precursor for small-scale loess landslide detection. Moreover, the longer and continuous land subsidence has been monitored while deformation starting point for the landslide is successfully inverted, which is key to monitoring the similar loess landslide. In addition, the accelerated landslide deformation from one to two months before the landslide can provide a critical clue to early warning of this kind of landslide. (C) The Authors. Published by SPIE under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Distribution or reproduction of this work in whole or in part requires full attribution of the original publication, including its DOI.入藏号: WOS:000377472400001语种: English

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文献类型: Article作者关键词: small baseline subsets interferometric synthetic aperture radar; loess landslide; time-series deformation; monitoring; detectionKeyWords Plus: NORTH-WEST CHINA; ALOS/PALSAR IMAGERY; RAINFALL; SLOPES; DEFORMATION; IRRIGATION; CALIFORNIA; PLATFORM; INSAR; EDGE地址 : [Zhao, Chaoying; Zhang, Qin; He, Yang; Peng, Jianbing; Yang, Chengsheng; Kang, Ya] Changan Univ, Sch Geol Engn & Geomat, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Zhao, Chaoying; Zhang, Qin; Peng, Jianbing; Yang, Chengsheng] Minist Educ, Key Lab Western Chinas Mineral Resources & Geol E, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Zhao, CY; Peng, JB (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Geol Engn & Geomat, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.Zhao, CY; Peng, JB (通讯作者),Minist Educ, Key Lab Western Chinas Mineral Resources & Geol E, 126 Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: SPIE-SOC PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS出版商地址: 1000 20TH ST, PO BOX 10, BELLINGHAM, WA 98225 USAWeb of Science 类 别 : Environmental Sciences; Remote Sensing; Imaging Science & Photographic Technology研 究 方 向 : Environmental Sciences & Ecology; Remote Sensing; Imaging Science & Photographic TechnologyIDS 号: DO0MGISSN: 1931-319529 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J APPL REMOTE SENSISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Appl. Remote Sens.来源出版物页码计数: 14

第 6 条标题 : Detection of near-surface cavities by generalized S-transform of Rayleigh waves (邵广周)作者: Shao, GZ (Shao, Guang-zhou); Tsoflias, GP (Tsoflias, George P.); Li, CJ (Li, Chang-jiang)来 源 出 版 物 : JOURNAL OF APPLIED GEOPHYSICS 卷 : 129 页 : 53-65 DOI: 10.1016/j.jappgeo.2016.03.041 出版年: JUN 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 3使用次数 (2013 年至今): 9引用的参考文献数: 18摘 要 : The near-surface cavities can cause a huge hidden trouble for urban infrastructure construction, such as, foundation settlement and roadbed subsidence, and so on. So, it is an important task to detect the underground cavities effectively for many engineering projects. At the same time, because of the complexity of near-surface materials and the limited resolution of geophysical methods, detecting the location of the hidden cavities quantitatively is still a technical challenge which needs to be studied further. Base on the study of Xia et al. (Xia et al., 2007), we performed a little modification to the travel time equation for the Rayleigh-wave diffraction. We

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put forward another way to detect the shallow subsurface voids. The generalized S-transform was adopted to extract the arrival times of the diffracted Rayleigh waves from the near and far-offset boundaries of the void at a certain receiver. Then the arrival times were used to calculate the boundary locations of the void. Three half-space void models and a two-layered void model were used to demonstrate the feasibility and effect of detecting a void with the generalized S-transform. A rotated staggered-grid finite-difference method was adopted in wave field modeling to obtain the synthetic seismic record. Finally, a real world field data was used to verify the detecting effect. The theoretical models and the real world example showed that it is feasible and effective to use the generalized S-transform to detect the near-surface cavities. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000377738700007语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Generalized S-transform; Rayleigh-wave diffraction; Travel time equation; Void detection地址 : [Shao, Guang-zhou; Li, Chang-jiang] Changan Univ, Sch Geol Engn & Geomat, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Shao, Guang-zhou; Tsoflias, George P.] Univ Kansas, Dept Geol, 1475 Jayhawk Blvd Lindley 120, Lawrence, KS 66045 USA.通讯作者地址 : Shao, GZ (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Geol Engn & Geomat, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV出版商地址: PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDSWeb of Science 类别: Geosciences, Multidisciplinary; Mining & Mineral Processing研究方向: Geology; Mining & Mineral ProcessingIDS 号: DO4GBISSN: 0926-9851eISSN: 1879-185929 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J APPL GEOPHYSISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Appl. Geophys.来源出版物页码计数: 13

第 7 条标题 : Probing the post-newtonian physics of semi-conservative metric theories through secular tidal effects in satellite gradiometry missions(强丽娥)作者: Qiang, LE (Qiang, Li-E); Xu, P (Xu, Peng)来源出版物: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS D 卷: 25 期: 6 文献号: 1650070 DOI: 10.1142/S021827181650070X 出版年: MAY 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 2被引频次合计: 2使用次数 (最近 180 天): 1使用次数 (2013 年至今): 3引用的参考文献数: 51

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摘要 : The existence of relativistic secular tidal effects along orbit motions will largely improve the measurement accuracies of relativistic gravitational gradients with orbiting gradiometers. With the continuous advances in technologies related to gradiometry and the improvements in their resolutions, it is feasible for future satellite gradiometry missions to carry out precision relativistic experiments and impose constraints on modern theories of gravity. In this work, we study the theoretical principles of measuring directly the secular post-Newtonian (PN) tidal effects in semi-conservative metric theories with satellite gradiometry missions. The isolations of the related PN parameters in the read-outs of an orbiting three-axis gradiometer is discussed.入藏号: WOS:000378640600011语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Post-Newtonian analysis; satellite gradiometry; relativistic experimentsKeyWords Plus: TESTING RELATIVISTIC GRAVITY; ROTATING SPHERICAL MASS; THEORETICAL FRAMEWORKS; CONSERVATION-LAWS; LORENTZ INVARIANCE; GENERAL-RELATIVITY; PPN FORMALISM; FIELD; INTERFEROMETRY; PRINCIPLES地址 : [Qiang, Li-E] Changan Univ, Dept Geophys, Coll Geol Engn & Geomat, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Xu, Peng] Chinese Acad Sci, Acad Math & Syst Sci, 55 Zhongguancun Donglu, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Xu, P (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Sci, Acad Math & Syst Sci, 55 Zhongguancun Donglu, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Xu, Peng 0000-0002-3543-7777

出版商: WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD出版商地址: 5 TOH TUCK LINK, SINGAPORE 596224, SINGAPOREWeb of Science 类别: Astronomy & Astrophysics研究方向: Astronomy & AstrophysicsIDS 号: DP6WQISSN: 0218-2718eISSN: 1793-659429 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: INT J MOD PHYS DISO 来源出版物缩写: Int. J. Mod. Phys. D来源出版物页码计数: 22

第 8 条标题: Distribution and mechanism of the ground fissures in Wei River Basin, the origin of the Silk Road(彭建兵)作者: Peng, JB (Peng, Jianbing); Qiao, JW (Qiao, Jianwei); Leng, YQ (Leng, Yanqiu); Wang, FY (Wang, Feiyong); Xue, SZ (Xue, Shouzhong)来源出版物: ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES 卷: 75 期: 8 DOI: 10.1007/s12665-016-5527-3 出版年: APR 2016

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Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 3被引频次合计: 3使用次数 (最近 180 天): 18使用次数 (2013 年至今): 35引用的参考文献数: 36摘要: Wei River Basin (WRB) is the origin of the ancient and new Silk Road, and it is located in Southern Fen Wei Graben System, China. Since 1950s, hundreds of ground fissures have formed in this affluent basin, and these ground fissures have become the main geohazard in WRB. This paper used a series of geological investigations, such as site investigation, trench excavation, geological drilling and geophysical survey to understand the distribution and mechanism of formation of the ground fissures in WRB. The results are: (1) 212 ground fissures in WRB were located in Xi'an, Xianyang, Weinan city, and they have clear orientations, mainly distributed from NEE to SWW, NW to SE, and E to W. Moreover, the ground fissures are accompanied by active faults along the same directions. (2) Ground fissures in WRB can be divided into two types-some ground fissures display obvious horizontal and vertical separations on the earth surface, whereas others only display obvious horizontal separations on the earth surface. (3) Ground fissures in WRB are triggered by four factors, viz. basin structure, active fault, human activities and loess erosion. (4) The mechanism for the formation of ground fissures has also been proposed: tectonic faulting is the fundamental cause of ground fissures in the Wei River basin, and imbalances in the manland caused by human actives accelerated the ground fissures activities. (5) Many effective measures have also been proposed to mitigate the hazards of ground fissures in WRB, such as planning, engineering measures, controlling the exploitation of groundwater and monitoring. This research will be helpful in safeguarding the sustainable development of the Silk Road economic belt.入藏号: WOS:000375063400088语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Silk Road; Ground fissure; Geologic features; Formation mechanism; Geologic hazardKeyWords Plus: CHINA; SIMULATION; ARIZONA; FAULT地址 : [Peng, Jianbing; Qiao, Jianwei; Leng, Yanqiu; Wang, Feiyong; Xue, Shouzhong] Changan Univ, Sch Geol Engn & Geomat, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Peng, Jianbing] Key Lab Western China Mineral Resources & Geol En, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Peng, JB (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Geol Engn & Geomat, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.Peng, JB (通讯作 者 ),Key Lab Western China Mineral Resources & Geol En, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USAWeb of Science 类别: Environmental Sciences; Geosciences, Multidisciplinary; Water Resources研究方向: Environmental Sciences & Ecology; Geology; Water ResourcesIDS 号: DK6VK

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ISSN: 1866-6280eISSN: 1866-629929 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ENVIRON EARTH SCIISO 来源出版物缩写: Environ. Earth Sci.来源出版物页码计数: 12

第 9 条标题 : Complex Deformation Monitoring over the Linfen-Yuncheng Basin (China) with Time Series InSAR Technology(杨成生)作 者 : Yang, CS (Yang, Cheng-sheng); Zhang, Q (Zhang, Qin); Xu, Q (Xu, Qiang); Zhao, CY (Zhao, Chao-ying); Peng, JB (Peng, Jian-bing); Ji, LY (Ji, Ling-yun)来源出版物: REMOTE SENSING 卷: 8 期: 4 文献号: 284 DOI: 10.3390/rs8040284 出版年: APR 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 4使用次数 (2013 年至今): 12引用的参考文献数: 31摘要 : The Linfen-Yuncheng basin is an area prone to geological disasters, such as surface subsidence, ground fissuring, fault activity, and earthquakes. For the purpose of disaster prevention and mitigation, Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) was used to map ground deformation in this area. After the ground deformation characteristics over the Linfen-Yuncheng basin were obtained, the cross-correlations among regional ground subsidence, fault activity, and underground water level were analyzed in detail. Additionally, an area of abnormal deformation was found and examined. Through time series deformation monitoring and mechanism inversion, we found that the abnormal deformation was related mainly to excessive groundwater exploitation.入藏号: WOS:000375156500017语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Complex deformation; time series InSAR; inversion of mechanism; underground water; fault activityKeyWords Plus: DIFFERENTIAL SAR INTERFEROGRAMS; SYNTHETIC-APERTURE RADAR; SURFACE DEFORMATION; LANDERS EARTHQUAKE; INTERFEROMETRY; SUBSIDENCE; ALGORITHM; VOLCANO地址 : [Yang, Cheng-sheng; Zhang, Qin; Zhao, Chao-ying; Peng, Jian-bing] Changan Univ, Coll Geol Engn & Geomat, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Yang, Cheng-sheng; Xu, Qiang] State Key Lab Geohazard Prevent & Geoenvironm Pro, Chengdu 610059, Peoples R China. [Ji, Ling-yun] CEA, Crust Monitoring & Applicat Ctr 2, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Zhang, Q (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Coll Geol Engn & Geomat, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电 子 邮 件 地 址 : [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

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出版商: MDPI AG出版商地址: POSTFACH, CH-4005 BASEL, SWITZERLANDWeb of Science 类别: Remote Sensing研究方向: Remote SensingIDS 号: DK8DDISSN: 2072-429229 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: REMOTE SENS-BASELISO 来源出版物缩写: Remote Sens.来源出版物页码计数: 13

第 10 条标题 : Simultaneous elastic parameter inversion in 2-D/3-D TTI medium combined later arrival times(白超英)作者: Bai, CY (Bai, Chao-ying); Wang, T (Wang, Tao); Yang, SB (Yang, Shang-bei); Li, XW (Li, Xing-wang); Huang, GJ (Huang, Guo-jiao)来源出版物: JOURNAL OF SEISMOLOGY 卷: 20 期: 2 页: 475-494 DOI: 10.1007/s10950-015-9539-3 出版年: APR 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 1使用次数 (2013 年至今): 6引用的参考文献数: 45摘要 : Traditional traveltime inversion for anisotropic medium is, in general, based on a "weak" assumption in the anisotropic property, which simplifies both the forward part (ray tracing is performed once only) and the inversion part (a linear inversion solver is possible). But for some real applications, a general (both "weak" and "strong") anisotropic medium should be considered. In such cases, one has to develop a ray tracing algorithm to handle with the general (including "strong") anisotropic medium and also to design a non-linear inversion solver for later tomography. Meanwhile, it is constructive to investigate how much the tomographic resolution can be improved by introducing the later arrivals. For this motivation, we incorporated our newly developed ray tracing algorithm (multistage irregular shortest-path method) for general anisotropic media with a non-linear inversion solver (a damped minimum norm, constrained least squares problem with a conjugate gradient approach) to formulate a non-linear inversion solver for anisotropic medium. This anisotropic traveltime inversion procedure is able to combine the later (reflected) arrival times. Both 2-D/3-D synthetic inversion experiments and comparison tests show that (1) the proposed anisotropic traveltime inversion scheme is able to recover the high contrast anomalies and (2) it is possible to improve the tomographic resolution by introducing the later (reflected) arrivals, but not as expected in the isotropic medium, because the different velocity (qP, qSV and qSH) sensitivities (or derivatives) respective to the different elastic parameters are not the same but are also dependent on the inclination angle.入藏号: WOS:000372124500006语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Multistage irregular shortest-path ray tracing; Non-linear inversion solver; TTI

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medium; Elastic parameters; Later arrival; Simultaneous anisotropic parameter inversionKeyWords Plus: INHOMOGENEOUS ANISOTROPIC MEDIA; TRANSVERSELY ISOTROPIC MEDIA; SEISMIC TOMOGRAPHY; TRAVEL-TIMES; VELOCITY SENSITIVITY; COMPUTATION; LITHOSPHERE; EQUATION; WAVES地址 : [Bai, Chao-ying; Wang, Tao; Yang, Shang-bei; Li, Xing-wang] Changan Univ, Coll Geol Engn & Geomat, Dept Geophys, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Bai, Chao-ying] Changan Univ, Inst Comp Geophys, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Wang, Tao] Shaanxi Railway Inst, Weinan 714000, Peoples R China. [Huang, Guo-jiao] Hohai Univ, Sch Earth Sci & Engn, Dept Geol Sci & Engn, Nanjing 210098, Jiangsu, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Bai, CY (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Inst Comp Geophys, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDSWeb of Science 类别: Geochemistry & Geophysics研究方向: Geochemistry & GeophysicsIDS 号: DG5NGISSN: 1383-4649eISSN: 1573-157X29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J SEISMOLISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Seismol.来源出版物页码计数: 20

第 11 条标题: Current crustal deformation variation characteristics of the Fenwei basin and its surrounding areas revealed by GPS data(瞿伟)作者: Qu, W (Qu Wei); Wang, YS (Wang Yun-Sheng); Zhang, Q (Zhang Qin); Wang, QL (Wang Qing-Liang); Xue, K (Xue Kang)来源出版物: CHINESE JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICS-CHINESE EDITION 卷: 59 期: 3 页: 828-839 DOI: 10.6038/cjg20160306 出版年: MAR 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 3使用次数 (2013 年至今): 17引用的参考文献数: 42摘要 : The Fenwei basin is of great importance in research of tectonic activity and geological hazards (such as the ground fissures and earthquakes) in China. This basin is actually a deep rift that divides North China into eastern and western parts. Bounded by the Qinghai-Tibet, Ordos, North China and South China blocks, the Fenwei basin is a accommodation zone of differential motions of these blocks, and the boundaries and decoupled strips of tectonics between western and eastern North China. We focused on the current crustal deformation characteristics of the Fenwei basin and its surrounding areas, especially the influence of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. Meanwhile, we further analyzed the intrinsic relationship between the tectonic deformation

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features of the overall Fenwei basin and the multiple ground fissures within the basin. Using high-precision GPS data for the periods of 2001-2007 and 2009-2011 from the projects "Crustal Movement Observation Network of China" and "Chinese Continental Tectonic Environment Monitoring Network", we have constructed reasonable crustal deformation models of the Fenwei basin and its surrounding areas based on the strain theory of the block movement combined with mathematical statistical hypothesis testing method. We then established the crustal deformation models of the Datong, Xinzhou-Taiyuan, Linfen-Yuncheng and Weihe basins, as well as the eastern Qinghai-Tibet and the northern edge of the South China blocks. Based on the strain results solved by these deformation models, the current crustal strain fields and their distribution characteristics were obtained, and the intrinsic relationship between the principal strain vectors of the overall Fenwei basin and the multiple ground fissures within the basin were discussed in detail. The results are as follows: (1) The deformation models after selection by hypothesis statistical testing can better describe the strain distribution characteristics, especially the inherent differences in the interiors of the basins or blocks. (2) During the periods of 2001-2007 and 2009-2011, the principal strain vectors of the eastern Qinghai-Tibet block are all mainly of compressional strains in the nearly E-W direction, with a value higher than -3.8 x 10(-8)/a and -3.2 x 10(-8)/a, respectively. And the principal strain vectors of the west part of the Weihe basin are all also of compressional strains in the nearly NNW SSE direction, but with a value higher than -2.8 x 10(-8)/a and -1.6 x 10(-8)/a, respectively. (3) The whole strain distribution characteristics of the Fenwei basin and its surrounding areas have no significant change before and after the Wenchuan earthquake. The eastern Qinghai-Tibet and west part of the Weihe basin remain compressional strains. The Yinchuan basin and the North China block are still of tensional strains. And the overall Fenwei basin including Datong, Xinzhou-Taiyuan, Linfen-Yuncheng basins and most parts of the middle east of the Weihe basin are all of tensional strains in the nearly NW SE direction. (4) The strain vector fields of the whole Fenwei basin mainly show extension strains in NW SE direction, which are nearly vertical to the direction of the ground fissures (NE SW direction). It indicates that the regional tensional stress fields with NW SE direction is the power source mechanism of numerous ground fissures developed within the Fenwei basin. We obtained following conclusions: (1) Judging by the statistical test, the choice of reasonable crustal movement and strain models plays an important role in obtaining the strain parameters which can truly reflect the real regional tectonic deformation characteristics. (2) The 2008 Wenchuan earthquake has affected the strain fields in the eastern edge of the Qinghai-Tibet block and west part of the Weihe basin. However, after this earthquake these above-mentioned regions did not experience significant strain accumulation but showing lower magnitude of strain. The reasons may be that these areas were not the zones with significant increase of Coulomb stress caused by the earthquake, but in a tectonic stress relaxation adjustment period during 2009 to 2011. Furthermore, the Wenchuan earthquake did not significantly alter the overall current. tectonic deformation background characteristics of the Fenwei basin and its surrounding areas, and regional tectonic activity characteristics still have good inheritance. (3) We preliminary infer that the multiple ground fissures within the Fenwei basin were the response of surface rupture under the role of tensile stress fields with NW SE direction, based on that the tectonic blocks (or basins) have the deformation nature of continuous isotropic elastic characteristics.入藏号: WOS:000371754700006

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语种: Chinese文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Fenwei basin; GPS; Block movement strain model; Mathematical statistical hypothesis testing; Crustal strain characteristics; Ground fissuresKeyWords Plus: WENCHUAN EARTHQUAKE; YUSHU EARTHQUAKE; STRAIN FIELD; WEIHE BASIN; ORDOS BLOCK; EASTERN; RELOCATION; MECHANISM; MOVEMENT; FEATURES地址: [Qu Wei; Zhang Qin; Xue Kang] Changan Univ, Coll Geol Engn & Geomat, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Qu Wei; Wang Yun-Sheng] Chengdu Univ Technol, State Key Lab Geohazard Prevent & Geoenvironm Pro, Chengdu 610059, Peoples R China. [Wang Qing-Liang] China Earthquake Adm, Monitoring & Applicat Ctr 2, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Qu, W; Zhang, Q (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Coll Geol Engn & Geomat, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.Qu, W (通讯作者 ),Chengdu Univ Technol, State Key Lab Geohazard Prevent & Geoenvironm Pro, Chengdu 610059, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: SCIENCE PRESS出 版商地址 : 16 DONGHUANGCHENGGEN NORTH ST, BEIJING 100717, PEOPLES R CHINAWeb of Science 类别: Geochemistry & Geophysics研究方向: Geochemistry & GeophysicsIDS 号: DG0KWISSN: 0001-573329 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: CHINESE J GEOPHYS-CHISO 来源出版物缩写: Chinese J. Geophys.-Chinese Ed.来源出版物页码计数: 12

第 12 条标题 : Determination of the related strength parameters of unsaturated loess with conventional triaxial test(邢鲜丽)作者: Xing, XL (Xing, Xianli); Li, TL (Li, Tonglu); Fu, YK (Fu, Yukai)来 源 出 版物 : ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES 卷 : 75 期 : 1 文 献号 : 82 DOI: 10.1007/s12665-015-4797-5 出版年: JAN 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 7使用次数 (2013 年至今): 16引用的参考文献数: 17摘要: The strength and the related parameters of unsaturated soil are the key issues in unsaturated soil mechanics. The triaxial or direct shear apparatus with suction control is used to measure the related parameters in the strength formulas proposed by Bishop and Fredlund. However, the technique is time-consuming for cohesive soils because it takes a long time to achieve a water-air

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equilibrium condition under a given suction state. In addition, the feasibility of the technique is also doubted. Lu et al. proposed the concept of suction stress and expressed the unsaturated strength as a function of suction stress which can be determined by the conventional triaxial test. The method can avoid measuring matric suction and is convenient in engineering application. In this paper, conventional triaxial CU tests with different moisture contents were utilized to obtain the effective steady state strength parameters and then the suction stress characteristic curves were obtained. To compare Lu et al.'s strength formula with Bishop's and Fredlund's, the soil-water characteristic curve of the same loess sample was also measured by the tensiometer. Theoretically, the three strength theories are different in physical mechanisms, but they can transform to each other mathematically. From the point of view of engineering applications, Lu et al.'s shear strength theory based on suction stress is more convenient to apply in engineering.入藏号: WOS:000370239800082语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Strength parameter; Unsaturated loess; Soil-water characteristic curve; Suction stress; Matric suctionKeyWords Plus: CHARACTERISTIC CURVE; SUCTION; SOIL地址 : [Xing, Xianli; Li, Tonglu; Fu, Yukai] Changan Univ, Dept Geol Engn, Sch Geol Engn & Geomat, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Xing, XL (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Dept Geol Engn, Sch Geol Engn & Geomat, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USAWeb of Science 类别: Environmental Sciences; Geosciences, Multidisciplinary; Water Resources研究方向: Environmental Sciences & Ecology; Geology; Water ResourcesIDS 号: DD9IVISSN: 1866-6280eISSN: 1866-629929 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ENVIRON EARTH SCIISO 来源出版物缩写: Environ. Earth Sci.来源出版物页码计数: 11

第 13 条标题: Seismic response of underground reservoir structures in sand: Evaluation of Class-C and C1 numerical simulations using centrifuge experiments(邓亚虹)作者 : Deng, YH (Deng, Y. H.); Dashti, S (Dashti, S.); Hushmand, A (Hushmand, A.); Davis, C (Davis, C.); Hushmand, B (Hushmand, B.)来源出版物: SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 卷: 85 页: 202-216 DOI: 10.1016/j.soildyn.2016.04.003 出版年: JUN 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 4使用次数 (2013 年至今): 17

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引用的参考文献数: 36摘要 : Centrifuge experiments were conducted to investigate the seismic response of stiff-unyielding buried reservoir structures with varying stiffness in medium-dense, dry sand. The results of these tests were used to evaluate the predictive capabilities of Class-C and C1, nonlinear, finite element analyses of the seismic response of these relatively stiff buried structures. All simulations were performed in two dimensions using the pressure-dependent, multi-yield-surface, plasticity-based soil constitutive model (PDMY02) implemented in OpenSees. For Class-C simulations, model parameters were calibrated based on the available cyclic simple shear tests on the test soil. For Class-C1 simulations, the same soil model was used along with user-defined modulus reduction curves that were corrected for soil's implied shear strength. The use of shear modulus reduction curves, which modeled a softer soil response compared to POMY02, generally improved the prediction of site response in the far-field as well as seismic racking deformations, earth pressures, and bending strains on the structures. Experimentally, the dynamic thrust, racking, and bending strains on or of the model structures were shown to primarily peak near the strain-dependent fundamental frequency of the site, regardless of the fundamental frequency of the structure itself. This influence in addition to other important response parameters were captured reasonably well by Class-C1 simulations, with residuals ranging from 0.25 to 0.2. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000376804000018语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Centrifuge; Seismic soil-structure interaction; Nonlinear finite element analyses; Buried reservoir structuresKeyWords Plus: RETAINING WALLS; EARTH PRESSURES; CYCLIC MOBILITY; SQUARE TUNNELS; SITE RESPONSE; DEFORMATION; ELEMENT; MODEL地址: [Deng, Y. H.] Changan Univ, Dept Geol Engn, Xian, Peoples R China. [Dashti, S.; Hushmand, A.] Univ Colorado, Civil Environm & Architectural Engn, Boulder, CO 80309 USA. [Davis, C.] Los Angeles Dept Water & Power, Los Angeles, CA USA. [Hushmand, B.] Hushmand Associates Inc, Irvine, CA USA.通讯作 者 地址 : Dashti, S (通讯作 者 ),Univ Colorado, Civil Environm & Architectural Engn, Boulder, CO 80309 USA.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Geological; Geosciences, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Engineering; GeologyIDS 号: DN1CNISSN: 0267-7261eISSN: 1879-341X29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: SOIL DYN EARTHQ ENGISO 来源出版物缩写: Soil Dyn. Earthq. Eng.来源出版物页码计数: 15

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第 14 条标题: Development of a loess-mudstone landslide in a fault fracture zone(彭建兵)作 者 : Peng, JB (Peng, Jianbing); Leng, YQ (Leng, Yanqiu); Zhu, XH (Zhu, Xinghua); Wu, D (Wu, Di); Tong, X (Tong, Xiao)来 源 出 版物 : ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES 卷 : 75 期 : 8 文 献号 : 658 DOI: 10.1007/s12665-016-5336-8 出版年: APR 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 10使用次数 (2013 年至今): 18引用的参考文献数: 29摘要: A landslide occurred on the morning of December 16, 2013, in Liujiabao village, Tianshui City, Gansu Province, China. The 260,000 m(3) of landslide material traveled a distance of 190 m downslope and damaged a village road and several farmhouses before it stopped on the middle of the slope. These landslide materials are still threatening the lives and property of people in the downslope residential areas. A field survey revealed that this landslide was strongly affected by the geological setting. Six normal faults that extend from east to west developed in the Neogene mudstone of this region; these faults form a fault fracture zone with a width of 80 m. The authors performed a detailed investigation of the geological features of these six normal faults, and their spatial and faulting relationships to the landslide were examined. Finally, the evolutionary progress of the loess-mudstone landslide controlled by the fault fracture zone is discussed.入藏号: WOS:000375063400029语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Landslide; Fault fracture zone; Loessmudstone; Flow slideKeyWords Plus: SPATIAL-DISTRIBUTION; EARTHQUAKE; CHINA地址 : [Peng, Jianbing; Leng, Yanqiu; Zhu, Xinghua; Wu, Di; Tong, Xiao] Changan Univ, Dept Geol Engn, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Peng, Jianbing; Leng, Yanqiu; Zhu, Xinghua; Wu, Di; Tong, Xiao] Minist Educ Peoples Republ China, Key Lab Western China Mineral Resources & Geol En, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Peng, JB (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Dept Geol Engn, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.Peng, JB (通讯作 者 ),Minist Educ Peoples Republ China, Key Lab Western China Mineral Resources & Geol En, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USAWeb of Science 类别: Environmental Sciences; Geosciences, Multidisciplinary; Water Resources研究方向: Environmental Sciences & Ecology; Geology; Water ResourcesIDS 号: DK6VKISSN: 1866-6280eISSN: 1866-6299

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29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ENVIRON EARTH SCIISO 来源出版物缩写: Environ. Earth Sci.来源出版物页码计数: 11

第 15 条标题 : Spatial distribution and susceptibility zoning of geohazards along the Silk Road, Xian-Lanzhou(庄建琦)作者: Zhuang, JQ (Zhuang, Jianqi); Peng, JB (Peng, Jianbing); Zhu, XH (Zhu, Xinghua); Li, W (Li, Wei); Ma, PH (Ma, Penghui); Liu, TM (Liu, Tieming)来 源 出 版物 : ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES 卷 : 75 期 : 8 文 献号 : 711 DOI: 10.1007/s12665-016-5428-5 出版年: APR 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 2被引频次合计: 2使用次数 (最近 180 天): 6使用次数 (2013 年至今): 20引用的参考文献数: 55摘要: The region between Xi'an and Lanzhou is the first and most important part of the so-called Silk Road in China. However, this section is highly susceptible to geohazards, including landslides, debris flows, etc., as a result of complex geological formations, steep landforms, seasonal heavy rainfall, and intensive anthropogenic activity that characterize this region. These geohazards have resulted in significant damage to the local infrastructure and economy and are becoming increasingly frequent with time. To identify the distribution of characteristics of geohazards and susceptibility zoning in this region, a frequency analysis and logistic analysis were used to study the spatial distribution of geohazards. The key factors of surface topography and geology associated with geohazards were considered, including slope gradient, height differential, profile curvature, slope aspect, and rock hardness. First, the distribution and frequency of geohazards were discussed in relation to the five factors. Second, each factor's influence was evaluated by logistic regression and the relative importance of each of the variables was discussed. Finally, geohazard susceptibility zoning was mapped using logistic regression and geography information system tools. The results of the susceptibility zoning model were validated using the locations that had recorded geohazards in recent decades; the accuracy of the model was greater than 86.8 %. The model validation proved that there was good agreement between the susceptibility mapping and historically recorded geohazards. The logistic regression model produced acceptable results using a receiver operating characteristics curve in which the total area under the receiver operating characteristics curve was 0.879. The results of this study can assist in preliminary planning for land use, particularly with reference to construction projects in high risk areas.入藏号: WOS:000375063400081语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Geohazards; Spatial distribution; Susceptibility zoning; Xi'an to Lanzhou; Silk RoadKeyWords Plus: LANDSLIDE SUSCEPTIBILITY; LOGISTIC-REGRESSION; DEBRIS FLOWS; HEAVY RAINFALL; CHINA; GIS; EARTHQUAKE; HAZARD; MODELS; RISK地址 : [Zhuang, Jianqi; Peng, Jianbing; Zhu, Xinghua; Li, Wei; Ma, Penghui; Liu, Tieming]

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Changan Univ, Coll Geol Engn & Surveying, Key Lab Western China Mineral Resources & Geol En, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Zhuang, Jianqi; Peng, Jianbing] Hong Kong Polytech Univ, Dept Civil & Environm Engn, Kowloon, Hong Kong, Peoples R China. [Zhuang, Jianqi] Collaborat Innovat Ctr Geol Prevent, State Key Lab Geohazard Prevent & Geoenvrionm Pro, Chengdu 610041, Peoples R China.通讯作者 地址 : Peng, JB (通讯作者 ),Changan Univ, Coll Geol Engn & Surveying, Key Lab Western China Mineral Resources & Geol En, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.Peng, JB (通讯作者),Hong Kong Polytech Univ, Dept Civil & Environm Engn, Kowloon, Hong Kong, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USAWeb of Science 类别: Environmental Sciences; Geosciences, Multidisciplinary; Water Resources研究方向: Environmental Sciences & Ecology; Geology; Water ResourcesIDS 号: DK6VKISSN: 1866-6280eISSN: 1866-629929 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ENVIRON EARTH SCIISO 来源出版物缩写: Environ. Earth Sci.来源出版物页码计数: 11

第 16 条标题 : Assessment and mapping of slope stability based on slope units: A case study in Yan'an, China(庄建琦)作者 : Zhuang, JQ (Zhuang, Jianqi); Peng, JB (Peng, Jianbing); Xu, YL (Xu, Yonglong); Xu, Q (Xu, Qiang); Zhu, XH (Zhu, Xinghua); Li, W (Li, Wei)来源出版物: JOURNAL OF EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCE 卷: 125 期: 7 页: 1439-1450 DOI: 10.1007/s12040-016-0741-7 出版年: OCT 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 12使用次数 (2013 年至今): 27引用的参考文献数: 58摘要: Precipitation frequently triggers shallow landslides in the Loess Plateau of Shaanxi, China, resulting in loss of life, damage to gas and oil routes, and destruction of transport infrastructure and farmland. To assess the possibility of shallow landslides at different precipitation levels, a method to draw slope units and steepest slope profiles based on ARCtools and a new method for calculating slope stability are proposed. The methods were implemented in a case study conducted in Yan'an, north-west China. High resolution DEM (Digital Elevation Model) images, soil parameters from in-situ laboratory measurements and maximum depths of precipitation infiltration were used as input parameters in the method. Next, DEM and reverse DEM were employed to map 2146 slope units in the study area, based on which the steepest profiles of the slope units were constructed. Combining analysis of the water content of loess, strength of the sliding surface,

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its response to precipitation and the infinite slope stability equation, a new equation to calculate infinite slope stability is proposed to assess shallow landslide stability. The slope unit stability was calculated using the equation at 10-, 20-, 50-and 100-year return periods of antecedent effective precipitation. The number of slope units experiencing failure increased in response to increasing effective antecedent rainfall. These results were validated based on the occurrence of landslides in recent decades. Finally, the applicability and limitations of the model are discussed.入藏号: WOS:000386922300010语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Shallow landslide; infinite slope stability equation; return period precipitation; assessment; slope unitKeyWords Plus: SHALLOW LANDSLIDE SUSCEPTIBILITY; LOGISTIC-REGRESSION; DEBRIS FLOWS; RAINFALL INTENSITY; DURATION CONTROL; LOESS LANDSLIDE; NEURAL-NETWORKS; MODEL; HAZARD; REGION地址: [Zhuang, Jianqi; Peng, Jianbing; Xu, Yonglong; Zhu, Xinghua; Li, Wei] Changan Univ, Coll Geol Engn & Surveying, Key Lab Western Mineral Resources & Geol Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Zhuang, Jianqi] Hong Kong Polytech Univ, Dept Civil & Environm Engn, Kowloon, Hong Kong, Peoples R China. [Zhuang, Jianqi; Xu, Qiang] Collaborat Innovat Ctr Geol Prevent, State Key Lab Geohazard Prevent & Geoenvrionm, Chengdu 610041, Peoples R China.通讯作者 地址 : Peng, JB (通讯作者 ),Changan Univ, Coll Geol Engn & Surveying, Key Lab Western Mineral Resources & Geol Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: INDIAN ACAD SCIENCES出版商地址 : C V RAMAN AVENUE, SADASHIVANAGAR, P B #8005, BANGALORE 560 080, INDIAWeb of Science 类别: Geosciences, Multidisciplinary; Multidisciplinary Sciences研究方向: Geology; Science & Technology - Other TopicsIDS 号: EA8XDISSN: 0253-4126eISSN: 0973-774X29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J EARTH SYST SCIISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Earth Syst. Sci.来源出版物页码计数: 12

第 17 条标题: Barycentre method for solving distance equations(薛树强)作者: Shuqiang, X (Shuqiang, X.); Yuanxi, Y (Yuanxi, Y.); Yamin, D (Yamin, D.)来 源 出 版 物 : SURVEY REVIEW 卷 : 48 期 : 348 页 : 188-194 DOI: 10.1179/1752270615Y.0000000020 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 2被引频次合计: 2使用次数 (最近 180 天): 4

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使用次数 (2013 年至今): 6引用的参考文献数: 23摘要 : When iteratively solving the distance equations, the Newton's method has quadratic convergence but it requires the second-order derivatives. The Gauss-Newton's method needs no information about the second-order derivatives but it may fail without the line search strategy. A simple method called barycentre method is proposed to locally solving the distance equations without the Hessian matrix, the matrix inversion and the line search strategy. The geometrical meaning of the non-linear least-squares solution of the distance equations is revealed that it is the barycentre of a particle system composed of the observational weights at the endpoints of observed distance vectors. By the geometrical meaning of the non-linear least squares, the authors structure an iterative equation to solve the distance equation, and then the convergence and the computational complexity of the method proposed is discussed. It shows that the barycentre method is a conservatively steepest decent method to guarantee the convergence and this method has good performances for solving well-conditioned problems. Ultimately, the method proposed is applied to well-condition and ill-posed positioning equations and the main results are verified.入藏号: WOS:000376094900004语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Distance equation; Non-linear least squares; Newton-type method; Barycentre method地址 : [Shuqiang, X.] Changan Univ, Sch Geol & Surveying Engn, Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Shuqiang, X.; Yamin, D.] Chinese Acad Surveying & Mapping, Beijing 100830, Peoples R China. [Yuanxi, Y.] Xian Res Inst Surveying & Mapping, Natl Key Lab Geoinformat Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Shuqiang, X (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Geol & Surveying Engn, Yanta Rd, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.Shuqiang, X (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Surveying & Mapping, Beijing 100830, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD出 版 商 地 址 : 2-4 PARK SQUARE, MILTON PARK, ABINGDON OR14 4RN, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Civil; Geosciences, Multidisciplinary; Remote Sensing研究方向: Engineering; Geology; Remote SensingIDS 号: DM1HAISSN: 0039-6265eISSN: 1752-270629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: SURV REVISO 来源出版物缩写: Surv. Rev.来源出版物页码计数: 7

第 18 条标题: Near-surface ambient noise tomography in the Baogutu copper deposit area(李欣欣)

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作者: Li, XX (Li, Xin-xin); Li, QC (Li, Qing-chun)来 源 出 版 物 : JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICS AND ENGINEERING  卷 : 13  期 : 6  DOI: 10.1088/1742-2132/13/6/868  出版年: DEC 2016  Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 4使用次数 (2013 年至今): 10引用的参考文献数: 33摘要 : The Baogutu copper deposit region is located in the northwestern margin of the Junggar basin, controlled by the NE-SW trend Darbut fault. This region developed mid-late Hercynian (330-320 Ma) intermediate-acid small porphyry bodies. Hosted in the lower carboniferous volcano-sedimentary sequences, the Baogutu porphyry copper deposit has experienced two epochs of fluid metallogenesis after the adakitic magma diagenesis. In the copper deposit area, the orebody distributes in the strata of the Baogutu and Xibeikulasi group, and the ground surface is covered by tuffaceous siltstone. The clear structure of the copper deposit has not been revealed yet. In this paper, we utilize the technique of ambient noise tomography (ANT) to image the phase velocity anomaly maps of different frequencies in the deposit area. Then, we invert the shear (S-) wave velocity structures by using a damped least squares inversion algorithm. The pattern of the tomographic images indicates that the copper deposit mainly distributes in the range of 0.3-0.5 km depth. The major orebody is identified as an obviously high-velocity anomaly. In addition, a small high-velocity anomaly is observed at a depth greater than 0.4 km in the northeast of the study area, and it might associate with another orebody of the Baogutu copper deposit, which has not previously been reported.入藏号: WOS:000385688500001语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: ambient noise; tomography; Baogutu copper depositKeyWords Plus: WAVE TOMOGRAPHY; MANTLE STRUCTURE; RAYLEIGH-WAVES; PHASE-VELOCITY; SEISMIC NOISE; INVERSION; FIELD; JUNGGAR; CHINA地址 : [Li, Xin-xin; Li, Qing-chun] Changan Univ, Coll Geol Engn & Geomat, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Li, XX (通讯作者 ),Changan Univ, Coll Geol Engn & Geomat, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: IOP PUBLISHING LTD出版商地址: TEMPLE CIRCUS, TEMPLE WAY, BRISTOL BS1 6BE, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Geochemistry & Geophysics研究方向: Geochemistry & GeophysicsIDS 号: DZ2RIISSN: 1742-2132eISSN: 1742-214029 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J GEOPHYS ENGISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Geophys. Eng.来源出版物页码计数: 7

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第 19 条标题 : Influence of environmental factors on the wetting front depth: A case study in the Loess Plateau(李萍)作者: Li, P (Li, Ping); Li, TL (Li, Tonglu); Vanapalli, SK (Vanapalli, Sai K.)来 源 出 版 物 : ENGINEERING GEOLOGY  卷 : 214  页 : 1-10  DOI: 10.1016/j.enggeo.2016.09.008  出版年: NOV 30 2016  Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 11使用次数 (2013 年至今): 23引用的参考文献数: 49摘要 : Reliable information on the wetting front depth and variation of water contents within the zone of wetting is required for addressing geotechnical problems in loess deposits such as estimation of the collapse deformation and assessment of the slope stability. For this reason, a field test was conducted at a site in the Loess Plateau of China to obtain data on soil water contents and temperatures at different depths for a period of one year. The variation of water contents was interpreted from the influence of environmental factors and soil temperature, and used to determine the maximum wetting front depth in the loess soils in the study region. In addition, a commercial software, VADOSE/W, was used to simulate the flow behaviour in unsaturated loess taking account of the influence of environmental factors. A reasonable agreement was found between the results of field investigations and numerical simulations. The study results are useful as they provide valuable information about the wetting front depth and water content variation in unsaturated loess in response to environmental factors. The field investigations and numerical simulations summarized in this paper can serve as a reference for future studies on other soils. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000389096000001语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Unsaturated loess; Wetting front depth; Water content variation; Environmental factors; Soil temperature; VADOSE/WKeyWords Plus: RAINFALL-INDUCED LANDSLIDES; HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY; SOIL-MOISTURE; INFILTRATION EXPERIMENTS; TEMPERATURE-DEPENDENCE; UNSATURATED SOILS; MATRIC SUCTION; PREDICTION; CHINA; SLOPE地址: [Li, Ping; Li, Tonglu] Changan Univ, Dept Geol Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China. [Li, Ping; Vanapalli, Sai K.] Univ Ottawa, Dept Civil Engn, Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5, Canada.通讯作者 地址 : Li, TL (通讯作者 ),Changan Univ, Dept Geol Engn, Xian 710054, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV出版商地址: PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDSWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Geological; Geosciences, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Engineering; GeologyIDS 号: ED8BD

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ISSN: 0013-7952eISSN: 1872-691729 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ENG GEOLISO 来源出版物缩写: Eng. Geol.来源出版物页码计数: 10

第 20 条标题 : Characteristics and mechanism of the Longyao ground fissure on North China Plain, China(彭建兵)作者: Peng, JB (Peng, Jianbing); Xu, JS (Xu, Jishan); Ma, RY (Ma, Runyong); Wang, FY (Wang, Feiyong)来 源 出 版 物 : ENGINEERING GEOLOGY  卷 : 214  页 : 136-146  DOI: 10.1016/j.enggeo.2016.10.008  出版年: NOV 30 2016  Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 13使用次数 (2013 年至今): 14引用的参考文献数: 33摘要 : Among more than 1000 ground fissures developed over the past 30 years having induced severe geohazards in the North China Plain, the Longyao ground fissure in Hebei Province is famous for its longest length and causing the worst damage and widest influence in this region. In order to reveal the origin of its formation, the geological background, developmental characteristics, and genetic mode of the Longyao ground fissure were investigated in detail by geological surveys, measurements, trenching, drilling and seismic exploration. This fissure has a total length of 39 km and is characterized by normal fault extension, left-lateral slip, and dominant along-polyline distribution. These characteristics are well consistent with its underlying fault the Nei-jv fault. The fissure causes the damage to buildings (structures) along a polyline and in the form of a horizontal tensile crack, subsidence, and shear failure. According to the trenching, drilling and shallow seismic profiling, this fissure possesses the characteristics of synsedimentary faults reflecting the historical stages of fissure activities. Regarding its genesis, this fissure was generated under the coupling action of multiple factors, which took shape after the earthquake, and was enlarged under the action of groundwater pumping. The regional extension first caused a fracture system in the surface strata, and then the action of seismic activities started to control the fracture, and finally the pumping action of excessive groundwater and other influential factors promoted the formation of the current ground fissure. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000389096000014语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关 键 词 : Ground fissure; North China Plain; Xingtai earthquake; Crack generating environment; Land subsidenceKeyWords Plus: LAND SUBSIDENCE; EARTHQUAKE; EXPLOITATION; LIQUEFACTION; SIMULATION; TECTONICS地址: [Peng, Jianbing; Ma, Runyong; Wang, Feiyong] Changan Univ, Sch Geol Engn & Geomat, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. 

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[Peng, Jianbing] Changan Univ, Inst Geohazards Mitigat, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Peng, Jianbing] Changan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Western Mineral Resources & Geol Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Xu, Jishan] China Univ Min & Technol, Xuzhou 221116, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Peng, JB (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Geol Engn & Geomat, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV出版商地址: PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDSWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Geological; Geosciences, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Engineering; GeologyIDS 号: ED8BDISSN: 0013-7952eISSN: 1872-691729 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ENG GEOLISO 来源出版物缩写: Eng. Geol.来源出版物页码计数: 11

汽车学院第 1 条标题: Influence of fuel temperature on combustion and emission of biodiesel(陈昊)作者 : Chen, H (Chen, Hao); Guo, Q (Guo, Qi); Zhao, XY (Zhao, Xu-yi); Xu, ML (Xu, Meng-long); Ma, Y (Ma, Yong)来源出版物 : JOURNAL OF THE ENERGY INSTITUTE 卷 : 89 期 : 2 页 : 231-239 DOI: 10.1016/j.joei.2015.01.024 出版年: MAY 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 5使用次数 (2013 年至今): 9引用的参考文献数: 27摘要: To study the influence of fuel temperature on performances of biodiesel engine, combustion and emission performances of biodiesel engine at different fuel temperatures are tested and studied. It is found with the increase of fuel temperature, combustion pressure and instantaneous heat release rate curves leave far away from the top dead center and at high loads the combustion delays obviously; peak combustion pressure and peak instantaneous heat release rate decrease and at high loads the reduction increases; the backward combustion increases; at 1500 r/min, compared with 25 degrees C, NOx emissions of biodiesel at 40 degrees C and 55 degrees C averagely decrease by 7.6% and 9.1%, but smoke emissions averagely increase by 29.1% and 54.1%. Results indicate that fuel temperature has important influence on performances of biodiesel and it can be selected as a basic parameter to control the combustion and emission of biodiesel. (C) 2015 Energy Institute. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000375350300008语种: English

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文献类型: Article作者关键词: Fuel temperature; Biodiesel; Combustion; EmissionKeyWords Plus: LIFE-CYCLE ASSESSMENT; WASTE COOKING OIL; WATER MICROEMULSIONS; PETROLEUM DIESEL; ENGINE; PRESSURE; MICROALGAE; BLENDS地址 : [Chen, Hao; Guo, Qi; Zhao, Xu-yi; Xu, Meng-long; Ma, Yong] Changan Univ, Sch Automobile, South Second Ring Rd, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Chen, Hao] Xi An Jiao Tong Univ, Sch Energy & Power Engn, Xian 710049, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Chen, H (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Automobile, South Second Ring Rd, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电 子 邮 件 地 址 : [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Energy & Fuels研究方向: Energy & FuelsIDS 号: DL0VIISSN: 1743-9671eISSN: 1746-022029 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J ENERGY INSTISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Energy Inst.来源出版物页码计数: 9

第 2 条标题: Factor analysis of fatal road traffic crashes with massive casualties in China(陈涛)作者: Chen, T (Chen, Tao); Zhang, C (Zhang, Chu); Xu, LF (Xu, Lifeng)来 源 出 版物 : ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 卷 : 8 期 : 4 文 献号 : 1687814016642712 DOI: 10.1177/1687814016642712 出版年: APR 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 4使用次数 (2013 年至今): 11引用的参考文献数: 25摘要 : Factor analysis refers to a collection of statistical methods for reducing correlational data into a smaller number of dimensions or factors. In this study, factor analysis theory was used to determine the main influential factors of road traffic crashes with massive casualties. Twenty variables related to personnel, vehicles, roads, and environment were collected, and the significance of their correlations was tested for validity. A correlation coefficient matrix R was calculated, and its latent root

was obtained based on the characteristic equation. A number of common factors were determined according to the value of latent root . Factor loading was used to express the relationship of each variable to the underlying main

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influential factors. An index system of accident factors was developed based on the results of factor loading, and the weight of each factor was calculated to classify the factor influence. The main influential factors of accidents were determined to be fault behavior, driving experience, condition of vehicle safety, purpose of vehicle, road lighting, driver, road surface condition, roadside protection facilities, and road terrain.入藏号: WOS:000375583100019语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Factor analysis; crashes with massive casualties; factor loading; main influential factors地址: [Chen, Tao; Zhang, Chu; Xu, Lifeng] Changan Univ, Key Lab Automot Transportat Safety Tech, Minist Transport, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Chen, T (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Key Lab Automot Transportat Safety Tech, Minist Transport, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD出版商地址: 1 OLIVERS YARD, 55 CITY ROAD, LONDON EC1Y 1SP, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Thermodynamics; Engineering, Mechanical研究方向: Thermodynamics; EngineeringIDS 号: DL4DIISSN: 1687-8132eISSN: 1687-814029 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ADV MECH ENGISO 来源出版物缩写: Adv. Mech. Eng.来源出版物页码计数: 11

第 3 条标 题 : RESEARCH ON AMPOULES INJECTION LIQUID PARTICLES INSPECTION MACHINE BASED ON MACHINE VISION(韩毅)作者: Han, Y (Han, Yi); Jiang, F (Jiang, Fan); Zhao, YD (Zhao, Yunde)来源出版物 : JOURNAL OF THE BALKAN TRIBOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION 卷: 22 期: 2 页: 1126-1135 子辑: 1 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 1使用次数 (2013 年至今): 3引用的参考文献数: 17摘要 : Aimed at 1-20 ml dose ampoules medical solution's automation foreign particle detection requirements, we designed an ampoules injection liquid particle inspection machine based on machine vision, which enables online high-speed, high-accuracy detection of micro-foreign-bodies in the medical solution. The system uses the consistency of grey scale imaging in the rotation of liquid medicine and revolving-abruptly stopping-video tracking method. In order to achieve recognition of foreign bodies from a complex image sequences, we use a matching method based on grey feature to achieve high precision matching correct of image sequences,

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which could eliminate the tiny vibration of the mechanical platform to provide a powerful guarantee for the foreign particle detection. After image filtering and noise reduction, grey threshold segmentation, morphological processing operations, we can determine whether the liquid is qualified. Experimental results show that the automatic inspection machine can effectively detect visible particles in the liquid, the detection speed can reach up to 300 bottles/minute, and detection accuracy can meet the requirements of the production of pharmaceutical products.入藏号: WOS:000381330600006语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : particles detection; machine vision; inspection machine; template matching; ampoules地址: [Han, Yi; Jiang, Fan; Zhao, Yunde] Changan Univ, Sch Automobile, Mid South Erhuan Rd, Xian 710064, Shaanxi Provinc, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Han, Y (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Automobile, Mid South Erhuan Rd, Xian 710064, Shaanxi Provinc, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SCIBULCOM LTD出版商地址: PO BOX 249, 1113 SOFIA, BULGARIAWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Mechanical研究方向: EngineeringIDS 号: DT2SLISSN: 1310-477229 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J BALK TRIBOL ASSOCISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Balk. Tribol. Assoc.来源出版物页码计数: 10

第 4 条标 题 : USING EXTRAPOLATION METHOD TO SEPARATE COHEREN T SOUND SOURCES(韩毅)作者: Han, Y (Han, Yi); Yang, YY (Yang, Yanyu); Li, GJ (Li, Guangjun); Mao, J (Mao, Jin)来源出版物 : JOURNAL OF THE BALKAN TRIBOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION 卷: 22 期: 2 页: 1494-1502 子辑: 2 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 1使用次数 (2013 年至今): 1引用的参考文献数: 15摘 要 : Patch near-field acoustic holography (NAH) can measure large source by a small holography surface to a great extent. However, accumulative error is increasing in the process of extrapolation and reconstruction of the data on holography surface. For reducing the accumulative error of patch NAH, a new method, directly extrapolating data on holography surface to reconstruct surface based on statistically optimal NAH (SONAH), is proposed and then applied to the sound field separation of coherent sound sources with double measurement surfaces based on

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SONAH and wave superposition algorithm in three steps. Firstly, setting two reconstruction surfaces near the two holography surfaces with SONAH, respectively; Secondly, more data on reconstruction surfaces can be obtained by less data on holography surfaces; Finally, separating the pressure of single source by wave superposition algorithm. Numerical simulations have been performed to compare the new separation method to the conventional one, and experiment has been done to verify the extrapolation method.入藏号: WOS:000381320800013语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : statistically optimal; wave superposition; extrapolation method; sound field separationKeyWords Plus: NEARFIELD ACOUSTIC HOLOGRAPHY; WAVE SUPERPOSITION APPROACH地址: [Han, Yi; Yang, Yanyu; Li, Guangjun] Changan Univ, Sch Automobile, Middle Sect Naner Huan Rd, Xian 710064, Shaanxi Provinc, Peoples R China. [Mao, Jin] Xian Univ Technol, Fac Mech & Precis Instrument Engn, 5 South Jinhua Rd, Xian 710048, Shaanxi Provinc, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Han, Y (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Automobile, Middle Sect Naner Huan Rd, Xian 710064, Shaanxi Provinc, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: SCIBULCOM LTD出版商地址: PO BOX 249, 1113 SOFIA, BULGARIAWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Mechanical研究方向: EngineeringIDS 号: DT2ORISSN: 1310-477229 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J BALK TRIBOL ASSOCISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Balk. Tribol. Assoc.来源出版物页码计数: 9

第 5 条标题 : ADAPTABILITY EVALUATION OF ELECTRONIC VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION IN URBAN TRAFFIC: A CASE STUDY OF BEIJING(胡卉)作者: Hu, H (Hu, Hui); Li, BW (Li, Baowen); Chen, X (Chen, Xiang); Yan, Y (Yan, Ying); Ran, B (Ran, Bin)来源出版物: TEHNICKI VJESNIK-TECHNICAL GAZETTE 卷: 23 期: 1 页: 171-179 出版年: FEB 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 5使用次数 (2013 年至今): 7引用的参考文献数: 25摘要 : Electronic vehicle identification (EVI) technology is often introduced to implement congestion-based toll. This paper presented an ex ante evaluation method for EVI adaptability and

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discussed the feasibility of this technology in congestion charge on the basis of assessment. First, system dynamics was introduced to qualitatively analyze the effect of EVI on urban traffic systems with feedback chains. An EVI adaptability evaluation model was then developed based on principal component analysis (PCA) and data envelopment analysis (DEA). Given numerous output variables, a PCA model was built to reduce variable dimensionalities. Subsequently, two scenarios of EVI application under a congestion -based toll in Beijing were presented and calculated according to field data. Scenario 1 covered 5 % of the total vehicles, as well as the toll zone within the 2nd Ring Road. Meanwhile, scenario 2 covered 5 % more vehicles and included Zhongguancun West District based on scenario 1. According to evaluation result, the adaptability classifications of scenarios 1 and 2 were identified as basic adaptive & adaptive respectively, and that scenario 2 was more adaptive and feasible than scenario 1. In addition, the adaptability trends of the two scenarios between 2003 and 2012 were analyzed and proved to be consistent with the practical situation. The findings had significant implications for policy makers who determined the priority domains of interne of things technology applications by assessing the adaptability of these technologies before deployment.入藏号: WOS:000372047400022语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : adaptability; congestion charge; data envelopment analysis (DEA); electronic vehicle identification (EVI); evaluationKeyWords Plus: SYSTEM; TAGS地址: [Hu, Hui; Chen, Xiang; Yan, Ying] Changan Univ, Sch Automobile, Middle Sect South 2nd Ring Rd, Xian 710064, Shaanxi Provinc, Peoples R China. [Li, Baowen] Beijing Jiaotong Univ, Sch Traff & Transportat, 3 Shangyuancun, Beijing 100044, Peoples R China. [Ran, Bin] Univ Wisconsin, Dept Civil & Environm Engn, 1212 Engn Hall,1415 Engn Dr, Madison, WI 53706 USA.通讯作者地址: Hu, H (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Automobile, Middle Sect South 2nd Ring Rd, Xian 710064, Shaanxi Provinc, Peoples R China.电 子 邮 件 地 址 : [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: UNIV OSIJEK, TECH FAC出 版 商 地 址 : TRG IVANE BRLIC-MAZURANIC 2, SLAVONSKI BROD, HR-35000, CROATIAWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Multidisciplinary研究方向: EngineeringIDS 号: DG4MXISSN: 1330-3651eISSN: 1848-633929 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: TEH VJESNISO 来源出版物缩写: Teh. Vjesn.来源出版物页码计数: 9

第 6 条

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标题 : Effects of rapid burning characteristics on the vibration of a common-rail diesel engine fueled with diesel-methanol dual-fuel(李阳阳)作者: Li, YY (Li, Yangyang); Zhang, CH (Zhang, Chunhua); Yu, W (Yu, Wei); Wu, H (Wu, Han)来源出版物 : FUEL 卷: 170 页: 176-184 DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2015.12.045 出版年: APR 15 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 3被引频次合计: 3使用次数 (最近 180 天): 3使用次数 (2013 年至今): 23引用的参考文献数: 21摘要 : The diesel-methanol dual-fuel (DMDF) combustion mode is conducted on a six-cylinder, turbo-charged, inter-cooled diesel engine. In DMDF mode, methanol is injected into the intake pipe to premix methanol and air, and then ignited by the direct-injected diesel in cylinder. This study is aimed to investigate the effects of rapid burning characteristics on the vibration performance of the DMDF engine. The experimental results show that the combustion process of the DMDF engine can be divided into two phases. The rapid burning characteristics, the centroid angle of rapid burning (alpha) and the rapid burning fraction (beta) have important influence on the vibration characteristics of the DMDF engine. The co-combustion rate (CCR) and engine load affect beta greatly, and diesel injection timing also affects alpha and beta greatly. However, the diesel injection pressure has little effect on rapid burning characteristics. By means of optimized diesel injection timing and pressure, the vibration can be reduced and the peak value of CCR can be increased. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000368949600018语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关 键 词 : Common rail diesel engine; Diesel-methanol dual-fuel; Rapid burning characteristics; VibrationKeyWords Plus: EMISSION CHARACTERISTICS; GASEOUS FUEL; NATURAL-GAS; RCCI ENGINE; COMBUSTION; PERFORMANCE; BLENDS; NOX地址 : [Li, Yangyang; Zhang, Chunhua; Yu, Wei] Changan Univ, Sch Automobile, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Li, Yangyang] Shaanxi Key Lab Dev & Applicat New Transportat En, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Wu, Han] Beijing Inst Technol, Sch Mech Engn, Beijing 100081, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Zhang, CH (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Automobile, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Wu, Han 0000-0002-9113-9774


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Web of Science 类别: Energy & Fuels; Engineering, Chemical研究方向: Energy & Fuels; EngineeringIDS 号: DC1AQISSN: 0016-2361eISSN: 1873-715329 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: FUELISO 来源出版物缩写: Fuel来源出版物页码计数: 9

第 7 条标题: Cyclical variations of a HCCI engine fueled with n-butanol(林国庆)作者: Lin, GQ (Lin, G. Q.); Li, G (Li, G.); Zhang, C (Zhang, C.); Shen, Y (Shen, Y.); Lv, Q (Lv, Q.)来源出版物: BULGARIAN CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS 卷: 48 特刊: F 页: 158-161 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 0使用次数 (2013 年至今): 0引用的参考文献数: 7摘要: The 2nd cylinder of a water-cooled, naturally aspirated double-cylinders diesel engine was modified to operate on HCCI combustion mode. By changing intake temperature, mixture concentration and engine speed, the effects of parameter variation on cyclical variations of an HCCI engine fueled with n-butanol were investigated in this study. The results show that the peak cylinder pressure (P-max) rises as the intake temperature or engine speed increases while reduces as the excess air ratio (lambda) increases. The coefficient of variations for Pmax (COVPmax) is minimized at high intake temperature, low lambda or high engine speed, which are 1.32%, 1.53% and 1.45%, respectively. Therefore, the optimal parameters may be obtained to improve the combustion stability of HCCI engines.入藏号: WOS:000404015300022语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: HCCI; n-butanol; intake temperature; excess air ratio; cyclical variationsKeyWords Plus: COMBUSTION地址 : [Lin, G. Q.; Li, G.; Zhang, C.; Shen, Y.; Lv, Q.] Changan Univ, Sch Automobile, Xian, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Lin, GQ (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Automobile, Xian, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: BULGARIAN ACAD SCIENCE出版商地址: CENTRAL LIBRARY 7 NOEMVRI NO 1, SOFIA, 00000, BULGARIAWeb of Science 类别: Chemistry, Multidisciplinary研究方向: ChemistryIDS 号: EY5KEISSN: 0324-1130

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29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: BULG CHEM COMMUNISO 来源出版物缩写: Bulg. Chem. Commun.来源出版物页码计数: 4

第 8 条标题: Spectral collocation method for radiative-conductive porous fin with temperature dependent properties(马菁)作者: Ma, J (Ma, Jing); Sun, YS (Sun, Yasong); Li, BW (Li, Benwen); Chen, H (Chen, Hao)来源出版物 : ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT 卷 : 111 页 : 279-288 DOI: 10.1016/j.enconman.2015.12.054 出版年: MAR 1 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 21被引频次合计: 21使用次数 (最近 180 天): 2使用次数 (2013 年至今): 8引用的参考文献数: 40摘要: In this work, spectral collocation method is presented to predict the thermal performance of convective radiative porous fin with temperature dependent convective heat transfer coefficient, fin surface emissivity and internal heat generation. In this approach, the dimensionless fin temperature distribution is approximated by Lagrange interpolation polynomials at spectral collocation points. The differential form of the governing equation is formulated by the Darcy model, and is transformed to a matrix form of algebraic equation. The accuracy of the SCM is verified by compared with numerical results by the homotopy perturbation method and the finite volume method. The node convergence rate of the SCM approximately follows an exponential law, and the computational time of the SCM do not significantly increase with the increasing of collocation points. The effects of various geometric and thermo-physical parameters on the dimensionless fin temperature, fin efficiency and heat transfer rate are comprehensively analyzed. In addition, optimum design analysis is also carried out. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000370100400026语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Spectral collocation method; Porous fin; Combined convection and radiation; Temperature dependent properties; OptimizationKeyWords Plus: DIFFERENT SECTION SHAPES; HEAT-TRANSFER; OPTIMIZATION ANALYSIS; THERMAL-CONDUCTIVITY; NATURAL-CONVECTION; OPTIMUM DESIGN; MASS-TRANSFER; ANNULAR FINS; PERFORMANCE; EFFICIENCY地址 : [Ma, Jing; Chen, Hao] Changan Univ, Sch Automobile, Key Lab Shaanxi Prov Dev & Applicat New Transport, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Sun, Yasong] North China Elect Power Univ, Beijing Key Lab Multiphase Flow & Heat Transfer L, Beijing 102206, Peoples R China. [Li, Benwen] Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Energy & Power Engn, Inst Thermal Engn, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Ma, J (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Automobile, Key Lab Shaanxi Prov Dev & Applicat New Transport, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.Sun, YS (通讯作者),North China Elect Power Univ, Beijing Key Lab Multiphase Flow & Heat

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Transfer L, Beijing 102206, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Thermodynamics; Energy & Fuels; Mechanics研究方向: Thermodynamics; Energy & Fuels; MechanicsIDS 号: DD7JNISSN: 0196-8904eISSN: 1879-222729 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ENERG CONVERS MANAGEISO 来源出版物缩写: Energy Conv. Manag.来源出版物页码计数: 10

第 9 条标题: Exploring factors affecting injury severity of crashes in freeway tunnels(马壮林)作者: Ma, ZL (Ma, Zhuanglin); Chien, SIJ (Chien, Steven I-Jy); Dong, CJ (Dong, Chunjiao); Hu, DW (Hu, Dawei); Xu, T (Xu, Ting)来源出版物: TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY 卷: 59 页: 100-104 DOI: 10.1016/j.tust.2016.06.013 出版年: OCT 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 6使用次数 (2013 年至今): 10引用的参考文献数: 26摘要 : Identifying and understanding factors which affect crash injury severity is critical for developing plans to ensure traffic safety in freeway tunnels. Potential factors, such as traffic volume, tunnel environment, geometric design, and weather were considered to predict the likelihood of injury severity. A generalized ordered logit model is developed by using police-reported crash records of selected freeway tunnels in China. The results indicate that five factors are significantly related to injury severity, which include Season, Time of Day, Location of Crash, Tunnel Length, and Adverse Weather. The summer season seems discouraging the probability of sustaining fatal injuries. The likelihood of no injury crashes seems to increase during night-time. Crashes occurred near tunnel entrance/exit tend to be more severe than those occurred inside the tunnels. Tunnel length and weather were also found positively affecting the likelihood of injury severity. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000384774700011语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Injury severity; Freeway; Tunnel; Crash; Generalized ordered logit modelKeyWords Plus: PROPORTIONAL ODDS MODELS; ORDERED PROBIT MODELS; TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS; VEHICLE; LOCATIONS; OHIO地址: [Ma, Zhuanglin; Chien, Steven I-Jy; Hu, Dawei; Xu, Ting] Changan Univ, Sch Automobile, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.

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[Chien, Steven I-Jy] New Jersey Inst Technol, John A Reif Jr Dept Civil & Environm Engn, Newark, NJ 07102 USA. [Dong, Chunjiao] Univ Tennessee, Ctr Transportat Res, Knoxville, TN 37996 USA.通讯作 者 地址 : Ma, ZL (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Automobile, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; EngineeringIDS 号: DY0GGISSN: 0886-779829 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: TUNN UNDERGR SP TECHISO 来源出版物缩写: Tunn. Undergr. Space Technol.来源出版物页码计数: 5

第 10 条标题 : Combustion and Exhaust Emissions Characteristics of a Dual-Fuel Compression Ignition Engine Operated with Diesel Fuel and Liquefied Petroleum Gas(祁东辉)作者: Qi, DH (Qi, D. H.); Chen, B (Chen, B.); Zhang, D (Zhang, D.)来源出版物: JOURNAL OF ENERGY ENGINEERING 卷: 142 期: 4 文献号: 04016017 DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EY.1943-7897.0000359 出版年: DEC 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 3使用次数 (2013 年至今): 6引用的参考文献数: 18摘要: The paper reports on the utilization of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) as a primary fuel with diesel as an ignition pilot fuel in a direct injection diesel engine. A detailed account on brake-specific fuel consumption (BSFC), exhaust emissions, and combustion characteristic parameters in a wide range of engine load conditions with different LPG substitution ratios (SR) has been presented. From the results it was observed that, at low engine loads, the peak cylinder pressure, pressure rise rate, and heat release rate decreased with the increase of LPG SR, and at high engine loads, these parameters of dual fuel with a LPG SR of 25% were highest. The ignition delay period increased with the increase of LPG SR, and the combustion duration also increased with the increase of LPG SR at low engine loads, but firstly increased and then decreased at high engine loads. At each engine load, there existed a LPG SR at which the BSFC was lowest. The BSFC of dual fuel was higher than that of diesel fuel at low engine loads and lower at high engine loads. With the increase of LPG SR, hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide emissions evidently increased, but smoke emission decreased. Nitrogen oxide emissions of dual fuel were lower than those of diesel fuel and hardly varied with the increase of LPG SR.入藏号: WOS:000388620200025语种: English

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文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Dual fuel engine; Combustion; Emission; Performance; Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)KeyWords Plus: RECIRCULATION EGR; LPG COMPOSITION; PERFORMANCE; PARAMETERS地址: [Qi, D. H.; Chen, B.; Zhang, D.] Changan Univ, Sch Automobile, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Qi, DH (通讯作者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Automobile, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ASCE-AMER SOC CIVIL ENGINEERS出版商地址: 1801 ALEXANDER BELL DR, RESTON, VA 20191-4400 USAWeb of Science 类别: Energy & Fuels; Engineering, Civil研究方向: Energy & Fuels; EngineeringIDS 号: ED1QOISSN: 0733-9402eISSN: 1943-789729 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J ENERG ENGISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Energy Eng.-ASCE来源出版物页码计数: 7

第 11 条标题 : Optical study on the combustion characteristics and soot emissions of diesel-soybean biodiesel-butanol blends in a constant volume chamber (祁东辉)作者: Qi, DH (Qi, D. H.); Chen, B (Chen, B.); Zhang, D (Zhang, D.); Lee, CF (Lee, C. F.)来源出版物 : JOURNAL OF THE ENERGY INSTITUTE 卷 : 89 期 : 4 页 : 807-820 DOI: 10.1016/j.joei.2015.03.007 出版年: NOV 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 12使用次数 (2013 年至今): 15引用的参考文献数: 37摘要 : To investigate the effects, of ambient temperature on the combustion characteristics, and soot formation and oxidation, a detailed comparative study between two different volumetric diesel soybean biodiesel butanol blended fuels was carried out in an optical constant volume combustion chamber. The volumetric ratios were the 80% diesel/15% soybean biodiesel/5% butanol denoted as S15B5 and 80% diesel/10% soybean biodiesel/10% butanol denoted as S10B10 and were tested in this study with different ambient temperatures (from 800 K to 1200 K) at the start of injection. Experimental results indicated that the ignition delays of the two blended fuels were almost identical, and S15B5 fuel presented higher maximum cumulative heat release, heat release rate and combustion pressure compared to those of S10B10 fuel. With the increase of ambient temperature, the flame propagated downstream of the spray jet and became brighter. The soot distribution was also increased at the downstream of the spray jet with a higher ambient temperature for both blended fuels, and S10B10 had a lower value of normalized time integrated

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soot mass (NTISM). Therefore, S10B10 had more advantages to reduce the soot emission compared to S15B5 fuel. Also, increasing the ambient temperature from 800 K to 1200 K led to a rapid decrease in the value of NTISM for both blended fuels. (C) 2015 Energy Institute. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All tights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000386982600031语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词 : Forward illumination light extinction; Soot emission; Combustion characteristics; Constant volume combustion chamber; NTISMKeyWords Plus: LOW-TEMPERATURE COMBUSTION; N-BUTANOL; ENGINE PERFORMANCE; SPRAY COMBUSTION; FUEL; ETHANOL; IMPACT地址: [Qi, D. H.; Chen, B.; Zhang, D.] Changan Univ, Sch Automobile, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Lee, C. F.] Univ Illinois, Dept Mech Sci & Engn, Urbana, IL 61801 USA.通讯作者地址 : Qi, DH (通讯作者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Automobile, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Energy & Fuels研究方向: Energy & FuelsIDS 号: EA9ROISSN: 1743-9671eISSN: 1746-022029 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J ENERGY INSTISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Energy Inst.来源出版物页码计数: 14

第 12 条标题: Potential of diesel emissions reduction strategies in Xi'an, China(邱兆文)作者: Qiu, ZW (Qiu, Zhaowen); Li, XX (Li, Xiaoxia); Hao, YZ (Hao, Yanzhao); Deng, SX (Deng, Shunxi)来源出版物: Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 卷: 18 期: 8 特刊: SI 页: 2717-2724 DOI: 10.1007/s10098-016-1176-1 出版年: DEC 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 15使用次数 (2013 年至今): 15引用的参考文献数: 19摘要: Diesel vehicles contributed 70 % of the NOx and more than 90 % of the PM in the 2014 on-road emissions inventory in China. Attention is therefore being focused on diesel vehicles because of their significantly higher NOx and PM emission rates and vehicle miles traveled, relative to gasoline-powered cars. Xi'an city has taken many measures to reduce diesel exhaust emissions. In

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this present study, the main objectives were to identify potential of emission-reduction strategies-fuel-standard improvements, elimination of "yellow-brand" vehicles, increased use of alternative fuels (CNG, LNG), and installation of DPFs in older vehicles-and to quantify the relative effectiveness of each of these potential strategies. A revised MOVES model was used to estimate PM and NOx emission inventories for selected scenarios at the county scale, for Xi'an city. The results show that, for NOx reduction, the best strategy would be fuel-standard improvements (Scenario 1), followed by (in order of effectiveness) the increased use of alternative fuels (Scenario 3), elimination of "yellow-brand" diesel vehicles (Scenario 2), and retrofitting older vehicles by installing DPFs (Scenario 4), whereas for PM10 or PM2.5, the effectiveness sequence of control strategies was found to be Scenario 1, Scenario 3, Scenario 2, and Scenario 4. It was also found that medium-weight and heavy trucks have a larger potential for NOx and PM reductions than do other vehicle types. These results are of paramount importance, not only for Xi'an but also for other cities that are considering adopting possible strategies to mitigate air pollution from vehicles.入藏号: WOS:000388956400033语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Diesel emissions; Reduction strategies; Potential weight; PM; NOxKeyWords Plus: LUNG-CANCER; VEHICLES; EXHAUST; MINERS; ENGINE; GASES地址: [Qiu, Zhaowen; Li, Xiaoxia; Hao, Yanzhao] Changan Univ, Sch Automobile, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Deng, Shunxi] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710061, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Qiu, ZW (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Automobile, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USAWeb of Science 类别 : GREEN & SUSTAINABLE SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY; Engineering, Environmental; Environmental Sciences研 究 方向 : Science & Technology - Other Topics; Engineering; Environmental Sciences & EcologyIDS 号: ED6HJISSN: 1618-954XeISSN: 1618-955829 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: CLEAN TECHNOL ENVIRISO 来源出版物缩写: Clean Technol. Environ. Policy来源出版物页码计数: 8

第 13 条标题: Emission inventory estimation of an intercity bus terminal(邱兆文)作者: Qiu, ZW (Qiu, Zhaowen); Li, XX (Li, Xiaoxia); Hao, YZ (Hao, Yanzhao); Deng, SX (Deng, Shunxi); Gao, HO (Gao, H. Oliver)来源出版物: ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT 卷: 188 期: 6 DOI: 10.1007/s10661-016-5370-8 出版年: JUN 2016

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Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 7使用次数 (2013 年至今): 13引用的参考文献数: 23摘要: Intercity bus terminals are hotspots of air pollution due to concentrated activities of diesel buses. In order to evaluate the bus terminals' impact on air quality, it is necessary to estimate the associated mobile emission inventories. Since the vehicles' operating condition at the bus terminal varies significantly, conventional calculation of the emissions based on average emission factors suffers the loss of accuracy. In this study, we examined a typical intercity bus terminal-the Southern City Bus Station of Xi'an, China-using a multi-scale emission model-(US EPA's MOVES model)-to quantity the vehicle emission inventory. A representative operating cycle for buses within the station is constructed. The emission inventory was then estimated using detailed inputs including vehicle ages, operating speeds, operating schedules, and operating mode distribution, as well as meteorological data (temperature and humidity). Five functional areas (bus yard, platforms, disembarking area, bus travel routes within the station, and bus entrance/exit routes) at the terminal were identified, and the bus operation cycle was established using the micro-trip cycle construction method. Results of our case study showed that switching to compressed natural gas (CNG) from diesel fuel could reduce PM2.5 and CO emissions by 85.64 and 6.21 %, respectively, in the microenvironment of the bus terminal. When CNG is used, tail pipe exhaust PM2.5 emission is significantly reduced, even less than brake wear PM2.5. The estimated bus operating cycles can also offer researchers and policy makers important information for emission evaluation in the planning and design of any typical intercity bus terminals of a similar scale.入藏号: WOS:000376684900051语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Intercity bus terminal; Emission inventory evaluation; MOVES; Operating scheduleKeyWords Plus: VEHICLE EMISSION; AIR-QUALITY; CHINA地址: [Qiu, Zhaowen; Li, Xiaoxia; Hao, Yanzhao] Changan Univ, Sch Automobile, Changan Rd, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Deng, Shunxi] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Yanta Rd, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Gao, H. Oliver] Cornell Univ, Sch Civil & Environm Engn, 468 Hollister Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853 USA.通讯作者地址: Qiu, ZW (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Automobile, Changan Rd, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDSWeb of Science 类别: Environmental Sciences研究方向: Environmental Sciences & EcologyIDS 号: DM9KNISSN: 0167-6369

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eISSN: 1573-295929 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ENVIRON MONIT ASSESSISO 来源出版物缩写: Environ. Monit. Assess.来源出版物页码计数: 10

第 14 条标题: Node importance measure in linear wireless sensor networks(王宁)作 者 : Wang, N (Wang, Ning); Fu, YB (Fu, Yingbin); Zhao, J (Zhao, Jiao); Chen, LW (Chen, Liwei)来 源 出 版物 : ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 卷 : 8 期 : 12 文 献号 : 1687814016682391 DOI: 10.1177/1687814016682391 出版年: DEC 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 2使用次数 (2013 年至今): 2引用的参考文献数: 19摘要: This article analyzes the node importance in linear wireless sensor networks, which can be used to identify the key states of nodes that affect the wireless sensor network performance most. First, the sensor energy can be divided into energy of sensing event, energy of transmitting packets, and energy of receiving packets. The node residual energy of after data flow transmission in linear wireless sensor networks from source nodes and relay nodes is evaluated. Second, the node state is divided into four states based on the data packets transmitting. From the view of reliability theory, a data-flow model is analyzed to calculate the state probability of source node and relay node in the time period [0, t]. Third, the node importance is analyzed, and the ranking of node importance values can be used by designers and managers to identify the most important node for improving the wireless sensor network system reliability. At last, a numerical example is given to demonstrate the proposed methods.入藏号: WOS:000391308900016语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Importance measure; node reliability; wireless sensor networks; source node; sensor energyKeyWords Plus: MULTISTATE SYSTEMS; COMPONENT IMPORTANCE; RELIABILITY地址 : [Wang, Ning; Fu, Yingbin; Zhao, Jiao] Changan Univ, Sch Automobile, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Chen, Liwei] Zhengzhou Univ, Sch Elect Engn, Zhengzhou, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Wang, N (通讯作者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Automobile, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD出版商地址: 1 OLIVERS YARD, 55 CITY ROAD, LONDON EC1Y 1SP, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Thermodynamics; Engineering, Mechanical研究方向: Thermodynamics; EngineeringIDS 号: EG8LQ

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ISSN: 1687-814029 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ADV MECH ENGISO 来源出版物缩写: Adv. Mech. Eng.来源出版物页码计数: 7

第 15 条标题: Optimizing coordinated transfer with probabilistic vehicle arrivals and passengers' walking time(肖梅)作者: Xiao, M (Xiao, Mei); Chien, S (Chien, Steven); Hu, DW (Hu, Dawei)来源出版物: JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION 卷: 50 期: 8 页: 2306-2322 DOI: 10.1002/atr.1460 出版年: DEC 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 0使用次数 (2013 年至今): 0引用的参考文献数: 33摘要 : Supporting efficient connections by synchronizing vehicle arrival time and passengers' walking time at a transfer hub may significantly improve service quality, stimulate demand, and increase productivity. However, vehicle travel times and walking times in urban settings often varies spatially and temporally due to a variety of factors. Nevertheless, the reservation of slack time and/or the justification of vehicle arrival time at the hub may substantially increase the success of transfer coordination. To this end, this paper develops a model that considers probabilistic vehicle arrivals and passengers walking speeds so that the slack time and the scheduled bus arrival time can be optimized by minimizing the total system cost. A case study is conducted in which the developed model is applied to optimize the coordination of multiple bus routes connecting at a transfer station in Xi'an, China. The relationship between decision variables and model parameters, including the mean and the standard deviation of walking time, is explored. It was found that the joint impact of probabilistic vehicle arrivals and passengers' walking time significantly affects the efficiency of coordinated transfer. The established methodology can essentially be applied to any distribution of bus arrival and passenger walking time. Copyright (C) 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.入藏号: WOS:000401555900044语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: bus; transfer; slack time; walking time; arrival time; cost; probabilityKeyWords Plus: REAL-TIME; TRAVEL-TIME; NETWORK; OPTIMIZATION; INFORMATION; PREDICTION; CHOICE; SYSTEM; IMPACT; ROUTE地址 : [Xiao, Mei; Chien, Steven; Hu, Dawei] Changan Univ, Sch Automobile, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Chien, Steven] New Jersey Inst Technol, John A Reif Jr Dept Civil & Environm Engn, Newark, NJ 07102 USA.通讯作 者 地址 : Chien, S (通讯作 者 ),New Jersey Inst Technol, John A Reif Jr Dept Civil & Environm Engn, Newark, NJ 07102 USA.电子邮件地址: [email protected]

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出版商: WILEY-HINDAWI出版商地址: ADAM HOUSE, 3RD FL, 1 FITZROY SQ, LONDON, WIT 5HE, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Civil; Transportation Science & Technology研究方向: Engineering; TransportationIDS 号: EV2ATISSN: 0197-6729eISSN: 2042-319529 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J ADV TRANSPORTISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Adv. Transp.来源出版物页码计数: 17

第 16 条标题: Experimental study of co-combustion ratio on fuel consumption and emissions of NG-diesel dual-fuel heavy-duty engine equipped with a common rail injection system(张春化)作者: Zhang, CH (Zhang, Chun-hua); Song, JT (Song, Jian-tong)来源出版物 : JOURNAL OF THE ENERGY INSTITUTE 卷 : 89 期 : 4 页 : 578-585 DOI: 10.1016/j.joei.2015.06.005 出版年: NOV 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 12使用次数 (2013 年至今): 12引用的参考文献数: 23摘要 : Natural gas diesel dual-fuel mode has been considered as one of the most promising approaches to apply natural gas in diesel engines with minor engine modification and keeping high thermal efficiency levels. In this paper, the co-combustion characteristics of an NG-diesel dual-fuel engine were studied in order to utilize LNG on electronically controlled common rail diesel engines. The brake specific fuel consumption and exhaust emissions under varied co-combustion ratios are compared and analyzed under speeds of 1200 r/min and 2200 r/min with loads of 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%, 60% and 100%. Experimental results show that, with the increase of co-combustion ratios in dual-fuel mode, the brake specific fuel consumption increases under low loads while decreases under high and full loads; HC emission increases significantly; CO emission increases; NOx emission hardly changes; while smoke emissions decrease greatly. (C) 2015 Energy Institute. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000386982600010语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词 : Common rail diesel engine; LNG-diesel dual-fuel; Co-combustion characteristics; Fuel consumption; Exhaust emissionsKeyWords Plus: NATURAL-GAS; COMBUSTION; PERFORMANCE; BIODIESEL; EGR地址: [Zhang, Chun-hua; Song, Jian-tong] Changan Univ, Sch Automobile, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Song, Jian-tong] Beijing Polytech, Beijing 100026, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Zhang, CH (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Automobile, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.

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电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Energy & Fuels研究方向: Energy & FuelsIDS 号: EA9ROISSN: 1743-9671eISSN: 1746-022029 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J ENERGY INSTISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Energy Inst.来源出版物页码计数: 8

第 17 条标题 : Combustion characteristics and performance of a methanol fueled homogenous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engine(张春化)作者: Zhang, CH (Zhang, Chunhua); Wu, H (Wu, Han)来源出版物 : JOURNAL OF THE ENERGY INSTITUTE 卷 : 89 期 : 3 页 : 346-353 DOI: 10.1016/j.joei.2015.03.005 出版年: AUG 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 2被引频次合计: 2使用次数 (最近 180 天): 9使用次数 (2013 年至今): 22引用的参考文献数: 29摘要: Under the pressure of energy crisis and environmental pollution, a new combustion mode, homogenous charge compression ignition (HCCI) combustion, combined with a renewable alcohol fuel, methanol, was studied on a four-stroke HCCI engine. Intake charge temperature, fuel-air equivalence ratio and engine speed, were varied during the experiments. The results show that the intake charge temperature influences both the combustion phasing and heat release rate significantly, which is the most sensitive parameter among tested parameters for methanol HCCI combustion. Equivalence ratio has obvious influence on IMEP and cyclical variation but has little influence on thermal efficiency. The engine speed scopes are dominated by operation conditions and the optimized speed where highest thermal efficiency obtained increases gradually with equivalence ratio increasing. The maximum thermal efficiency can be obtained when CA50 locates near 7.5 degrees CA and combustion duration is less than 11 degrees CA on the experimental setup. (C) 2015 Energy Institute. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000380593800005语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Methanol; Homogenous charge compression ignition (HCCI); Boundary condition; Combustion characteristics; Engine performanceKeyWords Plus: EXHAUST-GAS RECIRCULATION; ACETONE-BUTANOL-ETHANOL; WASTE HEAT-RECOVERY; EMISSION CHARACTERISTICS; THERMAL STRATIFICATION; INTAKE TEMPERATURE; N-BUTANOL; HYDROGEN; GASOLINE;

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CHAMBER地址 : [Zhang, Chunhua; Wu, Han] Changan Univ, Sch Automobile, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.通讯作者 地址 : Wu, H (通讯作者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Automobile, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Energy & Fuels研究方向: Energy & FuelsIDS 号: DS2ISISSN: 1743-9671eISSN: 1746-022029 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J ENERGY INSTISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Energy Inst.来源出版物页码计数: 8

第 18 条标题: Development and application of a control scheme to reduce insufficient operation of an NG-diesel dual-fuel automobile(张春化)作者 : Zhang, CH (Zhang, Chunhua); Zhao, W (Zhao, Wei); Miao, T (Miao, Tao); Wu, H (Wu, Han)来源出版物: PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART D-JOURNAL OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING 卷 : 230 期 : 1 页 : 61-69 DOI: 10.1177/0954407015578039 出版年:JAN 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 2被引频次合计: 2使用次数 (最近 180 天): 2使用次数 (2013 年至今): 16引用的参考文献数: 20摘要: The thermal efficiency levels are generally maintained while the smoke emission levels are reduced significantly with natural-gas-diesel dual-fuel operation in comparison with those with diesel operation. Thus, the dual-fuel mode is a good choice for in-use vehicles to reduce the smoke emissions and the fuel cost. However, the higher hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide emissions compared with those for traditional diesel operation under low loads is a concern. In this paper, a control scheme is proposed to reduce insufficient operation in the natural-gas-diesel dual-fuel mode. Also, a control system, including a control unit and actuating devices, is developed to realize the scheme. The responses of the governor lever, the smoke emissions of the vehicle and the fuel consumption values are compared and analysed. The test results show that the response of the governor lever is sufficient for practical applications, as it is able to follow the pedal stroke instantaneously with good accuracy. The lugdown smoke emissions of the diesel mode do not conform to those given in the Chinese Standard GB 3847-2005, but those of the dual-fuel mode do. In the road tests, the substitution ratio of liquefied natural gas to diesel is 61.36%, and the fuel

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cost saving ratio is up to 21.71%. Overall, the scheme and the electronic control device work reliably and can be applied to both liquefied natural gas and compressed natural gas as gaseous fuels.入藏号: WOS:000367381700005语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Alternative vehicle designs; heavy-duty vehicles; natural-gas-diesel dual fuel; diesel quantity control scheme; electronic control device; reduction in the smoke emissionsKeyWords Plus: COMPRESSION IGNITION ENGINE; EXHAUST-GAS RECIRCULATION; NATURAL-GAS; COMBUSTION; EMISSIONS; PERFORMANCE; INJECTION; SYSTEM地址: [Zhang, Chunhua; Zhao, Wei; Miao, Tao; Wu, Han] Changan Univ, Sch Automobile, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Zhang, CH (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Automobile, 33 Changan Middle Rd, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD出版商地址: 1 OLIVERS YARD, 55 CITY ROAD, LONDON EC1Y 1SP, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Mechanical; Transportation Science & Technology研究方向: Engineering; TransportationIDS 号: CZ8XFISSN: 0954-4070eISSN: 2041-299129 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: P I MECH ENG D-J AUTISO 来源出版物缩写: Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. Part D-J. Automob. Eng.来源出版物页码计数: 9

第 19 条标题 : Effects of diesel injection parameters on the rapid combustion and emissions of an HD common-rail diesel engine fueled with diesel-methanol dual-fuel(作者中文名?)作者: Li, G (Li, Gang); Zhang, CH (Zhang, Chunhua); Li, YY (Li, Yangyang)来 源 出 版物 : APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING 卷 : 108 页 : 1214-1225 DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2016.08.029 出版年: SEP 5 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 3被引频次合计: 3使用次数 (最近 180 天): 4使用次数 (2013 年至今): 7引用的参考文献数: 32摘要 : The diesel-methanol dual-fuel (DMDF) combustion mode is performed on a 6-cylinder, heavy duty (HD), common-rail diesel engine. In DMDF mode, the methanol is premixed with air in the intake pipe and afterwards ignited by the direct-injected diesel in cylinder. This study is aimed to investigate the effects of diesel injection parameters on the rapid combustion and emissions of the DMDF engine. The experimental results show that the diesel injection parameters affect rapid combustion fraction (a) greatly, which increases as the diesel injection pressure rises while decreases as the diesel injection timing advanced or diesel injection quantity increases. The

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roar-combustion level of the DMDF engine is mainly controlled by the heat release rate (HRR) of rapid combustion phase. Both increasing the diesel injection pressure and advancing the diesel injection timing are beneficial to intensify roar-combustion level, but it can be weakened by increasing diesel injection quantity. Compared with original diesel combustion mode (D mode), NOx and smoke emissions in DMDF mode are all reduced, while CO and HC emissions increased obviously. Smoke emission can be further reduced by coupling the high diesel injection pressure and the advanced diesel injection timing. However, NOx emission may be increased in this case. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000384783000117语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Common-rail diesel engine; Methanol-diesel dual-fuel; Diesel injection parameters; Rapid combustion fraction; Roar-combustion levelKeyWords Plus: EXHAUST EMISSIONS; PERFORMANCE; RATIO; LOAD; AIR地址: Changan Univ, Sch Automobile, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Li, Gang] Shaanxi Key Lab Dev & Applicat New Transportat En, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Li, G (通讯作者),Shaanxi Key Lab Dev & Applicat New Transportat En, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Thermodynamics; Energy & Fuels; Engineering, Mechanical; Mechanics研究方向: Thermodynamics; Energy & Fuels; Engineering; MechanicsIDS 号: DY0JLISSN: 1359-431129 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: APPL THERM ENGISO 来源出版物缩写: Appl. Therm. Eng.来源出版物页码计数: 12

第 20 条标题: Research on Mutual Synergy of Antiwear Additives in Lithium Complex Grease(作者中文名?)作者: Yu, W (Yu, Wei); Zhang, CH (Zhang, Chunhua); Dong, YH (Dong, Yuanhu); Reddyhoff, T (Reddyhoff, Tom)来 源 出 版物 : TRIBOLOGY TRANSACTIONS 卷 : 59 期 : 2 页 : 330-339 DOI: 10.1080/10402004.2015.1077411 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 4使用次数 (2013 年至今): 15引用的参考文献数: 24摘要 : In recent years, with the enhancement of environment awareness, there has been a progressive reduction in permitted phosphorus and sulfur levels in lubricants. Sulfur and

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phosphorus are the most important elements of antiwear additives. Because of the reaction between additives, less mass of additives may have the same wear reducing properties when used together. However, there is uncertainty regarding the optimum amount and ratio of these additives. In this article, the influence of five kinds of antiwear additivessulfurized olefin cottonseed oil (T405), sulfurized isobutylene (SIB), tricresyl phosphate (TCP), molybdenum dialkyl dithiophosphates (MoDTC), zinc dialkyl dithiophosphate (ZDDP), and their combinationon lithium complex grease have been studied by single-factor and orthogonal experiments. The single-factor tests show that T405 and SIB work well under low temperature, whereas TCP and MoDTC work well under higher temperature; ZDDP are multifunctional additives. It was proved that base grease has better antiwear properties at 150 than at 75 degrees C. Additionally, sulfurized additives T405 and ZDDP and phosphate agent TCP could react better with lithium complex grease than the additives that have the same functional group. Furthermore, the results of orthogonal experiments show that the abrasion resistance of lithium complex grease is optimally best when T405, TCP, and ZDDP are blended with a ratio of 2:2:1. In addition, a synergistic effect between T405 and TCP is observed at ratios between 1:1 and 2:1. The morphology and element composition of the worn surfaces are examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive spectrometry (EDS). Based on the two kinds of technology, the friction and wear mechanism of additives also have been studied.入藏号: WOS:000374173400016语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Additive interaction; antiwear additives; additive depletionKeyWords Plus: ZINC DIALKYL DITHIOPHOSPHATE; TRIBOLOGICAL PROPERTIES; ZDDP; LUBRICATION; XANES; STEEL; FILMS地址: [Yu, Wei; Zhang, Chunhua; Dong, Yuanhu] Changan Univ, Sch Automobile, Xian, Peoples R China. [Reddyhoff, Tom] Univ London Imperial Coll Sci Technol & Med, Dept Mech Engn, London, England.通讯作者地址: Reddyhoff, T (通讯作者),Univ London Imperial Coll Sci Technol & Med, Dept Mech Engn, London, England.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: TAYLOR & FRANCIS INC出版商地址: 530 WALNUT STREET, STE 850, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19106 USAWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Mechanical研究方向: EngineeringIDS 号: DJ4KHISSN: 1040-2004eISSN: 1547-397X29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: TRIBOL TISO 来源出版物缩写: Tribol. Trans.来源出版物页码计数: 10


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第 1 条标题: Bond Performance and Structural Characterization of Polysaccharide Wood Adhesive Made from Konjac Glucomannan/Chitosan/Polyvinyl Alcohol(顾蓉)作者: Gu, R (Gu, Rong); Mu, BN (Mu, Baoning); Yang, YP (Yang, Yanpu)来源出版物: BIORESOURCES 卷: 11 期: 4 页: 8166-8177 DOI: 10.15376/biores.11.4.8166-8177 出版年: NOV 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 12使用次数 (2013 年至今): 12引用的参考文献数: 22摘要: The bond performance and bonding mechanism were evaluated for a Konjac glucomannan (KGM), Chitosan (CS), and polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH) blended wood adhesive. An optimized experimental strategy was used to investigate the effects of the formula parameters of adhesives on the bonding strength of plywood using a Box-Behnken design and response surface methodology (RSM). The microstructure of the blended adhesives was analyzed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). An optimum bonding strength (3.42 +/- 0.31 MPa) was achieved with concentrations of KGM, CS, and 10% PVOH of 2.3%, 2.3%, and 5.0%, respectively. There was strong hydrogen bonding between the KGM, CS, and 10% PVOH adhesives and the interface. SEM observations indicated that the blended adhesive exhibited a net-like structure that increased the overall bonding strength. These results provided the scientific basis for the continual development of environmentally friendly wood adhesives and the improvement of processing conditions.入藏号: WOS:000391801300006语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Wood adhesive; Polysaccharide; Bonding strength; Response surface methodology; Konjac glucomannan; ChitosanKeyWords Plus: POLYVINYL-ALCOHOL; BLEND ADHESIVE; GLUCOMANNAN; CHITOSAN地址: [Gu, Rong; Yang, Yanpu] Changan Univ, Sch Construct Machinery, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Mu, Baoning] Shaanxi Youth Vocat Coll, Xian 710068, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Gu, R (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Construct Machinery, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV DEPT WOOD & PAPER SCI出版商地址: CAMPUS BOX 8005, RALEIGH, NC 27695-8005 USAWeb of Science 类别: Materials Science, Paper & Wood研究方向: Materials ScienceIDS 号: EH5GTISSN: 1930-212629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: BIORESOURCESISO 来源出版物缩写: BioResources

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来源出版物页码计数: 12

第 2 条标题 : Consumers' Kansei Needs Clustering Method for Product Emotional Design Based on Numerical Design Structure Matrix and Genetic Algorithms(杨延璞)作者: Yang, YP (Yang, Yan-pu); Chen, DK (Chen, Deng-kai); Gu, R (Gu, Rong); Gu, YF (Gu, Yu-feng); Yu, SH (Yu, Sui-huai)来源出版物: COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND NEUROSCIENCE 文献号: 5083213 DOI: 10.1155/2016/5083213 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 10使用次数 (2013 年至今): 18引用的参考文献数: 29摘要 : Consumers' Kansei needs reflect their perception about a product and always consist of a large number of adjectives. Reducing the dimension complexity of these needs to extract primary words not only enables the target product to be explicitly positioned, but also provides a convenient design basis for designers engaging in design work. Accordingly, this study employs a numerical design structure matrix (NDSM) by parameterizing a conventional DSM and integrating genetic algorithms to find optimum Kansei clusters. A four-point scale method is applied to assign link weights of every two Kansei adjectives as values of cells when constructing an NDSM. Genetic algorithms are used to cluster the Kansei NDSM and find optimum clusters. Furthermore, the process of the proposed method is presented. The details of the proposed approach are illustrated using an example of electronic scooter for Kansei needs clustering. The case study reveals that the proposed method is promising for clustering Kansei needs adjectives in product emotional design.入藏号: WOS:000382047700001语种: English文献类型: ArticleKeyWords Plus: ORIENTED TECHNOLOGY; SYSTEM地址 : [Yang, Yan-pu; Gu, Rong; Gu, Yu-feng] Changan Univ, Sch Construct Machinery, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Chen, Deng-kai; Yu, Sui-huai] Northwestern Polytech Univ, Dept Ind Design, Xian 710072, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Yang, YP (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Construct Machinery, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号YANG, Yan-pu 0000-0002-5405-7235

出版商: HINDAWI LTD出版商地址: ADAM HOUSE, 3RD FLR, 1 FITZROY SQ, LONDON, W1T 5HF, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Mathematical & Computational Biology; Neurosciences

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研究方向: Mathematical & Computational Biology; Neurosciences & NeurologyIDS 号: DU2NLISSN: 1687-5265eISSN: 1687-527329 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: COMPUT INTEL NEUROSCISO 来源出版物缩写: Comput. Intell. Neurosci.来源出版物页码计数: 11

第 3 条标题: A Double-Blade Mixer for Concrete with Improved Mixing Quality(姚运仕)作者: Yao, YS (Yao, Yunshi); Feng, ZX (Feng, Zhongxu); Chen, SB (Chen, Shibin); Li, BQ (Li, Ben Q.); Zhao, LJ (Zhao, Lijun); Zhao, W (Zhao, Wu)来源出版物: ARABIAN JOURNAL FOR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 卷: 41 期: 12 页: 4809-4816 DOI: 10.1007/s13369-016-2151-1 出版年: DEC 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 13使用次数 (2013 年至今): 23引用的参考文献数: 22摘要: The paper intends to present a design of a double-blade mixer for the purpose of reinforce concrete mixing quality. The result of comparison experiment on mixing quality of three different types of concrete with the use of different mixers shows that mixing quality of the concrete using a double-blade mixer is better than that of using ordinary biaxial mixer. The compressive strength of C20 with filling rate of 31% is improved by 14.8% and that of C30 by 14.2%. Moreover, the compressive strength of roller compacted concrete is increased by 13.7%. The double-blade mixer used in macrostructure and SEM of the concrete could provide good binding to both the aggregates and the cement paste with few cracks between them which would form crushing destruction of its aggregate instead of interface. Furthermore, the double-blade mixer could provide faster uniform mixing at macro- and microscales, reinforce concrete microstructure and improve its compressive strength.入藏号: WOS:000385429900008语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关 键 词 : Concrete; Double-blade mixer; Mixing quality; Compressive strength; MicrostructureKeyWords Plus: INTERFACIAL TRANSITION ZONE; RECYCLED AGGREGATE; MICROSTRUCTURE; IMPACT; TIME; SUSTAINABILITY; PERFORMANCE; ADMIXTURES; STRENGTH; FRESH地址 : [Yao, Yunshi; Feng, Zhongxu; Chen, Shibin; Zhao, Lijun; Zhao, Wu] Changan Univ, Natl Engn Lab Highway Maintenance Equipment, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Yao, Yunshi; Li, Ben Q.] Univ Michigan, Dept Mech Engn, Dearborn, MI 48128 USA. [Zhao, Lijun; Zhao, Wu] Changan Univ, Key Lab Rd Construct Technol & Equipment MOE, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Yao, YS (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Natl Engn Lab Highway Maintenance

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Equipment, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.Yao, YS (通讯作者),Univ Michigan, Dept Mech Engn, Dearborn, MI 48128 USA.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER HEIDELBERG出版商地址: TIERGARTENSTRASSE 17, D-69121 HEIDELBERG, GERMANYWeb of Science 类别: Multidisciplinary Sciences研究方向: Science & Technology - Other TopicsIDS 号: DY9CIISSN: 2193-567XeISSN: 2191-428129 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ARAB J SCI ENGISO 来源出版物缩写: Arab. J. Sci. Eng.来源出版物页码计数: 8第 4 条标题 : Optimal Design of Constraint-Following Control for Fuzzy Mechanical Systems (赵睿英)作者: Zhao, RY (Zhao, Ruiying); Chen, YH (Chen, Ye-Hwa); Jiao, SJ (Jiao, Shengjie)来源出版物 : IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS 卷 : 24 期 : 5 页 : 1108-1120 DOI: 10.1109/TFUZZ.2015.2502275 出版年: OCT 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 7使用次数 (2013 年至今): 7引用的参考文献数: 25摘要 : The control problem for a mechanical system to follow a constraint is formulated. The uncertainty is considered in both the system dynamics and constraint. It is bounded, and the knowledge of the bound only lies within a fuzzy set. We propose an adaptive robust control for the mechanical system for approximate constraint-following. Both the mechanical system model and control scheme are deterministic and not IF-THEN heuristic rules-based. An optimal design problem using the fuzzy description of the uncertainty is proposed. We prove that the global solution to the resulting optimization problem always exists and is unique. Under the control, the performance of the mechanical system is both deterministically guaranteed and fuzzily optimized.入藏号: WOS:000386076600009语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Adaptive control; constraints; fuzzy uncertainty; mechanical system; robust controlKeyWords Plus: ROBOT MANIPULATORS; PERFORMANCE地址 : [Zhao, Ruiying; Jiao, Shengjie] Changan Univ, Natl Engn Lab Highway Maintenance Equipment, Xian 710065, Peoples R China. [Chen, Ye-Hwa] Georgia Inst Technol, George W Woodruff Sch Mech Engn, Atlanta, GA 30332 USA.通讯作 者 地址 : Zhao, RY (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Natl Engn Lab Highway Maintenance Equipment, Xian 710065, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

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出版商: IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC出版商地址: 445 HOES LANE, PISCATAWAY, NJ 08855-4141 USAWeb of Science 类别 : Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence; Engineering, Electrical & Electronic研究方向: Computer Science; EngineeringIDS 号: DZ7VQISSN: 1063-6706eISSN: 1941-003429 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: IEEE T FUZZY SYSTISO 来源出版物缩写: IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Syst.来源出版物页码计数: 13

第 5 条标题 : Trajectory Correction and Locomotion Analysis of a Hexapod Walking Robot with Semi-Round Rigid Feet(朱雅光)作者: Zhu, YG (Zhu, Yaguang); Jin, B (Jin, Bo); Wu, YS (Wu, Yongsheng); Guo, T (Guo, Tong); Zhao, XM (Zhao, Xiangmo)来源出版物: SENSORS 卷: 16 期: 9 文献号: 1392 DOI: 10.3390/s16091392 出版年: SEP 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 6使用次数 (2013 年至今): 11引用的参考文献数: 41摘要 : Aimed at solving the misplaced body trajectory problem caused by the rolling of semi-round rigid feet when a robot is walking, a legged kinematic trajectory correction methodology based on the Least Squares Support Vector Machine (LS-SVM) is proposed. The concept of ideal foothold is put forward for the three-dimensional kinematic model modification of a robot leg, and the deviation value between the ideal foothold and real foothold is analyzed. The forward/inverse kinematic solutions between the ideal foothold and joint angular vectors are formulated and the problem of direct/inverse kinematic nonlinear mapping is solved by using the LS-SVM. Compared with the previous approximation method, this correction methodology has better accuracy and faster calculation speed with regards to inverse kinematics solutions. Experiments on a leg platform and a hexapod walking robot are conducted with multi-sensors for the analysis of foot tip trajectory, base joint vibration, contact force impact, direction deviation, and power consumption, respectively. The comparative analysis shows that the trajectory correction methodology can effectively correct the joint trajectory, thus eliminating the contact force influence of semi-round rigid feet, significantly improving the locomotion of the walking robot and reducing the total power consumption of the system.入藏号: WOS:000385527700053语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: hexapod; semi-round rigid foot; kinematics; trajectory correction; sensors systemKeyWords Plus: MACHINE; ENVIRONMENTS; TERRAIN; SYSTEM; BODY

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地址: [Zhu, Yaguang; Wu, Yongsheng; Guo, Tong] Changan Univ, Key Lab Rd Construct Technol & Equipment, MOE, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Jin, Bo] Zhejiang Univ, State Key Lab Fluid Power & Mechatron Syst, Hangzhou 310028, Zhejiang, Peoples R China. [Zhao, Xiangmo] Changan Univ, Sch Informat Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Zhu, YG (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Key Lab Rd Construct Technol & Equipment, MOE, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电 子 邮 件 地 址 : [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: MDPI AG出版商地址: ST ALBAN-ANLAGE 66, CH-4052 BASEL, SWITZERLANDWeb of Science 类别: Chemistry, Analytical; Electrochemistry; Instruments & Instrumentation研究方向: Chemistry; Electrochemistry; Instruments & InstrumentationIDS 号: DZ0KNISSN: 1424-822029 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: SENSORS-BASELISO 来源出版物缩写: Sensors来源出版物页码计数: 21

第 6 条标题 : Effects of foam core density and face-sheet thickness on the mechanical properties of aluminum foam sandwich(作者中文名?)作者: Yan, C (Yan, Chang); Song, XD (Song, Xuding)来源出版物: STEEL AND COMPOSITE STRUCTURES 卷: 21 期: 5 页: 1145-1156 DOI: 10.12989/scs.2016.21.5.1145 出版年: AUG 10 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 18使用次数 (2013 年至今): 31引用的参考文献数: 25摘要 : To study the effects of foam core density and face-sheet thickness on the mechanical properties and failure modes of aluminum foam sandwich (AFS) beam, especially when the aluminum foam core is made in aluminum alloy and the face sheet thickness is less than 1.5 mm, three-point bending tests were investigated experimentally by using WDW-50E electronic universal tensile testing machine. Load-displacement curves were recorded to understand the mechanical response and photographs were taken to capture the deformation process of the composite structures. Results demonstrated that when foam core was combined with face-sheet thickness of 0.8 mm, its carrying capacity improved with the increase of core density. But when the thickness of face-sheet increased from 0.8 mm to 1.2 mm, result was opposite. For AFS with the same core density, their carrying capacity increased with the face-sheet thickness, but failure modes of thin face-sheet AFS were completely different from the thick face-sheet AFS. There were three failure modes in the present research: yield damage of both core and bottom face-sheet (Failure mode I), yield damage of foam core (Failure mode II), debonding between the adhesive interface (Failure mode III).

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入藏号: WOS:000382126400011语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: aluminum foam sandwich; three-point bending; mechanical properties; deformation; failure modeKeyWords Plus: 3-POINT BENDING BEHAVIOR; STEEL PANEL; PERFORMANCE; MANUFACTURE; FAILURE; BEAMS地址 : [Yan, Chang; Song, Xuding] Changan Univ, MOE, Key Lab Rd Construct Technol & Equipment, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Yan, C (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, MOE, Key Lab Rd Construct Technol & Equipment, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: TECHNO-PRESS出版商地址: PO BOX 33, YUSEONG, DAEJEON 305-600, SOUTH KOREAWeb of Science 类别 : Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil; Materials Science, Composites研究方向: Construction & Building Technology; Engineering; Materials ScienceIDS 号: DU3QFISSN: 1229-9367eISSN: 1598-623329 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: STEEL COMPOS STRUCTISO 来源出版物缩写: Steel Compos. Struct.来源出版物页码计数: 12

第 7 条标题: Effects of heterogeneity and load amplitude on fatigue rate prediction of a welded joint(张春国)作者 : Zhang, CG (Zhang, Chunguo); Hui, JZ (Hui, Jizhuang); Lu, PM (Lu, Pengmin); Hu, XZ (Hu, Xiaozhi); Liang, J (Liang, Jia)来 源 出 版物 : ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 卷 : 8 期 : 8 文 献号 : 1687814016663964 DOI: 10.1177/1687814016663964 出版年: AUG 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 3使用次数 (2013 年至今): 3引用的参考文献数: 20摘要 : is a contradiction to homogeneous material fatigue behavior characterized by widely used linear Paris law, welded-joint fatigue issues need to be reassessed because fatigue crack growth behavior going through heterogeneous region will be different. For a welded joint, log(da/dN) is no longer linearly related to log( Delta K) in heterogeneous region because of the change in fatigue properties resulting from the welding process. Theoretical model of the fatigue crack growth rate without artificial adjustable parameters was proposed by considering the effects of heterogeneity in a welded joint and load-amplitude variation on fatigue crack growth curve. In this fatigue heterogeneous region, the relationship between log(da/dN) and log(Delta K) is similar to a

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concave-down parabola. Predicted results from the proposed model agreed better with the experimental data obtained from fatigue tests conducted in this study and open published literatures for welded joints in comparison to the widely used Paris model.入藏号: WOS:000385216600031语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Cyclic loading; fatigue; fracture mechanics; life-cycle assessment; structural engineeringKeyWords Plus: CRACK-GROWTH-MODEL; STEEL; ALLOY地址 : [Zhang, Chunguo; Hui, Jizhuang; Lu, Pengmin; Liang, Jia] Changan Univ, Key Lab Rd Construct Technol & Equipment, MOE, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Hu, Xiaozhi] Univ Western Australia, Sch Mech & Chem Engn, Perth, WA, Australia.通讯作 者 地址 : Zhang, CG (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Key Lab Rd Construct Technol & Equipment, MOE, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Hu, Xiaozhi H-4353-2011

出版商: SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD出版商地址: 1 OLIVERS YARD, 55 CITY ROAD, LONDON EC1Y 1SP, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Thermodynamics; Engineering, Mechanical研究方向: Thermodynamics; EngineeringIDS 号: DY6KFISSN: 1687-814029 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ADV MECH ENGISO 来源出版物缩写: Adv. Mech. Eng.来源出版物页码计数: 8

第 8 条标题: Optimal Robust Control for Constrained Fuzzy Dynamic Systems: Semi-infinite Case(赵睿英)作者: Zhao, RY (Zhao, Ruiying); Chen, YH (Chen, Ye-Hwa); Jiao, SJ (Jiao, Shengjie)来源出版物: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUZZY SYSTEMS 卷: 18 期: 4 页: 557-569 DOI: 10.1007/s40815-016-0169-x 出版年: AUG 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 4使用次数 (2013 年至今): 6引用的参考文献数: 26摘要: We consider a constrained state and constrained control design problem for fuzzy dynamic systems. The uncertainty in the system is time-varying and bounded, with the bound information prescribed by a fuzzy set. The control input of systems is also constrained to be one-sided (either positive or negative). An optimal design of a robust control is proposed. It is proven that the global

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solution to an optimal design problem always exists and is unique. Neither the system nor the control is fuzzy heuristic if-then rule-based.入藏号: WOS:000380702200003语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Fuzzy dynamic system; State constraint; Control constraint; Optimal designKeyWords Plus: ULTIMATE BOUNDEDNESS; UNCERTAIN SYSTEMS; POPULATION地址 : [Zhao, Ruiying; Jiao, Shengjie] Changan Univ, Natl Engn Lab Highway Maintenance Equipment, Xian 710065, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Chen, Ye-Hwa] Georgia Inst Technol, George W Woodruff Sch Mech Engn, Atlanta, GA 30332 USA.通讯作 者 地址 : Chen, YH (通讯作 者 ),Georgia Inst Technol, George W Woodruff Sch Mech Engn, Atlanta, GA 30332 USA.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USAWeb of Science 类别: Automation & Control Systems; Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence研究方向: Automation & Control Systems; Computer ScienceIDS 号: DS3SEISSN: 1562-2479eISSN: 2199-321129 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: INT J FUZZY SYSTISO 来源出版物缩写: Int. J. Fuzzy Syst.来源出版物页码计数: 13

第 9 条标题: Target Identification and Location Algorithm Based on SURF-BRISK Operator(刘琼)作者: Liu, Q (Liu, Qiong); Hui, JZ (Hui, JiZhuang); Luo, L (Luo, Li); Yang, YP (Yang, YanPu)来源出版物: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PATTERN RECOGNITION AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 卷: 30 期: 6 文献号: 1655016 DOI: 10.1142/S0218001416550168 出版年: JUL 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 11使用次数 (2013 年至今): 21引用的参考文献数: 17摘要: Accurate and fast target image recognition is an important function of applications such as remote sensing imaging and medical imaging. However, an operator such as speeded up robust feature (SURF) cannot be accurately matched in the recognition process of a target image. This led us to propose the use of a method capable of matching identification, i.e. binary robust invariant scalable keypoints (BRISK) operators, in combination with SURF operators. The proposed algorithm combines the accuracy of SURF operators and the rapidity of BRISK operators to obtain a quick and accurate way of matching. The initial matching of image feature extraction for targets is performed using the SURF-BRISK algorithm, and similarity

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measurements of feature matching are performed for the feature points of initial matching using the Hamming distance. Then, secondary fine matching is performed using the M-estimator Sample and Consensus (MSAC) algorithm to eliminate mismatched point pairs in order to achieve recognition of target images. Then, the three-dimensional coordinates of the work piece are obtained by using a binocular stereo vision system to provide location coordinates for the robots to grasp the work pieces accurately. In the experiment, stereo vision matching is conducted for targets obtained using the SURF-BRISK algorithm, and the location coordinates of targets are passed to the robot controller. The experimental results show that if the special geometric distortion is neglected, this method can be adapted for accurate positioning of the target; hence, it can identify the target in complex environments, access the location coordinates of the target, and achieve accurate robotic grasping of the work piece in real time.入藏号: WOS:000381291500006语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Feature extraction; target identification; feature matching; Hamming distance; MSAC algorithm地址: [Liu, Qiong; Hui, JiZhuang; Luo, Li; Yang, YanPu] Changan Univ, Expressway Roadbldg Equipment & Technol Res Ctr, Mailbox 322,Cuihua Rd, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Liu, Q (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Expressway Roadbldg Equipment & Technol Res Ctr, Mailbox 322,Cuihua Rd, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD出版商地址: 5 TOH TUCK LINK, SINGAPORE 596224, SINGAPOREWeb of Science 类别: Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence研究方向: Computer ScienceIDS 号: DT2DRISSN: 0218-0014eISSN: 1793-638129 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: INT J PATTERN RECOGNISO 来源出版物缩写: Int. J. Pattern Recognit. Artif. Intell.来源出版物页码计数: 11

第 10 条标 题 : Rheological viscoplastic models of asphalt concrete and rate-dependent numerical implement(成建联)作者: Cheng, JL (Cheng, Jianlian); Qian, XD (Qian, Xudong); Zhao, TS (Zhao, Tieshuan)来 源 出 版物 : INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PLASTICITY 卷 : 81 页 : 209-230 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijplas.2016.01.004 出版年: JUN 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 8使用次数 (2013 年至今): 28引用的参考文献数: 91摘要 : Based on the generalized plastic theory, a viscoplastic constitutive model is derived from

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Perzyna's theory of viscoplasticity and is used to model the ratcheting behavior exhibited by the mix. The evolution of the permanent strain with number of loading cycles is also captured. The loading surface is considered for the viscoplastic model of asphalt concrete (AC) according to Vermeer loading surface. A non-associate flow rule for the plasticity model as well as an evolution equation for hardening parameters is given. The viscoplastic component captures the rate-dependent behavior. The developed viscoplastic model takes into account the anisotropy in AC. Inherent anisotropy is introduced through the fabric tensor and considered by the preferred orientation of non-spherical particles. The developed damage model is incorporated in the viscoplastic model to capture the permanent deformation of AC. Numerical implementation and algorithm aspects of the multidimensional elastic-viscoplastic-damage model are presented. A robust integration algorithm for the nonlinear differential equations is carried out, which equations are solved by prediction-corrector method. Model results are compared to experimental observation. For the permanent deformation, results of the RSST-CH and Triaxial experimental are used to calibrate the model and test its prediction of different stress levels. RSST-CH is also modeled as a boundary value problem to assess the capability of the model to predict rutting in the pavement. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000376215900011语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Fracture mechanisms; Rate-dependent material; Viscoplastic material; Numerical algorithms; Asphalt concreteKeyWords Plus: DAMAGE CONSTITUTIVE MODEL; GRANULAR-MATERIALS; STRUCTURAL ANISOTROPY; MECHANICAL-BEHAVIOR; FROZEN SILT; PLASTICITY; ROCKS; CRITERION; FRAMEWORK; SOIL地址 : [Cheng, Jianlian; Zhao, Tieshuan] Changan Univ, Highway Maintenance Equipment Natl Engn Lab, Key Lab Rd Construct Technol & Equipment, Minist Educ,Sch Construct Machinery, 322 Mailbox, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Qian, Xudong] Natl Univ Singapore, Dept Civil & Environm Engn, Singapore 117576, Singapore.通讯作者地址 : Cheng, JL (通讯作者 ),Changan Univ, Highway Maintenance Equipment Natl Engn Lab, Key Lab Rd Construct Technol & Equipment, Minist Educ,Sch Construct Machinery, 322 Mailbox, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件 地址 : [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Mechanical; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary; Mechanics研究方向: Engineering; Materials Science; MechanicsIDS 号: DM2ZFISSN: 0749-6419eISSN: 1879-215429 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: INT J PLASTICITYISO 来源出版物缩写: Int. J. Plast.

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来源出版物页码计数: 22

第 11 条标题: Compensation method for the alignment angle error in pitch deviation measurement(刘永生)作者: Liu, YS (Liu, Yongsheng); Fang, SP (Fang, Suping); Wang, HY (Wang, Huiyi); Taguchi, T (Taguchi, Tetsuya); Takeda, R (Takeda, Ryohei)来源出版物: MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 卷: 27 期: 5 文献号: 055006 DOI: 10.1088/0957-0233/27/5/055006 出版年: MAY 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 3使用次数 (2013 年至今): 13引用的参考文献数: 26摘要 : When measuring the tooth flank of an involute helical gear by gear measuring center (GMC), the alignment angle error of a gear axis, which was caused by the assembly error and manufacturing error of the GMC, will affect the measurement accuracy of pitch deviation of the gear tooth flank. Based on the model of the involute helical gear and the tooth flank measurement theory, a method is proposed to compensate the alignment angle error that is included in the measurement results of pitch deviation, without changing the initial measurement method of the GMC. Simulation experiments are done to verify the compensation method and the results show that after compensation, the alignment angle error of the gear axis included in measurement results of pitch deviation declines significantly, more than 90% of the alignment angle errors are compensated, and the residual alignment angle errors in pitch deviation measurement results are less than 0.1 mu m. It shows that the proposed method can improve the measurement accuracy of the GMC when measuring the pitch deviation of involute helical gear.入藏号: WOS:000374561500010语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: involute helical gear; pitch deviation; alignment angle error; compensation methodKeyWords Plus: GEAR METROLOGY; SPUR GEAR; CALIBRATION; ACCURACY; ARTIFACT; PROFILE; FLANK地址: [Liu, Yongsheng] Changan Univ, MOE, Key Lab Rd Construct Technol & Equipment, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Liu, Yongsheng; Fang, Suping; Wang, Huiyi] Xi An Jiao Tong Univ, Sch Mech Engn, State Key Lab Mfg Syst Engn, Xian 710049, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Fang, Suping] Hefei Univ Technol, Sch Mech Engn, Xuancheng Campus, Xuancheng 242000, Anhui, Peoples R China. [Taguchi, Tetsuya; Takeda, Ryohei] Osaka Seimitsu Kikai Co Ltd, Osaka 5770032, Japan.通讯作者地址 : Liu, YS (通讯作者 ),Changan Univ, MOE, Key Lab Rd Construct Technol & Equipment, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.Liu, YS; Fang, SP (通讯作者),Xi An Jiao Tong Univ, Sch Mech Engn, State Key Lab Mfg Syst Engn, Xian 710049, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.Fang, SP (通讯作 者 ),Hefei Univ Technol, Sch Mech Engn, Xuancheng Campus, Xuancheng

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242000, Anhui, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: IOP PUBLISHING LTD出版商地址: TEMPLE CIRCUS, TEMPLE WAY, BRISTOL BS1 6BE, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Multidisciplinary; Instruments & Instrumentation研究方向: Engineering; Instruments & InstrumentationIDS 号: DJ9VPISSN: 0957-0233eISSN: 1361-650129 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: MEAS SCI TECHNOLISO 来源出版物缩写: Meas. Sci. Technol.来源出版物页码计数: 10

第 12 条标题 : Enhanced epoxy adhesion between steel plates by surface treatment and CNT/short-fibre reinforcement(王斌华)作者 : Wang, BH (Wang, Binhua); Bai, YX (Bai, Yuxuan); Hu, XZ (Hu, Xiaozhi); Lu, PM (Lu, Pengmin)来 源 出 版物 : COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 卷 : 127 页 : 149-157 DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2016.03.008 出版年: APR 28 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 6被引频次合计: 6使用次数 (最近 180 天): 11使用次数 (2013 年至今): 45引用的参考文献数: 32摘要 : The wettability of grit blasted steel substrates is improved by a simple surface treatment method proposed in this study. The shear strength of epoxy adhesive joints has been improved by over 50% after optimizing this "resin pre-coating" surface treatment method. The shear strength is further enhanced by incorporating multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and short Kevlar fibres into the adhesive joints, with over 70% improvement for the combined surface-treated and MWCNTs toughened adhesive joints. The reinforcing mechanisms along the "interfacial zone" defined by the surface topography and the toughening mechanisms within the "composite adhesive joints" because of MWCNTs and short Kevlar fibres are discussed together with detailed Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) observations and experimental results. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000374709700019语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Adhesive joints; Layered structures; Fibre/matrix bond; Interface; Fibre bridgingKeyWords Plus: ADHEREND BENDING STIFFNESS; SYSTEMATIC VARIATION; FRACTURE-TOUGHNESS; CARBON NANOTUBES; JOINTS; ALUMINUM; STRENGTH; ALLOY; PERFORMANCE; SUBSTRATE地址 : [Wang, Binhua; Lu, Pengmin] Changan Univ, MOE, Key Lab Rd Construct Technol & Equipment, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.

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[Wang, Binhua; Bai, Yuxuan; Hu, Xiaozhi] Univ Western Australia, Sch Mech & Chem Engn, Perth, WA 6009, Australia.通讯作者地址: Hu, XZ (通讯作者),Univ Western Australia, Sch Mech & Chem Engn, Perth, WA 6009, Australia.电子邮件地址: [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Hu, Xiaozhi H-4353-2011

出版商: ELSEVIER SCI LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Materials Science, Composites研究方向: Materials ScienceIDS 号: DK1XVISSN: 0266-3538eISSN: 1879-105029 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: COMPOS SCI TECHNOLISO 来源出版物缩写: Compos. Sci. Technol.来源出版物页码计数: 9

第 13 条标题 : Analysis and modeling of a proportional directional valve with nonlinear solenoid (朱雅光)0作者: Zhu, YG (Zhu, Yaguang); Jin, B (Jin, Bo)来 源 出 版物 : JOURNAL OF THE BRAZILIAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING 卷: 38 期: 2 页: 507-514 DOI: 10.1007/s40430-015-0464-8 出版年: FEB 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 5使用次数 (2013 年至今): 16引用的参考文献数: 16摘要 : To explain the influence of the nonlinear characteristic of a proportional directional valve with double solenoids, a dynamic model with a nonlinear performance in current-force-displacement of double solenoids proportional valve is presented. Despite the analyzing of nonlinear characteristic of the solenoids, the valve spool modeling, the orifice area and the dynamic model of the valve are also presented. The simulation model is set in MATLAB and a test rig is built for the dynamic performance test. At last, the comparison in sine wave and dynamic response of the simulation and the experiments are made. A big distortion occurs near zero spool position because the nonlinear characteristic is mainly manifested when the solenoid current is small. And it is mainly induced by the nonlinear characteristic of the solenoids and the direction switch motion of spool. The output in simulation is almost coincided with that of experimental result. That means the proposed modeling method of solenoids and valve is valid and effective.

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Some advanced control theories and methods can be applied simultaneously.入藏号: WOS:000372534200020语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Nonlinear characteristic; Frequency response; Modeling; Proportional directional valveKeyWords Plus: SIMULATION地址: [Zhu, Yaguang] Changan Univ, Key Lab Rd Construct Technol & Equipment, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Jin, Bo] Zhejiang Univ, State Key Lab Fluid Power Transmiss & Control, Hangzhou 310027, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Zhu, YG (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Key Lab Rd Construct Technol & Equipment, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER HEIDELBERG出版商地址: TIERGARTENSTRASSE 17, D-69121 HEIDELBERG, GERMANYWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Mechanical研究方向: EngineeringIDS 号: DH1HEISSN: 1678-5878eISSN: 1806-369129 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J BRAZ SOC MECH SCIISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Braz. Soc. Mech. Sci. Eng.来源出版物页码计数: 8

第 14 条标 题 : COMPLIANCE CONTROL OF A LEGGED ROBOT BASED ON IMPROVED ADAPTIVE CONTROL: METHOD AND EXPERIMENTS(朱雅光)作者: Zhu, YG (Zhu, Yaguang); Jin, B (Jin, Bo)来源出版物: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBOTICS & AUTOMATION 卷: 31 期: 5 页: 366-373 DOI: 10.2316/Journal.206.2016.5.206-4536 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 2使用次数 (2013 年至今): 2引用的参考文献数: 17摘要: For the purpose of impact reduction and stable walking of a hexapod robot under different environments, a control strategy based on the improved adaptive control algorithm is proposed. According to the model of robot structure and impedance control, a fuzzy control scheme is utilized for parameters adjustment of adaptive control. With a real-time error regulator, a fast response of system can be achieved. Comparative analysis and a series of experiments for improved compliance control method are proposed in different circumstances and presence of disturbs. The results show that expected force can be tracked quickly in complex environments, as well as smaller contact shocking and body height fluctuations are obtained, which makes foot

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force regulating speed of the legs be more balance and decreases instability risk of the whole system. With this characteristic, foot slipping in soft terrains can be avoided. This means the proposed strategy has great benefit for the adaptability and robustness of the hexapod walking robot in complex environment.入藏号: WOS:000395526300001语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Adaptive control; walking robot; foot tip force; adaptability; compliance controlKeyWords Plus: IMPEDANCE CONTROL; WALKING; FORCE; LOCOMOTION; TERRAIN地址: [Zhu, Yaguang] Changan Univ, Key Lab Rd Construct Technol & Equipment MOE, Xian, Peoples R China. [Jin, Bo] Zhejiang Univ, State Key Lab Fluid Power & Mechatron Syst, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Zhu, YG (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Key Lab Rd Construct Technol & Equipment MOE, Xian, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: ACTA PRESS出版商地址: 2509 DIEPPE AVE SW, BLDG B6, STE 101, CALGARY, AB T3E 7J9, CANADAWeb of Science 类别: Automation & Control Systems; Robotics研究方向: Automation & Control Systems; RoboticsIDS 号: EM7XTISSN: 0826-8185eISSN: 1925-709029 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: INT J ROBOT AUTOMISO 来源出版物缩写: Int. J. Robot. Autom.来源出版物页码计数: 8

第 15 条标题: Evaluation of focus measures for the autofocus of line scan cameras(夏晓华)作 者 : Xia, XH (Xia, Xiaohua); Yao, YS (Yao, Yunshi); Liang, J (Liang, Jia); Fang, SP (Fang, Suping); Yang, ZY (Yang, Zhiyong); Cui, D (Cui, Dan)来源出版物: OPTIK 卷: 127 期: 19 页: 7762-7775 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijleo.2016.05.114 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 3使用次数 (2013 年至今): 6引用的参考文献数: 31摘要 : Plenty of focus measures have been proposed and researched in the past few years. However, little attention is paid to their performance in the autofocus of line scan cameras. This paper investigates sixteen typical focus measures, and their performance is compared for the autofocus of line scan cameras. A comprehensive evaluation method is proposed to assess the performance of focus measures. Subjective evaluation is firstly utilized to exclude the focus measures of poor performance. Then, objective evaluation which includes seven criteria is utilized

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to rank the rest focus measures. Scale factors are introduced for the evaluation of focus measures in different search algorithms and focus styles. Experimental results show that Tenengrad provides the best performance in both global-based search and local-based search in the autofocus with auxiliary focus sheet. In the autofocus directly on the object when the object is variable, autocorrelation provides the best performance in global-based search while Tenengrad provides the best performance in local-based search. In the autofocus directly on the invariable object, the best focus measure is related to image content, and it should be selected in field test. (C) 2016 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000380417900045语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Focus measure evaluation; Autofocus; Line scan cameraKeyWords Plus: MICROSCOPY; ALGORITHM; FUSION; SHAPE地 址 : [Xia, Xiaohua; Yao, Yunshi; Liang, Jia] Changan Univ, Natl Engn Lab Highway Maintenance Equipment, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Fang, Suping; Yang, Zhiyong; Cui, Dan] Xi An Jiao Tong Univ, State Key Lab Mfg Syst Engn, Xian 710049, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Xia, XH (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Natl Engn Lab Highway Maintenance Equipment, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Xia, Xiaohua 0000-0001-7848-2255

出版商: ELSEVIER GMBH, URBAN & FISCHER VERLAG出版商地址: OFFICE JENA, P O BOX 100537, 07705 JENA, GERMANYWeb of Science 类别: Optics研究方向: OpticsIDS 号: DS1XGISSN: 0030-402629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: OPTIKISO 来源出版物缩写: Optik来源出版物页码计数: 14

理学院第 1 条标题: Effect of poisson's ratio on functionally graded cellular structures(邓庆田)作者: Deng, QT (Deng, Qing-Tian); Yang, ZC (Yang, Zhi-Chun)来源出版物: MATERIALS EXPRESS 卷: 6 期: 6 页: 461-472 DOI: 10.1166/mex.2016.1341 出版年: DEC 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 3

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使用次数 (2013 年至今): 3引用的参考文献数: 34摘要 : Poisson's ratio is one of the key parameters of material properties, and it could directly decide deformation and distribution of stress in materials and structures. In this paper, effects of Poisson's ratio on static mechanical behaviours of functionally graded structure are investigated in three different kinds of elastic models. Configurations of unit cell and finite element (FE) models are utilized to analyze macro cellular structures under static compression loads. The properties of graphite sheet structure in micro-nano scaled structures are calculated. The unit cell varies from hexagonal to re-entrant configurations while Poisson's ratio varies from positive to negative values gradually. The combined Fourier series-Galerkin method is introduced to solve beam structure subjected to transverse loads. In the numerical results, it is found that Poisson's ratio exhibits appreciable effects on bearing capacity, which indicates static properties can be improved by optimal design of cell shape material distribution and computational methodology.入藏号: WOS:000398777900001语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Static Response; Functionally Graded Structure; Poisson's Ratio; Cellular StructureKeyWords Plus: MECHANICAL-PROPERTIES; FINITE-ELEMENT; SANDWICH STRUCTURES; DYNAMIC-BEHAVIOR; HONEYCOMBS; HOMOGENIZATION; MODEL地址: [Deng, Qing-Tian] Changan Univ, Sch Sci, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Yang, Zhi-Chun] Northwestern Polytech Univ, Sch Aeronaut, Xian 710072, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Deng, QT (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Sci, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: AMER SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHERS出版商地址: 26650 THE OLD RD, STE 208, VALENCIA, CA 91381-0751 USAWeb of Science 类别: Nanoscience & Nanotechnology; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Science & Technology - Other Topics; Materials ScienceIDS 号: ER4NYISSN: 2158-5849eISSN: 2158-585729 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: MATER EXPRESSISO 来源出版物缩写: Mater. Express来源出版物页码计数: 12

第 2 条标题 : Cooling rate dependence of solidification for liquid aluminium: a large-scale molecular dynamics simulation study(侯兆阳)作者: Hou, ZY (Hou, Z. Y.); Dong, KJ (Dong, K. J.); Tian, ZA (Tian, Z. A.); Liu, RS (Liu, R. S.); Wang, Z (Wang, Z.); Wang, JG (Wang, J. G.)来源出版物: PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS 卷: 18 期: 26 页: 17461-17469 DOI: 10.1039/c6cp02172g 出版年: JUL 14 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 11被引频次合计: 11使用次数 (最近 180 天): 11

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使用次数 (2013 年至今): 30引用的参考文献数: 42摘要 : The effect of the cooling rate on the solidification process of liquid aluminium is studied using a large-scale molecular dynamics method. It is found that there are various types of short-range order (SRO) structures in the liquid, among which the icosahedral (ICO)-like structures are dominant. These SRO structures are in dynamic fluctuation and transform each other. The effect of the cooling rate on the microstructure is very weak at high temperatures and in supercooled liquids, and it appears only below the liquid-solid transition temperature. Fast cooling rates favour the formation of amorphous structures with ICO-like features, while slow cooling rates favour the formation of FCC crystalline structures. Furthermore, FCC and HCP structures can coexist in crystalline structures. It is also found that nanocrystalline aluminium can be achieved at appropriate cooling rates, and its formation mechanism is thoroughly investigated by tracing the evolution of nanoclusters. The arrangement of FCC and HCP atoms in the nanograins displays various twinned structures as observed using visualization analysis, which is different from the layering or phase separation structures observed in the solidification of Lennard-Jones fluids and some metal liquids.入藏号: WOS:000379482100041PubMed ID: 27302145语种: English文献类型: ArticleKeyWords Plus: METASTABLE BCC PHASE; CRYSTAL NUCLEATION; ALLOY; CRYSTALLIZATION; TEMPERATURE; MELT; TRANSFORMATION; TRANSITION; MECHANISM; METALS地址: [Hou, Z. Y.; Wang, Z.; Wang, J. G.] Changan Univ, Dept Appl Phys, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Dong, K. J.] Univ Western Sydney, Inst Infrastruct Engn, Penrith, NSW 2751, Australia. [Tian, Z. A.; Liu, R. S.] Hunan Univ, Sch Phys & Microelect Sci, Changsha 410082, Hunan, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Hou, ZY (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Dept Appl Phys, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY出 版商地址 : THOMAS GRAHAM HOUSE, SCIENCE PARK, MILTON RD, CAMBRIDGE CB4 0WF, CAMBS, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Chemistry, Physical; Physics, Atomic, Molecular & Chemical研究方向: Chemistry; PhysicsIDS 号: DQ8STISSN: 1463-9076eISSN: 1463-908429 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: PHYS CHEM CHEM PHYSISO 来源出版物缩写: Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.来源出版物页码计数: 9

第 3 条

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标题 : Bias voltage-dependent low field spin transport properties of Fe3O4-PEG with different particle sizes(徐春龙)作者: Xu, CL (Xu, Chunlong); Wang, Z (Wang, Zhen); Wang, L (Wang, Lei); Shi, G (Shi, Gang); Hou, ZY (Hou, Zhaoyang); Xi, L (Xi, Li)来 源 出 版物 : MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS B 卷 : 30 期 : 23 文 献号 : 1650301 DOI: 10.1142/S0217984916503012 出版年: AUG 30 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 6使用次数 (2013 年至今): 10引用的参考文献数: 35摘要: Spin-dependent transport properties of Fe3O4 spheres with diameters from 200 nm to 900 nm have been investigated and polyethylene glycol (PEG) exists on the surface of Fe3O4 particles. The nonlinear I-V curve became obvious with the increase of Fe3O4 diameter, which indicated the tunneling barrier height decreases with the increasing diameter. The magnetoresistance (MR) can reach 13% with an applied low field of 0.2T at room temperature. With the diameter increase, the MR decreases and the required applied field increases. Moreover, the decrease of MR with the bias voltage increase can be attributed to the spin-dependent tunneling effect through the insulating surface layer of Fe3O4 and PEG.入藏号: WOS:000383898000008语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Fe3O4-PEG; low field magnetoresistance; bias voltageKeyWords Plus: FACILE SYNTHESIS; MICROWAVE-ABSORPTION; OPTICAL-PROPERTIES; HOLLOW SPHERE; MAGNETORESISTANCE; NANOPARTICLES; MAGNETITE; TEMPERATURE; COMPOSITE; RANGE地址: [Xu, Chunlong; Wang, Zhen; Shi, Gang; Hou, Zhaoyang] Changan Univ, Dept Appl Phys, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Wang, Lei] Xian Int Univ, Xian 710077, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Xi, Li] Lanzhou Univ, Key Lab Magnetism & Magnet Mat, Minist Educ, Lanzhou 730000, Gansu, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Wang, Z (通讯作者 ),Changan Univ, Dept Appl Phys, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD出版商地址: 5 TOH TUCK LINK, SINGAPORE 596224, SINGAPOREWeb of Science 类别: Physics, Applied; Physics, Condensed Matter; Physics, Mathematical研究方向: PhysicsIDS 号: DW8IHISSN: 0217-9849eISSN: 1793-664029 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: MOD PHYS LETT BISO 来源出版物缩写: Mod. Phys. Lett. B来源出版物页码计数: 10

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第 4 条标题: Application of integrated ARIMA and RBF network for groundwater level forecasting(闫峭)作者: Yan, Q (Yan, Qiao); Ma, C (Ma, Cong)来 源 出 版物 : ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES 卷 : 75 期 : 5 文 献号 : 396 DOI: 10.1007/s12665-015-5198-5 出版年: MAR 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 10使用次数 (2013 年至今): 26引用的参考文献数: 36摘要 : The combination model of autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) and radial basis function network (RBFN) is used for the prediction of monthly groundwater level. The ARIMA model is used to estimate the linear principal of time series, and the RBFN model is used to predict the nonlinear residuals. The proposed hybrid model is applied to forecast the monthly groundwater level fluctuations for two observation wells in the city of Xi'an, China. The monthly groundwater level data from the year 1998 to 2008 are used for training the applied models and the data from the year 2009 to 2010 are reserved for testing. Predicted data from the hybrid model are compared with those from the ARIMA model and RBFN model using the accuracy measures. The result shows that the proposed hybrid model has both the good linear fitting ability of ARIMA model and the great nonlinear mapping ability of RBFN model. The prediction accuracy rate is higher than that of any single model. Therefore, the application of the combination model in the prediction of groundwater level is effective and feasible.入藏号: WOS:000372171700036语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词 : Groundwater level; Autoregressive integrated moving average model; Radial basis function network; Time series predictionKeyWords Plus: ARTIFICIAL NEURAL-NETWORKS; WIND-SPEED PREDICTION; HYBRID; MODEL地址: [Yan, Qiao] Changan Univ, Coll Sci, Xian 710064, Shaanxi Provinc, Peoples R China. [Ma, Cong] Changan Univ, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710054, Shaanxi Provinc, Peoples R China. [Ma, Cong] Changan Univ, Key Lab Subsurface Hydrol & Ecol Arid Areas, Minist Educ, Xian 710054, Shaanxi Provinc, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Yan, Q (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Coll Sci, Xian 710064, Shaanxi Provinc, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USAWeb of Science 类别: Environmental Sciences; Geosciences, Multidisciplinary; Water Resources研究方向: Environmental Sciences & Ecology; Geology; Water ResourcesIDS 号: DG6DF

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ISSN: 1866-6280eISSN: 1866-629929 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ENVIRON EARTH SCIISO 来源出版物缩写: Environ. Earth Sci.来源出版物页码计数: 13

第 5 条标题: A smoothing Newton algorithm for weighted linear complementarity problem(张剑)作者: Jian, Z (Jian, Zhang)来源出版物: OPTIMIZATION LETTERS 卷: 10 期: 3 页: 499-509 DOI: 10.1007/s11590-015-0877-4 出版年: MAR 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 5使用次数 (2013 年至今): 8引用的参考文献数: 16摘要: In this paper, we present a new smoothing Newton method for solving monotone weighted linear complementarity problem (WCP). Our algorithm needs only to solve one linear system of equation and performs one line search per iteration. Any accumulation point of the iteration sequence generated by our algorithm is a solution of WCP. Under suitable conditions, our algorithm has local quadratic convergence rate. Numerical experiments show the feasibility and efficiency of the algorithm.入藏号: WOS:000373145900006语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Weighted linear complementarity problem; Smoothing Newton method; Locally quadratic convergenceKeyWords Plus: CONVERGENCE; NCP; LCP; P-0地址: [Jian, Zhang] Changan Univ, Sch Sci, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Jian, Z (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Sci, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER HEIDELBERG出版商地址: TIERGARTENSTRASSE 17, D-69121 HEIDELBERG, GERMANYWeb of Science 类别: Operations Research & Management Science; Mathematics, Applied研究方向: Operations Research & Management Science; MathematicsIDS 号: DH9WEISSN: 1862-4472eISSN: 1862-448029 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: OPTIM LETTISO 来源出版物缩写: Optim. Lett.来源出版物页码计数: 11


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TRANSPORTATION AND ITS INFLUENCING FACTORS(张锦荣)作者 : Zhang, JR (Zhang, Jinrong); Wang, WX (Wang, Wenxuan); Wu, L (Wu, Ling); Li, P (Li, Ping)来源出版物 : JOURNAL OF THE BALKAN TRIBOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION 卷: 22 期: 1 页: 483-492 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 4使用次数 (2013 年至今): 7引用的参考文献数: 12摘要: The transport of hazardous gases on roads presents unique dangers in the event of leaks or accidents. In order to analyse and predict the diffusion distances and hazardous zones of these gases, a hazardous gas diffusion model specifically for these hazardous material (HAZMAT) scenarios has been developed based on the Gaussian puff model. In the new model, dynamically changing leakage rate, and the moving direction and velocity of a tanker truck were introduced; these factors had not been taken into account in the traditional models. The hazardous gas diffusion from the leakage accidents was simulated in MATLAB software for various conditions of vehicle speed, leakage rate, wind speed and atmospheric stability. The simulation results showed that the gas diffusion distance and hazardous zones increase with the increase in vehicle speed and leakage rate; the hazardous zones decrease in length while increase in width with the increase of wind speed; and the more stable the atmosphere, the larger the diffusion distance and resulting larger areas of moderate, severe and immediate-death zones.入藏号: WOS:000374619000046语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: leakage; diffusion model; concentration distribution; simulation; road transportation; hazardous materials (HAZMAT)地址 : [Zhang, Jinrong; Wang, Wenxuan; Wu, Ling; Li, Ping] Changan Univ, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Zhang, JR (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SCIBULCOM LTD出版商地址: PO BOX 249, 1113 SOFIA, BULGARIAWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Mechanical研究方向: EngineeringIDS 号: DK0RDISSN: 1310-477229 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J BALK TRIBOL ASSOCISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Balk. Tribol. Assoc.来源出版物页码计数: 10

第 7 条标题: Mathematical model of transmission dynamics of human immune-deficiency virus: A case study for Yunnan, China(张太雷)

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作者: Zhang, TL (Zhang, Tailei); Zhou, YC (Zhou, Yicang)来源出版物: APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING 卷: 40 期: 7-8 页: 4859-4875 DOI: 10.1016/j.apm.2015.12.022 出版年: APR 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 5使用次数 (2013 年至今): 9引用的参考文献数: 46摘要 : In this paper, we present an HIV/AIDS epidemic model with 12 compartments in Yunnan province, China. The total population is divided into four subgroups: injecting drug users(IDUs), female sex workers (FSWs), clients of FSWs (C) and men who have sex with men (MSM). Due to behavioral change, susceptible people will move into the other susceptible groups. A basic reproduction number R-0 of the model is established by means of a next generation matrix. It is found that the model is locally as well as globally asymptotically stable at the disease free equilibrium when R-0 < 1. If R-0 > 1, permanence of HIV/AIDS for the model is studied. Based on HIV/AIDS epidemic data in Yunnan province, parameters are chosen to fit the data. The simulations indicate that Yunnan will have about 140,000 HIV positives, 18,000 AIDS cases unless there are any stronger or more effective control measures by the end of 2015. Sexual transmission is the main mode from 2006-2015. The HIV prevalence rate among men who have sex with men continues to increase more quickly until 2015. If effective measures are taken to reduce the transmission rate, then HIV/AIDS spread in Yunnan can be controlled. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000374367500037语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: HIV infection; Basic reproduction number; Permanence; Prediction; InterventionsKeyWords Plus: HIV/AIDS EPIDEMIC; HIV TRANSMISSION; PROVINCE; SEX地址: [Zhang, Tailei] Changan Univ, Sch Sci, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Zhou, Yicang] Xi An Jiao Tong Univ, Dept Appl Math, Xian 710049, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Zhang, TL (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Sci, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC出版商地址: 360 PARK AVE SOUTH, NEW YORK, NY 10010-1710 USAWeb of Science 类 别 : Engineering, Multidisciplinary; Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications; Mechanics研究方向: Engineering; Mathematics; MechanicsIDS 号: DJ7BSISSN: 0307-904XeISSN: 1872-848029 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: APPL MATH MODELISO 来源出版物缩写: Appl. Math. Model.来源出版物页码计数: 17

第 8 条

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标题 : Luminescence selective output characteristics tuned by laser pulse width in Tm3+ doped NaYF4 nanorods(张翔宇)作者: Zhang, XY (Zhang Xiang-Yu); Wang, JG (Wang Jin-Guo); Xu, CL (Xu Chun-Long); Pan, Y (Pan Yuan); Hou, ZY (Hou Zhao-Yang); Ding, J (Ding Jian); Cheng, L (Cheng Lin); Gao, DL (Gao Dang-Li)来 源 出 版物 : ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 卷 : 65 期 : 20 文 献号 : 204205 DOI: 10.7498/aps.65.204205 出版年: OCT 20 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 10使用次数 (2013 年至今): 12引用的参考文献数: 42摘要 : The variations in material composition, phase and structure can provide a useful tool for tuning emission colour, but the controlling of the emission colour in a material, with a composition fixed, remains to be a daunting challenge. In this work, we systematically study the luminescence selective output characteristics of Tm3+ doped NaYF4 nanorods, and also the dependences of fluerecence output on pulse duration, excitation wavelength, pump power, and ambient temperature. The results show that the color of output light is strongly dependent on laser pulse duration compared with other factors. The temperature dependent luminescence of the nanorods shows very different behaviors with shortpulse laser excitation from those of continuous wave (CW) laser. When the pulse laser at 656 nm is employed, the emission spectra from NaYF4 : 0.5 mol% Tm3+ nanorods at the different temperatures are dominated by near-infrared (NIR) luminescence about 800 nm accompanied with weak blue luminescence, giving rise to nearly spectrally-pure NIR emissions at 20 K. When the pulse laser is replaced by CW laser, blue double emissions at 453 and 478 nm with the same order of magnitude of NIR luminescence can be clearly detected at room temperature. The key mechanism responsible for colour-tunable emission can be explained in terms of the population process of luminescence level, in which the different luminescence level populations need different time intervals. Considering excited-state absorption (ESA) for a particular D-1(2) energy level, there needs an extra step of F-3(2,3) -> H-3(4) multiphonon nonradiation relaxation process to populate the H-3(4) state and subsequently pump its D-1(2) state for blue emission. Therefore, the pulse width should be longer than nonradiation relaxation time of F-3(2,3) -> H-3(4) to comply with the ESA, while the nonradiation relaxation time can further be tuned by controlling ambient temperature. We show that the variation of the excitation power leads to interesting change in the upconversion (UC) decay curve. We focus our attention on the excitation wavelength dependences of H-3(4) and D-1(2) emission lifetimes in order to validate the population mechanism of luminescence level. We demonstrate that the H-3(4) luminescence time depends on excitation wavelength, while D-1(2) emission lifetime nearly keeps constant when varying the excitation wavelength. Based on multi-phonon relaxation theory and time-resolved photoluminescence studies, it is indicated that the UC luminescence under short-pulse laser excitation mainly originates from the ions at/near the surface, while downconversion is mainly from the ions in the core for NaYF4 : Tm3+ nanorods. The single-band NIR luminescence output by changing the pulse width and excitation wavelength provides an insight into the controlling of the population processes of luminescent levels and offers a versatile approach to tuning the spectral output.

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入藏号: WOS:000389465700013语种: Chinese文献类型: Article作者关键词: NaYF4:Tm3+ nanorods; pulse width; selective excitation; spectral tuningKeyWords Plus: UP-CONVERSION LUMINESCENCE; DOWN-CONVERSION; 800 NM; NANOPARTICLES; NANOCRYSTALS; LANTHANIDE; EMISSION; FLUORESCENCE; NANOMATERIALS; CHALLENGES地址 : [Zhang Xiang-Yu; Wang Jin-Guo; Xu Chun-Long; Pan Yuan; Hou Zhao-Yang; Ding Jian; Cheng Lin] Changan Univ, Coll Sci, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Gao Dang-Li] Xian Univ Architecture & Technol, Coll Sci, Xian 710055, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Zhang, XY (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Coll Sci, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]作者识别号:作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号Gao, Dangli H-9266-2013 0000-0001-5907-6817

出版商: CHINESE PHYSICAL SOC出版商地址: P O BOX 603, BEIJING 100080, PEOPLES R CHINAWeb of Science 类别: Physics, Multidisciplinary研究方向: PhysicsIDS 号: EE3CXISSN: 1000-329029 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ACTA PHYS SIN-CH EDISO 来源出版物缩写: Acta Phys. Sin.来源出版物页码计数: 10

第 9 条标题: A third-order entropy stable scheme for hyperbolic conservation laws(程晓晗)作者: Cheng, XH (Cheng, Xiaohan); Nie, YF (Nie, Yufeng)来源出版物: JOURNAL OF HYPERBOLIC DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 卷: 13 期: 1 页: 129-145 DOI: 10.1142/S021989161650003X 出版年: MAR 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 3使用次数 (2013 年至今): 4引用的参考文献数: 28摘要: A third-order entropy stable scheme for nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws is proposed here. This scheme contains two main ingredients: a fourth-order entropy conservative flux and a third-order numerical diffusion operator. A piecewise-quadratic reconstruction from pointwise values is developed in order to approximate the thirdorder dissipative term. To guarantee a non-oscillating property, a nonlinear limiter is employed and, furthermore, the scheme is proven to be entropy stable. Finally, numerical experiments are presented and demonstrate the accuracy, high-resolution, and robustness of our method.入藏号: WOS:000372785300003

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语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Entropy stability; non-oscillatory reconstruction; nonlinear limiter; conservation lawKeyWords Plus: FINITE-DIFFERENCE SCHEMES; NONCLASSICAL SHOCKS; NUMERICAL VISCOSITY; KINETIC RELATIONS; EQUATIONS; SYSTEMS; ORDER地址: [Cheng, Xiaohan] Changan Univ, Sch Sci, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Cheng, Xiaohan; Nie, Yufeng] Northwestern Polytech Univ, Sch Sci, Xian 710129, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Cheng, XH (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Sci, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.Cheng, XH; Nie, YF (通讯作者),Northwestern Polytech Univ, Sch Sci, Xian 710129, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD出版商地址: 5 TOH TUCK LINK, SINGAPORE 596224, SINGAPOREWeb of Science 类别: Mathematics, Applied; Physics, Mathematical研究方向: Mathematics; PhysicsIDS 号: DH4WCISSN: 0219-8916eISSN: 1793-699329 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J HYPERBOL DIFFER EQISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Hyberbolic Differ. Equ.来源出版物页码计数: 17

第 10 条标题: NILPOTENCY OF ODD UNITARY K-1-FUNCTOR(于伟波)作者: Yu, WB (Yu, Weibo); Tang, GP (Tang, Guoping)来 源 出 版物 : COMMUNICATIONS IN ALGEBRA 卷 : 44 期 : 8 页 : 3422-3453 DOI: 10.1080/00927872.2015.1085543 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 0使用次数 (2013 年至今): 0引用的参考文献数: 20摘要 : Using Bak's localization-completion method and a version of Stein's relativization, we obtain a descending (SU2n)-U-0(R, (sic))-central series (SU2n)-U-0(R, (sic), (sic)) >= (SU2n)-U-1(R, (sic), (sic)) >= (SU2n)-U-2(R, (sic), (sic)) >=..., such that (SU2n)-U-d(R, (sic), (sic)) coincides with EU2n(R, (sic), (sic)) whenever d >= Bass-Serre dimension of R. Moreover, each (SU2n)-U-d(R, (sic), (sic)) is normal in (U) over bar (2n) (R, (sic), (sic)) for any d >= 0.入藏号: WOS:000375473300016语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Localization-completion method; Nilpotency; Odd unitary groupKeyWords Plus: K-THEORY; RINGS; K-1; STABILITY地址: [Yu, Weibo] Changan Univ, Sch Sci, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.

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[Yu, Weibo] Jilin Univ, Sch Math, Changchun 130023, Peoples R China. [Tang, Guoping] Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Sch Math Sci, Beijing, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Yu, WB (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Sci, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: TAYLOR & FRANCIS INC出版商地址: 530 WALNUT STREET, STE 850, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19106 USAWeb of Science 类别: Mathematics研究方向: MathematicsIDS 号: DL2NYISSN: 0092-7872eISSN: 1532-412529 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: COMMUN ALGEBRAISO 来源出版物缩写: Commun. Algebr.来源出版物页码计数: 32

第 11 条标题 : The investigation of chemical interaction and energy level alignment at Bepp2/Fe65Co35 interface(王真)作者: Wang, Z (Wang, Zhen); Pan, WW (Pan, Weiwei); Wang, JG (Wang, Jinguo); Xu, CL (Xu, Chunlong); Hou, ZY (Hou, Zhaoyang); Zuo, YL (Zuo, Yalu); Xi, L (Xi, Li)来 源 出 版 物 : APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 卷 : 370 页 : 169-175 DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2016.02.052 出版年: MAY 1 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 10使用次数 (2013 年至今): 15引用的参考文献数: 37摘要: In a bilayer system of Bepp2-FeCo, the element content variation and chemical states of the Bepp2-FeCo interface were investigated using X-ray and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy with Ar ion etching. Chemical reaction was observed for Co and Fe with Bepp2 at the interface. Ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy results showed a downward energy shift of -1.0 eV at the interface. This behavior was attributed to the formation of an interface dipole layer. The hole injection barrier Phi(P)(B) was 2.0 eV, and the electronic injection barrier Phi(n)(B) was 0.6 eV. Moreover, only as the FeCo thickness is less than 3 nm, an uniaxial anisotropy can be induced on the organic layer with the investigation of magnetic optical Kerr effect, this can be used as a multi-function devices. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000374075000023语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Bepp2-FeCo interface; Chemical interaction; Energy level alignmentKeyWords Plus: ORGANIC SPIN-VALVES; MAGNETIC-PROPERTIES; DEVICES; SEMICONDUCTORS; SURFACE; FILMS地址 : [Wang, Zhen; Wang, Jinguo; Xu, Chunlong; Hou, Zhaoyang] Changan Univ, Dept Appl Phys, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.

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[Pan, Weiwei] Guizhou Normal Coll, Sch Phys & Elect Sci, Guiyang 550018, Peoples R China. [Zuo, Yalu; Xi, Li] Lanzhou Univ, Key Lab Magnetism & Magnet Mat, Minist Educ, Lanzhou 730000, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Wang, Z (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Dept Appl Phys, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.出版商: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV出版商地址: PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDSWeb of Science 类别 : Chemistry, Physical; Materials Science, Coatings & Films; Physics, Applied; Physics, Condensed Matter研究方向: Chemistry; Materials Science; PhysicsIDS 号: DJ2ZUISSN: 0169-4332eISSN: 1873-558429 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: APPL SURF SCIISO 来源出版物缩写: Appl. Surf. Sci.来源出版物页码计数: 7

第 12 条标题 : Global asymptotic stability of CNNs with impulses and multi-proportional delays (宋学力)作 者 : Song, XL (Song Xueli); Zhao, P (Zhao Pan); Xing, ZW (Xing Zhiwei); Peng, JG (Peng Jigen)来源出版物: MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES 卷: 39 期: 4 页: 722-733 DOI: 10.1002/mma.3515 出版年: MAR 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 13被引频次合计: 13使用次数 (最近 180 天): 6使用次数 (2013 年至今): 14引用的参考文献数: 35摘要 : This paper is devoted to global asymptotic stability of cellular neural networks with impulses and multi-proportional delays. First, by means of the transformation v(i)(t) = u(i)(e(t)), the impulsive cellular neural networks with proportional delays are transformed into impulsive cellular neural networks with the variable coefficients and constant delays. Second, we prove the global exponential stability of the latter by nonlinear measure, and that the exponential stability of the latter implies the asymptotic stability of the former. We furthermore provide a sufficient condition to the existence, uniqueness, and the global asymptotic stability of the equilibrium point of the former. Our results are generalizations of some existing ones. Finally, an example and its simulation are presented to illustrate effectiveness of our method. Copyright (c) 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.入藏号: WOS:000370234600010语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: global asymptotic stability; cellular neural networks; proportional delays; nonlinear measure

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KeyWords Plus: CELLULAR NEURAL-NETWORKS; TIME-VARYING DELAYS; EXPONENTIAL STABILITY; DIFFERENTIAL-EQUATIONS地址: [Song Xueli; Zhao Pan] Changan Univ, Dept Math & Informat Sci, 126 Middle,Erhuannan Rd, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Xing Zhiwei] Xian Polytech Univ, Coll Sci, 19 Jinhua South Rd, Xian 710048, Peoples R China. [Peng Jigen] Xi An Jiao Tong Univ, Sch Math & Stat, 28 Xianning W Rd, Xian 710049, Peoples R China.通讯作 者 地址 : Song, XL (通讯作 者 ),Changan Univ, Dept Math & Informat Sci, 126 Middle,Erhuannan Rd, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: WILEY-BLACKWELL出版商地址: 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USAWeb of Science 类别: Mathematics, Applied研究方向: MathematicsIDS 号: DD9GVISSN: 0170-4214eISSN: 1099-147629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: MATH METHOD APPL SCIISO 来源出版物缩写: Math. Meth. Appl. Sci.来源出版物页码计数: 12

第 13 条标题: A third-order entropy stable scheme for hyperbolic conservation laws(程晓晗)作者: Cheng, XH (Cheng, Xiaohan); Nie, YF (Nie, Yufeng)来源出版物: JOURNAL OF HYPERBOLIC DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 卷: 13 期: 1 页: 129-145 DOI: 10.1142/S021989161650003X 出版年: MAR 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 3使用次数 (2013 年至今): 4引用的参考文献数: 28摘要: A third-order entropy stable scheme for nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws is proposed here. This scheme contains two main ingredients: a fourth-order entropy conservative flux and a third-order numerical diffusion operator. A piecewise-quadratic reconstruction from pointwise values is developed in order to approximate the thirdorder dissipative term. To guarantee a non-oscillating property, a nonlinear limiter is employed and, furthermore, the scheme is proven to be entropy stable. Finally, numerical experiments are presented and demonstrate the accuracy, high-resolution, and robustness of our method.入藏号: WOS:000372785300003语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Entropy stability; non-oscillatory reconstruction; nonlinear limiter; conservation lawKeyWords Plus: FINITE-DIFFERENCE SCHEMES; NONCLASSICAL SHOCKS; NUMERICAL VISCOSITY; KINETIC RELATIONS; EQUATIONS; SYSTEMS; ORDER

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地址: [Cheng, Xiaohan] Changan Univ, Sch Sci, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Cheng, Xiaohan; Nie, Yufeng] Northwestern Polytech Univ, Sch Sci, Xian 710129, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Cheng, XH (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Sci, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.Cheng, XH; Nie, YF (通讯作者),Northwestern Polytech Univ, Sch Sci, Xian 710129, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]; [email protected]出版商: WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD出版商地址: 5 TOH TUCK LINK, SINGAPORE 596224, SINGAPOREWeb of Science 类别: Mathematics, Applied; Physics, Mathematical研究方向: Mathematics; PhysicsIDS 号: DH4WCISSN: 0219-8916eISSN: 1793-699329 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J HYPERBOL DIFFER EQISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Hyberbolic Differ. Equ.来源出版物页码计数: 17

电子与控制工程学院第 1 条标题: A matrix based on germanium/ormosil system for all-optical applications(高恬溪)作者: Gao, TX (Gao, Tianxi); Que, WX (Que, Wenxiu); Wang, YS (Wang, Yushu)来源出版物: APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS 卷: 122 期: 5 文献号: UNSP 144 DOI: 10.1007/s00340-016-6422-z 出版年: MAY 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 4使用次数 (2013 年至今): 7引用的参考文献数: 28摘要 : Germania/ormosil hybrid matrix with large third-order nonlinearity is prepared by a low-temperature sol-gel process. Z-scan measurements indicate that the film fabricated from the pure Germania/ormosil hybrid solution shows an excellent third-order nonlinearity at all measured wavelengths. In order to explore its potential to be a functional matrix, a well-investigated organic dopant disperse red 1 (DR1) azoaromatic chromophore is introduced into the Germania/ormosil system. As a comparison, the poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) polymer is employed and doped with the same content of DR1 molecule. Results indicate that by employing Germania/ormosil matrix system, the figure of merit of DR1-doped material at 532 nm can be greatly improved as compared to that of the PMMA/DR1 polymer film and also other published reports. This improvement helps broaden the limited applications of DR1-doped material and make it acceptable for devices fabrication at 532 nm. Results demonstrate that the as-prepared hybrid matrix might be a promising candidate for alloptical applications.入藏号: WOS:000378778600039语种: English

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文献类型: ArticleKeyWords Plus: SOL-GEL; NONLINEAR OPTICS; DESIGN; DYE; FILM地址: [Gao, Tianxi] Changan Univ, Sch Elect & Control Engn, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Gao, Tianxi; Que, Wenxiu] Xi An Jiao Tong Univ, Elect Mat Res Lab, Key Lab, Minist Educ,Int Ctr Dielectr Res, Xian 710049, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Wang, Yushu] Georgia Inst Technol, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, 500 Tenth St NW, Atlanta, GA 30318 USA.通讯作者地址: Que, WX (通讯作者),Xi An Jiao Tong Univ, Elect Mat Res Lab, Key Lab, Minist Educ,Int Ctr Dielectr Res, Xian 710049, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USAWeb of Science 类别: Optics; Physics, Applied研究方向: Optics; PhysicsIDS 号: DP8WMISSN: 0946-2171eISSN: 1432-064929 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: APPL PHYS B-LASERS OISO 来源出版物缩写: Appl. Phys. B-Lasers Opt.来源出版物页码计数: 6

第 2 条标题: MPPT Control by Using a U-P Curve for PMSG-Based Small Wind Turbines(巩建英)作者: Gong, JY (Gong, Jianying); Xie, R (Xie, Rong)来源出版物: JOURNAL OF ENERGY ENGINEERING 卷: 142 期: 3 文献号: 04015030 DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EY.1943-7897.0000299 出版年: SEP 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 7使用次数 (2013 年至今): 10引用的参考文献数: 31摘要 : The permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG)-based small wind turbines (SWT) are studied in recent years because of their high reliability, high efficiency and low cost. To achieve maximum power point tracking (MPPT) without mechanical sensors and improve efficiency, a novel MPPT control method is proposed in this paper. Without measurement of the shaft speed, the conventional MPPT control strategy based on the -P curve does not work. However, it is possible to impose the relationship between the RMS of generator output voltage (U) and the output power (P) on the optimum operating points. The innovations focus on obtaining the U-P curve by relating the RMS of U to the shaft speed and designing the controller by using the control strategy based on the U-P curve. After building the whole model of the PMSG-based SWT, the RMS of U is calculated theoretically from the , and the U-P curve is obtained. The generator speed controller is designed by using the control strategy based on the U-P curve. The efficiency of the proposed MPPT control method is verified.

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入藏号: WOS:000383141900016语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词 : Small wind turbines; Permanent magnet synchronous generator; Maximum power point tracking; U<mml:mo>-</mml:mo>P curve; Sensorless controlKeyWords Plus: POWER POINT TRACKING; ENERGY-CONVERSION SYSTEMS; GENERATORS地址: [Gong, Jianying] Changan Univ, Sch Elect & Control Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Xie, Rong] Northwestern Polytech Univ, Sch Automat, Xian 710072, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Gong, JY (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Elect & Control Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ASCE-AMER SOC CIVIL ENGINEERS出版商地址: 1801 ALEXANDER BELL DR, RESTON, VA 20191-4400 USAWeb of Science 类别: Energy & Fuels; Engineering, Civil研究方向: Energy & Fuels; EngineeringIDS 号: DV7UAISSN: 0733-9402eISSN: 1943-789729 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: J ENERG ENGISO 来源出版物缩写: J. Energy Eng.-ASCE来源出版物页码计数: 8

第 3 条标题: Estimated passenger car equivalent using backward wave speed(李曙光)作者: Li, SG (Li, Shuguang); Wang, K (Wang, Ke)来源出版物: PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS-TRANSPORT 卷: 169 期: 1 文献号: 1400018 DOI: 10.1680/jtran.14.00018 出版年: FEB 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 1使用次数 (2013 年至今): 4引用的参考文献数: 21摘要 : In previous studies, little attention has been paid to developing methods for estimating passenger car equivalent (PCE) factors under oversaturated conditions. This paper presents a new method to estimate PCE factors for heavy vehicles based on the assumption that backward wave velocities keep consistent under oversaturated conditions. As the variations of backward wave velocities in mixed flows will be minimal if the traffic stream is uniform, a minimum relative standard deviation optimising model is given based on backward wave velocity. The traffic data drawn from I-80 datasets provided by the next generation simulation are utilised to analyse this method and prove the assumption. In view of the limitation of empirical data, Vissim microscopic traffic software is used to simulate oversaturated traffic flow under different percentages of heavy vehicles. The results show that the effects of heavy vehicles under oversaturated conditions are greater than those under free-flow conditions and the proportion of heavy vehicles has a major

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impact on the PCE factors.入藏号: WOS:000368020700005语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: mathematical modelling; statistical analysis; traffic engineeringKeyWords Plus: FREEWAY SECTIONS; HEAVY VEHICLES; SIMULATION; MODEL; FLOW地址 : [Li, Shuguang; Wang, Ke] Changan Univ, Sch Elect & Control Engn, Xian, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Li, SG (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Elect & Control Engn, Xian, Peoples R China.出版商: ICE PUBLISHING出 版商地址 : INST CIVIL ENGINEERS, 1 GREAT GEORGE ST, WESTMINISTER SW 1P 3AA, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Civil; Transportation Science & Technology研究方向: Engineering; TransportationIDS 号: DA7YEISSN: 0965-092X29 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: P I CIVIL ENG-TRANSPISO 来源出版物缩写: Proc. Inst. Civil Eng.-Transp.来源出版物页码计数: 8

第 4 条标题 : A cell-based multiple vehicle type dynamic user equilibrium model with physical queues(李曙光)作者: Li, SG (Li, ShuGuang)来源出版物: CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING 卷: 43 期: 1 页: 1-12 DOI: 10.1139/cjce-2014-0231 出版年: JAN 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 2使用次数 (2013 年至今): 8引用的参考文献数: 46摘要 : This paper proposes a cell-based multiple vehicle type dynamic user equilibrium model with physical queues. A single-type traffic flow model is extended to a general case with multiple vehicle types that can be partly solved by the time-space discretization method. Then, a network version of the multiple vehicle type cell transmission model is given. An integrated variational inequality (VI) formulation is presented to capture the complex traveler choice behaviors such as route and departure time choices. Furthermore, a genetic algorithm with a flow-swapping method is adopted to solve the VI problem. Two examples are used to evaluate the properties of this formulation. The results show that the model can reflect dynamic phenomena, such as multiple vehicle type speed consistent under congested conditions, queue formation and dissipation and so on. Moreover, the solutions can approximately follow the multiple vehicle type dynamic route and departure time user equilibrium conditions.入藏号: WOS:000370045900001

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语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: multiple vehicle types; dynamic user equilibrium; physical queue; genetic algorithm.KeyWords Plus: VARIATIONAL INEQUALITY FORMULATION; TRAFFIC FLOW; TRANSMISSION MODEL; ASSIGNMENT PROBLEM; NUMERICAL-SOLUTION; SOLUTION ALGORITHM; SIMULTANEOUS ROUTE; NETWORK; SIMULATION; SPILLBACK地址: [Li, ShuGuang] Changan Univ, Sch Elect & Control Engn, Dept Traff Informat & Control Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Li, SG (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Elect & Control Engn, Dept Traff Informat & Control Engn, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: CANADIAN SCIENCE PUBLISHING, NRC RESEARCH PRESS出版商地址: 65 AURIGA DR, SUITE 203, OTTAWA, ON K2E 7W6, CANADAWeb of Science 类别: Engineering, Civil研究方向: EngineeringIDS 号: DD6PKISSN: 0315-1468eISSN: 1208-602929 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: CAN J CIVIL ENGISO 来源出版物缩写: Can. J. Civ. Eng.来源出版物页码计数: 12

第 5 条标题 : Measurement principle and precision analysis of chamber parameters on images (王会峰)作 者 : Wang, HF (Wang, Hui-Feng); Yao, NF (Yao, Nai-Fu); Wang, XM (Wang, Xiao-Meng); Chen, SQ (Chen, Shi-qin)来 源 出 版物 : ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 卷 : 8 期 : 2 文 献号 : 1687814016632988 DOI: 10.1177/1687814016632988 出版年: FEB 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 4使用次数 (2013 年至今): 6引用的参考文献数: 13摘要: A new kind of measuring principle of reading data across the diameter of a target image is proposed for high-accuracy measurements of artillery-chamber parameters. A new kind of ruler target mechanism is designed to read the cross-diameter data. The ruler target mechanism is pushed into the chamber by a driver mechanism. It moves along the axis of the chamber, and the sequence images are collected. The radial displacement of the cross-measurement claw can be obtained by processing the change of inscribed lines on the ruler target, and the current diameter, volume and conical degree of the chamber can all be acquired by referring to the demarcating annulus size. Measurement precision is analysed based on error propagation theory, with the diameter and volume parameters as examples. According to this principle, the measurement

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prototype is designed, and experiments are conducted on it. We show that the measurement error of the diameter is no more than 10 mu m, and the volume error of the artillery chamber is less than 2 parts per thousand, which satisfies the practical engineering requirement.入藏号: WOS:000371706300024语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Measurement; sequence image; error propagation; calibration ring地址: [Wang, Hui-Feng; Yao, Nai-Fu; Wang, Xiao-Meng; Chen, Shi-qin] Changan Univ, Sch Elect & Control Engn, Middle Sect Naner Huan Rd, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Wang, HF (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Elect & Control Engn, Middle Sect Naner Huan Rd, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD出版商地址: 1 OLIVERS YARD, 55 CITY ROAD, LONDON EC1Y 1SP, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Thermodynamics; Engineering, Mechanical研究方向: Thermodynamics; EngineeringIDS 号: DF9UFISSN: 1687-814029 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ADV MECH ENGISO 来源出版物缩写: Adv. Mech. Eng.来源出版物页码计数: 8

第 6 条标题 : A kind of infrared expand depth of field vision sensor in low-visibility road condition for safety-driving(王会峰)作者 : Wang, HF (Wang, Hui-feng); Wang, GP (Wang, Gui-ping); Wang, XY (Wang, Xiao-yan); Ruan, C (Ruan, Chi); Chen, SQ (Chen, Shi-qin)来源出版物: SENSOR REVIEW 卷: 36 期: 1 页: 7-13 DOI: 10.1108/SR-04-2015-0055 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 2使用次数 (最近 180 天): 2使用次数 (2013 年至今): 11引用的参考文献数: 22摘要: Purpose - This study aims to consider active vision in low-visibility environments to reveal the factors of optical properties which affect visibility and to explore a method of obtaining different depths of fields by multimode imaging. Bad weather affects the driver's visual range tremendously and thus has a serious impact on transport safety. Design/methodology/approach - A new mechanism and a core algorithm for obtaining an excellent large field-depth image which can be used to aid safe driving is designed and implemented. In this mechanism, atmospheric extinction principle and field expansion system are researched as the basis, followed by image registration and fusion algorithm for the Infrared Extended Depth of Field (IR-EDOF) sensor. Findings - The experimental results show that the idea we propose can work well to expand the

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field depth in a low-visibility road environment as a new aided safety-driving sensor. Originality/value - The paper presents a new kind of active optical extension, as well as enhanced driving aids, which is an effective solution to the problem of weakening of visual ability. It is a practical engineering sensor scheme for safety driving in low-visibility road environments.入藏号: WOS:000369521000002语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Image processing; Infrared; Low-visibility; Depth of field; Traffic safety; Highway environmentKeyWords Plus: IMAGE-FUSION地址 : [Wang, Hui-feng; Wang, Gui-ping; Wang, Xiao-yan; Chen, Shi-qin] Changan Univ, Sch Elect & Control Engn, Xian, Peoples R China. [Ruan, Chi] Xian Inst Opt & Precis Mech, State Key Lab Transient Opt & Photon, Xian, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Wang, HF (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Elect & Control Engn, Xian, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LTD出版商地址 : HOWARD HOUSE, WAGON LANE, BINGLEY BD16 1WA, W YORKSHIRE, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Instruments & Instrumentation研究方向: Instruments & InstrumentationIDS 号: DC9DJISSN: 0260-2288eISSN: 1758-682829 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: SENSOR REVISO 来源出版物缩写: Sens. Rev.来源出版物页码计数: 7

第 7 条标题: Quantum Ramp Secret Sharing Scheme and Quantum Operations(肖鹤玲)作者: Xiao, HL (Xiao, Heling); Wang, HF (Wang, Huifeng); Wang, B (Wang, Bin)来源出版物: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS 卷: 55 期: 9 页: 3807-3815 DOI: 10.1007/s10773-016-3010-2 出版年: SEP 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 0使用次数 (2013 年至今): 4引用的参考文献数: 16摘要: In order to improve the efficiency of quantum secret sharing, quantum ramp secret sharing schemes were proposed (Ogawa et al., Phys. Rev. A 72, 032318 [2005]), which had a trade-off between security and coding efficiency. In quantum ramp secret sharing, partial information about the secret is allowed to leak to a set of participants, called an intermediate set, which cannot fully reconstruct the secret. This paper revisits the size of a share in the quantum ramp secret scheme

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based on a relation between the quantum operations and the coherent information. We also propose an optimal quantum ramp secret sharing scheme.入藏号: WOS:000380724500002语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Quantum secret sharing; Ramp secret sharing; Coherent informationKeyWords Plus: COHERENT-INFORMATION; ERROR-CORRECTION; CHANNELS地址 : [Xiao, Heling; Wang, Huifeng] Changan Univ, Sch Elect & Control Engn, Xian 710064, Shanxi, Peoples R China. [Wang, Bin] Xian Univ Sci & Technol, Commun & Informat Engn Coll, Xian 710054, Shanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Xiao, HL (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Elect & Control Engn, Xian 710064, Shanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER/PLENUM PUBLISHERS出版商地址: 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USAWeb of Science 类别: Physics, Multidisciplinary研究方向: PhysicsIDS 号: DS4ATISSN: 0020-7748eISSN: 1572-957529 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: INT J THEOR PHYSISO 来源出版物缩写: Int. J. Theor. Phys.来源出版物页码计数: 9

第 8 条标题: A multi-stage algorithm for blind source separation(徐先峰)作者 : Xu, XF (Xu, Xian-feng); Duan, CD (Duan, Chen-dong); Liu, LJ (Liu, Lai-jun); Yang, XJ (Yang, Xiao-jun)来源出版物: OPTIK 卷: 127 期: 7 页: 3655-3659 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijleo.2015.12.128 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 1被引频次合计: 1使用次数 (最近 180 天): 3使用次数 (2013 年至今): 9引用的参考文献数: 9摘要 : In the existing classic and representative second order statistics based methods for blind source separation (BSS), the mixing matrix is usually transformed into an unknown unitary matrix after whitening procedure. In order to derive the unitary matrix, a novel least square based symmetrical cost function with respect to one column of the unknown unitary matrix is proposed. The cost function is based on the orthogonality between each two columns of the unitary matrix. A new triply iterative strategy (TIS) following the gradient descent idea is developed to seek the minimum point of the tri-quadratic cost function by alternately estimating one of the three independent

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variables parameter subsets. After the convergence of the cost function, the column of the unitary matrix corresponding to the source signal with the maximum Power-Like can be obtained. With each column being got by utilizing the systemic multi-stage algorithm (MSA), the unitary matrix can be estimated and then the source signals can be retrieved. Simulation results illustrate that, compared with the classic SOBI method which solves the unitary matrix using successive Givens rotations, MSA possesses better separation performance, lower computational complexity, and thus could accurately retrieve the source signals blindly. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier GmbH. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (入藏号: WOS:000371369900034语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关键词 : Blind source separation (BSS); Multi-stage algorithm (MSA); Symmetric cost function; Triply iterative strategy (TIS)KeyWords Plus: SIGNALS地址: [Xu, Xian-feng; Duan, Chen-dong] Changan Univ, Sch Elect & Control Engn, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Liu, Lai-jun] Changan Univ, Sch Highway, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Yang, Xiao-jun] Changan Univ, Sch Informat Engn, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址 : Xu, XF (通讯作者 ),Changan Univ, Sch Elect & Control Engn, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: ELSEVIER GMBH, URBAN & FISCHER VERLAG出版商地址: OFFICE JENA, P O BOX 100537, 07705 JENA, GERMANYWeb of Science 类别: Optics研究方向: OpticsIDS 号: DF5CRISSN: 0030-402629 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: OPTIKISO 来源出版物缩写: Optik来源出版物页码计数: 5

第 9 条标题: An Entropy-Based Position Projection Algorithm for Motif Discovery(张懿璞)作者: Zhang, YP (Zhang, Yipu); Wang, P (Wang, Ping); Yan, MD (Yan, Maode)来 源 出 版 物 : BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 文 献 号 : 9127474 DOI: 10.1155/2016/9127474 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 0使用次数 (2013 年至今): 0引用的参考文献数: 39摘要 : Motif discovery problem is crucial for understanding the structure and function of gene expression. Over the past decades, many attempts using consensus and probability training model

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for motif finding are successful. However, the most existing motif discovery algorithms are still time-consuming or easily trapped in a local optimum. To overcome these shortcomings, in this paper, we propose an entropy-based position projection algorithm, called EPP, which designs a projection process to divide the dataset and explores the best local optimal solution. The experimental results on real DNA sequences, Tompa data, and ChIP-seq data show that EPP is advantageous in dealing with the motif discovery problem and outperforms current widely used algorithms.入藏号: WOS:000387704800001语种: English文献类型: ArticleKeyWords Plus: FACTOR-BINDING SITES; CHIP-SEQ; GENETIC ALGORITHM; DNA; SEQUENCES; IDENTIFICATION; ALIGNMENT; SIGNALS; MODELS; MEME地址 : [Zhang, Yipu; Wang, Ping; Yan, Maode] ChangAn Univ, Sch Elect & Control Engn, Dept Automat, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Zhang, YP (通讯作者),ChangAn Univ, Sch Elect & Control Engn, Dept Automat, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: HINDAWI LTD出版商地址: ADAM HOUSE, 3RD FLR, 1 FITZROY SQ, LONDON, W1T 5HF, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类 别 : Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology; Medicine, Research & Experimental研究方向: Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology; Research & Experimental MedicineIDS 号: EB9HTISSN: 2314-6133eISSN: 2314-614129 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: BIOMED RES INTISO 来源出版物缩写: Biomed Res. Int.来源出版物页码计数: 11

第 10 条标题 : Influence of surface topography on the secondary electron yield of clean copper samples(胡笑钏)作者: Hu, XC (Hu, Xiao-Chuan); Cao, M (Cao, Meng); Cui, WZ (Cui, Wan-Zhao)来 源 出 版物 : MICRON  卷 : 90  页 : 71-77  DOI: 10.1016/j.micron.2016.08.008  出 版 年 : NOV 2016  Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 3被引频次合计: 3使用次数 (最近 180 天): 7使用次数 (2013 年至今): 13引用的参考文献数: 18摘要 : Secondary electron yield (SEY) due to electron impact depends strongly on surface topography. The SEY of copper samples after Ar-ion bombardment is measured in situ in a multifunctional ultrahigh vacuum system. Increasing the ion energy or duration of ion bombardment can even enlarge the SEY, though it is relatively low under moderate bombardment

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intensity. The results obtained with scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy images demonstrate that many valley structures of original sample surfaces can be smoothed due to ion bombardment, but more hill structures are generated with stronger bombardment intensity. With increasing the surface roughness in the observed range, the maximum SEY decreases from 1.2 to 1.07 at a surface characterized by valleys, while it again increases to 1.33 at a surface spread with hills. This phenomenon indicates that hill and valley structures are respectively effective in increasing and decreasing the SEY. These obtained results thus provide a comprehensive insight into the surface topography influence on the secondary electron emission characteristics in scanning electron microscopy. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.入藏号: WOS:000386418900010PubMed ID: 27595904语种: English文献类型: Article作 者 关 键 词 : Secondary electron yield; Surface topography; Electron impact; Ar-ion bombardment; Copper sampleKeyWords Plus: EMISSION; BOMBARDMENT地址 : [Hu, Xiao-Chuan] Changan Univ, Dept Elect Sci & Technol, Xian 710064, Peoples R China. [Hu, Xiao-Chuan; Cao, Meng] Xi An Jiao Tong Univ, Key Lab Phys Elect & Devices, Minist Educ, Dept Elect Sci & Technol, Xian 710049, Peoples R China. [Cui, Wan-Zhao] China Acad Space Technol, Sci & Technol Space Microwave Lab, Xian, Peoples R China.通讯作者 地址 : Hu, XC (通讯作者 ),Changan Univ, Dept Elect Sci & Technol, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD出版商地址 : THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLANDWeb of Science 类别: Microscopy研究方向: MicroscopyIDS 号: EA2JPISSN: 0968-432829 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: MICRONISO 来源出版物缩写: Micron来源出版物页码计数: 7

建筑学院第 1 条标题 : A Virtual Restoration Approach for Ancient Plank Road Using Mechanical Analysis with Precision 3D Data of Heritage Site(作者中文名?)作者: Chen, SL (Chen, Siliang); Hu, QW (Hu, Qingwu); Wang, SH (Wang, Shaohua); Yang, HJ (Yang, Hongjun)来源出版物: REMOTE SENSING 卷: 8 期: 10 文献号: 828 DOI: 10.3390/rs8100828 出版年: OCT 2016

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Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 5使用次数 (2013 年至今): 8引用的参考文献数: 36摘要 : The ancient plank road is a creative building in the history of Chinese ancient traffic through cliffs. In this paper, a virtual restoration approach for ancient plank road using mechanical analysis with precision 3D data of current heritage site is proposed. Firstly, an aero photogrammetry with multiple view images from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) imaging system is presented to obtain the 3D point cloud of ancient plank roads, which adopts a density image matching and aerial triangulation processing. In addition, a terrestrial laser scanner is integrated to obtain detail 3D data of the plank road. Secondly, a mechanical analysis method based on the precision 3D data of the current plank roads is proposed to determine their forms and restore each of their components with detail sizes. Finally, all components and background scene were added to the existing model to obtain a virtual restoration model, which indicates that it is effective and feasible to achieve a three-dimensional digital and virtual restoration of ancient sites. The Chiya Plank Road is taken as a virtual restoration example with the proposed approach. The restored 3D model of the ancient plank can be widely used for digital management, research, and visualization of ancient plank roads.入藏号: WOS:000387357300042语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: virtual restoration; ancient plank road; precision measurement; mechanical analysis; three-dimensional modelingKeyWords Plus: LASER SCANNER地址: [Chen, Siliang] Changan Univ, Dept Architecture, 161 Changan Rd, Xian 710061, Peoples R China. [Chen, Siliang] Xian Univ Architecture & Technol, Dept Architecture, 13 Yanta Rd, Xian 710055, Peoples R China. [Hu, Qingwu] Wuhan Univ, Sch Remote Sensing & Informat Engn, 129 Luoyu Rd, Wuhan 430079, Peoples R China. [Wang, Shaohua] Wuhan Univ, Sch Int Software, 129 Luoyu Rd, Wuhan 430079, Peoples R China. [Yang, Hongjun] Shaanxi Bur Cultural Heritage, 193 Yanta West Rd, Xian 710061, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Chen, SL (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Dept Architecture, 161 Changan Rd, Xian 710061, Peoples R China.Chen, SL (通讯作者),Xian Univ Architecture & Technol, Dept Architecture, 13 Yanta Rd, Xian 710055, Peoples R China.Hu, QW (通讯作者),Wuhan Univ, Sch Remote Sensing & Informat Engn, 129 Luoyu Rd, Wuhan 430079, Peoples R China.电 子 邮 件 地 址 : [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]作者识别号:

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作者 ResearcherID 号 ORCID 号HU, Qingwu 0000-0003-0866-6678

出版商: MDPI AG出版商地址: ST ALBAN-ANLAGE 66, CH-4052 BASEL, SWITZERLANDWeb of Science 类别: Remote Sensing研究方向: Remote SensingIDS 号: EB4QIISSN: 2072-429229 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: REMOTE SENS-BASELISO 来源出版物缩写: Remote Sens.来源出版物页码计数: 18

第 2 条标题 : Preparation and Performance of Asphalt Compound Modified with Waste Crumb Rubber and Waste Polyethylene(杨宇峤)作者: Yang, YQ (Yang, Yuqiao); Cheng, YL (Cheng, Youliang)来源出版物: ADVANCES IN MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 文献号: 5803709 DOI: 10.1155/2016/5803709 出版年: 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 5使用次数 (2013 年至今): 15引用的参考文献数: 25摘要 : Three kinds of modified asphalt were prepared by adding waste crumb rubber (WCR), waste polyethylene (WPE), and WCR/WPE to base asphalt, respectively. The influence of different doses on the performance of modified asphalt, such as 25 degrees C penetration, softening point, 5 degrees C ductility, and 135 degrees C, 165 degrees C viscosity, was studied, and the modification mechanism of modified asphalt was discussed through the fluorescence microscope. As the waterproofing materials, the waterproofness of WCR/WPE compound modified asphalt was tested. The results show that the WPE modified asphalt has excellent resistance to high temperature and WCR modified asphalt has good low temperature resistance. The resistance to deformation ability of WPE modified asphalt is better than that of the WCR modified asphalt. The 135 degrees C viscosity of compound modified asphalt is better than that of WPE and WCR modified asphalt. In addition, the waterproofness of compound modified asphalt using waterproofing materials is better than that of common waterproofing materials.入藏号: WOS:000382022700001语种: English文献类型: ArticleKeyWords Plus: STONE MASTIC ASPHALT; STABILITY; BITUMEN; MIXTURE; BINDER地址: [Yang, Yuqiao] Changan Univ, Coll Architecture, Xian 710061, Shaanxi, Peoples R China. [Cheng, Youliang] Xian Univ Technol, Coll Printing & Packing Engn, Xian 710048, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Yang, YQ (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Coll Architecture, Xian 710061, Shaanxi,

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Peoples R China.电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: HINDAWI PUBLISHING CORP出版商地址: 315 MADISON AVE 3RD FLR, STE 3070, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USAWeb of Science 类别: Materials Science, Multidisciplinary研究方向: Materials ScienceIDS 号: DU2EBISSN: 1687-8434eISSN: 1687-844229 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: ADV MATER SCI ENGISO 来源出版物缩写: Adv. Mater. Sci. Eng.来源出版物页码计数: 6

经济与管理学院第 1 条标题: Transportation route optimization with cost object in China(王婕妤)作者: Wang, JY (Wang, Jie-Yu); Xu, HC (Xu, Hai-Cheng)来源出版物: CLUSTER COMPUTING-THE JOURNAL OF NETWORKS SOFTWARE TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS 卷: 19 期: 3 页: 1489-1501 DOI: 10.1007/s10586-016-0618-1 出版年: SEP 2016 Web of Science 核心合集中的 "被引频次": 0被引频次合计: 0使用次数 (最近 180 天): 9使用次数 (2013 年至今): 19引用的参考文献数: 23摘要 : As to large-scale logistics transportations, road transport plays the primary role and route planning is often used to find the shortest path to save cost. However beside fuel consumption, many other costs on the road, such as tolls contribute a lot to the road transport cost, so cutting down the total cost while maintaining efficiency is very important for logistic businesses in many cases where the shortest path may be not the really optimal route. Based on Geographic Information System, one of the key technologies of intelligent traffic system, such as Google Maps, this paper presents a transportation optimization framework which integrates the cost computation including tolls into route planning with time constraints. It can reduce the total cost for long distance shipment and intra-city short distance freight as well while still satisfying the time constraints, which is very crucial for areas with many toll gates with diverse toll policies in China. The experiment verifies usability and validity of the present tool.入藏号: WOS:000382635400033语种: English文献类型: Article作者关键词: Transportation planning; GIS; Logistics; Highway economics; Cost computation地址 : [Wang, Jie-Yu; Xu, Hai-Cheng] Changan Univ, Sch Econ & Management, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.通讯作者地址: Wang, JY (通讯作者),Changan Univ, Sch Econ & Management, Xian 710064, Peoples R China.

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电子邮件地址: [email protected]出版商: SPRINGER出版商地址: 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USAWeb of Science 类别 : Computer Science, Information Systems; Computer Science, Theory & Methods研究方向: Computer ScienceIDS 号: DV0UHISSN: 1386-7857eISSN: 1573-754329 字符的来源出版物名称缩写: CLUSTER COMPUTISO 来源出版物缩写: Cluster Comput.来源出版物页码计数: 13