liber chao (final - eng)

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  • 8/3/2019 Liber Chao (Final - Eng)


  • 8/3/2019 Liber Chao (Final - Eng)


    Liber ChaoWritten by Pablo Barrn (Kadari)

    This is an unofficial sourcebook for the RPG Kult, which is currently published by 7th Circle.

    Greetings and thanks go to the whole "The Last Cycle" forums and its members ( -- and to unsuspecting Pain for that 3D tower ;)

    Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of theFDL (GNU Free Documentation License), Version 1.1 or any later version published by theFree Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts and no Back-

    Cover Texts.

    Kopyleft (K) 2004 All Rites Reversed

    The things in this sourcebook may or may not be based on fiction, fact,characters or events (real or imaginary), reality, truth, or logic.

  • 8/3/2019 Liber Chao (Final - Eng)


    IndexChaos Magic PhilosophyBeliefs are Tools

    hattering the Form

    The Basis of All Form

    Practicing Chaos MagicCosts

    Magic ToolsGeneral Spells

    The Knowledge of the Conjurer of Chaos

    The Neither-Neither State of Mind

    Chaos Spells

    Hermes Trismegistus

    Method and ObjectivesPower Techniques


    ArchetypesThe Compulsive Believer

    The Mental Terrorist


  • 8/3/2019 Liber Chao (Final - Eng)


    Beliefs are tools

    "You are the totality of what you do and can therefore change yourself by doing otherwise. Magic is the art of deliberately believingand pretending very hard and finding that it works. Highly improbable things can be done by those who are prepared to experiment

    with the belief that they are not quite so improbable. The world is an illusion, it has played a confidence trick on you if you let itdefine who you are. However, you are able to play confidence tricks on the universe and force it to accept your own definition of

    yourself(s). In fact, the universe, being a humorous, obliging and magical structure, will invariably collide in any such definitionsyou care to make, if you act skillfully. We are all charlatans, especially those persons pretending to be normal ordinary people...."

    [Principia Chaotica - Peter J.Carroll]

    Chaos Magic Philosophy

    Human magic was forgotten for a long time as Malkuth and the Demiurge

    hid it from us. As time passed, it was slowly rediscovered by a few cultures in

    distant points inside the Illusion: some say it was Malkuth who, regretting her

    role in creating the illusion, taught it to us again. Some say Astaroth and his

    death angels did.

    From the beginning, magic was related to specific beliefs or traditions, to

    gods, demons, and spirits: humans failed to realize that magic comes from

    their own divinity. Most of them are still unaware of this fact: in contemporarywestern magic, this error is widespread: pagan witches consider themselves

    children of the god and goddess, and the heirs of ceremonial magick praise

    egyptian gods and use alien symbolics in their rituals.

    Chaos Magic is a way to approach magic which tries to be a meta-magic.

    Chaoists do not go blindly into rituals which just work by symbols and beliefs

    that are rooted in the sorcerer's subconscious by means of human history and

    development. Chaoists don't need a sword, nor a wand, nor a pentacle,

    neither a cup: they try to understand what they symbolize and use the most

    powerful symbols they can come up with to empower their magic and make it

    limitless, breaking the bounds fixed belief systems impose on conjurers. Those

    systems, even though they can be powerful, limit the sorcerer: but a wide

    repertory of beliefs and the ability to use and discard them at will proves

    extremely useful for the experimented magician. One model ultimately meansone approach: that restricts the possibilities the magician is prepared to


    Belief is not an end by itself: it is a tool for achieving effects. God is not the

    center of the universe -the religious point of view-, neither are men -the naive

    newtonian mechanicism which thinks reality can be understood-. Nothing can

    be known. Chaos magicians usually draw their philosophy from

    postmodernism and poststructuralism, and are deeply influenced by the

    quantum physics ideas on uncertainty and possibility, as well as by

    mathematical chaos theories: jailed inside a simulation, chaoists try to play

    with it and break it, investigating ways in which the simulation can be

    modelled by their will

    Psychologically, chaoists are pure situationalists: consistency of behaviour is

    determined by the situation rather than by any internal personality traits, aswell as consistence of reality is determined by the consensus belief, habit, and

    their symbolics: the illusory continuum in which humans have been inserted.

    Personality is fluid, as it is an artificial construct the observer -the sorcerer's

    soul- has built as an answer to external stimulus. For the same reason, it is

    not the belief structures consistency which is important -no truth can be really

    known-, but the magician's ability to believe them at will.

    Chaoists can be seen praying to Tolkien gods and Pokemon characters,

    meditating to computer games, relating DragonBallZ dragonballs with the

    seven chakras and kundalini, and working real magic with them. The chaoist

    deconditions herself from the social self, beliefs, attitudes, political positions,

    culture, and every tiny bit which adds to mantain the sense of a fictional stable

    ego. Thus, freedom is widened and creative ability grows unhindered.

    In an uncertain reality bound by a consensual social simulation inside the

    Illusion which determines who you are and what is allowed within reality,

    chaoists find their golden rule for magic: "fake it 'til l you make it".

  • 8/3/2019 Liber Chao (Final - Eng)


    Shattering the Form

    Some chaos theorists think the sort of magical energies which flow through the universe cannot be understood by our

    dualistic minds: these energies do not belong to us, neither to our analytical conscience. To make magic work, chaoists have

    to give up their beliefs, including the consensual social hallucination and self-importance in which their earthly mind is

    immersed: silencing the neverending mind chattering we all continuously experience is a must. The conjurer's aim is creating

    in her mind a conscience state which resembles as much as possible the preprocessing state, the non-form one, in which

    magic is possible.

    This conscience state is usually called the "Neither-Neither" state, and will be

    explained later, as it is the basis of every chaoist's work.

    Chaos sorcerers aim for this "Neither-Neither" state, by which they operate

    their minds in a subconscious level. Through the annihilation of form, the

    unconscious can be directly operated through focusing on magickal symbols

    which are binded to the emotional meanings and the will which consist on

    the desired effect of the spell. So, once there, chaoists can influence their

    minds by pictorial or musical symbols, mantras, and a few other different

    techniques of mental work used to create changes in reality.

    It is there where chaoists can unleash their hidden powers, the divinity

    that long ago was stripped from humanity. It is there where they attack their

    personality and ego seeking illumination.

    The Basis of All Form

    Language in a wide sense is the catalyst by which our reality -the Illusion- arises: it is the basis of all form. Be it

    in pictorial representations, mathematics, symbols or specific idioms, language is an abstraction which main

    function is shaping reality, that is to say, both dreaming and daily life perceptions. Language structures knowledgeand produces the time concept by which we track our lifes and live the Illusion: we are composed of pictorial

    memories which work like a hieroglyphical language, and words which we use to organize them and refer to them.

    So, language is the creator of every of our 'truths' and gives reality its splendour: this is represented in magical

    traditions with deities such like the egyptian god Thoth and the greek god Hermes; they are symbols of

    communication, language, and magic. Sometimes roman god Mercury and hindu Ganesha, the Lord of Categories,

    are related.

    Chaos magicians work with raw symbols, playing -many times unknowingly- with the fact that every fiction can

    be true inside the Illusion, as it is given form by language.

    This is the deepest basis of chaos magic as a meta-magic tool.

    However, many impulsive chaos magicians are unaware of this, as

    theory is sometimes misconsidered or not fully understood. Chaos magic

    itself is based on results, but only a few advanced mages haveunderstood the deeper rules beyond the results which apply to classic

    ceremonial magic as well as to their meta-magic. This lack of

    internalization of the deep relationship between language and form

    sometimes hinders the chaoists' power to develop to its fullest potential.

    As language is the key to form inside the Illusion, the chaote will use

    it to mold reality. Her magic consists on nulliflying every language -

    along with the analytical chattering mind- except for a few language

    elements -usually symbols- which receive all the focus and are used to

    perform changes in reality.

  • 8/3/2019 Liber Chao (Final - Eng)


    Hermes Trismegistus

    That which is above is from that which is below, and that which is below is from that which is above,working the miracles of one. -- The Emerald Tablet

    Many legends surround the figure of Hermes Trismegistus. Some say he lived in Egypt about five thousand

    years ago. He is considered the first magician in history, and a very powerful one indeed. He wrote a series of

    texts on philosophy and magic called Corpus Hermeticum.

    After Hermes Trismegistus died -some argue he awakened, and occasionally visited sages until the end of the

    Middle Ages-, he was immortalized as the Moon god by the egyptians: due to his heku (magic) they called him

    Thoth (which means "the one who creates with his voice"), and pictured him as a scribe with the head of an


    As well as the first magician, egyptians

    considered Hermes/Thoth an extremely wise sage:

    he taught egyptians how to write down their

    thoughts and structure their speech. He created

    the hieroglyphic language, music and arithmetics.

    Myths about Thoth tell us he wrote the egyptian

    sacred texts and was a judge for the afterlife path

    of the deceased: he was the one to establish if they

    had enough spiritual development to get through.

    Greeks almost copied Thoth's attributes and called

    him Hermes, enriched the myth and developed

    magical philosophies from it.

    However, other sources state that Hermes

    Trismegistus never existed and he was a godform:

    an idea and philosophy of magic created by greek

    sages and sorcerers circa 200 A.D. to back up

    their knowledge and extend it. They called this

    philosophy "hermeticism", and invented the mytharound Hermes Trismegistus.

    The highest form of magic these sages

    developed was called Theurgia, which used magic

    words (voces magicae) and psychological tricks

    such like self-identification with gods to cast spells

    which later evolved into ceremonial magic and the

    modern meta-magic Chaos Lore.

    Some powerful magicians, think

    that it does not really matter wether

    Hermes Trismegistus existed or not,

    but that he exists.

  • 8/3/2019 Liber Chao (Final - Eng)


    Practicing Chaos Magic

    As well as every magician, chaoists must have Magical

    Intuition: this allows the magician to learn lores and

    spells as regular skills. A character with an already

    positive balance after it is created adds 20 to her mental

    balance, and a character with a negative balance

    substracts 20 to it.

    Chaos Lore costs one skill point per level up to the

    Ego level of the player character, and beyond there it

    costs three points per level. So do specific spells cost.

    Chaos Lore does not belong to the Realm of

    Enlightenment, neither to the Realm of Trascendence,

    and chaoists consider them an useless dualism.

    Magicians who have Chaos as their Primary Lore don't

    care on if any other lore they want to study belongs to

    the Realm of Enlightenment or to the Realm ofTrascendence: Chaos Lore can be used as Ego for any

    other Lore, regardless its Realm.

    Chaos also allows breaking the Primary Lore rule, as it is a

    meta-magic: any sorcerer with a Primary Lore which is not ChaosLore can switch her Primary Lore to Chaos as soon as she

    reaches 15 skill points on it and no other lore has a higher

    rating: then she will be able to use it as if it were her Ego when

    studying other lores. However, there will be no chance to turn

    back to the previous "Primary Lore".

    Chaoists are not aware that they are searching for their own

    divinity: they will learn as they grow, but as any other conjurers

    they do not know anything from the beginning. Unlike other

    magicians, chaoists soon learn their abilities come from within

    and do not engage in faiths nor believe any of their magical

    powers come from without, so they are less prone to pacts with

    dark forces: however, they sometimes dwell in uncertainty as

    they feel magical energies are greater than what their usualconcepts of "humanity" hold, and some think about them as a

    non-human "mana" energy that can never be fully understood.


    Magic Tools

    Accesories such like tunics, incenses and candles are normally used in traditional Ceremonial Magic: they are

    supposed to create the adequate mood inside the magician's mind to awake the power that lies within. However, they

    are unnecesary while performing Chaos Magic, and they are usually replaced by anything that adequately fits the spell

    required mood or sometimes even nothing at all.

    For instance, if a chaoist is invoking a servitor based on

    James Bond, a tuxedo would fit better than a tunic. Usually,the tunic represents a veil which protects the magician, and

    the secrecy with which her work is done; but other

    symbolisms, such like in the tuxedo case, may be more

    effective for a particular purpose. The chaoist may even

    choose to be naked, as a wiccan-like symbol on her raw

    magical approach.

    Neither the cup, sword, crown, ring, nor any other

    magical objects are really needed by the magician. These

    objects are symbols which represent traits and powers from

    the conjurer. They can be replaced with any other symbols

    which fit the chaoist and her intentions in a ritual, or even

    nothing at all if her psychic abilities are strong enough to

    use what these tools symbolize: when a powerful meditation

    is used for a spell, tools may render unnecesary.

    Zos tired, but loathing his hearers too much, he again reviled them saying:-Worm-ridden jackals! Still would ye feast on my vomit? Whosoever follows me becomes his own

    enemy; for in that day my exigency shall be his ruin.Go labour! Fulfil the disgust of becoming yourself, of discovering your beliefs, and thus acquire

    virtue. Let your good be accidental; thus escape gratitude and it sorry vainglory, for the wrath of

    Heaven is heavy on easy self-indulgence.In your desire to create a world, do unto others as you would-when sufficiently courageous.

    To cast aside, not save, I come. Inexorably towards myself; to smash the law, to make havoc of thecharlatans, the quacks, the swankers and brawling salvationists with their word-tawdry

    phantasmagoria; to disillusion and awaken every fear of your natural, rapacious selves.

    [Austin Osman Spare -- The Sermon to the Hypocrites]

  • 8/3/2019 Liber Chao (Final - Eng)


    The Crown represents the achievement of theconjurer's work, as well as her divinity. Usually it is a golden

    headband in front of which there are three pentagrams, as well

    as other symbols which along with the wand inform the

    invoked entities about the magician.

    The Ring symbolizes the infinite, the true reality beyond man. It is what qabbalists call Ain Soph: the infinite'sessence as the whole range of possibilities from which every reality appears, and the light which emanates from it and

    is transformed in the Illusion into time, space and reality.

    General Spells

    Chaoists do not use the generic spells which are

    common to other lores. They do not have the summoning

    spell, neither banishing, nor binding, not even exorcism:

    they work with entities by using servitors and other

    specific spells which may summon or even create -

    sometimes unwillingly- creatures. However, it is

    recommended that a magician uses some sort of triangle

    to evoke any entities in order to keep them under control,

    such like in the "Raise servitor" spell.

    Protective pentagram spells can be casted by chaotes,

    but they usually do not care and despise them: they use

    to think that magic should run freely, and that protective

    pentagrams only hinder magic's natural process. Though,

    protective pentagrams can be useful as a mental barrier

    to protect the conjurer from external entities.

    The pentagram is useful to prevent supernatural

    powers from interfering with the work of the magician:

    when a ritual is performed, the magician is rendering

    himself vulnerable to magic forces and opening himself to

    an influx of power and information from these outer,

    supernatural, sources.

    Of course, these are strong reasons for a chaoist to avoidusing any kind of protective pentagrams and consider anyone

    using them a coward "9-to-5 magician" (a term which refers to

    those magicians which just use their powers to aid their normal

    lifes). The chaoist's mental balance will go to extremes faster

    than any other magic practitioner, and usually this kind of

    magic is combined with outsider lifestyles.

    Chaoists do neither cast fixed spells related with temples,

    though some appreciate having a personal space for their magic.

    The Wand is the conjurer's True Will, that whichdraws her towards awakening and recovering her lost

    divinity. This True Will shall not be confused with the

    magician's desires and attachments to her earthly


    The Cup represents compassion, as well asunderstanding: every magic student begins with hisimaginary cup almost empty, and it is filled through

    experience. It is by understanding that the magician

    purifies his work. When this cup holds some truths about

    the Illusion, other magicians can learn from it by

    symbolically placing their wands into the cup -the sexual

    symbolism is clear-. This is also why the cup is considered

    to re resent com assion.

    symbolizes reason and discrimination; it

    cuts through problems. It analyses, divides and conquers the

    enemy: usually, the magician's own mind. This is why it is

    recommended not to abuse the sword with ignorance, as it is

    the caster's own illusory complexity the most important to be

    destroyed. Furthermore, for positively balanced magicians

    the sword is considered useful to liberate the conjurer's

    emotions from the web in which they are entangled and turn

    them into perceptions.

    The Sword

    A specific meaning of the pentagram that ceremonial magic

    sorcerers are usually unaware of is protecting the conjurer's

    sanity; in any magical practice the sorcerer renders himself

    vulnerable, so there is a serious risk of obsession, paranoia and

    other mental imbalances. So, the pentagram is useful to return

    to the Illusion after casting a spell and still be able to do normal

    things normal people do, without scaring people.

  • 8/3/2019 Liber Chao (Final - Eng)


    Higher Knowledge (skill score of 11-40)

    The conjurer understands that the way in which every perception is structured is

    a cultural process, and that people who belong to similar contexts modelize and

    perceive reality through mostly common patterns. He knows that Chaos precedes

    every perception, and that it doesn't have any form at all: when Chaos is filtered by

    our minds, we give it form and create inside our minds that illusion of form. He also

    knows that these structures can be altered: changing the way in which Chaos isordered can change reality .

    He also learns to adapt his behaviour to any circumstances, so he will be

    able to fit in any social situation if he wants to: he fastly perceives social rituals

    and their importance once he analyzes a specific context.

    Full Insights (skill score of 41-50)

    The conjurer knows we are jailed in the Illusion and that every of our minds contributes to give it

    form. Our mental structures are trapped in an illusory consensual reality we usually cannot escape, as

    it is our hidden underlying structures which deceive us. Consensus and the way mind is tied to it

    strenghtens the shackles which make us blind to the primal Chaos that precedes our perceptions.

    Chaos itself is to some extent perceived by our senses, but we have strong perceptual filters which

    supress every dissonance with the consensus reality inside Elysium.

    Chaoists develop an inner ability to understand the way in which others perceive reality and can

    manipulate their perceptions: the magician can easily detect lies from other people, sense their moods

    and influence them: he adds a +5 effect bonus to every ability which depends on CHA.

    The Knowledge of the Conjurer of Chaos

    The conjurer knows personality is illusory. Every of his ideas about the

    world have been imprinted by experience. His achievements and

    frustrations have no value, as he is judging them through imprinted

    social mechanisms. He knows magic has a big cultural influence which

    determines the symbols and rituals different conjurers use, and that

    ever ma ician can create his own.

    The Basics (skill score of 1-10)

  • 8/3/2019 Liber Chao (Final - Eng)


    The Neither-Neither State of Mind

    "The Neither-Neither principle asserts that there is no truth anywhere that is not balanced by an equally true

    opposite somewhere, and there is only perspective and circumstance to determine which seems more true at any

    given time. To apply this principle to conjuring, wait until you are absolutely positive something is true, then

    search for its opposite. When you find it, oppose it to your 'truth' and let them annihilate one another as well as

    they may. Any residue should oppose to its opposite, and so on until your truth has been dismembered and the

    passion converted into undirected energy - free belief. By applying the Neither-Neither we can gut the meaninglessconvictions that obsess us every day and use the power released to cause the changes we desire."

    [Stephen Mace]

    The basic goal which has to be achieved is silencing the "chattering mind": this is a necessary part of the

    consciousness change needed to reach the "Neither-Neither" state. There is a part of our mind we usually call the

    unconscious which is always aware and records every of our perceptions. It is a pool that holds everything we've seen

    and everything we can be. And though not many are aware of this, the deeper parts of that "mind" hold the Deep Poolof human awareness, where the infinite awaits and everything can be explored and retrieved.

    The unconscious mind works automatically and it never stops, so the magician has to make no effort to turn it on:

    however, the chaoist expends his effort on achieving the "Neither-Neither" state. Mind has to be fooled, as the

    conscious stable sense of self which chains humans to the Illusion won't allow things which hinder its stability to

    happen: it will try to rationalize magic and stop it. So, the trick consists on turning off two mind aspects:

    - The first part that needs to be turned off is the chattering

    analitycal mind. Stopping the egotist internal conversation even for a

    few seconds is a difficult goal to achieve which has to be learnt

    through meditation practice or by rituals which focus the caster's

    awareness completely on specific symbols, mantras and gestures. This

    chattering mind usually dwells obsesively on Elysium matters on every

    of us.

    - The second part that has to be inhibited as well is usually

    called the "Censor Mechanism". The censor mechanism is the

    part of the mind which makes us humans forget our dreams

    and works on behalf of our sanity, protecting us from the

    possibilities of the unconscious and from the mental

    unstability magic can bring to an otherwise stable illusory

    existence through Elysium.

    However, chaoists have developed several

    methods to reach the necessary state to practice

    magic in addition to deep meditation or ceremonial

    gnosis-reaching: they're shortcuts that turn off for a

    while the two obstacles so magic can be performed:

    some of them are described in the "power

    techniques" section. They have been divided into

    three levels depending on the power of their effects.


    Low effect power techniques are only useful for

    sigils, but medium power techniques work for most

    of the Chaos Lore spells.

    This theory on mind is heavily jungian; the unconscious is full of lost and darkened images that still influence our

    conscious mind.

  • 8/3/2019 Liber Chao (Final - Eng)


    Low power techniques can be easily created ad-hoc. With these

    techniques mental silence lasts only a few moments, which is long enough

    to launch a sigil. No other spells can be performed this way, as the

    analytical mind is just briefly shut down:

    Low power techniques

    * Playing videogames to exhaustion: The chaoist would use the sigil

    while playing mindless action videogames and using moments of mental

    emptyness to visualize the sigil and launch the desired effect.

    * The "wank" technique: Magical masturbation requires that at the

    moment of orgasm the conjurer focuses on the sigil. The consciousness

    blink in orgasm lets the mind focus on the sigil, visualize it, and launch it.

    * Pain: The conjurer would injure herself while focusing on the sigil

    (usually by cutting or burning her skin)

    * Dancing to exhaustion: Clubs are good places to launch sigils, as the

    caster gets physically exhausted and mind can be turned off for a few

    moments to concentrate on a sigil.

    There are many other low power techniques which are not described here:

    the chaoist can make up new ways to turn off the analytical mind for a few

    moments and launch sigils. For instance, the chaoist could use somewhat

    stronger ways of low power, such like the stress from going naked in the

    streets or the fear of getting inside a soccer stadium carrying symbols of an

    opposing team while surrounded by their hooligans. The Game Master

    should judge the effectivity of the method -maybe adding to the spell effect-,

    and its ability to temporarily turn off the chattering mind.

    Medium power techniques

    Medium power techniques can be used for "Sigil", "Lesser Becoming", "LesserServitor", "Know Other", "Greater Servitor" and "Affect Other".

    * Generic meditation: the chaoist needs at least 10 points in Meditation to

    achieve any results by this method: specifics are given on the spell


    * Lesser ritual performance: to create a personal ritual, the magician needs

    at least 10 points in Occultism.

    * Extremely shocking situations: if the situation does not last long, it will

    only be useful to launch a sigil, but in a very effective way: any situation in

    which an EGO roll is failed will be useful.

    High power techniques

    High power techniques may be used for the same spells like the

    medium power techniques with a much greater effect. The trance

    state can be mantained for a long time, which is useful for high level


    * Deep meditation: This kind of meditation will be based on a very

    specific method adequate to the spell, as for instance the Neti-Neti

    buddhist meditation.

    * Complex ritualistic performance: A complex ritual is created for

    the spell. The chaoist uses gods in which he temporarily believes in,

    and symbols crafted by the magician hirself.

  • 8/3/2019 Liber Chao (Final - Eng)


    Chaos SpellsChaos magic spells inside the game work the same way as in other lores: they are tiring experiences which require hard

    work and a strong commitment from the magician. There is the only exception of fast-sigils, which can be launched in

    stressful situations such like Ego-throw needing circumstances as described in "The Neither-Neither state of mind".

    However, they will still require to work to prepare them before they are launched, their power is very limited, and they almost

    never trigger an immediate effect except for a really skilled magician.

    Spells work like skills. They are based on the Ego ability, and raising the skill points on a specific spell above them coststhree points per step instead of one.

    For each spell, there is an endurance cost This depends on thespecifics of the spell and the skill cost for that spell. The more

    experienced you are with a spell, the less it will cost you to execute

    it. The following table is a bit different than for other sorcerers:

    launching a spell is more taxing in the beginning, but once a chaos

    mage know the intrisics of the magic he is working at a deep meta-

    level, spells become easier to cast.

    Score % of end uranc e c ost











    The Spells

    Spell Skill Sc oreLoss of

    EnduranceTime to Ca st Duration

    Sigil 5 depends 20 minutes -

    Lesser Becoming 7 20 30 minutes 24 hours

    Lesser Servitor 10 35 4 hours -

    Know O ther 10 25 2 hours -

    Ma ss Lesser Bec oming 13 25 2 hours 24 hours

    Grea te r Servitor 15 40 5 hours -

    Affect Other 16 30 4 hours 24 hours

    Raise Servitor 17 20 2 hours 24 hours

    24 hours4 hours4025Greate r Bec om ing

    -1 week8030Egregore

    -1 month14050Godform

  • 8/3/2019 Liber Chao (Final - Eng)


    Sigilskill score:

    The most basic form of chaos magic deals with

    abstractions which are called "sigils". A sigil is an iconic

    symbol which is usually pictorial; however, there are other

    sorts of them, such like mantra sigils and action sigils.

    There is not an "optimal" way to create sigils, and

    creativity is positive for the magician's work: the most

    important requisite is that the sigil must have been

    created by the conjurer, with her magical intent at mind.


    loss of endurance:

    time to cast:

    Depends on launching method

    20 minutes


    Sigilization of a magical intent means creating an

    abstraction from it. The unconscious will necessarily be

    aware of what the magician has done: however, his

    chattering analytical mind will have to forget what the

    sigil means. So, the magic performed by this technique

    can't be of any usual wishes, obsessions or characteristics

    of the magician: if the will that was embedded in the sigil

    arises to his conscious mind, the magic will fail as it will

    hinder the unconscious' work: the unconscious is that

    which performs the magic, and the conscious destroys it

    by rationalizing the magical intent

    The sigil theory is also based on the idea that humans

    usually hinder themselves and their wills. Humans are

    masochists and for each desire to be successful there is

    the usually hidden and opposite desire to fail. Setbacks let

    us get sympathy and attention: people take care about us

    when we are ill, sad or frustrated.


    There are two basic ways to make a pictorial sigil. By the

    first one, the conjurer will draw something which reminds

    her the magical intent of the objective he wants to achieve.

    The second way the chaoist will write down her Will in a

    short sentence, then she will delete the vocals and repeated

    consonants, rearrange them, and paint a symbol composed

    by the letters. In either case, this symbol is redrawn and

    simplified by the chaoist, until she obtains a symbol he

    feels comfortable with, which must not have any directrelationship to the magical intent.

    One method for musical sigils would be using a table to

    transfer letters to musical notes (or to hertzs); the

    composition would be the magic symbol. Another possibility

    is that the magician writes down a short sentence with his

    will, scrambles the letters, and recites them as a mantra.

    Sigil launching time can usually consume around 5

    minutes, though it depends on the technique the magician

    uses. This technique can be even just a combat round time

    long depending on the method: a hidden skill throw must

    then be done by the game master to see if it succeded (a sigil

    can only be launched once). Anyway, the effects of a sigil

    are almost never immediate. The magician's desire will

    materialize -many times in an unexpected way- as soon as it

    finds its way to appear: maybe in a few hours, maybe in a

    few days.

    The game master must determine the way in which a sigil

    effect materializes. Usual effects are mostly psychological,

    though they can affect the outside world: an example of the

    power of its effects could be adding a positive effect to a dice

    roll (an "I will have luck in a fight" sigil). Though, it is

    recommended that the effects of sigils are not that clear and

    predictable. Luck combined with a low power technique to

    launch the sigil could mean that one of the enemies decides

    to attack another person instead of the caster. Luck

    combined with a high power technique could mean that an

    enemy is surprised just when he is going to tie his shoes.

    There are no tables on sigil effects, as that would only

    obstaculize using them to the full game potential. Game ;Masters are encouraged to think out unexpected outcomes

    of sigil spells: it is interesting to consider that sometimes

    when your wishes are granted they may not be what you

    thought. When solving the outcome of a sigil spell, the Game

    Master must consider:

    The importance of the effect the sorcerer wants to achieve:

    If it is important, very reality-shattering, or the chaoist

    usually has the topic of the sigil in his head and has not

    developed a strong mind-control, there will be less possibilities

    for the spell to succeed. Remember that the sigil is imprinted

    in the unconscious, so if the character thinks on the sigil

    meaning or is affected by what is usually called the "lust for

    result", the effect of the spell will be nullified, regardless the

    dice results when launching it.

    The power technique used to launch the sigil:

    The same sigil will have stronger effects if it is launched by a

    medium power technique like deep meditation than if it was

    launched by a low power technique such like wanking.

    The wideness of the sigil possibilities:

    A sigil with a wide range of ways to accomplish its effect will

    have a greater effect than a very specific one. A very specific

    purpose would need a sorcerer with a great ability to focus his

    will towards that narrow end.

    Creating the sigil is usually the most time consuming part

    of this spell, and usually lasts around 15 minutes.

    "Thus the symbol manifests itself first of all as themurder of the thing, and this death constitutes in

    the subject the eternalization of his desire"

    [Jacques Lacan]

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    sigil examples:

    Albrecht, a beginner on magic, succesfully casts a sigil spell: the magical intention in it is "Edda will kiss me".Two days later, when he is hanging out with his friends and Edda, she gets a brief phone call from Kath, a common

    friend. After hanging up the phone, she kisses Albrecht on the cheek and smiles him: "Kath says she misses you andtold me to give you a little kiss from her"

    Overconfident, Karen articulates the intent of her spell as "My will is to become rich on the stock market". Shedoesn't own many shares, and though she has developed some thought control, she will probably remember the spellor desire to be rich, and the spell will be nullified. The next day when she is in the mall, she is given a leaflet whichlooks like a fake ten thousand dollars bill: on the reverse side, it advertises a stock investment course.

    Elka is a powerful chaos mage and an abstract artist. Lately her mind is blocked, and she finds herself unable topaint what she is feeling. So, she uses a new canvas and paints a blue tower which is being stricken by a yellowlightning; over it she draws a big Peh hebrew letter in black -- using them as magical symbols to connect raw feelingsand form.

    She burns rose and storax incense and gets in deep meditation for an hour in front of the canvas. Then she burns itand forgets about what just happened. She starts painting on a new canvas, and soon her hands are gracefullydancing, effortlessly expressing her feelings over the canvas.

    Lesser Becomingskill score: 7loss of endurance:

    time to cast:


    30 minutes

    Lesser Becoming is a spell by which a conjurer mentally

    becomes another person to a limited extent. The chaos

    magician incorporates the selected person's mental

    characteristics into herself, thus changing her personality.

    The magician cannot copy abilities (she will not learn a

    different language), but she will acquire for the duration of

    the spell the mental balance, advantages and disadvantages

    of the target. Her personality will change, as well as her

    aims and priorities.

    description: Lesser Becoming can affect the conjurer's psycheafterwards, as the sense of self will have been loosened. If

    the difference between the conjurer's mental balance and

    the target's mental balance is higher than 50 points, the

    conjurer will have to EGO resist a shock afterwards. For

    every 50 points difference between the caster and target

    MB the EGO roll will be modified by +3. For instance, if the

    target has a MB of -140 and the caster has a MB of +65(difference: 205), she will have to resist with a +9 modifier.

    If she fails, "Meeting With Terror" failure rules will apply. If

    the shock is too strong, the conjurer's mental balance may

    get more extreme.

    Once the spell is working, the conjurer can stop it by a

    grounding ritual, in which she reverses the effects and

    turns back to herself. This ritual is exactly the same as

    the Lesser Becoming, but this time the magician turns

    back to her personality. The duration of the ritual will be

    thirty minutes, and if there is an EGO shock roll required,

    it will substract -3 to every positive EGO modifier due to

    MB difference between her and the spell target.

    For each thirty minutes the conjurer extends the

    grounding ritual by meditation (10 points required), the

    EGO shock roll will be modified by -3 until it reaches 0.

    When it is 0, another thirty minutes meditating will

    eliminate any shock risk. If there were no modifiers to the

    EGO shock roll, a grounding ritual performed through

    meditation will cancel the shock.

    Chaos magicians may make their mental balance more

    positive -at the discrection of the game master- by using

    this spell and grounding it, as their sense of personality

    and self is lessened by the experience.

    This does not mean it is an exact copy; this depends on

    the magical skill of the conjurer and the spell effect, as she

    will copy the target characteristics she knows about:

    however, her intuition will usually be stronger than the

    facts she has consciously noticed about the target.

    Another possible option is becoming a fictional character

    or a god. For instance, a conjurer may want to become the

    greek god Hermes; thus, she would acquire his quick wit,

    artistic interests, and communication skills. She may wantto become a fictional character like Atreyu in the

    Neverending Story, who symbolizes braveness against an

    enemy you know is much more powerful than you, so she

    can get through a fearful situation.

    The spell can last up to 24 hours, but a grounding ritual

    can bring the conjurer back to her personality. Sleeping

    dispells Lesser Becoming too.

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    There are several ways to cast Lesser Becoming, though the required casting time does not change.

    The first way consists on deep meditation, identifying the self with the target: this requires 10 points on

    meditation, but the effect is stronger than by any other methods (meditation skill check effect is added to

    spell effect).

    The second way involves artistic means: the conjurer writes poetry, paints on a canvas or sings. Theartistic creation praises the target and identifies the conjurer with it, acts like it, until they become one. The

    conjurer strengthens the ritual by surrounding herself with symbols which represent the entity she wants to


    Gabriel is an adept traditional magician who is learning Chaos Magic. To cast Lesser Becoming, he creates a ritual byusing information and symbols from his thelemic magick texts. He knows he is going to a very weird place, and wants towork on his mental independence and individual strength. As he is still uncomfortable with purely fictional characters, hechooses the roman deity Diana, the rebel huntress. He learnt by traditional magick that invocation calls a force into themagician, while the evocation calls it forth. He considers Lesser Becoming resembles what he considers invocating -which isdone inside the circle-, so he sits there and he performs the ritual, surrounding himself by symbols which relate to the romangoddess and chanting hyms in which he identificates himself with Diana.


    As the door closes, Marie sits in a corner and engages in strong meditation. She doesn't have much time: she knows hertorturers will come back soon, and she needs to resist for a few hours and not confess anything, until her friends arrive andliberate her. Marie remembers a fictional character she once created named Seline: she is a tough twelve year old child wholives in a town on the desert surface of Hell, in which adults live in constant fear of being captured by some creatures theycall "Ghuri" and brought to the underworld. She plays with her friends a game called "culprits and torturers", whichconsists on that one of them plays the culprit and is tortured by the others, led by a Master Torturer. The culprit will try herbest to resist, and when she finally admits her guilt, she will accuse another child who will become the culprit, and she willbecome the Master Torturer.

    Through deep meditation, Marie identifies herself with Seline, her toughness, and her childish 'innocent' way to play with

    the world. When she is brought again to the torture chamber, she is mentally much stronger to resist the pain, as she hastemporarily modified her mental structures to match those of Seline.

    Lesser Servitorskill score: 10

    35loss of endurance:

    time to cast: 4 hours


    The Lesser Servitor spell is somewhat similar to Lesser

    Becoming. Though, this time the chaoist does not invoke

    anything within herself; she evokes a part of her psyche.

    The basis for the Lesser Servitor spell is the conjurer's

    mind; she "cuts" a part of it by symbolic rituals and projects

    it into a container where the servitor will "live": this part of

    the chaoist acquires partial autonomy, though it remains

    subject to the magician's will.

    A Servitor is a semi-independent being which is given a

    name and controlled by the caster, though it doesn't

    (usually) manifest physically. The conjurer chooses one of

    her advantages or disadvantages as a basis for the servitor,and performs the ritual to store it on its container. The

    receptacle which will hold the servitor can be anything: a

    ring, a graphic logo, even a song: regardless the container,

    These low power Servitors draw energy from the

    magician's obsessions and mental traits (advantages and

    disadvantages); mental characteristics from the caster are

    the basis which feeds energy to the servitors and the tasks

    they perform. Though pure mental work on advantages

    and disadvantages is an useful way to make use of them,

    servitors can perform tasks just based on the parts of the

    conjurer's psyche that were used for them. A chaoist could

    use her "rage" disadvantage to create a servitor to attack

    an enemy; she could use her "forgotten" disadvantage todevelop a servitor which provides her a supernatural

    stealth ability.

    the servitor needs to live in a symbolic 'home', so the

    sorcerer can detach it from her mind.

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    As the conjurer actively reinforces the spell (this can be

    done in our previous examples by wearing the ring,

    graffiting the logo on walls, or playing the song regularly),

    the servitor consumes the dis/advantage that created it

    until it can eat no more. After going through this process

    some servitors remain alive if they have enough energy to

    perform its task fed by the whole dis/advantage from the

    caster. Servitors' strength increases while they consume

    dis/advantages points. Servitors which end up with less

    than 20 points will lose their power as soon as the dis/

    advantage is consumed.

    Lesser servitors consume (and add to their strength) 1

    point each week, though the chaoist's mental balance

    cannot get more extreme than +/-75 with them.


    The conjurer should think the task the servitor is going

    to do before performing any ritual.

    Then she would prepare the place where the servitor is

    going to "live". If it is a talisman, it may be purified with

    salt, chants, or any other magical method involving

    cleansing energies the caster chooses. If it is going to live in

    a musical piece the caster will have to compose it. If the

    servitor is going to be in a small temple, it will have to be

    built. If the conjurer chooses a logo for the servitor, it will

    have to be designed. Whichever method is used by the

    caster, preparing the receptacle is an important step which

    usually consumes half of the time of the ritual: two hours.

    At least a medium power technique is required to launch

    a servitor spell, which consumes the rest of the spell

    casting time. Using a high power technique grants +5 to

    the spell effect, but the spell casting time will rise to 8hours.

    Starla is a negatively balanced chaos sorcerer. One of her stronger disadvantages (15 points) ishypochondria; though, she really thinks she is ill. So, with a more practical than theorical approachto magic, Starla creates a servitor by tatooing a series of designs over her skin to turn her illnessinside-out. It works, but people around Starla start getting diverse illnesses instead of her. Sheregrets what the spell is doing to those near her, but she feels unable to deal with the illnesses again:so, she reacts detaching herself from those around her more than ever. Time passes, and the servitorbecomes permanent over her skin...


    Each day he passes in the tunnels he dedicates 1 hour to reinforce theservitor. After 4 months his "motherliness" advantage has been fullyconsumed: thus, the servitor has an strength of 10+15=25 and will

    continue affecting Kuroda's kin as long as he is alive.

    Kuroda has a "motherliness" advantage worth 15 points. He leads a community in an abandoned subwaystation. His thirst for understanding has grown unbearable, and he wants to explore the tunnels and find outwhat is happening there. So, Kuroda prepares a servitor to take care of his kindred when he is abroad: hecreates a pictorial symbol and charges it through a ritual which involves developing a deep insight about theorigins of his "motherliness". His spell effect, reenforced by using a high power method, equals 10 points.

    He paints the symbol on his kindred's foreheads, detaching from his feelings and reinforcing his servitor'seffect. Kuroda feels like he has cut off a piece of his mind: when he leaves his home, he feels less burdened. At thesame time, the strenght of his "motherliness" will protect his kin, as well asaffecting their own subsconscious..

  • 8/3/2019 Liber Chao (Final - Eng)


    Know Otherskill score: 10

    25loss of endurance:

    time to cast: 2 hours


    The "Know Other" spell consists on analyzing a mind

    and gathering knowledge about it. This is done through

    a ritual which allows to accomplish this task through

    subtle but very effective means.

    The spell consists on an invocation, much like Lesser

    Becoming. But as soon as the feeling of otherness

    arrives, the sorcerer consciously detaches herself from

    that which she has invoked. In that stage its strength is

    low, and the sorcerer's mind can combat it and detach

    more easily from it. Thus, its meaning can be unveiled.

    When a conjurer casts "Know Other" , she will

    acquire knowledge on the target's advantages,

    disadvantages, limitations, and mental balance. The

    effect of the spell determines its accuracy. An effect

    below 5 will reveal one strong advantage or

    disadvantage. An effect between 6 and 10 will let the

    caster know the more important advantages and

    disadvantages of the target, as well as if its mental

    balance is positive or negative, and a rough estimation

    on how strong it is (like, very extreme negative, positive,

    normal, etc) . Between 11 and 15, advantages and

    disadvantages of the target are discovered, and the


    "Know Other" can be casted by using two different


    - Deep meditation (10 points needed, skill roll

    required): it involves a mental process similar to the"Lesser Becoming" spell. However, when self-

    identification with the target is going to be reached,

    this self-identification is suddenly cut. Thus, it is

    transformed again into an "otherness", which is tamed

    so its composition can be analyzed.

    - Ritual (10 occultism points needed, skill roll

    required): A ritual involving symbolics related to the

    target is performed. The caster surrounds herself with

    things which remind her of the target, and evokes the

    target's mind in order to understand it.

    Mass Lesser Becomingskill score: 13

    25loss of endurance:

    time to cast: 2 hours


    The methods for becoming in the Mass Lesser

    Becoming spell are similar to those of Lesser Becoming

    -pen and paper, music, painting, imagination-, and

    most rules apply (preparations, launching and

    afterward problems with mental balance). However,

    this spell is directed towards a group which also

    participates on launching it. The ritual is directed by

    the chaoist, and the group can be composed by non-


    Any non-sorcerer character and any sorcerer with

    his highest lore skill below 10, will have a chance of

    breakdown. When the character recovers his mind, he

    will have to make an EGO roll. If it fails, there will be a

    minor breakdown, and the character will suffer fromsplit personality the next day. After going to sleep

    again, the character will have to roll EGO/2. If it fails

    again, there will be a major breakdown.

    The character suffers from split

    personality, and it switches from one to the other

    several times during the next day. Both personalities

    lose control to their disadvantages. Mental balance

    may go down.

    The two personalities collide,

    and they fight inside the character's mind. They take

    over his will and verbally assault each other inside

    his mind, which could be similar to a catatonic

    schizophrenia episode. This will last for a few hours,

    though it can be interrupted by methods like pain.

    However, the character will have to EGO roll to avoidacquiring permanent schizophrenia or split

    personality from this.

    conjurer makes a more or less accurate guess on the

    target's mental balance. Above 16, the caster will

    recognize the advantages, disadvantages and

    limitations of the target. She will acquire as well a

    rough intuition on the nature of any target's dark

    secrets, and a very accurate knowledge on its mental


    Minor Breakdown

    Major Breakdown

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    Greater Servitorskill score: 15

    40loss of endurance:

    time to cast: 5 hours


    Advanced sorcerers know that the deeper part of their

    psyche, the unconscious, is composed by all the human

    psychological inheritance. This is an infinite source built

    from imagination. This deep pool from which virtually

    anything can be retrieved was called the "collective

    unconscious" by doctor Carl Gustav Jung. The sorcerer's

    understanding of this collective unconscious lets her draw

    power from it and apply it to spells in order to modify

    symbolic reality.

    Thus, this knowledge can be applied by the chaoist to

    cast a Greater Servitor. This spell works much like theLesser Servitor one, but the sorcerer isn't limited by her

    advantages/disadvantages. Any can be used as a power

    source for the servitor. As in the Lesser Servitor Spell, the

    servitor is given a name by the sorcerer, and she chooses

    a receptacle for it.

    The servitor will draw energy throughthe magician's

    psyche as it has been detached from it. Though, this time

    there is a link to the collective unconscious which holds

    these endless possibilities: the servitor will draw energy

    from it to perform the task that it has been created for.

    Greater Servitors get strong fast: the energy is consumed

    not from the caster but from the unconscious pool, which

    is channeled into the servitor. So, one day after casting

    the spell the servitor is already at full strength, and the

    sorcerer's mental balance is not affected by this process.

    Metropolis or Gaia. Depending on the characteristics of

    the servitor: it can also attract lictors if they notice this

    strong magic is being performed.

    Servitors which end up with less than 20 points will be

    forgotten if they are not actively reinforced: the maximum

    depends on the chosen dis/advantage. The initial strength

    of a servitor equals the spell effect. If the servitor is strong

    (above 30 points), real creatures can be attracted by the

    purity of the characteristics of the servitor; though, it

    would only attract creatures which share traits with the

    servitor. Sometimes these creatures do not manifestphysically, but reinforce the servitor with their own

    unconscious force which tunes in with the servitor. This

    way, the servitor can develop to an uncontrollable egregore

    if it reaches more than 40 points strength: the chaoist and

    the creatures' interests melt on it, making it bigger than

    what the chaoist can control and developing a will of its

    own as an egregore.


    Exactly like in the "Lesser Servitor" spell, though the

    casting time is now 5 hours. The servitor must be based

    on an advantage or a disadvantage, which doesn't need to

    belong to the chaoist. Limitations can be used too, as longas they've been experienced through a "Know Other"

    spell .

    Greater Servitor needs at least a medium power

    technique which can be based on either meditation or

    occultism: however, 12 skill points are needed to cast the

    spell succesfully.

    Niveh is a chaoist driven by a strong idealism, who thinks that heavily shaking people's minds is the only way to change how"reality" works. Her best friend, Nadia, suffered from visual schizophrenia: as reality shattered around her and Niveh learntto manipulate these breakdowns, they both learnt about the Illusion. One day, Nadia disappeared; her note to Niveh said, she

    left to "spread the knowledge", to "spread the revolution".

    A few days after Nadia left, Niveh finished an idea they both had: a Greater Servitor based on her friend's schizophrenia. Shewanted the schizophrenia to jump on other people, to break their stability, to force them to break the Illusion. She designed a

    ritual which consisted on dancing to exhaustion surrounded by symbols which represented schizophrenia and a chaoticmixture of scents, and then carving the symbols over her whole body with a stiletto. Finally, Niveh pronounced the 'power

    words' she would use to make the servitor over her skin affect others.

    The ritual was very succesful, with a +10 effect. The servitor, held by her body carvings, was 30 points strong. People aroundNiveh started to experience mildly schizophrenic inconsistencies in their perceptions as she used the servitor on them through

    her power words. She tried to take care of them, teaching those affected how to cope with it; but soon it was difficult to keeptrack on everyone.

    The spell also attracted a creature: an amentoraz, who unconsciously reinforced Niveh's spell and started to lurk aroundthose affected. One of Niveh's targets lost all control and commited suicide. Though Niveh stopped using the magic wordsafter this, the amentoraz's strength made Niveh lose control over the spell, and no longer power words were needed in order

    to affect others with schizophrenia: people became affected just by Niveh's presence... the servitor strength rose above 40points, acquiring a will of its own, becoming an egregore...

    The way in which Greater Servitor channels the

    collective unconscious can easily shatter the illusion and

    alert creatures beyond it. Also, during the ritual there is a

    3% chance of a reality breakdown leading to Hell,

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    Affect Otherskill score: 1630loss of endurance:

    4 hourstime to cast:


    The caster carefully crafts a hypersigil to affect the spell

    target. This means he needs to know about the target's

    psyche in order to strongly affect it. If a "Know Other" spell

    has been casted beforehand, its effect sums with the

    "Affect Other" spell effect. When the spell is casted and the

    target is shown the hypersigil, he will have to roll EGO

    modified by the sorcerer's spellcasting effect.

    The effects are based on an advantage, a disadvantage,

    or on shattering or injecting a specific belief. They are

    supposed to last 24 hours, but if the change goes

    unnoticed and the target does not reject it, the belief/

    behavioural modification may slowly become permanent.

    This is easier when the spell is based on beliefs rather


    Hypersigils are highly complex sigils composed by

    several symbols and meanings. They usually take the form

    of a song, a complex picture, or a tale: however, regardless

    the way in which the hypersigil is materialized, it is

    important that subtle symbols and meanings are

    introduced between the lines. These will be the means by

    which the target will be affected by the spell.

    The conjurer must determine the aim of the hypersigil

    before casting "Affect Other": the strength of this spell

    relies heavily on the sorcerer reaching her unconscious

    mind and understanding the change she wants to make:

    and so, finding out which symbols can be subtly crafted to

    affect the target's psyche. Once this has been done, the

    chaos sorcerer will craft the hypersigil while still in touch

    with her unconscious.

    skill score:

    25loss of endurance:

    time to cast: 4 hours

    description and preparations:

    This spell allows the sorcerer to evoke a physical

    manifestation of a servitor from its container. Through

    rituals or meditation (15 skill points are required on

    either occultism or meditation -- a high power technique),

    the chaoist reaches a samadhi-like state concentrating in

    the servitor's receptacle: the sorcerer must consider this

    object void of any meaning, as to avoid exciting her mind

    with any considerations on the object.

    Raise Servitor

    So, first of all any subjective considerations on the

    servitor's receptacle are destroyed. After that, andthrough focusing on it, the aim of the spell process is

    making the servitor "formless", in the sense that no

    receptacle is able to hold it nor any word can describe it,

    as every form it may be attached to is destroyed inside

    the sorcerer's mind.

    As the illusion of form is broken, a sort of low power

    samadhi is reached: the spell process will then deal with

    the formless essence of the servitor. From the receptacle

    there will arise a vortex composed by the psychical

    energy of the servitor.

    Finally, the sorcerer takes control on this energy and

    tries to give it a physical form. Depending on the effect

    strength, the results will be more or less tangible. Thevortex also creates a big chance of invoking creatures

    which share any part of the servitor's essence: they can

    come from outside the Illusion.

    The physical form created or called by the magician is

    subjected to his will:

    - Lower spell effects (below 5) will create a vaguely

    physical creature subject to the magician's will. Though

    this creature will not be able to affect the Illusion

    physically, it will be able to project its essence over

    anything or anyone the chaoist orders.

    - Between 5 and 10 spell effect points, the creature will

    have a physical form determined by the magician, andwill be able to affect the material world around it. At the

    will of the chaoist, it will be able to affect any target with

    its essence.

    - Above 10 spell effect points, there will be an Illusion

    breakdown, and the servitor essence will melt with a

    creature or a group of them (if the effect is even stronger).

    These creatures are binded to the magician's will, as is

    the servitor's essence which has taken control over them.

    However, there is a chance of a total breakdown of the

    Illusion equal to the spell effect (13 points will make a

    13% breakdown chance). A protection circle (and a

    succesful Chaos Lore roll) may protect the life of a chaoist

    threatened by a dangerous reality breakdown.

    The spell has a 24 hour duration: afterwards, theessence of the servitor dissolves, and the receptacle can

    be used again. However, physical creatures invoked

    remain inside the Illusion and recover their own will.


    than in disadvantages: for example, a carefully crafted text

    can lean the target towards a specific opinion on the textsubject, or even towards the depicted ideologies and

    personal beliefs.

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    Greater Becomingskill score: 25

    40loss of endurance:

    time to cast: 4 hours


    The Greater Becoming spell is a fully enhanced version of

    "Lesser Becoming". The caster adopts the target's external

    aspect and gestures, as well as its behaviour and

    psychological traits -including mental balance, advantages,

    disadvantages, and limitations-. However, the sorcerer does

    not automatically know the target's abilities, neither does

    she retrieve any specific knowledge or memories related to

    the spell target.

    Before launching this spell, the chaoist will need to study

    carefully the behaviour of the real or fictional character she

    wants to become: in order to launch the spell, the chaoist

    needs to cast a "Know Other" spell beforehand with an effectgreater than 5 points.

    The caster's personality will change, as well as her aims

    and priorities. Even those mental traits which were not

    discovered by the "Know Other" spell will be acquired by the

    chaoist: this includes every limitation, advantage, and


    Once the spell is casted, the sorcerer will not be able to

    keep control over the new personality: during the ritual, the

    chaoist will provide herself with new memories created for

    the spell, which will replace her own for the duration of the

    spell. These memories have to make sense with the new

    personality, or the spell will become highly problematic.

    Weaving the new memories is one of the most difficult partsof "Greater Becoming", as they need to be crafted carefully

    and a deep control of "temporary belief" is needed so the

    chaoist does not go nuts.

    The spell can last up to 24 hours, and there are no

    grounding rituals possible, unless the target personality is

    given memories on how to return triggered by specific

    events. Sleeping dispells "Greater Becoming", too.

    The conjurer's psyche can be affected afterwards, as the

    sense of self has been loosened through the becoming. The

    chaoist can consciously adopt different perspectives on this:

    if she decides to let things flow, her negative balance may

    get more extreme. If she decides to control the change back

    to her usual personality, she will have to pass an EGO roll

    modified by +10. If the chaoist can control it, her mental

    balance may become more positive.

    If the chaoist does not pass the EGO roll or lets things

    flow, the "Major Breakdown" consequences for non-

    sorcerers from "Mass Lesser Becoming" will apply: though,

    now the chaoist risks acquiring not just split personality,

    but a special version of it in which the caster will

    spontaneusly switch between both personalities, memories,and physical aspects -- some chaoists let this happen on

    purpose --. When dealing with more than one alternate

    personality, the chaoist will randomly switch among all

    them at specific events determined by the game master.


    The ways to launch this spell are either deep meditation

    and self-identification with the target (15 points required in

    meditation skill), or a symbolic ritual designed by the

    chaoist (15 points in occultism).

    Egregoreskill score: 3080loss of endurance:

    time to cast: 1 week


    Sigils which could be used more than once in a servant-

    master fashion were called servitors, and were used by the

    chaoist to perform specific tasks. Servitors were magical

    abstract entities which lacked any will of their own.However, when Greater Servitors get above 40 points

    strong, they start developing a slight independence. Those

    new entities, which can also be casted as spells, are called


    An egregore is some sort of group mind, an abstract

    concept which characteristics are influenced by more than

    one person. Egregores are created when a group of people

    gathers for a common purpose, as the sum of their willslets an independent will which belongs to the egregore to

    emerge. So, it develops its own personality using as a basis

    the sum of the wills of the group which has created it.

    Agents of chaos cast burning glances at anything or anyonecapable of bearing witness to their condition, their fever of lux

    et voluptas. I am awake only in what I love and desire to thepoint of terror--everything else is just shrouded furniture,

    quotidian anaesthesia, shit-for-brains, sub-reptilian ennui oftotalitarian regimes, banal censorship and useless pain.

    Avatars of chaos act as spies, saboteurs, criminals of amourfou, neither selfless nor selfish, accessible as children,

    mannered as barbarians, chafed with obsessions, unemployed,sensually deranged, wolfangels, mirrors for contemplation,

    eyes like flowers, pirates of all signs and meanings.

    [Hakim Bey]

  • 8/3/2019 Liber Chao (Final - Eng)


    The emergence of the Egregores' will is based on a similar

    theory. This is why egregores cannot be formed from Lesser

    Servitors -which just use advantages and disadvantages

    from the caster-, but can sometimes arise from Greater

    Servitors -which are created from mental traits which do not

    need to belong to the chaoist-.

    To create an egregore, the main caster bases it on an

    advantage, a disadvantage, a limitation, or on the creation

    or destruction of specific beliefs or ideas. The first days are

    dedicated to the creation of the main idea and the ritual

    behind it. The final days are dedicated to performing the

    ritual and the refining of the idea. The egregore takes the

    form of a complex song, a tale, a comic, a story, etcetera,

    which holds the magical symbols which will affect the

    targets. Of course, if the casters want to edit a book,

    produce the song, etc, the time and resources it takes are

    not included in this week.

    Anyone who gets in contact with the egregore is affected

    by the belief or trait on which it is based for 24 hours:

    though, people reluctant to the ideas the egregore contains

    are able to dismiss it with a -5 EGO roll. The affected

    individuals develop a strong interest for the egregore for

    that day, and they will have to EGO resist afterwards to

    avoid being affected by the idea: this doesn't mean the

    target develops an obsession with that belief or acquires

    any advantage or disadvantage. However, he will be

    attracted by the beliefs, advantages, disadvantages or

    limitations, on which the egregore is based. The result

    inside the target's mind is a blend of his own will (stronger)

    and the egregore's will (weaker). This means that the target

    will blend more with the egregore if he is already tuned in

    with what the egregore is based on.

    built by contradictions, which hold parts of the beliefs it

    wants to destroy or deconstruct. This can create a paradox,

    and as a result the belief can end up wrecked. Of course,

    the target can try to ignore it, but the first EGO throw is not

    allowed: belief and traits deconstruction is stronger, as

    there are always inherent contradictions inside beliefs, and

    traits are themselves "believed" by those who have them.

    These contradictions are subtly or blatantly exposed by the

    paradoxical egregore.

    There is a drawback to this spell: lictors and other

    creatures can notice the egregore if they access the

    receptacle by reading it, listening to it, etcetera. They may

    not become very interested if the egregore effects are

    harmless to the Illusion, and egregores are sometimes used

    by the media to enforce it: but it is still magic, and

    furthermore, they will be really interested on any egregore

    which attempts to deconstruct beliefs. They will want to

    track the sorcerer, a task that becomes easy if the egregore

    has been published to reach a wider amount of targets...

    Embodied cognitive science theory states intelligence

    emerges as a property of complex parallel processes. For

    instance, if you program a robot with a process which

    makes it avoid obstacles by stopping and turning on its axis

    until it finds empty space ahead, and with another process

    which moves the robot forward when there are no obstacles,

    you will have a robot which is able to solve standard

    labyrinths. This is an emergent ability of the robot, which

    has not been programmed by its creator: it just arises due

    to the two processes which are executed simultaneously,

    and there is no "solve the labyrinth" command. There is

    another example we can find in nature: bird flocks have not

    been commanded to fly together. Each individual bird flies

    with a specific distance and angle to the other birds. As a

    group, the 'flock' property emerges from their individual


    An egregore needs more than one person for its creation.

    If there is only one chaos mage among them, he will be

    considered the "main caster", but external help is always

    needed. If the other people are non-magicians, the spell is

    casted with a -10 modifier to the spell effect -below zero,

    the spell fails- . Every non-chaos magician skilled above 10

    points on her lore who adds her symbolic experience to the

    creation ritual adds +5 to the -10 base modifier. Every

    chaoist skilled above 10 points on chaos lore adds +5 too,

    and +1 for every 2 points, with an additional +10 maximum

    (that is, when the chaoist has 30 chaos lore skill points:

    then, she will add +15 to the spell effect)

    For instance, an egregore created by a chaos mage

    helped by another chaoist with 20 chaos lore skill points

    and another magician, will have a (-10)+(5+5)+(5)=+5 spell

    effect modifier.

    Whenever an egregore reaches 30 spell effect points, it

    has a chance of becoming a weak godform: the chances are

    1% for each point above 30.

    Many TV spots are magically crafted as egregores,

    which influence the targets to have desires and buy

    products. Usually the same thing happens with media and

    government propaganda about specific topics. Songs that

    you like because they "talk about you". Books which have

    ideas you roam about. Poetry that moves you. They are

    crafted so they infect your will, blend with it, and

    determine parts of it.


    Egregores can also be used to shatter a specific belief

    rather than injecting it. Usually, this kind of egregore is

  • 8/3/2019 Liber Chao (Final - Eng)


    Godformskill score: 50

    140loss of endurance:

    time to cast: 1 month


    When egregores are very strong, they can become

    godforms. However, they can also be crafted and casted as


    Godforms are ideas so strong that they don't just develop

    an emergent independent will: they are able to submit the

    target's will to their own. People affected by the godform spell

    develop a subservient relationship with it.

    These entities are based on several advantages,

    disadvantages, limitations, or beliefs (or their destruction). A

    deep relationship among them is shaped so a new complex

    entity emerges. It can be a strong belief towards a specificidea, or even new advantages or disadvantages. Godforms can

    use forms like books (novels and essays), musical

    compositions, architecture, and a wide etcetera.

    The casting time is one month: several rituals,

    brainstorming, and complex symbol threading are performed

    within this month. The ritual can be longer, as long as the

    people -specially magicians- involved are still the same.

    Anyone who gets in contact with the godform is affected by

    the beliefs or traits on which it is based; as with egregores,

    people reluctant to the ideas the godform contains are able to

    roll EGO to dismiss it, which depends on how near his mind

    is from what the godform is about. Those affected will have to

    EGO resist afterwards to avoid having a persistent effect onthem. Modifiers to the EGO roll can be -10/+10 depending on

    how do the target's mind get along with the godform's will. If

    the it is successful, the target will acquire the beliefs or traits

    it is based on.

    Now, the target's will is weaker in his mind than that of

    the godform. Albeit, the belief and/or attitude change doesn't

    happen just after being affected by the godform: the

    submissive behaviour needs time. The victim is allowed

    another EGO roll with the same -10/+10 base modifier as in

    the first roll. Every week, this modifier is increased by 1

    point, until the godform dominates the target's will: however,

    this is only allowed if the target consciously wants to reject

    that idea -he also needs to be aware that he is beinginfluenced by an external idea-, or if the godform clashes with

    concepts he already has. The game master needs to use logic

    when dealing with this regardless any "rules" written in this

    sourcebook: it is difficult a buddhist suddenly becomes

    christian, or the opposite: however, children can be easily

    convinced on any of the two ideas -and even easier on their

    underlying structures-, and so can a lost adult who is

    searching for his faith.

    the godform would use the internal contradictions of thebelief, or of the mental trait. The target can try to ignore it:

    the same rules as for injective godforms apply, but this

    time only one EGO roll is allowed.

    Godforms really attract our jailors. Those which attack

    beliefs or traits, specially if they are useful to mantain the

    Illusion, will make them seriously try to hunt down those

    involved with it.

    Like egregores, godforms need more than one person to

    create it. If there is only one chaos mage among them, he

    will be considered the "main caster", but external help is

    always needed. If the other people are non-magicians, the

    spell is casted with a -15 modifier to the spell effect -below

    zero, the spell fails- . Every non-chaos magician skilledabove 30 points on her lore who adds her experience on the

    symbolic to the creation ritual adds +5 to the -15 base

    modifier. Every chaoist skilled above 30 points on chaos

    lore adds +5 too, and +1 for every 2 points, with an

    additional +10 maximum (that is, when the chaoist has 50

    chaos lore skill points: then, she will add +15 to the spell

    effect). Every additional month dedicated by the group to

    the godform adds +3 to its effect.

    For instance, a godform created by a chaos mage helped

    by another chaoist with 40 chaos lore skill points and

    another magician above 30 lore points, will have a (-15)+(5

    +5)+(5)=+0 spell effect modifier.

    Standard godforms: Music groups, whose targets are

    fans who become obsessed with them and copy their way to

    dress, identify with their songs, etc. Corporations, whose

    workers believe in its values and blindly serve their



    Powerful godforms: Christianity, where concepts like

    shame and sin are created inside the targets' minds, and

    pure explicit submission is reached: almost every

    institutionalized religion is a godform. Aswell, every strong

    ideology in the world such as capitalism, communism,

    fascism, etc, is some sort of godform: each of them has its

    own specific symbolics -including language based concepts-which function is enslaving our human minds. On the

    deconstructing side, a godform could be a book on physics

    exposing paradoxes on the Illusion which would break it

    down for the reader (though, the author would be tracked

    down by all means possible and the books would be


    Some chaoists think even the archons are just extremely

    powerful godforms, and that the concept of "reaching"

    Awakening is the highest and mightiest deconstructive


    As with egregores, godforms can also be used to destroy

    a specific belief or trait, or an interrelated group of them:

  • 8/3/2019 Liber Chao (Final - Eng)


    The Aneristic Principle is that of APPARENT ORDER; the Eristic Principle is that of APPARENT

    DISORDER. Both order and disorder are man made concepts and are artificial divisions of PURE CHAOS, which

    is a level deeper that is the level of distinction making.

    With our concept making apparatus called "mind" we look at reality through the ideas-about-reality which

    our cultures give us. The ideas-about- reality are mistakenly labeled "reality" and unenlightened people

    are forever perplexed by the fact that other people, especially other cultures, see "reality"

    differently. It is only the ideas-about-reality which differ. Real (capital-T True) reality is a level

    deeper that is the level of concept.

    We look at the world through windows on which have been drawn grids (concepts). Different philosophies

    use different grids.

    A culture is a group of people with rather similar grids. Through a window we view chaos, and relate it

    to the points on our grid, and thereby understand it. The ORDER is in the GRID. That is the Aneristic


    Western philosophy is traditionally concerned with contrasting one grid with another grid, and amending

    grids in hopes of finding a perfect one that will account for all reality and will, hence, (say

    unenlightened westerners) be True. This is illusory; it is what we Erisians call the ANERISTIC ILLUSION.

    Some grids can be more useful than others, some more beautiful than others, some more pleasant thanothers, etc., but none can be more True than any other.

    [extract from the Principia Discordia]

    Discordianism -also called Erisianism- relies on a series of paradoxes in order to build some western anarchistic sort of Dada-

    Zen: through this paradoxes, an invisible line is drawn between those who "get it" and those who don't. Though they're not a

    joke, discordians just try not to take things too seriously. And though many discordians are not interested in magic, there are a

    few discordian chaoist sorcerers.

    This 'irreligion' was created in the fifties. Two young beatnik chaos magicians nicknamed Omar Ravenhurst and Malaclypse

    the Younger performed a Godform ritual while in a bowling alley which involved a chimpanzee and a caffeine overdose. Five days

    later, the Godform Eris appeared in their dreams to show them the right path. Soon they wrote the erisian bible, a text called the

    "Principia Discordia".

    They consider Chaos is the ultimate reality, from which our human perceptions build the concepts of Order and Disorder,

    considering disorder as the unrelated information through the perceptual grids placed upon reality. So, in order to breakdown

    the Illusion, discordians empower disorder -though they do not just take aside order-, as they consider an important component

    of the Illusion is the deceptive almighty mirage of Order

    Discordians do not have fixed hierarchies nor any kind of

    structures, even though they call themselves a church. They act

    through SNAFUs (Situation Normal All Fucked Up), loosely

    organized working for what they call Operation Mindfuck, which

    consists on spreading disorder against stablished social norms,

    consensual reality, and normal stable order-loving people which

    they call "Greyfaces". Some of them are aware of the Illusion, and

    work hard to shatter it creating these contradicting social realitieswithin groups of balanced people.


    Their acts have been noticed by lictors, and

    sometimes discordians have been hunted

    when their rebellious operations turned out

    too powerful against the Illusion. But the lack

    of any fixed organizational structure among

    the irreligion's followers has made discordians

    survive for more than fifty years. However,

    lictors have dealt with this problem in other

    ways: they have wrote misleading discordian

    related books, and they have modified the

    most Illusion shattering parts from the

    Principia Discordia. Nowadays, it is hard to

    find a true copy of the Principia Discordia, so

    even though discordianism is growing -

    especially due to the Internet-, it is also

    becoming less and less harmful to the Illusion.

    [a deconstructive godform]

  • 8/3/2019 Liber Chao (Final - Eng)


    You saw that black SUV again?. It was

    the conspiracy. For sure. What do you

    mean, "which conspiracy"? I mean, of

    course, the nazis on the Moon. The

    ones who escaped from the second world

    war on those fancy UFOs designed by

    the Luftwaffe, clashed with the worldgovernment in the end of the sixties

    and kicked them back to Earth,

    etcetera. Ok, I said the moon didn't

    exist, I was wrong. Obviously, it is

    the world government who made that up,

    to make us ignore the stuff about the

    nazis. I do not like any of the two

    groups, but I've red on the Internet

    about a partisan secret base on the

    Antarctica... I even have the maps,

    would you come? I want to go out on a

    spiritual mission, I found out some

    stuff which may be useful there...

    This chaos conjurer has lost it to a point she

    doesn't exert control over her own set of

    beliefs, which continuously change. Today she

    is a wiccan witch, and recites the Rede to

    anyone at sight. Next month she may embrace

    shamanism, or get involved in ecological

    activism. However, the compulsive believer

    does not change her beliefs out of logic nor

    trying to find any sort of enlightenment: it is

    just she has played too much with them and

    she is unable to bear it anymore. Ironically her

    aim could be stability, and she is involved in

    an unconscious quest to find out a belief

    which does not spontaneously shatter in herhead.

    A disordered individual, his inner

    feelings tell him he is completely lost. Nowhere

    is he to find rest, as any belief he holds doesn't

    fill his demands for a stable sense of reality. So,

    he is extremely active, and the way he acts can't

    be foreseen: his behaviour will usually be

    constrained by his actual beliefs, mixed up with

    his need for stability -he will usually develop a

    domineering attitude in order to strengthen his

    temporary mental position-.

    Amnesia, Anhedonia. BlackSheep. Death Wish. Domineering. Depression.

    Fanaticism. Mania. Manic-depression.

    Schizophrenia. Split-personality.

    Cultural flexibility. Empathy.

    Forgiving. Intuition. Iron will. Social chameleon

    Forbidden knowledge