lierald. i it.1~ ~!i.~t~iiiig~~;,cb; herald (1888... · i long...

I long NU/llBER lil. \Ve ha ve been have a large cily trade in lhat line to supply. W.e take produce in exchange, and ,are I al ways glad to have and have built up ;" trade, but ndt more than we can handle. iN c wish to thank the public for lJ:.cir •. we will continue hi., and honest dealib,g';', : Fnrchner, Uuerig &: CO. Up-to-Oole. Seosonoble . for sole at Prices. .'; :"it-·!···- . ,. . '1.:1 ' .... ''',. ..... liERALD. '.' l. !ili1j .. ' I J All Dailie$ and anf Monthly Puhlica.tions llandle4 Music complete, fitst·class aud up-to-date. II Ii I I -. r' i R I R '," :···· .. ·,0·,-'.··· .U·:·· .. ··R· .'. t .• M,.ll!ll ..,UI!1· .. "0" !!Il!Rl!ll!!li<E· ti .•. .... ,;, . " . '! Carroll h8.(a dramatic Jlub which merohandu16 hu eo lnTollDed tld .. •• eixo'olockngn "'"' \, I : .. '" : 'i gave a. exbihitlQn otllluilUal,Wln. _k. Hr..IWay......ial.d ,.llllng IroiI1>Ie'lrom wWebhe hall been , '. . ; '" .. ', ',i'" :ltd.eteCemlY. ..' ,. ,Meun.Brow,Da ;Bee.beinth.e work. al11.lf .. .. of yearu. H,otl ,,' , " . I I Fred Krauae h•• rented. hlll. f ,our .Tn•. ne. ptOpri.II an now In. Chllol'll! .. "... ll\I'ld. '.8.7. '1.epa and a wife and I ! mllM IOUlibea.t of &he and open for I. Botil gentle· ml?Urn bll . " . I I I 1 iDtention. O.f .. m.'O.rl.tlJ'. &o"MiaFtt ..• rI' ••'. . .men ba-:v e IOld th I .. ,naldenqe. 1 property .1 ervie.Ei/l ..•• held in the. L.uthe.ran .. 1 Weare the largest neWH 'n N .. ' I ,Papers and Magazilles fjJr 1904 at ,/ Dr. ElIIol 01 Ooooord J>;P gone 10 at Wa,...•. Mr. "n will ""on"" lb. obumb J1o"''X'uood.y allernoou 01 10. '," h k d k ..... , . " II ! ; I i CAlifornia to after bUlIIln811 houle "',bere- bin8 q:ow live. o·olock. .... , "lBier ofIloiatiolit. Tbe . j. e &, an a e 1.01 all maga- .. Ill Ih.... Hia WlI. him. "heil Ih. Ialfer I ..... Mr., B .be I. ord.r oq,O'. ej, Jr. 01 "hkb Mr. Iiull· zines alld neWspapers, Jlj I, Tho .llh'b ned. and hkb .hlllookln,lor a bP1llO-Oar;rolllod· x ,...n altended I. a body II I I " at; have chaI1eoR'ed 'the public WalDe county iter. to tbe .tate tbe _:4 part LD iDe at: I' ones ' Book·. SJ4. I . o' re ,lora .j>OlIingeonleila.d.noughbov•••moeooIJohn . Mannlug, lor lb. I., ....... Estey Company's'Orl/:an, 11 II ,: aooopted to JUlltlly arrangb1g lot ono. W!lxli' commiMtonet- bf pubUo laude and Mr. JloltgrtJn WINl QM 01( H\O "-.'1eU , 1I.'ta&8 Plaoe. ibD1Iht . . btliJdl.o.8,.Ubj eM the wtlh.e. 01 the known. "emptcwd rot Putnam Company's Organ.; iii I I I" IleD repnbUoaa a OOD'Yeotl9n, Mr. 'be !'Se w man. of tbrlf& Jull... Rlo_. and WUII. Moaning -04 IbI.o OOOllQn of a.d good oud Chickering Bra,.' High Grade Pianos I"." Ihrown from a v.bldl. In Ran· Ib.lIlatoJll'O\l11 IIDda. ".Ighbor. Re· Hamilton PI'allos dolph wt ,and tbe former well dellned III ent in btl lavor. ceDtl, he bt e. tra.ct of land I were Ievere11iojure4. JulUlI bad lib· Hie candidaoJ' .'ber a damper 00' W'lI;I e ',rOlperttJ". Dotwitbltaod. , Ii 'I J:R eight' ,lIJOme o'ber tor "tate tog h OD. HUll ma.ny frionds p au 0 ar reoe ve an, uR 1 I'M fJ'OlD, HOI-lou. ..b Journal. keoply t: 11 df'Atb aud n,tend . I' " In lb. I I III b'aolu... llnna hand. all: fq...\n.tb1 10 lho oortowing MS DAVI'ES' I .remee Batf'l. 'Win broiJ;ller of' Am- ,hie 'w•. B:, Or elob, " 00. have fllJllily.- ' . I bery BlUE. who wu killed 'll a MkIlA t:beir atock I jAwelry back to the ;\ I ' 8t Dakqta Oity ago.; wa. WaJD e atOre. Welch iliforma u' OEATHriAF'tE'R 'LONG ILLNESS.' .. , found on In. I .. of :tbo 1I'I01 d IbM h. hod a I bud.... bo.. , bu' R.o.•..jI .• '.ba'i·) .... ·olol.,D of Mr.•od Book And MUSIC .....H. ouse .. I'lYer at Sioux Ott)'. undl"r tbe bfid,e OJ the town ill DOt enouKa&o aopport Mn. R. : died Monday "ftn- , .. . .._ . the Nortbweetern railroad, ou Saudll.y a st«e of tibJl tl ,.IleD the expeofle of noon.t after RutrerioR for )t; otlll8tweek. renli aDd lonra. 11 ao high. The cancerous lU'O'Nlh. - --------- l=: Otto allumaDo, eme 01 the wealthie8t Trlbulle dialitea '('6 M.r. 'Wt\lcb go Hia dflAtb';nl' aot .D.8Xpeo*ed. Spt'oial- I I citizeD80t Wed P,liet. 8W•.Y. He. ia a It ,oitilleo al:1d ia well .1" .• ' ...I ..' .• I ..... llad pro·.II.... .,. ....jO'lo....L,...II"' ....L .. II'll ... II'll ... I la.' Tburaday. He wu IdeDt of liked by enu '. 80 wUlaaajat lu inouab16 lind hllod ••• Polnl Halonal .nk. preal· lho.lOnIalWa1 .-DI,onTrlbn". .. Dlolhal'b. end d.n' of.h••I,otrjo 118bl o. pon1 and . onI1" of 0 tbaTt 111n.. Thoi A Old RI- bl 5t 'of 'Ib, W••I Pol I Br.Wlng ha 1 .adl1 """led. d.t.1f nll.ln Ih,l, .' .·0·.. · .' " _.' efa e. ore. .....Iallo.. powet ..11.1. bul ..,II71oR tb.I' i 'i" " R. K. Patton who fo....erly U",ed 'bey p.Dterktn DO hope of eft'eot· Y ', I norlibWIIR of toWD, "'AI 't ElD..non n.I. [) En GOOD C '. ' Tu.ed., flU..I.I .. H.' Mo· Aboui a!l .... 1flO 0' ....mog .ppeared K U K U ; LaUfhlln. He hili bougbt a; tann near ou th" bGi grew Qnd: I ' I Ih. norlb lin. 01 H. D. wID move ..,. bli whel. hod,. uJ' , .i' ICK ROO U cUP' PillE C to It from Wayoeoountyinl'he .priOK, eJIpectu- '" .p , L tl EDterprlle. dOD f1p8CiAlis1n curo hill!. 'I' - A:' I. ke l' specialty of this line of gqod, and Geo. Krul!8r from no.. lWa:rn."'" fo,,' ufblhJ ago Ibo Onlcago doolo". y . reet from the makel'1l *hemselvcs, thus . cal1 .•r al Th. Tu.oda1 ••io·aIrun "".'.. ulled, bUI coald uDly , tt' f d f h ' ,10 (lompany with PJWtcrli»e for tempol'DJ7 relief thfl ca8 ' 10 or you new goo sot e lOulhw••' 01 I<Jwn. Mr. reo bam .. "'.'if , ullno.l.klll.· i hes:'t Q' ualit ports Wm. who IlUtrered a . " . 'y pa!.a1111e .•Irok. .om. Ih.... m.olb. ,JOl/lIItI, and 00" : I At The 0l!?' .. 10 be hOUl•. OFlF. row >#!'" ••)mp.lby 01 all. : , II : ,I .. o..1 Adyooal.. ,. , . r G,Dd ,oon""" 'f'!" ....vl.., W.r. b.ld y•• t.,., ., Low:est pr'lce The .0....... In;na... . »dIHonell . I". _In""n' dat al 10:80 o'clook "t 'bo ••,. , .' .1· ... ,: , Ih......rn'¥nt lodaler Ill. "h.n nere lll.Dda1· Df (d"'''! <>r Wm. Wrllbi 'and. large ve the guarantee of the D:lakers of 'these \hey, ar'llt>..... lribal .... Ilon. and Tb.loo+' opera ...... IbOlllbl ou... In.... f nelghbOro frle.d. of 'h. sand:. tha.t gUlLI'antee Ui worth tLe bacU01. olll.etii 01 Ibo u. Iod Btale.. Ih. m.,.ban of , • eomi'&'1" _ntd .r· ·Mlllndad. Rev. P. Birrell ee Y Pll. made. ! Tbe)" feet that they b• adv.flced rive 0111 lb. mo iDg uam ILl tqey ',mpatbetio and appropriate' OIl tr ftDotla h to avoid belug .kitlDed In bulJl did do 80 e the:r ' , aND'S DRUG SI ARE n." .nd. nonoe. w.oI Iha pro"'llng ......·I.d Ih... In'DI an" -"t". '..,.--_.- :f' nare ot tbe goverument; coDtinued. loglT did not eat the houI!"e. ,'E OLUTIONS. " I ',WAYNE, Tholel ...... Ih·1 ... Jobo4b.... ln\ w: il Nb J b IJ.Pingre,.,who wl\8,ja WAYDB lhe,e.-e4J,to B ,th+t\ uildiDA'J.. ,ouJd ADd W.h.'. ,190,4: ',I to attend a of tbA 'hit pe.ttl1'lDaDce, ad to be off. aooo wit·h 'be I PURE DRU, a.s of t·he Flrlt National B"ok, bame OTel' Howevlwo on 'ouns of the Inten8o ' y of lh, ,$p.preme Archltecs of she U0.1· to Wi ide fit. hi h H r,' V8rae, brother 8amu"J H. Mc· ! i '.J : OM tov t nep ••V1'7 ... he .• oue dAy lua.t' and wu been emall. !r ' D ..ed. trow our I ! taken suddenly lick with rhetUJU,til!lm. I whe__eu, It ia Joet and fir- -R .... '.,' . ': •. l:'· '1:- AP , I H. aoullDuod to IlOI no m1"'b w.... ,IlARMI£R' INSTITUTE. recognllion 01 bWvirlu" that his Wife was lent for arrived The t o:f farm. ,ADa aerrtoel 8S Itt BDd 1 .., "rid.,. obrbt. At tbiB "riUnll he ers' tuUeatee ' tee 'a8 lollow. regard- Joyal, be plaoed on reoord. tbete.! ",============". fa muob improved.-WinaldG Tribune. iDIr ork: Core It, I I i II DiI$'h.m ..mber and . Wa,..Lodg. No. 120. , I , JaokBOnJavelOk6u D'Ojlmr Iblrl. ".ro h.ld A.F.' M: W6 bow In ..•.. .. ·.·. ' I.··. '.' •• ,1 I.: .... ,: jj I D oJ I ext, luary frumattl io .,.,t QS par&a f the Ilate.. : One-h-:l1' I ,to til., wIll of the iii I e l er n BMiIl8l,.0.tl1>oll' .. '··'II· I!II .. di I pu·I ... lnan.l.q'rlo alarol':boll. Iboy no. Han10 ;b. for O+.'1>"llbor wbo hoe be•• lokoD II. 1'1 G del I ba... bought a bet t dozen IlhOtR'UDtI, and·dIQ' ' 'I&uliel w" held at pl 8 wbere ,ttOrl;'. "9,,1: ' : I'·': ,. ( j, I j. I rfcerles D n ORqect on ,: tb.-m i amoog, IIQah "l'tiua ll b h Id belore ", in thA deathof'S:-lUioel' I' . Bnp:FJJrmer',fn tbtpai-otasllltel'es,ted. I' 11 Cidors, fruits ond d.DIUn!lh.n·tgt borhood uhho bank. s;,.... r. O.llh.;" iaOOo •.,..,q.u••"ti' 0 lIIomb,rof 'bl, ·A· GR·EAT I 1 Ii ID048d'lfattemp atrobberYl.!heoy w111 ,atwo''''OIlflti gtQrout-7ear. More w+ t,helountabrotbt'r '.. , .:, . ! I i fre50h and- of to ih IIlDd.M' I e battle. lI'anlt rob· <01:*1 loeti oles will be rea"'1 to f':loolld tbe J18Dfl of oa Hond Bnd Cattt-t:. ,h C'nr,roDel-l'lfO ' , 11 I prtlfer baai· aud '}" bTU.".. Over fhree. 01'Id tU4 Toioe of sympathy to t, f' I' '. .. n....loewh..... 1 , 'Iollnhf pI Ih. will b, 1,,01 d81 m••I. " d1 Idl......Jd 01 ODr Auol.", ' INFlEqTIEO WITH-4IO!r .nnesot il! It.. J, fcl.· IAIi .. Ie tbei_ meoUuge fet f(r, and whOle Her •• +_:. I U , projeot to build ft, ne line this will continue- 01' four ,}p'Y", vt\ 8 (0 h;il couotry Rod \vorth fUI n I' 111' r I I I I \' y. hi. norlbern roads wltb mu,h rl'Ib. p .aJ "plt.d by' I.e... member 01 ,oolety••ro; , PRUS.,AN LICIE POWOSR 1 I' J ,the r .... h:to,einal.tlorl f If)df asl:J.".aIa. 'I Nllt., e 8ett-er···I1I",ry I' , 8pa o:ning tbe,Yi8ildllril'iver's YllliktOIl. lostttUitflR noo numerous !'Lod CQ e tht thA hes"tfAlt p;jym "Sc B D:ds 16 I.. I h '. If I ' 1][1, I fnel. that .. bill pamd .b. Uilu.d lrom lQoa1llia. M,Jy ..p••t.d , •• y ' 0 1 lodg. be "'."dod to hi. OX "" Rea of Llce!- ! gu ranteed. I I Stat" senBte "nth riang the sutlsrabtnry R Hhb e ily I1nd frtfludB In tbflir ftftllt'tlOll 06 F'R£-: ! a bridR'8,. YQ,DkI'.oD. beif'hffl ororll 8 vell thaI; 'bped relOtutioDlJ be ba...... ftt .tq.1iitl.\:w;:rR eYIMAIL,40a"sc 10D. d. oolor til t Jt . e, rAport. It .. :, .Id or, we e::l: ot Ilv" ('.,.ery . epr,ead I the reoordl!l or thfl lodKe ",n".,,," II"!0Ck FOqO" ••"II:I)Y ceq ST. PAUL, Y3 l!P 1"roPOBftl:l to Fld 400 :r()ad manit tbat h 1:1 Ulnde I aod a oopy thereot be transmitted to 11I'u,llfactnrt:rtor Stoelr FOM;PoIlIh7 F'vod, Worm 1'1 wde 1'8, Ew for all .bo,",.. aut IDle 11,ln Ib.lDatlet.':ln ..o4btUlher. and FORJ BY , hOf ... I •• OIIhO ..oumi I a OOP1 to .aoh 01 Ih. n.w.papen of . . I I I AI. E TRANSt' I . W .. .a. . r:.. "" ..... . :. ,,". . ... I .. ' . . . '".''' ••..•..... R •. .. ING... . .'. ' . .• ,. , . ,. , .,,:' '.' "i.·i:"'."· ;:'S -<f"1.''- .• 1'1 "PIlfON 1 ·"9 1",- W1·Jand,f,L PUfP08"oforgan.' , " ! :' .. •. .: ' I 11.'::. /;'I.:.;!"; 'm .•• 1""'1."10.,.· I '.' I" I to .'. '. I• 'urg nlz ,olen. All wb. I lit. Oil' d MO . ueat04ltoalHnd . 10 8. e.., •. ..... I! .,&1 .•.. ' ·jl'I J + wIo ..... ..'o'om· .' "II It r;II' .' l'!" i\t.,I ,,, •.•• , ,.1 i , :. "iII/O" :.101 I '.. QII held Ii ' .•..•. . OIlU ".'tiI ..... Ib1B' ulDl: " I '. _.iII' :!l"t·<I}: ",I"' , •. hI.. 'k '.""" '. d \I> ..J.. , .. '.""n,Ii .... ,.. , 'I' I ··1·,···,·-!- .. ···· olIlF': ,. I " g ,1' ... ' N .. ' T . ". . "·;.' .. · .... .. ........ 'T' # .. ,.! «II '.' ·U.E·.;;·.·.'·.Ji ..• . ..bon.' ., ... ", •• '.3. C1"'1"u l ,:i'" ... ··...··1 + """,,.i#iJw' :. 'I B .... Tr'. 'i.. .00:. mO\<enI;' •. 32 110 I kill. T8 l!!\MI Oo..lnao1alOrl, , .:f" .'.,.,..... :,;' .. ',fo llii.··. 61G .... . ..... •... .. '<';CU'·I"'I :"··;'1'1'1 J . 1 ·· I ',':';"-" ... '.),\".:, ":,, "1'1": ,;:) :;('i:"*:-:: ;:; :!!::(:,: :,::'::::/:YJ ," .... ;:;"'" :,::' '\:'.i: ,;;; ;:

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Page 1: liERALD. I it.1~ ~!i.~t~iiiig~~;,cB; Herald (1888... · I long NU/llBER lil. \Ve have been have a large cily trade in lhatline to supply. W.e take



NU/llBER lil.

\Ve ha ve been

have a large cily trade in lhat line to supply.

W.e take produce in exchange, and ,areI

al ways glad to have

and have built up ;" lar~e trade, but ndt

more than we can handle. iNc wish to

thank the public for lJ:.cir patrona~e •. ~'ld

we will continue Oll~' hi., and honest dealib,g';', :

Fnrchner, Uuerig &: CO.

Up-to-Oole.Seosonoble Good~

. for sole at~eQsonnble Prices.

.'; :"it-·!···- .,. .'1.:1'....~,~.I ''',.

~.....liERALD.'.' l. !ili1j .. ' •

,~} I J

All Dailie$ and W6~klY anf

Monthly Puhlica.tions llandle4

Music D~partment complete,

fitst·class aud up-to-date.



I it.1~ _~!i.~t~iiiig~~;,cB;~~~t~~~~~$~~~~~~~~~~E~~59~~~e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~*~*~*~*~1~t~'~~'t~~~*~*~*~*~~~*~*~*~*~'1.-:t-:t1~--.~*4**~,?t+t1J+t*t~-4-~~--+~+'i--+-:i-"'"'l-~';'T't-i-+-;1:-4""*'+-..f-:f--t,-*#'""*"4 .~r' iRI ~D"'~E'R ',":···· .. ·,0·,-'.···.U·:··..··R·.'. t t~=3'.:iJ =f![~f~.:cl;~.·r.•~~.~sf:~~i~irBO·~K···'~~A··~N~-D M,.ll!ll..,UI!1·..S~I·C·.~"mfjjS~.·.!!T'~."0"!!Il!Rl!ll!!li<E·



I~'. .... ,;, . " . '! Carroll h8.(a dramatic Jlub which merohandu16 hu eo lnTollDed tld.. da1'allie~qa•• eixo'olockngn rtlSUJt'~'."'"' \, ~.

I :.. '" : 'i gave a. exbihitlQn otllluilUal,Wln. _k. Hr..IWay......ial.d ,.llllng IroiI1>Ie'lrom wWebhe hall been , '. .; '" ~.. ', ',i'" ~ :ltd.eteCemlY. ..' ,. ,Meun.Brow,Da ;Bee.beinth.e work. al11.lf..~r..,to~.a.i'D,' of yearu. H,otl ,,' , " ~~~;tgm;~"@WmJili;t~~~.

. I I Fred Krauae h•• rented. hlll.'~~. f,our .Tn•.ne. ptOpri.II an now In. Chllol'll!.. "... ll\I'ld.'.8.7. '1.epa and 1~.VOl!l a wife andI ! mllM IOUlibea.t of Winafd~~ w~ &he and open for I. Botil gentle· IfiT~ (l~tt~*~ ml?Urn bll 10!i~. lI'tlD~r- . " . I

I I 1 iDtention. O.f ..m.'O.rl.tlJ'. &o"MiaFtt..• rI' ••'. . .men ba-:ve

IOld th I .. ,naldenqe.1property .1 ervie.Ei/l..••~~.' held in the. L.uthe.ran.. 1 Weare the largest neWH deale.r~ 'n N orthea~t .. 'I ,Papers and Magazilles fjJr 1904 at ,/ Dr. ElIIol 01 Ooooord J>;P gone 10 at Wa,...•. Mr. "n will ""on"" lb. obumb J1o"''X'uood.y allernoou 01 10. '," h k • d t· k ..... , . "

II! ; I iCAlifornia to l~k after bUlIIln811 ~ter. houle "',bere-~ bin8 q:ow live. o·olock. ~.... , "lBier ofIloiatiolit. Tbe . j. e ra~ &, an a e sllbSCllptlOI1~ 1.01 all maga- ~

..Ill Ih.... Hia WlI. aooom~anied him. "heil Ih. Ialfer I ..... Mr., B .be I. ord.r oq,O'. ej, Jr. 01 "hkb Mr. Iiull· zines alld neWspapers, JljI , Tho .llh'b ned. and hkb ~bOO' .hlllookln,lor a bP1llO-Oar;rolllod· x ,...n "'~~I/',."'bl'r.altended I. a body III I " at; P~Doa have chaI1eoR'ed 'the public WalDe county iter. to tbe .tate tbe _:4 part ltpa~ LD iDe ~lDonlee at: I'

ones' Book·. SJ4.I

. o're ,lora .j>OlIingeonleila.d.noughbov•••moeooIJohn . Mannlug, lor lb. I.,....... Estey Company's'Orl/:an, 11II ,: aooopted to JUlltlly arrangb1g lot ono. W!lxli' commiMtonet- bf pubUo laude and Mr. JloltgrtJn WINl QM 01( H\O "-.'1eU i~, 1I.'ta&8 Plaoe. ibD1Iht . . btliJdl.o.8,.Ubj eM the wtlh.e. 01 the known. a~~,~.jlthl.Y "emptcwd cilize~Hl rot Putnam Company's Organ.; iii

I I I" IleD repnbUoaa a OOD'Yeotl9n, Mr. 'be ctua~. !'Se w man. of tbrlf&Jull... Rlo_. and WUII. _I~.r Moaning -04 IbI.o OOOllQn of a.d ln~i1.!w good bU~b'l"d oud Chickering Bra,.' High Grade Pianos

I"." Ihrown from a v.bldl. In Ran· Ib.lIlatoJll'O\l11 '01lllbI1a~d IIDda. fa.~er~a~eolnlbl.".Ighbor. Re· Hamilton PI'allos ~dolph wt w8e~" ,and tbe ~wo former well dellned III ent in btl lavor. ceDtl, he bo~ bt e. tra.ct of land o.nd~ Iwere Ievere11iojure4. JulUlI bad lib· Hie candidaoJ' .'ber a damper 00' W'lI;I e ',rOlperttJ". Dotwitbltaod. , Ii

'I ~ltght J:RR~":ake~ eight' I:Ob8~ lK-~O" tb~ ,lIJOme o'ber .~d ~ tor "tate ~ffioe tog h OD. HUll ma.ny frionds ~l1~!mmf~~1ti!!LfijID'gw-~-'!....~Jt~~~p au 0 ar reoe ve an, uR 1 I'M fJ'OlD,~ HOI-lou. Te~ ..b Journal. keoply t: 11 df'Atb aud n,tend the~ . I' "

In lb. I WID.ld.lqal";~ I III b'aolu... llnna hand. all: fq...\n.tb1 10 lho oortowing M S DAVI'ES' I.remee Batf'l. 'Win broiJ;ller of' Am- ,hie 'w•. B:, Or elob, " 00. have fllJllily.- ~.!': ' . I

bery BlUE. who wu killed 'll a ~IOOD MkIlA t:beir atock I jAwelry back to the ;\ I • • '8t Dakqta Oity 8O~e J"e~a ago.; wa. WaJDe atOre. Welch iliforma u' OEATHriAF'tE'R 'LONG ILLNESS.' ..

, found on In. I.. of :tbo 1I'I01d IbM h. hod a I bud.... bo.., bu' R.o.•..jI.• '.ba'i·)....·olol.,D of Mr.•od Book And MUSIC.....H.ouse..I'lYer at Sioux Ott)'. undl"r tbe bfid,e OJ the town ill DOt enouKa&o aopport Mn. R.~ :Ja~u, died Monday "ftn- , .. . .._ .the Nortbweetern railroad, ou Saudll.y a st«e of tibJl tl ,.IleD the expeofle of noon.t ~:~,dolockafter RutrerioR for 'iliDXilI~~'U("lfJmH]j;""~ufit~:nTl!rl!:~IjllJt;:::li~l;f[lj~_

)t; otlll8tweek. renli aDd lonra. 11 ao high. The abrnU:at~:lroQl. cancerous lU'O'Nlh. - --~--'--'---'''" ---------l=: Otto allumaDo, eme 01 the wealthie8t Trlbulle dialitea '('6 M.r. 'Wt\lcb go Hia dflAtb';nl' aot .D.8Xpeo*ed. Spt'oial-

II citizeD80t Wed P,liet. die~.ddenI1 8W•.Y. He. ia a It ,oitilleo al:1d ia well .1".• ' ..' I.~~.• I.....~'·ueQt, llad pro·.II.....,.....jO'lo....L,...II"'....L ..II'll...II'll...~I la.' Tburaday. He wu IdeDt of liked by enu '. 80 wUlaaajat lu nOQII;~~,'b~:~'eueinouab16 lind hllod

~;;::~~~~==;:::::::=3=i:;=;~i'b.W ••• Polnl Halonal .nk. preal· lho.lOnIalWa1 .-DI,onTrlbn". Inf_eal/j'i~IM...Dlolhal'b. end w~i~ d.n' of.h••I,otrjo 118bl o. pon1 and . onI1" q~,{D of 0 tbaTt 111n.. Thoi A Old RI- bl 5t 'of 'Ib, W••I Pol I Br.Wlng •ha1 .adl1 """led. d.t.1f nll.ln Ih,l, .' .·0·..· .' " _.' efa e .ore......Iallo.. powet I~ :lilY~..11.1. bul ..,II71oR tb.I'

i'i" ~ " R. K. Patton who fo....erly U",ed 'bey ~I~ p.Dterktn DO hope of eft'eot·

Y' , I norlibWIIR of toWD, "'AI 't ElD..non IDR'A:Pt~IlD~Dtcuro:'.·n . I. [) En GOOD C'. ' Tu.ed., flU..I.I .. H.' Mo· Aboui a!l.... 1flO 0 ' ....mog .ppeared

K U K U ; LaUfhlln. He hili bougbt a; tann near ou th" bGi ~ ~ghli templ~. !~ grew Qnd:I ' I Ih. norlb lin. 01 H. D. au~ wID move .....,ed~to'~..,. bli whel. hod,. uJ'

, .i' ICK ROO U cUP'PillE C to It from Wayoeoountyinl'he .priOK, .as~ento,:Oblo.goWiththoeJIpectu-

~'" .p ,L tl -E~r80nEDterprlle. dOD 'ba~ f1p8CiAlis1n eouI~. curo hill!.

'I' - Batl\b~~I'WMt1dlsappolntment, A:'I. ~ ke l' specialty of this line of gqod, and Geo. Krul!8r from no.. lWa:rn."'" fo,,' ufblhJ ago Ibo Onlcago doolo".

y . reet from the makel'1l *hemselvcs, thus . ~ cal1.•r al Th. AdYooa"'Om~Tu.oda1 ••io·aIrun "".'..ulled, bUI coald uDly, tt' f d f h ' ,10 (lompany with Gartu~r, PJWtcrli»e for tempol'DJ7 relief thfl ca8 '

10 or you new goo sot e lOulhw••' 01 I<Jwn. Mr. ~Mar reo bam.. "'.'if , ullno.l.klll.· •

~' i hes:'t Q'ualit ports Wm. Htlmto~~, who IlUtrered a . 1t;1r~'b:~onJ,.ehlldofMt.lIndMrn." . 'y pa!.a1111e .•Irok. .om. Ih.... m.olb. ,JOl/lIItI, .u~ and 00"

: I At The 0l!?' .. ~bl. 10 be aboUI~. hOUl•.-~ECI.A:REDOFlF. row >#!'" .~••)mp.lby 01 all. :, II : ,I..o..1 Adyooal.. ,. , . r G,Dd ,oon""" 'f'!" f1'~'1"~ ....vl.., W.r. b.ld y••t.,.,., Low:est pr'lce The .0....... In;na... b~ . »dIHonell . I". _In""n' dat ~nllllJ al 10:80 o'clook "t 'bo ••,.

, .' .1· ... ,: , Ih......rn'¥nt lodaler I~.: Ill. "h.n nere lll.Dda1· Df ~Y"'I"td (d"'''! <>r Wm. Wrllbi 'and. largeve the guarantee of the D:lakers •of 'these \hey, ar'llt>.....~r lribal....Ilon. and Tb.loo+' opera' IbOlllbl ou...In....f nelghbOro ~od frle.d. of 'h.

~o sand:. tha.t gUlLI'antee Ui worth tLe ~rice bacU01. olll.etii 01 Ibo u. Iod Btale.. Ih. m.,.ban of , • eomi'&'1" _ntd .r· famU~ ·Mlllndad. Rev. P. Birrell~.'. e e Y made. ! Tbe)" feet that they b• .,.eD·~ adv.flced rive 0111 lb. mo iDg uam .~d ILl tqey preaO~. ',mpatbetio and appropriate'OIl tr ftDotlah to avoid belug .kitlDed In bulJl did no~ do 80 e ~DolGdflldi the:r ~14 fiflr~O. ' ,

Ri.~ aND'S DRUG SI ARE n." .nd. nonoe. w.oI Iha pro"'llng ......·I.d Ih... In'DI an" -"t". '..,.--_.-:f' ~ nare ot tbe goverument; coDtinued. loglT did not eat the ~pera houI!"e. ,'E ~ OLUTIONS.

"I ',WAYNE, NaBR~SKA Tholel...... "1Ia~'Ih·1 ...Jobo4b.... ln\ w: il N b J bW~ IJ.Pingre,.,who wl\8,ja WAYDB lhe,e.-e4J,toB,th+t\ uildiDA'J..,ouJd ADd W.h.'. a.7:.e,_,~ ~ ~DuIU'78.t ,190,4:',I to attend a ~.f't1pg of tbA dlreot~ 'hit pe.ttl1'lDaDce, ad to be ~eolated'off. ~ ~~·11D aooo ~~ wit·h 'be Wl~1

IPURE DRU,a.s of t·he Flrlt National B"ok, bame OTel' Howevlwo on 'ouns of the Inten8o

'y of ~ lh, ,$p.preme Archltecs of she U0.1·

to Wi ide fit. hi h H r,' V8rae, D~ ~te brother 8amu"J H. Mc·! i '.J ~ : OM tov t • nep .~w••V1'7 oo'd;w~~'b"."t:endIt.D('Jewouldbave':M...lri~·'."''';' he

~:.:f:.:.:.j'~~.•:.:'l~*~I':.:.~.:.:.~.:.:*:.:*:*:.:.:*;,:=:t;::=t;r;~::~~~IPrtllcottt oue dAy lua.t' wt'Je~ and wu been emall. !r ' ~,,",,\,J ~I; D n~..ed. trow ourI ! taken suddenly lick with rhetUJU,til!lm. I ~,.~ ~i whe__eu, It ia Joet and fir--R....'.,' .':•. ,!,.',:',:!~,~I l:'·'1:-AP ,I H. aoullDuod to IlOI no m1"'b w.... ,IlARMI£R' INSTITUTE. II~" 11'1'~ ~ recognllion 01 bWvirlu"that his Wife was lent for a~d arrived The ~.u.,em~ t o:f Nebr&8~'1! farm. ,ADa h.~lVIlI~bh, aerrtoel 8S Itt #ru~ BDd1.., "rid.,. obrbt. At tbiB "riUnll he ers' tuUeatee ' tee 'a8 lollow. regard- Joyal, ~zMh. be plaoed on reoord. tbete.! ",============".=_._~-~._---========fa muob improved.-WinaldG Tribune. iDIr .inJ,~D*"r'. ork: Core~ It, I

Ii I I • DiI$'h.m l~oINo..mber and . ~dlb1 Wa,..Lodg. No. 120., I , B~Ul\lolallal JaokBOnJavelOk6u D'Ojlmr Iblrl. I""I,~~~, ".ro h.ld A.F.' ,~: M: t~a,w~il. W6 bow In 1Ei§~·'~''''i;i·'!1!·~fI·._·..•..'· .. ·.·. ' -~'.,ll.I.··. '.'••,1 I.:.... ,:jj I D oJ I ext, luary p~Callrton8 frumattl io .,.,t QS par&a f the Ilate.. : One-h-:l1' bllm~l, I ~~llmI88i~n ,to til., wIll of the ~ ~

iii I e l er n ,poJ8~bleatt~k'f~mrobberli. BMiIl8l,.0.tl1>oll'.. ,"rel".dlQ"1DaUtu~ha'V1D :'d08tilt~~."".edomo8'AinCeI'tlJYmonrn '··'II· I!II ..di ~ I pu·I ... lnan.l.q'rlo alarol':boll. Iboy 'fOV~8""'" no. Han10 ;b. OD.~ for O+.'1>"llbor wbo hoe be•• lokoD II.1'1 G 1· del I ba... bought a bett dozen IlhOtR'UDtI, and·dIQ' ' 'I&uliel w" held at pl 8 wbere ,ttOrl;'. "9,,1: ' : I'·': ,. ( j, I j. Ii~ rfcerles D n ORqect on , : dl.t~lbut;ed tb.-m

iamoog, le~rleu re!lt,~ IIQah "l'tiuall b u~ ~n h Id belore ", Rti~V'~.i,t,l)at in thA deathof'S:-lUioel' I' . Bnp:FJJrmer',fn tbtpai-otasllltel'es,ted. :q~f:~~Ut1'""

I' 11 Cidors, fruits ond Nu~s. d.DIUn!lh.n·tgtborhood

uhho bank. s;,....r. O.llh.;" iaOOo ba~•.,..,q.u••"ti' H".M.~~M'~~ln. 0 rh~'.r lIIomb,rof 'bl, ·A· GR·EAT BREE~E.RI 1 Ii ID048d'lfattemp atrobberYl.!heoy w111 ,atwo''''OIlflti gtQrout-7ear. More lo~,' w+ ~hment t,helountabrotbt'r '.. , .:, . !

I i thil~'" fre50h and- of talu~ to ih IIlDd.M' I e battle. lI'anlt rob· tb~ <01:*1 loeti oles will be ~ld ~o ~~o;~,~Y~r rea"'1 to f':loolld tbe J18Dfl ~ of v~l'mlt1 oa Hond Bnd Cattt-t:. ,h C'nr,roDel-l'lfO ' , at~tBtoct

11 ~.ban~wt I 'Prtb!lob~l prtlfer ~9,{Dg baai· ,Ja"~~7, aud '}" bTU.".. Over fhree. 01'Id tU4 :l~e Toioe of sympathy to t, f' I' '. ~,ll" ..n....loewh.....1 , 'Iollnhf pI Ih. will b, 1,,01d81 m••I. " d1 "\"~ Idl......Jd 01 ODr Auol.", ' INFlEqTIEO WITH-4IO!r

.nnesotil! It.. report.ed.t~RtJ. J, HI.I~"· ;lD~ IAIi .. Ie p1~t'" tbei_ meoUuge fet f(r, and whOle p~trlotlc Her =~f:.~..:::~~c::~O:::ln'O~~:3,;1'':.+l.:.=••+_:. I U , Ing~ projeot to build ft, ne line this will continue- tb~8 01' four ,}p'Y", vt\ 8 (0 h;il couotry Rod \vorth fUI nI' 111' rI I I I \' y. oonn.o~ughi. norlbern roads wltb mu,h rl'Ib. p .aJ b'ln~l"plt.d by' I.e...~d,. member 01 ,oolety••ro; , PRUS.,AN LICIE POWOSR1I' J ,the &M~,tnNebra"kll,wibab,.lclgelool1lt~~nt r ....n6~tdf, farm~' h:to,einal.tlorl f If)df dffoAl~J:ltlIiIgm:OfAIJ'kllJd$'OIl~-4S asl:J.".aIa.'I Nllt.,e 8ett-er···I1I",ry I' ,8pa o:ning tbe,Yi8ildllril'iver's YllliktOIl. lostttUitflR noo numerous !'Lod CQ e ~l'fed, tht thA hes"tfAlt p;jym "Sc B D:ds 16 I.. I h 'f"~~ '. If I ' ~ 1][1,

I Th.~'fnel. that .. bill pamd .b. Uilu.d lrom lQoa1llia. M,Jy ..p••t.d , •• y '0 1 I~ia lodg. be "'."dod to hi. ~ OX "" Rea ~lde of Llce!-! gu ~ ranteed. I IStat" senBte M~nctay. "nth riang the sutlsrabtnry R Hhb e 11~)t. lJ~t ily I1nd frtfludB In tbflir ftftllt'tlOll ~':&.~~~:: 06 • r:J'~~~'1:tt~\lt:e~ lt~1' F'R£-:

! l)oniruQ~iou'ol a bridR'8,. YQ,DkI'.oD. beif'hfflororll flT,ltlg~nt 8 PJ~. vell thaI; 'bped relOtutioDlJ be ba......ftt.tq.1iitl.\:w;:rR • eYIMAIL,40a"sc ::~:o:du.mhteb::;

10D.d. oolor til t Jt.e, rAport. It .. :, .Id H~\V8 or, we e::l: ot ~o Ilv" ('.,.ery o~ . epr,ead Iu~on the reoordl!l or thfl lodKe ",n".,,," II"!0Ck FOqO" ••"II:I)Y ceq ST. PAUL, MINN~' fJ:~~~lIe Y3 l!PH~ 1"roPOBftl:l to Fld 400 m~ 1~1 ~f :r()ad manit tbat h 1:1 Ulnde re~u89t I ~d aod a oopy thereot be transmitted to 11I'u,llfactnrt:rtor Stoelr FOM;PoIlIh7 F'vod, Worm 1'1wde

1'8, Ew for all ~t()C1!

~;;~;~~~~~~;e;~~~=~~;==~~~;E=~~~:iE~~';~~;·~~;f .bo,",.. aut IDle 11,ln Ib.lDatlet.':ln l~famI11otourd+..o4btUlher. and FORJ S~LE BY , hOf... I ••~d OIIhO ..oumi I a OOP1 to .aoh 01 Ih. n.w.papen of . . I I

IAI. ~STA E TRANSt'.ERS·~.i I w;~~.n... .~'I>.~,~::,:.oaAos., W.. .a. V-'N.U~'· . ·'~nu r:.. ~Im'

"" .....~Ito . Inlf.ra~"i'7~6.~. :. ,,". . ',~'·.'T~· ... ~ I •.. ' . . . '".''' ~. bilacf~. "~In<!..~••..•.....R•.,~P~~LI.\::AN ~UlI ·~.~Et..ING... . .'. ' . -~".•.!;~. ,. '"~"." , . , . , .,,:' '.' >.~' "i.·i:"'."·;:'S -<f"1.''- ,,~i'·· ·'·:i".<M.,,~J~dand n"n~ID.• ~av:~J.l'.ll:hEAt:tV 1'1 "PIlfON1·"91",- W1·Jand,f,L :'be8neD1'016~torth PUfP08"oforgan.' , " ! :' ~.';'~."I.. nl60I~II~V.bll•. Ri~ln~ .: .~~.o ' nll",j,~bliaanolublnlh. I

11.'::. /;'I.:.;!"; ··~ltG.:~."· :£1~ 'm.••:.;i:1:.:~~~r!:~i.~;a:;. 1""'1."10.,.·I '.' I" n'lJi~g I to .'. '. ~, .p~fr' ~ I • 'urg nlz ,olen. All wb.

I lit. Oil'!~.i:~Onil.:lJ8 m~" d MO . ueat04ltoalHnd

'.~J.' '~.' . 10 8. e..,•. ;.;~.....I! .,&1 .•.. ' ·jl'IJ +wIo

.....~~oIn.'::'·J.I..'o'om· .' "IItJ~~'ffl~~~~H1'~~ ,·.'·~~~~m~~':~t':l't'"'~BJ;t!~d It r;II' .' Cil-I':~-;'7~.'.· I~ l'!"

i\t.,I ,,,•.•• , ,.1 i , :. "iII/O" :.101 I '.. QII held Ii '.•..•.. OIlU ".'tiI ..... Ib1B' ulDl: " I'. !iu{Il1·~1·e:.~DInir;wll"~~~'

_.iII' :!l"t·<I}: ",I"' ,•.hI..'k'.""" l,,~' '. d \I> ..J.. ,~!,n. '~..'fl"~.'.""n,Ii .... ,.. !:'!~.I'~, ,'I' I • '''','~ ··1·,···,·-!- ..···· olIlF': ,. I ~eJ;l_ v:~aoe. " '~n~rl

g ·~.'<'Ida.".n ,1' !'fT/'I.~.I1.... ' ~..."l!li~~~.~.!"~,OI!ftN :r~Ut .. ' ~. ~~, T .··llI':U~I~~·J>~

,.t.':;:tiM~;: ". . "·;.'.. ·....··l··~ ~ .. uif~t!O·.....•.... !~~~·j~~·I!~ 'T'

# .. ,.~~ ,.! «II

'.' ·U.E·.;;·.·.'·.Ji..• :;.:··.4.~1 . ."~'.bon.'., ...", •• '.3.C1"'1"u l,:i'" .!'b!ir~bi¥;~...~ ··...··1 + """,,.i#iJw' :. 'I

B .Q~I"'I'" .... Tr'. 'i.. .00:. mO\<enI;' •. 32 110I kill. T8 0Pll~·.ijn..~tW. l!!\MI Oo..lnao1alOrl, , ~'

t~it"!':b;'; .~&~. .:f" '2~i;•.'.,.,..... :,;' ..~ ',fo • llii.··. 61G....~.. ......•...~ .·t·.~; ~.. "il~:'~~;JW'<';CU'·I"'I :"··;'1'1'1J

.1··I',':';"-" ...'.),\".:, ":,, "1'1":,;:) :;('i:"*:-:: ;:; :!!::(:,: i,:,:i:~:~!L';:~' ~';.' :,::'::::/:YJ ," ~';',:,Ir,,' :~,.... ;:;"'" :,::' '\:'.i: ,;;; ;:

Page 2: liERALD. I it.1~ ~!i.~t~iiiig~~;,cB; Herald (1888... · I long NU/llBER lil. \Ve have been have a large cily trade in lhatline to supply. W.e take
Page 3: liERALD. I it.1~ ~!i.~t~iiiig~~;,cB; Herald (1888... · I long NU/llBER lil. \Ve have been have a large cily trade in lhatline to supply. W.e take



.;\:~~.:..~~:~·~:·<::::~~.:k ,

l\Irs. Haskell, Worth{Vice T emplar, IEae.'pend.ent Order Good Templars, of SdvelLakJe, Mass., tells of her cure by the us~ of

~;;~~ ~~~~~;:~~~~~~~~:,;~~~~to me. I ha.d used medicines a.nd w~be8 internally a.nd erternal1y ~;illlmade up my mind that there wa.s no relief for rqe Cal~inP.' at the h~fa.l.!;~~~3~~~~~S~d~:t:::;~I~~~liJJ~"N;,)~g:1~i~:~e':'~°J"~Jt~~\li:~~ ~Yd~ iE~~f~J~:u~:~:~m:c~:io~~di~o~a:e~~r;i~~D~ ~~~before I was cared, but what a. Cha.~ge. from despair to hapPineS8~from.misery Ito the delIghtful exhIlarating' eling he$.lth alw.aV3 brings. __~..!fo~not change back for a thousand dolla I ' and your Veget..~ble Compo'j¥ is ...grand ~dicine

.. I wl-sh every SIck woman ,ould try it anq be cop.V1Dced." -,MJi8. In...HAS'K~L. Silver Lake, Mass. Worl.h~ Vice Templar, lDdependent Orij,er Qt"Good elliplar.ll. l' I

hen a medicine has been SllccessCul In mqre than a Ulo,""ases, Is It justice to yoU1'8elt to /lBY,Jvit\lout trllng it, .. I n.beUev~ It would help me" 'l I . I

Stjrely you caunpt wish to_~ weak, find lick an~~couraged. exhausted with ea.cII day's work. Yuu h~~'ir~mde~~,ement of the feminine orJ&nlsm, and L~dia E. P mV"lr""f:ble ()ompound wUI help wu just as surcl~ as it has °

,I1rs. Tillie Hart, of Larimore, N. D., says :!' 'I 'I,J~.. DEA.R MRS. PINKHAM' I might haT bee t' t

h~~r~nj:Yo~~~t~ffi~~;u~ei~;'i:~a nif :bam's egetable Compound a. few ontq.sooner, r I tr.Ied man;y J emcdles witho any log whICh helped Dl( before 1 tri q t~Vegeta. e Compound I dreaded the ap roacof the \menstrual I'PllOd ('very month~" ~meant mw~h suffering and pam Some on~~s.the flow was very scanty and others it W l!I Pft

i~5~'m~~~~:it~rec~~~a~g~r~at~ld nC:t~;~11~l~I contHiued until J f( 1t p<'l it'ctly well, and t !eoparts were t1lrrIlgl1l('Il('<\ to Ill'l form the worwithout aI56i~tnllt'\' 1\[1(1 pam f am like I\'ditre('ot "OTnllO 1I111\, \\ 11\) I' ]H rOl(' J dill not carehv(" nud I nm p!('ar-;{'d tu l.\!1->l.lfy ItS to the gyour VeR'et.ll.Llc COlllpound 11ll~ llone for, me. ".

t)i~:r~~ Ii~~~~~:.r~~~:=::;lH~~:~m;t;:~ ~who are ill that Lydia E.l»inkhnm's t eg

:t:~dC~'l:g;°T:t.:st~~ t~e~~~no~,~::.eand it has hundreds of thousands of ~urto iUi .~d1" Women s"ould consider t~unWI8~U~any other jlU-edi~ine. I

Mrs. P nkhamj whoseLaddress Is ~

cast all letters addregser:tel" y~l:~:-o~::?~~;::S~.t 0jU8t th" knowledge tllat wUI h<ll fOur .ase - trY her to-daf-COSUI "2tbln&,. I , _

Too Much SPl"DR PoeU'7."Do YQU know, [ beard or &. llueet'

~ase the- olht'f d:J.Y," said Smlth, :.til be+~t4l..*~~w, ...,! Ilowly dlnnJIlI<;hf>tl 8. Clg'l\f on the front~ I aoot ot tb~ hotl'1 offife ...,lildow.

: "now's thatT' InqlJlreu bls cQwpauI lon_

~~t1~~t~!!:~_"'~H "WbY~1 it was Biliingslell-'s tathpf-in­la"W-ro~ ~not\- him. Se~ml'l the oIUman de,lelpped, a qUf'er streak,·as hegrew 01 . :and llnnt)y got so th,lt hewould nptl speuk to anything' butrhyme" I I I

t:wcy Ito\\

Page 4: liERALD. I it.1~ ~!i.~t~iiiig~~;,cB; Herald (1888... · I long NU/llBER lil. \Ve have been have a large cily trade in lhatline to supply. W.e take
Page 5: liERALD. I it.1~ ~!i.~t~iiiig~~;,cB; Herald (1888... · I long NU/llBER lil. \Ve have been have a large cily trade in lhatline to supply. W.e take



\;.>!7':;':">~:'::::;-;:('\l\Irs. Haskell, Worthy"\ric;'-"i~mplat, Indpendent Order Good Templars, of SilveLake, Mass., tells of her cure by the use o~Lydia E. Pinkhamts V~etable CompOund'

" DE.A;B. 1\1&8. P1NltB.,Uc: Four y~ ago I was nearly dead with intl

:a~~~ al~:Jc~~~IO~ed~c!:~~~t;;h':~~~:~ll~'~~~ ~~:e~:1I;~~t~fma,d~ up ~y mind that there wa.s~ 1!'ief for me. Calling- at the home offrIend, I ~oticed a bo'ttleof LydJa E.-ri.nk.ham'\.Vegeta.~leCompo~

~:~:~di~~:~dai:i:~hllndnd~~~~u:or;e~:sai;:-t~WC::di~~i~i:~~lU&ed Lydia E. pfnkhalll's~e Ie Compound for nearlYlfive monthbefore I was cured, but wbat a e ge, from despair tt) ha.pp'iness, ft'~misery to the dellghtful exhila.ra.tin.r eeling health a,lwan brings. I woulnot change back for a thouSand d04.l< • and your Vcget3.ble C<lw.pound ~

gra~~Im;~~i~~"e sick woman ,or.tttry jt and be con~lDced."-MR8.~H.A.SKll:LL, Silver, 'y&8l.\. W~ Viye Templa.r, IDd~pendelltOrder IGood Te~pla.ra.

Whet;n a mediQine h~8 ~! ccessful in mOJ;e than a milll,cues, 18 tt justice to yourself' to 8a~, without tr);ing i ..... ~' I do~

beU~:~~yW::dC:~of~~~'weak, and .i~k and~eouraged, .exhausted, 'With Y'8 work. Y9U h~ve 80....demngement of the feJJtj.nlnej' 1/4lm, and Lydia E, PlnkhamTIrVeeet8b/e Compound Will hellf _ou ~UBtas surel)' a. it has Othj' '

111'8. Tillie Hart, of I more, N. D., says: "I :'['.. R MBa. PnlJtHA!If I might' hs.1'6 ,

spared ny months of suffering &ndJ&ln 1 IIhad knf; n of the efficacy of L~dia E. P .,ham~s egetable Compound a few montsooner, f r I tried man)' l en:cdles without -Iiug Ilny ing wInch helped mc before I tried t~~Vegetab Compound r dreaded the approachof the enstrual pellOd e~ery month, as i'meant DJ: ch l5uffermg and paIn. Some months­the :dow as very sca.nty and others it was Pl'Oof

::'S:'m~~~h:~t~c~~~a~eg:~~ :::d~~~l~l:.I contic.~ed unbl ] felt pel h>ctly well, and wc:rc strC'ngthf"ucd to pcr!orm the VlIork

Page 6: liERALD. I it.1~ ~!i.~t~iiiig~~;,cB; Herald (1888... · I long NU/llBER lil. \Ve have been have a large cily trade in lhatline to supply. W.e take



Eleven Wears of Thatll'i\rne ~n Sioux City.


Member of ChicagoBoard Of Trade

~any persons (perhaps \ou) Ilave a ltl,wtl'kcn idea in regard 10 Spectacle:Lenses. They think ~la8lloes ,lJ("e 001,- to in~rea8e vilSual powcr. Tbia ia true""ben you buy mcrchandlse, but when you come to me it is a far diffcreotpropOI,itian. I corree{ tbe refractive troub',:" which stops tbe leak. and save,the nerve supply. al'll1 theY are otlirectl!!d into' their proper cbannels. Refractivetrouble in tbe eyes i.s tbe caUBe "of a larJ':'e per cent of headache. 13erVClUSnea8-;"..d. infl tm. ed lids, dlzz'ne8'!1, c~."'!led el'~s. ltchinl?, hurn;~~. lid.8, spots ftoatinJ..hefore the vi~ion, abnormal ,.o·wtbs called P'erydums" los8 of memory,'nabilltv to see di!'llant ohj"cts dil'ltJnc.tly, pains runn;oj{ from 'base of bral~

"o""n throulil"h spinal column, on\Tuhions which precede menstrual period.adhesion of lid to evehall, sto llIch trouble call"d dvspep8ia, etc. !

Rpect~cle Leu~es are m lon1y tl'lfOrapf'tlticEl. The letter ahtlve is a samplenf thnU'l;lndl'; 1 hay'" U\10n fll",. \' My patients number into the thoasand. for ~

r.u'lills of foor hundred l11iles a,'round.

There are hun,dreds of pcr$Otls toda)' sayio~\: "[F I KNElW WHO TO(,;0 TU l'Ow. MY ~YE6." Tv Sl1cb I lOa,.: '~!bk my patient•. "1 Send me a

~~:~:~~o:/~~::~c~~~ t~~8~U~ :~kk:J~eo,j~~~O~lo~~~~cM~~Erit1~~(o~E~b'{.~:..,a.y tbey talk Iff In thlB letter bt!low.,' I wanl Jour work. Yun need my aerv,lce~_ Yuuc future hapVluestI m~y dl!',end uJ.lon ll. l;owe and ace bow well IdW preparea to tlc::rVt: )'tJU. COlUult<6~IOO atnctl:!' con6dential.

UR. J. C CLAHK. L:.:Mu6. Iowa, July 4-,1903.SjuuI Cllf, Iowa.

Dll:ar Dudor: Ifu~ twenty 'Iyoan:} WII8 a great I!ruffc:rer fro~ eye trouble.1.'welv,c ye"ol of tnat tIme I Wd., recei:vioK treatment aad baviQj4 glaaae. fittedtur my eY~B, by ddf~ro.~'-'t (joctOj' Bome of ll~em ill your city. ~y c)es "retr,.,orlie contlnud.lly, ulltil I W~8 old t)v my ,aat doctor, before gOiDI( to you,tllat I IUust stop all rea(jIDJ{ aD close wurk, :and whtn I cOd"ulted YOU I W"I.early dn:lcuuragcd. but after-a ('.are~.t:-l.-dl<t~.'Q{)jjis Lf my (.ue. j0\1- ....1d yooNoulcl guar.t.otc.., tu put IllV eye i.J perfect 4OadlUQo. and thd.t I could 1.10 olD'~iud of work. Th~t was abou~, ae )'e!lar aKo, and aftt:l' you toqk tOJ caae my~yeS\ f.,:'0t be,tt.'r, itod my eycsig t today IS perlect. 1 c~n rea'" tbe '5malh~litlype w th Com torI. '

:\1)1 daut:hter, Mrs Lias, of Akron, i.s deligbted ,nth results of her case.';n~ han no more of ,boBe '!l,~Onl:z.lDJr head4c .. el>, .and her ~t:n,t:ral beiilth i.,!reatlv improved. Mr". Jeffries. arl(Jther ~du~htcr at LeMan!l.ha~been trou.')led ",imilarl)' 10 tnVf'.elf, aDd etp}OYfd a number of OCUIISl!,i. TIJclrtrea1meut..eempd a failure, She Wlis a reat ,sufferer from nerVOUF.l1ess. Since youtook her case she h'IB rej(ained her sr..dlt and her "eneral healt'" is greatlymprovt'd. Last hut not le."t are my two ~tandchild_reo,Mrs. ~l:ffrie8' daUlil"h~

("f'>. Both were crO'iseved. S;ioce ?ll'arinl:' the glasses you fi~ted them. their'yea arc perfectly straj~ht. We are all much pleased wjth results of 'ourtre;atment. V"rv truly, MRS. E. FAULL.

Crossea ~:yes Straigbt-enea Witbout .

OperatioQ.A,Contract given every Patient to Accomplish Results or, M",oey t<eruoded. • .

J) R."J. ,C. QJ:f\OP~T"UIHOI.O~18T

A: Specialist of ~heEyeiFor2j Yeatts.


l:J.081 00

"')()"10.118 (13

~t8 0­1m 61



21<17-1,297 2t

OO,lr.l6 17


U10000 7!l

._ .. IIIH.SU :Jj

Will Be at Boyd Hotel, Wayne,MONDAY, FEBRUARY FIRST.

k p~~AI~~~~.l'~ES: ...• $ 6O.(()() 00 I "C'==",_",_=_==_=_-"..",_:-_. .",_.,.,-,=.,..-,== -,========::±u..d ... " . ... .. ... . ... . ..• 7.()()/i 00I!'n:n:n:ttn:n:n:n:n:n:n:n:l:=n:a:a:E;Tr;Zr;SIl:SE;SE;XE;XE;XE;XE;XE;XE;X(:l(:Xr;xr;x(:lr;x~xl~:~~:~::IU~:~~I~:::~ 12,[,00: I

pOIU.. lubjecttooheolt a!i017fi1 E H P'R:INCE':i:::: • • ,: I, " ,

IIl.OOO 00


-,-.- '. 1.1;':\ .c.:." ·\..1."'.1 N I, I,II " 1"1 ,.. H"I"',,,,, 'lOif~db7\.decJal •.tJOD ,,~r., ,) N:uTlOE'OI t".':SO~OT', • _ Nooao2

II ~I' " "',,')•• J.her'1>7"J...." 'b"' ~. Dr;!' JT)rst National Bank.

I II U 18 .tated 1hllt dem.oo rfeel hope- of Vulpp Broe, t,n fetofore exitltlog, 1.'4 I W"YN~. NeBR/\SK/\.I I ,I fal tb•• the aeleotloD Of~CAJ1dJdare thJsld~1d1hoIYt~b.1mu g"II~.wt-~~, R~'..It~tlitn"'\t\nnOf\htlVlntti.UO))I 11'M UllIW Stall, ,en,t.> '/q Ibe reo F••d Vulpp <lOUIln'),. Ih, buill,,"' tl1ld .t 6. k., WZ.... I,. 'he ","I. 1>' h.b".ko,

.. I I I pubUcan conTention will J d~teated a1l1labU.t~MIand aU ollt,taod- aU • 01,*,O'u 1I;:;~'::';:~~1rI2i 111\.4.• The ,.,( sick. I hal ••pIntol, 10 work .pI) legul.II•• lnl bl!.l.... ~.~e \A> him. P ..,S.. Loa.,••••,...."...... ..>1,$14 ..

a c~wdof ltllem ther~ ar~ Domio6eB with the rem!s rolUng up owing 'be flJ:m IU'!&lrttlpecdGlly ~ue". Ove~,~~:;.:u~.ed..~.~~ 6 U2 18

P ,.- th'-' d ademomatiomajortt7· T I. shOUld DO ed~'I6tt.le at. QUC8 as b001Lft lIluet»e U.8.'!, ail'e ns w 0 arre l1a~ m~ hold tru~ than that e~~Bt~d can· balanced by FebrUary 1. f1W:r'~p,=~~"ltin. ..ia

weCJk but ot sick en ugb dldatel for IlItate oftloeR 1II1d beOOme WB.7ne, Nebr., \Jp. 20, lOOt. • fu;-ulturo

to~oto. I ~ .aaraDd try toovertbrow t~ tepubU. VOLPPIBa081 ou tou~~:~~~~• I " .J. 0&0 ticket; All canDo~ ave officia1 By Fred VoJpp~ 0.. Hauk.luld

u Chronl tase$ t~a~ 5 pOllllo".lb11ll' npon Ibe at ooce, I>ot Loul. Volpp. 0"., rom .Jp~~;.<j';~:Wh'ilt thed ~,rs~1I the.';t1. Ibolrtnro.mayODm.. 'NOTl(i~-~() TEACHERS. Ch:r:·."::1::ih.~".~;bwhich in ,mOilon En~hsh F.lIl.Sk..noltbillpll'O ODnlrlbu'" Exao.i.atioDB vim be h.ld; on ~h. Kotti.~·O\j,~r·N.ii;;,;.'means-fa Ig' s,;cknesst ": • '1 able artiole to. 'he S.~.1lX Cit,. ':tri- third:'Sat.urday and Frid"y pre~ed'!~W: ~n pue;':~: ..M~r ·~;~r;~·I;'

t ' '-t"..'.:, "; ld boDe 01 ibe 21.i, v~oroQ~I,. IUp- .r"uuaTY, Febru"t~ and MQ.t'ch,' 1004. . (.".!I'~lu::~~!l~:~~~;;o st toe ~ont~nuf parilDg Pre.ldeut BooI8V~'IIOJ'anoth.,r o. R, BRIGHT. QQ. Sll~t,. sll~l~'.'.~·. 7.1~'.... .... .... i.G80 11:'1

los~ of esh j they :1 n~~d 'arm. F6UOwi~g 18 a ~~~t ~xtraot: H:.lve ).ron iD~elnion, oou.lJ}lP4tion, L.'~ Tellder Not"Q., "~51.!~Scott'S E.J.ul.sfon Fo.r the "Mr. Rooo.v.IIB.nooe.. "l~ o~m.... a beadaohe, bachoh.,. kld.B~j.ttrroo,~h1e? ReJoIn.etlm,I""dwltl, u.

I u~, • , I nat.ural ooDBfquenoo of I~ttJ EitiCBol , k M .' T '~tlJ iff" TI"f'ltlurer \a perfcet'I.·ng ofl wA~kness· th"y " i'r! 'lb.l. d II ". HOllis.tBrB ROc.~ 00""10 eB.! 8.B".oldl",,'.'0,,).

! ,"'4lIo,' r aowOOI n pe ormanoe 0 ,8 N .1 yDU well 'It it fails get 'your " 'nec~ Scot('S Ernulsidn.: ptuldentof ~e United S ~t~'·I' J1l1e'money bac): ·That'. fair. Tea or I Total. 1,IARILl1'IE!l.

I " : 'd heb".h,a".Btoodfor~,athe hOllght t bl t 1 . 00 centll RB.ymon4'8 Capltnilitookllllldlu .....lit nlake~ n~w flesh a~ I'·ght under 'he tli..ou Mnce~ an~iD ;~arm. • ~.~m~y~~u:~iitA.. i~;,ex:

gives nc\v life to the weak 'beligbtottbe~w. He, ~ .toud ea- y. Nn~f:~~'i8.~lJk~:~~t::~'I I peolally 101' 'he rights ~r: ahe people rQtaadlrltJ...... . .

systelu. with6ui reaard to 001-:, I~, l'O'IUoe.l Du'" to u~'ler Natlollr..lScott's ;EI'QUI~ion. g~~s dllforenoe., pe~oal row'f~ or' nncall- "."b .., ,~"

thin and weak;persOl)s out eel lor rBbu_k",.'",'=="""iF"of the rut.! It im~kes new. womon:" oalurallY mote joollood ·.. ·.1rich. blood i..'thens the 10 road Ih.o.w.papeni ban'uj.n,lln·~

, , if they hftl'e time fro~ dom~8tio' orneryes anl:i giyes a~petite olber do.i.B DAnall1 ke.~i",ell il>fo~medfor !ordinary fdod.· on ourrent ...nt•. &I..' men read

, -h J . bll 'borough1:r, tbOU(l:b 110 ~8jorit,. ab90rbScott's em Ision can e the head-line. and~rhap8 gla.oe

tdk~n as Ibng. ias sicknt1ss thrODllh au artiol., whil•. oth... d.o'l

I t d I.lo rl. d 'II til read at all. giving aI'an e:J.C1uCle thatas s an f-1 a Oo " e tbot don't loave lim•. X"b... bjlllO ,.ld

time. I thlt oDe ma1 keop ,,,,,,I informod b1'h1crc'~' ne1·\· st"eng~h d.voIlD80oI1t....n'yn1i~ntoBa·d.y toI, j , pernslng t~e Dewspape~. Few then

an11 flesh a c~ery dose., .r. wbo oould not Bpend ll'or. tjme'hanth.t. But mOB' wo~t'n take time

We ....111 ,be glad .ach day to look ove' 'h. papa.., .ndto send you • f;w thus iil general iDform..ttoD are forgingdoses free. . I ahead of men. It ma;,!b6 ,hat womeo

Be "lire llal this pictllre in Uve more meotal v~vaoit, th~: meathe form of a labd is on ;the and 1D0re euU,. :rest.t ,meDlal ,- torpor

r.~Jt:[onn:ou~·~i boll Ie,: of .fier the dally rouilile, in life's ~read­.scOTT C:. ~WNE. mill, and thnB can ...d .p....

Chemists,409 pearl St., N. Y. Farmers' Institutll Lecturer50<. ... SI, IU dru~""-'!-I---"-.-----'----I Mr. D. WardKing,i"~oi.t()a~dre.a

nlE W~YNE HE~AlD. :::,':;~~~:.·h~:·.m::..~::::',tip:,'::.-+-- tlon ·a. the milo 'who: f~uad 'aol IOU·

OIIldlal pl\PfIr O:~ WfU"IlI"" and WatDe ooun~7 p•••I.e, practlo)e mtt"od of. ...lakin"-i PUbll~ed~~ -r ~ "I W. "USE a SON. E4ltorll. good cou~try road. Po..Il,le, ~t. al_~.

lea.onlll of· the 1e..r. :M~. Klog'lI workr~' Neb., hila changed the imp:ulaable road. of

-=i-:-;.::=::t~:tl~==:::::=1:::::'---·1hi. part ~f M••'(N.~i iJat9 bic!bway.ace. tbat ,re not larpa..ed by an,.J ~D tbe

eotlbtry. -Hi. ",eU taJ'aed fame hucalled him ioto the hil~itutework. Hebaa recently finiabe4 .. montb;8 t01W'

ia Iu.diaa& an«,1 .~a~a at th~ ObioItaterzalti'tute befor~ ,luting :to Neb"aelfa. ' I 1

Mr. Kiil~ 'does ~o,~" come !u thecham~ion 01 an.J uDlri~d tbeoryl or at!

the adyocate of a prja~l'ple tb.~: i. ootpractical. but be coibe.,. to tell Of whathe and otber. are a~o~,pli~~jD4undereucb condition. aa e;sj,t in lome of the

eutein couaties of Q.••~rstate. all part8 of Mlu uri .nd IUdlly

other stat,e8 are folio i~R" the prac1i:ro


gland8' treated wUh the 4- t pre-IeDI 00DIJ'MI1DAD i Ba.rkeU

t i::t~::dm:'=;'t'~t'~ ...01.10 beilj~lead lor ,Ie Unitedof blood, it one of her own states Muator&' top !lOW :WOlD ~J:

d ill ..aI1:T tile moet D1~lrloh: i. "od or Ibis advanped age. ias prljctioed her prol..- A move 10 ~U ... 1_ to ijlangurate01 the largeBt~- iniNebraska ~he Ilqnor dlIpeJ!0u7 II)'B'

con,ntry.. Sb haI!10 teJia. is· I ed on l)lo~fuU,. in~ndditlflll dIo".: ,

itie8.' etc. ~e~ late· S$t;h 0 , a. ipm.,. In OJJinhe~ Nebr..: I .'llljlend a~on 01 tlOlOh Sonator DIetrich ',1&7'_ ho, lie .tl1l do·her many petlj,J;lI. No te!-mIned to ,iin.ti.... a ..Dj.torla1 In·

. s 8Ccepte~ f!Jr treatment. VQBtigatiOD ot the recent n examJ.ih:;::~~d ad:rioa. .~tl fro. whicb be rped by

oommnnioatlollll 10 Bee "'fhDlcal p,:ra;;j~;,;tloe;,;,;;,';""..",="'i, ~

OALDWELL & , OhiOlllJO. Ill.


Page 7: liERALD. I it.1~ ~!i.~t~iiiig~~;,cB; Herald (1888... · I long NU/llBER lil. \Ve have been have a large cily trade in lhatline to supply. W.e take





is sold. Try a sackwith your next order.

if you are not sati5fiedand get your moneyback is the guaranteeunder which

ICloaks, Suits, Skirts,Blanket.s, Comforts

Bring BacK"The Empty Sack

Ii "Slee·py Eye Cream!:Ii!*~ Ralph Rundell, I- The Cash Grocer

~·;:~~I~·~;""-i~3.~.~-Ea~;S~I /MILDINER'S

at less than fin,t cost. A hiif'$15 coat now $9; a $12.50 coat at

.. $6.50; have a few flue black suito, I1.' were $16.50 and $15-thcy nowt go at :lib.50. (jnil" fpvc left


l:_, i COlJle qllick If yon w'tnl 1'''lgall'c,. I

!AT AHEUNS'II L -----'.- -== I++++++++++++++++++++++++t+~~·+~y+++~+~~+++++++++++++


I r ; home ,e~rd8.Y aftt rLioon in hOb~r of: \ ~ ¥~~'''l-~+t-'i--+++>!r ..-:--+--:----t.............t7++'}o.:.~''}7~''i+to+~H-+~

Ii I , I LOCAL NEWS. 11 ilberbl.rthdt"J"Dnntvdnnll~.r. Tl)~7brQughl* LLOOE. NOTES. \1 __ -'t ': t " I a bountUul rel ...t w~Jb thew 8lld the I' ~a. ron~ze ,S" ""•••,•••••••••••••••,•••,., oooae'OD W.. mud. p'••••D' lor .11, 'b.....~~'f1tO'..~...,"'?I"'"..~.. --J " . I HI I -I,~ No....n·~~~i~~e~~~e.~~~.~~dtbi,~.' ~.ek. ".~rpr1l8~lDgaOO~ptetehnooell·'\,r . ;1,.:.~~t.f~m,,'er~llD~thD~~ODm:}s Frida1 ~_---~_~~....~""'~~

~use We Aire ARbst I Mra.S:.H.Mc~{pkioieturned"yelter. JD..-lge Hanter received aletterYt1s- and8.t~ay,olneitwat!c -'.'. - _~ _ , ~I ~.I '. II; 'f"'. i.. ·Y 'fOm • "I,ll .1 Win~ld.... !erd.y Ir~m 101. d.n.bter. MI•• Leoo.; I: Prol., .,oU ..... ap f1'om .W"'._llI< MID WINTERe ~opl~ think they are siafe becat~~e tHey buy At.toropy Lundbl1rg .$lde B,tell8 ,,~o Js t~chlng lu Ml$:ila. She h~ rle- $aturdo.:lI,O&lling on college 1:rit!uds :tl'.11oth.f.n or ~n honest mel'chant. tt migbt ~e alt rig-btl i~,rip k> Wakefield YE8te~dIlY. ;,1 ';~;~ a~'I::~:~::: :pe:~~::1i8=~:: I:. Me88'8.' Pryor and Owens, of Wm· •. I

o 'bu:y ~ ~ of qn honost mereha t for YO~VrOl/lla get l i :h~rH. w. H. McNe~l ent~~tain8 n vacation ,in makiDg " tour of J,p&D. :::dafOn;ne~ co;l::: b~r'l, were (iYe]- ,Un Wf> h 1nd if the pricte wa~ll i ht you w Itl ~e safe.I part·,. of lady fl"leudll tbt" e'Veni~g. When she returQB \0 Amerioll. a ,year , 'T ~e iI 0 00 ege.

~!, Bimao' Goeman went! to Owaha HI1ll- later. 6he iinteuds to c1me to sta.y. Afte1' j~ three' we".!!' viB1t at her I 1

fa Jll 'eh ~t ig,llot an (>XpPl't 1'1, thing n;ml' who un- Id.yallornooD, E R tl'btI b t h "1 tom. 101''1l:enned:Y. low., Ml.. Bundy I

el'sta s I abc.....'. ut woolel/ and c lton gO(J)."1~.• a",.; d WhO.1 II ChaR, Bloodharl .od wife,.rliv.d ODd'. ~f' D~~~b:.J ';OOto:n,·:~: i·lurned 0 hero~ndieB Tne.d.y. . ..'C.lear.ance S1nOW8 II ~ ,out how c1oth~ng sho ld be lu3ofjJe, yOll are! :from Indiana to vieit the familt ot Ed. oox socifti Friday eVl'uing to propure I Mr. Bell,entln'a.nd 'Mesllrl'l. DaVIt! andot sa il1~tiU.Ying cluthi,ng of hi even if' h~ is :honest.1 'Pratt. fUDds with whiob to buy aD or;(~o' tor }R'illOD. otOenoa~ are IItuMnts entt>r\n,R ft II in ho Ht ]~ereijant in Wayne lSO~ a furh'c~at ~ sb6rt

l\ ~. W. McGinty, w.ho has b$en 811f- th6l!ohQot. Th".oco~iODwatl\ :~:eek!:WbOhd..ecowetOn8 for the '" 1iij11i ;,

f · ;ferlug from paeowonla, 18 repartljd 00 both BOCian,. and tluaGoially, t36 bo-ilD~ I m8~1ime 'u. a ~ thQught it was Blac Cal, bqt lit:. w:as the way ot reoovery . .,... reaUzed for )be worthy Object in ~. ,I, Amoug\i old l~udeot8 ]etarning fq'

fIOl'se d11VhiCh. proved to b" a irel'y poor'lcoat. ThJ A girl w.. ho'n on Tn••d'l: 01 la.1 A n.w or,." wl,l1Je"i1uJy In.toll.<< this work 'b~.j"'''~.t. oolio. JObD MaJoo.ou;'g a that bou~ht it thought it was s~fe ~to bU~ :wc,k to Mr.•od Mrs. Henry dl....eD. w••k. ::.-:;Uo~':'f"'.elMl- ~II!. Rohe".oo 01.

fm' c t rthe' merchant beeaute he knew lie was: who IIv. Deor LaPer'e. JDdge Hunler I••u~d • morrl.g~ Ii- r "Y.r.

I ' f I I h I Fran.· Strahn.n bougbt two oar l~s oenee Monda,. t-o M.~. Obase 8ba It of I Mil. ReD.a Ol,msted retnrne~ fromonest. ,I <,U ar~ safe when you, uy a UP coa~ ere,: of oattle ot P. M, Corbit snd shipped Winside, Bnd MiSfl Ka:thryn Wadd.-U 01 f!;mljrlon ?"iordl7 and hal since beenor wef:n ~ all ~ind8 of fl-lr coat4 and ho~ tq'ey are

llihew to,OQllLha. Mouday, BOIk'ns. AlBo on tbelsamft day be, U- ~uff,rlug ", trom : the grippe. thereby

~ade, , d 'I (~ur pr.:iC21$ 3I'd l~)wer th..:an other .,;. m«1'rchant~ Polte St"mm of RU8k.m8, WWi I\dJudg- C8u,,~d and mlurled Mr. Bany Notris ~ljngtheni,gh(~r ~.ence from ('olleKe,

sk. i~ ~afe ~o tt'ade with us, We are eXPEt,rts a.n~ art and taJr:-.n tothe'afIylnml:l.i ofthUlp'bCen.nd ~8. Fannie GrlflJ,lh Prof. Vaoght: and Tom L!!othrope

O Ii Lir-colnbyMherlffMearllJ·Friday. of BlatJr. M.r. Norru! Ol\meberd a few .;were el:E b,;ibe y e $li.JthiO.,g business. Ut' 1.)T'iCeS are t Ie same., - . UlOatbJIaao and hi eo.aged In photog. Sand., delep.~1 to the Beate meet-

I0 a\l ~J jwa)'~ right. If a mel'chant is honest anq M.... O. D. F,.nk••ntertAmed • r.pby. Ing ...hla ncuoro:ln LI.ooln nul .....k

hlnder .an. '1. hi~':business you are ,'safe i:1 bUYin~. cloth l :~:~in°~~::~ ~t:~~:. :U7d"lte~~te;; Mr~, J, P. Ga.ertner left ye8te~y , M18lle& ~aie .n~ Lizzie Berrity, Mwe!l~nQ" 9 f ID]' 1'1O.U :can't make a mist,ake if yo~ here~ Sioux Oity. mormng for Wl\hpe~n, N. D., where ,Stayton, "Dd M:e~lrl. Wendi Iud St&!·~ '---' . line b..s gone io rEllJpol1~e to a teleRr~m ~ng returaed to ~hool Mooday after anj, 'I I I~ l8 reportl'd that Bur OfAnnlDgb.m, llnnouDolog the If'ri~ti8 Ulne'8 frQm !abReooe tti their: rupeetive homes forI I' , , I weB knoNn in W ...,.ne, has traded hill pneumon'a of one of ~f'r gra. dohildren, fr\lm 006,'*0. four wt:ektB.

.::i ,li.I.! i ·'·}1w21l1 1fI1 I IR dlhl bll I


.... • • \t :'] ~~Deratl8~~rea lion 0 p or n. 0"" the ohUd of Mr. aDd MIS. 0'1&8. Bur A few: .iudent,i are suffering withoom e . trand. Other obildren ot the family colds ..nd'otht:r sUght ailments ~IDc,d· UIThe farewell reception tor tbe fami- are BufferlnK from the IlBma disease. but to the , ~oe8live, cold we&thei' of ~be

lies of Me8srs. Eert Brown and Ohas. to a le.s dr.nA'erouli degree. , put we~.,;, bUIi ott tJ10 whole ~hfJ healthBolebe ttlke8 place thiS tlnniElK in the The wt'lt-bouud ~,ortolk traiD d'd of the ItI,Jdeut bo!l7 11 toIoellent

i~~~t~t:~~~~~~~~~~~~~1~~~~~~IMet.bodiBtahurdh. not arrive ber., Moodaynigbtuntill0 Rev. WrigM 'ga.vo th() 8ludonw 11~ Milts68 ,Daiey Gamble, N"llie'Fnnston 0'00011: on aocount of ao accident at IAplt:ndid addre8A at the meeting of th«

----,---..~~_.._---->-- ~ ---' and Nl:lttle .Perry Will EloterCAib friend I! WukefteJd whloh blocked ,the lirack. Iy. M &- Y. vi. C. A, Ia~t 8nnday.rI' E.JXHI :IrI' i,t a leap y~aT' .part.y this evooirg at the While a SWitching ,oreW' we\;;at work Depart~. a litU~ from tho beaten Iioe

-, home of MlI';ll Gamble. there, the journal of&: freight ca.~ h)'( ke, ot tho clflrgyu.~. hil addreu was nonei ~........_ The inflint daughter of Mr. nd Mra. liuspendtbg trliffio on tbfl wain line Ub- the less a grea$ illUpiruUOIi 00 hettel.'I D.•J. K~lleher. who live f(;rnr miles ttl a wreok~ outfit could be t1ooure<l living. . .

jnVfJlltiO ailI~nt nicentl.f brought ilhould arr","t the attention of 0.11 ~ho ...,," muth of t<Jwn, died S...turday'. Intpr- to remove the Ob8t.ra~ioQ. For~Y;I,udeni~ are now bJr:inK ihewr'thiD tbe ch o~ the commpn 8ohoolll incerellited in the leducation of, out LDent took place Morod",y. i Superintendent BQght is DOW an- ob8erv&li~on worf at ibe ward schoolre roductio O(~~'e great m~.'Bterpieoefl yoath. For the pe~e ot o.roCLiiup' There WRS e. pleasant l!IOO~.. lathering noyed bY. a tew 80h.->o1 dilitri'"ts ihat: bUlldi~g.. The.. ~eACheri 01 lho pub1i(':of art. 'e ~ni[lg and eleVating more interest in tltis phase of ~dnca- evening at the rljBidenoe f· A. B. have f'm"byed teachers' who have no& ICbool find tbeM vititB helpful rather~d of lit, atu e,hllvA been tecogniz·-d tional work and at :the 'I'lm'3 time for NiCholas. Music and ref shmolltl qualitled by pasliing she required eI~ thau oiherwi&~~ far, and t.he atudt"~te

as exerting ,'pot nit idlul'lDoe in mould· providioll mean. I: for beRinnioR" tbfl were among the ellJoymenta. ; alllinatiou: H.d ny; he will not wier· feel that ihe~ lara to be greatly bene,ink fine t:y fl lot, ctvilization, A forct! work of ",hool rrm deooratioo, thfl Tue NebrfWlka Pres8 assoc.iatJon, with ate such vI01~t1on of the school law an4 fiied by the d4iObitlrvailoDiI,uq.t lesB tb thi, i::', w~lhout qUf'8tiOD, teaohen3 ot the ohy,:sohoiols assisted by more than one hundred mem~~8iD I\t- will tllke uoiian '0 recover from SChool Tbe gl:olog' cabinet hall been en-tq be ex~rt thrp~gh t-begreat tboollhtl the ladies ot the ...;arion. ·club. or the tendance, meli, t Linooln on ITnesdllY offioers auy public money paid to teach· riched ihii. b, the addition of.

tUat have n ~a~ed 011 oanvas. Coo· oity have ~Daed: fot an exhilJlt 01 dond wedneBda..y of thill w~k. I ••rD'tl,w.llhDO tarbe·mD,oot .A~lhdIIOng ,ob·l·r,'lo11ooD·O'I"lIJ, portio,D of a~l.,I, 8160rite tbat feU nearIi nt 8BBOC ion with these id.eaa of thl" piotort.8 8uit~ble f~ .chool8. The col l:lto.te 80penuieDdAnt Fo....l~r WitS iD g II'I';I"!'"-- . Y the W68~rn!t e of I[UOI county ing at mas m s~ neoes!larily tend to leoiioo hal been sOODred from ihe 'Hor· Wayne yeslil'rday in&nwo-,in.g :'he wOlk On SWlday evenin'f last,608letters 189M. Tbe I ~'lmen waa pre86nttd by

fi tI b b ••• K ~·orn.r 00.• 0'r Boston, ··d OOD- .-- I d d ~ ~ d Ibe evate aD {- e t lOBO w 0- aro 8U - •......., --- (If ihe Normal oollege with .. flAW at were r8Cle ve an ......c.. 8t..mpe at ~ Mr. Page o~':/ age, Nebr., who OWDlIJj ted to t r if. enoe. alllJts of one hun~red fltty pioture. authorizing ii to t88u6 state, oattlfloatelt. Wayoe ,omoe 10 addltion io a large tbe orlginltl, 19hing 400 pounds, and

Our Boho roo ~ in which our ahil- All tlte plotart'8 a~t:'reproduced diteot.l, Lee VigeR, fomnerly of thie/lace, bu' nuwhpr of olIculan aod three 8aokllJ df, f~r whose k, doetl. the institution, i8d en are en fuch 8 large pari of from the origInal b the most .oie,ntitl(' h h b f 11 wi:h i pdopers, oatllologuea, ,paroels, etc, a tot,l, geatly lind@t eir time tel: formative period of ,md modorn meih ot reproduction, ." 0 aB !jen 0 0 ng 1 vooa.t 011 ot nearly 2600 pte~B ot mail handled e,t ",1" 0, shoul h~\le Iall Ihe pOssible flle- They are an iIlua~ratlve of objeatl ot IlR oook at StaU'ton, Brrived hefe yester. 0'10 ilme, bfoioR dllir~bQted in thi)'ty~, E""~lltu• .lLi and c,itlZ6n of V:.II '1tle ,

onts of b utY/'ld refioement whioh ",orld wide ioterellJ~'andof great toUUOll· rilly to accept a poIlition in the EUt$ . ht I te Thre. h ndrM thirty' should~.ear~. King lIJ talk Oil Agrt ..C f 8lg W nu 8. e; a -, - cultura';EdIJ~ioDII.t the coart hotul••

~rtJlilJ to t e b e. tional valne. ,tlo 6. ei~ht lette),1iI w"re le~t out frow tija . "~,I oJITomak Dr e 001 fooms more at- Tbeu:hibitwill~held in 'he'Wl~,- E,j.'R')nnick, living nearl'Winslde' til 'i d' tlh oM uda and:· Fnd~rpighlll of Doxt week, Th~le~-

t~actiV"'. rfl r'.'likO' more beauti- Ron baUding and Jl£l 00 open tor :thr~ in Wn.yne yesterday:. 'He reportt-d ;ewa::et~;h:s::O~~dU:iog ;b8 dO.: turera ,!eni ~llli to our fllrme~" JDfltl­f 1, more sb·t bl~ i8 a work that days that the. condition of W], B\. PinKrey~, When Oo()sideri.nSi'; tbat tbere Bre fi~e:, tutele~:':W·~:o:bl:b;e:PP::ia:~:II who iR 111 at Winside, was moch im~ maila received aDd'tlv~ dI8p"tch~d duro, ~pI ~r ': I ' 4·" proved : i h. d' b iJ fh I tee I 1)y .'teudlDR; 811 man,. of the 88l11ons of

n" ,4 5 ·d '6 190' '. . j Ilg~Ac ay, e.t.les,....erurl\,rou ,'itjhet.n.iitute' .... pouiblo.e ,.I,ary, an .':.'.'..'.' . . . 'rhe B'ptI.1 I.d,., had,. argelyot- th.llum.n"••",ou~l.lmatl.rb.Ddl~d . I .tended and Buccel>Bful Rupp+r in th~ in the Wuyne oftkd o~n bettbr bA nh- I :. •

~~..n bDlldlogToeod.J .r.'iOIl', ~ d.rslOQd. iii e.''',.e¥~~...ell:t."t ,f~

I AD, SS, ~-Adults. 25 cent"; Studen~ from High' ~JhJoI or "CollegE', It oeeda are to be utlfld to fur~i8~ tbe pal'!- 'r~eJ'8 were a fej bl90ded Ohiok8Q81n;; ~ C"URCU NOTES. :.15 cen Oh· dren ~low High School, 10 cents. 'I ' I' lIOuage. I, tho, ark that bra ed ithe nnelent fllOd: !••,•••••,•••~"~

t::';jt:~t'::::::::::_::::~:::::::_.l A. J; ErickRon has advcrUsQd a pobl1b under the gcnl'ra ship of p gADUt-wan'+++++~ .........+++++++ 8.-.:1e to take place on what 1&1: known ¥ by the name of oah. That superla. f FBBT BAPI'lST CRUftOR.

, Juhn E. HI,uller f"no, si~ 1nes north tive ~took ot ba yatd birds pu bee~1 Surida'1 mornina eq·.,.io8 l\t 10:4.51

i.I'I.!I'~I·~1 of Fare for J.984 .nd nne mil. w••, 01 W.y~e. OD Thn+ o.r.lully p.' tbrough .uco.ed: 0'01001.. Ev.ol.g ..rno. 01 7:30, sub-

day, l?'ebroll.ry 11. : ' log centuries, but 'lpeoimen8, are tound ject "par Oomp&Diong," being the 6€O·

Mes8re. Petenton & Berll' are e,- ooly in the handB.Of the tron' lond ~ a ~ri""l!1 OD "VOiC06 whioh moM

II wo04- raoll: of fanaien.: Tbey ha'.-olbeebiD- ,oh.~t.r.tlr~ Youmrpeople's86rvioo at


"" 1" OFFERED BY I workoftheirhard,WlU'e8\O~.• , ....~atrau.- troduoedinN~braskalforthfl8nt ,time 8:80~by M18s Et,ta Nicholas. Jun-i 6: i ioglh~lr8took aod other ~ improt· by .John Kate. of thi.plaoe,wh)im. lor'QbioDat.8:OOp. m,

1.1.10II GoP 0 W . R s.;, ",g .h, pl"o,. !& look. D.'t. ' . p"rted. do••n .t gm., ••pen... Tb. ':' PREBBY"l'8RLlN OHURCH.

Groundhog ctn.y is the ne~t day of "ilk', foot tthat th1ey oaTTY hla",ern'l ·J>dr

ee~ "The Value of Enth1!sl88m" oo"jl'ct.I ',': :, I'! i i nat a.od flJ:of\ptional imnott~.nbe, Ie wfn uPlu glth~' to ~Yh·ggeh - °ltgw

h• ·Itb· 0 bre~ for $nndar morntnll. 00 the eVel.,niDIf

' I So:~oe8s0.r to PhiUeo & Son in t.he' F~ m ' ~ L. lat OUi lp Wit t e tn g llg. S ,. I d hI W N br proclaim, as usual, the daratton of wir - Ttl 1 11 I d 1 t t .. ~Ol' Ohrl.i \afore lief> tll' ~t "

J~ ,I Implement business at al'ne, e a ,a. , , ter-:-wheth~r there is to:~ all ear~y the~; t:r::p ro~~~inan e P:tanj ::8 I: All ,'.;are ooidiail'T I.nvlted., Suj,day~prlDg 0'1" Ilt,ill a prolonged treeze-up, I ltd P liT: g: ' ri g t g schqQlBfter tbe ,mornwe ~rVIOO. IJoO.

Mt;t.yor Britton, opera h '~8' ma.oager, ::ok:~:::;'erer:~im:~~el :a:~ t: ior slip: m. BenionG:80 p. m. Pra)'erl1,lo" arrangltd 8 treat fttr th~ ~VeD.Lllg tf I th' tb t8 Tb' 1 h lIJ~rY:'~ Wednellday "j :30 p, m. I Tbe'Febrnliry 10, wtJen the Oolumbia ope a ~\~~ tr~~ed. rOth~ agee:fv~~~ e:;: pra~l~ aDd '~ymp"thy of ihe cbore,· 'are·oompaoy oonsisting otsflv60.teenpoope d d" h. 1 bl I witt.:.~ Mr. and Mll!I. R. JamtBln,thetr, , ol:'~ not ren ell t, em quest ona e n ber1,.JV"e ent\9'111 pre!lftnt tbe high·oluB ope a, qUlIolity. In m' liip~lYiDg their kind, l m . _,, Dorothy." I they outrlval t~r,belit inoub.~or mf\de. ,I THE ART EXHIBIT.

Tbe 'Weather leemed :dlsp....ed Ito John Kate's vJqtu". aa a l!Ii~e B0111116· ~JlOWinl are a few favorable ~m.oh3.'1ge its bill of fare 1~l!Iterda1 apd :neat. is phil"'~lJlropio In rtPsiog thf'l ml·~' on '~e piol.a.reI k) be exbiblt.oo iothaw oul the frozen eleme:D~', but 1," .tan~ardot the lo~lo;t1n iDdo.~ryOf ~e W' DP, F~,brur14. () and 6: Is the place to 00 ,fori your Fine "-iDes, Liquo,r.night Ii renewed. the slf'liC6 ;Bqd sqoE'f'~d date. The oo~mon:.I"benthat',lsus on It. I" .he 4.t ooUeo"ioD ev"r p~he~ ,e,he mercury down to Af'ti8en below ~ro rooet and ~out~ 11ko a "poUtl'obild .~d sasether to $hi. couo'ry. "-B,llton and Cigars. Choice~t Bottled Beers, and Fin·ltefore ~otning. : I re[usel to 'lay lW'be~ .the te~pet.~u~e rr.o.orlp~. '

Tb. o~olBeD Hnr Wlll ••rv••~ varl••• d.g;, 1r-oonrage. mlloy '.G.nul,!" ar'lslln iu tho ~nall- est Keg Beer alWllys on tap. Our Wine. and

per in tbe Wlmon b 111~iq.g:. n•.:r.t Bat - peop. Ie who w ld .~ot~~.Wi" like. '.0 &1,....'9r W~i~h. lhe' piotures .have _, been Wnj&kies at'(~ the 'best 'and we can make you 'anlay afternoon, begin:ning at; 680 instal ohiok~n Qltor~ among:their pur· Q~!'"i~e.. Yodi Post.,,'olook, Ohlo~.D, .h•• b.t, .od • k••uile. Thio nejVly 11Dpcrted i"'d ..oal- ~rTh. 00",.1104 "'~01Ojp'.1lI1' and .e~eed\ngly'l,/wIpric¢ on them when takeDillwill. conlltitute the lIn.l Pr , ble'varlety InS~U'e8liope.. I Ph~.lt08'ra:,.-~re. of famous paiutin~RDOW. .25 e.nte. Ev.rybody invited. i ~;f:'It!on In th. higb oobool /' OOn, gall"n lofs.'or':,m</re. ' Our Boltled Beers wet"

Remember the farmeta" institutfl +++. I I • It I •••••• I , I ....... lidlredl sblC'. :flne.' eVflr pf'esented in St-. i Oreat R ..<t1<\n.onal~Wluteri .. .1 bo,tled'expressly for. family use. When wapt-"t th.18 place on Friday ao~•. S.1\tur~a~Of (lood6 at tJ• .,rlnat. .n.'6, ~dJnr.: Lolllll. r-.ot. Loni8 P08t' week. ThMe 8eflslon! are In he Clothler.- I 'I ~ IITh'-elll!l hiatory, poetry, natUrtl, re- ing something in thig ;line that is p:l.!rHcuIa~~.tinterest of the farmen directly nd +++++++: ~ 1• ~ ~ ill l f • III •• ++1-0£- 11 that Is lovely io l~te ~p- ,l:ownllJpeople indireotly :and po pte ~ , y the masters or old, and .nice call us on the te~~phone and ask 'fbr a d\sesho~d l'03pond by attendl*g and t k- More MaJiltto S~l and,1 Malleaqle B. "-Detroh JOUr!nB~.IOR.,p.rtlu'h.eli.OU••10D.. I lro.n•• in D.~ In W~o.oon.IY i. E ECT".D of the famou$ EDELWEIS BEER. whIch w,e

BertS·owDaudOhas.Beebewho1x- ih.no1'aUot ermaJkeflcom"lned; &tad I VOLPP RE.. L r-' wilt-"'deliver I.t.~.' yo~t;' home free 'o~·.Char~e..pact to 1'emofe to OIUTO'l, 'there t~eY the fin' one sold 'here Is Idoing goOd I g proceedIngi' ot tbe1 meet~ i.... uowlnp0888••'o.olth••lor.wlloh ...ork y.t. .by ~oy onm11h1ng ybu il snnoor H.rmon.I.,!!' .monl .Alsocar~y a ful! line of high grade cigars. 't.hey reoently bought of Ob¥. Robb ns, know nothi~ about, only what the I . ed in this ~ornin~s *a1U~: ihllove sold th.•Ir. residenoea at .ib.IS pl~e, d~.aler telll y u, w~~n you oj"n liD.d. dnt, ..' bn~~l oonven.tton. O.f ,th~. SOnI_ I I

I&he G.eo. *.il1,Jur an.d t.he ~Bt. bY.• asking ',.• r. neighbor about la. f.' o. :H " 'W.~iOb conve.ned 1at 1~'. - ~~gmuJilmOlllDliDiIl~~'Ito J, 8. !Fre~oh.,i j~rtio. af'tet: ~rt 0 1'~th' I8r,ioe. ita ~::To':'':~Q:~,to~~:t~~~: .11· I· I I I ~ I I'

· L...tweek:Dr. Iv4ry·oId~io""ldooOA. N. M. b.O:Fir··'• ~ll oomp ti- 11.

q'. loa ilI\v.•.J".n III .,I<j.d~"; W N I' I

••d p.rl ~l bl. 101. 10 L. U.. M., ,Moo.· I,· ..I, ". _lao. Felld.r .... ohooil~ ayn''ee 'Iwbo wIll""'ov. h.... .r· 1.Map1e .r~u: ""~ nj.p11 .yrup,'I.1 tq,.. " ..lIugpl.... InllJOlj.~tVIh. ' ,non. Inw~. "",d OOODpy the P\'OP 11. ~dl·.. i I r \ lIidrl~i • v._,alo op!aJl, Iy ~"'I I , 'I II I J , :,Tb. r.m.lpIoglol' "'....·.oM to J. p. I f <l1-.~. 11_ ~ Gr. d d. ' 'I 1

K1./,gWhO..,wU.I.,./.·OIim.!.reo".~. ,.1. ~i1." R.ugeaaD ."V"·ll.lyl.~ eI ij""""" _;':t!~'lo 'hebl- I' I

~~ti~~~*~~;;~ri~~~~~~~~~~~~~~alho••e on, ,••' ' i ~oe•. T~ 1\11 Dr... ,~' l~ 'I chaDd ~,Fre vol1lP11'.~!~~~~=~~e~S~5~~~~~~5!~~~~tl iA Ohl"".gO\l>.. I.p~.ue p.r ....oo 1'- H"1' lor I qnire 0' O. E. ~JL- YII~I_~." folln ~'"t"lt HRB~LD with 'he ma om. I ~f. ~BoaLIIE • .rn, N.b.' • N. • Ol'y; .0001lel V.~i' Pre'\':l: 10001 ,oterpme.'''hlah,. n doub .'~' lolllllulv.", .~iholJ88. or sal. ",\eI t. go Holt Sarihn ; .e,*".'_.~n'. rot~~·/,umlrousl~tel'S! m. w.~ II row l~ I w.t..... an ,w.nlfItt ~i1Y' Ji! • LoItm ~.I ; ar&flt"'/lulry. ,.....~,. r~ po.1tl I'll~ .' iIoreo of Iai1d AllwW go I_t fn~. J·1I1· ·KoIohet. Wil" :_11

.I.R ."t••lion.1 "'. I"'.•' I.t I In • ar., I I I 'I. . . 'i....}J.r1:R hd•••dAug I B~P'\1I1~~r~nD"Fd~lh.rth ~. DB. dn 1 ADVERT BE LETT R ., :rt .Columbus. ~eI A,,~. Bt ", • al"'" 'i ' i " ,.. " ~d/lj!orfolk. lOOP_II'/' v.e. .-

· IT.hON.drt..h. N.'.b~.kaT. h.......;· I W n•• ,~.JI '17 .'1 . ' OI:go.JObnSohlndle.r•. laulQo,.. ;·O\atlo.,kw lolt Prot. "R. ismut 0 It r, I t V PP. Way......nel John '),ram;,.J\v"I1~ Ilt• .riu lin 0 li:mee' .r·


, i Oily. ~ I11.;~t~zt±~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~;~ii~;:;W.llAro\' 110 .Del8~ and prlll: "'-_.._l~. At: hor. i I II I I\. lion to oh.nge lhe 1I111\l '..' .

~Od''''!.'I' .......~'g I'a.·~ " ...... roun\'I, I '~',i 'c. polloi•• floul. 10:1&6'" •.

I'....'.... '" ;. g th. •....•... or ~Io Jltio. 11"".Uo Eattl~' "-1 - -. -.'. --W" '" o.rrr..J:!1!!"!n.'" ~J1fj>\\1."'. .:.· 1\lt,.... IIirOP.· IS ·· ~H' 'il ,i I tIl·.DMr ocI*" ..... orpni~r·nd'~1io .',.cle~t' ,'-' ,,,' ': 4' ,eII~"i '"I :1] , :, I aft·, me b8n S*keo in. : "I~' ,j-

...•.,,1, '..••.]).1.'.. . ~.~'~~..'.'" " "" ·"' .. '.1.·.·..·.· I' .' 1.... 1' '.'•. '.'.".•."'?'.."'~."'.' ."".•"'.-.''''~''•. ' .I:.r,.I.J..',..'.•.•..' '.~~I,I!oliioo~,i ;~b~,: .~.,.r .t" I ,'1 '1. , ; t. ..f :1O~.~ bt\rIt.\oo.. '" ~~ '"

~Zl!lE/d:a:~aal~~~~~PiI\3ll*~~:I/IlllA;~! ...' ...l~~~ ..,JMW'lfI pl~~ ._~ Ier.M"tuelhW\I!t .. ' "

."1jl:J(2 j r:~;~~i,~I!(ji;~1.I~f·~i::i·!':.. 'i !':l;j!;i~I~.;:": '.!'!;i~~i; "j';~;{!~~!::ttti:~f;f,~;j·· .,


Page 8: liERALD. I it.1~ ~!i.~t~iiiig~~;,cB; Herald (1888... · I long NU/llBER lil. \Ve have been have a large cily trade in lhatline to supply. W.e take
Page 9: liERALD. I it.1~ ~!i.~t~iiiig~~;,cB; Herald (1888... · I long NU/llBER lil. \Ve have been have a large cily trade in lhatline to supply. W.e take


LOST IN A~ OL~I W~)RKIN~. i \'Mia",ot\Tl Mh'lel' Ne6Tl1" t'ol~~t6'11c~th\ull

An Abandoned lfllnc. " IFor fiye days rf'<.:en~ly 'fom }Iorrow,11

• mIner of Joplin. l'1Jo.. I was lobI 1~'some dIsused chambet1B of 1\1\\hdol\1ed mIne. He was cr;lZy when he totllHlbis way ont and IJls, black hair hl\l

turned ltI'ay. MotTow \8 n mlner wltJjeccentricities, nnd 11 IJlonth flKO h~ tohl ----~

hls wlfe lIe belleY/:d II,e ('Quid go ond(': DIGU1I.R":C)' ASI A fACIOil Of ADVANC'£.. Ia magazIne-wrItten, Jf UJi-l~lJ.l· flOr, lIS one '\'bo hasthe city or· .Joplin by following tilL I ,I ' 1'I)/1Jr JlIlnes 6 /Uernlw ",lure attaIned a proffiln,·nj IH)SttJotl In dramatlc literature--drifts of abandoned almftA. SIH~ ~ '1111(" human body is a U!ll~U of org'IUl8 ,\ ho'!'iO 1n wbJch the POS81bilJty of 1j[I(ll'J~l"Il\lllltlg the dead €ye wasthought It a wHu dl'eam of hj~ filld balnr('~ (,OllStltute-s bealth, hut \"'\-')JOgf' tlhm)ld duly the Divot of the til]P Ill\' :WiPlllht aldlng ~ustlcQpaid flO n~tentlon, but when he (lump-, ~tnoallll(}l'fl'('t arod dl'lC'ase A:'l :-;~. ~;n'll, In the tracklng,of the murdeJ'N


th7. famJJ~. ?l1llteru flhe, ~nd'i i1ttf'r, nOll:>: reCOg;nlzNI, \',:n z,r- lr be I Tlw other day I read 1. "tury In \\-'hwll the- writer, wItht he \- Ug ('Rllylng alit tbe 'tween /the trlpm\)er" unlC'flR tll{'~e he b( VI I ('hf'( k 11 tborollg'h up to (latp. ar'r,ro'('utt:on of Ow utltlzatloo or the

l(]PIl /jU1{gP<;!Pc! Home time lH'f<Jre, ,\yr,pu h,r P±WPll balal](,pl1 nprYOUA h.}stplll, lrg-all:-l 'I SPIlSlltlon of the- hour, llIarle !'tH' nC'w substance, radlllm,he hlld bN'll :lhHPut n flay or two Hhe ('('Il~ ,nil Slrlll't\l1 PS K~j(Tlfi, e lJr I, III ! tlll' ('ntral Idea of h <.; (<l]P '. 'wlentj~t was sl1pposed tobecame o!ultlH'd llnd hl~ frlendfi \\el'e rll\'Ij1lj I 11[0 f01 /111' of 1]]( li ,1\' :J,~ ,llllll\f' IJIW1.S:')N} a largol' Ilf tbe f"lemPllt, and a burg.lnfolnu'll of hl.<; fllFlllppellnulf'p, TLwy wfHllp.1 \Y1H'IP "11' Ii SI('1111('" j', ]lll! llJa'~" :11\,11' : lar its yal1w \1" would s!e"d the radium.wp\,p noti llllxlous to pntl'r tl..le,)ITH1I'1'~ chic dH;('ords '(('(\rlC'pl', ["r ()("('11r Ba:'lIj('(I~(!l Ill" II.. !IIIURP "f til" r;('IPn1,st flIlfl pro('epded to hisgrol11111 ~ath Htt'i:l"iRl'hes Ilnd J,~OI;: no cell cummullkr: thp I'{'HUlt!'! [rml Ill!~rlrl'rli \\orh Hut rarllum ll:!,~ Its dang-pli>, of l'ullrRf', ;lnd the burg~~~pp~ to fllH] IJim, llllt waltt>d for !.lIs forces, bllt ('illtlny j I rJIl1 'I' of "Il\ lI·nIn!Jpll) 'di I tar IIlf'f'(S, 111," fntf' ltl III IIIC: praf'1!t'aJl} anlJlhilated. Thls.1ehlt Il, those forcPA lit I[Wf'liJlls of ';\1 ('';S (''I ('11 !JcfrJf'e bl1'tb I l~ U< tum WI'1! lip to datp,, T~lO\lgh fl mlllllJl(' wlu'lJ fOlllJ(J, :"lIar· As II rnle ItI~r Ol'g-ans 10\\ I I' 1I1 tYIW fillO'p]" f,)1' till' hPII , IJf Ilf'r"rll(,\ ban' D()t (',wilDed (tip attention ot:

I'OW S 1'l'!lSOIJ I,Cl rdllrnlllg-, lual Ill' ha1'l eflt or tllp hl!fh~r, '[wi III S(Jlllp lJl~tatl( POi, Ils,'lI'ss ' phllflsl){JJJkal IlO\ "Il"t~ 11ll'I"(' l.:o :L tremelldoll~ attraction~OIJJP j'('('ollpf'/lOtl 0(' \,hat O('f'UlTPd. It tend to dIf;::l~p~nr. Til .. 111'11111, w'r¥(jl1.'l I'ystpm, and I [',r Illl' \\rltf'1'1l 0[ Iktwn tl) WNne around the old saying

S('('fllf; that during Ule ('arly purt of hIs other glllndS'II~art alld ll\uoll \l'sse!s, i\1l(l the org:au>\ ('Oil r('l;anJln~ .. toe S!Jt~?f the fathers" many a Bocial tragedy.jOlll'll('Y lip ~UrIdf'lll}' ('11mI"' upon (L hotly nected wIth ra !lJCIf'IlSe at t!l,' eXp~I,S(' or lb(' h0110~, te~'tll, 'I'llI' (lJJld, in Rllc1l II 1':1[;(' IS regarded as beIng propelledl0f Illerl w<Jrk[n~ Tlh'Y dId llOt spe him halr, skIn and )oWl'l., ,onwards to }ll8 fall' hy lnfluences beyond bi~ pow~r of con_Ial'tllw l)('l1t a retn'at. At HllothlU' titHe More than Oll('f' a (]pfp(,th .. ,hJld '1'1111 a hIgh ,lllteIIpl"t trot AI.; 111' tlJe filmy I'platlng the cafH~ of the blaek whohe clImp to n shaft that desccuded .hll~ bee~ prpScUrved [or .' PH ..." of u~efuhp"AH tl)\,()~l,.(h (hi' g"radulltl'd nt OXford. and wIlo, marrying an EngUsh girl:from til(' dl'lft In wbl<-h he was wnlk- proper rrulnlrlJrlat ihe pelJrHh of 5It!}s,", Wh1f'h lt~ l)l'fl'l'\,.., rl'turned as 11 ,1ll\s<:tlJlI:ny to his people, we find heredltYI 1In/.!:, Although IlC WllR alrplllly many entorce.,~ Cha!nles Dlln\111 fl'uJ)] It l!PU\''v hl'ritllgl' pr IJN\'" llrawll UlJon Ttll' \)1:lr l; l'l'\,prted to bla prl,ltive Instlncts,1fept hE'lll'nth the RU~fn('f' of the cnrth dIBOrUe;j"twas (JI'('spn'Nl t!H'rplly ft(IJIl tll(' Htll1l11 df s!'llOnl :l n(~ \\ aK, 0111' nIght He!'ll IJy his ..... He taking part in a savagehe llPEH't'llllpr] !>tlll CurtIH'I' luto the ot mt> iI; III 1)1'.jl1"~I('p. nllrl of hllsilles" \t ~(bool lJarwttl ~!~'g-Ip :\Pi'(llPs!f' UI M[]:i, .... [11' Ilns made to die trom t~e shoc.k.glOlltltl. fwld\tIJll' IPlJ(]('I\(,I('~ lind 11]('II'j')I" Inrlk lllUdl Ill" IllflIlPl]l'l' pf filll'll ls slIrrolllJl!('d 1+ Il (llg..

It \rllf.l 1If1('1· ~(lill~ d~l\\ll {IlIQ tl\('~~ outdoor ~lxer('i~r IJ1l11llg- his 11'1'111 ::It ('' 111f' till I ttlmospll1'rl' (,f '(lp('p d,.!l'ls tIl:lt 1J(' (O!llp/l,tl'ly lost pr0cII\Jt~,\~ .'I)l[l'''lll'd \111",: hI \11', II (i Ii L\ 'I, f('lWPIllS IH'HI'!llgOi [II \nlllll" SI':lt'I'1Ipl1 tor fe!islJr, 1'lpl\\lJi'dlri 1J,,1 \,,,tl[('r Ihun1 ,II, '(l,I,..'"111(' edi:!lf 1111'OIll.';11 \\IIl<'1I Ill' 1I:J11 ('11. HIR tllln),'?IHR pln!'11 'I P:lr! III Ill" ,,"'til:lll"" or ,WIIAT (ONSTllUTES '\ UAPPY MAnRIAGE. I

Ip!,,(] [I:ls~a~l'\\:lj'l lrr f:\lil'd post 011 1;0)10. Bi':ll-':I(' \"\.'I'..';r c <111-:11IIt,,1 111' ill' trrllP' l)yHetc"qldtJeld,

10 lInd '11:1 11'1 I,) all'" (lJ' tll(' "lifts of n!ltlll~Jl ~Wll'rJI(l11 I" 11In<1,,1] 1,\ I III;', 1JII,\:11~ \ 1"'I'~lt \\llt", dl',l:il"" 111,lt there are aboutAll oj tllplll (lldl'rI nIJtlJ[!II,\ III \\!l1l,; 01' I)lIrwjlJ;'~I)]]~ h-;, 1('1;1I('IJ"', ifJ IIII' r:1I I Jlltl' tj :1111[ dltH ll11Jlh:llld !,Iau~ihle couhterfeltBJdjl~ Hllrl,s(OII!' IIo\\ Itl'P\'I']' gll.'!JI sJ!Jool" 11111\'1,111<" rll,nr,lt til n 1('~c;Pl (3.:11'1It' of }lnp, al, 11le'II/al and ~I)Jrltual. Someotf/(Jl1l tJW-l Ull,j(ol~'rOlllld lornll Ill' thall lrfltlJ1>lt ''-;1''11'('1 I\ll", 1"1111 l d,'t(',(II(' ~()lllJ;;"('1,' V. t1lP~ll,. , fr~r 11 \"lPI:l~, ,orne a IUon~b, 80m'?,llot 11'11I1'1111H.t It WitS nJlII,' III 1!l<"H' 0:\(1 to 1)(' ,dllr':ll,·,1 1\ a }('.II, 01 p"1'lJ,llh I()n~fl. Ilut none of them,I'nf.l"ag!'\I,I\'~ tllllt Id~ I Jlt,'rn f:llil'11 V(';:':<'I1I'!':] ("" I'i "j ndvllll«(> \\11<'11 It lJe' :IS"I'IIs \\111 f'lldurr> lhr'!e years, By thathIm f'1l1 ·1'''111' dllVs hI' ~'hl 11](' 1111\1' ,;wel'l,g fl\\H} 1I'~,.It-~'. 10[';:0.'111'. 110r til" \1I'1"'lil II' tl»' 'jlt.:;'IIl' ~ tim!' till' LIl C-:U JI prpsencc' is ex~I,\, S!r1kllll~ IJI:lt'II':~ flll(] IIO\r1I11J: thottl 180m ns 11 \\lJ()jp 'III( ',lr1·uJ..;tll "j I!I,' ,111,','1(' 11111:111('1,1 h:lll"tf'd, 11.11',IlP'-lS ( and worstot allth9ll'I'Jlr till' t,WI' 01 iiI."; wllll'li, ThpJI tltl' tbe pnIIHlr.\ ')~() ]illl 1 r'1IJ,pl'd frn'lll dJlly trlilllllg;I, 1!l"lJralo1(·IJP~" or 'Jl:ll'l'I:lg''' dl(\Jnts one-, aud them:l!' Ill'!' 1-:":1\(' 0\11 111111 h,' 10"1 all l'('ck.. I\'ilklt ('I'I'atl's H <1'1"1(>" ,,( tll1 ;!Illdpll 1'11]1' -l,'l 11111:11)('(' i dIS1JlU'l!UIlPd l)llSlJt'llld 0.1" "I"llf(' <"Pps rlip (1JltJn~ streifb ns 11 IIHlln" of t!llle evo1ntlon rf''''lllt~ frtllll I"f'[l'lnfl of ('berks "II llnd'Ji' f'X ,dp~ollltl11;;- SUfJC'{'s,;lon "l go1\l)" }pnrs '.1,. Jlll,", says ~p., ·'the

It"hatfll'" ill'l \\'Il'I' lind f1!('fHb to pel\l\itl1r'~ of forf'.' lJ'Jllll~ rll'Jf>ol,t or rjPg"Plwrnl,,·, :lI'um t Illst majority of Ill"]) and "OllWll :IN' wlUlngly~ 01:' un-I' 'I 1 ,rf' ,t 'I l; ,'.. " pauJed J'J u iJcalthr UWlII, tllprE-h" pnfoHPs nd\nJJI',' \\ Illlllgly ylctlmlu'd II} nile or' another o~ these rountel"-~no\\ lO\\ lP t, II II L~ ("1'11'(" fl'l'UI ;5. . . fpits It is In ,the spcret ualnTe of llJJllgs)anu Jt can't betlie ulld,'n:::l0ulId 111~L~oll TlJ«y thillk ;'i: ------- - ~ !lll.IPClI" I ,"

~:~~~I~lrl~I~:'III~~~I~lt~.; (~~m~a;;) L;~;~~I1~\~'1.l~~ HOW N~f.US~S JUGGLE. WITH SCIENC£. In the nlst ,mllJorll~' of marrla~p.fl tbt>r~,ls more' f)r les~tlirf'('tl:'rI hI III III tllt' right ('ours(' ny Ana,crJ' Wlhon. rcn.djust;nent lleCf'~"'aI'Y, tile lrnllsltlon from the ~omantici

~fo til \ til t I '1 II ~ .\. tlllprnbJy wJd(' cOllljS(l of lJord rf>,ulug lJas II lofe of courtshln to !lIe .'lober, p,·erydn.y q.fl'ectionlot con-Itll~I'/:~(;\~lla~l~~ ';'l~l!llr:~ ;f'I<:·~~I(;:~~.1 (J~ll( (~; flttl~U' 1Il{' to prOllounl·C Jt,l11~lll{,lJt 011 at Il'usJ on!' JUKal Ufp, :I'he ne\Yly w('ddNl pair uS\'e to becbme ac-a ('tlH' II lllll,' 'fmlll ,1C' 0ih'lJ;\l' tlll'OII"ll p~:I.'!d (If 111(' fl('{lllll or the perIod Thht 11uulnted Intlmn,tp:y nud thorougbly. as I, posslb e to no'

I¥ g b ~I ~~rH"'! rIJ"'·f'fll· Ill(' 1I,1.r! pJII,(j 11,' (JtllI'[' l'platlon of !I((' III rll"{'ovpr :nl(llit t!lf'lJlseh'e to one\\lJklJ Ill' ('111"1'1\ .,J t(Jlill~ :tlld Lllt~ III till' lluJ1u/llg lIlJ(1 -dl'n'10!llUg another's llttlp IH'cullllr'JtJes, \\IJlcli hu,\e li a',

of thj:> plol of lll1\ll)' lllo<)prn novels 'I1hose woo la'pt out or sIght. To tllP fortunate tew .Ilf,v{' l!lot made /I Fqll'<"inl l stul1y of this topjr' ('all two liouls wltb but a Single tbougllt 00 sue

" not J.'':lllzl' tllp ('.\t(·Jl~ tor \\hlc!J $i('If>!J('P IS dmwn l~ ne(,{,S>larY.~Ch 'one is {lie complement ,r the 0 e Ij" ULKlil by lue romancer, XI is as tf the tle-m::Jnd for lJe-itllpr frictl n llor dlsJllusioUllJpllt i~ possIble, u~

re~l1HWJ}.a.glr pondI'd to uy the ~on.'!lst comIng dir{'l't to othcr~ ll1ere , \HHla.lIy more or, ieRE IHiedjtor forb ancejlthe gre fouu ,'UU of facts, untI drawIng thNefrotii IUIolj)lra 10 enuure, t ,hopl'. lind to beltet"c, If not all thi s, yet'

tlon (oil,; i';f'J'f('<, TlJ{' llo .... ellst~ lili:e the IHlet, claillls. 1 PllouglJ to Il rt, Dlsi11u"jonrnE.'ut Is always n paintu~ proc-,beUen~, l.:e~1 ill lllllo:mt of latltm]e. aud he Ulay O( ea ('i';~, 1\oll in it I~ dOllb!y so. I~ ls hard! tl;» con­slonally nd mRf'lf l;rln;;; under tile temptation to fit III ,inee one's self that >'.lIyer l,; as good 8s ,gold If pUb ODeBclentIfi fact· 0 the exigencies ot his tale rather than to has f'lJough of 11. When one's preelollii quln provps to b&adopt t~f procedure. only burnlshed nlck:el or ('opper. it takes time to ~e thank:~

I rE'ltpemlJef' an excellent Illustflltion of this IAlter fact. ful that the metal, stich llS it b, !g llure Olld has been dulYiIt has long bepn sup:post>l! by the jmlnstructed that tt](' ('Se minted, I 'or, say"n lllllrdl'r~d person retain, the Image of hIs lt~sltIl lInch or th(' lJllpplC\Pss aud, alna, IUI,'H'h of the ~S<trY ot1ant. F~T'tlJ{'ruIO\'P, It IA bellevcd by many that [rom the mn.rrled lite dome (l'om tlw (ltd tllllt 1f('u~ltlve w tm areodead eyl'! n n~lOto;;mPh of thl'! tlSs,ll1snt mIght thus he l\lJt to hold t!J~nll;('I... t'6 11{,1'50tulll~' respOklsi'ple Cor t ""'ordlJ

p~uredi ' and uetll:l ot t~~ lU<ln \\ !Jom they love q.nd rejoice r ~Uae1'!1 nee;l not oInt nllt that were Rud} a proC'Pl'tllng pus,,\. aC('Q};ulug:ly, I 'Wberp fl'Jen(]ahlp aDd love unl ej eacbi

bIe It ml~ht I1Jr'('.'I11 11\\ k"lInllh~llg (or:lIl 1IIIlOl;t'lIt DprHOU ~trl'llgthelllngl :and sustaIning the otbe-r, there Ls ~he Idealwllo happened 0 i'O/11f' IIpon tIle dyIng Dltln and who W/I!'! mnrrlaKe as fhe !a-('a(or itlstituted It when be ~a~e theol

[ntent on rl'll l'ln~ n~sl~tnll('e. He mlgbt In (j'prtalu <'Ir, ll.·st woman jllS n hell)lneet for the fir$t man,'1 nqt thel

cumstnoccs h ,1 r('lIsol\llbly f1USPedted oC beIng blmself the 1ll0(1('rn partJ;lershlp \vlwre tbe huaband provides ~e JUiauth~r or the': rime, ~o\v, II story nppearL~ yaar!'! ngo [n <:,ome and the 'w~e spends it: I . :1'

=,-"-' ,-_- -,r-~- -_c-cc-_ -~~'-'==I==',~~~=~',__ : 'PECULIAR C RAeTER, f AMQUS


Page 10: liERALD. I it.1~ ~!i.~t~iiiig~~;,cB; Herald (1888... · I long NU/llBER lil. \Ve have been have a large cily trade in lhatline to supply. W.e take



Wayne, Nebr.Jo Po Gaertner.

OJ·~ (NG ROOM ELEGANC~.The dlui,. tHom 19 YOII rio tli .. b"oo~~ ur "'IUt' born.Thro·' tirllCs ll. dll.Y, t'you're lll';ky. yoU an.! your f~lm.i1y maet in

tbe dloina' room H.."lf t you'!' fJDjuyltleat is ta.keD theM!, a:nd your lood uothiu&, a I d!J mOle to thateujoymell\ tbaD B.uj, diniq

roo::~re~:~~~ DIQln* Room FUl"ulture dO€iD'it nt'<:e&'lo.ri~y mND81peDah'e furulture. Nut if you buy (t hfJre. ThfJ Ia.~t and moatcomplet-o line tr DwiliK Il.oom Furnit.url9 wiIJ ~ fuund upon ourft"'OMl.uud while yOU l1larn~1 at tho rich'16ill ofdellilt'u ", ..Ii tWblb. lu­~Uf~~,~~~::~~e'!wl,l t~v'lld then it ~O'Jt6 llot {)(Jl}t lnul'U ~u.u mUDb

It yuU Ill'" loulr.irolf rut Dining !tuum EI6e'IHICl) /:It (I mljl'bt)' 10.

eo ~~~~~::~~(~~'::~:~t:'l'.I\n'l "p.(".) ,l.,llH'llilln"j "r (dlldL(~. ['lioNIU'fI rlKhl.

, , ,I,', won1 I , ~r''v l r ..........,..' ...............'j'..,,~........................ '.':'r' j

ntUn, , ',',! I' flt,itt' JOlrJtR, B' I h"':tl8 . ~nCHl I)r It. ,J ~ ... " ,. . i

tg,tt.' :.1 '.:~, Bcbolw.s I.•. on t • Jii.. d..k II", Bu,k,e,,', ArllilllB. "'.~ wi '.kill: Ibp A·I·1~:~,J..I,~, ';Ic~~i;;,"~l~.,~, . I . '. ! ' ....1. '.1::J.~~~~4-~--~~ll.flr,"~~~~~' ! : -,-,j- t~f~W~ , : \ I paiD' anil cnr9

1h" t /lulll, 'It'si 'h" 110 }.tAt"N J F l"RE\l)\1 • I " ,I'

....,.. ,'" ,', I " r i b·-s!, &. 've nu /' "/1 tor P1L 8, ton.1250, I "";Ubi> r AlUI't: ~lillb

,org i5l<.~lnlUG d. quf·' btr SFr.".I.. n; .:.."..:.'.Kn. r.. rab.k K,ag'.,r bar bAPll .IQntt. at A. F. Lor,e·, .. Dra""I·'. :, Ca..p"". • U.'lvl'" P""t<. I! 2001 L'bs, For·A To.:.n,.I··.• '. UJ. If'. I r '''C1L.\l>~iV",!''''·<k. I' :'.' , DII'~ )".' '.W.I,·b.' ",~.-.h, ,':{tn tft- " ''r~ ...... A Vest r4cket Doc~or. I U '" ~ .. !!:~., ."

. 'I'" ,J I!.' ,': ~'IOi[D.Q nAme dOWD 'rom. "~DBtde Ne'Yflr ill the way; no tr 'l,hle to carry . jf 1 ·1 J F. "",neb. A. L.. 'I:'"..:hr, iirtau utol! R~' gtt lft I,ftlt e~,rttr ,7".~~#.~ ~OnrlD", ", :" I ....,. to tU.fl -ple1Lll,f\.t,t alld W''l,...r ft\Ui."~ "',WN j

j ,

, !1llfdit ttn~li¢ rr.~, ". 1'." . PI0(.I. l\f.: R. 8nOO8r.../ 'JII' Nor· ;n •••all. ~,. iDOw",'. L'n'•. El...!~ "••> ~~...-a:~ I

~try~.,":::~~~:brf~~rarl::~:t~:o~'I~:~o~:~,;.·~~~::do~. C.tr0Il r~~~~t~}:~~:·:~~rS~~~:l~."~~¢l A·.'.·..•'. N' " .UNCEME.N'.TS' ~ We Sell The Genuine Powell"; /fUli Hocl\ing Lump, .'t l. r a 1 I I IIJItI . .. Wl\'f":J;\iholtor Frld.,.. 1Iver and,.11 <If Ibe ill, r••ulttn. • frum iC (0 ftl~rt. I, i "",' "' " oonlltfpation. jhey rOBio loud "trt>,Ii~th. t·'· C I R R And W h d N •

Ii I t I \ '. rI . Puo ...tor B.ker. af Ojlmlll..... • .n Ib.Il••r. sp.ld by E. J.: Raymond. InlilS Bntra • • as e 'h"ys eep a:ibQlde (If il in tiett OJ· • (!Jail ..dallfl' 'If~n W.J1I~vl'ltorFrIda:r. ' II. Is. ~e have been inl b't Of/f ilt lltt ~bli gded'tttn I. 03;Tbompaon .... dOtns b~la_ Wba'·. In a N.m.?: ,---.. The Best for HeatinQ and Coo~ingh's foril60 years, and !Bau"l.'. an ,inen "err'· !llli'b.nlclbi I' W '.'Id ....._A._ ' Ev•.,.\blog i~ In tbe IIam. wben it D· IREeT TO HlVANA " ',,"._ ,

A ... '"'F ~.., . ' D ..,- ..~. , ODIUM to Wi~~~lSave. E, a~ De· ihe d~ctQrs. aum,rtlftl 5~o .d. ,I !I {, J !Bo1dolNeU.bfUkd ".,.o.e wi~*~ao,O~~o,dbqov~ed,Bome V~IJllnoIIlO"DtralR.R.~Re"O,leanCll!!.cd ,

1 ... kE:~I+~:,rt~\~t~#\~= !lBi\lit !ll'~1 ~1't:fi~bO~btn~~l .. !ttw~n'u.iDflFrtdaY" J.n ;t:;hil:~~~:~:=oiA!;;eti?: ~·l',~~rti°Et~~~D(~~i::~~~·d'~~l~~~it -- ·=m_..='

",. . K. Non<j)<0SB. w.lth.m. M.... gtlein,~ !l' .UeG b mi.·ele~~on 'llfften . Oh~.'.NI.. relam.d Mcl.nd

'" fj_m • For. blind.. bl·.r.dinR.• ltobing .ail pro,' ,,;~::~~~:~~;~w~:,:;~:'~~~; : PHilLEO & SO·'N $,. 0:11 I' ,'.C,ATsnco.. . 1. t.' ""(' .rd ' .....DBHtriplOOmaba= , trthJ,lug' P~le8'i' eczema, cutR, }-I1Imll, Mond.,. m(lrn~ • Bound.trlp'i',., ...~;!..'."'.'~:_ fqr J.o"ell. Man, fo tt etlJolt,lbdl) t b!n t.J t,'Dogtn t, : B d' t ld

Ofolk hrni~8 and 81:1 sinn disAa8e8 DeWitt's thrnUllh tick t·, at tlnuau&n,.

I:,' ~totJen & ~IH(t), fQ.1\ttn fanlt. ": - I W~.. 1118 came own rom ""1I r Balfe bR8 no fq'.llU, . Thill bas ,-iven tee 1II1110's Cedt:l'al R, R IIIUB J'el 'II:U'.ngs: T r :' 8QD~,1'e,urfl1DIM~Ddft,r·, I rl86tollu''Ilpro*~worthlt'81iOOunterfeitfl.. ~)~1~pdp~~~~j~o~n.ouba,glvIDg"IIPArt.lctl:I1"rI. lI'.":="l.:~~""~~~~:ii!i~:!~ :t)err 011" :1ap~,rl ber !!ler\tcler , Elilor Pecll: af lbe R••dolpb~Tlm.A .ull: fo, DeWI,,'e--'be genaioA. Sold Q,.ICeatt Steams~ips from ' . ."Da,'~' 'etl of thO. bowel. Ie neee.- b'~, (f5lnnb"~b o~. i\:OntP~,gni'~; w.... Warn. n.itor ~on~"'i' by E. J. Ra,mond. ' _

"- I h· r'. pm. '" I' I b fi II lit ; N J 0 M' ~..ew Orleans " ~_-_,-,,-,.,-__-.-,-.----~_ _..._"L,,_9ar. I atl,tr~;wt ,.ye ,. :1l~tfOU nn~' .,flO un; Q ell", ".,i &a FoUz,,.,ePt,'to"~oer, eb.. us~ ne mutE!. 11 _ _ ..__ I_

I . ll.,.f,.rm ""·n'.IUm. in,n !!le.',"'" "1 I....t ,.• rI,dO,.,. ret~ar.nlng M~n• .,.. . .' Oaa Mlnale .'. Oou.b Oare.lZ!ve•.,relief n'-. ". b'.. alII 'N> H... 0.1 ••1.I·.D.!" DJ, lIi',IELS¢J.. N. ~ ..,. I ~"I.: ,. 'Ro'1. F kI faa.";;; ,..... 111 onemloa••j b,"a..eit kill. tie mi· ti;'..~.xic:,·:'.n•.:'.(':~'r"':odllo.'b lam. finST NA"fION' Al D,'iAN K!~ t)ttt oti')l)t: 1ft nifU m,t dnt~ 'wt "!"i. eo.- 0 '"1' " ' orob>i wbich .tokies 'he DlnOOO8lwem- ,' Wtllo' IDdle.-aud JIlllro~ COIi~lfllMItl K ~~ ~ UIi II I iJEWfLER' if 'T t na4J !~Oi(~"'t~ n: a,..e,'fIIl*«S,*urda1. f*ejmOOD. braoe,OROBiog,tbA OOUJl'h, Rnd at th.. m:ri.~r~~R.~&;CI~I:;;~=~b1lh.n1Jlut. - ., ,: . . .

f" ,Jml"am on« ':tclj,!' 'A'B TonrtUtgv .\l!Onc\.d allOOlol ••m.t1meoIA..... th.p·lplOJl,d..... oal M' CI'f" OLDESt' RANK IN WAYNE COUNTY

: ~ o;,nd door W•. t of·Po.t Otll"". !ll!ifconlin, ocr. mie I~n b.1 I, ',.~J~',' In Wf.tefl.Id,KondOJ nlgbt, tbelnll<mm.tlno and h""l. and .ooth,. eXICo a I ornta, 'I '. '. I, ,i" ~ilenmaa~en«el oft btginn,n i ,II.......... . tho alf,e'ed p~TllI. Oue Mloute ~na~b .' J. ioISTo.ln<N. PreAldent. r'. K HT"H". Vln.·!'r... Il.F. WILOOH Ouhl.rI ~_.. --;---t"." ~. I ,,', w,. J. ""'" of Sooth Omah.,~.. In Oare .. treogtl;.f>us the JUUIil'R, wardll off 1tmr 01 all MezJro, ,.1. UU'W18 Cr:;tral R. £1., H 8 RU;oJ AND \AA't iJ ~hiffl:', ' ,:L d. iWIr J'OR. '.! III 20~Clnn~ ~tt ~ttaUAgtbtt W -"-...1- .Uer Ii b 1 lln~monla ar.'d is a hBrmlPA8 Rnd tleVPT ~~~~:J~~:rl~:A~=="b.t..e:"<lt&1DeM~::U~ . .. i "n,

I b ",m., . t . ..,.".---,. lloon 0 a.· f,lIlng nure hn an cnrable elll<e, ef '". 113 ~d.m"".Obt ••••. I..... ["_0 Capital and Surplus, $100.odo,I . I' I JLAOtitSMITH '>let. !Bloomidll trmanl~~".1 filIj ......'f ~. IlQll~~••' Oroap OOA Minat. '......,,.. ""'oc' .11••••1•. "~I""...I

I 'I I: . 1 N b ".m \'''''"onto. eini t l5tunben ~.n llt~ .' D •.iF, S.~.OJd&Dd and 1".rank, Strahan Oough CurA ~t.. U}f\ajl;But to takfl, harm- ~~~~'::"'~UI~:;::~I~:i,~~::=~Ii.D-:it. DIi.EOTOB8:- J,lIfL Slr"hAon. F, E:. Strahan. H. S. Riuj1;lani, 0-.011le BogartI. I ,I 'I Wayn,~, e • ~I 'I I I' r '" "'relit'onl Fille .uended.,'X. S. ](0&$;1' 'ule at Bbolell 'le8." and 1(...0(1 alike for Jonng and old~ r"Ollla, ('ompartmE'bb Llbrar, and"Ma,lc Frank Fuller• .John T, H,,"tR<lllRr ~nrl H. F. WllROIi.

~ a" au T;I e ilIA]u· Sold b E J 'lbymo d RoOm, "Uh tbo I....."" 1l1DJ:! 0., In tbfli Usesl' ! e I NbverBlilb" !llloe lor horses. " I lad J'rlda7. y . ~_n_.__ _.,rld.lll1d Ibe '"mau. nptoU-::. ~bfer'f'."ob _ . " . _,I , I " r O~QU ~[O~A Ot ~Qttt ~~te : odJt ,Aqua' lIaDleD, WhQUfeltlye mlleR C~r8d Afte'r Suffering 10 Years. fl~:il?db~~nt~~pe~:~~btltle~'" '1'11111_1' t' 1 ba6 Ung!U~ AU Ontn an'/) fie" mit 'rom krwo, .88 doing buloel5 10 D. F, HUJe, Supt, M awi Cvcle & (b.B~~~;~':tl,:r~u::~~ ~:JI~.'<b~=DIG viaI! ROI~'1' & 1«t>f~T!Iol1R, bet :Wang~ nUfJ tItn 'ontl I'tint!! WatDe.Taeaday. Mfg. 00.. MtadletoWD, 0 .. antlered 101 ~~::eQ~f;:C~fF~t-:.o~~:'. !NA Jfl E M~AT MA RKET ~imere. liell,i fellmjr!~"U ber· . HlIO ,Ett& _n~a.r ...larDed ~~r: Or~~I~·I::':~~~~,:"~:dt ~~~b I.oul. ,,,...dAf, ~'b,u'(frl:'~ i

ciI:~'L Ja.Ja mea~B a.lways on b.a.nd. (t~en:'b. , 8a~ from, 810u%,01.,. "l1er~ .he dootors withQUt reoo\Ving any perma 6::f;f~m to niB

A,J.'.t.J,. ,e,,'++.l~,r,~. "iO h.j."."de.e_,tUrB,_a•.d pelts. 3~au ~lBiittDe ~ti~' b~rtn intonn It e.~8dAI .teo~pher. ~eht~e ~e:fe,~ t~~P:::;~Il;'Ob:d Il:~ ....Itd"'I~ via thfl lI-bot dtDO einrm' at-tt b~tfiOtb~ lDitb W. J. Barolay, of 8ioux Citr, arriv(d about to thrqw dnwo tbe,evenioR p8p...r rl=i:na~Q.=~I~

" 'f., f here 'J'llelda,. to"~r the emjploy of wben I saw an i',e"" in t.h~ paper revsro' iDa' ca-rllAlr'YtCfI, Faa·-'If AS'I~ (ll-tAV"EI\, am 9. l\eb~u4r uchon i~nt ~oiflm W8~h &- Datil as 8teDQlrapher; tng Ib", merit;B of ~ dol DysPf\psta Out'e-. d~ta~ Os)-oJ, " ~ It It b' beJIt bann in bi, 'J!5labl ' ,,' I ooneIaded t<> try" ••d whil. I bad no • An.

I ,I HOTO$RAPH ER n t, ,un At I" MI'. ud Mrs. Frank /:ltR'aban and fa1dl in it I ~elt betcPr after tbe ~8Pconcl 'f,fllflH and S""u FrM,IIClaeo I"" Mew

I ,.!.Ip"a i~etPhr!.t" ~U ~it~tn. I ~ Mn, T. J. 8*eeleltft;,ee,ter~morn- dose,\ After", using two bottles, I am '11:~d~~!lt~:'t~-t~..~b,e~....,.Q;":dZ~':;, " ". b b' t nb Gnfl1nn~ lDg'.forMalVera, loW,.,~o-+islt relaUve8,@troog'PrAnabetterthanlhate hf-en .,PI~cIDna.t1. Vial 'malia and &be8cellle &o1Ite

I . . . P t Otll"" I' ~JI t ~tgQ.n tnet U r 1:1 : 1n yearfl. and I recommend Kodol Dys- ;every Wedn~sdlt.,. from Chlca,o,';Ga 11"y ov.r o. . ~itltr !lll.~ ttl, ten mh lDiebtt ein flon Sew.n. of Di>adweod, B. D. wbo popela Oa,a!,> my frleods .nd &\l<!aaio' :iMardi Gras I

; WI I.' . IItrr J !llrnl'~ !I.t1dlft hoi h"" been .ill.lnsreI.II... bere _b. put t...eeA .all'e~~R from .'omacb,lroubl•. " ,I

iTER, a tint t£~ 1, l,', ..~ ]enforhilhom~ .nda1 morD~ Sold by E, Ji~ R~ymond, :TblaOOCur8at New Orleao. _,lrfllw~lll.

, tlldd)tr bo6 i:~qmollttttt 25!! 0Stoh iOI. ' I, ' 1~~ ~J~~~::'U:-'~i'.fL:i:t:~:iC:JOur l~B NpBD f\BBTRAOTOR ~nlCt 'RuU ~i"g.! :; !In. ~. W. IIuon, w~nt la.Btanten SPECIALIST OF REPUU'nON ,,"I <iek....." .," be ,hi. '" ad.I.. , ••.

I' I al E,tJ1te and Loana. t)m :lo~an"iol!adcr,,ntunlmtilfJlna Maud.,. to vWSfor,. f.w d..,.. wltb 'NeW Orleansm:I ut·nne ~nd Oollentlon.. Mrbmefilidj bO"rr eld~l.mO~~~4fl" .~ cIIl~llh""'lD·IaW. ,)fro. H, E. Ma· YEARS OJ' RPli;cn L.' PR ~CTICE • ""11.,,,,,,,,.,,,, elt, '0' ,.. ,......, I.,IOp q,ISit ~ove H1rtel. Wape, Neb ~itb am 17 ot~ uat fJl~(hon:, ~(l~~ttl IO~" 1 AFFOalOINO EXt .RI .LFlN r \~:thl" ~:-;::r.::r:'~.~rI:~d--::t '~~b~=

"nb ~,btnlt II banll tnlm,bot In 4-Zlallor""I"Ded I.., FrId.y 0" ORTUC'lll'lE "'''''bu " " d'b ......b 01...."'" ....~, I I L ~atJnt obrt QII on nit~autd.fftn. frofD Linoolu where I h••U~ded a r 1',__'_ :t br~~i~d~~\,:':::'.M~'o:~~/~

IIIE, IA• "UNDBURG, t)m llaJ!or ~i'brle!) $lIjln~t! bon m,*lillll of all \be ....1IIlOf. ot lb. FAUTH W~ll(1'H MENTIONING B tko·M"·"' o'!.,.: .$d)uQ(er, lfi~t rn llef\et !lln~leu,cI! ",,+. ll~ CALDYoELL r, ISSISSIPPi

~~ I I .'Iawyer ~ad)fDlgtr lin ~ roU gtlDPtbtn. 2eu'" .t\. G. Powen wen* OYer to Pouca The 01tat Bonthrrn Rotel. at GQlfporl lila."

'I h.., ttrn I}Qt fti~r IJtfU~bfJeitl f)Glbtt Ba'~ to 81*n4 Sunday "i*b bit! Several teats ago, whlle in prlvat ~~61~:~D·:I~?i~:;~i'Ji:~t~':~llm~,.:~':x;OV

"I 'rs! I' Natl'onal Bank. tine ~ttntlm f! fou,bo ngtnomn\rn" rMUl'Dlo, to vr.,ne Mouda, prao ioe. [thotlHbt. u wrong to Ildvl:'"r 11 at plflclrlo llght hot IUld cold runoln, "D-r ~ . , I. . me 'I. I W8fJ••lmpl.J/ be~D88 I had b..l~o. toM !'I' ~~: ~':4n~~~~~:Je,~~ ij'~r'obI't'JQO:Q'r~r.:::

I .{)ar ~djOt 1Rtbt, ~Odlt !YletltU ~ and hlld uo~ h$d ~,pentjble eu owh trl nlOrolll1 Lrliolna ........7111.. "1"'~1~ and burr'et-

f'j- -~-------- fl.~bliA. l)on CIft_ t tDolon aft J:.dt @It- J G. NeJhard&: editOr 01 the Ban- know"etter. Altec a wt;uJe I dilJCOven dJ Ilbrllt"V Ckf'B, with", 8Jn)l:lfl, 0 ~t1 on lJAme\.\:1" A R D.lVld ~ VI ;WU II rp 'IW .... avaluableplaDoftre~tJ):Lent inc t' tt""lnfJhT'OlltfoaIMalnl}hh.,n Il"l'Oo.bIlJ0ep-~,~ l!:rH

. 1 f4Jofte ~ol~tt 0 "louta in !lBoQJ1t. croft Blade, was in .,oe .-ood"1 d f{ 110 tl:l bid Bi 1l1O~ III~ Cllil' t.1 Gulfport. &oDd f~lr lI1\1slhtN fotd-U1l<;J, -, & lJAVIS, ~t 1.~t1, (,~I, oc!)c bOn ei~em ll\t; .....lnll,,~llbil~~_nt., Mr. =~':..ln~n~':.·t~f'::l:~~: ·f'L·'·~"'R'bl'·DSOAQItDOrtandtb"hotel":, l!l'IrO[U;/EYS ATA-A W Inell bei lU,tman Itn in ~tlinll'on au- and -. OuIIer. my plan d veI~E' ! Iba'el

'I' I r did. I -I 080. Wilbur, depa,,, 001ln., olerk l 1I~ ~·dll· IJObPIJr ~POD th

d4\ Thl"t)Q b '01:11. FI,.ttr"' MI~P.'n"QAr 110... I'll-

I I I W"8I;yoe, Neb. I I II &0 Omaha "'-.:...:...... t..J. t IUu"ecCao fto 'lot eBtll(.t,m,,· '.<luls oJllckllon.-lII" and (blc..n W N~h.'I ~rrt 'itlilo Rnmllft litB (e,ten we t ...~y " nee T8 ical8OCiel1., ~ M thttr6filllt? 4: ville 1M Ia.fto-r oonnoc\II'8 enrou... with

c'~ nil sltal" .ver tb. OltizenaBDk. I$onnlag 'Iein lleineG :lrnl'llfwn 1_8t\1 f.rhllle,."'! which h.... beea b.lf a d.,,"p '1l.W .,<OOk Ibe floor 1 'hro"~b J~'....\II. ca' lro",". :flO,":~' ! ~ • m . 2" boU18rin~ blm latel,.. lay what:!tTeat e Ii Ibad. be~n for ~OUl~ vi.. NUhYl1IfI, Chatt.noowa aud A Llb

- ----~tauf'n.'·I'mpngb"".lItn I hundJOdy ...... Dltloelalmlbal ..II I min, !!!li,M, (l ti.lle. tal~'f mnttnJ i!:".a Jobn, Morrill all.nd· \b. old. 1m\l.I, thQlIllh an''''''''''al Hoti Springs, Atkansas i

J, ~ \~ItLlA~S. t)m t),rl" r,mVI" rall !!!litbl, od tit. ,tole· II1/'t1ta~ .t Lin••baald be, oo=,n".dJ not~llb,'''''dwg Thro' b., ".'_. Ch,er: ••d i>::======~==ok================"" 1'-'

.J I t'jU, uno ,rr dnrl'" Ut., oolDi Iul ....k. Tbor "".... 1ft W.,.n••ballltenew tm.n' tiad beea.aoce~ H' "0" c",Iao, o. \!>r 1:.".'. ,... S B W~HYS ClAN AND SURGEON UI 'l..l ful I tb ...a-b\(11.t1"1't'~1and OOnRnDt'~ Pul ...1'Yl'atlbnJo 'Umltflid t tn e.dfor ', I .f)m 0110 !lla~mann ti~er ber F"'1a,.:un\boirrelnr

plaom..", mal ,81ld madere· ::-.:::,/ :~:I'~\~~"':h;:"':.'l:" .....'I···'TAT6 . ANK OF AYNI6' ,;

I:! IWay"e. N.braska. 1D0~(~ab,n:fi,n ~tirg,r in!llt llelnl: T. Alflom. ' ....v.IIaS.adllf)r fer the m" of 0.. a 'hal b'd 1>... ~ LL p"''f.rm,-,!,.1_'O" ,u ., "'___ ~-.... _".~Of ~ °lef, the W,ayne N8t10D8_1 lla.D_k. et lOat ~t.~btJ Det ~ft ~ nt 9lQ::: Rdw:arae & Bradf6rd LUlq:ber Oil,', pronouDcel t~'Cur~bl~ My btllUDeMlIQ- t II beba4 of ~.h.rlh" lDlant. HEInlY 1.lIU, President, C.A. CRASE, Vlce President. R. W. Let, C~bf8r-t tiona( ~ )11, tt ~t(dtif n Lid)t .topPe4 in W.,.JI., IMbnda7 between =~:OM ~t:s r~ ~~. ~h:)ll03::\II Ded

Y::=:~~t"':'!!~t :~ ~!c~!, • A ~i<~M~N' l!iom~nnij~ uub ber !Braum \!l'ltU. Inwlaan blo wa,.&Olt.~dalph. '1lrn and~p.ured' ~aeh P'1'oou ad H n'NSON.G P 4 .. Chico••• III. Individual,Responsibilit~$200,000.

mS arMl AN D SUllGEON. l~~~ Jdt~ ~lo~l!d) 1I~ 110~ntrltag h.~.:: ~~~~C":j':.i:~= ;::~ I:'/:t'~:e ......::~'::r~~~ tJ~ '~i~.r·'~.~I)R.'I'YI·IAIOI·IPI·la·I'llJ.Ubl·~·~"~· "'~.~~W~I~l!~do~a~G~e~n:••:a:1:B:,,:n:k_5,in:g~:D:''--:'I:=--:''~~~_-,=. ;J:nt~PI'A.A.'IPI'~ld.OI.I'I'.lljnl'~D~'Po,II'~I'., Iv n "n' Faradi. E'oetrlolty 0, . ~ 1aol ,,!gil, "bla n.IlnlIn' Ilo .. 400 ...... lit. klddL I oared .ve,y ti __. _an x en Treatment or Chronlo ttJie 1ntn »ritt 2JplhV: 2lntDn ~ g I wen 0 0888 'bat me to me aud I"en had j'

~,rn . l!S ii '1lu¥ 1lIDltll,r Pon~ to \'ioll h.r .\>11 Ool'Ie, DOSbIng \() ~e ..copt lb. mdl.ory bom·DI, '. tSpe'1'alty. Oalle Night nr er, .m. 0, g. HI QardRlt :t II ,lht U nOHlaf.lQo~pb;rd:lan I k1l8wlba"

iia e. I e prompt attenUon. ging,n am 'JI nlal! ~blnll ~d1 ate, B.. 'I' ~B. 0'1< m •• ban~. and IbmUand. of otb,nmont, U1n0il<r IIltl J6~ti"en tle041~n _I~ of h~, - " "VU'l oa bool· oiJewb.... bo ml~~' bO ea,"~ if tbl>J

t-f' ' l!og, Ott~tlct nnlf6~ne btla mo~nfn. ne.. ,Mo.d·r &1 *"Ibrbod ,laot week ouly kn. ; ~nd I advOrtl-ed" Oore<j ~~G'1ISEtRING'M'D' !!lei blel' !!le famm(u~g m rben'bit fro.......Ili,ug re~Ii~~ ,.1 Arlington. =~~ 'ng,:~·ib:~~ r~f.:'edad,:.;:; ,11 ~~~-'iJ.~,;a<'.';i>"",,,,,-,,....,,,,,,ou""'~;.ij.;lIJ-'~""'g

,:!SU EON, AND PHYlliOiAN l!lrohbta len l EildaI6/1l\l' on !lie, N.b. antrerlntl, ured lD"'" ,potl.oZ. mOd~ U :

*.. xamlnaUan. mode.t om bta~la ge1l!it~lt ~ Ed/\ot: Lolt...a. ~~* pf til' moom, m.... lJf!flp" baPP~. "",<1 done "101" good •

orltJ d d of p$.tient. I. I , hid O.rmliU.. ~ ~ It!t WayD8 KeoeraU, cftUrl8 I ij,ave told tb;6 ptJK.- ,~111' ~bril t !l!l'lfQ~, ~ m be.n Mnnd.,. un Itla .. 10 l"remonl CO .t. pie wb.lI ""~ cl'o, and I Ohall Ign en ~, b D • Do04 We.t of Po.t;Olllo. be~gallg lilt &;Y~~te* et Clall1Jll. d \b. .....d I....... of Bolli of Her. wllh \b. W?,E .. tong .. my , ~k..

" W N b k nl· u~b Uen dtten«el~oll ~ler .l'!C' len H 'I"" I .trenlltb Iljlerqlt 0;:

i I ar._era. •. ltie~tn, abc i~'ll UJ'fcI4$f M' ....,1 I I,' w~"::"'Jv ttt:.' I ~~::.m::~':::;:l~

~.nbet u b • na~ btrb tlben\l';n Dr. .nd Mn. ~lnl;rte d.portod comPO'.ot by; ye.,. of HpoelaI Atady and

C NI A~'MEAT MARKET !lllaartn ae!) i rrm l!a~n i !Illa;n. S"at:daJ' momI?f for tb~Ir faturo _r1... and by IbA <xp ~""ure of l<:biem «efallbl. ' Il;ler alie e blr bclbell h:1\n OaUforol~. '.!'h.,. ·fe aooom, '.,g••am 0lil,mo~?i' ~, ..1vtrtl.iog I r

I V PP BROS P 18rtiberllllrbblt!jllainb,m ab,n III poaI by tho beltljrt·hOO,Of manJ PI"'be'e·Ii·':I'~lelbe fRq" _hi"b I '"I'~ : . rops. gUlunfl~ber ali,n. llit d, ber frlan.] :g~~~b;':: ,:a~I",,:.a;~:.~~~~;.a; ~

U" >f, Pork, Mullon, Veal jftngcre ruO' bltl&t ei f/t\l, il,n nol!J Deaker .n~ftllYI.t Monday by looaI 1 by loIa.UMi a. aU8al>' e..fuJ~ 0;:,I 1.1 . .Iller mo~ ,no 'morn log for B<lI 110. •....led. w' • h.~~ v.hp a" (1IOar.ble, Ii!I C I keGS, FI~h aod Game. I . ~ I, who r tb.y will' ko Ih Ir fatare I cure Ih. nd ~ertJb,. enwH· Ill" e!:<'

I'd I h'/I I tim u,5 djlenlal1lP bo ~tl\ng. .I... fleld of ".~ "8 pr";,, pal or t es, etc. ton lnllt tta I nm Eioltfab 0 !lind)' bom..~Tb'1>OO1 1'" of tD""y frl.nd••ban ad MOld lbe•• P\'opl. baf~

!llillag, m inlge &q~no In blr go w~ Ib.lD. i II I ::~r.;::: t ~~,~~,,'t' il~Wg ~\\f~.n "nt'9~ ~,nlfC!)C~ 'll bttlaftult orllof/lIl1l F V.Il>\>. A~itArn.r. Augu.t ,ave tbue"!af J.w ~d ",.diol••• adver· ee

II ~ I qon !lllltjne II beru~ . I~r mltb Wlttl r, B,nr;y Go I Dr. ODd t". freely La"J"A ,do not, fer tbe, :<

II n~UfanCe ~nbt bi er ol!Je ~emle ren llllb Gal Ia",at:,alte*d lb. " ..tln••f ooly ..el" elr,~OBI.:l.lj08 wlt.1 etrero r.'I uj'.11 ~ Y~n hboOld. ••• Inar m I ti Ier lung ldU•. blr' tho .~, ll· o~S of armann in :I;:'f : 'b~I;r.!n, :'It.':~~· ,::t'i. '"

odjle b GtI nil tid ill) l~enrldJB. l"rem nl Tll.,d,,.1 I U..... d do Ilot v.rtl e fOti tb ~I i· s~enhelmer. ~

'1) I or Altona, ~'l1lt aB a onner In~im tlell,~' boo ~_nlo 0' Ib Slond",d pa.blng bl .om. nit••1••, ba., not ,~

~ \• t Or I II "I "'If! n., J lnilten , d ~~m <If,. Ih.y g.t Ih.1r

' a dge, I for Th C tl t I·e "ra n.... an"" • on 0 ., for lwon -~ '11''' d.· ho"I ~ f liIe 00'1". AJ.... 'lIII,YI e an ne.. "'unfe!). ' 'Ing .... tn .J -fa .d.,. and I'ead m. I l/II'll ba'il biln<\ ud lb.o. ~'·I o,anf'ooeDlPa.yaIN.wyork I ~fftn n U.~btn~o etlUit~rc mod. h.rt......d .......Ivloll. hawnOt I of I. ~o be ouec.r.§1 ~i J ~ t • I P"'- 1l f' • -T~ ~ -1-:- "e must' p tJ,t~ ow ~Dd. Make h M 1", e teet, Dg••t old lin. co",p.nIa. 'n aWtt uct on,n btr 1I1in, IV dI ~ LIBor. nj w hu been en e.~II "dO lbat helall I " I

II. ~'l t noe ltltb b,. tI, fit lJIoffa ttG II npe!) alli,\ ...pI .d 1.1 I'd.... .br.. tb, .v. ad. nIl;r. ,[~... toffentlldj m litlllt on 'l1,UII~n ~I "l0aths YW a, frl.nd....... ~a~1 :./tbe\n,~.~tr:b'~arm~ ber nfiald, all. 91itmtllIj ber. mlTha; i .nlll Sal~, b1.m~ '".;Wlt ~=e~~~s;l1l\>t!n~IDIt b'G, tni lE~t1f\. eo all~ ,Qm wilen ,b. l.tI f<!f I be at Lnton, lltl.aI til pi ,lngl :w1lh!W~el1

E119 !l',bt at c a, unb ble f Cl~~" Iowa. I .Inw•• I I v'Ii~~ 01 foo' IIoroO· I~~r. 11 ppcn agtn cin' un cin'ljclib bocll:,. 1 'l'1bll t • ad IIlBl>oi ofI"'eil'lI I bl! bftn bet (,-til M 0'11 AJh.. t co *..... Fri 81ellDl, I In lIal not 1e_lng. I'1'b. .Ie fi ,. • . A._, \'iI!~ ber 01 Mro *lI1er ho "m~ 10 I • f~aJ~dY betar.' 1 "I .",r erer 'QI~ I ,dj mill· \!l~dl:g ...... • t', . I .'.': &10. lI.II Pl1blllb tbe

" . ,lJlo~mt~ l!:arrol i a~hlt, b.. n .r,. II ~I Od ",nn, !....... ... <If.... e tha I

WE G MA HINE :I~~~~rtr ,~:~«;:eUp'nl.rq~'l!\~; ~~ \: =l,~ 1]1 11';', i.rM~: S?~. SI:'"t:t:::~On~~~rtn:iI.. \~ .! I,too d elvedbr, ~~""" "hourI ~cler-lj Icti~1I iUrn M1IDboaIt· II 11_"" or~aa ~rr: lUE WORLD liS 'M'IN'E' I

.aT '~~::'f~~~~:::~I~/~'!, lit Inllft llt R'lau! pO ,iI:4~. or'tr ...toa, f'" 'k • b .. oo, ~'~f~~a , ni.II . eus or ~uy of cur I ~oUar., ' , I' I rll'"" llalnld];:r,J.(1 11 \'101\ tot· I • 0' Y. .b"\OIl,.o ., , 'IH '

16.QOtb$I8.00. , I W" ~' I f.,. "'·...ijh.. ~ dir· h• GmnlIn '~~:""J,,4ot ;' ON IDRAU<GI I T AT5A VA~I·TY, I """'it' I • ' ..... I"" t L ..lti. - nflil of,.,..,... a. G I,,'b ' , I

,~Il IS THE BEST,) <:>"I.lIt

, e..~..... "" II PI~""" wlU r "I"n lip ~a pen of 4he I b c~'iP~iiI " I ._, I 't"e strength. 01 ~tt, it u~ttr ~ r if ~tI t II ..., aOcOalPl by . wife, .e "~::Q , ot :'Q'f'&!rl~ I I II

JI:',;!,inc" .l'hl ~IG ~U 'c1l,1j in i'rtm ~ht I, clilllah ~ of Jr.n .nJi 11 • la ..h.lD ei' I b1·~~I'1 I,I 'iF,Ro'l f\:NK' KRVI'GER'Seo"thanN,,~ilii~ii'..~ t}l\.r, It l)tbtuu lief/lit ;1 : h~ be,... It I' I~. bOjna o~h t' 'b"'I~".1

,MaehJt'o to buy. i51Ij4al' nle ~el: I."n \lQUf' of tbs ,dO .I, I.. '1'0 bl. i' il"R ~ Sf Or I r ' '''. ... .,

A, S:br:i!:-;l~,:~ 9Jl11 e~~\I~b III ~I I I T ~ 1~ L.', W. "I~}~:· of Wtlt,1d1esftie ,and~,4,tail P,,e',ldlJ. ';'H..,..~ceo_+rotCPU1'ClJtlSIU ~it It It'D n 0: .t J \ o~ l:t ~ t", 1'~ r

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