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Nehemiah 5-8Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.)

Ne 6:5—Why did Sanballat send “an open letter” to Nehemiah? (w06 2/1 9 _3)

6:5—Since confidential letters were usually placed in a sealed bag, why did Sanballat send “an open letter” to Nehemiah? Sanballat may have intended to make public the false charges brought forth by sending them in an open letter. Perhaps he hoped that this would anger Nehemiah so much that he would leave the building work and come to defend himself. Or Sanballat may have thought that the contents of the letter would cause such alarm among the Jews that they would stop their work altogether. Nehemiah refused to be intimidated and calmly continued in his God-assigned work.

POINT VM – Ne 6:10-13—Why did Nehemiah not accept Shemaiah’s recommendation? (w07 7/1 30 _15)

15 Third, Nehemiah’s enemies used a traitor, the Israelite Shemaiah, to try to make Nehemiah break God’s Law. Shemaiah said to Nehemiah: “Let us meet by appointment at the house of the true God, within the temple, and let us close the doors of the temple; for they are coming in to kill you.” Shemaiah said that Nehemiah was about to be assassinated but that he could save his life by hiding in the temple. However, Nehemiah was not a priest. He would commit a sin by hiding in the house of God. Would he break God’s Law in an attempt to save his life? Nehemiah responded: “Who is there like me that could enter into the temple and live? I shall not enter!” Why did Nehemiah not fall into the trap that had been set for him? Because he knew that although Shemaiah was a fellow Israelite, “it was not God that had sent him.” After all, a true prophet would never advise him to break God’s Law. Again, Nehemiah did not let himself be conquered by evil opposers. Shortly thereafter he could report: “At length the wall came to completion on the twenty-fifth day of Elul, in fifty-two days.”—Nehemiah 6:10-15; Numbers 1:51; 18:7.

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What does this week’s Bible reading teach me about Jehovah?*** w15 1/10 p. 8 Prayer: What It Can Do for You ***

Another faithful man, Nehemiah, suffered threats from evil people who tried to stop him from doing God’s work. He prayed: “Now, I pray, strengthen my hands.” The subsequent events show that God really did help him to rise above his fears and to succeed in his work. (Nehemiah 6:9-16).

*** w12 9/1 p. 6 Does God Really Care About Women? ***Access to education. As party to the Law covenant, women were invited to listen to

the reading of the Law, which provided them with opportunities to learn. (Deuteronomy 31:12; Nehemiah 8:2, 8) They could also receive training for participation in certain aspects of public worship. For example, some women likely did “organized service” at the tabernacle, while others performed in a mixed choir of singers.—Exodus 38:8; 1 Chronicles 25:5, 6.

*** w10 5/15 p. 16 par. 21 Women, Why Submit to Headship? ***21 Christians joined in wedlock have so many reasons to express gratitude to God!

They can walk hand in hand as a happily married couple. Especially can they be thankful for God’s blessed gift of marriage because it affords them the opportunity to blend their lives and walk with Jehovah. (Ruth 1:9; Mic. 6:8) He—the Originator of marriage—knows exactly what is required for marital happiness. Always do things his way, and ‘the joy of Jehovah will be your stronghold,’ even in today’s troubled world.—Neh. 8:10.

*** w07 1/1 p. 24 par. 15 “You Must Become Nothing but Joyful” ***15 During that festival, the Israelites dwelled in booths for seven

days. They were thus reminded that at one time they had dwelled in booths in the wilderness. The festival gave them ample opportunity to reflect on Jehovah’s fatherly care. (Deuteronomy 8:15, 16) And since all, wealthy and poor alike, dwelled in booths that were similar, the Israelites were reminded that in relation to the festival, they were all equal.—Nehemiah 8:14-16.

*** w07 7/15 p. 22 par. 9 Will You “Keep Walking by Spirit”? ***9 Joy is a state of great happiness. Jehovah is “the happy God.” (1 Timothy 1:11;

Psalm 104:31) The Son delights to do his Father’s will. (Psalm 40:8; Hebrews 10:7-9) And “the joy of Jehovah is [our] stronghold.”—Nehemiah 8:10.

*** w07 12/15 p. 12 par. 7 Are You Ready for Jehovah’s Day? ***7 Jesus delighted to do Jehovah’s will. (Psalm 40:8) If we have the same attitude, we

will find joy in rendering sacred service to God. Like Jesus, we will be unselfish givers, and this will make us truly happy. (Acts 20:35) Yes, “the joy of Jehovah is [our] stronghold.” With it, we will be better prepared for God’s great day.—Nehemiah 8:10.

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*** w06 2/1 p. 9 par. 2 Highlights From the Book of Nehemiah ***5:7—In what sense did Nehemiah begin “finding fault with the nobles and the

deputy rulers”? These men were exacting usury from their fellow Jews in violation of the Mosaic Law. (Leviticus 25:36; Deuteronomy 23:19) Moreover, the interest the lenders were demanding was high. If demanded monthly, “the hundredth” would be equivalent to 12 percent a year. (Nehemiah 5:11) It was cruel to impose this on people already heavily burdened with taxes and a food shortage. Nehemiah found fault with the rich in that, using God’s Law, he reproved and rebuked them and thus exposed their wrongdoing.

1:11–2:8; 4:4, 5, 15, 16; 6:16. Jehovah answers the sincere prayers of his servants.—Psalm 86:6, 7.

1:4; 4:19, 20; 6:3, 15. While Nehemiah was a man of tender feelings, he set a fine example as a man of action who was firm for righteousness.

5:14-19. For Christian overseers, Governor Nehemiah is a splendid example of humility, unselfishness, and discretion. Though zealous in enforcing God’s Law, he did not domineer over others for selfish gain. Rather, he showed concern for the oppressed and the poor. In displaying generosity, Nehemiah set an outstanding example for all of God’s servants.

8:8. As teachers of God’s Word, we ‘put meaning into it’ by using good enunciation and oral emphasis and by expounding on the Scriptures correctly, making clear their application.

8:10. “The joy of Jehovah” comes from being conscious of and satisfying one’s spiritual need and from following theocratic direction. How vital that we diligently study the Bible, regularly attend Christian meetings, and zealously share in the Kingdom-preaching and disciple-making work!

*** w06 9/1 p. 28 par. 6 “Let Your Petitions Be Made Known to God” ***6 What bodily position should we assume when praying? In the Bible, no particular

position is specified for our prayers to be heard. (1 Kings 8:22; Nehemiah 8:6; Mark 11:25; Luke 22:41) What is important is to pray to God in sincerity and with the right heart attitude.—Joel 2:12, 13.

*** w06 11/1 pp. 27-28 par. 4 Showing Respect for Our Sacred Gatherings ***4 True, today Jehovah has no literal

holy city on earth, with a special temple dedicated to his worship. Nevertheless, we should not lose sight of the fact that meetings for the worship of Jehovah are sacred gatherings. Three times a week, we meet in order to read and study the Scriptures. Jehovah’s Word is “expounded,” and as in Nehemiah’s time, there is “a putting of meaning into it.” (Nehemiah 8:8) All our meetings begin and end with prayer, and at most of them, we

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sing songs of praise to Jehovah. (Psalm 26:12) The congregation meetings are truly a part of our worship and call for a prayerful attitude and respectful attention on our part.

*** w02 2/15 p. 15 par. 14 They Coped With Thorns in Their Flesh ***14 Those foreign

opposers did everything in their power to stop Nehemiah’s work. Their threats, lies, slander, intimidation—including the use of spies sent to discourage him—must have been like persistent thorns in his flesh. Did he succumb to the machinations of those enemies? No! He put his full trust in God, not weakening. Thus, when Jerusalem’s walls were finally rebuilt, they provided lasting testimony to Jehovah’s loving support of Nehemiah.—Nehemiah 4:1-12; 6:1-19.

*** w02 11/1 p. 27 Supporters of True Worship—Then and Now ***Nehemiah contributed more than his time and

organizational skills. He also used his material means to support true worship. He used his own money to buy back his Jewish brothers from slavery. He lent money without interest. He never “made it heavy” upon the Jews by demanding an allowance as governor, something to which he was entitled. Instead, he kept an open house to feed “a hundred and fifty men, and those coming in to us from the nations that were around us.”

Each day he provided “one bull, six select sheep and birds” for his guests. In addition, once every ten days he offered them “every sort of wine in abundance”—all at his own expense.—Nehemiah 5:8, 10, 14-18.

What an outstanding example of generosity Nehemiah set for all of God’s servants then and now! This courageous servant of God freely and willingly used his material means to support the workers so as to advance true worship. Appropriately, he could ask Jehovah: “Do remember . . . O my God, for good, all that I have done in behalf of this people.” (Nehemiah 5:19) Surely Jehovah will do just that.—Hebrews 6:10.

*** w02 10/1 p. 18 par. 5 Cultivate Obedience as the End Draws Near ***5 Jehovah has always provided teachers for his people. For example, after the Jews

returned from Babylon, Ezra and a number of other qualified men did not just read God’s Law to the people, they “expounded” that law, ‘putting meaning into it and giving understanding’ of God’s Word.—Nehemiah 8:8.

*** w01 7/15 p. 10 par. 1 Be Joyful Harvest Workers! ***Although we encounter problems, our joy in doing Jehovah’s will spurs us on.—

Nehemiah 8:10.

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*** w01 10/1 pp. 12-13 par. 19 Imitate Jehovah When Training Your Children ***19 However, it is not

enough just to cover some Scriptural material during the study. Jehovah taught the restored Israelites through the priests, who ‘expounded and put meaning into’ the Law, “giving understanding in the reading.” (Nehemiah 8:8) One father who successfully helped all seven of his children to love Jehovah always retreated to his room before the family study in order to prepare, tailoring the material to the needs of each child. He made the study enjoyable for his children. “The study was always fun,” recalls one of his grown sons. “If we were out playing ball in the yard when we were called for the family study, we instantly put our ball away and ran in for the study. It was one of the most enjoyable evenings in the week.”

*** w00 9/1 p. 11 par. 2 Show a Waiting Attitude! ***2 The attitude of a Christian today can similarly make things appear either bright or

gloomy. Without the proper attitude, a Christian could easily lose his joy, and that would be serious because, as Nehemiah said: “The joy of Jehovah is [our] stronghold.” (Nehemiah 8:10) A positive, joyful attitude helps to keep us strong and promotes peace and unity in the congregation.—Romans 15:13; Philippians 1:25.

*** w00 12/1 pp. 17-18 par. 14 Do You Love Jehovah’s Reminders Exceedingly? ***

Do you make it a point not to miss meetings? Are you trying your best to be on hand for every session of our assemblies and conventions? The spiritually beneficial instruction received at these gatherings gives us clear evidence that our heavenly Father cares for his people. (Isaiah 40:11) Such occasions also promote joy, and our presence demonstrates our appreciation for Jehovah’s reminders.—Nehemiah 8:5-8, 12.

*** w99 11/15 p. 14 par. 7 Remember Your Grand Creator! ***7 Present-day Witnesses of Jehovah who have grown old in God’s service may suffer

the pains and limitations of advanced age. Yet, how happy they are, and how much we appreciate their faithful service! They have “the joy of Jehovah,” for they know that he has assumed his invincible power toward this earth and has installed Jesus Christ as a powerful heavenly King. (Nehemiah 8:10)

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*** w97 9/15 p. 24 How to Maintain Joy in Full-Time Service ***So, then, if our personal circumstances permit us to share in full-time service and

remain in it, let us maintain our joy by relying on our heavenly Father. He strengthens his servants, and all of us should remember that ‘the joy of Jehovah is our stronghold.’—Nehemiah 8:10.

*** w94 9/1 pp. 13-14 par. 2 Rejoice in Jehovah! ***2 “Always rejoice in the Lord. Once more I will say, Rejoice!” This may remind us of the

words directed to the Israelites some 24 centuries ago: “The joy of Jehovah is your stronghold,” or according to the Moffatt translation: “To rejoice in the Eternal is your strength.” (Nehemiah 8:10) Joy provides strength and is like a stronghold into which one can withdraw for comfort and protection.

*** w94 11/15 pp. 24-25 par. 17 Throw All Your Anxiety Upon Jehovah ***17 To seek first the Kingdom, we must trust in God and keep our priorities in proper

order. A diver with no breathing apparatus may plunge beneath the water’s surface in search of an oyster with a pearl inside it. This is his means of providing for his family. A high priority, indeed! But what is more important? Air! He must surface regularly to refill his lungs. Air is a higher priority. Likewise, we may have to be somewhat involved in this system of things in order to obtain the necessities of life. However, spiritual matters must come first because the very life of our household depends on these things. To avoid undue anxiety over material needs, we must have implicit trust in God. Moreover, ‘having plenty to do in the Lord’s work’ may help to allay anxiety as “the joy of Jehovah” proves to be our stronghold.—1 Corinthians 15:58; Nehemiah 8:10.

*** w93 5/15 p. 9 Why Serve Jehovah? ***Coupled with prayer, “the joy of Jehovah” helps us to endure trials and patiently await

the realization of God’s promises. (Nehemiah 8:10)

*** w93 10/15 p. 8 The Problem of Learning to Wait ***Jehovah has his own timetable for the outworking of divine purposes. If we are unable

to wait until his due time for doing certain things, we will become dissatisfied and discontented, which will stifle joy. Without joy a servant of God will become spiritually weak, as Nehemiah told his countrymen: “Joy in the LORD is your strength.”—Nehemiah 8:10, The New English Bible.

*** w91 7/1 p. 11 par. 13 Woman’s Role in the Scriptures ***13 Above all, the Law provided women with full opportunity to develop their spirituality.

They benefited from the reading of the Law. (Joshua 8:35; Nehemiah 8:2, 3)

*** w82 11/1 p. 19 par. 23 We Can “Rejoice During All Our Days” ***23 Indeed, those who have put God’s service first in life always have had reason to

rejoice. True, their lives have not been totally free of the problems common to humans. But Jehovah has supported them during their trials. (1 Corinthians 10:13; 2 Corinthians 4:8, 9) They have fared well because ‘the joy of Jehovah is their stronghold.’ (Nehemiah 8:10)

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What points from this week’s Bible reading can I use in the field ministry?

*** w15 15/4 p. 10 par. 4 How Elders Train Others to Become Qualified ***4 In the initial phase of training, consider some Bible accounts that might help the

learner to see the need to be willing, reliable, and humble. (1 Ki. 19:19-21; Neh. 7:2; 13:13; Acts 18:24-26) Such qualities are as essential to the learner as nutrients are to the soil. They quicken his spiritual growth. Says Jean-Claude, an elder from France: “My main goal in training is to help a learner to become spiritually-minded. I look for occasions when we can read a specific scripture together to ‘open the eyes’ of the learner to ‘the wonderful things’ found in God’s Word.” (Ps. 119:18).

*** w15 15/8 p. 21 par. 8 Prepare Now for Life in the New World ***

We may have ideas about where we would like to live in the new world, but we may be asked to move to a different area. Regardless of where we will then serve and what we will do, we can be sure that we will be grateful and contented, brimming with joy.—Neh. 8:10.

*** w09 2/1 p. 22 You Are Warmly Invited ***Why is Bible-based literature used at the meeting? Back in Bible times, simply reading

God’s Word was not enough. “It [was] expounded, and there [was] a putting of meaning into it; and they continued giving understanding in the reading.” (Nehemiah 8:8) In recent years, publications discussing the books of Isaiah, Daniel, and Revelation have helped those attending this meeting to understand these portions of the Bible.

*** w08 5/1 p. 22 How Can You Choose a Good Bible Translation? ***The Bible was written using the common, everyday languages of average people,

such as farmers, shepherds, and fishermen. (Nehemiah 8:8, 12; Acts 4:13) Therefore, a good translation of the Bible makes the message it contains accessible to sincere people, regardless of their background.

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*** w08 11/15 p. 13 par. 5 Help Them Return Without Delay! ***5 To discern how to help inactive fellow

believers, elders and other mature publishers need to listen carefully as such individuals make heartfelt expressions. Suppose you are an elder visiting a married couple who are absent from the congregation because the “anxieties of life” have taken a toll. (Luke 21:34) Financial problems or increased family responsibilities may have caused them to slip into spiritual inactivity. They may feel a need for relief, but you might point out that isolation is not the answer.

(Read Proverbs 18:1.) You might tactfully ask them: “Are you happier since you stopped attending meetings? Is your family life better? Is the joy of Jehovah still your stronghold?”—Neh. 8:10.

*** w07 1/1 pp. 18-19 Gilead Graduates Receive Instruction That Touches the Heart ***

The next talk was given by Gilead instructor Wallace Liverance, whose theme was based on Proverbs 4:7. He said that while godly wisdom is most important, we must also “acquire understanding,” which involves combining isolated facts and then seeing how they relate to one another so as to grasp the import of a matter. The speaker showed that acquiring understanding brings joy. For example, in Nehemiah’s time, the Levites “were explaining the law” and “giving understanding.” Afterward, the people carried on “a great rejoicing, for they had understood the words that had been made known to them.” (Nehemiah 8:7, 8, 12) Brother Liverance concluded: “Joy is a by-product of understanding the spirit-inspired Word of God.”

*** w07 1/15 p. 5 Man and Woman—A Dignified Role for Each ***Concerning Ezra the priest, the Bible states: “[He] brought the law before the

congregation of men as well as of women and of all intelligent enough to listen, on the first day of the seventh month. And he continued to read aloud from it before the public square that is before the Water Gate, from daybreak till midday, in front of the men and the women and the other intelligent ones; and the ears of all the people were attentive to the book of the law.” (Nehemiah 8:2, 3) Women benefited from such reading of the Law.

*** w07 8/15 p. 32 Writing—Its Importance in Ancient Israel ***The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East

explains that “in ancient Israel it seems that writing was an integral part of the religious experience.” For example, the Law covenant was put in writing and was later publicly read on a regular basis before all men, women, and children. It was also read and studied by people both in groups and in private. After considering some features of the Law, Alan Millard, senior lecturer at the University of Liverpool, concludes: “Evidently, reading and writing were

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assumed to affect life at most levels.”—Deuteronomy 31:9-13; Joshua 1:8; Nehemiah 8:13-15; Psalm 1:2.

*** w06 2/1 p. 10 par. 7 Highlights From the Book of Nehemiah ***7:6-67—Why does Nehemiah’s list of the remnant who returned to Jerusalem

with Zerubbabel differ from Ezra’s in individual figures for each household? (Ezra 2:1-65) The reason for these variations may be that Ezra and Nehemiah used different source material. For example, the number of those who registered to return may have been different from the number who actually did return. The two records may also have differed because some Jews who were unable to establish their genealogy at the outset did so in time. Both accounts, however, agree on one point: The number of initial returnees was 42,360, apart from slaves and singers.

*** w04 3/15 p. 15 par. 4 “Fully Accomplish Your Ministry” ***4 Fully accomplishing our ministry does not always

require more time, but it does call for time well spent. A steady pace can help all Christians to accomplish things in the ministry. To spend more time in the field service, an elder needs good personal organization to balance his schedule and to know what to delegate and how to do so. (Hebrews 13:17) Naturally, a respected elder also does his own share, like Nehemiah, who got personally involved in rebuilding Jerusalem’s walls.

(Nehemiah 5:16) And all servants of Jehovah should share regularly in the Kingdom-preaching work.—1 Corinthians 9:16-18.

*** w03 2/15 p. 27 Do Not Leave Your Child’s Heart to Chance! ***Such schooling can also help teenagers to progress spiritually. It can teach them good

study habits, mental discipline, and a sense of responsibility. Their ability to read well and to grasp ideas will doubtless encourage them to be better students and teachers of God’s Word. (Nehemiah 8:8) The requirements of their schoolwork and their spiritual studies can help to put recreation in its proper place.

*** w02 2/15 pp. 15-16 par. 15 They Coped With Thorns in Their Flesh ***15 As governor, Nehemiah also had to contend with many problems among God’s

people. These difficulties were like thorns that troubled him deeply because they affected the people’s relationship with Jehovah. Wealthy ones were exacting heavy interest, and their poorer brothers, in order to pay debts as well as the Persian tax, had to give up their land and even sell their children into slavery. (Nehemiah 5:1-10)

*** w02 2/15 p. 26 par. 9 Completely Equipped as Teachers of God’s Word ***9 God’s Word should be the focal point of our teaching. When we give a talk at a

Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses, for example, it is usually not enough to read selected verses from the Bible. We may need to explain, illustrate, and apply a scripture in context. Our goal is to lift the Bible’s message off the printed page and impress it upon the hearts of our listeners. (Nehemiah 8:8, 12) The Bible should also be used when it is necessary to give counsel or to administer corrective discipline. Although Jehovah’s

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people speak different languages and come from a variety of backgrounds, all of them respect the Book of books—the Bible.

*** w01 10/15 p. 20 par. 14 Acquire a Heart Agreeable to Jehovah ***14 Preparing the heart to listen at Christian

meetings is particularly important. Distractions may turn our attention away from what is being said. The spoken words can exert little influence on us if we are preoccupied with things that happened during the day or are concerned about what is awaiting us tomorrow. We need to be firmly resolved to listen and learn if we are to benefit from what is being said. What benefits we can receive if we are determined to understand the scriptures being expounded and the meaning that is being put into them!—Nehemiah 8:5-8, 12.

*** w99 3/15 p. 20 par. 18 Teach With Insight and Persuasiveness ***Since the Bible is the foundation of our teaching, it is beneficial to be able to read it

fluently. The Levites had the privilege of reading the Mosaic Law to God’s people. Did they stumble through such reading or read in a monotone? No, the Bible says at Nehemiah 8:8: “They continued reading aloud from the book, from the law of the true God, it being expounded, and there being a putting of meaning into it; and they continued giving understanding in the reading.”

*** w98 3/1 p. 12 par. 17 Festival Milestones of Israel’s History ***17 Sixty years later, in 455 B.C.E., another milestone was reached. The Festival of

Booths that year marked the completion of the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s walls. The Bible reports: “All the congregation of those who had come back from the captivity made booths and took up dwelling in the booths; for the sons of Israel had not done that way from the days of Joshua the son of Nun until that day, so that there came to be very great rejoicing.”—Nehemiah 8:17.

18 What a memorable restoration of God’s true worship in the face of fierce opposition! The situation today is similar. Despite waves of persecution and opposition, the grand work of preaching the good news of God’s Kingdom has reached to the ends of the earth, and God’s judgment messages have been sounded far and wide. (Matthew 24:14)

*** w96 5/15 p. 16 par. 2 Read God’s Word and Serve Him in Truth ***2 After Jerusalem’s walls were rebuilt in 455 B.C.E., the priest Ezra and others read

God’s Law to the Jews. This was followed by a joyful Festival of Booths, confession of sins, and concluding “a trustworthy arrangement.” (Nehemiah 8:1–9:38) We read: “They continued reading aloud from the book, from the law of the true God, it being expounded, and there being a putting of meaning into it; and they continued giving understanding in the reading.” (Nehemiah 8:8) Some suggest that the Jews did not understand Hebrew well and that Aramaic paraphrasing was done. But the text does not indicate mere

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clarification of linguistic terms. Ezra and the others expounded the Law so that the people could grasp its principles and apply them. Christian publications and meetings also serve to ‘put meaning into’ God’s Word. So do appointed elders, who are “qualified to teach.”—1 Timothy 3:1, 2; 2 Timothy 2:24.

*** w96 9/1 p. 21 par. 7 Living by the Law of the Christ ***7 Some who have visited Bethel homes around the world say that such are good

examples of balance in the matter of rules for a family. Though composed of adults, such institutions function much like families. Bethel operations are complex and require a fair number of rules—certainly more than the average family. Nevertheless, the elders taking the lead in Bethel homes, offices, and factory operations endeavor to apply the law of the Christ. They view it as their assignment not only to organize the work but also to promote spiritual progress and “the joy of Jehovah” among their fellow workers. (Nehemiah 8:10) Therefore, they endeavor to do things in a positive and encouraging way and strive to be reasonable. (Ephesians 4:31, 32) No wonder Bethel families are known for their joyful spirit!

*** w96 9/15 pp. 16-17 pars. 2-3 May Jehovah Credit Good to Your Account ***2 One man who gave a good account of himself to God was Nehemiah, cupbearer to

Persian King Artaxerxes (Longimanus). (Nehemiah 2:1) Nehemiah became governor of the Jews and rebuilt Jerusalem’s wall in the face of foes and dangers. With zeal for true worship, he enforced God’s Law and showed concern for the oppressed. (Nehemiah 5:14-19) Nehemiah urged the Levites to purify themselves regularly, guard the gates, and sanctify the Sabbath day. He could therefore pray: “This, also, do remember to my account, O my God, and do feel sorry for me according to the abundance of your loving-kindness.” Appropriately, too, Nehemiah concluded his divinely inspired book with the plea: “Do remember me, O my God, for good.”—Nehemiah 13:22, 31.

3 A person who does good is virtuous and performs upright deeds that benefit others. Nehemiah was such a man. He had a reverential fear of God and great zeal for true worship. Moreover, he was thankful for his privileges in God’s service and rendered a fine account of himself to Jehovah. Reflecting on his course may well cause us to ask ourselves, ‘How do I view my God-given privileges and responsibilities? What kind of account am I giving of myself to Jehovah God and Jesus Christ?’

*** w95 1/15 p. 11 par. 3 The Joy of Jehovah Is Our Stronghold ***3 The joy that Jehovah gives is an unfailing stronghold for those walking in his way as

integrity keepers. (Proverbs 2:6-8; 10:29) To have God-given joy, of course, people must do the divine will. In this regard, consider what happened in Jerusalem in Ezra’s day. The copyist Ezra and others imparted understanding through a meaningful reading of the Law. Then the people were urged: “Go, eat the fatty things and drink the sweet things, and send portions to the one for whom nothing has been prepared; for this day is holy to our Lord, and do not feel hurt, for the joy of Jehovah is your stronghold.” “Great rejoicing” resulted as the Jews applied the knowledge they had gained and held a joyous Festival of Booths. (Nehemiah 8:1-12) Those who had ‘the joy of Jehovah as their stronghold’ gathered strength for his worship and service. Since the joy of Jehovah was their stronghold, we should expect God’s people today to be joyful also.

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*** w94 7/1 p. 28 par. 16 Joyful Submission to Authority ***Elders likewise should take into account the possibilities of each Kingdom publisher.

This takes discernment. It may well be that some actually do need encouragement to do more. They may appreciate help toward better organizing their activity. Be that as it may, if they can be assisted to do what they can with joy, that joy will likely strengthen them to expand their Christian activity where possible.—Nehemiah 8:10; Psalm 59:16; Jeremiah 20:9.

*** w91 1/1 p. 13 par. 14 Serving Jehovah With Joy ***14 What is this intense joy that true Christians experience? It is far deeper and more

permanent than the transitory joy of a victor at the Olympic Games. It is a fruit of God’s holy spirit, which God gives to those “obeying him as ruler.” (Acts 5:32) Webster’s dictionary defines joy as being ‘deeper-rooted than delight, more radiant or demonstrative than gladness.’ To the Christian, joy has an even more profound meaning. Being anchored in our faith, it is a powerful, fortifying quality. “The joy of Jehovah is your stronghold.” (Nehemiah 8:10)

*** w90 8/1 pp. 4-5 Youthful Servants in Bible Times ***The Scriptures tell us of “little ones” who listened along with the rest of the nation

when God’s Law was read to Israel. (Deuteronomy 31:10-13) “All intelligent enough to listen” stood “from daybreak till midday” to hear the Law in the days of Nehemiah. (Nehemiah 8:1-8) Even if the little ones did not understand everything, they could appreciate that they were to love, worship, and obey Jehovah God. Whatever your age, have you listened at conventions and assemblies where God’s Word was discussed? Have you learned the importance of obeying him, as those young Israelites did?

*** w90 9/15 p. 12 par. 8 Jehovah Deserves Eternal Praise ***And are we not moved to tell our children about Jehovah’s works and acts? If we give

our offspring such instruction and they see us joyously serving God, they are likely to view worship of him as a delight and to grow up with ‘the joy of Jehovah as their stronghold.’ (Nehemiah 8:10; Psalm 78:1-4)

*** w89 3/15 p. 5 Keep Searching as for Hid Treasures ***Since buried treasures are concealed, it is necessary to search for them. While

digging, some sacrifice recreation time, food, and sleep. But such effort is deemed worthwhile when the treasure is found. We need to make similar sacrifices to seek out God’s wisdom. As searching for buried treasures calls for strenuous digging, so the quest for wisdom requires perseverance. It is not enough to skim the Bible and Christian publications. Time, research, and meditation are needed to find spiritual gems. But what a delight when we gain insight into the Scriptures!—Nehemiah 8:13.

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*** w89 9/15 p. 29 Who Can Be God’s Friend? ***Money lent for business purposes can rightly be repaid with interest. But here David

meant ‘giving out money’ to the destitute. The Mosaic Law specified: “If you should lend money to my people, to the afflicted alongside you, you must not become like a usurer to him. You must not lay interest upon him.” (Exodus 22:25; Leviticus 25:35, 36) When Nehemiah found the poor suffering as victims of usurers, he stopped such exploitation.—Nehemiah 5:1-13.

*** w84 4/1 p. 29 Are You Trustworthy? ***Trustworthiness is a quality that people admire. In the days of the Persian Empire,

when Governor Nehemiah had to leave Jerusalem, Hananiah was one who was left in command. Why? The record says: “He was such a trustworthy man.”—Nehemiah 7:2.

*** w80 8/1 p. 17 par. 21 Confident in a World Beset by Doubts ***21 Holding fast “the confidence we had at the beginning” enables us to be zealous in

God’s service, bringing joy to Jehovah and to ourselves. (Prov. 27:11) The joy we feel is a reward in itself (Matt. 25:23), but in addition it is a protection, a “stronghold,” for us. (Neh. 8:10) Such joy in Jehovah’s service gives us a positive outlook, one that becomes ever brighter as we see prophecies being fulfilled. We have a purpose in life. We know where we are heading. We have a glorious hope, centered on the “city” or Messianic kingdom to which Abraham looked forward.—Heb. 11:10, 16.

*** w80 7/1 p. 28 Have You Tried to Make Amends? ***Why should you let such a strained relation continue, causing you to lose your joy?

Remember, for God’s servants ‘the joy of Jehovah is their strength.’ (Neh. 8:10) If you have taken the matter to God in prayer and have tried to forgive and forget but found yourself unable to do so, or there seem to be continuing grounds for grievance, then you must go to your brother and try to make amends.

*** w77 2/1 p. 77 Insight on the News ***This parental reading, coupled with children’s literature that explains the high moral

principles of the Bible, provides a foundation of great value. It will help the child for the rest of its life, and makes up for poor school training. Too, it is in harmony with the principles of teaching found in God’s Word.—Deut. 6:7; Neh. 8:8; 1 Tim. 4:12, 13.

*** w73 6/15 pp. 368-369 par. 18 Are You Ready for Life in God’s New Order? ***In a reverse direction, many centuries later when returned Jewish exiles rebuilt

Jerusalem, Nehemiah’s records show that the city was underpopulated, and so lots were cast and evidently one family head out of every ten was selected to move into the city with his family. Apparently still others volunteered to do so and were blessed by the people for this. Not all those selected may have particularly liked the idea of moving into Jerusalem. But their response evidenced faith and concern to see the “holy city” able to function effectively.—Neh. 7:4; 11:1, 2.

*** w70 12/15 p. 741 Waiting Patiently for an End of Wickedness ***Another great help is joy. “The joy of Jehovah is your stronghold.” Joy gives one

strength. It was joy that gave Jesus Christ the strength to wait and to endure. And even as hope is built on faith, so joy is built on appreciation. To the extent that you appreciate

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God’s goodness, your present blessings, the pleasures of association with fellow Christians, the privileges of telling others the truths of God’s Word as Jesus did, you will have joy and be able to wait patiently.—Neh. 8:10; Heb. 12:2.

*** g 9/12 p. 20 Do You Need Organized Religion? ***In time, God required the ancient Israelites, and later the first-century Christians, to

congregate for worship. (Leviticus 23:2, 4; Hebrews 10:24, 25) Those occasions for organized worship included singing, readings from the Scriptures, and public prayer. (Nehemiah 8:1-8; Colossians 3:16) The Scriptures also prescribed that a qualified body of men lead the congregation in worship.—1 Timothy 3:1-10.

*** g 10/12 p. 31 For Family Review ***He temporarily left a prominent job in order to do Jehovah’s work. As governor of the

Jews, Nehemiah took the lead in rebuilding Jerusalem’s walls, which were put up in only 52 days. (Nehemiah 6:15) His example of courage and prayer teaches us to trust in Jehovah in any situation.—Nehemiah 2:3-8.

*** g03 10/22 pp. 26-27 How Can I Come Out From Under My Parents’ Shadow? ***

Rebelling could likewise have devastating consequences for you. Consider what the Bible tells us about Nehemiah. Some of his enemies tried to trick him into ungodly behavior. Why? “So that they could ruin my reputation and humiliate me,” said Nehemiah. (Nehemiah 6:13, Today’s English Version) Rebelling could give you a bad name—one that people may find difficult to forget.

*** g98 2/8 p. 15 Does Christian Unity Allow for Variety? ***Worshipers of God have always been allowed to express their faith in harmony with

their unique personality. In fact, God even allowed the Bible writers to use individual style when writing. For example, in all humility Nehemiah wrote his account in the first person. (Nehemiah 5:6, 19) On the other hand, out of modesty the apostle John never once used his own name in his Gospel account and rarely referred to himself. God approved of both styles and had them preserved in the Bible.

*** g83 4/22 p. 11 Economic Problems—What Solution? ***It is greed for profit, not unselfish concern for one’s fellowman, that has caused

bankers to lend such enormous funds to countries that cannot pay them back. And the Bible roundly condemns such profiteering. (Nehemiah 5:1-11; see also Exodus 22:25.) It is greedy self-interest that prevents the nations from cooperating together and working out a solution.

*** g72 5/8 p. 25 Youthful, Enthusiastic 52nd Gilead Class Graduates ***U. V. Glass next addressed the class. He likened their work of building up true worship

to the building work that Nehemiah did. Though Nehemiah’s work of rebuilding Jerusalem’s walls was urgent and dangerous, he took time to bring relief to his fellow

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Jews who were oppressed by creditors. So, too, missionaries should show loving concern for their brothers. Then they too can pray as Nehemiah prayed: “Do remember for me, O my God, for good, all that I have done in behalf of this people.”—Neh. 5:19.

*** km 8/04 p. 1 par. 4 Part 2—Conducting Progressive Bible Studies ***4 Personalize the Lesson: Next, consider the lesson with the particular student in

mind. Try to anticipate his questions and the points that he may have difficulty understanding or accepting. Ask yourself: ‘What does he need to understand or work on in order to make spiritual progress? How can I reach his heart?’ Then adapt your teaching accordingly. At times, you may see a need to prepare an illustration, an explanation, or a series of questions to help the student grasp the meaning of a certain point or scripture. (Neh. 8:8) But avoid inserting additional information that contributes little to the theme. A brief review at the end of the study will help him to retain the main points.

*** km 9/04 p. 4 par. 3 Make Good Use of the Bible ***3 Explain, Illustrate, Apply: When a person is willing to converse, do not rush

through the discussion. Take time to explain, illustrate, and apply the scripture that you read so that the person understands it. (Neh. 8:8) When people understand and accept what God’s Word teaches, it can bring about marvelous changes in their lives.—1 Thess. 2:13.

*** km 10/03 p. 8 par. 5 “Serve Jehovah With Rejoicing” ***5 Joy brings with it many benefits. A joyful disposition enhances the appeal of our

message. Joy strengthens us to endure. (Neh. 8:10; Heb. 12:2) Above all, our joyful service glorifies Jehovah. Therefore, let us “serve Jehovah with rejoicing.”—Ps. 100:2.

*** km 12/03 p. 4 par. 7 2004 “Walk With God” District Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses ***

7 At a convention of Jehovah’s people held nearly 2,500 years ago, Ezra and his fellow Levites read from God’s Word and explained it to the gathered people. The result? Nehemiah 8:12 tells us that “all the people went away to . . . carry on a great rejoicing, for they had understood the words that had been made known to them.” Are we not grateful that the anointed slave class, like Ezra and the Levites, uses God’s Word, explains it, and shows us how to apply it in our lives? In so doing, that slave reflects Jehovah’s genuine love and concern for all His people.

*** km 1/01 p. 1 par. 3 Be a Good Listener ***3 Teach Your Children to Listen: Children need spiritual instruction. (Deut. 31:12) In

ancient times “all intelligent enough to listen” among God’s people had to be attentive as the Law was read to them. (Neh. 8:1-3) If parents are involved in the meetings and pay close attention, their children are likely to do the same. It is not wise to bring toys or coloring books to keep children amused. Unnecessary trips to the restroom also interfere

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with their listening. Since “foolishness is tied up with the heart of a boy,” parents should put forth earnest effort to see that their children sit still and listen at meetings.—Prov. 22:15.

*** km 1/01 p. 4 par. 5 Be a Happy Doer ***5 Happy doers of God’s word always remember: “The joy of Jehovah is [our]

stronghold.” (Neh. 8:10) There is no need to lose our joy. “If the house is deserving, let the peace you wish it come upon it; but if it is not deserving, let the peace from you return upon you.” (Matt. 10:13) Jehovah renews our joy and strength as we patiently endure in his sacred service, and he blesses our faithfulness.

*** km 5/92 p. 1 par. 5 Encourage the Pursuit of Spiritual Goals ***5 Christian youths will more readily pursue spiritual interests if their parents and other

mature ones in the congregation set a fine example and radiate “the joy of Jehovah.” (Neh. 8:10) By manifesting joy, all of us can help young ones appreciate that the requirements of true Christianity are not burdensome.—1 John 5:3.

*** km 7/85 p. 4 par. 6 Help Others to Progress in the Ministry ***6 There is much satisfaction and joy that results from assisting someone else to share

fully in Kingdom preaching. (Neh. 8:10) During these last days, make use of every opportunity to help others to experience with you the joy of working shoulder to shoulder in Christian unity!—Zeph. 3:9.

*** km 4/84 p. 1 par. 2 Giving Our All in Jehovah’s Service ***2 Those who are able to auxiliary pioneer find much joy in doing so. (Neh. 8:10; Acts

20:35) They are in a position to have a larger share in spreading the truth from God’s Word, and what greater privilege could anyone have? What more worthwhile work could anyone engage in? Congregations that have a goodly number of auxiliary pioneers are built up because such individuals share their fine experiences with others and invite them to participate with them in the field ministry.

*** km 1/71 p. 3 par. 1 Servants “Took a Hand” ***1 When Nehemiah returned to Jerusalem in 455 B.C.E. the walls of the city needed to

be rebuilt. In just fifty-two days they accomplished this remarkable feat. (Neh. 6:15) One of the major contributing factors in the work’s being done so quickly was that Governor Nehemiah did not merely stand off at a distance and watch the reconstruction, but he “took a hand” in rebuilding it himself. Yes, he set the example.—Neh. 5:15, 16.

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(Neemia 6:5) 5 Infine Sanballat mi mandò il suo servitore con la stessa parola una quinta volta, con una lettera aperta nella sua mano.

(Neemia 6:10-13) 10 E io stesso entrai nella casa di Semaia figlio di Delaia figlio di Meetabel mentre era rinchiuso. E diceva: “Diamoci convegno nella casa del [vero] Dio, dentro il tempio, e chiudiamo le porte del tempio; poiché verranno per ucciderti, sì, di notte verranno per ucciderti”. 11 Ma io dissi: “Deve un uomo come me fuggire? E chi è come me che potrebbe entrare nel tempio e vivere? Non entrerò!” 12 Così investigai, ed ecco, non l’aveva mandato Dio, ma aveva pronunciato questa profezia contro di me poiché Tobia e Sanballat stessi l’avevano assoldato. 13 Per questa ragione era stato assoldato, affinché io avessi timore e facessi in quel modo, e certamente peccassi e questo certamente servisse loro come una cattiva reputazione, per biasimarmi.

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(Neemia 8:2, 8) 2 Esdra il sacerdote portò pertanto la legge davanti alla congregazione degli uomini e delle donne e di tutti quelli abbastanza intelligenti da ascoltare, il primo giorno del settimo mese.

8 E continuarono a leggere ad alta voce dal libro, dalla legge del [vero] Dio, esponendola, e dando[le] significato; e continuarono a dare intendimento nella lettura.

(Neemia 8:14-16) 14 Trovarono quindi scritto nella legge che Geova aveva comandato per mezzo di Mosè che i figli d’Israele avrebbero dovuto dimorare in capanne durante la festa del settimo mese, 15 e che avrebbero dovuto fare una proclamazione e far passare un bando in tutte le loro città e in tutta Gerusalemme, dicendo: “Uscite verso la regione montagnosa e portate foglie di olivo e foglie di alberi oleiferi e foglie di mirto e foglie di palma e foglie di alberi ramosi per fare le capanne, secondo ciò che è scritto”.

16 E il popolo usciva e [le] portava e si faceva capanne, ciascuno sul suo proprio tetto e nei loro cortili e nei cortili della casa del [vero] Dio e nella pubblica piazza della Porta delle Acque e nella pubblica piazza della Porta di Efraim.

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(Neemia 8:13) 13 E il secondo giorno i capi dei padri di tutto il popolo, i sacerdoti e i leviti, si raccolsero presso Esdra il copista, sì, per acquistare perspicacia delle parole della legge.

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(Neemia 7:4) 4 Ora la città era ampia e grande, e dentro c’era poca gente, e non c’erano case edificate.