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Proverbs 17-21 Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.) http:// blog/ Pr 17:5—What is one reason why we must choose our entertainment wisely? (w10 11/15 6 _17; w10 11/15 31 _15) *** w10 11/15 p. 6 par. 17 Young Ones—Be Guided by God’s Word *** 17 To remain loyal to God when you are by yourself, you must develop your “perceptive powers . . . to distinguish both right and wrong” and then train those powers “through use” by acting on what you know is right. (Heb. 5:14) For example, when choosing the music you listen to, the movies you watch, or the Internet sites that you visit, here is what will help you choose what is right and avoid what is wrong. Ask yourself the following questions: ‘Will this material encourage me to be tenderly compassionate or will it influence me to rejoice “at another’s disaster”?’ (Prov. 17:5) ‘Will it help me to “love what is good” or will it make it difficult for me to “hate what is bad”?’ (Amos 5:15) What you do when you are alone reveals the values you really treasure.—Luke 6:45. *** w10 11/15 p. 31 par. 15 We Shall Walk in Our Integrity! *** 15 Upright Job never rejoiced if calamity befell someone hating him. A later proverb warns: “When your enemy falls, do not rejoice; and when he is caused to stumble, may your heart not be joyful, that Jehovah may not see and it be bad in his eyes and he certainly turn back his anger from against him.” (Prov. 24:17, 18) Since Jehovah can read the heart, he knows if we are

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Proverbs 17-21Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.) 17:5—What is one reason why

we must choose our entertainment wisely? (w10 11/15 6 _17; w10 11/15 31 _15)

*** w10 11/15 p. 6 par. 17 Young Ones—Be Guided by God’s Word ***17 To remain loyal to God when you are by yourself, you must

develop your “perceptive powers . . . to distinguish both right and wrong” and then train those powers “through use” by acting on what you know is right. (Heb. 5:14) For example, when choosing the music you listen to, the movies you watch, or the Internet sites that you visit, here is what will help you choose what is right and avoid what is wrong. Ask yourself the following questions: ‘Will this material encourage me to be tenderly compassionate or will it influence me to rejoice “at another’s disaster”?’ (Prov. 17:5) ‘Will it help me to “love what is good” or will it make it difficult for me to “hate what is bad”?’ (Amos 5:15) What you do when you are alone reveals the values you really treasure.—Luke 6:45.

*** w10 11/15 p. 31 par. 15 We Shall Walk in Our Integrity! ***15 Upright Job never rejoiced if

calamity befell someone hating him. A later proverb warns: “When your enemy falls, do not rejoice; and when he is caused to stumble, may your heart not be joyful, that Jehovah may not see and it be bad in his eyes and he certainly turn back his anger from against him.” (Prov. 24:17, 18) Since Jehovah can read the heart, he knows if we are secretly rejoicing over another person’s calamity and surely does not approve of such an attitude. (Prov. 17:5) God may deal with us accordingly, for he says: “Vengeance is mine, and retribution.”—Deut. 32:35.

Pr 20:25—How does this principle apply to courtship and marriage? (w09 5/15 15-16 _12-13)

12 Some young adults have rushed into marriage, believing that it is the solution to unhappiness, loneliness, boredom, and problems at home. However, the exchanging of marriage vows is a serious matter. Some in Bible times rashly made a sacred, or holy, vow without carefully analyzing what was involved. (Read Proverbs 20:25.) At times, young adults do not seriously consider the demands of marriage. Later, they find that much more is involved than they had realized.

13 So before pursuing a courtship, ask yourself: ‘Why do I want to get married? What expectations do I have? Is this the

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right person for me? What can I bring to a marriage?’ To help you make an insightful examination, “the faithful and discreet slave” has published very specific articles. (Matt. 24:45-47) View such material as advice that Jehovah is giving you. Carefully evaluate what is stated there and apply it. Never allow yourself to become “like a horse or mule without understanding.” (Ps. 32:8, 9) Become full-grown in your understanding of the demands of marriage. If you feel that you are ready to pursue a courtship, always remember to be “an example . . . in chasteness.”—1 Tim. 4:12.

What does this week’s Bible reading teach me about Jehovah?*** w14 3/15 p. 21 par. 5 Honor the Aged Among You ***

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5 The Scriptures make it plain that Jehovah highly values faithful older ones and that he expects his servants to honor such ones. (Ps. 22:24-26; Prov. 16:31; 20:29)

*** w14 4/1 p. 6 Should You Pray? ***God may answer in subtle ways.What, though, if we pray to find relief from an ongoing problem? Should we conclude

that because there is no miraculous answer, Jehovah has not answered at all? On the contrary, we would do well to consider whether God has supported us in more subtle ways. For example, perhaps a caring friend did what he could to help us at just the right time. (Proverbs 17:17) Is it possible that Jehovah moved that concerned friend to reach out to us? In addition, God’s answer to a plea for help may come through the pages of the Bible. In it we may find the insight needed to cope with a challenging situation.—2 Timothy 3:16, 17.

*** w14 6/15 p. 27 par. 16 Do You View Human Weakness as Jehovah Does? ***16 How can we imitate our

caring God? We should not be quick to offer advice. (Prov. 18:13) It would be better first to take the time to express our empathy to those who may think that they are “less honorable” because of their personal circumstances. (1 Cor. 12:23) Then we would be in a position to act appropriately, according to the true need.

*** w14 11/1 p. 6 Should We Fear Satan? ***The promise of protection. Proverbs 18:10 reads: “The name of Jehovah is a strong

tower. Into it the righteous one runs and receives protection.” Of course, that does not mean that God’s personal name is some kind of good-luck charm. Rather, it means that those who truly revere God’s name can call on him for protection at any time.

*** w13 6/1 p. 8 Jehovah “Is Not Partial” ***Rather, Jehovah sees what is in our heart. (1 Samuel 16:7; Proverbs 21:2) Peter next

said: “In every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him.” (Acts 10:35) To fear God means to respect, honor, and trust him, avoiding anything that displeases him. To work righteousness involves willingly doing what is right in God’s eyes. Jehovah finds pleasure in the man whose heart is filled with reverential awe that moves him to do what is right.—Deuteronomy 10:12, 13.

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*** w13 6/15 p. 14 pars. 9-10 Appreciate Jehovah’s Generosity and Reasonableness ***

9 How can we imitate Jehovah’s generosity? Jehovah “furnishes us all things richly for our enjoyment”; hence, we should want to be “ready to share” with others, thus contributing to their joy. (1 Tim. 6:17-19) We gladly use our resources to give gifts to our loved ones and to help those in need. (Read Deuteronomy 15:7.) What can help us to remember to be generous? Some Christians take

this practical approach: Whenever they receive a gift, they look for an opportunity to give someone else a gift. The Christian congregation is blessed with countless brothers and sisters who cultivate a spirit of generosity.

10 One of the best ways to be generous is to give of ourselves in word and deed. How can we do that? By using our time and energy to help and encourage others. (Gal. 6:10) To test how we are doing in this regard, we might ask ourselves: ‘Do others sense that I’m willing to give of myself and listen to their concerns? If someone asks for assistance with a project or an errand, do I say yes whenever possible? When was the last time that I gave sincere commendation to a family member or a fellow believer?’ When we “practice giving,” we are sure to draw closer both to Jehovah and to our friends.—Luke 6:38; Prov. 19:17.

*** w13 8/15 pp. 10-11 pars. 3-4 Never Become “Enraged Against Jehovah” ***3 However, we cannot blame

Satan for all our woes. Why not? Because some of our problems are the result of our own mistakes. (Read Deuteronomy 32:4-6.) Even though we might admit that fact, our imperfect nature can distort our thinking and cause us to go down a path that eventually leads to disaster. (Prov. 14:12) In what way? Instead of blaming ourselves or Satan for a problem, we could start to blame Jehovah. We might even become “enraged against Jehovah himself.”—Prov. 19:3.

4 Is it really possible that we could become “enraged against Jehovah”? Surely to do so would be futile. (Isa. 41:11) What would we hope to gain? A poet once said: “Your arm’s too short to box with God.” We may never go so far as to vocalize a complaint against Jehovah. But Proverbs 19:3 says that a man’s foolishness “distorts his way, and so his heart becomes enraged against Jehovah himself.” Yes, a person can become enraged against God in his heart. This attitude could manifest itself in subtle ways. An

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individual could, as it were, hold a grudge against Jehovah. As a result, that person might withdraw from the congregation or not fully support arrangements for Jehovah’s worship.

*** w12 1/1 p. 3 Who Was Abraham? ***Whether it was through

Shem or by some other means, Abraham responded favorably to what he learned about the true God. When Jehovah, “the examiner of hearts,” observed Abraham, he saw something good in the man—and he helped to make

the good grow.—Proverbs 17:3; 2 Chronicles 16:9.

*** w12 1/1 p. 26 She Acted Wisely, Bravely, and Selflessly ***

Because Esther was patient, waiting that one extra day to present her request to the king, Haman was given time to lay the basis for his own downfall. And might not Jehovah God have been behind the king’s sleeplessness? (Proverbs 21:1) Little wonder that God’s Word encourages us to show a “waiting attitude.” (Micah 7:7) When we wait on God, we may find that his solutions to our problems far exceed anything we might have devised ourselves.

*** w12 4/15 p. 14 par. 5 Maintain a Complete Heart Toward Jehovah ***Indeed, Jehovah is the Examiner of all hearts, including ours. (Prov.

17:3; 21:2) And what he finds in our heart has a strong bearing on our relationship with him and on our future. Thus, we have good reason to follow David’s inspired counsel by doing our utmost to serve Jehovah with a complete heart.

*** w12 9/1 p. 20 Kindness—Essential in the Sight of God ***“One kind word can warm three

winter months.” As eloquently expressed in this Oriental saying, a small kindness can go a long way. When it comes with a proper motive, and especially when coupled with one’s love for God, it can warm the hearts of

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all involved. Even when your kindness is not appreciated, that does not mean it is wasted. It is valued in the sight of God. The Bible assures us that kindness shown to others is actually “lending to Jehovah.” (Proverbs 19:17) Why not watch for opportunities to express kindness to those around you?

*** w12 11/15 p. 28 par. 8 Forgive One Another Freely ***

8 What, though, if a negative emotion persists? Try to determine why you are upset. Is it because you have been treated unfairly, perhaps discourteously? Or is it because you feel that the other person deliberately attempted to hurt you? Was his or her action really so bad? Analyzing and understanding the reason for your reaction will allow you to consider what would be the best and Scripturally proper response. (Read Proverbs 15:28; 17:27.) Such reasoning may help you to be more objective and willing to forgive. By adopting such an approach, difficult though it may be, you

permit God’s word to examine the “thoughts and intentions of [your] heart” and guide you in imitating Jehovah’s forgiving attitude.—Heb. 4:12.

*** w07 8/1 p. 32 Are God’s Eyes Upon You? ***DOES Jehovah, the Master

Creator, have the ability to see? Of course he does! The Bible reasons plainly: “The One forming the eye, can he not look?” (Psalm 94:9) Jehovah’s vision is vastly superior to that of humans. Not only does he see our outward appearance but he is also “the examiner of hearts,” and he can make “an estimate of hearts.” (Proverbs 17:3; 21:2) Yes, he has the ability to evaluate our thinking, motivation, and inmost desires.

Jehovah is aware of the difficulties we may encounter in life, and he responds to our entreaties.

*** w07 8/15 p. 12 ‘O Jehovah, Put Me to the Test’ ***“JEHOVAH is the examiner of

hearts.” (Proverbs 17:3) That should be extremely reassuring for all of us. Why? Because unlike humans, who judge merely by what appears to the eyes, our heavenly Father “sees what the

heart is.”—1 Samuel 16:7.

*** w07 9/15 pp. 24-25 par. 17 “Your Father Is Merciful” ***17 The examples of Jehovah and Jesus Christ indeed teach us what true mercy

is. Giving us a fundamental reason to be merciful, Proverbs 19:17 states: “He that is showing favor to the lowly one is lending to Jehovah, and his treatment He will repay to him.” Jehovah is pleased when we imitate him and his Son by being

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merciful in our dealings with one another. (1 Corinthians 11:1) And others are encouraged to be merciful, for mercy begets mercy.—Luke 6:38.

What points from this week’s Bible reading can I use in the field ministry?

*** w14 5/15 p. 7 pars. 3-4 How Should We “Answer Each Person”? ***3 Questions can help us to determine

what a person believes. Why is that important? “When anyone replies to a matter before he hears the facts, it is foolish and humiliating,” states Proverbs 18:13. Indeed, before delving into a discussion of the Bible’s viewpoint on a certain topic, we do well to try to determine what our listener really believes. Otherwise, we might spend a

lot of time refuting an idea that he never believed in the first place!—1 Cor. 9:26.4 Suppose we are discussing the topic of hell with someone. Not everyone believes

that hell is a literal place of fiery torment. Many believe that it is a condition of conscious separation from God. Hence, we could say something like this: “Since people have different ideas about hell, may I ask what your thoughts are?” After hearing the person’s answer, we will be in a better position to help him understand what the Bible says on the subject.

*** w14 5/15 p. 7 par. 5 How Should We “Answer Each Person”? ***5 Tactful questions can also help us to learn why a person

believes what he does. For instance, what if someone we meet in the ministry says that he does not believe in God? It might be easy to assume that the person has been influenced by secular views, such as the theory of evolution. (Ps. 10:4) However, some people have lost faith in God because of the intense suffering they have personally seen or experienced. They may find it hard to reconcile such suffering with the existence of a loving Creator. Therefore, if a householder expresses doubts about God’s existence, we could ask, “Have you always felt that way?” If the person says no, we might ask whether something in particular has caused him to doubt that God exists. His answer may help us to determine the best way to assist him

spiritually.—Read Proverbs 20:5.*** w14 6/15 p. 3 “Smooth Out the Course of Your Feet”

to Make Progress ***You may have heard people say something like this about a

teenager: ‘She has so much going for her’ or, ‘He is going

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places.’ Young people generally have good health, quick minds, and a keen desire to succeed. The Bible accurately says: “The glory of young men is their strength.” (Prov. 20:29) A young person who uses his or her talents and energy to serve Jehovah can achieve spiritual goals and gain true happiness.

*** w13 5/15 p. 7 par. 19 Fulfill Your Role as an Evangelizer ***19 How can you and your partner assist each other while walking from door to door?

Why not use the time to discuss ways that your presentation might be improved? Be careful that your comments about those living in your territory are not discouraging. Likewise, avoid the trap of harping on the negative traits of fellow evangelizers. (Prov. 18:24) We do well to remember that we are earthen vessels. Jehovah has shown us extraordinary kindness by entrusting us with the treasure of the ministry of the good news. (Read 2 Corinthians 4:1, 7.) So let all of us show appreciation for that treasure by doing our best to fulfill our role as evangelizers.

*** w13 9/15 pp. 12-13 pars. 2-3 Make Jehovah’s Reminders the Exultation of Your Heart ***

2 True Christians, on the other hand, appreciate helpful advice, especially when it is based on God’s Word. Jehovah’s reminders give valuable insight, teaching us and helping us to avoid such pitfalls as materialism, sexual immorality, and drug or alcohol abuse. (Prov. 20:1; 2 Cor. 7:1; 1 Thess. 4:3-5; 1 Tim. 6:6-11) Moreover, we rejoice over “the good condition of the heart” that results from obeying God’s reminders.—Isa. 65:14.

3 To preserve our precious relationship with our heavenly Father, we must continue to apply Jehovah’s wise instruction in our life. How fine it is if our attitude reflects that of the psalmist who wrote: “I have taken your reminders as a possession to time indefinite, for they are the exultation of my heart”! (Ps. 119:111) Do we similarly take delight in Jehovah’s commandments, or do we sometimes view them as burdensome? Even if we occasionally chafe at some counsel we receive, we need not despair. We can cultivate unshakable trust in God’s superior wisdom! Let us consider three ways.

*** w13 9/15 p. 23 par. 4 Make Personal Decisions Wisely ***4 When we mention that we are about to make

an important decision, a fellow Christian may comment that we need to proceed with the spirit of a sound mind. That, of course, is good advice. The Bible gives us this caution against rushing into action: “Everyone that is hasty surely heads for

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want.” (Prov. 21:5) But what does it mean to use the spirit of a sound mind? Does it simply mean that we should take our time, think the matter through, be reasonable, and exercise good judgment? All these factors are helpful in reaching a good decision, but there is more to exercising the spirit of a sound mind.—Rom. 12:3; 1 Pet. 4:7.

*** w12 3/15 p. 7 How Do You Give Advice? *** 1 Discern the Real Situation.“When anyone is replying to a matter before he

hears it, that is foolishness on his part and a humiliation.”—PROV. 18:13.

In order to give good advice, we must understand the circumstances and viewpoint of the one seeking assistance. To illustrate: If someone called you and asked for the best way to get to your home, what would you need to know in order to help? Could you advise him of the best route to take without first knowing his present location? Of course not! Likewise, providing proper guidance requires discerning the present “location”—the circumstances and viewpoint—of the one seeking direction. Could there be extenuating circumstances that might affect our response? Without proper knowledge of a situation, we might give advice that causes a person to become even more confused.—Luke 6:39.

*** w12 3/15 p. 13 par. 15 Help People to “Awake From Sleep” ***15 Do you like to be awakened from a deep sleep? Many do not react

well when awakened suddenly. A gentle approach is usually preferred. The same is true regarding efforts to awaken people spiritually. For example, if someone reacts angrily to your visit, what is usually the best response? Kindly acknowledge his feelings, thank him for being frank, and calmly take your leave. (Prov. 15:1; 17:14; 2 Tim. 2:24) Your kindness may move such a person to react more positively the next time a Witness calls.

*** w12 4/15 p. 31 par. 17 Jehovah Safeguards Us for Salvation ***17 Christians today have good reason for imitating

Hannah’s example. We need to be faithful in attending meetings. As we all have experienced, meetings provide vital encouragement. (Heb. 10:24, 25) The warmth of Christian fellowship comforts us. A simple expression made in a talk or comment may touch our heart. In conversation before or after a meeting, a fellow believer may give us a listening ear or share consoling words. (Prov. 15:23; 17:17) As we raise our voices in song to Jehovah, our spirits are uplifted. Especially when we are

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beset by “disquieting thoughts” do we need the encouragement that we receive at meetings, where Jehovah sustains us with his “own consolations” and supports us in our determination to remain faithful.—Ps. 94:18, 19.

*** w12 5/1 p. 27 You Can Choose a Successful Future—How? ***To resist short-term thinking, you also need a clear vision of

the future you want and a plan for how to achieve it. (Proverbs 21:5) Do not limit your thinking to the 70 or 80 years of a typical human life span. Instead, visualize yourself enjoying the everlasting future that the Bible describes.

The Bible explains that by means of the ransom sacrifice of Christ Jesus, God has made provision for humans to gain everlasting life. (Matthew 20:28; Romans 6:23) God promises that soon his original purpose for mankind and the earth will be fulfilled. Those who love God will have the opportunity to enjoy life forever in a beautifully restored earth. (Psalm 37:11; Revelation

21:3-5) That future can be yours if you take a long-range view.

*** w12 5/15 p. 20 pars. 13-14 Trust in Jehovah—The God of “Times and Seasons” ***

13 Although the Son of man is coming at an hour we do not think to be it, we need to remember that Jehovah is the Great Timekeeper. His timetable is not controlled by world events and human plans. Jehovah regulates the timing and outcome of matters to accomplish his will. (Read Daniel 2:21.) In fact, Proverbs 21:1 tells us: “A king’s heart is as streams of water in the hand of Jehovah. Everywhere that he delights to, he turns it.”

14 Jehovah can influence events in order to accomplish his purpose and fulfill it on time. Many of the momentous changes in the world have been fulfilling prophecy, particularly in regard to the global preaching of the good news of God’s Kingdom. Think about the collapse of the Soviet Union and its consequences. Few would have thought that such enormous political changes could happen so quickly. As a result of these changes, however, the good news is now being preached throughout many lands where our work was previously banned. By all means, then, let us buy out the opportune time to serve the God of “times and seasons” faithfully.

*** w12 6/1 p. 8 Practical Today ***HOW IS THE BIBLE DIFFERENT? Literary works may be considered classics, but

they are hardly guidebooks. And modern instruction manuals need to be revised constantly. The Bible, on the other hand, claims that “the things that were written aforetime were written for our instruction.”—Romans 15:4.

AN EXAMPLE: Though not a medical guide, the Bible contains practical suggestions on good emotional and physical health. For example, it states that “a calm heart is the life of the fleshly organism.” (Proverbs 14:30) The Bible also warns: “One isolating himself will seek his own selfish longing; against all practical wisdom he will break forth.”

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(Proverbs 18:1) On the other hand, it states that “there is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving.”—Acts 20:35.

WHAT RESEARCH REVEALS: Calmness, strong friendships, and generosity can improve your health. The Journal of the American Medical Association reports: “Men who experience outbursts of anger have twice the risk of stroke as men who control their tempers.” A ten-year study in Australia found that elderly people who had “better social networks with friends and confidants” were more likely to live longer. And in 2008, researchers from Canada and the United States learned that “spending money on others promotes happiness more than spending money on oneself.”

*** w12 6/15 p. 31 Be Wise—Seek “Skillful Direction” ***Interestingly, the term

rendered “skillful direction” is also used with reference to warfare. We read: “By skillful direction [“by skillful strategy,” The Revised English Bible] you will carry on your war, and in the multitude of counselors there is salvation.”—Prov. 20:18; 24:6.

Like a strategist organizing a battle, we do well to anticipate potential dangers to our spirituality. (Prov. 22:3) For example, you may have to decide whether to accept a new job or a promotion at work. You would logically consider pay, travel time to and from work, and other details. However, there are other points to keep in mind: Will the type of work be compatible with Bible principles? How might the hours, such as with shift work, affect my Christian activities?—Luke 14:28-30.

*** w11 3/15 p. 9 par. 10 Receive God’s Spirit, Not the World’s ***10 What is my attitude toward material possessions? (Read Luke 18:24-30.) The spirit

of the world promotes “the desire of the eyes” by encouraging greed and materialism. (1 John 2:16) It has nurtured in many a determination to be rich. (1 Tim. 6:9, 10) That spirit would have us believe that a stockpile of material things will provide lasting security. (Prov. 18:11) However, if we allow a love for money to supplant our love for God, Satan will have gained a victory. We should ask ourselves, ‘Has my life become focused on a quest for material comforts and pleasures?’

*** w11 6/1 pp. 14-15 Does God Have an Organization? ***▪ True Christians are organized to support and encourage one another. A lone

mountaineer can decide where he wants to climb, and he does not have to look after less experienced climbers. However, if he has an accident or gets into difficulty, he will be in serious danger, as there will be no one to assist him. Isolating oneself is truly unwise. (Proverbs 18:1) For Christians to carry out Jesus’ command, they must help and support one another. (Matthew 28:19, 20) The Christian congregation provides much-needed Biblical instruction, training, and encouragement for all to keep going and not to give up. Where would one go to be instructed in Jehovah’s ways if there were no organized Christian meetings for instruction and worship?—Hebrews 10:24, 25.

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*** w11 10/15 p. 30 par. 12 “Comfort All the Mourning Ones” ***12 A very important means of being comforted is to

be present at Christian meetings, where Bible discussions encourage us. We read that Judas and Silas “encouraged the brothers with many a discourse and strengthened them.” (Acts 15:32) Before and after our meetings, there is upbuilding conversation between members of the congregation. So even if we are suffering because of some distressing situation, let us not isolate ourselves, for doing so will not improve matters. (Prov. 18:1)

*** w10 2/15 pp. 13-14 par. 17 Skillfully Wield “the Sword of the Spirit” ***17 Reason from the Scriptures

in a way that is convincing. Using heartfelt entreaty and sound logic, Paul convincingly ‘reasoned with others from the Scriptures.’ (Acts 17:2, 4) Like him, endeavor to reach the heart of your listener. ‘Draw up’ what is in it by using kind questions that reflect personal interest in the individual. (Prov. 20:5) Avoid being blunt.

Present arguments in a clear and logical manner. They should be supported by satisfying evidence. Your statements should be solidly based on God’s Word. It is better to use one text well by explaining and illustrating the point than to read two or three scriptures in rapid succession.

*** w10 3/15 p. 18 par. 15 Walk by Spirit and Live Up to Your Dedication ***15 Granted, it is not easy for us imperfect

humans to live up to our dedication to our perfect God, Jehovah. One complication is that some with whom you once associated may be puzzled at your new way of life and may ‘speak abusively of you.’ (1 Pet. 4:4) Yet, do not overlook the fact that you have since cultivated new friendships, the most important being with Jehovah and Jesus Christ. (Read James 2:21-23.) It is also vital to get to know the brothers and sisters in your local congregation, part of “the whole association of brothers” throughout the world. (1 Pet. 2:17; Prov. 17:17) Jehovah through his spirit will help you to have friends who will continue to be a good influence on you.

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