wyman’s furniture store, was in town yesterday....j haehelors lieadquarters in a small huild- ing...

MISCELLANEOUS ( III Ki ll NOTICES. ! MORRIS, MILES & Co. 0 $ GD 0 GD 0 H N E W F I R M , STO HE FULL :0F— = r *i V FKIKNl»:? C iU 'K i'lL—Services every Sun day at 11 u. m. and 7 p. m. and 'l l»ur>da> ut U a. iu. s itibatli School every Sunday at lu a. m, Monthly Meeting at Ua. ui. the tir>t Saturd.iy in each month. Quarterly Meeting the aeeoud Saturday and Sunday in Febrnrary, May, August uml November. EVANGELICAL ClIl’IlCH,—Regular «ervlco fir.«t aud third Sundays of eaeh uuuitli at 10 a. m .; second uud four in Stud iy» at 7 p. in. Sab- batn School every Sunday at ’ll a. m. PROFESSION A L C A K l>S. ,i. unir M o o iii:, Office, Moore N E W G O O D C A L L IIN \ vU L z g 1 PHYSICIAN ANO SURGEON. . Pros , Drtig Store. New berg, Oregon. LOCAL NEWS OF Mli: WliUK. —Paints, Lead and Oil#. M oore Bros. —See Whitman tita Jeweler’s new 'au.’ —I'sc lied Cross for Colds, for sale at M uori: B ros. —Tiio llailroad House is full of board ers. — For first-class job printing raiue to the Gkai- iiic. — M. tv Goodson lias returneii from Portland whore lie has been in the hospi tal for u short time, lie is now (topping at the Railroad House. —There is a prospect of another large business house going up on Center street oposite Henry Austin’s new barber shop. We cannot give partietiiais yet. —Air. Toll Thompson, Speeial Agent for the State Insurance Company Newlx-rg last Wednesday. He rejiorts the State in a prosperous condition. — il. F. I.ashier, of Sauk Center, Min nesota, was in town a few days this week, i He is well pleased with the upfiearance of Newberg and may conclude to locate here. —Mr. T. W. Nash and family, of Todd County, Minn., arrived in Newberg last Saturday morning, and are stopping with Mr. Rogers, about two miles north of I town. The Sanllam Oral l-'ieic«. The coal fields upon the South Santium river now being prospected by Win. II Wutkinds and his partners, piomises to be a new source of wealth to the State. The coal has been found at several point# i i that vicinity, and prosiiecting is activi ty going on. The coal so far found is o was in ! good quality and burns well, and appears to lie deposited in large quantities. The Wat kinds mine is only six miles and a half from the narrow gauge railroad : and if the owners of the railroad will not ex tend a branch to the mine, which may Ik 1done over a level route without bridg ing, tin» the owners of the mine will.— Portland News. MlSCEfcLAXEUl'S. L O O K H E R E !' DO YOU WANT A HOME? WIF\ HrY V DESIRABLE RESIDENT LOT >0x120 FEET IN NEWBERO A\*D " .,l choice >Here fruit tr.ict within e-»xy reach *»f town. $7-"» down, the remain der in ,) aumiil payments. This is an exceptional opportunity to make u valuable luvrslment. lam -Miss Jennie Graham I yesterday. went to Port — Dr. Lyle, of Middleton, was in New berg last Saturday, MORRIS, MILES & Co. —Fred Churchimn and Henry Alorris : are going to bave a woo.1 chopping l«ee to- j day, and will givo an oyster supper ut i night. They expect to liave a “ wav up” | timo. — Joc and Ilugh Concanon are fixing up j haehelors lieadquarters in a small huild- ing on first Street. Tliev will luive a j very comfortable piace w lieti it is lin- i is h e J . —.Mr. Hammer, of Minneapolis,arrived in Newberg this week. —Mr. J. W. Graham, was in town yesterday. Wyman’s Furniture Store, NEXT DOOR TO P. 0. NEWBERG, 0RE30N. W e H ave on H ands * A Large Stock of Furniture of ail Kinds —Tiierc will be a shooting match here ! to-dav, on Hurley’s commons. —Abner George it fryin g his black smith shop to the corner of 1st and Merid- of l’.uttuvillc. ian streets. Tisis will he a more public place and u im'u-li better location than the old one. — Bous.—January l.t, 1880, to OBITUAKY. Mary Ann Hadley, a member of the Newberg Monthly Meeting of Friends, Newberg, Oregon, departed this life 1st month 3rd, 18SJ. She was the daughter of Wm. and Hannah Alaev, and was horn 10th. month, 1st., 1831, in llandolpli county, Indiana. She was married to |Albeit Hadley, 3rd month 4th, 1852. They lived a ;>eacefull and happy life un til 3rd month 14th, 18(13, when he was I taken awav hv death, leaving her with seven small children, the eldest surviving his father hut one month, leaving her six j to eare for and educate, which she did faithfully, ever looking to Him who has | promised to be a “ husband to the widow, ¡and r to the fatherless” for help and consolation. She received a stroke ofpar- 1alvsis lltli month 23rd, 1383, and dur- Mrs. j ¡„g all those days of affliction she was V«i?ìfVk "tu- BfY A C HOICK M / miles of Newberg, 10-ACRE FRUIT TRACT WITHIN ONE AND A HALF .V W > 'VILV 1 U f uA. TRAi;T !)F VV) OF BEAUTIFULLY SITUATED LAND, ay - \v Î*,“ u,llf h tscHpecl«lya.|?j»|W| to fruit, irr« In or frans, within a few r.»da ol 1U> !.. ^ ■, 1 ’ .n,u* ° ,u* half mlh>* of New herir, all this property will be sold n to ii ou long terms by a payment of one-third dow'n." Fartiea'who* wVsl town property, or fruit laud will do well to write to us. sold invest lu SAMUEL HOBSON, JESSE HOBSON. Oítice over Moore Bros., Drug: Store, l tf. IJ E W B E H O - H O U S E Newberg-, Yamhill Co., Oregon. ------ WITH ---- MATTING, CARPETS A.Ni» WINDOW SHADES. —Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Wiley gave us a pleasant call Monday morning. — Frank Morris went to Portland Wed nesday and returned Thursday. — Mr. John Kirkley. of Portland, was in Newberg two days this week. — Charles M vers has a big contract of ,-utting wood forjudge Hurley. —Miss Lou Mi Gregor, of Salem, is the new cook at the Newberg House. I.muni j I.’I IV» .ni.-i. Ill” ;iu 11IU .MJ tld.AS Ol it111 HI lAJiI NIP »urn p TT T1 T) "TT m TT T TtT IT TT T¥l A IT Tk /N /-V T Jesse Hobson, of Newberg, a girl. Moth- never heard to imirmer, but when able to|-t, VxjitjLJ.XlJ.DiG il L W A .N D CO N V EN IE N T | er ami child are doing well, and Jesse feels so big and happy that it took half a dozen men to wallow bini in the street. —Lester Smith, of Marshfield, Coos ¡county, returned homo this week. He j has been attending school in Newberg this winter. Les. says lie is coming bai k next fall, and bring some new scholars with him. WE GUARANTEE PORTLAND PRICES. Call and See Our Stock. HUGHES, BELLINGER & CO. Real Estate Boaght and Sold. EASTERN EXCHANGED FOR OREGON, WASH. TER. PROPERTY OR CALIFORNIA LAND. For Information Address at Either of the Following Offices: 7ii N. rd St., Portland, Or., Salem, Or. and Newberg, Or., tlie Headquarters of the Friends. N E W B E R G Real Estate .A . <3- HE 1ST O IT. » Iteal Estate Bought and Sold. Farms Rented and Rents Collected. We hare now on hand a large amount o( Town Property, Desirable Farming, Dairy and Fruit Lands IF1O IR, S A L E . Persons Desiring Such Property Will do Well to Consult us. CARTER & FOSTER. N ewberg, O regon. i tf. THE OLD RELIABLE One Price Store. ..........OF .......... J. T. SMITH, ------ Keeps all Kinds of------ Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Gaps, Clothing, Carpets ........ and.......... G R O C E R I E S J IUvs, C onstantly, Prodi ce. All goods sold cheap and ONE PRICE: to everybody. No old stock. Call and see prices and goods la-fore purchasing, elsewhere. No trouble to show goods. Highest cash price for all kinds of grain. ,J. T. SMITH. NOTARY PUBLIC. BOOT AND SHOE A. M. Hoskins, Proprietor, All kinds of work done at rates. Center Street, Nr.WHF.Rfi, O rkoon 1-tf. SAMUEL HOBSON Photographer Portrait & Landscape ARTIST. Portraits enlarged to life size and finished in Crayon India Ink or Water Colors. Room ov*: r Moori: Bros., Dkco Stori. NEW BE KG, OR E( JON. l-tf. RESERVED SPACE -EUR- H. C. Hald NEW DRUG STORE, —Miss Maggie Inglis is in Portland this week visiting at J. M. Ilolston’s. —John Sweek, a lawyer of Tualitin call ed at the Ghaitiic ollice Thursday. —Martin Cook preached a good sermon at the Friends Church last Sunday. —Joseph Everest, our postmaster, went to Portland and returned Thursday. —Mr. and Mrs. William Macy, of Day ton spent Saturday and Sunday in New berg. —Reuben Frank, who has Is-on work ing in Portland for several months is again at home. —Mr. George Frank is tea< lung a class in vocal music, at Vincent A Spaulding' saw mill. — lesse Hobson flushed bis contract f ~>f),000 railroad ties for the Narrow Gauge his week. —J. I). Carter, one of Newberg’« leading merchants, went to Portland Thursday >a business. —Charles Heater, of the Pniouse counti Washington Territory, is visiting relative at Newberg. —Walter Edwards lias been on the si • ' iist a few days this week, but is able to b around again. —Jesse Edwards shipped two car loa of tile this week. One to Portland ai one to Willamina. —J. M. Wright, proprietor of the New berg House, and son Oliver, were in S.i 1cm several days this week. —Rev. W. C. Ilockett, ami daughter, i started for their home in Winlock, Wash ington Territory, last Monday. —G. C. Christenson is going to build .; new i lgine house am’ make i me neccs -arv repairs, at his warehouse. —Mr. N. L. Wiley went to McMinnvill j Monday, to make his report as road sn perviser, and returned Wednesday. —J. M. Iiolston, of Portland, ami lib son-in-law, J. L. Vickery, of Lafayette called at the G raphic ollice, Monday. — Mr. A. R. Carter is going to build a |residence in Edu ard's addition, as soon as he can get the lumber on the ground. —The usual meeting of the W. C. T. C. will lx» held at Mrs. Ilerij. Miles’ the third Saturday in this month at the usual hour —M. N. Davidson and wife, of Kansas, arrived in Newberg last Monday. They have rented a bouse and expect to remain here. —We understand it is the intention oi ì lite P. A W. V. U. K. company, to grade the g-ound arouml the depot. We hope they will make this much needed im provement, as it is now very inconvenient to load and unload freight. —Last Tuesday night, Alt. Blair heard a noise in his chicken house, and taking Ida shot gun went to see what was the matter. He found a tramp killing the hickens and putting them in a sack. Alf made him drop the two which ho had lulled and started him oil' down the road .it the muzzle of the shot gun. The tramp went. —We made a trip to Portland Tuesday returning Wednesday, on the Oregon I’a- itic Railroad Company's steamer Win. M. iolt. Tins fine passenger steamer rim- between Portland and Salem, going up tiio river Mondays. Wednesdays and Fri days, and going down Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays. The officers and men are gentlemen ami everything is lone to make the passengers comfortable and tile trip pleasant. W e notice that a \vater-apout hursted in Kentucky the oilier day. A water spout that would go into business in Ken- lucky might expect to burst with no as sets. N ursei’v Stock- Cooper A Son, proprietors of the New berg Nursery, liave on hand a full supply >f nursery slock anil arc prepared to fill oiders and supply the trade. Call at the new nursery, near the tile factory, on Portland street, Newberg, Oregon. talk seemed cheerful and happy. About ten days before Imr death, she said she had given her children and everything to the Lord, leaving the consoling evidence to her six children, who survive tier, and many friends that their loss is her eternal gain. V. Apniiomy Note*. School was dismissed Monday forenoon, so that the students could attend the fun eral of Will Iiolston. Nearly every one of the students were present. Katie Ilolstop, who ha# been attending school here, has returned to her homo in Portland, on account of sickness in the family, and will probably not return to school this term. Martin Cook spike to a large anil atten tive audience last Sunday evening in the Chapel of tiio Academy. Two additions were made to the roll this week 11. E. Willis, from near Mid dleton, and Miss Dolly Hardwick, ofNew- lierg. The study room would tie greatly im proved if some blinds were placed at the windows on the south side. The school was favored with a call by Mrs. Lizzie Judd on last Tuesday morn ing. A portion of tiio new version of “ Never me anything since.” “ Forthe man she was with was her dad, and Ed’s never done anything since.” Lester Smith left for his homo in Coos •county, on Wednesday morning. Walter Edwards and Carl Stanley are) on the sick list this week. Since (lie Holidays (lie reading tabli lias had hut very few papers and periodi cals placed upon it. There was a fail attendance at the stu dents praver meeting last Wednesday eve ning at 4 o’clock. Hereafter visitors will be excluded from the Friday evening Social without they have u written invitation from some stu dent. I’ eck A Bushel. Htivo just compieteli ni» extensive addition to our house, we nro prepared to aeeuntuiotlnte regular or transient customers better than ever before. TERMS REASONABLE. J. M. WRIGHT. i-.f. NEWBEG MEAT MARKET. Enp i t e t a i t a t if fief, Ferii, Fetliry ;id Cue. HANSON & JONES. Jesse Hobson, Pres’t. B. C. Miles, Vice Pres’t. F. A. Morris, Sec’y, J. T. Smith, Tres’r. ■„ THE CIIEIIALEM VALLEY ' BOARD OF IMMIGRATION, Card of i linn ks. Thinking wa would not see all of tin- many good kin I friends wlioshowed their A newspaper, like an individual, is in clined to extend most courtesies to its ls-st friends. And its real friends are sudi as patronize it in the way of subscription, kindness in assisting us during mother’s 1 advertising etc. If you don’t do anything illness, wo take this method to express to you onr appreciation and sincere thanks tor all the assistance given to us. Respectfully. E. J. II aim. ky and Sister. NEWBERG, OREGON, 1-tf. ON MAIN Newberg, STREET. Oregon. NEWBERG GRAPHIC. SUBSCRIBE FOR IT. SEND IT TO YOCR EASTERN FRIENDS. -vera! hundred copies now go east of the Rocky Mountains, ami more copies to go o THE GRAPHIC Is the best possible Advertising Agent. .T O 13 W O R K Done on Short Notice. CARDS. LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS. CAP STATEMENTS, POSTER BILLS, AC., AC. f^ P r i n.ptlv anil neatly execute 1 HIATT & HOBSON. Editors and Props. —Mr. James Hammet intends to liegin the construction of a dwelling house near the Chehulem railroad bridge, immedi ately. —C. F. M -ore and 1). E Ilo' oway have traded residences nnd each moved into 1 1is new prope.ty Tuesday ami Wed nesday. — Rev. McIntyre, a Methodist minister, of McMinnville, preached an excellent ser-1 men ut the Friend’s Church, lust Sunday afternoon. —Tickets to tile amount of $4() for the morning train, and $3) for the evening train, of the I*. A W. V. R. It., were sold last Monday. —Mr. A. J. Rhodes has placed a hill [ for lilinlier with Jesse Hobson, for a rcsi- j donee on ids projierty in the Oliver A Col- l j cord sub-division. — Mr. J. ILittorn, from Ankland, New Zealand, was in Newberg Sunday and Monday. He likes the ap|x aranee of the country very much. —John Brown, Agpnt for the Oregon Land Co., spent sevral days here this week looking after hi# farm ami mill property and visiting friends. —Jesse Hob-on lias moved his ofii -c work into the rear of the Immigration of fice. He is busy, w itli Mr. .Scarce as as sistant. in "doing up” his business of tin- past year. All pirlies oaring him are re quested to call and settle ail accounts up to the begining of the new year. 2 cal Inktat«? Tmtittfer* For•lli** I’awt. W e e k . Chehalem Valley Board of Immigration to l.avinia C. Williams, a part of block 32 in Edwards’ Addition. Oliver A Coleord to Isodoro Dontallier, 11.48 acres fruit land. James Crawford to Mr. Miller 1(0 acres; j ?4,20t). D. E. Holloway to Mrs.C. L. Moore lots I, 2 and 3 of block 22 in Edwards' Addi tion ; «325. Mary E. Moore to 'D. E. Holloway, 3- acrcs in the suburbs of Newberg; $800.00. Jesse Hobson to John Brown, of the Oregon I.and Co., of Salem, house and one-sixth of an acre In College Addition. Jesse llolison to Samual Gause, lets (I ami 7 of block C in Hobson’s Addition; consideration, $200.00. John Brown to David Lamb, 25 acres of the Solomon Heater donation claim ; «875. HIM). IIOLSTON—At hi. líame in Porttsinl, Oregor* J-ininr}- \ l#s>, of Typhnld-PmimofiiA, W il liam Henry Hot,ton. ageil IS year. 6 months ani t:> «lay.. for your county pa|a-r you have no rigid to expect many favors from it. But very often lliose who patronize a pa|s-r least*, expect tlie most from it.—Itemizer. II will pay you for the trouble it costs to file your home paper. No volume in your library w ill afford you more pleasure, more profit, more lasting benefit. It gives dates of ail local events which you cannot obtain elsewhere, marriages, obituaries, legal notices, etc. In short your pu|H-r is a history of tlie world in which you ar.d your friends live, and also occasionally re minds you that you are far behind in sub scription.—Newton Journal. Tlie Rev. diaries Goss, of Chicago, said in his sermon last Sunday; "One single saloon inn town of 3,000 people is more to lie dreaded than all tlie thieves and gamblers in thoState. In five years it will break up twenty families, cause nt least twenty suicides nnd result in at least fifty infractions of tlie law. Tlie teats can not lie counted nor tiio heart-aches num bered. God alone knows them.—New Sharon Star. Variety is the spice of life, nnd tlie va riety of Iowa’s weather will certainly spice it enough to suit the taste of tin- most fas tidious, and tlie man who can't find a day •if his ideal weather in Iowa should move \\ il i mi II. Iiolston was born at Cham- j away. On Christmas day Oliver Gause, poeg, Oregon, June 2 1 -t, 1H70. His parents I wlm lives five miles south-east of town, and came to 5 ain I ■ i11 county a short time afu r | is not suffering from either Kansas or Cal lus birth, and have lived on a farm, ifornia fever, plowed all day Christinas, about llirie miles east ot Newla-rg, until and next day found a snow plow in in ile- alsiut November 1st, 183.3, when they i mand, while the third day showed up as removed to Portland,1 tregon, Where he de parted this life January 5, 188ft, alter an iilness of four weeks, lie was an exem plary young man, an l was always kind to hi# mother and the other members of the family. Willie was very patient during his illness, never murmuring. During tlie latter p irt of his sickness, lie asked liis mother: “ Do you think lam going to Heaven? And Oh, I love Jesus so modi, so very much.” Tlie remains were brought to Newla-rg on tlie morning train .Monday, January 7, and the funeral ser- Goes were held at the Evangelical Church, at 10 o'clock a in. Rev. Pratt,of Albina, preached an impressive sermon, takirg for his text, Isaiah 2; 22 “ Cease ye from man, mlnse breath it in his nostrils; for wherein is he to bo accounted V’ Tlie remains were interred in tlie Friends Cemetarv. The berraved family Lave the sympathy of their many friends. fair as a fairy Sentinel. dream. —Lynn ville (lona; The I’liiludelphiaTiniessHys, "theroex- exists a popular delusion that tlie Quak er», at leust the old-time broad-brimmed sugar-scoop Quakers, are dying out. It is not so in Philadelphia. Ten or twenty Tears vgo |*-op|e said tlie same tiling, hut the high-hocked benches in tlie meeting- houses are as full now as then. Tlie truth is that, after eispieting with ’ world-1 ly’ ways and fashions fora season, the young generation of Friends undergo a re- i action ami gradually fall into the same wavs, even to tlie plain garb of tlie grand fathers anil grandinothe-s.” A Kansas school ma’am lias introduced ! a new feature in her s-bool. When a girl misses a word, tlie Isiy who spells it gets permission to kiss tier. The result is that the boys arc improving rapidy. Newberg, Yamhill County, Oregon. Is innor|H>ratcd under tiio laws of the state for tiio purpose of inducing immigration. Improving our town and delvelopbig tiio many natural resources of our surrounding country, and is neither a wholly s|iecu- iativo scheme nor charitable institution. N E W B E R G lias more titan doubled in size and population the present season, la-cause site haA the natural facilities for making a goo I little city, ami her wide awake energetic citizen# are substantially improving and taking hold of business in a manner that inspires confidence in tlie new comers. Almost all lines of business are repre sented, and our shipping facilities enable our merchants to givo THE LOWEST PRICES; River Steamers laud three-fourths of a mile from tiio town at the lowest water mark; Tlie advantages for fruit raising in Chehalem Valley are unsurpassed on '.lie coast, G _A_ 3 sT 2 ST E IR . T T , Tlie stock is mostly subscribed for a large fruit cannery which will lie in operation, 1 the coming season. We are now negotiating for a competent runner. Tlie Board lias tlie business and resident lots of tlie original town for sale, also EDWARDS AND HOBSONS ADDITION. They ulso have nice five nnd ten acre tracts near town for those wi.liing a eon' venient little country home. For further information call on or address their Managers MARIS, OLIVER & WRIGHT, who do a general land and agency business and have os good a list ol all kinds of land os any firm in the valley which they will gladly show intending settlers free ot charge. If you want to b iy come where bargains are for sale. If you want to sell leave your land where buyers come. Insurance Eliti ted and Money Loaned on Realestate. fully done. Notorial Business Caro» M A R IS , & O L IV E R , Mpn**gers ut I è '

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Page 1: Wyman’s Furniture Store, was in town yesterday....j haehelors lieadquarters in a small huild- ing on first Street. Tliev will luive a j very comfortable piace w lieti it is lin-i

MISCELLANEOUS ( I I I K i l l N O T I C E S .— !





N E W F I R M ,


:0F— =

r *i V

FKIKNl»:? C iU 'K i'lL — Services every Sun­day at 11 u. m. and 7 p. m. and 'l l»ur>da> ut U a. iu. s itibatli School every Sunday at lu a. m, Monthly Meeting at U a . ui. the tir>t Saturd.iy in each month. Quarterly Meeting the aeeoud Saturday and Sunday in Febrnrary, May, August uml November.

EVANGELICAL C lIl’ IlCH,— Regular «ervlco fir.«t aud third Sundays o f eaeh uuuitli at 10 a. m .; second uud four in S tu d iy» at 7 p. in. Sab- batn School every Sunday at ’ll a. m.


, i . u n i r M o o i i i : ,Office, Moore


C A L L I I N \



1 PHYSICIAN ANO SURGEON.. Pros , Dr tig Store. New berg, Oregon.


—Paints, Lead and Oil#.M oore Bros.

—See Whitman tita Jeweler’s new 'au.’

—I'sc lied Cross for Colds, for sale at M uori: B ro s .

—Tiio llailroad House is full of board­ers.

—For first-class job printing raiue to the Gkai-iiic.

— M. tv Goodson lias returneii from Portland whore lie has been in the hospi­tal for u short time, lie is now (topping at the Railroad House.

—There is a prospect of another large business house going up on Center street oposite Henry Austin’s new barber shop. We cannot give partietiiais yet.

— Air. Toll Thompson, Speeial Agent for the State Insurance Company Newlx-rg last Wednesday. He rejiorts the State in a prosperous condition.

— il. F. I.ashier, of Sauk Center, Min­nesota, w as in town a few days this week,

i He is well pleased with the upfiearance of Newberg and may conclude to locate here.

—Mr. T. W. Nash and family, of Todd County, Minn., arrived in Newberg last Saturday morning, and are stopping with Mr. Rogers, about two miles north of

I town.

The Sanllam Oral l-'ieic«.

The coal fields upon the South Santium river now being prospected by Win. II Wutkinds and his partners, piomises to be a new source of wealth to the State. The coal has been found at several point# i i that vicinity, and prosiiecting is activi­ty going on. The coal so far found is o

was in ! good quality and burns well, and appears to lie deposited in large quantities. The Wat kinds mine is only six miles and a half from the narrow gauge railroad : and if the owners of the railroad will not ex­tend a branch to the mine, which may Ik1 done over a level route without bridg­ing, tin» the owners of the mine will.— Portland News.


L O O K H E R E ! '


" .,l choice > Here fruit tr.ict within e-»xy reach *»f town. $7-"» down, the remain­der in ,) aumiil payments. This is an exceptional opportunity to make

u valuable luvrslm ent.

lam-Miss Jennie Graham I yesterday.

went to Port

— Dr. Lyle, of Middleton, was in New­berg last Saturday,


—Fred Churchimn and Henry Alorris : are going to bave a woo.1 chopping l«ee to- j day, and will givo an oyster supper ut i night. They expect to liave a “ wav up” | timo.

— Joc and Ilugh Concanon are fixing up j haehelors lieadquarters in a small huild- ing on first Street. Tliev will luive a

j very comfortable piace w lieti it is lin-i ish eJ .

—.Mr. Hammer, of Minneapolis,arrived in Newberg this week.

—Mr. J. W. Graham, was in town yesterday.

W ym an’s Furniture Store,NEXT DOOR TO P. 0. NEWBERG, 0RE30N.

W e H a v e o n H a n d s *

A Large Stock of Furniture of ail Kinds

—Tiierc will be a shooting match here ! to-dav, on Hurley’s commons.

—Abner George it fry in g his black­smith shop to the corner of 1st and Merid-

of l’.uttuvillc. ian streets. Tisis will he a more public place and u im'u-li better location than the old one.

— Bous.—January l.t, 1880, to

O B IT U A K Y .Mary Ann Hadley, a member of the

Newberg Monthly Meeting of Friends, Newberg, Oregon, departed this life 1st month 3rd, 18SJ. She was the daughter of Wm. and Hannah Alaev, and was horn 10th. month, 1st., 1831, in llandolpli county, Indiana. She was married to

| Albeit Hadley, 3rd month 4th, 1852. They lived a ;>eacefull and happy life un­til 3rd month 14th, 18(13, when he was

I taken awav hv death, leaving her with seven small children, the eldest surviving his father hut one month, leaving her six j to eare for and educate, which she did faithfully, ever looking to Him who has

| promised to be a “ husband to the widow, ¡and r to the fatherless” for help and consolation. She received a stroke ofpar-

1 alvsis lltli month 23rd, 1383, and dur- Mrs. j ¡„g all those days of affliction she was

V « i ? ì f V k " t u - B f Y A C HOICK M / miles of Newberg, 10-ACRE FRUIT TRACT WITHIN ONE AND A HALF

. V W > 'VILV 1 U fuA. TRAi;T !)F VV) OF BEAUTIFULLY SITUATED LAND,ay- \v Î*,“ u,llf h tscHpecl«lya.|?j»|W| to fruit, irr« In or frans, within a few r.»da ol

1 U> !.. ^ ■ , 1 ’ .n,u* ° ,u* half mlh>* of New herir, all this property will be soldn to iiou long terms by a payment of one-third dow'n." Fartiea'who* wVsl

town property, or fruit laud will do well to write to us.sold

invest lu


Oítice over Moore Bros., Drug: Store,l tf.

I J E W B E H O - H O U S ENewberg-, Yam hill Co., Oregon.




—Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Wiley gave us a pleasant call Monday morning.

—Frank Morris went to Portland Wed nesday and returned Thursday.

— Mr. John Kirkley. of Portland, was in Newberg two days this week.

— Charles M vers has a big contract of ,-utting wood forjudge Hurley.

—Miss Lou Mi Gregor, of Salem, is the new cook at the Newberg House.

I .muni j I.’I IV» .ni.-i. Ill” ;iu 11IU.MJ tld.AS Ol it 111 HI lAJi I NIP »urn p TT T1 T) "TT m TT T TtT IT TT T¥l A IT Tk /N /-V TJesse Hobson, of Newberg, a girl. Moth- never heard to imirmer, but when able to|-t, V x j i t j L J . X l J . D i G i l L W A .N D C O N V E N I E N T

| er ami child are doing well, and Jesse feels so big and happy that it took half a dozen men to wallow bini in the street.

—Lester Smith, of Marshfield, Coos ¡county, returned homo this week. He j has been attending school in Newberg this winter. Les. says lie is coming bai k next fall, and bring some new scholars with him.



Real Estate Boaght and Sold.EASTERN



For Information Address at Either of the Following Offices:

7ii N. rd St., Portland, Or., Salem, Or. and Newberg, Or., tlie Headquarters of the Friends.


Real Estate.A. <3- HE 1ST O I T .

» —Iteal Estate Bought and Sold. Farms

Rented and Rents Collected. We hare now on hand a large

amount o(Town Property,

Desirable Farming,Dairy and Fruit Lands

IF1 O IR, S A L E .Persons Desiring Such Property Will do

Well to Consult us.

CARTER & FOSTER.N ewberg , Oregon.

i tf.


..........O F ..........

J. T. S M I T H ,------Keeps all Kinds of------

Dry Goods, Notions, Boots,Shoes, Hats, Gaps, Clothing, Carpets

........ and..........

G R O C E R I E S JIU vs, Constantly, Prodi ce.

All goods sold cheap and ONE PRICE: to everybody. No old stock. Call and see prices and goods la-fore purchasing, elsewhere. No trouble to show goods. Highest cash price for all kinds of grain.



A. M. Hoskins, Proprietor,All kinds of work done at

rates.Center Street, Nr.WHF.Rfi, O rkoon



P h o to g r a p h e rP ortrait & Landscape

ARTIST.Portraits enlarged to life size and finished

in Crayon India Ink or Water Colors.

Room ov* :r Moori: Bros., Dkco Stori.

NEW BE KG, OR E( JON.l-tf.



—Miss Maggie Inglis is in Portland this week visiting at J. M. Ilolston’s.

—John Sweek, a lawyer of Tualitin call­ed at the Ghaitiic ollice Thursday.

—Martin Cook preached a good sermon at the Friends Church last Sunday.

—Joseph Everest, our postmaster, went to Portland and returned Thursday.

—Mr. and Mrs. William Macy, of Day ton spent Saturday and Sunday in New berg.

—Reuben Frank, who has Is-on work ing in Portland for several months is again at home.

—Mr. George Frank is tea< lung a class in vocal music, at Vincent A Spaulding' saw mill.

— lesse Hobson flushed bis contract f ~>f),000 railroad ties for the Narrow Gaugehis week.

—J. I). Carter, one of Newberg’« leading merchants, went to Portland Thursday >a business.

—Charles Heater, of the Pniouse counti Washington Territory, is visiting relative at Newberg.

—Walter Edwards lias been on the si •' iist a few days this week, but is able to b around again.

—Jesse Edwards shipped two car loa of tile this week. One to Portland ai one to Willamina.

—J. M. Wright, proprietor of the New berg House, and son Oliver, were in S.i 1cm several days this week.

—Rev. W. C. Ilockett, ami daughter, i started for their home in Winlock, Wash ington Territory, last Monday.

—G. C. Christenson is going to build .; new i lgine house am’ make i me neccs -arv repairs, at his warehouse.

—Mr. N. L. Wiley went to McMinnvill j Monday, to make his report as road sn perviser, and returned Wednesday.

—J. M. Iiolston, of Portland, ami libson-in-law, J. L. Vickery, of Lafayette called at the G raphic ollice, Monday.

— Mr. A. R. Carter is going to build a | residence in Edu ard's addition, as soon ashe can get the lumber on the ground.

—The usual meeting of the W. C. T. C. w ill lx» held at Mrs. Ilerij. Miles’ the third Saturday in this month at the usual hour

—M. N. Davidson and wife, of Kansas, arrived in Newberg last Monday. They have rented a bouse and expect to remain here.

—We understand it is the intention oi ì lite P. A W. V. U. K. company, to grade the g-ound arouml the depot. We hope they will make this much needed im­provement, as it is now very inconvenient to load and unload freight.

—Last Tuesday night, Alt. Blair heard a noise in his chicken house, and taking Ida shot gun went to see what was the matter. He found a tramp killing the ■ hickens and putting them in a sack. Alf made him drop the two which ho had lulled and started him oil' down the road .it the muzzle of the shot gun. The tramp went.

—We made a trip to Portland Tuesday returning Wednesday, on the Oregon I’a- itic Railroad Company's steamer Win. M. iolt. Tins fine passenger steamer rim-

between Portland and Salem, going up tiio river Mondays. Wednesdays and Fri­days, and going down Tuesdays, Thurs­days and Saturdays. The officers and men are gentlemen ami everything is lone to make the passengers comfortable

and tile trip pleasant.

We notice that a \vater-apout hurstedin Kentucky the oilier day. A water­spout that would go into business in Ken- lucky might expect to burst with no as­sets.

N u rse i’v S tock-Cooper A Son, proprietors of the New­

berg Nursery, liave on hand a full supply >f nursery slock anil arc prepared to fill

oiders and supply the trade. Call at the new nursery, near the tile factory, on Portland street, Newberg, Oregon.

talk seemed cheerful and happy. About ten days before Imr death, she said she had given her children and everything to the Lord, leaving the consoling evidence to her six children, who survive tier, and many friends that their loss is her eternal gain. V.

A p n i i o m y N o t e * .

School was dismissed Monday forenoon, so that the students could attend the fun­eral of Will Iiolston. Nearly every one of the students were present.

Katie Ilolstop, who ha# been attending school here, has returned to her homo in Portland, on account of sickness in the family, and will probably not return to school this term.

Martin Cook spike to a large anil atten­tive audience last Sunday evening in the Chapel of tiio Academy.

Two additions were made to the roll this week 11. E. Willis, from near Mid­dleton, and Miss Dolly Hardwick, ofNew- lierg.

The study room would tie greatly im­proved if some blinds were placed at the windows on the south side.

The school was favored with a call by Mrs. Lizzie Judd on last Tuesday morn­ing.

A portion of tiio new version of “ Never me anything since.” “ Forthe man she

w as with was her dad, and Ed’s never done anything since.”

Lester Smith left for his homo in Coos •county, on Wednesday morning.

Walter Edwards and Carl Stanley are) on the sick list this week.

Since (lie Holidays (lie reading tabli lias had hut very few papers and periodi­cals placed upon it.

There was a fail attendance at the stu­dents praver meeting last Wednesday eve­ning at 4 o ’clock.

Hereafter visitors w ill be excluded from the Friday evening Social without they have u written invitation from some stu­dent. I’eck A Bushel.

Htivo just compieteli ni» extensive addition to our house, we nro prepared to aeeuntuiotlnte regular or transient customers

better than ever before.


i - . f .

NEWBEG MEAT MARKET.Enp i t e t a i t a t if fief, Ferii, Fetliry ;id Cue.


Jesse Hobson, Pres’t.B. C. Miles, Vice Pres’t.

F. A. Morris, Sec’y, J. T. Smith, Tres’r. ■„


B O A R D O F I M M I G R A T I O N ,

Card o f i linn ks.

Thinking wa would not see all of tin- many good kin I friends wlioshowed their

A newspaper, like an individual, is in­clined to extend most courtesies to its ls-st friends. And its real friends are sudi as patronize it in the way of subscription,

kindness in assisting us during mother’s 1 advertising etc. If you don’t do anythingillness, wo take this method to express to you onr appreciation and sincere thanks tor all the assistance given to us.

Respectfully.E. J. I I aim.ky and Sister .







-vera! hundred copies now go east of the Rocky Mountains, ami more copies to go o

THE GRAPHICIs the best possible A dvertising Agent.

. T O 13 W O R K

Done on Short Notice.CARDS.



f ^ P r i n.ptlv anil neatly execute 1

HIATT & HOBSON.E ditors and Props.

—Mr. James Hammet intends to liegin the construction of a dwelling house near the Chehulem railroad bridge, immedi­ately.

—C. F. M -ore and 1). E Ilo' oway have traded residences nnd each moved into 11is new prope.ty Tuesday ami Wed­nesday.

— Rev. McIntyre, a Methodist minister, of McMinnville, preached an excellent ser-1 men ut the Friend’s Church, lust Sunday afternoon.

—Tickets to tile amount of $4() for the morning train, and $3) for the evening train, of the I*. A W. V. R. It., were sold last Monday.

—Mr. A. J. Rhodes has placed a hill [ for lilinlier with Jesse Hobson, for a rcsi-

j donee on ids projierty in the Oliver A Col- l j cord sub-division.

—Mr. J. ILittorn, from Ankland, New Zealand, was in Newberg Sunday and Monday. He likes the ap|x a ranee of the country very much.

—John Brown, Agpnt for the Oregon Land Co., spent sevral days here this week looking after hi# farm ami mill property and visiting friends.

—Jesse Hob-on lias moved his ofii -c work into the rear of the Immigration of­fice. He is busy, w itli Mr. .Scarce as as­sistant. in "doing up” his business of tin- past year. All pirlies oaring him are re­quested to call and settle ail accounts up to the begining of the new year.

2 c a l Ink tat«? Tmtittfer* For• lli** I’awt. W e e k .Chehalem Valley Board of Immigration

to l.avinia C. Williams, a part of block 32 in Edwards’ Addition.

Oliver A Coleord to Isodoro Dontallier, 11.48 acres fruit land.

James Crawford to Mr. Miller 1(0 acres;j ?4,20t).

D. E. Holloway to Mrs.C. L. Moore lots I, 2 and 3 of block 22 in Edwards' Addi­tion ; «325.

Mary E. Moore to 'D. E. Holloway, 3- acrcs in the suburbs of Newberg; $800.00.

Jesse Hobson to John Brown, of the Oregon I.and Co., of Salem, house and one-sixth of an acre In College Addition.

Jesse llolison to Samual Gause, lets (I ami 7 of block C in Hobson’s Addition; consideration, $200.00.

John Brown to David Lamb, 25 acres of the Solomon Heater donation claim ; «875.

H I M ) .IIOLSTON—At hi. líame in Porttsinl, Oregor*

J-ininr}- \ l#s>, of Typhnld-PmimofiiA, Wil­liam Henry Hot,ton. ageil IS year. 6 months ani t:> «lay..

for your county pa|a-r you have no rigid to expect many favors from it. But very often lliose who patronize a pa|s-r least*, expect tlie most from it.—Itemizer.

II will pay you for the trouble it costs to file your home paper. No volume in your library w ill afford you more pleasure, more profit, more lasting benefit. It gives dates of ail local events which you cannot obtain elsewhere, marriages, obituaries, legal notices, etc. In short your pu|H-r is a history of tlie world in which you ar.d your friends live, and also occasionally re­minds you that you are far behind in sub­scription.—Newton Journal.

Tlie Rev. diaries Goss, of Chicago, said in his sermon last Sunday; "One single saloon inn town of 3,000 people is more to lie dreaded than all tlie thieves and gamblers in thoState. In five years it will break up twenty families, cause nt least twenty suicides nnd result in at least fifty infractions of tlie law. Tlie teats can­not lie counted nor tiio heart-aches num­bered. God alone knows them.—New Sharon Star.

Variety is the spice of life, nnd tlie va­riety of Iowa’s weather w ill certainly spice it enough to suit the taste of tin- most fas­tidious, and tlie man who can't find a day •if his ideal weather in Iowa should move

\\ il i mi II. Iiolston was born at Cham- j away. On Christmas day Oliver Gause, poeg, Oregon, June 2 1 -t, 1H70. His parents I wlm lives five miles south-east of town, and came to 5 a in I ■ i 11 county a short time afu r | is not suffering from either Kansas or Cal­lus birth, and have lived on a farm, ifornia fever, plowed all day Christ inas, about llirie miles east ot Newla-rg, until and next day found a snow plow in in ile- alsiut November 1st, 183.3, when they i mand, while the third day showed up asremoved to Portland,1 tregon, Where he de­parted this life January 5, 188ft, alter an iilness of four weeks, lie was an exem­plary young man, an l was always kind to hi# mother and the other members of the family. Willie was very patient during his illness, never murmuring. During tlie latter p irt of his sickness, lie asked liis mother: “ Do you think la m going to Heaven? And Oh, I love Jesus so modi, so very much.” Tlie remains were brought to Newla-rg on tlie morning train .Monday, January 7, and the funeral ser- Goes were held at the Evangelical Church, at 10 o'clock a in. Rev. Pratt,of Albina, preached an impressive sermon, takirg for his text, Isaiah 2; 22 “ Cease ye from man, mlnse breath it in his nostrils; for wherein is he to bo accounted V’ Tlie remains were interred in tlie Friends Cemetarv. The berraved family Lave the sympathy of their many friends.

fair as a fairy Sentinel.

dream. — Lynn ville (lona;

The I’liiludelphiaTiniessHys, "theroex- exists a popular delusion that tlie Quak­er», at leust the old-time broad-brimmed sugar-scoop Quakers, are dying out. It is not so in Philadelphia. Ten or twenty Tears vgo |*-op|e said tlie same tiling, hut the high-hocked benches in tlie meeting- houses are as full now as then. Tlie truth is that, after eispieting with ’ world-1 ly’ ways and fashions fora season, the young generation of Friends undergo a re- i action ami gradually fall into the same wavs, even to tlie plain garb of tlie grand­fathers anil grandinothe-s.”

A Kansas school ma’am lias introduced ! a new feature in her s-bool. When a girl misses a word, tlie Isiy who spells it gets permission to kiss tier. The result is that the boys arc improving rapidy.

’Newberg, Yamhill County, Oregon.

Is innor|H>ratcd under tiio laws of the state for tiio purpose of inducing immigration. Improving our town and delvelopbig tiio many natural resources of

our surrounding country, and is neither a wholly s|iecu- iativo scheme nor charitable institution.


lias more titan doubled in size and population the present season, la-cause site haA the natural facilities for making a goo I little city, ami her wide awake

energetic citizen# are substantially improving and taking hold of business in a manner that inspires confidence in tlie new

comers. Almost all lines of business are repre­sented, and our shipping facilities enable

our merchants to givo

T H E L O W E S T P R IC E S ;River Steamers laud three-fourths of a mile from tiio town at the lowest water mark;

Tlie advantages for fruit raising in Chehalem Valley are unsurpassedon '.lie coast,

G _A_ 3sT 2ST E I R . T T ,

Tlie stock is mostly subscribed for a large fruit cannery which will lie in operation,1the coming season. We are now negotiating for a competent runner. Tlie

Board lias tlie business and resident lots of tlie original town for sale, also


They ulso have nice five nnd ten acre tracts near town for those wi.liing a eon' venient little country home. For further information call on or

address their Managers


who do a general land and agency business and have os good a list ol all kinds of land os any firm in the valley which they will gladly show intending

settlers free ot charge.If you want tob iy come where bargains are for sale. If you want to sell leave

your land where buyers come.Insurance Eliti ted and Money Loaned on Realestate.

fully done.Notorial Business Caro»

M A R I S , & O L I V E R , Mpn**gersu tI è '