life series6 psiplex mooji trib

Before I AM LifeSeries Arunachala Press © 2008 Mooji a tribute from Psiplex Mooji Selected book quotes 4 t r i b u t e

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LifeSeries #6 from Psiplex explores more of the quotations from Mooji, the 4th in the Mooji Tribute series from his book 'Before I Am". These quotations seek to guide the reader to the true Self and awareness.


Page 1: Life Series6 Psiplex Mooji Trib

Before I AM


Arunachala Press© 2008 Mooji a tribute from Psiplex

Mooji Selected book



t r i b u t e

Page 2: Life Series6 Psiplex Mooji Trib

'Before I Am' is a book of satsang dialogues with Mooji, which points unwaveringly to the core message that "we are not our mind, nor personality, but the non-dual being - already perfect, whole and blissfully content."

arunachala press© 2008 Mooji

Page 4: Life Series6 Psiplex Mooji Trib

Who are you? Emptiness walking in the form of a human being.

Forget yourself and discover your Self.


P. 113

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The unreal is changeful. It manifests as mind, mood, time and relationships. The real is the

invisible within the visible. It is the single seer which

cannot be seen phenomenally.P. 114


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As ultimate understanding ripens, it dissolves the personal idea of

self. Things are not happening to a ‘me’ anymore, they are

happening of their own accord —but there is no chaos here.

P. 115


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Everything we do, everything we perceive, arises from and in emptiness. This emptiness

is not stagnant, not sterile, not a blank.

P. 115


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Everything is experienced in and by consciousness.

It is the all-possible, the unlimited.

P. 119


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Enjoy the all-encompassing movie called life with all its tears and laughter, dreams, desires and loathing, all its

devotion, pranks and prayers.P. 120


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The full spectrum of consciousness in expression

is available and beautiful when seen through eyes emptied

through understanding and grace. P. 120


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There is no particular ‘way’ to be. Relax, be yourself

and remain open and quiet in the face of all that

life manifests.P. 120


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Just remember: you are the seen, the seer and beyond both, as the unborn Awareness.

P. 120


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It could also be said you are the person, the knower

of the person and the space in which you

both appear.P. 120


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Consciousness pervades all that manifests. Even the elements are

consciousness. And the perceiving of them is consciousness.

The perceiving happens in the unspeakable, the unnameable.

And you are That. P. 126


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Don’t touch the idea that something, some action stops you

from being what you are. Examined, it is found to be untrue. Noting stops you except the idea

that something stops you.P. 129


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Enjoy, with gratitude, your life — as a gift from Life, as an expression of God, as the dance of the cosmos — while remaining throughout as the formless seer.

P. 123

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Understand and trust that Grace is already operating in you. Your being is impelled by grace.

P. 123

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www.mooji.orgBefore I Am

Self reveals itself in a pure mind — Mooji quoting Papaji