life & style issue 19

LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE IN PRINT,ON AIR ONLINE 23 Sept - 06 Oct 2015 Issue 19 Vol 12 food • fashion • home • services • body & soul HAPPY HERITAGE DAY! RETAIL THERAPY IN BALLITO Loving The Coastal Lifestyle Durban North to Ballito KZN’S FAVOURITE READ

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Page 1: Life & style issue 19

lifestyle magazine

in p r i n t , o n ai r o n l in e

23 sept - 06 Oct 2015 issue 19 Vol 12

f o o d • f a s h i o n • h o m e • s e r v i c e s • b o d y & s o u l


retail therapy in Ballito Loving The Coastal Lifestyle Durban north to ballito Kzn’s faVOURite ReaD

Page 2: Life & style issue 19

Last week I received a

letter from a company collecting

television licence fees for and on behalf of the south african Broadcasting Corporation. The letter claims that I owe them money for an outstanding television licence fee renewal, but their approach is interesting. Instead of going on an outright offensive, they are trying a more subtle approach. Here is the content of that missive:

“Take your first step to doing the right thing!

We know times have been tough but thank goodness for affordable entertainment!

For just 73c per day – you have access to news around the world, the latest music and music videos, the funniest comedies and international star gossip!

Be honest – what else could you buy for 73c these days?

Did you know that if you pay your TV licence annually as opposed to monthly you will save R71.00!

This is truly amazing! Make a difference – pay your TV licence.”

Truly amazing…I think not.

I have no problem paying for services that I request and receive but to be paying anything to the SABC for the drivel they now produce under the guise of entertainment seems like extortion. The law requires that if you own a television set, it must be licenced and the licence fees paid to the SABC and I believe that the law in this case is an ass.

I have a device that links to the internet for the purpose of receiving information and entertainment of a nature that appeals to me. In effect it’s a monitor, not a television set, and as I no longer make use of any service provided the public broadcaster, I don’t believe that I owe them anything.

There was a time that SABC TV produced some great entertainment and although much of it has dated rather badly, it still makes for popular viewing according to DSTV’s latest figures. The SABC Encore channel on DSTV currently featuring repeats like The Villagers, Westgate, Vyfster, Going Up, Louis Motors and a host of other popular series from the past, has attracted record viewership over the past few months. This should be a bonanza for the surviving performers in these series, few as they may be, but no.

Actors who appear in SABC TV series being re-broadcast on DStv’s Encore channel are preparing for a legal battle with the public broadcaster about royalties. Hans Strydom, the lawyer acting for the SA Actors’ Guild, says the actors have not yet been paid for the series produced in the 1980s and 1990s. SABC spokesperson Kaizer Kganyago said the cheques were in the post and the SABC pays royalties only twice a year. Veteran actor Frank Opperman said he was at the gala event where the Encore channel was announced and SABC COO Hlaudi Motsoeneng said: ‘I, Hlaudi Motsoeneng, will pay my performers.’ Joe (Sdumo) Mafela, seen in two popular broadcasts, said his agent has sent the SABC invoices, but has not received any feedback. The Guild took the SABC to court

15 years ago about royalties for re-broadcasts and won the case. But this means little to actors who are living in poverty because the SABC has cut back production to a fraction of what it once was.

So, when the SABC “takes their first step to doing the right thing” and pays those living in penury because there is no more television work available, I might consider doing likewise. Until then I will not be paying them a cent. I just think that under the circumstances “It’s the right thing to do…”

Welcome to another edition of Life & Style also available online at

from the editor

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eDitOR Dave Charles 082 551 4768 [email protected] layOUt & Design Sue Charles [email protected] Mohr [email protected] aDVeRtisingKerryn Geyer 079 515 6809 [email protected]

Patricia Malemia 073 317 6247 [email protected]

[email protected] DistRibUtiOn sUPeRVisOR Skhumbuzo ManyoniOffice 032 946 1145 / 3112 / 3674PUblisheD by north coast Publishing Pty ltdcOVeR Rain Farm Wedding

Life & Style subscribes to the South African Press Code that prescribes news that is truthful, accurate, fair and balanced. If we don’t live up to the Code please contact the Press Ombudsman at 011 484 3612/8, fax: 011 4843619

While every reasonable effort is taken to ensure the accuracy and soundness of the contents of this publication, neither the authors nor the publisher will bear any responsibility for the consequences of any actions based on information contained herein. All material in this issue is copyright protected and may not be reproduced without permission.

statiOn manageRMike Charles [email protected] manageR Danielle Fisher 032 586 0555 [email protected]

Coming to you live from the lifestyle Centre Ballito

everybody's listening

everybody's reading

RaDiO aDVeRtisingPatricia Malemia 032 586 0555 [email protected]









103 San Hall Office Park, Kirsty Close, BallitoTel: 032 946 0021 Michael: 083 958 3317Email: [email protected]

Peace of mind is a call away.

Are you looking for a new managing agent? Wakefields Property Management is responsible for the management of the affairs of over 560 Sectional Title and Share Block developments throughout KwaZulu Natal. If you are looking for a New managing Agent, please contact our office and we will be happy to provide a quotation that will match your requirements.









•Be a shepherd – lead from behind.•Get excited about another person’s ideas.•remember that an ending is a beginning in disguise.•let kindness, generosity, love and wisdom motivate your intentions

and happiness will follow.•Be mindful of your own actions, not those of others.•Send a thank you note to your child’s teacher.•Concentrate on health and light.•learn to wait; once you can wait, you can do almost anything.•You become what you think about all day long.•Nothing can make your life more beautiful than perpetual kindness.

Page 3: Life & style issue 19

property in p r i n t , o n a i r o n l in e

Factors that inFluence the asking price oF property.

When putting a house on the

market, there are many factors that play a role in determining the asking price for the property. Both buyers and sellers should be aware of the factors that influence real estate marketability as they ultimately determine the value of property. Some of these factors include those of demographic change, progression and regression, and supply and demand.

Demographic Factors:According to Jan Myburgh, General

Manager of Harcourts Real Estate South Africa, “An important factor that determines price is the demographic change within a neighbourhood, be it negative or positive. All areas experience transformation, either in the form of growth or decay and these circumstances will severely affect the value of a property when it comes time to sell.” Currently the face of the greater Ballito is changing rapidly. In some areas expansion and new properties are clearly evident, while in other areas stagnation and deterioration is visible.

In circumstances where the demand for property far exceeds the opportunities available in the market place, the price of homes and rentals usually increase as people are willing to purchase at a higher price rather than risk no purchase at all. The strong demand for property leads to the building of more housing developments and accelerated growth in supply of property, such as South Africa had from 2005 to 2008. However, this often results in a surplus of housing which causes the reverse effect in the market, especially when the market is affected by unavailability of loans, high debt levels and unemployment like SA has had for the past 3 years.

current statistic’s on housing prices:According to statistics by OOBA,

South Africa’s largest bond originator, housing prices have shown a slow growth in recent times. In August 2014 the average house price was

R 982,297 growing by only 3.4% to August 2015 where the average price is currently

R1, 015,766. “This slowdown in housing prices is not surprising given

that consumer confidence is at its lowest level in 15 years,” says Rhys Dyer Ooba CEO.

change in utility supply:Add the current problems

experienced by local homeowners of water restrictions and load-shedding. All potential buyers are aware of additional costs to install water tanks, inverters and generators when considering buying property, where in the past they may only have taken renovation costs into account when making an offer to purchase.

progression or regression of an area:Houses within a neighbourhood

that all conform with each other as they are of a similar size and style with the same number of rooms, etc- will all fall within a similar price bracket and a similar value for these properties can be expected. However, the values of properties that do not conform within the parameters of the houses in the surrounding them may be affected by the principles of progression and regression.

The term “Principle of Regression” is used to refer to property of high value that due to its location within an area of lower valued properties is negatively affected and may suffer as its true value is not perceived. Similarly, the “Principle of Progression” refers to the increase in value of lower-valued properties which are in close proximity to houses of higher value. In short it means that the properties around you have a negative or a positive effect on the value/price on your property.

location: It’s all about location, location,

location! It is best to buy the worst house in a good neighbourhood at a higher price than the best house in a bad neighbourhood at a lower price. You have to think about the future of your investment and make the decision that will be best for you as a home-owner in the long-run.

The secret is to “Start selling as soon as you have bought “Ask yourself – Why will someone buy this property again in the future? What are the current trends in the area that may influence you selling on again in the future.

When it comes to pricing your property to sell, it is advisable to call on your local estate agent, such as harcourts Dolphin Coast, with a good track record and access to information of recent sales in your area, to assist you with establishing a market related price. But ultimately the true value of any property anywhere in the world will be determined by a willing and able Buyer and seller

For Free valuation and assessment on how to maximise the value of your

property, call on us: haRCOURts DOLPhIn COast

032 946 [email protected]

We are looking for experienced agents to join the Harcourts Dolphin

Coast team. Mail us your CV.

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Page 4: Life & style issue 19
Page 5: Life & style issue 19
Page 6: Life & style issue 19

6 GENERAL iNTEREST 23 Sept - 6 oct 2015 in p r i n t , o n a i r o n l in e

MICHeLLe KRuGeR – AttORney At LAW CeO, KRuGeR AttORneyS

We off er the following specialized services: • DiVoRces • contRact laW • coMMeRcial litiGation • conVeYancinG ( pRopeRtY tRansFeRs) • cRiMinal laW

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When your future is on the line you need an expert.

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aDUlteRy anD DiVORce

yOU can nO lOngeR sUe fOR cheating…

OUR Courts have adopted

the “no fault consequence” view to divorces. Previously, I often assisted an innocent spouse to bring an action for damages against a third party with whom adultery

was committed. There were two grounds:(i)adultery, which is the act of having

sex with a married person; or(ii) alienation of affection or

enticement, which means paying attention to a married person with the intention of drawing that person away from his/her marriage.


On 24 September 2014 The Supreme Court of Appeal in South Africa ruled in a case making legal history by stating that the law allowing civil damages claims against a third party for adultery is “archaic” and “the time for its abolition has come”. In this case of RH v DE, Judge F Brand’s judgement paved the path for the eradication of claims in cases of adultery.

This case was taken on appeal to the Constitutional Court and judgment was handed down on 19 June 2015 in this appeal case, DE v RH 182/14, concerning the continued existence of a spouse’s right to claim damages for adultery against a third party. I will not go into the facts of this case but merely refer briefly to the Constitutional Court’s opinion that love and respect are foundations of a solid marriage and not legal rules. After all, it is the parties to a marriage who undertook to be truthful and faithful to each other. The Constitutional Court expressed its view that the obligation pre-eminently rests on the spouses themselves to protect and maintain their marriage relationship.

The court further made the point that our modern day idea of the sacrosanctity of marriage and its concomitant protection by the law are

by no means what they were in ancient times. The times are ever changing and the law – though still recognising the sanctity of marriage – has moved with the times both in its conception of the institution of marriage and the punitive extremes to which it will go to protect it. The court found no evidence that an action for adultery would deter a spouse in a marriage from committing adultery nor would it deter a third party from committing adultery with a married person. Adultery and malicious desertion are for the most part only the ultimate acts which indicate that a marriage has broken down. They are more often the effects of a marriage having broken down than the causes of breakdown.

This change in our legal system raises the question whether shifting the emphasis to personal and moral responsibility as opposed to legal recourse will sufficiently protect the sanctity of our marriages?

Know your rights. Approach an attorney specialising in divorce law to assist you in the event that your marriage suffers irretrievable break down.

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Joe erasmus – executive Head, Ashton International College

fROm the heaDmasteR’s DesKD i s c i p l i n e at s c h o o l s – W h o i s R e s p o n s i b l e ?

My topic for this month’s article is rather a

sensitive one, but sometimes honesty is

the best medicine.Just recently, we had to deal rather

severely with discipline issues that had presented as rather distressing. The question of discipline is always of

concern at institutions of learning across the country. Whether a Public or Independent school, whether University or College – every institution has its challenges.

Recently, an article was published in one of the KZN newspapers, where the Headmaster who is ultimately responsible for discipline in his school, had addressed the parents of his school in a very forthright manner. He made reference to parents who, in some cases, are abdicating

their responsibility when raising their children. It’s a question that is often raised - who is accountable and responsible for the actions of the students?

We certainly do not encourage any form of misbehaviour, but rather stand boldly in encouraging our students to make the correct choices.

Discipline does not discriminate against culture, colour, private or public institutions and the common denominator boils down to one’s values. Every school has some form of structure whether it is ‘rules’ driven or ’value’ driven. The fact remains that schools are attempting to educate the youth of our nation far beyond the parameters of subject learning. As the saying goes, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.”

If a student does not have the motivation to make the right choices even with the support and assistance from all parties, they will be caught in conflict situations when the time comes to make a choice, whether it is right or wrong.

There is no parenting manual for easy reference and every family is different. We all have different views and opinions, but essentially morals & values are the basic criteria that mould our character and make us who we are.

Recently, I read an Educational Journal that discusses how parents compensate for their children;

“We, parents, are overprotecting, over-directing and do a lot of hand-holding, ostensibly in furtherance of our children’s safety – physical, emotional, academic, reputation, professional and financial, but also in furtherance of our own ego. Our kids

become chronologically adult, but still expect us to tell them what to do and how to do it, and they are bewildered by the prospect of having to fend for themselves as an actual independent human.”(Julie Lythcott-Haims: How Schools Are Handling an ‘Over parenting’ crisis).

In a nutshell, the article spoke about students being responsible and accountable by becoming independent through their own initiative. We do not teach our children anything by doing their homework or having to drop-off their assignment or Phys.Ed kit etc. We have to teach them a sense of responsibility and accountability, but it takes a concerted effort from all, to positively influence them in making good decisions, to have the courage and the character to abstain, to say ‘NO’ and to stand for what is right. At the same time, they also need to know that there are consequences for making bad choices and decisions. The way they respond become and the length they will need to go to rectify a situation will be crucial to their future. We often remind our students that the second time they make the same mistake, it is no longer a mistake, but a decision.

It’s not a perfect world and we all make mistakes at times, BUt it is incumbent on those who can make a difference to persevere and encourage good habits and acceptable behaviour whether in or out of school.

Page 7: Life & style issue 19


an avant-gards collection of artworkswith the artist’s signature work on display


exhibition runs from THURSDAY 1st - SATURDAY 10th October 2015OPENING: 6pm Thursday 1st October 2015

Nicole Pletts | Norma Wiles | Penny Brown | Makiwa Mutomba | Shirley Brandon | Rob Domijan | Julie Mayo | John Smith | Kirsty Hall

shop 19, Flanders Mall, 14 Flanders Drive, Mount Edgecombe | Tel: 031 502 2757Website: | Email: [email protected]

the Green Gallery is a real treasure – a repository of some of the most interesting and exciting artworks available to those who love art in its various forms. now Maureen Dixon and sarah Lawrence, owners of the Green Gallery are delighted to welcome their new partner Michelle

Dodds who joins the team adding fresh energy and inspiration.

Join the Green Gallery girls for a spectacular exhibition of Durban Delights featur-ing some of the best work of a stellar lineup of artists from the region. Come and treat the senses to the emotions evoked by works from Julie Mayo, John Smith, Norma Wiles, Rob Domijan, Nicole Pletts, Penny Brown, Owen Llewellyn Davies, Makiwa Mutomba, Shirley Brandon and Kirsty Hall as they interpret the various facets and moods of Durban at its finest.

This is an exhibition not to be missed by all who love art and are inspired by this glorious part of KZN. You’ll always find something special at the Green Gallery.

Dates: Thursday 1st October 2015 - Saturday 10th October 20156pm Thursday 1st October 2015

Venue: The Green Gallery, Shop 19 Flanders Mall, Flanders Drive, Mount EdgecombeOpening hours: 9am - 5pm Monday to Friday 9am - 1 pm Saturdays

Contact number: 031 502 2757

Owen Llewellyn DaviesDurban Delights at the Green Gallery

Page 8: Life & style issue 19


f o o d • f a s h i o n • h o m e • s e r v i c e s • b o d y & s o u l shopping in the great outdoors

AlphA phArmAll you could wish for in a pharmacy – wide product range, excellent dispensary with highly qualified chemists offering top class service, easy access and prompt attention to your needs.

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f o o d • f a s h i o n • h o m e • s e r v i c e s • b o d y & s o u l FRIENDS, FASHION, FUN...

trading hours

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mondays to fridays 8am - 7pm

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Repeat scripts & collections










Page 9: Life & style issue 19


imbizo GAlleryBallito’s busiest art gallery also offers the discerning buyer a fabulous range of imported designer wear and accessories.

rAdio life & style 88.0fmBallito’s favourite radio station broadcasting live from their studio in the heart of the Lifestyle Centre. Watch the presenters in action as they fill the world with music and love!

f o o d • f a s h i o n • h o m e • s e r v i c e s • b o d y & s o u l FRIENDS, FASHION, FUN...

Shop 7A, Ballito Lifestyle Centre

Tel: 032 946 1937email: [email protected]









loAfFrom the Farm to the Fork – it says it all. Loaf offers the freshest, tastiest, healthiest harvest table for lunches and the most delicious bakes and treats for that marvellous coffee break.

S h o p 5 6 , B a l l i t o L i f e s t y l e C e n t r eMon-Sat : 8 :00am - 6 :00 pmS u n : 8 :00am - 5 :00 pmT e l : 0 3 2 9 4 6 1 9 8 5

Modern, country cafe serving beautiful, seasonal, tasty food.Open for breakfast and lunch, 7 days a week.


oriGinsWe are about simplicity, beauty, integrity, originality & uniqueness, sus-tainability, fair trade, design texture and shape. We love the textures and form inherent in nature – as both inspiration and substrate.We like to know the story behind the items in our store – and share those with you.We are continually looking for new, unique and original items for our shop. Items from all over South Africa (or elsewhere in Africa) have inspired us – handmade, handcrafted, artist made, commissioned pieces or even reconditioned/recycled/ reclaimed items – there is an abundant supply of creativity.

Page 10: Life & style issue 19

10 GENERAL iNTEREST 23 Sept - 6 oct 2015 in p r i n t , o n a i r o n l in e

lula Clothing BoutiqueBe inspired by the collection of clothing accessories just perfect for stylish and comfortable coastal living.

White SummerElegance and comfort is what White Summer is all about. You’ll feel gorgeous and look sensational in that exciting new creation waiting for you here.

The Sports Zone Running Co.The Sports Zone Running Co. offers runners and those who enjoy an active lifestyle the best advice and biggest range of quality running shoes, apparel and accessories.This is where professional and amateur runners come for expert selection of shoes to match their individual running styles – and you can too!

The BalliTo JunCTion Shopping CenTRe For relaxed shopping and real convenience, the Ballito Junction has it all.

Shop H5 | Ballito Junction Shopping Centre Corner Ballito Drive & M4

032 946 2214

When you bridge the sensory experience of

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[email protected]

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Shop G7, Ballito Junction

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LISA: +27 83 448 5297

Te l : 0 3 2 5 8 6 3 3 6 8

S h o p 6 A B a l l i t o J u n c t i o n

b a l l i t o @ p e r f e c t 1 0 . c o . z a

The SporTS Zone running Co. Spring run and Fun day at the Ballito Junction Shopping Centre was a great success with radio Life & Style 88.0 FM broadcasting the event live from the premises. helen from Liquid yoga held a special “post run” yoga class for runners…..

Welcome to Mammag’sFamous for their fabulous pizzas and warm hospitality.It’s the real Italian experience - Pizzas done in traditional wood-fire oven, pastas that are hearty and wholesome and great steaks and seafood too.There’s something for everyone here. Whether your taste is for something light and tasty from the salad or sandwich selection or a delight from the Grill, Poultry, Veal or Seafood sections; you’ll love Mamma G’s - breakfast, lunch or dinner in comfort with family and friends indoors or out with a safe piazza area for little ones to play.

perfect 10Perfect10 is the place to relax while addressing the necessities. We aim to provide a nurturing environment that promotes health and beauty, as well as rejuvenation and relaxation.

Shop H3 Ballito Junction Tel: 032 586 0246FOr rUNNerS, BY rUNNerS

the only specialist running store in Ballito.

Catering for beginners to

experienced runners - The Sports Zone

running Co. are the footwear experts

There were various fun and fitness events throughout the morning with super prizes to be won and a fine time was had by all…

dave Flood from the Sports Zone with helen Weaver from Liquid yoga getting ready for the “yoga for runners” class.

dolphin Coast Striders captain Barry “The Boss”

holland crosses the finish line.

Top Three runners

paul and Savannah from ipSS Medical rescue on standby for medical support

during the race... with Barry holland & dave Flood.

it takes more than a little rain to stop these runners.

Page 11: Life & style issue 19

11 GENERAL in p r i n t , o n a i r o n l in e

Tired of slow internet? We have the answer! Fibre to the Home

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Life has enough complexities and uncertainties as it is – your financial well-being shouldn’t be one of them.

As a professional financial planning and wealth management practice, our focus is to translate

investment complexities into simple, effective solutions that not only provide clarity for today but certainty for tomorrow.

inVesting abROaDSHAun LAtteR – QuAeStOR WeALtH MAnAGeMent

The dismal performance of the rand recently,

has given rise to many investors exploring the option of moving assets abroad. Whilst giving your portfolio an international flavour is imperative in any well-diversified portfolio, some guidelines should be considered.

tO My MInD, InVestORs FaLL IntO thRee BROaD CateGORIes When It COMes tO OFFshORe InVestInG:

1)the DiVeRsifieR – this is the investor who holds a portion of their assets in international markets. There is little doubt that every investor should have at least some of their investment capital exposed to global businesses and currencies. The reason for this, as with most diversification strategies, is to lower the risk/volatility of your portfolio. Our current environment is a case in point and whilst we may bemoan the weakening currency, this bodes well for those who hold a position outside of RSA.

2)the glObetROtteR – in addition to the diversification needs mentioned above, some have expenses that need to be covered in foreign currencies. The reasons could be numerous; however, quite commonly, parents have children living abroad. It may be education and living expenses for your child studying abroad that need to be covered, or regular visits to family members who have emigrated. We live in a global village and need to plan accordingly.

3)the afRO-Pessimist – despite how positively I may feel about our

beautiful country, it is not without its own set of problems and this has led to some feeling more than a little jittery. One only has to read the newspaper headlines and it becomes difficult to say that concerns are unfounded. Therefore, some investors find greater security in having a healthy chunk of their assets ‘under the shade’ of a stronger currency and/or economy. This strategy can work provided it is done intelligently and not to the detriment of your lifestyle here.

sO WheRe DOes thIs LeaVe Us? Certainly, every investor should have some offshore exposure. The exact amount differs according to investor’s goals and risk tolerance but 15%-25% is a fairly prudent number. Recent rand depreciation may have left some investors overexposed internationally and rebalancing should be done pronto (as is the case with any asset held for diversification purposes). In this circumstance, there is no need to physically take your money abroad but rather through what is known as an ‘asset swap’. This is done at a fund level (with your existing investments) so as to be able to rebalance easily.

For those with offshore expenses or needing the security, going direct is the answer. Offshore allowances have

been relaxed over the

past few years to

allow an investor (over

the age of 18) to invest up to R10 million every calendar year abroad. In addition to this, you also

have a single discretionary allowance of R1 million.

Wherever you fit in the above categories, discuss

your offshore strategy with your financial planner to ensure that it serves your lifestyle goals and personal needs.

Page 12: Life & style issue 19

12 GENERAL iNTEREST 23 Sept - 6 oct 2015 in p r i n t , o n a i r o n l in e

Exhibitor space available - book now! | [email protected]

(+27) 032 815 1050

Wedding!Stand a Chance to

Win your Dream

Bridal Fair4th October ‘15

Food Stalls • Spot Prizes • Exhibitors StandsEntertainment • Fashion Show • Express Spa

bridal fair at Rain farmRain FaRm Game and LodGe wiLL be hoLdinG a bRidaL FaiR on the 4th oF octobeR.The Fair will open at 10am and there will be an exciting selection of exhibitors to

win yOUR DReam weDDing

Our featured bridal couple this week is Kathy and Gunther Garz who were married at the Lutheran church Zinkwazi in August. Because they wanted to celebrate their nuptials close to the sea, they chose the beautiful setting at Canelands Beach Club for their reception. It was a gorgeous event and all who were there will treasure the memories.Barry Bowditch captured the images, and we love them.We wish the happy couple a lifetime of love and happiness together.

G O U R M E TC A T E R I N G &


0 8 2 3 3 1 5 9 6

Married in Style

The first hundred people through the

doors will each get a goodie-bag packed

with super giveaways.

The entrance fee is R20.00 per person

Luxury Acommodation - Conferencing - Supper Theatre - Weddings & FunctionsRestaurants - Poolside Cocktail Bar - Whisky & Cigar Bar - Entertainment - Squash Court - Pool Tables

- Wellness Spa - Kiddies Parties

Luxury Acommodation - Conferencing - Supper Theatre - Weddings & FunctionsRestaurants - Poolside Cocktail Bar - Whisky & Cigar Bar - Entertainment - Squash Court - Pool Tables

- Wellness Spa - Kiddies Parties

browse through. They are also offering you a chance to win a wedding by entering the win your dream wedding compe-tition and there will be tons of spot prizes to be won on the day.There will be loads to explore on the day for everything wedding related.

Shivanie - The Laser Studio

Page 13: Life & style issue 19

yOUR new PeRsOnal tRaineR



Call Johan Dorfl ing 072 340 1213



AWesyM skIn anD BODy, one of Ballito’s most popular wellness destinations has just

added two new attractions to their line-up of services. The Firming Studio with the Vela Shape II machine that effectively contours, shapes and slims the body by reducing cellulite and firming problem areas is already proving extremely popular as is their new Laser Studio for pain-free and effective removal of hair.

We attended the launch of these two new attractions and were impressed. We think you will be too!

Find the freedom to fl owAshtanga Vinyasa Yoga

Tuesday 08h15 - 09h15Thursday 17h15 - 18h15

at Sugardance Studio

The Quarter, 1 Stewart Drive, Ballito.

Contact Helen on 079 368 4486 [email protected]

hOw tO gain Weight

Yes, believe it or not, for some, putting on weight is harder than losing it.

Here are a few pointers to packing on the pounds.1. Quality vs. Quantity

Don’t think this gives you a free pass to eat sweets and burgers. You have to eat nutrient dense foods, so swop the chocolate and burgers for something more nutritious.

2. eat oftenYou don’t have to sit down to huge

servings of food and force feed yourself, rather have smaller more frequent meals. Make your meals nutrient dense and space them about 3 hours apart.

3. start liftingIf your goal is to pick up weight you

need to start picking up weights to build muscle.

4. Exercise will increase your appetite

5. Weights vs. cardioSome believe that you have to avoid

cardio like the plague but this is not true. Cardio will make you fitter and help you get through you weight training sessions without being completely exhausted. I would definitely recommend way more time in the weights section though. High

intensity cardio sprints can even make you put on muscle.

6. limit your rest between setsI often see people sitting around way

longer than they should between sets in order to lift as heavy as the can. Train your muscles, not your ego. Keep rests to about a minute

7. supplementI’m not saying run off to go buy

anabolic muscle shakes or pre-workouts. Supplement your diet with multivitamins and meal supplements.

8. closed chain exercises vs. isolation exercises

Do more push, pull, squat, lunge and lifting exercises. These get your hormones going way more than bicep curls and triceps pull downs.

9. eat healthy FatsApart from the health benefits, these

are also high in calories. You can get these from raw nuts and seeds, avocado and fish.

10 keep your repetitions between 8 and 12 Lifting too heavy will make you stronger but not necessarily bigger.

11. Blend it

Make some smoothies. It’s a very easy way to make sure you get your daily allowance of fruits. Be creative.

12 alternate Workouts

Muscles grow when they recover, not while you are training. Don’t do the same routine day after day. There are various split routines you can do. For example, focus on all your pushing exercises on your first day and all your pulling exercises on the second day. Alternatively, split up your days between upper and lower body.

13. sleepYou need 8 to 10 hours sleep per night

for maximum muscle growth. There is no substitute for this so switch off the television early and go to bed.

Salon Owner Symone & Moira - Slender Wonder

Shivanie - The Laser Studio Nirissa and her team from The firming Studio

demonstration from The Firming Studio

Symone, Kelly, Carra - Awesym Skin & Body

& Kaylene - dermalogica


General personal training Team sport specific training

Nutritional advice

Former professional rugby player, Collin Mbongwa took his love for sports, passion for giving back and helping people and turned it

into a career.

0 8 4 0 6 3 7 5 7 7

Page 14: Life & style issue 19

14 GENERAL iNTEREST 23 Sept - 6 oct 2015 in p r i n t , o n a i r o n l in e


FREE TRADER PG 04TO ADVERTISE CALL OR EMAIL: [email protected] 569 8993ISSUE 295 - 10 SEP 2015 |

5 -



- E





2015 CITROEN C1 1.2 FEEL 60kW7 500km, Bluetooth, USB, Privacy Glass, Hill Assist,

Mags, LED’s

R129 900

2015 PEUGEOT 208 1.6 ALLURE (M)5 000km, Nav, Bluetooth, USB, Privacy Glass,

5Yr/60 000km Maintenance Plan

R199 900

2014 CITROEN C1 1.0 5Dr24 000km, Aircon, Power Steering, Electric Windows,

Radio CD

R89 900

2015 CITROEN DS5 Style 1.6 THP 115kW Auto5 500km, Nav, Reverse Camera, Keyless Entry,

3 Panoramic Roof

R359 900

2015 PEUGEOT 308 GT 1.6T 151kW2 000km, Keyless Entry, Massaging Seats, Xenon,

LED’s, Hill Assist, 5Yr Maintenance Plan

R349 900

2013 CITROEN C4 AIRCROSS 2.0i EXCLUSIVE AUTO85 000km, Aircon, Power Steering, Electric Windows,

Radio CD

R199 900

2014 CITROEN C4 PICASSO 1.6HDi25 000km, Stop/Start Function, Reverse Camera,

Nav, Hill Assist, Keyless Entry

R259 900

2014 CITROEN C1 1.0 3Dr24 000km, Aircon, Power Steering, Electric Windows,

Radio CD

R89 900

2015 PEUGEOT 208 ACCESS 1.21 000km, Bluetooth, Aircon, Power Steering,

5Yr Maintenance Plan

R169 900

2014 VW POLO 1.6 COMFORTLINE19 000km, Aircon, Power Steering, Electric Windows,

Radio CD

R169 900


2015 CITROEN C4 CACTUS 1.2 FEEL 60kW13 000km, Bluetooth, USB, Privacy Glass, Hill Assist,

Mags, LED’s

R204 900

2012 CITROEN C4 1.6VTi EXCLUSIVE83 000km, Aircon, Power Steering, Electric Windows,

Radio CD

R119 900

ThIs month, they revealed their alaskan Concept which, they say, “paves the way for a forthcoming model that will

have a global calling”.Powering the new bakkie is a 2.3 litre

twin-turbodiesel, borrowed from the new Nissan Navara, with outputs ranging from 118kW to 140kW. Its small turbo, says Renault, is ideal for smooth acceleration at low-engine speeds, while a large unit is used for higher revs.

The strong chassis makes for great road holding, high ground clearance and distinctive driving comfort, claims Renault.

The load bed incorporates three longitudinal recesses suitable for fixing equipment. Additional storage bins either side can secure protection of equipment.

Renault claims its Alaskan bakkie combines a payload of one tonne with cutting-edge, athletic styling to meet the exacting needs of business users and individuals alike.

The Alaskan Concept’s has an assertive design, sculpted sides and prominent wheel arches a filled with 21”wheels.

The front-end features C-shaped LEDs, a prominent logo and the bonnet has four “sculptured ribs”. It has a combination of brushed and polished metal finishes throughout with blue/yellow details on the side-mirrors.

in terMS oF reGULation 14 oF tHe MUniciPaL SUPPLY cHain ManaGeMent PoLicY, ProSPectiVe SerVice ProViderS are inVited to aPPLY For eVaLUation and LiStinG aS an accredited ProSPectiVe ProVider.MN 175/2015

the kWaDUkUZa MUnICIPaLIty which is situated on the North Coast of KwaZulu Natal hereby invites prospective suppliers to apply for evaluation and listing on the KwaDukuza Goods and Service Providers Data Base as prospective service providers for only Three (3) commodities.

The KwaDukuza Goods and Service Providers Data Base is a list of prospective suppliers, firms, professionals and offices which will be used by the KwaDukuza Municipality to procure requirements covering a wide range of goods and services including services of a technical and professional nature.

The procurement of goods and services will be done by the Municipality in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act 2003 and the Municipality’s Supply Chain Management Policy.

KwaDukuza Municipality Data Base Registration Form is available from the Supply Chain Unit, No.2 Industria Crescent, KwaDukuza. Telephone 032 – 437 5114/5119. email enquiries to :[email protected]

Registration on the KwaDukuza Goods and Services Data Base is subject to the conditions specified in Section 112 (1) (L) of MFMA which states:(i) - who were convicted for fraud or corruption during the past five years;(ii) - who wilfully neglected, reneged on

or failed to comply with the government contract during the past five years;(iii) – whose tax matters are not cleared by South African Revenue Services.Will be prohibited from participating in the procurement of goods and services.

Completed Data Base Registration Forms (original) must be forwarded to the Supply Chain Management Office, No.2 Industria Crescent, KwaDukuza, 4450.

service Providers that are registered on kwaDukuza Municipality Database are requested to re-register with the sCM UnIt urgently.

all Prospective suppliers of Goods and services are required to submit valid original tax Clearance Certificates as issued by saRs and B-BBee Certificates as issued by: the verification agencies accredited by the south african national accreditation system (sanas) or Registered auditors approved by the Independent Regulatory board of auditors (IRBa) in accordance with the approval granted by the Department of trade and Industry (DtI).

the closing date for the submission of completed registration forms:-15 DeCeMBeR 2015NB. Service providers that fail to register their business on KwaDukuza Municipality data base will not qualify to offer their goods and services.

nJ MDakaneMUnICIPaL ManaGeR. Mn: 175/2015


The new Renault Duster is flexible, adventurous SUV that’s always ready for the road and beyond. Its styling makes it the talk of the town(evan if the town is in the middle of nowhere) and a range of enhanced features make anywhere a destination.

So dare to be adventurous and take a test drive at Renault Ballito today.

*With 10% deposit | over 72 months | 30% or R64 770 Ballon Payment | 10% intrest rate | Retail price of R215 900 | Total cost of R280 524 | Retail price is in accordance with 1 September 2015 price list. price excludes “on-the-road” costs Terms and Conditions apply | Features are modle-specific and may vary. Deal is subject to credit approval terms and conditions of Renault Financial Services. A product of westbank. A division of FirstRand Bank Limited. An Authorised Financial Services and credit provider. NCRCP20

Renault Ballito8 Moffat Drive, Ballito, 4420Tel : +27 32 5863881

FSP Number : 32023

Renault has been the no.1 Light Commercial Vehicle brand for the past 17 years in europe. nowReanult hopes to grab its share of the S.A. bakkie market. the new Renault Duster Oroch bakkie - headed for SA - was launched in Buenos Aires in June 2015

Page 15: Life & style issue 19

notice board

ashton international college 032 946 2096crawford college 032 943 2041curro Mount Richmore 076 615 8716trinity house


Beautyadvanced skin solutions 082 552 6263ashleigh D hair & nails 032 525 5227awesym skin & body 032 586 3199Dr ally’s Vein & Medical aesthetics 032 586 3223health @ tiff any’s - natural health emporium & Juice Bar 032 525 4030Johan Dorfl ing - personal Trainer 072 340 1213laser sure 032 586 1100liquid Yoga 079 368 4486oasis beauty spa 079 027 4305perfect 10 ballito Junction 032 586 3368polished Skin - Waxing - nails 032 586 0355profection - pilates & Fitness 082 814 2189secrets beauty Day spa 032 946 0453spa D’ambiance - Wellness & Beauty 061 464 0679top Form Body Scan & Weight Loss programme 032 946 0453Zenju Day spa 073 724 3037



lifestlye centre 032 946 3924lifestyle health 032 946 0441Musicians Gear Zone 032 940 0442serenite - Flowers, gifts, home industry 032 586 8204tiff any’s shopping centre 032 525 8030the sports Zone Running co. 032 586 0246

Motoringballito car service centre 032 946 0568citroen Umhlanga 031 580 7950pre owned Vehicle Requirements 082 339 7811

Home & Decora-Z 2nds 032 525 5164blinds all of them - Shutters & awnings 032 946 3614blu Dot blinds and Decor 082 258 2075calisto Kitchens 076 048 4833cupboard Value 082 940 3793FinFloor 032 586 1480imbizo Gallery 032 946 1937nMc cornice & Mouldings 032 946 3522on tap - plumbing & Bathrooms 032 946 2807stefano & co. Flooring & decor 032 946 3666supertrack shutters blinds & curtains 032 946 0384tongaat plants 082 328 3800Umhlali Upholsterers 032 947 1630Union tiles 032 946 0384Zululand Kitchens 032 586 4055


Propertypalm lakes 086 123 7526

ServicesacDc express 032 946 2131 air- elec airconditioning, refrigeration, electrical installations & repairs 032 946 0930all Kill pest control 084 511 2228alpha security 032 947 1805auto Key locksmiths 032 525 8825ballito self storage 032 9471433/4black anchor Designs 084 764 6504ca architects 032 946 3830/1chapman building 032 946 3558coastal hire 079 175 0925compuGeeks 032 586 0900copyink- business services 032 946 2767D&D Gutters 083 461 2524Dolphin coast tourist services taxis 083 431 2749easy skips ballito 071 332 0475execuspecs 032 946 3473hi temp Load Shedding Solutions, 079 969 3807Kruger attorneys 082 460 5758liveprint - digital print Solutions 032 525 4078national trailer hire 032 947 1433Monkey Guard 032 946 3558poolwise 032 946 2663schulz Wiesinger & o’Dwyer attorneys 032 946 1500sean Dercksen business coach 083 400 5456tFc contracts tile & Floor 031 700 1897the laundry cafè 082 461 9109Umdloti laundry 083 557 9740Wheal steel 032 947 1217

Foodal pescatore italian & Seafood restorante 032 946 3574beira alta Steak & Seafood restaurant 032 946 2388bizzib Gourmet Goodies 079 897 0710Fego caff è 032 525 5698Fenshui Chinese Food & Sushi 032 946 1588Food Matters gourmet Catering & events 082 331 5969Karibu pub 032 947 0520la piazza Continental Cafe/restaurant 032 946 1527lifestyle spar 032 946 8800lifestyle tops 032 946 3931MammaG’s pizza, pasta cafe` 032 946 2214Mozambik 032 946 0979Mundo Vida Restaurant 031 568 2286saltyz pub & Grill 032 525 5560superspar @ tiff any’s 032 525 8030tops @tiff any’s 032 525 8030

Fun & Entertainment sugar Rush Mountain Bike & running Trails 031 571 6400

Medicalalberlito hospital 032 946 6700chiro & More - chiropractor 032 586 3550Dr lino cericola Dental team 032 525 4210Dr. loubser / Dr. perold - Dentist 032 946 1901Dr. nick Wilton - Family Doctor 032 525 4232Dr. Ryall a. hamlyn & Dr. peter c. iyavoo 032 946 1333Dr shoshanna Dunn - chiropractor 032 586 0104eden - Sports & organic Massage & Supplements 061 986 8617intouch therapy registered physiotherapists 032 586 0104Medisport pharmacy 031 561 1227sanhall Dental 032 946 3257skin evolution - your youthful Solution 032 586 1402sports & therapeutic Massage 032 946 1311the cosmetic & Dental emporium 032 586 3284

Weddings/EventsMaverick tents/extreme events 082 576 3061

Accommodation ballito backpackers accommodation 032 946 2680canelands beach club & spa 032 525 2300seaside lodge B&B/Conferences Weddings 032 946 4103the cottages 032 586 1444Wellvale Resort 032 551 9900

listinG in this DiRectoRY is Free to aDVeRtiseRs that aRe in oUR GlossY hanDbooK ciRcUlateD eVeRY FoUR Months.



petwise premium pet products 032 946 0935

neXt eDition oUt Dec 2015 - MaRch 2016 booK noW!


ROtaRy clUb Of ballitO want to help? call: 083 600 4804

Registered CIPC Agents

Company Registrations - incl. tax number and tax clearance

Company Amendments

Director/Member Amendments

Annual Returns

Share Certi� cates

032 586 [email protected]

Rudy celestino tt (sa)

tide tiMetabLe 23 SePt - 06 oct 2015 Date high high low lowWednesday 23 12:11 ---:--- 18:25 05:28thursday 24 13:16 00:34 19:25 06:56Friday 25 14:01 01:32 20:10 07:45saturday 26 14:40 02:16 20:49 08:26sunday 27 15:18 02:57 21:28 21:28Monday 28 15:56 03:36 22:05 09:41tuesday 29 16:33 04:14 22:43 10:17Wednesday 30 17:11 04:52 23:19 10:53thursday 01 17:47 05:29 23:56 11:30Friday 02 18:24 06:07 ---:--- 12:06saturday 03 19:04 06:46 00:33 12:45sunday 04 19:54 07:32 01:14 13:31Monday 05 21:34 08:43 02:08 14:50tuesday 06 23:57 11:15 03:55 17:49

CUPBOARD VALUEMaking Space Affordable

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Shop 3,Ballito Business Centre

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position available for an in-house designer with previous experience and knowledge of the kitchen industry.Requirements: • Ability to speak English and Afrikaans

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Email 2 page CV to [email protected]


100 compensation beach Road tel: 032 946

DiscoVeR the best hiDDen tReasURe on the noRth coast.

Come and Enjoy a Romantic Candle lit Dinner or a Relaxed Family Meal at our Cosy and Intimate 50-seater Restaurant.

Not only do we o� er amazing shell� sh but also a wide range of poultry, meat & vegetarian dishes with a great selection of wines.

BOOKING IS ESSENTIAL open Monday To SaTurday FroM 5:30 - 9 pM

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Bu� et Lunch



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032 586 0555

advertise on radio life & Style

Page 16: Life & style issue 19

water RESTRICTIONs Update : 23 September 2015 !

*Also listen to Radio Life & Style (88.0FM) for daily updates and follow the North Coast Courier on Social Media

Hazelmere Dam is at approximately 30%.30% Reduction for Domestic Consumers 10% Reduction for Registered Commercial Consumers All previous restrictions remain.PLAY YOUR PART AND BE WATER WISE.

Please view the water saving tips as well as more details on the restrictions, please visit our website Customers can register

their mobile numbers and email addresses for alerts from us. These can be sent to [email protected] or contact our Customer Services Department on

032 946 7200 (during offi ce hours only and please state your address).

Control Room Tel: 032-946 3188, Cell: 0712985206 or Email: [email protected]





/ JC

A 00


/ JC

A 00


Wayne Hulett from Collisheen Estate along with the team from Collisheen was a featured guest on Danielle’s show last week. Collisheen Estate is now the official sponsor of The After Lunch Crunch from 1- 3 pm every weekday afternoon.

O U R F I R S T O U T S I D E B R O A D C A S T !

Our first ever outside broadcast was a huge success. We were invited to take part in the Sports Zone Running Co. activity day at the Ballito Junction Shopping Centre and although the weather was a little inclement, the technical broadcast went off without a hitch. We now have the capability to take the station to events across the region so keep listening for news about the next one!

Super Swimmer Chad le Clos popped into the After Lunch Crunch to chat with Danielle Fisher about going for gold and all of that exciting stuff. He loved being on the show and, like Arnold Schwarzenegger said…he’ll be back….

Wicked Donuts are delivered weekly to lucky listeners who are tuned to Radio Life & Style at work and last week was no exception. If you would like us to personally deliver a box of the freshest, tastiest and most wicked donuts to you, send your details to [email protected] and your company could be next!

Umgeni Water’s Steve Gillham was in the studio recently giving us an update about the drought that we are experiencing and how important it is to continue to use water sparingly. There is every indication that the El Nino effect that is causing the below average rainfall will be with us for another year or so…bad news but forewarned is forearmed!