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AnnuAl RepoRt 2005-2006 The impact you can have on their future is phenomenal lifechanging experiences foundation

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AnnuAl RepoRt 2005-2006

The impact you can have on their future is phenomenal

lifechanginge x p e r i e n c e s f o u n d a t i o n

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Table of ConTenTs Page

about life Changing experiences foundationCompany descriptionCompany objectivesCompany missionCompany challengeCompany visionOur main activitiesOur history


founder/Chief executive officer’s Report 005

Program Director’s Report 008

The sIsTeR2sister ProjectMission, values and goalsAims and outcomesOutline of the programLife Changing Experiences Foundation structureSister support network structureNeeds addressed by the program How the need has been identifiedBeneficiariesWhere do our little sisters live?Impact on the communityCase studyTestimonials



The sIsTeR2sister Project evaluation 021

Potentialize – life Changing education 025

fundraisingWhere are funds sourced?Where are the funds used?Where is time invested?


accomplishments 031

board of Directors 036

supporters 041

future Directions and sustainability 044

audited financial accountsIndependent audit reportProfit and LossBalance sheetStatement of cashflows


**Names of beneficiaries have not been used to protect privacy. All testimonials and quotes used in this annual report are sourced from Life Changing Experiences Foundation volunteers working in the communities with The SISTER2sister Project. Photos accompanying testimonials may not match corresponding text.

Life Changing Experiences Foundation Ltd is a registered public company, ABN: 131 060 98926.

The Foundation has Charity Tax Concession and Deductible Gift Recipient status.

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004 ABout lIFe CHAnGInG eXpeRIenCeS FounDAtIon

abouT lIfe ChangIng exPeRIenCes founDaTIon

Company descriptionLife Changing Experiences Foundation Ltd (LCEF) is a not for profit organisation, based in Sydney NSW, supporting underprivileged and disadvantaged youth.

Company objectivesTo operate for the public benefit, in a charitable and benevolent way, by providing relief to abused and destitute teenagers in crisis through seeking shelter, food, medical assistance, legal advice and counselling.

To alleviate the cycle of poverty, destitution and suffering of young people by having them participate in a wide range of mentoring programs specifically designed to promote valuable life skills and high self esteem.

To teach them how to achieve personal happiness and fulfillment and recognize their self worth by providing healthy role models for them to base themselves upon.

To provide disadvantaged individuals the chance to identify, explore and make purposeful use of their talents to make a better life for themselves and their community, assisting them to break the cycle of suffering

To teach young disadvantaged individuals how to overcome the suffering and pain of their past, guide them in how to master life’s challenges and transform their lives.

Show young disadvantaged individuals how to facilitate purposeful change and personal growth by implementing self life coaching strategies to overcome obstacles, draw on existing strengths, and monitor progress.

Company mission To support and nurture our underprivileged and disadvantaged youth, by giving them the vital tools to build a happy and fulfilling life, despite the suffering and setbacks that life invariably has thrown their way.

To break the cycle of suffering as a result of abuse, neglect, bereavement, destitution, sickness, unemployment and to reverse the detrimental effects of low self esteem in our teenagers.

To help them to reach their full potential by overcoming the pain of their past and to achieve community “wellness”.

Company challengeTo manage and increase revenue from existing fundraising activities, sustain present financial supporters and create new funding opportunities through community partnerships.

Company visionTo create a self-sustaining national company in order to implement The SISTER2sister Project model in multiple regions simultaneously throughout Australia.

our main activitiesThe sIsTeR2sister Project A 12 month mentoring program and personal development program for at risk teenage girls throughout Sydney Metropolitan and Sydney’s Greater West. This program launched in April 2004 and is presently running it’s third 12 month program.

fundraising Life Changing Experiences Foundation raises money to fund The SISTER2sister Project.

life Changing schools education Program – ‘Potentialize’This is an in-school mentoring program. This program is currently available to schools throughout

Sydney Metropolitan and includes students from disadvantaged and underprivileged schools including schools which fall under the Priority Schools Funding Program (PSFP) NSW. This program launched in February 2005. Life Changing Schools Education Program is self funded, as presenters are paid by individual school allocated budgets.

our historyLife Changing Experiences Foundation Ltd is one of Australia’s fastest growing charities. We are a registered charity with CTC and DGR status and our two main focuses are attracting the funds to implement The SISTER2sister Project and implementing the program. After launching this program in April 2005, this program has impacted over 100 girls and their communities throughout Sydney Metropolitan and Sydney’s Greater West.

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006 FounDeR/CHIeF eXeCutIVe oFFICeR’S RepoRt

founDeR/ChIef exeCuTIve offICeR’s RePoRT

It only seems yesterday that Life Changing Experiences Foundation was created, and, in just three years we certainly have a momentous journey to celebrate. Our outstanding accomplishments are a reflection of the dedication and tireless work of our Board, staff and volunteers who have whole heartedly banded together to make a phenomenal difference in the lives of others, and, the continued support that we receive from our community and corporate funding bodies. I am continuously inspired by our community, for giving endless opportunities to the needy girls in our program and their commitment to making our community a better place.

In September 2005 we lobbied at Parliament House in Canberra to the House of Representatives, in which we successfully gained Federal Government recognition. Life Changing Experiences Foundation was chosen as one of fifteen outstanding mentoring programs nationally, for our innovation and outstanding results, by Family and Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaCSIA). To be aligned with fourteen other household charity names, in such a short space of time, is an amazing achievement. This was a turning point for the Foundation, as it enabled the employment of two full time facilitators.

Since its inception in September 2003, Life Changing Experiences Foundation has literally snowballed. Our funds have increased 540% since the previous financial year with corporate donations increasing 1800% and fundraising increasing 270%. After launching this program in April 2005, it has impacted almost one hundred girls and their communities throughout Sydney Metropolitan and Sydney’s Greater West. With the exception of two paid staff members, the organisation’s company structure is purely voluntary, with over one hundred active volunteers/supporters in Sydney and over five hundred on waiting list nationally.

Recently, Big Sister Mentor interviews were conducted for the 2007 SISTER2sister Project, and, due to an overwhelming response, the Foundation was only able to intake 40% of the volunteers wishing to be involved. 25% of Big Sister mentors from the 2005–06 program returned for the 2007 program which was 5% higher than predicted. We believe this success is due to our professional training, clear role descriptions, structured program and continuous drive to improve our services. With an emphasis on volunteer support and follow up, we believe our programs are highly attractive to volunteers.

With an overflow of volunteers wishing to mentor teenage girls in need, we are inspired to embrace them by seeking the necessary funds to implement multiple programs simultaneously on a national basis. For the Board, strategic plans for national status have taken priority, with

budget forecasts being set for the next five years incorporating the launch of The SISTER2sister Project in three additional states of Australia. In order to do this, we are seeking to maintain and attract corporate/community partnerships. We are dedicated to achieving this goal.

We are constantly assessing and evaluating our services in order to minimise risk factors, improve services to beneficiaries and provide even higher volunteer satisfaction. Our Program Director and team are focused on refining our model for easy replication nationally by addressing the findings of our 2006 Evaluation Report for The SISTER2sister Project.

In terms of our beneficiaries, we have witnessed firsthand the incredible hardships that the girls in the program have to deal with. Even with time and experience, nothing really prepares you for their harrowing stories. Helping

to rebuild shattered lives is not any easy task and the results are not always evident immediately, however, what we do know is that when the girls leave the program, they have the tools to live successful and prosperous lives, just like anyone else. It’s all about shifting their focus from ‘I can’t’ to ‘I can’, showing them that their past does not equal the future, and that they can be anyone they want to be despite their traumatic lives.

We have found that the cycle of destitution and abuse is not solely confined to one generation alone, and in more cases than not, is a continuing cycle. To break this cycle of suffering is a mammoth task, but the impact we, together as a community can have is phenomenal. We can change the lives of our needy teenagers. We have proven this with The SISTER2sister Project, which, now in its third year is turning heads with its ‘Life Changing’ results.

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007FounDeR/CHIeF eXeCutIVe oFFICeR’S RepoRt

Our program would not run without our Big Sister Mentors, who have given up their precious time to make a difference in the lives of the girls in the program. Thank you also to our team leaders and psychologists – Adrienne Margarian, Linda Chamberlain, Roby Abeles and Maala Lal, who have done such an amazing job of supporting the Big Sister Mentors. Thank you to our ambassadors Shelley Taylor Smith, Jacinta Tynan and Sarah Wilson for their support in so many ways.

Not only have these amazing women been the faces of Life Changing Experiences Foundation, they have also worked directly with the girls as Big Sister Mentors and behind the scenes.

Thank you to our Board, Pro Bono team and our Volunteer Executive Staff. On a personal note, I could not forget to acknowledge the brilliant work of our Program Director Vicki Condon, who has tirelessly

and wholeheartedly devoted her time to The SISTER2sister Project as a full time volunteer, and our Program Coordinator Katie O’Farrell, whose invaluable skills have greatly impacted the running of the program.

Finally, I would like to thank you for your continued support. The impact you have had is phenomenal.

Jessica Brown – Founder

Founder/Chief Executive Officer Life Changing Experiences Foundation

With an overflow of volunteers wishing to

mentor teenage girls in need, we are inspired

to embrace them by seeking the necessary funds

to implement multiple programs simultaneously

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009pRoGRAM DIReCtoR’S RepoRt


Young people today need stability, guidance and time shared so that they can become happy and fulfilled adults. Through circumstances beyond their control, many young people today do not enjoy this luxury. Hence, the need for programs such as The SISTER2sister Project are very real, to ensure that young people have positive role models throughout their challenging teenage years. This is particularly so for those who have experienced extreme forms of hardship.

Those of us who have been involved with the program in 2005/2006 have a great deal to celebrate. It has been a pioneering year for us with the formalisation of many facets of the program. We have implemented many “firsts”, and we are extremely grateful for the patience and commitment of our volunteers throughout this process, particularly our wonderful Big Sister Mentors, without whom we could not operate the program.

We attracted high quality Big Sister Mentors to our volunteer pool, and we wrote and conducted our first Training Program for them in August 2005. We held our inaugural Butterfly Bootcamp in September 2005 with our new Little Sisters and their Big Sister Mentors, which was a life changing experience for us all. The employment of our first Program Coordinator, who is outstanding in so many ways, has made a very real and significant impact on our ability to conduct a high quality, professional program. Our first Executive Advisory Board of psychologists was established, which gives professional support to our volunteer team as well as our management team, and the women volunteering to our Board have contributed in an exemplary manner. We also conducted and compiled our first Evaluation Process this year, which is summarised later in the report.

Of huge importance is that we have built our first complete twelve month curriculum which is now formally linked with our Key Performance Indicators and the Levels of Learning which we expect our Little Sisters to be exposed to throughout the program. This is a replicable program, which can be easily

introduced across various regions as part of our national rollout strategy. We also held our first formal Graduation Celebration, which was a highlight of the program for all of us, as everyone in the room came to realise the phenomenal impact that The SISTER2sister Project does have on the lives of the girls.

As part of our commitment to the wellbeing of at-risk teenage girls, it is intended that the program continues to leverage off the strengths it already holds, as well as continuously finding areas to improve.

Our 2007 program has kicked off in a positive way already, with the recruitment of 43 outstanding quality Big Sister Mentors, the professional training of these mentors, and a greatly improved matching process utilising various inputs and criteria. As such, we have been able to accept 43 Little Sisters into the 2007 program, and we are extremely excited about getting to know and working with them over the ensuing twelve months.

The Butterfly Bootcamp, and the remaining 11 months of the program for 2007 has already been scheduled in terms of locations and dates. We have made a conscious effort to do this to ensure attendance and commitment from Little Sisters is high, and to ensure that the program is extremely visible and accessible to our volunteers.

We have learned much from our Evaluation Process, and we will be factoring in many improvements going forward. We have a healthy wait list for Big and Little Sisters for the 2008 program. We have commenced planning for becoming a national program, and we are excited to step up to this challenge as soon as funding permits. We are looking forward to continuing to operate The SISTER2sister Project as a professional and innovative mentoring program, and having a phenomenal impact on disadvantaged young girls.

We strive to provide support, inspiration and opportunity to disadvantaged teenage girls

through a twelve month mentoring and personal development program, and that is exactly what we have managed to achieve this year through a mammoth team effort. There are many women, and men, who contribute to our program in a variety of generous and valuable ways, and if I could name them all personally here, I would. On behalf of the Little Sisters, I sincerely thank those people. I am very honoured to be a part of the program, and I am extremely grateful to the many people who have contributed to The SISTER2sister Project in so many ways. We have come such a long way together, and the future looks bright – not only for the program, but most importantly, for the girls for whom we exist.

Vicki Condon

National Program Director

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011tHe SISteR2SISteR pRoJeCt

The sIsTeR2sister PRojeCT

Our innovative mentoring model is what makes us stand alone.

mission To provide support, inspiration, and opportunity to disadvantaged teenage girls through a 12 month mentoring and personal development program.


Open communication





goalsMentoring excellence

Beneficiary satisfaction

Volunteer satisfaction

Community service

Easily replicated model

Financial sustainability

With an emphasis on volunteer support and follow up,

our programs are highly attractive to volunteers

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012 tHe SISteR2SISteR pRoJeCt

aims and outcomes of The sIsTeR2sister ProjectAt the end of the 12 month SISTER2sister Project, the girls have the knowledge and skills to break the cycle of destitution and/or abuse and have increased confidence in themselves and their abilities to have greater control over their lives and futures.

They are able to:

Demonstrate positive risk management skills to assist them to deal with their past trauma

Live in a safe environment with support

Become financially secure through successfully obtaining and retaining employment

Maintain survival skills independently

Demonstrate high self worth, attract and build positive relationships

Identify goals and steps to implement and achieve these goals

outline of the programEach of the girls in our program is assigned a Big Sister mentor as a positive female role model to provide support, guidance and advice, where needed, throughout the 12 month project. The Big Sister mentors attend a comprehensive four day training course prior to being “matched” to their Little Sister which equips them with the requisite skills and information to ensure that they can handle the various issues which may arise. The Big Sister mentors are also informed of their legal obligations relating to heath and welfare issues of the girls and provided with information on the additional avenues of support that may be necessary and appropriate in certain circumstances.

The project commences with the four day Butterfly Bootcamp in January, where the Little Sisters meet their Big Sister mentors and together attend various risk management seminars to learn the necessary skills for survival and coping in difficult circumstances.

Only through the generosity of corporate companies and volunteers can we continue to provide this much needed service to our communities

“I will strive to be the best

I can in everything I do”

“I will respect myself by

keeping the company of

those who respect me”

“I will get out of my comfort

zone to build up my confidence”

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013tHe SISteR2SISteR pRoJeCt

“I will accept the things I cannot change

and change the things I can”

There are various team building workshops to challenge the girls to empower themselves and encourage them to work together towards goals, as well as some very special “life changing experiences” to not only provide rewarding and unforgettable experiences, but to also boost their confidence and self-esteem.

At the conclusion of the Butterfly Bootcamp, the project continues with monthly outings. These outings are held for the entire group of Little Sisters and Big Sister mentors within the project, and they include an educational workshop component which often deals with risk or life management issues together with a fun, motivational activity-orientated component which can include activities such as painting with an artist, learning to surf and Sydney Harbour Bridgeclimb!

Little Sisters and Big Sister mentors also have the opportunity to meet on a one on one basis should they choose to do so, in line with our policy.

Only through the generosity of corporate companies and volunteers can we continue to provide this much needed service to our communities

“I will deal with my past but focus on my

future, as whatever I focus on will grow”

“I am a walking success story

waiting to be written…

I will start writing it every day”

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014 tHe SISteR2SISteR pRoJeCt

life Changing experiences foundation structure

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Sister support network structure

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016 tHe SISteR2SISteR pRoJeCt

needs addressed by the programAccording to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Australia’s Young People: Their Health and Well Being 2003 study, from 1997–98 to 2001–02, the rate for females who were the subject of child protection substantiation was consistently higher than the rates for males. In 2001–02, 3,993 females aged 12–16 years (or 6.0 per 1,000 females in this age group) were the subject of a child protection substantiation compared with 2415 males aged 12–16 years (or 3.5 per 1,000 males in the age group).

how the need has been identifiedThe Australian Government’s response to the Prime Minister’s Youth Pathways Action Plan Taskforce Report, Footprints to the Future (available at found that all young people need at least one stable adult who they can trust and turn to for support, information, guidance and care. Mentoring can make a particularly significant difference in the lives of young people who are facing a range of difficulties, including young people who have not had the security of good family relationships, are homeless, or are experiencing mental illness or substance addiction.

The SISTER2sister Project stands alone in mentoring programs, and the long term impact it has on the community is phenomenal. The girls are taught not only to deal with their past and focus on their bright future, but they are encouraged, nurtured and supported with a series of stages that will enable them to become self sufficient, financially independent and highly successful women.

To break the cycle of destitution and abuse is a mammoth task. This program has proven to have a phenomenal impact on the communities it has touched.

“I will surround myself

with people who inspire me

to be the best I can be”

Rate of young people aged 12–16 years who were the subject of a child protection substantiation 1997–98 to 2001–02

Source: AIHW Child Protection Data Collection.

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017tHe SISteR2SISteR pRoJeCt

beneficiariesThe SISTER2sister Project targets girls who are ‘at risk’ due to extreme suffering as a direct result of:




sexual abuse

mental abuse

physical abuse



sickness/disability, destitution etc.

This includes girls from all nationalities, religions and socio economic groups.

The girls are identified and nominated by:

school welfare systems

women’s refuges

‘At risk’ youth programs such as On Track and Don Bosco House

rape crisis centres, and the

general public (including parents of ‘at risk’ teenage girls).

We accept all girls nominated including those in:

foster care

the ministers care

women’s refuges including young women who are expectant mothers

refuges for homeless young women, the juvenile justice system, young women who are in specific housing programs that accommodate mentally ill and drug addicted youth.

“I will take time to smell the roses and be

grateful for what I have”

“I will not partake in actions that

are not in line with my values”

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018 tHe SISteR2SISteR pRoJeCt

Where do our little sisters live?

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019tHe SISteR2SISteR pRoJeCt

Impact on the communitySince its inception in September 2003, Life Changing Experiences Foundation has nurtured 60 girls and their communities. The impact the program has had (and is having) on ‘at risk’ teenage youth is primarily the alleviation of the cycle of poverty, destitution and suffering.

Benefits the Project is creating for the community include:

Increase in further education/school attendance

community ‘wellness’ through happiness, fulfillment and recognition of self worth

purposeful use of talents to enable a better life for themselves and their community, assisting them to break the cycle of suffering

the transformation of life through mastering life’s challenges

reduced crime

dramatic decline in anti-social behavior

dramatic decline in domestic violence

substantial increase in part-time employment and decline of girls living on benefits (with the exception of living away from home rental assistance)

management of mental illness

dramatic decrease in substance abuse

reduction of unplanned teenage pregnancy

Case studyI was born in Australia and grew up in the western suburbs of Sydney with my parents and two sisters. Both of my parents were alcoholics. My dad committed suicide when I was 14. I was left with my mother who did not (and still does not) speak English. I had to assist her grocery shopping because she could not understand numbers. Her literacy skills were limited to writing her name in both languages. My mother began to gamble and continued to forget her role as a mother. We had little money. My mother did not protect me from harms way and my lack of self worth was due to continuous molestation from relatives. I was forced to marry at the age of 16. I began to be bullied at school which was a living nightmare, and I sought the affections of the wrong sort of people for comfort which led me down a path of self destruction. I began drinking to ease the pain and I tried several times to end my life. I remember being in 24 hour care so that I did not take my life

again. I was put on anti depressants. I needed a break …

When my school counsellor nominated me for the SISTER2sister Project I did not think that my life could change. I wondered why she picked me. My life changed dramatically…During the Project, we learned survival skills and how to get ourselves out of harms way. I was given a big sister who helped me through the hard times (and still does) and learned the necessary life skills to lead a happy and fulfilling life. I learned how to take care of myself and value myself. I realised that the past does not equal the future and that I am worthwhile. I have now moved out of home and am financially independent. I am attending university and studying to be a solicitor. I attend seminars in property investment and plan to purchase property in the next year so that I can provide a household for my little sister. I am planning to teach my 46 year old mother how

to read and write and speak English. I am only 19 years old now, but when I turn 21, I want to be a big sister mentor so I can help other girls to turn their lives around like I did. I am very lucky.

Little Sister 2004/05

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020 tHe SISteR2SISteR pRoJeCt

Testimonials“My parents are both drug addicts and I live in a refuge. I feel alone a lot and get really angry. It took a lot of convincing to get me to come to camp but as soon as I got there I met my big sister who was really cool because she’s a lawyer. At the end of the camp I realized I had forty big sisters and lots of friends who have been through a tough time too. I did not want to leave.”

Little Sister 2005/06

“My dad murdered my mum in front of us and we had to move to Australia to live with our aunty. I was one of six and now we are a family of 11. I miss my friends. My sister and I were nominated by our school counsellor to attend the sister project and both of us now have a big sister who we can talk to. Talking about it in the “grief and loss workshop” was hard because I miss my mum so much but I have lots of support.”

Little Sister 2005/06

“My mum died because my brother and I were unable to call the ambulance in time. I had no females to talk to then, but now I do. My big sister is so cool, she took me to the Blue Mountains for a drive and we went for a walk and to a nice restaurant. I had a fun day even though I tried new food that tasted a bit weird. She showed me how to wash my clothes because I had no clean ones. She is organizing a photo shoot for me because I stopped taking drugs.”

Little Sister 2005/06

feelings…My life would be so hard Because you mean the world to me, And your positive outcomes Are helping me to be!

It’s almost more than I can take I’ve never been this close to anyone Just pray I don’t lose your contact I don’t want to stuff up as I’ve done

You’ve helped me reach my goals I now believe I can achieve anything You’re also the ones that don’t give up And now it’s passed on as something

Dedicated to all the Big Sisters from a Little Sister 2005/06

“When in need of support,

I will turn to those who I trust”

“I will hold my values high and not let

the influences of others change them”

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022 tHe SISteR2SISteR pRoJeCt eVAluAtIon

The sIsTeR2sister project evaluationThe 2005/06 SISTER2sister Project marked the introduction and completion of our inaugural Evaluation Process. regular surveys, questionnaires and interviews were conducted to gather information across all spectrums of the program. We have compiled a professional and detailed report with the expert assistance of Debra Pamula, a PhD student at Macquarie University. Please find below a brief overview and a summary of the findings. A copy of the full report is available upon request.

The 12 workshops which comprised The SISTER2sister Project addressed the identified needs of the Little Sisters by incorporating the Levels of Learning across the year. As such, the Little Sisters were exposed to issues such as overcoming obstacles, healthy lifestyle, the power of choice, employment and careers, relationships and friendships, community resources, presentation skills, getting out of harm’s way, celebrating success, goal setting, and self esteem building. As part of this learning, at each workshop Little Sisters were also given the opportunity to participate in ‘life changing experiences’, such as Butterfly Bootcamp, visiting Luna Park, learning how to surf, visiting the top of Sydney Tower, and climbing the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

Overall, the SISTER2sister Project for 2006 has achieved very positive results, which can be summarised through the following Key Performance Indicators.

Intake and retention40 Little Sisters were accepted into the 2006 program, at an average age of 15 years, and 32 of those Little Sisters graduated. In 2007, the intake of Little Sisters and Big Sisters has increased by 15%, against an intended 10% increase, which is very pleasing. In addition, there has been 25% retention of Big Sister Mentors from the 2006 program into the 2007 program, against an intended 20%, again exceeding expectations. The women are rejoining the program not only as Big Sister Mentors, but also as Team Leaders, or as part of the pro bono team, and we are very excited to have them back on board. Of significance is that for the 2007 intake, we had almost 100 applications for Big Sister Mentors, and although frustrating not to be in a position to accept them all, the response from the community is recognised as being overwhelming.

attendanceFor 2006, 90% of Little Sisters attended 75% of the program. Some challenges were noted in attracting attendance by the Little Sisters for various reasons, and we have put actions in place so this will be resolved for 2007. Examples of this include the impact that school holidays have on Little Sisters, given visitation commitments to non-custodial parents. It was also identified that the pattern of attendance fluctuated between (‘tedious’) workshops and (‘fun’) activities, hence these have now been combined to occur for each outing, which greatly increased attendance rates. Big Sister Mentors achieved a high attendance rate for training and for the workshops and activities, although a decline in attendance for our Big Sister Meetings was noticed as the program progressed. This has been addressed in 2007 in various ways, including scheduling all dates prior to commencement of the program, highlighting the great importance of attendance at an early stage with the Big Sister Mentors, and changing the venue and timing of our meetings.

“I will create a safe place for myself

to deal with the past”

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behaviour and relationshipsThis is a very important indicator for the effectiveness of the program, but it is challenging to measure. Nevertheless, we have endeavoured to report for 2006, and a number of new measures have been implemented for 2007, such as more detailed questionnaires, and strict measurement time frames.

In the 2006 program, it was identified that there was an increase in awareness of pro-social behaviour across Little Sisters as noted in their surveys and exit interviews. In terms of self esteem, 50% of Little Sisters surveyed said that they felt better about themselves after being in the program for only three months.

When Big Sister Mentors were asked to rate their Little Sisters’ self esteem, 17% of them rated their Little Sister’s self esteem as ‘good’ at Bootcamp, compared with an increase to a rating of 48% rating their Little Sister’s self esteem as ‘good’ at the end of the program. At the conclusion of the program, 69% of Little Sisters said that they developed the skill of ‘being happy’, 59% said that they developed the skill of ‘setting and achieving goals’, and 63% said that they developed the skill of ‘having the power to change things.

As well as this, 81% of Little Sisters rated their relationship with their Big Sister Mentor as ‘excellent’. It was also observed that whilst Big Sister Mentors reported having a positive relationship with their Little Sister, they tended to be harsher on themselves in terms of identifying results in their Little Sisters. To address this in the 2007 program, efforts have been made to better manage the expectations of Big Sister Mentors in the SISTER2sister Training Program. Additionally, we will endeavour to work more closely with nominators and families in 2007 in terms of communication, expectations, and results.

education and employmentThis was difficult to assess in the 2006 program due to limited survey responding. Nevertheless, it was observed that Little Sisters were attending school more regularly as a result of the program. The importance of being committed to school is constantly reinforced throughout the program, and it was acknowledged that Little Sisters had taken this on board when questioned at exit interviews. In terms of employment, almost 50% of Little Sisters who were of the appropriate age to gain part time work, and in a position to require it, were actually engaged in part time work. The Careers Workshop for the Little Sisters was a valuable exercise, whereby the older Little Sisters were provided with skills to use in embarking on the pursuit of their careers, while the younger Little Sisters were able to identify their talents and interests ready to choose the appropriate subjects for the coming school years

goals and ambitions

As part of the 2006 program, a Goal Setting workshop was conducted with the Little Sisters. Facilitation and follow-up of these goals was not formally included in the remaining program, which is an area for improvement for the 2007 program. Specifically, it was identified that it would be of greater benefit if the performance of the Little Sisters was measured against the goals they set in a more formal manner over the course of the program, and this will be included in the 2007 program.

Notwithstanding, many Little Sisters in the 2006 program achieved outstanding goals throughout the year including: a chronically ill girl completing her HSC at an extraordinarily high level; a girl with drug addicted parents obtaining a Chef apprenticeship; an indigenous girl living in a refuge becoming School Prefect; a girl who was kicked out of home by her mother because the mother’s boyfriend was physically abusive gaining pre-entry to University for Nursing; a chronic self harmer reducing the need to self harm and publishing a pamphlet and presentation to help other young self harmers; a girl who had left school deciding to return to school on a full time basis; a girl deciding to leave an abusive home and obtaining independent living; and two of the girls giving a speech to the House of Representatives at Parliament House in Canberra, just to name a few of the particularly outstanding goals achieved.

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levels of learning

The targets for achievement in the Levels of Learning in The SISTER2sister Project are quite high, yet it is considered that a very positive result has been achieved in this area. The seven Levels of Learning that we expose the Little Sisters to throughout the workshops in the twelve month program include Out of Harm’s Way, Survival Skills, Risk Management, Healthy Lifestyle, Life Skills, Employment and Education, and Tapping Potential. Our results found that 100% of Little Sisters achieved one of these levels, 94% of the girls achieved two levels, 78% achieved three levels, 72% achieved four levels, and 50% achieved five levels. Whilst this was analysed in an ad-hoc manner in 2006, it is intended that this will be more formally assessed for 2007.

Nevertheless, the principle idea underpinning the Levels of Learning, and of the whole program, is to ‘plant a seed’ of the practical use of these concepts. The key messages for the Little Sisters to utilise in their lives are incorporated across all the workshops. As such, it is hoped that at some moment in time, the seed will germinate, and the strength of the concept will flourish within the Little Sister. It is acknowledged that whilst this may happen during the course of the program, it also may not happen until some later time. However, we trust that eventually the key message will be learned.

In other words, as the SISTER2sister Project continues, it is anticipated that the Little Sisters who have been part of the program will be flourishing as a result of the seeds we have planted when they participated in the program.

life Changes!

Life has changes, Life has plans.

Life Changing Experiences, Has planned my life, Made life changes, Towards my future.

I am now able, To reach my goal With my life Being whole.

My life is clean My life is fresh Now I’m able To walk outside With confidence And high self esteem

So thank you Jess For making the team Now my life is set And ready to begin

By Little Sister 2005–06

Big Sister poem

A girl sits alone in her room As tears stream down her face She doesn’t know who or why she is She cannot run this race

Big sister lies awake at night And thinks of all the girls Who’s eyes are full of tears And could one day change the world

From these quiet thoughts a night A great idea has formed Why not give these girls a chance To learn why they were born

So for one year from April last We learned to love ourselves To know that we are all worthwhile That we should be ourselves

I know who I am now That answer has been won For though there have been hard times There are much greater times to come

By Little Sister 2004–05

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026 potentIAlIZe! lIFe CHAnGInG eDuCAtIon


Potentialize (Life Changing Education) has delivered a number of speeches to schools in NSW over the past year. Some of the schools that have benefited from Potentialize programs have included: Holy Cross College, Chifley Senior College, Birrong Girls, Muirfield High School to name but a few. Potentialize programs focus on areas including drugs and alcohol, peer pressure, study skills, time management, career development, motivation for peak performance, and goal setting.

Potentialize has had some wonderful presenters help deliver programs in the last year including Angela Green, Brett Murray, and Kerrie Scott.

We have had some amazing feedback from schools to the positive effects of these talks. One government school (which receives government priority funding) gave the following feedback on the Potentialize talks delivered in June 2006.

“Good advice, just need to use his advice and believe in yourself and that you can do it”

“Very motivating and engaging”

“I found it worthwhile, engaging, interactive”

“It was good and very helpful for the HSC”

“It was very interesting and funny…everyone was paying attention, which was great… good advice too!”

“The talk was very motivational”

“I believe [the Potentialize] presentation was a great success”

Anne Baker Chifley College Senior Campus

Thanks goes to all the talented presenters that have made the Potentialize programs such a success this last year. The passion and energy that these programs deliver enable students to tap into their amazing potential – a process that I am proud to be a part of.

Best regards,

Blake Beattie

Director Inspire Consulting

Executive Director Potentialize Life Changing Education

Vice Chairperson Life Changing Experiences Foundation

“Search your heart; open your mind;

live the dream”

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Where are funds sourced?

Grants - corporate $120,469.00Grants - government $66,000.00Fundraising net $60,265.54Donations/pledges $52,392.10Other $5,101.19Interest received $1,263.39

net income $305,491.22

“The Life Changing team is dedicated to achieving new fundraising heights in order to be able to replicate and

implement The SISTER2sister Project model throughout Australia…

This is our challenge, one that can only be achieved with your continued support”

Note: The total income per the audited annual accounts is $370,175.01. The net income shown is after the deduction of $64,684 direct fundraising expenses (excluding S2s event expenses).

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Note: ‘Wages’ above includes the total employment expenses of staff and contractors. 54% of the total Operational Expenses is spent on employment expenses. The chart shows this allocated across key functions based on time spent.

Where are funds used?


Wages - recruit/train big sisters $8,036Wages - recruit little sisters $8,036Wages - run workshops/outings $36,163Wages - welfare of little sisters $12,054Wages - fundraising $12,054Wages - community alliances $4,018

Event expenses $28,221Computer & phone $10,995Insurance $8,264Office rent & outgoings $7,981Advertising & promotion $4,178Stationary, postage & shipping $3,600S2s expenses/mentor costs $2,315Accounting & bank fees $1,780

total operational expenses $147,696

Fundraising expenses $64,684Audited total expenses $212,380

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Where is the time (paid and unpaid) invested?

functions hours p.a

Run workshops/outings 11,333Recruit/train big sisters 3,072Welfare of little sisters 2,347Fundraising 1,260Recruit little sisters 552Community alliances 324Office administration 192

Only 19% of hours are paid by the not for profit organisation, and these salaries are paid at a discount to market rates.

81% of hours are generously offered without charge by volunteers.

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032 ACCoMplISHMentS


a Turning Point for life Changing experiences foundationmentor marketplace funding from faCsiaIn January 2006, The SISTER2sister Project was recognised for it’s innovation and was chosen as one of fifteen mentoring programs nationally for Mentor Marketplace funding from Family and Community Service and Indigenous Affairs. This enabled Life Changing Experiences Foundation to employ two full time facilitators including our first full time staff member Katie O’Farrell who has taken on the role of Program Coordinator.

a life Changing experience for the participants of the 2006–2007 sIsTeR2sister Program The sIsTeR2sister Project 2005–06The program was certainly a life changing experience for the 80 participants involved in The 2005–06 SISTER2sister Project. Our SISTER network including 40 ‘at risk’ teens and their big sister mentors. This has made an outstanding impact on the lives of these needy teens who demonstrated a significant raise in self esteem and achievement. This year we are proud to have re housed girls into safe and supported environments, sourced apprenticeships for girls with companies that offer employment overseas and scholarships that contribute to university fees, ensuring a job at the end. We have provided warm clothes and money management skills for girls who are living on their own as well as driving lessons. We are proud to have supported a needy teen with a toddler living in a refuge whilst successfully completing her HSC. We supported girls through court cases, bitter custody battles and girls in the ministers care. Work experience opportunities have been diverse and plentiful for the girls, and this year ranged from writing articles for best selling national magazines, experience at a News Station set, to general administration roles. Opportunities arose such as training with the St George Dragons, and an indigenous girl living in a refuge not only became school prefect, but she addressed the House of Representatives in Parliament Canberra and spoke to 1100 people at the St George Bank Foundation Gala Dinner. We are proud to say that the list goes on far beyond this and we thank the wider community for supporting us with aiding these girls. The impact is phenomenal.

For more details on the amazing results of the 2005-06 SISTER2sister Project, please contact [email protected]

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a Proud moment for life Changing experiences foundationPride of australia medal winner jessica brown Ceo/founder of life Changing experiences foundationAfter speaking in Parliament House, our very own Jessica Brown was nominated for the Pride of Australia Medal in the category of Role Model. As a finalist, she attended the awards ceremony and was successful in winning the prestigious medal in her category for common sense, compassion and wisdom while teaching, coaching and mentoring others to be the best they can be.

The prideofaustralia™ Medal aims to honour everyday Australians, the unsung heroes in our communities making extraordinary contributions to the Australian way of life and not always getting the acknowledgment they deserve.

These people are not high-profile Australians. They might be a friend, workmate, neighbour, your child’s teacher, the local police officer or fire fighter or simply someone who has made your community a better place to live.The awards are made up of ten categories that celebrate and honour values and attributes like bravery, courage, leadership, community spirit, mateship, fair play, tolerance, hard work and generosity.

Nominations are judged by a panel of local community leaders and senior representatives from News Limited newspapers.

Winners of each category from every State and Territory receive a unique sterling silver Pride of Australia medal at a special ceremony.

The Pride of Australia Medal is a national award program which runs annually. Since its inception in 2005, countless stories about great Australians have been uncovered which would have otherwise gone untold.

The 2006 Pride of australia awards. from left: vicki Condon, morris Iemma and winner jessica brown

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life Changing ball 2006

a Winter Wonderland experienceThe Life Changing Ball 2006 – A Winter Wonderland Experience, was a huge success, raising over $80,000 which exceeded everyone’s expectations. Held at the prestigious Doltone House, Pyrmont Sydney, our 400 guests were entertained by Glasshouse’s very own Corrine Grant, Abby Dobson (former Leonardo’s Bride), and had the chance to bid on a wide range of prizes.

To become a sponsor of next years Life Changing Ball, or to join the fundraising ball committee, please contact Katie O’Farrell on 02 9388 8568.

Thank you to all of our sponsors, and corporate friends in assisting our needy teenage girls to realise their potential. The impact you have had is phenomenal.

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Darrell James Group

our corporate friends

Darrell James Group

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boaRD of DIReCToRs

Jessica Brown B.Mus.Ed, A.Mus.A

Founder/Chief Executive Officer Life Changing Experiences Foundation

Jessica’s career started in teaching Music in Secondary Schools after completing a degree in Music Education at the University of New South Wales. Her ten years teaching experience together with her unchanging devotion to her students in both private and public secondary schools gained her many achievements including the highly

prestigious National Excellence in Teaching Award (NEITA Foundation) in 1998 for Excellence in Secondary School Teaching presented by the Minister of Education.

Her passion has always been in helping others achieve their true potential through high self esteem by giving them the tools to do so and nurturing them along the way.

Jessica’s personal goal, to reach out and help alleviate the suffering of disadvantaged and underprivileged youth, led her to form Life Changing Experiences Foundation in September 2003, giving young girls the chance to break the cycle of destitution and abuse. In 2004 and 2005, Jessica was nominated for the Telstra Australian Business Women’s Awards in the not for profit category – Hudson Community and Government Award, and was nominated for The Australian of the Year Awards 2005. She also won the Pride of Australia Award 2006 – Role Medal Category for common sense, compassion and wisdom while teaching, coaching and mentoring others to be the best they can be.

Jessica was recently featured on ABC Stateline, Good Morning Australia and 9am with David and Kim, promoting Life Changing Experiences Foundations’, The SISTER2sister Project. She was profiled for ‘On the Verge’ for the Sunday Telegraph Magazine, Cosmopolitan and Note Book Magazine.

In February 2005, Jessica launched the Foundations’ second program ‘Potentialize – Life Changing Education’, an in school mentoring program which has reached thousands of students across NSW. This program was recently authorised by the NSW Department of Education and Training.

Due to Jessica’s relentless efforts lobbying to the House of Representatives, Parliament House Canberra, Life Changing Experiences Foundation was recently recognised for its innovative mentoring model. The SISTER2sister Project was chosen as one of 15 mentoring programs nationally by Family and Community Services, and was granted funding for three years. From starting out on her own, working full time as a volunteer whilst teaching part time, and spending most nights speaking to community groups for support, in just three years she has raised the income of the foundation by 1010%. Her volunteer pool has grown from 1–500 nationally in this time.

“The leadership and inspiration provided by Jessica Brown’s foundation and program such as The SISTER2sister Project, extend far beyond the youths they are helping every day.”

the Hon. Sussan ley Mp Parliamentary Secretary for Children and Youth Affairs Butterfly Ball Speech 2005.

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038 BoARD oF DIReCtoRS

Blake Beattie B.Ed, Cert IV Workplace Assessment

Executive Director of Programs – Potentialize, Life Changing EducationVice Chairperson Life Changing ExperiencesDirector Inspire Consulting

Blake has delivered over a 100 seminars and keynote presentations over the last year to corporate clients throughout Australia, including DownTown Duty Free, the Australian Swimming Team, Community Aid Abroad, and Fitness First. He has delivered numerous school based programs with considerable success.

Over the past few years Blake has worked in America, Canada and Australia managing teams of up to 15 staff, has spoken to audiences of up to 15,000people and has worked as a corporate health and professional development manager, senior training consultant, actor,

and as a sport and entertainment director. He has also featured in television and radio programs.

Blake has a Degree in Education, a Certificate IV in Workplace Assessment and Training and is currently completing his Masters Degree in Business Administration. He is a trained actor and presenter (NIDA), and is also a certified Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner (advanced psychology certification) and Timeline Therapist.

Blake’s keynotes are fun, dynamic and inspirational. His passion is unlocking people’s potential so they may achieve their dreams.

Daniel Clarke B.Comm (Applied Econometric Analysis)/B.Law

Director/Secretary Life Changing Experiences

At the age of 27, Daniel has achieved more than most do in a lifetime. He currently owns and runs five companies, Aussie PABx, AussieISP,, AussiePCFinance, and AussieDial. Daniel also regularly encourages other young Australians to achieve their goals and aspirations through advocacy and public speaking.

Daniel was announced the 1999 NSW Young Australian of the Year in the Career Achievement Category and has also been a member of the Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC) Young Leaders Forum, the 2000 National Youth Roundtable, the Australia Day Youth Committee, various World Vision conventions and several technology based industry bodies.

He is currently a Director of Life Changing Experiences Foundation, chairs the Enterprise Network for Young Australians Ltd (a not-for-profit company), is a member of the Australian Tax Office Personal Tax Advisory Group and is a volunteer for the Youth and Enterprise Legal Centre.

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Vicki Condon B.Arts, Grad Dip. Counselling

Executive Program Director Life Changing Experiences Foundation

Vicki is a qualified counsellor specialising in youth, and holds a Graduate Diploma from the Australian College of Applied Psychology. She is currently a teacher with NSW TAFE in the Outreach Department, coordinating programs on Mentoring in the Community, in conjunction with several NSW High Schools.

Vicki has 10 years experience in corporate HR, and has also run her own small

business in HR consulting, as well as a start up business in retail. A wife, and mother of 3, Vicki believes that young women face many challenges in contemporary society, particularly in terms of education, careers and family balance. She believes that when trauma or abuse is piled on top of this, it becomes particularly difficult for young girls to cope in their adolescent years without a positive role model in their life. This has resulted in Vicki’s involvement with The SISTER2sister Project.

Vicki is extremely passionate about helping young women to reach their goals in life, and wholeheartedly believes in the power of mentoring to facilitate this. Her volunteer role as Executive Program Director of The SISTER2sister Project for Life Changing Experiences Foundation helps her to contribute to this in many ways.

In 2006, Vicki was nominated for the Pride of Australia Medal and Australian of the Year.

Shelley taylor-Smith B.Ed, NLP Practitioner

Ambassador Life Changing Experiences Foundation

Regardless of being tagged with ‘no natural ability’, ‘disabled’ and ‘nothing above average’, 7 time world No. 1 Women’s Marathon Swimming Champion Shelley Taylor-Smith is the only woman to hold a No. 1 world ranking for both men and women in the history of any sport worldwide.

A highly energetic and inspiring motivational keynote speaker, international best selling author, business trainer and success coach, Shelley Taylor-Smith has proven that any ordinary Australian can achieve extraordinary results; that a Champion Mindset® can make a difference in your life and business.

Retired 6 years, Shelley switched swimsuit for business suit, now creating Champions in all of us with her down to earth, openness and honesty as she connects and engages her audience sharing her personal experiences.

In her business Champion Mindset® Consulting, Shelley works with businesses and individuals to remove the blockages that stop people from achieving peak performance and ultimately, success.

Shelley holds Bachelors in Education (Physical Education), a qualified trainer in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and is currently pursuing her doctorate in Psychology. Champion Mindset® has provided Taylor-Made Solutions to both blue ribbon corporations, small and medium business and professional athletes and sporting teams including St Joseph’s College Head of the River Rowing 1st 8’s, Australian Swimming Teas, St. George Bank, Commonwealth Bank, Colonial First State, Cadbury Schweppes, Blackmores, Foxtel, Warner & Roadshow Entertainment and Sheridan all discovering first hand how to become Champions.

Repeatedly, Shelley has demonstrated the power of her mind in overcoming considerable adversity, triumphing over scoliosis, partial paralysis, benign breast tumour and chronic fatigue syndrome.

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040 BoARD oF DIReCtoRS

Jacinta tynan B.Arts/Communications (Broadcast Journalism)

Ambassador Life Changing Experiences Foundation

Jacinta Tynan is the author of the book Good Man Hunting published by Random House in September. Jacinta is also a news presenter with Sky News Australia. Prior to this, Jacinta presented the news for ABC TV’s international satellite service ABC Asia Pacific. During her seven years with the ABC, Jacinta also presented the ABC Late Edition News and was a relief presenter for the 7pm News Bulletin, Weekend News, and World at Noon. Jacinta reported for the 7:30 Report, Lateline and 7pm News.

Jacinta’s journalism career has also included presenting ABC TV News in Darwin, reporting for the Seven Network, weather presenter for WIN TV Canberra and Thredbo Snow Reporter. She is also a keen actor, having written and starred in two short films and acted on stage in various productions at Sydney’s Ensemble Theatre and Darlinghurst Theatre.

Jacinta joined The SISTER2sister Project as an ambassador in April 2005, emceeing the inaugural Butterfly Fundraising Ball. She was also a Big Sister Mentor in the 2005 Program and is currently editing a book to raise funds for the Foundation.

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042 SuppoRteRS

Pro bono team financial supporters


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st george foundation

The st george bank foundation gala Dinner 2006

Training with the st george Dragons

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045FutuRe DIReCtIonS AnD SuStAInABIlItY

fuTuRe DIReCTIons anD susTaInabIlITy

DirectionIn 2007, The SISTER2sister Project will commence its third consecutive 12 month program in Sydney Metropolitan/Greater West.

Life Changing Experience Foundation is strategically planning their first steps to go national with The SISTER2 sister Project.

Our present goals are to:

Build an easily replicable program to take to other regions of Australia

Have a self-sustaining Sydney Program, through fundraising initiatives

Seek the funds for the set up of interstate offices, the employment of key staff and program costs

future sustainabilityWith an overflow of volunteers wishing to mentor teenage girls in need, we are inspired to embrace them by seeking the necessary funds to implement multiple programs simultaneously with an eventual national status. This will also enable us to aid as many beneficiaries as possible and to keep up with the nominations that we continuously receive.

The Life Changing team is dedicated to achieving new fundraising heights in order to be able to replicate and implement The SISTER 2 sister Project model throughout Australia. This is our challenge, one that can only be achieved with your continued support.

“Everything I do each day

is my own choice”

“I will surround myself with people

who inspire me to be the best I can be”

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046 FutuRe DIReCtIonS AnD SuStAInABIlItY

benefits for our financial partnersWith an exact costing established for each program, our five year strategic plan incorporates set budgets that are broken down into tangible sub budgets. Financial partners can choose to sponsor a section of a program ie Butterfly Bootcamp, Risk Management workshops, Life Changing Outings, Mentor Training etc. This caters for a wide range of philanthropic bodies

Financial partners are able to have naming rights associated with the program sections that they have sponsored eg “The St George Bank Foundation Bridge Climb Day”

Programs will incorporate matched funding before it’s commencement, therefore is guaranteed to not fall short due to lack of funds

Board members and staff of financial partners are encouraged to actively participate in Butterfly Boot camp and Workshops/Outings that they have funded, so that they can witness first hand the impact their funds are having

Female staff of financial partners are encouraged to become Big Sister Mentors and will be able to witness the direct impact funding is having on our beneficiaries

Financial partners are given exposure on our website and in our annual report, monthly e newsletters, year book as well as any media exposure. To date our exposure has included: ABC Stateline, Sunrise, David and Kim, The Daily and Sunday Telegraph, City Weekly, Cosmopolitan and Notebook Magazine and many more.

Financial partners will be promoted at our annual Life Changing Ball and invited as special guests to our Graduation Ball

butterfly Release, featured on

good morning australia 2005

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048 FInAnCIAl StAteMentS

lIfe ChangIng exPeRIenCes founDaTIon lTD

audited financial accounts for the year ended 30th june 2006

RC White & Co

50 Carrington Road Randwick NSW 2031

PO Box 2206 Clovelly NSW 2031

Tel (02) 9398 8855 Fax (02) 9398 1823

Independent Audit Report

To: The directors of Life Changing Experiences Foundation Ltd


We have audited the financial report of Life Changing Experiences Foundation Ltd for the year ended 30 June 2006. The directors of Life Changing Experiences Foundation Ltd are responsible for the financial report. We have conducted an independent audit of the financial report in order to express an opinion on it to its members

Our audit has been conducted in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards to provide reasonable assurance whether the financial report is free of material misstatement. Our procedures included examination, on a test basis, of evidence supporting the amounts and other disclosures in the financial report, and the evaluation of accounting policies and significant accounting estimates. These procedures have been undertaken to form an opinion whether, in all material respects, the financial report is presented fairly in accordance with Accounting Standards and other mandatory professional reporting requirements in Australia [and relevant statutory and other requirements] so as to present a view which is consistent with our understanding of the Life Changing Experiences Foundation Ltd financial position, the results of its operations and its cash flows.

The audit opinion expressed in this report has been formed on the above basis.

audit opinion

In our opinion, the financial report presents fairly in accordance with applicable Accounting Standards and other mandatory professional reporting requirements in Australia and the financial position of Life Changing Experiences Foundation Ltd as at 30 June 2006 and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the year then ended.

Date 11 December 2006Firm R C White & CoAddress 50 Carrington Rd Randwick NSW 2031Partner R C White – FCA

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049FInAnCIAl StAteMentS

Profit and loss account for the year ended 30 june 2006

notes 2006 $

2005 $

Donation – Corporate 2 172,861.10 9,525.75

Donation – Government 2 66,000.00 –

Fundraising 2 124,949.33 45,886.36

Other 2 5,101.19 13,287.73

Interest received 2 1,263.39 32.96

370,175.01 68,732.80


Accountancy 300.00 –

Advertising 4,177.55 250.00

Amenities 33.26 369.61

Bank charges 527.95 284.10

Benevolent relief 1,056.77 –

Bookeeping fees 912.50 –

Cleaning 114.23 174.33

Computer consumables 740.84 205.45

Depreciation 989.00 1,018.91

Discount Allowed 126.35 –

Domain name – 176.00

Filing fees 40.00 220.00

Fines & penalties 225.00 –

Fringe Benefits – 7,344.00

notes 2006 $

2005 $

expenses (continued)

Fund Raising Expenses 98,957.32 43,451.25

Hire of equipment 440.00 –

Holiday pay payable 4,520.15 –

Insurance 8,263.82 207.36

Interest – 2,392.29

Light & Power 570.69 –

Material 65.45 90.00

Mentor expenses 1,065.99 –

M V Expenses 2,252.63 2,778.35

Postage 578.62 212.73

Printing & stationery 3,020.94 1,859.84

Rent 6,290.88 4,151.82

Repairs & maintenance 972.23 –

Subcontracting 8,463.63 13,815.77

Staff employment expenses 510.91 –

Superannuation 4,615.86 –

Telephone & Internet 8,825.13 5,160.29

Travelling & Accommodation 2,434.39 –

Wages 51,287.81 –

total expenses 3 212,379.90 84,162.10

net Income/(loss) 157,795.11 –15,429.30

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050 FInAnCIAl StAteMentS

notes 2006 $

2005 $

Current Assets

Cash on hand 6 163,669.67 5,710.15

Sundry debtor – 2,115.54

Total Current assets 163,669.67 7,825.69

non Current Assets

Plant & Equipment 7 1,678.96 1,699.82

Total non Current assets 1,678.96 1,699.82

total Assets 165,348.63 9,525.51

Current liabilities

Creditors 17,701.05 –

Provision for holiday pay 8 4,520.15 –

Total Current liabilities 22,221.20 –

non Current liabilities

Loans from related persons 9 19,718.59 43,911.78

Total non Current liabilities 19,718.59 43,911.78

total liabilities 41,939.79 43,911.78

total net Assets 123,408.84 –34,386.27

trust equity

Retained Earnings 10 123,408.84 –34,386.27

total trust equity 123,408.84 –34,386.27

balance sheet as at 30 june 2006

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051FInAnCIAl StAteMentS

noTes To The fInanCIal sTaTemenTs foR The yeaR enDeD 30 june 2006statement of Cash flows for the year ended 30 june 2006

note 1: statement of significant accounting Policies

The financial report is a general purpose financial report that has been prepared in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards, Urgent Issues Group Consensus Views and other authoritative pronouncements of the Australian Accounting Standards Board.

The financial report is for the entity Life Changing Experiences Foundation Ltd (LCEF) as an individual entity. LCEF is a registered income tax exempt charity, incorporated and domiciled in Australia. It has deductible gift recipient status.

The financial report has been prepared on an accruals basis and is based on historical costs and does not take into account changing money values or, except where stated, current valuations of non-current assets. Cost is based on the fair values of the consideration given in exchange for assets.

The following is a summary of the material accounting policies adopted by LCEF in the preparation of the financial report. The accounting policies have been consistently applied, unless otherwise stated.

(a) Inventories

Inventories are measured at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Costs are assigned on a first-in first-out basis.

(b) Property, Plant and Equipment

Each class of property, plant and equipment is carried at cost less, where applicable, any accumulated depreciation. The carrying amount of plant and equipment is reviewed annually by the LCEF Board to ensure that it is not in excess of the recoverable amount from those assets. The recoverable amount is assessed on the basis of the expected net cash flows which will be received from the assets employment and subsequent disposal. The expected net cash flows have not been discounted to present values in determining the recoverable amount.


The depreciable amount of all fixed assets excluding buildings and capitalised lease assets, are depreciated on a diminishing value basis over their useful lives to LCEF commencing from the time asset is held ready for use. Leasehold improvements are amortised over the shorter of either the unexpired period of the lease or the estimated useful lives of the improvements.

The depreciation rates used for each class of depreciable asset are:

Class of fixed asset Depreciation Rate

Buildings 2% to 4%

Plant and equipment 12% to 33%

Computer and technology equipment 20% to 50%

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052 FInAnCIAl StAteMentS

(f) Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Revenues, expenses and assets are recognised net of the amount of GST, except where the amount of GST incurred is not recoverable from the Australian Tax Office. In these circumstances the GST is recognised as part of the cost of acquisition of the asset or as part of an item of the expense. Receivables and payables in the Statement of Financial Position are shown inclusive of GST.

(g) Comparative Figures

Where required by Accounting Standards comparative figures have been adjusted to conform with changes in presentation for the current financial year.

note 2: Revenue

2006 $



operating Activities

Sponsorships, government grants and other income

368,912 68,700 19,317

Interest income 1,263 33 11

non-operating Activities

Surplus on disposal of plant and equipment

0 0 0

total Revenue 157,795 -15,429 -18,957

note 1: statement of significant accounting Policies (continued)

(c) Provision for Employee/Contractor Benefits

Provision is made for LCEF’s liability for employee/contractor benefits arising from services rendered by employees/contractors to balance date. Employee/contractor benefits expected to be settled within one year together with benefits arising from wages and salaries, annual leave and sick leave which will be settled after one year, have been measured at the amounts expected to be paid when the liability is settled plus related on-costs. Other employee/contractor benefits payable later than one year have been measured at the present value of the estimated future cash outflows to be made for those benefits.

Contributions are made by LCEF to employee superannuation funds and are charged as expenses when incurred.

(d) Cash

For the purposes of the statement of cash flows, cash includes cash on hand and in at call deposits with banks or financial institutions, investments in money market instruments maturing within less than two months, net of bank overdrafts.

(e) Revenue

Revenue from the sale of goods is recognised upon the delivery of goods to customers. Interest revenue is recognised on a proportional basis taking into account the interest rates applicable to the financial assets. Revenue from the rendering of a service is recognised upon the deliver of the service to the customers. All revenue is stated net of the amount of goods and services tax (GST).

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053FInAnCIAl StAteMentS

note 3: Profit from ordinary activities

Profit from ordinary activities before income tax expense has been determined after:

(a) Expenses

2006 $



Cost of Sales

Expenses – cost of sales 211,391 83,143 37,931

total 211,391 83,143 37,931


Depreciation of property, plant and equipment

989 1,019 354

total 989 1,019 354

(b) Revenue and Net Gains

Net gain on disposal of plant and equipment

0 0 0

total 0 0 0

note 4: Income Tax expense

LCEF is exempt from the payment of income tax pursuant to section 50–5 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 and has received endorsement as an income exempt charity pursuant to section 50–B of the Income Tax Assessment Act.

note 5: Remuneration and Retirement benefits

(a) Remuneration of Board Members

Remuneration received or receivable by all Board Members of the LCEF:

2006 $



From LCEF or any related party in connection with management of LCEF


0 0

From LCEF in connection with the management of a related party

0 0 0

The names of Board Members who have held office during the financial year(s):

Jessica Brown

Daniel Clarke

Blake Beattie

(b) Retirement Benefits

Amounts paid to a superannuation plan for the provision of retirement benefits by:

LCEF or any related party for Board Members

3,187 0 0

LCEF for Board Members of any related party

0 0 0

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054 FInAnCIAl StAteMentS

note 9: RelaTeD PaRTy TRansaCTIons

During the year, related transactions totaled the following:

2006 $



Related party transactions 19,718 43,911 23,360

note 10: Retained Profits

Retained profits at the beginning of the financial year

-34,386 -18,957 0

Net surplus/(deficit) 157,795 -15,429 -18,957

Retained surplus at the end of the financial year

123,409 -34,386 -18,957

note 6: Cash assets

2006 $



Cash on hand 5 0 0

Cash at bank 163,665 5,715 40

total 163,670 5,715 40

note 7: Property, Plant and equipment

Plant and equipment at cost 4,041 3,073 2,782

Less: accumulated depreciation 2,362 1,373 354

total 1,679 1,700 2,428

note 8: Provisions


Employee/contractor benefits 4,520 1,373 354

no. no. no.

Number of employees/ contractors at year end

2 0 0

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055FInAnCIAl StAteMentS

note 11: Cash flow Information

Reconciliation of Cash

(a) Cash at the end of the financial year as shown in the Statement of Cash Flows is reconciled to the related items in the statement of financial position as follows:




Cash on hand 5 0 0

Cash at bank 163,665 6,715 40

total 163,670 6,715 40

(b) Reconciliation of Cash Flow from Operations with Profit from Ordinary Activities after Income Tax

Profit from ordinary activities after income tax

157,795 -15,429 -18,957

non-cash flows in profit from ordinary activities:

Depreciation 989 1,019 354

Net gain on disposal of plant and equipment

0 0 0

Changes in assets and liabilities:

Decrease in receivables 0 0 0

Increase in inventories 0 0 0

(Increase)/decrease in other assets (156,812) (7,142) (3,757)

Increase/(decrease) in payables (1,972) 21,552 22,360

Increase/(decrease) in payables 0 0 0

Cash flows from operations 0 0 0

note 12: financial Instruments

(a) Interest Rate Risk

LCEF’s exposure to interest rate risk, which is the risk that a financial instrument’s value will fluctuate as a result of changes in market interest rates and the effective weighted average interest rates on those financial assets and financial liabilities. The directors are of the opinion that any such risk is not material.

(b) Credit Risk

The maximum exposure to credit risk, excluding the value of any collateral or other security, at balance date to recognised financial assets is the carrying amount of those assets, net of any provisions for doubtful debts, as disclosed in the statement of financial position and notes to the financial report. LCEF does not have any material credit risk exposure to any single debtor or group of debtors under financial instruments entered into by the LCEF.

(c) Net Fair Values

The net fair values of listed investments have been valued at the quoted market bid price at balance date adjusted for transaction costs expected to be incurred. For other assets and other liabilities the net fair value approximates their carrying value. No financial assets and financial liabilities are readily traded on organised markets in standardised form other than listed investments. Financial assets where the carrying amount exceeds net fair values have not been written down as the LCEF intends to hold these assets to maturity. The aggregate net fair values and carrying amounts of financial assets and financial liabilities are disclosed in the statement of financial position and in the notes to the financial statements.

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056 FInAnCIAl StAteMentS

noTe 13: lCef DeTaIls

The office of LCEF is:

life Changing experiences foundation ltd 667 Old South Head Road Rose Bay North NSW 2030

Tel: 02 93888569 Fax: 02 93888730

the Members of the Board of lCeF declare that:

1. The financial statements and notes, comprising the statement of financial performance, statement of financial position, statement of cash flows and notes to the financial statements, present fairly LCEF’s financial position as at 30 June 2006 and its performance in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards and other mandatory professional reporting requirements;

2. In the Members of the Board’s opinion there are reasonable grounds to believe that LCEF will be able to pay its debts as and when they become due and payable.

This declaration is made in accordance with a resolution of the Members of the Board

Jessica Brown Chair

Dated this 11th day of December 2006

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057FInAnCIAl StAteMentS

notes 2006 $

2005 $

2004 $

Current assets

Cash assets 6 163,670 5,710 40

Sundry debtor 0 2,116 935

Total current assets 163,670 7,826 975

non current assets

Plant, property and equipment 7 1,679 1,700 2,428

Total non current assets 1,679 1,700 2,428

total assets 165,349 9,526 3,403

Current liabilities

Payables 37,420 43,912 22,359

Provisions 8 4,520 0 0

Total current liabilities 41,940 43,912 22,359

total liabilities 41,940 43,912 22,360

net assets 123,409 –34,386 –18,957

Members’ funds

Retained surplus 9 123,409 –34,386 –18,957

total members’ funds 123,409 –34,386 –18,957

The Statement of Cash Flows is to be read in conjunction with the discussion and analysis and the accompanying notes to the financial statements.

sTaTemenT of fInanCIal PosITIonfor the year ended 30 june 2006

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058 FInAnCIAl StAteMentS

notes 2006 $

2005 $

2004 $

Revenues from ordinary activities 2 368,912 68,700 19,317

Interest income 1,263 33 11

Depreciation and amortisation expenses 989 1,019 354

Employee and contractor benefits expense

Grants expense

Repairs, maintenance and office expenses

Special events and functions expenses

Other expenses from ordinary activities 211,391 83,143 37,931

157,795 –15,429 –18,957

Surplus from ordinary activities before income tax expense 3 157,795 –15,429 –18,957

Income tax expense relating to ordinary activities 4 0 0 0

net surplus from ordinary activities after income tax expense attributable to members of lCeF

13 157,795 -15,429 -18,957

Total changes in equity other than those resulting from transactions with owners as owners

157,795 -15,429 -18,957

The Statement of Cash Flows is to be read in conjunction with the discussion and analysis and the accompanying notes to the financial statements.

sTaTemenT of fInanCIal PeRfoRmanCefor the year ended 30 june 2006

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059FInAnCIAl StAteMentS

notes 2006 $

2005 $

2004 $

Cash flows frm operating activities

Receipts from ordinary activities 368,912 68,700 19,317

Interest received 1,263 33 11

Payments to suppliers and employees 212,380 84,162 38,285

Net cash provided by operating activities 11(b) 157,795 –15,429 –18,957

Cash flows frm investing activities

Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment 0 0 0

Payment for property, plant and equipment 0 0 0

Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities 0 0 0

Net cash used in investing activities 0 0 0

Cash flows frm financing activities

Net proceeds from borrowings 0 0 0

net cash provided by financing activities 0 0 0

Net increase/(decrease) in cash held 157,795 –15,429 –18,957

Cash at the beginning of the financial year -34,386 -18,957 0

Cash at the end of the financial year 11(b) 123,409 -34,386 -18,957

The Statement of Cash Flows is to be read in conjunction with the discussion and analysis and the accompanying notes to the financial statements.

sTaTemenT of Cash floWsfor the year ended 30 june 2006