lifelong learning multirateral school project olaine secondary school no 1 2011, olaine, latvia

Lifelong Learning Lifelong Learning Multirateral School Multirateral School Project Project OLAINE SECONDARY SCHOOL No 1 2011, Olaine, Latvia

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Lifelong Learning Multirateral Lifelong Learning Multirateral School ProjectSchool Project


2011, Olaine, Latvia

Page 2: Lifelong Learning Multirateral School Project OLAINE SECONDARY SCHOOL No 1 2011, Olaine, Latvia

Life styles in the past and present – Life styles in the past and present – traditional family values.traditional family values.

By Evita Krevņeva, Veronika Šteņa, Form 8c

Olaine Secondary School No12011

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Latvian life style in the past.Latvian life style in the past.

In the past people mostly lived in the country.

In 1801 less than 30% lived in cities.

In 1881 more than 58% lived in cities.

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In the 19th C. families usually were big with more than 5 children.

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In the country adults worked in the fields and woods, bred cattle, sold home-made goods at the street markets. Those who lived in cities worked in factories.

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Women did a lot of housework, looked after children and cattle at home.

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Women didn’t have equal rights with men. Only in the late 19th C. they got them.

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Children from poor families didn’t go to school, because they had to work. They could neither read nor write.

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Children from rich families went to schools, but schools were separate for girls and boys.

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Latvian life style in the present.Latvian life style in the present.

Today people prefer living in the city. People from the country move to big cities, because of better living conditions.

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Nowadays families aren’t so big as they used to be. Average families usually have 1-3 children.

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Both parents are making careers. Women also work hard and have equal rights with men.

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Children are well-educated today, because the 9 year education is obligatory, after that they can go to secondary or vocational school. Later they can go to university.

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Most common festivals celebrated Most common festivals celebrated in our familiesin our familiesChristmas,New Year,Easter,summer solstice,8th March,Mother’s Daybirthdays,name days

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Christmas.Christmas. Nowadays the Latvians

celebrate Christmas following ancient traditions. They decorate their houses with ornaments made of straw, wood and other natural materials.

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One of the most popular traditions in Latvian culture is stilts walking. People put on masks and go to other houses. It symbolizes blessing and drives evil spirits away.

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Nowadays a lot of traditions have come from other countries. For example, gingerbread baking.

Block dragging is also one of the most important traditions at Christmas.

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New Year.New Year.

In the past Latvian people didn’t celebrate New Year.

Nowadays it is a public holiday. At this celebration we drink champagne, eat tangerines, listen to President’s speech and watch salute on TV.

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Easter.Easter. At Easter people paint

eggs with onion peels, camomile, rye sprouts, blueberries and hay.

In Latvia there is a tradition to hide and roll eggs. People beat eggs to know whose egg is stronger too.

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Also at Easter people must swing on a swing, because people used to believe that swinging helps to keep mosquitoes away.

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Summer Solstice.Summer Solstice. In Latvia people dress

up national costumes and make wreathes of fresh flowers. Men put on oak leaves wreathes.

At midnight young couples go to the forest and look for blooming fern.

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Traditional meals are Jāņu cheese and rye beer.

The most popular traditions are high jumping over the bonfire, singing jolly songs and dancing.

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Free time activities.Free time activities.

Some families like to spend their free time together doing different activities. For example, grandmothers, mothers and daughters do handicrafts. Grandfathers, fathers and sons work in the garage.

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On summer holidays the most popular free time activity is travelling. People go sightseeing, buy souvenirs, take photos of interesting places.

Also they go on excursions to Latvian museums or camping in the most beautiful places in Latvia.

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Latvian families like cooking very much. On holidays or days off they try to cook something new and unusual. Some families have picnics. They invite some friends to taste their meals.

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