light/ - · principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror : the principal focus...


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Page 1: Light/ - · Principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror : The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, from which,
Page 2: Light/ - · Principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror : The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, from which,

Light/प्रकाशDefinition of light: Light is a form of energy that is the reason of sensing our vision. The simple path adopted by light is called ray. A lot of rays are formed by the ray bead, which can be dysphonic and convergent.प्रकाश की ऩरयबाषा : प्रकाश, ऊर्ाा का ही एक रूऩ है र्ो हभायी दृष्टि के संवेदन का कायण है। प्रकाश द्वाया अऩनाए गए सयर ऩथ को ककयण कहते हैं। अनेक ककयणों से ककयण ऩ ंर् फनता है र्ो अऩसायी तथा अभबसायी हो सकते हैं।

Page 3: Light/ - · Principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror : The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, from which,

Reflection of light/ प्रकाश का परावर्तन

Page 4: Light/ - · Principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror : The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, from which,

“When a light ray incidents on a smooth and polished surface, then it undergoes (comes) back almost in a different direction, such incidence of light ray is called reflection of light”. र्फ एक चिकनी औय ऩॉभरश सतह ऩय प्रकाश ककयण की घिना होती है, तो मह रगबग अरग ददशा भें वाऩस आती है (आती है), प्रकाश ककयण की ऐसी घिना को प्रकाश का ऩरयवतान कहा र्ाता है।

A place mirror is assumed to be the best reflector. The straight line perpendicular to the reflection surface is called normal. एक र्गह दऩाण को सफसे अच्छा ऩयावताक भाना र्ाता है। ऩयावतान सतह ऩय सीधी येखा को अभबरबं कहा र्ाता है।

Page 5: Light/ - · Principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror : The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, from which,

The angle between the incident ray and normal is called angle of incidence and between the normal and reflected ray is called angle of reflection.

आऩतन औय अभबरंफ की फीि कोण को आऩतन कोण औय अबफरंफ औय ऩयावतान ककयण की फीि कोण को ऩयावतान कोण कहत ेहै|

Page 6: Light/ - · Principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror : The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, from which,

laws of reflection/ परावर्तन के ननयम

Page 7: Light/ - · Principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror : The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, from which,

a) Incident ray, normal and reflected ray all lie in the same place. आऩतन ककयण, अभबरंफ औय ऩयावर्तात ककयण सबी एक स्थान ऩय भभरते हैं।

b) Angle of incidence and angle of reflection both are equal. Thus i = r आऩतन कोण औय ऩयावतान कोण दोनों सभान हैं|

Page 8: Light/ - · Principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror : The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, from which,

Object and Image/वस्रु् और प्रनर्बबिंब

“Anything which gives out light rays (after reflection) is known as object”.Ex- bulb, candle, our face, tree"क छ बी र्ो प्रकाश की ककयणें देता है, (ऩयावतान के फाद) वस्त के रूऩ भें र्ाना र्ाता है"। Ex- फल्फ, भोभफत्ती, हभाया िेहया, ऩेड़|

Image is an optical appearance produced when light rays coming from an object are reflected from a mirror or lens.प्रर्तबफफं एक प्रकाशीम उऩष्स्थर्त है, र्फ ककसी वस्त से आने वारी प्रकाश ककयणें दऩाण मा रेंस भे ऩयावर्तात होती हैं।

Page 9: Light/ - · Principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror : The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, from which,

There are two types of image/ प्रनर्बबिंब दो प्रकार की होर्ी हैं –Real image and virtual image /वास्तववक औय आबासी प्रर्तबफफं 1.Real image/वास्र्ववक प्रनर्बबिंब -The image that can be obtained on a screen is called a real image/ स्रीन ऩय प्राप्त की र्ा सकने वारी प्रर्तबफफं को वास्तववक प्रर्तबफफं कहा र्ाता हैEx- In cinema hall image of actor and actress in screen

Page 10: Light/ - · Principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror : The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, from which,
Page 11: Light/ - · Principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror : The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, from which,

2.Virtual image/आभासी प्रनर्बबिंब-The image cannot be obtained on a screen is called a virtual आबासी प्रर्तबफफं - स्रीन ऩय न प्राप्त की र्ाने वारी प्रर्तबफफं को आबासी प्रर्तबफफं कहा र्ा सकता।Ex-image of our face in उदाहयण-हभाये िेहये की प्रर्तबफफं

Page 12: Light/ - · Principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror : The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, from which,
Page 13: Light/ - · Principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror : The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, from which,

Mirror/दपतणMirror is a polished surface like glass which reflects almost all the light incident of it. There are two types of mirror-

दऩाण कांि की तयह एक ऩॉभरश सतह है र्ो इसके रगबग सबी प्रकाश घिना को दशााता है। दऩाण दो प्रकाय के होत ेहैं-1. Plane mirror/सभतर दऩाण 2. spherical mirror/गोरीम दऩाण

Page 14: Light/ - · Principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror : The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, from which,
Page 15: Light/ - · Principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror : The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, from which,

1.Plane mirror/ समर्ऱ दपतण :•One surface of the mirror is place and another surface has a sharp metallic polish which is pasted. This is done to avoid the polish decay. दऩाण की एक सतह सभान यहती है औय दसूयी सतह ऩय एक धात की ऩॉभरश की र्ाती है|

•The backside of the mirror with silver of mercury layers (metallic polish) works as a reflector surface. ऩाया ऩयतों (धात ऩॉभरश) की िादंी के साथ दऩाण के ऩीछे एक ऩयावताक सतह के रूऩ भें काभ कयता है|

Page 16: Light/ - · Principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror : The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, from which,

• The object and image both are located at equal distance.वस्त औय छवव दोनों सभान दयूी ऩय ष्स्थत हैं।

•In a place mirror the formed image is always imaginary and it is equal to the size of the object laterally inverted. एक र्गह दऩाण भें फना प्रर्तबफफं हभेशा काल्ऩर्नक होता है औय मह उल्िे प्रर्तबफफं के आकाय के फयाफय होती है।

Page 17: Light/ - · Principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror : The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, from which,

Image formed by a plane mirror/समर्ऱ दपतण द्वारा बना प्रनर्बबिंब 1. The image formed in a plane mirror is virtual. (cannotebe received on a screen). / सभतर दऩाण भें फनने वारी छवव आबासी होती है। (स्रीन ऩय नही प्राप्त ककमा र्ा सकती है)।2. The image formed in a place mirror is erect. It is the same side up as the object, एक र्गह दऩाण भें फनाई गई छवव खड़ी है। मह वस्त के सभान ही है,

Page 18: Light/ - · Principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror : The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, from which,

3. The image formed by a pane mirror is at the same distance behind the mirror as the object front of the mirror./सभतर दऩाण द्वाया र्नभभात प्रर्तबफम्फ दऩाण के ऩीछे उसी दयूी ऩय होता है र्ो दऩाण के साभने का बाग होता है।

4. The image formed in a plane mirror is laterally inverted (or sideways reversed).सभतर दऩाण भें फनने वारा चित्र उल्िा होता है ।

Page 19: Light/ - · Principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror : The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, from which,
Page 20: Light/ - · Principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror : The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, from which,

Uses of Plane Mirrors/सभतर दऩाण के उऩमोग

Page 21: Light/ - · Principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror : The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, from which,

•Plane mirrors are used to see ourselves. The mirrors on our dressing table and in bathrooms are plane mirrors. सभतर दऩाण का इस्तेभार ख द को देखने के भरए ककमा र्ाता है। हभाये ड्रभेसगं िेफर ऩय औय फाथरूभ भें दऩाण ववभान के दऩाण हैं।•

•Plane mirrors are fixed on the inside walls of certain shops (like jewellery shops) to make them look bigger. सभतर दऩाण क छ द कानों (र्ैसे ज्वेरयी शॉप्स) की अदंय की दीवायों ऩय रगाए र्ाते हैं ताकक वे फड़ ेददख सकें ।

Page 22: Light/ - · Principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror : The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, from which,

•Plane mirrors are fitted at blind turns of some busy roads so that drivers can see the vehicles coming from the other side and prevent accidents. क छ व्मस्त सड़कों के अंधे भोड़ ऩय सभतर दऩाण रगाए गए हैं ताकक ड्राइवय दसूयी तयप से आने वारे वाहनों को देख सकें औय द घािनाओं को योक सकें ।•

•Plane mirrors are used in making periscopes. सभतर दऩाण का उऩमोग ऩेरयस्कोऩ फनाने भें ककमा र्ाता है।

Page 23: Light/ - · Principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror : The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, from which,

Spherical mirror/ गोऱाकार दपतणIn spherical plane the constructed mirror is called spherical mirror in which one side of the mirror has a layer of mercury or coating of lead oxide. A thin layer is painted and pasted to one side and another side is used as a reflecting surface. गोराकाय सभतर भें र्नभभात दऩाण को “गोराकाय दऩाण” कहा र्ाता है, ष्र्सभें दऩाण के एक तयप ऩाया मा रेड ऑक्साइड की ऩयत होती है। एक ऩतरी ऩयत को चिबत्रत ककमा र्ाता है औय एक तयप चिऩकामा र्ाता है औय दसूयी तयप एक ऩयावताक सतह के रूऩ भें उऩमोग ककमा र्ाता है।

Page 24: Light/ - · Principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror : The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, from which,

The spherical mirror is of two types-गोराकाय दऩाण दो प्रकाय का होता है- Convex mirror/उत्तर दऩाणConcave mirror/ अवतर दऩाण

Page 25: Light/ - · Principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror : The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, from which,

a) Concave mirror/ अवतर दऩाण: The spherical mirror whose reflecting surface is inwardly leaned is called concave mirror. It is also called converging mirror because of converges the coming rays from infinity. गोराकाय दऩाण, ष्र्सकी ऩयावताक सतह अंदय की ओय झ की ह ई होती है, अवतर दऩाण कहराता है। अनंतता से आने वारी ककयणों को ऩरयवर्तात कयने के कायण इसे अभबसायी दऩाण बी कहा र्ाता है।

Page 26: Light/ - · Principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror : The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, from which,
Page 27: Light/ - · Principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror : The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, from which,

b) Convex mirror/उत्तर दऩाण: The spherical mirror whose reflecting surface is outwardly leaned is called convex mirror. It is also called diverging mirror because it diverges the rays coming from infinity.

गोराकाय दऩाण ष्र्सकी ऩयावताक सतह फाह्म रूऩ से झ की होती है, उत्तर दऩाण कहराती है। इसे अऩसायी दऩाण बी कहा र्ाता है क्मोंकक अनंत से आने वारी ककयणों को डामविा कयता है।

Page 28: Light/ - · Principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror : The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, from which,
Page 29: Light/ - · Principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror : The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, from which,

Uses of Concave mirror/ अवतर दऩाण के उऩमोग: :1. As a shaving glass/ शवेवगं ग्रास के रूऩ भें।. 2. As a reflector for the head lights of a vehicle/ एक वाहन के हेड राइि के भरए ऩयावताक के रूऩ भें, light/सिा राएि.4. In ophthalmoscope to examine eye, ear, nose by doctors. डॉक्ियों द्वाया आंख, कान, नाक की र्ांि कयने के भरए ऑप्िाल्भोस्कोऩ भें5. In solar cookers/सोरय क कय भें।

Page 30: Light/ - · Principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror : The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, from which,

Uses of Convex mirror/ उत्तर दऩाण का उऩमोग1. As a rear view mirror in vehicle because it provides the maximum near field of view and image formed is always erect./ वाहन भें एक रयमय व्मू भभयय के रूऩ भें क्मोंकक मह देखने के भरए अचधकतभ र्नकि ऺेत्र प्रदान कयता है औय फनाई गई छवव हभेशा खड़ी यहती है।2. In sodium reflector lamp./सोडडमभ रयफ्रेक्िय दीऩक भें।

Page 31: Light/ - · Principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror : The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, from which,
Page 32: Light/ - · Principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror : The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, from which,
Page 33: Light/ - · Principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror : The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, from which,

Terms of mirror

Page 34: Light/ - · Principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror : The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, from which,

1. Centre of curvature (C). The centre of curvature of a spherical mirror is the centre of the hollow sphere of glass, of which the spherical mirror is a part. वरता कें द्र (C): एक गोराकाय दऩाण के वरता का कें द्र कांि के खोखरे ऺेत्र का कें द्र है, ष्र्सभें से गोराकाय दऩाण एक दहस्सा है।

2. Pole (P). The pole of a spherical mirror is the centre of the mirror ध्र व (P): गोराकाय दऩाण का ध्र व दऩाण का कें द्र होता है|

Page 35: Light/ - · Principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror : The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, from which,

3. Radius of curvature (R). The radius of curvature of a spherical mirror is the radius of the hollow sphere of glass, of which the spherical mirror is a part.

वरता का बत्रज्मा (R): एक गोराकाय दऩाण की वरता बत्रज्मा है कांि के खोखरे ऺेत्र की बत्रज्मा, र्ो गोराकाय दऩाण एक दहस्सा है।

Page 36: Light/ - · Principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror : The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, from which,

4. Principal axis. The principal axis of a spherical mirror is the straight line passing through the centre of curvature C and pole P of the spherical mirror, produced on both side.

भ ख्म अऺ: एक गोराकाय दऩाण का भ ख्म अऺ, दोनों तयप उत्ऩन्न होने वारी गोराकाय दऩाण के वरता C औय ध्र व P के कें द्र से होकय ग र्यने वारी सीधी येखा है।

5. Aperture. The aperture of a spherical mirror is the diameter of the reflecting surface of the mirrorद्वायक: एक गोराकाय दऩाण की प्रर्तबफबंफत सतह का व्मास होता है|

Page 37: Light/ - · Principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror : The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, from which,

Principal focus and focal length of a concave mirror The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, at which rays of light incident on the mirror in a direction parallel to the principal axis, actually meet after reflection from the mirror

भ ख्म पोकस औय अवतर दऩाण की पोकर रंफाई -अवतर दऩाण का भ ख्म पोकस दऩाण के प्रभ ख अऺ ऩय एक बफदं होता है, ष्र्स ऩय भ ख्म अऺ के सभानांतय एक ददशा भें दऩाण ऩय प्रकाश घिना की ककयणें वास्तव भें दऩाण से प्रर्तबफफं के फाद भभरती हैं।

Page 38: Light/ - · Principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror : The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, from which,

Principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror :The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, from which, rays of light incident on the mirror in a direction parallel to the principal axis, appear to diverge, after reflection from the mirror.भ ख्म पोकस औय उत्तर दऩाण की पोकर रंफाई: अवतर दऩाण का प्रभ ख पोकस दऩाण के प्रभ ख अऺ ऩय एक बफदं होता है, ष्र्ससे दऩाण ऩय प्रकाश घिना की ककयणें भ ख्म अऺ के सभानांतय एक ददशा भें, दऩाण से ऩयावतान के फाद, वविरन कयती ह ई ददखाई देती हैं|

Page 39: Light/ - · Principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror : The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, from which,

Sign conversion in mirror

Page 40: Light/ - · Principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror : The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, from which,
Page 41: Light/ - · Principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror : The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, from which,

Image of concave mirror/अवतर दऩाण के प्रर्तबफफं

Page 42: Light/ - · Principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror : The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, from which,
Page 43: Light/ - · Principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror : The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, from which,
Page 44: Light/ - · Principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror : The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, from which,

When m= negative: height of image is negative- image will be real.When m= positive: high of image is positive- image will be virtual.

Page 45: Light/ - · Principal focus and focal length of a convex mirror : The principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror, from which,