linear force-free magnetic field or self-adjoint extension of the

Linear Force-Free Magnetic Field or Self-adjoint Extension of the curl Operator Hiptmair 1 , Kotiuga 2 , Tordeux 1 1. Seminar of Applied Mathematics, ETH-Zurich 2. College of BU Engineering Boston University Linear Force-Free Magnetic FieldorSelf-adjoint Extension of the curl Operator – p. 1/35

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Linear Force-Free Magnetic Fieldor

Self-adjoint Extension of the curlOperator

Hiptmair1, Kotiuga2, Tordeux1

1. Seminar of Applied Mathematics, ETH-Zurich

2. College of BU Engineering Boston University

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Beltrami Fields

Beltrami fields = force-free magnetic fields (Lorentz)

−→Fρ =

−→j ×

−→B = 1



−→B ) ×

−→B ,

−→Fρ = 0 =⇒


−→B ) = λ(x)

−→B .

Description of the quasi-static states leading to thesolar eruptions

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The problematic

Which boundary condition (BC.) have to be considered atthe boundary?

Our point of view: the mathematical modelizationFor which BC. is the operator curl self-adjoint?Existence of linear force-free fields (opérator withcompact resolvent)

Which BC. have a physical sense? They arenon classical (surfacic differentials)?non local (non trivial topologies)

Numerical computationsmetric free methodsthree dimensional

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Some references- Mathematical study of the force-free fields

Boulmezaoud, Maday, Amari (1999)Yoshida, Giga (1990) Picard (1998)

- Functional analysis

Paquet (1982) Buffa, Ciarlet, Costabel, Dauge, · · ·

- Symplectic geometry

Markus, Everitt (2005)

- Numerical methods

Arnold, Falk, Winther (2006) Kotiuga, Gross (2004)Hiptmair (2002) Hiptmair, Ostrowski (2002)

- differential forms and algebraic topology

Bott, Tu (1982)

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The formal curl operator

In all the continuation, the pivot space is



−→u Ω → IR3




< +∞.

The formal curl operator

curl : (C∞0 (Ω))3 ⊂


)3−→ (L2(Ω))3

is symmetric∫

Ωcurl(−→u )·−→v =


−→u ·curl(−→v ) ∀−→u ∈ C∞0 (Ω), ∀−→v ∈ C∞

0 (Ω).

However, this operator is not closed.

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Its minimal closure

an unbounded operator T : D(T) ⊂ H −→ H is closed iff(un ∈ D(T), un → u, and, Tun → v


(u ∈ D(T), Tu = v


The minimal closure T of T

D(T) ⊂ D(T) ⊂ D(Text) (for any other closed extensions)

is the smallest closed extension of T.

The minimal closure of the formal curl operator is a curloperator with domain

H0(curl,Ω) =−→u ∈


)3∣∣∣ curl(−→u ) ∈



γt−→u = 0


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Symmetric and self-adjoint

Why the self-adjoint property is important?

Any self-adjoint operator T (with compact resolvent)admits eigenvectors:

Tu = λu

Self-adjoint curl operators: existence of force-free fields

The curl : H0(curl,Ω) −→(L2(Ω)

)3 operator is symmetric

For bounded operators: symmetric =⇒ self-adjoint

For unbounded operators: symmetric 6=⇒ self-adjoint

One additional condition

D(T) = D(T∗).

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The notion of adjoint and self-adjoint

The adjoint T∗ : D(T∗) ⊂ H −→ H of an operator is

D(T∗) =

u ∈ H∣∣∣ (u,Tv)H 6 Cu ‖v‖H ∀v ∈ D(T)


(T∗u, v)H = (u,Tv)H.

For the curl-operators, the adjoint of

curl : H0(curl,Ω) ⊂(L2(Ω)




iscurl : H(curl,Ω) ⊂





with H(curl,Ω) =−→u ∈


)3∣∣∣ curl(−→u ) ∈



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The GKN theorem

Symplectic geometry and self-adjoint operators

Glazman-Krein-Naimark Theorem (symplectic version)

Let T be an unbounded symmetric operator and let T be itsclosure.

One can associate to any self-adjoint extension of T acomplete Lagrangian of the symplectic space

S = D(T∗)/D(T)

equipped with the symplectic pairing

[u, v] = (T∗u, v) − (u,T∗v)

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Basic definitions of symplectic geometry

A symplectic space is a linear space S equiped with asymplectic pairing [·, ·] −→ IR.

A symplectic pairing isskew-symmetric (u, v ∈ S)

[u, v] = −[v, u].

bilinear (u1, u2, v ∈ S and α1, α2 ∈ IR)

[α1u1 + α2u2, v] = α1[u1, v] + α2[u2, v] ∀u1, u2, v ∈ S.


If u ∈ S satisfies [u, v] = 0 ∀v ∈ S then u = 0.

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Symplectic geometry and orthogonality

What is the (symplectic) orthogonality?

u ⊥S

v ⇐⇒ [u, v] = 0.

A strange world:u ⊥



L is a lagrangian if and only if

L ⊥S

L i. e. [u, v] = 0 ∀u, v ∈ L.

L is a complete lagrangian if and only if

L =

u ∈ S

∣∣∣ [u, v] = 0 ∀v ∈ S

= L⊥.

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The GKN theorem

Symplectic geometry and self-adjoint operators

Glazman-Krein-Naimark Theorem (symplectic version)

Let T be an unbounded symmetric operator and let T be itsclosure.

One can associate to any self-adjoint extension of T acomplete Lagrangian of the symplectic space

S = D(T∗)/D(T)

equipped with the symplectic pairing

[u, v] = (T∗u, v) − (u,T∗v)

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Definition of the self-adjoint operator

Self-adjoint extensions Ts areextensions of T

restrictions of T∗

T ⊂ Ts ⊂ T∗

(=⇒ D(T) ⊂ D(Ts) ⊂ D(T∗)


=⇒ the domain defines the operator.

∀u ∈ D(Ts), Tsu = T∗u.

L a complete lagrangian of S = D(T∗)/D(T).

The link between the lagrangian subspace and

D(Ts) = ∪x∈L

x = L + D(T)

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GKN theorem for curl operators

Glazman-Krein-Naimark Theorem (symplectic version)

Let T be the curl with domain C∞0 (Ω).

T curl H0(curl,Ω).

T∗ curl H(curl,Ω)

What are the complete lagrangian of

S = H(curl,Ω)/H0(curl,Ω)

equipped with the symplectic product

[−→u ,−→v ] =

Ωcurl(−→u ) · −→v − −→u · curl(−→v )

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A trace theorem

The tangential trace operator

γt : H(curl,Ω) −→ H−1

2 (curl∂Ω, ∂Ω)

−→u 7−→ −→u − (−→u · −→n )−→n .

is continuous and surjective and its kernel is H0(curl,Ω).


γt : H(curl,Ω)/H0(curl,Ω) −→ H−1

2 (curl∂Ω, ∂Ω)

is bijective.

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A trace theorem

We identify the trace space and the symplectic space

H(curl,Ω)/H0(curl∂Ω, ∂Ω) = H−1

2 (curl∂Ω, ∂Ω)

The symplectic product becomes

[−→u ,−→v ] =

Ωcurl(−→u ) · −→v − −→u · curl(−→v )



(−→u ×−→v)· −→n



(γt−→u × γt

−→v)· −→n .

(Stokes theorem)

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GKN theorem for the curl operator

Glazman-Krein-Naimark Theorem (symplectique version)

Let T be the curl with domain C∞0 (Ω).

T curl H0(curl,Ω).

T∗ curl H(curl,Ω)

What are the complete lagrangian of

S = H(curl,Ω)/H0(curl,Ω)

= H−1/2(curl∂Ω, ∂Ω)

equipped with the symplectic product

[−→u ,−→v ] =

Ωcurl(−→u )·−→v − −→u ·curl(−→v ) ?



−→u × γt−→v ) · −→n ?

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GKN theorem for the curl operator

Glazman-Krein-Naimark Theorem (symplectique version)

Let T be the curl with domain C∞0 (Ω).

T curl H0(curl,Ω).

T∗ curl H(curl,Ω)

What are the complete lagrangian of

S = H(curl,Ω)/H0(curl,Ω) = H−1/2(curl∂Ω, ∂Ω)

equipped with the symplectic product

[−→u ,−→v ] =

Ωcurl(−→u )·−→v − −→u ·curl(−→v ) ?



−→u × γt−→v ) · −→n ?

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GKN theorem for the curl operator

Glazman-Krein-Naimark Theorem (symplectique version)

Let T be the curl with domain C∞0 (Ω).

T curl H0(curl,Ω).

T∗ curl H(curl,Ω)

What are the complete lagrangian of

S = H(curl,Ω)/H0(curl,Ω) = H−1/2(curl∂Ω, ∂Ω)

equipped with the symplectic product

[−→u ,−→v ] =

Ωcurl(−→u )·−→v − −→u ·curl(−→v ) =


−→u×γt−→v )·−→n ?

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Translation in terms of differential forms

Glazman-Krein-Naimark Theorem (symplectique version)

Let T be the exterior derivative ∗d with domain C∞0 (Λ1(Ω)).

T ∗d H0(d,Λ1(Ω)).

T∗ ∗d H(d,Λ1(Ω))

with d the exterior derivative and ∗ the Hodge operator.

What are the complete lagrangian of

S = H(d,Λ1(Ω))/H0(d,Λ1(Ω)) = H−1/2(d,Λ1(∂Ω))

equipped with the symplectic product

[ω, η] =

Ωdω ∧ η − ω ∧ dη =

∂Ωi∗inω ∧ i∗inη ?

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Differential forms and vector proxies

For a three dimensional manifold










scalar density











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Differential forms and vector proxies

For a two dimensional oriented manifold















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Hodge decomposition and forms

All ω in H−1

2 (d,Λ1(∂Ω)) can be decomposed into

ω = dϕω + ∗d ∗ ψω + hω

= dϕω + ∗dψω + hω


ϕω ∈ H1

2 (Λ0(∂Ω)) and hϕω= 0,

ψω ∈ H3

2 (Λ0(∂Ω)) and hψω= 0,

hω ∈ C∞(Λ1(∂Ω)) and dhω = 0, ∗d ∗ hω = 0,

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Hodge decomposition and forms

All ω in H−1

2 (d,Λ1(∂Ω)) can be decomposed into

ω = dϕω + ∗d ∗ ψω + hω

= dϕω + ∗dψω + hω

The symplectic pairing can be computed as follows

[ω, η] =

∂Ωω ∧ η


∂Ωdϕω ∧ ∗dψη −

∂Ωdϕη ∧ ∗dψω +

∂Ωhω ∧ hη.

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Hodge decomposition and forms

All −→u in H−1

2 (curl∂Ω, ∂Ω) can be decomposed into

−→u = grad∂Ω(ϕ−→u ) + curl∂Ω(ψ−→

u ) +−→h −→



ϕ−→u ∈ H


2 (∂Ω) and hϕ−→u

= 0,

ψ−→u ∈ H


2 (∂Ω) and hψ−→u

= 0,

−→h −→

u ∈(C∞(∂Ω)

)3 and curl∂Ω(−→h −→

u ) = 0, div∂Ω(−→h −→

u ) = 0,

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Hodge decomposition and forms

All −→u in H−1

2 (curl∂Ω, ∂Ω) can be decomposed into

−→u = grad∂Ω(ϕ−→u ) + curl∂Ω(ψ−→

u ) +−→h −→


The symplectic pairing can be computed as follows

[−→u ,−→v ] =

∂Ω(−→u ×−→v ) · −→n



u ) · grad∂Ω(ψ−→v )


u ) · grad∂Ω(ϕ−→v )



(−→h −→

u ×−→h −→


)· −→n .

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Complete lagrangian of closed forms

If ω is closed, then ω can be written as

dω = 0 =⇒ ω = dϕω + hω.

and the symplectic pairing can be computed by

[ω, η] =

∂Ωhω ∧ hη for dω = 0 and dη = 0.

Moreover, the symplectic orthogonal of closed forms arethe coboundaries

ω = dϕω + hω

=ω = dϕω

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Complete lagrangian of closed forms

Theorem. To each complete lagrangian L of the space ofclosed forms corresponds a complete lagrangian LH of thespace of harmonic forms

L =

dϕω + hω

∣∣∣ hω ∈ LH


What are the complete lagrangian LH of the space ofharmonic forms?

For a trivial topology, there is no non-vanishing harmonicforms. Hence the set of closed forms is a completeLagrangian.

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Complete lagrangian of coclosed forms

If ω is coclosed, then ω can be written as

d ∗ ω = 0 =⇒ ω = ∗dψω + hω.

and the symplectic pairing can be computed by

[ω, η] =

∂Ωhω ∧ hη for d ∗ ω = 0 and d ∗ η = 0.

Moreover, the symplectic orthogonal of coclosed forms is

ω = ∗dψω + hω

=ω = ∗dψω

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Complete lagrangian of coclosed forms

Theorem. To each complete lagrangian L of the space ofcoclosed forms corresponds a complete lagrangian LH ofthe space of harmonic forms

L =

d ∗ ϕω + hω

∣∣∣ hω ∈ LH


What are the complete lagrangian LH of the space ofharmonic forms?

For a trivial topology, there is no non-vanxishing harmonicforms. Hence the set of coclosed forms is a completeLagrangian.

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Two self-adjoint curl for trivial topology

The ∗d operator or curl operator

∗d : H(d,Λ1(Ω)) −→ L2(Λ1(Ω))

curl : H(curl,Ω) −→(L2(Ω)


are selfadjoint when equipped with the boundary condition

d(i∗inω) = 0 or d ∗ (i∗inω) = 0 on ∂Ω

curl∂Ω(γt−→u ) = 0 or div∂Ω(γt

−→u ) = 0 on ∂Ω

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Property of harmonic forms

The space of harmonic forms

is finite dimensional (existence of a good cover)

is non degenerate when equipped with the symplecticpairing. Indeed,

(hω is harmonic


(∗ hω is harmonic


[hω, ∗hω] =

∂Ωhω ∧ ∗hω =




Existence of a symplectic basis (Darboux theorem)

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Construction of a symplectic basis

Definition of a symplecitic basis:

A basis κini=1 ∪ κ′i

ni=1 of S is a symplectic basis if and

only if

[κi, κj ] = [κ′i, κ′j ] = 0 ∀i, j ∈ [[1, n]],

[κi, κ′j ] = −[κ′i, κj ] = δi,j ∀i, j ∈ [[1, n]],

The symplectic pairing has the following matrixrepresentation [

0n Idn

−Idn 0n


A good way to design complete lagrangian.

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Examples of complete lagrangians

κini=1 ∪ κ′i

ni=1 a symplectic basis.

Spanκini=1 is a complete lagrangian

Spanκ′ini=1 is also a a complete lagangian

Plenty of other possibilities since the symplectic basis isnot unique?

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A basis from the embedding

Since we can compute the relative (to the boundary)homology (H2(Ω, ∂Ω)), we can speak about cuts

A symplectic basis can be found by considering theboundary of the cuts of inside and the boundaries of thecut of outside.

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A basis from the embedding

The κi solve these problems

Find κi ∈ Λ1(∂Ω) such that

dκi = 0 and d ∗ κi = 0 on ∂Ω∫


κi = δi,j and∫


κi = 0

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A basis from the embedding

The κ′i solve these problems

Find κ′i ∈ Λ1(∂Ω) such that

dκ′i = 0 and d ∗ κ′i = 0 on ∂Ω∫


κ′i = 0 and∫


κ′i = δi,j

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Examples of self-adjoint curl



`1 `2

The limit conditions:

curl∂Ω(γt−→u ) = 0 sur ∂Ω,

curl∂Ω(γt−→u ) = 0 sur ∂Ω,


−→u · d−→` = 0.

curl∂Ω(γt−→u ) = 0 sur ∂Ω,


−→u · d−→` = 0, i = 1 ou 2.

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Examples of self-adjoint curl


`1 `2

The limit conditions:

curl∂Ω(γt−→u ) = 0 sur ∂Ω,

curl∂Ω(γt−→u ) = 0 sur ∂Ω,


−→u · d−→` = 0.

curl∂Ω(γt−→u ) = 0 sur ∂Ω,


−→u · d−→` = 0, i = 1 ou 2.

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Examples of self-adjoint curl



The limit conditions:

curl∂Ω(γt−→u ) = 0 sur ∂Ω,

curl∂Ω(γt−→u ) = 0 sur ∂Ω,


−→u · d−→` = 0.

curl∂Ω(γt−→u ) = 0 sur ∂Ω,


−→u · d−→` = 0, i = 1 ou 2.

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Computation of eigenvectors of the curl

Find u ∈ Λ1(∂D) and λ ∈ R such that∗ du = λu dans Ω,

BC. sur ∂Ω,


Withney forms

Arnold, Falk, Winther (2006)Kotiuga, Gross (2002)Hiptmair (2002) Hiptmair, Ostrowski (2002)

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