linking pedagogy and space

Dr Kenn Fisher Director, Learning Futures Rubida Research Pty Ltd Knowledge&Skills Building a Future 0.00 linking pedagogy and space

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curriculum context pedagogy + space planning principles suite of spatial concepts


teaching and learning principles

DE+T essential learning strandsand domains

key pedagogical approaches

linking principles to place

linking pedagogical activities tospatial settings

learning settings

learning setting principles:

01 individual settings

02 group settings

03 activity rich settings

04 informal learning settings

05 staff settings

the ‘learning hub’

cluster models

clusters and affinities prep - 6

7 - 9

10 - 12

cluster options prep - 6

7 - 9

10 - 12

case study 01australian maths + science school [sa]

case study 02mawson lakes school [sa]

case study 03canning vale high school [wa]

case study 04reece high school [tas]

case study 05copperfield school [vic]

case study 06the big rug school [uk]

case study 07tight urban site . school design [uk]

case study 08‘zoo school’ [minnesota]

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1.00proposed planning principles

DE+T [victoria]

curr icu lum contex t

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core principles p-12

Learning environment supportive &productive

Learning environment promotesindependence & self motivation

Students’ needs, backgrounds,perspectives & interests reflected inlearning program

Students challenged & supportedto develop deep levels of thinking &application

 Assessment practices an integralpart of teaching & learning

Learning connects strongly with

communities & practice beyond theclassroom

educational principles

Learning for all

Pursuit of excellence

Engagement and effort

Respect for evidence

Openness of mind essential learning standards

Live in complex, rapidly changing,

rich in ICT world

Demands higher order knowledge &understanding

GlobalsustainableUnderstand interaction of social,economic & environmental systems

innovativeSkills to solve new problems,

different approaches and newsolutions

building stronger communitiesBuild common purposes & values-mutual responsibility & trust indiverse sociocultural community

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attr ibutes of a successful learner [P - 12]

- Social skills- Links school & home- Curiosity / encouragement greater interest in learning- Basic numeracy & literacy - simple technical & coordination


- Organise ideas & use language with peers- Master basic literacy, numeracy skills- Awareness of other groups, cultures, times

- Persistent & prolific in certain skills- Participate in discussion about ideas & beliefs - express

informed opinions

- More complex thinkers - apply problem solving strategies- Participate in / lead small group activity- Learn more deeply through more extended projects

- Individual sense of identity - consider more complex ideas- Interest in learning more independent / congruent with

personal goals- Participate in a variety of physical activities- Understand effects of risk taking

- See themselves as young adults - independent thinkers, useformal methods of enquiry

- Seek to apply learning to the world outside school- Set personal health & fitness goals, undertake activities to

achieve them

- Personalised learning and the application of specialisedbehaviour

- Pathways into further learning and/or employment

strands and domains

physical, personal and sociallearninghealth and physical education

interpersonal development

personal learning

civics and citizenship

discipline-based learningthe arts

englishlanguages other than english

the humanities [economics,

geography & history]



interdisciplinary learningcommunication

design, creativity and technology

information and communicationstechnology


authenticauthentic, integrated, problem

and resource based learning





decision making

   m    i    d    d    l   e

   s   c    h   o   o    l

    j   u   n    i   o   r   s   c    h   o   o    l

    1    1  -

    1    2

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student skills- writing- reading

- talking- presenting- making

student competencies- critical thinking- communicating(multi modes)

- self organising- collaborating



self directed[individualreflective]

students asresearchers










   t   e   a   c    h   e   r   s

   a   s

    f   a   c    i

    l    i   t   a   t   o   r   s

 t   e 


 c h  


r  s   a 

 s  f   a 

 c i   l   i    t   a 

 t   o 

r  s 

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2.00proposed planning pr inc iples

DE+T [victoria]

pedagogy and space

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principle pedagogical approach pedagogicalact iv i ty

impl icat ions for bui lding design

The learning environment issupportive and productive

Learner centred pedagogieswith multiple learning settingscollocated

del iver ingDesign reflects community diversity, respects andvalues different culturesStudents have access to teachers

The learning environmentpromotes independence,interdependence and self motivation

Peer to peer learning,integrated problem- andresource- based apply ing

Breakout spaces are provided to allow individualstudent workFurniture is suitable for cooperative learning

Students are challengedand supported to developdeep levels of thinking andapplication

Integrated, problem andresource based learning

creat ing

 Access to ICT, multi-media supports authenticlearning

Students’ needs, backgrounds,perspectives and interestsare reflected in the learningprogram

Theory linked to practice,problems integrate bothaspects, resources usedcontinually and creatively,integrated curriculum delivery communicat ing

Quiet spacesMulti-purpose rooms that enable students to workon different subjects over longer periods of time,encourage integrated curriculumTeacher spaces that encourage cross-disciplinaryteams of teachers working with groups of students

 Assessment practices are anintegral part of teaching andlearning

Continuous assessment,utilising a pedagogy of assessment

Spaces for student-teacher conferencingIntranet facilities enable ongoing monitoring of student progress by students and parents

Learning connects stronglywith communities and practicebeyond the classroom

Project and resource-basedlearning on practical problems

decision makingBuildings and facilities that bring the community intothe schoolICT facilities that support curriculum links toprofessional and community practice

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pedagogical activity pedagogical at t r ibute process s teps behavioural premise spat ial icon

deliveringFormal presentationsInstructor controls

presentationFocus on presentationPassive learning

Prepare & generatepresentation

Deliver to an audience Assess understanding

Bring information beforethe public

Instructor leadKnowledge is in onesource

applyingControlled observationOne-to –oneMaster & apprenticealternative controlInformal Active learning

Knowledge transferred viademonstrationPractice by recipientUnderstanding achieved

Learner-centered Apprentice model

creatingMultiple disciplinesLeaderlessEgalitarianDistributed attentionPrivacyCasual Active learning

ResearchRecognise needDivergent thinkingIncubateInterpret into product /innovation

Innovation or knowledgemoved from abstract to aproduct

communicatingKnowledge is dispersedImpromptu deliveryCasual Active learning

Organise informationDeliverReceive & interpretConfirm

Share informationProvide quick exchange

decision makingKnowledge is dispersedInformation is sharedLeader sets final directionSituation is protectedSemi-formal to FormalPassive / active learning

Review dataGenerate strategyPlanImplement one course of action

Make decisions

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studenthome base





individual pod[place to think]



projectspace +wet areas


resources,supply + store


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student home base

spaceSpace for an individual to personalise and in which

to work and study.

Gathering place for learners and teachers.

pedagogyProvides sense of ownership and teaches

responsibility for one’s own learning.

Provides a common space to start a learningactivity, seek assistance and resources, share

ideas, and hold group discussions.

size1-2 sqm.

individual pod [place to think]

spaceQuiet Spaces for individuals or small groups.

pedagogyProvides quiet place for work, study, reflection, or


size10 sqm.

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group learning space

spaceIndividual or team spaces for staff that has adjacent

material preparation area and meeting space.

pedagogyEncourages team teaching, mentoring of 

other faculty, integrated planning, and informal


size20-25 sqm.

collaboration incubator

spaceIdea generation space, team meeting space,

access to technology and other resources and

display space for models and ideas.

pedagogySupport creativity, idea generation, teamwork and

prototyping of concepts.

Encourages involvement of local employers in thedevelopment of projects.

size20 sqm.

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display space

spaceWhite boards, black boards, tack surfaces, and

show cases. Place furnishings to display work in

progress or completed projects. Can overlap with


pedagogyProvides places to show ideas, work-in-progress

and finished products.Supports and shares learning process by

showcasing concept development, learning

activities, development process and finished

products and services.

size20 sqm.

presentation space

spacePlaces for individuals or teams to demonstrate and


pedagogyGives opportunity to practice, share acquired skills

and knowledge with learners, staff and the public

and receive feedback.

size40-50 sqm, generally dividable.

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specialised focus laboratory

space  Areas to support learning activities requiring

specialised equipment or furnishings [eg. Science,

technology, art, music, dance, fabrication,


pedagogyProvides space and infrastructure to develop and

practice specialised skills.Brings relevancy of work, family and community to

the learning process.

size80-100 sqm.

project space + wet areas

spaceSpace that provides a variety of work surfaces,

cabinets for supplies, storage areas for projects in

development stage, access to tools and technology.

Specialised lighting, and other infrastructure such as

sinks and disposal.


Provides space to produce information, services orproducts.

Encourages critical thinking, problem solving, and

team work.

size40-50 sqm, generally dividable.

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‘breakout’ spaces

spaceLounge areas, small study rooms, widened corridor

spaces that allow gathering away from formal

learning activities.

pedagogyProvides psychological and physiological relief from

formal environments. Allows for individual reflection,

informal discussion or social activity for small


size15-20 sqm.

outdoor learning

spaceOutdoor areas of any scale that are semi-defined by

landscape, building edge or lightweight cover, with

provision for seating.

pedagogyProvides informal outdoor area for socialising,

private study, reflection or discussion. Can be used

for structured small group activities.


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resources, supply + store

spaceSpace within or adjacent to the learning activities

spaces to provide resources, store supplies for

classroom projects, tools, learning products and


pedagogyProvides ready access to needed supplies, tools and

storage for learning projects.

size20-30 sqm.

teacher meeting

spaceIndividual or team spaces for staff that has adjacent

material preparation area and meeting space.

pedagogyEncourages team teaching, mentoring of other

faculty members, integrated planning, and informal



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p lann ing pr inc ip les

3.00proposed planning pr inc iples

DE+T [victoria]

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home base

20 students

home base20 students

home base

20 students

home base20 students

5 student


5 studentworkstations

5 student


5 studentworkstations

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courtyard / outdoorlearning

courtyard / outdoorlearning

porch orverandahwork area


project wetarea

floor sitting area



seats and desks


porch orverandahwork area


project wetarea

seats and desks

floor sitting area



porch orverandahwork area


project wetarea

floor sitting area


seats and desks


porch orverandahwork area


project wetarea

seats and desks

floor sitting area



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home group

home group

home group

home group


shared breakout

shared breakout


home group

home group

home group

home group



shared breakout

shared breakout


home group

home group

home group

home group

shared breakout

shared breakout


home group

home group

home group

home group

shared breakout

shared breakout





learning studiomulti-mediascience + technologyperforming artsart + design




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practice based learning

self-directed + informal learning

instructional learning

learning studio

multi-mediascience + technologyperforming artsart + design

studentsocial hub

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linear cloistercottrell + vermeulen

Flexible classroom spaces spawn from an adaptable

size central linear circulation space. Providing increased

teaching flexibility within the classroom space [with

necessary support facilities] and non-programmed

teaching within cloister space, further learning can be

programmed through the moveable partitions between


learning clusterbuilding design partnership

Using a block stacked, hexagonal formal module, these

classbase spaces can enclose centrally located share

resources, for instance, group social/play space or ict

facilities without creating ‘unusable’ corner spaces.

Each space can be thought as if it were composed of a

series of trapezoidal activity forms to increase flexibility

within the classbase.

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learning clusterwilkinson eyre

Centrally located resource pods comprise the central

space within a large scale learning pod. Traditional

classbases are integrated within a flexible learning

space and pedagogy.

learning clustermace

Flexible learning clusters, each capable of further

division or combination, provide further potential

expansion to this model as demonstrated above. Social

or collective resource spaces separate learning spaces

from spiratic activity of circulation cloisters.

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learning atriumalsop

Centrally located social/resource pods comprise the

central space within a large central atrium space.

Traditional classbases form learning wings to vibrant

hub spaces for ict or resources. The diversity of such

spaces integrated within the tower proposal develops

notions of community and living towards a micro-village

learning environment.

learning clusterwoods bagot

Providing specialist learning and pedagogy, these

spaces emphasize how individual, group and flexible

learning spaces can be combined. Central ‘informal’

spaces progress through to task oriented resource

rich learning environments.

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case s tud ies

4.00proposed planning pr inciples

DE+T [victoria]

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theme 1

context of the project inrelation to state, school ordiscipline trends in teachingand learning

theme 2

educational philosophy

theme 3

specific proposedpedagogical activities

theme 4

key planning + designfeatures

theme 5

evaluation of strengths &weaknesses

Conceived as a focus driven scienceand mathematics school, within thecampus of Flinders University.

Interdependent upon industry andbusiness partnerships and capitalisesupon relationships to othereducational institutional facilities.

Fostering professional relationships

with the Schools of Education andScience and Engineering at FlindersUniversity, the professional teachersassociations and the curriculumpolicy directorate with the SAgovernment Department of Educationand Children’s Services.

Use of ‘best available resources’,particularly ICT

Curriculum development within a

series of “BIG IDEAS” rather thantraditional subjects: learning inthe workplace, community and theuniversity.

Challenge pre-conceptions ofscience and mathematics teachingthrough four principles;“A passion for learning createsinspiration”“Choice is an essential part oflearning”“Learning is social and collaborative”“All knowledge is connected”

Encouraging learning and problemsolving within individual and groupcontexts, through collaborativeworking relationships and flexibleteaching and learning groups.

Development of individual learningplans, containing multiple entrypoints and pathways, fosteredby teacher and student interest,producing understanding.

‘repackage knowledge to createnew understandings to meet thecomplexities of the modern world’

Interdisclipinary life and learning,promoting the collaboration oftheoretical, conceptual and practicalknowledge from various fields ofstudy.

Interdisciplinary approach tocurriculum design, teaching andlearning, supporting an ‘inquiry’approach and ‘constructivist’learning.

Inquiry approach to Learning

Encouraging and developinghigher order thinking skills and

metacognitive processes

Learning centred curriculum,informed through; fertile questions,wonderings, problems, issues,emotions, in collaboration withteaching and learning methodologiesranging from student to instructorcentred.

Use of ICT resources to embody ‘astudent centred learning at anyplace,

anytime philosophy’, promotingindependent learning and individuallearning styles.

Focus toward development of genericskills and attributes and how to applythese to specific subjects and theunderstanding of major conceptsand big ideas.

ASMS is designed as a single, twolevel building, composed of learningcommons and learning studiospaces, able to adapt to groups ofvarying size and configuration.

Classrooms and centrally locatedcommon spaces to each floor, opento outdoor [learning, recreational andsocial] environments.

Incorporates a range ofenvironmentally sustainable features,consistent with modern ‘moral,ethical and environmental issues…associated with ‘new sciences’’

School physically open for twelvehour days throughout the year,focussing toward longer learningsessions.


Close collaboration with institutionalstaff and resources

Advancement of student centred,flexible learning ideology

Integration of advanced ICTinfrastructure within curriculum

Close links with industry and otherinstitutions

Working to challenge and renewapproach to traditional schooldisciplines


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, ,


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central atrium=

breakout space

+display space

+individual pod

opportunity for

informal meeting,

discussion or

display of

project work 

learningcommon =

group learning

+project space + wet areas

+collaboration incubator

multi-modal learning

setting conducive

to group work,

project discussions

and collaborative


focus labs =specialised focus labs

computer labs,

quiet or specialist

areas for

concentrated study

meeting =staff meeting

formal presentation,

meeting spaces

for various

sized groups

constructed : completed 2003locat ion : bedford park, f l inders univers i tyarchitect : woods bagot architectspopulat ion : 450 s tudents , s taf f n/a

bui ld ing area : 18 .4m2 per s tudent - 8300 m 2 tota lbu i ld ing cos t : $1686/m2 - $14.0mil tota l project cos tyear levels : 10 , 11 , 12



presentat ion

informalmeet ing

focus labs

focus labs

central atr ium


meet ingteacherprep



presentat ion



ground f loor p lan

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theme 1

context of the project inrelation to state, school ordiscipline trends in teachingand learning

theme 2

educational philosophy

theme 3

specific proposedpedagogical activities

theme 4

key planning + designfeatures

theme 5

evaluation of strengths &weaknesses

Utilising a variety of on siteneighbourhood learning centres orhubs that are technologically linkedto maximise student learning.

Complementing the services ofDETE [e.g. School of the Future,Open Access College, the AustralianScience and Mathematics School,etc] and the directions of State

Government [e.g. economicdevelopment, export of educationservices and products]

Expanding its curriculum offeringsthrough national and internationallinks utilising online technologies.

Use of advanced ICT

Creating a Sustainable and EnergyEfficient Environment

Developing a greater understandingof Aboriginal Heritage and Cultureof the Kaurna Plains People thetraditional owners of the land

“learn for a full life”

“learn how to learn”

“develop higher order thinking skills”

“ develop the confidence andskills to use advanced learningtechnologies”

“develop an enterprising learningcommunity culture”

Create a community where learningis available for everyone, at any time,and in any place.

Optimal use of advanced informationand communication technologies.

Contribute to the economicsustainability of Mawson Lakes and

become a catalyst and a conduit forthe creation of a community, whichcontinuously seeks to improve itselfand the lifestyle of its members.

Individually and flexibly planned,facilitated and managed learningprogram.

Access to a range of collaborativeand supportive processes tosupport their learning and facilitatethe development of their social,emotional, physical, cognitive andcreative needs [i.e. development of

the whole student]

Be amplified, extended andtransformed through the use oflearning technologies.

Have online access to a widerange of national and internationaleducational opportunities.

Be a part of a community in whichlearning becomes an integral part of

everyday activity

Be able to learn independently,interdependently and collaborativelyin a local, national and internationalcontext as appropriate.

Four main single storey flexiblelearning spaces [family units]accessible from a covered spine tothe west and abutting the easternstreet boundary

Varying bays and windows …are primarily places of retreat andsmall groupings to students within,providing them with unique windows

to the world for outlook and display

Solar and Thermal ventilationchimneys express the importance ofsensitive environmental design.

Each unit has its own directlyaccessible courtyard which in turnlinks to the open space going downto the creek

Various landscape zones encourage

different types of play

The students… emphasised theimportance of natural ventilation,accessibility to outdoors,environmental concerns and the needfor different types of play spaces.


- Connection to outdoor spaces- Visible ESD design elements- Emphasis on life-long learning- Connection to other institutions andwider community- IT and wireless networks- Individual identity for ‘family units’


    M   a   w   s   o   n    L   a    k   e   s    S   c    h   o   o    l    V

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    h    t    t   p   :    /    /   w   w   w .   m   a   w   s   o   n    l   a    k   e

   s .   s   a .   e    d   u .   a   u    /    i   n    d   e   x .    h    t   m    l

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family group =project space + wet areas

+group learning

+student home base

multi-modal learning

settings with flexible

partitions and

integral wet areas

staff areas =collaboration incubator

+resources, supply + store

collaboration zones

and resources

focus zones =specialised focus labs

computer labs +

quiet specialist

areas for

concentrated study

courtyard =outdoor room

outdoor rooms for

group gathering,

informal learning

and socialising

constructed : 2002locat ion : mawson lakes , south aus tra l iaarchitect : mgt canberra + russel l & yel landpopulat ion : 360 s tudents , 28 s taf f

bu i ld ing area : 6 .7m2 per s tudent - 2350 m2 tota lbu i ld ing cos t : $2021/m2 - $4 .75mil tota lyear levels : pre-school – yr 7

courtyard courtyard

courtyard courtyard

covered walkway

f loor p lan

cross sect ion

administrat ionkiosk 






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theme 1

context of the project inrelation to state, school ordiscipline trends in teachingand learning

theme 2

educational philosophy

theme 3

specific proposedpedagogical activities

theme 4

key planning + designfeatures

theme 5

evaluation of strengths &weaknesses

Implementation of bold shared visionstatement: ‘putting children first’

Collaborative community designgeneration process that involved theformulation of ten key principles forthe schools planning process.

Development of a ‘town centre’model of schooling: commons block

and periphery within the schoolbecome the school heart.

Empowering children to view theworld critically, to think and actindependently, cooperatively andresponsibly.

Develops and offers an environmentstructure on a shared philosophyof fundamental values, beliefs andcurriculum engendering youngadolescents to explore themselves

and their place within the world.

Flexible learning spaces providemaximum scope for flexible learningstyles.

The learning centre will provide anew centre of community.

Learning will be personalised forevery student, designed to nurturemind, body spirit.

Development of a curriculumframework to supplement prescribedcurriculum and syllabus byidentifying common learningoutcomes for students.

Learning will be authentic with asignificant project-based orientationand workplace relationship bent.

Combining teams of teachers andstudents within a learning clusterenables curriculum deliver tobe learner centred and focussedtowards the interests and concerns ofparticipants.

Teaching programs that respond

to local needs and circumstances,enabling greater student ownership,relevance and interest within theirlearning.

Establishment of non-discriminatorylearning outcomes based learningfocus. Educational inputs are beingreplaced by schooling results.

Collaborative design/planningprocess and community consultationresultant in the organic developmentof the brief.

Development of a range ofidiosyncratic design elements toencourage “unprogrammed” learningopportunities, and cross-curricularcollaboration.

School architecture to allow end uservarious modes of customisation oflearning spaces. It should not limitusers, rather empower and stimulatethe learning process.

Seamless transitions betweenindoor and outdoor space that reflectthe preservation and focus of theenvironment within the school.

Circulation spaces that integratesocialising, student display and largegroup meetings.

Neighbourhoods with individualidentities as clusters of ‘family’learning groups, along a learningstreet.


Integrated and responsive design andstrategic educational development ofproject.

Use of urban or masterplanningdesign guidelines to formulate aschool design.

Development of inclusive learningoutcomes and objectives whichimplement guidance for the referredcurriculum framework.

Implementation of cluster orneighbourhood based flexiblelearning models with additionalinformal learning settings.

    h    t    t   p   :    /    /   w   w   w .   c   v   c .   w   a .   e    d   u .   a   u

   w   w   w .   s   p   o   w   e   r   s .   c   o   m .   a   u

    h    t    t   p   :    /    /   w   w   w .    d   e   s    i   g   n   s    h   a   r   e

 .   c   o   m    /   p   o   r    t    f   o    l    i   o    /   p   r   o    j   e   c    t    /    d   e    t   a    i    l   s .   a   s   p    ?   p   r   o    j    i    d  =    2    1    9    &   p   r   o    j   v    i   e   w  =   p   r   o    j   n   a   r   r

    h    t    t   p   :    /    /   w   w   w .   c   v   c .   w   a .   e    d   u .   a   u    /   m    i    d    d    l   e   s   c    h   o   o    l    /   p   r   o   g   r   a   m    /    l   e   a   r   n    i   n   g    2 .   a   s   p

    h    t    t   p   :    /    /    f    i   e    l    d    i   n   g   n   a    i   r .   c   o   m    /

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multipurposestudio =

specialised focus labs

+wet area + project space

area for activity

based project work 

or specialist


backyardlearning =

outdoor room

outdoor room for

group gatheringor socialising


=group learning

+student home base

open plan spaceenabling clusters

of multi-modal

learning settings

corroboree =meeting

discussion +meeting spaces

for various

sized groups

constructed : 2002locat ion : perth , western aus tra l iaarchitect : spowers architectspopulat ion : 1200 s tudents , n/a s taf f

bu i ld ing area : 11 .34m 2 per s tudent - 13605 m2 tota lbu i ld ing cos t : $2050/m2 - $27.9mil tota l approxyear levels : 8-12 learning


corroboreemeet ing

backyard learning

mult ipurposestudio

corroboreemeet ing



si te plan middle school bui ld ing f loor p lan

                                                                                       l                                                                   e                                                                     a                                                                    r                                                                  n                                                                                       i                                                                  n                                                                   g                       

                                                                   s                                                                                      t                                                                   r                                                                   e                                                                      e                                                                                      t 

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theme 1

context of the project inrelation to state, school ordiscipline trends in teachingand learning

theme 2

educational philosophy

theme 3

specific proposedpedagogical activities

theme 4

key planning + designfeatures

theme 5

evaluation of strengths &weaknesses

New philosophy of schooldevelopment; the first withinTasmania to embody a trulycollaborative process within schoolplanning.

Promote a culture of, andcommitment to life long educationwith a community focus.

Recognition of advancements in ICTand ecological building practicesand their integration within educationsettings.

School’s vision of fostering a ‘loveof learning…through an integratedproject-based curriculum’.

Fulfil learning ambitions of allcommunity members, realisinglearning asset potential of thesemembers and benefits to studentdevelopment.

Treatment of the school as a free,creative and enterprising expressionof learning community.

Develop as an information richlearning community combiningcurrent and futuristic ICT resourceswith effective learning objectives.

Foster stronger links between theschool and the broader community;promote students as both teachers

and mentors to community groupsand develop partnerships with localbusiness and industry.

A challenging, relevant and coherentcurriculum, with delivery composedof three elements; communication,integration and personal learning.

Project based learning, problemsolving and practical applicationof knowledge and skills. Expansiontowards individualised learningplans.

Incorporate diversity and flexibility tocurriculum through multiple teachingand learning spaces and deliverymethods.

Emphasis of the social dimensionsand responsibility of learning throughformal and informal means.

Community ‘peer’ tutoring andstimulated interaction.

Variety of spaces and sizes to reflectdifferent learning modalities;

Enhanced flexibility (operable walls,internal glass and inter-connectivityof adjacent spaces)

Provision of project learningareas and individual workstations;individual space “ownership” - eg a

workstation for each student in Grade9 and 10;

Maximizing use of natural light andventilation and acoustic control;

Innovative information resourcecentre incorporating online learningand vocational education and furthereducation resource information;

Community access facilities, eg

performing arts/catering complex;Innovative furniture and equipmentwith the flexibility to re-configure;

Seamless ICT provision supporting“anywhere/anytime learning”including a central ICT-rich focalfacility and de-centralized wirelessand cabled systems.


Implementation of flexible learningdirectives to both school curriculumand building facilities design.

Student centred learning approach;workstation base for individualstudents and flexible teaching styles.

Integration of community with schoolprograms that goes beyond facilitiessharing.

Initiatives harnessed from statestrategic direction change ofeducation planning need to befurther implemented with thisschool forming new benchmarkingparameters for other developments.

Successful implementation of ICT.


Further exploration of outdoorlearning environments could bedeveloped. h

    t    t   p   :    /    /   w   w   w .   e    d   u   c   a    t    i   o   n .    t   a

   s .   g   o   v .   a   u    /   a    d   m    i   n    /    f    f   p   s    /   c   o   m   m   s    /    b   u    i    l    d    i   n   g   w   o   r    k   s    /   r   e   e   c   e .    h    t   m

    h    t    t   p   :    /    /    1    9    8 .    9    2 .    1    2    6 .    8    2    /   r   e

   s   e   a   r   c    h    /   n   a    i   r    /    l   e   s   s   o   n   s    t   a   s   m   a   n    i   a    /    L   e   s   s   o   n   s    T   a   s   m   a   n    i   a .   a   s   p

    h    t    t   p   :    /    /   w   w   w .   c   e    f   p    i .   o   r   g    /    2    0

    0    3    1    0    2    3_

    M   a   c    W    i   n   n   e   r .    h    t   m    l

    h    t    t   p   :    /    /   w   w   w .   r   e   e   c   e .    t   a   s   e    d .   e    d   u .   a   u    /

    E    d   u   c   a    t    i   o   n    W   e   e    k ,    F   e    b   r   u   a   r   y    4 ,    2    0    0    4


/ /

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project studio=

focus or specialist labs

+project space + wet areas

+project based collaboration

project specific

small group

activities and


principalwork area =

group learning

+presentation space

+student home base


learning setting for

general group work,

presentations and

student individual

home base

circulation =breakout space

+individual pod

opportunity for

informal meeting

or discussion

staff areas =staff meeting

+resources, supply + store

preparation zones

and resources

constructed : completed november 2002locat ion : devenport , tasmaniaarchitect : g lenn smith + assoc with prakash nairpopulat ion : 600 s tudents , 42 s taf f

bu i ld ing area : n/a m2

build ing cos t : $9 .775 mil approxyear levels : 7 - 10

project studio

project studio project studio

9-10 pr incipalwork area

9-10 pr incipalwork area

circulat ion + breakout spaceslobby

staf f

9-10 pr incipalwork area

bui ld ing 1 f loor p lan

bui ld ing 7 f loor p lan [nts]

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theme 1

context of the project inrelation to state, school ordiscipline trends in teachingand learning

theme 2

educational philosophy

theme 3

specific proposedpedagogical activities

theme 4

key planning + designfeatures

theme 5

evaluation of strengths &weaknesses

This is a third campus forCopperfield, built in one ofMelbourne’s outer west growth areas.

The design was carried out during theMiddle Years of Schooling Researchand Development program – basedon the Hill and Crevola researchand a key reform strategy at stategovernment level.

At the Kings Park campus there wasconsiderable research into MiddleYears reform, both pedagogy andstructural.

Local building projects adaptedexisting space to facilitate the newstructure and year 10 was movedto the senior campus. This leadto a design brief for the Sydenhamcampus based on philosophy and

middle years principles.

Team approach where year 7 to 9students are grouped with a team ofcross KLA teachers for their time inthe middle school.

Teachers have developed integratedapproaches to learning whichbest suit the learning needs of thestudents.

School’s strong belief, based onresearch and extensive experienceis that this structure is the best wayto address the middle stages ofschooling.

Large size of school and rapid growthmeans that sound pedagogy andappropriate structures need to be inplace.

As a multicampus school, we

are committed to two year 7 to 9campuses and one year 10 to 12campus.

Teachers work in middle years teamswith up to 200 years 7 to 9 students.

There are a mixture of flexible spaceswhich allows for less traditionalteaching approaches such asteam teaching, small group, ICTintegration.

Emphasis on the teacher studentrelationship as a precursor foroptimal learning – the teachers knowthe students, and increasingly theirfamilies as well. This includes theirindividual learning needs.

Emphasis on inquiry based learning

Each team space is totallyindependent.

Each has a group of 6 GPC spaces,a junior Science froom, Technologyspace, Art space and ICT pods.

Four of the GPCs are ‘doubleclassrooms’.

Each team has their own team office,internal toilets, interview space andinternal locker spaces.

The design is open, glass used toallow supervision and security.


Strong sense of belonging, identityand loyalty for students in each team

Team toilets work well as anantibullying strategy, as does theglass – safety and security

The team office fosters informaldiscussion amongst teachers

Sense of ownership of the designamongst the staff and schoolcommunity through research andinclusive design process.

Building orientation and natural light


Internal lockers are higher than the

optimum height of windows intocorridors.

Winds problematic for gardens.

The north side of each buildinggets hot. Verandahs are designedsuccessfully to provide shade, aswell as a program in place to coo lcomputer rooms.

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courtyard =outdoor room

outdoor rooms for

group gathering,

informal learning

and socialising

staff areas =staff meeting

+resources, supply + store

preparation zones

and resources

seminar area =group learning

+informal presentation

+student home base

learning setting

for general group

learning, informal

presentations and


group work=specialised focus labs

+wet area + project space

area for activity

based project work 

or specialist


constructed : 2004

locat ion : community hub sydenham

architect : patr ick arch itects

populat ion : students, sta f f

bu i ld ing area : n /a m 2

bui ld ing cost : $11.0 mil approx

year levels : 7 - 9

presentat iongroup work  

exist ing gym





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theme 1

context of the project inrelation to state, school ordiscipline trends in teachingand learning

theme 2

educational philosophy

theme 3

specific proposedpedagogical activities

theme 4

key planning + designfeatures

theme 5

evaluation of strengths &weaknesses

‘The Big Rug School’ operates asa woven textile of integration ofpupils, community and staff withthe landscape, local conditions andcollective aspirations.

Ecologically sustainable, low energyschool buildings, emphasisingdesign and construction efficienciesand technology advancements.

Flexible spaces for individuallydirected ‘life-long’ learningthroughout the school for bothchildren and adults.


Flexibility in teaching formats andspatial/furniture arrangements.

Involving the entire community in thelife of the school

Encouraging lifelong learning;

ICT integration

Traditional delivery method ofteaching being employed, 90% oflearning conducted in classrooms,with break out individual learningpods/resource, ICT and library


Sequential spaces inviting informallearning, passage, rest and sensoryengagement.

Development of formal and informalcurriculum

Use of the external environment as aneducational tool through connectionsto the ‘natural world’.

Sustainable school for both thecommunity resources, composedas a classroom use block andcommunity block, with centraldivisionary individualistic identity‘pods’

Accessible, adaptive and integratedexternal and internal environments,focussing on both as spaces forlearning.

Inviting, de-institutionalised learningspaces, preferring rather flexiblelearning forums.

A modular format of spaces remainsdistinct within the design proposalwhich incorporates a strong factorypre-fabrication off-site philosophy.

Use of low-tech strategies,

embodying low energy, ecologicallysustainable design: ventilationchimneys, double skin walls, day-lighting controls through use of solarblinds, energy efficient artificialsystems


Connection to outdoor landscapedspaces and the environment beyond

Interaction of school hours and out-of-hours ideals


Classroom design may not providesufficient flexibility of spaces

    h    t    t   p   :    /    /   w   w   w .   s   w   a   r   c    h

 .   c   o .   u    k

    h    t    t   p   :    /    /   w   w   w .    t   e   a   c    h   e

   r   n   e    t .   g   o   v .   u    k    /   m   a   n   a   g   e   m   e   n    t    /   r   e   s   o   u   r   c   e   s    f    i   n   a   n

   c   e   a   n    d    b   u    i    l    d    i   n   g    /   s   c    h   o   o    l    b   u    i    l    d    i   n   g   s    /

   e   x   e   m   p    l   a   r   s    /   p   r    i   m   a   r   y    /   s   a   r   a   w    i   g   g    l   e   s   w   o   r    t    h    /

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classroom =student home base


+group learning

project specific

small group

activities and


creative spaceIT suite =specialist focus space

+project space + wet areas

focus spaces for

specialist activity

circulation =breakout space

+resources, supply + store

breakout space +

resources provision

outdoor activityspace =

outdoor room

outdoor room for

group gathering

or socialising

constructed : not bu i l tlocat ion : uk - theoret ica l s i tearchitect : sarah wiggleswothpopulat ion : 420 s tudents + 26 nursery s tudents

bui ld ing area : 2244 m 2

build ing cos t : GB4.052 mil approxyear levels : prep - 7

f loor p lan

classroom classroom classroom classroom classroom classroom

outdoor act ivity spaceclassroom

creat ivespace

IT suite

main hall

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theme 1

context of the project inrelation to state, school ordiscipline trends in teachingand learning

theme 2

educational philosophy

theme 3

specific proposedpedagogical activities

theme 4

key planning + designfeatures

theme 5

evaluation of strengths &weaknesses

Promotion of the integration andadvancement of ICT facilities.

University teaching methodologymay be integrated to later yearstudent education, coupled with thedevelopment of ‘real-time’ virtualclasses.

Development of a passive ecologicalsustainability system of building,construction and operation

Strong sense of a communitycampus, a ground level ‘street’develops the school meeting spacesas an enclosed piazza

Adaptation of ‘kit-of-parts’ideology at masterplanning level,incorporating strategic spatial intentsof new curriculum delivery.

‘Create a holistic environment,which supports the social well beingof young people as well as theireducation development’

School composed of four learningenvironments, each providingdiffering delivery methods of thecurriculum; the ‘bookcase’, the ‘testbed’, atrium and ‘pebbles’.

Integrated series of centralisedinformal self-directed learning podsthrough the building’s spine, a breakout from traditional teaching deliveryused predominantly elsewhere withinflexible internal class spaces.

Integration of advanced ICTfacilities within school curriculumand establishing alternate deliverymethods.

General assumption of teachingspaces adapting in response tocurriculum developments, ICTinnovation and pastoral care.

Predicated upon ICT innovationchanging the school’s learningenvironments to develop varyingroom sizes, more open plan in natureencompassing a varietal of learningactivities within a single space orlearning studio.

Note: Current proposal based upontraditional cellular spaces andteaching methods with flexible‘internalised’ outcomes incorporated

there in.

All spaces, at micro and macro scale,inside and outside the classroom, arepotential learning zones, and placesfor social interaction

Central circulation ‘street’ atriumframed by a four layers flexiblelearning classroom zones: thebookcase and practical learningspaces.

‘Test bed’: four storey series ofvertical layers containing differentpractical learning activity spaces.

Architectural expression uniqueto each learning activity linkscurriculum ideologies and pedagogywith spatial concepts.

Creation of a sustainable environmentfor future generations, principally

formed upon four themes: health andwell-being, education for sustainabledevelopment, minimising resourceuse and working with the community.

Continually evolving teaching stylesand technological advancementsenabled by spatial layouts withadjustable partitions.


Building’s ecological adaptabilityand impact at a macro scale to suitseveral urban sites.

‘Mixed-mode’ strategy for alllearning areas at the micro level.

Central circulation spine and informalor social learning pods and clusters.

Passive ecological considerationsand response to externalenvironments.


Remnants of traditional curriculumdelivery methods and cellular spatialarrangements hinder the progressiontowards flexible, non-structured,

a-locale learning and challengesconceptions of student centredlearning.

    h    t    t   p   :    /    /   w   w   w .    t   e   a   c    h   e   r   n   e    t .   g   o   v .   u    k    /   m   a   n   a   g   e   m   e   n    t    /   r   e   s   o   u   r   c   e   s    f    i   n   a   n   c   e   a   n    d    b   u    i    l    d    i   n   g    /   s   c

    h   o   o    l    b   u    i    l    d    i   n   g   s    /   e   x   e   m   p    l   a   r   s    /   s   e   c   o   n    d   a   r   y    /   a    l   s   o   p    /

    h    t    t   p   :    /    /   w   w   w .   a    l   s   o   p   a   r   c    h    i    t   e

   c    t   s .   c   o   m    /

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‘bookcase’classrooms =

student home base


+group learning

flexible group

spaces with

opportunity to open

out onto circulation

the atrium =breakout space

+individual pod space

+display space

informal gathering,socialising with

provision of small

group pods and


‘the test bed’ =specialised focus labs

specialist activity

based work 

constructed : not bu i l tlocat ion : uk - theoret ica l urban s i tearchitect : a lsop architectspopulat ion : 1150 s tudents [s ixth form 2500

build ing area : 10167 m 2

build ing cos t : GB16.489 mil approxyear levels : 8 - 12

ground f loor p lan

‘ the bookcase’

‘ the atr ium’

‘ the test bed’

longdi tudinal sect ion

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theme 1

context of the project inrelation to state, school ordiscipline trends in teachingand learning

theme 2

educational philosophy

theme 3

specific proposedpedagogical activities

theme 4

key planning + designfeatures

theme 5

evaluation of strengths &weaknesses

Environmental Studies SpecificSchool located in a regional setting,adjacent the Minnesota Zoo.

Strong environmental sustainabilityconcepts used within buildingdesign, to be used as a teachingmechanism.

Discipline specific learning andfocus oriented school in later yearsof education, serving as precursory tofurther studies.

Interdisciplinary thematic curriculum:students shape their needs andinterest to focus their educationto environmental studies, throughthematic learning experiences.

Authentic ‘real-world’ project basedlearning through collaborativepartnerships with industry,community, other institutions,government and primarily theMinnesota Zoo.

Self-perpetuating learners, whoaccept the responsibility of theafforded latitude to their education,to navigate their own learning andidentification of resources within theglobal community.

Encourage sustainable environmentactions.

Promote collaborative relationshipsamong students and staff, fosteringstudent learning to their individualcapabilities.

Develop active, environmentallyinformed, self-perpetuating learnersand citizens connected with the localand global community.

Active, experiential, access toadvanced ICT empowered learningwhere traditional disciplines areintegrated towards the study of theenvironment.

Students to act as workers, teachersmaintaining a less central role.

Flexible learning with anenvironmental focus: in-depth,interdisciplinary research usinginnovative technology that results inpractical applications.

Coherent structured curriculum andinstruction principles, modellinginformed thought and decisionmaking through enhanced studentneeds and directed educationalopportunities.

Removal of the traditional classroomarrangements by transposingthe education setting within theenvironment.

Fit the building to the academicprogram: resolution of the school’spedagogy and curriculum intentsprior to consultation of architects.

Exposed architecture, using thebuilding as a teaching tool todemonstrate how architect’s workwith materials and the environment.

Flexible, permeable and openlearning spaces of varying scales,both within built forms and theexternal environment.

Design of building envelope providesdirect visual connections to the ‘field’

Promote sensory elements of identityand community through uniquebuilding form.

Adaptive learning spaces for uniquelearning experiences, within clustersfor student learning, commonworkspaces and flexible use rooms.

Students should be able to moveabout, with the development of acentral location; ‘everyone’s group,everyone’s house’


Integration and recognition ofpragmatic ‘real-world’ experienceand benefits to flexible learningoutcomes and students’ curriculum.

Use of building envelope as anecological teaching driver.

Development of specialist educationstream schooling, focus orientatedto future personal and careerdevelopment of students.


Partial implementation of flexiblespatial learning arrangements,adaptive or re-configurable internalspaces can only form part of aflexible learning space.

Discussion of a lottery draw forstudent places impinges the activelearning of those who strongly desireto attend the school and is reflectivein pedagogic intents and strategies. h

    t    t   p   :    /    /   w   w   w .    d   e   s    i   g   n   s    h   a   r   e .   c   o   m    /    H    i   g    h    S   c    h   o   o    l    L    i    b   r   a   r   y    /    H    S    Z   o   o    /    H    S    Z   o   o    2   p   r   o   g .    h    t   m

    h    t    t   p   :    /    /   w   w   w .    i   s    d    1    9    6 .    k    1    2 .   m   n .   u   s    /    S   c    h   o   o    l   s    /   s   e   s    /    h   s   e    /    h   o   u   s   e .    h    t   m    l

    h    t    t   p   :    /    /   w   w   w .   g    l   e    f .   o   r   g    /   p    h   p    /   a   r    t    i   c    l   e .   p    h   p    ?    i    d  =    A   r    t_

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Page 42: Linking Pedagogy and Space

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resources =specialised focus labs

+project space + wet areas

central resourceareas with

opportunity for

informal discussion

in small groups

laboratory =specialised focus labs

computer labs +

quiet specialist

areas for

concentrated study

classroom =student home base

+project space + wet areas

+project based collaboration

project specific

small group

activities and


conceptual f loor plan

constructed : 1995locat ion : apple val ley , minnesotaarchitect : HGA architectspopulat ion : 440 s tudents , 20 s taf f

bu i ld ing area : 14 .35m 2 per s tudent - 6317 m2 tota lbu i ld ing cos t : US$857.9/m2 - US$5.775 milyear levels : 10 - 12






resource resource



