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  • 8/16/2019 List of Ethnic Group



    INDIGENOUS GROUPS OF SABAH: An Annotated Bibliography of Linguistic

    and Anthropological Sources

    Part 2: Ethnic group indexTopical index

    Compiled by:Hans J. B. Combrink, Craig Soderberg,Michael E. Boutin, and Alanna Y. Boutin

    SIL International

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    SIL e-Books

    8©2008 SIL International

    Library of Congress Catalog Number: 2008932446

    ISBN: 978-155671-219-7

    ISSN: 1934-2470

    Fair Use PolicyBooks published in the SIL e-Books series are intended for scholarly research and

    educational use. You may make copies of these publications for research or instructionalpurposes (under fair use guidelines) free of charge and without further permission.Republication or commercial use of SILEB or the documents contained therein is expresslyprohibited without the written consent of the copyright holder(s).

    Series EditorMary Ruth Wise

    Volume EditorMae Zook

    CompositorMae Zook

    The 1


     edition was published in 1984 as the Sabah Museum Monograph, No. 1.The 2nd

     edition was published in 1986 as the Sabah Museum Monograph, No. 1, Part 2.The revised and updated edition was published in 2006 in two volumes by the MalaysiaBranch of SIL International in cooperation with the Govt. of the State of Sabah, Malaysia.This 2008 edition is published by SIL International in single column format that preservesthe pagination of the 2006 print edition as much as possible.

    Printed copies of

    Indigenous groups of Sabah: An annotated bibliography of linguistic andanthropological sources

    ©2006, ISSN 1511-6964 may be obtained from

    The Sabah Museum Handicraft Shop Main BuildingSabah Museum Complex, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

    The Natural History Publications (Borneo) Sdn. Bhd. A928, 9th. Floor, Wisma Merdeka

    P.O.Box 12606, 88829 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, MalaysiaInternet:

    Telephone: (60) 088-233098Fax: (60) 088-240768

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    Sabah Annotated Bibliography: Part 2 v



    Part IIFOREWORD TO THE 2006 EDITION............................................................................... VIII 

    INTRODUCTION TO THE 2006 EDITION........................................................................... IX SCOPE............................................................................................................................. IX PURPOSE........................................................................................................................ IX BACKGROUND................................................................................................................ IX ORGANIZATION............................................................................................................... X HOW TO USE THIS BIBLIOGRAPHY .............................................................................. X REFERENCES................................................................................................................. XI 

    TOPICS ............................................................................................................................. XIII 

    ETHNIC GROUPS INCLUDED IN THIS BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................XV 

    OVERVIEW OF THE LINGUISTIC RELATIONSHIPS AMONG THE ETHNIC GROUPSINCLUDED IN THIS BIBLIOGRAPHY ..............................................................................XVII 


    ETHNIC GROUP INDEX ...................................................................................................... 1 BAJAU............................................................................................................................... 1 BISAYA ........................................................................................................................... 20 BONGGI.......................................................................................................................... 23 BOOKAN......................................................................................................................... 27 

    BUGIS............................................................................................................................. 28 CENTRAL DUSUN.......................................................................................................... 28 COASTAL KADAZAN...................................................................................................... 28 COCOS ISLANDS MALAY.............................................................................................. 33 DUMPAS......................................................................................................................... 34 GANA .............................................................................................................................. 35 IDA'AN............................................................................................................................. 35 IRANUN........................................................................................................................... 40 KADAZANDUSUN........................................................................................................... 47 KAGAYAN....................................................................................................................... 83 KALABAKAN................................................................................................................... 83 KALABUAN..................................................................................................................... 83 

    KEDAYAN....................................................................................................................... 83 

    KENINGAU MURUT........................................................................................................ 86 KIMARAGANG................................................................................................................ 88 KUIJAU............................................................................................................................ 90 LABUK-KINABATANGAN KADAZAN ............................................................................. 91 LOBU .............................................................................................................................. 94 LOTUD............................................................................................................................ 95 LUNDAYEH..................................................................................................................... 98 MAKIANG...................................................................................................................... 101 MANGKAAK.................................................................................................................. 101 

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    vi Combrink, Soderberg, Boutin, and Boutin

    MINOKOK ..................................................................................................................... 102 MURUT ......................................................................................................................... 102 

    OKOLOD....................................................................................................................... 119 PAITAN ......................................................................................................................... 119 PALUAN........................................................................................................................ 120 PAPAR.......................................................................................................................... 120 RUNGUS....................................................................................................................... 120 SELUNGAI MURUT ...................................................................................................... 130 SEMBAKUNG ............................................................................................................... 130 SERUDUNG.................................................................................................................. 130 SINABU' ........................................................................................................................ 130 SOUTHERN SAMA....................................................................................................... 130 SULUK .......................................................................................................................... 132 SUNGAI......................................................................................................................... 136 

    TAGAL .......................................................................................................................... 139 

    TATANA' ....................................................................................................................... 144 TEMPASUK DUSUN..................................................................................................... 145 TENGARA..................................................................................................................... 145 TIDUNG......................................................................................................................... 146 TIMUGON ..................................................................................................................... 148 TINAGAS....................................................................................................................... 152 TOBILUNG.................................................................................................................... 152 TOMBONUO................................................................................................................. 152 UBIAN ........................................................................................................................... 156 UPPER KINABATANGAN............................................................................................. 157 WEST COAST BAJAU .................................................................................................. 157 

    TOPICAL INDEX .............................................................................................................. 161 

     AGRICULTURE............................................................................................................. 161  ANTHROPOLOGY........................................................................................................ 164  ARTS AND CRAFTS..................................................................................................... 170 BIBLIOGRAPHIES ........................................................................................................ 175 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT .................................................................................... 180 DEATH.......................................................................................................................... 182 DEMOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................ 184 DICTIONARIES............................................................................................................. 188 ECONOMICS ................................................................................................................ 190 ETHNOLOGY................................................................................................................ 196 FAUNA.......................................................................................................................... 205 FLORA .......................................................................................................................... 207 

    FOLKLITERATURE....................................................................................................... 208 FOOD............................................................................................................................ 226 GAMES ......................................................................................................................... 228 GENERAL ..................................................................................................................... 228 GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVEL........................................................................................ 229 HISTORY ...................................................................................................................... 233 HOUSE BUILDING........................................................................................................ 242 KINSHIP........................................................................................................................ 243 LAW AND JUSTICE...................................................................................................... 245 LINGUISTICS................................................................................................................ 247 

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    Sabah Annotated Bibliography: Part 2 vii

    LITERACY..................................................................................................................... 265 MARRIAGE................................................................................................................... 271 

    MEDICAL ANTHROPOLOGY....................................................................................... 272 MUSIC........................................................................................................................... 276 NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION............................................................................... 282 ORTHOGRAPHY .......................................................................................................... 282 PLACE NAMES............................................................................................................. 282 POLITICS...................................................................................................................... 284 PSYCHOLOGY ............................................................................................................. 287 RELIGION..................................................................................................................... 287 REVIEWS...................................................................................................................... 300 SOCIAL ANTHROPOLOGY.......................................................................................... 302 

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    viii Combrink, Soderberg, Boutin, and Boutin

    Foreword to the 2006 editionCongratulations to our distinguished compilers, namely, Hans J. B. Combrink, CraigSoderberg, Michael E. Boutin, and Alanna Y. Boutin of the Malaysian Branch of SILInternational for their effort to compile such an updated version of the two previouslypublished publications by the Sabah Museum, namely the 1

    st edition, Indigenous groups of

    Sabah: An annotated bibliography of linguistic and anthropological sources, by Michael E.Boutin, and Alanna Y. Boutin, which was published way back in 1984 as the SabahMuseum Monograph, No. 1 and the 2

    nd edition, Indigenous groups of Sabah: An annotated

    bibliography of linguistic and anthropological sources, Supplement 1, by Michael E. Boutin,published in 1986 as the Sabah Museum Monograph, No. 1 Part 2. This publication,Indigenous groups of Sabah: An annotated bibliography of linguistic and anthropologicalsources. Revised and updated edition, Part 2: Ethnic group, Topic, will certainly be usefulfor brief and quick cross-referencing on the various aspects of Sabah’s significant linguistic

    and antropological sources. In addition, it further enhances and adds to another chapter ofthe documentation of the various publications on the said subjects from the variousrepository institutions in Sabah.

    Datuk Joseph Pounis GuntavidDirector, Sabah Museum

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    Sabah Annotated Bibliography: Part 2 ix

    Introduction to the 2006 edit ion

    ScopeThis edition revises and updates the material included in two previous publications by

    the Sabah State Museum. The 1st edition, Indigenous groups of Sabah: An annotated

    bibliography of linguistic and anthropological sources, by Michael E. Boutin and Alanna Y.Boutin, was published in 1984 as the Sabah Museum Monograph, No. 1. The 2

    nd edition,

    Indigenous groups of Sabah: An annotated bibliography of linguistic and anthropologicalsources, Supplement 1, by Michael E. Boutin, was published in 1986 as the SabahMuseum Monograph, No. 1, Part 2. This current edition incorporates references to booksand articles (both published and unpublished) dealing with the languages and peoples ofSabah, up to the end of the year 2000.

    The list of ethnic groups does not include all the languages of Sabah, but only the

    languages referred to in this bibliography. As such, the list of ethnic groups in this editioncontains some additions and changes in classification as a result of research done over thelast fifteen years. One example is the standardization of language terms, such as“Kadazandusun”, which includes both “Kadazan” and “Dusun”. Another example relates tothe development of language terms, such as “Labuk Kadazan”, which evolved to “EasternKadazan” and then to “Labuk-Kinabatangan Kadazan”.

    In most instances, I have sought to follow the ethnic group recommendations in thepublication entitled Failkuasa tajuk perkara kumpulan etnik: Sabah dan Sarawak (1996).For example, “Keningau Murut” is the term this publication recommends for what was listedas “Nabay” in the two previous editions of this bibliography. In such instances, the term“Nabay” occurs in lowercase in the list, “Ethnic groups included in this bibliography”, onpage vii, with a cross-reference to “KENINGAU MURUT”. In other instances, on the basis of

    information that is more current than that found in Failkuasa tajuk perkara kumpulan etnik:Sabah dan Sarawak (1996), I have used an alternative spelling to the one recommendedthere. For example, “Bookan” is used as opposed to “Baukan” and “Tombonuo” is used asopposed to “Tombonuwo”. To assist readers in understanding the relationships betweenthe different ethnic groups in this volume, page xiii provides a list, “Overview of the linguisticrelationships among the ethnic groups included in this bibliography”.

    PurposeThis annotated bibliography is intended to be a reference guide containing information

    not only on the languages and peoples of Sabah, but also on the availability of resources inKota Kinabalu, Sabah. It is meant to be useful to all persons interested in the study oradvancement of the cultures and languages of Sabah. In compiling this bibliography, it wasoften difficult to reject interesting works that were of less relevance to our stated purpose.

    Even the geographic limits were difficult to adhere to due to the movement of ethnic groupsbetween Sabah, Sarawak, Kalimantan, and the Philippines.

    BackgroundThis bibliography does not include works about ethnic groups whose centres are

    outside of Sabah but who are represented in Sabah in small numbers, unless the specificarticle or book deals with those who are in Sabah. For example, the vast majority of“Lundayeh” are located in Sarawak (where they are called “Lun Bawang”), but several ofCrain’s works are included because he focuses on the “Lundayeh” of Sabah.

     Any researcher dealing with the languages of Sabah has to deal to some extent with

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     x Combrink, Soderberg, Boutin, and Boutin

    the problem of nomenclature of language names with regard to ethnic classification (Dunn1980). Some terms are used differently in Sabah than they are used in Sarawak and

    Brunei. For example, in Brunei the term “Dusun” is used to describe non-Muslims livingalong the Belait and Tutong Rivers. Therefore, the article Dusun tribal dances, by AbdulLatif bin Haji Ibrahim, which appears in BMJ 1:10–14, 1969, is not included because it doesnot pertain to the same ethnic group, which in Sabah is also called “Dusun” or“Kadazandusun”. Similarly, “Murut” is a term that is applied differently in Sabah andSarawak. In Sarawak the term is often applied to the “Lundayeh” and the “Lun Bawang”.For this reason an article like A note on some Murut kinship terms, by Rodney Needham,JMBRAS 28(1):159–161, is not included since it deals with the “Lundayeh” of Sarawak.

    The anthropological works that are included deal mainly with ethnology, culturalanthropology, and social anthropology. Archaeology and prehistoric anthropology are notincluded except when they are related to a particular ethnic group.

    OrganizationThe body of this bibliography is organized into three sections according to author/title,

    ethnic group, and topic. All books and articles as well as their locations are included in theauthor/title section. Materials by unknown or anonymous authors are listed in theauthor/title section by title only, using the alphabetical ordering determined by the firstword(s) in the title. Some books and articles have been included under several ethnicgroups in the ethnic group section. An entry can occur in the ethnic group section eventhough that ethnic group is not the primary focus of the work. This enables researchers toinvestigate more fully a particular ethnic group. Similarly, some books and articles havebeen included under several topical categories in the topical section.

    How to use this bibl iographyThe location(s) where a reference can be found is noted below each entry in the

    author/title listing. See page xi for the list of “Abbreviations” used throughout thebibliography. Annotations are found below each title in the author/title section. Some titlesare cited that were not seen, but information about the contents was obtained from othersources. Where this has taken place, “Not seen” occurs in the annotation.

    In the list of “Ethnic groups included in this bibliography” and the list of “Topics” foundin this publication, the distinction between uppercase and lowercase entries is significant.Lowercase entries in the list of “Ethnic groups included in this bibliography” signify thatthere is no ethnic group listed under that entry. For example, the entry “Begak, see IDA'AN”means that information about the “Begak” can be found under “IDA'AN” in the “Ethnic groupsection”. Similarly, in the list of “Topics”, the entry “Customs, see LAW and JUSTICE orRELIGION” means that information about traditional customs can be found in the “Topicalsection” under the entry “LAW and JUSTICE” or under the entry “RELIGION”.

    In the “Author Index”, words in languages other than English are italicised in

    annotation, except in the case of ethnic group names, proper names, and place names.

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    Sabah Annotated Bibliography: Part 2 xi

    Journal, magazine, and newspaper names are given in italics throughout the document.Book titles occur in italics in annotation, but because of the sheer number of book titles in a

    publication of this nature, these are given in normal font everywhere else.The following locations were investigated in the preparation of this bibliography: the

    Local History Collection of the Sabah State Library, the Borneo Collection of the Tun HajiMohd. Fuad Stephens Borneo Research Library, the Sabah State Archives, the BritishCouncil Library, the Library of the Sabah State Museum, and the Library of the MalaysiaBranch of SIL International. The British Council Library stopped functioning as a lendinglibrary approximately ten years ago. At that time they gave 10,000 volumes to the SabahState Library.

    I would sincerely like to thank my colleagues Michael and Alanna Boutin forproofreading this document and for their helpful comments and suggestions, along withTimothy Phillips and Anna-Leena Saikkonen, for providing the much-needed assistance ingetting this document ready for publication.

    Hans CombrinkDecember 2000


    Dunn, Phyllis A. 1980. Sabah peoples’ who’s who: A glossary of the terms used for thepeople and languages of Sabah, East Malaysia. Sabah Museum Annals 2:19–61. KotaKinabalu: Sabah State Museum.

    Failkuasa tajuk perkara kumpulan etnik: Sabah dan Sarawak. 1996. Kuala Lumpur:Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia.

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    Sabah Annotated Bibliography: Part 2 xiii


     AGRICULTURE: includes ecology, land settlement, and land tenure


     Arithmetic, see LITERACY

     ARTS and CRAFTS: includes clothing, cooking, and megaliths


    Birds, see FAUNA

    Clothing, see ARTS and CRAFTS


    Cooking, see ARTS and CRAFTS

    Cultural anthropology, see ETHNOLOGY

    Customs, see LAW and JUSTICE or RELIGION

    Dance, see MUSIC

    DEATH; see also RELIGION

    DEMOGRAPHY: includes land settlement; see also MEDICAL ANTHROPOLOGY

    Diary, see GEOGRAPHY and TRAVEL

    DICTIONARIES: includes thesauruses


    Domestic animals, see FAUNA

    Ecology, see AGRICULTURE

    ECONOMICS: includes tamu (market) and trade

    Education, see LITERACY

    Ethnography, see ETHNOLOGY

    Ethno-history, see ETHNOLOGY

    ETHNOLOGY: includes cultural anthropology, ethnography, and ethno-history; see also ANTHROPOLOGY

    FAUNA: includes birds, domestic animals, and insects


    FOLKLITERATURE: includes legends, myths, proverbs, riddles, and poems

    FOODGAMES: includes sports


    GEOGRAPHY and TRAVEL: includes diary

    Historical-comparative works, see LINGUISTICS



    Insects, see FAUNA

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     xiv Combrink, Soderberg, Boutin, and Boutin


    Land settlement, see AGRICULTURE or DEMOGRAPHY

    Land tenure, see AGRICULTURE

    LAW and JUSTICE: includes customs

    Legend, see FOLKLITERATURE

    LINGUISTICS: includes historical-comparative works, phonology, morphology, syntax,semantics, sociolinguistics, and vernacular language material (language lessonsand phrase books)

    LITERACY: includes arithmetic, education, reading primers, and spelling lessons


    MEDICAL ANTHROPOLOGY: includes disease; see also DEMOGRAPHY

    Megaliths, see ARTS and CRAFTS or RELIGION

    Morphology, see LINGUISTICS

    MUSIC: includes dance




    Phonology, see LINGUISTICS





    Reading primers, see LITERACY

    RELIGION: includes ceremonies, customs, rituals, taboos, worldviews, and megaliths;see also DEATH


    Riddles, see FOLKLITERATURE

    Semantics, see LINGUISTICS


    Socio-linguistics, see LINGUISTICS

    Spelling lessons, see LITERACYSports, see GAMES

    Syntax, see LINGUISTICS

    Tamu, see ECONOMICS

    Trade, see ECONOMICS

    Vernacular language material (language lessons and spelling books), seeLINGUISTICS

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    Sabah Annotated Bibliography: Part 2 xv

    Ethnic groups included in this bibliography


    Banggi, see BONGGI

    Baukan, see BOOKAN

    Begak, see IDA'AN


    BONGGI, includes Banggi

    BOOKAN, includes Baukan and Ulun-no-Bokan

    Brunei, see KEDAYAN


    Bulud Upi, see IDA'AN





    Dusun, see KADAZANDUSUN



    IDA'AN, includes Begak and Bulud Upi

    Illanun, see IRANUN

    IRANUN, includes Illanun


    KADAZANDUSUN, includes Kadazan and Dusun




    KEDAYAN, includes Brunei

    KENINGAU MURUT, includes Nabay


    Kolod, see OKOLODKUIJAU


    LABUK-KINABATANGAN KADAZAN, includes Labuk Kadazan and Eastern Kadazan

    LOBU, includes Rumanau

    LOTUD, includes Tuaran Dusun



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    xvi  Combrink, Soderberg, Boutin, and Boutin




    Nabay, see KENINGAU MURUT

    OKOLOD, includes Kolod




    Rumanau, see LOBU






    SULUK, includes Tausug

    Sumambu, see TAGAL


    TAGAL, includes Sumambu


    Tausug, see SULUK








    Tuaran Dusun, see LOTUD


    Ulun-no-Bokan, see BOOKAN



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    Sabah Annotated Bibliography: Part 2 xvii

    Overview of the linguistic relationships among the ethnicgroups included in this bibliography






















































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    Sabah Annotated Bibliography: Part 2 xix


    @ alias

     Archives Sabah State Archives

    BC British Council Library

    BMJ  Brunei Museum Journal 

    BNBH  British North Borneo Herald 

    BRB  Borneo Research Bulletin 

    BSJ  Borneo Society Journal 

    BTLV  Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde JMBRAS  Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 

    JRAI  Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 

    JSBRAS  Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 

    LHC Local History Collection (former Woolley Collection) of the Sabah StateLibrary

    MS Manuscript

    Museum Library of the Sabah State Museum

    n.d. No date

    NAB  Native Affairs Bulletin 

    SIL Library of the Malaysia Branch of SIL International, Kota Kinabalu

    SMAJ  Sabah Museum and Archives Journal 

    SMJ  Sarawak Museum Journal 

    SSJ  Sabah Society Journal 

    t.a. To appear

    TFS Borneo Collection of the Tun Haji Mohd. Fuad Stephens Borneo ResearchLibrary, formerly known as the Tun Fuad Stephens Research Library

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    Sabah Annotated Bibliography: Part 2 1 

    Ethnic group index  

    BAJAU A. Latiff

     A. Latiff1985 Persekitaran biofizik: Suatu pengenalan. Persekitaran biofizik Residensi Pantai

    Barat Sabah, ed. by A. Latiff, 11–16 (Kajian Etnografi Sabah, jilid 7). Bangi:Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and Yayasan Sabah, Kota Kinabalu.


    1985 Suatu nota mengenai persekitaran tiga komuniti etnik di Residensi Pantai Baratdengan rujukan khas kepada vegetasi, flora dan etnobotani. Persekitaran biofizikResidensi Pantai Barat Sabah, ed. by A. Latiff, 67–74 (Kajian Etnografi Sabah, jilid 7). Bangi: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and Yayasan Sabah, KotaKinabalu.

     AbdulDjebar Hapip, Darmansjah...

     Abdul Djebar Hapip, Darmansjah, and Basran Noor1979 Bahasa Bajau. Jakarta: Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa.

     AbdulGhani binBagul

     Abdul Ghani bin Bagul1950 Notes on the Bajau language. SMJ 5(2):196–200.

     AbdulHalimOthmanandWan ...

     Abdul Halim Othman and Wan Rafaei Abdul Rahman1983 Modernity and levels of socio-economic development: The case of Sabah West

    Coast Residency. Sabah: Traces of change, ed. by H. M. Dahlan, 171–177(Kajian Etnografi Sabah, jilid 3). Bangi: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia andYayasan Sabah, Kota Kinabalu.

     AbdulRahmanHaji Sidek

     Abdul Rahman Haji Sidek1980 Sejarah sosial komuniti tani-nelayan Kampung Gayang, Tuaran, Sabah. Bangi:

    Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. AbdullahHussain, compiler

     Abdullah Hussain, compiler1980 Balabatu dan lain-lain cerita rakyat Sabah. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan

    Pustaka, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia. AbuBakar Hamzah

     Abu Bakar Hamzah1995 Some historical accounts on the Sulu/Brunei Sultanate and the Bajau community.

     AdatperkahwinanBajau, Iban...

     Adat perkahwinan Bajau, Iban dan Murut1990 Dewan Budaya, August, 29–32.


     Adat-adat dan dongeng-dongeng di Sabah1974 Kuching: Biro Kesusastraan Borneo.

     Adirukmi N.S., HalilahA., ...

     Adirukmi N. S., Halilah A., and Saleb M. N.1995 A study of traditional medicines used by the Bajau tribe and the possibilities of its

    development on widespread basis.REPEATAUTHOR

    1995 Types of traditional medicinal plants of the Bajau tribe in Menggatal and KotaBelud, Sabah. Aini Sigismond-Balgut

     Aini Sigismond-Balgut1993 The development of tourism and its impact in Tuaran. Staffordshire: University of

    Keele. Unpublished MS. Alatmuzik2 untukpermainan...

     Alat muzik2 untuk permainan bertitik kini mahal dan sukar pula untuk didapati

    1982 Sabah Times (8 March 1982). Alliston, Cyril

     Alliston, Cyril1963 In the shadow of Kinabalu. London: The Adventurers Club.

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    2  Combrink, Soderberg, Boutin, and Boutin


    1966 Threatened paradise: North Borneo and its peoples. London: Robert Hale. Alman, ElizabethandJohn...

     Alman, Elizabeth and John H. Alman

    1968 Handcraft in Sabah. Kuching: Borneo Literature Bureau. Alman, JohnH.

     Alman, John H.1960 Bajau pottery. SMJ 9:583–602.


    1960 Bajau saddle-making. SMJ 9:619–637.REPEATAUTHOR

    1960 Bajau weaving. SMJ 9:603–618.REPEATAUTHOR

    1962 Bajau iron work in the Tempasuk Plain. SSJ 1(2):19–30. (Reprinted in 1976.)REPEATAUTHOR

    1962 Kawang incident. SSJ 1(3):48–49. (Reprinted in 1976.)REPEATAUTHOR

    1963 Incident at Pandasan. SSJ 1(4):93–98. (Reprinted in 1976.) Appealsfromnativecourts

     Appeals from native courtsn.d. Jesselton.

     Appell, G.N.

     Appell, G. N.

    1969 Studies of the Tausug (Suluk) and Samal-speaking populations of Sabah and thesouthern Philippine islands. BRB 1:21–23. Ariffin, Anuar

     Ariffin, Anuar1984 Sambutan pesta menuai di Sabah. Dian Daiges 157:51–58.


     Asmad1987 Sabah. Melaka: Associated Educational Distributors.

     AsmahHaji Omar

     Asmah Haji Omar1979 Languages of Malaysia. Papers on Southeast Asian languages, ed. by Teodoro

     A. Llamzon, 1–76 (Anthology Series, No. 5). Singapore: Singapore UniversityPress for SEAMEO regional language centre.


    1980 The Bajau Darat language. BMJ 4(4):11–29.REPEATAUTHOR

    1983 The Malay peoples of Malaysia and their languages. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan

    Bahasa dan Pustaka, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia.REPEATAUTHOR1995 Processes in the development of the numerals in Bajau Darat and Bajau Laut.

    Baker, MichaelH.

    Baker, Michael H.1962 The colony of North Borneo, the first 10 years, 1946–1956. Singapore: Malaya

    Publishing House. (Reprinted in 1965 as Sabah: The first ten years as a colony:1946–1956.)


    1965 Sabah: The first ten years as a colony: 1946–1956 (Singapore Studies onMalaysia, No. 1). Singapore: Malaya Publishing House. (First published in 1962as The Colony of North Borneo, the first ten years, 1946–1956.)

    Bakri Dani

    Bakri Dani1982 Reka corak dan simbol dalam pakaian tradisi Orang-orang Bajau, Kota Belud,

    Sabah. Selangor: Institut Teknologi MARA.Banker, ElizabethF.

    Banker, Elizabeth F.1984 The West Coast Bajau language. Languages of Sabah: A survey report, ed. by

    Julie K. King and John Wayne King, 101–112 (Pacific Linguistics, Series C, No.78). Canberra: Australian National University.

    Belcher, CaptainSir Edward

    Belcher, Captain Sir Edward1848 Narrative of the voyage of H. M. S. Samarang, during the years 1836-46, 2 vols.

    London: Reeve, Benham & Reeve.

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    Sabah Annotated Bibliography: Part 2 3 

    Benggon-Charuruks, Irene...

    Benggon-Charuruks, Irene and Janette Padasian, eds.1995 Cultures, customs and traditions of Sabah, Malaysia: An introduction. Kota

    Kinabalu: Sabah Tourism Promotion Corporation. (First published in 1992 underthe same title.)

    Bingkisanbudayadari Sabah

    Bingkisan budaya dari Sabah1978

    Black, IanD.

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    Perayaan Sabah seratus tahun: Daerah Penampang1981 Kota Kinabalu: Jawatankuasa Pesta Rakyat Perayaan Sabah Seratus Tahun.

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    Sabah Annotated Bibliography: Part 2 13 


    Perayaan Sabah seratus tahun: Kuala Penyu

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    Pertunjukan seni tradisional Sabah1975 Kota Kinabalu: Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports.


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    Phelan, Peter R.

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    Borneo (Centre for Borneo Studies).Pike, Michael

    Pike, Michael1970 Pottery making by Dusunic and Bajau groups in Sabah. BRB 2:7–8.

    Porteus, Stanley David

    Porteus, Stanley David1937 Primitive intelligence and environment. New York: Macmillan.

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    Pounis Guntavid @ Joseph, Judeth John Baptist, Rita Lasimbang, and Jacqueline Pugh-Kitingan1992 Pengenalan kepada alat-alat muzik tradisional Sabah [An introduction to the

    traditional musical instruments of Sabah]. Kota Kinabalu: Department of SabahMuseum and State Archives.

    Pryer, Ada

    Pryer, Ada1894 A decade in Borneo. London: Hutchinson & Co.

    Pryer, W.B.

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    1883 Notes on north-eastern Borneo and the Sulu Island. Proceedings of the RoyalGeographical Society 5:90–96.


    1886 The natives of British North Borneo. BNBH 4(1):221–223.REPEATAUTHOR

    1886 On the natives of British North Borneo. Journal of Anthropological Institute 16:229–236.


    1891 British North Borneo: Past, present and future.Pugh-Kitingan, Jacqueline

    Pugh-Kitingan, Jacqueline1995 Bajau music ensembles: Four case studies from Sabah.


    1996 Cherish your language through indigenous music.Pugh-Kitingan, Jacqueline...

    Pugh-Kitingan, Jacqueline, Patricia Regis, and Judith John-Baptist

    1995 Berunsai: Meeting, match-making and music.Quazi AbdulMannanQuazi Abdul Mannan

    1982 Sabah fishermen and their economy. Kota Kinabalu: Ko-Nelayan.Raine, Andy andNickRaine

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    14  Combrink, Soderberg, Boutin, and Boutin

    Regis, Patricia

    Regis, Patricia1991 Bengkel anyaman/tenunan dan pewarnaan tradisional [Traditional weaving and

    dyeing workshop]. Kota Kinabalu: Department of Sabah Museum and State Archives.


    1995 Bajau in myth, migration and material culture: A view from historical andcontemporary perspectives.


    1995 Cultural adaptation in Borneo: An overview of some aspects of material culturechange in Sabah. Unpublished MS.

    Regis, PatriciaandJudeth...

    Regis, Patricia and Judeth John-Baptist1991 Kuasa beras dan magisnya di kalangan masyarakat Lotud. Segemal padi

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    Rimmer, Tina1999 The Tamparuli tamu: A Sabah market. Kota Kinabalu: The Sabah Society.

    Robertson, J.F.

    Robertson, J. F.1971 Fertility in the urban kampongs of Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. SMJ 19:257– 


    1971 Very young brides. BMJ 2(3):31–38.Robertson, John

    Robertson, John1982 Weaving and plaiting. Bridge 1(3):44–47.

    RosmihHaji [email protected]. ...

    Rosmih Haji Jamal @ N. C. Jamari1987 Kegiatan tamu di Daerah Kota Marudu, pantai barat Sabah: Satu kajian sosio-

    ekonomi [Market activities in the District of Kota Marudu, Sabah west coast: Asocio-economical study]. Kuala Lumpur: Universiti Malaya thesis.

    Roxas-Lim, Aurora

    Roxas-Lim, Aurora1995 Marine adaptations and ecological transformations: The case of the Bajao and

    Samalan communities.Rutter, Owen

    Rutter, Owen1922 British North Borneo: An account of its history, resources and native tribes.

    London: Constable & Co.REPEATAUTHOR

    1930 The pirate wind: Tales of the sea-robbers of Malaya. London: Hutchinson & Co.SabahandtheSabah Foundation

    Sabah and the Sabah Foundation1974 Kota Kinabalu: The Sabah Foundation.


    Sabah collaborative programme in research and training1981 Unpublished MS.


    Sabah dan Yayasan Sabah1974 Kota Kinabalu: Yayasan Sabah.


    Sabah hatsn.d. Sabah Museum Leaflet, No. 6. Sabah: Department of Agriculture.


    Sabah in brief1977 Kota Kinabalu: Jabatan Penerangan.

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    Sabah Annotated Bibliography: Part 2 15 

    SabahinEastMalaysia: Land...

    Sabah in East Malaysia: Land below the wind1973 Kota Kinabalu: Sabah Tourist Association.


    Sabah Malaysia “Land below the wind”n.d. Kota Kinabalu: Sabah Tourist Association.


    Sabah Tourist Association1988 Exotic Borneo: A guide book to Sabah, vol. 5. Kota Kinabalu: Sabah Tourist

     Association and the Sabah Tourism Promotion Corporation.SabdinGhani

    Sabdin Ghani1962 Malay wedding customs. BSJ 4:37–40.


    Sabihah Osman1986 Malay-Muslim political participation in Sarawak and Sabah, 1841–1951. SSJ 


    Saffie bin Laudin1987 Tamu sebagai institusi peralihan masyarakat tani kepada masyarakat niaga: Satu

    kajian kes di tamu pekan Kota Belud, Sabah. Bangi: Universiti KebangsaanMalaysia thesis.

    SaidatulNornisbinteHaji ...

    Saidatul Nornis binte Haji Mahali1992 Fonologi bahasa Bajau: Satu kajian preliminari [Bajau phonology: A preliminary

    investigation]. Bangi: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia thesis.Salobir, StaneandCecilia...

    Salobir, Stane and Cecilia Leong1983 Children of Sabah. Kota Kinabalu: Cecilia Leong.

    Samri Garam

    Samri Garam1981 Adat kematian suku kaum Bajau. Majalah Dian 20(138):36–40.


    1981 Kebudayaan suku kaum Bajau. Majalah Dian 20(141):113–118.Sandbukt,Øyvind 

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    1983 The sea nomads of Southeast Asia: New perspectives on ancient traditions. Annual Newsletter of the Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies, No. 17.Copenhagen.

    Sather, CliffordA.

    Sather, Clifford A.1965 Bajau numbers and adjectives of quantity. SSJ 2:194–197.


    1965 Bajau riddles. SMJ 12:162.REPEATAUTHOR

    1966 Bajau Laut marriage and the choice of marriage partners.REPEATAUTHOR

    1966 A Bajau prawn snare. SSJ 3:42–44.REPEATAUTHOR

    1967 Social rank and marriage payments in an immigrant Moro community in Malaysia.Ethnology 6:97–102.


    1967 Structural relativity and the Bajau Laut domestic family system.REPEATAUTHOR

    1968 A note on Bajau gravemakers from the Semporna District of Sabah. SMJ 16:103– 106.REPEATAUTHOR

    1968 Some notes concerning Bajau Laut phonology and grammar. SSJ 3(4):205–224.REPEATAUTHOR

    1971 Bajau pottery-making in the Semporna District. BRB 3:10–11.REPEATAUTHOR

    1971 Book review: The North Borneo Chartered Company’s administration of theBajau, 1878–1909: The pacification of a maritime, nomadic people, by JamesFrancis Warren. SMJ 19:381–382.


    1971 Kinship and domestic relations among the Bajau Laut of northern Borneo.Cambridge, MA: Harvard University dissertation.

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    Sabah Annotated Bibliography: Part 2 17 

    Sopher, David

    Sopher, David

    1965 The sea nomads. Singapore: National Museum.Spoehr, AlexanderSpoehr, Alexander

    1973 Zamboanga and Sulu: An archaeological approach to ethnic diversity. EthnologyMonographs, No. 1. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh.

    Squires, Dale

    Squires, Dale1980 Cost and earnings of small-scale capture fishermen in the Kota Kinabalu and

    Tuaran Districts of Sabah. Bulletin of the Society of Agricultural Scientists Sabah 3(2):1–15.


    1980 The neglected role of transportation in small-scale capture fisheries development.Bulletin of the Society of Agricultural Scientists Sabah 4(1):21–34.

    St. John, Spencer

    St. John, Spencer1974 Life in the Forests of the Far East, 2 vols. Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press.

    (First published in 1858. London: Smith, Elder & Co.)REPEATAUTHOR1995 The ascent of Mount Kinabalu. The best of Borneo travel, compiled and

    introduced by Victor T. King, 107–129 (Oxford in Asia Paperbacks). KualaLumpur: Oxford University Press.

    Suart, Wendy

    Suart, Wendy1993 The lingering eye: Recollections of North Borneo. Edinburgh: The Pentland

    Press.Sullivan, Anwar andPatricia...

    Sullivan, Anwar and Patricia Regis1981 Demography. Commemorative history of Sabah, 1881–1981, ed. by Anwar

    Sullivan and Cecilia Leong, 545–585. Kota Kinabalu: Sabah State GovernmentCentenary Publication Committee.


    Supriya Bhar

    1980 A headhunter scare in a Simunul Bajau village in Sandakan, 1979. BRB 12(1):26–29.


    1980 Sandakan: Gun running village to timber centre, 1879–1979. JMBRAS 53(1):120–149.


    1981 The “Malays” in Sabah, 1970: A problem of community classification. Manusiadan Masyarakat 2:35–41.


    1984 The status of Simunul Bajau women in Sabah. Women in Malaysia, ed. by Ai YunHing, Nik Safiah Karim, and Rokiah Talib, 127–151. Petaling Jaya: PelandukPublications.

    Supriya(Bhar) Singh

    Supriya (Bhar) Singh1984 On the Sulu Sea. Kuala Lumpur: Angsana Publications.

    Sweeney, P.L. Amin

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    1968 Silsilah raja-raja Brunei. JMBRAS 41(2):1–82.Taguli, alocalstudy by ...

    Taguli, a local study by form 31966 BSJ 10:5–21.


    Taha Abdul Kadir1985 Cerita tradisi Sabah. Petaling Jaya: Pelanduk Publications.

    Thetaleof PitunDepah

    The tale of Pitun Depah1967 BSJ 12:21–25.

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    18  Combrink, Soderberg, Boutin, and Boutin


    Talib Samat1986 Menjelajah Negeri Sabah. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka,

    Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia.Tarling, NicholasTarling, Nicholas

    1978 Sulu and Sabah: A study of British policy towards the Philippines and NorthBorneo from the late eighteenth century. Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press.


    Teo Albert C. K.1988 Sabah: Land of the sacred mountain. Kota Kinabalu: Albert C. K. Teo.

    Treacher, W.H.

    Treacher, W. H.1882 British North Borneo report. Kudat: British North Borneo Co.

    Tregonning, K.G.

    Tregonning, K. G.1955 A Sandakan diary of the 1890’s. SMJ 6:195–216.

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    Ubing, Theresa1989 Urbanisasi: Implikasinya ke atas penyusunan ikatan desa-bandar (kajian kes di

    pekan Beluran, Sabah). Bangi: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia thesis.Unitpenyelidikansosio-ekonomi

    Unit penyelidikan sosio-ekonomi1981 Kajian sosio-ekonomi masyarakat nelayan di Kota Belud, Sabah. Kota Kinabalu:

    Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Cawangan Sabah.VanDijk, L.C.

    Van Dijk, L. C.1984 Relations of the East Indies Company with Borneo (Brunei), the Sulu

     Archipelago, Mindanao, etc. BMJ 5(4):6–34.Vreeland, Nena, GlennB. ...

    Vreeland, Nena, Glenn B. Dana, Geoffrey B. Hurwitz, Peter Just, Philip W. Moeller, and R.S. Shinn1977 Area handbook for Malaysia. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.

    Wallace, AlfredRussel

    Wallace, Alfred Russel1989 The Malay Archipelago: The land of the orang-utan, and the bird of paradise.

    Oxford: Oxford University Press. (First published in 1869.)WanRafaei AbdulRahmanand...

    Wan Rafaei Abdul Rahman and A. Halim Othman1983 The effect of socio-economic development on perceived child-rearing practices:

     An exploratory observation. Sabah: Traces of change, ed. by H. M. Dahlan, 157– 170 (Kajian Etnografi Sabah, jilid 3). Bangi: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia andYayasan Sabah, Kota Kinabalu.

    WarisanSabah: Pengenalan...

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    Warren, JamesF.

    Warren, James F.1971 The North Borneo Chartered Company’s administration of the Bajau, 1878–1909:

    The pacification of a maritime, nomadic people. Athens: Ohio University, Center

    for International Studies, SEA program.REPEATAUTHOR

    1972 The North Borneo Chartered Company’s administration of the Bajau, 1878–1909.SSJ 5:288–351.


    1995 Looking back on the “Sulu zone”: State formation and ethnic diversity inSoutheast Asia.

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    Sabah Annotated Bibliography: Part 2 19 

    Waterson, Roxana

    Waterson, Roxana

    1990 The living house: An anthropology of architecture in South-East Asia. Oxford:Oxford University Press.


    Weavingn.d. Unpublished MS.

    Wells, Gordon

    Wells, Gordon1966 Tamu at Kota Belud. Straits Times Annual 86–88.

    Whelan, F.G.

    Whelan, F. G.1964 Our land. Kuching: Borneo Literature Bureau. (The 3

    rd edition was printed in 1967.)


    1970 A history of Sabah. Singapore: Macmillan.REPEATAUTHOR

    1973 The story of Sabah. Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press.WomeninSabah: Needs, concerns...

    Women in Sabah: Needs, concerns, aspirations1992 Kota Kinabalu: Sabah Women Action Resource Group.

    Wong, K.F.

    Wong, K. F.1979 Borneo scene. Kuching: Anna Photo Co.

    Wood, G.H.S. andJ.Agama

    Wood, G. H. S. and J. Agama1956 North Borneo Forest Records No. 6: Check list of the forest flora of North Borneo.

    Sandakan: Sunshine Printing.Wright, LeighR.

    Wright, Leigh R.1966 Historical notes on the North Borneo dispute. Journal of Asian Studies 25(3):471– 


    1980 The Lanun pirate states of Borneo: Their relevance to Southeast Asian history.SSJ 6:207–217.


    Yahaya Ismail1998 The cultural heritage of Sabah. Petaling Jaya: Dinamika Kreatif.


    Yap Beng Liang1979 Kaum-kaum penduduk, Sabah. Widya 17:58–61.


    1980 Sistem kekerabatan Orang Bajau. Federation Museums Journal 25:173–190.REPEATAUTHOR

    1985 The traditional world-views of the indigenous peoples of Sabah. Malaysian world-view, ed. by Mohd. Taib Osman, x, 284 pp. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.


    1990 Perubahan sosial dalam masyarakat Bajau Kota Belud. Kuala Lumpur: Universityof Malaya dissertation.


    1995 Social change in the Bajau community of Kota Belud, Sabah.YeopJohari YaakobandIsmail...

    Yeop Johari Yaakob and Ismail Abbas1983 Communication in the Bajau (Samah) community of Sabah and its process.

    Komunikasi dalam masyarakat Bajau (Samah) di Sabah dan prosesnya.REPEATAUTHOR1986 Kosa kata Bahasa Bajau: Satu tinjauan awal. Dewan Bahasa 30(3):174–199.


    Zahra Yaacob1995 Yayasan Sabah Research Library: Development of its Bornean collection,

    including Bajau references, in the context of South East Asian studies.ZainalKling

    Zainal Kling1995 Local genius: A Bajau village poet.

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    20  Combrink, Soderberg, Boutin, and Boutin

    ZakariahJaafar, compiler

    Zakariah Jaafar, compiler1985 Bajau dan kebudayaan. Pengumpulan, pengajian dan penggunaan tradisi lisan di

    Sabah Malaysia, 10–14. Kota Kinabalu: Kementerian Kebudayaan, Belia danSukan Negeri Sabah.

    Zulkifly Haji Mustapha

    Zulkifly Haji Mustapha1983 Modernization and economic change among the Bajau of Serusop: Perceptions

    and attitudes towards development. Sabah: Traces of change, ed. by H. M.Dahlan, 144–156 (Kajian Etnografi Sabah, jilid 3). Bangi: Universiti KebangsaanMalaysia and Yayasan Sabah, Kota Kinabalu.

    Zulkifly Haji Mustaphaand...

    Zulkifly Haji Mustapha and Rajmah A. Samad1987 Laporan tampang muka Residensi Pantai Barat: Perubahan dan pembangunan

    sosio-ekonomi. Kajian etnografi Sabah: Satu pengenalan. Bangi: UniversitiKebangsaan Malaysia.

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    Zulkifly Haji Mustapha and Sulong Mohamad

    1983 The Bajau in a transitional economy: The Bajau of Serusup. Sabah: Traces ofchange, ed. by H. M. Dahlan, 132–143 (Kajian Etnografi Sabah, jilid 3). Bangi:Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and Yayasan Sabah, Kota Kinabalu.

    BISAYA Araneta, F. andM.A. Bernad

     Araneta, F. and M. A. Bernad1960 “Bisayans” of Borneo and the “Tagalogs” and “Visayans” of the Philippines. SMJ 

    9:542–564. AsmahHaji Omar

     Asmah Haji Omar1979 The Bisaya language. BMJ 4(3):1–21.


    1983 The Malay peoples of Malaysia and their languages. Kuala Lumpur: DewanBahasa dan Pustaka, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia.

    Belcher, CaptainSir Edward

    Belcher, Captain Sir Edward1848 Narrative of the voyage of H. M. S. Samarang, during the years 1836-46, 2 vols.

    London: Reeve, Benham & Reeve.Bewsher, R.A.

    Bewsher, R. A.1956 Bisayan accounts of early Bornean settlements in the Philippines. SMJ 7(7):48–53.

    Budayadi KualaPenyu

    Budaya di Kuala Penyu1984 Borneo Bulletin (26 May 1984):25.

    Busana: Tradisionaletnik...

    Busana: Tradisional etnik Sabah1993 Kota Kinabalu: Jawatankuasa Penerbitan Risalah Busana, Tradisional Etnik Sabah.

    Carroll, John

    Carroll, John1960 The word Bisaya in the Philippines and Borneo. SMJ 9:499–541.

    Chatfield, Godfrey A.

    Chatfield, Godfrey A.

    1972 Sabah: A general geography. London: Eastern University Press. (First publishedunder the same title in 1967. London: University of London Press.)

    Chay, Peter

    Chay, Peter1988 Sabah the land below the wind. Kuala Lumpur: Toto Technik.

    DeCrespigny, C.

    De Crespigny, C.1872 On northern Borneo. Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society 16:171–183.


    1872 Vocabularies of North Bornean languages. Proceedings of the RoyalGeographical Society, July. (Reprinted in Roth, 1896.)

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    Sabah Annotated Bibliography: Part 2 21 

    Demetrio, Francisco

    Demetrio, Francisco1968 Toward a classification of Bisayan folk beliefs and customs. Philippine Studies 

    16:663–689. (Also published in 1969 in Philippine Studies 17:3–39 under thesame title.)

    Dunn, PhyllisA.

    Dunn, Phyllis A.1984 The Bisaya language. Languages of Sabah: A survey report, ed. by Julie K. King

    and John Wayne King, 245–250 (Pacific Linguistics, Series C, No. 78). Canberra: Australian National University.

    Firkins, Peter

    Firkins, Peter1979 From hell to eternity. Perth: Westward Ho Publishing Co.

    Fox, RobertB.

    Fox, Robert B.1957 A consideration of theories concerning possible affiliations of Mindanao cultures

    with Borneo, the Celebes, and other regions of the Philippines. PhilippineSociological Review 5(1):2–52.

    Hallmark, Sue

    Hallmark, Suen.d. Bisaya word list. Unpublished MS.

    Handbookof theStateof ...

    Handbook of the State of British North Borneo: Compiled from reports of the governor andstaff of North Borneo1921 London: The British North Borneo (Chartered) Co.

    Harrisson, Tom

    Harrisson, Tom1956 “Bisaya”: Borneo-Philippine impacts of Islam. SMJ 7:43–47.


    1962 “Bisaya” in North Borneo and elsewhere. SSJ 1(2):6–14. (Reprinted in 1976.)Hart, DonnVorhis

    Hart, Donn Vorhis1969 Bisayan Filipino and Malayan humoral pathologies. Folk medicine and

    ethnohistory in Southeast Asia. Ithaca: Southeast Asia Program, CornellUniversity.


    Hassan Mat Nor1982 Peribumi Sabah: Satu pengenalan. Dewan Budaya (October):8–9.

    Headley, D.

    Headley, D.1950 Some Bisaya folk-lore. SMJ 5:187–192.

    Hoebel, Robert

    Hoebel, Robert1984 Sabah. Hong Kong: Robert Rovera.

    Hornaday, WilliamT.

    Hornaday, William T.1993 The experiences of a hunter and naturalist in the Malay Peninsula and Borneo

    (Oxford in Asia Paperbacks). Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press. (Reprint ofthe second half of an earlier volume by the author, Two years in the jungle, published in 1885. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.)


    Ismail Abbas and Charles Shaong

    1984 Tarian-tarian tradisional Sabah. Kota Kinabalu: Kementerian Kebudayaan, Beliadan Sukan Negeri Sabah.

    Ismaily Bungsu

    Ismaily Bungsu1995 Warna budaya [Colours of culture]. Kota Kinabalu: Kementerian Kebudayaan,

    Belia dan Sukan Negeri Sabah.JamdinBuyong

    Jamdin Buyong1981 Perjuangan peribumi menentang penjajahan di Sabah: Protes terhadap nilai

    barat. Kota Kinabalu: Yayasan Sabah.

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    22  Combrink, Soderberg, Boutin, and Boutin

    Jennifer ChanKimLianand ...

    Jennifer Chan Kim Lian and Yeoh Ei Leen2000 Promoting Sabah as part of North Borneo. Borneo 2000: Language, management

    and tourism, ed. by Michael Leigh, 523–532. Proceedings of the Sixth BiennialBorneo Research Conference, 10–14 July 2000, Kuching, Sarawak. KotaSamarahan, Sarawak: Universiti Malaysia Sarawak.

    Keith, H.G.

    Keith, H. G.1928 Description of a native oil press (chandasan) from North Borneo. JMBRAS 


    1952 A preliminary list of North Borneo plant names. North Borneo Forest Records, 2(2

    nd edition). Hong Kong: Ye Olde Printerie.


    Kitab Injil yang senurat S. Markus1938 London.


    Kraftangan Sabahn.d.

    Lebar, FrankM., ed.

    Lebar, Frank M., ed.1972 Ethnic groups of insular Southeast Asia, vol. 1: Indonesia, Andaman Islands, and

    Madagascar. New Haven: Human Relations Area Files.Lees, Shirley P.

    Lees, Shirley P.1979 Drunk before dawn. Kent: OMF Books.

    LindahAnuar Ewit

    Lindah Anuar Ewit1983 A study of native law of succession in Sabah (with special references to Tuaran

    and Kuala Penyu). Kuala Lumpur: Universiti Malaya.LowKwai Sim