litearcy in pakistan


Upload: drnasir-ahmad

Post on 24-May-2015




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  • 1. Literacy Literacy is the ability to use text to communicate across space and time. It is often reduced to read and write , or, sometimes, the ability to read. In modern context, the word means reading and writing in a level adequate for written communication and generally a level that enables one to successfully function in a society.

2. Literacy Rate Literacy rate is the percentage of people with the ability to read and write. 3. Literacy rate literacy rate in Pakistan is said to be 57 per cent. In fact, this figure is not reliable and also includes those who can only write their names. In spite of the rows of educational plans, policies, conferences and five-year plans, our literacy rate could not increase much. 4. Pakistan ranks at 113th position among 120 countries of the world. This is an international embarrassment. 5. High illiteracy rate Pakistans High Illiteracy Rate Threatens Its Fragile Democracy 6. UNESCO According to Unesco, about 56 percent of Pakistani adults are literate, in contrast South Asian neighbours India and Sri Lanka boast literacy rates to 74 percent and 97 percent, respectively. Literacy rates in Pakistan are even lower for the rural poor and for women. Unesco estimates that some 70 percent of Pakistans rural population is illiterate, with even higher rates for women. 7. . While the illiterate cannot be barred from voting, the illiterate people plays into the hands of corrupt politicians who try to win votes on the basis of religious, tribal or ethnic affiliations, rather than on their contributions to the nation. 8. Lessons are to be learned from history During the Dark Ages of Europe, the church purposely kept the people uneducated so as to continue its influence without facing any accountability. One dreads that the pattern in Pakistan is similar, where the ruling elite keeps the people uneducated in order to exploit them for their selfish motives. 9. Why illiteracy Our governments only laid emphasis on giving policy documents rather than implement them. The only gap between the policies and literacy is the lack of implementation. The other main issues include lack of proper monitoring and checks and balances, especially in public-sector education because of which many ghost schools have started to appear. 10. In Pakistan, allocations for education in general and for enhancement of literacy in particular, have, always been very low with, 2.3 % of GNP being the highest figure in 9th Plan (1998-2003). The allocations for education in terms of percentage of GNP, have been continuously declining for the last many years (e.g. 2.34 in 1997-98, 2.2 % in 1998-99 and 2.14 % for 1999- 2000). The first three Development Plans (1955-1970) did not contain any allocations for literacy. Allocations for literacy started with the non-plan period (1970-78) in which Rs. 2.3 million were allocated for literacy but actually only Rs. 0.5 million were spent. 11. GDP for Education The GDP for education is only 2.1 per cent. Even this is not used honestly. On the other hand, 60 per cent of the budget is spent on defence. Pakistan had minified 0.3% Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in educational sector from 2.6% to 2.3%. 12. Is it Possible to Improve Literacy Levels in Pakistan? 13. Each One Teach One is an African- American Proverb. The original author is unknown. This phrase originated in the United States during slavery, when Africans were denied education, including learning to read. Many, if not most slaves were kept in a state of ignorance about anything beyond their immediate circumstances which were under control of owners, the law makers and the authorities. When a slave learned or was taught to read, it became his duty to teach someone else, spawning the phrase "Each one teach one." 14. Increasing overall literacy Education is one of the key priority areas of the government of Pakistan, but to increase the overall literacy rate of the country, it is essential to change the mindset of the communities, especially in this patriarchal society, 15. Poverty a major factor in illiteracy Poverty is also one of the major factors that affect literacy rate. A survey depicts that 17.6% of the children are working and supporting their families. In Pakistan, the private sector provides standard quality education. 16. Need of improvement in public sector Pakistani government must improve and expand public sector. Pakistan has to ruminate out of the box for educational development. A firm framework is required, according to which there have to be free and unbiased primary education for men and women. Corrupt politicians are responsible for the setback to education. The politicians need managerial acquaintance, strong determination, and consistency for the economic development. All the executions must be free from personal concerns and doldrums. 17. BABA said Quaid-e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah once said that 'there is no doubt that the future of our state will and must greatly depend upon the type of education we give to our children... "We aim at bringing all our children to schools and to give them quality education which will open the doors of opportunity and success," he added. 18. If we think rationally about the literacy rate, then 2015 is appearing as the dead line, because currently 5.1 million people in Pakistan are uneducated. As, George Washington Carver said: Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom. In order to restrain its freedom educational evolution is compulsory for Pakistan.