lm 'r' ':. e' 'k' all • · uipeg uii 1\[olluay night. mrs. and i,he...

'", '., . ' , . ' , LM Vf)L.3 CArt9aL PA .. c.: TOTAL AMIlTS: ...... ". P""D: , ':. ' '. , ..,. 'R'" 'E·"r E'" 'K' " ',' ':. ' .'" . . ",.. - . . ELY CREEK, ll.L'HTOBA, MAY 1(;, ul(n: AlL .SO.:!O •••••••••••••••••••••••••• FOR S.\LE.-.-\ qunntity uf ntlW i ; •••••••••_ ....................................... : C.P,R, TABLE wool m8ttreis, spriJ.g, I'llir fellthtlr i • : .ua_ TlWtp.c_ MlIIIaa DoIIan &! "" cu, BANK OF HAMILTON -- t I : So. l!. for the EIllIt, I ........ at 10.00 • I : SO. 11, fur the Wl .. t, 1"4""" at 18.H t · ---- . I CARliIAl<I BaAl<IcH f'lruiture, iuc1udiug irull IJedstelld, i; G RAN 0 V I EW HOT E l : l)iIIows, wnslll;huIII, dn·ssing luhle, ! : tuiltlt Stlt. rU('ker, kil<'iltlu IIILh'. i : : aud six kitchen chnirs, Tu Le:: : A Clnr'" BusI .... Traaucted SAVINOS DEPARTMENT ... ,7 ,,' .. '1.00'" ., •••. Neely", ud III .... CII''''' rata ...... , .......... . H Do .11 .. lit,.. ... ' '-all. £1. Creek Branch a 'We C. 'SOOLE - Agent · · · ..... THP. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE .... D O,nCE.·Tonono UTAUUSUED 7887 t Paid·up Capital, $10,000,000 Reat, - - - 5.000,000 Total Assets, - 11a,OOO,oOO .... WflED .... U_t , '. ".::fe,u .... D ............ "-:"6," .. '"'! 'n.' ............. of '. t 7 .,' . . , _, , ,::BANK ·:MONBYORDBRS , .... AT Ttta .ou,OWIIICI .. t'l. 'S ... ancler. . • . • • . • • • . • • . • • .. • • • • • I cent. O.,.r IS and not eacncllnc lao, . . • .. centa .. , 1.0 ... .. ••. . .... 10 centa .; ••. .-.. I ...... "centa ...... IaN .. ,able at I'ar al any olllce'ln Canada 0( a Cbartued IIanIl . ty .... au,.ecf), and allbe principal banki ... poinll In the Valled stata. · .. , " TIle, an necotiable all4:9D 10 lbe £ Ileriing in Greal Brilain and Ireland. ' . .... ,. ' .... an .. c ......... hod of rernlllinc _II lUlU of mone)' wllh ufttF .. '. ... -U -. ... _, lie 011"''''' witllOll' dela, al au, otlce 01 till .... ," . " ..' .' '" I I .' METHOD OF USING Ulle one pound of formalin 10 every forty gallons of water .. Wet the lIeed thoroughly with the solution, pile,. and cover with C8m'all or sacking.' Lea\'e the grai n in the pile for at least h'o hours. :,. '.' .' : i We guarantee our Formalin to be a forty: '! per centsoh'tionof ! · i' .' .• " •• ;'" '';'.'", .. ==============='=:"======== : " . ,WheDrug Store I suld at a sacrilil'e. Enqnire lit; ! : this oltice. !• The most np.to.date hutel in .\Innituha · -- . ... I"" . 9 •. + 1 ••• 0. __ arrl .... " .. " """ ....... + So. 121 depart. .. "" .. ,,,,, 10.10 : : So. 121 arri\,('S"""""""lS.35 + So. 123 depart. ."" ... "." 18.t>O + •••••••••••••••••••••••••• The blink' s'.aff hnve eViuently: i Recenlly remodelled nnd rl'furnislu:d throughuut I been duing sume chrunol.l,gicaI 1 1 !. Lh;bl, airy roolJls research lately. 'I'heir hltest Jis. 'I : ,colfery il! that Christma" DII\' falls: First.class IICcullllllounliun fur lra\'ellers anti the general Local and General I 011 )Iay 101h. We hear they hll\'e • IHlhlic '-_,;... _________ --3 forllledacoml'Rct with Ihe weRlher t CFLlSAUY DEPART1\! i;XT UXSUHPA88ED lIIan to change things ruulIlla hiLI i The bnr slocked with the choirr st wines, Iiquorli, and cigars i CerlHinly tile wClither lIJall hilS I • Horsemen, get your routa cards been doing his pllrt latply.; First·c1l1ss Iinlry in conncctiun The Starkey HOlIse, Carman. at The MHil oltice. Untler the HlIspit-eli of Ihe Ell! i' ........ , ... _,- , .. _.... Principlll Shipley sl'e,nt Aroor "'urth LOllglle, Hev. M. Duyle, : DIlY at his hOJJle at Balmural. ,RA .• u( Speriing, will deli\'er.1I • CHAS. ANGLE - Prope J. U A I t · tile .cI'ty o' n lecture un .. Romula" (Gtlorge: . . ng e wen tu . ELM CREEK M "N Eliot), in the Methodisl Chulch . 1\10nuIlY· t (F'u)' t 8' ....................... - .......................... . o·murrow rl "y e\'elll"g II Geo. Simpsun diu business in o'cluck. Admissiun free. Every. .. .. ,-, ... ,. . -. _ .. " ' ._c ,XL._ Wiunipeg 011 MOllday. I)()<Iy welC'ollle. Cullection 011 C. J. }'oll was in Carman (111 behHlf of Epworth Lellglle. MondllY· 'r. Guiuan callie in frolll Win. uipeg UII 1\[olluay night. Mrs. and I,he Misses Matheson visi lell Carman on SaturdltY· F. C. Hllwkins, alias Slephens, got 20 years fur .1 series of bllr. giliries in Winnipeg, lind J. O. Sterling, for 'a hke offence, WIIS hllnued out 24 years-the hll'lviest IIlmtence eVllr Itl, I he Miss Rose Storey is visiting Winnipeg PuliC'e t Jour!. l\[Rgis- (riends in Carman, trate Daly is evidently dlltermilled Sunday was Dtlcurutiun Winuipeg. Day in to mllke Winnipeg tou hot (ur DUli't (orget the Victoria Day coucert in Whitlalil's Hal( the .. Rames" (rlltllrnit.y. The fuliowing members of the local l\[Ilsuuiu lodge Rttemled a A. 'B1Hck is suffering (rom poili;)ned halld.' a lodge of iustructiull lit CnrnlRn 011 'ruelldRY evening: P. D. Aluir, W.M.; \V. MUll", S.W.; JIIS. Ken. lIedy, J.W.;A. R. Sle\'eus, !lec.; Rev. G. C. alid Mra. GraUL visited fri61;d8. at Clllros8" 011 " .. Faicilller; treas. j A. L. cl,ard, , W.· MRrk,: S.D.; JRII: ,. . . ',. Arbor·Day. . :.":,,.," ",;" '. , .... ." .. A movement is on (uot to pro· cure II basket bHIl uutfit fur the school. The Carman Slamlurd aunoun· ces that it will hereafter suppurt the J.i beral IJRrty. LIlrUlour, J.D.; W. C. Soole, 1.0.; Rev,. G. C. Orant; Juhn Lurmuur; W. Billed. . Furniture! IRON BEDSTEADS " White enamel fiuish .......................................... a.16 White enalllel finish, brass knobs and caps ................ t.16 Whi,te eualllel fillish, brass top rail, knobs Rml ('IIIJII .... ,t I.()O Spring Mllttreslles, $250, '3.25, S3.70 Our .3.75 .prln, cannot .a,; It I •• upported It, eight quarter-Inch ela.tlc wi ... " " . of "L(j!l'.1ge!,,/ Sid .. ooRrdl. '. High ChaIrs; llocklllg ChAirS; DlJIers, IIUti Common Chllirl! at .- " .. ' 1Il0dl'rnte pricl:s ." ,., . HOLLIDAY'& SIMPSON ELM CREEK W. C. 800le has been appointed II cunllnistliuuer Cur tukiug lI!lidll. Men who are experts in the maHer of trees fur l\Ianituhn sny I hat nothiug is more suiluhle to stand the clilllale lIud mllke a hllrlly tree tllIllI the cllll lind IIsh. While the cottullwuud Rml 111/11'111 '1',------------------.-------."-.-.".·.--.'.· ... vits. ' , A sale of Manituba schoollllntls will be held at Carlllilu on 8l1tur. da)', June 8th. The Cuuncil are calling fur ten. uers fur a sidewalk 011 Ch urch ::itrllet. Rre all right for qnic·k gruwlh I these other treus tlh"lIl(l IIlllu he planled fur mure permllnenl use and to take the place of thecution. wuods anumlipleB when they die out. J. MurrllY hali beeu allPuinted Crea' Increa.e in Wheat lown cOllstable aud sanitllry in. Shipment. spector. .. As showing the gl'ellt iucreAse, Last Friday, being Arbor DIlY, in whent shiplIlell's frolll EIIII the schoul and the blink. Wertl Creek tlllrillg Ihe Pllst fUllr yelll's. closed, but the dllY WIIS nut the fulluwing ligures will btl uf interest.: generally obsen-ed as II holidllY. In the 8ellson HUB." tho sh i p. Decelllber whellt reached Sl.OB lIlellls tullilled 85,000 hllshels: ill at Chicllgu 011 MunelllY. 0ue ·1 H U . 1!I(H,5, H5,000 bushels: ill l!IO.'),fi. millellt bwker preuicts a climL tu I 182,0000 IJIIshels; 1I11l1' in' 1 !l0(j,7 , $1.50. 207,570 bushels. W. T. "Kelllledy, ,furmerly of the Grand View Hutel, spentl New School Arbur D/ly ulldtlr the 'pureutlll At. II on Mundll.y I rouf. , I evenl!lg,.11I the F..uglJsh (J11I.lr('h, It i Brandou citize!1s, /It a meeting de{'J(led tu slllrt. a I UII plissed a reliulutilJullSchool, !lml the ufficers demRnding that thll Hell Tele- were ,elected: SlIperllltemJenl,j phune Uu.'s rutes be cut ill half. Mr." .. Muse; secreillry, Mr. J.\ . ' Munlg01l1ery; trellsllrer, Mr, W. C.\ . lind )Irs. A. R. St,evells,Suule. 'I'he willi Vlslteu Mr. aud Mrs. \\. H.I upell at 2 p.m, e\'ery 811111111Y, Ste\'ells, at Faullyslelll', Ull Arbur I cOlllmellci.ug lIext Sunday, MllY Day. 19th. Twenty years ago last SaturdAY the therlllullltlter registered 00 ill the shaue. Su it did last SlItur- Lesson fur lIext SUllday: Exo. dUI! I., 1.14. All are welcome. "rO Ilm\w forllltlf's Oil!. of th,' (" t ur" YOII IHU8t into tho t. JUST OUT! I.lnhl,Col'llI"S PRY lIig Dh'i,h'nlts 1111 ",'I'r VU\UIlI. hill. BRITISH COLUMBIA, ILLUSTRATED Containing u\'er 100 in tl\·l'l'ything. Post 1'lIie!. !!.'ie. HtRIIlI'I!. Rlch .. t Province In the Brltl.h Empire Nothing Hi81tcd, :'\olhing Guinl·li. Nuthing Vcnturl'!l, Nutniilg WUII. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOR INVESTMENT The' niches!. Mpn in tlw Wnrhl un' in\'l'stinl( in B.C. COIII_·r·Goltl Sih'l'l'1oIinl·s. WilY VAX"]' YUU NOW? The Gr •• lnt Gold.Copper DI.covert of the "ge 'e In B.C. IIlId Big Four Consolidated Gold Mines, Ltd, Capital, $625,000 Ev.ry Dollar S"b.crlbed U •• d In Development of Mlnee. Special One Week Offer, 20c. per Share din'cth' \\'I'st uf tlIP I ... , Hoi. W/JOH" shRrl's lire nuw "'lOlIt Ill. I .. , Hoi Xu. 2 sharI'S ;ut' "huut ..,1", anli W"'lt up to SJ((l. Vunsnlid"",·e! Mining lind Sm"ltinJ.: Co. o( Cana.hl, shlm's flach. 'r/Ill la'l(f'st 1(01<', ClIPI'''''' in B.V, Imill IlIrJ.:'· di\'ie!"nfiM. A"'.II),. from @f, to in Kuld, COPJ)(,r, sih'fOT, witb tK'r Cl'nt. in, Trpu",ury. Hossll1nd i\linl'H r,'c,·j\·"d IJigh"st '\wlI"ls for llold,eoJlJl"r or" to St. Louis ";xi>0sitinn, dIG FOUlt IJ...IJ DISPLAr Ilt Duminiun r'lIir, N,'\\' W"stminstf'r B.C. thlln 100 sharps sold. Sharps can h"h"d on instalm .. nt 1,lan, or yearl\' contTII"t. 15 IJ('r c,·nl. cllsh. hallince monthly. Company hilS no nehtl! or liabilitit·lI. S"nd for iIIustrRt .. d PrOtiI",ctuH. BIG FOUR. MINES. LTD. P.O. Box 174. Vancouver. B.C •• Canada ._---------- -'-'--'-'-' ._-_ .... _--------_ .. _- .----" - .. _---- Read What They Say ,: EI .. : ··,ti ....... .. ................ .............. .: . ". . " '.' . day-if you hllu a cuuple uf fur coats on. TOWN TOPlCS.-The I to Iillten to " voi(,lI. uTlllpoiled. Reai.trllUon wriler 1it'II:lIed wilh II grellt deBI' MillS Maloney s Is lIut th!-l Mayor l{ernighllll, of CRrmall, of plellsnre to a short, but refiner! result. of 8 f"w muuths' training, hl\S l.een liJlpuiuted registrutioll I'rflgrRtII 111 e' of Wes'rnill. hut uf y"ars of hurd study. " '">,, " .' ,; . . .,'. '; . ..•. . Seeding starte,l the latter part o( IRlIt week, and is now gentlral. In other yellr8 a late spring has , alway. been folluwed by a bumper crop. ' Let's hope it will be the same this year. . '. ,';; ... '_, _', .. , ,-: ;"'c . : ·'l't ."G" clerk of this distriC"t, anu ,will stllr Church, uu 'l'UIlStiIlY 'l'oRosro GWBE.-.Misl Maud attend at the'follutdng places fur While e\'ery Ulllnher mill.'ht be Muir, the soprllllo, luis','" voice uf the purpuse uf recei\'illg "ppliC'II' highly cumlllenrled, the WIIS heRutiful' quality; a;;d gave ,RJl tions fur regilttratiutl. struC'k with the uhviolls fl1C't of clfective retld'ering o( the pro- nalJlel! oIl the list uf electors, alld the fine trniuiug alld duliC'acy uf phelic introductiou "0 JerullB- Jlart & Co., Carman, agents for (ur thecurrecliull of errnrs: 'i'hurs. !'pruduction of )1iss Claudine lelll, Look Abuut Thee." 20th Century Brand eluthillg: .day, May 30th,' at the hUlIse of' llaluney's sYIII\1at!lI·tic \'oice. III olJe,ring (ree trips frolll Elm Creek' JallleS Dunll. St. Cillude: Friday, 'these days wheu noise and screech· Tows 'f'OP!CS.- .. Mi81 to.carman alld return to all,pur- YHY 31:1t,at Whitlanl's Hall; Elm., ing tup uotes seem the gORI Himed Mllu(llIulr, a8 Quee" Esther, hHs chBllers uf ten uollar;;' worth aud (,'reek; Saturday, JUlie lst, at thelnt by singers, /lJlll c(Jusel.led tula goutl8tAge presence, a beHutifll1 o\'er. Isuys, gu through the world IstuTe' of .-\, & C: Le VaslIl:ur: I Aided. hy sa.C'all.ed lI'aeher!!, it I vuice alld tlxquisite hair, ill fllct, . ,,.., .. " .. ;' , . '. >,," . '. 1II'1:1J . '. I FauuysteUj:. 111 refreiilung, 8uutlUUg lIud rest[ul Wl18 :: .

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Post on 15-Oct-2020




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Page 1: LM 'R' ':. E' 'K' AlL • · uipeg UII 1\[olluay night. Mrs. and I,he Misses Matheson visi lell Carman on SaturdltY· F. C. Hllwkins, alias Slephens, got 20 years fur .1 series of

'", '.,

. ' , • . '


LM Vf)L.3

CArt9aL PA .. c.: TOTAL AMIlTS: ...... ". P""D:

• • , ~ ':. '

• '. , ..,.

'R'" 'E·"r E'" 'K' " ',' ':. ' .'" . .

~'. ",.. - .


ELY CREEK, ll.L'HTOBA, MAY 1(;, ul(n:

• •

AlL •


•••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • FOR S.\LE.-.-\ qunntity uf ntlW i ; ••••••••• _ ....................................... :

• C.P,R, Tl~E TABLE • wool m8ttreis, spriJ.g, I'llir fellthtlr i • :

.ua_ TlWtp.c_ MlIIIaa DoIIan &! "" cu,


• -- t I : So. l!. for the EIllIt, I ........ at 10.00 •

I: SO. 11, fur the Wl .. t, 1"4""" at 18.H t · ---- . • • I• CARliIAl<I BaAl<IcH •

f'lruiture, iuc1udiug irull IJedstelld, i; G RAN 0 V I EW HOT E l : l)iIIows, wnslll;huIII, dn·ssing luhle, ! ~ : tuiltlt Stlt. rU('ker, kil<'iltlu IIILh'. i : : aud six kitchen chnirs, Tu Le:: :

A Clnr'" 8ukJa~ BusI .... Traaucted


... ,7 ,,' .. '1.00'" ., •••. Neely", ud III .... CII''''' rata ...... ,.......... .

H Do .11 .. lit,.. ... ' '-all.

£1. Creek Branch a

'We C. 'SOOLE - ~. Agent


.... D O,nCE.·Tonono UTAUUSUED 7887 .~ t

Paid·up Capital, $10,000,000 Reat, - - - 5.000,000 Total Assets, - 11a,OOO,oOO

.... WflED.... U_t , '. ".::fe,u .... D ............ r·

"-:"6," .. '"'! 'n.' ............. of '. t 7 .,' .

c~;. . , _, ,

,::BANK ·:MONBYORDBRS , .... AT Ttta .ou,OWIIICI .. t'l.

'S ... ancler. ~ . • . • • . • • • . • • . • • .. • • • • • I cent. O.,.r IS and not eacncllnc lao, . . • .. • centa

.. , 1.0 . .. .. ••. . .... 10 centa ,:~ .; ••. .-.. • I •...... "centa

...... ~ IaN .. ,able at I'ar al any olllce'ln Canada 0( a Cbartued IIanIl . ty .... au,.ecf), and allbe principal banki ... poinll In the Valled stata.

· .. , " TIle, an necotiable all4:9D 10 lbe £ Ileriing in Greal Brilain and Ireland. ' . ....,. ' .... an .. c ......... hod of rernlllinc _II lUlU of mone)' wllh ufttF

.. '. ... -U -. ... _, lie 011"''''' witllOll' dela, al au, otlce 01 till .... ," . " ..'

.' '"

I • I .'


Ulle one pound of formalin 10 every forty gallons of water .. Wet the lIeed thoroughly with the solution, pile,. and cover with C8m'all or sacking.' Lea\'e the grai n in the pile for at least h'o hours.

:,. '.' .' : i We guarantee our Formalin to be a forty:

'! per centsoh'tionof formald~hyde ! · i' .' .• " •• ;'" '';'.'", .. ==============='=:"======== :

" . ,WheDrug Store I

suld at a sacrilil'e. Enqnire lit; ! : this oltice. ! • The most np.to.date hutel in .\Innituha •

· -- . • ... I"" . 9 •. ~ + 1 ••• 0. __ arrl .... " .. " """ ....... + • So. 121 depart. .. "" .. ,,,,, 10.10 : : So. 121 arri\,('S"""""""lS.35 + • So. 123 depart. ."" ... "." 18.t>O + • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••

The blink' s'.aff hnve eViuently: i Recenlly remodelled nnd rl'furnislu:d throughuut I been duing sume chrunol.l,gicaI 1

1!. Lh;bl, airy roolJls research lately. 'I'heir hltest Jis. 'I :

,colfery il! that Christma" DII\' falls: First.class IICcullllllounliun fur lra\'ellers anti the general I· Local and General I 011 )Iay 101h. We hear they hll\'e • IHlhlic

'-_,;... _________ --3 forllledacoml'Rct with Ihe weRlher t CFLlSAUY DEPART1\! i;XT UXSUHPA88ED

lIIan to change things ruulIlla hiLI i The bnr slocked with the choirrst wines, Iiquorli, and cigars i CerlHinly tile wClither lIJall hilS I •

Horsemen, get your routa cards been doing his pllrt latply.; First·c1l1ss Iinlry in conncctiun The Starkey HOlIse, Carman.

at The MHil oltice. Untler the HlIspit-eli of Ihe Ell! i' ........ , ... _,- , .. _.... • Principlll Shipley sl'e,nt Aroor "'urth LOllglle, Hev. M. Duyle, :

DIlY at his hOJJle at Balmural. ,RA .• u( Speriing, will deli\'er.1I • CHAS. ANGLE - Prope J. U A I t · tile .cI'ty o' n lecture un .. Romula" (Gtlorge: . . ng e wen tu . • ELM CREEK M "N

Eliot), in the Methodisl Chulch • • ~. . • 1\10nuIlY· t (F'u)' t 8' ....................... - .......................... .

o·murrow rl "y e\'elll"g II Geo. Simpsun diu business in o'cluck. Admissiun free. Every. .. .. ,-, ... ,. . -. _ .. " ' ._c ,XL._

Wiunipeg 011 MOllday. I)()<Iy welC'ollle. Cullection 011

C. J. }'oll was in Carman (111 behHlf of Epworth Lellglle. MondllY·

'r. Guiuan callie in frolll Win. uipeg UII 1\[olluay night.

Mrs. and I,he Misses Matheson visi lell Carman on SaturdltY·

F. C. Hllwkins, alias Slephens, got 20 years fur .1 series of bllr. giliries in Winnipeg, lind J. O. Sterling, for 'a hke offence, WIIS hllnued out 24 years-the hll'lviest IIlmtence eVllr reeurd~d Itl, I he

Miss Rose Storey is visiting Winnipeg PuliC'e t Jour!. l\[Rgis-(riends in Carman, trate Daly is evidently dlltermilled

Sunday was Dtlcurutiun Winuipeg.

Day in to mllke Winnipeg tou hot (ur

DUli't (orget the Victoria Day coucert in Whitlalil's Hal(

the .. Rames" (rlltllrnit.y.

The fuliowing members of the local l\[Ilsuuiu lodge Rttemled a

A. 'B1Hck is suffering (rom poili;)ned halld.'

a lodge of iustructiull lit CnrnlRn 011

'ruelldRY evening: P. D. Aluir, W.M.; \V. MUll", S.W.; JIIS. Ken. lIedy, J.W.;A. R. Sle\'eus, !lec.; Rev. G. C. alid Mra. GraUL

visited fri61;d8. at Clllros8" 011 " .. Faicilller; treas. j A. L. cl,ard, St~w'II;(t'; , W.· MRrk,: S.D.; JRII:

,. ~ . . ',. Arbor·Day. . :.":,,.," ",;" '.

,.... ." • p~' ..

A movement is on (uot to pro· cure II basket bHIl uutfit fur the school.

The Carman Slamlurd aunoun· ces that it will hereafter suppurt the J.i beral IJRrty.

LIlrUlour, J.D.; W. C. Soole, 1.0.; Rev,. G. C. Orant; Juhn Lurmuur; W. Billed. .


White enamel fiuish .......................................... a.16 White enalllel finish, brass knobs and caps ................ t.16 Whi,te eualllel fillish, brass top rail, knobs Rml ('IIIJII .... ,t I.()O

Spring Mllttreslles, $250, '3.25, S3.70

Our .3.75 .prln, cannot .a,; It I •• upported It, eight quarter-Inch ela.tlc wi ...



. B~droom;~e,ts. of .t~·o pi?c~.s, '~I\I~!~~, "L(j!l'.1ge!,,/ Sid .. ooRrdl. '. High ChaIrs; llocklllg ChAirS; DlJIers, IIUti Common Chllirl! at .-

" .. ' 1Il0dl'rnte pricl:s ." ,., .


W. C. 800le has been appointed II cunllnistliuuer Cur tukiug lI!lidll.

Men who are experts in the maHer of trees fur l\Ianituhn sny I hat nothiug is more suiluhle to stand the clilllale lIud mllke a

hllrlly tree tllIllI the cllll lind IIsh. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~====-=~.'. While the cottullwuud Rml 111/11'111 '1',------------------.-------."-.-.".·.--.'.· ... vits. '

, A sale of Manituba schoollllntls will be held at Carlllilu on 8l1tur. da)', June 8th.

The Cuuncil are calling fur ten. uers fur a sidewalk 011 Ch urch ::itrllet.

Rre all right for qnic·k gruwlh I these other treus tlh"lIl(l IIlllu he planled fur mure permllnenl use and to take the place of thecution. wuods anumlipleB when they die out.

J. MurrllY hali beeu allPuinted Crea' Increa.e in Wheat lown cOllstable aud sanitllry in. Shipment. spector. .. As showing the gl'ellt iucreAse,

Last Friday, being Arbor DIlY, in whent shiplIlell's frolll EIIII the schoul and the blink. Wertl Creek tlllrillg Ihe Pllst fUllr yelll's. closed, but the dllY WIIS nut the fulluwing ligures will btl uf

interest.: generally obsen-ed as II holidllY. In the 8ellson HUB." tho sh i p.

Decelllber whellt reached Sl.OB lIlellls tullilled 85,000 hllshels: ill at Chicllgu 011 MunelllY. 0ue ·1H•U. 1!I(H,5, H5,000 bushels: ill l!IO.'),fi. millellt bwker preuicts a climL tu I 182,0000 IJIIshels; 1I11l1' in' 1 !l0(j,7 , $1.50. 207,570 bushels.

W. T. "Kelllledy, ,furmerly of the Grand View Hutel, spentl New .sunda~ School Arbur D/ly ulldtlr the 'pureutlll At. II l1~eetiug ,hel~1 on Mundll.y I rouf. , I evenl!lg,.11I the F..uglJsh (J11I.lr('h, It i

Brandou citize!1s, /It a meeting \~'as de{'J(led tu slllrt. a ISn~HIIlY I UII ~lu!1dIlY, plissed a reliulutilJullSchool, !lml the ful.luwll~g ufficers demRnding that thll Hell Tele- were ,elected: SlIperllltemJenl,j phune Uu.'s rutes be cut ill half. Mr." .. Muse; secreillry, Mr. J.\

. ' Munlg01l1ery; trellsllrer, Mr, W. C.\ . ~(r. lind )Irs. A. R. St,evells,Suule. 'I'he ~ulldllY ~('hlJul willi

Vlslteu Mr. aud Mrs. \\. H.I upell at 2 p.m, e\'ery 811111111Y, Ste\'ells, at Faullyslelll', Ull Arbur I cOlllmellci.ug lIext Sunday, MllY Day. 19th.

Twenty years ago last SaturdAY the therlllullltlter registered 00 ill the shaue. Su it did last SlItur-

Lesson fur lIext SUllday: Exo. dUI! I., 1.14.

All are welcome.

"rO Ilm\w forllltlf's Oil!. of th,' (" t ur" YOII IHU8t Itllt~o't1lt!thing into tho (lre~on t. JUST OUT!

I.lnhl,Col'llI"S PRY lIig Dh'i,h'nlts 1111 ",'I'r nriti~h VU\UIlI. hill.

BRITISH COLUMBIA, ILLUSTRATED Containing u\'er 100 Vi"w~ in tl\·l'l'ything. Post 1'lIie!. !!.'ie. HtRIIlI'I!.

Rlch .. t Province In the Brltl.h Empire

Nothing Hi81tcd, :'\olhing Guinl·li. Nuthing Vcnturl'!l, Nutniilg WUII.

SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOR INVESTMENT The' niches!. Mpn in tlw Wnrhl un' in\'l'stinl( in B.C. COIII_·r·Goltl

Sih'l'l'1oIinl·s. WilY VAX"]' YUU JlI~GIN NOW?

The Gr •• lnt Gold.Copper DI.covert of the "ge 'e In B.C.


Big Four Consolidated Gold Mines, Ltd, Capital, $625,000 Ev.ry Dollar S"b.crlbed U •• d In Development of Mlnee.

Special One Week Offer, 20c. per Share 1oIinC'~ din'cth' \\'I'st uf tlIP I ... , Hoi. W/JOH" shRrl's lire nuw "'lOlIt Ill. I .. ,

Hoi Xu. 2 sharI'S ;ut' "huut ..,1", anli W"'lt up to SJ((l. Vunsnlid"",·e! Mining lind Sm"ltinJ.: Co. o( Cana.hl, I~tcl. shlm's ~138 flach. 'r/Ill la'l(f'st 1(01<', ClIPI'''''' lJlinp~ in B.V, Imill IlIrJ.:'· di\'ie!"nfiM. A"'.II),. from @f, to ~WXl in Kuld, COPJ)(,r, sih'fOT, witb :~ tK'r Cl'nt. in, Trpu",ury.

Hossll1nd i\linl'H r,'c,·j\·"d IJigh"st '\wlI"ls for rich~'!!t llold,eoJlJl"r or" 8~nt to St. Louis ";xi>0sitinn, dIG FOUlt IJ...IJ B}O~ST DISPLAr Ilt Duminiun r'lIir, N,'\\' W"stminstf'r B.C.

~o I~ss thlln 100 sharps sold. Sharps can h"h"d on instalm .. nt 1,lan, or yearl\' contTII"t. 15 IJ('r c,·nl. cllsh. hallince monthly.

Company hilS no nehtl! or liabilitit·lI. S"nd for iIIustrRt .. d PrOtiI",ctuH.

BIG FOUR. MINES. LTD. P.O. Box 174. Vancouver. B.C •• Canada

._---------- -'-'--'-'-' ._-_ .... _--------_ .. _- .----" - .. _----

Read What They Say ,: EI .. ~~ CR1:~K :

··,ti ....... ~: .. ~ ................ ~ .............. .: . ". . " '.' .

day-if you hllu a cuuple uf fur coats on.

WI~SIPEG TOWN TOPlCS.-The I to Iillten to " voi(,lI. uTlllpoiled. Reai.trllUon wriler 1it'II:lIed wilh II grellt deBI' MillS Maloney s sin~ill(( Is lIut th!-l

Mayor l{ernighllll, of CRrmall, of plellsnre to a short, but refiner! result. of 8 f"w muuths' training, hl\S l.een liJlpuiuted registrutioll I'rflgrRtII 111 e' of SUII~Sllt Wes'rnill. hut uf y"ars of hurd study.

" '">,,


.' ""'Adve~ize' ,; . . ~~. .,'. '; . ..•. .~ .

Seeding starte,l the latter part o( IRlIt week, and is now gentlral. In other yellr8 a late spring has , alway. been folluwed by a bumper crop. ' Let's hope it will be the same this year. .

'. ,';; ... '_, _', :~' .. , ~':'.;,.1 '.:.~';" ,-: ;"'c .

·"'·~l';'i1rf,'i;.'::,.~:·.;;·1" : ·'l't • ."G" /";::.:;·~,,:~~;,::,,,~··c,.',ii;~~i~il~~1~~·:;;::-'

clerk of this distriC"t, anu ,will stllr Church, uu 'l'UIlStiIlY evelliJl~. 'l'oRosro GWBE.-.Misl Maud attend at the'follutdng places fur While e\'ery Ulllnher mill.'ht be Muir, the soprllllo, luis','" voice uf the purpuse uf recei\'illg "ppliC'II' highly cumlllenrled, the ~'riler WIIS heRutiful' quality; a;;d gave ,RJl

tions fur regilttratiutl. IItri~ill~ struC'k with the uhviolls fl1C't of clfective retld'ering o( the pro­nalJlel! oIl the list uf electors, alld the fine trniuiug alld duliC'acy uf phelic introductiou "0 JerullB­

Jlart & Co., Carman, agents for (ur thecurrecliull of errnrs: 'i'hurs. !'pruduction of )1iss Claudine lelll, Look Abuut Thee." 20th Century Brand eluthillg: ar~ .day, May 30th,' at the hUlIse of' llaluney's sYIII\1at!lI·tic \'oice. III olJe,ring (ree trips frolll Elm Creek' JallleS Dunll. St. Cillude: Friday, 'these days wheu noise and screech· WISSIP~ Tows 'f'OP!CS.-.. Mi81 to.carman alld return to all,pur- YHY 31:1t,at Whitlanl's Hall; Elm., ing tup uotes seem the gORI Himed Mllu(llIulr, a8 Quee" Esther, hHs chBllers uf ten uollar;;' worth aud (,'reek; Saturday, JUlie lst, at thelnt by singers, /lJlll c(Jusel.led tula goutl8tAge presence, a beHutifll1 o\'er. Isuys, gu through the world IstuTe' of .-\, & C: Le VaslIl:ur: I ~l1d Aided. hy sa.C'all.ed lI'aeher!!, it I vuice alld tlxquisite hair, ill fllct,

. ,,.., • .. " ..

~. ;' , . '. • >,,"

. '. 1II'1:1J dr~, . '. I FauuysteUj:. • 111 refreiilung, 8uutlUUg lIud rest[ul h~r.llllllcaralJce Wl18 ~J1e. :: .

Page 2: LM 'R' ':. E' 'K' AlL • · uipeg UII 1\[olluay night. Mrs. and I,he Misses Matheson visi lell Carman on SaturdltY· F. C. Hllwkins, alias Slephens, got 20 years fur .1 series of




Probably no bOlll!ehold r .. medy in ex» tence hu ,. on "uch glu..-insr trlbutH from people in bigh plaa.i ... hu 7 ... m·lluk. lIr. Roger .... PerT)". 1 wtice of the Peaee for Bri· Uah Columbia. re-oentl,. """ted thia '&mow .baIm. and thi. ia what I,e .. ,.s oi It:

"nle PaTilion_ "Goldfields, B.C.

"To the Zam·Uuk Co. '"Gentlemen-,\fter a \'ery fair

trial' I have proved 7 .. ulI·Buk emi­nently gtiAfac:tory. In my caM! it ,und a akin &ub of flve years .tandlng "'hlc:h no doctor had baen able to do any go<..d for.

"'I ... ould certainl)' encourage any pentJn to keep Za'n·lJuk in their home. It truly do ... v.n more th.n Y.u claim for it, For rooy own }Jan , .. ould 1I0l no.... I", "'ilhout it in UJe hou..... YOlln "ery trul)",

,(Silmed) "'Hoger". Perry. "J uslice of lhe Peac:e for B.C."

. i"..am·Buk ditrenl froill onIlnar)" .alvOil .nd embrocatirlllR. for while th_ moatl,. contain animal ou. and I.t. Zam-Uuk is purely herbal. It elOAelI and heala c:ulA, festering soreA, uleen. f!ruI'tions, boils, eczema, ehaflng eorell, etc. I n the hOIl8t!­hold it ia the handiesl JlOII!Ii ble rem" edy for burn., sc:alds, children's in· jurip. ,It inHtantly cleanses any wound to whic:h i I is applied: pre­.enta fellt..Jrlng, infl.mmation or blood poiloning. It cures piles, ".rioose . ulcers and fistula. All drulliats .nd stores sell at 50 c:enta • boa, or from the Zam-Buk Co .• Toronto, for )lrice. 6 boxes for '2.50.

.-l'UE )JAlL. EUI CREEK. )LL~lT01t;\"


SUI .. Y .1 IIAI·OF·W. -. , AP& or r.D .... :.. I HAD' A NASTY W1IeD PI ldat a ... ". CIIlI7 .. _ tIr. Nem.. .n....... lira.; Sartori .. · •

.lack Tars An."" Servic. 0.. tho • •

::'::::\"IIa:.=~~~:~i .BRONC.HIAL 'COUGH • . t •

Qu.rt.r Deck. . ""'nIe &.hip·1 c:omJ>&D,. U n~ to be

employed on Sunday. in anT .. ork cr dutT O;ther than thal .. -hieb may Le atrictl,. neeew&rv for the Public Ser-

OM aftenWuu. aa7S tile .lIthor of ""1be • _ _" - - • OIIY1a Lettera.;" Nelli ... Ie!i.ons ... ere ' E - f p'

I - ItianIal. TIle eantqe ClIme for -.~,.. .,... " •• t. 4iii ........ _ ..... .

1_. 11M tile teedaer,,,zm-t It .nth, •

• H • YUle. " " _

ThUll nuI5 Article 703 of the King's ~atiolU and Admlralt,. ID!'lruc­tiona. known to sailors .;. the ··Se:· vice Bible." and the r""ult i. th.t th~ Ii"'t day of the "l'ek ill, 113 far as cir· euJnatancelJ (and the "eather) .. ill per· mit. a real holiday lor the man-o'­.. a,,'.s-man. "'urther, .. hene .... r p05-aible, Sunday ill .pent in h.rbor or a~

tbereqllftt that If IIboaJd return at PI .... U.tli .......

anchor. The day be!rin~ like all otber days.

.nd the u.sual routine 01 eleanin~, aerubbinl!. and polishing is gone throu~h. Then J ac:k, h ... ing c1eansi!d .nd burnished his Ahip. sets to work , ... clean and adorn himself, and then In "So_ I" rir h.,. his breakful.

die eod of • balf boar. - The balf bour eame .Dd a;llded ..... 1' with the les!IOn etUl 1IJ11eamed. Tbe mrrlage ClIme apln and ... u dl-ml :I. At tbe end of the iM!COod bait boar tile Il'tISOn was ~mmltted. .nd HlIe Nellie .... as per· i mined to co. Tile _t day at the _I bour the 70aJIC IadT .rrI .. ed •• c:. eompanlftl by ber moeller. '!'be t~eb· er began to fear abe bad lost ber mOllt dlerlsbftl pupil. but lira. Grant came to thank ber for pert_Inc ber duty.

Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine )I"" .. a molher un po&\"~ a. doe. on .. 'belle,·er Ihe.e nern. are Irritated

M.L Harker in th" follo"'iul tetler. hy chAnging lemperalur .. , the b~atb. l'1at Dr. Chue'. Suup of Linset'<! and illl: 01 dustl or emotional excilunent.. Turpentine bas proven a friend to ber h i. b,. Ita remarkable facillt1_ for in time of cold. with tne .• ,II~ onfL .oolhinll •. ,e n"n''' •• nd ~t'atblnc the

)1,.. .. .lter Harker, S,·denbam. delicate membr.llou. IIntng. with a }'rontenac collnty, Out.. ,.-rlle.:- prolecll,·o coahng that Dr. Cbal .. '.

If the arrangements of the fleet per· Sund.y School Conv.ntion mit, and the admiral or other senior What promises to be Ihe largest

"'Teac:b ber." aa1d Kn.. Grant, "that IIIe Is on I,. plaID. .Imple Nellie Grant. nbJed to the aame ruJea ... bleb go .. em all tile &M:bolara.: 'I'bIa _rae .... 111 bue mT ... cere .pprohaUOIL"

officer presenl haa so signalled. those con\'enlion ",'er held in ~lanitoba of the ere .. "'ho are Roman CatholiC! .... ill meel in the First Baptisl .... ched the LI",it. or mem~n of the Wesleyan or other churc:h, Winnipeg. Jul)' 2. 3 and~. .A. Pro,.ldenc:e ~rl, wbo b .. been

"Dr. ChlS.,·e Syrup of Lin • .,~1 allli Srrup of LlnsP<'d and TurpenUiI. h •• Turpentine bal proven a ftiend 10 me proven .0 Ihorouj!hly .ff"cth·e . a. a in times of colds "'lIb mv Iiltle Ont'.. cure for broncbitis aud a.thma. Ita I ha'-e tried many others, but have I'0"'er in these disuses i. Ullque.Uon. found none jllst II good. My ,u,le able. bo~·. about a year old. bad pneumollia, Relief frolll cOllghing conIes almo.&

'aud "'al left with a na.ty broncblal Immt'diu.,h· alld by Jwr,l.tent· u.e I coU\~h. but Dr. Cbao.·. Syrup of Lill' cure i. grallually and certainly brougbt

ee,'d and Turpentine i. helping bim aboul. wondetfuth', an~ J am .ure it will When the ,,·.tem I. Ilr .. ~ty rlln

pimilar denominations. are landed to The attendance at the annual con· marrlftl .bout .Is _tha, bad we.l. attend sen'ice at their o"'n p.rtic:u1.r \'entions 01 the Manitoba Sunda'""'- -0. • .. -- •• _- f PlaceA of ,..o-lll·p. S I I .. r ...... ~ ...... ...un. ........ CO rom.n

'e c: IQIl assoclalJon has j:reath' in- ...... -"-_I frle-.o .... bad -' t • G.t Clothinl Roady. c:reased during the past four \-ears. -..,.,..... uu 11'- ...... 0 ~r a

cllre him. • down It Is ad"'iuble .100 to ua. Dr. "We ba,'c abo uoed Dr. Chase'. Kid· Chas.,·. ';en·. Food in order 10 a .. i'l

n.\··Liver dll. "'ilb epl.,ndid re.ult., In restorinl "ilor to tbe .... ted nern'. anil have ~Ieat falt.h in all of Dr. Dr. Cha..,', Sun I' of Lin • .,ed. alld Chaae's 1I1 ... lclne.... Turpentine, 25 cenll a bottle, family

It mav not baft occurred to you oize 60 cent., at all d.,aten or Edman· that boih bronchlti. and uthma .re son, Bates &: Co., Toronto, The por· di.eolHl. of tbe nef,'ee of tbe bronchial trait and .Igll.ture of Dr. A. W. Cha.l'. tube. and lunll, and tbat this Is why Ule famous receipt book au nor. are se,'ere allack! of cou,hinl are broulhl on e"ery box.


_ BreakfaAl over. there is • gre.t Four )'earsl ago it .... a.~ 225 •• three 1NddIDC preeent, widell. of c:ourae. de­-clearing'up, and Jack fina1l1 onr. years ago 425 and last year 750. It mandftl ,one In NAnI. Amon, ber hauls hi. garments. smooths out th~ ia c:onfidently expec:ted that it will 1Ndcllq preeen" tile ProYldenc:e elrl creases of his trousers, .nd adjUAta go up to 1,jOO delegates, outside of IIa4 dup\l~tea In tile allape of two .11· the set of his blue collar. while hi. Winnipeg. .'" ~rd tnT" .Dd In • aplrlt of e~· comrade. Joey the Marine. ri .. ea. No less than three outside speak- -1' abe dec:1ded to Ii'" ODe of the_ lut rub to hiB glittering buttons and e"! are to be present: Mrs, J .. Wood- toller friend. It _markftl wltb ber i .djuslA his newly.pipec:layed belt. brIClge. Newark, N.J.: Re\,. W. C. ewn Inltta ... !JIlt It woald be onl,. • P...... .

At 9.15 the hu,le goes for "Divi· Merritt, T.c:oma. Wash., both of the _tter of. few mt __ to bue them ~Ien sp~ke ol.her ns pASSing fnir," ,,'RY HE LI\'ED

.... ,. fri .... d Greatbud h.. actll811" In"entro a !lylnl machine, 10U ka_.·

"mdeed Raa be r"'en 1\ a practical .ions" .nd "Clear lo .. er dec:k," E,.e", international ~taff, and Msrshall A. d tile m c: t lIut TlIlle files by so flUll. m.n hutens to his .ppointed p.rt of Hudson, Syracuse. N.Y., author of .-Gftd.n PI fir IDOnotrra u. Now some of these snme men de· the ship, and falla in under hiB own the Bar.ca and Philathea c:lasses. De took It to tile Jeweler nDd explatu· I . c:lnre apec:ial divisional ofllcera-m.rine~. Besided these, many of the Sunday td wbat'wu to be dolle, De picked up I She's ac:tually "pnst." inf.ntry. and artillery on the quarter. school expert,; of the provinc:e will tile tnT. looIle:t at It dOleI,. .Dd·

l.est yet. , .. " "Oh, no, he's .tIIl alin."-'-Pblladel·

phla Pr •••. -,-----deek: bluejac:kets .ft .nd amidship!!, take part. The music will be an _lied. I A Carefully Prepared Pili-Much and stockers and miscellaneoUII r.t- important feature of the programme. "M.d.m," aaId be • .,t wOJ be 1m· lime and attention .. ere expended in Ifill! forward. Every m.n in the ship Sinlle f.res on all the rail way lineR ~Ible. I b.,.. aINa4T cb.n~ the I'!c experimentinl . with the Inllre.

C 'T .00 .... S RABBITS i· on d~k • ... e _-.a· I· "d t " will be given. For full information ._ .... Ja thJa va a tl dlenta that enter Into the compolluon .. .. or. ~ ~~ , e ~~ .... n u y·men. write W. H. Irwin. 51\ Mc:lntvre .... - on .. - T .. e mea, of l'"rmelee's Ve,etable PIIII before

." the Wblte Lion hotel 81 SpaId In, who ".tand fast" below. bl k .... . . aDd It bu WOrD 110 tIIID th.t • c.nnot they "'ere roulbt to the state in

ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT ........ aU hard. aoll or .aUo"aed IUIDpa and bl_lab .. lrom ho..... blood ap .. ln, <"rb.. apllnla. rin.booe, •• Hue)'. .tiflel. ~raiD" .ore and •• ollrn throa" rou.b.. etc. aM •• 'SO b, n_ ut onft bottle. 'ValTllnk'd the .0" wOIId.rtul D1H11iah Cure .... r known • .... la!1dladl "n. Bett. na. a cat Then the m.jestic: presence of tho! oc:." tonJpeg. do It I ItbcIat ClIIUID th b th h b - II ff red to tI

........ Ia -"n, • Ilt'.r o'1· ,oun<> rab- eaptain appears from his .p.rtmenh. .p D 11' • rouc e "'hlo t er. were ret 0 e ,e - ._n' ... r .. DEVELOP .. ENT OF TRE WEST bottom," "'lic. \l hatever otber pills may be.

llit.. lira. Bet.. had an Ancora rab- and, surrounded by • thron, of ofR- Psrmelee's Vegetable PIIII are the ._ bl& which died, learin, a litter of.1x eers, all I!'I0rioUII in froc:k-coata anJ A few ,.eara alo wben 8 man result of much expert atudy. and all

,a.da,oGld one.. - .worda. he goes "the rounds," IP'lke of the weat be meaut Manitoba Hi. If .. ra ..... 1.0:1. peroona suffering from dy.pepsla or '.' 4t the eame time abe bad • ca' only or includlntr perbapi one or two For "eara the old _ ..... ~uple b.d d' d d I' d kid • H.ad. of Dep.rtm.nt.. point. tben in the North Weat Terri.' .. , ~v '80r etc Iver an neys lIlay con· ,-=~~~~a ur;,I~~reAakl!!:,n:~i!~I:::~t t!:: He is ac:c:ompanied b,. all the hew toriel .nd DO one bad any conception Iookftl forw.rd to ..,...slnc a boUd.T IIdently accept Inem as belnl wbat '-of th ....... ere uken aw"y and t .. o of of dep.rtments-i.e., the c:ommander. of the extent of the era of develop. In London. and ODe d.T theT found they are repreaellted to be, , Iba 10unc rabblte luboUtuted. A. the the first lieutenant, the n.vig.tinll. ment tbat w" to arrl\'e. tbe_l .. ea In tbe YWf bUIIlest part of I . . . .CIA' took .kindly to ber unu.ual prole. k.rpedo. and gunnery lieutenants. thai Toda, tb. We.t me.n. an entirely tbe citT. Totretber tbeT .toot! watch. ,The ~r1ttMh Columbln legislnture

- tree the oUoer four lOUil, rabbit. were aurge~n, the en.gineer-eommander, th" dlffer~nt thlnc o~nin~oll\'bav~.n;o':!~d ... tile tnlllc: to wlllell there seemed I 11Il.~ decltned to assent to nny prose· . added. Uld tbe cat I. no .. brlnelnl. up captain. of mannes, and th~ p.ymut- ~a:I'i ~:;el:an do In .ome .ays to DO end. Tbe;' did DOt kIlow bow to cutions un~er the I,ord's Da)' act. .,::. ~=da~~, .1. ,.OUDC rabblta.-LoD' e~-be8Ides Ilever.1 of their Bubor· cope with new coudltion.. An increas. _ tile atreet. I '" .... dID.les.. inc nUillber every year, bowever, are "Wh.tenr TOU do, LIsa, don.t rat Minsrd's Liniment Co,: Limited,

'. His tr.in further inc:lude! lIe,.erAi extendlnc .nd devotlnl more and more ted f '.. Id tb Id • I 1:armouth, N.S. CRIPPLED BV ICIATICA midshipmen-to .ct u mestlengers if' attention to Weatem Canada. -The MII·ra ro,!! me... e 0 m n Gentlemen-In January la.t Franols

V. K. W. Koo, • Chinese student nt Columbia uni\'ersity ..... on first honors in the nnnual debnting con­test of the I'hilolenan soc:iety. HI) is 1111 8!!sociate editor of the Colum· billn Spectlltor.

-----c-Itchl lI,nl" Pr.lrl. SCr.tch" anI

.v.ry linn .,_ c.nt.,l.u. Itch 11ft hu","

.n .r .nlm.l. _cured In • mlnutn IJy Welf.rd·. Ian It.,., L.tlan,~

Air 'thilt has been a higher electrical thnn normal air.

inhaled -hnll conductivit)·

. ,- need be-the muter-.t-.rms, two ,of -onea w~o IIrat rea\lud lhe poSliblli. to bl. wife, and. was.lever TOU dO., Leolare. olle of tue millll employed by :: Mad. W.II .nd Itran. by Or. Will. the ship's police. the carpenter, gun. tie. of tbe .. eld are •. of course. reap· -don't c:roaa tbe road wltbout me." llIe. ,."Orklllg III ~he IUll1b~r wlll?ds, had

. __ . 'l.ma' Pink p,"'a Aft.r Doc" Iler, and boatswain: one or more en- Inl v •• L re.ulta. Thtnk, thoulh. of Then a klndlT -"'ble c.me .loDg a tree f!,11 on 111m. crulhnil 101m fear· Row to Cleanee llIe sYAtem-Palrmef· - to- H.d Fall.d . gineer or artificer warrant-officel'8 one firm. tbe Koone,. BilCuit ,. and. _IDg tbe old W_.D besltatlnc. I fuily. He was, when found, placed 011 le'!'s Velletable Pille are the r.au t. 0 .• d b I h" . . • Cand, Co. of Sfr.tford. who .re .hip. . • ...;. .. b b tb __ .. -II t & aled and taken hllme, .... here grav. IClentillc study of the effect 01 ell·

an .a ug er. so t at.lt IS a large pro- pintr 1004. eYen to a point 1,000 nnles ...... er y e.rm __ «.'OmmeDc .... 0 fears were eiltertalned fo,- his reo tracte of certain roote .nd herba upon le~I~" l!t;er~~I1~ w~: IHeon~ror~, t~~ _Ion. that. makes I.ts w.,. all. over, nortb at Edmonton. ,They lay every. pilot ber to the oppCJII\te Ilde. I covery. his hips being bady brulaed the dillest .. e orl.nl. Their uee ha.

e the ent",! shIp. all .... 11 the captain be -body In the Weet· eat. )(ooney'. Bis. "D.nlr mT buttoDl," cried out tile, ann bls body IlUrned black from hie demonstrated In man1 inataDce. tbat '8. A few- years ago he was a great • m.rtinet who insists upon all his ea. cuit •• but toe)" found a fe .. people up 014 m.n In .llIrm "Ianu told'er tb.t' rib. to hi. feet. We used MINARD·S-. th"" relulare the .ction 01 the Iher .ufferer from that 1I11~8t excruciating cort roing e,'erywhere. it is a very there wbo wanted to and hadn't yet lOme one wud take a faD .... to'er but J.INIMENT on him freely to de.den I and tbe kldne,e. purify tho blood land

-:'rouble, ·sciatic:n. He sa)'s: "At heated and irritable set of 'officers the opportunlt.y. ~~ • the pain. and witb the use of three carry off all morbid aooumul.t on. 'he time I was alHicted I .... as living that finally reac:hes the blessed air I dldn·t think .nT OM'Dd .ye the 1m· ,hottle. he was completely' cured' .lId, frolll the sy.lem. 'fhe.y are eaey to

:'AI Baker Settlement. The attack and daylight of th rte -d k I Denmark's premier denies that his- perance to t.te 'er afore mT YeI'T able to return to his work. take, and their action I. mild and WIllI 110 severe that I had been off Th' h be qua I' ec. countr'" has made an alll'anne ~'I'th -eal" Loodon Tit BI...' - SAUVEUR DUVAL benefteial.

-'work for some time.- The cords of u over, t e u,le iIOunds "Di~· r ~ " " -, • - • • --....... -~-:'--',my leg _were all drawn up .nd' I millS," and the bo'sun·s·m.tea piP'! any nation. - -,' • Q' Elgin Road, L'falet Co .• Que In a little tOWl! in Louilian. •

Id I I . I I !'Hands rir c:hurch,", " H.d • alow.ut ura .,t. - I yountr woman skated for four hou_ra ;CIOU on y- imp "'It I t Ie aid of a In a surprisingly short IIpace 01 KNit Mln.rd·. Lini",.nt In the Hou.. There bave lIMn nnmel'Ollll dlaap- The rallwa! pa.senler rate throuth. In' a rink and won a prize. Then her .• tlck: The pain I suffered wBl! ter· tl'me the quarter' .Ieck I'S -nve-'-.I th r f t Mi ta' 2 t II b I .... ribl J . . botl d d -a ~v n"" PGlntmenta In e oatc!ome 0 IIOme 0 ou nnellO IS een. a 01 e. e· I heart gave .uL and _ t e pr Ie I. to ...

e. W811 In uusery I ay an into a very f.ir sembl.nce of • churc:h. Santo Domingo has been offidal1v ... _ bo.... We -member one bo," It' II.nnlnl Kay 1, and the Dakota r.te I Invent.rled a:nun .. her; bel--'nl •• '811M. . Every moment caused me 1 • d te f ' -,,~ 'II b 2 12 t II f'" J I 1 .... u_ . • uch pain 811 ol&ly those who have t IS entirely surrounded by c:.nvu Sl!t:s, a pro ctorate 0 the United particular wbo wu tile butt or .11 rid. w', e . cen sam e a .. er u y • -.een tortured .... ith sciatica C:11II sc:reens: forms from the mess-deck eale from tbe boT. of bJa .ce, aod be Min.rd·. Lini",.n'. Lu",lIer",.n·. lno... I was trellted loy several doc. are arrnnlled for the men and chairs took It cood naturedlT. De _mec! to Tn his "Queens of Spain" Major Frl.nd . '. tors; but they did not help me a bit. for'the officers., In the centre of tha CATA''''H CANNOT •• CU".D. ba,.e no p.rtlc:ul.r frienda and berded Hume SIlYS that Jsnbel1a I author· In fact I almost be'"an to feci thllt dec:k stands the chaplain's f1ag-drap-; with LOCAL APPLICATION8 ... tb..,. i7.ed the burning of 700 persons in St. Andrews c:hurch. Prince Ru· • my c:ondition was· hclpless, when ed rcadinlf-desk and a harmonium, ~~~e1;\ ttrood-:: c:~.ut::'~lo:!r~ bT blmll4!lf. Hla c:lothea .111'.1'1 looked Se\'illc alonc, lind condemned 5.000 pert. has now a bel1. A Chinnmnn, Dr. Williams' J'ink I'illa were round whlc:h latter are grouped the _. and In order to cure II you mu.t funn,., and be bad th.t .wkward .wlIg· more to life imprisonment and the heating II tin cnn, wns the first de, brought to my attention. I got II' members of the ship's band. ~ ',take Intema! reme4le.. Hall'. Catarrb cer o .. er wblcb the reat of us had confiscation of thcir I>fOperty. "ice to cnll worship)lers. h.U ,dolen hoxes. I had U8~d about ' Tolla a.1I For "Church." ~~ !':. ~~e~l.!:Je~~II~u~~~. a.c;,':ta~': much sport. No one ever thought that !"!"!!"!"!!"!"!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the 'entire qUlintity belore I found The sentry on the half-dec:k tolls Hall'l Cat ...... b CUre Ie not a quack med· that plug would e\'er get an,.where or

b fit II t I d tl b II 1 "h I" \11 h b .. Iclne. It 11' .. prelcrlbed by one ot lb. ha thl B t tod th t I " - ... ~ E h one. 11 wns encourage 'e e or c: urc I. , t e oys 0& beot pbyolclan. In the c<>untry tor yea.. ve any ng. u II,. 0 pug • ~ t ·got -n second -hnlf dozen boxes, the ship's compnny and the men nOl 8IId I. a replar pre.crlpllon, It ,. com- Ia drawlnc a better .. Iary than any :.a n n .. e r ~fOt~e t1


the. twe,~ebl' a

lll dgdo\~le ex.cdusI~d for nnYd real son, lile in. The!, Cl'::: :fth tr.i'e ~:~ ~~~. :.!'r~~:"", ~~: two of .the old ganc, He bas more j ~ .. • v,,,,,. ~ ell Igo 0' e ro... e til I' Inl h npmen nn ot ,er gun· room om·, Inor directly on the mucous .urtaceL money .... more Inauence lind more,

'~:~::~~~I; .' Not: onl)', lIna. "u~ l~' I cers tnke their sealA on one side 01, Tbe pertect combInation ot &be two In· friends thon any of tile rest of UA. The .. A N G It ii bill .hedA!tlh 111 I\\'c,,' "'IIt)';\"'11I!! the dec:k nnd the ward·room omcers rufd::~~JS!:hc"Jrl':.":dg~~~~~h S:~~d~:;; plul bad a galt that Willi slow. but It '

I). ren I y .. , ,;,ndersto(){ tInt on the other. l.nstl)'. the commander i t •• tlmnnIRI. tree. .• 1dD' be bl 'or U •• 011 'anna and I'n rural di.trict •• i. equipped witL a slcge 01 palll . L ~1!19. _~ul: .-and_ the :captain nppear. A signnl is F. J. CHENEY &: CO .• Prope .. Toledo. _ 0. ,". sure. ,He d t .ppear, to ·a t I,.... I, n

had lelt me b .. dly run ilowll. made, the bell stops, the harmoniulll' lIold bv ~ru,,:rt.t •. price 75e. brlgbt. then. but he bad a surface that; Itot-water ruervoir. The adyant ... e 01 this in homes where 't ~peak ~oo hiS!lly .of, ~r. Will, and, qa l1d-st~ike up .. a.nd th~ ~haplaill Take lIallo Family Pili. for conltl,atton tOOk" 'on 'Ii" poll8b: -. -- . ., _ -.

-H .. n,,' 1'1*1s;'I:III".·, .. I, }Cltll.tl re<;om, .,nters. 'in ca~~oCk. surplice.·nnd ·hood. . ... '. there is no running water .nd dIem too strongly 10 other sul- The sen'ice i&. as the Uegulaliolls W· r.; a"b ... . . wLere I't I'. l'mpossl'ble to ulle a

f~"ef!'_" - . h '... . I' 'h' f ' om.n n .. Y .. lnla. i • " I V H Dld't N-" Th ': n n,'e II. nccor! mil' to t e LI.t!;rgy 0 ;, Iii I some 1;lOrtlolls of AbyssInia tilt' - .t,.' n' - ."' . . the. Church of,England." and IS usunl~.. . ·U' 'r . . He bad. been c.lIJn, .011,. ,.oung.lady • ,hot-water boiler will be readily Iy a \'cry bright one ..... ith plenty of Ill<n '~Il~k th .. eal'8 of Ie r "omen as for many moous: but. being backward, - , 'J '

music:. and n brief, stirring add res", I( tile) ". eropo wan,.. hogs. "'''' his snIt progresSed alowlT. Flnalii iille ...... ~en., I .' _ I ,i. '. The sound of the mi!D ·s' "oices 'and , ...',...' ,. , : . decided .It was up to ber .to ,s~rt 1Q1De- Tii ~ Eith It .th,e, strains ,~f ,l.)le, bllnd" the: slght (,~ Liv. Sponll.a. . thing. so tbe . nest time be called she ' i ." .. " "-, e,. .~nn,.!. r er • a • .tl~ large) nsWIl b4tir,e:..S1f! _fine Isailora I.lyo spong"s furnish bomes' for '0,.,,: . pointed to' tbe -roie ;Ia -bl" l>uttOubole ,:., _ la commodio • warm· and mannes. with their keen·lnc~,r tnrs .. mussels. cru"s, and. otber :small ... I I I d

• U .nd sald:- , .. ' .; : ." .. ,,;. it.. t t h I officers. united, in - worship" benealh: IIlllmnl.. wblch often lI\'e in the ., _ c ose an I. er 8 eyes tl . . I f th b b tt ' , .'., ".'11 gl\'e you a klu for that rose." A and - Ie grim' mun es 0 e ar e e gUI"'" SI'OU"C8 tilelr entire lifetime. - Some-' """.. ' . ,·1" .'. throu .. hou a heavy.

II t k . I I ., " , ....... , o-pcn face blWlb meandered o .. er • • OIIllIBn.a. a go 0, JUa'e up _a slOgu ar y lin·. tlu,es tbe creatu- , ...... w· too 'Iar"e: to 'e~ , ., 'presslve cere'mony." -""'. - ..... ,~. e'- e bI. countenaDce, but .the exchange ,was d bl d II d I:'lt out,.remainlDC UDtll.the,. die. ".,' m.d@. Tbell be grabbed bls b.t .• Dd ura e an" n some

Th~ World'I~; tt,'~ 'v'.~~ ~>: : " .. " ':7""'"":, , 'aWted to' leave' the 'rOOm: ... " . i ~_ .... u ••• _'-:llll4 • ...Jt!enn Ellthf'f' • ' , Th. Crocodila. '''Wby; ·wbere·.re :JOII: COlnC"" 'she • I' d . h d .. , Soine"years':ngo"!\(; Berthelot. the; .,-\, croc:odlli! . boa the' -atest' JaW' .8 .upp Ie • wll out a "

ireat French scientist. whose. denth; .,~ 'Wed In surprIse. . . I d I H occurred recentl)', 'maitc i1 remorkable; power of nil,. Ilnlmal., .A - crocodile "To the-i!r-Oorlat for more roaee." iliona COlt. wilh a ot 8~ch;at a banquet.in Paris •. taking, welgillnr; I:!O pounds was found to ex· be exclalDied. .. - - . -, -,' Air Attachment to warm

. for, his suhject, ~·:rhe. \9orld in' the erels" n (IOrl.., of I.r ... o pounds In c:on·

"e 2000" H' t t Iracl"." tb@mii!lCles·ot'tbeJow:··:·,·-'··'- .. ·....· .... _, ar. '. ere IS. an ex rae :- e D.nll.rou. I.nor.nco. ,

. ,','When. energy can -be cheaply ob· - " ·It·lIls son cilme to·tilm '.tid lIald; "I ta.ined food can ,be.made from carboll. _ T .... A~cho~y" ... t bit

'r~~lS~~~~~~?I~:!: t' I b 'Id' . taken from .. Carbonl·n .anl·d,. hydrog_-n .' ,want you 08 ow me on. p - 0 ·pa· le·up 0 UI IOI!'. III - ~, ~ -' Tile ancbovy -Is 'a 'smaU"Osb about b I e:l._.o b

'-n'ot 1·\llpro'·nbl.e ,I'n .the ta.ken .from ,..ater. and nitrogen taken per bow this ouse Ia dra n .-- 11', 1 - . ",., three Inch"" long wbleb helongK to tbe b tra ~. " Id th -_ Ali the building trades from the air. What work the vege- .uc ps are us"'" eou e OT~ •• _ tJ"ea't.en _to strike .i_n s),npathy .... ith. ,tables h.ve so far done'science will berriua; famll,.. It Is caugbt In the c:itlzen sntisfy that _1 or.eourao be

'carpeilteni. ' _ _ _500n be able to do better. and- with Medlterrllnean In SllIy"anil JUDe Ind could not. A few mlpt be .ble to do ... ,. _. j •••••••• " , •• ' Jar.;cre.ter profusion, BDd -indepen. Jul,.. Tbe be .. t nnd,o\'y grouDd la Gor· sO,'1itit the·i ... erilge maD 1. aD iporMnt

Min.rd'. Llnl .... nt U.od by Phyaiciana .dently of seASons or evil microbes or gona. nea~ L"ghuru. person on all queatioaa-or b,.pne;-'G.: _ ....... ~+-, _.-",_ ... 'i i,> ~ Jnsecta.: ~~ere ~"'ill be tben no pal"!' ' , .... D. n. D.bbs. U. D. In C. B. FIT'"

en exira room. Call on our local Blent

_ write u. direct (or . 0_'-. ., J' , ,- I j , • ca .... ue •. i • 1.., .1_,. I..' ... '

Sh I -d'" I" ;. • I'· • 'u· lion to own land, beastS "need not be· --- ------- -_.-. -0--- -- Magallne." .

eps Ie, "'Icesters IIre'I"bli1erl'~_~ !or sl.u!l~te~.~~n "ilI.be mild.: p . A' . I ", ,. .' !!'!~~:::::;::~:;:;:~::::;:;:;:;:;:;;.:;;.1-· K'~~~ _ has ';8.t. .taken plat:l!'70f. er and mol'e mora!, and barren re·, EN - NGL~ I ., . , All H" , ----=

87 •• __ Ak~ II he h~gan "'dorking gio~ may be preferable to fertile as.' . ' , .:. '''r' _ t Id" .... II:;::PepP-" "that t • 'PlaUla"", mg mac me; an -r.on- habitable places, they WI· II I mo.... ,.~,., .' _.,. " ti!!.'!~~lblLJlllm~poat-1o~.-nx -nor be-pestiferous 6nnlin:: P ADal U d -- four bride Is verr prett7. ' - '\ {- '.., - . , ( 'j 1 L_' r- ,-

-Jeara. urine. The reil!'\l f ,~;!'!.D:l~~~Y; will ell· e n e: "Yes, Indeed." replied Mr. Con ~ 'J~er it Ii a _. _U s,JUi. f T ond!r I.wear.if farm-mt "Se"eral'of the cu"'-at tbe ~relDODT ' - - ... J

with the 110 it _;t laelp: were pleued. to call, It ~ •. :weddlD, of am.t-e ar Swelliaa-yoa caD care Tour hone wiUa ~ . agric:!Uturist. flttiJJe joorfIpJ:e. beauty and bral~' ~ . _ ._ '.' _ _.' I K d-i'll' I ._~ ! I. ;', ~

g,:,me of f.c,torles and --WaJm.aeof. "Reali,.?'" Sbe mot be. remarkable en .... '~ ... aVlft ,-,ure WIll !,eco~er Its nrdure lone .libred wool . woman to baYe beallV and bralu too." -

• ... -.f.! - ., .. it",_·t IhriDk ! . ". I ....." . IIJ'_ ,_·aDd it'. suaru- I

. u:I ..- .. - teed bWck '!'be ' , H. Li .......... All.. I •• :-e~ .... , .. d, -L..I_"f..~··1I 6"; i 'Fontanelle listened to enr7tbinCo .nd - ". F_1Ie:I. -- -- - - . .', - . ,,' f_ _ ",-~. I . - I ... it - --a be olfendftl no one bl diaputIDC .nl· • . -.. - ~-. ." -10._, tblna;. _ At' tile ea.e of·lII. Ufe be 11' •• '

three _ ".~~"" 7 0 a _'t, doni'. uked ihe.eret or his nc~ns; aDd·be . ...... '.,~- DOt to ...... ~ -the t ,-' . -. ,- . . • L-"-'.' • t . d ~MI • UtI" (. - .' replled tlwt It wu by ot.e"lne two

• ~ ra em.r ID m:uims: "Enr7bod; 'maT' 'lie rlpt" •. - ....... :..0,' . '! .• .nd "E,.e'7tb!n, -,.' be -." ,,;-. ~ J .. ~1

~ .The true· ~ -Of "eI"I b~n;

1· eoul Ja to-ha'" « t .,u, aaII7'I' .;"; ................. ,;;;,;;,;;"e;;;",,m .... !!!!!~ .... ~ . Dobler a It,s. d;" .... tie be _,

pendftl ... ..,·u ..., ....... u II .. " caa n=* 7 ? h ~ . , ;,' " . - -. ~ \ ,. " -. - ._-- .

. _,~.~ .. o( N~k~N.J .•. boaght , S .... liI-r .... '100. He cured eftr1 aip of lam ....... S .. ,.in Cure-woa five races with the bone-theD aolc1 the Ni •• U.

- f_er owaer for 'I:OOO~OO, ' wau...OTO .... .z...:If ..... ...s. '0$.

"Ilia ... taead Fort: .pawl .. CUre. wry 6_ .....tY f. .11 ......... __ Ia ..... 1&4 I .... _r wI_lL" "1. WIUKY.

ti~t. E~!·'-8t!a~~"~~1 edZ ~ .. "" ~ aa aDl.....-."ceaa*>i _ ... &4IU\t e-v .01' .,. V1U

. book-" Trestile Oa 1be H_" .II!!'! -.nil .. ore you IIWIY • dollar if

jjarefully lad .. d aded 1IpoIIo • Write todaT for ~ free CCIp1.

Dtt ••• ~, KIINDALL CO.. • ...... n.V .....

, I - .. .' ,


,- -', ' .. -' .. ' -

........ ' " .. ~',


Page 3: LM 'R' ':. E' 'K' AlL • · uipeg UII 1\[olluay night. Mrs. and I,he Misses Matheson visi lell Carman on SaturdltY· F. C. Hllwkins, alias Slephens, got 20 years fur .1 series of

- \ TilE )[AIL. ELl( CREEK. MA.~ITOn,",

• • ". ' H_ Rul. the S)bject .\ • Y.II_hu~ Pas. Gold IATIYE OUTBlr'I' LondOll - HSot dodrinaire. buI Strathcona-It ~ leanlf.'d. on rep.ul-

U ra.ctiea1 ,..iU be Qur .ttitude \(>0 able authQrity tha~ thi',!, 15 nothin« •. _ " '1' N ." BRITISH· !ud ~ Bowh ,OYemJDwt bill to ..-iak-n:r in. the stoll' 10th referen~ . - tabwh in Dublin an Irish council \ to the all~ed finding 'of reId ID

: contrQl the mOte important fU'-1 Yellowhead paY. Fu~ 0bt "'" .• :...-:- tures £If the Irish administration:'. thnlUf!t ~e pau there --red Cl~ t-

U~ '-I I . t.t La .. --_R.... 'd 'ohn RedmQnd, "In other· edI,. In4icau~ £If oc~. ~ms ~ .. '" _,_n '- 6&1 de! he contin~ "urileas I \ there have been held for !-Orne UlDe : lia ~i"l· ..... City-Act- ;i!un'dentand Irish oPiniQn, which I by R. D. C-Ourtland •. £If EdmQnton.

'., Iy. It.prftlw ..... .urn .... ill be cleJLrly expreaH<i al the l .... hQ is naturall, reuceJJt. . l..ahot-e, Briwh India-ETerrtbiDJ fortheorniDJ Dublin convention.,.-e II hao been common knowl1ge ~ to point to the Imminenoe £If in~nd to take whatever is Cbtain-\ here fQr MIme time that a conSl ers • native uulmeu bere. and the able in the w.y £If real t;elf"l!0v~m- able quantity £If gold eD.1:" a~dl f

mwt sO long u nothing preJudloeli \ mil~ northwHt £If the. at er ~l I! h .utllOrhiet .re takln; all the &tepB OUf cau fOf complete autonQm, on I the YellQ~'heAd pasi', m Ih~h nelg

I -

;»Nlble to aupf.reJII! it by forre £If the Canadian and Au"ualilln mode1.1 bolhood 01 Tete .JA~ne . ~c e. n .nnI. The polIt cal UDr6' is houri), Tbe gQ\'emment bill prOl)():;l!B to I and about that dl.tnct ",,' eral pea­aMumin, ,rayer proportion&. BU!d.. tranl!fer the la"'~xecutiD« machine ele in Edmonton, and nelgh~rhood £If atahrart nutiC!l, afmed :-nth from l..ondon ..... lule lea\'ill!! the la,!- lave Etaked. clrum~ .. amI t~O . Qr blad,eom who haye been enlu;\.ed makintr machine in London. \\ e three prot.pecUn!' I.anles Ilre ,;ettlng by the l~en of the &editlQn. are demand M a full E<!tUement that Qut frQm l-;dmQnton. but the n!lmber crQwdln, into the natiYe ,citr, an<l both tlle.-e IIIBchine .. ~Q to Irell1~ld, of parties is no Frea:e~ thl1n g 1.'as troop. of all annA an'! botilH of I .... to be controlled ,.-holly br In511 ~n fQ~ the I!,F.t .Ie" ) ears... 'nna~ lIoe, moun~ .and d~mo.unted, are public Qpinion, . to the 11II!>OSSlblllt~: 01, mo' 1n.1! /JI • belnl dralt.ed Into the CIt)' 01. La· "ThL! "'Quld be Gladstom'ln hQme chiner}' Yo'ithout rl1ll" a) t~an>por:a bore from all , •• m of the pro\'lnce'l rule. amI Glad.tonian hQttle rule "'e lion. the f"'l'!'on< ",ho ha,e ~tak~

The for1iflt-ation~ £If I~Qr,! have mUbt have, Our support 01 tlh' their Clail.lI; do not propc~e to "'I~ ~n lubjected to fa lIl>4!Clal In~pec' pre~flt mt'a.,ure "'ill be wholl"- them until the G.T.P, hne reac I

tWo alld the artillell'men ha"e been I hearted in proportion to the. IImo,!lIt the pas" Other I"-!".l'''. there "~e reinfQrred .• The .. lirtJtel!ant-ll:Qnmor £If the e.5.mce of .Glads~one 5 I"'hcy ",ho hl1\'e ;taked clnt.!~I~ Lut h~\~ of tbe Punlab, SIr Daniel Ib~tJ<on, it pro\'es to contain. \\ hen. Ireland not yel re~1.1ered the..... The .. (~_ ill taking acth'e meMurea to rlreum- shall ha\'e built UII an effiCient sy.. lance 01 the ~o!d b<,an/l~ ,It":.nct nnt an)' pDulble ou~break. J:lt: !IfU; tem of administratiQn of its o~n s!. IrQI1I Edmonton IS, rou!;hl)' "I",sklt)!!. baued a proclam~uon prQlubltlDl! lain!, lor which the pre,;enl bill, !f' 500 mile., meeting. of e\'ery kl.nd and l!CJlemnly it ~corne5 a law, Qpen6 the ",a):, It ______ _ warning tbe publae nQ~ to attend ought nQt to be hl1rd to conVlllc.. World'. Wheat Supply Precarious an)' aMemblafle under. pnlD of !Ie':ere the t:lIgli~h and Scotch eleclomte )\ew York-A I'Dot ~peci .. 1 fillsil­punl!llIJ1ent. In addltiQlI, the heu- that the lri.h people po5~e"" 1111 thc ('illl cable dllte,l 1.ondoll sny": TI~e tenanl-govemQr has struck Ilt the IJOlitical "apacity they need to ell· \\orld's outlook for this l'ea~on. root £If the revolutionnr)' mo,'ement title them to 11 Illlrliamelll freely ",hellt "ield is be('olllinl! delillltely br ca~ing the am~ .. t £I! a laW)'<:rj elected." interestill!!. Beerbohlll'" points O!ll l..ajpntna, who p~actll!l'd lD the ch.le thllt the rellorts of. crop da!nllfe In CQurt £If the PunJ!lb, and ... hQ ~as Stead Talk. of Canada) Americn lire becOllllnl! too 1n>'lste!ll the leader, fillancle~ . and orflsDlzer llontreal-W. T, Stead spoke ~. all<1 explieit to be ignored, nnd !II of moot of the IH!dlllQUS .demC?lIstra- lore the Clilladinn club on Canlldu'6 fa"e of this the crop outlook III tions and revolutIonary riots III the rdation to the empire. He reitemt- t;urope, III! n whole, IIIU.t be termed Pnnjab. . '. kit ..• ). 'tl'Q I'll the Boer wllr llr distinctly unln,·orable. , ~ Immedlftte.ly a.fter being ta en n ~ .,.. IL~ POol n . •. Tile trnde I'. thus conlron.le.tI. With t d rt d to Stelld stilted that Sir Wil!rid had 0 I f eu.stody talpa ria "'8.1 epo e ~ told hilll III London that II Gre!'t the not ",holl\, di,tant POS81bl Ity 0 .nother provinee. His arrest cau ) Britnin ",'er undertook a war III a short wheat crop in both Europe • . proloulld l!e!U'atiQn amo~. ~ Ii "'bich Cllnlld.. diSllppro\'ed of. the and Americn-n conjunction ~.eldoll1 Handus, whQ lutherto had le,e( Dominion would hl1ve 11 right to de- met with in ~rnin trnde hIstory. the .uthoritil!ll. WOUld. nQt 1a/'~1 to clare herself neutral. lIeerLolun's jlld~l\Ient is thl1t durinJ(

'take Buch drlU!tlc actlOn" h no le~ The speaker contended thllt this the whole p/llit season, v:heat ~ns revolutionary leader. for J' Qd ar could nQt be, as it would be tllnta. Leen too chellp in comparison WIth rest a warrant h8.1 been Issue , .re- I . f' d all other product5. .... Ived an intimation of the achon mount to 'II dec arab on 0 1/1 epen- On tile '.ther hand there is the ~ I 't' d caped dence. Howe\,er, Englllnd would u

'aken by the aut lC?fI leM .• !1 t~d' pl1Ul1e-before going to wllr if Cnnlldl1 world's visible whent 115 on !\In~: I, frolo .LahQre .nd III no" III 11 mg. were opllosed to that Wllr, and he showing 19.9SO,OOO qunrters n~lllllst

To RKon.truct Ho.,.. of Lord. tbough~ the Dominion would be a IG,i25,OOO 11 yenr IIgo. d . . great factor for lIence between the P

LondQn-A recent lacusluon tn tinited Stl1tes lind Britnin. Thi~ Canad;"n Mi •• ionary to .ru tbe, bQuae of lordl wu ~evoted to seemed reasonable enough, though Toronto-E. C. Austin, Cnnllda's LOrd ·!fewton'l b\1l proposang the re- nn interruption reminded the first mis.iollllry to 1'erll.. wns tell­c_tNdion of the houae on a part- sl",nker thlll the premier "' ... ~ but deret' n farewell reception by the I';; elective bUla. . He seeks to re· 1 t f th tr" alld the" Cllnlldl'an nuxilinr" 01 .regions be .• mol, ve the: BlIce' 8sl've prepQnderance £1.1 tIe sen'lIn 0 e coun , ,. 'J K

' I I II 1 tl e rl' aht to '( lId the missionn".· ulllun. . . hilftdltary' peen by .stipulating quail· t Ie peop e, wou ( Illve I .. fte.tiQo throullh service to the 8~ate decide these hillh questions of state. ~bC'donald~sided. __ _

or previous election •• nd hef P'1"It:J Denmark Fri.ndly to Great Britain All Min .. in Oper~tion . fQr Ii certain number .£1 . e ec . Fernie, 8.C.- .. m the mln!!s In the --n .nd for the nomm.tlon b). London - Count Rabenlevebau. '" t now 111 0llem-:.:-: crown 01 11'le peer'. 'he"a not to . . . •.. f D I 1IIIIrk IIWI Crows .. es pas~ nre. '1 ..... D • ~ foreign mlllls""r o. e I .' . tion. The Michel millers. "10 e.ceed one hundred In nU~lber. had several interViews With SIr showed an inclination to remnin out.

The house and lla\1erae~ were Charles Hardinge. permanent sec~e- III so went bl1ck to work.




Tat .f .... L ...... ~ l. ,-t4-M_. 0f7 v ...... 11. , .......... T .... · .... nil, 1s-ce-taP7 P~"'" It, It.". D ..... t .....

ICltprriC!>t. 110:, b,· t ___ I Wblle the book of beClnnlnp center­

. ed around Beven men, all of wbQm :lJ'e

mentioned In the Int ~enty·two vertlell £If Deb. 1II and eacb one cbara.,. terlzed as a man of faith. the book of Esodus b3.!l but ODe promloent m:lD. wboO!e faltb II aLw commended In lIeb. s!. \lack Qr alSd throulb eacb £If \hes.> men wc !!ee God ... Qrklnl out 01. eter, nal pUf!>05e. and bl beJle .. lng God tbey become one "'Itb DIIIl In tbat purpose. "'e must remember. NKDo ... n unto GOIl are all (1\8 worb ,from tbe beginnlu!,! £If the world" (Acta n, IS). I1nd oguin. "I am God, and tbere Is DQne like lIe, d~llIrlug tbe end from the beginning Ilud from nnclent ttmell tbe tblngs tbat are not vet done. lIIlylng, My couulICl 8bnll stll~d. aDd I will do all )Iy 1.leus, ure" (Isll. IIh'1. D, 10). •

Exodus open. with the cblldren of 181'11el ItllI In tbe Itrange land anll III great amlctiQn, accordlDI to Gen. x,'. lao but It clOIIetI wltb tbe nation d~~ lI\'creel and the Lord dwelling lu their midst, In the tabernacle wblcb lloset' bad built ot God'. command. Tbe end· 1111,.'8 of a good many partll of th .. BIble point onward to the consummn, tlon of Itev. x.l. wben God will Indl'efl taberuaele wltb men on tbe eartb nnd tbere Iball be no mQre curse nor pnln nor IIOrrQW, but the kIngdom sball ban come and ISl'1lel .hall be tbe earthly ('enter.

Tbe In me .enteoce wltb wblcb tbt' book of E.odus 01,M!0. I. found olso In Gen. x1\'I, 8, ood tbe verses follow1l1l: ,,'1ve the full list of names. lIere w~ ha\'e just tbe eleven lIOns of JI1('Ob (Josepb being In Egypt already, veno ..

, Ii), and the oNer Is lIn1t tbe sill 8£111.4 of t.eab. tben Itacbel'. Benjamin. the/l tbe four lIOns of the two maida. Tbe Qrder of blrtb Is fouod In Gen. ulx nn,I IIU, and It wu 10 that oNer they ~nt at losepb'l table before tbe)' knew blm (Gen. 111111, 33), aDd 10 tbat oNer they were ealftveD 00 t~ QD1. stanCIl on the .boulde ... of the blKh priest (E.s. uVIiI, D, 10)

10 Rev. vII we have 144,000 of tb .. twelve tribes _led la their forebend".

thrQnged, ahowing tht: IIIterest tary of the fQreign offi~. He WIll .rouNd 'by the Conlll!rvahve propos- also confer with Foreign Secretary .1 to' 'antlcip.te 1I0vernment actiQn, Grey and later will have an au~i. • nd. the po881bility '!!f the deb.te ence' with King Edward. In an 111_ provQking • .tatement of th~ inten- terview the count said he Willi. tllk. t1_" of \. the lovernment. This, ing IIdvnlltage of a ple!,!ure tn~ to however did not come to· pan. the see some of the J' Bratlsh' offiCials,

DI.pl.ce N •• rly 2." ... 1. Wortl.... and 10 chllpter IIIV we Bee tbem befol'l'

FArl of 'Crewe, lord president of the .nd· assure them th.t there "'WI no council 'Ipeakinll on behalf of the foundntion for the recent repOlt that lovernment. dectinin. to have anr- Denmnrk had entered into Iln I1gree· thlni ' to . do with I.Qrll, Newton s ment ",ith Germany to close the propos.1 He .ave· no htnt of t~e llaltie in case of war.

r lovernm~nt'8 plans, !'lthough: !tIS He even' went further Ilnd said uUerances on the subject come~ed Denmark would not fIl~ke un~' the idea that the governme~lt 'lon· agreement in Iln)' way ullfrtendly to templated a somewhat drasltc men· Grent Britain. CO\lnt RnbelJ!e\'el~1111 Bure, After ti!ill announcement the i~ making Ilrrnngemellts for th~ kll.11! debate was adJQurned. Innd. Their mlljesties wil.1 Ilr~l\'e III

, '>' London 011 June 8, cro.smg III alit! , .. C.rnell. lall.. of the British rOYll1 yachts.

New York-.\ndrew Cnmellle,. nco __ _ companied by his wife Ilnd little Meat. I n.pection Act daulhter. Mllrgnret, sailed C?n the bttawll.-The Cllnndinn Gllzette of White Star steamer Baltic. f!Jr this week will contnin n proclalllu­l-:urope, 'where the iron. mnsler ":111 tion bringing into lorce. on Au.gust I seek to recover from hIS recent ~II. next the nct for the IIISpeCItOIl of n8lls .. Mr. Carnegie. and hiM famlh' canned goods. mel1~ nnd lish. ~he will' 10· direct to Skibo casUe, SC!!t- renulntions for inspectors I1re belllg Innd where he will probably remhl.n d~~fted. Some forty-five inspectors the ~ntire summer. H!,. broke . IS will be required and it will tllke accnstomed habit of glvlIIll an ;n- nbout $;5,000 to enforce the I1Ct. terview on his nnnuill departure C?r The' veterinary director.generul. Dr. Europe and sent out word from IUd' Rutllerlord, will IIIl\'e chllrge 01 the aulte . o'n the steamer thllt he coul

inspectors. nQt· be seen. "d t _____ _ Henry H. Rogers, '·lce·preSI en

'of the Sta/ll\ard Oil compsny. In!ld hi~ wife, also. slliled on the Ba Itc.

.:'" W.nhi". for W •• t Indln l..ondQn-In view of the recent

riotin, at ClU!tries, Island C?f. St. ~.u­cl. ·'.nd the lact that· a BJltI~h ~ar­ahi l)''W811 not available fQr rehef pur-ose~ at the time £If the earthq';l~ke

~t Kinllston. Jamaica, the Brlt~8h government has decided to, station • (lI!cimd eruiser. in the." es t n· dletJ: 'The' Scilha, a thard class cruiser, ha\'ing a speed o,!., 20 knots and carrying a crew of _.3 officers and men, h811 been selected.

Chin... L.,.n D.ported Victori., ·B.C.-The ent!re c?lony

of Sill Chinese lep(!rs. whlc!t hltht:r­te hu been located on' an IsI!,nd I~ the ,gulf, was ShiPpededtobc~~a;1-special. ateamer. charter . y e ;_ minion go\·ernment. Thl8 step ,e the outcome of an arranlement. ar-, rh'ed at between Canada and C!tma. .nd in future .n lep.ro.us Cl!mese caught within the DomlDton will be returned to China at the expense. of the gO\'ernment £If the Celestial kinlldom.

, . Turtl. In a.d. Co"dition ~~:'t.on40n-The' Times publish!!s a letter from CairQ d~ted .• \p!'ll 27. .hicb- described the Intua~IQn 10 ~e province' of ,Yemen, TurkIsh .\r.~la, u very unfavorable to the TurkIsh force •• " The' f.ilure. to suPPf!!SS the

c rebelliQn is, accordmg to thlB com­manic.tion, due larlely to the ab­ienoe of an efficieot transport ser­vice. .' "- -~---

Fund. For P.ary Portllllld-Commander E. Pear), in

a telegram, hilS Ilutho~ized n collec· tion by the school cluld ren of Ore· gon to make up the $00.000 lIeces· sllry for the starting £If II110ther ex· pedition to the North Pole. MIlY 22 will be designated liS "Pe!!ry .011)," and on thllt day each plIJll1 WIll 00 asked to cQntribute Irom one to liye cents. It is expected that $5,000 WIll be renlized.

---'---Chars .. AKain.t Nesro

C~I~ar}'-:rhon!as Rife, the negr.o aWllltmg IllS tr!nl nt ~he n~st .~.: sion for lL~saultlllg R httle gIrl, "n. remo"ed to the barrnck.. Iroll! thl! city police stolion, where he wll.l reo mnin till June. It is very hkely he will hO"e to nns"'er for 8notht'r charlle agriinst hilll, for Iln IlSSllult on 11 boy.

-----Thomp.on-leton at art. Lonl Trip Edmonton - Ernest ThC?mpson-

Sbton, the celebrated nAturalist. has rt'8ched Edmonton and .prop?ses to make a trip 01 1,000 nules III the northern wilds for the p~rpooe ?I ~tud"ing ever}'thing of lIl~rest 111 the animal and plant. worlds in tl}at countn-.' !ir. Seton IS accompamed by E:·.-\·. Preble. who repres~nts the United States Biological sQclety.

A Gift fo· .lamaica

Within Th .... Y...... tbe throne In tbe p_ce of the ""Inl! The custom of dismissing malo creaturell aod eldetW, wblle the Illst

clerks and repl.cine them by cheap mention of tbem I. on tbe twelve gntes lady workers is .. sumiDe very sera- of tbe New Jel'UAlem. tbe names of ous proportiollll, not only in, t,!e pr~ ,tbe twelve apoRl. belD. on the twelv .. vlnces. but in London.. Wlthm the ,\ roundatlon!l of tbe cltJ of which th .. IllSt three, yellrs; it is estimated bY) . LoN God AlmlgbtJ .od tbe Lumb aft' one nuthority; between 1,600 and 2.500 botb tbe temple and tbe Ugbt (lte\'. male clerks bllve been thrown out of. nl, 1()'H, 22, 231. Looking on waN, wt' employment in the metroPQlis. .ndl cannot but remember tbat our l.ord their positions fill"d by lady worken., said tbat In tbe kingdom tbe tweln' Until recently the movement ,haa d I been chiefly amoncst the smaller apostles would sit 011 tbrolles Ju II Ult lirms bu' now the lareer firms. of, tbe tweh'e tribes of Israel (Luke :(SII. lices, , and companies !n the. city, 211. 30; Mlltt. xl., 28). Wbere, tbe reo wbOlle business mllkes it Imperative to l sponslbllity Ues for dr'lpplng the tribes keep laree staffs. nre beginning to' of Israel from tbe PUl'l'Olll! of God lind move in the sume direction. ' clIl11ng tbe churcb Israel, GQd knOWN

Mal .. Gft Bounce. nnd will see to It. Let us bave no I,art· "The cQmpetition !it present," said' nersblJl "'11b Bucb teacblng.

the eeneral secretary of Nntionall JOI!epb and bl8 bretbren nnd nil thnt Union 01 Clerks, recently, "is chief-' genemtlQn paRSed away (\'erse 61. but Iy amonllst shorthl1nd writers, typo! tbe pUrp08e of God altenl not. "Tbe ists. bookkeepers and priTate secre-; II f God wltl out taries. I bave several cues brough" gltts IlUiI cal ng 0 nre I

I' b' h I repentance" (ltom. xl, 211). Tbere Is It lo my notice recent y m w IC medn I lot of comfo" In 1'l1li. IIlv, 2-1', Ps. xUIII. have been dismlYed wholesale an! ,. replaced by Indy workers. Tbe change,! 10. 11. If we believe God we sball be of course, is silid tQ have beeo brough~ (."'tnbUsbed, but oat otberwlse (II about on the score of economy. Tbe· Cbron. IIX, 20; 11IIl. vII, D). The band £If male clerks receive on tbe average' GOIIIs BeeO manifestly In tbe abundant Irom 308. to 45s. per w~k;, tbe! Increase of Israel 10 ElO'Pt, 10 spite of young ladies llenerl1lly receIve froml all the oppresslQn and cruelty £If tbelr £1 tQ £1 lOs. per week - about tw~ enemies (ve ....... '7, 12, 20), und makl!9 ~irda the salary 01 the male wQrkers" U8 tblnk of PI. II, 1.3; 1811. vIII, 9, 10

Do Th.y Equ.1 ".n? The God of Israel atlll Ih'es and says "If Ute lady clerks are equal t:o the (.'Oncernlng tbem, "He tbat toucbetb

men-and this is a matter for dlscu... f I " .ion-then they should certainly reo" you tQuchetb tbe epple oils ey." eeive the same wages. What my... and apln, "Sin. and reJQlce. 0 daugb· aoei.tion is insislinr upon is 'that wo- ter of ZIQn, for, la, 1 come, and I will men should not accep\ po.~itions u~- dwell In tbe mldat of tbee. IIBltb tbe der • minimum salary, and thnt thl. l..ord" (Zecb. II. 8, 1().,12). ahQuld be equal to a man's salary. Tbe king wbo knew not JO!ICpb aOlI In shorthand, writing and typilll! wQrk In bl8 Qwn "'ladQrn lIOugbt to prevent I quite admit thAt the' average w.o- Ismel from multlplylng(verses8-U) and man is quite equill to a man. but laI, tbe king wbo elgbtJ yeors luter 811111 bookkeeping, lor inst.ance, v:here ell- to )IQHefi. "I kOQW not tbe Lord; neltber ceptional qualities are required., sh. -'111 I le\ Iamel "0" (verae 2). were sam. aeems to be much inferior. , " ..

"( heard £If a firm in the city ",~aI pies of tbe antl-Cbrllrtlan spirit of tod.y ,a shQrt time bllck dismi.ssed all. t1!el~ "'hlcb may 800D be consummated by male clerks and subliututed ladlell. tbe appearance of tbe antlcbrlat blm' bu' af~r • shQrt time the firm be- eelf. wbo '11'111, oppreu. IlIrael ten-Ibly came 80 di8CUllted with the lack o. and even dare to IIgbt aJrllln.t God diseiplin. ahQWD b" the girl.-if 80m. (Be'" 111'111\1; IIlx, 19-21; II Tbeas. II. of them were .pOIIu to they abe4i '7,16/ teara-Ula$ the1 .ere IYd to revert! 10 tbe vision &ranted to Abrabam lo their old _~." ______ _ • there were • smQklng furnace and :t

C.re of a ..... In E".'.IId. ; burnlollamp (Gen. n, 1'71, and Egypt "So 10U are roiDc .broad, ehP'" ~me to Is ... el an Iron furnace of

.aid • railroad IDIID. "Well, .ate" 'Cftlel oppression. but tbe 8ame God 1Qur lu".,. Oftr Ibere. The .ye~m wbo walked wltb tbe friends or Daniel .ja .bominable, 10 their lief')' furnace was watcblng

"They dOD'" 1Da kDOW, b ••• our Qver larael aDd I. watchlog oyer them aimplo and .a\ia~ cheek .y.te~J ~ow In tbelr Itn_lan turnace. In Encland, for illRaDce, no one 111 Wben tbe great oppressor found tb,)t responsible for 10ur IUIC. but rQ~r~ bitter bondalll! and rigorous service did 1I!1f. You eel • poner lo put Il III' nQt llrevent Israel from multiplying. lbe ben.,e car, aDd when you ~.. N-<l h-10ur destination 1011 pick it Qut Wltb theo be pta)'ed bla last ca eat

CAUDA'S DAIIEIS. T.. lIuch Pa.tyisM. eM T.. Little

P.trioti_. '~t Rev. Dr. )lilla, BishQP 01 ()n.

tario. addNNed the members 01 the Empire Club, TQronto _11,.. !"II "Ollf Country, it. DUlleR aDd It. 5 ...... "liIaSeriallr," Mid the rever­__ .pegill', '"\bere ja n~nc lo lie

.tt.1red, In arricullare, miDerala, fo!" _, aDd •• ~r ~, Canada .. abImtIaD\l1 rim. H.r IaDda will OIl' doubledl,. tho. mQre rich_ than \be Cot.!t baa revealed. She haa to per eeoL £If Ibe wQrld's .... 1Ier power, .hilo the returns in Ontario alQne, Ina the fisheries are nearl, t.o mil, IiIlD clollan."

H.1d In Trwt. ''ETerytbinc to make • eoOlltl7

I"Ut had been en\ru8ted lo Can .. diana. Th_ were all rivw lo ua in \rna': we are ste • .-ru-d. £If God."

Spea1rin1 of the dangenl Ib.t lie be­fore ua in ~e rapid ellpansion, .tbe speaker inatanced lack £II cohelllon, the duality of languages, the separale achoob, lack of an intell!e patriQUml, the manhood snffrage and the lack 01 bigh ideals in the public men all the chief reUQns for disintegration.

The one official languace in the 'United States h8.1 been a great aid to,.-ards holding together the nauonal

'idea. While manhood suftrage ,.-as an ideal system, yet the newcomer ha;l no love for this country beYQnd what he could get out 01 it, and most ofteu his vote wu looked upon in a finan· cial upect.

Lack of I de.I •. Acain, the lack 01 hilh ideal. £If in­

tel'ity and responsibility in the pub­lic Olen £If the country, tended power­fully to.·ards breaking down th081 forces that make. kI Ute building up of a 8tronl n.uon. There wu too much party polit.ica and too little pa­triotism. What we want il honesl nlen-men who will sland for purity .nd righteoUllnesl in civic affairs. Our GQvernment was nQt • truly represen­taUve Government, 8.1 a few politic. ians get together and nQminated the candidal<! whom the party feel bound to support.

Dean .'.rthing of Kinplon, who WU present 811 a ruest, in a three­minute speech. urged the men to sac­rifice themsel\'es al did the men :If the old empire. in order to bring about and hold our freedom from the thraldom 01 vice.

"I consider the man who besmirch­es my pnrtv" said he. "as putting a Atain on me, and if I withhold my judgment I am l1ui\ty of complicity. I must Apeak out. We mU8t fight eorrupo tion in our own party. Let us have pure men in our parties, and witla this pel'llonal responsibility wo will do much towards making our public life better."


A Great Mu.iclan T.II. of HUltllnl Hi H.d to Do In C.n.d.,

Sir Alexsnder Mackenue, principal of the Royal Acailemy of Music. was asked to tell the readers £If The Lon. don TaUer what WIUI the busiest day he ever put in. He replied: "Well, I think tha~ day was one on which I began at 9.30 a. In. with an orchestral rchearssl 01 two hours and • h.lf in London. Ont. We then proceeded by special train to Woodstock; there, af· ter speakinll at a public luncheon 'of which I had not time to partake, I humedly rehearsed the local choir in sight of tbe incominr audience; then conducted an nlternoon concert and returned lo London in time for the evening concert. The day ended with another banquet given by the mayor. All this did nQt prevent me from b:e­ing at my post lit early rehearsal m Toronto on the following morning. I do nQt think I could have possibly ,ot through sllch • fntiguing day'a work in this country, but the C&!Ia­dian climate is wonderfully bracm. and invigQrating. At all events, I found it to be so."

Sir Alellander further said: "In two or three 01 the smaller Canadian loW1l8 I cQnducted the first orchestral .coneerta ever given, and aa these en· tertainments took place in thelltres I had to direct in the 'hQuse' between the third and fQurth roWI of stallA, .urronnded by the audience. Encores were alwaya numerQUS enough, bul on one oecuion the enthusi~m Wall so compellinc: that I was obhged to play-with the exception 01 a shQn choral work_very item in the p,:o­,ram twice over. Trt,lly, the lood''!'lll of the lillteners helped my stayml powen amazingly."

Pnt.1 Pro.,.... Commenting on P08tmaster~eneral

BUlIloo's new arr.Dlementa v.:ath ~e Canadian Government, by which. Brat­iIIh mllla&ines and· newspapenl will be carried .l • lower rate. The London Standard aaya :-"There ia • DQte of IICund Imperialism in ~e proposal, since it will help to keep m .ympalby the ~OIICbi £If the 'EnKlillh-lbinkin. race.' But· if there is money to be apent in t.bo readjUlltmeDt. 01 the poe­tal 8)'stem .t home there are wider re­fQrma which might more profitably be tmdertaken. While every lit,\le On\cb villace baa ita telepbQne, Ulere'are 8eores of villaael ill Utili eountl7 .hieb b •• e no\ even • Iele.,aph, and .e b.ve noUting, even in the metro­polill, whim allllwers to ~": pet.i' bIen '" Paria. To increase rapidity 01 eom­mtmieUian ia ef far creater import. aDell thaD to reduee the -' of tran .. miWnl maney-leDdenl' cirenlars. Bu' eheapneu ia Ute crlU8 01 Ute d.)'."

.. ' 'I ~dl.". ,Will Prot .. t • . C . • ' Vancou\'l!r, B.C.-Chief Joe d~PI'

London.-It is officially announced that the British go\'em.men! h~d de· cided to make Jamalca n Inft C?f $750,000 and to guarantee a .Jamal. can loan of $4,000.000 to &SSlst tbe inhabitants of Kingllton tl' recover from the eft .. ~ta of the re"ent earth· quake.

.notber porter'. help, pUl il Q~ • ~b' .nd IIOUgbt to .. Ill all the male ebHdr(.u. anI! drive oft. AnyQne could s~al I\. but to thll also be fa HOld. lIS we ~h:tl Often lUll. thefta oeeur. .. Bee. See blm lonl: afterwuru killl.... .. • .,. Swarm In.

"I olteD wQndered wby the Engll5\i the babes of Betblehem In his IIIn~ ".. .\ cre.t inftUll 01 Japanese immian-

Troubl. Will a. lettled loon


The"' ....... Local

..... & C... It.port .. ."et W.rlct'. ".rketa "ay tth, 1101

Wheat-Trade in the s!'t'culnti,·" wh(,llt mlU'kcts has de'·clop ..... 1 t:r .. at. activity duri~t: the 1I8:;t .... e.!k owing to tile continuation of lInfa,·orabl., crop ",eather in lIlo;;t parts ot Americu and EuroJle. .\n incrcas<,<1 demand lor e"I>ort to .;ur0l''' hl1~ Il~~ companied tlU1 acti\'ity in "!'t'culat­h'e /IIurkeL<. or l>erhs"" hus l ... 'tlIL aroused by it. While' trftdint: hll~ been, IFreatly enlll~1 nn~1 inc.n'ns"d in aclJ\·ih·. the nd\'nnc-e lit pnces I~ comparatl\,eh' I1IfXlerllte, for th" markets hnv~ bt.'t'n cllllm('teri%~ ... 1 by ner\'ou~nes,; !llld t1l1ctuntions ill pric.''; hn"e bt.'en freqllent aud ·.harp. Xo doubt /111111\' trllders hl1\'" IllIt yet. l>ecome imbul',j with enouj:h cunli­dence in tht! chnn~ed outlook lIS Ie­~nrd,; the "ro"llt!cts 01 luturl' .UI>­Jllies, to eUllble them to h?lll fllht. to.· whnt the,' hllve bought With !l "Iew of seeuriilg IlIrger Jlrofits. nn" theil' IIction in quickly offering to re'~ell ill order tQ .. 'cure modemte Jlroltts. l'''I",cinl ", when inllned ill te cond iliQn" ,el'lh to' sll!!j:e~t n wel1kening of tho­Illnrkt!t". resultll in Rhllrp renetiQn~. Thus dUTin!! the week. ult110u~h for the most pnrt the market hnij been. \'en' strong lind there lill\'e lH!en ~ooil ndnlllces, there hll\'e 11180 ooen "hllrp declines. but at the close at trnding todny we. find Ilr~ce8 hll"6 I!ained llbout IXc 111 New lork. IX" to 2c in Chicngo. 2}~c to 2){c in l\tin. uenpolis nnd 2){c to 2:(c in Duluth. The Il1rgest advances lire in May whellt nnd the snlllller in September delivery, July cOllling somewhere. between the two. In contrast to tho chllnges in prices in United States mllrkets. we t1n,~ ill {Jllr Wim~ipeg Illllrket nd"nnces of I~(c on May. 2J;c on July lind 3c on October, tho !!rellter IId\'lInce being £In the later delh·en·. "or the informlltion ,,[ ollr foreign correspondents we lIIigh" snr thnt the September future in OUI' Winnipeg mnrket i. practicnlly an ohl crop month. lind October is OUI' lirst I1cth'e month on the new crop. ~;uropenn mnrkets hllve ~en mak. ing shnrp advanccR IIlso, especially the Budll Pesth mnrket, which 'ia understQ<M1 to reflect \'ery unlavor­nble prospects in the Hungarian. crop. It is now beginning to be. recognized thnt crop conditions over. l-:urope nnd Americn are develOflil!lI' n situl1tion which lIlay beC9tDe Itt· serious import for the Intwe:',;, w.· hnve in recent weekly review.<,l·~F. ten mQre or less about. th .. '.low-·IIad~ bllcl1wnrd wellthcr over thO" cAmori-~ cnn s(lring whCllt country, ·andtUlac. cold, dry weather in the' tr."."B-. sissipl'i country £If,' the-'- 'United" Stntes, lind the damage by the llreen, bug in Knnsns nnd the southwes&" nnd we have I1glliu to report nnother' week in which nll these conditions. hnve been prolonged and intensified .. The green bug today is workinl in. Knnslls as it worked in Texns in tbn­month of Mllrch, IIl1d it has ottacked· Nebmslm IIlso. nnd under flworable conditions for its progress there is no rellBon we kllow of why it malt not ultimlltely come 118 fllr north a .. Mlin itobn. Cold, dry. uncongenial wellther in Knnsns lind surrounding stlltes hns probably done 11K much hllrm to the crops ns the bUJ(s. alllt: in some of the other stlltes there i .. much dllmnge by winter killing_ There is not only the damllgc M. r.:nd}· IIctunlly donc. but it is iml'o,,", siLle to tell where it is going to uwl. Th" seeding of Hpring wheat is w,Jl ndvanced in South Dllkotll ',ntl southern Minnesotn. hilt owinJ1 tf) the cold, bllck"'l1rd wellther thero are complnints thnt some of th<> earlieHt sown seed hns rotted in tho­ground. In the south pnrt of Nortl, Dakotn fair progl'eHs with Heeding hilS been mude. bllt in the north. (lnrt 01 the stllte lind in Mllnitobn, Snskntchewnn /Illd Albertll only a beginning hIlS ~en mnde in the more fnvored districts. Hllrd IroHt every' IlIght IIn<l low temperature <Iurinh~ tbe tiny prevents Ow Inm\ dryillg £Iff.' and getting into I'roper for/ll 101" fnrm work. Tn mnny distrir;ts driftl'. nnd plltches of the winter's Bno\\'. still lie. tcstifying to the backward:.. I.{'SH of the Hellson. Consequently­there is no growth nnywhere, gfllHB­is dend lind bllre yet lind trees ::h ~ no siJ(n of opening bud. The ;orul" situution in AmericlI and the short­IIge there is gQing to be in Eu rope 1I1l, crops by whIter damnge And bllck .. wnrd weather is laying tho loumla­lion fQr a Inrge advllnce in price"" Inter on. At present the advllnce i~ held bnck hv the large Burplul!es, from the I"st two or three yellrs:" crops, Which, howe\'er. will be well IIsed up in the next four monthll ..

Mllnitobn whellt III our Winnipeg mnrket hns )",en strollg nnd activo in Illture delivery trading, but till. CI1"" IIInrket hIls been slow. There> III;s been much trouble with icl'> blocking the channel at For~ Wi!L­iam pre\'enting vessels get tID!! u. I1nd' out, nnd this delny to shipping hili! restricted tmde in cash wheat. Toda}"s prices are: 1 hnrd SIX c: l northern 83X c; 2 northern BOX c; 3 northern 77c, S/lot or en route. }'u­tures on our option /11llrket closed: MIlY 83Xc; Jllly B5Y.c; October SGy'c. All prices lire lor in s\or" J-'ort William Bud Port Arthur.

Oft to the Arctic • Edmonton-Inspector Jar\'i~ and

three c('nstables 01 the R.N.\\.14.P .. from the ReginA bnrrncks. lea"e lor. Helschell isll1l1d in the Arcllc ocea!l. 2.000 miles north of here. They WIU I.e . stationed there for three years • and ",ill relieve Inspector Howard anti three men who hllve been there. fQr the past three yenrs.

t:ano .nd· heada 01 other In Ian vibes on the coast. ...ilI leave, f!,r Otta..... aoon, to' meet Sir WIUnd !.aurier on his return from Lond0!1' Tbe Indi.ns Qbject to the mann,!r. m which white men ,;.re mQnopol~1lDg the coatIt timber 'and' salrnoo fish­eries •.

London-8ir Robert Bond s~tes that the assurances he hili! r~cel.,'e<\ f:om Sir Edward Grey and ~Ight Han. Winston Churchill. lead blm. to belie"e that the fisheries questlQn will be settled before he lea \'es .l..on­don in a manner entirel, aatiBlae­toll" to Ne ... founii!and.

railroads. which in maD)' respec:ta. aro. deavor to kill tbe babe JeIIU,.. 0;;', liQO into British Columbia has _ eo cood, didn', adopt our AlI,lencao; wbat vlctQry I. ours through Him w1.:. maced. TwQ bundred and sinJ­check 8ys~m. I.u\ year, uklDl .11

1 rc.e from tbe dead anC: Is alive fore .. e!· _ .. n srrived there the other day 011

En.liah r .. lroad IDIID, I found ouL . more bavlng all po ... er In heaveo and Ute !ionlaf. and the )lanuk., d_ "If 'he Enllisb roIIdlI adQpted tho on ~!' In view at the glQry Wblcb Irom HonQlulu shQrtly, will h.ve maDJ No ".rriale R .. triction.

eheek· _)'Item ~e1 .ould be respoD- ha wltb HI Bee Peter's _re . I..ondon _ Premier Campbe.ll.Ba~ ...

Krupp M.rri •• Barbara Krupp, the l.te Herr Torrey'. Miaai." luCC ••• fUI.

.umar- .. fD to BarQn Ottawa-The reeent miSSion 0 r.

couple will Torre)' i.n ~Qntreal WIUI very sue­,barOn it' a cesaful, Judcinl froln the results oI­

I ficially &DJlQOIlced.

aible for lna .. e, .. our roads are. .. are to. re m. tie Th~ .Japanese Gaorernment bu not;i. :Jerman. replying \.Q a qU!ls~JOn I,. The En,lilh I .... doea Dot make them wOfda of encouragement to Pi . Dee led the immicrat.ion companiell tllIII the house 01 commons, declined \0-reaponaible. Tberefon, £II eoUrlll!. \hey aDder .derine ID I pe~~hI9, 3:1, I". all reetridiollll .re taten oft immi".. undertake any consideration of the' 110 nothinc \hal will lay luch • re- 12-14. aDd .... Matt. Y, tiaD owina to the unqualified .... law rQposed in certain legislat';lrea apauaibilit1 UpoD. &hem. Bul thq U an1 prefer the Wbltauoda1 a-Jn -'01 Caaad. in \be ~1«N.pv". of l'menca. prohihiting lIIa.mlll!8 .anowledp ~a\ oar luaace aye~1D lID Am II to thIa - 10 Esed-. fall --aal treaty. Formerl1 ODl,. unless the asplfants to malrlUlonr ia ane, while &beira ia execrable, Anel DOt to DOUee bow b1 the HolT Spiltt lew DlIIDber of eooli_ .... .Jh"lare certified to pe free frolll any

,tIIe, be.... lecideriDc .,~te_·11 DOt oai1 __ tbe weakeR of men .... be 1BIl' annaa1ll fr_ I..... disease whieh may be trsn.mitted me ... beaina 01 ,tho : q~,OD-p!~ ..so boIIl to ~ f. OM. 1». aItIo I........... aa 1D,aD1 will lie _, - to their children. =I~~OU B'!d;-,.': ~ ~ ~ ........ ad. for IIJ& . _. _~ ~Ltho _P"!~. _ ... __ . ___ ,_

, '" -- '" - , . '

" . . ' .. . .

Page 4: LM 'R' ':. E' 'K' AlL • · uipeg UII 1\[olluay night. Mrs. and I,he Misses Matheson visi lell Carman on SaturdltY· F. C. Hllwkins, alias Slephens, got 20 years fur .1 series of


, 1 HE ELM CREEK MAIL ,animal with beavy jO\\'I, thid;!

II P A '..c.. I neck and fat back.' Later this jl er MIIm'jll lou.alY.".e. 11.50 if not paid ill aduAce. style of hog became unpopular!


I'RES8\'TERL\X '" • 1 and the attentioll was ,,"sill gi'l'elJ I

.. _moO(! f!T~ 1'hurad:ar Momln~ at . e , I'reacbin!: f!n-.rr S:,hbath Ullom. and ail. oItiClt', Elm C~lt, Manitol..... I to de .. eloJllIIg greuter len~,.tb, i; rLU\" • '.

i symmetry nnd flC8hiness. As lJuW i Salrrotb Scbool. IA5 p.m. I "fI\"y.BnSI~G P.AT'F.!! ; r'Hllld the Berkshire exhibits lie. i lU:\". G. C. GR.\~T. l'a5lor.1

.. - I" ..... -~I.j ot' ..... !"Ii~" ad· • .u-t! siral.lle (jut1:ifientions 115 ft }.'ad,efS·' ..... w ... ~ tr-I.-mI tla aWl("aUnll.. !

·.,.aftl!Dt. .d1'..nJ.~"" , .. , lin.~ .. #!", fn-.t· ilonilJHll. I •• "..,.. )fJ ('lI'CIt,..I; .. dl .PJ~""lQft1' an....,rtIl:Jf'. C tot ... : I

•• -1 •• 1;_ .... It.-I""U. 1 The histop· of the ChC8tl'r. I 'ud(WI .. t '..--Iv ~r;1-t. -man _c.-m. If..,.:' ..... ! J {

r_...t. __ :I) __ •• fu' fl, •• i .. ..,rt .. ".. I .. .", I \\'bite ilj extn;'lJIeh' illterestilu!o; 'a-..c-tttc.,. tlrl' (4M' ~l"'r. I .' ;

..... ~'" .tn, .... 1<>" ", ,....1. 10' ........... - It is lIai·1 to truce ""ck tu a pair i .. tx"C"UP1,-JOIt ifloor""t 1-.. ,U"ft., 11,.., fn~rtiua i . I .ad l:I ~ ... '" 101' ..... h ."1.-) ..... '11 .. -"1"". of w bite h(Y.,s illl}.orted into Ches. ;

.dHl'lh'l'!lI)1PObtAi hI :, __ .. 1 n-lUJf\o. JO emu filet' 0 \

CI1GRCI1 OF EXGLAXD S,'r\"i<'e I'n'ry Sund ... y :it 3 p,m. Sun.tHoY School nt :! J1.IU.

. Cboir "",eti ..... ·, Friday at 5 p.m . EX:J.millatiou of the eyes

is :1 hobby ""'it h us.

, ' . •• ,<


•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • •• • : Bring Along Your H.arness: • • • •• • • And Have It Repaired' • • • • • : -.\T TIIE- :

'~ Elm Creek Harness Shop j · --_.. --_ .. - . • • • A Fiue t:-ih){'k of Hunte:;:;, C"IIII rs, allli ::-iwl'al Puds • t .A I\\'u)'s lin HIIIIII. : • • • JOS. RINN, Prop. W. MOSE, Kgr. : .. .

lI""I"' ... <I,lh-r1I.... ., II tHr county, I'll .. frolll En"lund in i UI d •• hC'- hf .. d .... ttJ~f'1It· mu .. S ",*c.n t J ,. 0;

"'e examine fTt'e 8:ld only make modest cLargts when glasses are rcquirt:d;

," . ot:lr.~,,,,.la"'t .... " Tn-I., ....... I", il1..,rti"" ltilH. 1'his illlportatilln lIlade n!

, .........................................•.•........ !II ETII ODl ST . ... 0.", C'lJrl't"Ql .-e-k", i"'ifU4!. ;

marked chunge in the swine of: n h' 0-11 b _ I \

.. . I I .rrae 101: "\'''n' 0" I .at ,at I p.m. lie (Istnct WIt I Lhe result that, S',hlmth School. 2 p.m. the Chester. White rapidly grew I . E. L., Friday, 8 ". m. and choir prac· • fl' I . ! tlce.

C. H. LEMMON, Editor.

III s\'or. II Its eur y yellrs It wnl>: ~lcl)prl'.itt Scbool. prNlcbinlr 11 a.m. u fairl\' lengthy type of hog Iml! lIarnsl .. y Scbool, preacbing, a.:lO p.m.,

• . ; S"hhatb School, 2.30 p.w., alternate for llIany yenrs }last It has been i Sund,,),.. .

A Shad,.. 0' • he Bl'eed. S_i .. e

0' clllssed II!! a corn belt of the thi •. k! Dakota ~hool. pr"ncb~nl:' 11 a.m. . ' Cull'05R Scbonl. pn·aeblD!!. 3 p.m.

bucked sort. A few breed, rj III: Sahbatb Scbool. 2 1'. m., altl'rnntc Sun. An instrllcth'e pampltlet de.o. Canada. the Bulletin stllte!;. ha\'l" days.

ted to brl!eds oC swine has beeu sought by selection nllli IIIIlJlnge.1 ' HE\,. A. E. COOK, Pnstor.

issued from Ottnwa as 'Bulletin llIent tu de\'e}up the forni lind i No. ]] or the ).i .. e Htock Branch. 'jllldity of thH !luilllulloohd upunl! Jt deals with tile history. chllrnc. with Ca\'or by the packers !Iud 10 ferillties lind points of excelleuce 30llle extellt tile), hll\'e heell suc. I of the six principal hreeds reared cessCIlL in Callnda. Collllllellcing with n 'rhe Polallll.China lind J)uroc. re\'iew of the origin of domestic Jersey have .(Luring the }J11I;t tell IIwine tho bulletin teaches that the years grown less alHl less populllr I many .arieties thnt ure found ill in Cannda, accordiug It. the !lilt hoI' \'arious parts of the wo'rld are 1111 of the Bulletin. 1n H)().) ouly descended frolll olle original stock eight members of the Dominion of wild hogll. 'I'lie \'ariatiolls tbllt. Swine Breeders' Associlltiun bred ',were !1lfected by domestication Poland.Chinas and three bred IIpon the progenetors of -our pre. Ouroc.Jerseys. . sellts breeds arc followed Ollt "'ith tho description DC eacl~ briefly. 1t is pointod out that breed is published u scule of confinement IIloug "·ith an alllple [loints,'by which, with the ill us· supply of food soon efTected grent trnti~ns of typicul animnls, a Vlllu. Ilmilusting chullges iu confor11lu. uble service IS afTullled in tellcliilll,!

· tion, disposition andaplitudes of the correct Ideuls to be louked fo;' tho nuilllllis. With these changes in selecting hrcmlillg nllimnls. tJiere CIIllle IIbout a. breeding to fl'he,.lIuthor oC the Bulletiil is ~lr . . tYi)~ and color in \"ariouslocnlitil's J. B. Spencer, B.S.A., wlto hilS

1l8:,snit~d the requirements: lind in this work preselltetl n systl!mu. dOljires of the hog raisers reslllting lic stndyof swine Ihut should bl' i~1 ,lhe;collrse of time in estnblish. highly Ili;preciilted not only· by iI!g the present pure breeds. "tlldents of IInimal husbandry bllt - '1'he breeds described in the by swine misers iWlIlI pllrfs of

'. bulletin, lind represented hy iIIus. C lIlada. COI)ies, of tho Bulletin tflltions of typical nni11lnl8, art' are obtainable by upplying to the titoYorkshire, tho'1'nlllwotth, the Li\'e Stock COlllllIissiOlier lit :Berkshiro, the Chester;Wllite. the Ottawa. I1ollllld.ChiulI und the' ])111'0<"

JortlCY. 'rhe fir~t am!'second arc Good &e •• lo .. '01' BOl'de ..

descrihed ns bncon breeds, the. "'hile the I.onurier GO\'IlI'lIl1l1int

:.In. .... nt lOa.lII. Evening- Pra~'f'r, otc, nt 7.:Kl P Ill .. on

tbl! last Sunday in .. ncb month. Hc\, .• 1. " .• JOUBERT, Pri,'st.


Sen·icp. at Alma m'ery Sundny 11 n.m. Sunday School at. Fannystcllo ll\"ery

Sunday lit. a )l.m. So'n'icn at Jo'nnnystelle Rt 7 ".m. Ladil'8' Aid, 'l'hursdny Itt 2.30.

R. S. J.01'OGI.Er. P .. Ior.

J. MURRAY Engineer a:t.1d

Machinist ELM CREEK • • MAN,

third nlld fourth as lIIidwny he. hns g'I'IIWII wcnlwl' ns the result of Ellgillc, Builer 1111<1 Mnchille 'York 'tween the bnconlllid till} Innl type the Intu SCSSiOIl, till! ol'Posiiioll . . of e\'lll'y dcsel'iptiull.

nild the twu remninillg' hreeds liS hnsgllillml in power, in (·ulllidell~I!. · lJelongillg to the Innl pruducillg in aggressinllless nll<l ·cohesiou. ~Inss of hogs. . Mr. Dordell hns IIInde nu lIIislnkes .HORSESHOEING·

(A. BLACH in charge)


, 'l'heimpru\'elllellt. of the York. nud his' pnrty has loynlly /lud sh i 1'0 is trncml dowlI frolll I7tiC- rigoroilsly IHI Pllurted hi III. li e tho time of Huhert llnkewell. 11 hns boen perfectly ffllnk with his \\'ns not until18GO thllt this bl'Ofd supporters iu the Huuse, laking 'wn!! gh'en a sepnrnte e1nssilicntioll thelll fully illtu ltis coulidellce allli ut English shows. Amollg the chief recei\'ing like confidence frullli ch;ssificntiolls of the Yurkshiro 01 thelll. It is not 10 be 'expected i tho present tiny lire itt; docility, Lhllt the lIIembers of nllY }lIIrty I All Work GUiifllllteed

Sll.Zou mounting> help us to gi\'e .atisfactioo.

J. H. COCHRAN J.weller





The Man Oftlce


We d.C

J'OD ···0

PRINTING The kind that

attracts attention

\'igor. musculnr de\'olopoment nnd \II'ould IIgreo I1pOII 1111 questions ---.--.-------------. --- .-----------its . excellent crossing qunlities. lhnt nriso, nnd ~lr. llunlell hns .......... _ .................... _. They arc said to be early lJIaturing. 1I0t undertuken to interfere with', :.. i reaching with goud cnre n lIlarket. indi.viduul t're?dolll of action ill, ................ : ;~~\~~~ - J ......... --. ... . lible condition, weighing fromlEO subjects outSide tlte rtlJlge of I·: + ~ . : to 220 Ib5. lit from (j to 7 months party polities. +: ... II . 0"· ......... ••••••••• ••• •••• •••. • o l.' II every nlOtlOli on willeh Mr.I. 0 :

'I'he 'l'amworlh which is also B~Jl'llen hilS didded the Huuse, IIC i % :

described 115 helunging to 1111 hilS hlill the solid sUJlpurt of his: + M ; IlIrge breeds is trnced from nbont pur~.I'. gin'lI.freely lIu~I.la'a~lil.l" I i a n'll to b.a La n d.·s i ISH> whou it is suiel to 'hllve been ~1I purty III Opposltlun IU tile i ; • introduced iilto EIIglanti fro1\l history of lJulllillio~1 p~liti('!;, ~rill!' '; Ireland by Sir Hobert Peel. Till' Lhe recurd of Pro\'lnl'lul Leglslu.!: • ., I • . lIuthor of the Bulletin claims thnt tnres, has gh'en a better eXHIIII>le I.; this breed is purer thnn 11ll)' of loyal sll}JPort of party }Jl'inl'i' 1 j+ : of tlie oLhers inasllluch ns its illl. pies, to the pllrty lemlel' or by thei '-I"UE Pruduce of Muuftobu has, Hpproximntely, % pro\"ement hus been broughtaiJout memhers to each' oth~r thnn the! 1,0000,OOO lIeres uf IUlld for sule'throughullt the + ~11.lIIost .entirel.· b.\· selection. 01 Federa1 OIJI}ositioll in the session!. Pru\'inco, tu which the uttelLlioll of intending ! - J , • settlers 1II111 others is desired. 'J'hese lunds ure tho ...


l-l.UH.AT ....

UEI:\'I-: II. II. Slnl,los •• :'q.


ohe Maple Leaf Laundr" Cnrlllllll ~Ielltll Lllulldry Co.


Carman . ' .an;.

(;00)) WOH1{ I.O\\' 1'lUCES

I"W~t)''1' DF:[,I VERY Ward I Ward 2 Word S Ward •

• A. H,ullel •• to FIU1h)'.lIItulle! · ... It. !locIl""I ..• :1111 C, .... k I .. ____ ..... ___ ....... ____ _ • J. II. SlIIlth • • t:11II C ..... k • .:. Anloine • • • lit. Cloud.

SECRETARY -TREASUREI: W. C. So<,l. • . •• :110 C .... k

J. H. 1I ..... 0b

n. J. Wil~1I1I A. UUhlwtH)"




mm C~r('f!k ~I. (:IIIIUIt·

Tho lied 1IIr.'.thnt nr flu.' r.n11lll"iI will I,D holtl uti I • TIII""lu)".llu), IHh. nl ton.l1I.

-: ELM CREEK:- A t.al1lhmtnnl, tUn .. ' ..... '"' weclal,. I.' ..... dr. culltllun tit any "4'lenIlUI' jll\1rn.l. Tern.". t:J .' YOJtr; fnllr ,noIlU", • L Sold b,.U ne_IId .. I,,...


.Butcher Shop MUNN & CO.3811 .. ...." New York ",anch lJlIIl"o. m .. ~ !oIt •• W •• bIOI'Ofi. U .• )

Fann"..teUe Hot.a Und~r 1'0 .. " JI1anall"meo"


All kinds of . cured and fresh

Goo!! Tllhl" nuarl\ an!! nooml. It. stuckNI with t.Iltl IIlIeRt Win .. , Mqu.1O RlId Uignr~. Spf'ciRl attention ,i ••• '"

tim trllfelling \lUhUe.

Meuts to bo had nt ollr shop. n. COU'I'UHE PROI'IUI1'O.

• Cush }>Idd fur flit cultle und

Hlld lire pUllltry.

-------------_. __ .. Ituesl ELM 'CREEK

I LUMBEB YARD We also keep Fish nlld Fo \'1" I iu I LU.MliEll, LATH, HHINULE8.

sensoll. Buildillg Mnl~.rinhl of e\'ery d •• ~c)'iplioll ure nlwllYIi lu Lil had ..

Illy yardll. . Uon't friil to gHt the specinl ol.n r Hili preJlured to ~i\'e 0JII (,lIr 10", H. F a I co n e r A·


I"'iees ure th .. helll tn Le ball.


The International Harvester Co, OF A~J ElrICA





animals within the breed itself. that has closed. . . i. cheapest now UII the lIIurket, and IIIny be purchased direct : It'isstated to have receiv'ed Iittlr During this sessio.\ the Opposi.: : ~rolll the Uo\'er.nme!lt 011 the \'er?' easy'terms of ten yeurly ; G BURNETT attention outside of the countiei lion has stood out strongly for: i IlIstalllltlnts, With luteres\. at II per cellt., plucillg the :'t j • - - Elm Creek of Leieestershire, Stuffordshirt' Pllblicity in ullpublic matters.;. power to purchase well within the rellch of 1111 hona fide ; ( __ .. .== lIi~(i.,):nrthhalllptl)·nshire until So far us was possible it has in.! ; hOllle seekers, irrespective uf their tinuncinl 8talilling. : i ......... _ .............................................. -.

abOut 1870, when tho bacon curers vestiguted publi~ .exp:lld~ture .. It: i HAY III distriels where drainage is required, ~;:' INSURANCE! : LIBRARY : · of Euglnnd comnlenced a ('lim. has moved for. llICJ,lIIr\' 11110 dis. I. • the (iu\'eTllmellt of 1>lanitobll han! IIlreaclv ~ , t. • t

. I 1 . , I·· ... 1" 111111 are 11"\\' 1'111111 '11r t' . . • i ~~...... ••• ••• •• ••••• .. • .... 1 ]Iaigll ugainst t Ie i lell fashiollable putel IluestIOns of pulicy res. i ; . g U lllI,( \'ery extensive •. , .: . , . I • dr:ullllge systems, whereby lands t IlIIt lire low or flut lire . I ..

'short,'. fat and heury.shouldered peeling labor troubles, ruilwu\" ~ 1 reclaimed. aile! IIlade lit fur l'ultinltioll. Whell UIIC\! this : i!l Wh t' t' rth· piJ>C.which. they Couil;} quito UII· passenger fan,snlld freight rnte~;:; lalld is r"chUllwri it is l'spl'('illlly rieh lIud produc:1h·e. ; ''1 a IS your Ime wo .1·

..... suitable.' for .' bacon' pruductioll. ,uul comhillatil)l1S ill· restrnillt ur: : Whell 1I0t elltirely "milled it vields all nblllHUUl('e of wild :: · The 'l'alllworth t.hen came. iuto lrn~le •. It hus demanded ill\·esli.:; ,!tIlY of the hest ,lllltdity, nud 'is, COIIS~I\Wlltly illmlunlJle : ::. '1' •• ba.ke your OWII hread;' \\'0 will sUJlpl~' .yoll "itll lne loaf ~:))~oilliillmce'!:ns-uli impro\~er of gat.il)n illto mailers atreclingthej i 'for stock-rllisillg IJllrpOSHS. ' ::: per dl~Y (se\'oll 101l\'es) ~Ul' . some of theoth~~ E,;glish breeds. bOllor of members of Par!iument;., Up.t.o.date mllps of !he Pro\'ince are kepi on hanel, ::: 35 . :

.'. ·It seems to have nlllintained from onbolh sides of the .House. Ii ',' ·t· uPOIIll wluch lire lIIC1rkpt\ In red all lands for ·sale. 'I'his : : ~ Per' Week . 'C' Per Week ., . .. .' \\'i be sent free, w;th )lrice 111111 full parti(~nJars IIpon T _

the.first itsdisposition to put on has.divided the House in protest ! • . upplieation. ' i I .' . 'rneat . i~ growth .. " R.b'1lIllSt the~efllsal ';If pubic Qlli~ : .• ;

:\@~,{~::,;); is' stated to lla~e cers}o exphuuGo\·erument. trall~! : ,i I Declllct the cost of the 1l1ateriaJs toriili'; q;:;;.::~:~; of t. sd· .. . 'iform ~i\d. il~~ ~c~lo!n~.:It h~ I~ade p~bhc l'r(}. • For all illformlltion amI' business to . be ,trans'acted, l i. from Bac, and ask yourself if it pays you to buke even once. !

aOQu't..,tboiwlS25. test'~I~stel~tion.fr~u~. ~!d i~pply to- il: week. Usc the best bread--thekindyoll get lit :

~1'i};':"""';'i.·.;,,;~;;l:':L;'I:tJ'll/I,8;1\'1EtrV ~ ••• :~~ f.r.~S:::~~~~i7:H· , 'L. J ~HOWE. 'd c. F. Boa rei man's · . . bri beTs, '. bu !lot : •• COl1ll1pl.rar,ors. .... Deputy Provincial Lands Commiisioner . t·

Illtll~~~;~~~~~~~~ nCll"",."Jll)IU other criminals of : '. . ~.:. .......... • I ............. . LI"',lr.,CJ'''-''''. It,·has.stood up for • . < WINNIPEG M 'H ...• - .' - .. Berkslliirelril~btl!OUlme!,s;hollorsnd deccl1cy : ..' • . i. ; ICECREA~ i t*a, .. e-a'



Page 5: LM 'R' ':. E' 'K' AlL • · uipeg UII 1\[olluay night. Mrs. and I,he Misses Matheson visi lell Carman on SaturdltY· F. C. Hllwkins, alias Slephens, got 20 years fur .1 series of

J=;.~~~==~~==~~~~~~~~~.~~TjHE~'~~.~'~·=E~I~JK~'~C;R;JE~ETK=.=)=~~~T:O~B:l:~:·~~~~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~ "'i ,.' ==''':'~:~::'-•• IAYETEUI UlLOI •• CEI '-, FlP!""'"

'T'1.e· n:.Lft1IJPrU O.~ "'1 _.. ' _If I m1pt DCt II.... • ~·1J6.lUw __ ~, J ~ It tit tbnt ,.0. __ of. "-I, lit. E ........ AI .......... fA..... Th_ .. bo I~ ...., ...... r.zo IGo ~ tie Iirt ....... _ ........ life w&I. a .. t A. K- .n, .. SPECIALLY .. the Brit .... n.-. no' JM'r b, ,., 1M MIl m_arW ~ IS 11I.,tI om "ala IoaIiA& far • da7 fa _t." .br " wreath. . ~ • eaJ4 be • P"OMOTID • ., TH. I Kille.. Two p-ruainc boJ'I .. ho aft III A riDe aDd 10. ...".. of lit .... .. .'re,. . I'M' interest '" the Britiab pelllie death. BUILDI- a cln

'1 LOll'" i. IT.ONG.·

aa_,_. ""11'1. ..... 1'. c. 11 ____ "-'

....... Wm .' clks) I!WllDlf .. n. pa. l .. !aIda Deardor1 ft't1lmed wttIIltJtr emburuamat. Wo!DeSl .1· wa,. amtarraued him. wbleb taet bad IIIuI ~. "10 • dIaIlh or the -. th ... -.aU .. tor bI. a.ebelor· ~

';0 GIll .. ould ba". bel1e'red tbat be lotaIIpd on the ""node .. Mly that be IDlabt .. ateb her do..-n the .treeL Mach 1_ woald .n1' on~ beve lmac· laed that "tor1' tim. be looked Into ber modld .. omanl1' e1'_ bla 10nel1', un· mated man BOUI clamored for tbe bome 04 CODlptlnlonablp be ..... tbereln. H. bad not learned tbat thla kLnldom In .. oman'. @1" Ia dlKernlble only to tile kiD. to wborn It Ia clven to pOS5e:la If be wfll. TberefOh tbe little musIc l8Ieber w1th the bloom of 1'outh ~ bind b~r ..... to blm moet d""lrable In

"Let _ - IIw , .... upaDl1nc aD- are the younl priDNe Ed-.rd aDd I An laid upoll Iobair ,ra-. ...... der the Id __ fill Mr Impuial.-e coa· Alben, eon!! of \be ~ oC W.... --,--~. " ........... itien .. "''''iral .f the wIIo ba~ jue\ enteNd ~ Bri\Wl For. death \be pure lite sa.... I "_ .. 1IjII~. • T_ Witil ...... ".P4.

.&nft' _e I~ IIbe Tlelded. F .... ~WiII.b ra •• FieMr .. Firat -~. Pnnco Edwani. who. 1I,.n I ADd lite all plln illoft: aod 10.... Sei_ aM ..... . Tbe1 took tbe amaaed dllldN!'ll IDelde. ... ..... Wan Victeri. Creu at ftll:h I WbeIa It Ie NIl ... raIaJ' • ..s tile

. 04 abe eumlned .1Id utolleoJ e4da aau .... ". T.~~ De"';.... Prom He.yen '" nrih. aDd 'noblar I uWe -- are tiNd fill plaJ'lne n.~ emaIl artlcle .. ltb.delichtthatequal. le8&OD5Iead!.pm ... Ieeu..C17 .. Irbelld •• " ed UIeIrL Witt! F"_ta A ..... Hia ... ,.. ..,.~ ThaD thc.e bf mortal read. baUdJq • d~-,... 1MI11dina • dt7 ..

-We do DOt .11 put ..... 1' eblldl.:. pM in .Hia H..... Well blea iA be .. be hal. dear _ M_. don·t look I J .... , for It ~ tblnp with 1'H!'II." .be .. Id ... hen th"T Kine £d.-ani. br promotine Sir .-\r. I dead· I- 4oDe. UId ID - .., too. .. ere ooulde. "I 10". the ... .-e thine' thur M1ftt Wibon 10 the rank 01 I A mend 'be baa ~ 1_ will .... 1IIpp11' 70UN11t ". .n· the t'mptJII 1'eI. and IIOme Ume"-abe .mll..d dell. admiral of the fteet ... hich ill the na"al I chaDce- ~rd be_ ,.. aD lind ·boat .n!l1'-"lIOme time. wben I c:an and not equi .. alent of the military office of field i A dear compaolOll thu witl no' crow the boo .. • pair fill 1 ''I'W that foal! feel It • ..-1c:k..d .. stravapnce. I :tm ~o- m&rBhal. on the eVe of the dav un. I B\ranre: mother bu throw. .at of ber ... on~ II1jf to b,., ... m,. ehlld!sh IM!art'5 d<!5ln'. der which be "'ILI! aI.Sed to retire. on I The a.nchor of love is death. baaket (they'lI do .. 'eat pa8teboft~ I .m ... Bure tbat 1'ou ... 111 not laaa;!t the &eOre 01 ace. haa ;;u~cd in ! and paper). • tube of library pu .... .t IDe th 1 I III I I I retaining him on the acth·e list. For ; The blt'sse<i 5 ... ~meN of a Iovine "our bos ot w.ter --"'re and II _.ft -

a ... n'l' te ,.ou n to m,. adlDira18 01 the fleet. like field ma!' I breath: '1 ~-.-~ •• tlret tea ".rty." . ahals. possess the privilege 01 remain. : Will reach our cheek all fresb ... d pencil 'Ibeft.t to .. ork.

He tbanked btor ernely. understand. ing on the active list without rel:ard ; throu!;h ... earv years: The nrchlt~tural dal&U sboulll Nt Ina and .. ,.mpathl&lnC entirely. Did he to ace limit until their death. It is ; For ber ... ho died fong since. all! .. ute liMIt drawn on aenp paper: tben f(\~ not c:afT)' In bl .. pocket a wonderful cenerally understood that Sir .-\rtbur. i not tea",. low them on lbe ~, rd llOs ~ltI~ c:amellan "taw·' In memory of the un. the moet capable commander 01 the Sbe's ti.ine unto the end. JrMltlOed lonirlnlt ot the bo,. he u!M.'d to Bt;itillh .na':. i! sillted to sueceed .-I.d. ! be? He bIId been ... altlng for tile; mlral Sir J o.hn Fisher 118 first &ea lord I Thank God lor one dear friend. CbrI.tma rt I t I of the Admtralty. I With lace still radiant with the light

, .. o(>pO un f1' 0 j;r.tl(Y h'!r Sir Arthur is a Crimean "eteran. I of truth Innocent d .... lre. re'l'ellng In Imairlua· ba"ing .... "ed in that war, off 8evas. ' ; Whose love com~s laden "'ith the tlon In tbe Intimae,. ot ber promised \opol, 118 a 12-yllar-01d midshiPlllan.! ' scent of youth. bOllpltJIllf1'. :-;0,.. be bad put aU'ay hi. And four years later he took part in I Through twt'llly years 01 death. da1' dream with a alJ;b and estlnl:1ll.h. the storming of the Taku lorta in ' -.J ohn Boyle O·Reilly. I'd a dim hope th.t bad Ifllrumered r~. China. . ~ W~V~ri.~. !

Bat It remained th.t be mast mak" But it was at the batlle 01 EI Teb. I the ,..ed(lIng preeent, and finally. belm! on the Red .Sea coast. during ti!e S~u. ! A Cel.br.ted Rece •• In th. w.1I of conlldent of ber perfect slaeerlt I dal! eamp(ugn. that he won hiS 'Ie· I y. .e torla Cro". by a feat 01 bra"en' as W •• tmin.ter Abbey. IKDored obtmdlng doubu as to 1I"l'ro- gallant 11.' any that fi~re on Eng. I In the southwest wall of Weatmin· prJaten_ and procured. fairylike t(>:1 bnd's roll 01 honor-namelv. the list II ster Abbey a narro ... · recess show. (Ill

llel .... orthy tbe po •• _lon of 0 prlnl....... 01 its Victoria CrON beroes. For. old oak door. Behind it is a paasage wbleh. heiDI' uneqOlI to preooenllnlC It when. at a critical moment. a corner I leading in'" a small roolD with finel, I-.oIlall,.. be lett .t ber dOOf' ,,·\tb hl~ of the sqaare had riven .... 0\· under . PIII~C •• D ....... D. I carved panelling called the Jericho card one e"enlng. jllAt ellCoplng her II" the fier~~ oru!laaght of Ute den·ishes. old. 18 kno"'n WI the heir pret!umptl.e parlor, whicb leads into the celebrat-ehe c.me up the stalre Capt. YO 1180n. as he was then. spranll "'. the throne. his father beine the ed JerusalelD chamber. This chamber

And tben. wben It ':.e d b f into the ~ap. and. sin'lle bonded. heM belr apparent. In ce.se of PriDce Ed- ill of profound modern intel'f:8t in that th one. o! or the loe 10 check until some men 01 ward's death "rince Albert. who iA it .... 18 tbe Beene of tbe 1611 and 1884

e tI"'t Ume cooaldered bla otrerlnl: the York and Lancaster re"iments now 11 Id be 'h b' .. from the probable vlewnnlnt ot th" rushed to h'ls e"l·stance. "'h"I'le Is'" .' .... ou .' come • e elf pr~ reVISIODll of the Bible. in the latter ,._ ~ n. sum.ptt .. e. As Ktng Ed .. ard VII. 18 instance the United States taking. pl'08pec:tlve brldejff'OOm .nd ber frIends. ing about him "'itb bis s .... ord tlie ~Uing '" be an old man lind canno' most prominent part .nd the utter .bsurdity of It o,· .. r. blade snapped almoet .t the hilt, and tn the natural order of thinprule 'The Jerusalem chamber is also of wbelmed blm. WIth malDe be decld4!l1 • rrea& many yeaI'll 1D0re. it ia fair great historic interest. being one 01 I tbat .fter sucb • piece ot Idiocy tbere the le~' remains of the old 'palace of .OD .. · .. • ClIft. w •• notblng for blm but IIIJ:bt. aud he Westminster ..... hi'ch for centuries was cutting out careta117 IIIId putllng te»-"u tOllslng tblnp belter skelter Into distinct and s~parate from the abbey gether with tbln paper and pute. All bl. lult cue wben b. beard ber CI"OlJ" :Many rooms 10 the old palace had doore ond windowl mlllt be l'Ut oDd lOll the ball. similar I~ciful names. sUl;h lUI h.av· comilleted before jolnlD, tbe tOllr "Idee

lie looked .bout delperatel1' fOf n t!:~s~aradlse and the An\.ioch cham· ot a bulllllug. Tb8 root ,oft on Inat. WOT of l!!N!.pe. tben dracPtl hlmselt The Jerusalem chamber was built by Arter the palte bu dried thorougblJl unwillingly to the door .t ber rop. Abbot I.ilJinKlon ill 1386 and WIUI 80 begin tlntlng with water ~Iore. Some

"I bne onl1' thla moment reoll1.ed named from the colored glas8 brought 01 !lIe bulldlnp aboald be mOlle to re-bow prero-teroua m, Unfortunate we- from Jerusalem which decorates it. I14!mble brick. othere .tone lind stili


lec:tlon I. for • weddlna PNlleut, .. be The room is rectanrular in shape. otbers trllme. Aa - •• the tlnls aM It/CII OOIIT& •• LATIO. .. ••• LL THUD ItalDlDered .bjectl,. .e .be eetered. wainscoted with cedar and other dry 'tbe brlckll. .tonel, bmlr"l1 ontl

LOr IJI Lin ALLOWED. "Ob!" The Iflow. on ber fa~ taded. • woods, all of which were. ~rought from IIblnglell moy be broacht Into 8hoplt t.be @7e1 of·.11 men •• ad be wu not "How .tupld ot me! I ou&bt to ba"e the Holy Land. The celhng and the wltb the leod penciL I.rprleed. onl7 lltartled to tbe stol'plnll kno .... n there, w.a ,. IDlat.ke. lind I upper part of tbe walla are frescoed. A large toble 10 the ecnter of th. ot bla be.rt •• t wb.t beoyerbeard trom bue opened the beE." IIbe set It upon ~~~s~e!~i~hd ~::~~ hV~~I~;l!c!:ri':; room will 11118wer tor tbe cIty'" slta. • ~ple of ,ounlf men beblnd blm. the table. . the choir of the abbe,·. but which It tbe bulldel'll do notUlle n le"el .1-,

"11M will lDitke blm •• weet little ,lie abook bla be.d dlamall1'. '"ftieoe have since been removed to this room. they may hO\'e .~ m.n7 bills a9 Ilesl ... 'wlf_tbe luck7 do.!" one esclalmad. I. no mistake. I bea your PArdO", I The splendid cedar mantelfiece wl\8 ed by laying IIm.n pillow" ohollt ta

. '''!'be ..... tcat 10 the world." tbe _1"_ put up in commemoration 0 t~e mar· table ond covering 'with a 1Ie:IMllr~4.' otJaer _nted. "And there'. notblna "But tbere IoU" be • mletake! Tbu rilllle of Charles I.. tben Pnnce of smootblng It over the npe nntl Ilo~ 'tor the reet ot III bllt,buntlnc weddlnc lett the packace at 10, door::,.he .. Id. Wal~s ..... ith the Princess Henrietta m.de b7 the plllo .. to give 0 1:00II. pNRntll. Come 00." • little ebarpl,.. .. " Marla of France. . The c,R"ed and .nrfacc on wblch to plaec tbe bOIlPetk. i

Th b' • . wooden beads on elUterslde of the A public IIqu.re m·" be 1.ld out. wi*' e,went t elr . wa, •• nd with '1 lett It mylClt. I, meant It for. &lIl' •• Tlu.,a:wn ... lf. mantelshelf represent the r!>yal I!~ir. tbe pllbllc 'mlldl"--.acb t

Itr.npl1' blurred vl.lon be .tumbled weddlna pretl8nt, but Ieee hown-I' thl!'Pl!upon Wilson Ie' out with hi. One of the frescoes depiCts KIDg -.. . ne II Oretl, .~ .up the etalre .nd tbronab the aloom HI. voice t.lled ••• In. tiats, r .• ght ~nd I.eft. bowling the enemy i Henry IV., who breathed his llUlt with. cburcb. a courtbo .... • IIChool~~ ,of . the b.1I to bla room •• t the end. Sbe reprded bill woebe!l:one foee over like nll~eplDs~ and, marvelous to in these ,..alls in 1413. 1 This event oe- nnd a public libra..,.. &IOuped .bout ItJ Her door .... ' opro-Ite. .nd .a be Intentl1' for. 1D0ment. ""ery ".1'11 I. ~:!e. esc&plDl1 With a few relativelv 'l curred twenty·five years after the Arrange tbe I'CIIldencetl alon~ . 8~' fumbled .. lIh bl. ke7 be II.nced will t.ke It down." iJ"r cbeeks w~re I hill ~~~:W0'::~t~ Needless to ~ay t,!nt -4 room W88 built and WIUI doubtless the opening Into tbe public Iquarc. On_, ,._11 turtl .... I' with .n odd aenlD ot alowlnc .nd ber e) •• parkllng wltb ~ • superb swordrsop, rellseO.,n.'oterdtohlDel "I·IU. first really important i!!cident in its count of tbe uncertain., .of "1


SUIlt for the .~.tomed tbrlll th.t mlscblet. "Wben I found.tbe pncku .... tho at whic.h I.e h-,' broken on tlrlePFsucez. ..IIIC8 .UI.T. hlstot'hry

• hfor

cebelebhratedl mdebeed sacred;. Jr!'Ound" It would be more .. t"f.ct~ b .. bl If· .. ·..... !IS ,e c am. r . os S1llce ~ome. a. to keep tbe table .urface lint amI b.--' • 00.. ID. t ...... I .be were al. I tboucht you b.d eomebow dlscO\·er. 8l~. -a:hlle Queen Victoria decorated ,~preBume tb.t Ute Prince of W_ Its constru!ltton It. was only mtended tor lbe cl., Illte; then there will be ~.

. ready the wife of .nother •• nd. cloalna ed tbat tod.7 I. 1D1' blrtbda,. and bOll hi,,! With the Victoria Cross. will occupy Ute Utrone before his mao- 811 the wlthdrawl!!g. room for the danger from • c.rel_ IItti b ...... . bl. door Wltb empb •• le. be turned on tlndl7 remelDbered 1D1' cblldlsb lo'ng.\ Sir Arthur Wils~n may be said to Iy·looking boys are very much older guests of Abbot Lltilngton. . r . e onu ..... . tbe. 1I1(bt .nd aet .bout paeklna bl. Inc. but If It I •• weddln& present It ~mbe. from a fighting stock. For he Prince Edw.rd. il be lives. will then King Henry. with the uneasy con· a m reetlng .pln" tile blllsldea ... minerai •• tellllla hllDaelf t~at be would lDuat &0 to Mle. Beule. wbo III soon: ,'j e

61r to th~ baronetcy wh!ch his un. be neE~ .inline !or the rulenbip of science of a usurper and a supersti· tumble the bouaee IDto the bollow .....

Ioo"e Immedlatel,.-that tbere w.. to be m.rrled." I (ld e •. en. Sir Archdal!, Wilson. won the BnWih Emptre. He b ... Iik. tious belief in a prophecy tbat fore- low. ~1. ftalth-r III bl I unng the great Indian mutiny by ing for thell8a and pl'OllliaM \0 be- t<lld his death at Jentsalem. deCided i' .; ~ aenae, nor releon • atly· Ie .. t down bu"lI1' .nd ,stared lit I lbe. c.pture of Delhi. the name of come a cood n •• al officer. like biB upon a crusade to the Holv I.ond. The CABLE DiSpaTCHES ~;

a In thla dln&1plaee where bla po.. ber. ..hicb famous Indian cit\· is borne lather. tbe Prince of Walea ... bll il erusade ..... hich the King deemed am· • ' . ertJ'. lona • thlq ot the PUt. bad .t "You 1Iee. one mlllt be morrled to In conjunction with the baronetcy. The lwown lUI ''\be sailor prince." pie atonement for his sins. was. how· !

tlret .mnded blm;'DO reuon. except receIve. weddlna prMent." abe es.present h?lder of t~e boronetcy is Sir ever. too long deferred. PrepRratory A New Gun.i", cae- Th.t Will' th.t. eatllke. be clllq to tbe place.. plalned demurel,. ber color ftamln" fRoland Knyv!'t Wilson. who is pro- Coach Drlver'l Story. to leaying on his journey to Jeruso· Furnleh • PI_n' H.ur. I

,'bome. .od-7". b. ,would .cknowl. under bls 8111e. 8 • e&IIOr !If I,!dlan law and history ut "Yes." the driver remarked ... hli lern. while prayinc before the shrine A certain mon went to Europe. lea~ .ed&e It-bee.ulC Ill. w.a there. He Tbe tRncle .uddenl" stral&btelletl ::e U~llvderslt.~. of Cambridge. He hOll "leaders" swept around the tum in\o of St. Edward the Confessor in the Ing bls fomlly ut bo_. He WIlM elt'-"

: fro .... ned .nd MUTed .noncb.l.nt b "Y "b' • 0 c I ren.· and the new admiral a Iightly.timbered stretch of lev.1 nbbe)·. he was stricken .... ith n mortal too Indolent or too blll1 to wrlle orteaJ

hi tl b .. ' b bl e spran& up. eI. e assented. stili of the fleet is his younger brotl er road, ..... ou may nol believe it. bu' Eickness. and •. in tbe words of the B hi'

'w a e w en ... c.q t 1D1le1f ••• looklnc loto ber eyel, wbere by II 'Another brother was'killed in one' 0; them kaDprooe is lUI cute 88 a Chri .. old chronicle. "they for his comfort at ecou d notallord toeableiellKtbJt 111011 •• tralalnlbla eara for lbe eouod bsb of IlllIplratioo he bad eeen hili the m?Ht sensational 01 the ma.ny tian. WhY. Maloney. who owns tbe _ bore him into the abbot's place ond dlsp.tcbel. eo be _te biB wJre tbaa of ber foutat.. It w •• tilDe th.t be kingdom. blmaelt crowned king. He' tragedies thot figure in the annals of leelion on the other side of the creek. laid him down before the fire in this be would conden. eac:b c.blegram !Do) went. plnneed forw.rd .cron the table and tbe Alp-ine Club. dllring an ascent of vained one of 'em to meet the coaeb chamber." to a single word b, IIII11C only Inlt~

But .ubaeqaent retlectlon pel'llu.ded ICIIed ber bands • ...nIna boldly. "It Ute Rdfelhom •. in Switzerland, some e,;,ery week. and get the letters for. On coming to himself and learninlll leltcre. Tbe llret m_p be lCat W .. •

him tb.t bla dep.rture .t thIs junctura Ia a weddlnc pretl8nt-yoar wedding 40 years 0&0. 111m. The poucb comea in real band,. thnt he was in the chamber nllmed B Il 0 W N. Wblle be waa collgnat .... IDllhl be connected wltb ber lD.rrl... preeent. Alma. deAr. for you ore colng , vc see." Hierusalem then said tho King. "Laud latlng ItlmlK'lf upon outwlttlnar the f!8oo-and ell cite comment. He felt th.t b. to be married ImlDedl.tel1'." : Enllilh Nul'S .. Abro.d. • Presently. as often happel18 lin • be to thee. Fllther in heavf:n. for now ble company by IM!ndID& live word. ta+ m .. t rem.ln until the "luct1' dO&" b.1l For answer .be murmu-" teartllll- Queen Victoria Eugenie of Spain q!liet coantry road. a fine marsupial. 1. know that I shall die in this chom· one. tbe f.mlly at bolDe were d"'~ -rrl-" b- • Ab bl b'" ~. ...-~ ed E I' disturbed by 'he ·approach of HI·s..... ber. according to the prophec~.· mnde _., th I III I -:-.-'-1 ~_ ... ~ 11'.7., .n...,... e III.... .nd b.ppll". "Ob. nome. -e ,,'111 bav·e ..... engllll an ng 18h nurse for Ute • lU f ~"U over e r v." a nterpretatlora _I full t tbe th . bt-b .... ft -.nn118·,ble· . f b' jesty's Royal Mail. came in\o view. 0 me before SRid. that I should die f th H .... n 1'. oq e moet pro- tea 10 the d.rllng IItt .. eups our fll'llt .,....- I POSition 0 nnging up h ~ h' in Hierusalem." And so he made 0 e me8R8ge. Ia cIIacbter tbonldl' ~re the 10 ... I .. bl. waddlq preaent If e-enln ... t bOlDe'" !!!~ boped.for heir \0 ~he Spanisb a.; e lInseU from the grnsa, b' If d .. It meant "Bonebt r1D& on Wednetlda..J be would not be _lIIpl~"_ • _. """"ne. It WBS I!IIsentlal tllat 'he where be bad been feeding. and look. Imse rea y anu died shortly after. I h " "'I. __ ~__ a1Jl'8e h Id be Ro • ed ", .. ards the coach .... ith 'an inno- The body of Addison lav in stote n g t and bec.n .-Jng Juat 'wbet

Then followed .trenuoUa d.,. IIIId d s ou • 0 man CaUtolie. oent inquiring air. Tbe driver w.. in this room. whence it was borne kind ot a ring It wu. Hia Wife to belt .Ieepl_ nlabta ot nlll endea .. or to de- '''p.n. ".",.nce. aD Lady Jlute s nurs.e. who &ns .. er., nedy with the corrobor.tion of hia at the dead of night to it!< last rest,. ansJety read It: "BI. ralD--i>ut-wet-l dda Upoll IOmetblll •• with bitter r..-n. On tbe occasion ot the nlnetJeth ;:,tr ~ ~ulTell!ents. Will shortly leave "bald aDd unconvineing narrative." ing place in the cbapel of Henry VIl.. neuralgia." Olber au- at the loJ Iq otth. coetOID wbleb forbade bla . blrtbclly ot Dr. Martineau. wbo preach· the e~amcepii 1\ Ifs the millef· ra~ber th~ for. ILl! he shouted loudly. "Nothin. the procession passing round' the tended meanln'" durered nnlt- -'

. I .... In Liverpool for 81 on. or sma ore!'"' roy .. • f ., .. - • b' f Ed d th C f d -.. ~. preMJltl ... her with. &DOdl, cbect 1m' .... m.n, yeare. r tiea '" bave Enl1lish nu~ and or you ........ y. old man '" the kan. ~ nne 0 war e on essor nn widely. . lieu ot .n article whleb would proba'l" Hen..,.' Roecoe. .the Eoalleb cbemlst. among th084l who elDploy tbem ue the l1aroo, a& if Ut.t .... all be bad been the choir singing a funeral hymn. . In pillylng tbe l&IlIe an,. word m.Jt bl,. be but .n un ... Ico_ duplicate. conaratulated blm lin .tt.lnlna luch a , Empress 01 Russia. the Quoon of It.- -a:.iting for. hopped quickly out of From the Jerusalem chamber also the be U<M.'f! Inlltead of "Browo." Let .... H. boated tbe '.bopa .nd ItorM. COD- line old .118. The dletlD&Ulebed clertO'· j aly, a.ndthe CroWIl Princess of Rou. Vie .. uoonpt the tra!s. to tbe uUer body of Sir Isaac Newton .... as carried le.der. who III euPPGlecl too be the tra~ falin, bl_1t ....... " wltb the mulo man .. Id that be bad beeo ove ..... belm. mani.. . os"'nisbmen' of Ute boll.:se&t travel- to tbe grave. the pall being borne by eler. aDllOunee the word, "-.'- ...... tltud.and .. ,...., ot their w..... H. ed with conaratuladolll .nd th.t be I Here I~ • ,!retty s"'ry illustrating, er. aDd the inteJllle enj07mimt of the the l,ord Chancellor and by dukes -.. ... --w thin __ A .. _ .... _,.0 UIId- ."a ". workln'.th-.... the lett .... be b.d the pnume kmdneBA of Ute PriDceu other oceupults 01 tbe ceoch. and earls. meanlllg to blmaelf. UI4 let _cb plaJ'O ••• ..... .-•• _..... ~ __ ,_ of Wal It th er write bla .-a of tile, Int.endelil b ....... th4ftbJ arGaIl ... III ber aD reeelYUl. . teni ~ ·PJ7ars. at the ch~&- Llf. In HI,erl.. . C.tch Their Own Fi.h. . me.Dlq on • IIlp or papar. Uthen. UlSIGIlI . .oudtude be w .. too .4-.... "B7 de.-." be laid. "I Illall an· 1lC·.

f WI .whicb ~he ~uomg Tb f . The trou'fishl'n " see·on at the a- P"--. the 0- -- -_ ...... _ .. . .-.-__ _ar them IL ...-on1 0 eacb ilUle prlOce 18 cele- ere are fell\uent reference 111 Ute "'... - .w.ucoo - .. _ ........ -

to ~11'I!. In ...... Ir be IOqbt .d. I "ODe f ~ CIt arkI , .. led are made bv an Edinbul'lb .report '" the efJorla '" cope wiUt Carlton Hotel in London has com· eat ~ wlDa. 'l'Iae..... IDa, .. \1cle of tba,omee bo7. . 0 e m rem ble." Dr. ,ilnn. Tbeyare !lent Bouth in thecal'! filavery in N\«eria. The trade in menced. varied by .uPJlOll1D& tllat,tIIe,.1 . II' . "BIll,." be •• ked that \'erNtlle 70UD, Martl.-u contIDuad, ''W.a, from • of aD elrJlCrienced fore .. oman wbo I al.vea blUl entirely eeBBed in Sakoto The experiment initiated lut y." Ia,Rnt to mother or ... or .. wit ••

perlin. ''Whlt would 70U lin to .lad7 1a4J'. the onl, par-. wbo .ddrettaed in coDlliderUion of her lonl j~ume7'1 but in Banchi. there Wall a reerud": of keeping live trout in a larl:e tnnk to bllll_ pU'tDlrOI' tnID _e --­for • wlddlq ...-ntr . I _ .. '[)ear Jam." I bad not ..en ber I alway!! spends • !lirht under tbe rooi cenCI? ~f it. due to famine. the people 80 that "isitors mil1ht select their fish tJcnlar eI., ... LoncSa.. II-. or J;;;':

-A.w,' that'. Hlyl Bometblu •• be'lI IIAee w. w.,. .,.,. UI4 IIrl toaetber In I of their Ro,al HlChneaaes. The Prin. prefernD« '" ae11 themselves IS sla"81 and catch it themselves if they would. Iem ... fIII-." B1D7.ld .lrll1'. Theo' Marwtcb. 8b~ II _ of the d.ulbte",; -. wbo maltes it a rule \0 look in. rather than.s~t! lUI free men. T.en and have it served at table.an hour - .

"M aplallHd' "'1 IIIMD, 1Ir' tb'"- of Dr. RfCbJ'.1n that ellT. M1' trlend., ~ He" gDel!t chuober before Ute ar- years IIIOl It 18 ~ed. !.be entire later, ~~ so suecessf~l thot t~.e hotel . . •• • IOID. __ ui4 to joke me •• mal of the temporary oec:upaot iD· AqaB8 mbe sold theDUleI"1!II in'" authonttes are startlDl1 their trout =~~ .. ~r .. ' .ba'd lite. Tbat'l '(t. JaDe Web: aDl~na ~.!:t0:'~t .~r .to.UIIure. benelf tb.t eie,.,. elavery. but wben the famine ill over fisbery nearly lour months earlier thiA

." ." • pNRn! wortb ba\'lnlo • rece v e r thiDc III rich\' makee no esception 101 they take the first opportunit, \0 d~ year. ' " ""'.folb woo t lI"e lID. r .. tried c:baJr PlauaDtI1' •. 1 ~lIa\'ed ber lonl Gae cue oft.ht! workwoman. ' On one' sert. In the Province 01 Mnri famine Between July and October last near·

,,' Jt. .•• blatlq UId •• blntlq wbat t W.Dt alnee dea4; .nd n_. comel thl. letter -wn abe no&ioed that no flowere gaye'a great impetus to the irede in I Iy 7,500 trout were thus caught and .CIIItItID_ UId blrtbcll,.. .1Id I .1. to remlDd m. of ber .mtence and ber ~ been placed in the bedroom of tbie I ch.ild~n..who ,!ere sold for food. One cooked at the Carlton .. The figure will .. ...,. .. pt _eol4 thiDa t woukb"t frlendl1' reeollec:tlon ot.me."~. aod sbeprompUy pvediree. gnm"lDCldent IS recorded. ':The ca..lprobablY be dou.ble this year. _.If Iftiald belp It,- Bill, mIlled. ! Th. old mlnl.ter pauaad .nlnstant. tieaa· that Ute overmcht should bot noel!, says the report of Bif F. D. Mr. Jacques Kraemar. the manllller

.'TIult .. IDad lID -'_tl, .oatb.. then .dtled, wtth • trelDulous smile . .--1,. remedied. Luga~ \0 the CotloniaIOm<'1. ".m,·el 01 the hotel. told a ne ... ·spaper. man ..... tt_ .' to . Dau4orf. and b. ~'I "She Ia. no .... 110 III her Dlnetlet" year." . . Oby rughih.t hand adr«: concealed by day., that. be tot W8eb n GO k

and d80

trout Will be . _ted • IN"'" cIoUU to Bill tar the W .... fuIWi..... ne w .c was .Iscovp.red ill 8 back. put I,! teton on t.hot 18 of .the 14M. I'MlIaI ' bell be' A W k H . ' . ~ tile wi ... of derb, sbop lUI •. water Wltb ~ cllll~ren on b," ... d. \\'8.1 ~.h Will be ~Iected specI,!,ena, welgb •

.. W _ to mate I • .. .. rt. ...... aDd &niaazla .. aatefulneu '" puahed out m'" midstream I,,· the tra- . 109 up to SIS pounds apiece. '."Ike. tI.on.or .. It .... t.IM. on. 11' object fill 'I' 'TbeT tell ,r;te IlId BI1I's ~.d." .. Itt & cIoc- which _nil abock tbe _. d~rs. and apparently purpo',.:'ly co!>'l ':~ustomers wi1~ acRin. bave the

"', wlllda be t.4 aDJ' kIIInrIe4p CC!D- ~aU I~e. h tbat rlcbt?' . 'd" __ .U1eCbannel emta .. ~Ized. The slave traders swam lor the pnVllege. Of. catclu':1l1 thelJ" own fi~b < '-- Ii .... ,. ... andoabted11':;q~\ Snre. replied ~ctua Cal; . ".bot WIT' .. ftW •. Mot OIllv are eatabl. bank, b~t one "'88 held by tbe lel1 b, if tbey ilke.: he ~a1d. "and ~ey will

.. ttaH.. . ..• 1IIe ftIIIlI'da4. '. u. 'waddl. ..... ..- t plumb throqb the beart." : _ r"&.D the ..we b.bitua1l, • crocodile, :md captured: 12 childrem I bave the 8&t18factlon 01 kno1rlng tbey :, at:, .. IIIU,.~ • Bin,... ~OII, \ NWel1. I .In·t 8UlPriIIMI tbeo. HII tI.I'I"nl'iato ~ duUriD. but eeonOlll.i. 1 .. ere drowned.". . eou~d not fare better if they llll,ded ' .. It-...ld.be .•. 11'''' =. atobar.,·, : 1.bea01al .... y.wU-..k,·-Pblladelpbl. eel 11.101 rations .\ak~ qai~ a'lo", . thl edtrltrohut Th

on tthe ~~;.of a Hif,:!;:

,.,: .. ', ...... 4IlJ" din! ............ Pre.,. . " . ~: .... ,_keWlI III heine done. A Fre.k C.lf. ,an Oi'. e rau ....... CODle ................. tWauttilillrllw ... 1 . .. .... ~ .... Globe. .. Resel':1bling il! ~ppearanceaDd _ from Scotland eYe..,. da,..

....;::;~ .. *, .. '.... DIMIPlattoa 01 i . The WaM. " .... Ma"y.':·· ... Tanie.. . \.ion. a .laekrabblt 18 • Mebraaka ealI. Up .. D.... . .

Eta. ne wide .wua .,.,.. UId II'"

ebonld remember .... t tile .bbrnlaU. ete. mt!lUla ".1Id IIIbIr thin"" ... m.1' not, therefore. lie .pplled to per­IOn.. It lltandll f« the La tin woro. "etcetera." of the DIaler pader.Tbe l)'1Dbol ok. I. onl, UIOCber form 01' ete.. the .,. .. kllla the pIaft ot the _ junction. et. . .

---" ""

-AD4 then a aplder. with WtIII\1'O .... klB­TOG'll hardl)' belle". It, IDOmer-

__ bed a ... eb from tile plftk Io the ..-;:.:',~ .. .' ......... _,"_ID'. Hop' It .. probe" tIIat tM Int Itot7 III B·· L .., . .. ac;eordiDr. \O_~l1 acc:ounta. It hal - "'Sine ..... nr 01 sixpenco·-.. ha&·. ., .. <".:.: ...• ,.tw.::It'~ .• " •. tMhlldleoe- ~ ilia world .... __ ~.-x..4 ...... ~. ~er put aDJUrinc on your ~I. aDd III hind lees are la.JC'8I'..., the red ofi\ paP'

~~~",:;".;' "":'$ ... a. ... aa .... lI&lallr... nllllnpL' -. ~O " IllItroot._. It IN - 1M .... - "A pocket full of tainled mOMJ.

... the, eould talk to ...,., ..ua. . I; ADd.". ainu tbeft tIIeIr beada an .un.. •

., POI" the, a), thro.... dIeIJ' , ...... _ I "P .. ; •...• ". . ..,. .. • \ : _. .Ii.thin' .... ' ml~ ia......,·.. '.. ' :' PeII." . what tbe7 wIlL - •

, . . • • , •

• • •

, . • •

• • •

• • •

Page 6: LM 'R' ':. E' 'K' AlL • · uipeg UII 1\[olluay night. Mrs. and I,he Misses Matheson visi lell Carman on SaturdltY· F. C. Hllwkins, alias Slephens, got 20 years fur .1 series of

.: .... "..... v~.

l,ra.&IIa.1C So .... 's

• 4"

••• .. ..,

-. ............ I •• II •• : ... ~

{" , .,: , .~ .

. T1lE)(AU ..

III a ... ~ YtaIt ....... a .... , . ~. 71I'IUUaJ rwkl - of ... ; WllJrTHE ... u.. ~ __ nraDda pall.... . aa4 WIDIIo •• · tlaat ..... MIl .. ..... . . Wim a pc""" of puq ~rtasae .. ."., bellla4 ttwm. Tbla bo-. tile .. _.t .... of tile lI.rqa/a 4e L/cIIe. ..... Ia !be FrndI quarter. ~trut· ... ardllted1ll'al1, With tIIe._ ~ baUdJ .... el'ft'fe4 fOl' the Ameli­sa popuktioll. on- land beroa w •• ~ Into • Iarp rec:eptlon room. IIeIIdiDI b .. card '0 the marqula bl tho Oftt .PpesrtDl col0n4 mold .bo .. _ered the cJeor. .

Boon the marqul.. oerT.at. •• tolld. eober maa of ~lrtDona deportment. NIIIO do.natatra to Inform the I.nd

A Study of the' Circulation of tit. WorId' •. AtmOIphere •.


C:ofltrMta I .. T_~ .... Hi." aftd L_ P_ure ..... a Lew .. N.tu .. Call'" the Detl .. ti... Ferce of the Eerth'. ile~

Wllb 11\ COIk._itooJ .... ;: •• "' ..... llu''''l1Ie like a lieu" In II dr?ft1D. Wa. It Iapoe ~d .u uoable to - .nl one. tlon tbat 'II'beD tbe window of a wann 10. .. . T' r... IMt .... , I alUl-. tbat mode b~ r""Ullln· ...... lD baron b/a ~r. bad .utrered • ~ It is • matter of common O_rTa'

"""Pn a ~lt:Ornn .. alIlMJUs:b :mnnl,od. tbrouab '- of blood or W .... rllI_. or I ..... Ii oIabt b1a tl'mperatuft ••• ~er, room Is openl!d on a .tllI winter nlabl .J>Unt'L .. I, ....... nll,:: hi •• 1IJ1rrln'~'7 I botb? But be' wu cojtni .... m bl~ i b~" .. Id the .alet. ")(1 m .. ter Ia the cold .Ir from .Itbout rusbes Into _nd _I tb ...... m .. lin ... ".,.,hlt: bl. lII~n. I tbru ... bad at for~. bls ploll/:< .. \'1. , ~er, m, mor. BO tban I .!'.,.It kGO.u the room. Seaftr tbe ceiling tbe Tb .. htlzzlnt: ~wltch <or Ih .. ",,"'1 1>(0. i t.lIt; .nd that eTen an "I .. ", .. ot or blm to be 111 twentr yeal'!l. wanner air Ia forced out of tbe Will' .... n ... nat;T\l'I": Ih.· "'''''1'''''0 s:U'Il ... 1 .,,'! ebaa~ pre ... lled In bl. 1':lrr\('II. Rill I "You ba~e oerTed tbe marqula BO dow. Ibu .. completing. general atmos· ~h ... m ... l Inl .. n ... I"I.,:: 0Ih."tI1 n",1 ~'''' be uttered no BOond. Wb~n ... ould thut : lona?" IIIlId Ibe ~isltor, pau"lng a. be I'berlc circulation on. miniature lICIIle. ~ ... 'I .. - ",,, .. - .... '.h. 'n," _."" mist bfocome dark and the &:olden d:l,. I .a. leanne lb. room. "00 ,.OU ~ Tbe;<e curren .. of air. 'II'blcb might .... ,. "owed. bls mOTPment. tit!- fnle Into InkJ aJ,:bt? I member Ibe Salnt·Prosper famllyT' pro"e~ly be ealled .Ind. 'II'ouhl aot .1110 qalc:ller. and. ex('CutlD~ • rapid &-fllre tbe ml.t tolall~ ~lJp,...() bl. I "Well. monaleur. General Salnt·PJ'OIIo occur If the air within doofll was not pur,. M lunl:'.() with • thrull 10 .Iebt be d"lermlned to ~ake o~e more per .nd ml master were dla?,'nt kin. "'armer and coneequently IIgbter thuu .tealtbl bla blnde wa. beaten dOWD .uprt'we el!ort and ngaln Ipmng ror-I meD .nd bad adjoining landa. tbe air wltbout. oall •• It tOUCb,.() tbe ooldler'1 breut. wanl. but wu drl\'Pn bnck ... Itb ea.... "Surel,. the marqUII.dld not pau bl. Tbe ronge In temperature between

P."lnco of Wa" IRlII"" R ... I Ne"a! . Volu,, __ AI Lo ..... h.

Over 700 sUOaC. aDd in 8pia and .pan condiLion. \be 10 C'OIDpaniea lorminc the Loodoo didaion of the Ro,... Na\'aI Volunteer BHen .. e ..­oembll!d the other da,. .t their drill· hall in COIDIDereiai road. Lambeth. lor inspection by \be Prinee of WaI ...

A erowd of people awaited the ar­ri ... aI 01 the Pnnee. aDd hearty eheen were ~ wben bis Royal HilthneN drove up in Na~aI unifonn. Within the rates Wu a luI~ guard 01 honor IIOIIIJ)OfIed 01 officen and men from NOlI. I and 2 companies. under LieuL .... ilde,..

Commander Guinne8ll. introduCl!d to the Prince, one b,. one, the offic.!n under hil commarid.

Ha\'ing been ilUlpeek-<.1 bv the Prin~ the di\'ision went throu!!h mllli'


N. Li"elihood et This Splendid Sreecf Dyinl OoIt •

It is T~ry dou bUul if there is an\' branch ,!f Bri\bh larmine, 8t th;" P~Il\ Ume. that is on a !'ounder or more payinr: bLois than Sbire hON<> breedinr: .• \ft~r one or two seuons ~r rt'!"arkable priC1!fl. \hinp h""e I.'er­lalOly toned do ... n "little but the ... are I~ki.,: up .,.un. and Ute mark~'. for blC. Aound. weir:hty h()~s .uit­!,ble lor town ~ork iA &II cood &II enr­It WILS. There 18 no M!Cre\ in the f.", thllt the motor, for heavy haulage hILS not. b:een quite the 'Ue('l!SS thlli .. as anticipated. and the da\' whe~ the Shire will be diapeDMd 'with ii, lurther distant than ever. One v.rV pleasinl: feature in eonnec:tinn with

)lau~lIIe .addenlr 'ollowed bla mo- 'J'be knowlroge tbat be 10'" contlnuln:; i tlmlt In Ibe country?, Ot>ICn'ed Mau· the equ:ltor and tbe north pole amounts men .. r, .• d".nlage ... llb a dangeroul • faIlle Itrolfgle Imote blm to tbe lIOul.l ~1IIe. In winter to con"lderabl,. more tbnn .Iunp from belo..-. InTolunt.rllr Barnell Gladl1 would be bove' 'II'l'lromed tbe "He prefel'n!d It to Par1a-lI bl'n mr' 100 degree .. F., aitd In summer tbe looked .wa1. but blJl wanderiDa aUen- fatal Ibro.t If llrat bl' could bRI'e !lent i Iadl w .. tbere," lidded Francois IIOW,.. conlrast Is alllO great. 1I10reo\'er, In lion ••• Immediately N'ClIlled. From bl. bl.de tbroul1b tbnt breut 'II'blcb 110 ' In aplte of bls III bumor tbe .bndow summer tbe continents are warmer the IIPI' of tbe land boron bUl'llt an el:· f.r b.d been Imper\,lous 10 his pl!orts. i of • &mile aleamed In tbe land baron's tbnn tbe ocenDS. but In wlnler the reo damatlon of mingled pnln nnd anger. Now tbe ICene went rouml and round. I e.R. .nd. encoura!:ed by tbllt qu ... · Ten!(! Is true. Tbree e:samples '11'111 Salnt·Proaper bll. :lot only pnrrled tbe Tbe iolden dill became crimllOn. ocnr.! tJonln. look. the mon continued: "Tbe ~r\"e to Illustrate bow Bucb contrasts DOlCOT "A SOLD (111678) AT 10 T.Aa5 or All&: tbrost. but bl. own blade. b,. a rapid let. tban aray. leaden. IIOmber. In"lIu, m.rqula .nd General Salnt'Pl'08per lllfect tbe winds of tbe world. this widely·knoWll draft breed id 'ha'" rl~te. bad &:ra&l'(\ tbe I~oulder of bla tIonlly be bent bl. arm to rounler an .' were .1 •• ,. togetber. Mr lad, ba4 At the equator tbe temperatur. .Ter· the tonnn\ fanner and small br~>eder foe. Im."n.ry lunaI.'. amI bll antaj1Onlst. her o.n frleDd.... ages nbout 80 degree .. tbroughout tbe ~as play.ed. such a prominent part in.

Nor w.. tbe mnnaier·. BUrprl_ tbro.t out bl. raplf'r like • thing of "80 1'.0 be.rd." commented tb. U. yenr. Consequently tbe lower aIr 00W8 . I~ upbulldmg. ~any a London cham • ..-eater tban tbat of tbe count. Tbe I.t· lifo. trandstalf W.uvllle·1 .word .rm. __ r. In from regioDS of blgb pretlllUre on pIon or Royal wmner claims a t.!lIftn"

· ter •• m.Rd tbnt this unuMual .trat.· Bo otood bl. arOu::d bmnl, for • m~ Francois' dl8crei't .,. ... were down. .ncb "Ide. forming wbat are kDO'II'n as farmer, perhaps in a very humbl& •• m.bould bove failed wben directed meat, pl.,lng feebl,. Into 1Pllce. u. caBt. Wb,. did tbe ,'IMltor 'II'1"b to Il'IlI'n tbe tmdes. Tbese "'Inda cover nenrly positi0!l, lUI its blftlder; and althoueh bl a Wrllt .. Imlnl.() and an e7e u pec:tltII tbe f.tal 8troke. Wben would .bout Ibe Snlnt.l'ro.per family? Wby. one-halt of tbe enrtb's Burface and the. Shire Horae Society is IUnterially qulc:k ••• 1.u.-lIIe· •• now Interpooed. It come? Thea Ibe Blnte coIore4 blJel IIIstead of "oln", did be IIn.:er .nd e.\'6 blow with much ete.dlDela the rear .allle. or w ALU ..... I •• llIO ,. •• IIOY AL ~.ISted by almOll\ !"l tho lending no-

"E br' b I I ed I • •• d. IIAVAL V.LOIIT.... bthty. fr.om the K1Il& dO",lwftrds, i' noua e esc n m • oep.ret n. were a •• llowed In • blaell clond. But Ibe man bnlf dubiously? t'rancols roun , 'c.annot ID any wa,. be stated that.

tbe coat .. taDtL "Honor b •• been .... wblle bl. mind pnued Into unCOD' bad IIOld 110 mnny ot bls master'. lie- Tbe mODBOOns. or "R.soDa: winds," . u.1 and firing exercise. and then "fall hke Bome breeds. a mODopol ... is hohl 1a0ed." ~Iouln ... bl. brealt wa ...... n'- p- crets be "cented bls o"portunltl- -Ith of Indl •• nd tbe IndlnD ocean .re tbe in lor drills" was piped. bv th lth c1 ' "It Ia tbl ~, rled tb I d ba -..- OJ .~ t'~. " Many of the drills were of a spec- ., e wea r IUIRS.

110 nl. c e an roD oented to bll .ntaeonl.t, .Dd nen'tbe • Ilstb liensI.'. 1II0st IDteresUng of tbelr cI...... In ,\aeular nature. aDd carried out with . Thi!, h~rse IS unique &8 lor as hitt le!ceIJ. "lila bl.de bardll .oucbed count "lDddere4. "Tbe mnrqul. lind General Snlnt. Bummer the cooler ocean air pusbell In ,remarkable. precision, dash. and breedlDg IS concemed. being the pro­-." ID bll u.aperatlon .nd dl.ap. Wltb bla blade .t /fD.rd Sa'lnt·PrfIIo PrOllper "'ere wurm frlend,,'I" .aked townrd tbe land, .. bile tbe warmer air uni\y. The dismembering 01 field I{uns Ileny of t,,'o London cbampions. lIIar. IM!lntJaen. o~er bll f.llure )oIauvllle per remained motloDI.... Tbe I.nd Ibe Innd baron at lengtb.. o,'er the contillt!nts· rlaea to • roDSld· and their (-.uipment, and lirting them ke!'ton. Ro.yal Har()ld and tho grent. w .. ~17 conllClou. of bll wound. baron Ita"ered feebly .nd then unk "Yea. monsieur; tbe dp.ntb of tbe Int. em hie b.lgbt IIDd tben Oo.s out to piece by piece through a "hole ill the prlze."·lDDlng, mare Aurell. b~' Thorn· "I tall 100 It .. notblnl." be r.pestad. BOW,. to tbe earth. Tbat f.tal look. ter wns • 1Ie"ere abock to tbe Marquis sen, form Inc •• ystematJc clrcul.tloD wall" was at once. good show item to, nl P,,!!mier. He ia a beautilul ba)·.

"W .. -. • U Sit 0-. d .- t I ffi' , ,!a ed ID 1896. and bred bv. his owner, ... a IOU M,.. ...r. . an· • ..- tbe el:prealon of • duellat ••• Dlsbed de 1.1 "ne·. but. 1II0n Dleu';-lIft1na Ills betweeD ocean aDd continent. ID win· . an a..,s 0 e clency. SI Al H d .. , ....... tb' . .... . The Prl'nee wa'-hed ev rv 110" . r ell. en Onion. Sound ;"""ftq of' per." ._~ e COllllt. from tbo IIOldler'. fnce. and, .1I0"lna eres-"It wu.s well he did not liTe to ter tlte oceaD Ia wnrmer tbaD Ibe COD' . "" I.' , I.e- the Sh' dB - _ ."-0-'" r tllm .... tb rOUD, tb I f bl d ... _ ','meDt "'ith ~ profeasional e~.·e" and Ire regar uscot Harold RJI ono· ~. " ...... , e ... e I.' po Dt 0 • weapon to rap to __ .ltnen tbe dllgroce of bls IOnr' tlnent. .nd tbe wIDdo reverse tbelr 01 the greateMt specimens tile bree(1

.... eoIfII, d be _.a bl "1 tl I asked many questiona 01 the oflicers od d . • l(I'Oun. .UrT.,..... prostrate .n· "Ills ~n's dUlg1'8ce," repented tbe u rec 011. ,on points of detail. The drills com. ever pr uee, And they are not lar , ..... r. DOtI" relternted tbe p,atrooa, t./fOnllt. land baron eagerly. "Ob. you mean Tbe "1.Dd and Ilea breezes" occur !plet.i!d, 'he "general assenlbly" was wronl)'. His grand crest, powerlul

.... ralnlDI;~I_lf 'II'1t~.dIItlCDlt,.. "U :'Oone like. pntlem.Dr' c:rIed tbe running In debt- gumlng-l9me .uch with much regul.rlty De.r largo bodlea ,lOunded, and as soon as all the com. qUArters nnd we.ll moulded Iimbuhow

..... a4!ntood we .bould continuo count, bre.tbln. more freell, "You fuhlonnble "Irtul"," of water In some part. of tbe world. panies had lallen in his Ho)'al High. to AdVAntage ID the IIccompaning­

.. til betb .ere wllllnl to .tapr· b.d blm •• lour mercy. IIlr"-to SalD.' "If hetrnylng his rountr, I •• fub. The oce.D I. cooler tban the JIIDd duro 'nesa addressed them a fo,.· congratu. ~oto, which. it should be mention· "Se." Interrupt..t the count lu.nll. Pro.per-".nd ap.red blm." lonable ,·Irlue." replied tbe .... Iet. "He Ing tbe d., .nd w.rmer .t nlllbt. cau.. latory )I\·ords. I so' Wd" t:Aken A~ the end 01 III.t S8/l·

"It WDB underatood YOIl .bould roDtinuo A rold gl.nce waa tbe IIOldl.r'. onll I~ a trnltor." Ille 00 a' .m.1I _Ie a dalll Inter· . The nellt order lrom the command. n, urmg "'hlch he served 10& If both --- .lllln"'" Itb t rd b t ed cb.n- of .Ir .lmllar to lb.· -u-_· in" officer was, "Prepare to stand by m'o"rchs. Th~ IAct of him heinl!. put "~.~... responet'. a. 'II' ou •• o e urn Incredulltv. oTl'rspread tlte land bar-.- • ,....... • IIrt on h fi t . · "And • ." I I ed tb I n4 b ... - . to ,ive three cheers/' Then: "Three' I . I" rs apooarance In the-lot! re nOI. ell.' II me.. bruaquely .'II'n.~. Meanwhile tbe doctor. Oil'. fenturetl: t1wn. coincident 'II'ltb , ..... monlOOll&. . cheers for his Roval Highness the' s lo,,··nnl!, ~oes not count ns a true "roa, .beelln. on Sah:t·Prosper. "Did b .. tenlng to ".D.llle· •• Ide. OpeDed tbe .• lIertlon. Cdllle remembrnnce of A clear mowled", of tbe term "air Prinee of Wales~ Hip. hip. hurrah '''I t·:e"t"" o.f IllS merits. fo •• hft;"" "cMIl ,oa ..... the .rml ,,",-u .. ·~- bla shirt. . hla coDTel'll3tlon wltb tbe m.rqul.. prenure" Ia .ery belpful In .tadylDg :The mell obeyed heartily, Imd the rl~ he Rights and sounds of tile Lon.

"'OentJltlft .... pntlem"nl t.. u obo ""e I. badly bnrt'" •• ked Barnl!fl "lIe certalDly called blm tbnt." ru. tbe ca_ ot wind. Air. 11118 •• tone. 'crowd outside, hearing the sound. I' b~~ hren~. he gllve a very poor ~how. _rTO tbo proprlotl .. !" eapo?tul.te4 tile .nl:lllul17 of tbe .urgeon. - mlnated tbe Tlsltor. Not onll the prcuea aplnat· the lfOulld-lD olber added n lourth eheer on ilAl own ac. h' <;! IIIIlI! never put bllek allRm, M count. "I. It lour IDtentloa, .Ir"-to "No; onll faInted from Ion of words, but .. 'he espretlsJon of Ibe old words. It·b •• welgbt, amountID. '0 no count. IS prIze record shows. Rnll ho WRS the-8aln"Pl'OfIper-"ut, to grant m, prl. blood," replied tb.t pDUeman c:beer- noblemaD'. 'face, recul'n!d to blm. less tban 2,111 pounda UPOD everJ This WIlS again repeated &8 the fl!st. horse. to lower the colors 01 'hiA rlpal'. requ .. n" . full,.. "He will be _Dnd ••• In In. Wb •• did It ml'an unlt!lll It conllrmed square foo. of tbe eartb·. surf.ce.t Prince's t,,'o-horse carriage moved off ~;re·S; .. :lnn~lg flrst And c.hamnion At

A 001'ft _ .npr .le.me4 from·tba do,. or 1'11'0..., " ' the dellber.te cbnree of. tbe. VII let? Tb. lieU Ioyel-but, unlike a -.toDe, tbe at· towards Westminster Bridge. I ~~rll~~ Th:~:~t JH'~~d' .10,,1898: 18'";. _Idler'. 0,. completel, tran.formID, The : land baroD soon ftg.lne4 co. II.nd baroD forgot hla dluppolDtme'ot mOllpbere I. elastic to a hlp degree mnm' winnerM anll II' r Ie sIre 0

" bla eapreao\M.nd bearln •• Bla .I.ate aelou.neu.nd walked, .ltb the.. our bl. In.blllty to see the m.rqul. .nd .Iao p~ ID all otber dll'eC!tloDII. . . Gift to Enlland. . for one se' . as et lor £1,00& qUlckll,.wept from tb. count to II.. .lltance of tbe rount. to bl. carrl.P. .nd bepn to loo'k 'II'ltb more fnor OD OD .ccount of Ibl. eluUell1 of tbe The stat~e of William III. 01 _As-:-o_n_, __ ..:.-. __ .lIIe a. tbe .tudled In.ult of tbe I.t A tb bo t t drl th' air cert.1n force. wblch .rtae from ,~range. whleh the Germ!,n Emperor H . · • • • el .ere. u 0 .... W., 0 Ibe m.n. . • 18 about to presen\ to King Edward. IBH PRICE OF FLAX SEED .n a wordl; aD bl. cbeek burned. dark BOUnd of • .cblcle ••• be.rd drewlne "Be .urrendere4 • Frencb .trong. dllfer:'nces In temperature .nd the . is a bronze figure nine feet in height. . . • ~. ~t It.. '''' .', neart·band lOOn It .PBpeared fO~Wed bb

' 1I0Id," contiDued tbe llervant" IIOftl,; edartb. robtatlon IC•

U88 It...!! becomde U will ~ shipped to EnglaDd in June. I At the Pre •• nt Pric. It I. S.ld to Bo ..... IrQ on. . ~110 er .qulps!;e. otb atop,..,.. at t e "Dot Ibrougb fear; ob, no; but tor am. eD118 or eIIvy n &ome .~ •• ona an . when an ellaci duplicate will be erect.-The count .tepped nlmbll ,from bl. conOne. of tbe Oaks .nd the friend. ot bltlon. power. under Abd .. I.Kader. tbe rare or IIpt In other regiona. ed on the terrace of the royal palace • Mor. Profit.hl. Crop Th.n ·Wh •• t.

'. poeltlon bel'll'eeD tbe two .men. Apln tbe tblcket't m.n. SU .. D·. admirer. an4 Iloorl'h leader. !oil master bas tbe re. It III tbe effort of tbe atmOl'phere to ·in Berlin. I . As a resl1lt 01 the new customs tar. 'be .worda c~. Tbe count'. glance tbe youna I.d on .bom .be bad .mlled port of .be military bonrd of Inqulr,." overcome Ibeae pretJllure dlffereDces . According to Herr Heinrich Baucke. I" 01 ten cents per bushel on im. bent Itoelf more clOIIel7 aD tbe lIarnre .lIcbted. "'Vhl b •• tbe mntter attracted no and reaume a state of equal den81., . the sculptor who i. making both th,· ported f11ll! seed the price of flllll seed of tbo BOldler, notlnar now bow .uperb- "Ba!" 1!J:Clalmed tbe doctor. 'wbo bad public .ttentlon If a board of InquirY that cnUIIe8 tbe winds to blow. figures, \he Emperor decided t:o send I IS. no,!, .1.23 !n Winnipeg. At this

• Iy poloed wu bl. bo<ly •• bllt _rvea ac:c:ompanled tbe COUDt .nd bl. com. • ••• ppolntl!d?" • Tbe colnmn of mercurJ In a barome- . the statue to England alter seemg the I price It IS clamled that lIu growing ,of .tr.nllb were .UIII ... ted ,b,. Ibe p.nloo to the carrlnge. "No. 21" "The board waa a IleCret ODe •• nd the ter tube I. .1'II'a,., ju"t balaDclng a '~~~~~lr;~r~~:fh th~~e':~~ld "!!'k

a: fo~ i;,/nno;:i 'l:r~~~b::' !~;::ct:3e~ar~~~:

wblte. muaeular arm: Ill •. wrl.t moved "Yeti." laughed tbe count. al be lea. report walluppre8~. Jo'e. bave _n column of air of Ibe same diameter. };ngland!" he exclaimed. ~lderRble q.ualltities will be grown it) like a macbln •. 1IlCbtl,. bru.blna .llde ed b.ck .galnst tbe BOft .. ·,~blon •• "I' It e:scept .be I.te king "f France and reacblng from tbe barometer to Ibe His Majesty's original intention was .he, CllnAdlan Northwest this year. tbe tbroat.: 'B.d .It '-n but .cclden. promlaea to be a bU"J dal Ilt tbe O.kal ml muter." top of the IItmOllpbere. If Ibe air 18 to send a miniature statue as 8 private F Inll mAtures more quickly thaI) .ba. lI.n.m.·. unlooked for e:spedleDt Re.lly.'·.i tbe (!(Iulpage rolled aD, "Since It b •• bcien Inspected bl .ucb dense tbe mercury will of courae Bt.Dd present to King Edward, bnt the idea wheat and may consequently be SOWI)

· bad f.Ued' . . "Sew Orll!an. I. f.at bIicofilDI a d.. Iood compaDI I con feD curiOllt,. to hlgb ID the tUbe. and to ellpres8 tblll 'Willi given up in fa ... or 01 a lull·sized later. New settlers who have only Bn'· the I.nd baron'. sea. onll.p. IIIRd center I" 10011 .t It mllelf. But your· muter Ii rondltlon we use tbe term ''hlp figure, which. according to the word. been oble to BOW a small acreage of

,..r04 to 1fO:w'.In proportloD to tbe .... UL I canDot ape.k wllb blm. Perbnps pressure" hut If the .. Ir Ia rare tbe 01 the Kaiser's written instructions, ia wheat CRn. alter the wheat is sown • .... ace be .Dc:ol1nle~d: tb. lUI' for CBAPTER XXI. '10U"- . mercury' will stand 10 .... In the tube •. illtsnded "for the Enllish na\ioll.... break up more land for lIu seed. The "btl I I I b b I f and we lbeD use tbe tenn "low pres· Horr Baueke relates tha\ the Em· seed may be sown' as late Ill! the mid·

DI nerea_ w t t. DlUI e 0 TE land baron's Injuries dl4 not "I. mon.IeDr!"lndlgn.ntll... peror spent three-quarter8 01 an hour dIe 01 June although May iM cansid. · 1M "lad ... For ",m" momeDt. be f.lnt· . lonl I\I!ep blm IDdoors. for It "For II .. bDDdred· franci. Francois?" .ure. . in his studio on hi .. fint visit of in. ered the' best· month. In filet flax .. aad lualed. _kin. .n open IDe. w •• bl. pride ratber tb.n bl. "To obllee mODsleur!" be •• wered Over the United Stntea, Cnnnda and lipection crit.icisin, the de\ails of the see4 seems to wait the farmer's con. llewner .I"~t. A&:nln be .ppe.red ben. bod7. tb.t b.d re<. .. I~ed deep ooftl,. bn' bla ele1 gleamed like • other parla of the world tbe pressure hilltorical. dress tri"n to the figure. vomenee. It can. be &own early or .pon forclne a qllll'k conclullon. for .nd bitter woond.. Be cb.fed .nd l,ns'L '. Is a_rUined encb day at nnmeroU8 Hi8 Majesty seised a paper and pen· late and Ill! it is leA8 liable to in. 1Udd0D11 wltb • rU8b be BOuebt to fDmed wbeD be thoqbt bow In.1I "You h... ao compunction •• bout Itatlona. Tbe barometer readlnlfll.· os· cil. drew .n out.line of the pose. rap- jury from weather than any 01 the breall o~er Balnt·Prosper·. pard.nd IIkellbood tbe detail. of hla def .. t oeIllD,. reput.tlon, t'ranroll'l" pressed ID Inches of mercury. are tele- idly filled in each de\ail and uplain. other cereals i~ may be harvested al· OIIfC!ee4ed la woundlna tbe otber .1I.bt· could not be .uppl'ellled ID tb. clubo "Reput.tJon I. tbatl" anld lb. man. graphed to a central' polDt and Ibere ed the points with his usual vi ... acity. ter the wheat, oats and barley have I I .be I b d. N f bl charted OD • map The esaet region. He was careful, howe ... er. to collect been gathered in, , D ore .. 0 ••• ur. 0 • .nd cit fea. coatemptuouall an.ppln. hla angers, wbere the Prelll~re I. blgh or low th!! pi~ 01 paper on which he had Flu seed is e8pecially well adapt-... a, lI.n~Ule .prenl.t blm .. upll. "I pl.,ed blm too freel,." be ..-ooaed emboldened bl bl. comp.ct with tbe m., th.n be seen at a gi.nce. It haa made ~18 8~et.eh .. and carry them ed lor newly. broken land. "rol.,

Bat. da.blDi tbe blood from bl. eye. to tbe Count d. Proprl.c •• the I •• ter caller. "Fr.nca .nd IIOU •• re eYer,.· been learned from .ucb o~aUo!18 aw.y 'II'1th him .hen he dep.rted.Shaw, of the University 01lllinne80ta. wltll bl. fne ~.nd .nd wltbont glvlD, ... contemplaUnly nUflllDC tbe I.or, tbln.... lormerly one 01 the prolessors 01 the •• ,;, IDIDt·Prosper Diet tbe .... lilt b.Ddle of hla c.ne and otrertn. the "Lord. how RrTaD" Imbibe tbeldea. that theae .reu .re conataDtll mo.lne Premi.r'. 1.I.rla.. Agricultural College at Guelph, Ont .• with a .,... of lrea, ·.Dd thO! I.nd bar>. I.nd baron .ucb poor sol.ce •• btl or their bett.rsl" quotb tbe patroon a. eastward at .n a ... erage rate ot .bout . The best p.id Colonial Premier i. sa)'o in relerence to this: "The Inllu·

· _ f.11ed to proOt bl .bat bad _me4 comp.D1 atrordl!d. "I mlajudged tbe lie left .be IIoD_ .Dd .trode down tbe 000 mllell per doY. the nowes&.-Gen. Botha, who is to enee of the lIax crop i8 helplul to the a Ct!rlaiD .dunta, .. e The wound b.d .ttack. bealdes e:t:poalue mll1elt too .... nled w.lk. decapltaUn. tbo bego- Tecbnlcalll Ibe low preaoure.reu draw £4.000 a year from the Trans- qaick reduction 01 the prairie Mod ow· tblt effKt of .maklua the soldier more IIIncb. If I coDld oDI, meet him .plnl" 01,., .Ith lila canf'. are called "cyclones" .nd_ Ibe blgh ... aaI Government. ing to the peculiar nature 01 the flb-nutlous, .ad .• , .. foot and b.nd were "It would be the ... me." -tort .... Ibo (To IH!. conUnued,) prelllure areu "antlcyclone&" Tbel : The followinc i. a list of the other rOU8 growth 01 the roots, TheMe, pene·

.~ ..... f tJ 1000 U- I Premiers' salaries '""n in .L_ H trating every part, reduce the soil to 8Cl.' ualli.""'·,;' , '. eouat brot.II-. "W. ben rou loa •. 'our --- .re reqDen 1. 01' more m - n •• wm ou.. d' . te ted I I ,., dlamete- -- little "'-rm. of -t of CommoDII P.eent.ly bor Mr. L. v. 8 Ism gra pu venl ent moss • . la' bla fuI7·tba •. bla cb.nce,lI.d allp. .emper.lou 1011' lour cauet'. Your .ork SEEDTIME p'W' SURES.· -~~ d ---:; .. f.... ·f"'te lied··:: Hareourt, 'who was lUllI~ering qqe .. which is "reatly lavornble to the

....... ' • ..,.' a""w.undlne and, u ~ w •• brilliant. but be II ODI! of tb.bes. ': eI .. u"u~e orce 10 0 D ca -.,. t' f th Coloru'a1 0fIi-.. growth 01 the succeedin .. "rain crop . '. .'" . . clone. .re -'11 tom.'·-. ,',' 1011& or e ~ h .... :}·.Iti .. "" ..... bla oppoDeD' II.... _ont.men I ner "W. Who I. b.. ..... .....,.. other t An lIu. It hili! also been no-

':·;;~IlI.:tIIrowID,prudent'O to tile wlDda" .n,..,," ~":t=I:;'-:,::,=--. The b"her Ibe pl'llllllure In .nl par·· Anstralia.... ........ £2,100 ticed thAt rood crops 01 flAX follow ':;"'~,atto.Pt'" to ~t bla rUb "Alii know Is, be et'"edln AJclen.- .... ,. .... U8 _k or rrutta aad eo... Ucular recloD relatJ.e to oome olber Na\al...... ........... 1,M4I the breaking up 01 a sod field. Why' ·"u,*lIent.:-.a4 tbla 11_ tba .teel of .14 lI.n.lIIe 1IIood1l1. And v",tablell Ifal .... ;· reston tbe creater wUl' ba the nlocl., Qvueensland ............ 1,300 For the same rl!lIIIons that good crop"

, ' .. ! b'" ·.u .. -I- .... lDfd IIko' "nlc:'.II. "An .dYenturer •. probabl,!" esc:'-IID- .114 I can hardly walt unUl of the wind. The .. 1ada blow mucb NietoS "W·a .,............... 1.4007 01 flall are rrown on new breaking. . , .-'. .. TIle winter'. lee and .now futer Ia IDte Ib I mer be- • . ... es. . • . . • •. • •. . 1.5 0 The yields from crops ',rown on com.

;, ~,ftr;'''paMtD, __ tb bl. arm .nd I. e4 the otber. ..elt from m, well loved nrdea plot th 'II' r .n n .u~ te • Canada ......•..•••••.. loP mon sod land broken up are usually ''',·tlctIDl'' ... ,,'" ...... woond. . loin.. "I'd ".0 a Iood deal to know bla I'H' To.pade and raIIe and Me. 'canae e ,reater contruta 0 mpera· Wea\ A4IIwaiia ........ loP not quite KO good Ill! on new breAking • . ; tblll.· rl!flfllDblln. a': *" of .ppNII_ ord." ftmarked tbe patroon contem- For In thl. eatal"lIUe 1 11114 tore canae -mOre decided dlffen>DCelI ID South AusValia •.. ,.... 1,000 becnuKe the elemenlAl of fertility are · .Io.a' eft F I'tllo land baron'. f.ce.· "I piaU • ..,. "You .bould be prett1 .ell Ne. ra4i."eao and pea-. preaoare. New ~a1and .......... 1,600 not usually present to the same ClI' · bue uDdetwt1m.ted blmr' be tboDlbt, .fqulnted with tbe penonnel of tbe .s Jdada of lettuce. elcht of CDm- ,0_".tJoaa demonalrftte. bowour., Tasmuia.. . ...... ..... 9IiO ten .... • '''Tho nut .troke will be drl.ea ne.-r· arml'" '. • \hJI\ to U)' an th~ lIIat the wind nenr blow. In fltratcbt Dr. JDIIIeIOn. the Prime Minister lor

n CUeumbel'll _11m, cucumben fat, 1'- beea II bodies f Ir beD ~b_" .,,' . '''It Iaclu4eo enrybodl no •• d.,..... And 11m .. _hart and tall. -. - • a • w ~ Coklny. recei ... es no salary. Sir

, ..... " Bo'felt _ f.r. bo.e~er: onll mu.- -""'" ... - dI I t. '''0 tit t AII4 melon .. cabbace. _te and If! a III motion .re .eled upon II)' • I.w or H. Camr-bell·Bannerman. lUI Premier. - "~r'-'-- P om. . n. seem. o. (be aI , __ .... _ -lied Ibe "deO-ID" ·0- .... . aI b' F' t Lo .... . , ''';MI~ .re ... · ,. la·· tbe ooldift"a band _ I did kilo. of a Saint· Prosper .t . want to U7 m L _ ..... ~. ~. • .' ,,_... __ no" ary; u. liB In ""

, . ··'."<the datA.,. weapon w •• ·a thlq of mar>' tho IIIlIItaF1 collep .t Saumur: or ••• 'I'_t_ ten yarletlea. the _rtb·. rotation." Thla force lama ; of the '!'reuury is paid £5.000 a year. '''' ... Iou; .aatJ, lItI,.nor It.t tba I!lcole iI·.ppllcatlon d·.tat.m.. And OIllonl white and ncL .11 wIa4 to the rlcbt of Ita course ID Mummy U~ .. D.ta.

praetlcall7, UrehW jar' Delllmed aeapecrace. it I .m not ~:f a;:.~~e~e~_ I the northern· bemlapbere .Dd to tba A eatnl8pondent of the Table\, writ.-aal, tlr.I_; be.ud-. mlttAkea; _. '0 Algiers; mlilt be tho ADd tumlpe .... 1:1. tumlpe lata. left 111 the ooulbern. ,iDI bam Etr7pt, I&Y. u A .. ni\. a Ii&.

~~!i~~~~~~~'~tb~e~te~mipo~Of tbee&' '.me." .' . 1 . ·Potatoea b, the 1ICOre, ThOD If • WiDd 111 oar bemlapllere :Ue wbile 1110 a German lady· \lfaa . tbla u~Spected.., .• Heft tlleC!uUDt clOle4, biB . eres .D' ~ "::-l::i:':; :::'';::1 .,. a wwr«. ::rd notb~ !r:-=n ot;':~t .::! 'maeJa pleaed .a\ bam. _red for . tile . apeco . aim_ OD tbe point of clroPplne -..' a _derable lIam tbe mammJ 01 a

liccuraC1" a bat AdcIftlII .tra"btenN blmself. .• heftW\th thaalt the .. , ~_.n JdIl4 west It Will soon turn tow.rd the , __ -'. She was deli,hted wi\h ber · .. no bla4eo a perrUadopw f.re.eli .nd de- For _1141.,. 18 .. this _It. nortbwat. Wlen It Ia remembered 'liulain. aDd the Arab dealer .u

ad . ..,.. Whn all u.e. t" ..... an aoeIna on. tlaat .t tbe equator the earth .. rotat· : qui&. lat.ia6ed with the Bum be .... a '. la • ...,.a.tnd7.··.~ .'. . How pnU7, u.,. win IOokI IDa: .t the enormooa .elocll1 of 1,00:; 'elwel. , "

, • - deal t1urlDi tile. r ..... m. to plaat m, total piot_ web a ~ force coDld eSIat. All i"- oar flnt poor mother." 1&,.. &be . Dot Impre~o 'I'WeIy. 'eet .., tw • ., Io.,.! .... ot ~ aDd, low prManr.. from _poDdeD" ".be betan to ea· bora bla 0" -N.wl'orIt..... • 'N her lIIammy. She looIIed M it tIuIt tUctioD wbalner canae, therefore become e1~I. aDd nan pie'ed a bale in i\.

ciertaln wblrllal m. of air. and a little '"'IIIeD. eDCOIIraPd II)' what abe 'Balnt. . '. 0... c:.-.~ '. tboucbt will abow tlaat ther moat torn .... abe P1ll ~ to rip i\ opeD.

hi. CDdoolt1.. . IIr.WJftD-I wan. lOG eta 1Ia .. n· 111 oppoolte dlrectIona. In tho north· B_ m~f ... stuffed wi\h tile for a • ., '0 COD- ~ ,that Ia Iood tar 1GIL 1111 dear. I ern bemlapbere the low araa. or . DailJ: llail __ . _____ _ .. ball' etIddeDJ ., :.lIn.·W~ tIIaak 1GIL JaIIII. )lr·1 "lo ....... ther are. deslCD·tet1 OD the I;

... , .... wtoe •• proceel. ,Wrsa-BDt remem_ that IUD to be, weather map. alw.,.. rotate 111 a dI· : GeraI~~ H. T!e,-...;:-. 'tIl ~:t:t iL .. y. 1It,,1e1l ~ .the Jadet or .... t .. pod·tar 70IL ,lDCtIDa ~~ to~tot. tile bQda .. doe in the bou.1,ou . " r WI • , . : _ . ' or ... t9. '. ('.eralclIDe--::Y!!!!.J'lD·,lad Jog -.

! "- ...

Farm Work Thl. W ...... A pril is here: Enrythinr is to be

done now. The farmer who htu! man· aged well will find hill .ork go on with a clocklike harmony. The other who hIlS just been drawn along by events. will find himaelf all tangled up with work now. The seeding must be done just as soon as a seed·bed can be made. The early seedin« in all but peas ill the one th.t paY8 in big yield8, The manure Is. still to I!et out 01 many lards. bu\ thlll he.vy item 01 labor should ha ... e been spread over the winter months. Cleaning up

· 01 old rubbish, Wimmina orchardM. burning bl"Ullh. rebnildinc old, fences • (letting wood up for lummer .nd draining. are till clamoring to be

· done. This' week do one \hing well.

Stead,. persistener will Mer_ the delay yet. and, i\ ia not too late .., hue all thing. ~ deeent.l7 in or-d.. ,

L~ th.. meantime pt \he team lID · th.. fields as IIOOn aa pauible .... £."£&~ ~e ~bod ~ell. .' ." .


Page 7: LM 'R' ':. E' 'K' AlL • · uipeg UII 1\[olluay night. Mrs. and I,he Misses Matheson visi lell Carman on SaturdltY· F. C. Hllwkins, alias Slephens, got 20 years fur .1 series of

.' ToE )IAlL ELll CREEK. llANlTOB.-L . ,.~-.~~ .......... , ... ..- ,' ... ~~


. '" M" .... Do ' , Be ..nIeallF _'I ~ to tM .. "

et bIc boCeIL B ......... tboaP !If I ITSSUPERloRrrv . y,\-3

-. -. ...." ...... - .... " .......... <,; , '\. ....... " .. lIlIot bue ~. ,... eome K ..... , We are eo 1I8Id tD "Jaklnr of tbe .,U

as IIM!~ .mlDeral _aar that It COIlld

quIte as a aboc:k. to lad tbIa 15 a mL .... , take.. As a matter of fKt. the la "er or

I -'- ............... T .................... t 0' .' ,t.. .. Il10..... ....... lIMIt ...... ... farm aDd ..... lD a Iarp city tew llM

lim time. ri!tr ApI, ~ .... lI!.a~ ~I the beSt ~ .... WIIoi~d:~ a~ Intoiieuti;1JWi .... Of 18'

; ... ft mokJ _bleb clotbee tbe t;f'O~Dd I:l , ' ..

II It .'. t ... ~t ......... .

•• to!'r ~-:.; r':{: t,,, -',i ':':.~~ ~ ... >" .. :' '"Sa;." be .. ~;to c:,iT,S~toiarb.:

blDd the dealt a«be .'~ ~I a~ 8 o'clock In tJiiIt; monfni. "\.be :otber ~ last nl~~to~ fet

.. thlap o,.~ the Uttle ~e In m1 room ... ben I ... anted 'aD."

W\·eA. - aid Sew1oa.


.• U culllnble d1atric:1:a and from wbleb Te~IaUoD spriDp Ia actually In ~"t

'I rart a UVIDIt la,.er of tlDJ' plants And Ii i animal... InterlaclDa ~ds of molds '1 aDd 0 fuDj:!. WOnDS aDd arubs. creepln!: .

1Il5eCls. tiny root parasites. dec:ayln~ I lea Veil' and tbe mUUozaa ot bacteria I

! ... blcb sprln!: from them-all tbeill' are !

II . ;

.REa TEA "Welllbia morulllC. abotll a balf .n hour ago. I ukeel fft' a ..... of let! ... atn. Some air! _ered -tbe .tel. pbODe."

I mixed And mingled to~tht!r Cor many, 1 locbes do,rn belo ... our feet III a con· I : . Ct.'1!ed mllSll ot . life. : Germs ot all sortt i Every leaf i. uncolored. undoctoreel .nd.t vlraln purity •

• "'arm In countlea mWlollll. Indeed. I Lead H\·es." "Well I don't like to be took fer •

bell Yy dr-Dker. I ... am·( drunk luI

Dlnctw". I r I r_ i all tbe plllnta that cro ... and liCe Ibat ,-===~p~a~C~k~et~.=~o~n~IY~.=~4Oc:=.=5Oc=.=a~nd7=.==p~e~r=~L~b~.=A~I=~A~I~I=G=rec:=_=-= • .' '" E .,..... 'ulata on tbe C.ee of the 'eartb O .... f! -

~Ir. C. 11. Fiu:r. M t. !:>l"rlu.g, Ky .• ,,'ritoe-A:

"I have luffered .ith· kidney and .Iadder· t,.ubl. 10' ten ye.,. palt.

"I.ut March J commenced u~ing I' .. , una and continued for thn-e month!. r hue not uad it lince. lIor have 1 fell a pain.

"J believe that r am well and I therefore give lIlY hi~he,;t commen­dation to the curatiYe qualitiea 01 Peruna."

P •. ru.na f.r Kidn.y Treubl. lira. Geo. H. 8lmBer. Grlllt, On·

tario. Can.. writea: "I had not been well lor abou'

four yeanl. I heel kidney lreuble. .nd. In tact. t.lt badly n • .,ly .11 t ... 11m.. ~

"Thi8 summer I lot so nr,- bad I thought r would tr,- Peruna. so I wroie to you .nd be,an at once to take I'eruna and M an.lin.

"I took onl, two bottll!l of Peruna nnd one of Kanalin. and now 1 feel Letter than I h.n for some time.

"I feel that Peruna and )1 Rnalill cured me .Dd made a different wo­man (If me altocetber. J t.le~s the day I picked up the little book and read of your Perun •. "

It II Ihe bualne.. .t the k;dnaYI t. r.me... tr.m the blood .11 pois!,n. ClUI m.t.,I.II. They must be at:tlve nil the time. el84! the system suffenl. There are times when they need a little ftlIlistanCl'.

I'eruna is exactly this sort of ,a remedy. It hill! 8a ved '.nany peol?le from disuter by rendermg the kid· neys 84!rvice at a time when they

· "ere not nble to bear their own bur· deliS.

. .

BEES' ATTAC," ROYAL PARTY An ucltln, nperlence hefell tbe

Dueb... of Conn.ulbt and I·rlnc ... a Pa,rlcla wblle "Iallln, Ce,lcm. An ex·

· .. union bad been made from Colombo . . eo the famoua rulus 01 Annradbapura. .' .nd a porUon Qf the part, YllUe,!. an·

· ...... r shaw pIa.,. of tb. Illal1<.. IOI,rl. . _d' on '.achlnl ··tbe top of Ibo bill

were attacked b, beea. . . The Daob.... o. Connau,bt and Ibe

.' . Ocsv.rnor. who _ailed Ihe party below eime in for a .har. of this unwelcome .. llliatlon and bad to run. Afler the tint .ncounter the part.,-· on tbe top took reful.; In a hollo. and tbe Gov· ernor Mnt moaqulto netl from the rest bou ... ·• The I·rlnce... Capt. Ponsoby ..,d IIr. Hod,lOn accompUsb"d a dan·

· ,eroul and dillicult de_nt under I •• e net. without ml.har.' tbough tbe beet w"r. .ttacklnl a I Ibe time.-Dal1y iNew ..

CHILDHOOD AILMENTS The mother who keeps Baby's

Own Tablets in the horne has a

DJ:;bL·· "Wbat do ,.OU man?' ~J"",' Ibll: I dldn't aet no gllllll of let!

wa ler. That girl aeJJt me up • ...bolt pilcher. It looked mlcbty moch to 11M like Abe tboupt I w.. filII ot IIqoor lut nlgbt aDd woal4 need a wbol? pltchr. A .1aM would '.' beea

, moocb." ADd .. be tarDed all4 atrod, ..... ,. be won ODD fit u.- "Ga_ I TIldn't 1211 blm • .., eb r \ookL

A" OW Ti_A ........... &e"enl patmM fit tM reataaraDt at

, ..... d .... ,. all4 TelltII.utet we~ laac:b· : ... tIIeN a f_ .,.. ...,. _ted at • liable betw'_ tile eonaer w\lldo .... 00 : De ~ 1I0OI' wbldl comm.nded • i... "lew doWD Bnadwa,.. wblcb . __ a .barp t.nI at Tutll .treet. : .... _ of UlRa: -00 ,011 know thaI ali lind lD Broadw.,. w.. made In· ..... .. _" a trw! Well, It wu. AI ..... 11,. ,' •• ae4, BNI4 •• ,. would ba"e cut a ,lIN. tile lawD of Ben· drtk Brnoort, wlto raa a taYera In till! Doteb fanD'a.. wblcb .tood Where Gnce cbareb .,w Ia. U~ ... as an oldenu.a, lib I11III,. of bla protes· ,Ion tod.y. .114 DOt ODI,. .uc:c:ee4ed In .,.Iag the m.cnUlc:eDt tree ID tbe &bade of wbleb bla euatomera lingered ..... tllelr pl~ to w.tcb tbe traffic 00 BIoomlDldale road. but .bout 1&19 al· m pre"ented t~ opeDlnl ot t:leveotb ...... t from .'ourtb a"enue to Broad· _,.. wblcb woul4 b.\,e nl!CelUlllated tile tearlnl down of bla ta\'era:'

Tho Madrll.I, 'Ibe word madrlpl aounda nI':J

fonald.ble to a beciaDer In mUllc. 1I0re tban once ba .. I he.rd tbe qUe&­tJoD. "Wbat Ia a madrlpl?" . Stricti,. ~kln.. • m.drlpl Ia .0 elaborat.

'voc:al eom~ltlon In from tbree to all · paN. pDenll,. .un. In eborua. Tbe · _Idd,. .hould not be earned tbrouKb · a ,ID.le par!. but .bould be dbpel'!'f'{l In pbnan tbroueb t ... dlfl'ereat vole. ID t~ con"enatioDiI manaer peculiar to tbe mualc of t~ .tstl'eDtb and sev· eateeath centurlea. T~ true m.drlpl bu DO .ccompaDJment. Tbl. fona of mD. Ia conaldered EDllbb. but Ia tboacht to bue b.d Ita orilin In tbe NetberlaDda. Tbe enet derlvatloa ot t~ word Ia not ImoWD. Tbe lint madrisralB ani beileYed to b.ve been morning. IIODI&. .... pbenla'. lay. or mDp In pra ... of tbe Vlra!n.

It A V.r" Prani .. 1 Chriati.n.

HCIIIo C. \\:. It • Ie -'!, -!17 'their beIng to tbe f.et tbat tift; grounu ONLY." S.\lIl'LE Speaker aI 1- 111_. I aidl Lea.... LI 11 ,. ta" b If I f b • W • b ' Iat ................ al ' • ..." w..· a "e. .ou .e a • OYe U 0 t e . aller. nng me a !leak." he re-•• om Ie .. a PI ..,.,r. ! P .. ..,.·. finest 11011 In the _Id aad sterlllz<o . ~Ul~led. as be outed him~d at a I"bl~ Cabiaet' .... '11 .,.. F'jcaI into _ It-that Is. beat It WI all tbe lICe 10 It III a smal.1 cafe: • ~ a • er. b d _. I The walier d .. appeared and returned at .. ~ .... _ ., 1M !-'a .... t· ~troy ..... -and tbeD plant seeds III ,In .o~e. mlnul'" with a sah'er of mfal _n .. fact ...... 1 ._""09-.0. ·11. So amount ot care or ... aterln!: .... 1II I n,e diner took the bit of .teak 011 his ~ ..... the 'i\''1 ' 's 7.~ wil." .m.ke tbOlle seeds crow. Tbeir life de- I fO~~.lumed II around. and gued al it

• hlCh HCIIIo Mr. _I.. .. I !'at upends on tbe life lD tbe 1011 around crlucally. lhe Record rl '.,.... ..... Co.. 01 them -Londo "Yeo. Ihal', Ibe kind I .. ·.nl, .. he reo II.-tee, N.... ... • 7 \ P.g.; . n Azaawen. m~rked. "Brin, me lome:·-Bohe· .anllfact...,. .. .. : t 'd It Penn I unan. Ealher" ......... •• ' • II M .nd· Eleph.nl Life I" the .I .. nll.a. "CaIoriIc" 'yn ..... _pan)', I Wltbout ~Iepbanta jllDCIN would be I Wby go "'Iplng and "'hining aboul Hon. ".r. R .. o _ ........ pT"hohlcr I vlrtuaU" Imnasable. 'Ibe ..... at bealts yo'u cor~1 wben a 25 cent botlle of .... a dincter. ' !' •• - Hollowav 0 Com Cure ... iIl remove

are a mlEture of .trengtb and ..... ak· i th,'m 1 'Give it a trial and you will n...... of n'Iltt aDd simplicity. 11le nol regrel It.

L¥ t'KOXY.

01\. Tea •• ho\'eUnc Incw b fine buslne .. to 1.00k at :1 throuah The ~'lndow "ml obeel"ft The hired man eur\'e lUa back nnd work •• a,. In a lrantlc effort 10 ..... IIIsI ~. 1'rut-. Thoarl" Are few }O~If1t!r ~i;:hl •• 11 dollghl. The e)'e To ... alrh It !I,.. • • or coune "S 1\'1 a ho"",, fl ,l'" Of anolher hue . ~¥c.;. For )'ou - .- r;~ To 11mb ,,' A an ow "ho,'el aneS 4aIt i . 1\ Inlo Ihe drift ! 1 And 1111 a Ion. • oj Tf'8, It'. run ' 0" .. lhe left .houlder If the ,,'("ather I. colder "

.. Than Il rich relation.

. .

BUI from your .tatioll In.lde Tbe .porl """rn. to be all wool .114

ful,lx a )'ard ... Ide.

~ilM through tbe Junclp 'rom vllJage ------·te ylll:age Dre mer!'ly trackl Croon wblch Of the 3.503 "essels 01 all classe. tbe Inlerlaclne foliaee baa been cut entered at the port of !\Ionte\·ideo.

U rugua)·. in 1905. onl)' fourteen are and tbru.t aside and tbe "Irgln lOiI 1I;"en as American. while England trodden Into a black mud. Arter. was credited ",iU, 1.414. nlD tbls mull is mftny feet deep. and

.110 Ih'ine creature eXl'l'pt on elepb:lDt. ""k for Minard'a .nd Tak. no Oth.r :a bufl'alo or a rhlnocoroe could labor tbl'<:'ugb It. The elepbant mokt!ll bls ,,'01 lIy IItting oae foot at • time oUll iasertlng It d~ IDtO tbe .Iougb In front, wlthdrawlac .notbft' with a lIOuad like tile popplD. of • bup eork • Sothlnc bat • rIde oa .a earthquake

. could be eomp.red wltb tbe senAtlon of belug nID .w.,. wltb b,. an ele­.pbont. As tor stor-pla. blm. some one ,ba. well Bold tbot you mlgbt III well U'y . to atop a runa way locomotl ve by pulllag wltb your walking stick ou tbe fUDnel a. _k to cbec:k an elepbont at .uch a momeat wIth a pd.

Th. Q .... t1on. Tho" Aak.

Ghiei Officer Dn"is of the sten~ler ll,mehester ComU1er~e was earried overboftrd in mid·ocean. and was rescued alter being one hour in the water.


The capaclt,- of the average small bo,. for aaklq qlll'ltloDi Ia practically unlimited, but It Ia doubtfll~ wbether more _reb lag lDqDlrles bue enr

Tbe bourl at wblct. feweot JM!'OIIle die I beeD made b,. a bo,. thaD tbolM! pro­.re 12 mhlnlr:bt to 1 a. m •• nd from :pouaded b1 a yooupter to bAa latber. noon tlll 1 o'clock p. m. wbo bad takeD blm for a .tealJlll' ,"po

.W ...... . Experimenla abow tb.t wbe.t baa tbe oOIme nutrition. no m.tter wllere It I. '3lsed. EYen thoqb tbe plant IUelt ~I. "er,- poor. It t1IrD11 ont • gral n of unlfonal,. bllb DatritJoD. The amouat of wbeat .Ione v .......

Modern P.rMeia",. Modern Paneel.m.1a tbe dIrect de­

lcendllnt of the II.. wonblp of tbe Medl!ll and Pe"dana. --_._--


. Bere I. a partial 11at: "I. tb.t water 4oW1l tllere aa,.

; wetter thaa tile walltr 1D the Atlantic .oceaar·

"Wbat makn tbe water weU" "Bow maD,. men eoald be drowned

In water a. deep u tllatr "I. that bla maa wltII tbe ..,Id but·

'toDi oa hi. eoat tbe faUler .r .11 tbOM meD"wbo do' wbate .. r be teU. ibem to?"

"Where do aU tboee _pauda beblnd tbe boat eome from'"

"Could a trala 110 u:fut oa tbe w.· ter a. thl. boatr·-Cbam ••

M.d D .... Mod dOli do 1I0t attack people.


fellows' Leming's EsseDee

But doa·t.&it Utlt.lIlDbDat II bsjured. GET IT NOW-aud,.oa ave the remedy that CUILBS aU lameDl'IIlD ~. .

If ,.our dl'l1er ~ Dot h.ndle It. IleDd &cIe. to . ...... nat D ..... CM",tcaT ec., LIM .. _.... tl

~ Nurses' and ".. Mothers' Treasure

A bene\'olent old man wbo lived on bla fann In Iowa Denr refused sbelter

'to .n, wbo ml.bt Ilk It of blm. Ub maDY frll!lJda relBODitrated wltb blm .bout tbls cbaracterlatlc. knowln'g tbat many uusc:rupuloua hoboes would avail tbemsel .. ea ot tbe opportualty and that tbere was great daD~r of the old I

Walru8et1 .re partleularly k!!en of acent aud bearing .nd quickly lerrllll'd

.00 smelllnc or bearioK atrnnge tblnr:s. Tbey are not. however. lonl: si!:,hlt!(1 .ud tnke little Dotlce ot • crollchlug milO 10 long as be remaina motionless.

A Wo_tt .. 1 Me",ory. nortenslus. the Roman orator. hall tl

memory so wonderful tbat, ou n wnger. he spent n wbole day at an Ruction UUlI

ot Dlght repeated .11 the 8ules. tbe prices and tlle Dames of tbe buyers.

"Wbe a dill: b.. tbe Rbles." •• Id • pbyslc:lan. "be ba.~ 1_ control of biB bod,.. aod wbat be doea Ia mecbanlcal. Hi. jaws snap 10volllDtarll,. ond If be encounters any object, wbetber oni· mote or Inanimate, be la likel, to bite It But a mnd dog doea not a tlnck as does on angry dog. Be doea not pick out a "Ictlm or use an,. strategy. For tbls reason dogs sufl'erIng from rabies

_fat ftgulator for bah,. PreYenta colic '.Dd "OIDiting-givl'l bealtbful real -c:url'l diarrhoea witbout the harmful effecta of medicines cODtainia, opium or otber injllrious drugs. ••

Cures 25c.-tlldru ... tor"'J Natlona1 Drul' It Cbem·

Diarrhoea Jca~:';i.~";.lted

.\ powder IllllCll::inc exploded in Canlon. d!'stroying. 1.500 bouse.;. ·Twent)··one bodied ~have bt>en rl~ covert!d.

Dr. J. D. K~llogg'l Dy ... nt~ry Cor· disl i. a lpeedy oure for dysenlery. diarrhoea, cllolera, tmD1.nl~r com"laillt • lea Ilckll~1I and complaiUle 'ncld,"lIal to children teelhing. It livel illl"",' dl~te relief 10 Ihose slIffprillg from ti, .. eff •. ~ls of indlICreUoll in ealin, Ullripe fruit. cucUlllbe,.. elc. It acll "'itb "'ollderflll rapidity and nner fail I 10 couquer the di.ea,p. No one nero fear cholera if Ihe,' ba"e a bottle of Ihll medicine cotl\,e.nient.

Ahollt 40 per cent of nil the ~otton r.>rei\·ed in Venice in 190:'> wn~ from the Uniled StRteS. the rest from In· dia. Egypt and 1·urkey.

"01 ber Grne.· Worm Extt'rmlnator 10 pleasant 10 take; lur. and efYpctual In de.l-01Ing worm.. ..any h"'e trled it "'Ith be.t resulu.

A sister of merc)' was found dentl in St. Petersburg. and her trunk wag fonnd full of dynamite bombs.

c c


.......... 'F • W ... • .... . T.,.. .. Dec ... W .... lAy. .. H .... ~ .. a ...... ..... .............. Aplalt ..... fNIU7 ... W ...

ft. folle.i.. "r,. .11.a.l. .... \ ,,",'I., .,. a. _i_' a" 111-' hi ,h,..i... will lie .ppNCIi.tecI .,. .. D,. •• a,. III':~= lroa I •• ri,,.. IIld. ao ..... ,aR .... aD,. ,lIr .. ' • .... or --.011 ",,"Ie. or r ..... -~_. _ " ia a .rtu. ea,.. a.d Will II" aUf a ...... biD. ., ia ala., • oemas ~"D"". _ w.u:-

, "W1Ma ,011 feal ... , ,.... .... \aki .. .... or U" Hill,. haliD ........ , •• la .. ,. ,an of tb. W,. or ...... or hal ..... \irad. di..,.. ad' for work. tli. i. \II ...... or lI.k 01 ~ HIIk. do .... DeaJgc\ tII_ d •• c-al,.m,. "011. bu' .. ad i_mad i."',. to ,.our oInain a.d .. , a IIoUI. of p.,.chia. (proaoa'" lIi·k-.D). .ad , .. ,ar. _ foU-l: . .

"PI,all'... I .... ~fo ... "SbN". wlal., ... w.ter. I ....

~fu". "CIIoioe of tlao I.ttar ea. be mad.

.-reIi .. to the ;u ...... , aad ,­r.reDOI 01 tbe ,.ti.at.

.. II ia thorou&hl,. .ad t.ke reaul• r.,. behr. _b m.al .ad ., bedtim ....

· feeling of 8ecurity that her child's health i8 sale. These Tablets cure such ... ailments 1lII· colic. indigestion. constipation. diarrhoea, and simple feven," The\' break up colds. de­stroy worlll8. lIIake teething pain­less anel give the child healthy. nnt­uml sleep. And the mother hns tho

· . guamntee of 0 gO\'erurnent n nalyal that Ole Tablets are nboolutel)' sale. Mrs. Rllbert· Watson. Cornbermere. 0111... SIl)'S: "I find naby''; Own Tablets jnst the medicine needed to

· mn 0 being robbed. To tbelM! remon· I IItrances the old maa ~plled that be \ believed In "practical Cbrlstlaolty."

Wood .nd I,.n 'hip', are less dangerous thoo Is supposed. 1"""""""""""""=""""""""""""""""""""""""-­No l:I'0wn persoo need tear tbem. for

'Fbia' preacriptioD b .. beaa u.... iD thouaaadl of e._ .nd h.. been an uaiYenany .ueONSful th.t • Dumber. of loadin" pb,aieians raaularl1 pre· Jeri.. P.,ahine in th.ir practlco for aDY 01 th •• bo .. troub1ea. or aD1 ruD· •• D. • .. tin,,· ~ constitutioa •• dilll· culty. It i. tile moat reliabl •• Dd .. Iuabl. hOlD. remed,. .t ton., ap the entire syat.!m. &i"in& • f .. linK 01 ,outhfuln... and "i"or. .ddin" man, ,. •• rl to tb. iii. 01 thOll who u.. it •.

. keep children healthy," Sold. b)' nIl medicine deniers. or by mRiI nt 2!> cenls n box from The Dr. Will· inms Medi~ine Co', •. Hrockville. Onto

Wellt Derry claim. the only .... oman engineer in New Ulmpshire in Mu. Bertha V. Wiloon. wbo il .. an expert "'lIb a lIalionar), enslne~ .. ·

. :l'·,·" . ,,,' To··KDow'IlI.to' Prevent-If the min·

era "'ho Work In cold water moot of tbe day would rub their f.el and legl ,,·jlh. Dr ... Thoma.' . t:Cleclrio Oil Ih~y

· wOllld P.lcape muscular rheumati.m · aod render · .. Ibelr nether limbs proof agamst tbe.·tlt eff.cia·· .. of ,,,,,po"ure 10 tbe cold. . Thoao.letth1c .out:, for min· Ing rl'«i~. "would do, .1011 to provide tbemleh'el "'Ith a. aUl,ply before alart· &ng. •• . .

Poslal de\'elopment in China' has comlll!lled a re,·isioll. of the spelling of Chinese city names.,' a

"But," AId one of b'" frlenda. "tbls leems \'ery Impractical. Suppose one! ot tbelll' men took It Into bb bead to rob you ooe nlgbU"

"Yydear youn'g frleod." ...... s the re­ply. hI bid all eoter Ia tbe name ot God. but I pro\'e m,. bellet In practical I Cbrlstlanlty by locklag up tbelr pllnts during the nlgb t"

Poll P.rrot .s a G.",. Bird. Wblle tbe parrot Is a bird of beautl·

ful plulDoge. WI • table dell cae, it Is Dot to be recommended. ns I know from Illd experience. My llrat _y .t _tlDg a parrot w •• attended wltb mod· I

Uled .uc:c:esa. Tbe bird must bon beeD comporatl\'ely youog. and after several lIoon' bolling bec:am. 10ft euougb to mutlcate and fln.lly ..... ollow. leoylng 'beblnd It ao Impresslou tbat .... e bad lunched on the IIOle ot a rub"": boot- i ~ur D. Temple lD' Field and Stream.

The Tip R.nclolph Wanted.

All Iron ship welgba about 20 per cent les8 tbau n woodea sblp ot the sume.II,· lDe0810us. Its wall, 'l'e tblnner. Ilnt! It will corry nbout 10 per cent more cargo on I .... s draft of .... ater.

,.... .~ ...... Too Much of .n Advaniag ..

"Wby dou't you in"ite MrtI, Splggln, to your bridge wbist pllrti .... ? I uoder· stand sbe pluys remarkably well."

t,\ges," nU!!l\\'~red Miss Cayenne. "Sbe doeA ploy remarkubly well. ThaI Is tbe reason we don't wnnt ber."­\\'llSbingt~n Stur.

011 be bas to do Is to get out of the way. Tbe dog will not cbase blm. Of coursQ, young children are lu danger. as tbey do not know bow to dodge tbe brute."

'awing O .. t a 'egm.nt. This rule b gi.-eo by tbe Wood·

,,'orker for sawlug out a St'gmeot-a piece stralgbt on ooe edge ood cuned 00 tbe otber: Suppose tbe segment Is to be 48 locbes long and 4 Incbes wide at tbe central or widest plllce, Squnre one-bolf tbe length (24 Incbes). wblcb

. gh'es ~iG; square tbe .... Idtb (~ incbes). wblcb gives Itl; add /ji6 and 10. ohtalu· IDC 002; dl.-Ide 002 by t .... lce tbe width (2x4=S). ....blcb gl"ea' 74 Incbes. tbe radius. Tbls rule wUl apply to ao, case.

Whan 't ...... aon Wa. Poo,.

Victoria Day Excursions '

fare and One-Third For the round Irip ha· '. tween Itation. on th •


• iek.t. lood to 10 May 22nd to

May 24th. Inclulive.

Return until May 27th. lien.

"y.,. ..... w .. a1_ a .byoleal =-It and • .. ouflerlq willi luD ..... ulIl.. mondl aa4 . nel.hbo .. thoulbl' would b ..... PI t.IIM. • bo~n to d .. polr .,1011, Lotdllll kIth 10 m, J'lb)'.lcl~t I lIlUCured another 0.8 who reoolDo men~td me UM 01 PSYCHINE. "w .. wrprla1q ""oDd lI_rlpllon III. ellect "bad. • _mod \0 ..In with CI\"eO' d~ In.ide of two weeki I ... abl. to .Itond \0 81' hOlllOworlt apln. TbIN ... DO IflDpktme of conlU!DpUon about .. DOW.'·

. 1lBa. BEliD&IIIONJ . a.oho.N.B.

". bad been onll.rln( 'rom IA Grippe. fI' Ian,. were woait aDd I bad a OOIllb, b'" ""'*l1li .und...... 'lias. B.BEAK. .

Cbeapold •• Oftt.

Plyehin. CAD ba procured f~om .a, truais\ a'6O? aad 11.00. It !& ~ "If, .

. ,

~MYBACK II .. trae,EI.' a .1I'm.

. Caa you put me lD no w.,. to be- • , WJ7J - come a .ucceaatol rocue to an amount . . e' pL'J ,,·S tb.t may tbrow an air of dlcn1t,- o\,er II

Robert Louis Ste"enaon .... as In poor elrcumstances In San Francisco betore be made bla bit wIth tbe world. Dur· lDK t~ time that be used to loaf. pen­nOess. upon tbe I.wo wbere atterward tbey put up a bronze aad marble statue to blm. be pleked up a few qllllrterIJ .ctlDg u super In the old California theater. In Busb 1I~t.

Any Canadian North.rn Ry.

Johnson·s t ~liniQlen . .ub ..... on .rlakl,

'" . , ~ tile traaaactioo aDd dlnrt the .Uen· . iI' II ,.,; , ...... , lion of the ppla. pnbUe trom tb. V· . ..H enonnlty of tile ofl'e_ to that or tbe .

. ' ..··&~(ii1r. :."i/:J air ::~-:;ro:,~=~:,f J!:!II B::: I " Iii . eabroucb. ______ _

.:.mll"~i:~~~I~~~=::::l~~:~llll, A Fllhtl", ltat.. r. Wbenever ,.ou acratc:b Kauaaa bl.

11~~;iz~~~5;[~;~~~I; to".,.oo lill4 a IIabt.· No territor,- ot I . l'qDlI .ile baa bad _ modi war onr . 50 many dUfereut ca_ .. Bft' .tor,- Ia . ~lad1aD IIgbtlDg. aambler ·lIabtln •• oat-

11~~~I!!".~~~:!:~~i!eJ~t~~~I" .~:w IIgbtlng, townalte IIgbUq .ad po-1IUc:a1 llgbtlq Ia Dot .pproached b,. ':. ·anT other portlG71 of tbe weat.

.. ;

W ........ of C"-. EdwiD ADtbon,- 1s.1II article pnb­Uabed lD the Cbea P1a7en' Cbronlcle compated .pproallllatel,. tb.t tile papber' of ·wa,. of .. pla7lDa-only tbe

frieD mo;'ea OD ncb 8Ide Ia 100,518.·

l00.Mt.ooo.OOO.ooo._ooo. . . . \ .

. ~. . . . -' IIata ot EqUIII aatllon and theIr wwb~,,!~.~.~~8IIO.s-u II ... _ri.. .. 'r ''' ..

"'; .' " .. /~.. . . ..

· The perpetual charm . of freshness and crispness -of daintiness and deli-aousness - is box of

in every

Mooney. Perfection

: Cream Socia.

-held captive. by the' air-tight, moisture-proof. packages, . There is • best in everyt!1ing. In

· Biscuits~ it's MooldT·s~. . - . . . .

, •

• ,.

Hint Not T.ke ....

"'I.nt .iII be more than plealed 10

turnilh fujl",t inlormatlon • _oIIJ:i:1 p __ el_

m- =\:.~ Pi:~-' .... __ .. __ • All .....

-LL "" ....... co .. -. -.

"From tbe grammaUc:a1 .taodpolnt,"

Aid tbe fair maid wIth the lort,- fore- I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~:~~ bead, "wblcb do ,.OU conalder correct, '1 bad ratber go bome' or 'I would rather 10 bome?" YOU NEED NOT FEAR THE COMING OF SPRING MNelt~r." prompU,. responded tlje IF YOU USE . .' .

young man. ''1'd macb rather .-',. bere ....

Hi. Littl • .10 .... At the breakfast table Good Friday

mornIng WUtred w .. at .. en a bot c~ bun. It w .. "erJ .mall, ralalnle811 and burnt.

"lIa." said UJe Um. fl'l1o.... dI .. ,. polatedly. "tb1I __ to be /l bot c:roaa bllDko." .

Th. Retert.. . Bere Ia a retort wblcb • "doll at1I­

dmt" oaee made: Profeaaor-l'ou aeem to be vl'f)' dull WIleD Aluander tile Great wu your .ae, be bad aJreadI coaqaered the world. StDdmt-WeJI,' ,. -. be bacl:UlMDtJe for a t_:tw. ~.9 rJ I

, • " .

. . .'

Ita I &th1ll .. in" 'musel".bulldinl p,o\Nr • II.a fortify Ih. syate .. ... inat th. dllnl." th.I·'

· lurk In fick I. aprinl' w •• I h • r • K •• .,. Ih.· bo •• I. healthy .rld .c··

· tiv •• · Re.dy to s.rv •. BISCUIT'"

. All Gre:an.-Iac .• c.rton.

, ,

Page 8: LM 'R' ':. E' 'K' AlL • · uipeg UII 1\[olluay night. Mrs. and I,he Misses Matheson visi lell Carman on SaturdltY· F. C. Hllwkins, alias Slephens, got 20 years fur .1 series of

'~h .UJ e

, ~ ; '-' '. 'i' ." : '-r I' -:. :


J. Duxbu17. M.D. Coroner for ProTi~ of Manitoba If..diea.l U .... lth Ollle-.or for G .... y

: Offioe at n;oor of dru!; store. Ollle.- boon

Ito b .. I:! 3. In. and:! 10 6 p.m. Xi~hl <'Au. i 31l3wen-d I1t )1r. o\U\r:Lrd's ~idenCt', neU to Ih" chopping mill.

!~~~~~~ j' I R. F. W. VERNON, M.D., C'-. I F.\XXrSTELLE - - lUX. t ;

• . ~

. .

Letterheads l~~~~~~

/O'ifh'-<'iKht IJ..aro(lnL"I witb:

~~~~~:;~~~[~.l~!3~~~~~~ -"II con,·"nit."n",'O! ; ~ B""t l!.-al .... Win'.,., Li'luurs

(f~~~~~:.~~~~~j~~~~~~~~~) :loti CiJ;"rs !


EIrE' Rtositlt·nl Dt'otiot. 01 Carm3n. will "ish , RN Prop, . Elm Cn..,k un lb., First Monday in "Beh , munth. lor ib" practice 01 bi,; proft"";ion. ,

'elf E !:II';:! X G OF O· sen:x

Th~ .It'dn", i:i h __ r' o ..

Th.~ I.tirdo+ h3 \'P com,-, {l I thi" i. IrUt·

, Olllce Ilt r~ar of the Drul( Slore.

Noteheads , !

[ Vi cto ri a Da y ~.T~. IS~A!-!~;U~k~'~~~~a~~~T~~~:~C~~o~~ ~x •

'eh"y'\1 lro...,1.I'. hy gum.)

8·"",.,,·t ~prinL: iH 11'"r(ll, Ti ... flf)\\'t'r:ot a \\"akl~;

(Go h:lck to "I'''',~ I-'or !;':>Odn"~3 "akl·.)

S\\'f-et sl'rina: is tJ(orr", 'flJ.· sun ~hinf;~ brh:bt;

(Tb .. Hnow it ~now(,til E""ry niJ;ht./ .

SWt*i,t fll,ring is lwre, With "ir uf Kpice;

(Tb .. ri \"~111 ba \"'.' I'our ft,d 01 iet·.)

Sw.·o,t spring i. Iwrc. 'rlw r(~nrd~ ~ny;

(You'd ne,'er kn"'~. J·;xc!P.pt tbllt way.)

SWl'l!t spring i. Itr·r,.. Hut don't you t"lI;

(.'. KpriDJ; liku this 1:1 WOrd#! than _u wl.ll:"

j ,!\UT AltT PC!l1.(( .. ~ &c. I ~ St,lIdlor (or the Hank or Jb.milt .. m, lind tbe : t' !HII!r the 11115pil'es of I he ; I\urollluuid".lilb "r DutT.,iu oud 0"'1. i ~1 clhouist elI tlrch ClJoi r : .\~elJt. aud A ~:~:~=~:t(\;~I:)C;:I~~~~ P~rmbD~lJt

I I nhlimi~' amuunt 0' mUller. lur inl't·.oI tment..

I Willi.,., aL Rim Crf"fjk on ~Juu t!i tift I ("Ollh~iJ da,.. r\.. lor trf:l.%:.:!ltctioD 01 "euero bu,iueol ••

j !~ .. -~--.~ .. -~ .. - ~-~~~


I lIarrister. A ttorn~y. : Solicitor. ~otnry Public.

C 0 N C E RT ! Special Examiner in the.Court of King'~

I· !knch

Solicitors for tbe Canadinn Bank of , COl1lmerce. }{. G. Dun .\: Co .• etc.

I omc... O,'cr Post omce


Envelopes I CAmIA~ • - - _. 1IlAX.


I J. ~':ct~u~~!EY

Will be gh'eu by Iho Cards sOTle~;

SOTICl: (S IIt:llt:m' (;IrE); thnt. "rle, tho ("I,lr.ti.,n ul fOllr (I) 'H"')'::' Irmll thu lll'St Jlllh .. Ii(,tttion or lht", lIl)tJ~", "Pl'lJrutiun willi,,!' mud •• to IIi" JlulIl.r lim J.-i(1u&.""uuuv(Ju""ruur, ir, C:UU'I('JI. lor. lJIui",I'!lIIt·utli rr II~lt~r.. I'll tt'1H chuuI:{uf th,t "'lIne ul lit.," H ... I Hi'pr Jolon,. ulld J.nrJtJ Curl1la.anl. J~huit\.'CI," 14' U,U '0 Ancllol' hl1't!l4hnflut Cu .. l .. t.I."

Winnipeg Musical ,

and . . O'ramatic'·

I EL~I CHEEK - . • :.rAN. TUrU1!f rOA~Olln hie: to lllO hnd un n 'lIJlh~H tion

Programmes ohQ Elm Creek Dra7

ll,.t"d lit tllli eh,. of Wihni,,, • .,t. tI,l .. J3th tin.'" or )111)·, A.H. IWi.

)lcl'IIEIIHOS .... S.\ us IH:IIS(lS, ~:tuJ(cit.or ... rur tlu'.\ 1'1111r.;"II'I'.

--~.- .. - .... ~., .. ~------ ._.-.... _-'l'I~N;)lms {<'au S!DE1WAf.K

Trio ... ~ .. , ., Comprising the folluwing:

\\,ArJl'l~l~ CANN. Prop.

Allldnds of druying dono

OrLl~rs hy /lIlIiI promptly attended to Posters Miss Maude Moir

-<SOPHA~O) ,~ .

'l'onders will bll ·rl'cI!ii·"tI hy tim ulitl"ro' signed. up to ltl"y :lltlh, lor huiillinl{ 1\

'Hidowalk on Church Strl~,I, ,<trt H H.'

Rnd Inlrt ·J·ft. Sink' pric,' lJ(>r rod. MiSs Maude Sloan Wayside

T enlperance Hotel

Catalogues I". II. mmFOHD. .. . -.

. iHEADJmj , (tond CilllllnisMiolll'r, Wuril 2.

Reoorts, Miss A.C~ Maloney (COX'1'HMJro) l'roprietor

FA lUIS {<'Olt S,\ I.E J. GUPP\"

Two It'ir:4t·cla .. ·u{ II'nrJlI~ for snit·, !HO ,. RCr('lI "I\ch; S. W. MS. H N. W. h :l1·8·4.

lind S.K Y& nud S. J.~ of ~. K h 4·8.:1. ' . IIhollt fi\"I! 'milt ..... ast of Elm err·uk. 0(0:><1 hOlls!>. huildin~:,.. wnt..r. dc .• 011 W h · t I be had Illter hllrl· .... t. I'ri"" anti [!'rltts Hall Spccilll Attention Gh'en to 'l'mvel\ers I"Ilch .'arn~. Im.m,·diat .. 11OS.~'·.'".i0n will' I I a m 1»0 gl\'t~n If dt."Slr(ftl, or ]JC)!iSt':-I.s;nn may I r"/\Sonllhl ... ·· Apply to \\'. II. .Iohnstun. M 24th 1;;lm Cn"(,k. 2.,0.-1. a y Good Mellis ',"arm Rooms NOTHING TOO LARGE

I.ow Hates for Permanent Boarders

IlEIWIXCi I 1 willllj!ain hertl c:tttl" tor tb,' s,'ason Admission 35c, Reserved 50c.'

of 100; lIt my olt! hertl gro~IIIlI" in 8.:;. Plan of Hall and Tickets at I ELM CREEK • MAN, I 18.404 flEO. A )")10 X '1' I the Drug Store I . •

·O·H •• -.,' •••••• - ..... ____ ... _ _ ___ • ,-_ .. • '_~ I (OppoSitl' C.1'.R Dp(>ot)

~. ,. ~f£{&fJ: I one . '. SUBSCRIBE

UNSHINE"'·;\"~~"··"·I Fon Elm Creek 'I'HE MAIL

I~--~~ .. ~.-~-~. ~~ __ ~_~_~._~,_ .. _~ __ ~ ____ ... ~ ... ~" ~ __ ~_~_ ......... ,: I ....................................... _ •.• _ ................................ .

I! New Scale Williams! • .'?,!~t;r;!: .. c?f!~f!. . fy. RN ~~. ~ ............. .

DAMPER. Th·: d t ere' IS DO US nuisance in connection with the Sun,hille.

Because the Sunshine is filled with a dust !lue (sec iJlustration.)

When vou rock down the ashes (no liaek-hrellking

. shaking with the Sun- . shine) what dust


the fire-pot to the [make-I. ir:c.

ns shown in i1hlstra­tioll. where it immcdiately

l!rises is drawn from the (lsh-

l!!;ccnds to the outer air: . Only two things to remember

. in connection with this operation :.­open both the dust and direct draft

~~~~~t. dampers. Sunshine is just the cleanest, sim·

ple.~t. easiest managed. greatest labor saving fumace t1uit you can UU)'

9~"~ ~~ If your local dealer docs not ~p..;-.", handle the .. Sunshine" write

direct to us for

.............. Free Booklet .. 0' ~

" :

II PIANOS ! !: .: . i i Ae Winning Fame and Distinction i i: .-----.-.-.--.... --------.----, i i :' I' In til" sbort ",».ee 01 tillle Ibllt tbl'se ' •• ! • ' "lllnos have h",m'on on Ibl' market tbe~' ; • I bll \'e won fame a~d distinction, and tbllt : ! i blls I",en sought in min by IIIl1ny mllnu- , I • jt lactun'rs ior II \ill'tillle. : i i XEW SCALJoJ WII.LI.UIS PfAXOS i' : • I are II decided ilnpro"oment in tonl'. case i : '. I beauty. lind general conslruction. and : I are mad .. to wi~bstnnd the moot SHere :

: climatic conditions. ' : ~,···',"'.·l.:!>':.·'-' ..... ~ ... ,.·:~:t:::";:~;:,:~ ... -"1:.. '. • Consid"r the l'COnomy of purchneing , +

, .. !*?;,._. i an instru'lwnt that is built I~yond 1111 :

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