ln 29 of 2010

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  • 7/31/2019 LN 29 of 2010



    A.L. 29 tal-2010


    (KAP. 499)

    Regolamenti tal-2010 dwar Toroq odda u Xoglijiet fToroq

    BIS-SAA tas-setgat mogtija bl-artikolu 43 tal-Att dwarl-Awtorit gat-Trasport fMalta, il-Ministru gall-Infrastruttura,Trasport u Komunikazzjoni, bkonsultazzjoni mal-Awtorit gat-Trasport fMalta gamel ir-regolamenti li ejjin:-

    1. (1) It-titolu ta dawn ir-regolamenti hu r-Regolamentital-2010 dwar Toroq odda u Xoglijiet fToroq.

    (2) Dawn ir-regolamenti gandhom jitqiesu li bdewiseu -1 ta Jannar, 2010.



    2. Fdawn ir-regolamenti, sakemm ir-rabta tal-kliem matkunx tetie xortora, l-espressjonijiet li ejjin gandom it-tifsiriet li ejjin:

    applikant tsser il-persuna li tikkummissjonax-xoglijiet ftoroq;

    applikazzjoni tsser applikazzjoni gal permess galxoglijiet ftoroq;

    l-Awtorit tsser l-Awtorit gat-Trasport fMaltamwaqqfa bl-Att dwar l-Awtorit gat-Trasport fMalta;

    l-Awtorit ta Malta dwar l-Ambjent u l-Ippjanartsser l-Awtorit ta Malta dwar l-Ambjent u l-Ippjanarimwaqqfa tat l-Att dwar l-Ippjanar tal-Ivilupp;

    Titolu u dul s-se.


    Kap. 356.

    Suppliment tal-Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta Nru. 18,534, 15 ta Jannar, 2010

    Taqsima B


  • 7/31/2019 LN 29 of 2010



    bini residenzjali tsser struttura uata biex jgixu hapersuna jew persuni u tinkludi kull dar, mezzanin, garaxx,kamra, maen jew bini ieor;

    fornitur ta servizz tal-komunikazzjonijiet tsseroperatur li jipprovdi servizz ta komunikazzjonijiet elettroniibilli jua, gal dak l-gan, failitajiet mqiegda triqpubblika jew tat jew fuq triq pubblika;

    fornitur ta servizzi ta utilit tsser awtorit jewintrapria, li n-negozju primarju tagha jkun li tipprovdil-elettriku jew il-gass jew l-ilma jew id-drena lill-pubbliku.Il-fornitur ta servizzi ta utilit jista jkun jappartjeni lill-Gvern, jew ikollu sid pubbliku jew privat;

    impria tsser kull entit, inklu kull persuna,imdala fattivit ekonomika, ikun xikun l-istatus legalitagha u l-mod li bih tkun nanzjata;

    inawi abitati tsser inawi fejn ikun hemm abra tabini residenzjali li h ikunu joqogdu jew jistgu joqogduijed minn mitt ru;

    Kunsill Lokali tsser kunsill ta gvern lokali mwaqqaf

    skont l-Att dwar il-Kunsilli Lokali;

    kuntra t tur tsser impria l i jkollha l-mezziprofessjonali u teknii biex twettaq xoglijiet ftoroq u li kullsena tipprovdi lill-Awtorit bgaranzija bankarja -ammontta 15,000;

    manutenzjoni r-rigward ta toroq pubblii tinkludit-titjib u l-immaniar;

    manutenzjoni ta rutina ftoroq tsser azzjonijietli jittiedu fuq bai regolari biex triq, triq abitata jew pont

    jinammu stat sigur u tajjeb gall-uu, azzjonij iet lijit tiedu biex fejn possibbli triq ma titalliex tiddeterjora,u azzjonijiet li jittiedu biex il-wi ta triq u l-nub tagha

    jiniebu lura stat tajjeb; hi tinkludi, ida mhijiex limitatagal, mili ta ofor, traqqig tal-wi, l-geluq u l-mili taxquq, it-tindif ta toroq abitati, katusi u kanali gall-ilma;l-istallar ta sinjali u sinjala tat-trafku; tibdil ta sinjali

    Kap. 363.

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    u marki t-toroq li jkunu tassru, kontroll ta xejjex uveitazzjoni l-enb tat-triq; tindif tal-nub ta triq; tiswijata bankini;

    okkupant tsser kull persuna li leittimament ikollhal-pussess tagha jew tkun qiegda teerita kontroll fuq art;

    il-Ministru tsser il-Ministru responsabbli gat-toroq;

    perijodu ta tkomplija tsser il-perijodu speikatli h ix-xoglijiet kollha koperti bil-permess iridu jiukompluti;

    permess tsser permess gal xogol triq li jkun

    metie mingand l-Awtorit tat id-disposizzjonijiet tadawn ir-regolamenti;

    persuna tsser kull persuna naturali jew uridika;

    pjan lokali gandha l-istess tifsira mogtija lilha -Attdwar l-Ippjanar tal-Ivilupp;

    skemi gall-immaniar tat-trafku tsser skemigall-immani ar tat-trafku fdi versi avvenimentibtagqid u talit ta ippjanar tan-networku miuri ta

    ininerija biex tidied is-sigurezza t-toroq, bil-gan li jonqsul-effetti avversi mit-trafku motorizzat inklui senjaletikagall-kontroll tat-trafku fejn triq taqsam triq ora,regolamentazzjoni tal-ipparkjar, ikkalmar tat-trafku, titjibr-rotot gal min jua t-triq bil-mixi jew bir-roti, u sinjalaanki gal xoglijiet t-toroq u sitwazzjonijiet temporanji;

    sid, uata dwar art u beni immobbli ora, tsser kullpersuna li jkollha l-pusses tagha l-art jew kull persuna litkun qiegda tidher gas-sid -amministrazzjoni tal-art

    involuta, jew li tkun qiegda taixxi fisem is-sid jew tkunqiegda tassumi karattru ta sid, skont i-irkostanzi;

    sid il-proett tsser persuna matura minn applikantgal permess gal xoglijiet mauri ftoroq, li jkunresponsabbli gal kollox gall-applikazzjoni u li l-poizzjonitiegu dan l-entit li tkun qiegda tapplika tagti s-setgali jieu deijonijiet wadu fin raonevolment qasir u

    jagti direzzjoni lil dawk li jkollu tat ir-responsabbilttiegu;

  • 7/31/2019 LN 29 of 2010



    Stat Membru tsser Stat Membru tal-Unjoni Ewropea;

    tar tsser it-tar li jsir tat wi it-triq gall-ni taaessar, stallar, tiswija u manutenzjoni ta utilitajiet li jkunu

    jinsabu tat it-triq;

    tenement tsser kull bini jew art li tkun separata minntriq permezz ta ajt;

    titjib tinkludi t-twessieg, allinjament mill-did ul-ifformar mill-did ta toroq;

    triq gandha l-istess tifsira mogtija lilha -Att dwarl-Awtorit gat-Trasport fMalta;

    triq lokali tsser triq pubblika li ma tkunx triq arterjalijew triq distributorja;

    triq privata tsser triq li ma tkunx triq pubblika;

    triq pubblika tsser triq li l-Awtorit jew KunsillLokali gandhom id-dmir li jiedu sieb il-manutenzjonitagha;

    l-Unjoni Ewropea gandha l-istess tifsira mogtija

    lilha -Att dwar l-Unjoni Ewropea u tinkludi n-Norveja,l-Islanda u Liechtenstein;

    utilitajiet tat l-art tsser servizz tal-elettriku,tal-komunikazzjoni, tal-ilma, tad-drena jew mezz tatrasmissjoni li jkun installat tat il-wi ta triq;

    xoglijiet ta emerenza tsser xoglijiet li jkunumetiea li jsiru wara sarat kawati fservizzi ta utilit

    jew komunikazzjoni li jkunu tat l-art jew xoglijiet li jkunu

    jetieu li jsiru burenza biex jipprevjenu jew iwaqqfu, jewinaqqsu r-riskju ta telf, korriment jew sara lil persuni jew lilproprjet;

    xoglijiet mauri tsser xoglijiet ftoroq li la jkunuxoglijiet minuri u lanqas xoglijiet ta emerenza;

    xoglijiet minuri tinkludi xoglijiet li jkunujikkonsistu

    Kap. 356.

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    (a) -goti lil konsumatur ta servizz ipprovdutminn, jew li jkun ipprovdut minn, fornitur ta servizz tautilit jew fornitur ta servizz tal-komunikazzjoni;

    (b) l-uu ta ofra ta aess gal skop ta tafrta kanali, assessjar, tiswija, jew amma ta infrastrutturatat triq mingajr ma jii effettwat it-trafku;

    () l-istallazzjoni, it-tiswija jew il-manutenzjonita oetti gall-kontroll tat-trafku u attrezzaturi ftoroqabitati li ma jkunux jetieu tar;

    (d) manutenzjoni ta rutina ta toroq;

    xoglijiet ftoroq tsser kull intervent fuq toroqeistenti, inklui manutenzjoni maura ta toroq, it-tkissir jew ftu ta triq, tar ta toroq, il-kostruzzjoni

    jew il-kostruzzjoni mill-did ta bankini jew karreati,alterazzjonijiet fkarreati u bankini, miuri biex jikkalmawit-trafku, il-kostruzzjoni jew it-tneija ta stof tat-toroq,u kull intervent li jbiddel jew iwassal biex il-wi ta triqeistenti jsir mill-did.



    3. (1) L-Awtorit gandha tipprovdi, jew hi stess jewpermezz ta impria, u fejn ikun adatt bkonsultazzjoni mal-Awtorit ta Malta dwar l-Ambjent u l-Ippjanar, gall-kostruzzjoni,kostruzzjoni mill-did, twessieg, tidid, manteniment, titjib,immaniar, manutenzjoni u klassikazzjoni ta toroq:

    Ida fejn triq la tkun triq arterjali lanqas triq distributorja,

    il-manteniment, it-titjib u l-manutenzjoni tagha gandu jipprovdigalihom il-Kunsill Lokali adatt skont l-artikolu 33 tal-Att dwar il-Kunsilli Lokali.

    (2) L-Awtorit gandha tagmel dak kollu li tistabiex tigura l-ogla livelli ta kwalit u sigurezza l-kostruzzjoni,kostruzzjoni mill-did, manutenzjoni jew xoglijiet ora ftoroqu li dawk ix-xoglijiet isiru biss minn kuntratturi kif imssra tatdawn ir-regolamenti.

    Kostruzzjoni umanutenzjoni tatoroq.

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    (3) L-Awtorit gandha omm elenku, li jkundisponibbli meta jintalab, tat-toroq kollha kif klassikati minnha uhi tista, fkull in, tassar jew iid toroq fdak l-elenku.

    4. Kull meta jkun jidher espendjenti li ssir triq arterjali jewdistributorja dida jew li titwessa jew tii devjata triq arterjali jewdistributorja li di tkun teisti, l-Awtorit gandha tippubblikaavvi, akkumpanjat minn pjanta li tkun turi t-triq dida li tkun qedtii proposta jew il-parti tat-triq li tkun masuba li titwessa jewli tii ddevjata, u l-art li minnha dik it-triq tkun se tgaddi, l-Gazzetta u fgazzetta jew urnal.

    5. Art li tkun metiea brabta mal-kostruzzjoni, twessiegjew devjazzjoni ta triq gandha tii akkwistata skont l-Ordinanza

    dwar l-Akkwist ta Artijiet gal Skopijiet Pubblii.

    6. L-Awtorit tista tfassal u tippubblika Kodii ta Prattikabiex tiggwida lilha nnisha, lill-Kunsilli Lokali, lill-fornituri taservizzi ta utilit u fornituri ta servizzi tal-komunikazzjoni -ajar prinipji ta prattika tajba bmod partikolari biex jonqsut-txkil u l-inkonvenjenzi waqt xoglijiet t-toroq.

    7. (1) Kull min ikun qieged jiddisinja jew jibni jewjagmel xi manutenzjoni jew xoglijiet ora fxi triq gandu jaresl-Istandards dwar Xoglijiet t-Triq li ejjin:

    (i) Volum 1- Speikazzjoni gal Xoglijiet t-Triq;

    (ii) Volum 2 Linji direttivi dwar Speikazzjoni galXoglijiet t-Triq;

    (iii) Volum 3 Dettalji dwar Bini ta Triq;

    (iv) Volum 4 Metodu dwar Qjies gal Xoglijiet t-Triq u Linji Direttivi dwar Qjies ta Xoglijiet t-Triq;

    (v) Volum 5 - Manwl ta Disinn gal Toroq uPontijiet;

    (vi) Volum 6 - Linji Direttivi gat-Tejjija taDokumenti ta Disinn gall-Bini ta Triq;

    .(vii) Volum 7 Direttivi gall-Istandardizzazzjoni tal-

    Kostruzzjoni ta Toroq gall-Uu tat-Trafku.

    Informazzjoni dwartoroq odda arterjalijew distributorji.

    Akkwist ta art gall-nijiet ta toroq.

    Kap. 88.

    Kodii ta Prattika.

    Konformit mal-istandards.

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    (2) Il-pubbliku jista jara l-imsemmija Standards dwarXoglijiet t-Triq -ufji tal-Awtorit matul il-inijiet normalitax-xogol.

    (3) Mingajr preudizzju gal kull azzjoni li tista tiieeritata kontra xi persuna li tiddisinja jew tibni xi triq bi ksur tadawn ir-regolament, ebda aa fdawn ir-regolamenti ma gandhatiftiehem bala li tagti xi jedd lil xi persuna kontra l-Awtorit jewkontra l-Gvern jew xi awtorit pubblika ora jew kontra xi persunali taixxi l-kariga ufjali tiegu jew tagha bala ufjal jewimpjegat tal-Gvern jew ta xi awtorit bal dik hawn qabelimsemmija jekk ikun hemm triq li ma tkunx tikkonforma makull gamil assojat mal-Istandards ta Disinn u Kostruzzjoni galXoglijiet t-Triq stipulati fdan ir-regolament.

    8. (1) Fazzjoni kontra l-Awtorit jew Kunsill Lokali dwarkorriment jew sara li jirriultaw min-nuqqas taghom li jommutriq stat tajjeb, jista jii ppruvat

    (a) l-Awtorit jew il-Kunsill Lokali jkunu adu siebli -irkostanzi kollha kif kien raonevolment metie

    jiguraw li l-parti tat-triq li dwarha tkun qed tittieed l-azzjonima kinitx ta periklu gat-trafku; jew

    (b) il-korriment jew il-sara rriultat

    (i) mix-xoglijiet li jkunu saru fuq jew tat dik il-parti tat-triq li dwarha tkun qed tittieed l-azzjoni; u

    (ii) minn xi aa li seet qabel tlesta l-bini mill-did jew it-titjib ta dik il-parti tat-triq skont xi tiearilevanti.

    (2) Gall-nijiet ta dia tat il-paragrafu (1)(a) il-qorti gandha, bmod partikolari, tieu konjizzjoni tal-materji li


    (a) il-kwalit tat-triq, u t-trafku li raonevolmentkien masub li se juaha;

    (b) il-livell ta manutenzjoni adatta gal triq ta kwalitbal dik u l-uu tagha minn dak it-trafku;

    () l-istat ta tiswija li h persuna raonevoli kienettistenna li ssib it-triq;

    Azzjoni dwarkorriment jew sara.

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    (d) jekk l-Awtorit jew il-Kunsill Lokali kinuxjafu, jew bmod raoveli kienx mistenni li jkunu jafu, lil-kundizzjoni tal-parti tat-triq li dwarha tkun qed tittieedl-azzjoni setget tikkawa periklu gall-utenti tat-triq;

    (e) fejn l-Awtorit jew il-Kunsill Lokali ma kinuxbmod raonevoli mistennija li jsewwu dik il-parti tat-triqqabel ma nqalget il-kawa tal-azzjoni, liema avvii tatwissija dwar il-kundizzjoni tagha tpoew l-post;

    ida, gall-nijiet ta prova bal dik, ma gandux ikunrilevanti li jii ppruvat li l-Awtorit jew il-Kunsill Lokali,skont ma jkun il-ka, gamlu l-arranamenti biex kuntratturawtorizzat jagmel jew jissorvelja l-manutenzjoni ta dik il-

    parti tat-triq li magha tkun marbuta l-azzjoni, lief jekk ikunukoll ippruvat li l-Awtorit jew il-Kunsill Lokali jkunu taw lildak il-kuntrattur struzzjonijiet kif xieraq dwar il-manutenzjonitat-triq u li dan ikun wettaq dawk l-istruzzjonijiet.



    9. (1) Kull triq did fpost abitat jew kull triq magmulabiex tagmel sehem minn post abitat li l quddiem jista jinbena,

    gandha tkun mill-anqas tmien metri wiesga:

    Ida l-Awtorit ta Malta dwar l-Ambjent u l-Ippjanar,bkonsultazzjoni mal-Awtorit, tista tordna li kull triq bal dikgandha tkun ta wisa ijed minn tmien metri imma mhux ijedminn tmintax-il metru.

    (2) Fejn triq eistenti fpost abitat tkun se tii estia,il-wisa minima tat-triq tista, bil-permess tal-Awtorit ta Maltadwar l-Ambjent u l-Ippjanar, bkonsultazzjoni mal-Awtorit,

    titnaqqas gal sitt metri.

    10 . Ebda triq dida fpost abitat, u lanqas ebda triqmagmula bil-sieb li tagmel sehem minn post abitat li lquddiem jista jinbena, ma tista ssir mingajr qabel ma tittieedl-approvazzjoni galdaqshekk mingand l-Awtorit dwarl-Ambjent u l-Ippjanar, bkonsultazzjoni mal-Awtorit, gal dakli hu pendil, direzzjoni u poizzjoni tagha, u dwar il-mod li bihid-djar li jmissu magha gandhom ikunu provduti bid-drena ubl-ilma u kif l-ilma tal-wi gandu jitferrag.

    Wisa ta toroqfpostijiet abitati.

    Pendil, direzzjoni upoizzjoni ta toroqodda fpostijietabitati.

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    11. Triq dida fpost abitat jew fpost li l quddiem jistajinbena jistgu jinfetu biss bil-permess tal-Awtorit ta Malta dwarl-Ambjent u l-Ippjanar, bkonsultazjoni mal-Awtorit, u l-Awtoritta Malta dwar l-Ambjent u l-Ippjanar tista ma tagtix permess

    gall-ftu ta triq bal dik:

    Ida meta ma jingatax permess bal dak, il-partiaggravata jkollha dritt tappella minn dik id-deijoni tat id-dispoizzjonijiet tal-Att dwar l-Ippjanar tal-Ivilupp.

    12. Ebda bini li jmiss ma triq dida fpost abitat majista jinbena qabel ma t-triq tii invellata sewwa mal-linja kifmogtija mill-Awtorit ta Malta dwar l-Ambjent u l-Ippjanar,bkonsultazzjoni mal-Awtorit. It-tul tat-triq li gandha tii hekk

    invellata gandu jibda minn triq li di hemm u li tkun dimiftua gall-pubbliku, u gandu jibqa sejjer sal-aar tarf tal-faata tal-bini li jkun se jsir.

    13. (1) (a) Bla sara gad-disposiz zjonijie t tar-regolamenti 9, 10, 11 u 12, ebda persuna ma tista tibdal-kostruzzjoni ta xi bini li jkollu aess gal, jew xi tieqa jew ftuieor gal fuq, xi triq pubblika qabel ma tallas lill-Awtorit taMalta dwar l-Ambjent u l-Ippjanar, dwar il-formazzjoni ta dik it-triq, kontribuzzjoni daqs kemm tii tiswa, kif -mien tal-lastal-kontribuzzjoni, tal-formazzjoni ta dik it-triq (dak il-kost

    gandu jinkludi l-valur, kif -mien tal-las tal-kontribuzzjoni,tal-art metiea gall-formazzjoni tat-triq) jew qabel ma tallaslill-Awtorit ta Malta dwar l-Ambjent u l-Ippjanar mill-anqas

    amsa u goxrin l-mija ta dik il-kontribuzzjoni u -istess intobbliga ruha bil-miktub li tallas il-bilan geluq perijodu tamhux jed minn tnax-il xahar brati ndaqs x-xahar, li jibdew mien xahar mid-data ta dak il-las u obbligu:

    Ida meta l-art fuq naa wada jew fuq i-ew naattat-triq tkun tappartjeni lil sidien differenti l-kontribuzzjoni totali

    gandha tii mqassma bejn dawk is-sidien bi proporzjon skont il-faata tal-art li tkun tappartjeni lil kull sid fuq dik it-triq, hekk illil-kost kollu tat-triq jii mqassam bi proporzjon gal dik il-faatafost id-diversi sidien.

    (b) Meta xi rata ta xahar imsemmi l-paragrafu(a) ma titallasx geluq gaxart ijiem mid-data meta l-las tadik ir-rata jkun dovut, l-ammont kollu tal-kontribuzzjoni li ma

    jkunx gadu tallas isir u jkun minnu dovut u jkollu jingatalill- Awtorit ta Malta dwar l-Ambjent u l-Ippjanar u l-persuna li

    Hu metie permessgall-ftu ta triqfpost abitat.

    Tlug ta bini ftoroqodda.

    Sehem li gandujitallas minn persunili jibdew itellgu binili jagti gal fuq triqpubblika.

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    tkun gamlet l-obbligazzjoni msemmija fdak il-paragrafu gandhatitqies li tkun bdiet il-kostruzzjoni tal-bini bi ksur ta dan ir-regolament.

    (2) Kontribuzzjoni dwar il-kost tat-twessig ta kulltriq, fkull mien li jsir, tista tintalab mill-Awtorit ta Maltadwar l-Ambjent u l-Ippjanar bal l-ka ta triq dida u dik il-kontribuzzjoni tintalab biss lis-sid jew sidien li jkun jew ikunukisbu beneju minn dak it-twessig u gandha titqassam biproporzjon tal-beneju hekk miksub.

    (3) Fejn xi triq li galiha jgodd dan ir-regolamenttkun ijed minn tmintax-il metru l-wisa, il-kost tal-formazzjoni

    jew twessig tat-triq in eess ta dak il-wisa ma gandux jittieed

    kont tiegu biex tii stabbilita l-kontribuzzjoni li gandha titallaslill-Awtorit ta Malta dwar l-Ambjent u l-Ippjanar.

    (4) Kull kontribuzzjoni li gandha titallas skont id-disposizzjonijiet ta dan ir-regolament u kull tqassim tagha fostis-sidien gandha, fnuqqas ta ftehim, tii stabbilit mill- Awtoritta Malta dwar l-Ambjent u l-Ippjanar:

    Ida ku l l min ikun in te ressa t j i s ta ja t takkal-likwidazzjoni tal-Awtorit ta Malta dwar l-Ambjent u l-Ippjanarbrikors quddiem il-qorti ivili kompetenti.

    (5) Ir-rati tal-kontribuzzjonijiet li gandhom jitallsugal kull klassi jew tip ta bini u l-mod kif gandhom jinabrugandhom ikunu dawk stabbiliti bir-regolamenti magmula skontl-artikolu 42 tal-Att dwar l-Ippjanar tal-Ivilupp.

    ( 6 ) I l - k o n t r i b u z z j o n i j i e t m a l l s a t a t i d -dispoizzjonijiet ta dan ir-regolament ikunu favur il-Gvern.

    14. (1) Ir-rati li gandhom jintalbu mill-Awtorit gat-

    twittija, kisi u asfaltar tal-wi jew xortora tat-toroq gandhomikunu dawk ordnati bregolamenti tat l-Att dwar l-Awtorit gat-Trasport fMalta.

    (2) Meta persuna tonqos milli tifforma triq kif provdutskont id-disposizzjonijiet ta dawn ir-regolamenti, l-Awtorit tistahi nnisha tgaddi biex tifforma dik it-triq wara li tagti avvi tal-intenzjoni tagha li tagmel dan permezz ta avvi l-Gazzetta, utagti lil dik il-persuna mistax-il urnata biex tikkonforma ruhama dan. Dik il-formazzjoni ssir bi spejje tal-persuna li kieku

    Rati gat-twittija e

    ta toroq.

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    kienet xortora tkun obbligata li tifforma dik it-triq, u l-Awtoritjkollha l-jedd tirkupra kull nefqa hekk magmulha mingand dikil-persuna.



    15. L-Awtorit tista, fkull mien, tagmel jew tara li ssirjew tippermetti li ssir fkull jew tat kull triq privata, kull xorta taxogol illi jkun jidhrilha metie jew utli -interess pubbliku.

    16. Kull triq privata dida gandha tii mwittija u miksijakif imiss u magmula bmod li tkun tajba gas-sewqan tal-ilma,

    mill-persuna li tkun fetet dik it-triq, skont l-ordnijiet tal-Awtoritu bmod li jkun jogob lill-Awtorit. Barra minn dan, kull triqbal dik gandha tii magmula mill-imsemmija persuna bbankinibkurdun u bdorga tal-ebel tal-qawwi jew bmaterjal ieor tajjebgaldaqshekk, li jkun jissodisfa lill-Awtorit.

    17. Kull triq privata gandha tinamm, mill-persuna li tkunfetitha, stat tajjeb ta tiswija bmod li jissodisfa lill-Awtorit.

    18. Is-sidien ta kull proprjet li tmiss direttament matriq privata jew il-persuni li jkollhom dik il-proprjet bentewsi,

    jitqiesu, gall-ni ta din it-Taqsima ta dawn ir-regolamenti, lihuma l-persuni li fetu dik it-triq u li huma s-sidien tagha:

    Ida kull persuna li jkollha l-obbligu li tagmel xixoglijiet triq bal dik gandha l-jedd ta regress kontra terzi bil-mezz tal-azzjoni ivili, mogtija mil-lii, sabiex titallas lura takull spia li tkun gamlet dwar dawk ix-xoglijiet:

    Ida wkoll, ebda azzjoni ivili ma tista iddewweml-esekuzzjoni tax-xoglijiet mill-persuna obbligata li tagmilhom.

    19. (1) Mingajr preudizzju gal kull ma jista jsirxortora skont il-lii, l-Awtorit tkun tista tagmel jew, skontil-ka, tissokta tagmel ix-xoglijiet kollha jew xuud mix-xoglijiet imsemmija r-regolamenti 16 u 17 wara li tkun bagtetavvi lis-sid bittra reistrata li tkun bi siebha tagmel hekk; dawkix-xoglijiet gandhom isiru bi spejje tal-persuna li tkun fetet it-triq.

    L-Awtorit tistatagmel xoglijietftoroq privati.

    Twittija, e, ta triqprivata mis-sid.

    I-amma ta toroqprivati.

    Min jitqies li feta triq

    u li huwa s-sid tagha.

    Kisi, e., ta toroqprivati.

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    (2) Kull triq privata, kompria l-bankina fdik it-triq, gandha, wara li l-Awtorit tkun bagtet lis-sid avvi bittrareistrata, tii asfaltata jew miksija xortora kif tgid l-Awtorit,mill-imsemmija Awtorit, bi spejje tas-sid.

    (3) Kull wieed mill-avvii msemmija -ewsubregolamenti ta qabel dan gandu jissemma h l-ammont lis-sid gandu jallas bala sehmu min-nefqa dwar ix-xoglijiet li

    jkun hemm il-sieb li jsiru.

    (4) L-Awtorit gandha tibgat bittra reistrataavvi tad-data li ha jkunu ntemmu x-xoglijiet imsemmija s-suregolamenti (1) u (2) lis-sidien, li jkollhom iallsu, kemm-ildarba huma ma jkunux laqu allsu qabel, l-ammont mistoqq

    minnhom mingajr imgax, mien xahar minn mindu jaslilhoml-avvi li x-xoglijiet intemmu.

    (5) Kull avvi mibgut bil-posta reistrata skontdan ir-regolament jitqies li jkun wasal gand il-persuna li lilha

    jintbagat kif soltu jasal t-tqassim tal-posta.

    (6) It-toroq privati gandhom, meta dawk it-toroqikunu inklui skema jew pjan lokali -

    (a) meta jiu asfaltati jew jitlesta l-kisi xortora

    taghom; u

    (b) malli tii pubblikata Ordni tal-President l-Gazzetta li tkun tordna dan,

    isiru proprjet tal-Gvern u minn dak il-waqt is-sidien ikunumelusin minn kull dmir ieor li jieu sieb dawk it-toroq.

    (7) Bdak kollu li hemm fxi disposizzjoni ora ta liis-sens kuntrarju, l-art li minn fuqha tgaddi kull triq, jew parti

    minn triq, trasferita lill-Gvern skont is-subregolament (6) ta danir-regolament gandha, bOrdni tal-President, tii melusa galkollox minn kull privile u ipoteka li sa dak i-mien kienu

    jolqtuha, mingajr sara gall-kreditu si gurat bdak il-privilejew bdik l-ipoteka li galiha jibqgu jagmlu tajjeb il-fdal tal-proprjet li minnha dik l-art kienet tagmel parti u fuq il-proprjetl-ora kollha milquta, jekk ikun hemm, tad-debitur. Dwar kull

    elsien bal dak ma tkun tintie ebda riferenza jew reistrazzjonir-Reistru Pubbliku.

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    (8) (a) Jekk sid it-triq jonqos milli jallas xi ammontli jkollu jagti tat is-subregolament (4) ta dan ir-regolament u-mien h imsemmi, huwa, fuq hekk, ikollu jagti bi las barramill-ammont hekk minnu mistoqq l-imgax bit-tmienja l-mija

    fuq dak l-ammont minn meta x-xoglijiet jintemmu sa dak in-nharli jsir il-las, u l-ispia li tkun nefqet l-Awtorit imkien ma dakl-imgax fuqha jkunu kreditu privileat favur l-Awtorit fuq il-proprjet ta dak is-sid li sew sew tagti gal fuq it-triq, u dak il-kreditu gandu jitallas bi preferenza gall-krediti l-ora kollha,sew jekk privileati jew ipotekarji, fuq dik il-proprjet, bdakkollu li hemm fxi disposizzjoni ora ta lii s-sens kuntrarju.

    (b) Dak il-jedd ta preedenza ma jkunx jistajitwettaq kemm-il darba l-kreditu ma jkunx ie reistrat r-Reistru

    Pubbliku mien xahrejn minn meta jkunu ntemmu x-xoglijiethawn qabel imsemmijin. Fnuqqas ta xhieda s-sens kuntrarjud-data tat-temm tax-xoglijiet gandha titqies li tkun dik li tidhern-nota tar-reistrazzjoni tal-privile.

    20. Gall-ni tal-iskrizzjoni u tal-las ta kull kreditu tatir-regolament 19 ta dawn ir-regolamenti, in-nefqa li tkun saretmill-Awtorit gandha tii mqassma mill-Awtorit bejn is-sidienskont il-qies tal-faata tal-art jew tal-bini ta kull wieed minnhomma tul it-triq:

    Ida kull wieed mis-sidien jista jattakka l-likwidazzjonimagmula mill-Awtorit brikors quddiem il-qorti ivili kompetentikontra l-imsemmija Awtorit.



    21. L-Awtorit, u sal-limitu ta kull responsabbilt ta

    Kunsill Lokali skont l-Att dwar Kunsilli Lokali, bkonsultazzjonimal-Awtorit ta Malta dwar l-Ambjent u l-Ippjanar, jistgu

    jordnaw li l-isem li bih triq gandha tissejja, kif ukoll l-isem tal-belt, subborg jew raal li hom it-triq tkun tinsab, u kull avvi

    jew sinjal ieor li jkun jitqies utli biex juri fejn tieu t-triq jewbiex jagmel twissijiet dwar kantunieri perikolui, jew gal kullni ieor ta interess pubbliku, jiu impinija jew imwala umimuma stat li jistgu jinqraw fuq il-itan ta bini li ma jkunxbini masub bala bini gall-qima ta kult.

    Spejje magmulinmill-Awtoritgandhom jinqasmubejn is-sidien.

    Setga dwar it-tpinijata ismijiet ta toroq,e.

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    22. Meta Kunsill Lokali jiddeiedi dwar l-isem li bihgandha tkun magrufa triq privata, dik it-triq gandha tibqa triqprivata.

    23. (1) add ma jista jpini, jimmarka, jikteb jewiwaal triq miftua gall-pubbliku xi isem bal dak li bih dikit-triq gandha tissejja, jew xi isem ta belt, subborg jew raal,

    jew xi avvi jew sinjal bal dak impini jew magmul skont id-disposizzjonijiet tar-regolament 21 mingajr l-approvazzjoni tal-Awtorit, jew tal-Kunsill Lokali responsabbli gal-lokalit li hatkun tinsab dik it-triq, skont il-ka, galkemm dik it-triq ma tkunxproprjet tal-Gvern.

    (2) L-isem ta kull triq gandu jibqa mimum sakemm

    il-Ministru reponsabbli gall-Pulizija ma jordnax li jitbiddel.

    (3) Kull ordni tal-Ministru responsabbli gall-Pulizijagat-tibdil tal-isem ta triq jew biex jingata jew jii approvatisem li bih gandha tissejja triq dida, gandu jii pubblikat l-Gazzetta.

    24. (1) add ma jista jeqred, inei jew jgarraq l-isemta triq, belt, subborg jew raal jew iid xi kelma mal-isem li jkunie mogti lit-triq, belt, subborg jew raal jew jagmel sara l-materjal li fuqu jkun impini dak l-isem.

    (2) Meta persuna tikser id-disposizzjonijiet tas-subregolament (1), dik il-persuna tkun atja ta kontravenzjoni utista, meta tinsab atja, teel ammenda ta mitt euro (100).



    25. (1) Mingajr preudizzjoni gal obbligi relatati gal

    xoglijiet ftoroq tat xi regolamenti ora s-se, ma jistgujsiru ebda xogolijiet triq pubblika, jew tar tat triq pubblikamingajr permess mill-Awtorit kif stipulat hawn ijed l isfel.

    (2) L-applikazzjoni gal permess gandha ssir lill-Awtorit mill-persuna li tkun qiegda tikkummissjona x-xogolfuq il-formola preskritta u din gandha tkun akkumpanjata minndik l-informazzjoni u dawk id-dokumenti metiea mill-Awtorit,u mid-dritt li jpplika kif imniel -Ewwel Skeda li tinsab madawn ir-regolamenti.

    Isem mogti lil triqprivata.

    Tismija ta toroq.

    Qerda, tneija jewtassir ta isem ta triq,subborg jew raal.

    Permess metie.

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    (3) Il-permess ikun validu gall-perijodu li jkunindikat h u x-xogol kollu jkun irid jitlesta gal kollox l-perijodu tat-tlestija kif speikat l-permess.

    (4) L-Awtorit tista edded kull permess li l-validittiegu tkun skadiet malli l-utent ta dak il-permess jippreentaapplikazzjoni gat-tidid tal-permess.

    (5) Xoglijiet ftoroq jistgu jsiru biss minn kuntratturu Kunsilli Lokali, fornituri ta servizzi ta utilit, fornituri taservizzi tal-komunikazzjoni u kuntratturi involuti li gandhomfkull stadju jsegwu l-Kodii ta Prattika.

    26. (1) Gandu jkun hemm tliet tipi ta permessi gal

    xogol ftoroq kif ej:

    (a) Permess gal Xoglijiet Mauri fToroq RWP 1

    (b) Permess gal Xoglijiet ta Emerenza fToroq RWP2

    () Permess gal Xoglijiet Minuri, Manutenzjoni uTiswija fToroq RWP3.

    (2) Permess gal Xoglijiet Mauri fToroq ikun

    ikopri xoglijiet mauri li jinvolvu kull xorta ta xoglijietftoroq.

    (3) Permess gal Xoglijiet ta Emerenza ikun ikoprix-xoglijiet ta emerenza kollha t-toroq u jkun validu galperijodu li ma jkunx jeedi tlett ijiem.

    (4) Permess gal Xoglijiet Minuri jkopri xoglijietgar.

    27. (1) Applikazzjonijiet gall-ru jew tidid ta xiwieed mill-permessi msemmija fdawn ir-regolamenti ma jiuxipproessati mill-Awtorit fejn l-applikazzjoni

    (a) ma ssirx fuq il-formola ordnata,

    (b) ma jkollhiex magha d-dritt ta las stipulat, jew

    () ma jkollhiex magha l-informazzjoni u, jewdokumenti mitluba mill-Awtorit, komprii

    Tipi ta permessi.

    Ipproessar taapplikazzjonijiet galpermessi gal xogol triq.

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    (i) kopja ta ertikat ta assigurazzjoni li jkunikopri dawk ix-xoglijiet,

    (ii) pjanta kif xieraq tas-sit (estratt A4 mis-survey

    sheet tal-1988 qies 1.2500), ifrmata minn ininier ivilikwalikat li tkun turi bmod ar il-post fejn ikunu serisiru x-xoglijiet proposti,

    (iii) ftehim bil-miktub biex jitgatta fejn ikuntaffer u wi it-triq jinieb -istat oriinali tiegu skontspeikazzjonijiet stabbiliti mill-Awtorit u skont il-kundizzjonijiet li jkunu speikati l-permess, u

    (iv) dawk ir-rekwiiti li l-Awtorit tista titlob.

    (2) Meta l-applikazzjoni tkun gal xogolijiet taemerenza ftoroq, il-permess jinare wara li ininier tal-Awtorit jikkonferma l-emerenza ta dawk ix-xoglijiet u joroil-kondizzjonijiet marbuta ma dak il-permess:

    Ida d-detentur tal-permess gandu jallas dawk id-drittijiet gas-servizzi mogtija mill-ufjal tal-Awtorit jewil-penalitajiet li hemm -Ewwel Skeda li tinsab ma dawn ir-regolamenti.

    28. (1) Meta l-Awtorit toro permess tat dawn ir-regolamenti, hija tista tehme mal-permess dawk il-kondizzjonijietli taseb li jkunu xierqa bkonjizzjoni ga-irkostanzi kollha tal-ka.

    (2) Mingajr preudizzju gall-eneralit tas-subregolament (1), it-tipi ta kondizzjonijiet li l-Awtorit tistatehme mal-permess tat l-imsemmi subregolament jinkludikondizzjonijiet li gandhom xjaqsmu ma, ida mhux limitatamentgal

    (a) ranet li hom ma jkunux jistgu jsiru x-xoglijiet;

    (b) inijiet tal-urnata li hom ma jkunux jistgu jsirux-xoglijiet;

    () il-projbizzjoni jew restrizzjoni tat-trafku;

    (d) arranamenti li jkollhom isiru gall-maniar tat-trafku brabta max-xoglijiet kif imsemmi t-Tieni Skeda;


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    (e) il-mod li h ix-xoglijiet imsemmija gandhomisiru;

    (f) konsultazzjoni u pubbliit dwar ix-xoglijiet

    imsemmija, kompri il-wiri ta informazzjoni l-post fejnikunu qegdin isiru x-xoglijiet;

    (g) konformit sia mal-linji gwida u l-linji tapolitika pubblikati minn mien gal mien mill-Awtorit; u

    (h) il-kondizzjonijiet dwar kif gandhom isirux-xoglijiet u, jew dwar ir-responsabbilt ta difetti.

    (3) Meta kuntrattur jagmel xoglijiet bi ksur ta xi

    wada mill-kundizzjonijiet li jkunu ew memua mal-permessjew bi ksur ta xi ordni li l-Awtorit tista tagti, l-Awtorit, jekktoss li jkun xieraq li tagmel hekk, tista tirrevoka jew tissospendil-permess skont ma jkunx il-ka, u l-kuntrattur jeel multaamministrattiva ta 50 gal kull kontravenzjoni, u dik il-multatinibed mill-garanzija bankarja:

    Ida fejn il-kontravenzjoni tkun bi ksur ta xi kondizzjonidwar il-maniar tat-trafku, il-multa amministrattiva gandhatkun skont dawk li hemm t-Tieni Skeda li tinsab ma dawn ir-regolamenti.

    29. (1) Meta l-Awtorit tirrifjuta li toro permess, higandha permezz ta avvi bil-miktub, mien sebat ijiem,tgarraf lill-applikant bid-deijoni tagha u bir-raunijiet taghagal dik id-deijoni.

    (2) Meta applikazzjoni tii rifjutata, l-applikantjista, mien wieed u goxrin urnata mid-data ta dak l-avvi,jappella quddiem it-Tribunal ta Revijoni Amministrattiva kifprovdut tat l-Att dwar il-ustizzja Amministrattiva.

    30 . (1) L-Awtorit gandha s-setga li tikkuntrattaxoglijiet mauri ftoroq meta dawk ix-xogolijiet ikunu se

    jiu kommissjonati minn fornitur ta servizzi ta uti lit li jkunjappartjeni lill-Gvern.

    (2) Meta xoglijiet bal dawk jiu kuntrattati mill-Awtorit, dan gandu jsir fisem u bi spia ta dak il-fornitur taservizzi ta utilit.

    Rifjut tal-goti tapermess.

    Kap. 490.

    L-Awtorit tistatikkuntratta xixoglijiet mauri.

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    31. (1) L-Awtorit gandha, qabel ma tagti permess galxoglijiet ftoroq, tapprova pjan xieraq u li joffri sigurezza gall-immaniar tat-trafku li jitejja mid-detentur tal-proett u, jewl-applikant dwar dawk ix-xoglijiet u tigura li dak il-pjan ikun ser

    jiddaal s-se u jibqa jitaddem, u dak il-pjan gandu jinkludiizda mhux limitatament gal, barrikati mdawlin, dwal ta twissija,

    jew apparat ta twissija, u senjaletika kif ikun metie biex matitalliex li ssir sara jew korriment lil persuni, vetturi u proprjetu biex jitnaqqsu l-inkonvenjent u l-periklu gall-pubbliku mill-imsemmija xoglijiet ftoroq.

    (2) Dak il-pjan gall-immaniar tat-trafku u l-miurimetiea jsiru bi spia tal-applikant.

    (3) Il-kuntrattur gandu jaddem il-pjan gall-estjoni tat-trafku matul il-perijodu kollu li h ikunu qegdinisiru x-xoglijiet. Fin-nuqqas ta dan, il-kuntrattur jeel il-multamsemmija t-Tieni Skeda li tinsab ma dawn ir-regolamenti,u dik il-multa tinibed mill-garanzija bankarja, bla sara galkull azzjoni ora li l-Awtorit tkun tista tieu, kompria l-irtirartal-garanzija bankarja u s-sospensjoni tal-awtorizzazzjoni galxoglijiet ora t-toroq l-futur.

    32. Kuntrattur li jkun qieged jagmel xogol triq gandujikkumpensa lil partijiet terzi gal xi sarat jew telf li t-terzi

    partijiet jistgu jsofru kawa tax-xoglijiet li jkunu qegdin isirut-triq:

    Ida dik ir-responsabbilt ma testendix gal sara jewtelf li tkun attribwita gal neglienza jew kondotta aina min-naa tal-persuna li ssofri l-sara jew telf.

    33. Meta triq isiru xoglijiet ta tar, il-kuntrattur ikunmetie jirristawra t-triq skont il-kondizzjonijiet li jkollu mal-permess.

    34. (1) Kuntrattur li jagmel xoglijiet ftoroq gandu,meta jlesti dawk ix-xoglijiet, jippreenta lill-Awtorit mien

    mistax-il urnata minn meta jkun lesta x-xogol, rapport takonformit dwar ix-xoglijiet.

    (2) Xoglijiet mauri u ta emerenza ftoroqgandhom, meta jitlestew, jiu spezzjonati minn laboratorjuindipendenti u akkreditat li jkun rikonoxxut mill-Awtorit.

    Taris tat-trafku udawk li juaw it-triq.

    Responsabbilt galsarat.

    Kisi mill-did tatoroq wara li jsiruxoglijiet hom.

    ertikazzjoni taxoglijiet ftoroq.

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    (3) Minbara t-test li gandu jsir skont ma jissemmas-subregolament (2), u abbai tal-istess testijiet fejn ikun japplika,xoglijiet mauri u ta emerenza ftoroq gandhom jiuertikati minn Perit li jkollu warrantr-rigward tal-konformit

    taghom ma livelli u speikazzjonijiet stabbiliti mill-Awtoritr-rigward tal-aspetti kollha, komprii ida mhux esklusivament,materjal uat, ila x-xogol, u xi rekwiiti ora dwar kif ikollu

    jsir ix-xogol stipulat flivelli li jkunu japplikaw. Ikun biss metatinare ertikazzjoni poittiva bal dik li l-Awtorit toroertikat bkonferma li dawk ix-xoglijiet ikunu saru kif mixtieqminnha.

    (4) Ix-xoglijiet biex it-triq tinieb lura gal li kienetgandhom ikunu soetti gal garanzija ta sentejn, sakemm ma

    jintalabx xortora.

    (5) Meta l-Awtorit ma tkunx sodisfatta bir-restawru l-kisi mill-did tat-triq, il-kuntratt ikollu jagmel dawk ix-xoglijiet mill-did gas-sodisdazzjon tal-Awtorit, u fejn il-kuntrattur jonqos li jikkonforma ruu, l-Awtorit gandha tagmeldawk ix-xoglijiet hi bi spejje tal-kuntrattur innifsu.

    (6) L-Awtorit teskludi minn xoglijiet ftoroq, galperijodi ta mien stabbiliti minn qabel ta mhux anqas minn sitt

    xhur konsekuttivi, kuntratturi li bmod konsistenti jonqsu minndik il-konformit.

    35. Kuntratturi gandhom iallsu bejn 50 u 500 galkull urnata, jew parti minnha, meta -mien li h idumu biex

    jitlestew ix-xoglijiet triq jeedi mingajr rauni ustikatal-perijodu tat-tkomplija speikat. Dawk il-lasijiet huma dawkpreskritti t-Tieni Skeda li tinsab ma dawn ir-regolamenti.

    36. (1) Ikun reat li persuna tagmel, jew iiegel jew

    tippermetti li jsiru, xoglijiet ftoroq li ma jkunux awtorizzati

    (2) Fka ta reat tat is-subregolament (1) ta danir-regolament l-Awtorit gandha, bil-ru ta avvi ta twaqqif,tordna lil dik il-persuna biex twaqqaf minnuh dawk ix-xogljietu li tieu l-passi li jkunu jidhru li huma metiea biex, mienmhux aktar minn 24 siega, iib it-triq lura gal li kienet, u jekktonqos li tagmel hekk l-Awtorit tagmel dawk ix-xoglijiet hi bispia tal-persuna involuta.

    lasijiet galxoglijiet li jtawlu.

    Projbizzjoni ta

    xoglijiet li ma jkunuxawtorizzati.

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    (3) Fka ta dewmien aktar mil-limitu impost tatis-subregolament (2) ta dan ir-regolament biex it-triq tinieblura gal li kienet, il-persuna li tkun gamlet dawk ix-xoglijietmhux awtorizzati kif ukoll il-persuna li f isimha jew li btalba

    tagha jkunu saru dawk ix-xoglijiet jelu piena amministrattivata 500 gal kull urnata li t-triq iddum ma tinieb lura gal likienet.

    (4) L-Awtorit mgandhiex tikkunsidra applikazzjoniora mingand dik l-istess persuna jew persuni biex jagmlu xixoglijiet ora sakemm dik it-triq ma tkunx iniebet lura gal likienet mill-persuna jew mill-persuni involuti jew, fejn ix-xoglijietbiex it-triq tinieb lura gal li kienet isiru mill-Awtorit, sakemm

    jitallsu l-ispejje u l-pieni kollha.

    (5) L-Awtorit mgandhiex tidol fnegozjati mal-persuna jew persuni konernati sakemm dik il-persuna jew persunima jikkonformawx mal-ordni mogtija tat is-subregolament (2)ta dan ir-regolament.



    37. L-Awtorit tista tagti ordnijiet u tagmel dak li jkunmetie biex tingalaq triq u tinamm il-mogdija minnha waqtli tkun qiegda ssir, titbiddel, tissewwa jew titneha, jew waqtli fdik it-triq ikun qieged isir gandott, kanal jew xogol ieorpubbliku.

    38. add ma jista, minajr il-permess tal-Awtorit u, jewil-lienza tal-Kunsill Lokali relattiv, jibni jew jagmel ebda aat-toroq li tista ib xkiel jew periklu jew inkomdu lill-pubbliku,inkella jalli, wara li jii mwissi mill-Pulizija jew minn gwardjanlokali, bini jew opri ora stat ta tirif jew ta periklu gan-nies

    jew gal wejje addieor.

    39. Kull min ikun irid iott, jibni, ibiddel jew isewwi binibmod illi jkun metie li l-materjal tal-bini jitqieged t-triq, jewbmod illi jista jkun kaun ta sara, periklu, jew ta xkiel, gandu,qabel ma jibda x-xogol, iqieged irpar biejjed tajjeb biex jifredmit-triq il-bini li h kienu sejrin isiru dawk ix-xoglijiet, u jalliwisa biejjed gall-mogdija, u gandu jomm dak l-irpar u dikil-wisa stat tajjeb ga-mien kollu li jkun metie gas-sigurt

    Geluq ta toroq waqt


    Xoglijiet li jistgujibu xkiel jew periklut-toroq.

    Irpar waqt tiswija jewbini.

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    jew kumdit tal-pubbliku; u gandu, l-kai kollha, meta metiesabiex ma jsirux disgrazzji, iqieged dwal biejjed matul il-lejl.

    40. Dwal biejjed gandhom ukoll jitqiegdu, matul il-

    lejl, fuq jew dejn il-materjal pout triq, mill-persuna li tkunxetet hemm dak il-materjal, -mien li jkun isir xi bini, tiswija

    jew tar.

    41. add ma jista jalli triq materjal ta bini jew xkielieor gal mien aktar milli jkun metie; u kull meta jigri dan,il-prova illi ma jkunx gadda aktar mien milli metie gandhatagmilha l-persuna li tkun ieglet li jinxeet hemm dak il-materjal jew xkiel ieor.

    42. (1) Kull ftu fwi l-art jew fbankina ta triq, lijagti gal sotterran bil-nejjiet, gal kantina, jew gal post ieortat l-art, gandu jitgatta bbieb jew bxi gata ieor tajjeb, u dakil-bieb jew gata gandhom jinammu mis-sid stat tajjeb.

    (2) Ida, meta dan is-sotterran, kantina, jew post ieortat l-art ikunu ddestinati sabiex joqogdu n-nies hom, ikunbiejjed li jsir, max-xfar tal-ftu, irpar tajjeb gas-sigurt tal-pubbliku, meta dan jista jsir mingajr ma jib xkiel kbir t-triq.

    43. Id-detentur ta fond gandu jibni mill-did, mingajrdewmien, il-ajt ta dak il-fond li jkun waqa gal fuq it-triq, jew,il-ajt diviorju bejn fond u triq, li, skont il-fehma tal-Awtorit,ikun jetie illi jera jinbena.

    44. (1) Persuna li twettaq reat tat ir-regolament 35(1) jewtat ir-regolament 38 tista, meta tinsab atja, teel ammenda ta1,000.

    (2) Jekk meta jitlesta xogol li dwaru jkun inarepermess, il-kuntrattur ma jerax iib kollox lura gal li kien

    mien tmienja u erbgin siega mit-tlestija, jew fdak i-mienitwal li jista jii molli l-permess, jew inkella t-tqegid ta kolloxlura gal li kien ma jsirx sew, l-Awtorit tista trea kolloxlura gal li kien gas-spejje tal-konedent. Dawk l-ispejje biex

    jitrea kollox lura gal li kien jiu rtirati mill-garanzija bankarja.

    (3) Meta t-tqegid ta kollox lura gal li kien isir jewjii rimedjat mill-Awtorit, il-kuntrattur jibqa responsabbli galdak it-tqegid ta kollox lura gal li kien.

    Dwal bil-lejl fuq jew

    dejn materjal triq.

    Ma jistax jitallamaterjal jew xkielieor triq gal mienaktar milli metie.

    Ftu fwi l-art jewfbankina li jagtugall-kantini, e.,gandu jitgatta.

    Bini mill-did ta ajt

    imwaqqa fuq triq.


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    (4) Min ikunu sarulu xoglijiet jew gax ikuntalabhom hu, ikun solidalment responsabbli ma min ikun gameldawk ix-xoglijiet biex jagmel ix-xoglijiet li jregu jibukollox lura gal li kien.

    (5) Waqt it-twettiq ta xoglij iet, l-Awtorit tistatagti struzzjonijiet ora lill-kuntrattur relatati ma xi wadamill-kundizzjonijiet l-permess billi jidiedu l-permess. Fin-nuqqas li ma josservax l-istruzzjonijiet mogtija mill-Awtorit,il-kuntrattur jista jeel piena amministrattiva ta 50 kull jum,mingajr preudizzju gal kull azzjoni ora li tista tittieed mill-Awtorit, kompri l-irtirar tal-garanzija bankarja u s-sospenzjonital-awtorizzazzjoni gal xoglijiet t-toroq l-futur.

    (6) Fejn persuna tikser xi disposizzjoni ora tat dawnir-regolamenti hi tista teel, meta tinsab atja, ammenda li matkunx anqas minn 20 ida li ma tkunx ijed minn 250.

    45. Ir-Regolamenti tal-2003 dwar Standards ta Disinn uKostruzzjoni gal Xoglijiet t-Triq, huma bdawn imassra.

    Iassar l-A.L. 364tal-2003.

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    (Regolament 27)

    Il-lasijiet li gandhom isiru lill-Awtorit gall-goti ta permess huma dawn li ejjien:

    Permess Drittijiet gall-ipproessar


    Permess galXoglijiet Mauri

    fToroq 120


    Permess galXoglijiet ta

    Emerenza fToroq

    Gal kull permess RWP 2 maru ..

    Gal servizzi mogtija mill-uffijalital-Awtorit li jissejja fil-post,

    kull siega jew parti minnha ...Piena fejn l-uffijal tal-Awtorit

    jissejja gal emerenzi li jkunu

    foloz ............................





    Permess gal

    Xoglijiet Minuri,

    Manutenzjoni u

    Tiswija fToroq

    Permess gal xoglijiet ftoroqresidenzjali .

    Permess gal xoglijiet ftoroq

    arterjali jew distributorji ..

    Xoglijiet fisem l-Awtorit ...




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    (Regolamenti 28, 35)


    Nru. Partita Rekwiiti minimi Rekwiiti standard Pienagall-ksur

    1 TM A Xoglijiet fit-toroq kollha li bl-ebda mod ma jaffettwaw it-traffiku1.1 Xoglijiet li jsiru


    1.2 Xoglijiet li jsiru fl-inawi ta kaxxagall-ipparkjar, li ma

    jkunux jaffettwaw it-traffiku

    1. Tipprovdi aess temporanjugal min jua t-triq bil-mixi(Rotta bla periklu gal min juat-triq bil-mixi)2. Approvazzjoni mill-Awtoritgat-Trasport fMalta gal tfixkilfejn in-nies jaqsmu t-triq jew

    fejn in-nies juaw it-triq bil-mixi

    1. Arranamenti temporanjigall-Maniar tat-Traffikuskont: Sigurezza waqtXoglijiet fToroq Abitati uXoglijiet ta Toroq Kodiita Prattika2. Manwal dwar Sinjali tat-

    Traffiku Kapitolu 8 Volum 1Miuri dwar Sigurt tat-Traffiku u Sinjali galXoglijiet fit-Toroq uSitwazzjonijiet Temporanji3. Makkinarju tal-Kostruzzjonili ma jfixkilx il-karreata4. Programm tax-xoglijiet


    2 TM B Xoglijiet fuq karreati tat-traffiku fit-toroq KOLLHA li parzjalment ifixklu t-traffiku,galkemm jibqa gaddej it-traffiku

    2.1 Xoglijiet fuqkarrejati tat-traffiku

    2.2 Xoglijiet fuq centre-strips, fix-xifer tat-triq,roundaboutsu fsalibit-toroq e.

    1. Tipprovdi aess temporanjugal min jua t-triq bil-mixi

    (Rotta bla periklu gal min juat-triq bil-mixi)Arranamenti temporanji gall-Maniar tat-Traffiku skont il-Kodii2. Approvazzjoni mill-Awtoritgat-Trasport fMalta gal tfixkilfejn in-nies jaqsmu t-triq jewfejn in-nies juaw it-triq bil-mixi

    1. Pjan dwar il-Maniar tat-Traffiku fejn ikunu se jsiru x-

    xoglijiet2. tiea ta Infurzar3. Programm ta Xoglijiet4. Makkinarju tal-Kostruzzjonili ma jfixkilx il-karreata


    3 TM C Xoglijiet fit-toroq KOLLHA li jkunu se jaffettwaw it-traffiku, kompri tfixkil parzjali jewsi, u fejn ikunu metiea devjazzjonijiet tat-traffiku

    3.1 Xoglijiet fuq

    karrejati li jfixklugal kollox it-traffikuftoroq arterjali,distributorji, toroq li

    jorbtu wada mal-ora, u toroq ora (kifmetie)

    1. Tipprovdi aess temporanju

    gal min jua t-triq bil-mixi(Rotta bla periklu gal min juat-triq bil-mixi)Arranamenti temporanji gall-Maniar tat-Traffiku skont il-Kodii2. Approvazzjoni mill-Awtoritgat-Trasport fMalta gal tfixkilfejn in-nies jaqsmu t-triq jewfejn in-nies juaw it-triq bil-mixi

    1. Pjan dwar il-Maniar tat-

    Traffiku fejn ikunu se jsiru x-xoglijiet2. Pjan dwar il-Maniar tat-Traffiku tal-inawi kollha3. tiea ta Infurzar4. Programm tax-Xoglijiet5. Makkinarju tal-Kostruzzjonili ma jfixkilx il-karreata


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    4 TM D Proetti ta vilupp (industrijali, residenzjali, kummerjali) li jkollhom impatt fuq toroqeistenti li jmissu maghom

    4.1 Xoglijiet fuq proettita vilupp li jkollhom

    impatt fuq il-karatteristii tat-toroqeistenti li jmissumaghom.

    1. Tipprovdi aess temporanjugal min jua t-triq bil-mixi

    (Rotta bla periklu gal min juat-triq bil-mixi)Arranamenti temporanji gall-Maniar tat-Traffiku skont il-Kodii2. Approvazzjoni mill-Awtoritgat-Trasport fMalta gal tfixkilfejn in-nies jaqsmu t-triq jewfejn in-nies juaw it-triq bil-mixi

    1. Impatt fuq tibdil fil-volumtat-traffiku, fuq kif jimxi soltu t-

    traffiku, talita ta vetturi,ambjent tat-triq2. Pjan dwar il-Maniar tat-Traffiku tal-inawi fejn ikunuse jsiru x-xoglijiet ta vilupp3. Programm tax-Xoglijiet4. Makkinarju tal-Kostruzzjonili ma jfixkilx il-karreata


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    L.N. 29 of 2010


    New Roads and Road Works Regulations, 2010

    IN exercise of the powers conferred by article 43 ofthe Authority for Transport in Malta Act, the Minister forInfrastructure, Transport and Communications, in consultationwith the Authority for Transport in Malta has made the followingregulations:-

    1. (1) These regulations may be cited as the New Roads

    and Road Works Regulations, 2010.

    (2) These rules shall be deemed to have come intoforce on the 1st January, 2010.

    PART I


    2. In these regulations, unless the context otherwiserequires, the following expressions have the following meanings:

    the Authority means the Authority for Transport inMalta established under the Authority for Transport in MaltaAct;

    application means an application for any road workspermit;

    applicant means the person commissioning the roadworks;

    communications service provider means an operatorwho provides an electronic communications service using, forsuch purpose, facilities placed in or under or on a public road;

    completion period means the specied period in whichall works covered by the permit shall be completed;

    contractor means an undertaking which has theprofessional and technical means to carry out any road works

    Title andcommencement.


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    and which shall annually provide the Authority with a bankguarantee for the amount of 15,000;

    emergency works means works which are required

    to be executed following failure of underground utility orcommunications services or works the carrying out of whichis urgently required in order to prevent or put an end to, orreduce the risk of loss, injury or damage to persons orproperty;

    improvement includes the widening, re-aligning andre-shaping of roads;

    the European Union has the same meaning as is given

    to it in the European Union Act and includes Norway, Icelandand Liechtenstein;

    inhabited area means any area in which there is anaggregation of residential buildings inhabited or capable ofbeing inhabited by more than one hundred persons;

    Local Council means a local government councilestablished in terms of the Local Councils Act;

    local plan has the same meaning as is given to it in the

    Development Planning Act;

    local road means a public road other than an arterialroad or a distributor road;

    maintenance in relation to public roads includesimprovement and management;

    major works means any road works which are neitherminor works nor emergency works;

    Malta Environment and Planning Authority meansthe Malta Environment and Planning Authority as establishedunder the Development Planning Act;

    Member State means a Member State of the EuropeanUnion;

    the Minister means the Minister responsible for roads;

    Cap. 460.

    Cap. 363.

    Cap. 365.

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    minor works shall include works consisting of

    (a) the connection of a consumer to a serviceprovided by, or intended to be provided by, a utility

    service provider or a communications service provider;

    (b) using an access hole for the purposeof ducting, accessing, repairing, or maintaininginfrastructure under a road without effecting the trafcow;

    (c) the installation, repair or maintenance oftrafc control items and inhabited road furniture notrequiring excavations;

    (d) routine road maintenance;

    new road includes the extension of an existing road;

    occupier means any person who is lawfully inpossession of or exercising control over any land;

    owner, in relation to land or other immovableproperty, means any person who owns the land or any personrepresenting the owner in the administration of the land

    concerned, or acting on behalf of the owner or assuming thecharacter of owner, according to circumstances;

    permit means a road works permit required from theAuthority under the provisions of these regulations;

    person means any natural or legal person;

    project owner means a person appointed by anapplicant for major road works permit, who shall be

    completely responsible for the application and whose positionwithin the applicant entity would allow him to take decisionson his own in a reasonably short time and give direction to histeam;

    private road means any road other than a public road;

    public road means any road which the Authority or aLocal Council have a duty to maintain;

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    residential building means a structure used for thedwelling of a person or persons and includes any house,mezzanine, garage, room, store or other building;

    road has the same meaning as is given to it in theAuthority for Transport in Malta Act;

    road works means any intervention on existing roads,including major road maintenance, the breaking up or openingof a road, trenching works, the construction or reconstructionof footways or carriageways, alterations in carriagewaysand footways, trafc calming measures, the construction orremoval of road humps, and any intervention that alters orseeks to re-instate the surface of an existing road;

    routine road maintenance means actions performedon a regular basis in order to keep a road, inhabited road, orbridge safe and t for travel, actions performed to preventdeterioration where possible, and actions performed to returnthe appearance of the road surface and roadside to goodcondition; it includes, but is not limited to, patching potholes, surface patching, crack sealing and lling, cleaning ofinhabited roads, drains and culverts; installing trafc signsand signals; replacing damaged signs and road markings,

    controlling roadside brush and vegetation; cleaning roadside;repairing sidewalks;

    tenement means any building or land separated from aroad by a wall;

    trafc management schemes means schemes for themanagement of trafc in various events with a combinationof network planning and engineering measures to enhance

    road safety, with the aim to alleviate the adverse effects ofmotorized trafc including trafc signal controlled junctions,parking regulation, trafc calming, pedestrian and cycleroute improvements and road signing also for road works andtemporary situations;

    trenching means the construction of an excavationmade below the surface of the road for the purpose ofaccessing, installing, repairing and maintaining of utilitiesunder a road;

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    5. Any land required in connection with the construction,widening or deviating of any road shall be acquired in accordancewith the Land Acquisition (Public Purposes) Ordinance.

    6. The Authority may prepare and publish a Code ofPractice to guide itself, Local Councils, utility providers andcommunications service providers in the best principles of goodpractice in particular to minimize disruption and inconvenienceduring road works.

    7. (1) Any person designing or building any road orcarrying out maintenance or other work thereon shall comply withthe following Design and Construction Standards for Road Works:

    (i) Volume 1- Specications for Road Works;

    ( i i ) Volume 2 Notes for Guidance on theSpecication for Road Works;

    (iii) Volume 3 Road Construction Details;

    (iv) Volume 4 Method of Measurement for RoadWorks and Notes for Guidance of Measurement of RoadWorks;

    (v) Volume 5 - Design Manual for Roads and Bridges;

    (vi) Volume 6 - Guidelines for the StandardPresentation of Design Documents for Road Construction.

    (vii) Volume 7 Directives for the Standardization ofPavements for Trafc Areas.

    (2) The said Design and Construction Standards forRoad Works shall be accessible to the public at the ofces of the

    Authority, during normal ofce hours.

    (3) Without prejudice to any action that may beexercisable against any person who designs or builds any road incontravention of this regulation, nothing in this regulation shall beconstrued as granting a right to any person against the Authorityor against the Government or other public authority or againstany person acting in his or her ofcial capacity as an ofcer oran employee of Government or of any such aforesaid authorityin respect of failure of any road to conform to the performance

    Acquisition of land forroad purposes.

    Cap. 88.

    Code of Practice.

    Compliance withstandards.

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    associated with the Design and Construction Standards for RoadWorks stipulated in this regulation.

    8. (1) In an action against the Authority or a Local Council

    in respect of injury or damage resulting from its failure to maintaina road it shall be a defence to prove that

    (a) the Authority or Local Council had taken such careas in all the circumstances was reasonably required to securethat the part of the road to which the action relates was notdangerous for trafc; or

    (b) that the injury or damage resulted

    (i) from works carried out on or under that partof the road to which the action relates; and

    (ii) from an event which occurred before thecompletion of the re-instatement or making good ofthat part of the road in accordance with any relevantrequirement.

    (2) For the purposes of a defence under paragraph(1)(a) the court shall in particular have regard to the followingmatters

    (a) the character of the road, and the trafc which wasreasonably expected to use it;

    (b) the standard of maintenance appropriate for a roadof that character and used by such trafc;

    (c) the state of repair in which a reasonable personwould have expected to nd the road;

    (d) whether the Authority or Local Council knew,or could reasonably have been expected to know, that thecondition of the part of the road to which the action relateswas likely to cause danger to users of the road;

    (e) where the Authority or Local Council could notreasonably have been expected to repair that part of the roadbefore the cause of action arose, what warning notices of itscondition had been displayed:

    Action in respect ofinjury or damage.

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    Provided that for the purposes of such a defence, it shallnot be relevant to prove that the Authority or Local Council,as the case may be, had arranged for an authorized contractorto carry out or supervise the maintenance of the part of the

    road to which the action relates, unless it is also proved thatthe Authority or Local Council had given that contractorproper instructions with regard to the maintenance of the roadand that it had carried out the instructions.



    9. (1) Every new road in any inhabited area or any road

    made with a view that it may form part of an inhabited area whichmay hereafter be built up shall be at least eight metres wide:

    Provided that the Malta Environment and PlanningAuthority, in consultation with the Authority, may require anysuch road to be of a stated width exceeding eight metres but notexceeding eighteen metres.

    (2) Where an existing road in an inhabited area isextended, the minimum width of the road may, with the permissionof the Malta Environment and Planning Authority, in consultation

    with the Authority, be reduced to six metres.

    10. No new road in an inhabited area, nor any road madewith a view that it may form part of an inhabited area which mayhereafter be built up, shall be made without the sanction from theMalta Environment and Planning Authority, in consultation withthe Authority, as to its course, direction and position, and as tothe manner in which the adjoining residential buildings are to besewered and supplied with water and the surface water is to owoff.

    11. A new road in an inhabited area or an area which mayhereafter be built up may only be opened with the permission of theMalta Environment and Planning Authority, in consultation withthe Authority, and the Malta Environment and Planning Authoritymay refuse permission for the opening of a new such road:

    Provided that where such permission is refused, theparty aggrieved shall have the right to appeal from such a decisionunder the provisions of the Development Planning Act.

    Width of new roads ininhabited areas.

    Course, direction andposition of new roadsin inhabited areas.

    Permission requiredfor the opening ofa new road in aninhabited area.

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    12. No building abutting on a new road in an inhabited areashall be erected before the road has been levelled to the properline xed by the Malta Environment and Planning Authority, inconsultation with the Authority. The length of the road to be so

    levelled shall extend from any existing inhabited road alreadyopened to the public to the extreme end of the frontage of thebuilding to be erected.

    13. (1) (a) Subject to the provisions of regulations 9,10, 11 and 12, no person may commence the construction of anybuilding having access to, or having any window or other openingon to, any public road, before paying to the Malta Environmentand Planning Authority, in respect of the formation of the saidroad, a contribution equal to the cost, as at the time of payment

    of the contribution, of the formation of such road (such cost toinclude the value, as at the time of payment of the contribution, ofthe land required for the formation of the road) or before paying tothe Malta Environment and Planning Authority at least twenty-veper cent of such contribution and at the same time undertaking inwriting to pay the balance within a period of not more than twelvemonths by equal monthly installments, commencing one monthfrom the date of such payment and undertaking:

    Provided that where the land on either side or on bothsides of the road belongs to different owners the total contribution

    shall be apportioned among such owners in proportion to thefrontage of the land belonging to each owner on to such road, insuch manner that the whole cost of the road shall be distributed inproportion to such frontage among the various owners.

    (b) Where any monthly installment referred to inparagraph (a) is not paid within ten days from the date when thepayment of such installment falls due, the whole amount of theoutstanding contribution shall become and be immediately due andowing to the Malta Environment and Planning Authority and the

    person who made the undertaking referred to in the said paragraphshall be deemed to have commenced the construction of thebuilding in contravention of this regulation.

    (2) A contribution in respect of the cost of the wideningof any road, at whatever time carried out, may be claimed by theMalta Environment and Planning Authority as in the case of a newroad and such contribution shall only be levied from the owner orowners who has or have derived a benet from such widening andshall be apportioned in proportion to the benet so derived.

    Erection of buildingsalong new roads.

    Contributionpayable by personscommencing theconstruction ofbuildings havingaccess to a publicroad.

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    (3) Where any road to which this sub-regulationapplies exceeds eighteen metres in width, the cost of the formationor widening of the road in excess of such width shall not betaken into account in xing the contribution payable to the Malta

    Environment and Planning Authority.(4) Any contribution payable under the provisions of

    this regulation and any apportionment thereof among the ownersshall, in default of agreement, be xed by the Malta Environmentand Planning Authority:

    Provided that any party interested may impugn theassessment of the Malta Environment and Planning Authority byan application before the competent civil court.

    (5) The rates of contributions leviable in respect of anyclass or type of building and the manner of their collection shall bethose established under regulations made in terms of article 42 ofthe Development Planning Act.

    (6) The said contributions shall be collected and leviedby the Malta Environment and Planning Authority on account ofthe Government.

    14. (1) The rates to be charged by the Authority for thelevelling, metalling and asphalting of surface otherwise of roads

    in an inhabited area or an area which may hereafter be built upshall be those as prescribed by regulations under the Authority forTransport in Malta Act.

    (2) Where any person fails to form any road in aninhabited area or an area which may hereafter be built up inaccordance with the provisions of these regulations, the Authoritymay itself proceed to form such a road after giving notice of itsintention so to do by means of a notice in the Gazette, giving suchperson fteen days within which to comply. Such formation shall

    be at the expense of the person who would otherwise have beenobliged to form such inhabited road, and the Authority shall havethe right to recover any expense so made from such person.



    15. The Authority may, at any time, carry out or cause orallow to be carried out in and under any private road any work

    Rates for levelling,etc., of roads.

    Authority may carryout works in privateroads.

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    whatsoever which it considers necessary or useful on grounds ofpublic utility.

    16. Every new private road shall be properly levelled,

    metalled and put in a proper state as regards its drainage, by theperson by whom such road shall have been opened, in accordancewith the directions and to the satisfaction of the Authority. Everysuch road shall, moreover, be provided by the said person withfootways with kerb and gutter made of hard stone or other suitablematerial to the satisfaction of the Authority.

    17. Every private road shall be kept in a proper state ofrepair to the satisfaction of the Authority, by the person by whomsuch road shall have been opened.

    18. The owners of any property immediately abutting on anyprivate road or the persons holding such property on emphyteuticallease shall, for the purpose of this Part of the regulations, bedeemed to be the persons who opened such road and the ownersthereof:

    Provided that any person who is bound to carry out anywork in any such road shall be entitled to bring against third partiesany civil action, admissible according to law, for the recovery ofany expenses incurred in the execution of the work:

    Provided further that no such civil action shall delay theexecution of the work by the person who is bound thereto.

    19. (1) Without prejudice to any other action availableaccording to law, the Authority shall be enabled to carry out or,as the case may be, to continue the carrying out of all or any ofthe works specied in regulations 16 and 17 after having given theowner notice by registered letter of its decision so to do; any suchworks shall be carried out at the expense of the person who has

    opened the road.

    (2) Every private road, including the footway thereof,shall, on notice by registered letter given by the Authority, beasphalted or surfaced otherwise as indicated by the Authority, bythe said Authority, at the owners expense.

    (3) Each of the notices mentioned in the last twopreceding sub-regulations shall specify the amount payable by the

    Levelling, etc., ofprivate road by owner.

    Upkeep of privateroads.

    Persons deemed tohave opened road andto be owners thereof.

    Asphalting, etc., ofprivate roads.

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    owner as his share of the expense in connection with the proposedworks.

    (4) The Authority shall give notice by registered letter

    of the date of completion of the works referred to in sub-regulations(1) and (2) to the owners, who shall effect payment, unless theyhave already done so, of the amount due by them without interest,within a month of the receipt of the notice of completion of theworks.

    (5) Every notice sent by registered post in terms of thisregulation shall be deemed to have reached the addressee in thenormal course of postal delivery.

    (6) Private roads shall, when such roads are includedin a scheme or in a local plan -

    (a) on their asphalting or other surfacing; and

    (b) upon the publication in the Gazette of an Order bythe President to that effect,

    become government property and the owners shall thereafter berelieved of any further obligation of maintaining the roads.

    (7) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to thecontrary, the site of every road or part of a road transferred to theGovernment in accordance with sub-regulation (6) shall, on theOrder of the President, be freed absolutely from every privilegeand hypothec theretofore affecting it, without prejudice to theentire credit secured by that privilege or hypothec continuing to bea charge on the residue of the property of which that site formedpart and on all other affected properties, if any, of the debtor. Anysuch liberation shall not be subject to any requirement of referenceor other entry in the Public Registry.

    (8) (a) If the owner of the road shall fail to pay anyamount due by him under and within the period specied in sub-regulation (4), he shall thereupon become liable to the paymentover and above the amount so due of interest at eight per centumthereon as from the date of completion of the works to the date ofpayment, and the expense incurred by the Authority together withthat interest thereon shall constitute a privileged claim in favourof the Authority on that owners property immediately abutting onthe inhabited road, and such claim shall be paid in preference to all

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    other claims, whether privileged or hypothecary on such property,notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary.

    (b) Such right of priority may not be enforced

    unless the claim is registered in the Public Registry within twomonths from the completion of the works aforesaid. In default ofevidence to the contrary the date of the completion of the worksshall be deemed to be that indicated in the note for the registrationof the privilege.

    20. For the purpose of the registration and recovery of anyclaim under regulation 19, the expense incurred by the Authorityshall be apportioned by the Authority among the owners inproportion to the frontage of their respective land or buildings

    along the inhabited road:

    Provided that any owner may impugn the assessmentmade by the Authority by an application before the competent civilcourt in contestation with the said Authority.

    PART V


    21. The Authority, and to the extent of any responsibilityof a Local Council in terms of the Local Councils Act, a LocalCouncil, in consultation with the Malta Environment and PlanningAuthority, may cause the name by which any road is to be called,as well as the name of the town, suburb or village in which the roadis situated, and any other notice or mark which may be considereduseful for directing routes or giving warnings about dangerouscorners, or for any other public purpose, to be painted or afxedand maintained in a legible state on the walls of any building otherthan a building destined for divine worship.

    22. Where a Local Council shall cause the name by whicha private road is to be called, that road shall remain to be a privateroad.

    23. (1) No person shall paint, mark, write or afx in anyroad open to the public any name as that by which such road is tobe called, or any name of any town, suburb or village, or any noticeor mark similar to that painted or made in accordance with theprovisions of regulation 21 without the approval of the Authority,or of the Local Council responsible for the locality in which such

    Expense incurredby Authority to beapportioned amongowners.

    Power in connection

    with painting ofnames of roads, etc.

    Name given to aprivate road.

    Naming of roads.

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    road is situated, as the case may be, although such road is a privateroad.

    (2) The name of any road shall be preserved until the

    Minister responsible for the Police directs the alteration thereof.

    (3) Any order of the Minister responsible for thePolice for the alteration of the name of any road or for giving orapproving a name to a new road shall be published in the Gazette.

    24. (1) It is forbidden to destroy, obliterate or deface thename of any road, town, suburb or village or add any word or markthereto, or damage any slab bearing any such name.

    (2) Where a person contravenes the provisions of sub-regulation (1), such person shall be guilty of a contravention andshall, on conviction, be liable to a ne (ammenda) of one hundredeuro (100).



    25. (1) Without prejudice to the obligations relating toroad works under any other regulations in force, no works shall

    be executed in, or excavations made under a public road without apermit from the Authority as described hereinafter.

    (2) The application for a permit shall be made tothe Authority by the person commissioning the works on theprescribed form and shall be accompanied by any information anddocuments required by the Authority, and by the appropriate feesas prescribed in the First Schedule to these regulations.

    (3) The permit shall be valid for the period indicated

    in it and all work shall be fully completed within the completionperiod specied in the permit.

    (4) The Authority may renew any permit the validityof which has expired upon the submission by the holder thereof ofan application for renewal.

    (5) Road works may only be executed by a contractorand Local Councils, utility services providers, communications

    Destruction,obliteration ordefacement of nameof road, suburb orvillage.

    Permit required.

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    service providers and contractors involved shall at all stages followthe Code of Practice.

    26. (1) There shall be three types of road works permits as


    (a) Major Road Works Permit RWP 1

    (b) Emergency Road Works Permit RWP2

    (c) Minor Road Works, Maintenance and RepairsPermit RWP3.

    (2) A Major Road Works Permit shall cover major

    works which involve any type of road works.

    (3) An Emergency Road Works Permit shall coverany emergency road works and it shall be valid for a period notexceeding three days.

    (4) A Minor Road Works Permit shall cover minorworks.

    27. (1) An application for the granting or renewal ofany of the permits prescribed by these regulations shall not be

    processed by the Authority where the application

    (a) is not submitted on the prescribed form,

    (b) is not accompanied by the prescribed fee, or

    (c) is not accompanied by the information and, ordocuments requested by the Authority, including

    (i) a copy of an insurance certicate covering

    such works,

    (ii) a proper site plan (an A4 extract from the1988 1.2500 scale survey sheet), endorsed by a qualiedcivil engineer showing clearly the location of theproposed works,

    (iii) a written agreement to back ll and restorethe surface of the road to specications set by the

    Types of permits.

    Processing ofapplications for roadworks permits.

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    Authority and in accordance with the conditionsspecied in the permit, and

    (iv) any other requirements as may be stipulated

    by the Authority.

    (2) Where an application is made for an emergencyroad works permit, the permit shall be issued once an Authorityengineer conrms the emergency of such works and issues therelative permit conditions:

    Provided that the permit holder shall pay those fees forthe services rendered by the Authority ofcial or the penalties asprescribed in the First Schedule to these regulations.

    28. (1) Where the Authority issues a permit under theseregulations, it may attach such conditions to the permit as seem toit appropriate having regard to all the circumstances of the case.

    (2) Without prejudice to the generality of sub-regulation (1), the types of conditions which the Authority mayattach to a permit under the said sub-regulation include conditionsrelating but not limited to

    (a) days on which works may not be carried out;

    (b) times of day during which works may not becarried out;

    (c) the prohibition or restriction of trafc;

    (d) trafc management arrangements to be madein connection with the works as prescribed in the SecondSchedule;

    (e) the manner in which the specied works are to becarried out;

    (f) consultation and publicity in relation to thespecied works, including the display of information at thelocation of those works;

    (g) full compliance with the guidelines and policiespublished from time to time by the Authority; and


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    (h) performance and, or defects liability conditions.

    (3) Where a contractor executes works in contraventionof any condition attached to the permit or in contravention to

    any other direction which the Authority may give, the Authority,if it considers it desirable to do so, may revoke or suspend thepermit as the case may be, and the contractor shall be liable to anadministrative ne of 50 for each contravention, which ne shallbe withdrawn from the bank guarantee:

    Provided that where the breach is in contravention ofany of the trafc management conditions, the administrative neshall be in accordance with any of those provided in the SecondSchedule hereto.

    29. (1) Where the Authority refuses to issue a permit, itshall by notice in writing, within seven days, inform the applicantof its decision and the reasons therefore.

    (2) Where the issue of such a permit is refused, theapplicant may, within twenty-one days starting on the date of suchnotice, appeal before the Administrative Review Tribunal providedfor under the Administrative Justice Act.

    30. (1) The Authority shall have the power to contractmajor road works where such works are to be commissioned by autility services provider which is Government owned.

    (2) Where such works are contracted by the Authority,this shall be done on behalf and at the expense of the utility serviceprovider concerned.

    31. (1) The Authority shall, prior to the granting ofa permit for road works, approve a suitable and safe trafcmanagement plan prepared by the project owner and, or the

    applicant in respect of those works and ensures the putting intoeffect and maintenance of the said plan, which plan shall includebut not limited to lighted barricades, warning lights, or warningsdevices, and signage as needed in order to prevent damage orinjury to persons, vehicles and property and to minimize theinconvenience and danger to the public by the said road works.

    (2) The said trafc management plan and the requiredmeasures shall be carried out at the expense of the applicant.

    Refusal to grant anauthorisation or apermit.

    Cap. 490.

    The Authority may

    contract some majorworks.

    Protection of trafcand commuters.

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    (3) The contractor shall mainta in the trafcmanagement plan throughout all the works execution period.Failure to do so shall make the contractor liable to an administrativene as provided for in the Second Schedule hereto, which ne shall

    be withdrawn from the bank guarantee, without prejudice to anyfurther action that may be taken by the Authority, including thewithdrawal of the bank guarantee and suspension of authorizationfor future road works.

    32. A contractor executing road works shall compensatethird parties in respect of any damages or loss suffered by thirdparties as a result of the execution of those road works:

    Provided that the said liability does not extend to

    damage or loss which is attributable to negligence or misconducton the part of the person suffering the damage or loss.

    33. Where trenching works are executed in a road, thecontractor shall be required to reinstate the road in accordance withthe conditions stipulated in the permit.

    34. (1) A contractor which undertakes road works shall,upon completion of such works, submit a works compliance reportto the Authority within fteen days from completion.

    (2) Major and emergency road works shall, uponcompletion, be tested by an independent and accredited laboratoryrecognised by the Authority.

    (3) In addition to the test carried out as provided forin sub-regolament (2), and on the basis of the same tests whereapplicable, major and emergency road works shall be certiedby a warranted architect and civil engineer (Perit) in terms ofcompliance with standards and specications set by the Authorityin respect of all aspects including but not exclusively, material

    used, workmanship, and any performance requirements stipulatedin applicable standards. Only upon such positive certication shallthe Authority issue a certicate conrming that those works hadbeen carried out to its satisfaction.

    (4) Reinstatement works shall be subject to a two-yearguarantee, unless otherwise stated.

    (5) Where the Authority is not satised with therestoration and resurfacing of the road, the contractor shall redo

    Liability for damage.

    Resurfacing of roadsfollowing works.

    Certication of roadworks.

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    the said works to the satisfaction of the Authority, and where thecontractor fails to comply, the Authority shall carry out the worksitself at the expense of the contractor concerned.

    (6) The Authority may exclude from road works, forpre-established period of times of no less than six consecutivemonths, contractors who consistently fail from such compliance.

    35. Contractors shall be required to pay a charge of between50 and 500 for each day, or part thereof, where the duration ofroad works carried out by that contractor exceeds the prescribedcompletion period without a justiable reason. The said chargesshall be those prescribed in the Second Schedule thereof.

    36. (1) It is an offence for a person to execute, or cause orsuffer to be executed, any unauthorised road works.

    (2) In the case of an offence under sub-regulation (1)hereof the Authority shall, by the issue of a stop notice, direct thatperson to stop the works immediately and to take such steps asappear to it necessary to reinstate, within a period not exceeding24 hours, the road, failing which the Authority shall carry out theworks itself at the expense of the person concerned.

    (3) Any delays in the reinstatement of the worksbeyond the time limit imposed under sub-regulation (2) hereofshall bear an administrative penalty of 500 per day to be chargedto the person who had executed the unauthorised works and to theperson on whose behalf or at whose request the works have beencarried out.

    (4) The Authority shall not entertain any otherapplication by the same person or persons to undertake any otherworks until such time the road is reinstated by the person or

    persons concerned or, where the reinstatement works are carriedout by the Authority, until such time as all expenses and penaltieshave been settled.

    (5) The Authority shall not enter into negotiationswith the person or persons concerned until such time as that personor persons comply with the direction given under sub-regulation(2) hereof.

    Charges for prolongedworks.

    Prohibition ofunauthorised works.

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    37. The Authority may give orders and take the requisitesteps for closing any road and stopping the thoroughfare thereofduring the construction, alteration, repair or demolition of suchroad, or of a conduit, sewer or other public work in such road.

    38 . It shall not be lawful, without a permit from theAuthority and, or a licence from the appropriate Local Council,to construct any work or make any thing in any road, which maycause obstruction or create danger or inconvenience to the public,or, in spite of an intimation by the Police or by a local warden,

    to leave any building or work which is ruinous or dangerous topersons or to the property of others.

    39. Any person intending to take down, construct, alter,or repair any building in such a manner as will necessitate thedeposit of building materials in the road, or may be a sourceof injury, danger, or inconvenience, shall, before beginning thesame, cause sufcient fences to be put up in order to separate thebuilding where the works are to be carried out from the road with aconvenient space for the thoroughfare, and shall keep such fencesand such space in good condition during such time as the public

    safety or convenience requires; and shall, in all cases in which itis necessary in order to prevent accidents, cause the same to besufciently lighted during the night.

    40. A sufcient light shall also be placed, during the night,on or near the materials lying in the road, by the person who shallhave laid there such materials on the occasion of any building,repair or excavation.

    41. It shall not be lawful to leave in any road building

    materials or other obstructions longer than necessary; and inany such case, the proof that the necessary time has not beenexceeded shall lie on the person so causing such materials or otherobstructions to be laid.

    42. (1) Any opening in the surface or footway of anyroad, leading to a vault, cellar, or other place underground, shallbe covered by a door or other proper covering, and such door orcovering shall be kept in repair by the owner.

    Closing of roadsduring repairs.

    Works causingobstruction ordanger in roads.

    Fences to be set upduring repairs.

    Light at night-timeto be placed on ornear materials inroad.

    Prohibition to leavematerials or otherobstruction in roadlonger than necessary.

    Openings in surfaceor footway leadingto cellars, etc., to becovered.

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    (2) Nevertheless, where such vault, cellar, or placeunderground is intended for habitation, it shall sufce to makeon the edge of the opening a sufcient fence for the safety of thepublic, where this is practicable without causing considerable

    obstruction in the road.

    43. The occupier of any tenement shall rebuild, withoutdelay, any wall of such tenement which shall have fallen on theroad, or which, being a party-wall between a tenement and a road,shall require, in the opinion of the Authority, to be rebuilt.

    44. (1) A person committing an offence under regulations35(1) and 38 is liable, upon conviction, to a ne (ammenda) of1,000.

    (2) If on completion of the work for which a permithas been issued the contractor does not carry out the re-instatementwithin forty-eight hours of completion, or within such longerperiod as may be allowed in the permit, or the re-instatement is notproperly carried out, the Authority may carry out the re-instatementat the expense of the grantee. Such reinstatement expense shall bewithdrawn from the bank guarantee.

    (3) Where reinstatement is affected or remedied by theAuthority, the contractor is still responsible for such reinstatement.

    (4) The person on whose behalf or at whose requestthe works have been carried out shall be liable in solidumwith the contractor which carried out the works to carry out thereinstatement works.

    (5) Throughout the carrying out of works, the Authoritymay give further instructions to the contractor pertaining to any ofthe conditions in the permit through an addendum to the permit.Failure to immediately comply with the Authoritys instructionsshall make the contractor liable to an administrative