ln 3 fault tolerant sw - ase.pdf

Amity Institute of Space Science and Technology, Amity university Fault Tolerant Software Avionics Software Engineering Prof M S Prasad 10/10/2014 This lecture note is based on open text books and material available on the Internet and is suitable for students of Grad/Post grad in avionics. To be read in conjunction with Class room discussions.

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Amity Institute of Space Science and Technology, Amity university

Fault Tolerant Software

Avionics Software Engineering

Prof M S Prasad


This lecture note is based on open text books and material available on the Internet and is suitable for students of Grad/Post grad in avionics. To be read in conjunction with Class room discussions.

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Avionics Software Engineering Fault Tolerant Software : LN 3

The complexity of software for any complex system makes it error prone during development process,

mainly due to inadequate testing vectors and situation generations. The problem is more compounded

due not having a formal methods for assessing the correctness of a complex software design .

Although component reliability is an important quality measure for system level analysis, software

reliability is hard to characterize and the use of post-verification reliability estimates remains a

controversial issue. For some applications software safety is more important than reliability, and

fault tolerance techniques used in those applications are aimed at preventing catastrophes. Single

version software fault tolerance techniques discussed include system structuring and closure, atomic

the assumption that software built differently should fail differently and thus, if one of the redundant

versions fails, at least one of the others should provide an acceptable output. Recovery blocks, N-

version programming, N self-checking programming, consensus recovery blocks, and t/(n-1)

techniques are some of the methods used in practice.

“software is a systematic representation and processing of human knowledge”. For humans, perfect

knowledge of a problem and its solution is rarely achieved. “programs are really not much more than

the programmer’s best guess about what a system should do”. Even if a programmer had sufficient

knowledge to solve a problem, that knowledge must be transformed into a systematic representation

adequate for automatic processing. The essence of a software is algorithm, data structure functions

and interleaving of all to get the Software as required.

Review software development

The software life cycle is composed of three types of processes: planning, development, and supporting

processes. The planning process is the first step in the cycle and its goal is to define the activities of the

development and supporting processes, including their interactions and sequencing. The data

produced by the processes and the design development environments, with definitions of the methods

and tools to be used, are also determined during the planning process. The planning process scopes the

complexity of the software and estimates the resources needed in the development activities. Software

development standards and methods are selected during the planning activity. Standards exist for all

the processes in the software life cycle and are used as part of the quality assurance strategy. For better

performance in terms of development time and quality of the final product, the plans should be

generated at a point in time that provides timely direction to those involved in the life cycle process.

The planning process should provide mechanisms for further refinement of the plans as the project


The software is developed using Process Models or Software development paradigm , which is

chosen based on the application being developed. Regardless of the process model chosen, actual

development of the software has four main processes: requirements capture, design, coding, and

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integration. The high-level software requirements are developed during the requirements capture


Software System Structure (Idealised Fault Tolerant Structure )

The problems of structuring systems ( SW) , so as to control their complexity, and in particular that of

their fault tolerance provisions, leads to a process which is based on what is known as idealized fault-

tolerant components . Such components provide a means of system structuring which makes it easy to

identify what parts of a system have what responsibilities for trying to cope with which sorts of fault.

The system model now can be thought of as aggregation of independent components ( in fact they can

be treated as a subsystem with their own design .Components receive requests for service and produce

responses. When a component cannot satisfy a request for service, it will return an exception. An

idealized fault-tolerant component should in general provide both normal and abnormal (i.e. exception)

responses in the interface between interacting components, in a framework which minimizes the impact

of these provisions on system complexity.

Three classes of exceptional situation (i.e. in which some fault tolerance response is needed) are

identified. Interface exceptions are signaled when interface checks find that an invalid service request

has been made to a component. These exceptions must be treated by the part of the system which

made the invalid request. Local exceptions are raised when a component detects an error that its own

fault tolerance capabilities could or should deal with in the hope that the component would return to

normal operations after exception handling. Lastly, a failure exception is signaled to notify the

component which made the service request that, despite the use of its own fault tolerance capabilities,

it has been unable to provide the service requested of it (Figure 1).

Fig 1 Recovery Block Mechanism ( Exception Handling )

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Software design Faults

The software faults are known as “ Bugs “. Since SW is not a piece of HW hence its fault criteria and

manner it manifest are different. The major faults come during design phase. The fault could lead to

minor inconveniences to catastrophic outcome specially in mission critical systems such as Aircraft or

space vehicles. Fault removal considers the use of techniques like reviews, analyses, and testing to

check an implementation and remove any faults thereby exposed. The proper use of software

engineering during the development processes is a way of realizing to a larger extent fault

prevention and fault avoidance. Most of the times software development process usually removes

most of the deterministic design faults. However a large number of the faults in operational

software are state-dependent faults activated by particular input sequences. To measure a software

fault avoidance we use Software Reliability which in fact is a misnomer. From a system perspective,

two very important software quality measures are reliability and safety. Reliability is “the probability

of failure free operation of a computer program in a specified environment for a specified period of

time”, where failure free operation in the context of software is interpreted as adherence to its

requirements .

Reliability measures the probability of failure, not the consequences of those failures. Software safety is

concerned with the consequences of failures from a global system safety perspective. Leveson [Leveson

95] defines software system safety as “the software will execute within a system context without

contributing to hazards”. A hazard is defined as “a state or set of conditions of a system (or an object)

that, together with other conditions in the environment of the system (or object), will lead inevitably to

an accident (loss event)“. A system safety design begins by performing modeling and analysis to identify

and categorize potential hazards. This is followed by the use of analysis techniques to assign a level of

severity and probability of occurrence to the identified hazards. Software is considered as one of the

many system components during this analysis. After the analysis is complete, safety related

requirements are assigned to the software. [DO178B] states:

“The goal of [software] fault tolerance methods is to include safety features in the software

design or Source Code to ensure that the software will respond correctly to input data errors and prevent

output and control errors. The need for error prevention or fault tolerance methods is determined by the

system requirements and the system safety assessment process.”

There are four ways of dealing with software faults: prevention, removal, fault tolerance, and input

sequence workarounds. Fault prevention is concerned with the use of design methodologies,

techniques, and technologies aimed at preventing the introduction of faults into the design. Fault

removal considers the use of techniques like reviews, analyses, and testing to check an implementation

and remove any faults thereby exposed. The proper use of software engineering during the

development processes is a way of realizing fault prevention and fault removal (i.e., fault avoidance).

The use of fault avoidance is the standard approach for dealing with software faults and the many

developments in the software field target the improvement of the fault avoidance techniques. [Chou 97]

states that the software development process usually removes most of the deterministic design faults.

This type of fault is activated by the inputs independently of the internal state of the software. A large

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number of the faults in operational software are state-dependent faults activated by particular input


Fault-tolerant computing is the art and science of building computing systems that continue to operate

satisfactorily in the presence of faults. A fault-tolerant system may be able to tolerate one or more fault-

types including -- i) transient, intermittent or permanent hardware faults, ii) software and hardware

design errors, iii) operator errors, or iv) externally induced upsets or physical damage. An extensive

methodology has been developed in this field over the past thirty years, and a number of fault-tolerant

machines have been developed -- most dealing with random hardware faults, while a smaller number

deal with software, design and operator faults to varying degrees. A large amount of supporting

research has been reported.

Fault tolerance and dependable systems research covers a wide spectrum of applications ranging across

embedded real-time systems, commercial transaction systems, transportation systems, and

military/space systems -- to name a few. The supporting research includes system architecture, design

techniques, coding theory, testing, validation, proof of correctness, modeling, software reliability,

operating systems, parallel processing, and real-time processing. These areas often involve widely

diverse core expertise ranging from formal logic, mathematics of stochastic modeling, graph theory,

hardware design and software engineering.

Basic Concepts

Hardware Fault-Tolerance -- The majority of fault-tolerant designs have been directed toward building

computers that automatically recover from random faults occurring in hardware components. The

techniques employed to do this generally involve partitioning a computing system into modules that act

as fault-containment regions. Each module is backed up with protective redundancy so that, if the

module fails, others can assume its function. Special mechanisms are added to detect errors and

implement recovery. Two general approaches to hardware fault recovery have been used: 1) fault

masking, and 2)dynamic recovery.

Fault masking is a structural redundancy technique that completely masks faults within a set of

redundant modules. A number of identical modules execute the same functions, and their outputs are

voted to remove errors created by a faulty module. Triple modular redundancy (TMR) is a commonly

used form of fault masking in which the circuitry is triplicated and voted. The voting circuitry can also be

triplicated so that individual voter failures can also be corrected by the voting process. A TMR system

fails whenever two modules in a redundant triplet create errors so that the vote is no longer valid.

Hybrid redundancy is an extension of TMR in which the triplicated modules are backed up with

additional spares, which are used to replace faulty modules -- allowing more faults to be tolerated.

Voted systems require more than three times as much hardware as non-redundant systems, but they

have the advantage that computations can continue without interruption when a fault occurs, allowing

existing operating systems to be used.

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Replicated Module checking system

TMR example

Continuous operation with Two modules checking a. Simple configuration B. Two self checked pairs

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Dynamic recovery is required when only one copy of a computation is running at a time (or in some

cases two unchecked copies), and it involves automated self-repair. As in fault masking, the computing

system is partitioned into modules backed up by spares as protective redundancy. In the case of

dynamic recovery however, special mechanisms are required to detect faults in the modules, switch out

a faulty module, switch in a spare, and instigate those software actions (rollback, initialization, retry,

restart) necessary to restore and continue the computation. In single computers special hardware is

required along with software to do this, while in multi computers the function is often managed by the

other processors.

Dynamic recovery is generally more hardware-efficient than voted systems, and it is therefore the

approach of choice in resource-constrained (e.g., low-power) systems, and especially in high

performance scalable systems in which the amount of hardware resources devoted to active computing

must be maximized. Its disadvantage is that computational delays occur during fault recovery, fault

coverage is often lower, and specialized operating systems may be required.

Software Fault-Tolerance -- Efforts to attain software that can tolerate software design faults

(programming errors) have made use of static and dynamic redundancy approaches similar to those

used for hardware faults. One such approach, N-version programming, uses static redundancy in the

form of independently written programs (versions) that perform the same functions, and their outputs

are voted at special checkpoints. Here, of course, the data being voted may not be exactly the same, and

a criterion must be used to identify and reject faulty versions and to determine a consistent value

(through inexact voting) that all good versions can use. An alternative dynamic approach is based on the

concept of recovery blocks. Programs are partitioned into blocks and acceptance tests are executed

after each block. If an acceptance test fails, a redundant code block is executed. An approach called

design diversity combines hardware and software fault-tolerance by implementing a fault-tolerant

computer system using different hardware and software in redundant channels. Each channel is

designed to provide the same function, and a method is provided to identify if one channel deviates

unacceptably from the others. The goal is to tolerate both hardware and software design faults. This is a

very expensive technique, but it is used in very critical aircraft control applications.

Deliberate Redundancy

In order also to achieve effective design fault tolerance, capable of completely masking the effects of

many residual software errors, it is necessary to incorporate deliberate redundancy,i.e. to make use of

design diversity, in such systems. The structuring scheme that we have developed [Ran93] both for

describing and comparing the various existing software fault tolerance schemes, and indeed for guiding

their actual implementation, is illustrated in Figure

This shows an idealized component which consists of several sub-components, namely an adjudicator

and a set of software variants (modules of differing design aimed at a common specification). The design

of the component, i.e. the algorithm which is responsible for defining the interactions between the sub-

components, and establishing connections between the component and the system environment, is

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embodied in the controller. This invokes one or more of the variants, waits as necessary for such variants

to complete their execution and invokes the adjudicator to check on the results produced by the variants.

Validation of Fault-Tolerance

One of the most difficult tasks in the design of a fault-tolerant machine is to verify that it will meet its

reliability requirements. This requires creating a number of models. The first model is of the error/fault

environment that is expected. Other models specify the structure and behavior of the design. It is then

necessary to determine how well the fault tolerance mechanisms work by analytic studies and fault

simulations. The results, in the form of error rates, fault-rates, latencies, and coverages, are used in

reliability prediction models.

A number of probabilistic models have been developed using Markov and semi-Markov processes to

predict the reliability of fault-tolerant machines as a function of time. These models have been

implemented in several computer-aided design tools. Some of the known tools are:

HARP—Hybrid Automated Reliability Predictor

SAVE—System Availability Estimator

SHARPE—Symbolic Hierarchical Automated Reliability and Performance Evaluator

UltraSAN /DEPEND -- (University of Illinois,)

SURF-2 -- Laboratoire D'analyse Et D'architecture Des Systemes (LAAS)

Recently there has been a great deal of research in experimental testing by fault-insertion to aid in

assessing the reliability of dependable systems. Among the fault-injection tools that have been

developed to evaluate fault tolerant systems are:


Ballista (CMU),


Recovery Block Fault tolerance

The recovery block (RB) concept was introduced by Horning, Randell and others in 74-75. Using the notation on redundancy presented above, the recovery block scheme is classified as 1H/NdS/NT. This means that the system has one hardware channel, i.e. no redundancy in the hardware; has redundant in software - it uses multiple diverse modules performing the same task; and is also redundant in time, since the multiple modules are executed sequentially in the event of errors. Horning describes a Recovery block as being a "firewall in time". The basic elements of a recovery block are the following: one primary module - a program module which performs the desired operation. This is an Ordinary program block or; zero or more alternate modules - modules which should be such that they perform the same desired operation as does the primary module, however in a different way; and

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One acceptance test - a test which is executed on exit from the primary and alternate modules to confirm that the results produced are acceptable to the environment of the recovery block. In order for the recovery block to be able to provide any degree of fault tolerance and continued service in the event of module failure, there must be at least one alternate module The basic recovery block approach is for Sequential system. The software flow for recovery block is :

While acceptance test is not equal to desired

Case 1 use primary alternate

else by alternate 2

. else by alternate n

else error

Note : Here the accepted value is not up to the desired value hence the acceptance is carried out by

other alternative values.

The overall success of the recovery block scheme rests to a great extent on the effectiveness of the error

detection mechanisms used — especially (but not solely) the acceptance test. The acceptance test must

be simple otherwise there will be a significant chance that it will itself contain design faults, and so fail

to detect some errors, and/or falsely identify some conditions as being erroneous. Moreover, the test

will introduce a run-time overhead which could be unacceptable if it is very complex. The development

of simple, effective acceptance tests can thus be a difficult task, depending on the actual specification.

Consensus Recovery Block

The consensus recovery block (CRB) is an attempt to combine the techniques used in the recovery block

and N-version programming [NVP]. It is claimed that the CRB technique reduces the importance of the

acceptance test used in the recovery block and is able to handle the case where NVP would not be

appropriate since there are multiple correct outputs. The CRB requires design and implementation of N

variants of the algorithm which are ranked (as in the recovery block) in the order of service and reliance.

On invocation, all variants are executed and their results submitted to an adjudicator, i.e. a voter (as

used in N-version programming). The CRB compares pairs of results for compatibility. If two results are

the same then the result is used as the output. If no pair can be found then the results of the variant

with the highest ranking are submitted to an acceptance test. If this fails then the next variant is

selected. This continues until all variants are exhausted or one passes the acceptance test.

Retry Blocks with Data Diversity

A retry block developed by Ammann and Knight is a modification of the recovery block scheme that uses

data diversity instead of design diversity. Data diversity is a strategy that does not change the algorithm

of the system (just retry), but does change the data that the algorithm processes. It is assumed that

there are certain data which will cause the algorithm to fail, and that if the data were re-expressed in a

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different, equivalent (or near equivalent) form the algorithm would function correctly. A retry block

executes the single algorithm normally and evaluates the acceptance test. If the test passes, the retry

block is complete. If the test fails, the algorithm executes again after the data has been re-expressed.

The system repeats this process until it violates a deadline or produces a satisfactory output. The crucial

elements in the retry scheme are the acceptance test and the data re-expression routine.

In order for the recovery block to be able to provide any degree of fault tolerance and continued service in the event of module failure, there must be at least one alternate module. All alternate modules should deliberately be different from the primary module, and also from each other, i.e. software diversity is employed. If all the modules would be the same, or even just similar, not much would be gained since they would all fail in the same way when working on the same input data. The modules of the recovery block may themselves incorporate inner recovery blocks, i.e. the recovery block scheme can be nested. The acceptance test yields a binary decision as to whether or not the results produced by a module are acceptable. In addition, the recovery block scheme requires a recovery cache, i.e. a structure which provides functionality for storing essential information of the current system state in so called recovery points or checkpoints - snapshots of the system state.

Implementing Software Fault Tolerance in C++ ( More details in LN on Exception Handling)

The extension of C++ to include generic classes and functions (“templates”), and exception handling

(“catch” and “throw”) makes it possible to implement both forward and backward error recovery in C++

in the form of reusable components that separate the functionality of the application from its fault

tolerance . More generally, such facilities show prospect of providing a convenient means of achieving

high levels of reuse. This would apply both to general software components implementing various fault

tolerance strategies (including generalizations and combinations of recovery blocks, and N-version

programs, and encompassing the use of parallelism) and to application-specific software components

However, there remain certain strategies and types of structuring that cannot be implemented entirely

(or at any rate elegantly) in a language like C++ even given such mechanisms as generic functions and

inheritance. Instead, the programmer who wishes to employ these strategies has to obey certain

conventions. For example, the application programmer who wishes to make use of our C++ classes

would have to include explicit calls in each operation of an object to facilities related to the provision of

state restoration.

Adherence to such conventions can be automated, by embodying them into a somewhat enhanced

version of C++ and using a pre-processor to generate conventional C++ programs automatically.

Although the pre-processor approach can be quite practical it does have disadvantages. In particular the

language provided to application programmers becomes non-standard since programmers have in some

circumstances during program development to work in terms of the program generated by the pre-

processor, rather than of the one that they had written.

The alternative, that of leaving it to the programmer to adhere to the conventions, is of course a fruitful

source of residual program faults. But developing a new language that provides adequate syntax and

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runtime support to enable the implementation of various software fault tolerance could cut the work off

from the mainstream of programming language developments and thus have difficulty in achieving wide


Recovery Block Procedure

Fault-tolerance is achieved by applying a set of analysis and design techniques to create systems with

dramatically improved dependability. As new technologies are developed and new applications arise,

new fault-tolerance approaches are also needed. In the early days of fault-tolerant computing, it was

possible to craft specific hardware and software solutions from the ground up, but now chips contain

complex, highly-integrated functions, and hardware and software must be crafted to meet a variety of

standards to be economically viable. Thus a great deal of current research focuses on implementing

fault- tolerance using COTS (Commercial-Off-The-Shelf) technology.

Recent developments

include the adaptation of existing fault-tolerance techniques to RAID disks where information is striped

across several disks to improve bandwidth and a redundant disk is used to hold encoded information so

that data can be reconstructed if a disk fails. Another area is the use of application-based fault-

tolerance techniques to detect errors in high performance parallel processors. Fault-tolerance

techniques are expected to become increasingly important in deep sub-micron VLSI devices to combat

increasing noise problems and improve yield by tolerating defects that are likely to occur on very large,

complex chips.

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Error Detection

Effective application of fault tolerance techniques in single version systems requires that the structural

modules have two basic properties: self-protection and self-checking . The self-protection property

means that a component must be able to protect itself from external contamination by detecting errors

in the information passed to it by other interacting components.

Self-checking means that a component must be able to detect internal errors and take appropriate

actions to prevent the propagation of those errors to other components. The degree (and coverage) to

which error detection mechanisms are used in a design is determined by the cost of the additional

redundancy and the run-time overhead. Note that the fault tolerance redundancy is not intended to

contribute to system functionality but rather to the quality of the product.

Similarly, detection mechanisms detract from system performance. Actual usage of fault tolerance in a

design is based on trade-offs of functionality, performance, complexity, and safety. Anderson [Anderson

81] has proposed a classification of error detection checks, some of which can be chosen for the

implementation of the module properties mentioned above. The location of the checks can be within

the modules or at their outputs, as needed. The checks include replication, timing, reversal, coding,

reasonableness, and structural checks.

• Replication checks make use of matching components with error detection based on comparison of

their outputs. This is applicable to multi-version software fault tolerance.

• Timing checks are applicable to systems and modules whose specifications includetiming constraints,

including deadlines. Based on these constraints, checks can be developed to look for deviations from the

acceptable module behavior. Watchdog timers are a type of timing check with general applicability that

can be used to monitor for satisfactory behavior and detect “lost or locked out” components.

• Reversal checks use the output of a module to compute the corresponding inputs based on the

function of the module. An error is detected if the computed inputs do not match the actual inputs.

Reversal checks are applicable to modules whose inverse computation is relatively straightforward.

• Coding checks use redundancy in the representation of information with fixed relationships between

the actual and the redundant information. Error detection is based on checking those relationships

before and after operations. Checksums are a type of coding check. Similarly, many techniques

developed for hardware (e.g., Hamming, M- out-of-N, cyclic codes) can be used in software, especially in

cases where the information is supposed to be merely referenced or transported by a module from one

point to another without changing its contents. Many arithmetic operations preserve some particular

properties between the actual and redundant information, and can thus enable the use of this type of

check to detect errors in their execution.

• Reasonableness checks use known semantic properties of data (e.g., range, rate of change, and

sequence) to detect errors. These properties can be based on the requirements or the particular design

of a module.

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• Structural checks use known properties of data structures. For example, lists, queues, and trees can

be inspected for number of elements in the structure, their links and pointers, and any other particular

information that could be articulated. Structural checks could be made more effective by augmenting

data structures with redundant structural data like extra pointers, embedded counts of the number of

items on a particular structure, and individual identifiers for all the items.

Another fault detection tool is run-time checks . These are provided as standard error detection

mechanisms in hardware systems (e.g., divide by zero, overflow, underflow). Although they are not

application specific, they do represent an effective means of detecting design errors.

Error detection strategies can be developed in an ad-hoc fashion or using structured methodologies. Ad-

hoc strategies can be used by experienced designers guided by their judgment to identify the types of

checks and their location needed to achieve a high degree of error coverage. A problem with this

approach stems from the nature of software design faults. It is impossible to anticipate all the faults

(and their generated errors) in a module.

Fault trees have been proposed as a design aid in the development of fault detection strategies . Fault

trees can be used to identify general classes of failures and conditions that can trigger those failures.

Fault trees represent a top-down approach which, although not guaranteeing complete coverage, is very

helpful in documenting assumptions, simplifying design reviews, identifying omissions, and allowing the

designer to visualize component interactions and their consequences through structured graphical

means. Fault trees enable the designer to perform qualitative analysis of the complexity and degree of

independence in the error checks of a proposed fault tolerance strategy. In general, as a fault tree is

elaborated, the structuring of the tree goes from high-level functional concepts to more design

dependent elements. Therefore, by means of a fault tree a designer can “tune” a fault detection

strategy trading-off independence and requirements emphasis on the tests (by staying with relatively

shallow and mostly functional fault trees) versus ease of development of the tests (by moving deeper

down the design structure and creating tests that target particular aspects of the design.

Exception Handling

Exception handling is the interruption of normal operation to handle abnormal responses. In the context

of software fault tolerance, exceptions are signaled by the implemented error detection mechanisms as

a request for initiation of an appropriate recovery. The design of exception handlers requires that

consideration be given to the possible events triggering the exceptions, the effects of those events on

the system, and the selection of appropriate mitigating actions] There are three classes of exception

triggering events for a software component: interface exceptions, internal local exceptions, and failure


• Interface exceptions are signaled by a component when it detects an invalid service request. This type

of exception is triggered by the self-protection mechanisms of a module and is meant to be handled by

the module that requested the service.

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• Local exceptions are signaled by a module when its error detection mechanisms find an error in its

own internal operations. These exceptions should be handled by the module’s fault tolerant capabilities.

• Failure exceptions are signaled by a module after it has detected an error which its fault processing

mechanisms have been unable to handle successfully. In effect, failure exceptions tell the module

requesting the service that some other means must be found to accomplish its function.

If the system structure, its actions, and error detection mechanisms are designed properly, the effects of

errors will be contained within a particular set of interacting components at the moment the error is

detected. This knowledge of error containment is essential to the design effective exception handlers.

Checkpoint and Restart

For single-version software there are few recovery mechanisms. The most often mentioned is the

checkpoint and restart mechanism, Most of the software faults remaining after development are

unanticipated, state-dependent faults.

This type of fault behaves similarly to transient hardware faults: they appear, do the damage, and then

apparently just go away, leaving behind no obvious reason for their activation in the first place [Gray

86]. Because of these characteristics, simply restarting a module is usually enough to allow successful

completion of its execution [Gray 86]. A restart, or backward error recovery has the advantages of being

independent of the damage caused by a fault, applicable to unanticipated faults, general enough that it

can be used at multiple levels in a system and is conceptually simple.

There exist two kinds of restart recovery: static and dynamic. A static restart is based on returning the

module to a predetermined state. This can be a direct return to the initial reset state, or to one of a set

of possible states, with the selection being made based on the operational situation at the moment the

error detection occurred. Dynamic restart uses dynamically created checkpoints that are snapshots of

the state at various points during the execution. Checkpoints can be created at fixed intervals or at

particular points during the computation determined by some optimizing rule. The advantage of these

checkpoints is that they are based on states created during operation, and can thus be used to allow

forward progress of execution without having to discard all the work done up to the time of error


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An issue of particular importance to backward error recovery is the existence of unrecoverable actions .

These tend to be associated with external events that cannot be cleared by the simple process of

reloading the state and restarting a module. Examples of unrecoverable actions include firing a missile

or soldering a pair of wires. These actions must be given special treatment, including compensating for

their consequences (e.g., undoing a solder) or just delaying their output until after additional

confirmation checks are complete (e.g., do a friend-or-foe confirmation before firing).

Process Pairs

A process pair uses two identical versions of the software that run on separate processors [Pradhan 96]

(Figure 4). The recovery mechanism is checkpoint and restart. Here the processors are labeled as

primary and secondary. At first the primary processor is actively processing the input and creating the

output while generating checkpoint information that is sent to the backup. or secondary processor.

Upon error detection, the secondary processor loads the last checkpoint as its starting state and takes

over the role of primary processor. As this happens, the faulty processor goes offline and executes

diagnostic checks. If required, maintenance and replacement is performed on the faulty processor. After

returning to service the repaired processor becomes the secondary processor and begins taking

checkpoints from the primary. The main advantage of this recovery technique is that the delivery of

services continues uninterrupted after the occurrence of a failure in the system.

Multi-Version Software Fault Tolerance Techniques

Multi-version fault tolerance is based on the use of two or more versions (or “variants”) of a piece of

software, executed either in sequence or in parallel. The versions are used as alternatives (with a

separate means of error detection), in pairs (to implement detection by replication checks) or in larger

groups (to enable masking through voting). The rationale for the use of multiple versions is the

expectation that components built differently (i.e, different designers, different algorithms, different

design tools, etc) should fail differently . Therefore, if one version fails on a particular input, at least one

of the alternate versions should be able to provide an appropriate output. This section covers some of

these “design diversity” approaches to software reliability and safety.

Recovery Blocks

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The Recovery Blocks technique combines the basics of the checkpoint and restart approach with

multiple versions of a software component such that a different version is tried after an error is

detected . Checkpoints are created before a version executes. Checkpoints are needed to recover the

state after a version fails to provide a valid operational starting point for the next version if an error is

detected. The acceptance test need not be an output-only test and can be implemented by various

embedded checks to increase the effectiveness of the error detection. Also, because the primary version

will be executed successfully most of the time, the alternates could be designed to provide degraded

performance in some sense (e.g., by computing values to a lesser accuracy). Like data diversity, the

output of the alternates could be designed to be equivalent to that of the primary, with the definition of

equivalence being application dependent. Actual execution of the multiple versions can be sequential or

in parallel depending on the available processing capability and performance requirements. If all the

alternates are tried unsuccessfully, the component must raise an exception to communicate to the rest

of the system its failure to complete its function. Note that such a failure occurrence does not imply a

permanent failure of the component, which may be reusable after changes in its inputs or state. The

possibility of coincident faults is the source of much controversy concerning all the multi-version

software fault tolerance techniques.

Figure: Recovery Block Model

N-Version Programming

N-Version programming is a multi-version technique in which all the versions are designed to satisfy the

same basic requirements and the decision of output correctness is based on the comparison of all the

outputs . The use of a generic decision algorithm (usually a voter) to select the correct output is the

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fundamental difference of this approach from the Recovery Blocks approach, which requires an

application dependent acceptance test. Since all the versions are built to satisfy the same requirements,

the use of N- version programming requires considerable development effort but the complexity (i.e.,

development difficulty) is not necessarily much greater than the inherent complexity of building a single

version. Design of the voter can be complicated by the need to perform inexact voting.

N Self-Checking Programming

N Self-Checking programming is the use of multiple software versions combined with structural

variations of the Recovery Blocks and N-Version Programming. N Self-Checking programming using

acceptance tests is shown on Figure below. Here the versions and the acceptance tests are developed

independently from common requirements. This use of separate acceptance tests for each version is the

main difference of this N Self-Checking model from the Recovery Blocks approach. Similar to Recovery

Blocks, execution of the versions and their tests can be done sequentially or in parallel but the output is

taken from the highest-ranking version that passes its acceptance test. Sequential execution requires

the use of checkpoints, and parallel execution requires the use of input and state consistency


N Self-Checking Programming using Acceptance Tests


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Another variant to N point checking is comparison . N self-checking programming using comparison for

error detection is shown in Figure below.Similar to N-Version Programming, this model has the

advantage of using an application independent decision algorithm to select a correct output. This

variation of self-checking programming has the theoretical vulnerability of encountering situations

where multiple pairs pass their comparisons each with different outputs. That case must be considered

and an appropriate decision policy should be selected during design.

N Self-Checking Programming using Comparison

Consensus Recovery Blocks

The Consensus Recovery Blocks approach combines N-Version Programming and Recovery Blocks to

improve the reliability over that achievable by using just one of the approaches. According to Scott, the

acceptance tests in the Recovery Blocks suffer from lack of guidelines for their development and a

general proneness to design faults due to the inherent difficulty in creating effective tests. The use of

voters as in N-Version Programming may not be appropriate in all situations, especially when multiple

correct outputs are possible. In that case a voter, for example, would declare a failure in selecting an

appropriate output. Consensus Recovery Blocks uses a decision algorithm similar to N-Version

Programming as a first layer of decision. If this first layer declares a failure, a second layer using

acceptance tests similar to those used in the Recovery Blocks approach is invoked. Although obviously

much more complex than either of the individual techniques, the reliability models indicate that this

combined approach has the potential of producing a more reliable piece of software . The use of the

word potential is important here because the added complexity could actually work against the design

and result in a less reliable system.

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Most of the practical implementations are based on this concept. There are many version of fault

control has been suggested in literature which are not given here.


1987. Avizienis, A., et al., (Ed.). Dependable Computing and Fault-Tolerant Systems Vol. 1: The Evolution

of Fault-Tolerant Computing, Vienna: Springer-Verlag. (Though somewhat dated, the best historical

reference available.)

1988. Harper, R., J. Lala, and J, Deyst, "Fault-Tolerant Parallel Processor Architectural Overview," Proc of

the 18st International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing FTCS-18, Tokyo, June 1988. (FTPP)

1990. Computer (Special Issue on Fault-Tolerant Computing) 23, 7 (July).

1991. Lala, J., et. al., The Draper Approach to Ultra Reliable Real-Time Systems, Computer, May 1991.

1991. Jewett, D., A Fault-Tolerant Unix Platform, Proc of the 21st International Symposium on Fault-

Tolerant Computing FTCS-21, Montreal, June 1991 (Tandem Computers)

1991. Webber, S, and J. Beirne, The Stratus Architecture, Proc of the 21st International Symposium on

Fault-Tolerant Computing FTCS-21, Montreal, June 1991.

1993. Briere, D., and P. Traverse, AIRBUS A320/A330/A340 Electrical Flight Controls: A Family of Fault-

Tolerant Systems, Proc. of the 23rd International Symposium on Fault Tolerant Computing FTCS-23,

Toulouse, France, IEEE Press, June 1993.

1993. Sanders, W., and W. D. Obal II, Dependability Evaluation using UltraSAN, Software Demonstration

in Proc. of the 23rd International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing FTCS-23, Toulouse, France,

IEEE Press, June 1993.

1993. Beounes, C., et. al. SURF-2: A Program For Dependability Evaluation Of Complex Hardware And

Software Systems, Proc. of the 23rd International Symposium on Fault Tolerant Computing FTCS-23,

Toulouse, France, IEEE Press, June 1993.

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1994. Blum, A., et. al., Modeling and Analysis of System Dependability Using the System Availability

Estimator, Proc of the 24th International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing, FTCS-24, Austin TX,

June 1994. (SAVE)

1994. J.H Lala, R.E Harper, Architectural Principles for Safety-Critical Real-Time Applications, Proc. IEEE,

V82 n1, Jan 1994, pp25-40.

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[Aleska 97] Brian D. Aleska and Joseph P. Carter, Boeing 777 Airplane Information Management System

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[Avizienis 87] Algirdas Avizienis, A Design Paradigm for Fault Tolerant Systems, Proceedings of the

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