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  • 7/24/2019 Load Model for Bridge Design Code - Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering


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    Load model for bridge design code


    Impact Factor: 0.56 DOI: 10.1139/l94-004





    1 AUTHOR:

    Andrzej S Nowak

    University of Michigan



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    Available from: Andrzej S Nowak

    Retrieved on: 23 October 2015

  • 7/24/2019 Load Model for Bridge Design Code - Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering


    oad model for bridge design code

    A N D R Z E J. NOWAK

    D ep ar tn le tl t o f C iv il a n d E ~ ~ v i r o r ~ n ~ e r ~ t a lng i neer i ng , Uni ver s i t y o f Mi ch i gan , At111 A r b o ~ ,M I 48109-2125 U.S.A.

    Received January 8 1993

    Revised manuscript accepted May 26, 1993

    The paper deals with the development of load model for the Ontario Highway Bridge Design Code. Three com-

    ponents of dead load are considered: weight of factory-made elements, weight of cast-in-place concrete, and bitu-

    minous surface (asphalt). The live load model is based on the truck survey data. The maximum live load moments

    and shears are calculated for one-lane and two-lane bridges. For spans up to about 40 m, one truck per lane governs;

    for longer span s, two trucks follow ing behind the o ther provide the largest live load effect. For two lanes , two

    fully correlated trucks govern. The dynamic load is modeled on the basis of simulations. The results of calcula-

    tions indicate that dynamic load depends not only on the span but also on road surface roughness and vehicle

    dynamics. Load combination including dead load, live load, dynamic load, wind, and earthquake is modeled using

    Turkstra s rule. The maximum effect is determined as a sum of the extreme value of one load co mpon ent plus the

    average values of other simultaneous load components. The developed load models can be used in the calculation

    of load and resistance factors for the design and evaluation code.

    Key words : bridge, dead load, live load, dynamic load, load combinations.

    Cet article traite du dCveloppement d un modble de charge pour le Code de concep tion des po nts routiers de

    I On tario (CC PRO ). Tro is caractkris tique s de la charg e permanente ont CtC CtudiCes le poids des ClCments fabriquCs

    a I usin e, le poids du bCton coulC sur place ainsi qu e celui du revste men t bitumineux (asph alte). Le modble de

    charg e mobile a CtC ClaborC en tenant com pte de certain es m esures et de donnCes d en qu ste sur les cam ions . Les

    moments et les cisaillements maximums dus h la surch arge ont CtC calculCs pour des ponts une et deux voi es.

    Pour les portCes d un e lo ngueur d e 40 m et mo ins, l effet maxim al est causC par un camion par voie; pour les

    portCes plus long ues, deux camio ns qui se suivent crCent l effet le plus imp ortant en termes de charge mobile. La

    modClisation de la charge dynam ique a CtC eff ectu ie en tenant c omp te de simu lation s. Les rCsultats des calculs

    indiquent que la charge dynamique depend non seulement de la portCe, mais aussi de la rugositC de la surface de roule-

    ment et de la dynamique des vChicules. Une combinaison de charges comprenant la charge permanente, la charge mobile,

    la charge dynamique, le vent et les secousses sismiques a fait I objet d une modClisation l aid e de la rbgle de

    Turkstra. L effet max imal est obtenu en additionn ant la valeur extrgm e d un e caractkristique de ch arge et les valeurs

    moyennes des autres. Les modbles de charge ClaborCs peuvent servir au calcul des coefficients de rksistance et de charge

    pour le code d e conception et dlCvaluation.

    Mo ts cle s

    pont, charge permanente, charge mobile, charge dynamique, combinaisons de charge.

    [Traduit par la rCdaction]

    Can. I.




    3 6 4 9 (1994)


    Bridge loads p lay an increas ingly impor tant ro le in the

    deve lopmen t of des ign and eva lua t ion c r i te r ia . Th e funda-

    mental load combination includes dead load, l ive load, and

    dynamic load. Th is paper dea ls wi th the der iva t ion of s ta -

    t i s ti c a l m ode l f o r t he se l oa d c om pon e n t s . Th e p r e se n te d

    research provided statistical mod els for the development of

    load and res is tance fac tors in the Onta r io Highway Br idge

    Design Code (OHBDC) 1991 edi t ion .

    he analysis of bridge loads was performed in conjunction

    with the development of two previous editions of the OHBDC

    ( Nowa k a nd L ind 1979 ; Gr oun i a nd Nowa k 1984) . Loa d

    models were deve loped on the bas is of the ava i lable t ruck

    s u r v e y s a n d o t h e r m e a s u r em e n t s . T h e m a x i m u m 5 0 - y e a r

    l ive load was de te rmined by exponent ia l ext rapola t ion of

    the extreme values obtained in the survey. AASHTO (1989)

    girder distribution factors were used in the analysis. Dynam ic

    load was modeled using the available test data .

    The new deve lopments a f fec t dead load, l ive load, and

    dynamic load. Dead load is based on the la tes t ava i lable

    da t a . The l i ve l oa d m ode l i s de ve lope d f o r one - l a ne a nd

    NOT E :

    Written discussion of this paper is welcomed and will be

    received by the Editor until June 30, 1994 (address inside front


    two- l a ne b r idge s . An im por t a n t pa r t o f t h i s s tudy i s t h

    dynam ic load analysis. Th e model is developed on the basi

    of an analytical simulation of the actual br idge behavior .

    The major load com ponents of h ighway br idges a re dea

    load, l ive load, ( s ta t ic and dynamic) , environmenta l load

    (temperature, wind, ear thquake) , and other loads (collision

    emergency braking). The load models are developed using th

    available statist ical data , surveys, and other observations

    Loa d c om pone n t s a r e t r ea t e d a s r a ndom va r i ab l e s . The i

    variation is described by the cumulative distribution function

    the mean value, and the coeff icient of variation. The rela

    tionship between load parameters is described by a coefficien

    of correlation.

    T h e b a s i c l o a d c o m b i n a t i o n f o r h i g h w a y b r i d g e s i s

    simultaneous occurrence of dead load, live load, and dynami

    loa d . The c om bina t ions i nvo lv ing o the r l oa d c om pone n t

    (wind, earthquake, collision forces) require a special approac

    which takes into account a reduced probabili ty of a simul

    taneous occur rence of ex t reme va lues of severa l indepen

    dent loads.

    ead load

    Dead load, D is the gravity load due to the self weight o

    the structural and nonstructural e lements permanently con

    nected to the bridge. Because of different degrees of varia


    in Canada Innprime nu C ln;~d;l

  • 7/24/2019 Load Model for Bridge Design Code - Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering


    N O W A K



    Statistical parameters of dead load

    Compo nent Mean-to-nom inal Coefficient of vibration

    Factory-made members 1.03

    Cast-in-place members 1.05

    Asphalt 90 mm*

    Miscellaneous 1.03- 1.05

    Mean thickness.

    t ion, i t is convenient to con sider the following comp onents



    i )


    the weight of fac tory-made e lements ( s tee l ,

    precas t concre te m embers) ; ( i i )


    the weight of cas t - in-

    place concrete members; ( i i i)


    the weight of the wearing

    surface (asphalt) ; and ( iv)


    miscellaneous weight (e .g. ,

    r a i l ing , luminar ies) . Al l components of


    a r e t r e a t e d a s

    normal random var iables . The s ta t i s t ica l pa ramete rs used

    in the c a l ib r a t ion a r e l i s t e d in Ta b le 1 . Th e b i a s f a c to r s

    (mean-to-nominal ratios) are taken as in the previous cali-

    bra tion w ork (Now ak and Lind 1979) . However , the coef -

    f icients of variation are increased to include human errors,

    as recommended by El l ingwood e t a l . (1980) .

    The thickness of asphalt was f irst modeled on the basis

    of s ta t i s t ica l da ta ava i lable f rom the Onta r io Minis t ry of

    Transportation (MTO). Measurements were done in various

    regions of the Province. The distributions of


    (thickness of

    asphalt) are plotted on normal probability paper in Fig. 1. The

    average th ickness of aspha l t i s 75 m m. Th e coef fic ient o f

    variation, calculated from the slope of the distr ibutions in

    Fig. 1, is 0.25. However, fur ther information provided by

    the MTO indica tes tha t the mean th ickness of aspha l t has

    increased to 90 mm and the coefficient of variation is reduced

    to 0.15 (Agarwal, yet unpublished).

    For miscellaneous i tems (weight or rail ings, curbs, lumi-

    nar ies , s igns , condui ts , p ipes , cables , e tc . ) , the s ta t i s t ica l

    parameters (means and coefficients of variation) are similar

    to those of


    if the considered i tem is factory-made with

    the h igh qua l i ty contro l measures , and


    if the i tem is

    cast- in-place, with less str ic t quality control.

    Live load data base

    Live load, L, covers a range of forces produced by vehicles

    moving o n the bridge. Traditionally, the static and d ynamic

    effects are considered separately. Therefore, in this study,

    L covers only the s ta t ic component . The dynamic compo-

    nent is denoted by I.

    T h e e f f e c t o f l i v e l o a d d e p e n d s o n m a n y p a r a m e t e r s ,

    inc luding the span length , t ruck weight , axle loads , axle

    configuration, position of the vehicle on the bridge (transverse

    and longitudinal), number of vehicles on the bridge (multiple

    presence), girder spacing, and stiffness of structural members

    (slab and girders) .

    Th e live load model is based on the truck survey in On tario

    per formed by the MTO in 1975. The s tudy covered about

    10 000 s e l e c t e d t r uc ks ( on ly t r uc ks t ha t a ppe a r e d t o be

    he a v i ly l oa de d we r e m e a su r e d a nd inc lude d in t he da t a

    base) . The results of the 198 8 truck survey including o ver

    2000 trucks (Agarwal, yet unpublished) are also considered

    to study the changes in l ive load over the years.

    T h e u n c e r t a i n ti e s i n v o l v e d i n t h e a n a l y s i s a r e d u e t o

    l i m i t a t io n s a n d b i a s e s i n t h e s u r v e y d a t a . E v e n t h o u g h

    10 000 trucks is a large number, i t is very sm all compared

    with the actual number of heavy vehicles in a 50-year l ife-

    ctual sphalt

    hickness 7


    FIG. 1. Cumulative distribution functions of asphalt thick-


    ess by MTO re,'

    t ime . I t i s a lso reasonable to expec t tha t some ext remely

    heavy trucks purposefully avoided the weighing stations. A

    c ons ide r a b le de g r e e o f unc e r t a in ty i s c a use d by unpr e -

    dictability of the future trends with regard to the configuration

    of axles and weights.

    The 1975 Ontario survey included a total of 9250 heavy

    t r u c k s ( A g a r w a l a n d W o l k o w i c z 1 9 7 6 ) . F o r e a c h t r u c k ,

    bending mo ments and shear forces were calculated for a wide

    range of simple spans. The cumulative distribution functions

    are plotted on normal probability paper in Fig. 2 for moments

    and F ig . 3 for shears , for spans f rom 9 to 6 0 m. The con-

    struction and use of the normal probability paper is explained

    in the fundam enta l textbo oks on probabi l i ty theory (eg . ,

    Benjamin and Cornell 1970). Th e horizontal scale is in terms

    of the OHBDC (1983) live load (truck or lane load, whichever

    governs) , as shown in Fig. 4. The vertical scale , z, is

    [ l ] z a- '[F,(x)]

    where F,(x) is the cumu lative distr ibution function of

    X, X

  • 7/24/2019 Load Model for Bridge Design Code - Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering



    C A N .

    J .

    CIV. ENG VOL. 21. 1991

    M o m e n t

    OHBDC 1983

    o m e n t

    S h e a r

    OHBDC 1983

    h e a r


    2 Cum ulative distribution functions of truck m oments


    3. Cumulative distribution functions of truck shears from

    from 19 75 survey in terms of the OHB DC 1983 m oment.

    1975 survey in terms of the OHBDC 1983 shear.

    OH D Lan e


    OH D


    2 kN



    4 OHBDC 1983 live load.

    i4 m i4 m



    b e i n g t h e m o m en t o r t h e s h ea r ; an d a- i s the inver se o f

    funct ions o f mom ents and shear s ar e p lo t ted in F ig . an

    the s tandard normal d i s t r ibu t ion funct ion .

    Fig. 6 r e s p ect i v e ly . T h e r e s u l t s d o n o t i n d i ca t e an y co n

    The moments and shear s were a l so ca lcu la ted fo r the 1988 s iderab le change in the maxim um mom ents and shear s i

    t r u ck s u r v ey d a t a . T h e r e s u l t i n g cu m u l a t i v e d i s t r i b u t io n t h e t w o s u r v ey s .

    16 k

  • 7/24/2019 Load Model for Bridge Design Code - Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering



    0 0 5 1 1 5


    OHBDC 1983



    Cumulative distribution functions of truck moments

    from 1988 survey in terms of the OHBDC-1983 moment.

    Maximum truck m oments and shears

    The maximum moments and shears for various t ime ~e ri o d s

    are determined by extrapolation of the distributions as shown

    in Figs. 7 and 8. Let N be the total number of trucks in time



    I t is assumed that the surveyed trucks represent

    about 2-week traffic on a class A highway. Therefore, in



    50 years, the number of trucks, N, will be about 1000 times

    larger than in the survey. This will result in N


    10 mill ion

    trucks. The probability level corresponding to N is 1/N; for

    N = 10 million, the probability is 1/10 000 000


    lo- , which

    cor responds to z = 5.19 on the ver t ica l sca le , a s shown in

    Figs . 7 and 8 . The number of t rucks (N) , the probabi l i ty

    ( l / N ) , and the inverse normal d is t r ibution v a lue (z) cor re -

    sponding to various time periods


    from 1 day to 75 years,

    a re shown in Table 2 . The l ines cor responding to the con-

    s id er ed p ro ba bi li ty l ev el s a re a ls o shoin in ~ i ~ s .and 8.

    The mean maximum moments and shears corresponding to

    various periods of time can be read directly from the graph.

    F or e xa m ple , f o r 15 m spa n a nd T = 50 ye a r s , t he m e a n

    m a x im um m om e n t i s 1 . 2 t im e s the de s ign m om e n t . I t i s

    e qua l t o t he ho r i z on ta l c oo r d ina t e o f i n t e r se c t ion o f t he

    extrapolated distr ibution and z


    5.19 on the vertical scale .

    For comp ar ison, the number of t rucks pass ing throug h the

    bridge in 75 years is 1500 times larger than in the survey.

    This corresponds to


    5.26 on the vertical scale (Figs. 7 and

    8). Similar calculations can be performed for other periods

    of t ime.


    0 0 5 1 1 5


    OHBDC 1983



    Cumulative distribution functions of truck shears from

    1988 survey in terms of the OHBD C-1983 shear.


    0 0.5 1 1.5

    M o m e n t OHBDC1983M o m e n t

    75 Years








    M o n t h s

    2 M o n t h s


    M o n t h



    The m ean moments and shears calculated for t ime periods


    Extrapolated cum ulative distribution functions of truck

    f r om 1 da y to 75 ye a r s a r e p r e se n te d in F igs . 9 a nd 10 , m ome nt s.

  • 7/24/2019 Load Model for Bridge Design Code - Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering



    C A N . I CIV. ENG. VOL.

    2 1


    75 Y e a r s


    Y e a r s

    5 Y e a r s



    6 M o n t h s


    M o n t h s


    M o n t h

    2 Weeks


    0 0 0 5 1O 1 5


    OHBDG 983


    FIG. 8 Extrapolated cumulative distribution functions of truck


    respectively. For comparison, the means are also plotted for

    an average truck. Th e coeff icients of variation for the max-

    imum truck m oments and shears can be calculated by trans-

    f o r m a t ion o f t he d i s t r i bu t ion f unc t ions i n F igs .


    a nd 8 .

    Each function can be raised to a certain power, so that the

    calculated earlier mean maximum m oment or shear) becomes

    the mean va lue a f te r the t ransformat ion. The s lope of the

    transformed cumulative distr ibution function determ ines the

    coefficient of variation. The results are plotted in Figs. 11 and

    12 for moments and shears, respectively. For 50 years, the

    bias fac tors a re a lso g iven in Table 3 .

    One lane moments nd shears

    F or one - l a ne b r idge s, t he m a x im um e f f e c t m om e n t o r

    shear) is caused by a single truck or two or more) trucks

    fol lowing behind each other . For a mul t ip le t ruck occur -

    rence , the impor tant pa ramete rs a re the headway dis tance

    and the degree of cor re la t ion be tween t ruck weights . The

    maximum one- lane e f fec t i s de r ived as the la rges t of the

    fol lowing cases :

    a ) S ing le t r uc k ef f e ct e qua l t o the m a x im u m 50- y e a r

    momen t or shear ) wi th the paramete rs mean and coef f i -

    cient of variation) given in Figs. 9 and 11 for the moment and

    in F igs . 10 and 12 for the shear ;

    b) Two t rucks , each wi th the weight smal le r than tha t

    of a single truck in case a) . Thre e degrees of correlatio n

    between truck weights are considered: none


    0), partia l

    p 0 . 5 ) , a nd f u l l p l ) , whe r e p i s t he c oe f f i c i e n t o f


    I t is assumed that, on average, about every 50th truck is

    fo l lowed by another t ruck wi th the headway dis tance less

    than 30 m, about every 250th t ruck is fo l lowed by a par -

    t ia lly correlated truck, and about every 500th truck is fol-

    TA BL E Number of trucks vs. time period and probability

    Time period Num ber of trucks Probability Inverse norma


    N 1


    75 years

    50 years

    5 years

    1 year





    1 month

    2 weeks


    TAB LE. Bias factors atio of the maximum

    50-year l ive load and OHBDC-1983 design

    live load per lane)

    One or two

    Single truck trucks


    m) Moment Shear Moment Shear

    lowed by a fully correlated truck. The two trucks are denote

    by T I a n d T . Three cases a re considered:

    i ) No correlation between T I and T? The parameters of T

    are taken for every 50th truck, or the maximum of 200 00

    1-year truck in Table 2). This corresponds to


    on th

    ve r t i c a l s c a l e i n F igs


    a n d 8 . T h e p a r a m e t e r s o f T a r

    taken for an average t ruck.

    i i ) Par t ia l cor re la t ion be tween T I a nd T7. The parame

    ters of T I are taken for every 250th truck, or the maximum

    of 40 000 2-month truck in Table 2). This corresponds to

    4.05 on the vertical scale in Figs.


    and 8. The parameters o

    T Z a r e t ake n f o r e ve r y 1000 th tr uc k , o r t he m a x im um o

    1 0 0 0 I - d a y t r u ck i n T a b l e 2 ) , w h i c h c o r r e s p o n d s t

    3 .09.

    iii) Full correlation between T I and T z .The parameters o

    T I and T are taken for every 500th truck, or the maximum

    of 20 000 I - m on th t r uc k in Ta b le 2 ) , wh ich c o r r espond

    to 3.8 9 on the vertical scale in Figs. 7 and 8 .

    The truck effects are determined by simulation for variou

    time periods, for a headway distance equal to 5 m bumper

    to-bumper traffic). Th e results are presented in Figs. 13 an

    14. For the 50-year period, the bias factors are also listed i

    Table 3 . A compar ison wi th F igs . 9 and 10 indica tes tha

    one t ruck governs for spans less than 30-40 m. For longe

    spans, two fully correlated trucks govern. The headway dis

    t a nc e o f 5 m i s a s soc i a t e d w i th non- m ov ing ve h ic l e s o

  • 7/24/2019 Load Model for Bridge Design Code - Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering


    N O W A K


    Ye a r s

    50 Ye a r s

    5 Ye a r s



    M o n t h s


    M o n t h s

    M o n t h


    We e ks

    D a y

    Average Truck

    Span m)

    FIG Bias factors for various time periods: m oment for a single truck.


    Ye a r s

    50 Ye a r s

    5 Ye a r s


    6 M o n t h s

    2 M o n t h s

    1 M o n t h

    2 We e ks

    D a y

    Average Truck



    FIG 10

    Bias facto rs for various time periods: shear for a single truck.

    trucks moving at reduced speeds. This is important in con-

    s idera t ion of dynamic loads . In fur ther ca lcula t ions , i t i s

    assumed, conservatively, that the headway distance is 5 m

    even for normal speeds.

    Two lane moments and shears

    Th e a na lys i s i nvo lve s t he de t e r m ina t ion o f t he l oa d in

    each lane and the load distribution to girders. The effect of

    mul t ip le t rucks i s ca lcula ted by sup erposi t ion . The m axi-

    mum moments are calculated as the largest of the following


    a) One lane fully loaded and the other lane unloaded;

    b) Both lanes loaded. Three degrees of correlation between

    the lane loads are consid ered: no correlatio n p 0), partial

    correlation p

    0.5) , and full correlation p 1) .

    I t has been observed that, on average, about every 10th

    t ruck is on the br idge s imul taneously wi th another t ruck

    side-by-side) . For each such a simultaneous occurrence, i t

    is assumed that every 10th time the trucks are partially cor-

    related and every 50th t ime they are fully correlated with

    regard to w eight) . I t is a lso conservatively assumed that the

    transverse distance between two side-by-side trucks is 1.2 m

    whee l center- to-center) .

    In case a) only one lane loaded ), the parameters mean

    and coeff icient of variation) of the m aximum effects are as

    given in Table 3. In case b) two lanes loaded), the param-

    e te r s of m om e n t s a nd she a r s in e a c h l a ne de pe nd o n the

    degree of co rrelation:


    No correlation p 0) . The maximum 50-year moment

    is caused by a s imul taneou s occur ren ce of the maximum

    5-year moment 2 4.75) in lane 1 and the averag e momen t

    in lane 2 .


    Partial correlation p 0.5) . Th e maxim um 50-yea r

    moment is caused by a simultaneous occurrence of the max-

  • 7/24/2019 Load Model for Bridge Design Code - Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering



    C A N .



    ENG. VOL.





    D a y


    D a y s


    We e ks

    M o n t h

    2 M o n t h s

    6 M o n t h s



    Ye a r s



    Span m)

    FIG . 11. Coefficient of variation of the maximum moment for a single truck.



    D a y


    D a y s

    2 We e ks

    M o n t h


    M o n t h s

    6 M o n t h s


    5 Ye a r s


    7 5 Years



    FIG . 12. Coefficient of variation of the maximum s hear for a single truck.

    imum 6-month moment z = 4.26) in lane and the max i-

    mum da i ly moment


    3.09) in lane 2.

    i i i ) F u l l c o r r e l a t io n

    p =

    0 ) . T h e m a x i m u m 5 0 - y e a r

    moment is caused by a simultaneous occurrence of the max-

    imum 1-month moment z = 3.89) in both lanes.

    The structural analysis was performed using the finite ele-

    ment method. T he mode l i s based on a l inear behavior of

    girders and slabs. The maximum girder moments and shears

    were calculated by superposition of truck loads in both lanes.

    The results indicate that for inter ior girders, the case with

    two fully correlated side-by-side trucks governs, with each

    truck equa l to the maximum 1-month t ruck. However , for

    some cases of exter ior girders, one truck may govern.

    Th e bias fac tors a re ca lcula ted as the ra tios of the mean

    maximum 50-year moments shears) and nomina l moments

    shears) spec i f ied by OHBDC


    1983). Th e ca lcula t ions a re

    per formed for a s ingle lane and tw o lanes . The resul ts a

    plotted vs. span in Figs. 15 and 16. For two lanes, the m ult

    lane reduction factor 0.9) is included.

    Recommended changes in design live load

    On the basis of the performed load analysis, i t is recom

    mended to increase the design load for spans less than 40 m

    Therefore , the tandem axle load has been increased f ro

    the cur rent OH BDC 1983) 140 kN to 160


    see Fig. 4

    Th e bias factors, calculated using the new live load 160 k

    pe r a x l e i n a t a nde m ) , a r e shown in F igs . 17 a nd 18 f o

    mom ents and sh ears , r espec t ively .

    ynamic load

    Dyna m ic loa d e f f e c t , I i s c ons ide r e d a s a n e qu iva l e

    s ta t ic load e f fec t added to the l ive load,


    Th e ob je c t iv

  • 7/24/2019 Load Model for Bridge Design Code - Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering


    N O W A K




    9 1 1

    7 5 Ye a r s

    1 0


    Ye a r s


    Ye a r s


    Ye a r

    0 . 9


    M o n t h s

    2 M o n t h s



    1 M o n t h

    0 2 We e ks

    1 0 . 7

    1 D a y

    @ g


    0 6

    0 1

    2 0

    30 4






    13. Bias factors for various time periods: moment for one-lane bridges.

    7 5 Y e ar s


    Ye a r s


    Ye a r s




    M o n t h s

    2 M o n t h s


    M o n t h

    2 We e ks


    D a y

    Span m)


    14. Bias factors for various time periods: shears for one-lane bridges

    of th is ana lys is i s to de te rmine the paramete rs mean and

    coeff icient of variation) of


    The dyna m ic b r idge t e s t s we r e c a r r i e d ou t by B i l l i ng

    1984). Th e results are available for


    bridges and 30 spans,

    including prestressed concrete girders and slabs, steel girders

    hot-rolled sections, plate girders, box girders), steel trusses,

    a nd r ig id f r a m e s . The m e a su r e m e n t s we r e t a ke n f o r t e s t

    vehicles and a normal traffic. The means and standard devi-

    a t i ons , a s a f r a c t ion o f t he s t a t i c l i ve l oa d , a r e g ive n in

    Table 4. Considerable differences between the distr ibution

    functions for very similar structures point to the im portance

    of other factors e .g. , surface condition) . Resu lts collected

    f rom the weigh- in-mot ion s tudies Ghosn and Moses 1984)

    indicate an average dynamic load factor of 0.11. This value

    falls in the middle range of the data obtained from the MT O

    tests Table 4) . However, interpretation of these results is

    diff icult because the dynamic loads are separated from the

    static live loads. It has been observed that the dynamic load,

    as a f rac t ion of l ive load, decreases for heavie r t rucks . I t

    i s expec ted tha t the la rges t dynamic load f rac t ions in the

    survey cor respond to l ight -weight t rucks .

    To ver i fy these observa t ions , a compu te r procedure was

    deve loped for s imula t ion of the dynamic br idge behavior

    H w a n gand Nowak 1991) . The d ynamic load is a func t ion

    of three major parameters: road surface roughness, br idge

    dynamics f requency of v ibra t ion) , and vehic le dynamics

    suspe ns ion sys t e m ) . The de ve lope d m ode l i nc lude s t he

    effect of these three parameters. Simulation of the dynamic

    load requires the generation of a road profile, which is done

    by using a Fourier transform of the power spectral density

    function. The bridge is modeled as a prismatic beam. Modal

    equa t ions of mot ion a re formula ted . In the ana lys is , each

    truck is composed of a body, a suspension system, and tires.

    The body is subjected to a r igid-body motion including the

    vertical displacement and pitching rotation. Suspen sions are

    assumed to be of mul t i -lea f type spr ings .

    The dynamic load allowance


    is defined as the max-

    im um dyna m ic de f l e c t ion ,


    iv ided by the maximum

  • 7/24/2019 Load Model for Bridge Design Code - Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering


    CAN. 1 C I V . E N G . VOL. 21


    Span m)



    Bias factors for various time periods: moments for one-lane bridges in terms of OHBDC-1983 model.

    Span m)

    FIG . 16. Bias factors for various time periods: shears for one-lane bridges in terms of OH BDC -1983 model.

    static deflection,


    as shown in Fig. 19. Static and dyn amic

    deflections are calculated for typical girder br idges. I t has

    been observed that the absolute value of the dynamic deflec-

    t ion is a lmost a constant . There fore , a s the gross vehic le

    weight is increased, the dynam ic load allowan ce is decreased.

    Th e decrease of DLA is mainly due to the increase of static


    In most cases, the maximum live load is governed by two

    trucks side-by-side. The corresponding DLAs are calculated for

    two trucks by superposition of one truck effects as shown in

    Fig. 20. The obtained average DLAs for one truck and two

    trucks are presented in Fig. 21. Therefore, the resulting m ean

    dynamic load is 0 .10 of the mean l ive load for two t rucks

    and 0.15 for one truck. The coefficient of variation is 0.80.

    In OHBD C 1983), the design values of DLA are specifie

    as a function of the natural frequency of vibration, as show

    in F ig . 22 . The r e su l t s o f s im u la t ions i nd ic a t e t ha t DL

    values can be reduced and they a re lower for two t ruck

    than for one truck. In general, dynamic load is reduced f

    a la rger number of axles . Fur thermore , DLA is appl ied

    the maximum 50-year l ive load. The ac tua l DLA is c los

    to the mean. There fore , i t i s r ecommended to use a DL

    equa l to 0 .25 for spans la rger than 6 m.



    The to t a l l oa d ,


    i s a combina t ion of severa l compo

    ne n ts . Th e f o l lowing c om bina t ions a r e c ons ide r e d in t h


  • 7/24/2019 Load Model for Bridge Design Code - Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering


    N O W A K

    wo l nes

    IG. 17. Bias factors for moments for one-lane and two-lane bridges in terms of OHBDC-1991 model.

    FIG. 18. Bias factors for shears for one-lane and two-lane bridges in terms of OHBDC-1991 model.

    (1) D

    L I ;

    ( 2 ) D



    W ;

    (3) D


    I EQ ;



    is the wind load and Q is the earthquake load.

    The maximum 50-year combina t ion of l ive load,


    a nd

    dynamic load, I , is modeled using the statistical parameters

    derived for


    and I. It is assumed that live load is a product

    of two paramete rs ,



    P ,

    where L is the static l ive load



    is the live load analysis factor (influence factor). The

    mean va lue of


    is 1.0 and the coeff icient of variation is

    0.12. The coeff icient of variation of


    can be ca lcula ted

    using the fo l lowing formula :


    v,, (v ; vp2) I2

    where V, is the coef fic ient of va r iat ion of


    an d V i s th e

    coeff icient of variation of

    P .

    The m e a n m a x im um 50- ye a r


    I ,


    can be cal-

    culated by multiplying the mean


    by the mean value of


    ( e q u a l t o 1 . 0 ) a n d b y ( 1 m ,) , w h e r e m , i s t h e m e a n

    d y n a m i c l o a d . T h e s t a n d a r d d e v i a t i o n o f t h e m a x i m u m


    LP I ,

    u,,+,, is

    where a



    i s t he m e a n


    a nd i s e qua l t o


    L ,

    because mean


    1; and

    a V,m,

    is the standard

    deviation of the dynamic load. The coeff icient of variation



    I , V,,,,, i s

  • 7/24/2019 Load Model for Bridge Design Code - Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering


    C A N .

    J . CIV. ENG.

    VOL. 21, 1994

    TAB LE


    Dynamic load factors from test results

    Mean Standard deviation

    Type of structu re Range Average Range Average

    Prestressed concrete AASHTO girders 0.05-0.10 0 .09 0.03-0.07 0.05

    Prestressed concrete box and slabs


    0.14 0.08-0.40 0.30

    Steel girders

    0.08-0.20 0.14 0.05-0.20 0.10

    Rigid frame, truss

    0.10-0.25 0.17 0.12-0.30 0.26



    FIG. 19. Time history for midspan deflection due to a single

    truck on a bridge.

    The statist ical parameters of L and


    depend on the span

    length, and they are different for a single lane and two lanes.

    For a single lane, VLp , 0.19 for most spans , and 0 .205

    for very short spans. For two-lane bridges,

    yp ,

    0.18 for

    most spans, and 0.19 for very short spans.

    T h e b a s i c l o a d c o m b i n a t i o n f o r h i g h w a y b r i d g e s i s a

    simultaneous occurrence of dead load, live load, and dynamic

    l o a d . T h e u n c e rt a i n t y i n v o l v e d i n t h e l o a d a n a l y s i s i s

    expressed by the load analysis factor, E. The mean E is 1.0

    and the coefficient of variation is 0.04 for simple spans and

    0.06 for cont inuous spans .

    Th e load, Q is given in the following form:

    The mean Q in is equal to the sum of the means of the

    componen ts D, , D,, D,, L, and I) . Th e coeff icient of vari-

    ation of

    Q V,,




    st Truck Dynamic


    Truck Dynamic


    s )



    Time history for midspan deflection due to two truck

    on a bridge.

    the m ode l de pe nds on the c ons ide r e d t im e in t e r val . Th i

    particularly applies to environmen tal loads, including wind

    e a r thqua ke , snow, i c e , t e m pe r a tu r e , wa te r p r e s su r e , e t c

    These load models can be based on the report by Ellingwood

    e t al . 1980) or Nowak and Cur t i s 1980) . Th e bas ic da ta

    h a v e b e e n g a t h e r e d f o r b u i l d i n g s t r u c t u r e s , r a t h e r t h an

    br idge s . Howe ve r , i n m os t c a se s t he s a m e m ode l c a n be

    u s e d . S o m e s p e c i a l b r i d g e - r e l a te d p r o b l e m s m a y o c c u

    because of the unique des ign condi t ions , such as founda

    t ion condi t ions , ext remely long span s , or wind exposure .

    Load e f fec t i s a resul tant of severa l components . I t i

    unl ike ly tha t a l l components take the i r maximum va lue

    simulta~eouslv. here is a need for a form ula to calculate th

    parameters of Q mean and coefficient of variation). In gen

    eral, a l l load components are t ime-variant, except of dead

    load. There a re sophis tica ted load combina t ion technique

    available to calculate the distr ibution of the total load, Q

    However, they involve a co nsiderable numerical effort. Som

    of these methods are summarized by Madsen et a l . 1986)

    The total load effect in highway bridge members is a joint

    effect of dead load, D; live load, L


    static and dynamic)

    environmenta l loads ,


    wind, snow, ice, ear thquake, ear th

    p r e s su r e , a nd wa te r p r es su r e ) ; a nd o the r l oa ds , A e m e r

    gency braking, coll ision forces) .

    [9] Q = D + L + I + E - k A

    The effect of a sum of loads is not always equal to th

    The to ta l load e f fec t , Q is the result of dead load, l ive

    sum of the effect s of single loads . In particular, this may

    load, dynamic load, and other effects environmental, other).

    apply to the nonlinear behavior of the structure. Nevertheless

    The r e a r e s e ve r al l oa d c om bina t ions f o r c ons ide r a t ion in

    it is further assumed that [9] represents the joint effect. Th

    the reliabil i ty analysis of br idges. For t ime-varying loads,

    d is t r ibut ion of the jo in t e f fec t can be ana lyzed us ing th

  • 7/24/2019 Load Model for Bridge Design Code - Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering


    N O W A K

    FIG . 21. Average dynamic load allowance in terms of span for one truck and two truck s.

    so-ca l led Turks t ra s ru le . Turks t ra (1970) observed tha t a

    combination of several load components reaches its extreme


    when one of the components takes an ext reme va lue and

    all other components are at their average (arbitrary-point-

    in- t ime) leve l . For example , the combina t ion of l ive load



    and earthquake produces a maximum effect for the l ifetime


    when either (i) the earthquake takes its maximum expected

    3 0.20

    value for T and the l ive load takes i t s maximum expec ted

    value corresponding to the duration of earthquake (i.e. , about


    3 0 s), or (ii) the live load takes its maximu m expected valu e


    for T and the earthquake takes i ts maximum expected value

    cor responding to the dura t ion of th is maximum l ive load

    (time of truck passage on the bridge) .

    ~~~~~~~~~. . . . .r

    In prac t ice , the expec ted va lue of an ea r thquake in any

    0 1 2 3 4 6 7

    sho r t tim e in t e r val i s a lm os t z e r o . The e x ~ e c t e d a lue o f

    irst lexural requency Hz)

    truck load for a short t ime interval depends on the class of

    the road. For a very busy highway, i t is l ikely that there is

    som e t ra f f ic a t any point in t ime . There fore , the maximum

    earthquake may o ccur simultaneously with an average truck

    passing through the bridge.

    I n a ge ne r a l c a se , Tu r ks t r a s r u l e c a n be e x p r e s se d a s



    In a l l cases , the average load va lue i s ca lcula ted for the

    period of time corresponding to the duration of the maximum

    load. The formula can be extended to include various com-

    ponents of


    E a nd


    Th e jo in t d is t r ibut ion can be mode led us ing the cent ra l

    l imi t theorem of the theory of probabi l i ty (Benjamin and

    Cornell 1970).


    sum of several random variables is a nor-

    mal random variable if the number of components is large,

    and if the average values of the components are of the sam e

    FIG . 22. Dynamic load allowance specified in


    order . I f one variable dominates ( i ts average value is much

    la r ge r t han a ny o the r ) , t he n the jo in t d i s t r i bu t ion c a n be

    c lose to tha t of the domina t ing var iable .

    F o r e a c h sum Q i i n [ l o ] , t he m e a n a nd va r i a nc e o f t he

    sum a r e e qua l t o t he sum o f m e a ns a nd the sum o f va r i -

    ances of components, respectively. The distr ibution of Q is

    that which minimizes the overall structural reliability. Usually

    it is Qi with the larg est mean value. T he identif ication of

    the governing load combina t ion is impor tant in the se lec -

    tion of the optimum load factors (including load combination

    factors) .

    F o r e a c h l o a d c o m p o n e n t , t h e m a x i m u m a n d a v e r a g e

    va lues a re es t imated. Dead load does not va ry wi th t ime .

    There fore , the maximum and average va lues a re the same.

    For live load (including dynamic load), the maximum values

    are calculated for 5 0 years and shorter periods. The statistical

    paramete rs of wind and ea r thquake a re g iven in Table 5 .

    Th e p r obab i l i ty o f a n e a r thqua ke EQ, o r he a vy wind


    occurring in a short period of time is very small. Therefore,

    s imul taneous occur rence of E Q and


    is not considered. In

    the result, the number of load combinations considered in the

    code can be reduced as fo l lows:

  • 7/24/2019 Load Model for Bridge Design Code - Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering


    4 8

    C A N . J .

    CIV. ENG V O L . 21. 1994

    TA BL E . Statistical param eters of wind and earthquake

    Live load corresponding

    Maximum 50- Coefficient Basic to basic time period

    Load year value of variation, time


    bias factor COV

    period Bias factor


    Wind 0.875


    4 h 0 .80-0 .90 0 .25

    Earthquake 0.30 0.70 30 s

    0-0.50 0.50

    whe re (L I),,,, is the ma xim um 50-ye ar L I; (L

    I ,,

    i s t h e m a x i m u m 4 - h o u r L I ; W ,,,,, i s t h e m a x i m u m

    50-y ear wind ; W,,,,, is the maxim um daily wi nd; and EQ,,,

    i s t he m ax i m u m 5 0 - y ea r ea r t h q u ak e . T h e m ean m ax i m u m

    4-ho ur l ive load mo me nt, (L I ), ., , can be read direc t ly

    f r o m F i g . 7, f o r



    2 .5 ( m a x i m u m o f 2 0 0 t r u ck s ) . T h e

    parameters of


    I),., are also show n in Table 5.

    Live load for evaluation of existing bridges

    Exis t ing b r idges are evaluated to de termine the i r ac tual

    s t r eng th a nd p red ic t the r emain ing l i f e . Th e major d i f f er -

    ence between the load model for the design of new br idges

    an d t h e ev a l u a t i o n o f ex i s t i n g s t r uc t u r e s i s t h e r e f e r en ce

    time per iod. New br idges are designed for 50-year l i fet ime

    and ex is t ing b r idges are checked fo r 5 - to 10-year per iods .

    Load m odel depends on the reference t ime per iod. Maximum

    mom ents and shear s ar e smal ler fo r 5 - to 10-year per iods

    than for 50-year l i fet ime. However , the coeff icient of var i-

    at ion is larger for shor ter per iods.

    The load combination including dead load, l ive load, and

    d y n am i c l o ad is co n s i d e red . T h e m ax i m u m 5 - o r 1 0 - y ea r

    live loads, and the corresponding dynamic loads, are derived

    using the tables and f igures included ear l ier in this paper .

    Dead load model i s no t t ime-dependen t and the s ta t i s t i -

    cal parameters are as given in Table 1. From Figs. 7 and 8 ,

    the maxim um 5-year mom ent (o r shear ) i s abou t 5 less

    than the maximum 50-year moment (or shear). The difference

    b e t w een t h e 1 0 - y ea r m o m en t an d t h e 5 0 - y ea r m o m en t i s

    a b o u t 3 . F o r a p o s t e d s t r u c t u r e , w i t h a r e d u c e d t r u c k

    weigh t l imi t , the maximum l ive load values are lower than

    for b r idges tha t a r e no t pos ted . However , the cor respond-

    ing dynamic load allowance, DLA, is increased (as a fraction

    o f l i v e l o a d ) . T h e r e f o r e , t h e D L A s s p e c i fi e d f o r p o s t e d

    br idges are a l so increased by 0 .1 to 0 .6 , depend ing on the

    value of the evaluation level and the number of axles .


    Th e ob jec t ive o f the paper i s to p resen t the development

    of load models for the br idge design code. The major br idge

    load componen ts inc lude dead load , live load , and dynam ic


    Th e s ta t i st i ca l parameter s o f dead load are p resen ted fo r

    f ac t o ry - m ad e co m p o n en t s , c a s t -i n - p lace c o m p o n en t s , an d

    asphalt wear ing surface.

    L ive load i s based on the Ontar io truck survey data . The

    avai lab le s ta t i s t i ca l da ta base i s summar ized . The ex t r eme

    effects (moment and shear) are determined for various periods

    of t ime by extrapolat ion of the truck survey data. Mult iple

    presence o f more than one t ruck i s cons idered by s imul

    t ion. For one- lane br idges, a s ingle truck governs for spa

    up to 30-40 m. For two- lane s t ruc tu res , two s ide-by- s i

    trucks produce the largest moment and shear. The analysis

    the des ign l ive load speci f ied by OH BD C (1983) ind ica t

    the need for an increase for shorter spans. Therefore, it is re

    ommended to increase the des ign t ruck , by increas ing th

    axle loads in a tandem from the current 140 to 160 kN. Th

    modi f ied des ign t ruck p rov ides a more un i fo rm mean- t

    nominal r a t io fo r l ive load .

    T h e d e r i v a t i o n o f d y n a m i c l o a d i s s u m m a r i z e d . T h

    dynamic load a l lowance, expressed in te rms o f def lec t io

    p r ac t i ca l l y d o es n o t d ep en d o n t r u ck w e i g h t . T h e r e f o r

    dynam ic load as a f ract ion of l ive load decreases for heavi

    t r u ck s . I t i s f u r t h e r r ed u ced f o r t w o t r u ck s s i d e - b y - s i d

    Therefore , the r ecommend ed des ign value o f dynamic lo

    is 0 .25, for al l spans larger than 6 m.

    Th e load combination procedure is formulated for desi

    formula including dead load, l ive load, dynamic load, win

    and ear thquake.

    Th e developed load model c an be used fo r the des ign

    new br idges and the evaluation of exist ing s tructures.


    T h e p r e s en t ed r e s ea rch w as ca r r i ed o u t in co n j u n c t i o

    w i t h t h e d ev e l o p m en t o f t h e t h i r d ed i t i o n o f t h e O n t a r

    H i g h w a y B r i d g e D e s i g n C o d e . T h e a u t h o r a c k n ow l e d g

    m an y f r u it f u l d i s cu ss i o n s , s u g g es t i o n s , an d c o m m en t s b

    the MTO staff , in par t icular , Hid N. Grouni , Roger Dorto

    B a i d a r B a k h t , A k h i l e s h A g a r w a l , J o h n B i l l i ng , a n

    T . Tharmabala , as wel l as MTO consu l tan ts , Roger Gre

    ( U n i v e r s i t y o f W a t e r l o o ) , F r e d M o s e s ( U n i v e r s i t y

    P i t ts b u r g h ), R o y S k e l t o n ( M c C o r m i c k , R a n k i n a n

    A s s o c i a t e s ) , a n d D a v i d H a r m a n ( U n i v e r s i t y of W e s t e

    Ontar io). Thanks are also due to former and current resear

    assistants at the University of Michigan: Young-Kyun Hon

    Hani Nass i f , Eu i -Seung Hwang , and Tadeusz Alber sk i .

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