local marketing coop membership guide


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Bring good deals to Local business. Imagine being a part of a group of local business owners- all non-competing- and being able to harness the CoOP’s volume power to get more customers faster, easier, and cheaper than on your own.


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Tracy A. Hanes

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© 2013 by Tracy A. Hanes All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including scanning, photocopying, or otherwise without prior written permission of the copyright holder.

First Printing, 2013

Printed in the United States of America

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Income Disclaimer

This document contains business strategies, marketing methods and other business advice that, regardless of my own results and experi-ence, may not produce the same results (or any results) for you. I make absolutely no guarantee, expressed or implied, that by following the advice below you will make any money or improve cur-rent profits, as there are several factors and variables that come into play regarding any given business.

Primarily, results will depend on the nature of the product or business model, the conditions of the marketplace, the experience of the individual, and situations and elements that are beyond your control. As with any business endeavor, you assume all risk related to investment and money based on your own discretion and at your own potential expense. Liability Disclaimer By reading this document, you assume all risks associated with using the advice given below, with a full understanding that you, solely, are re-sponsible for anything that may occur as a result of putting this information into action in any way,

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and regardless of your interpretation of the ad-vice. You further agree that our company cannot be held responsible in any way for the success or failure of your business as a result of the infor-mation presented below. It is your responsibility to conduct your own due diligence regarding the safe and successful operation of your business if you intend to apply any of our information in any way to your business operations. Terms of Use You are given a non-transferable, “personal use” license to this product. You cannot distribute it or share it with other individuals. Also, there are no resale rights or private label rights granted when purchasing this document. In other words, it's for your own personal use only.

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Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION ............................................... 7

HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT MY LOCAL BUSINESS? .................................................... 10

Samples & Testimonials .................................. 19

DIRECT MAIL STATISTICS ............................ 25

MEMBERSHIP LEVELS ................................. 28

List-Building 101 .............................................. 32

Your Gift for Becoming a Member ................... 34 About The Author……....…………………........ 37

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Our Local Marketing Co-Op.

Imagine being a part of a group of local business

owners- all non-competing- and being able to

harness the CoOP’s volume power to get more

customers faster, easier, and cheaper than on

your own.

Welcome to our local marketing co-op. We are a

by-invitation-only membership group, with 1

business owner per niche business representing

our CoOp. We’d like to formally invite you to be

a part of our exclusive group of the area’s savvi-

est business owners. No face-to-face meetings

required. Just an open-mind and a willingness to

help each other become more successful in

growing each of our local businesses while sup-

porting our local economy.


What is this Local CoOP all about anyway?

Let’s start with the basics. A marketing CoOp al-

lows a group of business owners to utilize the

members volume so that they can acquire new

business quickly, easily, and inexpensively.

Members are all non-competing businesses that

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harness the power of shared mailings, joint ven-

ture, strategic alliances, & other lucrative host-

beneficiary relationships between one another.

Before spitting out more CoOp-specific terms,

let’s get on the same page with CoOp terminolo-


JOINT VENTURES: Teaming up with another

business or group of persons for the purpose of

expanding your business influence & creating a

more powerful marketing presence.

Why spend all your time, effort, expense, and

credibility-building activity to attract new custom-

ers from the outside market when there is a

much easier and less expensive way to do it?

You can get other people and businesses to get

new customers for you, and they can do it faster,

more efficiently, and for a fraction of the cost

you’d spend doing it yourself.


which 2 or more businesses work together to

achieve objectives that are mutually beneficial

including cross-referrals. Cross-referrals are a

great way to use free, word-of-mouth advertising

between businesses serving like markets to trade

their clients’ contact information to the other for

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marketing their own complimentary products or


SHARED MAILINGS: A mailing that promotes

the products of 2 or more businesses, with the

members sharing the mailing list and all other

costs. Direct mail is the king of ROI with more

people being influenced to make a purchase than

any other medium. But most small business

owners can’t afford to do it on their own. Shared

mailings allow business owners to share the

costs associated with design, printing, postage,

and mail handling to a target market. With direct

mail returning an average of $11.69 for every $1

invested in it- it’s the best way to grow your busi-

ness besides word-of-mouth referrals.

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How will the CoOP help grow my business?

There are many benefits of our local marketing

CoOP to help gain you more customers, drive

sales, and grow your business. Let’s start with

our exclusive program that we’ve rolled out in our

area that allows you to gain a competitive edge

in the market and one-up your competitors. NO

ONE else is doing this simply because it would

be too expensive normally- but since we have a

design and printing business in our group (no

other than me!) we are able to do this for ridicu-

lously cheap.

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Our shared mailing is a GIANT postcard that

measures a foot-wide, nine inches tall. Each

member of our CoOp gets to place an exciting

offer on it each month that gets mailed out to

10,000 of our local neighbor’s right around our

businesses. Remember, we are all non-

competing businesses so you’ll have absolutely

ZERO competition on the card- giving you a dis-

tinct advantage in the marketplace.

Here are 10 big benefits of being a part of the

Deal Dropper giant postcard mailing:

1. Cost-effective: Let’s start with the is-

sue that is often one of biggest concern

to business leaders, cost. Across the

board of other advertising efforts, direct

mail coupons are extremely cost effec-

tive (not to mention the proven return on

investment, since cost always should be

evaluated in terms of associated busi-

ness development, sales and customer

acquisition). And because our members

share the cost of the mailing we can

each harness the power of direct mail

for 90% LESS than if we did a campaign

on our own & allows us to really maxim-

ize our ROI.

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2. Targeted around your business: Most people do business within a 5-mile radi-us around their home. So why not slip an irresistible offer in their mailboxes? These are the people that are most like-ly to do business with you and these are the people that we target with our giant postcard mailing. This also gives you great exposure in your target market.

3. Proven track record: Direct mail has a

proven track record. Because this tech-

nique had been so widely used for a

long time, much proof exists to demon-

strate its effectiveness. Shared direct

mail campaigns offer reliable returns

with negligible costs.

4. Highly measurable: Direct mail offers

are easily trackable and the results can be measured by simply adding a re-demption code, leading the prospect to an opt-in form, or even having the cus-tomer text a keyword to get the coupon on their mobile phone. When you can measure your results of your marketing than you can easily see your ROI and know that it’s working.

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5. Easy way to gain new customers

quickly: Irresistible offers attract new

customers including new residents to try

out your business and tell others about

your offer. And great offers will entice

customers who have been shopping

with your competitors. It’s a proven fact

that consumers will break routine shop-

ping patterns to take advantage of a

great offer. We help you craft an irre-

sistible offer that has been tested, tried,

and proven in your market giving you an

unfair advantage.

6. Expand or increase your market area: Since consumers will travel far to re-deem a great offer, by sending out an exciting offer to even more zip codes around your business to easily expand your market area helping you to see even bigger growth in your business.

7. Drive sales immediately: With so

many local residents receiving your ex-

citing offer in their mailbox instantly- you

can drive sales immediately in your

business. No more waiting for your

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SEO efforts to pay off, or hoping that

your phone will ring. With an instant

drop of our giant postcard in the mail

your offer gets seen immediately and

you start seeing results quickly. No oth-

er form of marketing can get you

such quick results like direct mail.

8. 87% of all shoppers use coupons: As

stated in the Wall Street Journal, “As the

economy slides, coupon use rises.” An-

other independent study says 95% of

consumers like coupons. This is why

savvy marketers use great offers to pull

customers to them quickly, a system to

capture their information so you can

market to them later, a system in place

to upsell & cross-sell to increase the

transaction, and to increase referrals.

Our CoOp helps you put these systems

in place so that you become a well-oiled

customer-getting machine.

9. Direct mail coupons are more effec-

tive than digital: Coupons delivered

through direct mail are more effective

when it comes to retaining business and

reaching potential customers than cou-

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pons delivered through digital channels

like daily deal sites. Too many times

have we heard from local businesses

that the daily deal sites created heavy

traffic but no one is returning and be-

coming loyal customers? These daily-

deal shoppers are not loyal to any one

business and will respond only to the

next best deal. Coupon offers however

have been proven to be an extremely ef-

fective means to gain new customers

from around your local business and

much more likely to become long-term

customers for your business. Coupons

and great offers have proven them-

selves to be highly effective sales tools

for every conceivable size and type of

business. Because they literally “pull in

the business” they have gained massive

popularity with smart business owners

because they are widely accepted by

consumers and are an excellent way to

gain more exposure, more traffic, and

more profits for your local business.

Our CoOp postcard- the Deal Dropper-

features our members’ hottest offers on

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the card to illicit a massive response for

each business. The card is mailed out

every 4-6 weeks as direct mail always

does the best with multiple touches. To

send something out to this many people,

this size to make sure it gets noticed,

plus designing the card, printing and

postage would cost about .65 Cents

PER PIECE. So a mailing like this done

on your own could easily cost you

$6,500 or more. As a member of our

CoOp you get the powerful advantage of

direct mail for your business but at a

fraction of the cost.

Joint Ventures: Joint Ventures allow you to stay

focused on your own core business while ex-

panding, exploiting and harnessing your joint

venture. Entrepreneurism is about leveraging

combined efforts. It's about helping other people

get what they want so that they will give and get

you everything that you want. - Jay Abraham

What if you could eliminate a lot of the expense,

time and inefficiency of prospecting for new cus-

tomers and spend more of your time with

customers who were “ready to buy” and even re-

coup some of your investment from past

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prospects who didn’t buy or become loyal cus-

tomers? With our exclusive group of non-

competing and many being complimentary busi-

nesses, we have the advantage of working with

one another to turn big profits in our businesses.

This strategy alone has been responsible for

making many people thousands and even mil-

lions of dollars. Our CoOp will work together to

form these joint ventures between us where it is

mutually beneficial for all.

Strategic Alliances: With our local marketing

CoOp you will be able to form strategic partner-

ships with members to build cross-referrals

between each business. This is very powerful

and as a group we cross-promote different ways

with one way being simple endorsements utiliz-

ing a complimentary business’ list of customers.

Usually done between 2 businesses, a two-way

cross-promotion is notification to each other’s

customers about your products and services.

This then becomes the single-most powerful re-

ferral program available.

All of these benefits are exclusive to our Local

Marketing CoOp group. Sure you could try to put

it together yourself, but it would take both time

and training on how to do it correctly for maxi-

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mum success. With our CoOp you have access

to someone already with the industry-know-how

(me) to help connect the dots. And since we also

have direct access to low-cost printing and

graphic design our costs go down even more for

our shared mailings. It’s a win-win.

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Samples &

Testimonials. Can you show me some proof that coupon di-

rect-mail works?

Mike Cochiaro, owner of Cochiaro Pizza in

Northlake, Ill. “I really like this program,” he says.

“The response rate was terrific and the percent-

age of return is phenomenal.”

Cochiaro sent oversized postcards with coupons,

and credits them with helping generate a 12-

percent boost in business.

“It has been the most successful card I have ever

done. The return was significant. We estimate

close to $20,000.00 in sales. Understanding the

areas that had problems along with your awe-

some postcard has been a winning team for us”

-Jeff Holper/Holper’s Pest & Animal Solution

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“Since starting the postcards we have had sev-

eral patients purchase hearing aids from the

satellite offices resulting in sales of $2770-5990


-Darlene DeGreen/Diamond Hearing Aid Cen-


“Their product was responsible for a successful

launch of a new company. Now my company

name is easily recognized in several markets. I

could not have experienced a better advertising


-Neal Davis/Elegant Accents, Inc.

Check Out These Coupons

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Slash Great Offers Statistics.

Coupons + Postcard Marketing= Success No

Matter Which Way You Cut It.

Consumers LOVE A Great Deal!

What does this GIANT Postcard Mailing Look

Like Anyway?

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- Printed on heavy 14pt cardstock- looks

incredibly nice- not cheap. Coupled with in-

credible offers on the card makes it almost

impossible to throw away. Most will hang on

to this & put it up on their fridge.

- The biggest piece of mail legally sent

without folding. Trumps all other mail in the

mailbox getting you 100% exposure to your

offer. Nothing else can do this.

- Non-competing offers. As a member

you’ll enjoy locking your competitors out of

this exclusive mailing giving you an unfair


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- Mails to 10,000 upper-income house-

holds near your business- the people who

want to do business with you.

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How often do you check your mail? In 80% of

homes the person responsible for collecting the

mail will do so at their first opportunity according

to a recent study by the USPS. And once the

mail is brought into the home, 80% of people will

sort the mail immediately.

The mail is sorted into A & B piles near the trash.

A lot of so-called “junk mail” obvious as “B” pile

mail gets thrown out unopened or only at a

glance. The mail that gets “A” pile treatment is

usually opened immediately and read. The goal

of your direct mail piece is to land in the ‘A’ pile

because if it doesn’t get read- you can’t sell any-

thing. With our giant postcard printed on the

highest quality cardstock and jam-packed with

some of the most exciting offers available

through the mail we can guarantee your offer will

be seen.

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According to a recent survey by ExactTarget,

65% of consumers have made a direct purchase

as a result of a direct mail piece. It also remains

the only channel where unsolicited messages are

acceptable to a majority of consumers.

1. Direct mail is tangible- something that

digital media can’t replicate. There’s

something about mail and how it cuts

through the digital clutter that remains

favorable to consumers.

2. Direct mail can integrate with other channels- like social media, your web-site, or even text message marketing to help break the mold and surprise your prospect.

3. People like opening mail. It’s a ritual for most and they do it diligently every day. You really have the opportunity to differentiate yourself when you send a direct mail piece.

4. Less competition in the mailbox.

Most of your competitors aren’t using di-rect mail because they think it doesn’t work—most likely because they did it wrong once or twice and never learned how to do it the right way. And for most

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small business owners it’s just too ex-pensive. The power of our local marketing CoOp allows you to utilize the power of direct mail without the high costs associated with it giving you the opportunity to get noticed quickly.

5. Direct mail delivers results. It works.

The majority of people will open and

read direct mail, but often will choose to

ignore e-mail solicitations. The funda-

mentals of direct mail haven’t changed,

partly because their efficacy has been

proven time after time. We will work with

you to ensure your offer is compelling

enough to illicit a good response and

many times have proven offers in our

“Deal Dropper Bible” that we can use as

a basis to set your offer and reach your


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LEVELS As mentioned previously, membership to our lo-

cal CoOP is by invitation-only. And since you

are receiving this report you have been hand-

selected to participate in our Exclusive Local

Marketing CoOP and use all of our resources to

help grow your business by leaps and bounds in

2013. We hope that you join us in this exciting

movement at a local level as one of about 15 to-

tal non-competing members.

Please keep in mind there are NO contracts or

commitments in our group. Each package gives

you exclusivity- there will be NO competitors al-

lowed. And there is no fine print because you can

quit anytime. There are no refunds and if you

quit, you can never get back in. And since spac-

es are limited we can only accept 9 more

businesses into our exclusive group. All mem-

bership packages require 50% down to reserve

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your ad space on our upcoming mailing. You can

“up” your membership level at any time. All

membership levels mail to 10,000 upper-income



SILVER: $350: (50% down). This level gets you

a small ad space on our postcard mailed to

10,000 local residents. You also receive list-

building set up on your website and FREE Life-

time-SMS and/or an email autoresponder. The

lifetime SMS is a “secret-way” to send as many

text blasts to your list as you want for FREE.

Please see “List-Building 101” in the next chapter

to understand how these 2 forces combined can

literally double your business. You also receive

all the benefits of our joint-venture partnerships &

strategic alliances. (value $997)

GOLD: $450: (50% down). This level gets you

a medium ad space on our postcard. You also

receive the list-building and lifetime-SMS as de-

scribed in the Silver package and/or an email

autoresponder AND premier placement on the

back of the postcard which is the side that is de-

livered face-up in the mailbox. You also receive

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all the benefits of our joint-venture partnerships &

strategic alliances. (value: $1297)

PLATINUM: $550: (50% down). This package

secures you a large ad space on our postcard

mailing. This is great if you have multiple offers

or just really want to stand out on the postcard.

You also receive the list-building and lifetime-

SMS packages and/or we’ll set up an email au-

toresponder for you AND a mobile website. We’ll

also create a 30-second commercial about your

business to place on your website & for you to

promote your business with on your social media

channels. You’ll also receive all the benefits of

our joint-venture partnerships and strategic alli-

ances to grow your business even more.($1997


So you get to mail 10,000 direct mail pieces to

people right around your business, we’ll help you

build a list on your website to capture customer’s

information so you can market to them for FREE

whenever you want, and we’ll even set up a

great way to send text or email promotions and

offers to your list whenever you want to fill your

business during slow times or fill an empty hole

in your schedule.

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And you get access to joint-venture opportunities

and strategic alliances between all members of

our exclusive group helping you to increase sales

even more with no extra capital.

There’s NOTHING else out there that will help

you grow your business by leaps and bounds so


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List-Building 101 LIST-BUILDING: With each of our membership

levels we set up a list-building system for your

business. This is a way to capture name, email,

and even mobile phone number if you wish from

everyone that visits your website. Did you know

that 80% of people visiting your site never call,

stop by, or make an appointment? This equates

to a lot of lost opportunity for you to make a sale.

With our list-building system implemented on

your website you’ll be able to capture more of

your visitor’s information, build an opt-in list (we’ll

set this up for you), put it on auto-pilot, and then

build a relationship with these people over time

so that they come to know, like, and trust you.

And when they know, like, and trust you- you’re

going to be the one they call on to do business

with in the future. Even sending a simple text

message out with a great promotion maybe 1x

per week is great for filling holes in your sched-

ule, or filling your business on slow days/nights.

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We want to make sure you are successful in

growing your business.

Just by capturing your visitor’s information and

then following up with them over time can literally

DOUBLE your profits in your business. This is a

must for any business and it’s yours for FREE

with membership to our exclusive CoOP.

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Receive $100 off your first mailing/membership

level when you respond to this invitation today.

Please call: 281-910-8728 # today to lock in your

membership. Or email me: [email protected]

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Conclusion Don’t Let Your Co Op Learning Stop Here.

Now that you’ve finished reading this guide, don’t

stop here! This is just the beginning of the oppor-

tunities our Local Marketing CoOp offers as a

group. Now, it’s time to test out the best practices

we’ve covered and iterate on them with your own

creative ideas to find out how you can start bring-

ing in new business.

What are you waiting for? This is a rare oppor-

tunity that won’t be back around anytime soon.

As far as we know we are the only group of our

type in our area that is doing anything as benefi-

cial to our businesses as this.

We’d love to talk with you, answer any questions

you may have, and help you become a part of

our group today. We appreciate you taking the

time to read this guide and we look forward to a

rewarding, mutually-beneficial relationship with

you soon!

Call us today: 281-910-8728# or email me:

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[email protected] to lock in your membership

level. We only have 9 spaces remaining (could

be less by the time you finish reading this) and

we only have limited membership spaces for

each level remaining.

Tracy A. Hanes


[email protected]



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About the Author

Author, consultant, and online/offline marketing Pro Tracy A. Hanes is an expert at helping small businesses gain a dominant position in their local marketplace. Tracy specializes in helping entrepreneurs and small businesses gain a competitive advantage in their local market both online and off. He makes sure that these businesses are able to be "found" on the internet, ensures that they never run out of leads, and helps them to trans-form these potential clients into lifetime customers (and raving fans!). If you are serious about improving your own business’ bottom line, and would like to schedule a free consultation to see how Tracy A. Hanes-can set a comprehensive online marketing campaign for your company, you can contact Him by leaving your name, telephone and email or texting your name and email to 281-910-8728. He is also the Director of Operations of The Lo-cal Marketers Association.

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