lord hilarion 7th initiation 3

LORD HILARION 7TH DIMENSIONAL INITIATION Channelled through Michelle EloffC Wednesday 10 August, 2005. Johannesburg, SOUTH AFRICA This information may be shared with other sources on strict conditions that no information is altered or deleted and the source of the information be acknowledged. TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THE LIGHTWEAVER PLEASE VISIT www.thelightweaver.co.za Please keep in mind that just reading this information will activate a process and shift for you. It is not the same as being in the presence of the channeling Master, but you will still benefit from reading it and aligning your consciousness with the associated Master Lord Kuthumi I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of love and wisdom to greet each of you at this time and to bring unto you the blessings of emotional maturing, mental maturing, deeper spiritual awakening and understanding. Greetings beloved ones, and it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with each of you upon this day, as we hold you firmly within the heart

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LORD HILARION7TH DIMENSIONAL INITIATIONChannelled through Michelle EloffCWednesday 10 August, 2005. Johannesburg, SOUTH AFRICA




Channelled through Michelle EloffC

Wednesday 10 August, 2005.

Johannesburg, SOUTH AFRICA

This information may be shared with other sources on strict conditions thatno information is altered or deleted and the source of the information beacknowledged.


Please keep in mind that just reading this information will activate a process and shift for you. It is not the same as being in the presence of the channeling Master, but you will still benefit from reading it and aligning your consciousness with the associated Master

Lord Kuthumi

I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of love and wisdom to greet each of you at this time and to bring unto you the blessings of emotional maturing, mental maturing, deeper spiritual awakening and understanding. Greetings beloved ones, and it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with each of you upon this day, as we hold you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God.

Beloved ones in preparation for Lord Hilarion's transmition and initiation, we wish to re align your energy with the Emerald Ray of higher consciousness, therefore focus on your heart chakra for now.

Imagine emerald light igniting in the centre of your heart chakra, as you breathe in and out visualise the emerald light expanding and growing in strength. Imagine every breath strengthening the emerald light until it enfolds your entire physical body. Set the intention that with every breathyou continue to inhale and exhale, that the emerald ray spread beyond your physical body, and beyond your subtle bodies until it envelops your universe. Remind yourself, that this emerald ray brings you the higher vibrational seventh dimensional light, light that continues to feed your body, and raise your consciousness through the dimensions of higher learning for the purpose of your personal ascension.

I shall now take my leave and make way for Lord Hilarion.

Blessings and Adonai.

Lord Hilarion

I am Hilarion, welcome.

Gathering with us here today, is all levels of your consciousness which you have actively been concentrating on bringing into a higher state of awareness. Your personal spiritual development is moving at a very rapid rate, one which you deserve to integrate, in grace and through harmony. I amMaster of the fifth ray of concrete knowledge and science, and in our gathering today I shall assist you all to integrate the wisdom of the scientist, the wisdom not only of logistical and logical science but the wisdom of the universal and spiritual science. Understanding the world through God's eyes is vital for your personal ascension program to manifest itself into another level through which you can express and grow.

Your time has come to understand that life is not about reacting to what comes your way, it is now a process of responding to what life is presenting you. To be a master of the rays, you must integrate your fifth ray body; this serves the purpose of bringing into your conscious consciousness theawareness of concrete knowledge and science. You are moving through the spiritual movement of the golden age. For those of you who are ready to integrate this light and to understand what it means to grow as a spiritual being, will help you to understand the importance of tapping into the higher wisdom of the universal masters, and deliver to humanity spiritual scientific principles of co-creation and manifestation.

I Lord Hilarion am Lord of manifestation. Not only do I work with concrete knowledge and science, but I also teach you how to integrate your co-creative powers through the God aspect. As you unite this with the Goddess aspects you have been working with for some months now, you willcome to see how heaven and earth have always been one, how body, mind and spirit are always one. It is only your ego and your belief systems that keep you separate. Your heart becomes the bridge between the physical world and the spiritual world, and your throat centre is the bridge between heaven and earth; in other words your mind and your heart. I have spent many cycles in human form in Europe, it is in this place that I set in place many temples of light. It is upon the dimensions 5 through to 7 that you shall be transported to places of Europe where you shall activate the aspects of your parallel consciousness' that have experienced many European incarnations, so that you can activate a conscious memory of that which you have learned. All of you here have had many such cycles walking as my students. I have taught you many of the laws of manifestation while you embodied in physicality and upon the higher planes. For the past 7 days I have been working with all of you upon the higher planes, I shall continue this for the next 77 days.

It is important that, if you want to utilise the memory of mastery that you allow yourself to tap into your universal wisdom and embrace that which you know already. The fifth ray of concrete science and knowledge in itself is in the process of immense change and reconstruction. Many of the truths set in place by the scientists of the old world are now being proven to not bear the truth they did before. This is cause for delight for this inspires the golden age scientists who are in truth also spiritual beings motivated to discover the connection between heaven and earth. You are part of this, you do not have to be a quantum physicist or a rocket scientist to be considered a scientist, for a life is a science, it is one that you have come to embrace and understand that it presents opportunities for growth, and for creation all the time. Life is science, you are a science, what makes you who you are in physicality is science of Mother-Father God in His-Her physical manifestation. It is important that you understand the place of science in life. Your scientific mind is not being activated to confuse you. It may bring to the fore your personal belief in inadequacy, perhaps a belief that you do not have the intellectual capacity to understand complex formulas, however the science I speak of has nothing to do with complex formulas, the ego creates enough complexity, the fact that you have mastered some of those complexities makes the science of God quite simple.

The science of the heart, the science of the mind and the science of manifestation, in other words the science of co-creation are very simple to apply. For many months now you have been told by the grand Masters to drop your conditioning, and to move beyond your belief systems and the attitudes you have adopted throughout this lifetime. Many of you have been presented with wonderful opportunities to move beyond the conditionings of your past; therefore you are already on the path to embracing your inner Einstein. Let us not limit your consciousness by making it an Einsteinian consciousness, for it was also that Einstein did not trust quantum energy, for he did notunderstand its volatility. You however are coming to understand, that the volatility of quantum consciousness is not dangerous, all it is, is offering you great opportunity to understand the power within the science of the minds ability to change at will the outcome of all situations. This is whatEinstein interpreted as a volatile energy. The person or scientist responsible for the experimentation within the quantum world determines the outcome just like your attitude determines the quality of life/light you create. It is that you have been using this science all along, but you have been utilising it in a limited manner, you have been creating your reality within the box of your conditionings and belief systems. Your current advantage is that no longer are you trapped by this, because you havesufficient knowledge to take you past it, to show you the greater advantage in dropping your conditionings, and re-adjusting your belief systems to support the new truth you have discovered.

You have been told before your truth will continue to change as long as you continue to grow. This means your power to create is enormous. The more you choose awakening and expand your consciousness and venture into the unknown to search for deeper and greater truths, so your power as co-creator increases. Your discovery of what lies within the universe liberates you with every step you take. So yes, your truth will always set you free from what ever boundary you have created that restricts you, and prevents you from being your greatest potential. Our purpose of gathering with you here today is to activate the memory on a cellular level, so that you can remember the greatness of your power. As we activate your fifth ray body, you will be supported in really seeing attitudes specifically that govern your attitude to creation, as well as attitudes that govern your attitudes toward your belief in your capabilities as a master manifester. You are master manifester's already, I am not here to teach you anything new, I am here to simply remind you.

The next six months of your life will be filled with much change, what you are experiencing in your life now may appear like a distant shore, but at the end of the future six moth cycle, see it as an adventure into new territory where you shall discover lost treasures.

Let us now begin by taking you on a journey to discover one of your many lost treasures.

Imagine yourself standing on a tropical beach, the ocean is calm and it gently laps upon the shore at your feet. Take a few steps into the water, and as you look into the distance you become aware of an urge to move deeper into the water. Take another few steps in; as you stand in this water you are graced with the presence of 4 magnificent dolphins. These dolphins represent your spiritual consciousness, your adult consciousness, your adolescent and your inner child consciousness. All these levels of consciousness will guide you to discover a lost treasure, one that you have been searching for, for most of your life. The dolphins gesture for you to come into the water and swim with them. Follow them, remind yourself the water is calm, and there is no reason for you to fear the water at all. The dolphins reassure you of their protection, and if you become tired of swimming all you need do is ask them to carry you, and it shall be done. First play with them a little, for this is the dolphin's priority, playfulness, as they swim around and underneath you they begin to weave theinfinity symbol around your body. They create the infinity grid, woven into your energy to support your inner child, adolescent, adult and spiritual consciousness. Imagine the feeling of this infinity symbol being woven around your body; allow it to penetrate the pores of your skin, and to movedeep into the core of your physicality.

The dolphins gesture now for you to go a little deeper into the water, if you like, you can now grab onto the fin of one of the dolphins, and let them pull you out deeper into the ocean. The water is still calm; and it is completely safe for you to explore this unknown territory. Your dolphins now begin to circle over a particular reef within the water, and indicate to you that there is a treasure beneath the water where you are swimming, and it is your duty to dive down to the coral reef and see what treasure lurks there, one that belongs to you. If you are afraid you cannot dive that deep, ask one of your the dolphins to assist you. When you are ready, take a deep breath and ask the dolphin to take you and see what you discover there. Know, that the breath of air that you are taking, can sustain you for many minutes under the water, there is no rush. Take time to observe the beauty of this coral reef. When you have found your treasure, you indicate to your dolphins to return you to the shore, when you have returned to the shore with your treasure we shall continue.Sister on my right, what have you discovered, what is your treasure?

A: I have discovered a crystal ball and a wand with a crystal at the end?

LH: and what do you interpret this gift this treasure as being?

A: the wand to manifest, and the crystal ball the world of possibilities.

LH: now which of your chakras respond to the ball and the wand?

A: the throat and the third eye.

LH: therefore it is clear, that your throat and the third eye are the chakras you are to utilise with the assistance of your newfound lost treasure, in order to manifest and respond to the world of opportunity you have discovered.

LH: now before we continue is there anything you would like ask of us?

A: I just want to ask you, the manifestation, and I would like to understand the manifestation of the slender tailed mongoose that is an almost daily occurrence.

LH: Your mongoose is there as a reminder of the hidden treasures you must now discover, having found what you now sit with will add to your ability to create and to manifest. The mongoose is one of your totems, and every time you see this creature let it serve as a reminder that you are a mastermanifester, that you work with me, Lord Hilarion. I am your manifesting Master as I am for all of you here. I do not take on many students, you as a group and I have done this, you are personally receiving your training as manifester's in my ashram. Your mongoose is there as a physical indication that you have the speed and agility to move from one aspect of being to another. Have you noticed how rapidly the mongoose will run across a path? It shows you, you can cross the path from one side to another safely and with speed, its tail serves as an antenna to the world of spirit. You are creating you personal antennae to the world of spirit, as are all of you here today, and your fifth ray body is the one that shall hold the energy you are integrating, through your throat and your third eye as a result of your choice of being here today. 10 is the number of transformation, you areall transforming your old way, and finding new ways to create. One cannot use outdated and obsolete systems to function in the new timeline, which is why it is so important to find the new tools. Your initiation today is a deeply spiritual one, for you are becoming master manifester's not only on the physical plane, but on the spiritual plane too. It is through the fifth ray of concrete knowledge and science, that you will open the gate to the next level of your personal path of ascension. Is this in your understanding?

LH: sister Sandy what did you discover, what is your treasure?

A: inaudible

LH: and what will you do with this passion?


LH: and which of your chakras respond to this passion?

A: the heart chakra

LH: therefore it is, that you must utilise your heart chakra to integrate this treasure and it is through your heart that you shall manifest your master hood through. Your fifth ray body shall be connected through your heart chakra, as you continue to co-create with spirit and the grand masters who guide you. Know that life shall change rapidly for the simple reason you are ready for it, trust in the synchronicity supplied. Work every day to align yourself to the magnetic grids of abundance and of peace and grace. I oversee the spiritual development of all of you. You are part of the spiritual movement into golden age consciousness. Spiritual movement is not about an uprising or revolution, it is an awakening and revelation of what science of spirit truly means. I have always been responsible for bringing about change through spiritual movements, through to monitoring psychic development of the many systems of consciousness in your galaxy. I shall personally oversee your development. So time for a little horsing around yes?

LH: do you have a question for us?


LH: you are at a cross roads where you can choose this, currently there is the vision of the chariot in your energy field. The chariot is depicted in the major arcana of the tarot deck, the tarot is made up of the white horse and the black horse, symbolising clarity and confusion, the cycles through the night, and the cycles through the day. You have had to address many new cycles over the past 18 months. Where you are at now, you have the opportunity to decide what you would like to do with your time, and how you would like to invest your energy. You create the outcome of what youconceive in your mind, that is the nature of the quantum world. You have a destiny as does have every one, but it is the choice of every soul as to what one creates as ones destiny unfolds which is what makes the journey so exiting. Your time and choice now allows you to focus very deeply on you inner self, and to determine what will bring you great happiness and release what has bound you in the past. Therefore your horses can be a part time pleasure, or they can be a fulltime pleasure. I Lord Hilarion will assist you with your decision, I repeat to you, every day take some time to align your energy with the magnetic grids of abundance of peace and grace, set anintention for your day. Knowing that you are currently facing a crossroads means you can ask the powers of spirit to show what your next step is in accordance with the highest will of your soul. It is safe to allow your higher self and Mother-Father God to make decisions and guide your ego tointegrate the transformation. All you need to do right now, is get in touch with what will brings you pleasure and liberation, peace and harmony, and leave the rest up to God. You understand? It is an honour and thank you.

LH: sister Marianne what is your treasure?


LH: and what are you going to do with this remembrance?


LH: and which of your chakras respond to this?


LH: therefore it is through these chakras that your fifth ray body shall anchor itself; it is through these chakras you will create and manifest. We believe you locked yourself out of your car this morning yes?


LH: What does your car represent for you, what is it symbolic of?


LH: And why did you need to lock yourself out of it? What are you preventing yourself from experiencing, where are you preventing yourself from moving to?


LH: do you see the symbology, think carefully of this, because your journey is very important to you as a soul as is your ascension path as you have chosen. Bear in mind you do not have to compromise your truth or sacrifice your journey to keep peace. You have a purpose you must focus on your purpose and strive not to be distracted by other peoples insecurities, their anxieties, nor their jealousies or their fears of what you represent. You understand?


LH: It is an honour and thank you.

LH: sister Despina what is your treasure?


LH: and what would you like to manifest as a result of integrating this new treasure


LH: who is that true and real you, who is she, what does she do, what does she feel like?


LH: that is very important key for you, knowing without fear, creating fearlessly, and being fearless, because you are teacher you must be prepared to lead the way and at times to be pioneer. You understand? So it is through all your chakras your fifth ray body shall anchor itself and resonate itsfrequency into the physical world. You have a question?


LH: this trip is certainly an important one for you, for what you have discovered today you shall integrate and on your journey you will discover deeper aspects of your spirituality and how the mature emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of yourself feel being awakened and awake simultaneously. You will come to sense what it is like to be awake all at once. Not havingto switch off parts of yourself in order to feel with different areas of your life. You will integrate the energy all into one system, so that you can just be. So it is your anchoring time, it is your time of grounding that true you. The part of you that you have described you wish to be, thereforeit is important for you to commit to bringing that forward and not compromising it because others may be uncomfortable with what they see or feel. You reflect others potential as much as others can reflect your potential, if ones are not willing to see their potential it is not your responsibility then to deny it and shut yourself down, yes?


LH: it is an honour and thank you.


LH: and which of your chakras respond?


LH: between your heart and solar plexus?


LH: then it is through these chakras that you shall anchor your fifth ray body; it is through these chakras you shall manifest the energy and the light to transform the old world into the golden age of new enlightenment. As this golden energy is absorbed by the cells of your body, you will find anew inner strength developing, one that will motivate you to remain on your path. It is important that you keep yourself focussed on the task at hand, and not become distracted by energies or entities trying to deviate you from your task. Therefore we suggest an activity that you can participate in at least 5 times per seven-day week, one that will keep your mind clear your mind focussed and your body strong and clear of toxins, fit and balanced. You can choose any kind of creative activity or martial arts or being with nature, is a very important part of your personal program. You understand?


LH: this will suffice, however your body does need some physical activity to clear the energy through it, it must be able to move through you. Your body tends to hold stagnant energy in your chakras, and this makes your head a little crazy. You understand?


LH: if you are unable to do physical activities, then you must have some deep tissue massage once per week minimum, it is clear?


LH: your question?

Q. ..... Legal situation needing resolution .......

LH: you are to perform a ceremony of request. You are to call upon Lady Quan Yin, Lord El Morya, Lord Jesus, and I Hilarion shall come when called, the Angels and Archangels of manifestation and of the legal systems of justice and right action, and you are then to present to this board of light what you require, for what purpose you require it, and how you require support and it shall be done in accordance with the highest will of the divine plan of Mother-Father God. Is this clear?


LH: you are to bathe your energy field in the gold light you have brought from the reef in the ocean; this golden energy will bathe your energy field in the golden energy of the golden masters and keep you alive in the world of Shambhalla of which you are a great part of. Lord Kuthumi will bring youyour golden mantle, you must ask for this every day to serve as a mantle of protection. Yes you understand?

LH: it is an honour to share with you, thank you


LH: what is this power, what is your full power, what does it look like, what does it feel like, what does it do?


LH: and which of your chakras do you feel respond to this treasure?


LH: then it is through these 3 chakras you will anchor your fifth ray body, it is through these chakras you will manifest the power, and you shall come into the grace of this power, and this awesome light that you wish to now align yourself with. Therefore, it is essential that every day upon arising that you give thanks for the new day, and you are to align yourself with the magnetic grids of power, which shall bring your full potential for you to merge with it so that you may move into your future aligned with that great and vast potential. You are to align yourself with the Elohim of Grace, for it is the power of grace that allows ones individual power to be emanated gracefully and with the authority and true power of Mother-Father God. You understand this? You have a question?


LH: first of all you need to all understand, what past behaviours resulted in self-sabotage and all the limitations of manifesting whatever you have needed at any particular time of your lives. Being aware of what your past behaviour has created, gives you greater awareness in the present so as tonot repeat your past. Take time to observe the patterns of your past, look at your frustrations and where there have been barriers that prevented you from achieving your goals. The greater awareness will create an avenue for new energy to flow toward you so you can find creative solutions to whatever challenge or obstacle comes to limit your progress. Every time you encounterstagnation or limitation, ask yourselves, "is my process being blocked because I am blocked?" " what have been my actions up until this point?" and, "what is the similarity to past behaviour that has manifested in limitation?" If you can clearly see there has been no repetitive behaviour from the past of a negative nature, then one must accept that one is in the cycle of being, it is time of the in-breath, where you would be better supported by just being creative. Not trying to formulate any specific plan or program or initiate anything new. If you are aware of past behaviour being repeated, then you call upon the lords and Angels of manifestation and ask that the process be facilitated to assist you in discovering a new way. Visit the shore, call your dolphins ask them to swim with you in the ocean of life, and to take you to discover any new treasure that you require, and you repeat the process we have done today. You understand?


LH: it is an honour and thank you.

Now that you have your treasures you must utilise it, for if you don't use it you will lose it, and if you abuse it you will also lose it. Practise the process of trusting that your power will help you to continuously create what is for the greater good of the whole. Visit your dolphins regularly, and let them take you into the ocean of life. Every time you visit the ocean in your imagination the water will always be calm, the dolphins will always be ready and willing to play, and to swim with you to discover your treasures. There are many treasures, even as we speak with you now, you create new treasures, and you place them in strategic places for yourself for the future, by consciously and conscientiously taking the journey of self-discovery, and introspection, because of this you will find your hidden treasures. The talents that you have mastered in the past, talents that you can tap into now, new talents surfacing that you will have an opportunity to master, that will continuously and consistently feed you the power, wisdom and knowledge to expand your path, to extend your path, and to place you in the synchronistic flow of divine time. An attitude of gratitude, an attitude of trust, of faith and grace will ensure that divine time becomes a synchronistic flow in your life on a daily basis. Observe your response to change and transformation, your attitude will show you where you are in your emotional, mental, and spiritual maturing process. If you are still constantly reacting out of fear and frustration, then you need to centre yourself and look at your life from the perspective of the master. The master in neither happy nor sad, the master looks at what is before him or her, opens their energy for God to step in. In the moment of the presence of God stepping into your presence gracefully align your energy with the magnetic grids that bring solution. When you become embroiled in fear and emotional reaction to your life challenge, you create an obstacle, you create a boulder that you do not know if you must push or pull it out, or if you must walk around it, and you waste time pondering what you must do to get the boulder out of the way. Open yourself to the grace of God and trust He will show you a way out; one must be emotionally, mentally and spiritually aligned in ones physicality to manifest harmonious and synchronistic interaction with the physical world. This creates harmonious relationship with all the unseen levels that influence your daily experience, and so a harmonious interaction of all levels is created and youwitness your mastered manifester in action.

These tools you are to use to show others how to embrace their master manifester. The simplicity of the situation is, that if you drop your old way and find a new way everything will automatically be different. It cannot remain the same if you are behaving differently, believing otherwise andobserving your life with a positive attitude. Taking full responsibility for what you create empowers you on a much deeper level. Every time you blame someone for your dilemma, you give them the power to abuse you; you give them the power to interfere with what you have created. Every time you blame another for what you perceive as going wrong in your life you give them permition to interact and create even greater turmoil. So the world is not about reaction to emotion, it is about responding to the opportunity that life presents you; it is like God giving you a puzzle and watching what you do will do with it. You could imagine it by giving a child a box of building blocks and watching what he or she creates with the tools at hand. Because you are master manifester's you will be given 2 boxes, these you will utilise to create whatever you require to take your journey to its next level.

I suggest that you journey to the ocean of life with your dolphins at least once per week. If you do not have a journal get yourself one and write in it all the treasures you are discovering, and what you will do with this treasure, what it feels like exactly and refer to what I have asked you today. I assure you the more you integrate these treasures, the more confident you will feel in your ability as a co-creator and manifester. You will be astounded by your ability to manifest exactly what you need at any given time, as long as it is in accordance with the greater plan of your soul and that of your planet. For the duration of this day, we will continue to raise your fifth ray body into seventh dimension, therefore be very conscious of your thoughts and your attitudes to what life presents youtoday. Take some time to consider what you wish to create in the future, so that you may utilise the full benefit of the energy we are presenting you with right now. You are a channel for the manifestation energy, you are a teacher of this energy, use it wisely.

Now to complete the process we have created with you, draw the emerald energy back into your concentration, imagine this emerald light washing through your mind, and as it washes through your mind, it washes away all your worries, your anxieties and all the petty discomforts of your life. In your mind tell yourself, "I fully and completely and consciously trust that today everything I need in my life which is in divine harmony, and accordance with the highest will of my soul will come into being, gracefully, harmoniously and miraculously." " I align my divine will, with the will of Mothe-Father God, and I command, by the authority of my divine will, that the will of Mother-Father God, act through my life this day, for my divine will and the divine will of Mother-Father God are one and the same." Continue by saying, "I consciously align my magnetic energy field, with the magnetic field of abundance, of joy, of peace, and of miracles." " I align my awareness with higher wisdom, knowledge and light." " I create the manifestation of the highest will of my divine plan, and I create and manifest an abundant life filled with the positive qualities ofMother-Father Gods creation." Brother and sisters, you can do this every day, you may add to what I have said or you may remove aspects of what I have said. Design this intention to suit your personal circumstance. Make notes of the changes that take place in your life as a result of yourconscious alignment with the magnetic grids of abundance, and have faith that the world is truly your oyster.

I am Lord Hilarion may you be at peace, arrivederci!

Lord Kuthumi

I am Kuthumi and I return at this point beloved ones, is there anything I can assist any of you with regarding what it is Lord Hilarion discussed with you?

He obviously made himself very clear this is truly wonderful. Beloved ones let me just remind you at this particular time that you may call upon my assistance, remember that I am the Chohan of the Golden Ray of Love and Wisdom. I am one of the leaders of the ascension program of goldenconsciousness, and not ever do you have to wallow in any level of confusion or conflict. We the Masters are here to serve you, to assist you, to guide and support you, and through your personal process of enlightenment and discovering your truth so you can show others how to do the same. And so it is beloved ones, that we embrace you in your full potential, and in the light of the Master manifester that you are, may all that you require to guide you on your path, come to you under grace in perfect harmonious and miraculous ways, and may the light of Mother-Father God always shine brightly upon the path before you. Trust always in the invisible arms that hold you, and know that not ever do you have to walk alone.

I am Kuthumi Chohan of the Golden Ray of Love and Wisdom; I greet and bless you in love.Adonai