lotfi memory

People’s Republic Democratic of Algeria Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research “U.F.C” Centre: Annaba Department of Technical English A Term Research Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of ”D.E.U.A.” Degree in Technical English Candidates: Supervisor: Lotfi Ouerrad Dr Salah Bouregbi Academic Year 2011-2012 Water Supply and Sanitation Management in Annaba: Constraints and Perspectives

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People’s Republic Democratic of Algeria

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research


Centre: Annaba

Department of Technical English

A Term Research Dissertation Submitted in Partial

Fulfillment of the Requirements of ”D.E.U.A.” Degree

in Technical English

Candidates: Supervisor:

Lotfi Ouerrad Dr Salah Bouregbi

Academic Year


Water Supply and Sanitation Management in Annaba:

Constraints and Perspectives

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To the reader Mr Salah Bouregbi, who gracefully agreed to help us

at time of need, even if it meant an enormous amount of work for them

in short period of time.

To all the group of teachers: Mrs Rokaya Marsaoui, Mr Abdelmalek

Bouhidel, Mr Abdelwahab Bounakhla, and Mr Hocine Maoui, for their

efforts in Three years of study.

To all people who agreed to meet with us, provide valuable

information and documentation, and helped us to obtain funding for this

research. This includes friends and family.

To all colleagues, without whose assistance we would not have

been able to complete our dissertation. Finally, we owe a lot to our

friend Gouri, an unfailing kind, intelligent and exceptional friend. We will

never be able to thank him enough for his never-ending support.

To our friends: Nabil, Hafid, Fayçal, and Nadjoua for their helps in

all times and their never-inding support.


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To my beloved parents and my wife for their unconditional and

never-ending love and support, and to my children Taouba, Tamin

Abdullah, and Mohamed Abdelrahmane: the light of my life and a

source of constant joy


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GENERAL INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………………………………………………. I



1. Overview of the Area …………………………………………………………………………………………..1

1.1 Geographical Situation and Administration Organization ……………………………….1

1.2 Vital Area of the Wilaya ………………………………………………………………………………….3

1.3 Climate and Hydrology ……………………………………………………………………………………3

1.4 Vocation and Potentialities of the Wilaya ………………………………………………………..4


1. Water Supply ………………………………………………………………………………………………………4

2. Water Scarcity in Annaba ……………………………………………………………………………………5

2.1 Surface Water ……………………………………………………………………………………………….5

2.2 Groundwater …………………………………………………………………………………………………5

2.3 Repartition of Water Resources …………………………………………………………………..6

3. Water Infrastructures ………………………………………………………………………………………..7

4. Accessibility of Water Service and Quality …………………………………………………………7

5. Public Investment Between1999-2010 ……………………………………………………………..8


1. Perspectives of Development of Water Supply …………………………………………………9

1.1 Investments in Additional of Mobilization Water ………………………………………….9

1.2 Aquifer Storage and Minimization Pollution Threats ……………………………………10

1.2 Nonconventional Water Resources (Desalination) ……………………………………..10

1.4 New Method of Management Water Supply System (SEATA Company) ………11

1.5Reservoirs’ Security ……………………………………………………………………………………….11

1.6 Generalization of Installation of Meters ……………………………………………………..11

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1. Delegate Management Attributed To German Operator ”GELESENWASSAR”.12

2. The Macro-Objectives of the contract ………………………………………………………….12

3. Cancelling Contract with “Gelsenwassar “ ……………………………………………………13

4. Evaluation of the Physical and Financial Situation............................................13

4.1 Financial Evaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………13

4.2. Physical Situation ............................................................................................14


Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..17


1. Wastewater ………………………………………………………………………………………………..17

1.1Sewer Systems and Special Structures in Annaba ……………………………………….17

1.2Productive Capacity Hydraulic and Flood Resistance in Annaba …………………18


1. Case of Annaba ………………………………………………………………………………………………19

2. Area of Operation ……………………………………………………………………………………………20

3. Situation …………………………………………………………………………………………………….……21

4. Analysis of Existing Data ………………………………………………………………………………….21

5. Analysis of the BG Switzerland Study ………………………………………………………………22


1. Floods …………………………………………………………………………………………………………24

Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….28



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Figure 1: Geographical Situation of Annaba ……………………………………………………….1

Figure 2: Administrative Subdivision of the Wilaya ……………………………….……2

Figure 3: Area Repartition of the Wilaya …………………………………………………………….3

Figure 4: Photos satellite of the 03 dams ……………………………………………………………5

Figure 5: Repartition of Water Resources …………………………………………………………..7

Figure 6 Business plan during 5.5 years ................................................................13

Figure 7: Assessment of Business Plan during 2.5 years …………………………………..14

Figure 8: Black Spots in the City of Annaba ……………………………………………………….18

Figure 9: Annaba Geohydrological Location ………………………………………………….….19

Fig 10: Hydrographic Basin System of Annaba ………………………………………………….27

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Table 1: Administrative Subdivision of the Wilaya …………….………………………………………2

Table 2: Properties of Dams Supplying Annaba …………………………………………………………………...5

Table 3: Repartition of drilling water by Aquifer ………………………………………………………………….6

Table 4: Repartition of Water Resources ……………………………………………………………………………..6

Table 5: Infrastructure of Water Supply ……………………………………………………………………………….7

Table 6: Distribution Frequency and Rate Connection to Network ………………………………………8

Table 7: Public Investment 1999-2010 …………………………..…………………………………………………….9

Table 8: Infrastructure to Achieve: Mobilization of Surface and Underground Water ………..10

Table 9: The Latest Investigation Currently there are three other Pumping Stations in

Realization ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….20

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Water and wastewater utilities are confronted with many challenges as they strive to

make organizational improvements. Water sector utility managers must consider a wide

range of issues in their management improvement initiatives. General economic conditions,

staff turnover, communication between internal management and external stakeholders,

involvement of staff across the organization, aging infrastructure, rate issues, and limited

staff resources are some of the issues managers address.

This dissertation formed from two chapters witch spook about Water Supply in the first and

Wastewater and Floods in the second.

In the wilaya of Annaba (local authorities), the raw water that can be processed to

transform it into drinking water is available in sufficient quantity. For this raw water

supply, the two dams Mexa and Cheffia, with a total storage volume of 60 million m3 have

a particularly important role.

Currently, expansion work of Mexa dam are underway to reach a volume retention of

90 million m3 in order to guarantee the supply of water even when dry

year without precipitation. The two major waterworks Mexa and Chaiba handle

about 200,000 m3 / day of surface water taken from dams to turn it into drinking water

and to reach the cities and villages through a network of pipes.

A number of interconnected wells, for example in Les Salines, main water of Bouteldja

and Bouglez help with many deliveries un accounted for water supply of the inhabitants of

the Prefecture. The amount of water availableis sufficient to cover the needs of residents -

180 l per day per capita (180 l / pe / d)and to guarantee supplies to industrial customers and

the harbor.

But despite the availability of raw water from the dams in quantity and despite

apparently adequate treatment capacity of the waterworks, temporary disruptions of

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supply occur frequently in cities and towns in the Willaya. In parts of the distribution

area, especially in rural structures, the water supply can not even be assured beyond a few

hours a week, which is mainly due to losses in the piping system.

The wilaya of Annaba has based on current information, approximately1,000 km

of storm water, wastewater and sewer systems of different types of

materials, age and condition also different, operate in conjunction with adjacent

structures (sediment basins, traps, weirs andoverflows etc..) for the evacuation without

damage stormwater andsewage from households and industry.

The organizational structure depends on the nature and extent of thetasks, so the

number and size of the facility. Initially, it is necessary to determine current structures, tools,

equipment and business assets.

Installations must be designed and constructed to meet safety specifications and

operation. They must be functional at all times. Theaspect of safety and economics should

be taken into consideration.

Annaba, is characterized inter alia by these reliefs. The latter may have significant slopes,

which promotes surface runoff.

The waters from these reliefs, are often lost at sea, causing catastrophic flooding in

advance (Annaba 1983,2005, and 2009).

In fact this city is located in a basin and is dominated by the mountains of Edough.

A distance of ten miles (15 km), separating Seraidi of Annaba, moving from an altitude

of zero (0) meters to over eight hundred meters above sea level (800 m),

indicating a significant slope, resulting in strong flows.

The water took everything in their fury, soil, plants, tree branches, power... hence the

recurrent flooding in the city.

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1. Overview of the Area: 1.1 Geographical Situation and Administration Organization:

Wilaya1of Annaba is located in Nord East of Algeria .It is the fourth metropolitan of the

country, with an area of 1393,20 Square kilometers .It is bordered by wilaya of Skikda to the West,

wilaya of El Tarf to the East, wilaya of Guelma to the South ,and the Mediterranean Sea to the

North (see figure 1). In term of demographic indicator, Annaba has a population of 609.499 (RGPH


Figure 1: Geographical Situation of Annaba


- In latitude 36°’49’58’’, North

- In longitude 7°48’40’’, East

- Average altitude 3m at Sea level

1 Wilaya means country

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The wilaya of Annaba is divided in 06 Dairates2 with 12 municipalities (see figure 2)

Table 1: Administrative Subdivision of the Wilaya


RGPH 2008

ANNABA Annaba 50 257.359

Seraidi 11O 7.626

EL BOUNI El Bouni 95,18 125.265

EL HADJAR El Hadjar 64,74 37.364

Sidi Amar 44,90 83.254

AIN BERDA Ain Berda 139,60 20.611

Cheurfa 165,35 9.875

El Eulma 97,19 10.316


Berrahal 174,14 22.631

Oued Aneb 191,53 21.088

Treat 124,05 6.076

CHETAIBI Chetaibi 136,52 8.035

TOTAL 1393,20 609.499

Source: DPAT

-Figure 2: Administrative Subdivision of the Wilaya

2 Dairat is a sub-division of a country

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1.2 Vital Area of the Wilaya

The vital area of the Wilaya is divided into three main zones:

a) The Coastal zone: It expands from the wilaya of EL TARF in the East, to the limits of the wilaya of

SKIKDA in the West. Its length is about 80 Km characterized by the diversity of Halieutic resources.

b) The plain zone: It is situated in South of the coastal zone (plain of kheraza) which occupies, 20%

of the territory .The 25, 82% of fertile land is used in agriculture, cereal products and


c) Mountain zone: It represents 52,52% of the territory of Annaba characterized by the Massif of

Edough and Bouzizi, which is the highest peak of around 1008 m. Its area is mostly covered by

forests. This region is well known for breeding livestock.

Figure 3

1.3 Climate and Hydrology

The climate of the wilaya is typically Mediterranean: wet in winter, hot in summer and rainfall

varies between 650 and 1000 mm per year. Also, the temperature varies between 14 and 34c°.

Annaba has a dense wadis3 network, with an important lake of Fetzara with a surface of about

18 670 ha, and Seybouse wadi with a length of about 127, 5 km.

3 Wadi: means river which is dry in summer and flooded in winter

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1.4 Vocation and Potentialities of the Wilaya

Due to geostrategic position, combined with micro and macroeconomic parameters such,

as natural potential, several infrastructures, and history, Annaba remains the leader of industries

and tourism in Algeria:

- Existence of infrastructure network, Maritime port, Airport, Railway Station, and other.

- An opening on Mediterranean Sea, over 80 km coast

- Important Halieutic potential, which produces around 30,000 tons per year.

- Exceptional tourism potential for future development based on seaside tourism. There are

many beautiful small beaches, such as Sidi Akacha (Chetaibi), Djenane El Bay (Seraidi), and

the Bay of Chetaibi, which is one of the most wonderful Bays in the World.

- Two universities with of about 53.000 students.

- Industrial basis: Annaba is Algeria’s chief exporter of minerals, mainly iron ore and

phosphates. Annaba has a major industries include an iron and steel complex ARECELOR

MITAL, a fertilizer FERTIAL. Plant.


1. Water Supply

The water world commission estimates that water consumption will increase by about 50

percent in the next 30 years. Among the estimated 4 billon people, one half of the world’s

population will live under conditions of severe water stress in 2025.

Statistics say that each of us drinks from 2 to 4 liters of water every day, however ,most of the

water we ‘drink’ is embedded in the food we eat: producing 1kilo of beef, for example ,consumes 1 500

liters of waters while 1 kilo of wheat ‘drink up’ (UN) .

Algeria faces critical challenges in dealing with one of its most vital natural resources.

Though the arithmetic of water might not seem so bleak in the country context, the situation is

nevertheless, serious and worrisome.

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2. Water Scarcity in Annaba

Annaba is a clear typical case of the lack of local resources, despite a significant average

rainfall about 700 mm per year, such shortage makes it dependent on bordering wilayates of

Skikda, El Tarf and Guelma. Thus, it is mainly supplied from two kinds of resources, surface water

and groundwater.

2.1 Surface Water:

There are 03 Dams located in El Tarf: Cheffia and Mexa .They supply two wilayates at

the same time Annaba and El Tarf. And the work of Bougous dam is an ongoing project (Table 2).

Table 2: Properties of Dams Supplying Annaba

Localization Service


Capacity(hm3) Quota Allocated

Cheffia Dam(wilaya El Tarf) 1965 95 hm3 Domestic Water supply: 34 hm3/year

Industry: 15 hm3/year

Agriculture: 30hm3 / year

Mexa Dam(wilaya El Tarf) 1999 37hm3 Domestic Water supply: 30 hm3/year

Bougous Dam (wilaya El Tarf) Ongoing


68hm3 _

Source: DRE El Tarf

Figure 4: Photos satellite of the 03 dams

Bougous Dam Mexa Dam Cheffia Dam

2.2 Groundwater

There are 81 drilling water contributing with 30 Hm3 in water supply to provide the wilaya of

Annaba. With groundwater over-exploited in many areas, water quality and flow are deteriorating

such as, Aquifer les Salines “intrusion seawater-freshwater interface”, and serious environmental

problems related to water. Overexploitation of groundwater such as happing in Bouteldja alleviants

Aquifer, (important number of drilling water of irrigation, Industry, and water supply), result in

decreasing water levels. And become origin source of natural contamination.

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Table 3: Repartition of drilling water by Aquifer

Source SEATA 2012

2.3- Repartition of Water Resources:

The sources of public water supply are as follows (see table 4):

� 30 % from groundwater.

� 70 % from surface water.

Table 4: Repartition of Water Resources

Mobilization(hm3/year) Water Production (hm3/year) Allocation of production%




Total Groundwater



Total Water


Industry Agriculture

70 132 202 30 104 134 70% 07.50.% 22.40%

Source: SEATA

Figure 5

wilayates Aquifer



Supplied Localities

El Tarf Bouteldja 32

Annaba-Seraidi-El Bouni-El

Hadjar-Sidi Ammar


Les salines 09

Pont Bouchet 06

Kherraza 06

Berrahal 07 Berrahal

Treat 07 Treat

Skikda Boumaiza 12 Cheurfa-El Eulma-berraha-Treat-

Oued El Aneb-Chetaibi

Guelma Guelaat


02 Ain Berda

Total 81

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3. Water Infrastructures :

The length of drinking water network in Annaba is estimated to be more than 986 748 m .It

is divided into two types of pipes: distributing water network, and main water network.

Water infrastructures: main water, water distribution, pumping stations, and tanks are in

poor repair or unusable and out of order and keeping deteriorating as a result of the lost water

network estimated around 60%. Because of age, faulty initial design, or limited maintenance,

many of the mobilization and conveyance infrastructures need to be rehabilitated.

Table 5: Infrastructure of Water Supply





Tanks Pumping


ANNABA Annaba 41 839 238 624 42 21

Seraidi 3 149 26 804 09 09

EL BOUNI El Bouni 63 981 44 633 09 05

EL HADJAR El Hadjar 35 187 28 541 06 05

Sidi Amar 26 562 39 946 06 04

AIN BERDA Ain Berda 33 662 22 114 06 01

Cheurfa 18 796 55 176 01 01

El Eulma 25 225 53 694 01 01


Berrahal 48 911 25 966 08 01

Oued Aneb 11 879 41 890 07 -

Treat 36 788 16 000 05 01

CHETAIBI Chetaibi 33 173 14 208 10 07

Total 379 152 607 596 110 56

Source: SEATA 2012

4. Accessibility of Water Service and Quality:

The SEATA is state Company monitors water supply as well as wastewater collection

services to town of Annaba and 11 municipalities. Water supply in wilaya of Annaba is not

continuous (see table 4). At present its supplying with water is of an average of 10 hours a day

(example in Annaba City). In some regions of Annaba, water is still supplied to the population of an

average from 4 to 6 hours per day. In some cases, water is supplied once each two days for several

hours (for example, in Ain Berda) .Besides, more than 97 percent of users are connected to a

public water supply system.

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Table 6: Distribution Frequency and Rate Connection to Network







ANNABA Annaba Daily 10 97

Seraidi Daily 06 96

EL BOUNI El Bouni Daily 06 93

EL HADJAR El Hadjar ½ 15 96

Sidi Amar ½ 06 94

AIN BERDA Ain Berda ½ 08 96

Cheurfa ½ 05 95

El Eulma ½ 05 94


Berrahal Daily 06 97

Oued Aneb Daily 09 96

Treat Daily 05 96

CHETAIBI Chetaibi Daily 04 97

Source: SEATA 2012

Lack of zoning of water supply network, inadequate capacity of daily distribution tanks,

deterioration of the network, and large water losses are the main causes for water was supplying

of an average of 4 to 10 hours a day, in some case, there is whole no water supply for day.

Therefore, the risk of non-compliance with hygiene standards is high.

Without general meter installation, people of Annaba complained a lot, trying to prove that,

with scheduled supply, they do not use much water, and through, they overpay. It is impossible to

prove them right or wrong when there are no meters in place. It is important that the water is

billed based on meters. Billing technique, employed by both water utilities for users, creates

additional incentives for meter installation.

5. Public Investment Between1999-2010:

The authorities invests enormous public investment in water sector, particularly in

rehabilitation of equipments, network and other during the past decade between 1999 - 2009

whose cost projects are around 132,540 Billon DA. This amount represents 23% of total

investment of different sectors in Annaba. That colossal investment allows to Annaba a significant

step improvement water supply indicator as follows:

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Table 7: Public Investment 1999-2010

Title State 1999 State 2010 liter/day per capita 90 l/day/per capita 180/day/per capita

User connected to network(water supply) 86% 97%

Distribution frequency 6hours 16 hours

Length network (Km) 986 1312

reservoirs 80 97

Pumping stations 29 52

Drilling water 66 81

Plant treatment 01(Chaiba) 02(Chaiba/Mexa)

Source: DRE Annaba.


1. Perspectives of Development of Water Supply:

1.1 Investments in Additional of Mobilization Water :

Annaba has short water storage capacity, the authorities must invest in large, new

dams that are contentious and costly, this is necessary to satisfy the demand, in order to secure

potable and industrial water needs and to expand irrigated areas.

In 2000, the droughts have focused attention on the need for additional storage and

new water source that improve security, increase supply, and provide greater operating flexibility

and assurance. In short, Annaba needs in 20 years forthcoming a substantial investment in new

projects of water resource (07dams, 01desalination Water Sea plant),and these infrastructures can

mobilize supplementary resource circa 300 hm3(ANBET4):

4 ANBT : National Agency of Dams and Transfer

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Table 8: Infrastructure to Achieve: Mobilization of Surface and Underground Water

Localization Localization Capacity(hm3) allocated



Boukhroufa Dam 125 hm3 Water supply/industry

Boulathane Dam 24hm3 Water supply/Industry

Cheffia 2 Dam 73hm3 Water supply/industry

Chatt Desalination

water sea plant

100 000M3/Day


Water supply



Ain Kouche


34 hm3 Water supply/irregation

Oued Aneb dam 9,14Hm3

Middle dams


3950 ha

Oued Guiss dam 4,6Hm3

Oued Bougsaiba dam 3,1Hm3

Geophysical Study of

Treat aquifer

Assessment volume

of the aquifer

Water supply

Source DRE Annaba, El Tarf, and ANBT

1.2 Aquifer Storage and Minimization Pollution Threats:

Most aquifers supply the Wilaya of Annaba; need to be improved by new techniques

based upon better understanding of overexploited aquifers like les Salines, which will enable

increased use of artificial recharge and storage excess winter surface water. This reduces further

overexploitation and increase resilience in times of drought. Available technologies consist of,

amongst others: surface spreading (artificial recharge using basin), injection, induced (from

wastewater treatment plant of ALLAEGUE El Bouni with capacity 86 000 l/day per capita)

1.3 Nonconventional Water Resources (Desalination):

All technical and administrative aspect are taken by Ministry of Water Resource to built a

new desalination water sea plant in Chatt (wilaya El Tarf) of capacity 100 000 m3/day ,which is

destined to provide Annaba as complement in emergency situations , mainly during the droughts

period or as a routine resource.

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1.4 New Method of Management Water Supply System (SEATA Company)

The SEATA Company must develop several technical activities aiming to improve the

water supply system, In line with the policymaker program objectives, the following main

parameters are set for assessment of SEATA operator performance. Integrate water management

tools to reach a more equitable economically efficient water allocation distribution are necessary.

In order to achieve these objectives, SEATA Company aims to establish a methodology

allowing offering a long term renewal planning of the water pipe network with help of

multicriteria analysis. This method leans on the analysis of the data of heritage managed, tool of

mapping of service system of geographical information of SEATA, data notably analyzed through a

hydraulic modeling as well as on the analysis of data of working and service with aid of a tool of

prediction of faults.

a- Renovated water mains. must use Leak detected

b- Eliminated unauthorized connections to the water supply system.

c- Rehabilitated a number of pumping stations ,replaced sections of rusty pipes

d- Zoning(engineering exercise aimed to optimize pressure in the network)

e- New equipment and machinery was purchased.

f- Personnel re-training(SEATA) in new method of management

g- New accounting and financial system, new software for maintenance of data base

h- Better knowledge on quality of water supplies and water demand by modeling tools


i- innovation methods to detect, control and repair leakage

1.5 Reservoirs’ Security

Security of domestic water supplies by achieving reservoirs for autonomy the capacity

3X50 000 m3 in order to ensure providing the Wilaya of Annaba in case of incidence on

production, and transfer water installation.

1.6 Generalization of Installation of Meters:

The SEATA Company must launch vast operation of installation meters through the 12

municipalities, because these actions give quick impact in order to improve financial situation

of the company besides, it allows to:

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a- Reduce water and sanitation bill(DA per capita a month)

b- Increase transparency and, therefore, public confidence in the bill (which, in turn, increases

the collection rate and improves the financial standing of the utilities)

c- Increase pressure in the network and, make water accessible for upper floors

d- Ensure more thrifty domestic water

e- Assess water losses in the network more accurately and encourage the water utilities to

eliminate them.


1. Delegate Management Attributed To German Operator ”GELESENWASSAR”

During the past four year, the government has implemented a number of systemic measure

to reform the sector by new public-private partnership in service delivery for urban water supply

as ,in Algiers (with the French operator Suez), for Oran(with the Spain operator AGBAR),

Constantine (with French operator SAUR),and Annaba (with German operator Gelsenwassar).

Within the delegated management of the public services of the water supply and sanitation,

the authorities confide the delegate management in order to improve the sector of two wilayas

“Annaba and El Tarf”. In our disseratiion, we restrict our study only the Annaba. But, the business

plan concerned the two wilayates (i.e. Annaba and El Tarf). Then, the contract is concluded in

partnership between the German operator “GELSENWASSER “and the society SPA SEATA as for an

amount of 23.315.305 Euro for a duration of 5.5 years starting on 16/09/2008 ,Included is the

business plan of investment of an amount 36.882.031 000DA

2. The Macro-Objectives of the contract: The contract aimed to achieve some objectives in order to improve water public service

water and sanitation in Annaba by:

- Transfer knowledge with new method of management

- Water continuous H24/24.

- Improvement of the quality of the water supply public service, and sanitation.

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- Accomplishment of a new Administration and center of staff training.

3. Cancelling Contract with “Gelsenwassar “ In date of 18/04/2012, the authorities cancelled the contract with “Gelsenwassar”, after audit

report achieved by the group company auditors: CETICO-BERIM and CTH, for many reasons, one of

them is that the company didn’t reach the objectives announced in the contract, and only few

projects of development are accomplished during 2, 5 year.

4. Evaluation of the Physical and Financial Situation 4.1 Financial Evaluation :

in fact, the operator “Gelsenwassar” presents a business plan with a cost of

36.882.031.000DA ,repartition during 5.5 years ,in order to improve water public service

of 12 municipalities of Annaba and Tarf ( see figure 6 ).

Figure 6: Business Plan during 5.5 Years

Unfortaintly ,after two years of activities’ operator, we denote low significant

financial investment estimated nearly 218.208.888.04 DA (see figure 7), which represents

about of 0.06%. This explains a Clear failure of the company to reach their objectives

mentioned in the contract.

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Figure 7: Assessment of Business Plan During 2.5 years

The comparison between the two graphs (Figure 6) shows the significant gap financial of the

achievement than planned in business plan (figure 7).

4.2. Physical Situation

When, we examine, just the four Macro-parameters above pointed out, Signpost of

development of the sector, among other in the contract. We will notice that the operator is very

far from the objectives of the contract:

1 - Transfer knowledge, and new method of management:

Indeed, “Gelsenwassar” is a great German company of management well known in the

world, but the team engineers, and management staffs participating in project of delegate

management of Annaba seems without competences, mastery and lack experiences to succeed

that specific kind of project. Therefore, not only the negatives results of improvement are noticed

by population, but also they are confirmed in audit report. In the end, transfer knowledge, and

new method of management will never be transmitted by someone without them.

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2 - H24/24 Water Supply

The German operator plans supplying the Wilaya of Annaba in non-stop water supply

(H24/24) just after 2 years (article 25-2 .contract). Actually, the situation becomes worse than

before, and beyond the populations’ hope. Example, In case of Ain Berda the population is

supplied daily of an average of 17H versus once each 2 days, now (see table 4)

3 - Improvement of Quality of the Public Service of Water Supply and


During 2, 5 years, the operator invests about of 0, 06%, automatically. There is no

improvement of the water public service.

4 - Accomplishment of New (01) Administration and (01) Center of Staffs


There is nothing constructed (made) during the period.

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Chapter two :

Wastewater and Floods

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From domestic sewage, storm runoff, commerce and industry, sewage is loaded with various

pollutants: microorganisms, suspended solids, nitrogenous and phosphorous, hydrocarbons, heavy

metals, etc...

The issue of wastewater treatment is reduced by different physical processes and biological

content of these substances in order to preserve the best possible quality of natural

environments in which releases are purified.

We define sanitation by all the techniques of collecting, transporting and treating wastewater and

storm water in an agglomeration (collective sanitation), an industrial site, or a private plot (site

sanitation) before their release into the wild. “The disposal of sludge from treatment devices is

also part of sanitation” 5 .


1. Wastewater

1.1 Sewer Systems and Special Structures in Annaba:

Unlike the lift stations and treatment plants, the elements of civil engineering

network are largely underground. In addition, it is not here an Installation supervisible on each

point but a network of more than 2000 km in length.

In the past, it was not been executed as a network auditing. Inspection and registration of the

network could not be executed in the necessary details as benchmarks in

some locations because such water level is high despite dry weather and deposits.

Therefore only an overall assessment is possible.

In Annaba, a network of nearly 1,100 km in total, including wastewater systems, storm and

combined sewers.

According to estimates based on information from "Blueprint sanitation, Annaba," there are a

total approximately 70,000 2 manholes and drains about100, 000

2. Approximately35%


5 (Source: Network of Basin Rhone-Mediterranean and Corsica).

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of eyes could not be found or can not be opened. About 25%2 of eyes are in poor condition. The

number of individual connections can be estimated at around 135,0006.

For the 12 municipalities of Annaba, it was found based on the data

"Blueprint sanitation, Annaba" a correlation between the diameter distribution and the total

length of the current network (R2> 0.98) 2


1.2 Productive Capacity Hydraulic and Flood Resistance in Annaba

The effects of early rainfall in the city of Annaba were analyzed in September 2008. In

interviews with consecutive network operators in the city, it appeared that the only network in the

city of Annaba, there are 21 black dots (see Figure 1: black spots in the city Annaba), causing even

in the presence of small amounts of rain, flooding and deductions. The notes to the areas

or sections of the network are generally the observations of line operations. Systematic

documentation of the flood of last year is not known.

Figure 8: Black spots in the city of Annaba

Observations made during Phase 1, and the study "Blueprint sanitation, Annaba," show that

a large number of reasons are responsible for the presence of flooding.

6 Groupement BG Suisse_ URBAN "Schéma Directeur d’Assainissement de la ville d’Annaba,"(Annaba : Urban,2007).

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Due to its geographical location, during average rainfall, we can count in

Annaba unusual amounts of water. The western slopes located directly to the city limits belong to

the hydrological catchment area of the city of Annaba (Figure 8).

Figure 9: Annaba Geohydrological Location

The new districts on the slopes cause a significant entry of sand and debris in the network. In the

flat area where the inclination of the urban network is very slight,

there are significant sedimentation which greatly reduce the productive hydraulic capacity. In

part, a complete blockage of the drains was observed (Figure 9).


1. Case of Annaba

Measures expressed in this development plan should enable the SEATA7 management to achieve a

modern, efficient, sustainable cost of remediation. A prerequisite is to ensure the financing of

such measures, including an estimate of cost and schedule witch are the core of the development


Benefits and responsibilities of the SEATA for sanitation, according to Algerian law on

water and operating contract, the requirements in the face of all components of operations

7 Société eau et assainissement El Tarf Annaba

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management (technical, organizational structures and processes and staff) will be summarized to

define a state of reference for the comparison state set / actual condition.

2. Area of Operation

In the following tables, for the common area of operation, daïras and Wilayas are

grouped together. Wilaya Annaba has 6 daïras that include 12 municipalities with a total of

about 600,000 inhabitants.

In addition, the tables contain for each municipality the number of pumping stations, treatment

plants and networks that are to operate with yield data sum for each of them. For lift stations, the

performance rating (sum of the nominal power of self-contained pumps, flow amount) is given in l

/ s, for sewage design capacity equivalent per capita (Eq / cap), and for network length in meters8.

• ANO Unit Annaba, balance sheet management and operating systems Sanitation, March 2008

The data have been revised and corrected for the Wilaya of Annaba with the help of the study

"Master plan sanitation, Annaba" (BG Switzerland). The new treatment plant of Annaba is not

mentioned because it is still under construction and that its

Commissioning is scheduled for late 2009. It is expected that the SEATA take charge of the

operation early 2012 after two years of management agent.

Table 9: The Latest Investigation Currently there are three other Pumping Stations in Realization9.

8 Data are from the indications of the NAO in March 2008

9 DRE Annaba

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3. Situation:

* Entrance Stones, Sand, Waste and Garbage

A significant amount of waste seeps areas in the river network. A large number of bar screens are

destroyed. Appropriate supports exist only in a lesser proportion.

There is also a grand entrance by the drains because of missing grids.

Even taking into account the requirements. ("Security for unauthorized entries "), there

is an urgent need for action.

The need for action is considered as "urgent".

The result is necessarily the need to draw up a priority list for buffer’s looks. If, for example, in

the cleaning of the network, opening a gaze is necessary and that it does not open to the time, it

must be repaired in time before measures cleaning. If you can forego the opening, the state of

this view must be documented and can then be repaired as soon as capacity will be free.


As a part of controls, it was found that many special constructions not have enough vents. It was

noticeable in ventilation caused many cases the lack of buffers. This is not an acceptable

solution especially consideration of the requirement (protection against unauthorized entries). In

opening the buffer in some cases, a cloud of gas of unknown content escapes. A health risk is not


The need for action was estimated as "medium low".

The metal elements are generally in poor condition or not available. Workplace safety is

threatened because of cleats, railings or oxidized and even missing barriers.

The need for action was estimated as "medium low".

4. Analysis of Existing Data

A collection of general data (shots) on sanitation was carried out at the past few months.

This research has revealed no studies on the synthesis of networks.

Remediation has recently been performed on this Wilaya.

Only the plans of sewerage of main towns (about 60%) could be obtained but may date from many

years. These plans are not completely updated and are sometimes only project plans.

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Differences between the ground truth and these plans are therefore possible. Field audits in

relation with local officials and staff interviews were started to complete the plans and provided

a map database. This field collection also allows locate and diagnose the

main wastewater pumping station and wastewater treatment Wilaya plants.

5. Analysis of the BG Switzerland Study

* Sewerage Diagnosis:

The mission report A Study BG Switzerland is a summary of the context Environmental study

area and diagnosis of the current networks sanitation (construction of network plans).

The environmental context of the study area contains essential information without, however,

be sufficiently precise due to the following:

• operating procedures rainy rain brief and intense (type storm) or rather long

rainy and moderately intense according to the times of the year. This Such information is useful in

the sequel project to better tailor the choice of Rain project based on the constraints and issues

for a period of years.

• The geological data give a very general overview of the study area including the deep layers of

geology. Out in the field of the environment, it is important to describe the surface layers of

the land for better understand the capabilities of infiltration or runoff of surface layers.

• The hydro geological functioning in the study area is not described. The presence

of groundwater at shallow depths can cause major constraints for defining

the modalities of work (excavation dewatering, type driving, etc ...) and prevent infiltration of

clear water in the parasitic networks sanitation in case of cracking.

• Location of water resources for drinking water production (water table

groundwater, dam and lake surface). The location of these resources is

an important factor to promote their protection from the wastewater discharge in the

natural milieu and thus it induces the priorities for the creation of future development

(construction of sewage treatment plants).

Regarding the operation of the sewerage, there is no reference make to the localization of

blackheads (descriptive text and map of specific synthesis) on flooding in times of rain and sewage

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discharges on the streets and natural environments (wadis and natural area). The descriptions of

the wastewater discharges to the natural environment should help to address the risks to human

health directly compared to waterborne diseases but also by indirect water use of contaminated


The description should contain the flooding frequency (times per year) and the importance (height

and water velocity) of phenomena in order to assess their importance Vs issues (risk relative

to human life and equipment) the duration of Flooding can also inform about how drainage is? But

also on health risks associated with the development of mosquitoes. Linking this with the data

concerning the structural condition of the sewerage system (clogging, collapsing pipe ...) may

permit, partly, to provide explanations for these floods.

All this information is essential to prioritize dysfunction and therefore infer a

program of rehabilitation and adapted repair.

On major structures of the sewerage (STEP Stations lift), the mission report and makes a

diagnosis. A list of equipments facilities as a whole but without mentioning the details

as maintenance and electromechanical installations.

On the STEP Salines, the diagnosis made dishes highlight errors design of the WWTP.

• Analysis and Relationship Functioning of the Sewerage with Wadis

A mission gives a very short operation and perceives relationship between the hydrological

ENTERED wadis and sewerage.

These two structures seem very independent; however, it does not state the consequences of

major flood (Centennial) of wadis of the city and on the functioning of the network.

The desk study on the wadis, run in parallel to this mission leads us to believe of severe flooding in

central city of Annaba by overflowing wadis.

But the study on sewerage and modeling (task B and C) does not redefine the consequences

of these exceptional events.

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The study completion by the consulting firm BG Switzerland is a good working basis for

the wilaya of Annaba by the establishment plan of sewerage.

Against by this study presents numerous deficiencies as appropriate to be completed

diagnosing the operation of the networks and particularly in the analysis and interpretation of the

main fault (flooding, water discharge to the natural environment).

The lack of modeling tools in place and interpretation of results modeling necessitates the creation

of new models of networks sanitation. For these new calculations, it will be prior necessary to

verification of basic topographic data because some of these are structural inconsistencies.

Similarly, the proposed solutions development presents their design of

numerous difficulties of implementation (low slope) then operating. It, therefore, seems

important to take all the projects proposed in an extended new global study on the wilaya of



1. Floods

The wilaya of Annaba is characterized by a dense network of rivers, with high rainfall

intensities and semi torrential flow regimes. Under the growing population, some cities

have developed dangerously prone areas to overflow wadis and their tributaries, making them

very vulnerable to frequent floods causing very important damage and casualties.

The city of Annaba and, to a lesser extent, other secondary towns is still exposed to this risk.

In addition to the studies

undertaken (ICG: 1984, Scandiaconsult: 1985, FinELib:1991 BG: 2005) and works completed or in

progress under the various programs (DRE, ADE and APC), the damage caused

by the recent weather (flooding of 13 to 14 December 2005) highlighted the need for the

implementation of emergency measures of protection against flooding of its most

vulnerable urban areas of the wilaya. The objective of this work is a contribution to the study of

the protection of the city of Annaba against flooding (if the watershed of wadi Kouba).

Reducing damage caused by these calamities first requires a complete identification of natural

factors (rainfall and geomorphology basin) and anthropogenic (land use) favoring the

phenomena of flooding and damage resulting.

A second task of listing the various spots is essential to better identify areas at risk of flooding

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and actual supply parameters (hydrological and hydraulic) characterizing these

events (reconnaissance visits, surveys of banks, longitudinal profiles , etc ...).

A series of measures described as 'high priority' have been described before in this project. Among

the measures considered in the first phase, there are:

- Construction of a double jetty and deepening of the outlet channel belt at sea

- Deepening and widening of the lower channel belt

- Construction of concrete channels in the bed of the channel belt upstream of the hill in Wadi

Bouhdid, wadi Sidi Harb and Wadi Forcha

- Construction of retention basins in the headwaters of the river Bouhdid, Oued Sidi Harb and

Chaabet Zaafrania

- Demolition and replacement of several bridges.

The study results were presented in the detailed project report published before in May 1985.

Based on recommendations and data Scandiaconsult one hand, and the results of work

(implementation thresholds for the fight against erosion) undertaken in 1983 by the DRE of

Annaba, secondly, the National Bureau of Forestry Studies (FinELib, 1991) proposed a program of

watershed management of Edough. This program is part of the fight against flooding of the city of

Annaba. These measures are proposed to correct the slope under torrential rivers, reforestation

and the DRS.

The synthetic analysis of the work cited above shows that all studies used the rational formula as a

basis for predicting the design flood. The results obtained are, tragically, different. Hence, the

need to review comprehensively the situation, which is becoming an increasing concern in the

urban area and progressively tends to become increasingly impervious. Indeed, this study focuses


- The study of the physical and the description of the most significant parameters with respect to

the flow,

- Detailed analysis of rainfall generating floods and consequently of floods,

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- Determining the flood design.

- Analysis of the discharge capacity of wadis.

- Development proposals.

The results of this study will allow policy makers to take necessary measures for an effective fight

against a phenomenon that is difficult to control flooding.

To better understand the hydrological behavior of the southern slopes of Edough, it is imperative

to conduct a careful analysis of different elements morphometric (shape, size, slope, relief,

hydrography, etc. ...) having a direct or indirect influence on the genesis flood.

The different measures of length and surface were, respectively, was performed using a map

measurer and a graph paper topographic map at 10 and 25 thousandths covering the study

area. Given the number, rather high parameters calculated in this section, we found it

unnecessary to present all the formulas and methods used, which can be found elsewhere in the

bibliography. We stick only to summarize the results in Table 1 and review the most significant

parameters in the following.

Wadis draining the southern slopes of Edough result of the confluence of a number of Chabeets of

unequal size (Fig. 10) A few hundred meters to the west entrance to the plain, wadis are

characterized by well developed beds which constitute a continuing threat to the inhabitants of

this part of the city. Studied wadis draining is an area of about 35 km2 distributed as follows:

- Wadi Bouhdid: 19.23 km2

- Wadi Sidi Harb: 5.88 km2

- Wadi Forcha: 8.81 km2.

The values of form factor Gravelius (C) show that the basins of the wadis of Sidi Harb Bouhdid are

elongated (C> 1.12). The compact shape of the basin of the river Forcha (C = 1.1) by cons promotes

high intensity floods.

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Fig 10: Hydrographic basin system of Annaba

The hypsometric analysis and the distribution of slopes highlight that the basins of the southern

slopes of Edough, mainly oriented towards the southeast (Fig. 5), are characterized by a hard

terrain (vertical drop of greater than 500 m) slopes generally strong (variable slope between 200

and 365 m / km with a weighted average of about 310 m / km). The steepest slopes are often

observed on the tops of rows of the watershed; the maximum values mark the upper basin of

Bouhdid (800 m / km). From the perspective of evolution of the relief (Fig. 6), the watersheds of

wadi Sidi Harb and Bouhdid match a relief to maturity (hypsometric integral between 35 and 65%,

respectively). Against by the basin of the river Forcha has a relief at the end of maturity

(hypsometric integral of around 28%).

The development of the river system is related to lithology, vegetation, climate andterrain type in

place. The southern side of the plain bordering Edough West is characterized by a dense network

of rivers (Dd = 4-5 km/km2) and a

torrential significant conditioned by the predominance of metamorphic rocksresistant and

moderately resistant (gneisses, schists and mica schists), a very hard terrain and heavy rains. The

maximum intensity averaged over a series of 31years is about 70 mm / day Séraidi. These same

factors provide pools of streams studied a very short attention span (2 hours and 1 hour

to Bouhdid Forcha and Sidi Harbi) despite a relatively high vegetation cover, but in

places degraded or simply burned.

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The long-term actions, undoubtedly more costly but more appropriate, include the construction of

dams upstream of the western plain to reduce flows and suspended load of rain water running

down the southern slopes of the massif of Edough. The socioeconomic impacts of the proposed

restraint on the wadi Bouhdid (capacity 0.7 hm 3) can be summarized as:

a. mitigation of a large proportion of flood centennial and millennial:

The study of flood routing centennial and millennial shows that the effect of water retention is

very low if the spillway is too full. However, retention is very significant if the bottom outlet is

adopted, the inflow and outflow of flood would be, respectively, of the order of 80 and 25 m3 / s

for the millennial and 60 and 20 m3 / s for centennial. This means that the reservoir should be at

its minimum operating level (at the dead storage) at the beginning of the rainy period. It was

towards the end of this period than we would proceed to replenishment of the reserve of the

reservoir for use during the dry period.

Taking into account a guard against overflow of 50 cm, the retention of water and sediment at the

proposed deduction would, under current conditions, discharge without overflow flood millennial

urbanized at the perimeter to the upstream of Kef N'Sour.

Downstream, at the wadi Boudjemaa, the problem is posed: the normal depth required should be

6 m. However, enlargement of the bed of the lower 30 m embankment and concrete (Ks = 65 and

M = 1 m) would, with a slope maintained at 0.02% (Plate 4), be the rapid evacuation of hundred

year flood (normal depth of flow: 2.6 m) and to a lesser extent the millennial flood (normal depth

of flow: 3.2 m).

b- Water supply for domestic use

In addition to protection against flooding, the proposed deduction would, during the summer, be

the water of excellent quality of a significant proportion of cities of the ‘plain west’ of Annaba.

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Water has remained a constraining factor for economic development throughout the history of

Annaba. The goal of our dissertation is to examine the constraints and perspectives of

management of water supply and sanitation in Annaba, sought to show a better understanding of

the situation and provide some measurement as perspectives to reform the sector.

Annaba suffers from severe shortage of favorable sites to build dams, in spite of important

rainfall, and in order to solve the problem of the water scarcity in the country; the authorities

need not only plan building and operator major water infrastructure of mobilization (available of

resources) such dams in Annaba, and El Tarf , but, also recourse for non conventional resource

of seawater desalination.

We can see that data about water sources and uses vary according to the source of information:

70% of the water supply comes from surface water, 30% from groundwater. This water a supply

an average of 180 l/p/d of water domestic not continuous .Annaba is characterized by access

water service needs to be improving until to reach the best quality of public service water.

The company SEATA manages water supply and wastewater collection services of 12

Municipalities, with population about of 600 000. Annaba entered into delegate management

contract with German company Gelsenwassar, which expected to be more efficient than ADE

(Algerienne des Eaux). After 2.5 years, the contract is cancelled for failed the company to

achieve contractual objectives.

Algeria’s water sector faces numerous problems in managing its water resources. While

the quantities of conventional water resources are sufficient in terms of the overall land area,

their availability fluctuates depending on the year and region. The demand for water, which is

generally on the rise, is being exacerbated by high population growth and the rural-urban

migration. It cannot be satisfied, not least because of the deficiencies in water management. The

water sector’s heavily centralized institutions are working primarily to mobilize additional

resources, such as seawater desalination, fossil groundwater and others. On the other hand, the

option of influencing consumption, the processing and reuse of wastewater, and the conservation

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of groundwater and the environment have so far been given lower priority. The competent

institutions have not steered water management in an integrated and efficient manner, despite the

existence of modern legislation and sector reform. Inadequate expertise at various levels is a core


Water sector institutions, the Ministry of Water and regional authorities have better skills to

deliver integrated water management services.

The Integrated Water Management – Algeria programme offers advice on sector policy and

strategy and is supporting the creation and implementation of planning and regulation processes.

It is also encouraging the introduction of an integrated and participatory water resources

management model tailored to rural areas. The support consists of process and technical advice

from international, regional and local experts, and also includes material contributions and

training measures.

The Algerian Water Ministry and its institutions have begun using an integrated planning system

for the first time. It comprises a handbook for the planning of construction and investment

projects, an information system for planning investments in the water sector, and instruments for

devising regional water framework plans. Water catchment authorities have already drawn up

four of five framework plans using a standardized planning methodology. The transparency and

quality of national sector planning has thus improved.

A regulatory handbook elaborated for the Algerian water sector serves as the basis for the

creation and organization of the new regulatory authority.

Drinking water supply and sanitation systems are currently being overhauled in large Algerian

towns and cities. In this context, Gelsenwasser AG and the Algerian client SPA SEATA signed a

management contract for a term of five and a half years in 2007, covering the provision of

drinking water and wastewater management services in the wilayats of Annaba and El Tarf.

Besides the overall aim of increasing water supply, little is being done to renovate and improve

water supply networks. Most of these networks are in an extremely poor condition. It is not

unusual for more than half of water production volumes to be lost as a result. The water collected

in the project area consists of 70 % surface water and 30 % groundwater.

Water supply is currently largely intermittent in nature, and the population cannot be guaranteed

a continuous water supply. Smaller communities and some urban districts, in particular, are

supplied with water only once or twice each week. These leads to biological contamination of

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water when it is, for instance, stored in household containers. Ultimately the result is inadequate

drinking water quality.

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