louisiana democrat (alexandria, la. : 1845) (alexandria...

* + 4 + +rn.naaua' T=E WORLD IS G-OVEaHITMEni TOO MUTTC. ALEXANDRIA, LA., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 1882,• ____________________ ____________________________________________________________ * ;DEMOCRAT. - TERnS: K.MOCIAT 1. ij.mliahel Weki, uillpl.t - PAYABLE. IN Nb- .cMdErT iihril nd the at - h ,Il.L I pi.r Inl I ] ,, for ilt flT.r S e odn I . ! i 1 or d.nt ]FUSSTRESS D RECTORY. `ow- %E XAtODRl. . LAKHAN, W. F, Antt rne R Ceannellorst Lew. Ofre on De S8 Stre et, beow.eu First 'l Seen-. AS. ANDREW.S A.tor,-L IT ., Mrtj pupIdiie. 0o>eB we Be. Itna %t.s blen ne Firat .4d 8ed. A.A ROBT P. HUNTER, At. * t'rr ey and CouaeIlorlin At Law.r rea• street. DU PRE, Phyalta*nd 8ar * ) tpe attention iena to hli- M 0f lR-e aItd Ln. 0¶e at Bnd&T.ir.. .ee. Atos, betwoeend, SeR t rtTirE Pta., UAlemnOr, Lt. tSSyr OOaSd CGofOC-Kl t L. SR RIoddie r'ODrys GandISu,- ottom. t. nt t. or "Rlp Ir A nC. . IBIOSAT. WtclImaker an T I'BrTinI dWler i. Wnleli. T W e, t. Pond street, opJOHN, Toin Hfal. 41TJOR, E ?R ni, ylia.t and .'0 DirsSW AlM medhnonr- is4Mftand amt FTncn and toilet tILLELfL C dedaler in Cming Sji le.flot re& Hous Fir- uiMi .M ofe deo I ltio. no jtdt gow ftrm 4r4 to $6. , mIi 0, _Tbhird Steet- how mod Dbrcaker; Ben- t4 Mperb nor tent. lace., e. Dras-making . 'eZZUT, MRS. &CF Ihionable 5P fTm.ad nFn-ho$ing. Cut. al a - ttlenjp to order. Al Wqd ay t ti er. ou T scM s otSorns. L diiog •ad Csmsisatioa Mer- dh.e Mi.nkSl AoCuil, LiBe, C'e a-tflayOa 0t«aUdBran. The high- M ( ubt pt -- fpod it~a te Med. TILTL, P., Cotrntractor, Bouilderand rU Mleter, trnier LeS fnd ifth Henb. A fane. H.,r and a full as- Sw Metallic ald Bosawoud ofr- .awsys on head. All, JOHN IE, Wheelwrigt M. d c lfeladithi, Shavp eornr of roeIt mad MuIray sereetas Work nsstad will. dIll.iltli, 6 reasonable tests, ftirar . lfYOR Job Prlnhi done a 1,7th. Lonlana Demcraitt orce, mnner of Seeond said Jackson Streets. PrilcMechap for Cash. - TULTUS LEVIN, dealer in Lunmber ei wd Balding material. Chomte amily Groerme. Second street, op pda Town Halil. fALPH WALTER, Second streat, Ia. Ma..fintarer if "'A•dWrt B Bridle, etc. Siut- fiheti ru nmuteed OHN WERNER, Front Street-- * Tailnr. Snte made to order; n prfect fStgiarinted. Thlie ery latst nle ie. Termn, Chetp for Calh. RAMER, Joibq., Carpenter and Vn- K doersker, aiIer of Fonrtol aud Iamtt Strets. Keep. on hand Metal- ilie s gAdeeweod Btrii Canes and , Plain Conl, also a Fine HearRe. Or- iden fro. the eonntry respeittully as- licite4• l d pionptly altlended to. PIIEVILLE. UCRNR, Ben., Dealer in onel. SMerehaMa e, s. ch Dry Good, |runrie Boots, Shoe Hte,, Cnps. If. JULIU A. JOHNSTON IS Sowpernently .. td in Pin lill*. Ofllhn cornior beluw Tumnor's ^leek ihUdhig. MISCELLANEOUS. NEW CGODs I .. int. MIS 9.S RIRTHIRlCK 7 C2 THIS OLD and REIIABLE BUSI- NEStHOUSE, under lihe cltrge of 1JAil i1. llTITICI II JA iB ll& , | Scontinues bnsiness at tie OLD STAND, wher#all a o GOODS & .wRES 0 arC t sill iept and ofer- ad at mat reasonable r. l te FOR CASH HATS, BOOTS, . SHOES and lNDERWBEA. )DRY nOODS| ine re offering the newet de- Sa ign, the ehoel t color- in1g t lowest prices. 5 THE ONLY STOCK OF H-AH WARE IN ALL OP ITS BRANCHES; EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET. SOUTHERN LIVER RGULATORI FOH AL . Bilious DiseaBse or Disorders AriBing from Tor- pidity of THE LIVER TOWN. EXCELSIOR C E L - 8 SALE d andi STA E STABLE Jackson, Belvwi td and 34 ts., ALEXANDRIA. LA. MeGINtNIS & ARMSTRiONG PROPRIETORS. R* 8110, AS KORSE0S, L.03"ES S and BUGGIES for hire t LOW RATES, aid at any time, nighlit Or day. N. L. MGINNIS Keeps .n hand fr le, BUGGIES, tW- NESS. BUGGY and WAGON" MATERIAL, and u tv Repair Buggies, Wagons NEW; TO-DAY. Great, Germ Destroyer! IPROPHY LACTIC FLUID! * SMALL COX F IX PtWED. RA.CATED ,e, puriledi and i ow ad. l ed.. .c and windo ypeia 'Dynniey' com. I. ci.r, lFold. beoltd no- Sht. IV. nloa bialled Is hnntd smadi &tl,•tly. pi on5ei wllevedl -,'q red JI an "Ifreled b short tine . p f, m. SiFhi added t ArIn e s" Sli wltre,. Fr Sore Troeft it Soft Wtle CoM.U'I a"e monue. Slid eclare iba I.n ' D S ipFrPTHERIA I. nplr.' Air m4d1 1 h himlre mu atil i Ia lledb. ;rip Qlj by hien l. ling Darbs'B'S•i/jFlteT ei- tprif•gthebhnmtlatlu . o f dnlb C wlsai tienteth: in tie hoaes, it It en't be .1r*- hnuldalwaylbe psanl. R niod nabout the O0tnrr h relieve' rp-it will Eariel nred. plierantl.ell. BDurn relieved in-Aan Aitidote fio r itauul. . Animal or Vego- Slar. pren-.ti.l. thl]. P ni.su,. snemovensRIi ,%i.1 8stwin, eIt. pi emaurnt Io. IDanu.n een- CAMIF1' gr ilingritn. V Fl .... moved by its uam I ~I^Idra. Fetter Is rACW It ln TmoriarT Disiiirfectnt ad arifer! and do a GENERAL BLACKSMITH and I J . ZE ZLIo 0CM' ? NES, A1Mnauctnurlag Uliousal, Sinle Prmpr It etos. SHOP ON BEAUREGARD STREET. CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVESI PRICES AS OW AS N BE HAD ANYWHERE ECLIPSE STABLE, NELS TAYLOR, SYMPTOMS REQUIRING AID FROM BETWEEN SOUTHRIEN Liver fTegulator: The nrwl feeling of . ur•eo troubled with torpidity of the Liver I a sOnise of dwrowsines nd h 10Hblitry to attend to dnties had tate in the monttR p in the bSck or bhoulders. MwrTi bah, * halltnal eaotivene.s, hbd leelfng fMll, aes feeling beivy lid dull., andoftse Sbc e yellow restlenes. at night. ndvtnesa ofdski; In fact aineot ll Softlmhore ionhmnniiBBes ay bod. tributod to a diBesed liret. For LADIES & CHILDREN No MEDICIBE CAN E UAL rr FOR . Fr OPIdP AS MILD EPPhECTr, AND PURELY VEGEiTABLE, tAN BE URTb WITHI PrEFECT SAFETY. gi TO PRO URE THE GENUINE S RTICLE APPLY TO HENRY ST. JOHN, CHYMIST said DRUGGIST, AEXANDRfA, LA.I Open for theSeason of 1882 < FVkCANGK aOTEL.: RE-FURNISHED AND REPAIRED. - enK Bar an. .. I ýRig, hr the OafD , Woelk, or monllt. e hn tln,:uoat ranMI-. able terms, ote, IHEL& AT ALL HIOUIS OF TIE DiAY. Conmneroiticrellea wliL.nId thls tIe mi•t tonveiient lace. i townI, as it is GnLrnaly luested.-- The 1ullr alwayn sl nliled pnorPiTOR.o-. Third St, ' jxrSOO &I MURRAY. AaRTAAGES, S BUGGIES and S .1O1SES TO LET. t ; , ; THE STABLE IS THE LARGEST aRod MOST COM- FORTABLE IN THE STATE. WILL RENT ITALZS BY IAYr MWEEK FOR RORSES. AND HARNESS ALWAYS ON HAND FOR SAL. t DR. A.RACHAL, S4RGEON DBNTIST Third St., Between Jacks d aliEaurgard ALEXANDRIA, LA. Teeth extracted withonnt pain. FRI, logs inserted ti Rare, Artii- ficil teeth Mde ta prder, and fit guiran- teed. Work done at New Orleans pricte for CAS B•NLY. WITI THE BEST THE IRKET APlORlM ' ST. JOH1 N'S FRENCH, & HYSON. Prop'I IUMPOVED p WWCARBOlO SSALVE I .a.E. NU.t,.hmeten. ted aat nB,,i' r AS w PEsnra iou sd SorH M ra BitO f. .will wa;t thit pie u pQ'ton cotatin -nSpin Iw nnre Carin id. S iS s. I PR E.. .SCENTSA BOX. *S 9 1Apply to HENRY ST. JOUN GET vTD.UB DiliE S c;3I OPPOSITE FERRY LANDING. FINEST .. I Wines, Liquors,Cigars . RIFF• SALE. Auoi the . enb the Twfllth Judicial iltri tonCrtWd Hr _WUJA4IflT'TW'AN : ORDER OW WI!. bu.Uc - Heii4. d table the the Parlt nad S .ta ore f Ini.a the above- entit"el a numbned spit, ofitiu«lig AtoInItsll'BeT intb-. lessor dvliorloa, dering the pled by Aon Wolff, I tire toen, , OkaMeyviiel La., bettWeen ibi hoars psed e I h. o dI.. of SATIJUDA&Y.hl 4lp d4y of 4*BOH, * I' heA..D , n, r ts, tie following d•ribed pIperty, to art- 4 * Cnntts jifii satre lalyll ccn- piled bys ittWoficoiiin of Gtel Znilodkw lnl DtI , it . Qrdw rcky- ir, ewr., tB Uern ipentyr of aid ef he Uoo In m of.e. Rab, 1R I. SheriffA, T.n .aSH, 0% C. PA R. HARDTNER' Boot &Shfde Miuray Street. SAlargeotekof Fins Calf Skais td Mo- Reeon .i1w. kept on ha.d. FerriesnOg duM. with neatncs. and disptJo.-CHEAP FOR CASH. J. C. EYRICH, IS Catal Stsew Orleans. Coa0try Ndentiledat Na York pri- :es. An n book iblisl ametb7 mail, petp"Id on emasipt oft pr,. DR. S. H. RWING, OFFICE and RESIDENCE, Third st, between St. Ann and Monroe Penn. , LIIF IT DOWH. IlMs'onr IIt a bitter serrow? Lire it down. Thhik mhnnc n a b'lht to-MR rrow, Live Itdown. Teu wll trto it newer porn JDlto it wet-eyed and mze Oin tl. grave yof ailarl n d Ir LI lt dowin. [8dlsgrace onr gaIllng burden? Liye it 4lwob., < You i wvi .br ave hlt's gerdon--. Live It down. Makeyonr.lirfo fe from blame Tli the . 1Mer nfyourn n Shall ld nall ithe olden slme- ive It down. Has year heart a "net trMblt Live it dowir. Do not grieve amil make It dpuble• *Lim k Blowfn. b o not ater it weltig- rB Do lot feud it With roar filiars, DOnotrtMrifnl ti ro long year- L.re It •n. IUa i oY made o mn. inful errorf Ui ,lt down. Do not h yotUr face In .rror-. S P.e \: do Look tile world .a.e. In the eyea, Goa ha&dl. s flko leri. It'o b*oi r l i. re he dies- Lie, il down. PRESS ASSoCIAli01, -. CO Ns AI UA AL s ER sTOx. Mo S o, rLa., The SMrend AntiuaI.Senaiomuof the Press.. Asawsohti of Lounisi t will . e held at Aleuindria oi oandly, the W0th dy. of March ne.t, to which place and time the ARoeeiltion ad- jnnrned atrBton RoIs ia September ni lIt year. AppoiutnRtn for bIs approsilming lon ar are s follow%: Orator, Ex- Chlbf-orj"te Manning, or Balpdei : Alterna t-George W. Cabe, Eilq., of New Or,16s. The annual peon il assigned to Mn. Mollie Moore Davi. ofiNew Ordesi , whe win prveated b ill heIalh froim aoerin l the tian with a poem at its Seftmber reaion. The Prcileltlet reews his reqipemt local historiwi.h Ihilbae Bot Afr1 - ed thelirmannaetript to Jon. C. Whit, Esq., General. Hietorittn, to prMocel wilhotflaelsy to cfjf WI dtlhe da- tie tim liarIl 1a1nml. e, The wttent.mi of tde Exeetive CoU - n etten i caled tote n ecmty fotae .l.n s Rl.OI. Bmeu. tsi givn the tee I composed of folowuing me ben: L.Jntremski, chairmw,•. J. Mangbhae n MN., M. , Field.m , Ai Buhrkeand SB..eb LIahert. The lma- inies ottipAssicatlon will be great- 1ly renitated id Itdat.i ey 4m epedlly attained by a'thoromagh ipwIwi the Euelov, Cemmltt., a, the errful. prempratun aot sec mewates a s li * b iuitted for'inal .etion SA foil attBndalma> ef r tiet saers thel Atdltidon I.e r1a at the ap- roaing i" an, a wbth t A Is laidtbe6«lI ill be oiir.0nI Ie- ticna ofoiCeT for tlhe tielve month "winj, ot-ntti Setii 1 noeioa'sa Slee ' dtatled o . O~fi. tIthew Asbamitlioo ar. T* qeasteto bforwad by the ItsOfM as* prom tSmh •ft their ant, . Aein esi being entrally and itsflte.'ii ie ilil d4eitsJ •- auredgwiW lteiznd '14th4d1if0 ra- ter1t4 a cordla nd hoe-life wel- lcoe. - W. MoCJIANSI Psist oelAn• -Press Asseoailon. L. R. BEn t, cy. WIDDSE To LLUiA-S-he bean- I, he loved ••rtedldty, i•da appines ineemd to pervidoe their avny glt. But trouble &.me. Sick. ans paled Laur0*i blooming cheeks, hier spslling eyes, enfeebled S conatlttion, ftnlalted herbeaun- titul form, unstrung her delicate noares and una•tLd hIe for aete,. life. With an achlng4ieart ber hua bald eonsult doctor, administered their sedlltet and talked with friends. NotwithtAiiudIndg ll this eare and altentlon, there appeared n re]Ief for her aching head, thot painful back, that irregular utertno action and that emaciationa Anoth- er friend wiled. had seen sch alckap in ad at once uggmted tlb up of Dr. Dromgool's English I Bitter•, an be hl kown procured it at o nce upon Its am fi WERctIon of "Cinl i health agffi. good,. at bet change T IE T ADLY nuLITes, ~tW tIThMr .4. D No b±.* Ix $.aoIsot nalvuroflr ? I 1 1 ( I ,1 kadtpIO ytth a•" i t mi One taj b ,4hdLbf l sts tlhlifl6 st'inhe *tetn alm hi katt 0anel .M dn ydil a~ had "Wdilngljyf replied she $rtt. is rfllw at .. OAt< therhitge b*Tghint h o th 6 y 16 tatloo i ,• Itotlie: and again, natli, Wili W I t I the ho1le, the porttni bd a* in gle a.pri to tlT. A'riey wVtt sp stairsl e merchant sRbd: "• a .ill r.eign the Imt para, I wll give yon tireoe pleiee' o adviet." "Be it iso,"tl. hb georter, "Well, fietn," oaid Mte -merehant, Ssapy one tillyo Ith is better la be fasting It d fensting, do not be- SIyhim. If auy sean tells ye n It better to ',e ajotthsan rich, da not ive . him. Tly one tell, you It I Ltto wAnlk tha rie dedo n tie ns ea- e S * .- NT0. A S iT /I 1r74 AR RSNTICkBAmi'A.- A eiril spP1tch faros CetLin" to the n.*za Pr.B ty? ntew .hus rehed there that ISr.8jitwn,&or- repondent of lIe Lttdow Tiine!, hk w't mw rdered by,% plor of Armmnit, Ineta I, l Alot. The Pall l1 Ga..E uays.;V. . Still- Pah Wsl n artht, a wrlte . on ati tWpic nad a n.ew i.ptpciOrrwPinol d.nt, and had lld.boui fr.aay year.. U.e , w auh . e ,i the Uni.td Sa.1. (moInl 'I. CM. a1 S1878 hecWpi oue tt he cbar- respondei's of lhl Tribune at thet The an who hIs once baea ads dif•Led 1o politic hud. It Lirdio n torm and break the fett* tIth bind him, hll makes a reolve,. t lii. ini that anevr again will h lto the fatal wjoi,!i. ad hn g "t.slnp t monthls thoik t tiln k•t Of In dalglagI, bt In st ento 4P meatic ftr tlie eid pligi.opeFi he thelisaroshing tih hatn Ieplay- ed on llo)oi'tBltiioD, .4 Iet iet Uee ma slip, ti tIh. lie go«*t« oit ieetidn day he I. felso iebtel IkWhk^0 old fitae, and l hiel aroSir.hetiwno the itta. a, amniftlj he Ifwthooplag It wit She hiimetby a 4 oind .ij 4 Tyb• *, olextallu ahtnRdW lnTeI il.e hunces f St parly, his tongs as thi a opp:ionoBa tI , afd Iis br*kit aatronIg ai the tuIrOphbere in o( lt l hse. He hae Ited to his wife aboit haring Lo go to jie lWlge o give wone high degretes Ao .i Msons from the uo*yurj, and when she smells his brellth he ktnal hiow high the degatie. me, ani Ht e•tsi venr bea in A aecondaot the lbreath' bat the 1des-tliat he h I.flm froam his high estate and gilll sbliken In the mire of polltiti Afler the e- tio, pUd, his pnrty .i tSI P an •u .1, hlwhieer ufon a * sa of brcgtj La sI hait that III will tesbb id, ladle Bnot the latcxide iag and demobtltllig pilptis; RiI he It., and he knowl It. What the ounltry want I. sodletj r refer. sleg np who n f addited to pal ties * socelty where he ea, go thein he feels the old appetiw coaming o oand haVe hli thoughlt tumed to il e"emnt alanie .e l ,weAk,l' hea ntc bis brotheralid .ilztmrtw ti b ylb" the wbnd--parti.ef|It .tme - nd bt ' hlm :Q¶ Make l Whe a hepaig l hgtan tial. t ha il asmell of keroeiwta n gam aWk•mdid s. b ti t he want, to feIlthe t 1 A ost lay t iam nd"i ari, I i lu the IaS of i beinli ir body foarj. oB tb Ibh.e r rt railnr tt tWB r, shoit St tit p1 i strog e"aigh to &S o ýh th founded odety _wld oifluft- of It. 5i ,«|o int i ether polttif parind, u formed pol~tfolen4 wnpld find ttia they'leld J Au d ou t the frtijl pat iato there. 'Ti- he, tMei I& hlldhood'. aur d - ck' Dos'Ys o l tec .TaifnV HaL-Thn VOL. 37. I I II * . Br'H _werglpopflur 4jt'tff s ind wM ta nrnet a %*%to "a lonful agal Aietri;a. hl before 'be ao4d atce Tnkf re and •urlg trl hlieed hy of tblct lion .I 6S.": In ti aer he it' nd c t4aslliftis adbrlwidg* wi e stlonal mrol Iangfllol.o. Loell and Holme t One ofhis mtot rrenacrtiein, a an Interlng aecooull in lth, & Lwry eatlzao tf latnontbemdH the discovery andi oritin I the a of NMile. Mr. BSlA.mn was ri ad twof"e wlIrh fit L. Ib 1 11o Hli. frd s f ej- . : Ia1, tndsle l if Abrbo Mt ordn agllled Ifolri agdtty arewth. heet rzi Mbtd withfhe, bind ig e a.t mt aitoe ihte mard A a4yStoitlina bwho. thefteo tnid hRtlmo bglndSnejis dr*lairfrp ^ ^.Ni 11 fl4t itntlfw'.tladeas "w *of- nearlo e matd tsine e. fet $t4 be it'e - aw h ian Hea toeeps hll eis thuowh tb kieting hor , i4 apt t o.hvl leIr.l A staOblif h erse I atafndtq ith the kindle rIf af b * a to b e dl th-_ hy• ing heaRl B .ilntl r I .lky c whdlh mons, lin thing i . a A ansitl t famne legs. Alo alne. i , I. tidpe t smoothl fto m. the »pt *owed I

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S÷ + 4 +


ALEXANDRIA, LA., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 1882,•____________________ ____________________________________________________________ *


K.MOCIAT 1. ij.mliahel Weki,

uillpl.t - PAYABLE. IN Nb-.cMdErT iihril nd the at

- h ,Il.L I pi.r Inl I ] ,, for ilt flT.r

S e odn I . ! i 1 or d.nt


LAKHAN, W. F, Antt rne RCeannellorst Lew. Ofre on De

S8 Stre et, beow.eu First 'l Seen-.

AS. ANDREW.S A.tor,-LIT ., Mrtj pupIdiie. 0o>eB we Be.Itna %t.s blen ne Firat .4d 8ed.

A.A ROBT P. HUNTER, At.* t'rr ey and CouaeIlorlin At Law.r

rea• street.

DU PRE, Phyalta*nd 8ar* ) tpe attention iena to hli-M 0f lR-e aItd Ln. 0¶e at

Bnd&T.ir.. .ee. Atos, betwoeend,SeR t rtTirE Pta., UAlemnOr, Lt.

tSSyr OOaSd CGofOC-Kl t L.

SR RIoddier'ODrys GandISu,-ottom.

t. nt t.

or "Rlp Ir A nC.

. IBIOSAT. WtclImaker anT I'BrTinI dWler i. Wnleli.

T We, t. Pond street, opJOHN,Toin Hfal.

41TJOR, E ?R ni, ylia.t and.'0 DirsSW AlM medhnonr-is4Mftand amt FTncn and toilet

tILLELfL C dedaler in CmingSji le.flot re& Hous Fir-

uiMi .M ofe deo I ltio. no

jtdt gow ftrm 4r4 to $6.

, mIi 0, _Tbhird Steet-how mod Dbrcaker; Ben-

t4 Mperb nor tent.lace., e. Dras-making .

'eZZUT, MRS. &CF Ihionable5P fTm.ad nFn-ho$ing. Cut.al a - ttlenjp to order. Al

Wqd ay t ti er. ou

T scM s otSorns.

L fý diiog •ad Csmsisatioa Mer-dh.e Mi.nkSl AoCuil, LiBe, C'ea-tflayOa 0t«aUdBran. The high-

• M ( ubt pt -- fpod it~a te Med.

TILTL, P., Cotrntractor, BouilderandrU Mleter, trnier LeS fnd ifth

Henb. A fane. H.,r and a full as-Sw Metallic ald Bosawoud ofr-

.awsys on head.

All, JOHN IE, WheelwrigtM. d c lfeladithi, Shavp eornr of

roeIt mad MuIray sereetas Worknsstad will. dIll.iltli, 6 reasonable

tests, ftirar .

lfYOR Job Prlnhi done a1,7th. Lonlana Demcraitt orce,mnner of Seeond said Jackson Streets.

PrilcMechap for Cash. -

TULTUS LEVIN, dealer in Lunmberei wd Balding material. Chomte

amily Groerme. Second street, oppda Town Halil.

fALPH WALTER, Second streat,Ia. Ma..fintarer if

"'A•dWrt B Bridle, etc. Siut-

fiheti ru nmuteed

OHN WERNER, Front Street--* Tailnr. Snte made to order; nprfect fStgiarinted. Thlie ery latstnle ie. Termn, Chetp for Calh.

RAMER, Joibq., Carpenter and Vn-K doersker, aiIer of Fonrtol audIamtt Strets. Keep. on hand Metal-ilie s gAdeeweod Btrii Canes and

, Plain Conl, also a Fine HearRe. Or-iden fro. the eonntry respeittully as-licite4• l d pionptly altlended to.

PIIEVILLE.UCRNR, Ben., Dealer in onel.

SMerehaMa e, s. ch Dry Good,|runrie Boots, Shoe Hte,, Cnps.


Sowpernently ..td in Pinlill*. Ofllhn cornior beluw Tumnor's^leek ihUdhig.


NEW CGODsI .. int. MIS



cltrge of

1JAil i1. llTITICIII JA iB ll& , |

Scontinues bnsiness at tie OLDSTAND, wher#all

ao GOODS & .wRES

0 arCt sill iept and ofer-

ad at mat reasonable r. l te



)DRY nOODS|ine re offering the newet de-Sa ign, the ehoel t color-

in1g t lowestprices.





Bilious DiseaBse or DisordersAriBing from Tor-

pidity of




8 SALE d


STA E STABLEJackson, Belvwi td and 34 ts.,



R* 8110, ASKORSE0S, L.03"ES S

and BUGGIES for hire t LOW RATES,aid at any time, nighlit

Or day.

N. L. MGINNISKeeps .n hand fr le, BUGGIES, tW-


u tv

Repair Buggies, Wagons


Great, Germ Destroyer!IPROPHY LACTIC FLUID!

* SMALL COX F IX PtWED.RA.CATED ,e, puriledi and

i ow ad. l ed.. .c

and windo ypeia 'Dynniey' com. I.ci.r, lFold. beoltd no-Sht. IV. nloa bialled Is

hnntd smadi &tl,•tly.pi on5ei wllevedl -,'q red JIan "Ifreled b short tine .

p f, m.SiFhi added t ArIn


Sli wltre,. Fr Sore Troeft itSoft Wtle CoM.U'I a"e monue.

Slid eclare iba


I. nplr.' Air m4d11 hhimlre mu atil i

Ia lledb. ;rip Qlj by hien l.ling Darbs'B'S•i/jFlteT ei-

tprif•gthebhnmtlatlu . o f dnlbC wlsai tienteth: in tie hoaes, itIt en't be .1r*- hnuldalwaylbepsanl. R niod nabout the

O0tnrr h relieve' rp-it willEariel nred. plierantl.ell.

BDurn relieved in-Aan Aitidote fio ritauul. .• Animal or Vego-

Slar. pren-.ti.l. thl]. P ni.su,.snemovensRIi ,%i.1 8stwin, eIt.

pi emaurnt Io. IDanu.n een-

CAMIF1' gr ilingritn.V Fl .... moved by its uam

I ~I^Idra. Fetter

Is rACW It ln TmoriarT

Disiiirfectnt ad arifer!

and do a GENERAL BLACKSMITH and I J . ZE ZLIo 0CM' ?

NES, A1Mnauctnurlag Uliousal, Sinle PrmprIt etos.






SOUTHRIENLiver fTegulator:The nrwl feeling of . ur•eo troubled

with torpidity of the Liver I a sOnise ofdwrowsines nd h 10Hblitry to attend todnties had tate in the monttR p inthe bSck or bhoulders. MwrTi bah,

* halltnal eaotivene.s, hbd leelfng fMll,aes feeling beivy lid dull., andoftse

Sbc e yellow restlenes. at night.ndvtnesa ofdski; In fact aineot ll

Softlmhore ionhmnniiBBes ay bod.tributod to a diBesed liret.








Open for theSeason of 1882



Bar an. .. I ýRig, hr the OafD , Woelk,or monllt. e hn tln,:uoat ranMI-.

able terms, ote,


Conmneroiticrellea wliL.nId thls tIemi•t tonveiient lace. i townI, as

it is GnLrnaly luested.--The 1ullr alwayn

sl nliled


Third St, 'jxrSOO &I MURRAY.



t ; , ;








Between Jacks d aliEaurgardALEXANDRIA, LA.

Teeth extracted withonnt pain. FRI,logs inserted ti Rare, Artii-

ficil teeth Mde ta prder,and • fit guiran-

teed.Work done at New Orleans pricte for



p WWCARBOlO SSALVE I.a.E. NU.t,.hmeten. ted aat nB,,i' r

AS w PEsnra iou sd SorH M ra BitO f..will wa;t thit pie u pQ'ton cotatin-nSpin Iw nnre Carin id.

S iS s. I PR E.. .SCENTSA BOX.*S 9 1Apply to HENRY ST. JOUN


vTD.UB DiliE S




Wines, Liquors,Cigars


Auoi the .enb theTwfllth Judicial iltri tonCrtWd Hr


WI!. bu.Uc - Heii4. d table the

the Parlt nad S .ta ore f Ini.a theabove- entit"el a numbned spit,ofitiu«lig AtoInItsll'BeT intb-.

lessor dvliorloa, dering the

pled by Aon Wolff, I tire toen, ,OkaMeyviiel La., bettWeen ibi hoarspsed e I h. o dI.. ofSATIJUDA&Y.hl 4lp d4y of 4*BOH,

* I' heA..D , n, r ts,tie following d•ribed pIperty, to

art- 4* Cnntts jifii satre lalyll ccn-piled bys ittWoficoiiin of

Gtel Znilodkw lnl DtI

, it . Qrdw rcky-ir, ewr., tB Uern ipentyr of aid efhe Uoo In m of.e.

Rab, 1R I. SheriffA,T.n .aSH, 0% C. PA

R. HARDTNER'Boot &Shfde

Miuray Street.SAlargeotekof FinsCalf Skais td Mo-Reeon .i1w. kepton ha.d. FerriesnOgduM. with neatncs.and disptJo.-CHEAP FOR CASH.


IS Catal Stsew Orleans.

Coa0try Ndentiledat Na York pri-:es. An n book iblisl ametb7 mail,petp"Id on emasipt oft pr,.


Third st, between St. Ann and Monroe



IlMs'onr IIt a bitter serrow?Lire it down.

Thhik mhnnc n a b'lht to-MR rrow,Live Itdown.

Teu wll trto it newer pornJDlto it wet-eyed and mzeOin tl. grave yof ailarl n d Ir

LI lt dowin.[8dlsgrace onr gaIllng burden?

Liye it 4lwob., <You i wvi .br ave hlt's gerdon--.

Live It down.Makeyonr.lirfo fe from blameTli the . 1Mer nfyourn nShall ld nall ithe olden slme-

ive It down.

Has year heart a "net trMbltLive it dowir.

Do not grieve amil make It dpuble•*Lim k Blowfn.

b o not ater it weltig- rBDo lot feud it With roar filiars,DOnotrtMrifnl ti ro long year-

L.re It •n.

IUa i oY made o mn. inful errorfUi ,lt down.

Do not h • yotUr face In .rror-.S P.e \: do

Look tile world .a.e. In the eyea,Goa ha&dl. s flko leri.It'o b*oi r l i. re he dies-

Lie, il down.



Mo S o, rLa.,

The SMrend AntiuaI.Senaiomuof thePress.. Asawsohti of Lounisi t will . eheld at Aleuindria oi oandly, theW0th dy. of March ne.t, to whichplace and time the ARoeeiltion ad-jnnrned atrBton RoIs ia Septemberni lIt year.

AppoiutnRtn for bIs approsilminglon ar are s follow%: Orator, Ex-

Chlbf-orj"te Manning, or Balpdei :Alterna t-George W. Cabe, Eilq., ofNew Or,16s. The annual peon ilassigned to Mn. Mollie Moore Davi.

ofiNew Ordesi , whe win prveated bill heIalh froim aoerin l thetian with a poem at its Seftmberreaion.

The Prcileltlet reews his reqipemtlocal historiwi.h Ihilbae Bot Afr1 -ed thelirmannaetript to Jon. C. Whit,Esq., General. Hietorittn, to prMocelwilhotflaelsy to cfjf WI dtlhe da-tie tim liarIl 1a1nml. e,

The wttent.mi of tde Exeetive CoU -

n etten i caled tote n ecmty fotae.l.n s Rl.OI. Bmeu. tsi givn the

tee I composed of folowuing meben: L.Jntremski, chairmw,•. J.Mangbhae n MN., M. , Field.m , AiBuhrkeand SB..eb LIahert. The lma-inies ottipAssicatlon will be great-1ly renitated id Itdat.i ey 4mepedlly attained by a'thoromagh ipwIwi

the Euelov, Cemmltt., a, theerrful. prempratun aot sec mewatesa s li * b iuitted for'inal .etion

SA foil attBndalma> ef r tiet saers

thel Atdltidon I.e r1a at the ap-roaing i" an, a wbth t A Is

laidtbe6«lI ill be oiir.0nI Ie-ticna ofoiCeT for tlhe tielve month

"winj, ot-ntti Setii 1 noeioa'saSlee ' dtatled o

. O~fi. tIthew Asbamitlioo ar. T*qeasteto bforwad by the ItsOfM as*prom tSmh •ft their ant, .

Aein esi being entrally

and itsflte.'ii ie ilil d4eitsJ •-auredgwiW lteiznd '14th4d1if0 ra-ter1t4 a cordla nd hoe-life wel-lcoe. - W. MoCJIANSIPsist oelAn• -Press Asseoailon.

L. R. BEn t, cy.

WIDDSE To LLUiA-S-he bean-

I, he loved ••rtedldty, i•daappines ineemd to pervidoe their

avny glt. But trouble &.me. Sick.ans paled Laur0*i blooming cheeks,

hier spslling eyes, enfeebledS conatlttion, ftnlalted herbeaun-titul form, unstrung her delicate

noares and una•tLd hIe for aete,.

life. With an achlng4ieart ber hua

bald eonsult doctor, administeredtheir sedlltet and talked with

friends. NotwithtAiiudIndg ll this

eare and altentlon, there appearedn re]Ief for her aching head, thot

painful back, that irregular utertno

action and that emaciationa Anoth-

er friend wiled. had seen sch

alckap in ad at once uggmted tlb

up of Dr. Dromgool's English

I Bitter•, an be hl kown

procured it at o nce

upon Its am fi

WERctIon of "Cinl i

health agffi.

good,. at bet



~tW tIThMr .4. D No b±.* Ix$.aoIsot nalvuroflr







kadtpIO ytth a•" i t mi

One taj b ,4hdLbfl sts tlhlifl6st'inhe *tetn alm hi katt

0anel .M dn ydil a~ had

"Wdilngljyf replied she $rtt.is rfllw at ..OAt< therhitge b*Tghint ho th 6 y 16 tatloo i ,• Itotlie:

and again, natli, Wili W I t Ithe ho1le, the porttni bd a* ingle a.pri to tlT. A'riey wVtt

sp stairsl e merchant sRbd: "• a

.ill r.eign the Imt para, I wll giveyon tireoe pleiee' o adviet."

"Be it iso,"tl. hb georter,"Well, fietn," oaid Mte -merehant,Ssapy one tillyo Ith is better la

be fasting It d fensting, do not be-SIyhim. If auy sean tells ye n It

better to ',e ajotthsan rich, da notive .him. Tly one tell, you It

I Ltto wAnlk tha rie dedo n

tie ns ea-e S


.- NT0.A S iT /I 1r74


A eiril spP1tch faros CetLin"to the n.*za Pr.B ty? ntew .hus

rehed there that ISr.8jitwn,&or-

repondent of lIe Lttdow Tiine!,

hk w't mw rdered by,% plor of

Armmnit, Ineta I, l Alot. ThePall l1 Ga..E uays.;V. . Still-Pah Wsl n artht, a wrlte .on atitWpic nad a n.ew i.ptpciOrrwPinol

d.nt, and had lld.boui fr.aay

year.. U.e , w auh . e ,i

the Uni.td Sa.1. (moInl 'I. CM.a1 S1878 hecWpi oue tt he cbar-respondei's of lhl Tribune at thet

The an who hIs once baea adsdif•Led 1o politic hud. It Lirdio n

torm and break the fett* tIth bindhim, hll makes a reolve,. t lii.

ini that anevr again will h ltothe fatal wjoi,!i. ad hn g "t.slnpt monthls thoik t tiln k•t Of In

dalglagI, bt In st ento 4Pmeatic ftr tlie eid pligi.opeFi hethelisaroshing tih hatn Ieplay-ed on llo)oi'tBltiioD, .4 Iet ietUee ma slip, ti tIh. lie go«*t«oit ieetidn day he I. felso

iebtel IkWhk^0 old fitae, and lhiel aroSir.hetiwno the itta. a,

amniftlj he Ifwthooplag It wit

She hiimetby a 4 oind .ij 4Tyb•*, olextallu ahtnRdW lnTeI

il.e hunces f St parly, his tongsas thi a opp:ionoBa tI , afd Iisbr*kit aatronIg ai the tuIrOphberein o( lt l hse. He hae Ited to his

wife aboit haring Lo go to jie lWlge

o give wone high degretes Ao .i

Msons from the uo*yurj, and whenshe smells his brellth he ktnal hiowhigh the degatie. me, ani Ht e•tsi

venr bea in A aecondaot the lbreath'

bat the 1des-tliat he h I.flm froamhis high estate and gilll sbliken Inthe mire of polltiti Afler the e-tio, pUd, his pnrty .i tSIP an •u.1, hlwhieer ufon a * sa of brcgtj

La sI hait that III will tesbb id,

ladle Bnot the latcxideiag and demobtltllig pilptis; RiI

he It., and he knowl It. What the

ounltry want I. sodletj r refer.

sleg np who n f addited to palties * socelty where he ea, go theinhe feels the old appetiw coaming ooand haVe hli thoughlt tumed to

il e"emnt alanie .e l ,weAk,l'

hea ntc bis brotheralid .ilztmrtwti b ylb" the wbnd--parti.ef|It

.tme - nd bt ' hlm :Q¶

Make l

Whe a hepaig l hgtan tial. t ha il

asmell of keroeiwta ngam aWk•mdid • s. b ti t

he want, to feIlthe t 1 A

ost lay t iam nd"i ari, I ilu the IaS of i beinli ir

body foarj. oB tb Ibh.e r

rt railnr tt tWB r,shoit St tit p1 i

strog e"aigh to &S o ýh thfounded odety _wld oifluft-

of It. 5i ,«|o int i

ether polttif parind, uformed pol~tfolen4 wnpld find ttiathey'leld J Au d ou t the frtijlpat iato there. 'Ti- he, tMeiI& hlldhood'. aur d - ck'

Dos'Ys o l tec .TaifnV HaL-Thn

VOL. 37.I I II

* .

Br'H _werglpopflur 4jt'tff sind wM ta nrnet

a %*%to "a lonful agalAietri;a. hl before 'be ao4d atce

Tnkf re and •urlg trl

hlieed hy of tblct

lion .I 6S.": In ti

aer he it' nd c t4aslliftisadbrlwidg* wi e stlonal mrol

Iangfllol.o. Loell and Holme t

One ofhis mtot rrenacrtiein, aan Interlng aecooull in lth, &Lwry eatlzao tf latnontbemdHthe discovery andi oritin I thea of NMile. Mr. BSlA.mn was ri

ad twof"e wlIrh fitL. Ib 1 11o Hli. frd s f ej- . :

Ia1, tndsle l if AbrboMt ordn agllled Ifolri

agdtty arewth. heet rziMbtd withfhe, bind ig e

a.t mt aitoe ihte mard A

a4yStoitlina bwho. thefteo

tnid hRtlmo bglndSnejisdr*lairfrp ^ ^.Ni 11

fl4t itntlfw'.tladeas "w*of- nearlo e matd

tsine e. fet $t4 be it'e -aw h ian Hea

toeeps hll eis thuowh tb

kieting hor , i4 apt to.hvlleIr.l A staOblif h erse Iatafndtq ith the kindlerIf af b * a to b e dlth-_ hy• ing heaRlB .ilntl r I .lky c

whdlh mons, linthing i . a A ansitl t famne

legs. Alo alne. i , I.

tidpe t smoothl fto

m. the »pt *owed