)lqg pruh mrev dw impala will€¦ · information centre in ledig on the r565 towards sun city....

BAKUBUNG PLATINUM IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. STAKEHOLDER RELATIONS MANAGER: The role will be responsible to drive the LPSOHPHQWDWLRQ RI WKH 6WDNHKROGHU 5HODWLRQV VWUDWHJ\ DQG UHVWRUH FRQ¿GHQFH LQ %30 as a Government and Community strategic partner .The role reports to the Executive: &RUSRUDWH $IIDLUV DQG ,QYHVWRU 5HODWLRQV DQG *0 0LQLQJ RSHUDWLRQDOO\ Education and Experience Requirements: 5HOHYDQW %DFKHORU¶V GHJUHH \HDUV UHOHYDQW H[SHULHQFH ZLWK VWURQJ H[SRVXUH WR 6WDNHKROGHU 5HODWLRQV 0DQDJHPHQW &RGH % 'ULYHU¶V /LFHQVH H[SHULHQFH ZRUNLQJ ZLWK PXOWLSOH LQWHUQDO ³FXVWRPHUV´ WR GHOLYHU on programs and experience working with external stakeholders Job Requirements: Ensure continuous engagement with the traditional leadership on PDWWHUV RI PXWXDO LQWHUHVW WR PDLQWDLQ FRUGLDO UHODWLRQV 3UHVHUYH DQG LPSURYH UHODWLRQV ZLWK JRYHUQPHQW DW 3URYLQFLDO DQG /RFDO OHYHOV E\ HQJDJLQJ LQ FRQWLQXRXV GLDORJXH DQG SURPRWLQJ PXOWLIDFHWHG DSSURDFKHV LQ RUGHU WR LPSURYH FRPSDQ\ UHSXWDWLRQ DQG EUDQG Execute the community events calendar and ensure delivery of approved calendar of events. Grow the company with integrity by integrating events management in partnership ZLWK ORFDO VWDNHKROGHUV WKURXJK QDWLRQDO FRPPHPRUDWLRQ HYHQWV PDQDJH WKH FRPSODLQWV UHJLVWHU ORJJLQJ UHVROYLQJ DQG UHIHUUDO RI TXHULHV FRQWULEXWH RU PRUH RI FRQWHQW DQG HQVXUH GLVWULEXWLRQ IRU WKH :HVL]ZH &RPPXQLW\ EDVHG SXEOLFDWLRQV /HGLJ 6XQ and Community E-Newsletter) edit, translate and prepare for publication stories from FRQWULEXWRUV &RRUGLQDWH WKH DQQXDO VFKHGXOH RI HYHQWV DQG SURMHFWV DUH H[HFXWHG DV SHU VWUDWHJ\ ZLWKLQ EXGJHW OLPLWV 7R FUHDWH DQG LPSOHPHQW LQGHSHQGHQW FDPSDLJQ DFWLYDWLRQ SODQV WR GHYHORS LQQRYDWLYH HYHQWV LQ RUGHU WR EXLOG FRPPXQLW\ WUXVW DQG SDUWQHUVKLSV To implement the overall stakeholder relations and communications strategy that is in SODFH 'HVLJQ DQG 3DUWLFLSDWH LQ WKH LPSOHPHQWDWLRQ RI SXEOLF LQIRUPDWLRQ DQG RXWUHDFK FDPSDLJQV OHG E\ WKH &RUSRUDWH &RPPXQLFDWLRQV 0DQDJHU 6XSSRUW WKH 6XVWDLQDEOH Futures and Human Resource Teams in their engagements with the Community and *RYHUQPHQW DW D /RFDO DQG 3URYLQFLDO /HYHO 6XSSRUW UHJXODU PHGLD WRXUV WR WKH PLQH VLWH 0DQDJH WKH FRPPXQLW\ LQIRUPDWLRQ &HQWUH RI¿FH DQG HQVXUH RSWLPL]DWLRQ RI FRPSDQ\ LQIUDVWUXFWXUH DQG UHVRXUFHV (QVXUH WKDW SHUFHSWLRQ VXUYH\V DUH FRQGXFWHG LQ WKH ORFDO FRPPXQLW\ HYHU\ WKUHH \HDUV 0RQLWRU IXWXUH VRFLDO PHGLD SODWIRUPV Skills Required: 3URYHQ VXSHUE YHUEDO DQG ZULWLQJ DQG SUHVHQWDWLRQ VNLOOV 3ODQQLQJ DQG 2UJDQL]LQJ VNLOOV 6WURQJ RUJDQL]DWLRQDO SODQQLQJ DQG SURMHFW PDQDJHPHQW VNLOOV 3UR¿FLHQW ,7 6NLOOV 06 2I¿FH ([FHOOHQW PHGLD PDQDJHPHQW VNLOOV ([FHOOHQW ZRUN HWKLF VFKHGXOH ÀH[LELOLW\ DQG WKH DELOLW\ WR PDQDJH PXOWLSOH SURMHFWV XQGHU GHDGOLQHV 3UREOHP DQG FRQÀLFW UHVROXWLRQ FDSDELOLWLHV $ELOLW\ WR ZRUN XQGHU D SUHVVXUL]HG HQYLURQPHQW $ELOLW\ to self-direct as well as work in a team-oriented environment that includes meetings, discussions and research. Should you be interested in applying for this position, please send your CV with UHOHYDQW TXDOL¿FDWLRQ FRSLHV WR [email protected] on or before the 22nd July 2015 or you can submit your CV at Bakubung Information Centre in Ledig on the R565 towards Sun City. Notice of Environmental Authorisation Process: Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental Management Plan Notice is herby given of a publication process for Environmental Authorisation in terms of the; Section 16 of Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002 (Act No 28 of 2002) Project tile +DUG 5RFN &UHWH DQG &HPHQW 3W\ /WG GHYHORSHG D %DVLF $VVHVVPHQW 5HSRUW as part of Environmental Authorisation for the processing of aggregate at .5221'$/ -4 3257,21 DW 5XVWHQEXUJ 1RUWK :HVW 3URYLQFH South Africa Public meeting Details of the public meeting are planned as follows: Date: :HGQHVGD\ -XO\ Area of the project: Rusternburg Venue: *OHQFRUH 2I¿FHV 5XVWHUQEXUJ Time: K Contact details oof EAP Contact person: 'LYKDQL 0XODXG]L /\ERVPLOH\ (QYLURQPHQWDO &RQVXOWDQWV Email: [email protected] 3ULYDWH %DJ ; (ODUGXV 3DUN Interested and affected parties should forward their comments including QDPHV FRQWDFW GHWDLOV DQG LQWHUHVW LQ WKH SURMHFW ZRUNV WR WKH FRPSDQ\ DQG FRQWDFW GHWDLOV DERYH ZLWKLQ GD\V RI WKH SXEOLFDWLRQ Samancor Chrome is a progressive, innovative company with an enviable UHSXWDWLRQ IRU EHLQJ DQ HPSOR\HU RI FKRLFH :H KDYH D FOHDUO\ GH¿QHG FRPPLWPHQW to provide growth and development opportunities and these are evident at our WZR PLQHV WKUHH VPHOWHUV DQG RXU FRUSRUDWH KHDG RI¿FH Candidates may submit their CV by fax to (013) 230-7032 or email to [email protected] quoting the Reference Number SAM20768. Closing date: 24 July 2015. If you have not been contacted within 2 weeks after the closing date, please assume that your application has been unsuccessful. www.samancorcr.com The Working Earth 07-20768 The following opportunity has become available at Eastern Chrome Mines business unit near Steelpoort in the Limpopo Province. 6+(4 6DIHW\ 2I¿FHU (C-Upper) The incumbent will ensure compliance to the Mine Health and Safety Act, organisational requirements and other related procedures by conducting inspections and audits. Further areas of focus include complying with SHEQ requirements, utilising information management systems, ensuring customer satisfaction, generating SHEQ reports, providing training and managing incident investigations according to legal requirements. The selected candidate will have a Grade 12 and relevant Safety Diploma coupled with a %ODVWLQJ &HUWL¿FDWH DQG \HDUV¶ H[SHULHQFH LQ D PLQLQJ HQYLURQPHQW ,Q PDNLQJ WKH ¿QDO VHOHFWLRQ FRQVLGHUDWLRQ ZLOO EH JLYHQ WR DFKLHYLQJ WKH 6DPDQFRU &KURPH¶V HPSOR\PHQW HTXLW\ DQG WKH PLQLQJ FKDUWHU REMHFWLYHV p 11 17 July 2015, PLATINUM WEEKLY, 11 Marais Street, Tel: 014 592 9686, Fax: 011 252 6669, E-mail: [email protected] Please visit our website www.bargainbooks. co.za for full job description and details on the company. Please email your CV to Jenny Strong at [email protected] Please state “WATERFALL STORE MANAGER” in the subject line Closing date: 28 th July 2015 Only successful candidates will be contacted in that period. &RPH DQG MRLQ WKLV ZLQQHU RI WKH EHVW ERRNVHOOHU DZDUG RI WKUHH \HDUV ZLWK VWRUHV QDWLRQDOO\ :H DUH ORRNLQJ IRU D PDWXUH VWURQJ 0DQDJHU ZKR XQGHUVWDQGV UHWDLO FXVWRPHU service and who is good at reaching sales targets. You will manage, train and lead a team of booksellers motivating WKHP WR UHDFK WKH VWRUH¶V VDOHV WDUJHW HYHU\ PRQWK <RX need to have a love for customers and books keeping abreast of the best sellers and new products building strong relationships with the suppliers, customers and your team. NEW STORE OPENED IN WATERFALL MALL STORE MANAGER RNEG + High Incentives and discounts RUSTENBURG Rustenburg – A demand that more people from Kanana, a community in Greater Rustenburg, should be employed by Impala 3ODWLQXP ZDV PDGH HDUOLHU E\ 7HWHPL +XPD He is the spokesperson for the Ward &RPPXQLWLHV .DQDQD 0D¿ND DQG Serutube) Youth Interim Structure and a local businessman. 'DOL 'XPD *HQHUDO 0DQDJHU 6KDUHG 6HUYLFHV at Impala, responded in a memorandum by VD\LQJ WKH SODWLQXP SURGXFHU ³KDV DQG DOZD\V will recruit in accordance to our business plan and all positions are vacancy driven. ³.DQDQD LV RQH RI RXU PLQH FRPPXQLWLHV DQG as such receives preferential treatment. This is clear from the number of employees recruited LQ WKLV DUHD RYHU WKH SDVW WKUHH \HDUV´ 6LQFH SHRSOH IURP .DQDQD KDYH EHHQ HPSOR\HG E\ ,PSDOD DQG IURP /XND Huma also demanded that Impala should stop using matric as an entry level to hire .DQDQD SHRSOH ³DV WKH RSHUDWLRQ XVHV FKHDS ODERXU DQG KDV PRUH WKDQ RI SHRSOH IURP RXWVLGH /HVRWKR DQG =LPEDEZH ZKR GR QRW KDYH PDWULF DV DJUHHG E\ ,PSDOD LQ WKH SDVW´ ,Q KLV UHVSRQVH 'XPD VDLG LQ RUGHU IRU employees to progress through their career paths, it is absolutely necessary that there be a base from which to work and as a result, matric is the minimum standard required to be able to progress and have a full career within ,PSDOD ³$V ,PSDOD KDV D PRUDO GXW\ WR KHOS employees achieve the best they can while employed, the minimum requirement will not be lowered for novice entrance. The entrance OHYHO ZLOO WKHUHIRUH UHPDLQ PDWULF´ 'XPD VDLG WKH DFFXVDWLRQ WKDW PRUH WKDQ RI ,PSDOD¶V HPSOR\HHV DUH IRUHLJQHUV LV LQDFFXUDWH ³,PSDOD¶V IRUHLJQ ODERXU LV DERXW and most of these are long service employees WKDW KDYH ZRUNHG DW ,PSDOD IRU ORQJHU WKDQ \HDUV 7KH ¿JXUH ZLOO GHFUHDVH RYHU WLPH DV WKH Immigration Act has been amended and does DOORZ UHFUXLWPHQW RI IRUHLJQHUV´ Rustenburg ± 6PDOO 0LFUR DQG 0HGLXP (QWHUSULVHV 600(¶V LQ WKH ORFDO FRPPXQLWLHV DUH QRW JLYHQ WKH FKDQFH to develop and be able to participate fairly in the mines. $FFRUGLQJ WR 0U 7HWHPL +XPD D EXVLQHVV OHDGHU IURP Kanana, mines like Impala post and advertise (tenders for) SURMHFWV \HW WKH\ NQRZ YHU\ ZHOO WKDW WKH ORFDO EXVLQHVVHV will not make the cut into being awarded any tender. Huma responded to a memorandum sent out earlier by 0U 'DOL 'XPD *HQHUDO 0DQDJHU 6KDUHG 6HUYLFHV DW ,PSDOD LQ ZKLFK KH VWDWHG WKDW ,PSDOD¶V WHQGHU SODQV are communicated to community leaders that represent WKH FRPPXQLW\ LQ WKH 0LQH &RPPXQLWLHV /HDGHUVKLS (QJDJHPHQW )RUXP 0&/() DQG 5R\DO %DIRNHQJ (QWHUSULVH 'HYHORSPHQW 5%(' 7KH 0&/() D IXWXUH IRUXP DV UHTXLUHG E\ WKH 0LQHUDO DQG 3HWUROHXP 5HVRXUFHV 'HYHORSPHQW $FW FRQVLVWV RI ZDUG FRXQFLOORUV 5R\DO %DIRNHQJ 1DWLRQ $GPLQLVWUDWLRQ 5%1$ FRXQFLOORUV 'LNJRVDQD DQG RI¿FLDOV DV QRPLQDWHG E\ WKH 5XVWHQEXUJ 0XQLFLSDOLW\ DQG WKH 5%1 7KH PHPRUDQGXP ZDV DGGUHVVHG WR :DUG &RPPXQLWLHV .DQDQD 0D¿ND DQG 6HUXWXEH¶V <RXWK ,QWHULP 6WUXFWXUH 'XPD VDLG ORFDO 600(¶V WKDW SDUWLFLSDWH LQ ,PSDOD WHQGHUV DUH JLYHQ D KLJKHU ZHLJKW RU UDWLQJ LQ WKH DGMXGLFDWLRQ RI WHQGHUV VROHO\ IRU EHLQJ PLQH FRPPXQLW\ 600(¶V According to Huma, Impala should do more to support DQG SUHSDUH ORFDO EXVLQHVVHV IRU WHQGHUV ³7KHUH DUH agents that can offer mentorships and tendering support knowledge, those are the people whom the mines should HQJDJH ZLWK WR DVVLVW WKH \RXWK LQ EXVLQHVV GHYHORSPHQW´ +H VDLG WKH\ QHHG WKH PLQHV¶ KHOS WR GHYHORS VXVWDLQDEOH local businesses. Huma wanted the mines to remove the contractors from outside Rustenburg and train locals to handle such FRQWUDFWV ³<RX HQJDJH SHRSOH IURP RWKHU SURYLQFHV ZKR DUH QRW DIIHFWHG E\ WKH HIIHFWV RI WKH PLQLQJ SURFHVVHV´ Local SMME’s should get preference – Huma Impala will maintain standards Find more cars at www.platinum- weekly.co.za )LQG PRUH FODVVL¿HGV DW www.platinumweekly.co.za Find more MREV DW www.platinumweekly.co.za Find all tenders at www.platinum- weekly.co.za Find more cars at www. platinumweekly.co.za Find more clas- VL¿HGV DW www.platinumweekly.co.za )LQG PRUH MREV DW www.platinum.wee

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Page 1: )LQG PRUH MREV DW Impala will€¦ · Information Centre in Ledig on the R565 towards Sun City. Notice of Environmental Authorisation Process: Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)


EMPLOYER.STAKEHOLDER RELATIONS MANAGER: The role will be responsible to drive the

as a Government and Community strategic partner .The role reports to the Executive:

Education and Experience Requirements:

on programs and experience working with external stakeholders

Job Requirements: Ensure continuous engagement with the traditional leadership on

Execute the community events calendar and ensure delivery of approved calendar of events. Grow the company with integrity by integrating events management in partnership

and Community E-Newsletter) edit, translate and prepare for publication stories from

To implement the overall stakeholder relations and communications strategy that is in

Futures and Human Resource Teams in their engagements with the Community and

Skills Required:

to self-direct as well as work in a team-oriented environment that includes meetings, discussions and research.

Should you be interested in applying for this position, please send your CV with [email protected]

on or before the 22nd July 2015 or you can submit your CV at Bakubung Information Centre in Ledig on the R565 towards Sun City.

Notice of Environmental Authorisation Process:Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental

Management PlanNotice is herby given of a publication process for Environmental

Authorisation in terms of the;Section 16 of Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002

(Act No 28 of 2002)Project tile

as part of Environmental Authorisation for the processing of aggregate at

South Africa

Public meeting

Details of the public meeting are planned as follows: Date:Area of the project: Rusternburg Venue:Time:

Contact details oof EAP

Contact person:

Email: [email protected]

Interested and affected parties should forward their comments including

Samancor Chrome is a progressive, innovative company with an enviable

to provide growth and development opportunities and these are evident at our

Candidates may submit their CV by fax to (013) 230-7032 or email to [email protected] quoting the Reference Number SAM20768.

Closing date: 24 July 2015. If you have not been contacted within 2 weeks after the closing date, please

assume that your application has been unsuccessful.

www.samancorcr.comThe Working Earth 07-20768

The following opportunity has become available at Eastern Chrome Mines

business unit near Steelpoort in the Limpopo Province.

(C-Upper)The incumbent will ensure compliance to the Mine Health and Safety Act, organisational requirements and other related procedures by conducting inspections and audits. Furtherareas of focus include complying with SHEQ requirements, utilising information management systems, ensuring customer satisfaction, generating SHEQ reports, providing training and managing incident investigations according to legal requirements.

The selected candidate will have a Grade 12 and relevant Safety Diploma coupled with a

p 1117 July 2015, PLATINUM WEEKLY, 11 Marais Street, Tel: 014 592 9686, Fax: 011 252 6669, E-mail: [email protected]

Please visit our website www.bargainbooks.co.za for full job description and details on the company. Please email your CV to Jenny Strong at [email protected] state “WATERFALL STORE MANAGER” in the subject lineClosing date: 28th July 2015Only successful candidates will be contacted in that period.

service and who is good at reaching sales targets. You will manage, train and lead a team of booksellers motivating

need to have a love for customers and books keeping abreast of the best sellers and new products building strong relationships with the suppliers, customers and your team.


RNEG + High Incentives and discountsRUSTENBURG

Rustenburg – A demand that more people from Kanana, a community in Greater Rustenburg, should be employed by Impala

He is the spokesperson for the Ward

Serutube) Youth Interim Structure and a local businessman.

at Impala, responded in a memorandum by

will recruit in accordance to our business plan and all positions are vacancy driven.

as such receives preferential treatment. This is clear from the number of employees recruited

Huma also demanded that Impala should

stop using matric as an entry level to hire

employees to progress through their career paths, it is absolutely necessary that there be a base from which to work and as a result, matric is the minimum standard required to be able to progress and have a full career within

employees achieve the best they can while employed, the minimum requirement will not be lowered for novice entrance. The entrance

and most of these are long service employees

Immigration Act has been amended and does


to develop and be able to participate fairly in the mines.

Kanana, mines like Impala post and advertise (tenders for)

will not make the cut into being awarded any tender.Huma responded to a memorandum sent out earlier by

are communicated to community leaders that represent

According to Huma, Impala should do more to support

agents that can offer mentorships and tendering support knowledge, those are the people whom the mines should

local businesses.Huma wanted the mines to remove the contractors from outside Rustenburg and train locals to handle such

Local SMME’s should get preference – Huma

Impala will maintain standards

Find more cars at www.platinum-weekly.co.za www.platinumweekly.co.za Find more

www.platinumweekly.co.za Find all tenders at www.platinum-weekly.co.za Find more cars at www.platinumweekly.co.za Find more clas-

www.platinumweekly.co.za www.platinum.wee