luke 21:1-4 -  · web viewif you have a kind word, be generous. if you have...

Fresh Approach Collective Worship Planning Year A Term 5 (Week 1-5) Term 6 (Week 1) Annika Swansbury – images used with permission Term 5 Week 1 Jesus is alive! Attitude of Gratitude Week 2 Generosity – Why be generous? *See generosity prayer space resource Week 3 Generosity – Being generous with our time Micah 6: 8 Act justly Love mercy Walk humbly Week 4 Generosity – Being a global neighbour Christian Aid Week neighbours-practical-guide-primary-schools - See Global Neighbours accreditation scheme to extend this thinking further. Week 5 Pilgrimage Term 6 Week 1 Ascension Day Prayer Friday 7 th June - Diocesan Day of Prayer and Pilgrimage *see separate guidance.

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Collective Worship Plan Year A Term 5 and 6

Please note: These are just ideas to support your own planning please change, adapt and tweak for your school and children. You do not have to follow these plans exactly as they have been written. Please ensure you watch any video clips to ensure they are suitable for your context.

Term 5 Week 1Jesus is alive!Attitude of Gratitude Week 2Generosity Why be generous? *See generosity prayer space resource Week 3Generosity Being generous with our timeMicah 6: 8Act justlyLove mercyWalk humbly Week 4Generosity Being a global neighbourChristian Aid Week - See Global Neighbours accreditation scheme to extend this thinking further. Week 5Pilgrimage Term 6 Week 1Ascension DayPrayer Friday 7th June - Diocesan Day of Prayer and Pilgrimage *see separate guidance.

Generosity Being a Global Neighbour Pilgrimage Prayer

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Whole School


Whole School


Whole School

Psalm Praise / Singing Worship


Worship in the classroom


Whole school Celebration worship

Week 1

Jesus is alive!

Bank Holiday Easter Monday

Jesus is alive!

Luke 24:1-12

I wonder what the most exciting piece of news you have ever had to give to someone?

Retell the story of the women visiting the tomb. What did they see / hear? I wonder how they felt when they saw the tomb was empty?

I wonder how they felt when they saw Jesus standing front of them?

I wonder what the women said to the other disciples? What do you think their first words to them were?

How is the Easter story changed by Jesus coming back to life? video clip retelling this story. Song - Philippa Hanna Go tell the world. You could listen to this song in your reflection time.

Jesus appears to the disciples and Thomas

John 20: 19-23 and John 20:24-29

Is it ok to say you are not sure, or dont believe someone?

Is it easy to believe in something you cant see?

Share the story of Jesus appearing to his disciples and Thomas why do you think he doubted that Jesus was alive? - video clip explaining the story.

Why do you think Jesus showed them his hands and side?

It is hard to believe in stories that people tell you, but believing in something that you cant see is called having faith.

I wonder what you have faith in?

The miraculous catch of fish

John 21: 1- 14

This story takes place after Jesus has risen from the dead. His disciples had gone out to catch fish on Lake Galilee.

Tell the story of Jesus appearing to his disciples on the beach.

How might the disciples have felt when they saw Jesus on the lakeside?

What miracle did Jesus perform? I wonder why Jesus did this?

Jesus then joined his friends for some food on the beach. I wonder what they talked about?

Jesus knows what we need, the disciples needed food, company and reassurance that Jesus was still with them.

Jesus will provide what you need, you just need to ask.

Bring to God anything you might need in your life. (The children could write these things down on a template of a fish and bring to the cross at the front.)

Celebration Worship


Christ is risen.He is risen indeed.


Week 2


What does it mean to be generous?

Dictionary definition free in giving or sharing does this help explain what generosity means?

The Bible says What does this teach us about being generous? What does it teach us about how God wants us to treat others?

You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.

2 Corinthians 9:11

Being generous is about having the right attitude having an attitude of gratitude.

I wonder what you think this means? (We are grateful for all we have, so we share what we have with those who do not have enough)

I wonder, is being generous only about giving or sharing money?

I wonder if you are generous?

What does being generous look like?

I wonder what being generous looks like? Does it all have to be about money? (Think, pair, share.)

I wonder how many different ideas you can come up with about how we can be generous?

Share ideas together.

Mother Teresa said, Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.

How does this sentence encourage you?

Introduce prayer area generosity challenge sticks.

I wonder what you can do to be generous?

Hebrews 6:10

God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.

God knows how you are helping people, you are being his hands and feet on the earth, spreading love to all those who need it. Song Help me be your eyes Lord Jesus.

What does being generous look like?

Explore this prayer together, what do the words mean? I wonder what this prayer can teach us about being generous? I wonder which line challenges you the most? Ask God or someone you trust to help you with this.

Lord Jesus, teach me to be generous;

Teach me to freely serve others as you served us,

To give and not to count the cost,

To toil and not seek for rest,

To labour and not to seek reward,

Except that of knowing that

I do your will. Amen

Words adapted from the prayer for generosity by St. Ignatius Loyola

Watch this video about acts of generosity what happens when people are generous?

How could we

How should we give?

The Widows offering

Luke 21:1-4

Use this image to begin your worship what do you think might be happening in this image? What can you see? How are the characters feeling?

Read or act out the story from Luke 21:1-4 have the passage on the screen too, so the children can see what Jesus said. Do you think Jesus wants us to give everything we have? Or do you think he wants us to be generous with what we have?

The lady in the Bible story wanted to give back to God generously.

Real generosity is doing something nice for some who will never find out. Frank A Clarke

Do you agree with this statement?

Why / why not?

I wonder if you are generous, like the widow in the Bible story?

Learn the song Give, give, give from Big Start Assemblies.

Celebration Worship

I wonder what challenges you have done this week to be generous?

Has it had an impact on others / you?

Share some stories.

Week 3


Bank Holiday

Being generous with our time

Explore the life of Michael Faraday, who was a Christian and a scientist in Victorian Britain. He decided that he would share is work, time and talents for free.

Freely you have received; freely give Matthew 10:8

I wonder how you can be generous with your time and talents?

Being generous with what we have

What do you think about this quote from Anne Frank? Do you agree with it? Think about all the generous things you have been doing, has it made you poor? Share stories together.

Nobody became poor by being generous

Anne Frank

Recap the story of the feeding of the 5000 from the perspective of the little boy who gave the disciples his lunch. What was the impact on them and those around them?

John 6: 1-14.

If you have found it hard to be generous, ask God to help you love people like he did.

Ask him to help you be like the little boy who gave his lunch, because of that kindness, many were fed and heard more about Jesus.

I wonder what you can do to be more generous?

What happens when we are generous?

Celia Hyland (Thy Kingdom Come Resources 2019) used with permission

Look at this image together.

Discuss with the children; What do you notice?

How does it make you feel?

What might it teach us about generosity?

I wonder, is generosity a two way thing? How does it make you feel when you are generous?

He helps us in all our troubles, so that we are able to help others who have all kinds of troubles

2 Corinthians 1:4

I wonder whether you have the right attitude of gratitude?

Are you grateful for the help you have received, so you then help others?

Celebration Worship

Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.

John Wesley

I wonder what you have learnt about being generous over the past few weeks?

Week 4

See the Global Neighbours handbook for more information and guidance on being a courageous advocate and raising the profile of global issues of poverty and inequality.

To explore this theme further explore the Christian Aid prayer spaces

Being a Global Neighbour

Christian Aid Week Being a global neighbour.

Who is your neighbour?

Show the children images of other children around the world are these children our neighbours?

What does it mean if we are all neighbours? How should we behave / act?

Proverbs 31: 8-9

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves;ensure justice for those being crushed.Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless,and see that they get justice.

I wonder what this passage might mean? What do you think God wants his people to do?

There are many Christian charities who seek to stand up for those who do not have a voice I wonder what you might stand up for? You could listen to this song is it fair that not all people have all that need to live life to the full?

Being a courageous advocate Have a voice for those who dont have one.

I wonder what it means to be a courageous advocate?

Discuss what this might mean together.

Explore the story in this Christian Aid assembly outline. How are we interconnected?

What impact would it have it we dont care and stand up for our global neighbours?

Micah 6:8 says act justly and love mercy.

I wonder what you think this means? I wonder what it might mean for you?

I wonder why God instructed his people to do this?

Track 3 Together we can change the world

Being a neighbour to all -

Watch this video from Tearfund together

I wonder how watching that video makes you feel? Does it inspire you?

Tearfunds slogan is: We wont stop until poverty stops.

I wonder what you could do?

Remember the quote from Mother Teresa: Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.

It might seem an overwhelming task, but it starts with one person, who has a voice, raises a prayer, gives some money we can all do little things to make a difference.

Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same.

Luke 3:11

Together we can end extreme poverty.

I wonder what part will you play?

Tearfund talk about three ways you can help; Pray, act, give.

Pray together for the world, for its leaders, those who work for charities and those who are in desperate need of help, support and love.

Working together stronger together

Watch this video about Christian Aids work in Haiti. It follows two children and how they have remained strong despite all that has been thrown at them.

At the end of the video it says together we are stronger, stronger than the storms.

I wonder they put this at the end of the video?

What happens when we work together? We are stronger?

I wonder what you can do to support people who need strengthening?

Listen to this song that talk about working together to bring an end to injustice.

Follow up

Watch this video about a project Tearfund are doing to promote renewable energy across the developing world.

Putting faith into action.

Celebration Worship

If you have money,

Be generous

If you have time,

Be generous

If you have a kind word,

Be generous.

If you have a caring heart or gentle hand,

Be generous.

If you feel the nudge to act in any way in any situation,

Be generous.

Week 5


Jesus walks alongside us

Retell or act out the story of Jesus walking with two of his followers along the Emmaus Road.

Luke 24:13-35

I wonder how the disciples felt when they realised it was Jesus with them?

I wonder what you would have said or asked Jesus if you had been there?

Draw out the part of the story when Jesus walked alongside the disciples and talked with them. This was just an ordinary day and activity, but Jesus walked with them.

Jesus himself came up and walked along with them

Share the footprints poem with the children, explain that Christians believe that God walks with them every day.

I wonder how knowing this makes you feel?

You could listen to this musical version of the poem.

What is pilgrimage?

Show the children this image, I wonder what you think it is of?

Where is it from? What do think is happening?

Chapter of Canterbury used with permission

This is a medieval stained glass window from Canterbury Cathedral showing the pilgrims coming to Canterbury.

Explain and discuss what pilgrims are. Lots of pilgrims came to Canterbury as it was seen as a very holy place. (You can choose how much detail you go into here!)

I wonder what a pilgrim is?

I wonder why people go on pilgrimages? Discuss this together

Some Christians go on pilgrimages to get closer to God and hear from him.

God asks his followers to walk humbly with God Micah 6:8. I wonder what this might mean?

I wonder what it might be like to go on a pilgrimage? (This could be used to explain pilgrimage)

Walking together

Friendship icon

I wonder who you think these people are?

I wonder what you think these people are doing?

What is Jesus doing? (Got his arm around his companion and they are walking together)

This is a 4th century icon, which shows Jesus and possibly a disciple walking together.

Pilgrimage is a spiritual journey where people journey to listen to and connect with God. I wonder how this person in the image connected with God?

I wonder how he felt knowing that Jesus was walking with him?

In the Old Testament, the Israelites walked around the desert for 40 years waiting to go into the land that God had promised them. God walked with them and guided them as they walked.

By day the LORD went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night.

Exodus 13:21

God promises to be with us as we journey through life, I wonder how this makes you feel? Sing My Lighthouse by Rend Collective.

See separate Diocesan Day of Prayer and Pilgrimage guidelines for schools to guide this session.

Discuss plans for your school pilgrimage.

Where are we going to go?

What might we see along the way?

Look at the story of the scalloped shell and why it is a symbol of pilgrimage. (see below)

Annika Swansbury used with permission

Explore and discuss this image of the scalloped shell. I wonder why the image has been drawn like this?

I wonder what this image might say to you about a pilgrimage journey?

I wonder what it might be like to go on a pilgrimage?

Song Every Step Nick and Becky Drake. (Two different versions of the song)

Celebration Worship

Week 1 Term 6


Ascension Day Last instructions from Jesus.

Acts 1: 4- 10

Ascension Day is the day Christians remember when Jesus ascended back up into heaven. Thursday 30th May 2019, 40 days from Easter Sunday.

What is prayer?

Intercessory prayer by Mark Lawrence

Show the children this image I wonder what you think it is of? Discuss some of their ideas / thoughts.

Explain that it is a painting about praying for others why do you think the artist painted it like this?

Discuss together:

What is prayer? What does it look like?

Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.

Jeremiah 29:12

This verse remind Gods people to call upon him; to talk to him and he will listen. This verse doesnt say, you must use special words or sit or stand in a certain way when you pray; it just says talk to him! This can be anywhere, anytime, God is always listening.

Some Christians use this structure to help them know what to pray about.

First, I tell you to pray for all people. Ask God for the things people need, and be thankful to him.You should pray for kings and for all who have authority. Pray for the leaders.

1 Timothy 2: 1-2

Invite the children in pairs to come up with something they want to say thank you for, sorry for and a please prayer. Take some ideas for the prayer time.

Prayer is about listening too!

Show the children this quote what do they think of it? Do they agree?

I wonder, Do we/you listen more than we speak?

Are you good at listening?

Explain that prayer is a two way thing, God wants his people to listen to him as well as talk. There are many stories in the Bible, where people asked God to speak to them, so they would know what to do, say or act. God promises to help and guide his people when they call out to him.

Listen carefully to what God theLordis saying, Psalm 85:8

Share the story of how God spoke to Samuel. 1 Samuel 3 1- 18. Video clip of the story

Samuel was a young boy when God spoke to him. Samuel didnt recognise the voice of God to being with, but finally he did. I wonder what you might learn from this story?

Ask God to help you listen carefully so you can tune in to what he wants you to hear.

Celebration Worship

Share final plans for the day of prayer and pilgrimage tomorrow.

I wonder what you might hear as you walk?

Speak Lord ... I am listening.

1 Samuel 3:10

"Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." James 4:8

Diocesan Day of Prayer and Pilgrimage see separate plan and resources.

The story of the scallop shell and why it is the symbol of pilgrimage

The scallop shell is an internationally recognised symbol of pilgrimage. It is used a signpost for pilgrims to follow, carried by pilgrims, so they can be recognised by other pilgrims and as proof that a person has carried out a pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago. The precise origins of why the scallop shell became a symbol of pilgrimage is not clear, however they are native to the coasts around Santiago and Finisterre, so many pilgrims would pick one up to take back home as proof that they had made it to the end of their pilgrimage.

Many pilgrims see the lines on a Scallop Shell as a reflection of a pilgrimage many paths leading to one point.

The Scallop Shell in the Middle Ages

The first recorded reference to the scallop shells association with the Camino dates all the way back to 1106. Its contained in the Codex Calixtinus, or Liber Sancti Jacobi, an exquisite illuminated manuscript attributed to Pope Callixtus II. The book is essentially a spiritual and travel guide that gathers texts related to St James and information on the routes.

Back then, pilgrimages were long and dangerous journeys undertaken as an act of penance and religious devotion. The pilgrimage started at the pilgrims home and continued by foot until they reached Santiago.

The Way of St. James was one of the most importantChristian pilgrimagesduring theMiddle Ages.

Legend holds thatSt. James's remains were carried by boat from Jerusalem to northern Spain, where he was buried in what is now the city ofSantiago de Compostela. (The nameSantiagois the local Galician evolution ofVulgar LatinSancti Iacobi, "Saint James".) The Way can take one of dozens of pilgrimage routes to Santiago de Compostela. Traditionally, as with most pilgrimages, the Way of Saint James began at one's home and ended at the pilgrimage site.

Once they returned home, either by foot, horseback or boat, pilgrims presented the scallop shell as proof they completed the pilgrimage since the shells are indigenous to the Galician coast. By the 12th Century, scallop shells were being sold by hundreds of licensed vendors around the Cathedral of Santiago cementing their symbolic status.

The Scallop Shell Today

The modern pilgrim embarking on The Way can see the scallop shell at every turn, guiding them on milestone markers and providing a reassuring point in the right direction. Many pilgrims wear the shell, either around their neck or attached to their backpack, making it easy to spot fellow pilgrims on the Camino.

Rebecca Swansbury [email protected]