luso magazine winter 2009


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Augusto V. Correia Jr, was born July 23, 1980 in Hayward, California. He is the only Son of

Augusto and Connie Correia of New-ark. Augusto was raised in Newark and Graduated from Newark Memo-rial High School in 1998. In 2000 he started working for Southwest Airlines, where he is currently a Provisioning Supervisor at the San Jose Interna-tional Airport. In 2002, Augusto married his wife and best friend Melissa Correia of San Jose. Their dreams came true when they were blessed with their first daughter Catarina E. Correia in 2005,

and completed their family with the ar-rival of their second daughter Caitlyn I. Correia in 2007. They currently reside in San Jose, California. Junior loves sports and when he is not work-ing, he enjoys playing softball and watching soccer and football. He also enjoys camping and being out on the lake with his family on his spare time. He has been active and involved in Luso for sixteen years now. In 1993 he started performing with Newark Youth Council #30 and served on the Youth Board as Outside Guard in 1997-98. Junior helped in the activa-tion of Newark’s 20-30’s Region #16 in 2005, and quickly joined the 20-30’s administration in August of 2006. He has enjoyed the last three years on the board and is ecstatic about being your 2009-2010 20-30’s President. Luso has played such a strong part in his life; it’s how he learned to dance, it’s where he met his wife and now one of the ways how he teaches his children their Portuguese culture. He has met so many people and made so many friends through Luso and looks forward to meeting many more of its members this Presidential year throughout his travels.

Sara Rodrigues was born on February 16, 1992 in San Jose, California. She is the

youngest daughter of Arnold and Mary Jo Rodrigues. She is the sister of Jeannie Hylkema and Danniel Rodrigues, and the aunty of Brenden and Justin Hylkema and Dylann Rodrigues. Although Sara was born in San Jose she moved to Santa Clara at the age of one and has lived there ever since then. Sara attends Wilcox High School in Santa Clara. Other than attending classes she’s a member of Wilcox’s Varsity volleyball team, and has just recently started a Portuguese club in which she is the

president. This year she was definite-ly determined to start that club and is very proud of the fact that she has. She wanted a club where people of all types of backgrounds can become more informed about Portuguese culture and all the different aspects that make it so different from other cultures. After high school she plans to go to a university, or state college but she is still unsure which colleges she will be applying to. Outside of school she is president of youth council #11 Mountain View/ Santa Clara. Sara has been highly involved in LUSO since she became a member at the age of two and has been dancing since the age of four. Over the years she’s participated in the LUSO summer camps, LUSO Casa de Fruta picnics, the east coast convention, and she’s gone to visits and festas all over California. In her free time Sara likes reading, jogging, dancing, watching movies, and spending time with family and friends. Sara is both excited and ready to continue her journey in LUSO this year as your new youth president.

Daniel John Sequeira was born on September 23rd, 1967, in Modesto, Califor-

nia to John and Mary Sequeira of Patterson, CA. The family moved to Santa Clara, California, where he was raised from infancy. He gradu-ated from Archbishop Mitty High School in 1986 and he attended De Anza College in Cupertino. Dan has worked in the mortgage industry for over twenty years. In 1989, he entered the real es-tate field in which he worked for Saratoga Savings, Imperial Thrift, Ford Consumer Finance, and the Mortgage Loan Specialists Group, Inc. He worked as a wholesale account executive for MLSG for five years; during his time there, he met his wife, Shannon. Daniel then worked for twelve years at a start-up company, Accredited Home Lend-ers, consistently recognized in the President’s Club for setting national company sales records. Dan has worked for Avadium Mortgage and Real Estate Investments for the last two years. He simultaneously opened his small business as he closed loans. Dan married Shannon Waltrip on

June 11th, 1994, settled in San Jose, California, and then moved seven years ago to Morgan Hill. Dan and Shannon are blessed with three beautiful children: Megan, Mitchell, and Rachel. Dan is a softball and soccer coach on his children’s teams. He loves to combine his love for his children with his love of sports in his spare time. He enjoys coaching and mentoring kids. He also loves playing basketball in church and city leagues; this is where he says he thinks he’s still 21 years old. He asks, “Can you tell I love sports?!”Dan has served as a director of Aliança Jorgense in San Jose for the past five years. He enjoys being involved in the Portuguese com-munity!Dan started in Luso when he was eleven years old, dancing with Youth Council #11 of Santa Clara. He says:“I was this shy kid, but Luso taught me how to be a group leader. When I danced, I met a lot of friends and I held many positions in the local youth group. When I was sixteen years old, I became Youth Trustee, then Master of Ceremonies, and finally Youth Treasurer. Luso was like another family to me and I loved being involved. I didn't want to give it up, so I got in line in the 20-30's. In 1995, I became State 20-30's President. I traveled and met so many nice people throughout California.” Dan was a State Adult Director for eight years. In 2004, he then got in line for State office and now he is proud to represent Luso American Fraternal Federation as its President for 2009-2010.


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Eu ainda tenho dificuldade em reconhecer que sou Presidente da Luso-American Fraternal Federation. Sinto-me completamente emocionado e com muito apreço a todos aqueles que me elegeram para este alto cargo. A minha mensagem, portanto, é que nós todos temos uma grande sorte em ter uma organização como

a Luso porque temos um lado para negócio e outro fraternal. Eu comecei a minha actividade na Luso com onze anos de idade, foi nela que aprendi a ser um líder, porque eu era um rapaz muito envergonhado. Na Luso eu aprendi a ser mais competitivo, embora delicado, e tive a oportunidade de fazer grandes amizades que perduram por toda a Califórnia. Com a Luso também aprendi muito, o que me ajudou no meu curso superior e na vida. Eis a razão porque eu creio que na Luso --- podemos demonstrar os beneficios desta organização aos nossos filhos. Tudo isto porque os meus pais compraram uma apólice de seguro de vida que usaram como um meio de poupança para fazer face aos custos universitários.

Quero, também, oferecer-vos estes pensamentos:

Temos que difundir tudo o que é de bom na Luso-American, dizer a toda a gente dos grandes beneficios de que poderemos usufrir para os nossos filhos. Parece-me que os nossos concorrentes gostariam de ter programas como os nossos. Programas tais como bolsas de estudo, da Juventude e 20-30s, actividades fraternais e usufrir de productos excelentes. Portanto, pesso a todos os nossos sócios para proporem novos prospectivos sócios aos nossos representantes de vendas. A Luso tem sempre sido a minha família fraternal. Servir como vosso presidente tem sido um sonho meu de há muitos anos. É a minha ambição poder visitar todos os concelhos da sociedade, conhecer e conviver com todos vós, membros desta grande família. É uma honra e um privilégio poder servir esta gloriosa sociedade. Minha mulher e eu esperamos ansiosamente a oportunidade de viajar e visitar os nossos concelhos na Califórnia, Idaho e até à costa leste. Espero poder ver todos vós nas visitas oficiais durante este exercicio.

Um abraço,Daniel J. Sequeira

I can’t believe I’m Luso President; I am completely overwhelmed with emotion and appreciation for everyone. My message to everyone is that we are so lucky to have an organization like Luso because we have the business side and we have the

fraternal side. I started in Luso when I was eleven years old. It showed me how to be a leader when I was a shy kid. Luso showed me how to be competitive in a good way and offered me the opportunity to meet friends throughout California. Luso also gave me the interpersonal tools to use in college and in life. This is why I believe in Luso - we can demonstrate the benefits of Luso for our children. This all happened because my parents bought a life insurance policy that they used as a savings plan for my college education.

Also, I want to share these thoughts:

We have to spread the word about Luso-American and tell people about the benefits it has for our children. I think our competitors wished they had programs like ours. Programs such as the education scholarships, Youth and 20-30’s involve-ment along with our excellent products. So I ask every member to contact a Luso sales representative and recommend new potential members. Luso has always been my fraternal family. This has been a long-term dream of mine, serving as your Luso President. I look forward to visiting all of you at each council and to meeting new family members throughout my travels. I still love this organization as fervently as I ever have. It’s an honor and a privilege to serve this honorable society. My wife and I look forward to seeing everyone on our travels throughout California, Idaho, and the East Coast.

I look forward to seeing everyone at the visits this year. All my best,Daniel J. Sequeira

Daniel John Sequeira, nasceu no dia 23 de Setembro de 1967, em Modesto, Califórnia, filho de John e Mary Sequeira de Patterson, CA. A família mudou-se para Santa Clara quando ele era ainda criança. Daniel frequentou a Archbishop Mitty High School onde terminou a sua educação secundária. Depois frequentou o De Anza College em Cupertino.

Dan tem exercido a sua actividade professional na indústria de hipotécas por mais de vinte anos. Em 1989 entrou para o serviço de compra e venda de proprie-dades de raís tendo sido empregado pelas Saratoga Savings, Imperial Thrift, Ford Consumer Finance, e a Mortgage Loan Specialists Group, Inc. Também desem-penhou funções como “wholesale account executive” na companhia MLSG, por cinco anos. Foi aí que conheceu sua esposa, Shannon. Depois trabalhou por doze anos numa “strart up company”, Accredited Home Lenders, tendo sempre sido reconhecido como parte do “President’s Club” devido a ter obtido recordes de vendas a nível nacional. Nos últimos dois anos Dan tem sido empregado pela Avadium Mortgage and Real Estate Investments. Simultânamente ele estabeleceu um novo negócio que mantem por conta própria.

Dan e Shannon casaram a 11 de Junho de 1994, estabelecendo residência em San Jose, Califórnia e nos últimos sete anos em Morgan Hill. Dan e Shannon são pais de três lindas crianças: Megan, Mitchell e Rachel. Dan também participa em actividades desportivas como treinador de softball e futebol (soccer) das equi-pes de seus filhos. No seu tempo livre, Dan adora brincar com as crianças, e o desporto. Dan também participa em equipes de basketball nas ligas da Igreja e da cidade, pensando que ainda tem só 21anos de idade. E ele pergunta, “Vocês acham que eu gosto de desporto?”Dan tem servido como director da Aliança Jorgense em San Jose nos últimos cinco anos, e adora servir a Comunidade Portuguesa. Dan iniciou a sua actividade na Luso-American com onze anos de idade, participando nas actividades folclóricas do Concelho Juvenil N.o 11 de Santa Clara. Ele diz:

“Eu era muito envergonhado, mas na Luso aprendi a ser um líder. Dançando no grupo folclórico vim a conhecer muitos amigos e servi em muitas capacidades no concelho juvenil. Com dezaseis anos de idade fui eleito State Youth Trustee e depois Mestre de Ceremónias e finalmente Tesoureiro.Luso é como uma segunda família para mim e sempre adorei o meu envolvimento. Eu não quiz desistir depois de atingir a idade máxima no grupo Juvenil, portanto envolvi-me no grupo dos 20-30’s onde, em 1995 fui eleito Presidente. Fiz bastantes viagens como Presidente e conheci muita boa gente atravès do Estado da Califórnia.”

Dan foi eleito Director Estadual por oito anos, em 2004, entrou para a carreira de oficial estadual e agora, com grande orgulho, representa a Luso-American Frater-nal Federation como Presidente para o mandato de 2009-2010.

Daniel John Sequeira, nasceu no dia 23 de Setembro de 1967, em Modesto, Califórnia, filho de John e Mary Sequeira de Patterson, CA.

BiografiaBiografiaBiografiaDaniel John Sequeira, nasceu no dia 23 de Setembro de 1967, em Modesto, Califórnia, filho de John e Mary Sequeira de Patterson, CA.

BiografiaDaniel John Sequeira, nasceu no dia 23 de Setembro de 1967, em Modesto, Califórnia, filho de John e Mary Sequeira de Patterson, CA.

BiografiaDaniel John Sequeira, nasceu no dia 23 de Setembro de 1967, em Modesto, Califórnia, filho de John e Mary Sequeira de Patterson, CA.

BiografiaDaniel John Sequeira, nasceu no dia 23 de Setembro de 1967, em Modesto, Califórnia, filho de John e Mary Sequeira de Patterson, CA.

BiografiaBiografiaBiografiaDaniel John Sequeira, nasceu no dia 23 de Setembro de 1967, em Modesto, Califórnia, filho de John e Mary Sequeira de Patterson, CA.

BiografiaDaniel John Sequeira, nasceu no dia 23 de Setembro de 1967, em Modesto, Califórnia, filho de John e Mary Sequeira de Patterson, CA.

BiografiaDaniel John Sequeira, nasceu no dia 23 de Setembro de 1967, em Modesto, Califórnia, filho de John e Mary Sequeira de Patterson, CA.

BiografiaDaniel John Sequeira, nasceu no dia 23 de Setembro de 1967, em Modesto, Califórnia, filho de John e Mary Sequeira de Patterson, CA.


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John Alberto Tavares was born on June 17, 1961 in Bun-heiro, Murtosa County, Aveiro

District, Portugal. He is the son of Joao Alberto Tavares Afonso and Maria de Lurdes Santos Rodrigues. As a child he attended The Elemen-tary School of Bunheiro, Escola Preparatoria Egas Moniz de Estar-reja for middle school and Liceu da Murtosa for high school.In 1978, at age 17, John got his first job at a construction com-pany, but decided to follow in his father’s footsteps and joined the Portuguese Fleet of High Seas Fishing in South Africa. That was not to be his vocation. John immigrated to the United States in 1980 and established residency in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Upon arriving, he began working for M. Cardone Industries, an auto parts remanufacturing company. He was employed there for three years. In 1983 he joined the construction company Gambone Brothers of Phoenixville, PA where he worked for 11 years.In 1994 John decided to start his own construction company, Just Concrete, which he still owns and operates today with a staff of 25 employees. In 2001 John started another company, J.T. Framing which closed in 2004, but was the start of another endeavor for John. J.A.T. Construction began and is still going strong with a work force of 10 – 12 employees.As a community member, John Tavares has been heavily involved since 1981 in many different organi-zations, such as the Philadelphia Portuguese Club, Irmandade de N. Senhora de Fatima, and other Portuguese American associations

in Philadelphia. As a member of the Philadelphia Portuguese Club since 1981, John has served as a member of the board of direc-tors (1983), director of bar saloon (1984 to present), president of the finance committee (1989 – 1992) and president of the general as-sembly (2007 – present). As a member of the Irmandade de N. Senhora de Fatima since 1982, John has served as president of the finance committee (2004, 2005), was a member of the group “Os Morcegos” (1986), and as president (1987-1988). In 1991 John became a member of the Futebol Club do Porto Delaware Valley, a delega-tion of the Futebol Club do Porto. As a prominent member of the Portuguese American community in Philadelphia, John was also elected vice president of the Portuguese Heritage Commission in 1997 and president in 1998. In 2000, John joined the Portuguese American Professional and Business As-sociation, where he served as vice president from 2003 to 2005, and president from 2005 to 2008.In 1986 John joined Lodge 48 of the Portuguese Continental Union of the USA. Through the years he has held various positions on the Lodge Board, and held the office of Lodge president from 1991 until 1997. In addition, John was elected to the PCU Board as Penn-sylvania State Delegate in 1996, 1998 and 2000. At the time of the PCU merger with LALIS in 2001, John was elected a Director for the PCU Board.John Alberto Tavares, a young man of 48 years, 29 of those years as an immigrant in the city of Philadel-phia, with his faults and virtues, has always been a strong advocate and worker for the development and prestige of the “Comunidade Lu-sitana” in the City of Brotherly Love. He hopes that the Portuguese Con-tinental Union, the Luso-American Fraternal Federation, the Socie-dade Portuguesa Rainha Santa Isabel and the Luso-American Life Insurance Society will continue to support and assist him in having a very successful term in the office of PCU President.

Jessica Furtado has been a member of the PCU for over 25 years. She has always

enjoyed attending conventions, parades and lodge events at home and across the region. She was involved with the youth board while in high school and now is honored to serve the PCU as its 20-30’s President.She is the daughter of Edite and Serge Furtado and was born April 16, 1980 in Boston, MA. After graduating high school she moved to Chicago, IL to attend Columbia College Chicago where she re-ceived her B.A. in Film Production.

In her last year she was accepted into the CBS writing program in Los Angeles. Once the program ended she moved to New York where she worked for Anonymous Content, a bi-coastal production company. In 2007 Jessica moved back to Boston, following her engagement to Cpl Michael Pegg (also a cur-rent 20-30’s board member); she currently works as a Department Manager for Crate & Barrel and as a Teen Youth Mentor and Video Specialist for Cambridge Youth Programs. Jessica has always been very proud of her Portuguese heritage. She is looking forward to her up-coming year as 20-30’s President and to all the wonderful events she’ll attend and new friends she will meet. She hopes to continue the push started by her predeces-sors to energize and increase the involvement of the 20-30’s mem-bers in the society. She thanks everyone for this opportunity and is excited to see what lies in the road ahead.

My name is Mallory Alves and I am the PCU youth president. I am the

daughter of Thomas and Valerie Alves. I look forward to a great year with my board and youth group. I have been a member of PCU since birth, but really started getting involved when I was about 8 years old.I am currently a senior at Dart-mouth High School in Dartmouth,

Massachusetts. I enjoy being with my friends, shopping, music, and learning about business. My goal is to go to college next year for business. After getting a degree in business administration I would like to go to cosmetology school. My goal is to one day own my own high end salon. I'm excited for this up coming year and plan to be a great youth president and accomplish a lot!

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João Alberto Tavares, nasceu a 17 de Junho de 1961, na freguesia do Bunheiro, concelho da Murtosa, distrito de Aveiro, é filho de João Alberto Tavares Afonso e de Maria de Lurdes Santos Rodrigues, na sua meninice frequentou a escola Primária do Bunheiro onde completou a 4.a classe, esteve depois durante dois

anos na Escola Preparatória Egas Moniz de Esterreja, e prosseguiu os seus estudos no Liceu da Murtosa onde completou o quinto ano liceal.Em 1978 com 17 anos de idade, empregou-se numa firma de construção civil, e um ano depois, em 1979, como filho de peixe sabe nadar, ingressou na pesca do arrasto na África du Sul, mas não era essa a sua vocação, e em 1980 emigrou para os Estados Unidos, desde logo fixando residência na cidade de Filadelfia. Uma vez nesta cidade o seu primeiro emprego foi na firma M. Cardone Industries, que fabrica e repara peças para automóveis, onde se manteve durante três anos, no ano de 1983 saíu e iniciou a sua vida numa companhia de construção, a Gambone Brothers de Pheonixville, onde se manteve durante onze anos.Em 1994, ao fim desses onze anos de serviço nessa firma, dicidiu lançar-se como empresário da construção, e assim formou a Just Concrete que ainda hoje emprega cerca de 25 empregados. No ano 2001 funda nova empresa a J.T. Framing, que viria a terminar no ano de 2004, e nesse mesmo ano surge nova empressa a J.A.T. Construction que nos dias de hoje se mantém com cerca de dez a doze empregados.Comunitáriamente João Alberto Tavares, desde 1981 nunca deixou de fazer algo quer no clube Português, quer na Irmandade Nossa Senhora de Fátima, quer ainda nas organizações em prol de causa lusitana desta cidade. No clube Português de Filadelfia, inscreveu-se como sócio no ano de 1981, e em 1983 foi vogal da direcção, em 1984 foi director da seccão do bar, e entre os anos de 1989 e 1992 foi presidente do concelho fiscal, e a partir do ano de 2007 até aos actuais dias tem desempenhado as funções de presidente da Mesa da Assembleia Geral. Na Irmandade Nossa Senhora de Fátima inscreveu-se como associado no ano de 1982, e nos anos de 2004 e 2005 foi presidente do concelho fiscal, em 1986 ingressou no grupo jantaristas Os Morcegos, onde desempenhou vários car-gos, mas foi nos anos de 1987 e 1988 que desempenhou as funções de Presidente, em 1991, inscreveu-se como associado do Futebol Clube do Porto Delaware Valley, delegação do seu clube da Coração.Foi ainda em 1986 que se associou a Sucursal 48 da Uniao Portuguesa Continental, onde desempenhou alguns cargos directivos, mas entre os anos de 1991 e 1997, foi presidente da sucursal, e desde 1997 tem desempenhuo o cargo de mestre de ceremónias da sucursal, entre os anos de 1996 e 2000 foi eleito del-egado do Estado de Pennsylvania na direcção geral de Boston. Em 2001 aquando da fusão da União Portuguesa Continental e a Luso Ameridan Life Insurance Society, passou a fazer parte dos cargos directivos da direcção geral de UPC.Em Filadelfia participou na Comissão de Dia de Portugal nos anos de 1997 e 1998 foi vice-presidente e presidente respectivamente, na Associação dos Espresários Portugueses desta cidade, inscreveu-se como associado no ano de 2,000, e entre os anos de 2003 and 2005 foi vice-presidente, seguindo-se as funções de presidente entre os anos de 2005 e 2008.João Alberto Tavares, um jovém de 48 anos de idade, 29 de emigração na cidade de Filadelfia, teve sempre o condão, quer com os seus defeitos, quer as suas virtudes, de lutar pelo desemvolvimento e engrandecimento da Comunidade Lusitana da cidade do Amor Fraternal. Fazemos votos para que a União Portuguese Continental, a Luso American Fraternal Federation e a Sociedade Portuguesa Raínha Santa Isabel, contribuam com o seu apoio a João Alberto Tavares para que possa fazer um mandato de sucesso.

Gostaria de felecitar todos os ex-presidentes gerais e actuais directores gerais da União Portuguesa Continental, Luso American Fraternal Federation e Socie-dade Portuguesa Raínha Santa Isabel.

Neste tão prestigioso cargo, que em 1986 nunca sonhei vir a desempenhar, mas que em 2001, aquando da fusão da UPC/LALIS, em que um ex-presidente o Doutor José Figueiredo, me convidou para fazer parte dos directores gerais.Agradeço a confiança em mim depositada, esperando representar dignamente os interesses da Sociedade conjuntamente com os presidentes dos 20/30’s, Jes-sica Furtado, e dos jovens Mallory Alves, e toda a equipe da direcção geral. Com os melhores cumprimentos, e um abraço muito fraternal e amigo para todos. John Alberto Tavares

I would like to congratulate all the Past Presidents and present Directors of the Portuguese Con-tinental Union, Luso-American Fraternal Federation and Sociedade Portuguesa Rainha Santa


When I joined the PCU in 1986, I never dreamed of reaching the very prestigious position of Presi-dent. It was only after the merger in 2001, when Past President Dr. Jose Figueiredo invited me to become a member of the Board of Directors of the PCU, did reaching the presidency became my goal.

I appreciate the trust put upon me and I will do my best to represent the Society with much dignity, along with our 20-30’s President Jessica Furtado and the Youth President Mallory Alves, as well as with the entire Board of Directors.

To everyone, my best wishes.

Fraternally Yours,

John Alberto TavaresPresident of the Portuguese Continental Union

oão Alberto Tavares, nasceu a 17 de Junho de 1961, na freguesia do Bunheiro, concelho da Murtosa, distrito de Aveiro, é filho de João Alberto Tavares Afonso



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Sara Dutra was born in Hanford California on March 21, 1991 to her pai Manuel F. Dutra and her

mae Dacia B. Dutra. She lived her entire life in Hanford. When growing up, her parents instilled in her the passion to be a girl that can have a great deal of fun yet be filled with moral values and live a life that Christ would approve of. Religion and cultural background have always come first in her life. She has learned that it is important to know where you come from and the traditions that your parents and grandparents have kept alive, Sara Is very lucky to have such an awesome culture that’s so fun and beneficial! Sara attends San Joaquin Memorial High School in Fresno California; she is a

senior and enjoys school and sports. She is the captain for the Women’s Varsity Soccer Team and has played for varsity since her freshman year. She also plays on a competitive team, East Fresno United Fusion U19 Premiere Team. As you may have already figured out, she loves to play soccer, it’s her passion. She is still in the process of choosing which four year college she will be at-tending next fall. Soccer has taught her a lot about life; how to lead, how to listen, how to work well with others, and most importantly how to do all of these things while doing something that can have you flat on your back because of the fatigue and pain it has caused. In the future, Sara sees herself as a successful business woman that will love her family, job, and God. Before all of that happens she sees herself working through school, soccer, and getting more involved with SPRSI/LALIS. As a 20-30’s President she knows patience, determination, leadership, and drive will all be tested but with the help of the community that supports both of these organizations, her family, and also through her faith she will be able to endure all of the obstacles she will be faced with. She looks forward in attending the council visits and meeting new people.

Tanya Adriana Nieto was born January 24th, 1992 in Santa Rosa, Ca. Her parents are Sandra and

Evelio Nieto. Tanya has an older brother Evelio and a younger sister Cristina. She has lived in the same house her entire life in Windsor, California. She has been a cheerleader since the age of seven years old. Most of her time is spent at cheer gym in Petaluma, called the Airborne All-stars. If she is not in the gym, she is with her family and friends. Tanya has been fortunate to have trav-eled to the countries of her lineage. Her father would take the entire family every other year to Mexico to visit her Great Grandparents. Most recently, her family was able to travel to Portugal where she

met great aunts, uncles and cousins on the Azores islands. She loves to be in the sun preferably next to water. She loves caring for children and has been babysitting two twin boys for four years. She is currently attending Windsor High School as a senior. After high school, she hopes to go to UC Irvine and become a pediatrician.Being SPRSI Youth President is some-thing that she has always looked up to and admired but never thought she would reach that position. Tanya has been an active member of S.P.R.S.I for five years and a member since birth. She is the fifth generation S.P.R.S.I. member and is part of council 113 from Fort Bragg. Her grandmother, Maria George Past Grand President, is the one who introduced her to S.P.R.S.I. For the past five years, she has been attending conventions with her grandmother and Grandfather Gilbert and her little sister, Cristina. Tanya and her sister Cristina spend the summer with their grandparents and this has made them closer. She loves meeting new people and now being the Youth president will allow her to meet more people all over California; She is looking forward to this as the Youth President of Sociedade Portuguesa Raihna Santa Isabel this year.

Tisha Marie Cardoza was born on October 28th, 1978, in the Raisin Capital of the World,

Selma, California. She is the daugh-ter of Margaret Cardoza and Steven Sebastian, but was raised by her Grandmother. It was at birth that her grandmother, Emily Scharer, placed her in her lifelong member-ship, making her the 5th generation to become a member of Sociedade Portuguesa Rainha Santa Isabel. She has been active in SPRSI throughout her life starting with her first position in 1993 as State Junior Secretary. She also held the position of Director and Marshall as a junior member. As an adult Tisha has been an officer on the finance committee (06-07), Grand first vice (07-08) and most recently completed her first term as President (08-09). She became the 102nd woman to hold such a prestigious title and looks forward to her second term as President of SPRSI. She has always been active in the Portuguese community and takes pride in her heritage. She has been junior and senior queen for the SPAA Festa in Selma. She is also an active member of IDES, UPPEC, UPEC, SES, LAFF, ISMM, Brotherhood of St. Anthony, Cabrillo Civic Clubs of California and on the

Advisory Board for LAEF.In her personal life Tisha graduated from Selma High School in 1996 with honors. She enjoyed being an active participant in both the high school’s band and in Future Farmers of America, but her number one activity she has always enjoyed is the company of her family and friends. Her family has been the greatest influence in her life. It is because of their constant love and support that she is the loving, caring person she is today. With her family and friends both here on Earth and in Heaven she looks forward to continuing to grow as a person and fulfill her dreams. She looks forward to continuing her pursuit of a higher education in the field of engineering, an unexpected interest for her. She was introduced to the field when she began work with Pacific Gas and Electric Company. Her current position in the company is as an Engineering Estimator in the new business gas department.

Tisha looks forward to her second term as SPRSI’s 109th President and dedicates it to the memory of “Mama” Mary Alves, who taught her much about fraternalism, and hav-ing a great love and dedication for our beloved SPRSI and all Portu-guese Fraternal organizations. She was a great example of someone who followed our motto, Charity, Sociability and Protection.

“If you only have one smile in you, give it to the people you love.” ~Maya Angelou


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SPRSI Officers, 20-30’s Officers, Youth Officers, Past Grand Presidents, Past 20-30 President, Past State Junior Presidents, Members, Family and Friends:

It is more important now, then ever to remember SPRSI’s history. It all started with 30 ladies as an altar society in Oakland on March 15th, 1898. It is hard to imagine the adversity those women had to have faced. Women

were not even allowed to vote until 1920. It was the first society that allowed immigrants, all women of course, to be in such a prestigious organization. It allowed women the opportunity to become President of such a unique and diverse group of women and to take on new roles in our society. I am honored that I get to be among the 102 women to hold such a prestigious honor. I owe my term as your 109th President to Mary Williams (PGP 1976-77) because she made me promise back in 1999 that I would one day complete a term and be able to join the elite club of women as a Past grand President. I am grateful that I was able to fulfill that promise and look forward to one day sitting among her and those SPRSI members who are no longer with us. I ask that as we continue on our journey in SPRSI that we continue to honor those before us and to take a minute to say a prayer for all of them. “You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them.” -- Desmond Tutu

This past year my family has been my rock and I want to thank them for that. I have also learned that family does not include just blood related but all of you wonderful ladies in SPRSI. I ask you as my extended family to remember our noble traditions, our glorious 111 years of history, and continue to pass them on to future generations. Let us always hold close in our hearts, the sublime ideals set in motion by our founders together as a family we can guide one another in imitating the virtues of our patroness Saint Isabel and work for a joint prosperity with our LALIS family to ensure a bright and glorious future for all.

"We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility of our future," George Bernard Shaw. To the 20-30s and juniors: You are our fu-ture. You all have proved that our society will be in good hands with your professionalism, love and dedication to our society. Thank you all for your hard work and commitment to keeping SPRSI going. Let us continue to work as one, to increase our membership by our continued work in our communities and in our charities. Let us let every woman we talk to know what an awesome organization we have and invite them to be a part of it.

I want to give a HUGE thank you to all of you for the support you showed me last year, and will show me in the coming months. “It takes a village to raise a child” and I could not have been President without you all. It has been your love, advice and support that has been amazing and inspiring to me. I look forward to another year as your President and in our joint efforts in bettering the society.

Tisha Marie Cardoza S.P.R.S.I. President

Às oficiais da SPRSI, oficiais dos 20-30s, oficiais juvenis, Ex-Presidentes, Ex-Presidentes dos 20-30s, Ex-Presidentes juvenis, sócias, famiíla e amigos,

Agora é muito mais importante, do que nunca, lembrar-nos da história da SPRSI. Tudo teve início quando 30 mulheres formaram uma sociedade de altar em Oakland, a 15 de Março de 1898. É dificil imaginar as adversidades que aquelas mulheres enfrentaram. As mulheres não ganharam o direito do voto até

1920. Esta foi a primeira sociedade a admitir imigrantes, só mulheres, claro, a fazer parte de tão prestigiosa organização que deu o direito a mulheres serem presidentes duma organização única e fazer parte da sua administração Eu sinto grande orgulho em ter sido a 102.a mulher a receber esta honra e prestigio. Eu devo o meu exercício como a 102ª Presidente a Mary Williams (PGP 1976-77), porque ela me fez prometer em 1999 que eu chegaria a completer um exercíco e me associaria a um grupo prestigioso de mulheres como Ex-Presidentes. Eu sinto-me agradecida por ter obedecido aquela promessa e espero confiante pelo dia em que estarei entre aquele grupo de mulheres sócias da SPRSI que já não estão connosco. Eu espero que possamos continuar esta jornada na SPRSI para prestar homenagem aquelas que por aqui passaram antes de nós e devemos parar por um minuto só para uma prece por todas elas.

"Nós não escolhemos a nossa família. Eles são os presentes de Deus para ti, assim como tu és para eles." ''~~ Desmond TutuDurante o último ano a minha família tem sido a minha fortaleza e quero agradecer-lhes por tudo isso. Eu também já aprendi que "família" não inclui só aquelas do mesmo sangue, mas todas as maravilhosas senhoras da SPRSI. Eu peço-vos, como membros desta grande família, para se lembrarem das nossas nobres tradições, dos nossos gloriosos 111 anos de história, e para continuarem a marcá-los perante as novas gerações. Vamos sempre trazer isso nos nossos corações, os ideais sublimes estabelecidos pelas nossas fundadoras. Juntas, como numa família, poderemos auxiliar uma a outra imitando as virtudes da nossa padroeira Santa Isabel trabalhando para mutua prosperidade com toda a família da nossa LALIS para segurar um bom e glorioso futuro para todos. "Nós não poderemos ser considerados sabedores lembrando o nosso passado, mas pelas responsabilidades futuras." ~~ George Bernard Shaw

Ás 20-30s e juvenis: Vocês são o nosso futuro. Vocês já demonstraram que a nossa sociedade estará em boas mãos com o vosso professionalismo, amor e dedicação à nossa sociedade. Muito obrigada por todo o vosso bom trabalho e paixão para manter a nossa SPRSI. Vamos continuar trabalhando como uma só unidade, para aumentar o número de sócias, que nas nossas comunidades e mantendo as nossas caridades. Vamos deixar saber a todas as mulheres com quem conversamos que boa organização nós temos e convidá-las para fazerem parte da mesma.

Eu quero dar-vos um MUITO obrigada por todo o apoio que me deram durante o ano transacto, e espero me ofereçam nestes meses vindouros. "É preciso uma vila para criar uma criança" e eu não poderia ser a vossa Presidente sem o apoio que vocês me deram. Tem sido o vosso amor, conselhos e suporte que me tem inspirado. Eu vou para a frente por mais um ano como vossa Presidente esperando que os nossos esforços conjuntos façam uma melhor sociedade.

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OFFICERSPresident Edite Furtado, Quincy, MAExecutive Vice-President/CEO J. Larry Soares, Pacific Grove, CAVice-President/Secretary Joseph Resendes, Sunnyvale, CAVice President Sales (East) Edward Figueiredo, Cambridge, MAGeneral Counsel Gary Rose, San Jose, CA

DIRECTORSJohn Manuel Dias, Chairman of the Board Newark, CA

Michelle Machado Moreira, Vice-Chair Somerville, MACarlos Amaral Hayward, CAJose Da Costa Warren, RIJose Da Silva Mineola, NYHermano de Melo Winchester, MANarcie J Ferreira Rancho Cucamonga, CAJose M. Machado Hayward, CATony Martin Artesia, CAJoan Peros Watsonville, CACecelia Souza Stockton, CALinda M. Vieira Santa Clara, CAJoseph B. Vieira San Jose, CA

HONORARY OFFICERSExecutive V. President/CEO Emeritus Rodrigo Alvernaz, Brentwood, CASenior Vice President Emeritus Francisco J. Mendonca, Peabody, MA

ADVISORY BOARDAnthony L X Bettencourt Visalia, CAPatricia L. Costa Sacramento, CAAlfonso Da Silva Bristol, RIFrank J. Ferreira San Juan Capistrano, CAEliseu Jacinto Artesia, CAAlice F. Machado Manteca, CAHilda Rodrigues Fremont, CAAntonio Rosa Warren, NJManuel Rosario San Leandro, CAMaria Fernandes Simoes Hanford, CA

HOME OFFICE STAFFMaria Alvernaz Office ManagerHelda Furtado AccountantFilomena Machado Asst. Secretary / Dir. of Frat. Serv. LAFFEsther Amaral Mahler Undewriter/Director of New BusinessCarolina Mazilu Asst. Accountant / Dir. of Frat. Serv.

SPRSICarmen Odom Adm.Dir./Secretary LAEF/Pub. RelationsRaquel Ota Office Clerk

FIELD OPERATIONSMary Jo Rodrigues Director of Sales (West)Edward Figueiredo Vice President Sales (East)

OFFICERSPresident Manuel S. Bettencourt, Milpitas, CAVice-President / Education Joann Malta-Weingard, Oakland, CAVice-President / Fund Raising Bernice Pelicas, Danvile, CAVice President / Membership Elizabeth Motta, Riverdale, CAVice-President / Pub. Relations John Perdigao, Richmond, CASecretary/Admin. Director Carmen Odom, Lathrop, CATreasurer Donalda de Melo, San Ramon, CA

DIRECTORSChairman of the Board Jose Luis da Silva, Fremont, CA CAVice Chairman Emidio Fonseca, Orinda, CADirector Francisco Alves, San Jose, CA, MADirector Gilda Bettencourt, San Francisco, CADirector Manuel S. Bettencourt, Milpitas, CADirector Patricia Costa, Sacramento, CADirector John D. Machado, San Jose, CADirector Joann Malta-Weingard, Oakland, CADirector Ellizabeth Motta, Riverdale, CADirector Bernice Pelicas, Danville, CADirector Joseph Resendes, Sunnyvale, CADirector Arnod Rodrigues, Santa Clara, CADirector Alfredo Sena, El Sobrante, CADirector J. Larry Soares, Pacific Grove, CADirector Cecelia Souza, Stockton, CA

HONORARY DIRECTORSHonorary Director Lino S Amaral, Rodeo, CAHonorary Director Joaquim Goncalves, El Sobrante, CAHonorary Director Paulo Goulart, Modesto, CA

EMERITUS OFFICERSChairman/President Emeritus Rodrigo Alvernaz, Brentwood, CAPresident Emeritus Reginald Saunders, Oakland, CAPresident Emeritus Eduardo Eusebio, Fairfield, CA

ADVISORY BOARDDeolinda Adao El Cerrito, CANilza Bettencourt Visalia, CADiniz Borges Tulare, CAArthur Britto San Leandro, CAFrancisco G. Cabrita Danville, CATisha Cardoza Selma, CABrian Martins Modesto, CAManuel A. Minhoto Tres Pinos, CANancy Nunes Tulare, CASteven Resendes Sunnyvale, CAMichael Sena Roseville, CAAngela Costa Simoes Fremont, CAMargaret Soares Pacific Grove, CACynthia Weekley Hercules, CA

EASTERN EDUCATIONAL AND CULTURALL COMMITTEEVice Chair Francisco Mendoca, Peabody, MASecretary/Admin. Liaison Paulo Cordeiro, Somerville, MA

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OFFICERSPresident Daniel Sequeira, San Jose, CAVice-President John Perdigao, San Pablo, CAExecutive Vice-President/CEO Larry Soares, Pacific Grove, CAVice-President/Secretary Joseph Resendes, Sunnyvale, CAMaster of Ceremonies Mize Violante, San Diego, CAMarshal Ilda Ribeiro, Santa Maria, CAInside Guard Paulo Matos, Modesto, CAOutside Guard Maria da Conceicao Batista

DIRECTORSLiz Rodrigues, Chair Artesia, CAFrank Correia Oakland, CAJoseph Machado Los Banos, CAGeorge Madruga da Silva Artesia, CABarbara Martin Chino, CAArnold Rodrigues Mt. Vew/Santa Clara, CAJoseph M. Silva Visalia, CAPaul Teixeira Sacramento, CACynthia Weekley San Pablo, CAJose Tavares - Honorary Officer San Diego, CA

ADVISORY BOARDLino M. Amaral San Pablo, CAAugie Bettencourt Mt. View/Santa Clara, CAIvo Dutra Fremont/Union City, CAAntonio Dutra Norco/Corona, CAMark Nunes Tulare, CACarlos Pereira San Diego, CAJoe L . Pio San Pablo, CAHelder Silva Martinez, CAJohn G. Silva Norco/Corona, CAManuel Vieira Mt. View/Santa Clara, CAMonica Xavier Modesto, CA

20-30’S ASSOCIATES OFFICERSPresident Augusto Correia Jr., Newark, CAVice-President Anthony L. Pio, San Pablo, CASecretary Danny Pinto, Sacramento, CATreasurer Sandy Garcia, Fremont/Union City, CAMaster of Ceremonies Abel Dutra, Norco/Corona, CAParliamentarian Nancy Nunes, Tulare, CADirector of Activities Frankie Trovao, Mt. View/Santa Clara, CAImmediate past President Liz Alves, Modesto, CA

YOUTH OFFICERSPresident Sara Rodrigues, Santa Clars, CAVice President Matthew Teixeira, Sacramento, CASecretary Christina Souto, Hayward CATreasurer Kyle Martins, Artesia, CAMaster of Ceremonies Antoinette Machado, Los Bano, CAMarshal Victoria Rocha, Modesto CAInside Guard Stephanie Cunha, San Jose, CAOutside Guard Sara Pepe, Turlock, CATrustee Anthony Machado, Hayward, CATrustee Briana Rebolo, Artesia, CATrustee Mimi Rocha, Norco/Corona, CATrustee Brandon Simoes, Sacramento, CAImmediate Past President Gary Resendes, Sunnyvale, CAConvention Queen Antoinette Machado, Los Banos, CA


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OFFICERSPresident Tisha Cardoza, Selma, CAVice-President Constance Brasil, Hanford, CAMistress of Ceremonies Angie Brasil, Hanford, CAMarshal Susan Goodman, San Pablo, CAInside Guard Esther Rocha, Selma, CAOutside Guard Geraldine Thomas, Riverdale, CA

DIRECTORSChair of Directors Pamela Smith, Oakland, CADirector District # 1 Patricia Languemi, Pleasanton, CADirector District # 2 Maria George, Fort Bragg, CADirector District # 3 Caroline Silva, San Mateo, CADirector District # 4 Julieanna Piatek, Alpine CADirector District # 5 Marie Edwards, Manteca, CADirector District # 6 Manuela Wyatt, Hanford, CADirector a Large Nancy Woods, Salinas, CADirector a Large Audrey Macedo-Burman, Concord CA

ADVISORY BOARDLucia Valadao Arcata, CACarolyn Collins San Mateo, CALinda Smith Riverdale, CAMarian Calbreath Point Loma, CAMary Lou Laranjo Corcoran, CAEunice Langendoff Pleasanton, CAChristy Nix Manteca, CABeverly Borges Vallejo, CAKim Silva Santa Clara, CABarbara Emge Pleasanton, CA

20-30’S ASSOCIATE OFFICERSPresident Sara Dutra, Hanford, CAVice-President Manuela Brasil, Hanford, CASecretary Conception Piatek, Point Loma, CATreasurer Stacey Piatek, Point Loma, CAMistress of Ceremonies Lydia Peros, Watsonville, CAParliamentarian Brianne Mattos, Riverdale, CADirector of Activities Lynette Thomas, Riverdale, CAImmediate Past President Constance Brasil, Hanford, CA

YOUTH OFFICERSPresident Tanya Nieto, Fort Bragg, CAVice President Jessica Wyatt , Hanford, CASecretary/Treasurer Jasmine Wyatt, Hanford, CAMaster of Ceremonies Cristina Nieto, Fort Bragg, CAMarshal Ashley Glynn, San Mateo, CAInside Guard Victoria Brasil, Hanford, CATrustee Monica Meneses, Tulare, CATrustee Jocelyn Thomas, Riverdale CAImmediate Past President Brianne Mattos, Selma, CA

OFFICERSPresident John Tavares, Philadelphia, PAVice-President Jack Costa, Mineola, NYMaster of Ceremonies Francisco J. Mendonca, Peabody, MAMarshal Tom Alves, Dartmouth, MAInside Guard Grace Leal, Lowell, MAOutside Guard Olguete Sousa, Glastonbury, CT

DIRECTORSJoe Soares, Chair Kearny, NJEstrela Paulino Hudson,MAPatricia Romano Quincy, MAJoe Grilo Mineola, NYAires Pavao Hudson,MAMario Ferreira Philadelphia, PALuis Reis Lexington, MASerafim Romano Peabody, MAAlfred Mendes Pawtucket, RII

ADVISORY BOARDAntonio Craveiro North Scituate, RIArmando Alves North Dartmouth, MAAbel Aguiar Glastonbury, CTZulmiro Afonso Lincoln, RICarlo Teixiera Newtown, PAJoao Ventura Lyndhurst, NJAlexandre Pinto North Providence, RIJoao Carlos Ferreira Lowell, MAMaritina Guadalupe Newington, CTJose Costa Mineola, NY

20-30’S ASSOCIATESPresident Jessica Furtado, Vice-President David BettencourtSecretary David RomanoTreasurer Jaime FurtadoMaster of Ceremonies Stephanie FitzbackParliamentarian Micael PeggDirector of Activities Lauren AlvesImmediate Past President Julie Romano

YOUTH OFFICERSPresident Mallory AlvesVice-President Ashley AlvesSecretary Celina daSilvaTreasurer Evan GrayMaster of Ceremonies Nathan FreitasMarshal Catarina VarajaoInside Guard Ryan FournierOutside Guard Paulo GuedesTrustee Joao Carlos BarbosaTrustee Olivia BarretoTrustee Eric CruzTrustee Sonia LealImmediate Past President John Bernardo

HOME OFFICE STAFFPaulo Cordeiro Administrator & Liason LAEFLucilia Esteves Office ManagerAnn Gray Director of Fraternal Services

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Manuel Da SilvaArtesia, CA

(562) 865-8492License # 0D60847

Carlos de MeloOakland, CA

(510) 834-7439License # 0742902

Frank EstrelaSan Jose, CA

(408) 926--0998License # 015935

Debbie FierroSan Jose, CA

(408)[email protected]

Dee LaceySacramento, CA(916) 392-1279

License # 0D46784

Brian MartinsModesto, CA

(209) 613-1655License # 0D66534

Mary E. MobergSan Lorenzo, CA(510) 278-0720License # 078933

Bernice PelicasDanville, CA

(510) 427-4363License # 0F10113

Maria Ramos San Jose, CA

(408) 728-2962License # 0G23470

Fernanda L. RinehartSanta Maria, CA(805) 925-0775

License # 0D25841

Lucia SilvaTracy, CA

(209) 835-7091License # 0764445

Jose SoaresPomona, CA

(909) 591-3087License # 054089

Luke H. SoaresSo. San Francisco, CA

(650) [email protected] # 0G5210

Tony SozinhoTulare, CA

(559) 685-9482License # 0697776

Edna TahirPleasanton, CA

(925) 339-3046License # OB35

Mize ViolanteSan Diego, CA

(619) 696-6252License # 0C29655

J.Stephen BognarFairfield, CA

(707) 864-4080(916) 296-2838

Life insurance annuities Pension PLans

ira roLLovers iras roth iras

educationaL savings PLans

Nilton ArrudaSomerville, MA

(617) 785-2895

Tony AvilaBristol, RI

(401) 996-2020

David BettencourtSalem, MA

(978) 828-3521

David P. CabralMarlborough, MA(617) 365-9534

Isabela K. CaloryLowell, MA

(978) 459-4547

Paulo CordeiroSomerville, MA

(617) 625-7331

Jose Da CostaEast Hartford, CT(860) 569--7710

G. Cesar DeSouzaNewark, NJ

(973) 344-6869

Joaquim FerreiraWillow Grove, PA(215) 366-5286

John ParreiraTurlock, CA

(209) 634-1993Fax: (209) 634-1503License# 0753520

John O. AvilaSan Jose, CA

(408) [email protected]

Fax/Voice: 877-609-8687License # 0576681


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