lutheran laymen’s league - · lutheran laymen’s league “bringing christ to the...

1 74 th Annual Convention Kansas District Lutheran Laymen’s League “Bringing Christ to the Nations and the Nations to the Church” Friday, November 1, 2013 Saturday, November 2, 2013 Messiah Lutheran Church 2000 Main St. Hays, Kansas 67601-2938

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Page 1: Lutheran Laymen’s League - · Lutheran Laymen’s League “Bringing Christ to the Nations and the Nations to the Church” Friday, November 1, 2013 Saturday, November



Annual Convention

Kansas District

Lutheran Laymen’s League

“Bringing Christ to the Nations and the Nations to the Church”

Friday, November 1, 2013

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Messiah Lutheran Church

2000 Main St.

Hays, Kansas 67601-2938

Page 2: Lutheran Laymen’s League - · Lutheran Laymen’s League “Bringing Christ to the Nations and the Nations to the Church” Friday, November 1, 2013 Saturday, November




Greetings from Philip Krauss II, Int’l LLL President.…………….…...….4-5

Greetings from Bruce Wurdeman, Int’l LHM Executive Director………..5-6

Int’l LHM Rep, Bervin Mirtsching, Ministry Advancement Officer……..…7

Report District President John Johnson……………………………………7-8

2012 Kansas Convention Minutes…………………………….……….....8-11

Treasurer’s Report & District Project Report…………………………..12-14

Resolution 13-1 Theme 2012-2013...……………………….…..............14-15

Resolution 13-2 Kansas District Project……...…………....………...…15-16

Resolution 13-3 Convention Thanks..……………….……………..............16

Committee Reports:

LLL Financial Aid Committee……………….……………………..…......17

District Project…………………………………………………………….. 18

Argentina Partner Country………………………………………………… 18

LLL Golf……………………………………………………...................... 19

LLL State Worship Service…………...………………………………..…. 20

LLL Fair Booth………….....………………….………………………. 20-21

LLL/LWML Family Retreat……………………………….……………….21

LLL Reporter……………………………………………………………… 22

Ambassador Report…………………………………………………….. 22-23

Kansas District LLL Website……………………..………….………… 23-25

Region 3 Report…………………………………………………………... 25

Ballot for 2013-14………………………………….…………….……..25-26

Zone Officers or Key Contacts…………………………..……………...28-32

Kansas District LLL Schedule of Events 2014…………...….…..................32

Past Kansas District LLL Presidents and Pastoral Advisors…..................... 33

Key Contacts at the International Office………………………….…….34-35

Address List.........………………………………………....................…36-42

Pictures: 2013 Golf Winning Team & Argentina Project Joel ……........... 43

Pictures Family Retreat 2013 …...………………………………………… 44

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74th Kansas District Convention

International Lutheran Laymen’s League

Convention Motel Days Inn 3205 Vine Street, Hays

Friday, November 1, 2013 Messiah Lutheran Church 2000 Main St

4 p.m. Registration, BOG & Convention Committee meet………...……….....Messiah

5:30 p.m. Orphan Grain Train Fish Boil…………............................................Messiah

7-8:15 p.m. Bervin Mirtsching ….………..…………………………..…….…Messiah

8:30 p.m. Closing Prayer and Song………………………………………...…..Messiah

Fellowship in Hospitality Room…………………………………...…….……Days Inn

Saturday, November 2, 2013 at Messiah

7:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast……………………………………………….Days Inn

8-9:00 a.m. Registration and BOG Meeting

9:00 Welcome and Call to Order………………………………...……….John Johnson

9:05 Opening Devotion……………………………………….…Reverend Scott Snow

9:30 Election of Officers……………………………………………...VP Tim Voelker

9:40 LHM Advancement Officer…………………………………...Bervin Mirtsching

10 Break

10:10 Resolution 13-01 Theme “Son Rise to Sunset”…………………….Ken McCosh

10:30 Greetings from Kansas District LCMS……...….President Reverend Kohlmeier

10:45 Greetings from Kansas District LWML………..…....President Karen Morrison

11:00 Election Results……………………………...……………..…VP Tim Voelker

11:15 Installation of Officers……….…………...………………Reverend Scott Snow

11:30-12:45 p.m. Lunch……………………...Onsite with lunch ticket or area eateries

12:45 p.m. Minutes of the Previous Convention (pg 8)……....Secretary Steve Hanschu

1:15 Treasurer’s Report (pg 12)………...…………………………….Carroll Hackbart

1:30 District Project Report……………………………………...…....Carroll Hackbart

1:45 District Project Resolution 13-02……………………….…...….Carroll Hackbart

2:00 Break

2:10:2:30 International LLL/LHM Report….…………………………..……….Video

2:30 Thank Resolution 13-03……………………………….………..Richard Schrum

Invitation to 2014 District Convention ………………….……..Region 5 Arlen Shultz

Closing Comments Adjournment……………………….………………..John Johnson

5:10-6:45 Banquet followed by entertainment…………...………….………...Messiah

Sunday, November 3 ………………………………………………………… Messiah

8:30 Traditional Worship;….Sunday School 9:45; …… Morning Song Worship 11:00

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Greetings from International LLL Chairman of the Board

Dear friends in Christ:

No doubt you have seen that in each of his letters,

from 1 Corinthians to Philemon, the apostle Paul

included in his greeting a prayer for God's grace and

peace to each recipient. It is an honor and a privilege

for me to greet you as Chairman of your International

Lutheran Laymen's League—and like Paul, I pray that

God is blessing you richly with grace and peace!

Frequently in LHM materials you will read the tag line, “Your Partner in

HIS Mission.” There are few things that reflect the enduring heritage of the

International LLL better than this little phrase. In June 1917, when August

Brauer, Theodore Lamprecht and Edmund Seuel met on the eve of a

Synodical Convention in Milwaukee, they came together as three individuals

who felt called to address a serious financial issue in their church body; but

what they learned was that the issue could be resolved only through many

people who were committed to working together. That was the spirit in which

the International Lutheran Laymen's League was conceived, and it has been

the League's heartbeat ever since: we are thousands of individuals whom God

has called to the task of Bringing Christ to the Nations, and the Nations to

the Church—but who by His grace achieve so much more by working

together in community. We have one mission—HIS mission, and we embrace

it together as partners.

The convention theme, “Sonrise to Sunset,” is based in Psalm 113:3,

“From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the LORD is to be

praised!” The Psalm is a wonderful hymn to the enduring majesty of our

God—but we shouldn't overlook that it also has something to say about what

God does for each of us and for those we serve (vv 7-8):

“He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap,

to make them sit with princes...”

Does this take your breath away? Try reading it this way:

“He raises me, a poor sinner, from the dust and lifts me from the ash heap,

to make me sit with princes...”

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This message is the one that makes all the difference for us and the one He

calls us to share around the world with the poor and needy, the lost and the

hurting. The name of the LORD is to be praised indeed.

Thanks for attending this convention and for your dedicated support of the

International Lutheran Laymen's League/Lutheran Hour Ministries. May God

bless us with a continued call to His mission, a bold vision for the future and

the courage to put our faith into action!

In His Service,

Philip Krauss II, Chairman

Greetings from the Executive Director of Lutheran Hour


What a blessing it is for me to greet you in the

precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ! As I continue

to serve you as Executive Director at Lutheran Hour

Ministries until the end of the year, I praise God that

you have invested your time, energy and gifts in the

work of ministry and evangelism through this

organization. Thank you for your prayers, your time and

your generous financial support. Reflect with me for a moment on the theme for this convention: “From

the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the LORD is to be praised”

(Psalm 113:3). You know, the sun is always rising and setting somewhere—

and today, there are people waiting in many of those places for “the name of

the LORD to be praised.” In our world of more than 7 billion people, 4 out of

every 10 have never heard of Jesus—and they often live in places where

chances to learn about Him are slim. In the United States, where you can

hear about Jesus just about any time you want, nearly 100 million people are

unchurched—and 90 percent of them have never been invited to church.

You and I have been called by God to make a difference in Jesus’ Name. At

LHM we realize that no one person or organization can reach the world’s

entire unreached population on its own—and that’s why it’s so important to

us to be able to walk side by side with you to spread the Good News of

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salvation and eternal life through Jesus. In fact, this is God’s will—the Body

of Christ working as one to touch lost and hurting souls.

Across the globe, Lutheran Hour Ministries uses the most effective and

relevant means of bringing Christ to the Nations—whether that’s radio,

television, the internet, print materials, mass events, music and drama, or the

personal, one-on-one witness of trained laypersons. Last year, nearly 400,000

people responded to the outreach efforts of our ministry centers in more than

30 countries—and 43,000 of them were referred to local congregations for

follow-up. In the United States, LHM equipped hundreds of laypeople like

you to share the Gospel with courage and conviction in everyday situations;

we introduced powerful new resources to support ministry to men; and we

once again proclaimed the story of Jesus to an estimated weekly radio

audience of 800,000 through The Lutheran Hour.

I think you’ll agree with me that in spite of the often troubling news about

the state of Christendom, this is actually an exciting time to watch God at

work—and at Lutheran Hour Ministries, we are convinced He is calling us to

some exciting challenges as Your Partner in HIS Mission. We are getting

ready to wrap up our slate of eight Regional Outreach Conferences for 2013

with events in Nashville, Omaha and Houston this fall. We are extending our

international outreach with new ministry centers on three continents. We are

looking at the possibility of launching an innovative outreach program for

Spanish-speaking audiences in North America. And there’s more still; stay


Thank you so much for being a part of what we do! Join me in praying that

from the rising of the sun to its setting, the LORD’s Name is praised

indeed—and that the LORD will use our partnership together in HIS mission

to make it so. God’s blessings for a great convention!

In Him Whom we serve,

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Bervin D. Mirtsching is a Ministry Advancement Officer

with Lutheran Hour Ministries, a position he has held since

December 2001.

In his current position, Bervin offers deferred and current

gifting solutions for donors to further Lutheran Hour Ministries' mission of

Bringing Christ to the Nations–and the Nations to the Church. Bervin works

specifically with donors in Alabama, Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana,

Mississippi, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Texas.

Prior to joining Lutheran Hour Ministries, Mirtsching served as a gift

planning counselor for The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod Foundation

and in multiple roles of increasing importance within the Office of the

Attorney General, Worker's Compensation Division for the State of Texas.

Bervin earned a bachelor's degree in business administration from Texas

Lutheran University in Seguin, Texas. Bervin is also a member of the

“Association of Lutheran Development Executives” and the “Partnership for

Philanthropic Planning.”

We are happy to have Bervin with us this weekend.

Greetings from John Johnson, Kansas District LLL President God continues blessings you and LLL/LHM in our mutual efforts of

“Bringing Christ to the Nations and the Nations to the Church.”

LHM has shifted its strategy toward urban and younger people, in effect

stepping out of the comfort zone of the established Church into the

communities where increasing percentages of the people have never heard of

Jesus. A new ministry center recently opened in Liberia; a country of 4

million of whom 40% are Christian; and 60% are under 25 years of age. A

30 minute radio broadcast with offers for Bible Correspondence Courses

covers the country.

What is our, individual Christians, role? Luther in his explanation of the


Article of the Apostles Creed uses the term “enlightened with his gifts”;

are these the gifts listed in Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, among other places

in Scripture? If the answer is “Yes”, are we, you and I, stepping up and

Bervin D. Mirtsching

Ministry Advancement Officer LHM

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using our Holy Spirit provided gifts? Pray that God will direct “you and I”

in His ministry using the gifts He provides.

Thanks for the many things each of you do, and the support you provide,

to help build His kingdom, we are the community of God’s people. If we

don’t do it who will? God’s Blessings! John



Annual Convention

Kansas District Lutheran Laymen’s League

Salina, Kansas

November 3, 2012

The 73rd

Annual meeting of the Kansas District Lutheran Laymen’s

League was called to order by President John Johnson at 9:30 a.m.

Johnson welcomed those in attendance and encouraged them to know

and learn the why of the LLL. He also explained the new LHM logo.

Pastoral Advisor Scott Snow then led the group in prayer and

devotion from Matthew 5:13-16.

Vice-President Tim Voelker presented the ballot for election of

officers. He firsts moved to suspend the election rules to allow Don

Copley from Region 2 and Chris Erichsen from Region 4 to continue

with a third term of office due to no candidates to fill those positions.

Motion was seconded and approved. Voelker then moved unanimous

adoption of the ballot for the following:

Pastoral Advisor: Pastor Scott Snow

President: John Johnson

Vice-President: Tim Voelker

Region 1: Richard Schrum (completion of vacant term)

Region 2: Don Copley

Region 4: Chris Erichsen

Ambassador Coordinator: Elmer Kellner

Young Adult Coordinator: Jim Johnson

Ralph Unger seconded the motion. Motion approved.

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Resolution 12-01 Theme “Son Rise to Sunset” was read by Ken

McCosh who moved adoption. Motion seconded and passed.

Resolution 12-02 Ministry Action Support of Lay Leadership

Initiatives was read by Tim Voelker who moved adoption. Motion

seconded and passed.

Arlen Schultz read to the group LLL themes from 1974-1990 he had

tied into sentences.

Kansas District LC-MS President Keith Kohlmeier was introduced

and spoke to the group about the outreach work of the LLL and the

good partnership we have with each other.

Kansas District LWML President Karen Morrison was unable to

attend and bring greetings from the LWML.

Pastor Advisor Scott Snow installed the newly elected officers.

Ralph Unger, chairman of the Endowment Committee, reported that

the committee decided it was in the best interest of the Kansas District

due to recent International LLL by-law changes and reorganization to

dissolve the Kansas LLL Endowment Fund. His report included the

disbursement of $11,850 to the District Project, $19,300 to KNGN

radio, $57,800 to Concordia Seward for endowed scholarships,

$24,784 to Our Redeemer Lutheran Endowment Fund in Hutchinson

for ongoing support of $500 to the LLL State Fair Booth and $60.88 to

the District Project to close the checking account.

Unger expressed deep gratitude to those who had served on the

Endowment Committee: Les Walter, Bill Strauss, Walt Frederking,

Gary Neuschafer, Dean Hillman, Chuck Veatch, Paul Wegle, Jerry

Kampfe, and Irene Duitsman. Unger then read Resolution 12-03

Ministry Action Dissolving of the Endowment Fund and moved

adoption with the amendment that the final accounting as presented

from the Endowment Committee on page 23 of the convention book

be accepted. Carroll Hackbart seconded the resolution as amended.

Motion passed with a rising vote of thanks to the committee.

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President Johnson recognized the McFarland LLL club for 60 years of


Richard Schrum was recognized for his work as web master.

Elmer Kellner, Ambassador Coordinator, encouraged ambassador

teams at each congregation.

Arlen Schultz presented a poem relating to LLL.

Ken McCosh and Elmer Kellner represented the LLL at the Fall

Educator’s and Professional Church Worker’s Conferences. President

Johnson encouraged others to be witnesses at the State Fair Booth.

Concern was expressed by Pr. Geske about outdated materials and lack

of LHM materials at the Fair Booth. A special offering was taken to

help acquire funds for next year’s Fair Booth. $401.00 was received

for the booth.

President Johnson asked for volunteers to help serve on a committee

to review the Kansas LLL by-laws.

Materials from the new Ambassador Impact package were explained

by Elmer Kellner.

There was brief discussion as what time of year to have the next

district convention. Ken McCosh moved and Elmer Kellner seconded

to have the convention in the Fall. Motion passed.

Carroll Hackbart reviewed the Treasurer’s Report and moved to

accept it as presented. Ivan Grimm seconded the motion. Motion


Carroll Hackbart reviewed the District Project report. The project

was short $7,000, but the difference was made through the Endowment

Fund disbursement. Hackbart moved acceptance of the District Project

Report. Motion passed.

Carroll Hackbart presented resolution 12-04 Ministry Action 2012-

2013 District Project and moved adoption. Jim Johnson made a

friendly amendment to drop the wording (Region 9 Project) from the

resolution. Elmer Kellner seconded. Amendment motion passed.

Ivan Grimm moved adoption of the resolution as amended. Motion


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LHM Representative Polly Gregali updated the attendees on LHM

programs and projects.

Richard Schrum read Resolution 12-05 Convention Thanks

Resolution and moved adoption. Motion passed.

Elmer Kellner extended an invitation for everyone to attend the 74th

Annual Convention which will be hosted by Region 4.

Drawings for Banquet and Lunch tickets for first time attendees was

held with Floyd Kouth, Rob Lindsey, David Hoyer and Fred Helm

receiving the cash tickets.

A discussion was held on the differences between Affiliated Groups

and a District. Local clubs may be affiliated groups of LHM and

receive benefits. If the District became an Affiliated Group it would no

longer be able to receive rebates.

Arlen Schultz encouraged people to review the Ministry

Advancement materials presented in the packages.

Bill Proctor reported on the International Convention held in


The silent auction netted $378.60.

President Johns on declared the convention adjourned upon a

motion by Elmer Kellner and second by Ron Bott at 4:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Steve Hanschu, Secretary

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June 1, 2012 - May 31, 2013

OPERATING FUNDS (Excludes Project)

REVENUE Budget 1st 2nd 3rd 4th YTD



Carryover from Prior Yr. 1349.22

1,349.22 5265.33

Int'l LLL Rebate 5750.00 5298.77

1538.75 2,391.82 9,229.34 5224.67

0.00 0.00

Other Receipts 1500.00


2,779.00 2,500.00

Total Revenue 8599.22 5298.77 2779.00 1538.75 2391.82 12008.34 12990.00


District Board 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00

District Convention 500.00

1004.25 1466.25

2,470.50 2500.00

Lutheran Family Retreat 250.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 250.00

Int'l Convention 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Training & District Ambassador 1,000.00

0.00 2000.00

Congregation Presentation 500.00

74.79 250.00

324.79 75.00

Pastoral Advisor 250.00 111.10

96.00 198.50 330.00 200.00

Young Adult Coordinator 500.00

0.00 0.00

Office Expense 150.00


36.00 75.00

Project Promotion 300.00


Reporter 1,350.00 627.22

474.79 1102.01 1300.00

Lutheran Witness 900.00

225.00 225.00 225.00 675.00 900.00

State Fair Booth 3,000.00 735.00 972.93 1219.00

2191.93 2500.00

State Fair Service 1,400.00 1000.00

1000.00 1000.00

Mission U 1440.00

Other 75.00 137.00 212.00 250.00

Total Operating Expense 11600.00 1782.22 2413.97 3196.25 699.79 8092.23 12990.00

Operating Fund Summary

Balance (Beginning of


1349.22 4865.77 5230.80 3573.30


5298.77 2779.00 1538.75 2391.82


1782.22 2413.97 3196.25 699.79

End of Quarter Balance

4865.77 5230.80 3573.30 5265.33

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KS Dist. Endowment Fund 60.88

Individuals 200.00

Individuals 30.00

State Fair Offering 476.50

Immanuel, Bremen LLL 1100.00

Zone 12 LLL 397.00

State Convention Auction 622.94

Bethlehem, Bremen, MC 1782.99

Trinity, Salina, LLL 2500.00

Interest 0.00

Mt. Calvary, Marysville, MC 600.00

Immanuel, Ellsworth 100.00

Dis. Golf Tournament 707.00

Bethlehem, Greenleaf, MC 1200.00

Im & St, John's, Canton 0.00


St. Paul, Clay Center, LLL 300.00

ZONE 12 TOTAL 3027.00


Immanuel, Linn 700.00


St. Math, Nortonville LLL 400.00

Zion, Linn, MC 1500.00

Bethlehem, Sylvan

Grove 400.00

ZONE 1 TOTAL 400.00

Trinity, Hanover, MC 700.00

ZONE 13 TOTAL 400.00


St. John's, Palmer, MC 400.00



ZONE 7 TOTAL 8482.99

Individuals 300.00



Zone 14 LLL 29.00

Individuals 397.00

Individuals 1740.30

St. Peter's,Holyrood, 365.00

1st Lutheran, Paola 250.00

Zone 8 LLL 483.25

St. John's Ellinwood &




Bethany, Overland Park 1401.51

St. Luke's, Man. LLL 900.00

St. Pauls, Iuka LLL 1,000.00

ZONE 3 TOTAL 2048.51

St. John, Alma 209.00

Trinity, Medicine

Lodge, LLL 200.00


Immanuel, Junction C LLL 450.00

ZONE 14 TOTAL 2464.00

Individuals 100.00

Trinity, McFarland, LLL 1070.00


St. John's, Aliceville 450.00

ZONE 8 TOTAL 4852.55

Individuals 850.00

Messiah, Emporia, LLL 500.00


Zone 15 LLL 799.72

ZONE 4 TOTAL 1050.00

Individuals 200.00

Immanuel, Oakley LLL 500.00


Zion, Hillsboro 0.00

ZONE 15 TOTAL 2149.72

Individuals 300.00

St. John's, Lyons Cr, LLL 0.00


St. Pauls, Coffeville, 176.00

Faith, Abilene M of F 247.00


ZONE 5 TOTAL 476.00

ZONE 9 TOTAL 447.00

ZONE 16 TOTAL 0.00



2012-13 TOTAL 30286.49

Individuals 340.00


Carry over 2011-12 3468.21

Immanuel, Lawrence 200.00

ZONE 10 TOTAL 0.00

Total Available 33754.70

St. John's, Topeka, LLL 300.00


ZONE 6 TOTAL 840.00


St Paul, Cheney ZONE 11 TOTAL


1161.40 1781.40

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13-01 THEME “Son Rise to Sunset”

WHEREAS the ways of the devil, the world and our flesh have perpetuated every sin

imaginable, afflicting individuals, families , and nations regardless of age, income, race

or walk of life; and

WHEREAS sin has blinded countless people from the beauty of the Gospel; and

WHEREAS too many that do know the True God and his wonderful plan of salvation

do not actively share and show the good news of salvation; and

WHEREAS our merciful God would have all people to be brought to salvation

ultimately be given the gift of eternal life; therefore



Budget 1st 2nd 3rd 4th YTD

Grants in Aid 26,000.00 13,000.00



Concordia, Seward




Concordia, St. Louis


Concordia, Austin


Concordia, Ft. Wayne




Concordia, St. Paul, MN




Bible Cor, Course &Argentina Mstry 8500.00



Orphan Grain Train 500.00



Lutheran Hour Float 500.00



Seminary Banquet 1000.00



Lutheran Family Retreat 500.00 500.00


Total disbursements 37,000.00 13,500.00 0.00 23500.00 0.00 37000.00

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BE IT RESOLVED that the International Lutheran Laymen’s League and Lutheran

Hour Ministries strive mightily to proclaim the Good News of Christ Jesus boldly and

clearly to the far reaches of the world; and be it further

RESOLVED that this be done especially through the Lutheran Hour, The Men’s

Network, the International Ministry centers and the many other LHM programs; and be

it also

RESOLVED that advances be made in this Gospel work through the efforts and

support of a revitalized and motivated laity; and be it firmly

RESOLVED that from “Son Rise to Sunset” in every God-pleasing way possible,

through all means here listed and even beyond, let all praise be given to God as it says

in Psalms 113:3 “From the rising of the sun to its setting the name of the Lord is to be

praised”. And finally

Resolved that everyone here assembled rise to second this resolution and vote its

passage with the singing of the Common Doxology:






Financial Aid for Kansas District students attending an LCMS synodical

school or seminary preparing for full-time church work………………………..$26,000

Recognition Dinner for the 4th year students at Concordia Seminary. ……..……$1,000

Overseas Bible Correspondence Courses and Argentina Ministry…………….....$4,500

Tournament of Roses Parade Lutheran Hour Float…………………………………$500

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LLL-LWML Family Retreat……………………………………………………...$1,000

TOTAL $33,000

(Any contributions received over our project goal of $33,000 will be added to Financial

Aid .)

BE IT RESOLVED that we as active and committed Christians pray and financially

support the 2013-2014 District Project goal of $33,000 under the theme “Son Rise to

Sunset” the name of the Lord is to be praised.


WHEREAS the members of Region 4 of the Kansas District LLL have given

unselfishly of their time and talents to provide for an inspiring and Christ-centered

convention; and

WHEREAS the Kansas District Convention Committee has prepared an excellent

convention agenda; and

WHEREAS President Kohlmeier gave an inspiring greeting encouraging

cooperation among the community of God’s people in Kansas and throughout the

world; and

WHEREAS Kansas District LWML Chairperson Karen Morrison, shared their

appreciation for LLL/LHM as Partners in Christ; and

WHEREAS the theme “Son Rise to Sunset” should remind and us during the coming

year that there are opportunities for us to “Bring Christ to the Nations and the Nations

to the Church,”

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that we extend our thanks to everyone who

made this 74th Kansas District Convention a success by rising and exclaiming

“Thank You! Amen!

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Committee Reports

Kansas District LLL Financial Aid $26,000 Students listed below are preparing to be professional church workers within our

Lutheran Church. It is the privilege of the Kansas District LLL to help with the

financial costs of professional training. Each student listed received financial aid.

The members of the Kansas District LLL Financial Aid Committee would like to

thank all the LLL Clubs, affiliates and individuals who supported the District Project.

Members of the Financial Aid Committee are: Charles Friedrichs Chairman, Jerry

Siebold, and Doug Rengstorf.

Awards made for the Academic Year 2013 – 2014

Name Class Degree Region/Zone

Concordia University, Seward

Emily Beach Sr. Teacher R3/Z8

Malissa Carey Sr. Teacher R1/Z4

Rachel Dahlke Jr. Teacher R2/Z11

Lauren Duncan Fr. Music R2/Z10

Paul Jackson So. DCE

Nehemiah Langness So. DCE R5/Z14

Sarah Langness Sr. Teacher R5/Z14

Robyn Meyer Sr. Teacher R3/Z7

Byrson Pond Sr. Teacher R2/Z11

Ashley Rengstorf Jr. Teacher R1/Z3

Christian Schultz So. Pastor R3/Z8

Rebecca Snow Sr. Teacher R2/Z10

Elizabeth Stephens Fr. DCE R2/Z10

Hanna Wolff Sr. Teacher R2/Z11

Noah Wolff Fr. Pastor R2/Z11

Caitlin Saving Sr. Teacher R1/Z3

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis

Travis Ferguson Sem1 Pastor R1/Z2

Concordia Seminary, Fort Wayne

Sara Schultz Sem1 Deaconess R3/Z8

Reed Shoaff Sem2 Pastor R4/Z15

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Kansas District Project 2013-14 The contributions to the 2012-13 Kansas District LLL Project with a goal of $33,000

was only about $30,000. This is a $7,000 drop from our 20010-11 District Project

when we received over $37,000 in contributions. With about $3,000 of carryover funds

from the closing out the Endowment Fund last year, we are able to fund the $33,000

goal. The first half of the $26,000 budgeted for financial aid, for students studying for

full time church work, has been distributed.

The Kansas District Board of Governors at their August meeting proposed to keep

the 2013-14 Kansas District LLL Project budget goal at $33,000. All of the

Endowment Funds have been expended. In order to meet the $33,000 goal we need to

encourage more contributions from our fellowship groups, congregations and members.

Most of our District Project funds are raised from pancake feeds and soup supper

events and special door offerings. The proposed $33,000 2013-14 Kansas District LLL

Project budget to be presented to the Kansas LLL District convention in November will

include: Financial Aid for students studying for full time church work - $26,000, LHM

Seminarian Dinner - $1,000, LHM Argentina Ministries - $2,250, LHM Overseas Bible

Correspondence Courses – $2,250, LHM Rose Bowl Parade Float - $500, and

LLL/LWML Lutheran Family Retreat - $1,000.

Your District Project $’s Working in Argentina

During the months of June, July and August LHM – Argentina held a Project

JOEL event in each month. With these events, we had a total of 145 youth

participate. Many of the participants expressed enthusiasm and desire to

continue growing in these activities.

Prayer Request: for blessings for Horacio and the young people he is

reaching; pray for the ministry center director, staff and volunteers as they

continue to bring the message of Christ to the communities of Argentina; pray

for the youth ministry, Project JOEL, that it continues to help these youth to

grow in their faith and grow with Christian values in all they do.

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41st Annual Kansas District Golf Tournament 2013

The 41st Annual Kansas District Golf Tournament was held on

Saturday May 4, 2013 at the Rolling Meadows Golf Course Milford,

Kansas. The weather was the biggest challenge to the 44 golfers who

faced the usual Kansas “breeze” combined with a temperature in the 40's

along with occasional moisture. The 18 hole scramble began at 9 a.m. and

finished up 5 hours later.

The top 4 teams are as follows:

1st Place: Manhattan – Danker, Manning, Wilson, Wugazzer


Place: Abilene – Chenning, Harms, Jacob, Josh


Place: Junction City – Strauss, Upham, Upham, Upham


Place: Nortonville – Nieman, Nieman, Noll, Schmidt

Several other prizes were awarded: Longest drives, Closest to the pin,

Youngest and Oldest Golfer and others.

Income Expenses Summary

Entry fees $2,640.00 Prizes: $235.00 $2,800.00

Mulligan sales 160.00 Course fees:1,958.00 2,193.00

__________ ________ ________

$2,800.00 $2,193.00 $607.00

The amount of $607.00 was forwarded to the Kansas District LLL Project for

2012/2013. In addition to this amount, Ivan Grimm contributed $100.00 to the

District Project in support of the Golf Tournament.

The 42nd

Annual Tournament will be held May 3rd

, 2014 at Rolling Meadows

golf course, Milford, Kansas.

Respectfully submitted, The golf committee:

Robert Gerdes, Gary Neuschafer, Rocky Sanders, Norbert Stigge

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State Fair Worship Service Ronald Bott

With the late surge of summer heat the question was—How many will brave

the heat and be at the Kansas State Fair?—in particular the worship service

Sunday September 8, 2013. This concern was put to rest as the bleachers began

to fill during the opening hymn sing of “God Bless Our Native Land”, “Crown

Him With Many Crowns”, and “Amazing Grace”.

Pastor Scott Snow, Holy Cross, Wichita led the service. His message was on

Mark 14: 1-9, 14-20 with the question—What kind of soil are you? Is the seed,

your faith, placed on hard soil or pavement where there is little chance for

growth or worse your faith dies? Our prayer should be that our faith is placed in

good soil where with the Holy Spirit our faith grows strong and we are able to

share our faith with others who are not believers. The Lord expects our faith to

be strong and increase, and we cannot keep this increase to ourselves. With the

programs and activities of the Lutheran Laymen’s League/Lutheran Hour

Ministries we can share our faith with our neighbors or co-workers and also

those in other countries.

2013 Kansas State Fair Booth Mike Tonn

The 100 year celebration of the Kansas State Fair took place from September

6th to the 15th in Hutchinson. The LLL/LHM evangelism/outreach booth was

located in the southwest corner of the Meadowlark Building, the same location

as previous year. The committee extends a thank you to the many

congregations that were represented as volunteers and/or provided donations of

Portals of Prayer, Sunday School material, and other religious based literature.

A $500 contribution was received from Our Redeemer, Hutchinson. Many

opportunities to share the Gospel occur every day of the fair. This is a great

time to volunteer your time to get some hands on experience in a fast paced


Make plans for the 2014 Fair by encouraging your church or zone to attend

and volunteer your time at the booth. Volunteers are scheduled on a 3-hour

time frame. Some congregations volunteer to cover the booth for a half up to a

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full day. Initiate your participation plans at your fall rally and complete the

plans at the spring rally. Please contact Mike Tonn at

[email protected] or 620-465-3435 for details. The booth is open

from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. each of the 10 days of the fair.

2013 LLL/LWML Family Retreat, Camp Webster, Salina Carroll Hackbart

The 2013 LLL/LWML Lutheran Family Retreat was held at Camp Webster

near Salina, Kansas August 2,3,& 4 with about 80 attendees. More than 75%

were returnees, some traveling from several states away. The Retreat

Committee did a fantastic job organizing and running the retreat. Many thanks

for their time and effort. We had great weather.

The schedule included a Bible study/Sunday school each day and a Sunday

worship service. The rest of the time was Family Free Time to enjoy camp

activities. These included; climbing wall, the fly, zip line, high challenge

course, canoes, paddle boats, swimming, air rifle, archery, Tetherball,

basketball, crafts, sand dig or just relaxing and visiting. Evening activities on

Friday included a camp fire at the lake with S’mores and Saturday Line Dancing

and/or games with numerous snacks. Would those that attended please tell

members in your congregation how much fun you had and all the activities

available. Your non-Lutheran friends are welcome too.

The dormitories are air conditioned. Each room has several double bunks,

w/bath and shower for each family. Great meals were provided, no kitchen

duty. Attendees ranged from toddlers to grandparents. One 3 generation

family has been attending for about 40 years. The Family Retreat is a great way

for parents and grandparents to spend a quality, fun weekend with their kids and

grandkids while enjoying the fellowship of fellow Lutherans. Do you hear

slightly modified family reunion?

Mark August 1, 2, & 3, 2014 on your calendar, the date of next year’s Family

Retreat. If you haven’t attended before, please consider attending next year

and/or encourage others to attend.

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LLL/LHM Kansas District Reporter Ken McCosh

Fiscal year June 1, 2012 to May 31, 2013

The LLL/LHM Reporter is produced in March and August of each year.

March August

Issues printed: 1,025 652

Hand delivered: 300 320

Mailed: 725 332

Expense: $627.22 $551.88

An addition to The Lutheran Hour broadcast list, the broadcast may also be

found on Sunday's at 8:05 a.m. on KVGB radio 1590AM, sponsored by Our

Savior Lutheran Church, Great Bend.

Communication of information and pictures from your LLL/LHM events for

the reporter goes to co-editors John Johnson, [email protected]

or 3669 Everett, Manhattan, KS. 66503 (785) 539-6962 and Ken McCosh;

[email protected], 2209 Stone Post Rd., Manhattan, KS. 66502 (785) 539-


1,350 stations broadcast The Lutheran Hour to approximately 1.2 million people each

week including 36 International ministry offices, the AFN (Armed Forces Network) and

XM 170 noon Sunday.

Ambassador Report Ambassador's, they are the people that share the Gospel outreach tools available

from Lutheran Hour Ministries. The flag ship program has been “The Lutheran Hour”,

also available are 15 additional Gospel outreach tools. The Ambassador informs the

members of his/her congregation and community about the availability of these tools.

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We can help spread information about the many ministries of LLL through its

Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM) by informing people about where to find The

Lutheran Hour on radio, how to obtain Daily and Seasonal Devotions, obtain free

Winter/Spring and Summer/Fall bulletin inserts, help make available topical booklets

on a variety of subjects (Project Connect) and how to utilize the video Bible Studies.

The goal of the program is to have at least two Ambassador’s working as a team,

in each congregation, promoting LHM programs, including LLL Sunday. In Kansas,

the Ambassador Coordinator is Elmer Kellner, 1565 E. Hwy 36, St. Francis, KS.

67756, (785) 332-5226 e-mail: [email protected] and Associate Ambassador Ken

McCosh 2209 Stone Post Rd., Manhattan, KS. 66502 (785) 539-8064 e-

mail: [email protected].

To help spread the Gospel we invite you to contact us with your e-mail address.

When updated information is sent out from LHM, about Bible Studies, Project Connect

etc., it will be sent to you by Lutheran Hour Ministries of 660 Mason Ridge Center

Drive, St. Louis, MO. 63141-8557 ( and

Elmer Kellner and Ken McCosh

Kansas Ambassador Coordinators

Kansas District LLL Web Page, Coordinator, Richard Schrum The LLL/LHM Kansas District web site was redesigned in August 2009. The

redesigned web site is published at the following URL:

The URL of the redesigned LLL/LHM Kansas District web site can also be accessed

from the original LLL/LHM Kansas District web site by means of a hyperlink that is

labeled “Kansas District Lutheran Hour Ministries Public Web Site”. Following is the

URL of the original LLL/LHM Kansas District web site:

The LLL/LHM Kansas District web site contains web pages for the following


Home Page: The home page currently features information about upcoming LLL

events in Kansas. The home page contains links to all of the web pages that are

described below and to the official web sites for Lutheran Hour Ministries, the Men's

Network, the Lutheran Hour, Para el Camino, Family Shield, LHM Daily Devotions,

the LHM “Managing Your Money” booklet.

Upcoming Events: This web page displays a schedule of upcoming LLL/LHM events

in the Kansas District.

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Newsletters: The current and prior editions of “The LLL Reporter” newsletter can be

downloaded in PDF format from this web page.

Local Broadcasts: This web page displays a schedule of broadcasts of the “The

Lutheran Hour” radio program and the “Family Shield” radio program that can be

heard in the state of Kansas.

District Project: This web page displays information about the current Kansas

District Project. A PDF-format document for submitting contributions to the Kansas

District Project can be downloaded from the web page.

State Fair Outreach: This web page displays information about the LLL/LHM

Worship Service and the LLL/LHM exhibit booth at the Kansas State Fair.

Lutheran Family Retreat: This web page displays information about the

LLL/LWML Family Retreat. This web page contains a hyperlink to the Kansas

Lutheran Family Retreat web site.

Golf Tournament: This web page displays information about the LLL Kansas District

Golf Tournament. A PDF-format registration form will be made available for

download from the web page next year.

Student Financial Aid: This web page displays information about the LLL Kansas

District financial aid to students preparing themselves for full-time church careers at

LCMS synodical colleges and seminaries. PDF-format forms for applying for student

financial aid are available for download from the web page.

Endowment Fund: This web page displays contact information for those persons

desiring to donate to the LLL/LHM Kansas District Endowment Fund. This web page

also contains information about grants made by the LLL/LHM Kansas District

Endowment Fund.

District Convention: This web page displays information about the LLL/LHM

Kansas District Convention. A PDF-format registration form is available for download

from the web page.

District Officers: This web page displays a listing of the officers of the LLL/LHM

Kansas District. The web page contains links for sending e-mail messages to those

officers that have e-mail addresses.

Links: This web page contain hyperlinks to web sites of other Lutheran organizations,

including other LLL/LHM districts.

The names of members of committees and links to the committee members e-mail

addresses are contained in the web pages where appropriate.

The following enhancements are planned for the coming year: (1) A redesign of the

web site graphics; (2) The addition of contact information for the LLL/LHM Kansas

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District zones; (3) The addition of a secure web page (viz., a login will be required)

from which documents can be downloaded by Kansas LLL/LHM volunteers.

Region 3 Ron Bott

To begin with many thanks to all that supported the District Project with their

effort, talents, gifts, or whatever you did as a group or individual. Keep up the

good work.

I understand we have a new men’s group or Bible study group at our

Redeemer, Hutchinson. Welcome and blessings from the Kansas District.

Can’t remember the last time we heard of a new group forming.

Earlier this year two Mission U events were planned in the District-- one at

Atwood, the other at Canton. The event at Canton was cancelled because of

lack of interest. The one at Atwood did well. The Kansas District LLL has set

aside funds to have a Mission U event in all five regions. These funds will pay

for a presenter from International LLL. The host congregation or zone should

charge to cover the meal and other minor things needed. This winter we will

have a Mission U event in Region 3 which runs from Marysville to Hutchinson.

The purpose of a Mission U event is to make everyone more comfortable—

maybe even excited about sharing our faith with people in our communities, our

family, or co-workers. Now if you have talked to everyone you know—you are

excused. My guess is this is not the case. We will keep you informed when and

where this event will be.

The LLL/LHM is about evangelism. Remember our mission statement

“Bringing Christ to the nations and the nations to the Church.” Get several

people from your congregation, invite your pastor and the LLL expects you to

be there. This is a program to help us at the grass roots.

Let me close with words from my father-in-law Kenneth Olson who entered

his Eternal Home August 4, 2013, “Thanks for coming.”

2012 Kansas District LLL Ballot

Position Incumbent Candidate For 2013 Election

Secretary Steven Hanschu Steven Hanschu

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Treasurer Carroll Hackbart Carroll Hackbart

Regional Reps

Region 1 Richard Schrum Richard Schrum

Region 3 Ron Bott Ron Bott

Region 5 Arlen Schultz Arlen Schultz

Kansas District

Ambassador Coordinator Elmer Kellner Elmer Kellner

Young Adult Coordinator Jim Johnson Jim Johnson

Kansas District LCMS Headquarters

The Lutheran Building, 1000 SW. 10th

Ave., Topeka, KS 66604

President……………………………………..…..Reverend Keith Kohlmeier (Marlene)

Lutheran Witness Editor ……………...................................................Shannon Oldham

Missions & Stewardship………….…………………...…………..Reverend Mark Frith

Educational Services…………..………....................................................Jim Bradshaw


1000 SW 10TH

AVE. TOPEKA, KS 66604-1104



President…..…………………………………..………………...….....John Johnson

Vice President………………….….……………………...….Tim Voelker (Michele)

Secretary……................................…......................................Steven Hanschu (Beth)

Treasurer……..........................…....................................Carroll Hackbart (Barbara)

Pastoral Advisor……….............................................................Reverend Scott Snow

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NE Region 1, Zones 1,2,3,4, 6…………...................................Richard Schrum (Jan)

SE Region 2, Zones 5,10,11………………………………..........Don Copley (Dodie)

Central Region 3, Zones 7,8,9,12...………………….……………...Ron Bott (Kathy)

NW Region 4, Zones 13,15.....................................................Chris Erichsen (Brenda)

SW Region 5, Zones14,16……….…………………………….……..…Arlen Schultz

Young Adult Coordinator…………...............................................Jim Johnson (Karin)

LLL DISTRICT COMMITTEES District Ambassador Coordinator ….…………………..Elmer Kellner (Dorothy)

Assistant District Ambassador Coordinator……………..…Ken McCosh (Lylah)

District Project

Committee Member…………………………….Carroll Hackbart (Barbara)

Committee Member………..…………………….…………...............Vacant

Committee Member…………………..………….…....Ken McCosh (Lylah)

Committee Member…………………….….………..Norbert Stigge (Lorna)

Financial Aid……..…………………………..……..Chairman, Charles Friedrichs

Committee Member………………..…………..………Jerry Siebold (Betty)

Committee Member……….………..…………...Douglas Rengstorf (Karen)

Resolutions………..…………………………………..…….Tim Voelker (Michele)

Nominations……..…………………………………………Tim Voelker (Michele)

LLL Reporter Co-Editors…………………John Johnson & Ken McCosh (Lylah)

Information Services………………..……………………….……….Dean Hillman

State Fair Booth..........................Co-Chairs……...Kermit Menzies & Mike Tonn

Committee Member…….....….....………………………………Bill Wiese

Committee Member………………………...…Lawrence Bullinger (Irma)

Committee Member……………..………...…...…..Stan Schrag ( Roberta)

State Fair Worship Service.………………………………….Ronald Bott (Kathy)

Pastoral Advisor………………………..……………………..Reverend Scott Snow

Fellowship Golf………….................................Chairman, Gary Neuschafer (Judy)

Committee Member………………….……………..Bob Gerdes (Dorothy)

Committee Member………………………………..Norbert Stigge (Lorna)

Committee Member………………........................Rocky Sanders (Ginger)

LLL-LWML Family Retreat Chairman..................................................................................John & Jim Johnson

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LLL Committee Member.......................................................... Kathy Gerke

LLL Committee Members…………..…………...Carroll & Barb Hackbart

LLL Pastoral Advisor....................................................Reverend Scott Snow

LWML President…………………………………...Karen & John Morrison

LWML Pastoral Advisor……………………...............Reverend Jeff Duncan

LWML Committee Members……………………………………..Sara Deepe


Region 1/Zone 1 Zone 1 is inactive.

Zone Ambassador…………………………………………………....................Vacant

Ambassadors: Jim Duitsman, (Trinity, Atchison); Vacant (St. John, Easton); Vacant

(Immanuel, Fairview); Vacant (St. Paul, Fairview); Darrell Haeffele, (Zion, Hiawatha);

Richard Heitzman (Trinity, Holton); Eric Niemann, (St. Matthew, Nortonville); Vacant

(Immanuel, Netawaka); Vacant (Zion, Powhattan); Carole Feek, (First, Sabetha); Rev.

Bryan Jones (Christ, Wathena)

Region 1/Zone 2 Zone 2 is inactive.

Zone Ambassador……………….....................................................................Vacant

Ambassadors: Vacant (Risen Savior, KC); Vacant (Trinity, Bashor); Vacant (Bethel,

KC); Vacant (Faith, KC); Vacant (Grace, KC); Vacant (Immanuel, KC); Art Vogel, (Our

Saviour, KC); Jack Wagner, (St. Luke’s KC); Vacant (St. Paul, Leavenworth); Robin

Goebel (Trinity, Leavenworth)

Region 1/Zone 3 President……………………………………………………………….Paul Steinke

Vice President……………………………………………….….Ivan Grimm (Barb)

Secretary-Treasurer…………………………………………….Mary Debrick Helm

Board Members……………………………….....Leroy Heisterberg, Mark Burton

Zone Ambassador…………………………………........Randall Burfeind (Martha)

Ambassadors: Paul Steinke (King of Kings, Gardner); Vacant (Lord of Life Leawood);

Vacant, (Christ Our Savior, Louisburg); Joel Shifflett (Trinity, Mission); Fred Gruhn

(Beautiful Savior, Olathe); Gary Ernst (Redeemer, Olathe); Randall Burfeind

(Bethany, Overland Park); Lee Schneider (Christ, Overland Park); Don Henry (First,

Paola); Paul Haley (Trinity, Block); Jerome Williams, Alan Glinsmann (Hope,


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Region 1/Zone 4 Zone 4 is inactive.

Zone Ambassador……….…………………...............................Steve Hanschu (Beth)

Ambassadors: Vacant (Trinity, Burlington); Vacant (Faith, Emporia); Steve Hanschu

(Messiah, Emporia); Vacant (Trinity, Garnett); Vacant (Faith, Ottawa); Vacant (Zion,

Vassar); Vacant (St. John, Westphalia)

Region 2/Zone 5 Zone 5 is inactive.

Zone Ambassador………………………………………………………………Vacant

Ambassadors: Tom Nelson, (Trinity, Caney); Vacant (Zion, Chanute); Leonard

Bachman (St. Paul, Coffeyville); Vacant (Good Shepherd, Erie); Vacant (Trinity, Ft.

Scott); Vacant (Trinity, Girard); Vacant (Immanuel, Hepler); Don Copley (St. Peter,

Humboldt); Tom Wuggazer, (Zion, Independence); Vacant (Grace, Iola); Vacant (St.

Paul, Oswego); Vacant (Trinity, Parsons); Vacant (Zion, Pittsburg)

Region 1/Zone 6 Zone 6 is inactive.

Zone Ambassador……………………………………………...……………….Vacant

Ambassadors: Vacant (Immanuel, Lawrence); Vacant (Redeemer, Lawrence); Vacant

(Calvary, Topeka); David Bruns (Christ,Topeka); Martin Albrecht, (Faith, Topeka);

Vacant (Hope, Topeka); Gerald Gaston, (Prince of Peace, Topeka); Vernon Brobst

(Saint John, Topeka)

Region 3/Zone 7 President…………………………………………..…..………………….…Jim Kolle

Vice President …………………………………………….….…………..Que Meyer

Secretary/Treasurer……………………..……………………….................Daryl Fink

Pastoral Advisor……………………………….…..…………………….…Rev. Rickle

Board Members……………………….…………………….Don Dodd, Kenny Kruse

Zone Ambassador…………………………….……….………..……………..Ron Bott

Ambassadors: Duane Scardina (St. Peter, Barnes); Todd Rengstorf (Bethlehem,

Bremen); Richard Schotte (Immanuel Bremen); Jack Wilder (St. Paul, Clay Center);

Tim Voelker (Bethlehem, Greenleaf); Vacant (Trinity, Hanover); Vacant (Immanuel,

Linn); Jim Kolle (Zion, Linn); Vacant (Mt. Calvary, Marysville); Ronald Bott (St.

John, Palmer); Vacant (Trinity, Waterville)

Region 3/Zone 8

President…………………………………….………...……..Norbert Stigge (Lorna)

Vice-President………………………………………………....Ken McCosh (Lylah)

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Secretary/Treasurer...........................................................Barbara Hackbart (Carroll)

Pastoral Advisor.............................................................Reverend Terry De Giovanni

Board Members ……………………………….Merle Lietz, Bill Strauss, Gary Mott

Zone Ambassador………………………………………………Ken McCosh (Lylah)

Ambassadors: Don Frank (St. John, Alma); Brad Becker, Rev. Chris Schultz, (St.

Paul Alta Vista); Vacant (St. Paul, Duluth); Vacant (St. Paul, Junction City); Terry

Ascher, (Immanuel, Junction City); Vacant (Christ, Manhattan); John Johnson, Ken

McCosh (St. Luke, Manhattan); Dan Lesline, Merle & Norie Lietz (Trinity,

McFarland); Ken Roberts (Mt. Calvary, Wamego); Rev Terry DeGiovanni, (St. Luke,


Region 3/Zone 9 Zone 9 is inactive.

Zone Ambassador……………………………….……………...……...............Vacant

Ambassadors: Jim Schoenbeck (Faith, Abilene); Vacant (Calvary, Council Grove);

Vacant (Immanuel, Herington); Barbara Kickhafer, (Our Redeemer, Herington); Mary

Brockmeier, (St. John, Herington); Vacant (Zion, Latimer); Luke Lindsey (Zion,

Hillsboro); Vacant (St. John, Lincolnville); Vacant (Our Savior, Marion); Tracy

Brunner (Trinity, Ramona); Vacant (Grace, Strong City); Vacant (St. John, Tampa)

Region 2/Zone 10 Zone 10 is inactive.

Zone Ambassador……………………………..……..............................Jim Johnson

Ambassadors: Vacant (Peace, Andover); Vacant (Christ, Augusta); Kris Caughey

(Grace, El Dorado); Peggy Gerber (Zion, Newton); Mark Will (Ascensión, Wichita);

Richard Brochard, Jim Johnson (Holy Cross, Wichita); Mike Tonn, (Risen Savior,

Wichita); Vacant (St. Andrews, Wichita)

Region 2/Zone 11

Zone 11 is inactive.

Zone Ambassador………………….…………..…………………….Dean Hillman

Ambassadors: Gary Merritt, (Zion, Argonia); Vacant (Redeemer, Arkansas City);

Dean Hillman, Keith Jopp, (St. Paul, Cheney); Vacant (Faith, Derby); Vacant

(Calvary, Wellington); Vacant (Bethany, Wichita); Vacant (Grace, Wichita); Vacant

(Immanuel, Wichita); Vacant (Trinity, Wichita); David Sodowsky, Larry Junker

(Trinity, Winfield)

Region 3/Zone 12 President………………………….……………….…………....... Phil Fishburn

Vice-President.................................................................. Gary Neuschafer (Judy)

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Secretary/Treasurer…………………………............................................... Bill Wiese

Pastoral Advisor..................................................................................................Vacant

Board Member………...Stan Schrag, Frank Rapp (Dottie), Terry Simpson (Norma)

Zone Ambassador…………….…………………..………………Mike Tonn (Teresa)

Ambassadors: Lawrence Bullinger, (Immanuel, Canton); John Schmidt, Bill Wiese,

(St. Paul, Haven); Vacant (Christ, Hutchinson); Terry Simpson, (Our Redeemer,

Hutchinson); Vacant (Grace, Lyons); Vacant (Grace, McPherson); Vacant (St. John,

Moundridge); Dennis Boepple, Dee Warren, (Christ the King, Salina); Jud Dupy

(Trinity, Salina)

Region 4/Zone 13 President………………………....………………………..…Chris Erichsen (Brenda)


Secretary/Treasurer………………………………….………...…………Joe Chretien

Pastoral Advisor...................................................................................................Vacant

Board Members…………………………………................................................Vacant

Zone Ambassador……………………………………….………..……...

Ambassadors: Vacant (Zion, Downs); Vacant (Immanuel, Ellsworth); Vacant (St. Paul,

Ellsworth); Joe Chretien (Messiah, Hays); Vacant (Trinity, Hunter); Vacant (St. John,

Lincoln); Vacant (St. Paul, Lincoln); Vacant (Peace, Natoma); Vacant (1st, Plainville);

Vacant (Bethlehem, Sylvan Grove)

Region 5/Zone 14

President…………………………………………..….………………….Kenton Abbott

Vice-President……………………………...……….………..Mark Westerman (Joyce)


Pastoral Advisor………………………………………..………Reverend Garry Dassow

Board Members.......................................................................................................Vacant

Zone Ambassador……...………………………………………….Arlen Schultz (Karli)

Ambassadors: Vacant (Zion, Claflin); Vacant (St. John, Ellinwood); Vacant (Peace,

Greenburg); Vacant (Concordia, Hoisington); Arlen Schultz (St. Peter, Holyrood);

Vacant (Our Redeemer, Kinsley); Vacant (Grace, Larned); Vacant (Trinity, Medicine

Lodge); Vacant (St. John, Nashville); Vacant (St. Paul, Preston)

Region 4/Zone 15 President………………………………..………………………….David Kruse (Betty)

Vice President……………………………..……………………......John White (Joyce)

Secretary/Treasurer…………………………...……………......…Ralph Hansen (Betty)

Pastoral Advisor……………………………….....…Reverend Robert Alexander (Lori)

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Board Members……………………...Dennis Euhus, Martin Waterman, Marvin Holle

Zone Ambassador………………………...…………………....Elmer Kellner (Dorothy)

Ambassadors: Marvin Hesterman. Bud Hesterman, Elmer Kellner (Redeemer, Atwood);

Vacant (Trinity, Colby); Paul Hofstetter (Grace, Hill City); Vacant (Immanuel, Hoxie);

Vacant (First St. John, Kensington); Vacant (Immanuel, Norton); Vacant (Immanuel,

Oakley); Dennis Euhus (St. John, Oberlin); John White (First, Phillipsburg)

Region 5/Zone 16 President…………………………………………………………………….Robert Holt

Vice-President ……………………………………..………………....Ronald Albrecht

Secretary/Treasurer ……………………….……………………..…Robert Wagner

Pastoral Advisor …………………………………..…Reverend Randall Jahnke

Board Members.......................................................................................................Vacant

Endowment Fund.....................................................................................................Vacant

Zone Ambassador............................................................................................Robert Holt

Ambassadors: Vacant (St. Luke, Bazine); Vacant (Zion, Bucklin); Vacant (Christ the

King, Dighton); Ronald Albrecht (Holy Cross, Dodge City); Vacant (Christ, Elkhart);

Vacant (La Santa Cruz, Garden City); Vacant (Trinity, Garden City); Vacant (Faith,

Hugoton); Vacant (St. Paul, Jetmore); Vacant (Immanuel, Lakin); Vacant (Grace,

Liberal); Vacant (St. John, Meade); Vacant (Zion, Offerle); Vacant (Holy Cross, Scott

City); Vacant (Grace, Ulysses)

Kansas District LLL Tentative Schedule of Events 2014 Jan 25 BOG Meeting, Christ the King, Salina

Feb 2 Lutheran Hour Sunday

Mar 8 BOG Meeting, Trinity, Salina

May 3 42st Annual Golf Tournament Rolling Meadows golf course, Milford

Aug 1-3 LLL/LWML Family Retreat, Camp Webster, Salina

Aug 2 BOG Meeting, Camp Webster, Salina

Oct-Nov 75th Kansas District LLL Convention, Region 5

BOG Meetings: Trinity, 9th & Crawford (785) 823-7151, Salina or Christ the

King, 111 W. Magnolia (785) 827-7492, Salina

Past Kansas District LLL Presidents Pastoral Advisors

Leo E. Buehring, Kansas City 1930-1941 Rev. Paul Juergensen, Kansas City

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Walter H. Mueller, Wichita 1941-1950 Rev. L. H. Deffner, Wichita

Elmer H. Rodehorst, Wichita 1951-1952 Rev. George Hoyer, Topeka

Erwin Wehmeier, Salina 1953-1956 Rev. H. William Lieske, Salina

James H. Mayes, Kansas City 1957-1959 Rev. M. J. Hartenberger, Wichita

W. J. Friedrichs, Bremen 1960-1961 Rev. George Bruening, Larned

Vernon Bryant, Great Bend 1962-1965 Rev. R. J. Jackson, Newton

Ervin Duitsman, Linn 1966-1968 Rev. Earl Zimmerman, Ottawa, 1969-1972

O.C. Bud Nation, Lawrence 1969-1971 Rev. Darold Deterding, Salina 1973-1976

Paul Wegele, Bazine 1972-1973 Rev. Robert Schaedel, Kinsley 1977-1980

Art Sommer, Topeka 1974-1976 Rev. Bryan Braumeister, Lincoln 1981-1984

Merle Lietz, Paxico 1977-1980 Rev. Luther Herman, Palmer 1985-1988

William Strauss, Junction City 1981-1984 Rev. Rodney Fritz, Hanover 1989-1992

Orville Stigge, Washington 1985-1986 Rev. Ed Mease, Leavenworth 1993-1995

Lester Walter, Sylvan Grove 1987-1988 Rev. Don White, Natoma 1995-1999

Ralph Unger, Oberlin 1989-1992 Rev. Gene Holtorf, Palmer 2000-2003

Elmer Kolle, Linn 1993-1994 Rev. Al Hoger, Wichita 2003-2006

Loris D. Hesterman, Ludell 1995-1998 Rev. Mark Eichler, Emporia 2007-2008

Wilber Tegtmeier, Manhattan 1999-2002 Rev. Seth Meyer, Canton 2008-2010

Steven F. Hanschu, Emporia 2003-2006 Rev. Scott Snow, Wichita 2011-

Ivan E. Grimm, O. Park 2007-2010

John Johnson, Manhattan 2011-

International Lutheran Layman’s League Headquarters

Lutheran Hour Ministries President………………..……...Phil Krauss

660 Mason Ridge Center Drive

St. Louis, MO 63141-8557 Executive Director ……….... Kurt Buchholz

(314) 951-4100 (800) 944-3450

Key Contacts at the International LLL/LHM Office

Director of U.S. Ministries Rev. Dr. Mark Larson………...….(800) 944-3450x4221…….. [email protected]

Director of International Ministries

Dr. Douglas Rutt …………………(800) 944-3450x4162……. [email protected]

Director of Marketing and Communications Andrew Fitzgerald……………(800) 944-3450x4256…… [email protected]

District Business; LHM Programs; LHM Promotion; Int’l Organizational

Business and Other

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Executive Director; Constitution; Special District Project

Bruce Wurdeman ………………………………….…. [email protected]

Kurt Buckholtz ..........................January………..……..... [email protected]

League Services Website, Passwords, District Officer change¸ Minutes

Lara Heisohn-Sidorski……………………………... [email protected] ;

Ambassador, LHM Sunday, Labels, Reports, LHM Affiliated Groups Natalie Gulseth……….....(800) 944-3450 Ext. 4195……….. [email protected] ; ; ; ;

Schedule Pastor Seltz or Pastor Klaus Speaking Engagements

Rose Seifert.................................................................................... [email protected]

Fair Booth Insurance, Intl Board Nominations, District Budget Angela Torblaa……………………………………………...… [email protected] ; ;

Brochures, Thank You & Memorial Cards, Bulletin Inserts & Announcements

Response Center………………..(800) 876-9880………….….. [email protected] ; ; ; ;

Men’s Network DVD orders

The Lutheran Laymen subscriptions; Subscribe to LHM e-newsletters/changes;

update LHM donor database contact information

Sandra Cope………………(800) 944-3450x4106………………[email protected] ;

International Ministry Centers; District Partnerships; On-line Mission Trips

Polly Gregali………………………………………………….. [email protected]

Planned Gifts, & Sponsorships

Carla Foy………………………………………………………...…. [email protected]

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Mission U; 5:14 Sarah Guldalian ………….(800) 944-3450 x4144……...…... [email protected]

CC to… [email protected]

Mission U............. 5:14…....

Men’s Network……

Fast Online Sign Up…Select automatic email……

Ambassador Sign Up………………….………

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Kansas District LLL Address ListKenton Abbott (620) 793-9208

2621 Forest, Great Bend, 67530-3822

Ronald Albrecht H: (620) 225-1222

2206 McCoy, Dodge City, 67801-2718

[email protected]

Rev Robert Alexander (Lori)

825 E 5th, H-(785) 462-2497

Colby, KS 67701 O-(785) 462-3497

[email protected]

Leonard Bachman

3973 Cr 1675, Coffeyville, 67337-9436

[email protected]

Jim Bradshaw (800) 357-4421x200

1000 SW 10th Ave, Topeka, 66604

[email protected]

Dennis Boepple (785) 827-3386

2517 Angus Ln, Salina, 67401-7127

[email protected]

Ron Bott (Kathy) (785) 692-4236

308 N. Pennsylvania

P.O. Box 36, Palmer, 66962

[email protected]

Robert Brechbill (620) 331-2184

268 E College Ave, Independence, 67301

Vernon Brobst (785) 887-6853

1622 E. 318 Rd., Lecompton 66050

[email protected]

Richard Brochard (316) 682-8968

3724 Grail, Wichita, 67218-3004

[email protected]

Mary Brockmeier (785) 366-7382

1974 800 Ave, Hope, 67451

[email protected]

Tracy Brunner (785) 965-2647

1724 200 Ave, Ramona 67475

[email protected]

David Bruns (785) 233-4664

5811 SW 38th St.,Topeka, 66610

[email protected]

Lawrence Bullinger (Irma) (620) 628-4378

955 26th Ave, Canton, 67428

[email protected]

Aaron Bura (Mildred) (620) 342-4381

1009 Rural Emporia, 66801

[email protected]

Randy Burfeind (Martha) (913) 451-3488

12433 Westgate St., Overland Park, 66213

[email protected]

Rev. Gaylen Burow (913) 261-9480

8645 Cleveland Ave, Kansas City, 66109

[email protected]

Kris Caughey (316) 321-2423

1124 W. Central, El Dorado 67042

[email protected]

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Joe Chretien H: (785) 628-3585

2516 Felten Dr., Hays, 67601

[email protected]

Don Copley (Dodie) (620) 473-3714

300 S. 8th, Humboldt, 66748

[email protected]

Rev. Garry Dassow (620) 653-4741

614 E. 3rd

St., Hoisington, 67544

[email protected]

Rev. Terry De Giovanni (785) 396-4411

129 Railroad St, Wheaton, 66521

[email protected]

Jud Dupy (785) 827-8649

411 Upper Mill Hts Rd, Salina 67401

[email protected]

Chris Erichsen (Brenda) (785) 472-4696

311 Forest Dr., Ellsworth, 67439

[email protected]

Gary Ernst (913) 782-2014

2312 Persimmon Circle, Olathe 66061

[email protected]

Dennis Euhus (785) 475-2871

159 TLN, Oberlin 67749-5010

Daryl Fink (785) 744-3450

526 Cherokee Rd, Marysville 66508-8737

[email protected]

Phil Fishburn (620) 465-2780

PoBox 491, Haven, 67543-0491

[email protected]

Robert Fitz (Margery) (620) 364-2254

725 Willet, Burlington, 66839

Don Frank (785) 765-3815

28642 Wabunsee Rd, Alma 66401

[email protected]

Charles Friedrichs (785) 767-3656

457 Arrowhead Rd, Bremen, 66412

[email protected]

Rev. Mark Frith (800) 357-4421x222

1000 SW 10th Ave, Topeka, 66604

[email protected]

Peggy Gerber (316) 804-2954

502 W. 23rd

St, North Newton, 67117-8023

[email protected]

Bob Gerdes (Dorothy) (785) 823-3444

2126 Applewood Ln, Salina, 67401

Wayne Giger H: (913) 287-8371

1022 S. 50th

Ter, Kansas City, 66106

Robin Goebel (913) 727-6900

14730 Prairie Crossing, Leavenworth,

66048 [email protected]

Ivan Grimm (Barb) (913) 685-8360

12557 Farley St, Overland Park, 66213

[email protected]

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Sarah Guldalian (800) 944-3450x4144

Outreach Programs Coordinator

660 Mason Ridge Center, St. Louis 63141

Fred Gruhn (913) 393-1976

12121 S. Rene St., Olathe 66062-4940

[email protected]

Carroll Hackbart (Barbara) (785) 494-2425

3640 Flush Rd, St. George, 66535

[email protected]

Steve Hanschu (Beth) (620) 342-4876

827 Mechanic St, W: (620) 341-5057

Emporia, 66801 [email protected]

Paul Haley (913) 849-3687

34151 Oak Grove Rd, Paola, 66071

Ralph Hansen (Betty) 785-460-2443

215 N Mission Ridge Ave, Colby KS

67701 [email protected]

Don Hanson (785) 472-5490

1016 Ave. J, Ellsworth, 67439

Mary Debrick Helm (913) 294-2292

31150 Cedar Niles Road, Paola, 66071

Don Henry (913) 294-2720

2 Brookside Dr, Paola 66071-1108

[email protected]

Bud Hestermann (Betty) (785) 626-3511

447 Elm St., Ludell, 67744

Gene Hellman

Box 130, Nashville, 67112

David Heuer (785) 337-2357

Box 164, Hanover, 66945

Rev. Joel Hiesterman (Mick)

(785) 543-5046

First & D St, Phillipsburg, 67661

[email protected]

Dean Hillman (316) 542-3688

6811 S. 327 West, Cheney, 67025

C: (316) 215-4468

Paul Hofstetter (Deloris) (785) 421-2455

606 N 8th Ave, Hill City KS 67642

[email protected]

Marvin Holle (Mary Ann) (785) 626-3662

14522 Rd 26, Ludell 67744

Robert Holt (620) 227-7037

1207 W. Spruce St, Dodge City, 67801

Rev. Randall Jahnke H: (620) 2276179

2217 Post Ave, Dodge City, 67801

[email protected]

Jim Johnson (Karin) (316) 554-0578

559 N. Bristol Ct., Wichita 67206

[email protected]

John E. Johnson (785) 539-6962

3669 Everett Dr, Manhattan, 66503

[email protected]

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Rev. Bryan Jones (785) 989-3348

2108 Hwy 36, Wathena 66090

[email protected]

Larry Junker (620) 221-7169

6 Star Light Ct, Winfield 67156

[email protected]

Albert Kastens (785) 626-9281

6629 Road 26, Ludell, 67744

[email protected]

Elmer Kellner (Dorothy)

1565 E. Hwy 36 (785) 332-5226

St. Francis, 67756 [email protected]

Rev. John Kirk (785) 744-3429

647 Bison Rd, Herkimer 66508

[email protected]

Jim Kolle (785) 348-5509

1625 10th Rd, Linn 66953

[email protected]

Darrell Krone (Susan) (620) 473-3451

519 Osage St., Humboldt, 66748

David Kruse (Betty) (785) 462-6636

1119 Court Place, Colby, 67701

[email protected]

Marc Kuepker (Cora) (785) 842-5567

129 Florida, Lawrence, 66044

[email protected]

Merle Lietz (Norie) (785) 636-5579

30039 Vera Rd, Paxico 66526

[email protected]

Ken McCosh (Lylah) (785) 539-8064,

2209 Stone Post Ln, Manhattan, 66502

[email protected]

Rev. Keith Kohlmeier (Marlene)

(785) 357-4441

1000 SW 10th Ave, Topeka, 66604

[email protected]

Ed Lawrence (Fonda) (785) 877-3145

312 West Ave, Norton KS 67654

[email protected]

Lew Llewellyn (Lois) (785) 843-9071

1700 Mississippi, Lawrence, 66044

[email protected]

Tami Lierz (785) 357-4441

1000 SW 10th Ave, Fax: (785) 357-5071

Topeka, 66604 [email protected]

Luke Lindsay (620) 877-7340

209 S. Cedar, Hillsboro, 67063-1311

[email protected]

Rev. Michael May (913) 281-1886

712 Reynolds Ave, Kansas City, 66191

[email protected]

Kermit Menzies (620) 662-9443

413 E. 15th, C (620) 200-3651

Hutchinson, 67502 [email protected]

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Gary Neuschafer (Judy) (785) 212-6020

212 W. Normal Dr, C: (785) 452-0742

Lindsborg, 67456 [email protected]

Paul Oelke, (Mary Ann) (785) 675-3459

1441 Maple, Hoxie 67740

Rev. Justin Panzer (785) 263-1842

1600 N. Buckeye, Abilene, 67410

[email protected]

Mark & Donna Petersen (913) 764-3198

15436 S. Wyandotte Dr, Olathe, 66062

[email protected]

Rev. Warren Prochnow (620) 872-2294

1102 Court St, Scott City, 67871

[email protected]

Bill Proctor (Darlene) (620) 582-2569

Box 734, Coldwater, 67029

[email protected]

Frank Rapp (Dottie) (785) 827-6696

1925 Ruskin Rd, Salina, 67401

[email protected]

Douglas Rengstorf (Karen)

(785) 767-3820

292 Arrowhead, Bremen, 66412

Todd Rengstorf (785) 767-3759

468 Arrowhead Rd, Bremen 66412

[email protected]

Kenneth Roberts (785) 458-6130

16071 Westerly Heights Dr

Wamego, 66547-9244

[email protected]

Rocky Sanders (Ginger)(785) 922-7004

513 Meadow Dr, Chapman, 67431

Duane Scardina (785) 293-5813

14390 Gardiner Rd, Randolph 66554

[email protected]

Rev. & Mrs. Eugene E. Schmidt

4128 Stoneylake Dr (785) 478-3078

Topeka, 66610-1622

[email protected]

John Schmidt (316) 445-2439

[email protected]

Lee Schneider (913) 599-4067

17528 W. 116th St, Olathe 66061-6501

[email protected]

Jim Schoenbeck (Karen) (785) 263-7779

1903 Faith Ave Abilene 67410

[email protected]

Richard Schotte (785) 744-3386

470 Elk Rd, Bremen, 66412-8647

[email protected]

Stan Schrag ( Roberta) (620) 345-6429

Box 134, Moundridge, 67107

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Richard Schrum (Jan) (913) 541-9081

14720 Brentwood, Lenexa, 66215

[email protected]

Arlen Schultz (Karli) (785) 252-3550

W (785) 252-3353 C (785) 252-7258

Box 28, Holyrood, 67450

[email protected]

Rev. Chris Schultz (785) 499-6623

306 Grant, Alta Vista 66834

[email protected]

Jerry Siebold (Betty) (785) 632-2051

1447 24th Rd, Clay Center, 67432

Terry Simpson (Norma) (620) 665-0942

102 Brookview Ct., Hutchinson 67501

[email protected]

Rev. Scott Snow W (316) 684-5201

Holy Cross Lutheran Church

600 N Greenwich Rd, Wichita 67206

[email protected]

Joel Shifflett (Chris) (913) 432-4992

5540 Lowell St, Mission, 66202

[email protected]

Paul Steinke (913) 856-7150

15277 Lake Rd. #1, Gardner 66030

[email protected]

Norbert Stigge (Lorna) (785) 539-4125

2902 College Ave, Manhattan, 66502

[email protected]

William Strauss (Lois) (785) 238-5492

1512 South Spring Valley Rd,

Junction City, 66441

[email protected]

Phillip Theel (785)

30430 Phillips Creek Rd., Alma 66401

[email protected]

Mike Tonn (Teresa) (620) 465-3435

10105 E. Irish Creek, Haven, 67543

[email protected]

Ralph Unger (Norma) (785) 475-2560

379 T Ln, C: (785) 475-8320, Oberlin,

67749 [email protected]

Tim Voelker (Michele) (785) 747-2427

2265 10th Rd, Greenleaf, 66943

[email protected]

Robert Wagner (620) 225-5303

2308 Post Ave, Dodge City, 67801

Les Walter (Lois) (785) 526-7471

211 N. Main, Sylvan Grove, 67481

[email protected]

Mark Westerman (Joyce) (316) 243-7192

10459 W. Hwy 42, (620) 243-7192

Zenda, 67159 [email protected]

John White (Joyce) (785) 543-5717

146 Meadowlark Ln, Stuttgart, 67661

[email protected]

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Bill Wiese H: (620) 465-3865

12214 E. Parallel Rd, Haven, 6754

[email protected]

Jack Wilder (785) 632-5350

1042 Huntress, Clay Center 67432-2221

[email protected]

Mark Will (316) 942-8601

1532 N. Amarado Ct., Wichita, 67212-

1278 [email protected]

Jerry Williams (913) 268-1037

13613 W. 75th Terrace, Mission, 66216-

4224 [email protected]

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Winning Golf Team St. Luke’s Manhattan Manning, Wilson, Danker,

Wuggazer & Chairman Gary Neuschafer

Argentina LHM Project Joel reaches youth with Jesus

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Retreat: Katie crafting Retreat: Correct message! Retreat: I can Fly!

2013 Family Retreat Attendee’s