lync newsletter n2

LIBERAL YOUTH NETWORK OF THE SOUTH CAUCASUS PAGE 1 LYNC is start- ing to func- tion locally in South Cau- casian coun- tries... From the beginning of 2012 LYNC team started organizing local seminars in Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan. Due to the action plan of the network, this semi- nars wi# eventua#y lead to a joint seminar in Georgia. These seminars help the LYNC youth team to expand the ideol- ogy that they currently explore. In a# three countries local events have had several phases. In this issue of the news- letter we want to share with you our experience on local actions. Dear iends, As you already know, Liberal Youth Network of the South Caucasus currently functions in three countries of the region (Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia). This time we would like to te# you shortly about the structure of the community. Thus, our intention is to invite you to a short trip along the challenging path of young liberal thinkers. On the way of its formation LYNC members, with the guidance of th e facilitators of the initial seminars, decided to distribute the workforce of LYNC between six working teams - Organization, Manifesto, Constitution, PR & Communication, International Relations and Fundraising. Each team has three members, para#ely, one of them is the responsible steering committee member of the LYNC. To keep the equality of responsibilities and opportunities for the member countries, all of them ar e represented in the steering committee equally. Each country has two representatives. Moreover, each working team has at least one member om each country. The Manifesto and Constitution teams are currently working on the two basic documents of the community, which wi# be the ideological base of LYNC activities. Organization team, with the contribution of other teams, has already organized several local seminars in the member countries, and is preparing for a joint seminar. PR & Communication team is organizing the linkage between the members of the dislocated team of LYNC and implementing marketing tools for creation of a common image of the organization. International Relations team is studying the world experience of LYNC Newsletter N2 January-February 2012 similar youth initiatives. The fundraising team has the re- sponsibility to prepare a stra- tegic plan to co#ect necessary resources for LYNC actions. And now we would like to su+est you to go reading about the local seminars. With Liberal Respect, LYNC Team

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LYNC is start-ing to func-tion locally

in South Cau-casian coun-


From the beginning of 2012 LYNC team

started organizing local seminars in Armenia,

Georgia and Azerbaijan. Due to the action plan of the network, this semi-

nars wi# eventua#y lead to a joint seminar in

Georgia. These seminars help the LYNC youth

team to expand the ideol-ogy that they currently explore. In a# three countries local events

have had several phases. In this issue of the news-letter we want to share with you our experience

on local actions.

Dear 'iends,As you already know, Liberal Youth

Ne t w o r k o f t h e S o u t h C a u ca s u s currently functions in three countries of the region (Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia). This time we would like to te# you shortly about the structure of the community. Thus, our intention is to invite you to a short trip along the challenging path of young liberal thinkers.

On the way of its formation LYNC members, with the guidance of the facilitators of the initial seminars, decided to distribute the workforce of LYNC between six working teams - Organization, Manifesto, Constitution, PR & Communication, International Relations and Fundraising.

Each team has three members, para#ely, one of them is the responsible steering committee member of the LYNC.

To k e e p t h e e q u a l i t y o f responsibilities and opportunities for the member countries, all of them are represented in the steering committee e q u a l l y. E a c h c o u n t r y ha s t w o representatives. Moreover, each working team has at least one member 'om each country.

The Manifesto and Constitution teams are currently working on the two basic documents of the community, which wi# be the ideological base of LYNC activities. Organization team, with the contribution of other teams, has already organized several local seminars in the member countries, and is preparing for a joint seminar. PR & Communication team is organizing the linkage between the members of the dislocated team of LYNC and implementing marketing tools for creation of a common image of the organization. International Relations team is studying the world experience of

LYNCNewsletter N2 January-February 2012

similar youth initiatives. The fundraising team has the re-sponsibility to prepare a stra-tegic plan to co#ect necessary resources for LYNC actions. And now we would like to su+est you to go reading about the local seminars.

With Liberal Respect,LYNC Team




On the 5th February, 2012, i n B a k u " ! e F r i e d r i c h Naumann Foundation for Freedom" and “Liberal Youth Network of South Caucasus” held the seminar-presentation on the topic “!e essential principles of Liberalism” and “Liberal Youth Network of South Caucasus”.!ere were about 50 young participants   representing different youth organizations, institutions of civil societies, m e m b e r s o f t h e y o u t h organizations supporting the different political parties and also journalists treated to join t h e e v e n t . B u t o n l y 2 5 participants were chosen to pa r t i c i pate i n t h e e v e n t ( R e p r e s e n t a t i v e s f r o m “ D e m o c r a t Y o u t h Organization" , “Musavat Youth Organization”, ADP Youth Commi$ee, “Dalgha” Youth Movement , “ Youth Club” Public Union, A zerbai jan Student Youth Organizations' Union (ASYOU) and others).During the event there were

di scussions on the topic c o n c e r n i n g t h e e s s e n t i a l p r i n c i p l e s o f t h e o r y o f liberalism by the head of “Liberal Youth Network of South Caucasus” %nancial department Yegana Hajiyeva, h e a d o f o r g a n i z a t i o n department Asif Orujlu and the member of the constitutional department Parvin Guliyev.At the second part of the event there was a presentation about the project of “Liberal Youth Network of South Caucasus”. During the event youth asked many questions and actively discussed points relating the importance of LYNC, about its in&uence on the peace building processes in the region of South C a u c a s u s a n d t h e n e w movement of liberal youth. As a %nal result of the event, there  will be a selection of certain a c t i v e y o u t h a m o n g t h e participants for the next joint seminar of LYNC that will be held in Georgia.

First Photo: Asif Orujlu (Or-ganization team) and Yegane Haji-yeva (Fundraising team) Second Photo: The local event particitpants with the organizers.

Third Photo: Yegane Hajiyeva with a future youth action member discussing the presentation of LYNC.

The Azerbaijani team of LYNC held his first local event.





LYNC-ARMENIA HELD A LOCAL SEMINAR AND A DEBATES DAY On 26th of January the young liberals of Yer-evan had a chance to listen to Mrs Yasemin Pamuk’s lecture on the following subject - “What is Liberalism and How it Works”. On that day the Armenian team of Liberal Youth Network of the South Caucasus joined Friedrich Naumann Foundation in organizing the seminar at Aviatrans Hotel in Yerevan and even-tually we had a chance to present LYNC to the new-comers of the youth liberal world. !e %rst presentation of Mrs Pamuk gave to the participants of the seminar a chance to get more acquainted to the goals and activities of Friedrich Naumann Foundation. It was presented what phe-nomenas FNF stands for and what it rejects. !ese liberal aspects of life, including freedom of choice, human rights, etc. appeared to be quite interesting, as they caused an active discussion in the conference hall among the participants. !e young activists had a chance to express their point of view on the limits of individual freedom on an example of a person, who wished to appear in the society with a strange look. And this was just one of many examples that gave an opportunity to express youngsters’ individual opin-ions which varied quite a lot. !ere was an a$empt to %nd the relation between education and progress, as well as the differences between modernization and westernization. Here also, with the facilitation of Mrs Yasemin Pamuk, the participants talked about the importance of education in the formation of the true path of the progress. A'erwards, the vice-president of Political Legal Economic Research and Forecast Center (PLERF) Vahagn Khachatryan switched the a$en-tion of the auditorium to the economic aspects of liberalism. He talked about the differences of political

regimes that Armenia had gone through and about the situation  in the country nowadays. !e %nal point of the program of the seminar was the presentation of LYNC to the participants. !e Armenian members of LYNC were pleasantly surprised by the interest of the Armenian young ac-tivists in this kind of youth initiative in our country. Despite the fact, that the seminar was planned to last three hours, in fact it took much more time to inter-pret, discuss, summarize and make conclusions on the chosen liberal subjects.





"Liberal Youth Network of the South Caucasus" (Georgia) in the framework of the Young Repub-licans, which is partner of Fridrih Naumann Foundation, Germany and in general the young liberals of the international liberal youth organi-zations in Georgia made the set of seminars on the topic of liberalism.

!e lectures were a$ended by new members of the Young Republicans, who are interested to ac-quire more knowledge in terms of ideology, all representatives of LYNC from Georgia and the employee of Young Lawyers' Association, who is a member of the LYNC too.

In the framework of week there were held three seminars about liberalism. !e %rst seminar was held on 29.02.2012 by Ivliane Khaindrava with topic of “Liberalism- liberal ideology and its competitors”. Second seminar was made by Pri-don Sakvarelidze about the "Human Rights in Liberal State” on 01.03.2012 and the last seminar in this set was held on 02.03.2012 by Gigla Agu-lashvili - "Rule of law & Liberalism".

!e participants were introduced the informa-tion about LYNC and its importance in this re-gion, had debates and discusses the most impor-tant issues which related to the subject.



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