m o r e n e w h o u s in g p l a n n e d f o r e...

Western New York's Oldest, Largest and Best-Selling Negro Weekly 5 B U FFA LO _ _ ✓' J/* f/M 9 9 * f********** 99 ****** *9* f**f**9n***m*0i**0**7g***M*0M*L**9^**U / / VOL. 45—No. 22 Buffalo, N.Y., Saturday, July 17-23, 1971 PRICE 10 CENTS "Helping to Know and Build a Better Community Since 1925* MORE NEW H O U S IN G PLANNED FOR ERECTION IN ELLICOTT DISTRICT SHOCKED AND BEREAVED FAMILY CHEST CLINIC OPENS IN NEW LOCATION The Chest CIMc haa re opened in Its new quarter* on the recond floor of the Ldward A. Rath Ouunty Office Bldg M Franklin St , William E. Moaher, M. D, County Health Coimnwawoner, annuotvred. The Cheat Cltofc maintains day lime hours fn« |:M a m lo J p.m.. Mondny, through Friday. It 4# alai open Minday and Wednes day t-vcning*. S J# - 7 p.m. The cbn*jc waa formerly located in (he basement of Bufalo's City HUII. REV. EVANGELIST AMELIA MINYARD DISPLAYS CITATION APFOINTED TO NEW POST GRAMBL1NG TO HAVE BIG SPORTS OUTLET ST LOUiS, MO. — Cramb- Img College and Anheuser- Uuwh. Inc., announced re- 'er/ly that Bodwe.str and | Bu<t»,»aer Malt L quor— ih tfjrin* apcnmtr, tn the liatooaau of Gtumhlmg't, 1071 hottaR season. The letscxuu will be made thif'.g a IS week schedule ar-J will include a taped Mary (Crosby) Chappelle, a teacher in Hw Buffalo Public School System, gave the ad dress. Mrs. Sophia William 's president «f tbe local chapter of the Phyllis Wheat ley Cbb, Inc. Rev. Evangelist Minyard it an ordained minister regist ered in Albany. N. V., a concert singer and a Bible lecturer. Rev. Mttyard received a similar award a few years aga from Mrs. E. t. Echols of the First Shiloh Baptist Church, citing her as one of the most outstanding women of S-ftale. aa well as foe her many rerr.cnunity services. Evangelist Minyard Is sh* a nr--mher of the Order of 1'astern Star <PHA), and Daughters ef W s and Ama ranth Court. Re*. E. D. to;.Neely gave the RESIDENTS CAN PARTICIPATE IN MAKING PLANS Potential residents will help to phm the new W iliam L. Evans Gardens housing project, bounded by Michi gan William, Pine and Clin ton Sts, announced Nelson H. Nchcls, executive direct or of rhe Buffalo Urban League, Inc, the project’s non-profit sponsor. We mil add soul so the cement to be poured here. Instead of budding houshg unit*, rit^. Buffalo Urban League tntlid homes tor people. With Ipfantvny assist- . __ ___ anca by future rexdenrs. our T*1* appointassot of Dow hope ia thwt th- people wr.o !>"“ * » *uW* «•"■»«■ * move ta w*h tfce.i families Mataleaaa*# P a e a Setters, •ill form the ban* for a “*• h« **** “" n®uoc^ genuinely him*-like sm m ur- , S a m o o I Lew.*, preswent. ity and that they wiH enjoy } Maintsiutnce P s e e Se;t*r* their ne.gbborhood n the way jlonreriy was knows s* Pro- enviwoned by the Lite Wil-1 Scrvadla, lad. liam L. Evan*, fang time hstd et rocmr of the it the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Lewis, 78 Brunswick »rJ *»i Blvd., bereaved parents of murder victim i d - ^ year-old Larry Lewis, a r e shown with their oldest dau»rhter, Andrea. T h e Lewises, par ents of seven children, were greatly shocked when their son was shot down while sitting on their porch with two other lads. Rites were h e l d at the Lutheran Church on Brunswick Blvd. Mrs. Lewis, Lackawanna representative for The Criterion for six years, appealed for no retaliatory violence in her WGR-TV inter view. —Criterion Photo. B E L O W Mrs. E. Lett Dixon, seated right, is shown with relatives who attended the piano and orpan recital at Canisius College featuring her sixty student*. On extreme right is Christopher Co- b u r n of Hayward, Calif., grandson of Miss Ivarene B. Lasker, seated center, of Oakland, Calif., Mrs. Dixon’s sister; and son of M i s s Charlotte M. Claggett of Berkeley, (1), daugh ter of Miss Lasker. Two cousins, Meragii Rog er* and Anga. Gary of Ann Arbor, Mich., ac companied by a friend, also attended the af fair. (See story on this page.) two special program* The highlights will be tele in an hour-long show each Sunday and vAU be seen we more than 50 TV etnttens around the country The television network le be ing put together and wiM be announced later. In announcing Anheuser- Buttc-h’s participation in these major tetocasM, August A. Busch. Jr., chairman of tht Board and Chief Executive officer, raid, “ We Pre proud to participate tn that pro gram. not only because Grambling ia one of the im portant Universities ht our country but alao because the program w il asafat in pub I cluing Grwrrtbling College and Ha eduoafloitM activities, in addition to its athletic program." Round-ig out the II-week telecast series will be two special programs The first la ••Th* Living GR AMBLING (See peg* I) who recently receive* a r*i tied award front the Phyltt-i U hralley (tab at Baftalo, N. Y.. (ar eutttandn* cmkm ity »crvice» m the Dotted Stales and Canada. Thr club dilate *1cScratiofi 'of Yemen’s Clubs, Inc. The Reverend Minyard has dane much geod in v'siting hospitals, homes for Ihe ag ed, and praying lor people in general, and passing out Christian literature ta tbe alek and distressed In these R*h Imi IM t . »tu •ed mnsie at Wayne State University af Detroit. Mwhi um. and a general coarse 1a L duration at the State University #f Now York at TUTUSKA SHOWS INTEREST IN JOB BILL Also receiving awards with Rev. Minyard were city of ficials, ministers, and lead ing citizens of the Buffalo ccmmunity. Mrs. Pauline McGowan, former 17th Ward Supervis or, the M. C. of the program, presented the awards. Mrs. STUDENT RECITAL IS CREDIT TO TEACHER By MARY CHAPPELLE There are mueic teachers —and music teachers. Each has Ma tfey and then passes on in spirit—not body, Krto the lives of those they have KB-TV SHOW FEATURES "BUILDING A DECENT FUTURE” •Building A Decent Future with The Black Development Foundation" seen each Sun day at 2 p. m on WKBW TV. will feature Raymond Smth. Vice-Chairman of the Black Development Founds tkm’s Board of Directors this Sunday. July 18. Tht* week's program hided • The Visit" wtll also Include entertainment by the rock group. "Feeling Within." Regular segments on the program. "Local Fetus’' end "Black News'' are hosted by Beverly Hendrix and Lloyd Major respectively. "Building A Decent, Fu ture % produced by ‘ Iht Mack Development Founda- tipn in cr operation with WKBW-TV, Channel 1. JK REPORTS WATER GRANT this busy season of student rortosls, Mra. E Lett Dixon in her own per sonality and charming per suasiveness devoted to her students, captivated and c-srmed the hearts of par ents. kindred and friends re cently as they tna In the ex pensive Canisius College Stu dent Center Auditorium. The performance wa* classic in iu own right. * 1 Many philosophers- aaid in tellectuals have said what art sh;ukl be: "The pubhc dis- ikea art: and yet the vliak ty end progress of art de pends, in a large meant re on the eoninuai, extenwon of art.” Mrs. Dixon make- student and patron love mus ic. She endeavors to reflect ur,.queues* any freedom ol farconstruct** of thr Bird expresWon — the elegant de- Island secondarywa*er treat stgn of the program, die n»e- plant, theme. "Learn to play th-; "Approved by the Environ- E. Lett Dixon way," the nwaial Protect1 ,on Agency smooth stage dr corum of t h e -upplrmewal funding teacheT and student, the con- sought by my office w a re iimnty and balance noted suh of an April request by Ihrougbout the performance, the Bu'fato Sewer Authority the dedlcati n of the program bring* the federal sh-fe of lovingly named in her fam- the 7S.TS miFon facility to ly every arta at the recital , a total of $25.227,SSS." tlie bespoke the abundant ere-' Erie Oouney congressman re atfa.ty Mra. Dixon poMemes ported s.n3 the manner h» wh.ch she The new plant will have impam it in her teuc&qy. ihe capacity to remove Several of her advanced “more than M percent of trie I students who m a t ga ao to phosphate*. which ia ptm: h-gher levci*. expreseed their j urirly notable because Much gratitude for her hrileence n tgan regulations only require Ae:r lives—rot anty to mas- such * facility to remove 15 c but the moral and eth,-1 per c m of the ficaph cal s ibwance every teacher Kemp said he learned MRS. DIXON JK REPORTS (See page J) I (S*e page I) WASH ING TON—Rep. Jack Kemp this week amounted. approval at an ad-’ ticnal >:e County. 57.362.500 jn federal funds ------ .. ___ this week announced that . has tSrected key departm?m ' diy csa^5 headi and hts federal and! stote aid co-ordinator to im mediately examine ways ,n which to take advantage of the new Job Bill that was signed by President N?xon. The new btfl, which ia yet to be printed into public law. would provide federal hinds to cover 90 per cent of the coat of created jobs in such areas as police protection envrcnmentwl projects, edu cation, health and parks and highway maintenance. Tutus ka sad thbc even though Congress: has not yet appropriated any money for this measure, he wants the •ounty to be ready to move when the appropriation is trade. Noting that unemployment hr one of the moat pressing problems in Buffalo and Erie County, Tutuska aaid that he was hopeful that by taking advantage of this federal legislation, the problems could be eased for residents of Erie County. Tutusfce haw directed his staff to work closely with -deral authorities to learn the specifSe criteria that nit be attached to the pro gram so that full advantage may be taken of the bill. Tutuska said that :f we can tt 90 per cent of the sal. ea paid for under this new ’aw. it would be very bene ficial to the tax payers of Bfve art* u sf VZ9 M with nine in ? bedroom apart ments. 25 swibed«r<rth,vapart^ mem s. M four \ bttfenom apartment* and one fcve- bedroom apartment. Equip, ment and serv Ires planned inclufe ranges, refrigt paters, kfciiea and bath exhaust fans and laundry hook, up facilities. The project will be con structed with modular steel frame units manufactured by RoW.n Homes, Inc., a build ing products division at Rob- lin Industries, Inc., Butteto. N. Y . The maximum projected co*t for ihe project is $2,900,500 and occupancy is planned for late 1972 or ear- 4y 1973. The rapid pace of corwt ruction Ik possible be cause the unit* are pre con structed off tbe site, elimina ting down,time due to poor weather. Funding of the project for which a ‘'Feasibility Letter" hoe been received. Is being made under the- Department cf Housing and Urban Development's Section 236 program. The project <5 situated on City I'.han Renewal land :n the Ellicott District, a part of the Buffalo Model Citie* are*. The Niagara Frontier Hous ing Development Corporation also has assisted 'h tha planning of the project for the Buffalo Urban League. The Bu'falo Urban League is a United Fund agency. (See page ») PHOTO BELOW -The Flagg meat products a r e produ.ed, assistant in Flagg’s Sausage and Meat P r o d u c t s , IM Spring St. Charles Flagg, left, proprie tor invites the public te vis it the plant and store. John Liebel, a butcher of m a n y years’ experience, right, is .in —Criterion Photo. MT. CARMF.L IN NEW LOCATION The Mt Carmel Bap: ,-*t ’ fbuerb. four. N h x r a t . , rprs* tor> is now located tn a Ik- odd year religious land mart. Now located at 130 Ncrilw land Ave., the former churck home of the 7th Day Adven tist Church and more recent ly, Second Temple Baptist Church, now located ia Dele- van Avenue. ML Carmel ir the third church to occupy the b?au- t(tufty remedied premises. In the very early 30’s, the ne-Lghborhoid wa* predomin antly white and the Criernesi had several visits to this same prenwsis, when it waa the home of Bibop E Spotrs- wood, the pastor of St. Lukes AME Zion Church. Bishop Spottswood ia a ranking AME Zim Churtk officer, as well a- a rank ing: naiionaf NAACP c’Ticer. CME CHURCH TO HOLD CONFAB IN NORFOLK The annuo! oocfonnce of the CME Church will be h Id at the CME Church in Nor folk. Va.. Rev. J. H. Liglit- sey, pastor of Buff.lo s Cal vary CME Church will haJ a delegafon of three men: Edward Talley. GeraJd Car*, er and Rufus King, and Mrs. Cynthia Oerter, Iccal e-d Wettern Region Missionary Pre*: dent u> thb meeting which btsfrs July 26th The Rev. L. L. Craig is best pav* tor. Calvary Church heM t* an nual outdoor service and pic nic Suiday July 11th at Como Lake Pork. P R O C H E S T E R - B U F F A L O DID YOU KNOW? FOR MANY YEARS THE CRI TERION WAS THE ONLY PA PER PRINTED BY NEGROES IN NEW YORK STATE. Support your ONLY and NEC ESSARY Press. T o d a y , it is the only paper p r i n t e d by Negroes between Cleveland and N ew York C ity . Send your news, photos, ads to 62S William Street

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W estern New York's Oldest, L a rg e s t and B e s t-S e llin g Negro Weekly

5 B U F F A L O_ _ ‘ ✓'

J /* f/M 9 9 * f * * * * * * * * * * 99 ****** *9* f ** f**9n***m *0i**0**7g***M *0M *L **9^**U / /

VOL. 45— No. 22 Buffalo, N.Y., Saturday, July 17-23, 1971 PRICE 10 CENTS"Helping to Know and Build a Better Community Since 1925*



The Chest CIM c haa re­opened in Its new quarter* on the recond floor of the Ldward A. Rath Ouunty Office Bldg M Franklin St , William E . Moaher, M. D , County Health Coimnwawoner, annuotvred.

The Cheat Cltofc maintains day lime hours f n « |:M a m lo J p.m.. Mondny, through Friday. It 4# a la i open Minday and Wednes­day t-vcning*. S J# - 7 p.m.

The cbn*jc waa formerly located in (he basement of Bufalo's City HUII.



ST LOUiS, MO. — Cramb- Img College and Anheuser- Uuwh. Inc., announced re- 'er/ly that Bodwe.str and

| Bu<t»,»aer M a l t L quor—

ih tfjrin* apcnmtr, tn the liatooaau of Gtumhlmg't, 1071 hottaR season.

The letscxuu will be made thif'.g a IS week schedule ar-J will include a taped

Mary (Crosby) Chappelle, a teacher in Hw Buffalo Public School System, gave the ad­dress. Mrs. Sophia William­'s president «f tbe local chapter of the Phyllis Wheat ley Cbb, Inc.

Rev. Evangelist Minyard it an ordained minister regist ered in Albany. N. V ., a concert singer and a Bible lecturer.

Rev. Mttyard received a similar award a few years aga from Mrs. E. t . Echols of the First Shiloh Baptist Church, citing her as one of the most outstanding women of S-ftale. aa well as foe her many rerr.cn unity services.

Evangelist Minyard Is sh * a nr--mhe r of the Order of 1'astern Star <PHA), a n d Daughters ef W s and Ama­ranth Court.

Re*. E. D. to;.Neely gavethe


Potential residents w i l l help to phm the new W iliam L. Evans Gardens housing project, bounded by Michi­gan William, Pine and Clin ton Sts, announced Nelson H. Nchcls, executive direct­or of rhe Buffalo Urban League, In c, the project’s non-profit sponsor.

We m il add soul so the cement to be poured here.Instead of budding houshg unit*, rit^. Buffalo Urban League tntlid homes torpeople. With Ipfantvny assist- . __ ___anca by future rexdenrs. our T*1* appointassot of Dow hope ia thwt th- people wr.o !>"“ * » *uW* «•"■»«■ * move ta w*h tfce.i families Mataleaaa*# P a e a Setters, • il l form the ban* for a “ * • h« **** “"n®uoc^ ’ genuinely him*-like sm m ur- , S a m o o I Lew.*, preswent. ity and that they wiH enjoy } Maintsiutnce P s e e Se;t*r* their ne.gbborhood n the way jlonreriy was knows s* Pro- enviwoned by the Lite Wil-1 Scrvadla, lad.liam L. Evan*, fang time

hstd et rocmr of theit the Rev.

Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Lewis, 78 Brunswick »rJ *»i Blvd., bereaved parents of m u rd e r victim i d - ^year-old Larry Lewis, a r e shown with their oldest dau»rhter, Andrea. T h e Lewises, par­ents of seven children, were greatly shocked when their son was shot down while sitting on their porch with two other lads. Rites were h e l d at the Lutheran Church on Brunswick Blvd. Mrs. Lewis, Lackawanna representative for The Criterion for six years, appealed for no retaliatory violence in her WGR-TV inter­view. —Criterion Photo.

B E L O W Mrs. E. Lett Dixon, seated right, is shown with relatives who attended the piano and orpan recital at Canisius College featuring her sixty student*. On extreme right is Christopher Co- b u r n of Hayward, Calif., grandson of Miss Ivarene B. Lasker, seated center, of Oakland, Calif., Mrs. Dixon’s sister; and son of M i s s Charlotte M. Claggett of Berkeley, (1), daugh­ter of Miss Lasker. Two cousins, Meragii Rog­er* and Anga. Gary of Ann Arbor, Mich., ac­companied by a friend, also attended the af­fair. (See story on this page.)

two special program*The highlights will be tele­

in an hour-long show each Sunday and vAU be seen we more than 50 TV etnttens around the country The television network le be­ing put together and wiM be announced later.

In announcing Anheuser- Buttc-h’s participation in these major tetocasM, August A. Busch. Jr., chairman of tht Board and Chief Executive officer, raid, “ We Pre proud to participate tn that pro­gram. not only because Grambling ia one of the im­portant Universities ht our country but alao because the program w il asafat in pub I cluing Grwrrtbling College and Ha eduoafloitM activities, in addition to its athletic program."

Round-ig out the II-week telecast series will be two special programs

The first la ••Th* Living GR AMBLING

(See peg* I )

w ho r e c e n t ly r e c e iv e * a r * i tied award front the Phyltt-i U h r a l l e y ( t a b a t B a fta lo , N.Y.. (ar eutttandn* c m k m ity »crvice» m the Dotted Stales and Canada. Thr clubdilate *1cScratiofi 'of Yemen’s Clubs, Inc.

The Reverend Minyard has dane much geod in v'siting hospitals, homes for Ihe ag­ed, and praying lor people in general, and passing out Christian literature ta tbe alek and distressed In these

R * h Im i IM t . »tu •ed mnsie at Wayne State University af Detroit. Mwhi um. and a general coarse 1a L duration at the State University #f Now York at


Also receiving awards with Rev. Minyard were city of­ficials, ministers, and lead­ing citizens of the Buffalo ccmmunity.

Mrs. Pauline McGowan, former 17th Ward Supervis­or, the M. C. of the program, presented the awards. Mrs.


By MARY C H A P P ELLEThere are mueic teachers

—and music teachers. Each has Ma tfey and then passes on in spirit—not body, Krto the lives of those they have


•Building A Decent Future with The Black Development Foundation" seen each Sun­day at 2 p. m on WKBW TV. will feature Raymond Smth. Vice-Chairman of the Black Development Founds tkm’s Board of Directors this Sunday. July 18.

Tht* week's program hided • The Visit" wtll also Include entertainment by the rock group. " Feeling Within."

Regular segments on the program. "Local Fetus’' end "Black News'' are hosted by Beverly Hendrix and Lloyd Major respectively.

"Building A Decent, Fu­ture % produced by ‘ Iht Mack Development Founda- tipn in cr operation with WKBW-TV, Channel 1.


h» this busy season of student rortosls, Mra. E Lett Dixon in her own per­sonality and charming per­suasiveness devoted to her students, captivated a n d c-srmed the hearts of par­ents. kindred and friends re­cently as they tna In the ex­pensive Canisius College Stu­dent Center Auditorium. The performance wa* classic in iu own right. * 1

Many philosophers- aaid in­tellectuals have said what art sh;ukl be: "The pubhc dis- ikea art: and yet the vliak ty end progress of art de­pends, in a large meant re on the eoninuai, extenwon of art.” Mrs. Dixon make- student and patron love mus­ic.

She endeavors to reflect ur,.queues* any freedom ol far construct** of thr BirdexpresWon — the elegant de- Island secondary wa*er treatstgn of the program, die n»e- plant, theme. "Learn to play th-; "Approved by the Environ- E . Lett Dixon way," the nwaial Protect1,on Agency smooth stage dr corum of t h e -upplrmewal funding teacheT and student, the con- sought by my office w a re iimnty and balance noted suh of an April request by Ihrougbout the performance, the Bu'fato Sewer Authority the dedlcati n of the program bring* the federal sh-fe of lovingly named in her fam- the 7S.TS miFon facility to ly every arta at the recital , a total of $25.227,SSS." tlie

bespoke the abundant ere-' Erie Oouney congressman re atfa.ty Mra. Dixon poMemes porteds.n3 the manner h» wh.ch she The new plant will have im pam it in her teuc&qy. ihe capacity to remove

Several of her advanced “more than M percent of trie I students who m a t ga ao to phosphate*. which ia ptm :

h-gher levci*. expreseed their j urirly notable because Much gratitude for her hrileence n tgan regulations only require Ae:r lives—rot anty to mas- such * facility to remove 15 c but the moral and eth,-1 per c m of the ficaph

cal s ibwance every teacher Kemp said he learned MRS. DIXON JK REPO RTS

(See page J) I (S*e page I)

W ASH ING TON—Rep. Jack Kemp this week amounted.approval at an ad-’ ticnal >:e County. 57.362.500 jn federal fu n d s ------

.. ___this week announced that . has tSrected key departm?m ' diy csa 5̂ headi and hts federal and! stote aid co-ordinator to im mediately examine ways ,n which to take advantage of the new Job Bill that was signed by President N?xon.

The new btfl, which ia yet to be printed into public law. would provide federal hinds to cover 90 per cent of the coat of created jobs in such areas as police protection envrcnmentwl projects, edu­cation, health and parks and highway maintenance.

Tutus ka sad thbc eventhough Congress: has not yet appropriated any money for this measure, he wants the •ounty to be ready to move when the appropriation istrade.

Noting that unemploymenthr one of the moat pressing problems in Buffalo and Erie County, Tutuska aaid that he was hopeful that by taking advantage of this federal legislation, t h e problemscould be eased for residents of Erie County.

Tutusfce haw directed his staff to work closely with -deral authorities to learn

the specifSe criteria that nit be attached to the pro­

gram so that full advantage may be taken of the bill.

Tutuska said that :f we can tt 90 per cent of the sal.

ea paid for under this new ’aw. it would be very bene­ficial to the tax payers of

B fv e a rt* u s f VZ9 Mwith nine in ? bedroom apart­ments. 25 swibed«r<rth,vapart ̂mem s. M four \ bttfenom apartment* and one fcve- bedroom apartment. Equip, ment and serv Ires planned

inclufe ranges, refrigt paters, kfciiea and bath

exhaust fans and laundry hook, up facilities.

The project will be con­structed with modular steel fram e units manufactured by RoW.n Homes, Inc., a build­ing products division at Rob- lin Industries, Inc., Butteto. N. Y .

The maximum projected co*t for ihe project is $2,900,500 and occupancy is planned for late 1972 or ear- 4y 1973. The rapid pace of corwt ruction Ik possible be­cause the unit* are pre con­structed off tbe site, elimina­ting down,time due to poor weather.

Funding of the project for which a ‘'Feasibility Letter" hoe been received. Is being made under the- Department cf Housing and Urban Development's Section 236 program.

The project <5 situated on City I'.han Renewal land :n the Ellicott District, a part of the Buffalo Model Citie* are*.

The Niagara Frontier Hous­ing Development Corporation also has assisted 'h tha planning of the project for the Buffalo Urban League. The Bu'falo Urban League is a United Fund agency.

(See page »)

PHOTO B E L O W -T h e Flagg meat products a r e produ.ed, assistant

in Flagg’s Sausage and Meat P r o d u c t s , IM Spring St. Charles Flagg, left, proprie­tor invites the public te vis­it the plant and store. John Liebel, a butcher of m a n y years’ experience, right, is .in

—Criterion Photo.


The Mt Carmel Bap: ,-*t ’ fb u e rb . fou r. N h x r a t . , rprs*

tor> is now located tn a Ik- odd year religious land m a rt.

Now located at 130 Ncrilw land Ave., the former churck home of the 7th D ay Adven­tist Church and more recent­ly, Second Temple Baptist Church, now located ia Dele- van Avenue.

ML Carmel ir the third church to occupy the b?au- t (tufty remedied premises.

In the very early 30’s, the ne-Lghborhoid wa* predomin­antly white and the Criernesi had several visits to this same prenwsis, when it waa the home of Bibop E Spotrs- wood, the pastor of St. Lukes AME Zion Church.

Bishop Spottswood ia a ranking AME Zim Churtk officer, as well a- a rank­ing: naiionaf NAACP c’Ticer.


The annuo! oocfonnce of the CME Church will be h Idat the CME Church in Nor­folk. Va.. Rev. J. H. Liglit- sey, pastor of Buff.lo s Cal­vary CM E Church will haJ a delegafon of three men: Edward Talley. GeraJd Car*, er and Rufus King, and Mrs. Cynthia Oerter, Iccal e-d Wettern Region Missionary Pre*: dent u> thb meeting which btsfrs July 26th The Rev. L. L. Craig is best pav* tor.

Calvary Church heM t* an­nual outdoor service and pic­nic Suiday July 11th at Como Lake Pork.


R O C H E S T E R - B U F F A L O


Support your ONLY and NEC­ESSARY Press.

T o d a y , it is the only paper p r i n t e d by Negroes between Cleveland and N ew York C ity . Send your news, photos, ads to 62S William Street