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TO ADVERTISE IN MOGAPPAIR MAIL CALL 80560 01855, 4269 0063 ma il MOGAPPAIR YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD NEWSPAPER Vol.16 n No.39 November 6 - 12, 2016 Free Plot No. 8 & 9, Aishwaraya Nagar, Nolambur, Mogappair West, Ch - 95. (Near DABC Gokulam Apartments Phase II) SHAKTHI SRI ANNAPOORANI PURE VEGETARIAN RESTAURANT Authentic Taste Guaranteed FREE DOOR DELIVERY within Nolambur & Mogappair CATERING ORDERS UNDERTAKEN Ph: 044-485 22899 / 95004 22899 / 95660 67869 Opening on 13.11.16 Walk-in & Avail Our Compliments The CLEAR WRITING on the wall Velammal students R. Praggnanandhaa (Class VI) and Pranav (Class V) won bronze medals in the world cadet chess champi- onships held in Georgia (USA) from Oct 14 to 30. By N Rathi Chithra “A honey bee visits two million flowers to collect 500 mg of honey, so our workload is nothing com- pared to them. Keep work- ing hard.” Interesting mo- tivating messages like this have been written regu- larly on the wall in the Mangal Eri Park at Vella- lar Street. Everyday inter- esting tips for housewives, herbal treatments, health and acupuncture tips, proverbs and interesting quotations are written. It grabs the attention of most of the people who visit the park and many of them do click pictures in their cell phones if the written pas- sage is interesting to them. When Mogappair Mail took efforts to find the person behind these inspir- ing messages, it was a surprise to see an octoge- narian Rajappan, advisor, Mangal Eri Park’s Walkers association, do this service for the benefit of the peo- ple regularly. “I maintain a small di- ary where I keep noting all the interesting facts when- ever I happen to read them. I also read newspa- pers and books to gather more such information. Earlier I used to write on a daily basis but many of the visitors requested me that they were not able to read everything fully in a single day and so I have started writing it on alter- native days. I don’t leave any space on the wall. Of course it will take time to read them fully,” says the 80-year-old Rajappan. He brings chalk pieces and a duster to clean them and seeing the small diary he fills the wall with very useful information. “I love doing this. Contd. on Page 2

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Page 1: ma MOGAPPAIR AdverTise in MogAppAir MAil CAll 80560 01855, 4269 0063 ma MOGAPPAIR il YOuR NEIGHBOuRHOOD NEWSPAPER


AdverTise in

MogAppAir MAil CAll

80560 01855, 4269 0063


YOuR NEIGHBOuRHOOD NEWSPAPERVol.16 n No.39 November 6 - 12, 2016 Free

Plot No. 8 & 9, Aishwaraya Nagar, Nolambur, Mogappair West, Ch - 95. (Near DABC Gokulam Apartments Phase II)

Shakthi Sri annapooraniPure Vegetarian restaurant

Authentic Taste Guaranteed

Free Door DeliVery within nolambur & Mogappair

Catering orderS Undertakenph: 044-485 22899 / 95004 22899 / 95660 67869

Opening on 13.11.16Walk-in & Avail

Our Compliments

The clear wriTing on the wall

Velammal students R. Praggnanandhaa

(Class VI) and Pranav (Class V) won bronze medals in the world cadet chess champi-

onships held in Georgia (USA) from

Oct 14 to 30.

By N Rathi Chithra

“A honey bee visits two million flowers to collect 500 mg of honey, so our workload is nothing com-pared to them. Keep work-ing hard.” Interesting mo-tivating messages like this have been written regu-larly on the wall in the Mangal Eri Park at Vella-lar Street. Everyday inter-esting tips for housewives, herbal treatments, health and acupuncture tips, proverbs and interesting quotations are written. It grabs the attention of most of the people who visit the park and many of them do click pictures in their cell phones if the written pas-sage is interesting to them.

When Mogappair Mail took efforts to find the person behind these inspir-ing messages, it was a surprise to see an octoge-narian Rajappan, advisor, Mangal Eri Park’s Walkers association, do this service for the benefit of the peo-ple regularly.

“I maintain a small di-ary where I keep noting all the interesting facts when-ever I happen to read them. I also read newspa-pers and books to gather

more such information. Earlier I used to write on a daily basis but many of

the visitors requested me that they were not able to read everything fully in a

single day and so I have started writing it on alter-native days. I don’t leave

any space on the wall. Of course it will take time to read them fully,” says the 80-year-old Rajappan.

He brings chalk pieces and a duster to clean them

and seeing the small diary he fills the wall with very useful information. “I love doing this.

Contd. on Page 2

Page 2: ma MOGAPPAIR AdverTise in MogAppAir MAil CAll 80560 01855, 4269 0063 ma MOGAPPAIR il YOuR NEIGHBOuRHOOD NEWSPAPER

Mini Biz For Booking oF Mini BiZ Call: 80560 01855 / 4269 0063 | E-mail: [email protected]

MOGAPPAIR MAIL November 6 - 12, 20162

73959 09255

Ladies & Kids Training CenTre

Tailoring Classes, Beautician Classes,

2 & 4 Wheeler Training, Jewellery making, Candle making, Tuition Spoken

English/Hindi. Day Care-Even for one Day. Wanted

piece rate lady tailors.

Construction, renovation,

painting, texture painting, Waterproofing,

interior decorators.

SyeD CONStruCtIONS95518 8660495518 86614

Buying spoT CAsh

Old Furniture, Computer, Laptop, tV, LeD, LCD, A/c, Water Heater, Inverter, Music System, Fridge,

Washing Machine. All Scraps, Any Condition.

89405 0036373387 62519A



Buying spoT CAsh

Old Furniture, Computer, Laptop, tV, LeD, LCD, A/c, Water Heater, Inverter, Music System, Fridge,

Washing Machine. All Scraps, Any Condition.

98408 9692388706 46408


Contd. from Page 1

My intention is just to pass on information for the welfare of the public,” he says.

Mangladurai who is a regular walker in the park says, “I wait for a few minutes and read everything written on the wall regularly without fail. He gives many health tips and I do follow a few acupuncture tips. I also share them with my children.”

Priya a house wife says, “I take pictures and send it through WhatsApp to my friends. I too get positive responses from them. I love reading health tips and I also get interesting tips to apply in the household. I wonder how he is able to do at this age; he does not seek anybody’s help even for cleaning the wall. He is definitely a source of inspiration to us. He is doing his part for the well being of the society.”

The clear writing....

Follow these natural beauty tips recommenda-tions about how to get rid of oily skin. Clean thor-oughly your oily skin at least twice a day with glyc-erin soap to remove the dirt and dust. This will prevent clogging up of the pores & keep your skin fresh. Re-move all make-up before going to sleep. Eat plenty of foods which are rich in protein. Include in your diet lots of leafy vegetables and fresh fruit. Vitamin B2 helps in preventing oily skin, therefore, include good sources of vitamin B2 by eating wheat germs, whole grains, beans and nuts. Reduce intake of sugar and fat and avoid chocolate, fried food, alco-holic beverages and soft drinks for preventing oily skin.

Do not mistake thinking that oily skin does not need to be hydrated. Oil is not moisture. Keep your skin hydrated by drinking lots of water. Use a good mois-turizer, the one which suits your oily skin, so that your oily skin remains hydrated.

Home remedies For oily Skin

i) lemon juice – Tested home remedy for oily skin: Mix a teaspoon of lemon juice with cold water & message it on your skin and wash off with glycerin soap after ten to fifteen minutes. It will make your skin oil free. An ancient time natu-ral beauty tip to stop oily skin.

ii) apple Facial Message : To convert your oily skin in to

naturally glowing skin, peel apple & cut it in to small pieces. Rub these small pieces on your face. After one hour wash your face with clean water. This will make your skin oil free & glowing. An easy natural beauty tip to reduce oily skin.

iii) almond Honey Scrub: Mix a small quantity of grounded almonds with honey. Message gently (don’t scrub) the paste onto your skin. After ten to fif-teen minutes wash your face thoroughly.

iv) oatmeal & aloe Vera Scrub: Mix oatmeal with aloe Vera. Rub gently onto your skin. After ten to fif-teen minutes wash off thoroughly.

v) Avoid above scrubs, in

case you have acne prob-lem, as this can aggravate your already irritated skin.

vi) Avoid damp makeups as it leads to clogging up of pores.

vii) Avoid heavy cheesy, fried and sugary foods.

Home Made Face Masks For oily Skin

(viii) aloe Vera – effective home made face mask : Wash your face thoroughly and apply gently aloe vera gel on your face & let it dry. You will feel more refresh-ing if gel is cool. Therefore, you may keep it in refrig-erator. You can apply aloe Vera gel on your face two to three times a day as per your convenience. An oth-er very good ancient time natural beauty tip to pre-

vent oily skin.

ix) lemon juice, Honey, Milk – A tested home made face mask for oily skin: Mix a teaspoon of lemon juice with half a spoon of honey & few drops of milk. Apply this paste on your face ten to fifteen minutes before taking bath. This acts as a bleaching agent as well as prevent oily skin. A good natural beauty tip to reduce oily skin.

x) Fuller’s earth – Ancient times home made face

mask for oily skin: Mix Fuller’s earth with water to make a smooth paste. Ap-ply this paste gently onto your oily skin. Leave it for fifteen minutes. Wash off thoroughly.

xi) Fuller’s earth, lemon or orange Juice – Natural Beauty tips recommended home made face mask for oily skin : Mix one tea-spoon of Fuller’s earth with half a tea spoon of lemon or orange juice. Ap-ply this paste on your face & let it dry. After fifteen minutes, wash it off thor-oughly. Above natural beauty tips about how to prevent and stop oily skin are very useful to take care of your oily skin and in maintaining your skin fresh and oil free. Source: internet

Get Rid Of Oily Skin Fast With Natural Beauty Tips

Qualifies forNationals

H Abdul Irfaan from Shenoy Nagar Roller

Skating Club participated in the SGFI skating event held at Perambalur. He won the

first place in Rink I and Rink II Quad Racing in

under 11 category. He has been selected to represent

Tamil Nadu in the upcom-ing national event at

Belgaum this December.

Can added sugar in diet cause heart attack?

Increased intake of food and drink with added sugar may possibly raise the risk of heart attack or myocardial infarction by about a third, in some people, a study has warned.

Although sucrose occurs naturally in fruit and vegetables, most of which is consumed through added inclusion.

Besides sweetened beverages, cakes and sweets, sucrose is added to many other foods -- dairy products, bread and jam, the study said.

Dietary consumption was also analysed and adjustments made for foods which are seen as linked to cardiovascular risk, such as meat, whole grains, fruit, vegetables and coffee.

The study appeared in the British Journal of Nutrition.

Page 3: ma MOGAPPAIR AdverTise in MogAppAir MAil CAll 80560 01855, 4269 0063 ma MOGAPPAIR il YOuR NEIGHBOuRHOOD NEWSPAPER

MOGAPPAIR MAILNovember 6 - 12, 2016 3

By N Rathi Chithra

Innovation is inescap-able in any field if one wants to survive and brave the tide of changes. The potters of our neighbour-hood appear to have under-stood this well and are adapting to changes so as to stay in tune with times.

While there is a revival in the enthusiasm to use earthenware in urban areas too, vendors of such prod-ucts are not happy because commercially selling pots and earthen utensils alone is not viable. “We need to think innovatively to sus-tain our business. Of course demand for clay pots and other kitchen

wares made of clay has increased to a major ex-tent, but we have to update ourselves according to the growing technology and local needs. Kitchen wares alone will not be sufficient and so we have introduced many attractive figurines made out of clay. A few among them is Buddha statue, Rajasthani lady, horse and elephants,” says Saravanan, a vendor who displays his wares on the platform at Collector Nagar.

“We have just started working to export our products and we have start-ed ‘Sai Handicrafts’ at Nerkundram. We intend to make more such hand

made products. I bring the semi finished products here and do painting. I have not learnt it anywhere. I have started just like that and now it turns out to be the right move.” he added.

Saravanan displays all the colourful mud products and at a corner he sits and paints the other products.

“Buddha Statue is the most attractive one; I bought it for Rs 1,800. I am basically interested in hand

made products. Though we get many imported prod-ucts from our neighbouring countries for cheaper price, I always admire the hand-made ones because the finishing will be nice and perfect. We should also encourage our artisans and our indigenous products,” says Tanuja, a customer who visited the shop.

A flower pot with artifi-cial leaves and flowers made of ceramic costs Rs

800, elephants for around Rs 700 and he also sells masks of sun and other items. “Apart from other usual items these items become more fanciful. Wall hangings, winning horses, Guberan statue and hanging lamps are the other attractive items,” he adds.

Saravanan is working to launch a website to sell these products so that he can attract more young-

sters and other el i te customers.

Clay and livelihood

giving shapes To

leTTer To THe ediTor

Sir,The LED street lights in the An-

namalai Avenue, Jaswant Nagar 5th Main Road is not working for the past two months. Ever since the construc-tion of rain water drain work started, the street lights on one side were dis-connected. Even after completion of the drain work, the street light con-nection has not been restored, causing great insecurity to the women and children returning from their work and schools. At 6 pm itself the streets are dark to walk safely. The absence of street lights is a cause of concern for the residents.

Also a small BSNL distribution pillar (In front of Annal Apartments and Brizvazi Apartments) which was moved six months back during the

same rain water drain work, is not fixed. Due to this, on and off the telephone/ broadband lines get dis-connected.

N A Venkatesh, Mogappair West

If you or your neighbours are facing any civic problems such as water logging, stray dogs menace, garbage dump on vacant sites and so on. Don’t hesitate to send a photo with a

caption to [email protected] or alert us at 4269 0063.

dolphin excel at state level meetSDAT Dolphin Swimming Academy medal winners at the state level swimming

competition held recently.Yadesh Babu, Sachin Kumar, Dhanush B Adithya, Mugeswaran, M Ganapathy,

Pravin, Yadesh Babu, Yuvakrishnaraj, Naren Prassanth, Hemandhini, Rachithraa. KT Muralidharan and Mrs Rani Muralidharan are the coaches.

The sports achievers of

Velammal Vidyalaya

received prizes from Varun

Singh Bhatia and Devendra Jhajharia, the winners at the

paralympics held at Rio De


Page 4: ma MOGAPPAIR AdverTise in MogAppAir MAil CAll 80560 01855, 4269 0063 ma MOGAPPAIR il YOuR NEIGHBOuRHOOD NEWSPAPER



AvAilAble in No 2047, 2nd Street, eWS vasantha Colony, West Anna Nagar for conducting ceremonies (Srardhams) and small functions. Catering and other arrangements also under-taken, brahmins only. Ct: Ra-madurai Sastrigal, 26183898.

Learn basic tailoring, Salwar Kameez, Blouse, Machine & Hand embroidery, Stitching of home accessories & lots

more at Very reasonable fee.Ct: 99624 96721

Usha international ltd.siThara sewing sChooL


taIlorINg Class

CLariTi eLeCTroniCs

98844 79421 2687 2115

Any Brand / Model LED, LCD, TV’s, DVD System, A/c, Fridge, Washing Machine,

Micro Oven, Inverter.


“My quality service never fails”



Classifieds For Booking oF claSSiFiedS Call: 80560 01855 / 4269 0063 | E-mail: [email protected]

2625 972198401 37094


Rental of Window & Split A/c.SaleS & ServiCe











lexiCon sysTeMsCoMpuTers &

lApTop serviCe


OLD COMPuterS.98408 85544

@ yOur DOOr StePS

sItuatIoN VaCaNt



@ yOur DOOr StePS

9840284507 / 90034724005/693, Mog. West. Nr. Mosque


Toppers, individuAl ClAssone To one BAsis


physiCs, Biology, MAThs

Anna nagar & now in Mogappair


Classic Book Authordr. v. BAAlAM.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D

sUganThihoMe TUiTions

98404 92384

10th, 11th & 12th sTaTe/CBse Board

sUB: MaThs, CheMisTry, CoMp. sCi., physiCs, aCCoUnTs,

BioLogy, BUsiness MaThs

sTd i to X

B.e./B.TeChCse/iT/eCe/eee/MeCh/CiviLaLL BranChes/aLL sUBjeCTsaLL engineering MaTheMaTiCs M1, M2, M3, pQT, nM, dM, psT

aLL sUBjeCTs aLL Boards

exCelleNt French tuition by 15 Yrs exp. Master at Amritvarshini Apt, Mogappair, Fees Rs. 1000/- PM, Contact Charlie 98410 23497

97516 22869 / 99404 32408

hoMe TUiTions10th, +1, +2 CBSe / StAte

iit - JEEengineering MaThs


98414 1880078450 01020

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PCM AcademyHome Tuition Specialist

10th, +1, +2



Class from IV to XII (CBSe, State Board, ICSe)Diploma / B.e / /

B.Sc / B.Com / BCA / MBA M.e / (All Sub)

94898 87552 99404 65002

6/332/89, Bakthas Complex, 1st Flr,Valayapathi Road, Mogappair East.

Language CLasses(Tamil, eng., Hindi, French)

Classifieds booking Closes on

Wednesday, 11.00 a.m.

97106 21952

hoMe/regULar10th: Maths

12th: Business MathssaT & sUndays onLy.

girLs onLy.

Ý†èœ «î¬õºèŠ«ð˜ ñŸÁ‹

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õ¤¼Šð‹ àœ«÷£˜ ªî£ì˜¹ ªè£œ÷¾‹

99520 24732Readers are recommended to make appropriate enquiries before enter-ing into dealings with advertisers who advertise in this publication. The Editor and Publisher does not vouch any claims made by advertisers and hence shall not be held liable for any adverse consequences. Mogappair Mail is not responsible for any unso-licited materials received at its office.

B.Com 2016 Passed Out with tally, typing & Good

Communication in english, tamil, telugu. Monthly

Salary rs. 9500/-

95970 95960

FeMaLe For aCCoUnTsiMMediaTe reQUireMenT

HI teCH CALIBrAtION SerVICeS 209, VGP Nagar, Mogappair West

Post Resume with photo to [email protected]

Be (eIe / ICe) 2016 Passed Out with Basic Computer

& Good Communication in english. Salary rs. 11,500/-.

FeMaLe For CaLiBraTion engineer

B.E / B.TechMaths - 1, 2, 3 & PQT, RP, Stats, Discrete, NM & All Major Subjects

Trijai: 98845 67517 / 16

Home TuitionStd 5th to 12th (All)

(15 YRS SERvicE)

99403 52252 / 74012 24643

shine TUiTion CenTre

1st - 10th, aLL sUBjeCT, +1, +2 MaThs, physiCs, CheMisTry @ Mog. easT


MAtheMAtiCS 10th & 12th (State/Matric): Special Revision & test Series. Centum Guran-teed home tuition. vel Maths Academy, 98405 69501.

WeAtheR Shield Heat Reflec-tive Roof coatings & water resis-tant paintings for interior/exterior walls to protect from dampness. Concrete Repairs, Crack fill-ing, leakage arrest & weather proof tiles laying undertaken. Ct: Delight Weather Shield Coatings 73973 37539.

PArt / FuLL tIMe, retIreD /


Manager: 93812 22022

wanTedu sales exeu Telecaller (F) & Bd exewith english fluency for a

Cosmetics Co. in Mogappair.

72999 12523

2653 3939 / 2653 3949

WantedpgT - CoMpUTer sCienCe,

CoMMerCe, aCCoUnTanCy, TaMiL, engLish.

MaLe - aTTender.Walk in: Amutha Mat. Hr. Sec.

School, Mog. West

youtube famous Artist Mr. Balaji conducting

tanjoor Painting Classes & Orders.

Starting Pieces rs. 600.89253 66695

artS & Craft



Ct: 98418 21117

parT TiMe / FULL TiMe

Work from Home!! Zero Investment!! earn Good

Income. Housewives/ retired/ VrS/ Businessmen,

Self employed.

teaCherS CUm admin

for repUted play SChool.

94451 65450


WAnTedMonTessori/ Any degree TeAChers

99529 61408For a Play School @ Mogappair

73972 61298

ACCounTAnCy TuiTion for CBse

@Mogappair(NeAr MANGAL erI PArK)

Ct: 99414 23745

Tuition taken for Std I to xII, re-exam coaching, Summer classes also taken by experienced

lady teacher.

TUITIONhoMe / regULar

94441 46403

AnnAi TuiTions & TuToriAls

MaThs, physiCs, CheMisTry,

aCCoUnTanCy & BUsiness MaThs

For +1 & +2


1 to 10 all subjects

Be, B.TeCh MaThs

tUitioNS: Upto +2, be, MbbS (Anatomy to surgery), bDS, UG, PG, Spoken english, hindi, French, German & All. iit-Jee, AiPMt, JAM, Net, toeFl, GRe, ieltS, GMAt, CA, CPt, iCWA. Svt Rengammal Academy, Mog. (e) 9840324260, 9962319638

MbbS/bDS Coaching Anatomy, Physiology, bio Chemistry, Pathology, Pharmacology, Micro biology, e.N.t, ophthamology, G.Medicine, Surgery, oG, oral-anatomy, histology, orthodontics, Periodontics, Prosthodontics, Pedodontics & all PG entrance coaching. Rengammal Medical Academy, Mog.e 9840324260, 9962319638

SPokeN english, hindi, tamil, kannada, Malayalam, French, German, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, italian, korean & all. CAt/ieltS/toeFl/GRe/GMAt/iCWA/CA-CPt. Rengammal language Academy, 9840324260, 9962319638


sItuatIoN VaCaNt

Actor R Madhavan is overwhelmed with all the love and appreciation that has come his way for his Tamil film “Irudhi Suttru” at the 29th Tokyo International Film Festival.

The Sudha Kongara directorial “Irudhi Suttru” was screened in the World Focus Section

of the fest on Oct 31 and Nov 1 and 2. The

festival was held from Oct 25 -

Nov 3.“I’m really over-

w h e l m e d a n d touched with all the

love and affection that the people of Japan have

showered upon me and my

film ‘Irudhi Suttru’. I never anticipated this,” Madhavan said.

In “Irudhi Suttru”, Madha-van played a boxing coach who finds a champion in a fish-seller.

The film had simul-taneously released in Hindi as “Saala Khadoos”.Sudha is currently busy shoot-ing for “Guru”, the Telugu remake of “Irudhi Suttru”, with Ven-katesh in the lead.

Madhavan overwhelmed

lawrence to remakerajinikanth’s film

Actor-filmmaker Raghava Lawrence, who will be produc-ing and also starring in the yet-untitled Tamil remake of Ra-jinikanth’s 1982 film “Moondru Mugam”, says it will be an hon-our to star in the re-make of the 65-year-old superstar’s film.

“It will be an hon-our to work in the remake of Rajini-kanth sir’s film. I will be producing as well as acting in the re-make of his f i lm ‘Moondru Mugam’. I’m a huge fan of his film and I’m really excited to be part of the project,” Law-rence said.

While the cast and crew are yet to be fi-nalized, the project is tipped to go on the floors next year.

“We haven’t final-ized on a date yet. The plan is to com-mence work on the project soon after I complete working on the remake of ‘Shival-inga’,” he said.

In the “Moondru Mugam” r emake, Lawrence will be seen in triple roles.

MOGAPPAIR MAIL November 6 - 12, 20164

Page 5: ma MOGAPPAIR AdverTise in MogAppAir MAil CAll 80560 01855, 4269 0063 ma MOGAPPAIR il YOuR NEIGHBOuRHOOD NEWSPAPER

72990 91616

2 Bhk: 32.50 l (All Inc.) Spacious 4 flat in a

Apartment, CCP, 50% uDS. NeAr VeLAMMAL SCHOOL,



flATs for sAle Mogappair wesT eXTn

near veLaMMaL CBse sChooL

1 Br: 21 L* | 2 Br: 33 L*

9840 260 136four squAre

97104 10060 74016 80060

CMDA Approved Plot 1563 Sq.ft & 1629 Sq.ft

on 40 Feet road,Near Mogappair West


Mogappair wesT


94441 06611

nolAMBurVGN Minerva 1635 Sq.ft., 3 BHK Flat,

2 AC, Fully furnished. All Amenities, 2 CCP.

94441 20440

MogappairNr. DAV & SPArtAN SCHOOL, 750 Sq.Ft.,

2 BHK FLAt, rS. 12,000.

73584 20878

Mogappaireri Scheme 2000 Sq.ft. Office Space, 1st Flr, road facing, 45ft rd,

Opp. Velammal.98402 88752

WAnTed1500-2000 Sq.ft.,

Ground Flr, Godown/Office Hall type with

parking for rs. 30,000. Around Anna Nagar,

Villivakkam, Mogappair.


98402 45555

nolAMBur1350 Sq.ft. ind. dUplex hoUSe for


99628 44081

Anna nagar West extn.No. 62/2, Platinum

Apt, 2 BHK, Att. Bath, Ground Floor, Car Park. Opp. Collector Nagar Signal on thiruman-galam to estate rd.

90031 71133

ThirUMangaLaMeMerALD FLAt, 1150 Sq.Ft., 3 BHK FACING


90030 70067

MogAppAir / royApeTTAhPrIMe LOCAtION, 1000 Sq.Ft. SPACe



99401 74196 / 86829 63311

Mogappaireri Scheme, 800 Sq.ft., G.Flr, 2 BHK, 24 Hrs Metro Water.

Only 2 wheeler parking. Nr. Ambedkar Play Ground.

rEsI. / Comm.

AgenT: 91764 63792

ThirUMangaLaM2 Br: 13K, 3 Br: 20K. LeASe 2 Br: 6L - 8L.

COM - 100, 200, 300, 1000, 1500 Sq.Ft.

FOr reNt

94440 64642

nolAMBur2 BHK, 2nd Floor, Ind. House. Near Sri Devi Boodevi Perumal Kovil.

99520 23193

Mogappair easT900 Sq.Ft., 1St FLr, 2 BHK, IND. HOuSe, Att. BAtH, Nr. MGr ADArSH SCHOOL.

099400 26495

golden george nAgArMog. east, Sri Mahalak-

shmi Mandira, Doshi Apt, No. 59, Justice rathnavel Pandian rd, 850 Sq.ft., 2 BHK, rO plant, CCP.

94458 37866 / 2626 6614

Mogappair easTNo. 10/291, Pattinathar St., 13x36, Nr. 7H Bus Depot, DAV & Velammal School.

1 Br, Hall, G. Flr, Separate eB, Water Purifier. rent 6K.

Mon to Sat: 5 PM - 9 PM

98403 19341

ºèŠ«ð£¢ 13x30, 13x36, 16x40 i´èœ «ô£¡ õêF»ì¡


98401 93698

Mogappair wesTtNHB 2400 Sq.Ft.




3 BHK: rS. 73L. 1 BHK: rS. 28.5L FLAtS FOr SALe.

96771 0202099623 22116

94456 59866

Mogappair wesTKArNAN St., NeAr



MogAppAir nolAMBur ph-ii

98843 24116

tNHB 1000 Sq.ft. Vacant Land Sale. North facing,

30ft rd. Nr. eB Office, rs. 75L (Nego.)

MogAppAirBehind Sai Baba temple,

733 Sq.ft., 1 BHK, Gated Community, All Amenities, CCP.

99623 22116BeSt DeAL PrOPertIeS

AyAnAMBAKKAMADJACeNt tO APOLLO HOSPItAL. 1083 Sq.Ft., 1300 Sq.Ft. NeW FLAtS FOr SALe. rS. 3700 Per

Sq.Ft. (NeGO.)98849 22408 / 98415 06099

99417 9128194453 36446

ayyapaKKaMIND. DuPLeX HOuSe,

LAND AreA 880 Sq.Ft., G+1, 3 BHK, CP.

rS. 68L. NeAr WAter tANK.

76677 75929

Mogappair wesT2700 Sq.ft., CMDA Appd

Plot, east facing, 40ft rd. Nr. Bus Depot. G.G. Nagar,

Star Apt, 1100 Sq.ft., 2 BHK - 65L (Nego).

98407 251012 BhK - 33 l



98407 69990

anna nagar1G, 1½G, 1800 Sq.Ft. LAND & BuNGALOW

SALe. COM. MOG.WeSt 1500, 1300 Sq.Ft.


i´ MŸð¬ù

98413 8851184381 69600

ºèŠ«ð˜ (A) 10 õ¶ H÷£‚ 13 x 36, î¬ó, ºî™ & 2 Ý‹ î÷‹ 7H ðv ®Š«ð£ ܼA™.

74010 02006

16X40-640 Sq.Ft., G+1, OLD HOuSe.

1000 Sq.Ft. LAND SALe.13X36, 13X30 OLD & NeW HOuSe SALe.ALL BANK LOAN


Mogappair wesT noLaMBUr


rEsIDENtIal sEllINg

rENtal rEal EstatErEal EstatE rEal EstatE

Classifieds booking Closes on Wednesday,

11.00 a.m.

MOGAPPAIR MAILNovember 6 - 12, 2016 5

98401 42426

Anna nagar West extn.Welcome Colony, 550 Sq.ft., Hall

type, 2nd Flr, Main rd facing. Next to HP Petrol Bunk.

Suitable for Clinic/ Coaching Centre/

Office/ Shop.

98841 04080

Mogappair wesT35x35=1225 Sq.ft.

Commercial tNHB Plot for Sale. North facing, 40ft rd, Nr. Velammal. rs. 1.45 Crore (Nego.)

MogAppAirNear Vanagaram rd. Athipet Prince Green

Wood Apt, 1380 Sq.ft., 2nd Flr, 3 BHK, N. Facing,

All amenities, CCP.98408 64400

90944 48058 / 97106 10063

Aö‚° ºèŠ«ð˜ 1 õ¶ H÷£‚, 1 õ¶ ñ£®,

1BHK, 裘ù˜ H™®ƒ, ï™ô ªõO„ê‹, 裟«ø£†ì‹,

AíÁ î‡a˜ & ªñ†«ó£ õ£†ì˜ õêF. rs. 9000,

Adv rs. 50,000.

74012 44786

FLaT For saLeMogappair easT

900 Sq.Ft., 2 BHK - 45L.

390 Sq.Ft. IND. HOuSe, G+2-38L.

468 Sq.Ft. IND. HOuSe, G+1 - 48L. 640 Sq.Ft., G. FLr - 47L. PrICe (NeGO.)

98414 36766

Mogappair wesTJAIN SuNDerBANS,

1020 Sq.Ft., 1St FLr, SOutH


rS. 50 LAKHS (Nego.)

99404 09288

MAdurAvoyAl400 Sq.ft., G. Flr, 1 BHK, Metro Water Available. Bachelor / Family, Near

CMrL & CMDA Bus Stand.

This Space Costs Rs. 480To AdverTise80560 018554269 0063

94446 3008598403 66889

MogappairerI SCHeMe, trI StAr

reSIDeNCy, 1070 Sq.Ft., 2 BHK, OCP, LIFt, SeMI

FurNISHeD. rS. 13,000/-.


rENt / lEasE

95511 17111

Mogappair easTBeHIND POLICe

StAtION, 3rD BLOCK, 468 Sq.Ft., G+1,


95511 17111

nolAMBurNeAr PMr COLLeGe & MILLeNNIuM tOWN, CMDA APPD. 1100 & 1250 Sq.Ft. PLOt FOr

SALe. 30 Ft rD.

MogAppAireri Scheme 15x40-600 Sq.ft., G+2,

North facing, 30ft rd, 7 yrs Old. Near SBIOA

Model School.98843 24116


rEal EstatE

‘I signed only after Vadivelu agreed’Actor-producer Vishal says the prime reason

he agreed to be a part of forthcoming Tamil comedy “Kaththi Sandai” was the inclusion of veteran comedian Vadivelu in a comeback role.

Directed by Suraaj and co-starring Taman-naah Bhatia, “Kaththi Sandai” is slated for a November 18 release.

“When Suraaj approached me with the offer, I told him if he can convince

Vadivelu and bring him on board, I will do this film. I signed the project only when I was told Vadivelu had agreed to be part of the film,” Vishal said at the film’s audio launch.

Vishal had earlier worked with Vadivelu over a decade ago in Tamil film “Thimiru”.

“Our combination resulted in a hit in ‘Thimiru’. Earlier this year, when we worked

together in the Nadigar Sangam elections and our collaboration once again clicked. I

expect it to work again in ‘Kaththi Sandai’,” he said.

“We enjoyed working on the film. Audiences will love to see Vadivelu on screen and he has

aced his role,” he said.

Food carnival heldV KIDS (T.S.Krishna Nagar) organised a food carnival week in October wherein the importance and bene-fits of cereals, pulses, small millets, nuts & spices were taught to the children through various activities. The school had organised a food stall to highlight the necessity of using organic food. Children enjoyed eating on ba-nana leaves and the benefits were also ex-plained.

Page 6: ma MOGAPPAIR AdverTise in MogAppAir MAil CAll 80560 01855, 4269 0063 ma MOGAPPAIR il YOuR NEIGHBOuRHOOD NEWSPAPER

Citilights Meadows cel-ebrated Diwali in a

grand way last week. The events were hosted by Sun Music Fame VJ Riaz Bhai. Black & White Dance

Crew, Edwin Mj performed a special dance, Honest Raj and team of the fa-mous “Kalakka povadhu yaaru” were the perform-ers. Mr. Amal Raj, Vice

Chairman of the TN & Pondy Bar Council was the chief guest and gave away the medals to the winners.

Prof. Thiagarajan, Pres-

ident of the Association presented mementos to the performers. Sky lanterns and fireworks in the eve-ning made this Diwali a special one.

Citilight Meadows senior citizens had their an-nual meeting on Oct 22. Dental surgeon Dr. Titus Thomas delivered a detailed lecture on what care should be taken at the old age. Members raised various queries which were clarified by the doctor.

Citilights Celebrate Diwali

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MOGAPPAIR MAIL November 6 - 12, 20166To

AdverTise in MogAppAir MAil

CAll 80560 01855,

4269 0063

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MOGAPPAIR MAILNovember 6 - 12, 2016 7

Featured:PochampallySilk Sarees withtraditionalKanchipuram bordersSR




Bridal Silk Sarees

Page 8: ma MOGAPPAIR AdverTise in MogAppAir MAil CAll 80560 01855, 4269 0063 ma MOGAPPAIR il YOuR NEIGHBOuRHOOD NEWSPAPER

mogappair telUgU CUltUral & SoCial aSSoCiation

1342, Golden Colony, Chennai-50

Dr Giri Hanumantha rao: 98410 11880Mr tMK Kumar: 99404 94099 | Mr Nirmal Chandar: 98409 72234

Informs that Sri SathyanarayanaSWamy vartam will be celebrated on Nov 14 at 9 a.m. at Sri Santhana

Srinivasa Perumal Sathsanga Mandapam near Sri Perumal Koil Mogappair. Interested people to take part in Pooja.


Regd. with Registrar of Newspaper for India Under No. TNBIL/2005/15167

Owned & Published by Julian Rodrigo from 283, Mohanram Nagar, Mogappair West, Chennai - 600 037 and Printed by Cyril Sagayraj at V S Printograph Pvt. Ltd., #1, Narasingpuram, First Lane, Guindy, Chennai - 600 032. Editor: Julian Rodrigo

MOGAPPAIR MAIL November 6 - 12, 20168

42,000 Copies Distributed every Sunday in and around Mogappair East & West, Thirumangalam, Anna Nagar West Extn., Golden George Nagar, Mogappair Eri Scheme, Nolambur, Ayanambakkam & Maduravoyal. To ADvERTiSE iN MoGAppAiR MAil CAll 80560 01855 / 4269 0063

By Our Correspondent

A makeshift stall to sell Pani Poori and soups, which

is run by a widow and her daughter, has become

quite popular in Thiru-valeeswarar Nagar off Thirumangalam-Ambat-tur Estate Road. A group of youngsters and middle aged workers come and

get their favorite chat and also enjoy thuthuvalai (herbal) soup. Vijaya and her daughter manage this stall and most of the cus-tomers get the eatables in parcel.

What made Vijaya to get into this venture? “Nothing but poverty. I need to repay the debt in-curred at the time of my daughter’s wedding. My

husband is no more and I need to do something for my livelihood. Earlier I worked in a binding shop; I fell down and hurt my leg. I am finding it difficult to walk and so I thought of quitting my job and do-ing something on my own. Suddenly this idea came into my mind,” she says.

“Earlier I was in Viru-gambakkam and I know a few of them who sell soups. With their help I got this push cart ready. Every day I prepare one soup like tomato, vaazhai thandu, greens and herbs besides making mush-room fry and soup. I also add garlic and mustard which enhance the taste. Today thuthuvalai soup is special. I charge Rs 20 for a cup of soup and Rs 25 for mushroom fry. My work starts here at 5 pm and I stay till 10 pm and a by the time I sell every-thing I carry,” she says.

Her daughter B Loges-hwari, also accompanies her most of the time. She says, “Many of them will ask for parcels. My moth-er alone cannot manage so I also come to help her out. Very recently they have laid down the roads properly, that made us re-ally happy. Now street light is the problem. We hardly have any streetlight here and so we carry a heavy light which con-sumes Rs 30 battery every day. It is costly for us and for a month it comes around Rs 1,000. If the street lights are installed then we will carry ordi-nary light” she says.

“I invest Rs 600 every-day and I am able to make more than Rs 200 as prof-it. That is enough for me. If I can manage this well then I am sure gradually I will repay my loan,” says Vijaya.

Herbal soup For The soul over a Chat