macarthur short profile - filejohn macarthur‟s great grandfather thomas fraser fullerton...

1 MacArthur Short Profile Here are the topics we want to expose about John MacArthur‟s “ministry” of control over the conservative Christians to return under Vatican rule of authority: (index to article) A. John MacArthur High Freemason Family and Friends B. John MacArthur supports Billy Graham Friend of Popes in his Return to the Vatican C. MacArthur‟s Anti-Semitism (Anti-Jewish propaganda) D. John MacArthur‟s False End-Times Beliefs E. John MacArthur supports the Vatican Kingdom and its Ecumenical Alliances F. MacArthur‟s Constant Hypocrisy John MacArthur High Freemason Family and Friends 1. Roy Rogers “Illustrious Brother”, Shriner, DeMolay, and Preacher John “JackMacArthur Sr. (John‟s father) led Roy Rogers “to Christ” and became close friends while Rogers was obtaining rights of 32 degree free-mason and a Shriner (Ancient Arabic Order who believe Allah/satan is "god"), and Roy helped MacArthur and Henrietta Mears start the Hollywood Christian Club in her home while Roy was also speaking around the country to Baptist churches. Rogers also joined Billy Graham at several crusades. Rogers went on to become KCCH, then 33 degree, then York Rite, then HRA, R&SM, Knight Templar, Legion of Honor DeMolay, 50 year Golden Veteran, and “Illustrious Brother”. This network (especially DeMolay which built Walt Disney) is the Los Angeles network connected to the darkest secrets of mysterious religion via Manly P. Hall‟s Philosophical Research Society in L.A. This network also produced James Dobson, Billy Graham, Harold Ockenga, Charles E. Fuller and many others toward one- world religious negotiations under the Vatican. - - - - - -

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MacArthur Short Profile

Here are the topics we want to expose about John MacArthur‟s “ministry” of control over the conservative Christians to return under Vatican rule of authority: (index to article) A. John MacArthur High Freemason Family and Friends B. John MacArthur supports Billy Graham Friend of Popes in his Return to the Vatican C. MacArthur‟s Anti-Semitism (Anti-Jewish propaganda) D. John MacArthur‟s False End-Times Beliefs E. John MacArthur supports the Vatican Kingdom and its Ecumenical Alliances F. MacArthur‟s Constant Hypocrisy

John MacArthur High Freemason Family and Friends 1. Roy Rogers “Illustrious Brother”, Shriner, DeMolay, and Preacher John “Jack” MacArthur Sr. (John‟s father) led Roy Rogers “to Christ” and became close friends while Rogers was obtaining rights of 32 degree free-mason and a Shriner (Ancient Arabic Order who believe Allah/satan is "god"), and Roy helped MacArthur and Henrietta Mears start the Hollywood Christian Club in her home while Roy was also speaking around the country to Baptist churches. Rogers also joined Billy Graham at several crusades. Rogers went on to become KCCH, then 33 degree, then York Rite, then HRA, R&SM, Knight Templar, Legion of Honor DeMolay, 50 year Golden Veteran, and “Illustrious Brother”. This network (especially DeMolay which built Walt Disney) is the Los Angeles network connected to the darkest secrets of mysterious religion via Manly P. Hall‟s Philosophical Research Society in L.A. This network also produced James Dobson, Billy Graham, Harold Ockenga, Charles E. Fuller and many others toward one-world religious negotiations under the Vatican. -







2. Henrietta Mears “The Grandmother of Us All” Evangelical Movement to Rome Jack MacArthur founded Hollywood Christian Club with Henrietta Mears who built Billy Graham, Harold Ockenga (National Association of Evangelicals, Fuller Theological Seminary), Bill Bright (Campus Crusade for Christ, Council for National Policy secret think-tank), Dawson Troutman (Navigators), Vonnette Zachary Bright, Richard Halverson (World Vision - United Nations General Counsel and satanic “Family”/Fellowship in D.C.), and many others into “ministry”. Henrietta Mears‟ Forest Home is where Grace Community Church‟s youth group does their youth camps from 1980 until at least 2009 or 2013, which shows that John MacArthur does not repent of his ecumenical (one-world religion) and free-mason family history. -






Picture: John “Jack” MacArthur Sr. with Billy Graham in 1951 at a Pastor‟s Conference First Presbyterian Church Hollywood 3. MacArthur‟s Great Grandfather Rosicrucian Grand Master Mason and Presbyterian “Pastor” John MacArthur‟s great grandfather Thomas Fraser Fullerton was “pastor” of St. James Presbyterian Church and 32 degree high Freemason in a Rosicrucian Lodge (which system also taught Hitler their secrets to try to discredit/destroy the Jewish people). Fullerton went on further to Master Mason and Grand Master in Prince Edward Island. MacArthur boasts about him because it makes John a fifth generation “pastor”. MacArthur is also proud to be cousin of

General Douglas MacArthur who was 33 degree Mason and Shriner (anti-Jewish/pro-Arab Masons). If MacArthur really opposed all of his family‟s high level Freemasonry infiltration of the “churches”, he would have to expose the Freemasons real work of discrediting and silencing the Bible and truth, not just call Masonry a satanic bad form of worship. -




4. John MacArthur‟s “Ministry” Honored by Knights of Malta Mayor of Los Angeles -

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John MacArthur supports Billy Graham Friend of Popes in his Return to the Vatican 5. Pope John Paul II and Billy Graham “We are Brothers!” Pope John Paul II was especially close to Billy Graham saying “we are brothers”. Pope John Paul II was the only one who would welcome Billy Graham into Poland for a Crusade in 1977-1978. Graham spoke at his Catholic church near Krakow, Poland filling in for their resident cardinal, Karol Wojtyla while he was being elected to be Pope John Paul II in 1978. Billy Graham is seriously close to the Vatican network to be


allowed to be a fill-in speaker while Wojtyla was becoming the new Pope. Of course, Wojtyla was among the opening council – and all the way to the end – of the Vatican II, and is the most popular pope in ecumenical gatherings with Protestants – though he may be surpassed by Pope Francis. -

christianity.html 6. John MacArthur‟s contributions to Billy Graham‟s “Protestant” Kingdom In 2004, John F. MacArthur contributed to Passion With a Purpose: 40 Days With God along with Billy Graham, Max Lucado, Anne Graham Lotz (Billy Graham‟s daughter), and Charles Swindoll (Swindoll was a fellow student at Talbot Theological Seminary with John MacArthur under Professor Charles L. Feinberg). MacArthur also contributed at least three articles to Billy Graham‟s Decision Magazine as recently as December 2016. MacArthur spoke at the World Congress on the Church and Disabilities held in 1988 at the Billy Graham Center in Wheaton. And there are plenty more close relationships between the younger MacArthur and Billy Graham. April 11-13, 2008, John MacArthur taught a whole weekend conference at Billy Graham‟s The Cove Retreat Center. -

god.html -



7. John MacArthur defends Billy Graham “He preaches the True Gospel” MacArthur defended Billy Graham‟s “wideness in God‟s mercy” which he extended to people of all religions regardless of whether they knew anything of Jesus – as long as they followed the best good they had in

their own religion. MacArthur said, “In the case of Billy Graham, Billy Graham believes the Gospel. He

believes the Gospel. That is true. He knows the true Gospel, believes the true Gospel, preaches the true

Gospel. And so, because he believes the true Gospel, he therefore, is a believer. But, he goes beyond that

to say that somebody can be saved that didn't believe the true Gospel. That's wrong. That doesn't eliminate

him from the redeemed because he believes the true Gospel… It's not something new, something he said

back in 1978 in "McCall's" magazine and even before that… Billy Graham isn't alone in that. There are a

lot of people who take that position. Lot of people…” Billy Graham also said speaking to Robert Schuller about Fulton Sheen and Norman Vincent Peale: “I lost

a very dear friend, and since that time, the whole relationship between me and my work, and you and

your work, and the Roman Catholic Church has changed. They open their arms to welcome us and we

have the support of the Catholic Church almost everywhere we go.”


8.Billy Graham leads Vatican II Lausanne Movement to Rome Billy Graham is the founder of the Lausanne Movement. This Lausanne group was founded to control all Protestant evangelism world-wide to fit Roman Catholic criteria. It was started in Berlin, Germany in 1966 in conjunction with Vatican II council completion and implementation the same year (completed Dec. 08, 1965) whose purpose was stated to be the “restoration of unity among all Christians” – in order to begin to merge all activities of “Christians” world-wide under the same guidelines and (secretly) under the Vatican Jesuit mafia directorship. Because of that, Lausanne‟s own documents admit that together they were able to control or influence all evangelism activities world-wide in the last quarter of the 20th century and afterward. The other three groups in this partnership were the Roman Catholic Church, the Pentecostal Churches, and the World Council of Churches So this is an attempt to control all active Christians under one “Evangelical” movement toward one-world antichrist religion. -










MacArthur‟s Anti-Semitism (Anti-Jewish propaganda) 9. John MacArthur calls Isaiah 53 „The Torture Chamber of the Rabbis‟ - “Isaiah 53 has been called ‘the torture chamber of the Rabbis and ‘the guilty conscious of the Jews.’ The Jews run from this chapter like from the black death.” “Do you know that the Jews all over the world know about Jesus so that they can be sure to reject Him? They have to know to reject Him; it’s in their culture.” “Who (among the Jews) got it? Who understood it? Nobody: 500 in Galilee, 120 in the Upper-room.” — Excerpts from John MacArthur’s sermon at Founder’s Week


events-/john-macarthur-closes-2013-founder-s-week-with-challenge-to-students/ 10. John MacArthur Takes the Mantle From R. C. Sproul As you can see in that speech above and will see in the interview below, MacArthur mostly rejects the Jewish people and pretends that God has done the same – until that point where he is pretending that God will just magically convert the whole nation somehow all at once which is really just MacArthur‟s disguise for the fact that he believes in a partial form of Church-replacement theology where the Vatican will redirect and save Israel. You can see how all of this fits with Reformed doctrines that he got from R. C. Sproul, which is why he bowed so low at Sproul‟s funeral as though that mantle shifted to him from Sproul; it was a clear and blatant false humility. The truth is that God is actively for several centuries helping the Jewish people understand not to trust world powers for government power (the very authorities that MacArthur pretends are appointed by God). And there are millions and millions of Jewish believers, so for MacArthur to paint them as completely hostile to Christ is so damaging. Certainly John F. MacArthur with his decades of learning knows the truth better than anyone. R. C. Sproul was part of the Vatican Lausanne movement with Francis Schaeffer setting up his Ligonier Valley Study Center near Pittsburgh based on Schaeffer‟s L‟Abri Fellowship International. They ended up changing strategies and moving to Orlando to instead promote the “Reformed Theology Movement” to lead right back to Rome as R. C. Sproul so eloquently defined and preached. Sproul ended up narrowing down the separation that happened in the Reformation to just a few semantics issues between Martin Luther and the Catholic “Church”. We suspect that the ecumenical movement will end up pretending that once that is resolved, (pretend resolved) it would allow the two to reunite and would reverse the Protestant Reformation movement. -




Compare the above teaching (three sermon links from 1972, then 2012, then 2015) with what MacArthur says to Ben Shapiro in Point 18 and with MacArthur‟s rejection of the current group of Jewish people in Israel. We believe this explains the transition MacArthur is making toward admitting who he really serves – the Freemasons, the Jesuits, and the Vatican. He has done a good-enough job of gaining the support of the conservative followers of Christ who are pro-Jewish and now has to make that turn toward dragging


us back to Rome as he says in his Western Conservative Summit speech in 2016 that “we must bow” to the “God-ordained” authority of the Vatican and Jesuits in Donald Trump and his “coalition”. -




11. John MacArthur Declares that the “History of Israel is the History of Divine Judgment” Interview between Imed Dabbour of the Forbidden Show (Imed) and John MacArthur (Mac): Mac: “Modern Israel is under the judgment of God.”

Imed: “What do you mean by that?”

Mac: “I mean that they have rejected their Messiah.” …

“That means that the history of Israel is the history of divine judgment.”


12. MacArthur joined the Vatican Holy War against the Jewish People John MacArthur speaking in a sermon – explaining how he thinks the Vatican “Church” will finally prevail in its Holy War Crusade against Israel by infiltrating and changing their doctrines subtly and just using “love” to squeeze the law out of their history somehow rather than helping the Jewish people see how the two covenants fit together. But again, he is pretending that almost all Jews hate Jesus and are almost incapable of true salvation:

“And the statistics are staggering when you think that in LA there are multiple tens of thousands of

Jewish believers and a few hundred of them are involved in local churches. And so it’s very difficult for

the transition from Judaism to Jesus. And the church needs to do everything it can to stretch out its arms

of love to incorporate them in every way, and at the same time allow those old institutions to die out.”


13. MacArthur‟s Friend Ralph Gower who Believes Jews are Actually Muslims John MacArthur promotes Ralph Gower as a friend of the Jewish people and as an expert on Jewish history and culture. Gower was a tour-guide in Israel for many years telling the abuses and myths of the Canaanites and of Muslim-culture but telling it as though that were actually instead the true nature of Jewish culture as well as teaching some false and some true sites of Jewish history. This is Vatican propaganda and part of their Holy War against the Jewish people. Gower manages in 400 pages to suggest that Jews are racist, immoral, drunkards, international terrorists, occupiers of foreign lands, swindlers, liars/story-tellers, who murder and steal the best of other people‟s rights and possessions. He also manages to accuse God of being a usurper of authority, a liar, abusive, a jealous lawmaker who copies laws from people who are much better than He is, who also encouraged martyrdom and fake humility, and who creates harsh and unfair conditions for everyone. He finishes by denouncing and discrediting all of Jesus‟ miracles, repudiating the sacrificial system, suggesting that God‟s mark on Cain‟s forehead was a cross, encouraging Hellenism and Enlightenment among the Jews, and finally suggests to kill off God in favor of mystery religions. And why is that somehow required reading at Master‟s Seminary? Here is our report on that book: -


14. MacArthur mentored in Kabbalistic Freemasonry by Charles L. Feinberg First, a side note: we would like to see this tract written by Harry MacArthur that John MacArthur makes mention of: My grandfather ―Harry MacArthur‖ wrote a track called “Why You Can’t Rub Out the Jew.” Can anyone send us a copy of this tract, if you have one?


Charles Feinberg personally mentored John MacArthur at Talbot Theological Seminary, having been friends with Jack and Harry MacArthur – John‟s father and grandfather. Feinberg took up John F. MacArthur as a personal project, because of what the network knew they were training this young man for. Charles L. Feinberg was educated for several years to be a Kabbalist rabbi which doctrine teaches that God does not want a Jewish state in Israel and that they are supposed to be scattered throughout the nations so as to be a light unto the nations. This is why John MacArthur pushes this doctrine of God‟s perpetual judgment on the nation of Israel until He returns – which ignores that God is actively in process of redeeming them and pointing them toward Jesus as a whole people. Rabbi Charles L. Feinberg was raised in an orthodox (kabbalistic reverse Judaism) Jewish community and graduated from the Hebrew Institute of Pittsburgh and the University of Pittsburgh on his way toward becoming a rabbi, when at the age of twenty-one he met people from Chosen People Ministries and switched to “Christianity”. He got his Masters and Doctorate in Theology from the Freemason compound at Dallas Theological Seminary, then went on to Southern Methodist University and then a Ph.D. in Archeology and Semitic (Hebrew/Aramaic/Arabic/Syriac) languages at Johns Hopkins University in 1945 with a thesis titled “Canaanite Influence on the Language of Job”. Feinberg was also engaged in later years with the American Schools of Oriental Research at Jerusalem and Baghdad. This is the guy that Jack MacArthur – who was prominent in the Hollywood Christian network with Billy Graham and Henrietta Mears – personally asked to mentor his son for ministry in the 1960‟s. -

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15. John MacArthur‟s False Addition Re-telling of the “Jewish” Parable as an “Honor-Killing” MacArthur rewrote and twisted Jesus‟ parable of the prodigal son to instead emphasize the older brother of the Jewish family whom he says was a Pharisee and killed his father as an „honor killing‟. Doesn‟t that sound Arabic/Muslim like how a Shriner (anti-Jewish/pro-Arab Free-mason) would tell the story? Here is what MacArthur actually said: “Do you want the real ending? Upon hearing his father’s words, the older son picked up a piece of wood

and beat his father to death… And you know what? While the older brother was pummeling the father to

death he was saying, “Someone has to protect the honor of this society. Someone has to protect the

righteousness of this family. Someone has to uphold justice. You are shameful. You are shameful. You

are evil. You are satanic,” as he crushed out his life thinking he had risen to the heights of righteous

judgment.” -





John MacArthur‟s False End-Times Beliefs 16. MacArthur says You Can “Identify With the Beast‟s Empire” and “be able to be Redeemed” MacArthur said: “Now, the question is, if you’re living in the Tribulation period, and you take this mark, in other words, you identify with the beast’s empire, will you still be able to be redeemed? And I think the answer to that is yes. Yes! Otherwise there would be no salvation of anybody in the end of the Tribulation; and you’ve got to have the salvation of folks in the end of the Tribulation. You’re gonna have the Jews redeemed. ”


John MacArthur is pretending that the Jewish people will all join the antichrist kingdom and take the mark of the beast empire and therefore will need to have a loophole for salvation at the end of the Tribulation. How hateful is that? He clearly is of the camp (Vatican agents, Shriners, Kabbalists, Rosicrucians, Theosophy) that are trying to blame the antichrist kingdom and all of the problems of the earth on the Jewish people, which is a complete reverse of the truth. -




17. MacArthur Changes the Pre-Tribulation Rapture in his notes on Revelation 4:1 -


05/revelation_verse_by_verse_chapter%204.htm#_ftnref5 18. MacArthur Declares God‟s 1,000 Year Kingdom “Impossible” Here is John MacArthur saying that Christ will not and never could reign on this earth, in his interview with Ben Shapiro about six weeks ago. If you see what MacArthur does with his words, he nulls a theocratic millennial (1,000 year) kingdom and instead sets up the very human-run “moral majority” kingdom that the Catholic “Church” controls authority with. So John deletes God‟s theocratic Kingdom and requires us to maintain the constraints that “God” has put in place while the world continues to get darker and worse by some means that he fails to explain. Well the reason it gets worse and worse is exactly because of the hypocritical “moral” kingdom that MacArthur is saying we have to hold in place – the Vatican “Church” which directs the affairs of “moral” governments the world over through their Vatican agents. Most Christians do not understand this, but MacArthur knows all of that quite well, which is why he is carefully dancing with his words around the obvious hypocrisy that he is suggesting we need to maintain – Ben Shapiro: … ―after he explains his fears regarding any future theocracy which could become

tyrannical, he asks this) Are you advocating for a theocracy in a utopian world? Would that be a good


MacArthur: ―laughs‖ That is what Israel was supposed to be… a theocracy right? The government was run

by the priests. The orders of the priests… they were the officials of the government. That was a theocratic

kingdom. And God was King. There was very very deep-seated difficulty in pulling that off… It’s a sad

history of punishment… The New Testament teaches us this… that there will never be a utopian kingdom.

It’s impossible that there would be. And that’s why you have to keep the constraints in that God has

placed there. You have to have absolute laws.


John MacArthur supports the Vatican Kingdom and its Ecumenical Alliances 19. MacArthur‟s Actual Friends in the Vatican II Lausanne Movement MacArthur‟s close associations and long-time friends with the Vatican 2 Lausanne Movement include – John Perkins (Jack MacArthur mentored him for three decades at least), Billy Graham (Jack MacArthur‟s friend), Bill Bright (through Henrietta Mears), John Piper (Shepherd‟s Conferences, The Gospel Coalition, etc.), Trinity Evangelical Divinity (Paul and John Feinberg – sons of Charles L. Feinberg who mentored John), and Jack Hayford (John‟s classmate from Azusa Pacific University). -

20. American Enterprise Institute Partnership at Master‟s University?


MacArthur wanted his Master‟s University to annually partner with Arthur Brooks of the American Enterprise Institute whose resident fellows (for example Richard Perle) and associates and members work with the Bilderberg Group and every high-level think-tank for the antichrist‟s New World Order. -


21. MacArthur Teaching the Grand History of the Vatican to Master‟s University MacArthur recently established a 12 credit-hour course with Grant Horner in Florence, Italy the center of Jesuit history of the Renaissance and also includes going to Vatican City to their Library and Museum as if that were a source of information we could learn from. -

22. The Jesuit Freemason “Coalition” That MacArthur Trusts in Choosing Donald Trump MacArthur put his support behind Vatican Jesuit agent Donald Trump. We have proven Trump‟s Jesuit status by his Jesuit education at several openly Jesuit institutions (Fordham U., Wharton School of Jesuit Business, Georgetown U.) and all of his children (same schools) and by his being personally tapped for President by the Jesuit Archbishop at the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Dinner at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City as well as other proofs. John MacArthur knows who this “coalition” is when he said that he was not voting (and trumpeting support for) Trump, but rather for a “coalition” who put Trump in. MacArthur knows this is a Vatican-led coalition working with the Free-mason network which MacArthur also partners with. But MacArthur gave his support in a most deceptive and hidden way over several months leading up to the election, until finally he allowed no other option but to support Donald Trump as God‟s choice for America. If you look at MacArthur‟s Vatican propaganda at the Western Conservative Summit speech (where Donald Trump also spoke), you will see this clearly. But also there are several other sleight-of-hands which he did to accomplish this without getting caught. For example, MacArthur pushed the idea of J. C. Ryle‟s church-state union as the most favorable approach to government, knowing full-well that the Queen of England and the Church of England acts on behalf of the Jesuit Vatican network and serves the “Church” of Rome. Here is our article on that: -


23. MacArthur‟s Friends in United Nations and Pontifical Council and World Council of Churches MacArthur has close connections to at least two United Nations Non-Governmental Organizations – World Evangelical Alliance and Baptist World Alliance. Dr. Bob Provost was vice-president of the Los Angeles Bible College when John MacArthur was named its new president in 1985. Bob is still on the board of directors for Master‟s Seminary and long-time friend. Bob also led the Slavic Gospel Association as its President for 21 years. The Slavic Gospel Association runs an office in partnership with the Union of Evangelical Christians-Baptists of Russia (UECB) who often represent Baptist World Alliance around the world since 1997. BWA and their president Timothy George of Beeson Divinity School (built by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund) is also often in communication with the World Evangelical Alliance in meetings with the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity toward one-world religion with the Vatican and Pope as its head. Also several of The Master‟s Academy International in Christchurch, South Africa and Samara Institute in Russia (member of the same UECB) and Ekklesia Institute in Brazil and Word of Grace Bible Seminary in Mexico and probably many others are working with and/or members of the Baptist World Alliance and World Evangelical Alliance and World Council of Churches. This is not by accident; but is hidden from American notice, since MacArthur does not openly himself partner with the Baptist World Alliance or World Evangelical Alliance, but many of his schools and friends do. -








24. John MacArthur‟s Close Friend Al Mohler Who Partners with Billy Graham and United Nations MacArthur is close friend of Al Mohler who is closely associated with at least four United Nations Non-Governmental Organizations (Ethics and Religious Liberties Commission, Baptist World Alliance, and board member - Focus on the Family and board member - Family Research Council), and partnered personally and directly with Billy Graham and his team on his last crusade in Louisville. After that, the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary partnered with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association by establishing the Billy Graham School of Evangelism, Missions on campus. Al Mohler‟s seminary also has a Center for Understanding Islam, and had his administrative team meet with Rick Warren‟s team for training and cooperation on these topics. -





25. MacArthur‟s friend John Perkins and the Lausanne Mission America Coalition John Perkins partnered with the MacArthur family openly for at least thirty-five years while also mentoring under Billy Graham and his ecumenical network. John MacArthur says he was with Charles Evers in his office in Mississippi (in a Masonic Lodge) with his friend John M. Perkins when Martin Luther King Jr. was shot. Perkins fourteen years later was on the committee to mend differences between World Council of Churches and the Lausanne Movement back in 1982. Perkins became co-founder of the Lausanne Committee‟s Mission America Coalition in 1995 with co-chairs Billy Graham and Bill Bright to implement Vatican II in the Protestant land by focusing on his redefined global “reconciliation” and “evangelism”. Recently, MacArthur was promoting his friend John M. Perkins right before he was to speak at last year‟s Mission America Council Together 2018. Bill Bright, Billy Graham, John Perkins, and John MacArthur were all built into this one-world religion program by the Hollywood Christian Club network co-founded by Jack MacArthur and Henrietta Mears. For another example, Perkins likes Pope Paul VI‟s explanation of the hurting masses of people coming to a recently opened-up old Vatican for shelter and help. - -

26. Council for National Policy and The Believer‟s Foundation Support and Funding The Robert and Lorena Jaeb family has supported Grace Community Church, The Master‟s Academy International, The Master‟s College and Seminary, Grace to You, Christ Baptist Church and TMAI Seminary of South Africa, the Expositor‟s Seminary, Slavic Gospel Association, and several other related ministries to John MacArthur since at least 2000. On some years such as the year 2006, the Jaeb family put as much as $2.5 Million into these various connections of John MacArthur. Just before they began sponsoring MacArthur‟s network, Lorena was on the Board of Governor‟s for Tim Lahaye‟s secret think-tank, the Council for National Policy in 1996-1998. Robert was member of the Leadership Council of Howard Phillips‟ The Conservative Caucus – Phillips also helped start the Moral Majority with Tim Lahaye. -

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27. Biographer Iain Murray in Support of the Vatican Church of England MacArthur‟s friend Iain Murray wrote MacArthur‟s biography and also wrote on the life of J. C. Ryle, the same Anglican (Church of England ruled by the Queen ruled by Jesuit principles) Bishop whom MacArthur used as justification for a church-state union in America. -


28. John MacArthur‟s Partnering with Steve Lawson and R. C. Sproul John MacArthur had a close relationship with R. C. Sproul and has a close friendship with Steve Lawson through the Expositor‟s Seminary and Shepherd‟s Conferences and Ligonier Conferences. Steve Lawson is also a Teaching Fellow with R. C. Sproul‟s Ligonier Ministries, and Visiting Professor in Ligonier Academy Doctor of Ministry program. Lawson is on the Executive Board of The Master‟s Seminary and The Master‟s University. Lawson is also on the board of the Samara Preacher‟s Institute who works with Slavic Gospel Society and Baptist World Alliance. -



MacArthur‟s Constant Hypocrisy 29. MacArthur Speaking at NRB Proclaim Conference with Rick and Kay Warren, Roma Downey -

30. MacArthur Halts the Rebuke of Rick Warren‟s Overthrow of Nation-wide Church Leadership MacArthur said, “First of all, don’t become antagonistic, cantankerous, rebellious against the leadership

of your church because they had a 4: days thing.” -



than-what-divides-us/43942.htm -

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31.Allowing Unguarded Students to Discover Bart Ehrman‟s Criticizing the Bible -

teachings 32. A Museum to Honor John MacArthur and His Freemason Family on Campus -

33. John MacArthur‟s Treasure on Earth Building his Kingdom MacArthur makes around $775K-$900K a year by conservative estimates and his son-in-law Kory Welch‟s company makes around $650K-$750K from MacArthur-related ministry contracts alone. -


34. MacArthur and James Dobson from the Same Los Angeles Cloth (Freemason network) John MacArthur respects psychologist James Dobson and Dobson‟s spokesman Paul Hetrick said they are friends and “do not disagree on primary issues”. But James Dobson believes in evolution (so does R. C. Sproul) and has forced humanistic psychology throughout most “churches” in America. -



35. Double-Predestination Accusation That God Refuses to Save Most Humans For No Reason MacArthur‟s extreme calvinism shows up at some moments where he declares for example his alteration of Positive-Negative double-predestination and things of that nature. MacArthur pretends to sympathize

with those who disagree: “But this doctrine of election is not easy to accept. Some of you are feeling a

little pain in your mind right now. In fact, if I can make you feel a bit better, it is so painful that the only

reason anybody believes in it is because it’s in the Bible.” But that is just a disguise for a passive aggressive distortion of the Scriptures to make God out to be the enemy, who is (as atheists and Free-masons often accuse Him of being) a megalomaniacal egotist. John MacArthur teaches this atheist doctrine perfectly, while neglecting the Scriptures which explain that God chooses the elect based on whom He foreknew would receive the truth. It‟s not the other way around where God foreknew who would be elect because He forechose them before the foundation of the world. Here is an example from John MacArthur‟s own words: “ Kids always ask those questions. Adults don’t ask them because they’ve learned there’s no answer. ‘Why

didn’t God choose everyone to be saved?’ You know something, honey? I don’t know. I don’t know. But, I’ll

give you a basic answer, Ok? And the basic answer–and I hope you can understand this–the basic answer

is: because He got more glory for his own name by doing it the way He did it. God does what He does for

His glory. And somehow, in some way, God is glorified in what He did, and that’s why He did it.” -



36. War Counsel Against Muslim Nations on Behalf of the Vatican Crusades John MacArthur (along with two sons Mark and Matthew) with Erwin Lutzer, Ravi Zacharias, Dr. D. James Kennedy, Adrian Rogers, Allistair Begg, and David Jeremiah on commission regarding attacking Muslim countries after 9/11. Of course, MacArthur went along with the lie of maintaining “truth and justice” in the world by combating “those” nefarious terrorists who “attacked” American soil. In reality, MacArthur knows it was a planned neo-con operation/inside job by George W., Neil, and Marvin Bush brothers working with Donald Trump, John Rockefeller, Larry Silverstein, and the Jesuits, Mossad, CIA, and Muslim Brotherhood. -

macarthur 37. MacArthur‟s Method of “Receiving” Correction for His False Doctrines and Sin MacArthur and his bully friend Phil Johnson slander and ridicule and dismiss those who try to speak up about what he is teaching wrong or things his ministry does wrong. -








38. Druid Activities and Worldliness and Sin in MacArthur‟s Youth Group Regeneration -




39. MacArthur Boasts to Outreach Magazine about his Attendance Numbers -

40. MacArthur Redefines “Do Not Love the World or the Things in the World” as just an “invisible spiritual system of evil”. See John MacArthur Commentary on the Letter of 1 John; specific note at 1 John 2:15a 41. MacArthur on Larry King‟s Careful Guarding of the Official Story MacArthur is called to appear on the Larry King Live show many times as an expert in spiritual discussions. Larry King is known to help the public relations of anyone who needs help and has influence in the Freemason Jesuit networks. On the same token, Larry will discuss issues that concern the public and he will get a diversity of takes on the official story as long as it doesn‟t veer too far off course into real actual truth (depending on the subject). -


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42. MacArthur Operations on Behalf of John Birch Society and Nelson Rockefeller We believe that Jack and John MacArthur were operating on behalf of the John Birch Society and Nelson Rockefeller in trying to control the Civil Rights Movement and the cover-up of Martin Luther King Jr.‟s assassination. This happened during the late 1950‟s and 1960‟s through the 1980‟s as Jack MacArthur mentored John Perkins into ministry, while Nelson Rockefeller and his friends mentored Martin Luther King Jr. This created two opposite sides of the civil rights leadership. The eventual outcome was intended to chase African-Americans into the Free-mason Lodges as the solution to their suffering, rather than allowing the whole truth to come out about who maintains power in America and what their real agendas are. We suppose this also protected the African-American community from being discredited as much in the New World Order plots and psy-ops, but it ensnared many more into other traps and continued subservience so as to not break the Free-mason power over America. During this process, MacArthur partnered with John Perkins in Mississippi during the civil rights protests and helped cover up the death of Martin Luther King Jr. while partnering with Charles Evers and the Masonic Lodge and NAACP toward a different type of partnership between the Prince Hall Lodges and the cruel American and British Lodges. -