macromolecular structures: a user’s perspective

Macromolecular Structures: A User’s Perspective Mike Word, Ph.D. GlaxoSmithKline & Duke University Biochemistry November, 2003

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Macromolecular Structures: A User’s Perspective. Mike Word, Ph.D. GlaxoSmithKline & Duke University Biochemistry November, 2003. Rational drug design what we want to be doing. 4cox. Illustration by David Goodsell. Structure  Function. 1aos (urea cycle). 94% sequence identity. 1dcn - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Macromolecular Structures: A User’s Perspective

Macromolecular Structures:

A User’s PerspectiveMike Word, Ph.D.

GlaxoSmithKline & Duke University Biochemistry

November, 2003

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Rational drug designwhat we want to be doing


Illustration by David Goodsell

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Structure Function1aos

(urea cycle)


(eye lens)

94% sequence identity

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Structure not always unique


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SCOP classes All alpha proteins (138) All beta proteins (93) Alpha and beta proteins (/) (97)

– Mainly parallel beta sheets (beta-alpha-beta units)

Alpha plus beta proteins (+) (184)– Mainly antiparallel beta sheets (segregated alpha and beta regions)

Multi-domain proteins (28) Membrane and cell surface proteins and

peptides (11) Small proteins (54) Coiled coil proteins (5) Peptides (77)

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Comparative Protein Modeling Aim - To gain structural insights for a

new protein sequence before experimental elucidation takes place

Method - Extrapolation of the new structure from that of related family members

Alternative: ab initio (or de novo ) modelingSequence + theory modelA range of techniques; mostly energy basedVery difficult to apply

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Folds, families and motifs

Template Selection

Alignment Model Building



Evolutionary patterns are critical for successful prediction of function

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Atomic coordinates from X-ray or NMR Highest sequence homology Relevant domain fragment SWISS-MODEL “first approach”:

– Can the structure be modeled?

Template Selection

Alignment Model Building



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Target to template alignment

Should consider (2º) structure: domain boundaries, motifs, location of loops, active site residues, SS bonds...

Can’t recover from incorrect alignment!

Template Selection

Alignment Model Building



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Comparative modeling methods Manual model

building Satisfaction of

spatial restraints Template based

fragment assembly

Template Selection

Alignment Model Building



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Model Evaluation

Does the model match the template(s)? Is the stereochemistry good? Energy ok? Are amino acids in reasonable

environments? What parts are conserved in the

sequence alignment? What information can the model


Template Selection

Alignment Model Building



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All-Atom Small-Probe Contact Surface Analysis

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Contact score:

score = e–(gap/err)2

+ 4 Vol(Hbonds)

- 10 Vol(Overlaps)

clsc = number(clashes > 0.4Å)/1000 atoms

Clash score:

[van der Waals contacts]

[hydrogen bonds]

[atomic clashes]


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MolProbity Structure

validation server

Add H’s, analyze contacts


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Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction

Biannual contest to model proteins of unknown structure– While experimental structure

determination is still in progress Evaluates manual to completely

automated structure prediction

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Richardson Lab: Dave & Jane, Laura Weston, Ian Davis, Bryan Arendall, Shuren Wang, Jeremy Block, Michael Prisant, Simon Lovell, Thomas LaBean, Mike Zalis

GlaxoSmithKline Protein Bioinformatics: Nicolas Guex, Kristin Koretke

NIH GM15000 GlaxoSmithKline