magazine evaluation 6


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Post on 30-Jun-2015




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MAGAZINE EVALUATION 6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

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Whilst completing my media product I used a range of different technologies I had never used before to produce a finished piece of work. So as a result have improved my understanding of the products and programmes some of these are:

Photo Shop Whilst using this programme i learnt a range of skills

ranging from the image based skills such as cutting out images with the lasso tool to the manipulation of text adding elements such as shadows and strokes.

Using a digital cameras to take my pictures, I learnt how to manually focus a camera whilst using artificial lighting to make my pictures appear better.

There was also the use of internet websites such as blogger and slideshare that I had never used before and had to come to terms with creating new posts and embedding slideshows into posts.