maggi in news

The 2-minute noodles 'Maggi' has come under regulatory scanner after samples collected in some parts of Uttar Pradesh were found containing added monosodium glutamate (MSG) and lead in excess of the permissible limit, official sources said. The Lucknow Food Safety and Drug Administration has initiated inquiry and written to the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) in New Delhi seeking to cancel the licence for Maggi. The state regulator has also asked FSSAI to order sampling of the product from across the country to check quality, officials said. "We have tested Maggi samples at Kolkata's referral laboratory. The test results show that there are added monosodium glutamate and excess of lead. We have ordered further sampling," FSDA Assistant Commissioner Vijay Bahadur Yadav told TOI. However, Nestle, which manufactures Maggi, maintains that it does not add monosodium glutamate to the product, whereas presence of excess lead is "surprising" for the company. "We do not add MSG to MAGGI Noodles and glutamate, if present, may come from naturally occurring sources. Food regulators in India also do not specify any limit for the presence of MSG / Glutamate," a Nestle spokesperson said. He said, "We are surprised with the lead content supposedly found in the sample. We monitor the lead content regularly as part of regulatory requirements, and tests at our own accredited laboratories as well as those by independent external accredited laboratories have consistently shown the results to be well within the permissible limit." According to Yadav, test results showed Maggi containing 17 parts per million lead, whereas the permissible limit is 0.01ppm. Nestle says its records show lead content is negligible and less than 1 % of the fixed limit. Monosodium glutamate, a kind of amino acid which occurs naturally in many agricultural products, is often also added artificially

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Post on 10-Aug-2015



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The 2-minute noodles 'Maggi' has come under regulatory scanner after samples collected in some parts of Uttar Pradesh were found containing added monosodium glutamate (MSG) and lead in excess of the permissible limit, official sources said. 

The Lucknow Food Safety and Drug Administration has initiated inquiry and written to the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) in New Delhi seeking to cancel the licence for Maggi. The state regulator has also asked FSSAI to order sampling of the product from across the country to check quality, officials said. 

"We have tested Maggi samples at Kolkata's referral laboratory. The test results show that there are added monosodium glutamate and excess of lead. We have ordered further sampling," FSDA Assistant Commissioner Vijay Bahadur Yadav told TOI. 

However, Nestle, which manufactures Maggi, maintains that it does not add monosodium glutamate to the product, whereas presence of excess lead is "surprising" for the company. 

"We do not add MSG to MAGGI Noodles and glutamate, if present, may come from naturally occurring sources. Food regulators in India also do not specify any limit for the presence of MSG / Glutamate," a Nestle spokesperson said. He said, "We are surprised with the lead content supposedly found in the sample. We monitor the lead content regularly as part of regulatory requirements, and tests at our own accredited laboratories as well as those by independent external accredited laboratories have consistently shown the results to be well within the permissible limit." 

According to Yadav, test results showed Maggi containing 17 parts per million lead, whereas the permissible limit is 0.01ppm. Nestle says its records show lead content is negligible and less than 1 % of the fixed limit. 

Monosodium glutamate, a kind of amino acid which occurs naturally in many agricultural products, is often also added artificially to packaged food to enhance flavour. Regulators and experts say such additives can be harmful for health, mainly for children. Food safety regulations mandate companies to specify on the packaging if MSG has been added. 

When contacted, FSSAI said it will examine the case once it receives a detail report from UP and will immediately order sampling from other states. "Enforcement of the Act lies with state government and they must keep a stringent check. Once we receive communication from the state, we will certainly examine and take immediate cognizance," a senior FSSAI official said. 

Nestle said so far it has not been informed about any cancellation of licence or ban on the product. It also maintains that Maggi noodles "conform to all applicable food laws and regulations".

(Originally published in The Times Of India)

These are the steps you need to take:

Start with lying on your back and let the arms lie along the body, your bent knees should be on the floor, and the muscles should be relaxed.

Slowly exhale, releasing air from the lungs, and meanwhile, not straining the muscles.

2.Freeing air from the lungs, start to strain the muscles of the stomach, trying to suck in as much as possible. Stop the breathing during it.

Fix the lower part of the abdomen for 10-15 seconds, then, take a small breath, continuing to pull in the stomach.

3.Breathe a little, do not rush to relax your stomach – strain the muscles of the stomach and hold your breath for another 10-15 seconds, then again, inhale, maintaining the muscle tension. If you find it difficult, take a short breath.

4.Exhale, relax your stomach, do some free-breath exhalation, then re-release air from the lungs, stomach and pull your belly in as much as you can.

Stretch the muscles of the stomach, and then free the stomach upward, without inhalation.

After about 3 weeks this exercise will strengthen your abdominal muscles and lead to a reduction in waist size and abdomen looks, which will become straight, as well as the whole figure.

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I start out each day with a large glass of room temperature lemon water to drink. Lemons are rich in vitamins and minerals, particularly vitamin C, an antioxidant that boosts the immune system, protects against cardiovascular disease and even has cancer-fighting properties. Incorporating warm water with lemon juice into your diet is an easy way to meet the daily recommended allowance for vitamin C and keep your body functioning smoothly. The benefits of lemon water are endless.

According to Ayurvedic philosophy, choices that you make regarding your daily routine either build up resistance to disease or tear it down.

10 Reasons You Should be Drinking Lemon Water Every Morning

Here are the Benefits of Lemon Water:

1. Boosts your immune system

Lemons are high in vitamin C, which is great for fighting colds. They’re high in potassium, which stimulates brain and nerve function. Potassium also helps control blood pressure.

2. Hydrates the lymph system

This cup of goodness helps start the day on a hydrated note, which helps prevent dehydration (obviously) and adrenal fatigue. When your body is dehydrated, or deeply dehydrated (adrenal fatigue) it can’t perform all of it’s proper functions, which leads to toxic buildup, stress, constipation, and the list goes on.

3. Enhances Mood

Lemon energizes you and it enhances your mood. The energy a human receives from food comes from the atoms and molecules in your food. A reaction occurs when the positive charged ions from food enter the digestive tract and interact with the negative charged enzymes.

Lemon is one of the few foods that contain more negative charged ions, providing your body with more energy when it enters the digestive tract. The scent of lemon also has mood enhancing and energizing properties. The smell of lemon juice can brighten your mood and help clear your mind. Lemon can also help reduce anxiety and depression.

4. Detoxes the Liver

According to, the citric acid in lemons helps maximize enzyme function, which stimulates the liver and aids in detoxification.

5. Aids in Digestion

Not only will this killer combination relive indigestion, it will also help flush you out. It encourages the liver to produce bile which is an acid that required for digestion. Efficient digestion reduces heartburn and constipation.


Source –

6. Balances pH

Drink lemon water every day and you’ll reduce your body’s overall acidity. Lemon is one of the most alkaline foods around. Yes, lemon has citric acid but it does not create acidity in the body once metabolized.

7. Helps with weight loss

Lemons are high in pectin fiber, which helps fight hunger cravings. It also has been shown that people who maintain a more alkaline diet (see #6) lose weight faster.

8. Acts as a gentle, Natural Diuretic

Lemon juice helps flush out unwanted materials because lemons increase the rate of urination in the body. Toxins are, therefore, released at a faster rate which helps keep your urinary tract healthy.

9. Clears skin

The vitamin C component helps decrease wrinkles and blemishes. Lemon water purges toxins from the blood which helps keep skin clear as well. It can actually be applied directly to scars to help reduce their appearance.

10. Freshens breath

Not only this, but it can help relieve tooth pain and gingivitis. The citric acid can erode tooth enamel, so you should monitor this. I admit, I’m slightly worried about it.

Alright I know I said 10 but lemons are so incredible I had to share 2 more reasons to start your day with warm lemon water!

11. Stress Relief

Vitamin C is one of the first things depleted when you subject your mind and body to stress. As mentioned previously, lemons are chock full of vitamin C.

12. Whole Body Health

Lemons and limes are high in potassium. Potassium is an important mineral that works with sodium for smooth electrical transmission in the brain and nervous system. Depression, anxiety, fogginess, and forgetfulness can often be traced to low potassium blood levels. That same nervous system needs potassium to assure steady signals to the heart. So your heart health is improved from the lemon water’s potassium(3).

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This recipe is an old one made from a military doctor. It is a recipe that will keep all your bones functioning without any problems. It works like magic!

Do you have problems with pain in the joints, back, legs, or neck? Than this is the recipe for you!

What you need to do:

In any store buy 150 gr of any edible gelatin (150gr – for a course of treatment for a month).In the evening, pour 5 g gelatin (two flat teaspoon) in a quarter cup of cold (from the fridge) water.Stir and let it stand until the morning (outside of the fridge)Gelatin will swell and turn overnight into jelly.In the morning, drink the mixture on an empty stomach. You can add juice, honey and water mixture or mix with yogurt or sour cream. Or in any other way that suits you.It works so that people who complained of pain in the joints, back, legs, pain in the spine, neck, etc. after a week cease to notice them!The course of treatment is one month. Repeat again in 6 months. This is a way to restore the “lubrication” of the joints.Many people do not believe it. Expensive painkillers full of chemistry are the only solution for some, and so “primitive”, easy treatments do not inspire confidence.

What’s the deal with gelatin?

It is a product of animal origin, is obtained in the result of processing the connective tissue of large horned livestock – tendons, bones, cartilage, collagen is actually in the purest form. It has positive effect on the state of internal fibers and small vessels. It has two amino acids: proline and hidrosiprolin, which have a positive impact on the recovery of connective tissue. Gelatin is able to increase the growth and scope of connective tissue, which is very important in diseased joints.

This is all gelatin is useful for:Strengthens joints and heart muscleImproves metabolismIncreases mental abilityMaintain healthy skin conditionGives elasticity and strength of tendons and ligamentsPrevents the development of osteoporosis and osteoarthritisLeads to improved growth and structure of the hair and nails (see homemade shampoo with gelatin and gelatin mask for all hair types)Irreplaceable with dysplasia

Enjoy this simple recipe and get rid of your back and spine pain in no time!

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As the summer comes together with it come the most annoying insects- mosquitoes. From their bites many people get creeps skin.

In this post we will provide you with a recipe that will help you keep these insects away from you and your house. Prepare it and enjoy the evenings in your garden without being disturbed by a single mosquito.

You will not have to spend money for it, because its ingredients can be found in every home.


ShampooNatural vinegar with concentration of 9% ( do not use syntactic acid)Natural vegetable oil (your choice)


Mix well equal amount of all the above mentioned ingredients. After this you should get a preparation similar to white emulsion. Use this to anoint you body each time before going out and your problem will be resolved.

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Anyone who tells you to not eat fruit for a diet plan is foolish. Stop listening to them, they do not have your best interest in

mind. It is true that fruits are high in calories and natural sugar,

but not everything is about the calorie count. It should be common sense that a banana which has 100 calories is much

healthier than a low-fat bag of “cookies” that are pumped with chemicals and fake sweeteners.

Some people will still claim that counting calories is more important than consuming smart calories. Although a large

equation to weight loss is consuming a little less calories than you use, it is more complicated than that beyond the surface. A wise diet will not lead you to calorie counting that deprives

your body of the nutrients it needs to burn fat and build muscles.So remember, fruits are not your enemy. Some fruits even

contain many nutritional substances that will actually burn fat, not make your body gain it. Here are list of some of the fruits

that will help you conquer and burn the fat on your body.1. Blueberries

Blueberries help you battle body fat while decreasing cardiovascular disease and risk of diabetes. In a study by

University of Michigan Cardiovascular Center rats reduced their belly fat by 2 percent when consuming a small amount of

blueberries every day.The results are linked to high percentage of high antioxidants that rid your body of toxins that lead to weight gain and other health problems. Adding blueberries to yogurt or a bowl of

cereal is an easy way to incorporate them into your diet.


2. Coconut

Coconuts contain medium chain triglycerides (MCFA) that raise the metabolic rate of the liver up to 30 percent.

They are also a sweet and filling snack that you can replace with other junk food cravings. You can try coconut oil, coconut milk, coconut flour, coconut water or unsweetened shredded coconut. Dried coconut is also a tasty snack and can be added to all kinds

of recipes to add a little flavor.Try adding coconut milk to a cup of coffee for a sweet and tasty



3. Tomatoes

These fruits are packed with a whole lot of vitamin c and phytonutrients that both are fat killer. Vitamin C is what enables our bodies to burn fat that is already stored with exercise. The phytonutrient carotenoid serves as an antioxidant for our body

that helps with losing weight and cardiovascular health.With literally hundreds of varieties of tomato available, there are

plenty of different tastes to keep you coming back for more.Try slicing up a fresh tomato then drizzling olive oil and vinegar

on top for a savory and light snack.


  4. Apples and Pears

Apple and pears help you lose weight in two different and very effective ways. Both fruits are packed with fiber that helps

increase the metabolic rate and stay full in between meals. The second way they help is by adding pectin to a diet. Pectin

actually restricts cells from taking in fat and it helps cells absorb water.

Try slicing an apple or pear up in the morning then carrying it in a baggy for a quick snack when you are on the go.


5. Grapefruit

We discourage you for falling for the old grapefruit fad diets, but that doesn’t mean that this fruit isn’t a rock star food that

burns fat. Grapefruits contain the antioxidant naringenin which evens out insulin levels.

This is a way of warding off the infamous hunger pains while allowing the body to burn fat more easily. You can just cut a grapefruit in half then enjoy it with a spoon for a quick snack

that is fun to eat.


6. BananasBananas are filled with healthy fibers that help curb appetite and make the body burn fat. The indigestible fibers in bananas, or a resistant starch, block carbs from being absorbed by the body. This makes the body burn fat as energy instead of the carbs.

The potassium in bananas helps build muscle that will in turn burn fat. A triple reason we love our yellow banana friends. You

can try making a simple banana shake with yogurt, milk, bananas and ice for a healthy and cold treat.


7. PomegranatePomegranate juice is filled with antioxidants that get rid of the

unwanted toxins in our body. The type of antioxidants in pomegranates are polyphenols, and these antioxidants boost the body’s metabolism according to a study from the University of

California. To top it off they stop arterial lipid build-up and lower the appetite.

Drucker: 6 Rules of Management Needed Now More Than Ever

He coined the term "Knowledge worker" as far back as 1959. Management guru Peter Drucker was ahead of his time, predicting the emergence of the information economy.

Drucker believed that employees are assets, not liabilities - and that a manager's job is to help people perform to the best of their abilities.

These six guiding principles from Drucker need to be put into daily practice by today’s overworked managers to help their teams grow and give their organizations a stronger future.  

1. “Accept the fact that we have to treat almost anybody as a volunteer.”

To truly get the most out of people, we need to treat them with respect - something missing from many workplaces. Indeed, we should treat them as valued contributors who really don't need to work for us, but have chosen to do so. How would you treat a volunteer? You would tell him or her that they are needed.

Make people feel valued.

2. “Most of what we call management consists of making it difficult for people to get their work done.”

Rules that make no sense, excessive paperwork, endless meetings and micro-management all conspire to prevent people from getting anything accomplished. My years as a communications officer for a large corporation were spent mainly in meetings, many of which were to discuss the agenda of the next meeting! And so, I accomplished almost nothing. Our objective as managers is to find ways of releasing the chains that prevent people from being able to do their jobs.

Give people the space, tools and support they need to succeed, then get out of the way.

3. “The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn't said.”

Pay attention to what people are not sharing. It's hard to find out what people are really thinking because they may fear for their jobs. The key is to create a safe zone. Let your team know that it's safe to speak out. Avoid knee-jerk reactions to news about problems and instead, invite everyone to comment and make suggestions for resolution. Sometimes criticism will be aimed towards you. Be open to it. Don't take it personally.

Create a safe zone so people can voice their concerns. 

4. “Most discussions of decision making assume that only senior executives make decisions or that only senior executives' decisions matter. This is a dangerous mistake.”

Business is moving so fast today, it is not possible for you to make all the decisions.

Your team is making decisions every day. People will decide how hard they will work for you, how much they will learn, and how they will respond to customers. These decisions will impact the success of the team, your success as a manager, and the sustainability of the whole organization.

As managers, we need to promote decision-making as far down the line as possible. Provide as much information, guidance and support as can be achieved so that people are armed with the tools for good decision-making. Emphasize common sense and better judgement when your people are in doubt. Encourage them to seek the right help as needed. And finally, support the decisions they make.

Realize that in today’s fast paced environment, everyone needs to be a decision maker.

5. “Rank does not confer privilege or give power. It imposes responsibility.”

As a manager, you are being paid largely based upon the degree of responsibility entrusted to you. Many people given the title of "manager" let it go to their head. Do not see yourself as better than those who report to you. Instead, see yourself as being in service to your team. 

You are not there to exercise power. You are there to achieve results through people. 

6. “Never mind your happiness; do your duty.”

There is so much talk these days about being happy, it is to the point where many of us are neglecting our responsibilities. Drucker was against the pursuit of pleasure as the only means to achieving happiness - and believed that hard work,  satisfaction from a job "well done" and fulfilling our obligations, all represent a more effective and rewarding path.

It's not about avoiding tough decisions and actions in an attempt to be liked. The best managers are respected for getting the job done in an honest, direct way while treating people well. The worst managers are those who delay inevitable decisions, try to avoid all conflict and who are dishonest with their team to pretend everything is okay when it's not.

Fulfill your responsibilities, and do so with care, compassion and resolve.

Peter Drucker was horrified by how much money was made by CEOs compared to the average worker - a trend that continues today.

He said that too many managers take action without thinking; that a company's primary objective is to serve its customers; and that far too many of us cling to yesterday's successes.

Drucker died in 2005 and while he remains the greatest management consultant ever, many of his teachings still need to be put into practice.


Turning away from the business world

In the last part of his career, Drucker practically gave up on corporations, turning instead to helping the non-profit sector. He became disillusioned with business and felt his advice was largely ignored. His health was not good in his last years and many management experts have since replaced him. But Peter Drucker knew that respect and development of people are the keys to organizational success.


It is possible to heal your thyroid naturally through diet and lifestyle changes. Here are 5 great ways to get you started so you can begin to heal your thyroid naturally: - See more at:

Avoid Soy

Soy is damaging to your thyroid gland because it blocks essential nutrients necessary for the thyroid to function properly. Check your labels carefully because soybean oil is used in almost every packaged product.

Avoid Gluten

The gluten in the United States is extremely inflammatory and acidic and is a major cause of thyroid dysfunction. Gluten causes an autoimmune response in many people and is now being examined as the cause of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, a common autoimmune thyroid condition. Gluten also causes immune antibody production in those with elevated TPO levels.

Use Coconut Oil

Coconut oil does not interfere with T4 to T3 conversion like many cooking oils do. Coconut oil increases your metabolism and helps you lose weight . It also supports GI and immune health, which are key in aiding the thyroid. Replace your cooking and baking oils with coconut oil and make sure to consume at least 1 tablespoon of virgin coconut oil (like THIS) a day. I like to add a teaspoon or two of coconut oil to my morning tea or coffee. Adding 1 tablespoon to a smoothie is also a great way to incorporate coconut oil to your diet.

Avoid peanuts and peanut butter as they also contain goitrogens.

Drink Bone Broth daily.

Bone broth from healthy, pasture raised animals is a wonderful healing elixer that helps heal and seal the gut lining and also strengthens the immune system. Both of these are crucial for optimum thyroid health. Drink 1 cup of bone broth daily and add in a pinch of sea salt and kelp flakes to further support thyroid health.

Do you have a thyroid problem? Are you treating it with more natural options? If so, can you offer up any advice in the comments?

5 Ways Drinking Lemon Water Will Completely Transform Your Health - See more at:

It is a given that water is one of the best things that a person can do for their body, our bodies run off water, but do you know exactly what it can do? By simply adding lemon to your water you can completely transform your health.

1. Acne

The vitamin C found in the lemon will work as an antioxidant helping to keep your skin looking healthy and subdue those unsightly blemishes.Drinking water itself can also help to keep your kidneys and liver functioning properly.

2. Your Body’s pH

Lemons are one of the most alkalizing foods for the body this is good because most people have highly acidic bodies. Therefore drinking lemon water daily helps to balance pH levels.

3. Immune System

Having adequate amounts of vitamin C in the body is very important because your immune cells are made mostly of vitamin C. This will help the body fight off colds and the flu. Even helping the body to absorb iron more efficiently which is also very important for the immune system.

4. Weight Loss

By boosting your metabolism and improving digestion, drinking lemon water is great for losing weight. Drinking lemon water can also have a positive effect on your gastrointestinal tract, which means it will be able to help flush the waste out of your bowel more efficiently.This will help subdue heartburn, bloating and indigestion.Containing Pectin, drinking lemon water will also reduce your appetite because this fiber creates a feeling of fullness. Making you less likely to snack all the time.

5. Freshens Breath

Drinking lemon water any time of the day will help get rid of stinky breath. Leaving your mouth smelling delightful, like fresh lemons.

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This Is Why You Should Drink Coconut Water!

It was very hard to find this powerful drink in the past. Fortunately, today you can find in the big stores for healthy food and it is time to learn about its amazing properties and positive health effects.

If you are ready for the challenge that will dramatically improve your health, make sure you buy supplies of coconut water. This beverage contains a minimal amount of fat which allows you to drink it in large quantities. After only seven days of consumption, your body will be reborn.

It has been proven that coconut water strengthens the immune system, heals infections, destroys bacteria, viruses and is a great ally in the fight against various infections.

Coconut water contains a large amount of fiber that is excellent for the overall digestion process. With regular consumption you will be able to soothe gastric acid, which is often causing problems.

Coconut water is a natural diuretic and it is great for people who have kidney problems. Cleans the urinary tract and bladder, destroys toxins and “breaks” kidney stones.

Coconut water will also fill you with energy, reduce fatigue and sleepiness. Therefore it is advisable to drink it after heavy physical activity and exercise.

Coconut water possesses great properties when it comes to skin health and maintaining its hydration. Instead of using heavy and greasy creams in order to give the skin freshness, drink a glass of coconut water before bedtime. This way you will feed the skin with the needed nutrients.

There is no part of the body and organism to which this excellent drink cannot act positively. This is a reason plus because of which you must put coconut water in your daily diet.

Hypothyroidism Miracle Drink Recipe!

A healthy thyroid means a healthy you!

The thyroid gland is responsible for regulating our metabolism. It helps maintain our weight, improves digestion, skin health, calcium absorption, fights depression, overcome sleep issues and much more.

Collectively, it leads to better quality of life.

Keeping thyroid health optimal is the trickiest part of all; however, one simple yet delicious drink can help you achieve this.


Ground cinnamon- ½ teaspoonGround ginger- ½ teaspoonGround nutmeg- ¼ teaspoonFreshly squeezed lemon juice- ¼ cup or 1-2 lemonsFreshly squeezed orange juice- ¾ cup or 3 oranges100% Pure and unsweetened cranberry juice- 1 cupPurified water- 7 cups


1. Bring water to a boil; add cranberry juice, reduce heat to low.

2. Add cinnamon, ginger, & nutmeg, stir and let simmer for 20 minutes; let it cool down to room temperature

3. Stir in orange & lemon juices

That’s it! Add some ice cubes (if you want) and savor this healthy and enticing thyroid drink.

The main ingredient in this recipe that helps your thyroid are the cranberries, which are high in iodine. The rest provides you with an additional dose of Vitamin C, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer nutrients.