magical uses of herbs

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Magical use of herbs


Lemon Balm Love, Success, Healing, Youth and Psychic/Spiritual development. Use in love spells and charms to attract a partner. Use in healing spells and rituals for those suffering from mental or nervous disorders. It has been called the elixir of life by Paracelsus. Sacred to the Temple of Diana, lemon balm was called heart's delight. It is also very useful for those of sound mind who need to keep their mental processes in superior condition. Creates a calm, focused mind while preparing for ritual work. Can be used when sharing a ritual bath with your partner it's known to transmit messages between lovers. It can be sprinkled by your front door to drive away disagreeable spirits.

Figwort House and Business blessings, hang it for protection for the Home. Wear around the neck for health and protection against the evil eye. Linked to the element of water and the planet Venus, holds Feminine energy. Figwort is also known to be anti-inflammatory and promotes detoxification of the body.

Yucca Root is well know for shape-shifting magic, transmutation, purification, and protection. Use in a bath for spiritual protection. Rub a slice a Yucca root all over your body once a day for 7 days to remove hexes.

Lovage Prophetic dreams, energy, passion and purification. Used in bath spells for psychic cleansing. Use in satchet or bath magick to enhance attractiveness and make yourself more love-inspiring. Linked to the Sun and the element of Fire. Promotes circulation and regulates energy. Drink before bedtime for psychic dreams or before a class or meeting to make the mind alert.

Blackberry Root Healing, money, protection. Linked to the water element, Venus, and feminine energy. Carry to attract wealth and healing. Linked to the goddess Brigit goddess of poetry, healing, childbirth, and unity.

Raspberry Leaf Healing, protection, sleep, dreams, and love. Use in bath to keep your current love relationship alive. It is also used as a love inducing herb. Can be used for counseling magick before taking on any new creative endeavors . Linked to Venus and the element of Water. A good component for fertility charms/rituals. Also makes a great spiritual aid by drinking a cup while meditating on the Empress (of the traditional Tarot). Known to ease menstruation.

Violet Leaf Protection, luck, love, lust, wishes, healing. When carried, they protect against malevolent spirits. Mixed with lavendar, it is a powerful stimulant and arouses lust. Violet leaf offer the virtues of modesty, simplicity, serenity and peace.They are a source of inspiration and good fortune. Draws prophetic dreams and visions and stimulates creativity. Helps to stimulate circulation. They can be used to meditate on the mysteries of life, death, and rebirth and the abundance of the universal womb.

Arnica Known to increase psychic powers. Associated with the Sun and the element of Fire. Wear in a healing satchet to restore calm, balance, and relifting your spirit. And for those with gardens, Arnica also helps to ensure a good harvest. Not to be taken internally.

Red Clover Blossoms Fidelity, love, money, protection, and the blessing of domestic animals. Carry to aid in financial arrangements and sprinkle around the home to remove negative energy. Associated with the element of Air and the planet Mercury. Linked to the goddesses Renenunet, Lakshmi, and Freyja. Used to ensure a happy marriage.

1/2 oz (in weight)

Psychic Clarity Herbs - Clearing up clouded spaces so you can receive those much needed energetic downloads. So you can fully understand the messages coming to you through your mind's eye. Great to before doing chakra work, meditation, visualization excercises or yogic breathing. Learning and retaining information. Becoming more in tune with your inner voice. Acheiving higher levels of concentration. Put your mind in a state of relaxation.