main muscles

Anterior forearm muscles: superficial group [ID 1117] "Pimps F*ck Prostitutes For Fun": Pronator teres Flexor carpi radialis Palmaris longous Flexor carpi ulnaris Flexor digitorum superficialis Knowledge Level 3, System: Muscle Rob Bicipital groove: attachments of muscles near it [ID 27] "The lady between two majors": Teres major attaches to medial lip of groove. Pectoralis major to lateral lip of groove. Latissimus (Lad! is on floor of groove between the # ma$ors. Knowledge Level 3, System: Muscle Sndee! Brachioradialis: function, innervation, one relation, one attachment [ID "2] BrachioR adialis: %unction: &ts the Beer R aising muscle flexes elbow strongest when wrist is oriented like holding a beer. &nnervation: Breaks R ule: it's a flexor muscle But R adial. (adial nerve usuall is for extensors: ecall )+T rule: ) was for  brachioradialis!. &mportant relation: Behind it is the R adial nerve in the cubital fossa. ,ttachment: ,ttaches to Bottom of R adius. Knowledge Level #, System: Muscle Robe$t %&'onno$ (n)ve$s)ty 'ollege Dubl)n Elbow: muscles that flex it [ID "#] Three B-s Bend the elBow: Brachialis Biceps Brachioradialis Knowledge Level 2, System: Muscle  *nonymous 'ont$)buto$ Elbow: which side has common flexor origin [ID +] FM (as in % adio!: Flexor Medial so /ommon %lexor 0rigin is on the medial side. Knowledge Level 2, System: Muscle  *nonymous 'ont$)buto$ Erector spinae muscles [ID ++1] "I Love Sex":  1 %rom lateral t o medial: Iliocostalis Longissimus S  pinalis  1 ,lt ernativel: "I Long for S  pinach"  1 "+ex" helps ou think of "re ctor" but "Long" and "+pinach" he lp ou remember the muscles- names. Knowledge Level 7, System: Muscle M)cel *- '!l)n S(./0S' Downstte 'ollege o Med)c)ne Eye rotation by oblique muscles [ID 1#1+] "I Love S2M": Inferior obli3ue: Lateral ee rotation. Superior obli3ue: Medial ee rotation. Knowledge Level 1, System: Muscle 'S 4ddlemn Med)cl Student, 5e6s 5 ec S%M Interossei muscles: actions of dorsal vs. palmar in hand [ID 2"3] "PAd and DAb": The Palmar Adduct and the Dorsal Abduct.  1 4se our hand to dab with a pad. Knowledge Level , System: Muscle D$- *t) 8$oo9 nd *nonymous 'ont$)buto$ Rwl!)nd) Med)cl 'ollege, ;)stn nd .ot S!ec))ed Intrinsic muscles of hand palmar surface! [ID +#+] "A OF A OF A":  1 Thenar lateral to medial: A  bductor pollicis longus O  pponens pollicis Flexor pollicis brevis

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8/19/2019 Main Muscles 1/3

8/19/2019 Main Muscles 2/3

Adductor pollicis. 1 5pothenar lateral to medial:O pponens digiti minimiFlexor digiti minimiA bductor digiti minimiKnowledge Level #, System: Muscle *nonymous 'ont$)buto$ 

Inversion vs. eversion muscles in leg [ID 1<2]

+econd letter rule for inversion6eversion: 1 Eversion muscles:

 pErineus longus

 pErineus brevis pErineus terius

 1 Inversion muscles:

tI bialis anterior tI bialis posterior Knowledge Level +, System: Muscle

Robe$t %&'onno$ (n)ve$s)ty 'ollege Dubl)n

"umbricals action [ID ]

Lumbrical action is to hold a pea that is to flex the metacarpophalangeal $oint and extend theinterphalangeal $oints. 7hen look at hand in this position can see this makes an "L" shape since L is for Lumbrical.Knowledge Level #, System: Muscle

Robe$t %&'onno$ (n)ve$s)ty 'ollege Dubl)n#uscles: potentially absent ones [ID 12"1]

 1 uscles which ma be absent but ma be important:8 P-s:Palmaris longus 9upper limbPlantaris 9lower limbPeroneus tertius 9lower limbPramidalis 9anterior abdominal wallPsoas minor 9posterior abdominal wallKnowledge Level 3, System: MuscleSeb$)n ')$o (n)ve$s)ty

$blique muscles: direction of externals vs. internals [ID 7]

"5ands in our pockets":7hen put hands in our pockets fingers now lie on top of external obli3ues and fingers point their direction of fibers: down and


midline. 1 ;ote: "obli3ue" tells that must be going at an angle.

 1 &nternal obli3ues are at right angles to external.Knowledge Level 1, System: Muscle *nonymous 'ont$)buto$ 

%lantarflexion vs. dorsiflexion [ID 2<2]

Plantar flexion occurs when ou s3uish a Plant with our foot.Knowledge Level 1, System: Muscle *nonymous 'ont$)buto$ 

%opliteal fossa: muscles arrangement [ID "]

The two +emi-s go together +emimembranosus and +emitendonosus.

The Membranosus is Medial and since the two semis go together +emitendonosus is also medial.Therefore )iceps %emoris has to be lateral.

0f the semi-s to remember which one is superficial: the Tendonosus is on Top.Knowledge Level 3, System: Muscle *nonymous 'ont$)buto$ 

%terygoid muscles: function of lateral vs. medial [ID 7<]"Look at how our $aw ends up when saing first sllable of -Lateral- or -Medial- ":

"La": our $aw is now open so Lateral opens mouth.

"Me": our $aw is still losed so medial loses the mandible.Knowledge Level #, System: MuscleRobe$t %&'onno$ (n)ve$s)ty 'ollege Dubl)n

&otator cuff muscles ) /)eld [ID 3]

"The SITS muscles":

 1 /lockwise from top:SupraspinatusInfraspinatus

8/19/2019 Main Muscles 3/3

Teres minor


 1 , pro baseball pitcher has in$ured his rotator cuff muscles. ,s a result he SITS out for the rest of the

game and then gets sent to the minor leagues.Knowledge Level 2, System: Muscle *nne 'onl)n nd Robe$t %&'onno$ (n)ve$s)ty o =este$n %nt$)o Med)cl Scool, London, 'nd nd (n)ve$s)ty 'ollege Dubl)n

'erratus anterior: innervation [ID #7]

SALT:Serratus Anterior < Long Thoracic.Knowledge Level 2, System: Muscle4$)n - Dom)n); Loyol (n)ve$s)ty ')cgo St$)tc Scool o Med)c)ne

'erratus anterior: innervation and action ) /)eld [ID 2]

"/!"#"$ raise our arms up to hea%en":

Long thoracic nerve roots (8=>! innervate +erratus anterior. 1 Test /8=> roots clinicall b abilit to raise arm past ?@ degrees.Knowledge Level 2, System: Muscle *nonymous 'ont$)buto$ 

'oleus vs. gastrocnemius muscle function [ID 1<1]

"Stand on our Soles. E&plosi%e 'as":

Aou stand on soles of our shoes so Soleus is for posture.Basoline is explosive so (astrocnemius is for e&plosi%e movement.Knowledge Level 3, System: Muscle

Robe$t %&'onno$ (n)ve$s)ty 'ollege Dubl)n

'upination vs. pronation [ID 23#+]

"SO)Pination": +upination is to turn our arm palm up as if ou are holding a bowl of so*p."PO)R Cnation": Pronation is to turn our arm with the palm down as if ou are po*ring out whatever is our bowl.

 1 ,lternativel Pronation donation: Pronation is palm facing downward as if making a donation.Knowledge Level 1, System: MuscleL'K nd *nonymous 'ont$)buto$ (n)ve$s)ty o %ttw nd .ot S!ec))ed