maine state · 2017. 11....

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Page 1: MAINE STATE · 2017. 11. 19. · doc'uments printed by order of the legislature of the st ate of maine. 1863


The following document is provided by the


at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library

Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions)

Page 2: MAINE STATE · 2017. 11. 19. · doc'uments printed by order of the legislature of the st ate of maine. 1863









Page 3: MAINE STATE · 2017. 11. 19. · doc'uments printed by order of the legislature of the st ate of maine. 1863


r l, _ __,-

As they existed on preceding. the FIRI

Names Banks, Location antl. date of Incorporation.


Augusta, Augusta,

American, Hallowell,

Auburn, Auburn,

Alfred, Alfred,

Banko I Cu mberland,1 Portland,

Dank of the State} 0

of Maine, . o , . · · luancror

Bank of Somerset, Skowhegan,

Bonk of w;nth,op, lw;nth,op,

Bank of Commerc!:l, Belfast,

Bath, I Bath,

Biddeford, Hidde(ord,

Belfast, \Belfast, I

Euckspm·t, I Bucksport,

Canal, IPo,·tland,

Calais, \Calais,

Casco, Portland,

City, i Biddeford, I

City, : Bath,

Cobhossee Contee, 'iUardiner,

Eastern, ;Bangor,

Farmers', du.

Freerflans, Augusta,

Frnntier, iEaslport, I

Granite, !Augusta,

Georges, jTliomasto11 1

G1.1rdiner, Gardiner i ' I

Interu.!!,tional, IPortlaml,

Kenduskeag, Bangor, I

Lewiston Falls, I Lewiston,

Lincoln, I Bath,

Lime Rock, !Rockland,

Long Reach, Bath,

Lumberman's, Oldtown,

Maine, \Brunswick,

Manufacturers', Saco.

! I When re-chartered I Date o1 l ncorpora- 1

orco11tinned. , lion.

April 11, 1857.


1- -1

Aug. 28, 1814.

IJan. 21, 1854. I Feb. 28, 1855.

March 5, 1855.

March 19, 1835.

May 30, 1851.

April 6, lt>54.

March 15, 1853.

March 8, 1854. ]'

Mmh JO, 1855.!

July 26, 1847.

April 1, 1836.

Apri: 1 O, 1854.

Feb. 19, 1825. I \April 1, 1831.

\Feb. 18, 1824.

\Feb. 14, 1856.

\March 4, 1853. I iMarch 23, 1852.

\March 21, 1835. I

[March 23, 1853.

iMarch 2, 1833.

!April 1, 1836.

IApril I, 1836.

IFeb. 14, 1852.

I !Jan. 31, 1814.

!March 22, 185\J.

I . . 1July 13, 1847.

\May 30, 1851. I ;June 16, 1813. ! ;April 1, 1836. l

[April 13, 1857.

!April 9, 1852.

IApril 14, 1857.

!Feb. 23, 1825.

Prepared in Chapter 47, Sectic

Due from Resources of tlie Bank. =========1=======-==1c=a=s1=1c=1c=r=o~=-jt=-i==== \\- -- 1 --- I----- 1 \

'ed, including 1 ' Am'


all sums what due, , soever clue 1 1


1 note \fromthebank

1 \Gold, Bilver,\ . . l excl

Balances interest its Cash deposit- Total amount I comecl metals t Banks mcor- 8 1 "ti f· th tune

I not beari_ng . I I , ~nd other Ilea! E~ta e. B111~of_other Bills of other\Balanccs due ~II

~apital Bills i(I cir- Net profits du~, to other bil(s in circu- eel bealingrn-1 due from the \ in its B,ank· l PO!~~ed in ot~~t~1s~~~t~~ 1~~1~1,/r e_ve1

Stock. culntwn. on liant!. t,an ks. , :lat1on, profits te1 est. Bank. ,mg Honse. tin, date. l t10n !and balances , ! the :due to other· : due !Banks ex- i I Bau

\cepted. I 1 'I

DOLLS. cTs. DOLLARS. c,s'l"oLLS, cTSf oLs. c,s.lnpLLS:_"_TS· DOLLS. c·rnf .:;L~s~ ci;.\lnoLLS. cTs, ;;-OLLS. CTS

88 000 00 82,294 ool 4,7G4 6512,223 71 \ 55,803 051 - I 233,085 41 1al5 767 73! 7,433 16 ' I 1: '

75,000 oo 72,054 00 3,097 63 427 21 \ 10,80G %1

aft 10,000 oo\ .. 171,B8G 79\i 5,851 71 1 6,293 05

I I I ' I 95,256 oo 2,775 35 I 10,710 43\ i 1s3,741 78i e 8,852 99

39,597 oo 1,000 22 J 696 oo\ 7 ,849 67\ :3,ooo oo\ 102,142 891

1 3,419 111 g 2,640 2



no u.,.-c·,s· IDo LLS. cTs. noL LS, CT s, ---- - ----

516 oo\ 136 00 18,646 82

. Id 1,882 oo 10,688 341 I

2,000 001 1,015 00 28,041 311

111 ool 17,355 17\ i

135,997 251 15,654 23\ ' I



75,000 00

50,000 00

200,ooo oo 149,801 ool s3,98S 86 4,40•l ,mi n3,877. 10:


I 512,022 051

25,427 32 12,600 o

150,000 00 so,600 oo 15,190 76II 422 ss\102,s50 2s 13,?% on\ 362,867 neil1i11,249101. ld6,425 7o\ 110 ool ·.·

5o,ooo oo 10 ,2,3 oo 3 ,n4 31, , 25, 14 7 511 \ rn,, 194 8s1

I, 27 ,4 75 121 204 rn [ a i10 1 a\ - j21, 02s osl i,

75,ooo ool 88,430 oo 8,574 031! 121,868 miJ 1,2Go oo\ ,195,172 121 1 5,835 4o\ J 408 oo 900 oo 41,371 911

75 ooo oo 57,480 001 1,050 01 l45,l 77 68[ I 178,707 75 7 110 33! - ! 276 oo d 2 470 67 62,198 011 ' I : I , I . I '

75,000 00 GI ,297 00 1,511 68\ i G0,211 551 ii 198,000 23 3,760 461 1,350 00 6,000 00 12,104 00 48,632 sol i I I ' I

150,000 00 97,508 00 13,581 34\ i 36,539 731 I 297,629 07 10,621 341\ ii 6,542 00 7,047 00 27,236 981 ' ' I I

100,000 oo 108,767 00 1 5,503 87\ HI 071 64,952 C\11 I 279,254 55 12,017 071 m 280 ooj 500 00 d 1,600 08115,752 39\


' '> I . ' I I ' I I 75,000 00 90,065 _oo 10,220 7DI - : 40,0,11 10'1 I 215,3:26 sg! lG,555 48 1 1300 00 4,1,81 00 n 6,599 00 85,078 291

• . 'I . ·1 : I abt. 600,000 00 403,192 001104,610 9015,945 97 336,578 53, 1, 1,460,327 40 37,122 26[ 1,906 04 14,589 00 3,500 00 231,986 29

I I I : i ' . I lQ0,000 00 137,195 00: 20,742 78\ ' 5~\436 10: ! 3!1,373 881 7,710· 23\ 2,750 00 5,220 00019,72100105,765 771 600,000 oo\ 400,351 oolt17,624 391 1,891 9t\470,593 76i J 1,590,461 06 p34,381 65! 6,000 ool 6,015 ool 2,507 00q302,659 '12/ r 1

75,000 001

53,033 00! 1,768 \:!8[ none. 18,467 831 none. 148,269 81 2,802 66[ s2,778 41] 2,990 OOI 1,714 00 20,722 52\

I I I I ' 150 000 00'1 94,158 00[ 3,861 81 1,041 49 82,287 1191 331,348 79 7 501 9s1 i 3 600 00 flt 629 00 115,763 461 ' I ! ' i I ' '

3,248 45; · 227,292 21 G,736 77! 1,435 001 v 3,069 00 63,147 43! I i I

:91 13! 2,500 253,006 63 18,414 581 11,699 00 3,839 00 70,733 85\

oO none. 256,477 3011 5,G24 321 5,000 00 w15,571 00 68,300 34!

72,028 61j 280,671 591\xl0,804 251 7,704 88 1,050 00 d 2,167 00 85,919 241

75,ooo oo y62,94S 001

12,,158 5413,142 231


53,614 38! 211,1011 1fa 6,312 321 7,858 25 372 oo z 9,700 oo 85,781 26\

75,000 00 :36,531 001

1,697 08 " I 30,722 051 143,%1 031 G,051 211 2,200 00 dl4,l80 00 I 2l,908 30\

50,000 00 48,421 00 1,153 58: 1124,749 16 224,323 741 10,431 14 9,070 32 282 00 1162,495 36\

34,99[ 00 1,130 761 694 70132,438 03 none. 11.9,257 49 2,885 52 2,000 00 2,312 00 937 ool 41,177 so. 50,000 00 I

625,ooo ool

75,ooo ool

200,000 001 I

200,000 001

10,000 oo\ I

Hl0,000 001

50,000 001

50,000 001 100.000 00

427 ,680 00 010,576 82122,047 30 211, 913 06 D21,040 1,318, 157 19 36,401 11 IO ,097 84 20 ,241 00 i ,328 001219,011 92

78,300 00 3,096 4713,337 94131,613 44 7,986 290,334 41 9,625 541111,143 31d27,350 00 24,843 91 64,154 621

233,732 00 8,439 401 nothing. 55,174 871 none. 497,346 27 12,977 6:3 19,828 29 859 00 F2,581 00 92,768 30

IJ5,941 oo, 751 521, _


1 234,798 031 , 531,490 55 15,551 20\ none. 2,f)48 00 \315,577 18

60,415 oo\ 675 051 5 02 89,109 41\

45,677 oo\ 2,440 47\ 765 25155,944 571


35,749 00 1,029 37 63 521 21,513 44

42,823 00 3,342 53 nothing. 20,756 991

65,435 00 4,587 ~3 nothing. 21,596 741



3,574 08\ I

nothing. I

2,020 931

220,204 49 11,981 45

204,827 29 5,509 93

111,929 41 3,236 78

116,922 52 H4,655 68

193,639 70 R.!102 781

4,400 001 281 ·oo 630 441117,109 541 450 00 804 00 5,197 001 68,040 741

2,300 oo\ '1,845 00 1,532 oo\ 22,446 4s\

1,716 70116,!)68 701 6,220 321 341 00

4.2fi0 00 823 00 n85 21 22,381 oo\

Page 4: MAINE STATE · 2017. 11. 19. · doc'uments printed by order of the legislature of the st ate of maine. 1863


• the FIRST MONDAY of JANUARl 1863.

Chapter 47, Section 50, of the Revised Statutes.

' ,JOSEPH B. HALI...1, Secretary of Stcite. ~-

Resources of the Bank. Dividends, Resened Profits, Doubtful Debts, &c., &c.

Am'tofalld!)bts I <Jue, including , .

I I notes, bills of!' 1



,Amoun~ duef , , • •

1 i exchange, and Rate and Amount or Jast JJivi<lend, and Amount ot: :Amount due i~~~1 D~rec-'

, _ _ B1lt,:; of other . all stocks and _ when declared. reserved pro- , . . as ~ure- _ ,\ 1,eal Estate. \Banks incor-181lls of otJrnr\Balances due f ded debts f Total amount fits at the Amo_unt of debts[ . . . I from lJll'e_c- .ties, as indi- Amount due! ., 1 porated in Bank~ with- fro~ o~~er e~:r descrio- of the resources time (If cle- due and not paid, B!lls 111 ci~·cu;a- tors __ ns frtn- viduals, or as from ~tock-I Amo_tu'.( <,f

i tJJi-State ot1tth1sState. Il,rnl,,,, t' Y t' P or the Bani,. I clarincr the and con~idered as_ twn under fh e , r1pab. \members of a hol_de~s as I m3.1tu1ed ' ' • I t~en, ei~~f11~~~ Jasulividentl. doubtful. : dnll:ir~ • iag~~lfs ~1~. ~iii- principal~. ,ctebt, nnpnid.

due from other I l , ·cers of!!' cor-, 1

, I i Banks. Amount. 1 porahon.

· I , 1

• Rate. IV hen declared. 11 ; , .

. ,~~-{~:jTs. ~.~ J,)O~LS. CTS. ~OJ:,~. CTS. DOLLS. CTS. DOLL~==~TS. ----- ~~ 1

~~~~S~--~TS. DOLU, .i~-1~0LLA~5-~----C~~1Il~!'l'~·~Ts.J~~~~:-~~~1~~~;Ls. CTS.1~_0L-Zi __ ~T!,

31 7,433 16. 516 oo\ J 36 oo 18,646 82 b 190,585 70 233,085 41 3 per cent. c 2,728 00 Oct. 6, 1862. J 2,499 96 not known. J not known. r I 14,102 07

LI 6,293 051 1

1d1,882 00 10,688 341 146,670 69. 171,385 79 3 percent. ~,250 ooJuly, 1862. I 1,298 07 abt. 4,000 001 f 16,08-1 66167,906 41110,616 10! 12,264 5\t

11 i 2,000 001 1,015 00128,041 311 14,3,832 48! 183,741- 78 4 pc<eeot. 3,000 00 Oct. I, 1862. I 761 721 abt. 1,200 001 oh,. 6,000 O{)I 2,507 ,10! 1,313 ooi i 10,30:2 !)\l

llg2,64029 1170oj 17,35517\ 78,611321 102,14289 3 Rercent. 1,500000ct.6. i 150001 abt.2,000001 11,185001

fi,33275f 3,60500! 53'.l:OOj ,1,50000

' 12,600 00 15,654 231 1135,997 251 322,343 251 512,022 05 4 per cent. 8,000 00 Oct. 6, 1862. I 57,821 011 . 13,891 001 5,000 ooj 18,387 861 <,215 ooJ 5,611 QO

)i d 6,425 761 71 o 00 .43,935 101 300,548 001 36-2,867 96 3 per cent. 4,500 00 Oct. 1,.1~62. 11<),~5~ 10 - . ~>00 OOl ,my 2~,000 00


1,965 57128,000 ooj gc.;6 OI-J

21 204 13 d 370 191 J21,023 08 k 100,122 36j 149,194 88 4 per cent. 2_ ,000 00 Oct. 6, fo62.


I 2,34, 55 nothmg. _ u,500 00 3,705 11 4,709 621 ·6,868 3q , I : ' -, ·

ol 'I 408 00 900 00 41,371 91 146,656 81 195,17:!i 12 4 per cent. 3,000 00 Oct. 1, 1862. 1

6,3ti7 52 • ribt. _11,000 00\ 600 GOO ool 850 ooj 3,905 02 i I i I I : •

s[ I 276 00 d 2,470 67 62,198 071 106,652 68 178, 707 75 3 per cent. 2,250 00 Oct. J, 1862. ! I abt. 1,500 001 14,5~0 001 847 001 6,288 ool 7,642 3(-\

oj 1,350 001 6,000 00 12,104 00 48,632 801 126,152 97 198,000 23 ~ per cent 2,250 00 Oct.~' H:16~, I 1,~oo 00\ 12,0~: 001 6,378 00112,850 001 2,855 oo] 2,275 00

1:J I 6,542 00 7,047 00127,236 981 246,181 75 297,629 07 3 per cenL 4,500 00 Oct. 6, -186~2. I 11_ ,310 800 00[ 11,Sbo 001 ti,900 00[ 10,014 27i 66 ooi 8,105 58

I I I I I I I ii rn 280 00 500 00 d 1,600 08115,752 391 149,105 01j 279,254 55 4 per cent.I 4,000 00 Oct. 6, 1862. 4,344 26 I 12,000 ooi 7,900 00 1:2,3H 001 500 oo\ 6


f:iOO 00 4,i,81 00 n 6,599 00 85,078 291 101,613 12 215,326 89 4 per eent,1

3,092, 78 Oct. 1, 1862. - 8,008 65 1,000 001 abt. 15,000 00/ 4,500 ooJ 7,940 ov\ (i,950 741 6,965 o:s abt. .

1 , abt.

51 l,[106 04 14,589 O{) 3,500 00 231,986 29 l,171,223 81 l,460,327 40 4 pcrn,nt. 2f,OOO OOIOct. 2,-1862. 93,062 '9)[ 13,3:ltJ ool •bt, 3~,000 ooj 3,500 001 8,099 051 9,000 ool_ 2D,Oi:34- l l}

31- 2,750 00 5,220 00019,72100105,765 _nil 170,206 881 311,373 88 4 percent. 4,000 OO_July fo, 1862. 116,098 ___ 891 :tbt. 2a,OOO 001 400 OOi ;J,'281 49j 5,-03_1 69; 8,144 OJ

51 6,000 001 6,015 00 2,507 00 q302,659 12 r 1,238,898 29\ 1,590,461 06 4 percent. 24,000 ooloct. 6, 1862. 101,205 67 67,096 ooi 22,333 ooj 46,828 ool 26,587 oo/

6[ s2,778 411

s' I ! i

2,990 00[ 1,714 00 20,722 521

3,60o ool t4,629 00115,763 461 I

1,435 00 v 3,069 00 63,147 431 I

8! 11,699 00 3,839 00 70,733 851

2j 5,000 00 w15,571 00 68,300 34[

5! 7,704 88 1,050 00 .d 2,167 oo, 85,919 241'

21 7,858 25 372 00 z 9,700 ooi 85,781 26_

1j 2,200 oo dI4,1so oo j 2t,90S soj

41 9,070 32 282 00 1162,495 36\ 2[ 2,000 oo 2,312 oo 937 oo 41,177 soi


1110,097 84 20,241 00 1,328 00 219,011 9~1 E !

. I 4111,143 31 d27,350 00 2,1,843 91 64,154 62'

:-3119,828 29 859 00 F2,581 00 92,768 30

oj none. I 2,H48 00 - 1315,577 18

4,400 oo - 281 ·oo 630 44 111,109 5411

31 450 ool so4 oo 5,197 ool 68,040 74

2,300 0011 4,845 oo 1,532 oo[ 22,446 481_

81 6,220 32 341 oo 1, 716 10[ 16,968 101 s[ 4,260 ool s23 oo 685 21122,881 oo\

I .

4', 500 oo\ 12,457_0011

_7,313 oo1Jm,,1ss12i



117,262 221

199,854 351 I

15.2,904 01

248,320 20

161,982 14 I

173,026 221

107,139 32

99,611 52

42,044 92

69,945 67

1,031,027 32

162,217 03

368,332 05

197,414 17

85,802 06

124,825 62

77,569 15

87,020 12

156,5'-\7 71

472,690 82


· 148,269 81 3 per cent-. 2,250 00 Oct. 1.

331,348 79 2! pe1· cent. 3,750 00 Oct. 1, 1862.

227,292 21 3 per cent. 3,ooo· 00 July 7, 1862.

363,006 63 3 per cent. 4,500 00 Oct. 6, 1862.

256,477 80 ,.3 per cent. 3,000 00 Oct. 1, 1862.

28~,671 59 3 per cent. 3,000 00 Jan. 3, 1863.

217,163 15 4 per cen~. 3,000 00 Oct. 1, 1862.

143,951 03 B 3 per cent. 2,319 58 Jan. 1.

224,323 74 4 per cent. 2,000 00 Oct. 13, 1862.

119,257 49 3 per cent. 1,500 00 Aug. 25, 1862.

1,318,157 19 3 pe1· cent. 20,715 14 Oct. 6, 1862.

299,334 41 4 per cent. 3,000 00 Oct. 4, 11362.

497,346 27 3 per CtlllL 6,000 00 Oct. 1, 1862

531,490 55 2 per cent. 4,000 00 Oct. 1, 1862.

220,204 49 2 9-10 pr. et. 2,000 00 Oct. 18, 1862.

204,827 29 2! per cent. 2,500 00 Oct., 1862.

111,929 41 3 per cent. 1,500 00 Oct. 18, 1B62.

116,922 52 3 per cent. 1,500 00 Oct., 1862.

193,639 70 3 per cent. c 3,092 91\0ct. 6, 1862. abt.

620,554: 38 4 per cc-nt. 10,309 27 Sept. 30, 1862.


182 94

1,636 fil

8,586 61

796 37

I • 650 11

1,207 01

J 0,600 00

1,697 08

192 52

400 00

3,300 00 I

1,158 591 I

3,327 231

111 s81 I

188 411

660 031

102 44!

2,300 001

0 8'"'') "01 ,.;, ,)._. 0 J

5,017 141



a,bt. 5,000



1,290 00

nothing. i

abt. 1,000 OOI I

uncertain. ! . I 1,sno ooi


12G 50

2,181 59

abt. 200 00

1,500 00


iibt. 500 001




ubt. 10,157

abt. 30,000



abt. 6,000

not ascert11ined.

abt. 6,000 3,000 001

abt.. 50,000 00

abt. 10,500 ool

nbt. 27,000 ool

abt. 8,000 ooi

abt. 12,000 oo\ abt. 5,800 001

ab1. 5,000 00!

7,363 ooi

aht. l 0,000 ool I

abt. ~28,000 oo!

4,275 131

2u,211 2H1

9,325 761 7 ,1s,1 4~1

1ti,"18d 09i 20,570 os ! 23, 100 oo\it 20,027 oo

700 0011 16,760 00! 17',61i~ 751 30,HlS D4

14,200 oo, 17,427 ,121 2,136 00

15,:158 !J3\ 6,681 7,443 82

9,oocr ooj 7,306 os1

12,911 601 11,699 /:H)I l,HOO 001

i i I

12,588 00

1,990 00

6,000 001 2,400 001 14,705 00

, oo/ 400 ool nothing

2,800 9,304 08 nothing. !

1,639 8·21 0

" 68" ool 4,197


6ol 7,500 ool ! I

9,623 72

u,), .') l ool 21,048 ool 5,181 ::11 ' I

13,600 ool 13,705 971

1,111 4LJ\ 5,579 ooi

550 no\ 50o ool 1 ,51 o 34\

i . i

14,475 ool 12,102 44\

8 ~69 601 ,, "'14 "71

)i) - i ti,__.,) ' '

300 ool 20,611 25 I I

:=\25 001 5,69:1 66

8,D7G tJSr 13,881 42

j 3,373 :17

16,300 oo\ · 7,783 40

9,625 ool' J7 ,mo 16

8,529 64 26,144 6G I

24,050 501 5~996 27 i

4,203 10\ 23,118- ,15

400 ooi ~,s1s HI

1 ,ooo ool ::i,018 46 I

1.000 ooi -0,:zon oo

Page 5: MAINE STATE · 2017. 11. 19. · doc'uments printed by order of the legislature of the st ate of maine. 1863

L,1me n,ocK,

Long Reach,


--:-uocJ,Janu, I Bath,


Maine, JBrunswick,

Manufacturers', \saco,

Manufacturers' & { p I J Trnders', f \ ort an< '








North Berwick,



New Castle,









Sandy River,


South Berwick,









ID . I amanscotta,


I do.





North Berwick,




!Newcastle, I 'Gardiner,



Brunswick, I

I Waterville,




,Farmington, i .





South Berwick,

Skowhegan, ·



lwaterville, I 1





\Valdol.ioro', i Waldoboro', I

Waterville, !Waterville, I

York, llsaco,

--·------·----"--- --- --



!April 13, 1857.

!April 9, 1852.

\April 14, 1857. I

I Feb. 23, 1825. I

1Feb. 27, 1832.

;April 17, 1852. i March 14, 1854.

July 18, 1850.

Fell. 19, 1825.

Feb. 4, 1859.

April 18, 1854.

April 1, 1836.

[March 3, 1860.

)March 20, 1854,

/Mar~:h 2, 1833.

IA pd! I, 1854.

tMarch 3, 1855.

Feb. 14, 1852.

March 24, 1854.

April 15, 1857.

!March 14, 1855.

\March 30, 1852.

'IM ay 31, 1851..

April l, 1836.

13, 1857. March 16, 1853.

11, 1857. March 15, 1853.

[Jan. 31, 1823. i

JMarch 4, 1833. I !March 24, 1854.


Feb. 22, 1825.

April 1, 1831.

March 16, 1853.

J u I y 27, 1850.

July 14, 1848.

April_}l, 1857, jFeb. 15, 1856.

March 7, 1853.

July 21, 1850.

Aprill, 1831.

10,000 001

100,000 oojf·

50,000 00

G0,415 oo; G75 ou·, 5 02

1 45,677 oo\ 2,440 47\ 765 ;.25 I I I

89,109 41i I

55,944 571 I

21,513 44'

none. 2:20,204 4911 11,981 45

204,827 29 5,509 93 i

3,574 08) 111,929 41 3,236 78


450 oo\

2,300 001

2s1 ·oo 630 44\117,109 541'

804 00 5,197 00 68,040 74

'1,845 00 1,532 00 22,446 481 I

65,435 OO! 4,587 031 nothing.121,596 741

50,000 00

100,000 00

20,756 991 nothing. 116,922 521jH4,655 68

2,020 \)3 193.639 10 I 8,902 1s

35, 749 001 1,029 371 63 521

42,823 Oo 3,342 53 nothing. 6,220 321 341 00 1, 716 7e,l 16,968 701

4,260 oo 823 oo 685 21 22,381 ool

500 oo] 12,457 00 7,313 00 Jll '7,48512\

I 2,016 00 1,842 00 73,064 681

250,0DO 001 208,005 OOl 10,8Sl8 6718,7-41 89 142,918 82i

50,000 001 32,096 oo, 1,974 011 - I 38,634 s1i ' I : I i

88,831 00 4,349 191) 26 00 66,095 03!1

100,000 00 107,624 00 JV'6,824 19 - 133,437 121 100,000 00

300, 000 00 22:J,764 00 38, 029 71126, 646 65117 6,808 81 i

75,ooo oo o 14:5,545 oo P s,931 3sl • 1



65,53G 461 I !

100,000 00 87,894 00 3,994 431 2,483 81 25,375 66i

50,000 ool 51,935 oo 3,420 rnl 46,329 ooi ! I

50,000 00 S 36,615 00 T l,7'40 81/ 6,G87 03/

50,000 001

U 44,024 00 2,627 121 nothing. 45,84!) 51 i I . I I

100,000 oo/ 67,470 oo 1,rn5 941

rn,209 16!

50,000 oo• 30,849 00 1, l 65 621 none. : 30,681 371

50,000 oo 38,227 ool 2,rn5 28J 1,792 921 2:3,044 28!

50,000 00;

100,000 ool

i 50,000 oo,

29,500 001

66,937 ooJ I

41,551 00)

1,035 131

4,327 sol I

4,536 20! i


36,463 78i

07,50\J 17

6,000 00





75,000 001

75,000 00

92,300 001 7,010 511 31,370

X 45,397 00 3,650 72) none. l 0~472 none.

i 150,000 00

100,000 00

75,000 00

50,000 00

100,000 00

101,589 ool 5,839 481 nothing. 1135,000 24:

52,476 oof 10,665 £l31

1,201 osi10u,61s 25:

71,352 ooll 1,594 791 nothing.1118,540 43i · 53,308 00 :2,468 99) 13,397 HJIZ 7,068


50,58:3 ool 6,861 411 \ 23,052 231

I I I ;

14,s11 oo s:469 57! I 14,539 64

4 407 951 , . I

5,046 551


730 J41p 121,811 8li

620,554 38\lno,1os 44/

122,704 94! 2,562 641

259,301 2211; 7,826 oi 14,226 991 • 7,000 00 L 5,474 80 59,551 331

174 60 1,456 00 1,000 00108,736 931 353,885 91

765,248 17

316,I!J4 99

219,747 90

151,684 131

110,604 45

142~500. 631

209,757 35

112,695 991 115,25(! 481

92,308 00;1

207,728 08

163,596 371

205,681 4]

134,520 051

13,34.3 921'

18,579 08,

20,436 011 I

9,101 43/ I

5,401 73! I

2,679 551 i

5,535 34) i

5,008 49

2,634 55

4,405 83

37,402· 48

i 330 381

I 3,000 00/

6,015 12/ g 100 oo! 3,050 oo:

4,934 001 1,643 00140,630 36J Q ;

3,093 oo\ 11,626 17 s2,928 01\ 4o 1 ooj 5, 176 ool 4,4 77 2sl

1,668 ool 4,324 oo\ 61,'.s1 soj 63 oo! 1,113 oo[ 6,679 01)

2,069 oo; 4,700 ooll 75,389 181 169 00 d 282 00 7-0,665 31

' '

76 00 45,2'24 25J I i

d 525 421 d 1,655 ool 13,144 50J

2,565 58/ 1,396 57i d 9,460 80'1 - \ 11,889 09J I I · i

6,446 62/ 243 !HI 750 00 2,802 901 26,625 001

s,004 44 3,ooo 00;1 569 oo 69 oo' 74,492 ssl

18;376 161 g 1,600 ooi 3,620 73 1,206 38 40,070 661

5,5]3 961 1,712 321 1,000 00 1,734 00 24,567 181 392,428 7::. 20,006 92


1 4,900 oo! s,60? oo 12,350 oo 151,861 1sl

210,n61 21 6,078 5s 5,ooo oo) 922 ool -


146,989 58/

166,496 22 9,928 751Y2,920%j 1,888 00 d3,179 9420,9641:15\ I I '· i

126,:242 1811 * 8,516 351 I 1,648 66 .- !I, 25,249 74j

I' j I , 180,496 64


': 5,653 52, 1,336 62/ 756 oof d 2,941 94/1

13,352 981 I I I I ]67,826 2111 6 067 63 1 000 OOi;' - Id 4,394 73 5,698 101

' ' • ' I I ! :352,325 9oll"J2G,562 581 :d25,162 82 d 907 08)108,394 591

I! / ', 1 1 f

75,000 00

100,000 00

50,000 00

100,000 00

75,000 00

125,346 00

57,239 oo[ 68,616 oof 3,575 961

67,295 00 3,290 891 I

45,704 00 2,599 94:

4,155 121285,114 10:.

nothing.116,404 12

nothing. I 71,579 D7

48,518 9\J

401,554 77 20,323 101· 3,075 00 . 2,176 001 2,008 001305,044 40

188,596 osll 5,026 10. 3,349 77 I 8,150 ool 36,852 7o\

nothing. 21,7,IG5 86,i 9,227 001 6,285 551 l ,757 00 5,649 ool 50,845 05i

146,s22 931 3 731 03', s 393 oo\ 1,413 oo 337 oo 43,881 soi 50,000 00

150,000 00

50,000 00

50,000 00

100,000 00

166,331 00 19,831 00

33, 7S7 ool 3,669 761

53,806 oo/ 4,592 74/

74,080 00 4,714 63/


s,575 821102,714 s8( I

39,\J46 02:

32,'784 941 29,331 42i

100,000 00 99,548 00 10,532 13j I 35,112 29:

! ' I , I

9,000 oo! . 456,452 70 22,207 051 ]0,000 ooj 7,300 00 3,886 00 I 08,766 67/

121,402 1s 3 1050 521 I r1141 60 201 oo 62.209 941 I I

141)83 68 6,729 101 1,487 49 8,184 00 d 1,900 91 45,542 361

208, 126 05 5,030 261 l ,500 00 5,211 00 1,160 00 24, 166 761 245,IU2 42 9,862 12J 3,560 ,00 2,867 00 863 OOJ 79,207 09

3ol2eo, 529 o4 296, 461 21 230, 646 sol,, rn o, ,o, s 11 13, I I

17,983,000 00 6,488,4 78 00 653,897 so[ 128,578 01 4,920,2'6 591146,861

Be c.api tul a tion. :References. Capital Stock paid in,

Bills in circulatiun,

Net profits on hand,

Balances due other Bauk;;,

$'7,983,000 00 Gold, Silvr.r, &c., in Banks,

6,488,478 00 Real Estate,

653,39T 80 Bills qf Banks in this State,

128,578 01 Bills of Banks elsewhere, .

$747,145 30 260,520 04

206,461 21

230,646 86

a. Govt. demand notes, $4,465 included. b. Governor's requisition, $31,05!) included. c. Including government tax. d. And checks. e. $3,277 in U. S. legal tenc!er notes and postal currency.

f. Unpaid dividends. g. Safe, Plates, &c.

Cash deposited, &c., not bearing int., 4,929,246 5911Balances due from other Banks, . 5,136,(306 31

Cash deposited bearing interest, . 146,861 17,Am't of all debts, excepting balances, 13,658,172 86 ----1 ----

Total amount due from the Banks, $20,329,561 58/JTotal arn 't of resources of the Bks., $20,329,561 58

h. Including $2,000 special deposit in Boston. i. Due from U.S. Treasury, $15,000. i $1,800 stock in bunk of Mutual Redemption. k. Eastern Express Company, $579,93. l. $1,845 unpaid dividends, included. m. Bank furniture.

Dividends, Amount of semi-annual Dividend, Amount of reserved profits, Debts due and considered doubtful, Amount of Bills in circulation under five dollars, Amount due from the Directors as principals, Amount due from the Dil'ectors as sureties, Amount due from Stockholders as principals,

Amount of matured debts unpaid,

&. c., &c. n. Including U. S. legn,1 tender notes, $4,930. o. " " " $16,610. p. And postal currency q. Including $200,000 deposited with Treasurer of U. S., and $33,235 due from

$270,708 48 Stat~ of ~faine ~n G?vernor's requisition. .

488 314 99 r. Including $41,572.33 rn checks on other banks, sight drafts, coupons, &c., &c.

,. s . . Including Bank clrhrges. t. Including $2, 184 in U. S. treasury notes. 74,960 72 u. Collateral held for the most of it. v. Including checks and U. S. bills.

809,807 00 w. Including bills of banks without the State and legal tender notes. 37g,204 46 x. U. S. ~ema~d notes, legal te~der. .

840 096 82 Y· Includmg $3,000 redeemed 111 Boston.

,..,., • z. " $7,600 U.S. legal tender notes. 512, 186 96 .11. $2,000 in Suffolk bank. 601,943 84 B, Exclusive of tax.

C. And also the interest due Jai yet collected, $6,500.00,

D. Payments towards new stock. F. And U. S. notes. G. MostlJ H. Including $1,510 in U.S. de1 I. " $ l ,000 in postage, J. $40,000 deposited K. $6,000 U. S. legal L. $2,615.80-7 3-10 .AI. $1,161.92 of this amount secu N. $220 unpaid dividends incluc 0. Less eight days redemption in P. Including unpaid dividends. Q. " $13,626.17 ell.eeks, R. $20,000 in U S. b1 S. Less $2,000 redeemed in Sufl3 U. Including $2,200 redeemed ir V. " suspense account. T¥. Exclusive of those returned a~ X. Bills redeemed in Boston, an< Y. And personal. z. $568 unr ~ Including $2,000 specie in Su

** And government 'tax. ~ Including $10,000 U.S. lega

Page 6: MAINE STATE · 2017. 11. 19. · doc'uments printed by order of the legislature of the st ate of maine. 1863




4,400 001

450 00

2,300 00

281 ·001

804 001

4,845 oo'

630 44J117,109 541

5,197 00 68,040 74

1,532 00 22,446 481 i

1,716 70 16,968 70j 581 6,220 321 341 00

781 4,260 00 823 00 685 21 22,881 oo\

7,313 00 Jll7,48512!

2,016 oo 1,s42 oo 73,064 es/ Hi 500 ooj 12,457 oo

I ,

B4! I

)5114,226 99·1. . I

7,000 00 L 5,474 80 59,551 38J I

)21 174 60

)Si 37,402· 48

1,456 00 1,000 00108,736 93\ !

4,934 00 1,643 00 40,630 361

3,093 00 ~7,626 17 82,928 071

401 00 5,176 00 4,477 28\








I ,

330 381 1,668 00 4,324 00 61, 181 861' I ,

3,ooo oo) 63 oo/ 1,113 oo/ 6,679 011

6,015 12.i 2,069 00 4,700 00175,389 18

g 700 00: 169 00 cl 282 00 7-0,665 31, ' ,

3,0GO oo: 76 00 I 45,224 2oj l31 d 525 42 a 1,655 oo1i 13,144 50\

>81 1,396 57i d9,460 80/ i 11,889 09/

;2! 243 rnl 750 ooi 2,802 901 26,625 oo/

14 3,ooo oo\ 569 oo' u9 oo' 74,492 ss/

el g 1,600 001_' 3,620 73 1.:...'>06 38 40,010 66!1


l6/ 1,712 32i 1,000 00 1,734 00 24,567 18 : . I

12i 4.900 ooi 3,606 oo 12,350 oo 151,861 ml I i · i

isl 5,000 OOj 922 00 - 1146,989 581

'5/Y2,920 951 I,888 00 d3,179 94 20,964 451

I I : I :5. - [ 1,648 66 - II 25,249 7 41_ I . r

,2j 1,336 621 756 001 d 2,941 94j 13,352 981 I , , ,

:31 1,000 OOj - Id 4,394 731 5,698 101 sj ;d25,162 82/ d 907 08/10s,394 591

I I . I

6! 3,07G ooi · 9,17Ci 001

2,oos ool3o5,044 4o: I

I ,

o, 3,349 77 - 1 8,150 ool 36,852 10!

o:I 6,285 55 1,757 ool · 5,649 ooJ 50,8·15 osj 31 5,:393 oo 1,413 oo 337 00

1 43,ss1 sol I J

5f rn,ooo ool 7,soo oo 3,886 oo 108,766 67/ I I

21 1 r1 7 44 60 201 oo 62.~o9 941

oj 1,487 49


s,184 oo d 1,900 91


, 45,542 36,

ol 1 ,5oo oo 5,211' oo/ 1,rno oo 24, rn6 76

21 3,560 ,00 2,867 00 863 00) 79,207 09

85,802 06

124,825 62

77,569 15 i

87,020 121 I

156,5"7 711

472,690 821

43,219 621

155,222 05

229,174 46 I

662,059 251

192,111 681

R 200 ,592 191 78,782 161 96,069 891

48,791 £)91 I

v 132,932 551

Gl,711 191

%,528 73,

66,995 . 961"

170,859 65

77,461 05/

140,807 481 I

99,992 59

199,704 62

111,977 05 -~ 127,614 13

90,827 43 I

]56,455 581

150,665 751

191,298 831

68,928 21[

135,216 911

]43,402 261 i

92,067 10[ i

304,292 981

61,l 96 721

77,339 821

171,058. 03

148,833 21

220,204 49112 9-10 pr. et./ 2,000 OOIOct. 18, 1862. I

204,827 29 2! per cent. 2,500 00 Oct., 1862.

111,929 41 3 per cent. 1,500 00 Oct. 18, 1862.

116,922 52 3 pel'cent. 1,500 OOOct., 1862.

193,639 70 3 per cent. c 3,092 91 Oct. 6, 1862. abt.

620,554 38 4 per cc11t. 10,309 27 Sept. 30, 1862.

122, 704 94 3 per cent. 1,500 00 Dec. 1, 1862.

259,301 fJ2 3 pfir cent. 3,000 00 Oct. 6, 1862.

353,885 91 4 per cent. 4,000 00 Oct. 14, 1862.

765,248 17 4 per cent. J.2,000 00 Oct., 1862.

316,194 99 5 per ceol. ~ 750 00 Oct. 4, 1862.

219,747 90 3 r,er cent. 3,000 00 Sept. 30, 1862.

151,684 13 3 per cent. 1,500 00 Sept. 4, 1862.

110,604 45 3 per cent. 1,500 00 8th mo. 15th '62

142,500 63il 3 per cent.j 1,500 OOJMay 7.

209,757 35


3 per cent 3,000 00 Aug. 25, 1862.

112,695 99 3~ per cent. 1,750 00 Nov. 2.

115,259 481 3 percent. 1,500 00 July 7, 1862.

92,308 001·13 p. er cent.!

207,728 08 3 per cent.

163,596 37\\ 4 per ce_nt.

205,681 41 II 4 per cent.

134,520 05 2 ppr Cbllt.l t

392,428 72 3 per cent.I

270,967 21 3 per cent.1 I

166,496 22 3 per ~ent.i

126,242 18 4 per cent./ . I I·

180,496 64 2 per eent.1 ·

167,826 21 4 pet• cent. ,i:,Ji, • I

352,325 90 4 per cent.I

401,i:55'1 77 5 per.cent. I

188,596 08! 2~ per cent.1



217 ,165 86 3 per cent.

146,822 93 4 per cent.I I

456,452 70 3 per cent.I

127,402 78 3 per cent.

141,183 68 3 per cen!·I

208,126 0511 3 per c1n1t.

245,192 4211 3 percent.

1,500 OOjOct., I 862.

3,0oo oolsept. 29, 1862.

2,000 00\0ct., 1862.

3,000 OOISept. 2\).

1,500 0010ct. l, 1862.


4,500 oo\oct. ·rn, 1862.

3,ooo oolOct. 1, 1862.

2,250 ooloct. 6, 1862.

2,000 ooloct. f>, 1862.

2,000 ooioct. 6, 1862.

3,000 00 Oct. 6, I 862.

4,123 60 Dec. 29, 1862.

2,500 00 Oct. 6.

2,577 3210ct. 6, 1862.

2,250 001

0ct. l, 1862.

2,000 001Ju1y 7, 1862.

4,500 OOjOct., 1862.

1,500 OOISept. 17, 1862.

1,500 00 July 7, 1862.

01260, 529 04!296. 4 61 21 / 230 ,646 8615, 136,60"3 ! 113, 658 172 20 ,329, 561 58

3,000 OOf J u1y 7, 1862.

3,000 OOIOct. 4, 186.2.

--- ----·-----~----·

270,708 48/

References. ·----------

0. And also the interest due January 1, 1863, on State loans and U. S. stocks, not

188 ·111

660 08

102 44! i

2,300 001

2,852 301 !

5,017 14/

1,103 rn/ 3,165 021

6,303 581

31,150 971

6,524 s1/ 1

2,592 19

174 73

845 22 I

58 931

344 491 1,278 23!

Q7 751 l

2,197 921

~,:2: ~11 !.:),,)6 / 001 1,277 66J

9,::: ::1 nothmg. ·

1,227 52 I

5,900 soi !

1,017 52!

4,559 751 I

3,946 05/

523 30/ I

1,901 11i I

4,50 06f

16,955 47/ I

2,,H4 75:

I ,685 94

1,637 20

8,840 63;

2,181 59

ribt. 200 00

1,500 00


I itbt. 500 001

none. i

800 001

285 93i

294 68! i

2,500 001

f:i39 28i I

1,476 011!



I 2,800 001


12,000 oo:

500 ooi I

595 071:


989 70[

unr.ertain. I I

000 00) i

abt. 1,200 ooj

abt. 1 ,5oo ool

1.500 uoi


abt. 2,000



abt. 12,000 oo!

ubt. 5,80~ oof

abt. 5,000 ool

500 ooi 1 ,51 o 34 8,529 641 l;r-26, 1M 66

14,475 ool 12,102 44 24,050 501 5,£195 27 I I I .

8)569 60" 8,2:34 4,203 10! 23, l 18 ,±5

7 ,363 oo! 300 001 20,611 25i 400 00 1 4,:318 !ll , I ,

abt. I 0,000 OOI :125 0011

5,693 661 .1,000 ool :3,018 46 I I I

abt. 2s,ooo 001 s,976 ns[ 13,881 421 1,000 ooi 6,200 oo ' I I I

abt. :3,000 oo. I 2,95.2 rnl 4,535 231 2,300 001. 3,481 16 I :

abt. 9,000 001 none. f 4,,641 08! 3,720 OOiJl.,Il,447 85

abt. I 2,000 00) nothing. J 706 50) nothing. I 5,047 52

ab<. 24,ooo 001 s,127 sol 36,969 60120,7;;7 78122,17'1 \l7

.20,000 oof s,573 22J 10, no 841 2,000 ooi 1, 13\) :2s n,bt. 8,00. 0 00\ \J,435 oO\ 4,427 s:3


1 1,700 OO'. I G,7l'iCi o9 I I

aht. 6,000 ooi nmH'. [ 2,005 991

none. / 11,030 70

s,887 oo[ 10,4r:o ool 17 1728 2sJ Jl,125 ooi 11,1,, 53 i. i I '

01,271 00: %0 001 2,'.380 001 9,786 00 3,[i7C, 1)0 I ,

12 .. 210 ool 1 J,oo ool 8,685 06! I

abt. 4,000 00/

s,;soo oo\ 2.000 ooj 5,570 oo)

1 r,.;ri t1oi ,- -·· I

-0 "4 1J D,ou· ;)!

aht. G,OOfl 00 1 4/157 t,:\ Hl,0\l(i 88 I , I

nlit. 10,000 ooi rn,rn:3 ooi 9,44:1 oo\ I I I

3,500 oo\ 3,500 oo\ 1,4ll s21

: I . i R:iy 15,000 00! :3,500 001 21,450 OOi

I • I s,ooo ooi 1,soo oo[ rn,ViG ool i I I

12,soo oo': 11,550 ool 20,170 oo/ i I I abt. 7,000 OOI nothing. f 1,160 00

: . I nbt. I 1,000 00! '2,G;jO OOi 10,465 21/

i I I

abt. 5,000 ooi 5,550 oo) 6,000 ool I

nbt. l 5,000 oo;

abt 9,000 oo;

•c•1~ ·- j'J -~- i2/ r,,J cl '.,'.o ~,bio "t ,

•>iF> ·,1 ~"' 0()0:' R4i ,)u,J ,> ->I,·.>,,) c !

say 15.000 00 ] ,000 OOI

JV 17,735 06 D,:\f:l \\5

i 4,160 ooi 4,72:3 3G/

2,100 00

3,o:rn Is

S,5flf\ 03 4 ,:tS~l t:t i J. I

:rn,200 001 :\:mo oo

soi-: ::;o

5,:wo oo 6, 1 :.·2 on

:2,7:2ij 00 3,3(14 00

1.5,850 oo rn,/'joo oo

38, 100 00 ~~.032 85

15,7B5 20 15,6:30 71

7,CiOO 00 L50f, 00

3,865 25 18,544 :n

700 00 21,412 29

2;2Gl 4,5?')!.1 75

abt. 5,000 00; 650 cw: l ,\l(HJ 00 nothing. ! ,848 !12

abt. 8,000 00~

abt. ] 7 ,000 00

r,ht. 5,500 00/

abt ;lJ,000 oof

o, i - ,uo,) d•J 0 '",(JO 00 1 ')I ;;)'.)·, ·)~I 2,:34H 00 17.4.44 18i

1,600 00 10,228 00

I 18,8Hl :32

4,550 ool :2.:1.,717 01

8. 9'"0 ooi 7~-)r ·>1 .. ~·) I ,, _._, ""

4\18 93; G,44 l 9G

J 6,500 no

abt. 3,00o ooi 1.850 4.8GO oo; 1,585 68/ G, 11 I 8'1

unknowu. 100 ooi 8,011 G:l' 10,561 49/ 7 6~12 M7

cibt. 10,000 oof llllthiz;g 'I I

17,838 001 4,052 05'

,3,040 1 ,s10 ooj 1s,•2:20 oo

:2,688 oo: 3,300 oo/ 3,464 oo I

. ------. ------ ------1----

809,807 ool:-~n.204 ,rn/s4o,326 82 1512,186 96/ 601,943 84

ema. s §

yet collected, $6,500.00. D. Payments towards new stock. E. And checks, including U. S. securities. F. And U. S. notes. G. Mostly secured by real estate. H. Inclucling $1,510 in U.S. demand notes. I. '' $1,000 in postage currency and stamps.

Aets were passetl at. the last ,w:,siun uf' the Legi,L,ture, additiorml accepting the surrender of the char­ters of the Atlantic and Mariners Banks; extending the time of the Ellsworth Br,nk to close up its affairs, and additional to increuse the capital 11tnck ofthC' Tn1eruational Bank, allowing one year longer for tlmt purpose

$33,235 due from

, coupons, &c., &c. ury notes. J. S. bills. lies.

J. $40,000 deposited in sub-treasury, BoBton. K. $6,000 U. S. legal tender notes. L. $2,615.80-7 3-10 treasury notes . .11£. $1,161.92 of this amount secured by mortgage . .N'. $220 unpaid dividends included. 0. Less eight days redemption in Boston. P. Including unpaid dividends. Q. " $13,626.17 caecks, drafts, &c. R. $20,000 in U S. bonds, and $4,000 in State requisition. S. Less $2,000 redeemed in Suffolk bank, T. Interest on deposit deducted. U. Including $2,200 redeemed in Boston. V. " suspense account. T¥. Exclusive of those returned as doubtful. .X. Bills redeemed in Boston, and not received at our birnk, $5,200.00. Y. And personal. z. $568 unpaid diviclenll.

'~ Including $2,000 specie in Suffolk bank. ** And government 'tax.

,T Including $10,000 U.S. legal tender notes.
