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18/09/2017 1 Making sense of standards Jeffrey Kraegel, CSA IPAC-SWO September 15, 2017 CSA Health Care Facility Standards

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  • 18/09/2017


    Making sense of standards

    Jeffrey Kraegel, CSA

    IPAC-SWO – September 15, 2017

    CSA Health Care Facility Standards

  • 18/09/2017


    Today’s Topics

    • Introduction to CSA

    • CSA and health care

    • Health care facility standards

    • Infection Prevention and Control aspects

    What is CSA?

    • Canada’s first and largest accredited standards development organization (SDO)

    • Independent, not-for-profit

    • 9,000 members

    • Over 2,000 standards in 54 technical areas.

    • 40% of standards referenced in legislation.

  • 18/09/2017


    What is CSA doing for health care?

    Health Care Technical Committees

    • Perioperative Safety

    • Medical Gas Systems

    • Medical Laboratory Quality Systems

    • Child Resistant Packaging

    • Health Care Facilities

    • Kidney Dialysis

    • Medical Device Reprocessing

    • Quality Management and General Aspects for Medical Devices

    • Application of Electricity in Health Care

    • Technology for Persons with a Disability

    • Systems for the Transportation of Persons with Disabilities

    Standards Development - Committees

    • Technical Committee members come from major stakeholder

    groups, including

    – Hospital staff - operations / maintenance / engineering

    – Architects, Consulting engineers, Designers

    – Infection Prevention and Control Professionals

    – Government/Regulatory Authorities

    – General Interest (e.g. consumers, professional associations)


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    • Inclusive, not exclusive, participation

    • Respect for diverse interests

    • Accountability

    • Consensus achievement

    Consensus is defined as substantial agreement

    “Consensus implies much more than a simple majority, but not necessarily unanimity.”

    Standards Development - Principles

    TC Reaches Consensus

    Technical Content Approval

    Public Review

    Internal Review

    Dissemination Maintenance

    Request/ Evaluation/Authorization

    Assign toCommittee

    Notice ofIntent


    Final Edit/ Publication


    Canadian Standards - Process

  • 18/09/2017


    Standards Development - Essentials

    • Members determine the contents of Standards

    through a consensus process.

    • The 60-day Public Review process makes each

    draft available to all stakeholders, so any

    necessary changes or additions can be made

    before the Standard is voted on and published.

    • Staff support the committees in their work and

    are responsible for the development process.


    Health Care Facility Standards:

    • establish a common set of requirements for equipment and processes in health care facilities

    • are a way to share best practices among health care professionals

    • are aimed at protecting staff as well as patients

    Health Care Facility Standards - Purpose

  • 18/09/2017


    Standards Development – Philosophy

    • Focus on Safety

    • Be practical (committee room reality vs. on-the-

    ground reality)

    • Be clear and consistent

    • Be committed – Take a stand

    • Watch for unintended consequences

    • Respect the user

    The committee always has the last word.

    Health Care Facility Standards

    • Z8000 Canadian Health Care Facilities

    • Z8001 Commissioning of Health Care Facilities

    • Z8002 Operation and Maintenance of Health Care Facilities

    • Z317.1 Special Requirements for Plumbing Installations in Health Care Facilities

    • Z317.2 Special Requirements for Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) Systems in Health Care Facilities

    • Z317.5 Illumination Systems in Health Care Facilities

    • Z317.10 Handling of Waste Materials in Health Care Facilities and Veterinary Health Care Facilities

    • Z317.11 Area Measurement for Health Care Facilities

    • Z317.13 Infection Control During Construction, Renovation, and Maintenance of Health Care Facilities

    • Z317.14 Wayfinding in Health Care Facilities

    • Z10535-1 Hoists for the Transfer of Disabled Persons – Requirements and Test Methods

    • Z10535-2 Hoists for the Transfer of Disabled Persons – Installation, on-site testing, and maintenance

    • Z7396-1 Non-flammable Medical Gas Systems

    • Z32 Electrical Safety and Essential Electrical Systems in Health Care Facilities

    • (proposed) Post-Occupancy Evaluation for Health Care Facilities

  • 18/09/2017


    HCF Standards Today



    Z317.13IC Construction

    Z317.11Area Measurement

    Z317.10Waste Handling



    (under development)

    Z7396-1Medical Gas


    Electrical Safety

    Z8000 – Design and Construction

    Z8001 –Commissioning

    Z8002 – Operation and Maintenance

    Z10535-1Patient lifts –


    Z10535-2Patient lifts –(install & test)

    Infrastructure Systems and processes

    HCF Standards – IPC-related




    Z7396-1Medical Gas


    Electrical Safety

    Z8000 – Design and Construction

    Z8001 –Commissioning

    Z8002 – Operation and Maintenance

    Z10535-1Patient lifts –


    Z10535-2Patient lifts –(install & test)

    Infrastructure Systems and processes

    Z317.13IC Construction

    Z317.11Area Measurement

    Z317.10Waste Handling


    (under development)

  • 18/09/2017


    Supporting IPC in health care facilities

    1. Do no harm / Make it tough for the bugs

    – Prevent

    – Inactivate or remove

    – Limit growth

    – Contain

    2. Make it easier to do the right thing

    – Infrastructure and equipment support administrative solutions

    (e.g. hand hygiene, airborne isolation).

    3. Get proactive

    – Surfaces and technologies to actively combat infectious micro-


    Topic: Design and Construction

    Canadian Health Care Facilities (Z8000)

    Infection prevention and control aspects

    • OASIS principles– Operations

    – Accessibility

    – Safety

    – Infection prevention and control

    – Sustainability

    • Infection Control Risk Assessment

    • Adjacencies and separations

    • Materials and design

    • Single patient rooms

    • No sharing of patient washrooms

    • Hand hygiene sinks and waterless HH stations

    • Provisions for human waste disposal

    • MDR design

  • 18/09/2017


    What is a Health Care Facility?


    Teaching Health Care Facility Specialty Health Care Facility

    Small Rural Health Care Facility Walk-in Health Care Facility

    Topic: HCF Commissioning

    Commissioning of Health Care Facilities (Z8001)

    Infection prevention and control aspects

    • Make sure that the IPC aspects of construction are

    correct and in place

    • Make sure mechanical equipment supporting IPC has

    been tested and is working correctly

  • 18/09/2017


    Topic: Operation and Maintenance

    Operation and Maintenance of HCFs (Z8002)

    Infection prevention and control aspects

    • Worker training – standard precautions

    • Worker training – infection control during maintenance

    • Integration of operation and maintenance activities with the overall

    IPC policy and procedures

    • Maintenance and periodic testing of interior separations and

    pressure differentials for pressure-critical areas

    Topic: Plumbing in HCFs

    Plumbing in HCFs (Z317.1)

    Infection Prevention and Control Aspects

    • System cleanliness

    • Hot water loops

    • Minimize opportunities for water to stagnate

    • Specialized water systems (e.g. R/O)

    • Hand hygiene sink design

    • Backup systems

    • System disinfection

    • Toilet design

  • 18/09/2017


    Topic: HVAC

    HVAC in Health Care Facilities (Z317.2)

    Infection Prevention and Control Aspects

    • Directional air flow and relative pressurization

    • Temperature, and humidity

    • Prevent condensation and pooling of water

    • Cooling tower maintenance

    • System cleanliness

    • Filters

    Topic: Waste Handling

    Waste Handling (Z317.10)

    Infection prevention and control aspects

    • Defining and classifying types of waste

    • Segregating and disposing of biomedical waste

    • Spill management

    • Sharps and other special waste categories

    • Occupational health and safety

  • 18/09/2017


    IPC in Construction, Renovation and Maintenance

    • Intended for:

    – Infection Prevention and Control Professionals

    – Planning and Project Management

    – Facility and Maintenance Managers

    – Architects and Engineers

    – Medical and Nursing Staff

    – Commissioning Teams

    – Constructors

    – Environmental Services Staff

    – Occupational Health and Safety

    Z317.13 Essentials

    • Plan a Proactive Approach

    • Build Multi-skilled Infection Control Team

    • Assess and Manage the Risks

    Z317.13 - Infection Control During Construction, Renovation,

    and Maintenance of Health Care Facilities

  • 18/09/2017
